#he became so serious that he died in the same way
iwantflyingpigs · 1 year
tojification of gojo was not just a fashion choice to make him sexier...
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...but a foreshadowing- yeah right- sure- i gotchu- let me just- let me just grab my knife rq- brb
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danadaria · 2 months
Steddie Olympic AU where Eddie gets on his first Olympics for BMX freestyle, and it's so weird because he has been in competitions for many years but nothing like this, something so big and with so many rules.
His background was being a hyperkinetic kid who didn't really care about his life, and somehow being fearless and doing acrobatics became his career. Still, even then it wasn't so serious.
His thing were the X-games and open exhibitions, with fire, hard rock & metal, tattoos, and having RedBull as a sponsor.
Behind the adrenaline he and his friends are a bunch of clowns who just wanted to fly and have the bones of a child forever.
But now he's here: in the middle of a giant line in an ocean of other athletes, wearing a fucking blazer from Ralph Lauren and with the lamest jeans he had to wear in his entire life.
And everything is kinda awful, because he lost sight of friends (Gareth and Max, both skaters, but they train in the same place), and he just heard there's no McDonald's at the Olympics this year.
He doesn't even like McDonald's so much, but god, he grow up hearing about athletes eating hundreds of burgers and mcnuggets for free, and sue him, but his inner child was super excited about it.
"Are you ok, man?"
Eddie opens his mouth to give a snarky remark when he sees the most beautiful man in existence – GORGEOUS v-shape, honey eyes, pink pouty lips, and kissable moles– looking at him with concern.
"Yeah, yeah. Everything is okey-dokey" He says lamely.
The most beautiful man in existence snorts at him.
"Okey-dokey? What are you? Five?"
"Probably. I was sad because I found out today there's no free McDonald's this year. Now that I know I'm not sure if it is worth being here"
Eddie's future husband looks surprised for a second and laughs at him.
"Are you serious?"
"Of course. I read some people ate so many nuggets they left the Olympics cackling like a chicken: I wanted to be one of them!"
"Oh, yeah. I ate lots of them post-competition"
"Ok, I give you that. But this year there's going to be international cuisine and all that jazz"
"Knowing me, I'm going to get too overwhelmed with the options and I'll end with the saddest oatmeal every day."
"You have lots of food opinions for someone that's on a sports event"
"Well, is either that or thinking that my biggest rivals are a bunch of 15-year-olds from Brazil and Japan."
"Oh? What's your sport?"
"BMX freestyle"
"That's the race in the mountains?"
"That's literally BMX racing."
"Right." He looked ashamed.
Eddie needed to fix that look, now.
"And you? What's your poison?"
"Poison? You mean my sport?" Eddie nods at him encouragingly. "Gymnastics."
"I can see it." Eddie looks at him approvingly, "You have the arms of a gymnast, big boy."
The face of Eddie's future husband turns a beautiful shade of red. And Eddie is just a second away to ask for his name, and his number to change the course of his life, when he feels a hand on the jacket's collar.
"Here you are, loser. We need to go this way!"
And before Eddie can say anything, Max Mayfield (his new arch-nemesis) takes him away from the love of his life.
He says bye with a hand before being cruelly separated, disappearing into a sea of people.
"Do you want to be murdered before or after the opening ceremony, Red?"
"Oh, shut up loser."
Steve is going back with his best friend to their apartment, feeling super frustrated. Somehow, 24 hours ago, he thought it would be a good idea to give his phone to his best friend for the inauguration night to avoid getting too excited and watching videos of the event until 4 am.
And now he was regretting ALL his life choices.
"You don't understand Robin, I met a super cute guy, but I couldn't get his name! I'm only going to search that and nothing else"
"Steve, you made me swear I wouldn't pass your phone on inauguration day, no matter the reason. You need to sleep"
"Easy for you to say. You didn't meet someone when you didn't have your phone!"
"I would understand better than anyone! I met the cutest girl competing at air riffle, aaaand I didn't have my phone either!"
"You gave her your presentation card, didn't you"
"Yes, sorry."
"See? Why didn't you make me buy some for me, too?"
They arrive at their floor. Steve knows they're a little obnoxious, but it was the first night and it's still early.
"Good night, neighbors! Isn't it too early in the event to be fighting?"
Steve looks up so fast, he probably hurt his neck a little bit. At the end of the hallway, sitting on the floor next to a very closed door, was Steve's meet-cute: All smiley, charming, and inviting.
"It's you!"
"Oh! Hi Mr. Gymnastics, and hi unknown lady."
"It's Robin Buckley," She says and goes straight to her apartment, "we probably going to see each other again, so good night".
And she closes the door firmly behind her.
"I didn't have. I mean. I don't have my phone to search for you."
The other boy looks at him, almost evaluating him, before giving Steve a big smile and offering his hand to stretch.
"Eddie Munson."
"Steve Harrington."
"So, would you-"
"There's a McDonald's near where I compete tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?"
Eddie stands up and walks until he's in front of Steve. He smiles.
"Would love it. After all, it was my childhood dream."
Steve smiles too.
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dolcettamagica · 6 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐍𝐨 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
rick sanchez x reader
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anon request: please i can request literally anything with rick sanchez acting jealous. Thanks and if you don't accept requests just ignore this tags: sexually suggestive, possessive & obsessive rick, daddy kink notes: minors dni wc: 2.2k
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Rick doesn’t get attached.
He is Rick Sanchez. The smartest man, scratch that, creature alive. He isn’t a mere human, he is a God. Whatever Rick wants, he gets. He invented interdimensional travel. He fucked a planet.
Rick doesn’t get attached.
He knows that everything and everyone is replaceable. If someone dies he can just switch universes. Does he lose something? Same thing. Nothing is unique. There are millions of versions of everything. 
Rick doesn’t get attached.
That’s why when you confessed your feelings in a drunken haze Rick yelled at you. Rick thought you were at least smarter than Morty. You should have known that Rick doesn’t do feelings. That you’re nothing special. That you’re just a quick fuck when his cock gets hard and needs some easy pussy wrapped around it.
Rick doesn’t get attached.
He didn’t understand why he felt pressure in his heart when you started crying, endless tears streaming down your cheeks as you apologized after he rejected your feelings. He didn’t understand why he suddenly felt the need to reach his arms out and pull you into a tight embrace. Instead he insulted you as a whiny dumb bitch before disappearing through a green portal.
Rick doesn’t get attached.
So why was he fuming with rage as he saw you cuddled up on the couch with some other man weeks after he told you to fuck off?
A relentless fire, burning away any semblance of rational thought consumed Rick. His eyes smoldered with suspicion at the slightest hint of the man's attention toward you. Rick’s gestures became tense and guarded, his clenched fists betraying the turmoil within. Every smile directed at you from that dude sent a surge of insecurity coursing through Rick’s veins, twisting his features into a mask of possessiveness. Each innocent interaction fueled his rage until it consumed him entirely.
“Wh–Who the fuck is that–that lame fratboy on my couch?!”, Rick didn’t even bother to step closer, his voice dripping with anger. Your eyes shot wide open as you saw the tall scientists near the door. After your confession you avoided him as best as you could – after all you did live with the Smith family ever since your parents (their old neighbors) abandoned you. You never joined an adventure again. You never went into his garage to simply chat with him. You didn’t even ask if you could smoke space-weed. Nothing. That pissed Rick off even more because he caught himself missing you one time too many.
“I’m so sorry, sir. I’m Michael”, Michael was a polite, handsome young man, who attended the same college you did. Smiling, he reached his hand out towards Rick to shake his hand, “Are you y/n’s grandfather?”
If looks could kill every version of Michael would be dead by now. “You’re fuck–fucking stupid.” Rick would’ve loved to just kill that boy or at least cut off Michael’s hand, which was dangerously close to your thigh. You two were way too close for Rick in general. “y/n, who is that? Your new–new lover, huh? You little– Spreading your legs a–already?”
Rick knew he was overstepping it. He should have never said that but he couldn’t help it. You didn’t talk to him for weeks after you said that you love him with all your heart and now you’re with some lame, boring dumbass? Is that what undying love looks like? 
“…You’re a fucking asshole, Rick”, Rick could hear you holding back your tears, the way your eyes started to water, your cheeks painted red. He hurt you – again. Meanwhile Michael had already stood up and made his way over to Rick.
„Listen to m–„ Michael didn‘t stand a chance, Rick immediately interrupted him. 
„Li–Listen to me, shitface. I know– You fratboys are all the fucking–fucking same. You wanna tell me y–you‘re serious about y/n?“, he stepped closer, „You– Could you give her your phone and promise–promise she wouldn‘t find nudes or chats from other pussies?“
Absolute silence. This was all it took for Rick to confirm his suspicions. „Now you‘re si–silent? Jesus. How predictable. Jesus fucking christ. You think just because you’re d–defending her right now she’ll let you have– get a piece of her? You– Do you really think y/n would do that?” More silence though now Michael’s expression almost matched Rick’s. Both were fuming with rage. Rick simply shook his head, pulled out his portal gun and ended up in his garage again. If he would have stayed any longer he would have ended up beating that fratboy to a pulp.
In the dimly lit confines of his garage, the air thick with the pungent scent of portal fluid and vodka, Rick's rage simmered beneath a haze of alcohol fumes. His knuckles whitened around his flask as he gulped down the fiery liquid, each swig fueling the inferno of jealousy and resentment burning within him. The echoes of a heated argument still reverberated in his mind, igniting a storm of emotions that threatened to consume him whole. His bloodshot eyes fixated on nothingness, yet his thoughts were consumed by visions of betrayal and deceit, twisting his features into a contorted mask of fury.
Rick's movements grew increasingly erratic, his drunken stupor amplifying the intensity of his emotions. Each swill from the bottle became a desperate attempt to drown out the insecurities gnawing at his soul. Yet, with every passing moment, the flames of anger raged higher, feeding off his intoxication like a relentless blaze devouring dry timber. Alone in the darkness, he surrendered to the tumultuous tempest raging within, consumed by a toxic cocktail of alcohol, jealousy, and resentment. Resentment towards Michael, you and most importantly – himself.
“Fuck it.”
His plan was to be teleported in the middle of your room, right in front of your bed. Instead he landed right on top of you on your bed. Maybe he really did have too much to drink. But fuck, did he miss this. Your silky hair, your soft skin, your body pressed against his, your eyes staring into his. The faint glow of moonlight filtering through the window accentuated the contours of Rick’s silhouette, casting a seductive allure over the scene. His gaze, intense and unwavering, bore into yours, a silent invitation laden with unspoken desires.
As you laid on the bed, a mixture of melancholia and yearning coursed through your veins, your heart quickening in response to his proximity. The air crackled with tension, charged with the palpable electricity of unspoken words and unfulfilled longing. Despite the intimacy of their proximity, there lingered a delicate balance between attraction and apprehension, a dance of emotions teetering on the edge of possibility. In that fleeting moment, suspended in the hazy embrace of moonlight, you found yourselves ensnared in a silent exchange of desire, your hearts entwined in the delicate threads of possibility.
“What…what are you doing, Rick? Please leave”, your voice was shaking, filled with sadness. Just like a few weeks ago when Rick rejected you. Honestly as the days unfolded, the weight of his decision settled upon him like a heavy shroud, suffocating him with the burden of regret. What once seemed like a reasoned choice now gnawed at his conscience incessantly, tormenting him with the realization of what he had forsaken. In the quiet moments of reflection, your presence lingered in the recesses of Rick’s mind, a constant reminder of the warmth and companionship he had callously turned away. He yearned for a chance to rewind time, to recant his words and embrace the opportunity he had foolishly cast aside. But as the echoes of his rejection reverberated through his thoughts, he grappled with the harsh truth that some wounds inflicted by one's own hand can never fully heal, leaving behind scars of remorse that serve as a painful testament to lost love.
In a moment of raw vulnerability, Rick found himself enveloped by a surge of longing and regret as he reached out to embrace you. His arms wrapped around your trembling form, pulling you close with a tenderness born from the depths of his remorse. With each beat of his heart, Rick felt the weight of missed opportunities and unspoken apologies pressing down upon him, a heavy burden he could no longer bear. As your bodies pressed together, he savored the warmth of your presence, a fleeting glimpse of the connection he had foolishly forsaken. In that embrace, Rick sought solace in the familiarity of your touch, yearning to erase the distance he had allowed to grow between you. But even as he held you close, Rick knew that some wounds run too deep to mend with a simple embrace, and the ache of regret would linger long after your arms had untangled and they parted ways once more. So, he didn’t let go.
“Why– Why did you b-bring that boy over?”, Rick whispered into your ear.
“…Why do you even care?”
With a heavy heart and a tangled web of emotions, Rick mustered the courage to lean back and face you, intent on conveying the depth of his regret for his earlier rejection. His words caught in his throat, a silent plea for forgiveness lingering on Rick’s lips. Yet, beneath the facade of contrition, a different truth simmered—a truth he dared not confess. Deep down, Rick knew that admitting his regret would unravel the carefully constructed walls he had built around his heart, exposing the vulnerability he had long sought to conceal. So, with practiced deceit, Rick masked his true intentions behind a facade of remorse, weaving a tangled web of half-truths and feigned contrition in a desperate attempt to suppress the stirring of emotions he dared not acknowledge. In the shadow of his deception, the echoes of his regret remained unspoken, a silent testament to the complexities of love and the fear of baring one's soul to the object of Rick’s desire.
“Did you– Did you fuck him?”
“Why do you care?”
“y/n, st–stop with this shit. Are you dating him?”
“Why do you care?”
As you persisted, your insistence slicing through the fragile veneer of Rick’s composure, a simmering rage ignited within him, fueling the flames of his resentment. With each passing moment, your few simple words bore deeper into Rick’s wounded pride, stoking the embers of his anger into a blazing inferno. The weight of your expectations pressed down upon him like a suffocating weight, a constant reminder of the vulnerability he sought to shield from your penetrating gaze. Fueled by a toxic cocktail of jealousy and insecurity, his temper flared, unleashing a torrent of pent-up frustration and bitterness.
“What the fuck– What d–do you want to hear, huh?!”, Rick leaned on his hands, which were lying next to your head.
“Rick, listen, you rejected me. You didn’t want me, remember? I can fuck and date however I fucking want! ”
“No! You fucking can’t!”, he screamed into your face, “You said– You said loved me! Talking about– about undying love and now?! Now you get with s–some young bastard from co–college who only wanted to– to fuck you anyway!”
“That’s exactly what you wanted, too! You only wanted to fuck me!”
“That’s not fucking true! I– The last fucking weeks were pure torture. I fucking m–miss you! I can’t fuck–fucking stop thinking about you, y/n. I miss your fucking smell, your h–hair, your voice. Fucking e–everything! I miss your face, the–the way you nag me to drink more water. Jesus fucking christ! I miss you. Why– Why the fuck are crying even more now?!”
With tears of joy streaming down your cheeks, you listened intently as Rick finally mustered the courage to confess the truth hidden behind his guarded facade. As his words washed over you, each syllable laden with the weight of unspoken longing and regret, a floodgate of emotions burst forth within you. Your heart soared with a bittersweet symphony of relief and elation, the echoes of Rick’s confession resonating deep within your soul. The tears that spilled from your eyes were not born of sorrow, but of an overwhelming sense of gratitude and validation, as you realized that the love you had held in your heart had not been in vain.
In a tender moment suffused with the weight of unspoken truths and undeniable desire, Rick leaned in closer, his breath mingling with yours in the hazy embrace of the moonlit room. With a gentle touch, Rick cradled your face in his hands, his fingers tracing the contours of your skin. As your lips met in a fervent kiss, time seemed to stand still, the world falling away to leave only the two of you entwined in the delicate dance of passion and longing. With each caress, the walls he had built around his heart crumbled, leaving him vulnerable and exposed in the embrace of her warmth. In that moment of intimacy, you surrendered to the magnetic pull of your shared desire, bodies entangled in a silent symphony of love and redemption.
“You know– You know I’m not good with…emotions and shit. But– But you’re important to me and–and I’m not letting another man touch what’s mine.”
“You were jealous?”
“I wasn’t– Fuck it. Yes, yes, I was. Wanted to k–kill that motherfucker. The way he–he had his arm around–”, in the middle of his rant you wrapped your legs around Rick’s waist, pulling him closer. His crotch pressing against yours.
“Just so you know, I have been very, very lonely the last few weeks.”
“Oh? S–So you’ve been a good–good girl for daddy, huh?”, it didn’t take long for Rick to get hard, his bulge pressing against you, his hand now choking you slightly, “F–fuck, princess, daddy’s going to–to reward you for being so patient.”
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forgettable-au · 8 months
A brief (I'm lying, this is a long post) explanation post for this AU for anyone new <3
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As I've mentioned before, this AU is based on the theory that Papyrus is (was) Gaster. I did not create this theory, it has existed for a long time as far as I know and I'm also not the first person to do something like this with the concept, I'll touch up on that later.
This is a LONG post, so click keep reading if you really want to check it out :D
About the Papyrus is Gaster theory
I've looked up a lot of stuff about it but I don't actually know where it originated. It's not super popular but if you're a Papyrus theorist you might have heard of it before.
It's not a super serious theory really, it's more about pointing out the weird connections and similarities between Papyrus and Gaster and giving an explanation to the many weird things about Papyrus and his lack of backstory.
Just to mention some things:
Them both speaking in capital letters, having no asterisks, their weird way of phrasing things, Papyrus being described as forgettable, Papyrus hating hotland, pretending he doesn't know about a lot of stuff ( The lab for example, he know what a lab is but pretends he doesn't in front of Sans), Gaster being related to hands and Papyrus never taking his gloves off, Papyrus weird connection with phones (his photo-graphic memory for phone calls) and Gaster's weird connection to phones also(Fun events related to phones, using the phone in the darkworlds and only getting Gaster's garbage sounds), their love for puzzles (The CORE is a giant puzzle), THAT one quote that I still find misterious “beside, it’s rude to talk about people that are listening, right? not everyone is as though as my brother”, Papyrus DOES have Gaster blasters it's pretty much canon even if a lot of people ignore it, Papyrus is very very smart he has a LOT of books, knowledge on many subjects, building stuff, and even made a shakespeare reference when he died (why is he like this lmao), he's the character with the most dialogue in game yet we don't know a lot of stuff about him, he breaks the laws of physics and of the game, he's not in deltarune the heavily Gaster connected game.
Now that's some of the things I could think about, and look, yeah I'm probably looking too much into it and these are all just coincidences and the weird Papyrus things are related to other stuff maybe not Gaster. But I still like this theory, not because I think it's real but because I LOVE the possibilites!!!
About how this AU works
Okay, so this au is basically a -pretend this theory is real and how would the undertale timeline work then!- We're giving Papyrus his backstory and I'm also making a Gaster focused story at the same time.
I will adapt basically how I think a situations like this would play out (and also add some of my other favorite ut theories as a treat)
Papyrus used to be Wingdings and then Wingdings shattered across time and space, Papyrus and Gaster are different separate people.
Actually I kind of, treat WIngdings before and after accident as different people also... you change a lot when you become an omnipresent being. So, Wingdings, Gaster and Papyrus I treat them all as different people.
"How did Gaster become Papyrus?"
He didn't "become" Papyrus just like that. After he shattered he stopped existing like he was before, he became a being in another layer of the game but physically his body was just there
I based this on how the goners and Gaster followers have counterparts that are not, uh, goners that look different or deformed and gray
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Papyrus was just kind af an empty shell at first, he still kept parts of Wingdings original personality but his Papyrus personality developed on his own with time!
"How did Gaster shatter across time and space?"
Usually everyone agrees it was because he fell into the CORE
Not here! I don't think the CORE caused his accident, it is a power source not a time and space altering machine. In this story it was some other thing he was working on, and it wasn't so much of an accident per se
About similar content
I've seen some people tell me this is a good idea for an AU and I agree!! I love this idea so much, but as I said before I didn't create this concept or theory I just love it a lot!! and was desperate for content wich I surprisingly did not found much of
I was so surprised, I really thought there would be more people that made this before but I couldn't find much, so I'm just making it myself and one of my goals is to maybe make other people like this idea and make their own takes on it !! cause i think it's neat and would love more perspectives and content
If you by any chance also like this concept as much as I do I just wanted to make this section to name some inspirations for this AU
First, you all should really see "I know that I know nothing" by linssins
It's because of this comic that I discovered that theory in the first place and really loved the concept. It's my main inspiration, unfortunately the comic is unfinished. If you see it you will definitely see how I took inspiration... Still my story and this au is a different take on the theory, it goes on a different path.
Also another inspiration for finding more stuff about the theory were
@askthesciencesquad This comic is paused but it's also a Papyrus!Gaster comic! and I was very happy to find it, it is also a very different take on the concept but I liked where it was going. The same person also has this other blog where they put a lot of Papyrus is gaster stuff :0 @deviodofmeat
Okay so that's it, maybe I missed some stuff? but if I remeber i'll just add it later, that's what's good about tumblr.
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orcusnoir · 2 months
One of the most popular headcanons in the fandom is Malon dotes on the Chain like they're a part of her own family, right?
Obviously, there's Twilight, her and Time's descendant, and potentially Wild (would be an interesting familial pattern. The ancestor mentors the descendant).
But outside of Twilight, the others are just strangers who just happen to have the same heroic spirit as her beloved Link.
Or so she, and by extension you, would think.
Enter Legend. Yes, I'm serious.
Legend is Time's other direct successor from the timeline where he died, and unlike Wind, Legend’s Hyrule was never flooded.
But what does this have to do with Malon?
Well, Legend owns an apple orchard. A large plot of land out of the way with a decently sized house. It wasn't always his, the orchard was once owned by his uncle.
His uncle Aflon.
Malon, Talon, Aflon.
It's the same naming style.
Legend is a Lon, either a direct descendant of Malon and someone else (my bet is Raven, Time's Downfall Timeline doppelganger) or a cousin.
Lon Lon Ranch, after Ganondorf's takeover and eventual sealing, became Lon Lon Orchard, and the rest is history. Aflon dies, Legend takes over, and then Ravio invades his home.
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xanasaurusrex · 9 months
plss im so in love w diors clarisse,,, maybe smth with her showing off during capture the flag for r,,,
clarisse showing off during capture the flag clarisse la rue x reader a/n: so this was kinda a drabble kinda a fic idk it's longer than i meant for it to be but i like it so i'm not mad. honestly this y/n is kinda hecate!child coded so you can read it like that but i didn't specify the godly parent so you can imagine her however you want (: taglist: @asvterias @lvrue @thewritingbarbie @kroumi (let me know if you want to be on my taglist or if you want to be removed!)
y/n and clarisse had been dancing around each other romantically for months now.
y/n was a new camper, and had arrived during the winter months, when there were very few campers still there. her mortal parent had died at the same time the monsters started finding her. thankfully, her satyr protector managed to get her to camp in one piece. with a few scratches, yes, but ultimately safe.
during the winter, when there were only a limited amount of people to be around, y/n found herself gravitating towards clarisse la rue, an ares kid.
the other campers had warned y/n away from clarisse, claiming that she was mean and angry and was a hard person to be around. she was dependable in battle, according to them, but other than that, they all tended to steer clear of her.
y/n wasn't finding that that was her experience with clarisse, though.
whenever she was with clarisse, she was gentle and kind and funny, and y/n found herself wanting to be with her at any and all times of the day.
since camp didn't experience weather the same way the outside world did, there were a few times during the winter when the rules were more lax due to the smaller amount of campers, they snuck away from their respective cabins and camped in the woods. it became a thing that was special to the two of them, time for them to just be with each other.
it was those camping trips that y/n started thinking that maybe her relationship with clarisse was a bit more complicated than just a friendship.
unbeknownst to y/n, clarisse had practically fallen in love with y/n the second she laid eyes on her.
the two were inseparable, practically attached at the hip. it was pretty much common knowledge at this point within camp that if you could see one of them, the other was close by.
capture the flag.
one of the most fun days of camp half blood, and also the most serious at the same time.
a day where campers with beef could be on opposite teams and duke out their problems with each other without consequence, but mostly just a day for one team to capture the flag of the other's, and have bragging rights for the next twelve months until the next capture the flag day came around.
clarisse loved playing capture the flag at camp.
it was definitely mostly because she was a daughter of ares, the god of war, and she felt most confident in herself with her magic spear in hand, wearing armor, and stabbing at someone.
a strange way to feel the most confident, but it was.
y/n had never seen clarisse on a capture the flag day, and she was really on board with it.
clarisse looked really good wearing her battle armor, holding her magic spear so carefully, and yet throwing it around with so much confidence.
she could barely takes her eyes off her.
thankfully, y/n and clarisse's cabins had both been placed on the same team (which may or may not be because clarisse had begged chiron for this, but who's to say?), so clarisse was going to be able to work with y/n and not against her.
that would've been awkward....
when clarisse was coming up with the plan for capture the flag last week, mysteriously, the plan started revolving around her and y/n being together at all times.
strange... how things pan out....
when one of her siblings pointed this out, clarisse made sure to fix them with a glare so full of malice they turned away and didn't make any more comments.
as clarisse looked down at her battle plan, she started imagining herself taking down the blue team members with ease, and standing in the background was y/n, swooning over her.
"so, what's our game plan?"
her voice caught clarisse totally off guard, causing her to whip around quickly. clarisse had been shocked out of her mind so suddenly that it took her a few seconds to register what was in front of her.
it was y/n. in battle armor for capture the flag. and she was obsessed with it.
during the winter months, there aren't really any reason for campers to wear their armor, unless obviously there's an attack on the camp, but since there hadn't been any over the winter when she had come to camp, there had been no reason to.
clarisse was sure it had something to do with her father being the god of war, but seeing her wearing camo pants a breastplate, with a sword at her side made her look even more beautiful to clarisse.
"do you... like it?" she asked, a slight teasing lilt to your voice.
clarisse snapped herself out of it, realizing that she had taken a bit more time than she intended to examine y/n's outfit.
"y-yeah, you look... you look amazing, y/n," a small smile passed onto clarisse's face. she mentally cursed herself for stuttering. who even was she? not a person who stuttered, she had thought.
but there was just something about y/n that challenged everything clarisse had thought about herself.
y/n blushed slightly at the compliment, but managed to regain her composure quickly. "thanks," the two shared a small smile. "seriously though, what's our game plan? where am i gonna be?"
clarisse beamed at your interest in the battle plan, and quickly did a run down with her. she mentioned as casually as she could that the two of them would be together the whole time pretty much, with practically no time apart.
the conch sounded, and then everything went into action.
clarisse did her usual hunt of the red team part of the woods, and with y/n at her side, it made her all the more determined to find someone to fight with.
as the two were prowling the woods (or really, clarisse was prowling, and y/n was walking alongside her, admiring the beauty of the woods), y/n stopped suddenly, letting out a loud and dramatic gasp.
clarisse immediately activated her spear and started looking around frantically in search of the danger, and was confused when she found none.
she looked curiously over at where y/n was, and saw her kneeling on the ground in front of a patch of wildflowers, looking at it with childlike wonder in her eyes.
clarisse let out a relieved sigh that everything was okay, and no one from blue team was trying to take y/n as a hostage, but then she became confused.
"what are you doing?" clarisse asked, coming up behind her.
y/n reached forward silently, and quickly plucked one of the white wildflowers from the ground. she stood up facing clarisse, and then stepped towards her. the two were now incredibly close, their noses practically touching, their breaths mingling.
all the air left clarisse's lungs.
with a soft smile on her face, she gently tucked the wildflower behind clarisse's ear.
neither of them knew what to say next. this was such an intimate gesture, such a gentle act that clarisse had never experienced the likes of before. her life had been full of anger and violence, and this moment right here was something new. something... exciting.
this moment was so very y/n, and clarisse loved it.
unfortunately, the moment was broken by the sound of a twig snapping behind them. clarisse rolled her eyes at the blue team members that had undoubtedly thought they were being very sneaky.
clarisse couldn't control the slight smirk that was slowly forming at the thought of showing off her fighting skills in front of y/n, though, so she guessed it wasn't all too bad.
for the cherry on top, clarisse winked at y/n, before spinning around and stabbing the chestplate of one of the blue team members that had attempted to sneak up on the two of them.
the battle was loud and exciting and over quickly, since the two blue team kids were pretty good at sword fighting, but were no match for clarisse and her spear.
once clarisse had defeated them and the kids had surrendered, she turned back to y/n with a smirk on her face.
y/n approached clarisse slowly. she took in her face quietly for any injuries, and gently assessed a small cut she'd sustained from one of the other kids swords before she'd knocked it out of his hand.
y/n's eyes then went to the wildflower still somehow tucked into clarisse's ear. it was askew slightly, so her hand went up to adjust it, making sure it was secure, before her hand landed on clarisse's cheek.
"impressive," was all she said, a large smile on her face.
clarisse smiled widely as well, and couldn't help feeling triumphant.
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: tyler owens x male reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: years ago, you broke up with him for his reckless lifestyle. now, when he's come back without changing a bit, you don't know why you let him back into your life.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3.65k
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: angst, death is mentioned and tyler gets close to it not explicitly, kissing, swearing, baby as a nickname for your lover, lot of made up family members + names
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: cowboy slang vocabulary, yes it's 11pm, yes I wrote this in a day, yes I'm in bed, yes Glen Powells is hot
Tyler Owens likes to live what others might call a dangerous life, although he much preferred to call it a life of thrill.
He started it off as a bull rider for a rodeo, and though by the end of it he was regarded as the star bull rider and sometimes even the star of the show, there was a big learning curve that ended him with a couple (something closer to four dozen, really) kicks on the ol' noggin. Luckily, none of it sprouted within him either physical or mental problems by the time he decided he wanted to move on; his mother always said he had a thick skull, anyway.
After the less dangerous, still excruciating years in university, he came out with a meteorologist degree. And what did he do with it? He became a storm chaser.
A peculiar fact that came with it was that even after landing a more dangerous job, he sustained less injuries than bull riding by a substantial amount. Suppose the thing is that the moment he gets his first serious one, he's likely done for.
You've been through it all.
You met him before he even started this life, in high school; your first kiss was at his bedside after a particularly harsh fall and kick, you persisted through the busier university schedule, and you supported his dreams to be a storm chaser.
But at the height of it all, after the first scare when the anchor mechanism on that old truck of his failed to stop the car from turning onto its side, you decided you two were over.
It was definitely selfish. You didn't want to be close to him when, and you said when, he died. You decided it would be a lot less grief on your end, and you know what? He understood you.
For years, you've been grateful for him. As much as you've been his anchor, he's been yours...but he'd have made you a widower, even if you were married or not, and you just couldn't take that possibility.
If you're caught in the disastrous thunderstorm he'll leave behind, you're not sure you'll ever make it out.
You hope you'll never find out.
"Get your ten commandments out of my soup!"
So why did you let him walk back into your life?
"I'm sorry! Hey, don't hit me with that ladle!"
You're not sure.
You point the utensil at him as threateningly as possible, although it's practically the same thing as pointing a spoon at him. "I don't need you for a taste-tester, Owens, you best take note of that."
"Yeah, yeah," Tyler's body is shaking with laughs, even as he lifts his hands up in surrender. "yes, sir."
You roll your eyes, bedrugingly turning your back to him to keep chopping vegetables. Tonight, you'll be sharing this soup with the whole family, and you're currently trying your damnedest to make it good. That means avoiding whatever seasoning boiled Tornado Wrangler digits will bring.
Tyler leans back to admire you, no he's not looking at your ass, work away. It feels oddly domestic, even if he's sitting down like a useless husband watching TV on his recliner.
That feeling of domesticity is piled on further when he hears the sound of innocent laughing outside.
"You sure that kid's not mine?" Tyler suggests for the second time, gesturing out the back door with his head.
"Haha." You laugh sarcastically, not even giving him the satisfaction of turning his way. "No, my sister just so happened to marry a blonde. Even if she was somehow ours, I would've never kept you from her."
Of course you wouldn't have. You're too good for that.
The kid outside is your niece, a twelve year old girl shipped out of bustling New York City to the backdoor of America for being "too addicted to her phone", as your sister says. Despite her self-proclaimed hatred for the outdoors, she's actually having a lot of fun with the ranch dogs, who indulge her when they're not working.
Even though he's in no way related to the kid, and even if you and him could never biologically create anything together, he swears she looks just like if the two of you had a love child, which makes his heart swell all the more when she sees her.
"If we could've had one," Tyler begins, standing up to begin a slow, silent walk towards you. "would you have rather they be a boy or a girl?"
"Don't ask me that." You say with a laugh, meaning you're refusing to answer only because you don't want to have prejudice.
"Okay, fine, then." He settles behind you, pressing his chest to your back. "Huh."
"Huh, what, cowpoke?"
His hands are settled on the edge of the counter on either side of you, trapping you in. "I thought you'd flinch."
"I learned to expected the unexpected around you, Tyler Owens. Never a day went by that you didn't surprise me, so I decided I'd simply never be surprised."
Tyler sputters out a laugh. "Oh, hobble your lip!"
"It's true." You reply, offhandedly, fully concentrated on chopping some carrots, and Tyler hates that because you're not giving him attention.
So he opts to do something you'll obviously never expect and prove you wrong. He leans down to press his nose against your neck, and you think he's only going to kiss it, but instead...
"Ew, Tyler, you did not!" It's a miracle you have the self-restraint to put the knife down, let alone only push him away and not slap him on the face. You clutch the spot where he just blew a raspberry and instantly regret it, recoiling away from the feel of his saliva like it's acid.
Tyler laughs. Despite your best efforts to push him away again as he approaches, he only dodges your hands and traps you against the counter again. His plan is accomplished, as he now has you facing him.
"You asshole." You snarl.
Tyler only smiles. "Yours, all the same."
He leans down to kiss right where he'd blown that raspberry, collecting most of his own spit on his lips and saving you the trouble of cleaning it himself.
Even when you wipe off the rest of the spit you'd previously touched on his sleeve, he laughs.
"What am I going to do with you?" You sigh, cupping his cheek and tilting his gaze towards yours.
He's a damn bastard, having the audacity to grin at you as if he's won some kind of victory. "Kiss me."
So he's a puppy, then. Licking you like it's a way of kissing and expecting a proper kiss back. "No, you don't deserve that."
He rolls his eyes, though his eyes find yours immediately after. "Yes I do. Kiss me."
You don't know why you let Tyler Owens walk back into your life like nothing happened. You don't know how you let him kiss your neck, or how you let him even ask to kiss you, or how you're even being friendly with him.
Scratch that, actually. You don't know why he kissed your neck, why he wants to kiss you, or why he's being friendly with you.
You walked out of his life, for God's sake. You walked out of his life because you feared dealing with the aftermath of his death.
He's a tornado. Tyler Owens, the tornado wrangling cowboy, is a tornado. He's a fire twister, even, the worst of the worst, a category F5. The damage he'll leave once he dies out won't be devastating, it'll be incredible.
That's what you're trying to avoid.
"What's wrong?" Tyler's smile has faded, his expression sobered up. Of course he can still tell when you're lost in your own thoughts.
"Nothing." You shake your head, wipe your nose to hide your sniffle and thus let go of his face. "Hey, how about you go check up on Sophie? My sister would kill me if she got hurt."
"Right, sure." He can sense something's wrong, but he withdraws anyway, respecting your decisions. He always does that, and you hate him for it, because he's so good.
You watch him head out the back door, and even as he closes it, you watch on.
He's too good for you.
When the distant sound of the boiling soup catches your ear, you inevitably tear your eyes away.
Right, let's make the best soup there ever was.
Tyler had unknowingly picked the right time to show up at your front door when he did.
"Aww, come on, you didn't have to make such a big fuss," Your great uncle speaks with those sloppy dentures of his, but even with the wet sound of his gums and lips, he sounds entirely endearing. "Tyler's back! This party should've been his."
Tyler's always been the life of the party ever since you brought him home for that first Thanksgiving (his "trial", so to speak), and that apparently hasn't changed.
"Oh, no, no, you're kiddin' grandpa!" Tyler only raises his glass from where he's leaning against the punch table. "It's your birthday! Hell, I didn't even bring a gift!"
"Your fine ass is all you needed to bring." Your famously single aunt grins and sends a wink, holding a glass full of wine she snuck in despite all the children around.
Tyler directs his own glass towards her to thank her, his smile never waning. "Oh shush, aunt Delilah."
As Tyler greets the family one by one, all of which clearly miss him, you're in the corner of the room pointing out each of them to your niece.
"Those are your cousins...I think. They're your mom's cousin's kids, and well...whatever, they're Jonas' kids. Becky, Jake, Bean–"
"Sorry, his name's Nick, we just call him Bean 'cause one time as a toddler we found him sitting on a sack of raw beans, shovelling them into his mouth."
"That's crazy."
Even after you've named every face in the room and sent Sophie away with a pat on the head to mingle with her...cousins, Tyler's still talking to everyone.
Your heart burns like you've had some of uncle Dick's famous dripping fried chicken at the sight of it because nobody's ever like this when it's just you.
It's not even about the fact you're forgotten, it's a big family and you have your own close group of cousins in the middle of all of them, it's the fact that they missed him.
While you're distracted, your mom pulls you down to sit beside her on the couch, where your dad is telling another story of his. Many of your aunts and uncles and distant cousins are gathered around him, listening intently, but as you actually hear the contents of his speech, your attention fades away. It's one of those stories he always tells, about how the crop cycle was ruined until he had this eureka idea.
Distantly, you hear Tyler droning on about his whole tornado wrangling cowboy thing, explaining his latest feat like it's nothing but a regular Tuesday. He's got a lot more people gathered around him than your dad; not to discredit your dad, as he's doing his best trying to compete against Tyler in storytelling, but you know how that will end.
You kiss your mother on the cheek and stand up to find your more amicable cousins, only to be interrupted by your aunt Sissy, Delilah's sister.
"Hey, darling! How've you been?" She calls you over and immediately slings an arm around your neck, holding you close and rubbing your cheeks together in greeting.
"Good, good." You say immediately, an instinctual white lie as you wipe her transferred makeup off your cheek.
She doesn't even notice you're lying to her, maybe doesn't care enough to notice, before she's nodding her head towards Tyler and his crowd. "I'm so happy you're back together with Tyler, he must have so many new stories to tell."
"Um, actually, auntie," You try to correct her, then bite your lip, pausing suddenly to think. It'd probably be a lot better if you let her believe you were back together, but you've already dug yourself into saying actually. "we're–"
"Hey, auntie Sissy!" Tyler suddenly appears beside you like he wasn't just across the room, leaning down to gracefully accept the cheek kisses in greeting. He somehow comes out of it without getting stained. "How have things been? The old cat still slinking around the neighbors' yards?"
The two of them exchange a few words before he's slinging an arm around your shoulder, "Can I borrow this one real quick? It'll just be a sec."
"Sure, sure!" Whether an insult to your presence or a compliment to his coercion tactics, she's more than happy to let the two of you go. "Don't let me hold up your fun."
You're grateful for him steering you away from the party and out onto the front porch, but you're also dreading being alone with him after the whole thing in the kitchen.
Tyler doesn't seem too far off.
"Whew, I did not miss being around your family." He breaths out, leaning against the porch's railing.
The whole dread fades into confusion as he says that, and you lean against the spot beside him. "You didn't?"
"No...well," He shakes his head, "I missed hanging out with them. I did not miss having to tell them every single detail about where I've been since I've last seen them."
"I thought you liked telling them stories." You hummed, turning your gaze from the scenery ahead to him.
"Eh...I much prefer intimate crowds." He sends a wink. You flush and try to turn away, but he catches your cheek and stops you.
Tyler knows something is wrong, has known since you discreetly pushed him away earlier today in the kitchen. Looking into your eyes only further convinces him.
"What is it?"
His eyes narrow. His stupidly beautiful blue-green eyes narrow at you, and you know you can't lie anymore...but you can deflect.
"Did you know your eyes are blue and green?" You ask, lightly tapping his hand that sits on the railing.
"Blue rim. Green...center? No, that's not the word, the inner? God, I don't know." You shake your head, and despite the movement, his hand doesn't leave your cheek.
"They remind me of the classic scenery." You hold a pointer finger out. "Blue sky, green lawn, right? Or the Windows default wallpaper. Both are iconic."
His other hand leaves the railing and takes your other cheek. "Baby, look at me."
Baby. You used to hate it when he called you that, you weren't some baby, but now...now, how you've missed it.
You sigh, closing your eyes momentarily to collect yourself. No more deflecting and no more lies. You actually had to talk about your feelings now.
It had taken a lot of courage the first time, telling him: yes, I still love you, I'm just selfish and think that if you die, you'll take me down with you; no, I know you won't actually kill me, but you'll take my soul with you, and that's practically the same thing, isn't it?
"You don't have to tell me anything." Tyler speaks up before you do, beckoning your eyes open. "You just have to tell me to go away again, if that's what you want."
"No," You instinctively say.
"No," You say immediately.
No. No, how could you? You did once, and you're not sure how.
"Stay." You say, because you want it, you want him to stay.
"Okay." He says it easily, and his hands fall to his sides. He's willing to take that, just that, because...you don't know, maybe he still loves you. You're not willing to admit that.
You're not willing to accept that he still loves you after you told him you wanted to break up.
You take his hand before he can walk back into the party. "Why'd you come back?"
"I..." Tyler almost shrinks back, but you intertwine your fingers, and now you're the angler reeling him back in. "My car got flipped onto it's roof."
"Baby." You breathe out, pulling him in, pulling him closer to you, almost like he's not living flesh in front of you and you need to make sure he's breathing by feeling his chest heave against you.
"I was in the hospital for a little while...just some cuts." He assures first, to not worry you. He grabs both your hands, presses his nose to the knuckles, inhales the scent of their sweat like it's that of an apple pie, and it's weird but he needs it. "The glass broke, obviously, all of it, and some of my equipment, and, well, fuck, it was worse than a couple cuts."
"I'm okay, you see? Not scarred. I'm tough." He lets go of your hands momentarily to do a little twirl for you. He looks just the same as you left him.
"You almost died." You say anyway.
"Yeah." He doesn't deny it, he can't lie, because he can see through your lies as well as you can see through his. "I wanted to see you again, because...I wanted to see you in case the next time I got into an accident, I actually died. And you know what? I feel selfish for it."
"What? No." You shake your head, step closer. You're about to say more, but he starts first.
"You told me to stay away, but I came back into your life and I acted like nothing happened. You know, the life you're living? It's kind of what I wanted for us. A little ranch, some cows, some dogs, a farm. We get our own milk, our own eggs, grow our own food, and it's just the two of us..." His fingers climb up your arm like a little spider, and his gaze follows it absentmindedly. "Until we decide to adopt a little girl. You drive her to school, I drive her back home. We're happy, raising her. We teach her not to be like us, and she still turns out an exact replica of us, anyway. She's our princess."
He sniffles. You tear your hand away from his only to cup both of his cheeks with your hands. "I'm so sorry, Tyler."
"No, I–"
"No, shut up." Despite the severity, you laugh, and he does too, until you're speaking again. "I shouldn't have left. I should've stayed right there with you. I'd have been right at your bedside, you know? I'd have kissed you like the first time. Remember what I said?"
He laughs again, "That my breath tastes like cow shit?"
"Yeah, that." You grin at him, and he loves to see you grin like that again. "I was selfish."
"I understood you completely, though. I thought I was saving you the grief." That's why he let you leave so easily, and you realize it now, looking into his eyes. "You were right. You always are."
"I'm not, Tyler. I was wrong." You shake your head, "I thought it worked. Weeks went by when I didn't think about you, because I fought the memories of you back. A year after, it settled in that I wouldn't be seeing you, so I thought I wouldn't even think about you anymore, but...the memory of you, your smile, your kisses, your warmth resurfaces every month, and god, I missed you. And missing you without the possibility of having you is just grieving you."
"...and now I'm here." He leans a bit further away, and you see all of him. You see the way his blue-green eyes are glassed over, and you've no doubt yours are the same; you see the familiar way his hat is perched above his head and how he still wears the top two buttons of his shirt undone and how his smile is just the same.
"And now you're here." You nod.
He places his hands over your wrists, holds them, presses his nose against yours. "I missed you too."
"Mhm?" You hum. Your breaths mingle with his, pressed this close together.
"And I love you, too. Still do."
"Fuck." You laugh, a teary little thing, but it's real and genuine and not a figment of his imagination. "I love you too."
And then you kiss, and he's missed it so much, and you've missed it so much, the two of you. You're slotted together, like pieces of a puzzle. You're not you without him and he's not him without you.
When you part, you wipe a couple stray tears off his cheeks, and he does the same for you.
"Should we..." He chokes a little on his words, then shakes the nerves off. He has you back, and his smile returns. "head back?"
"Yeah. Yeah, we should." You find yourself leaning back in, anyway.
You share another kiss, maybe two. If he'd brought a friend or three along, he'd have signalled them to light the fireworks in his truck to add a little magic to it, even if it already feels like fireworks are going off between your lips.
You could spend eternity like this.
When you've had enough of each other for the moment and finally head back in, your great uncle raises his spoon at you and laughs. "There you are! This soup is amazing, kid!"
Or at least that's what he would've said, had his dentures not gotten stuck in a hard carrot and splashed right back into his bowl.
One of the carrots which you added last, thanks to Tyler's distraction earlier today.
The tornado wrangler of a boyfriend you've regained is laughing his ass off beside you, while you cringe. So much for the perfect soup.
"Come on, (Y/N)." Tyler wraps an arm around you, pulling you close, and you're so happy he can do it casually again.
"Let's get us a bowl."
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entitled-fangirl · 7 months
Two idiots in love. (P3)
Joel Miller x anemic!reader
Summary: the trio find themselves at the home of Bill and Frank, not knowing what became of them.
Warnings: death, cursing, Joel being Joel, Ellie being Ellie, Bill and Frank's story😭
Part 1, Part 4
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The three neared Bill and Frank's home, the electric fence only a few feet in front of them.
"Stay here."
Joel stepped forward, punching the code into the lock and opening the fence for the girls to step through.
Joel could tell something was off, but Y/N seemed to be in her own little world, her medication finally helping her for once.
"You know, El? I think you'll really like Frank. Actually, I take all of that back… Bill is going to be your favorite."
Ellie scoffs, "What makes you say that?"
Y/N hums, "Cause you like Joel. And they're very much alike."
Joel snorts under his breath at that, but says nothing.
When they neared the house, Y/N stopped as if something was forcing her to the ground.
Joel placed a hand on her lower back, "Sweetheart?"
He followed her gaze, which was locked on the dead potted plant by their doorstep.
He pulled at her reluctant body and moved towards the door. His eyebrows furrowed when he discovered the door was left entirely unlocked.
The house was dead silent.
They all stood in the entryway, Joel's hand holding Y/N's wrist gently. He thought of it as a comfort for her, but deep down he knew it was comfort him too.
Ellie's eyes were wide, "What the fuck?"
Joel stared at the staircase, "Bill?"
Joel turned to Ellie was a serious gaze and a soft voice, "You stay there. You hear anything, you see anything… yell."
"What if they're gone?"
Joel stopped, his grip on Y/N loosens as he turns back to Ellie was a desperate look before turning back and taking Y/N with him.
The two searched the house with their hearts in their stomachs before they moved back towards the entryway.
Ellie sat in the open room next to it at their dining room table. A note was in her hands.
"It… it's from Bill. Came with this."
She pushed a car key across the table towards them.
Joel took off his backpack. He carefully picked the key up. "So, they're dead?"
Ellie nodded with a soft "Uh-huh."
Y/N let out a soft cry, coving her hands over his mouth to muffle it.
Joel turned to her, his jaw clenched, as he pulled her to him silently. She grabbed the collar of his jacket and cried into his chest.
Ellie held out the note, "You wanna…?"
His hands wrapped around Y/N, one around her waist and the other into her hair. "Go ahead. You do it."
Ellie let out a soft sigh began to read.
August 29, 2023, If you find this, please do not come into the bedroom. We left a window open so the house wouldn't smell, but it will probably be a sight.
Y/N turned her head slightly against Joel's shoulder to watch Ellie as she read. He continued to gently play with her hair.
I'm guessing you found this, Joel because anyone else would've been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps. Hehehehehehehe. Take anything you need. The bunker code is the same as the gate code but in reverse.  Anyway, I never liked you, but still, it's like we're friends, almost. And I respect you. So, I'm gonna tell you something because you're probably the only person who will understand.
Joel felt a slight wet feeling on his chest and looked down. The tears were silently falling from his girl's face. His hand ran up from her waist to her cheek, his thumb lightly grazing over it, wiping the tears as they came.
I used to hate the world and I was happy when everyone died. But I was wrong, because there was one person worth saving.  That's what I did. I saved him. Then I protected him. That's why men like you and me are here. We have a job to do, and God help any motherfuckers who stand in our way.  I leave you all of my weapons and equipment. Use them to keep- 
Ellie stopped, looking back up at them. 
Joel moved forward, his hands leaving Y/N as he grabbed the paper from Ellie's hand. 
He looked at it.
…keep Tess and Y/N safe.
When Y/N moved to look over his shoulder at it, he stood tall. "Stay here."
He stormed out of the house. 
Ellie stood up, looking to the woman curiously.
"Leave him, Ellie. He needs time."
When he came back in, the two were still at the table, Y/N now sitting in one of the chairs. They both look up at him in question.
But he only looked at Ellie.
"Show me your arm."
She stepped towards him, pulling up her sleeve and showing him her arm.
He sighed, "I just finished makin' a truck battery. It's charging right now."
"And I have a brother out in Wyoming. He's in some kinda trouble, and I'm heading out there to find him. He used to be a firefly…"
With this, Y/N stood up slowly, joining the two.
"…and my guess is he knows where some of them are out there. Maybe they can get you to wherever this lab is."
Ellie sighed, "Alright. Listen. About Tess…"
Joel held up his hand, not wanting to hear it, and sure as hell not wanting Y/N to hear it.
"If I'm takin' you with me, there's some rule you gotta follow. Rule 1: You don't bring up Tess. Ever."
Y/N noticed the tone in his voice. It was hurt and desperate.
"Matter of fact," he said, "we can just keep our histories to ourselves. Rule 2: you don't tell anyone about your…condition. They see that bite mark, they won't think it through. They'll just shoot you. Rule 3: you do what I say when I say it. We clear?"
There was no way Ellie could say no to the persistent glare he gave her, "Yes."
"Repeat it."
Y/N stepped forward, "Joel.."
He held a hand in front of her, stopping her, "Quiet, sweet girl."
She stopped.
Ellie thought for a moment, the silence deafening, "What you say goes."
Joel sighed, "…okay."
They spent the next few days in the house, gathering supplies. 
Y/N took it upon herself to gather their clothes and toiletries.
Joel was more focused on weapons and fixing the truck.
They were a good team.
She was sat in the living room, after her shower. Her hair was damp as she sorted through a few of the clothing boxes for last minutes pieces.
Ellie's voice brought her from her thoughts, "Well, don't you look pretty."
Y/N looked over her shoulder to see Joel all washed up. His hair was combed back, one of Bill's clean flannels on him. (^^ the gif at the top^^)
She smiled.
He looked at Ellie, "Shut up."
He then held his hand out, "C'mon, sweet girl. We have plenty."
Y/N stood, taking his hand.
Ellie's hand grabbed the passenger side door handle and Joel immediately grunted. "Nah-uh. Get in the back."
A smile ghosted her face and she got in the back.
Y/N smiled too, "I'll let you have it in a few hours. How about that?"
Joel grunted again, "No. She's a kid."
The girls rolled their eyes and continued like nothing happened.
Joel started the truck, relieved when it started. 
He felt Y/N's gaze on him.
When he looked at her, he found that she really was looking at him.
She reached up, her finger lightly grazing over the large cut on his cheek.
He mumbles, "Doesn't hurt anymore."
She nods, retracting her hand.
He reaches out, grabbing it.
He twists it, staring at the bruise from days ago on her forearm.
She mumbles in the same way, "doesn't hurt anymore."
He nods, the ghost of a smile making its way to his face. "Good."
They pulled away from all that was left of Bill and Frank as Linda Ronstadt played from the mixtape.
Part 4
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gentiliana · 3 months
can u (pls pls pls pls) do shin (sakadays) as a bf headcannons ........ thank u, sending u lots of love <3
HI DEAR!! tysm for your request 💗
i’m soooo happy someone requested something for shin i love him sm he’s the loml and this was so fun to write./shin fans get ready for january 2025 cuz sakadays episode 1 means shin is going to appear !!
i’m sorry for any grammar mistakes but english is not my first language, i’m trying my best to improve!
🪷 ; gn! reader, it is mentioned once that reader puts on makeup, Shin being the adoptive son of Taro and Aoi.
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Did I just hear "best boyfriend ever"? Because Shin IS the best boyfriend ever.
With Shin being a clairvoyant, it was way easier for him to know if his love for you was unrequited or not.
But Shin is really unexperienced, he never had a serious partner or experienced any kind of strong love before he met you.
He even asked Sakamoto for advice! Isn’t he the cutest??
During the first weeks of the relationship compliments were not his best card… he tried okay? but he ended up embarrassed and all red… he really wants to be able to do that but he’s lacking confidence.
when that happens PLEASEE reassure him that is okay to not know how to express his feelings.
he loves receiving hugs and cheek kisses from you.
He likes looking at you while you’re getting ready, especially if you’re putting on makeup. He loves watching your focused face and asks you what you’re doing, it’s his way to show you that he’s interested in everything you do!
He’s not a big fan of PDA but doesn’t mind it; he just does whatever you want to.
He smiles like an idiot whenever you hold his hand! He prefers hand-holding since it makes him think that you rely on him and feel safe around him. (Please hold his hand and go on long walks with him.)
Since he knows whatever you’re thinking about, he always provides you with everything you want or need. Want to watch this movie? He’s buying the ticket. Craving a specific dessert? He’s cooking it for you or suggesting a cooking date.
ACTS! OF!! SERVICE!!!! He does whatever you want, whenever and wherever, just to see you smile! He is, in fact, in love with your smiling face.
He’d do anything you suggest. He even agreed once to let you dye his hair. If you have colored hair, he’d ask you to dye a strand of his hair the same as yours so you can match. . . 🥹
If you’re in college and have trouble studying, he’s going to help you in the best way possible. He might not even know what he’s doing, but please bear with him; he’s trying his best! Expect study dates where he tries to help you but ends up stressing over your exams.
About dates…
Dates with Shin are AMAZING!! In everything he does, you can just feel his love for you and how deeply he cares about you.
One time, you two were walking together in a park and he spotted some pretty white flowers. He decided to put one behind your ear, but he did it so gently that you worried you were going to melt under his touch. And the way he was staring at you?? You died instantly.
You’re never going to be alone because the whole Sakamoto family (mainly Lu and Heisuke) follow you around and take the cutest pictures of you two.
Shin is very embarrassed by it but you love his family and you understand that they just want to protect him.
Taro and Aoi love you and approve of your relationship with their “son.” They even invite you to go on family trips with the whole family, and you have to admit, those are the BEST family trips ever! Not only you spend time with your beloved clairvoyant boyfriend, but you also meet and have the chance to bond with his family.
You and Lu prank him a lot, and every time he scolds her and not you, because honestly, he can’t be mad at you.
(Hana asked you to marry Shin and he became so red you thought he was going to explode)
Introduced you to Natsuki and Akira and honestly they couldn’t believe that he got a partner as pretty as you! He was both flattered and offended by that comment…
“oh uhm thank y- WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?” (Akira apologized for both her and Natsuki’s way of wording it)
Honestly I think a part of your relationship includes you taking care of him. Since you know what happened during his childhood, whenever possible, you take the opportunity to hug him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. He loves and deeply cherishes those moments.
Overall 10/10 experience WOULD RECOMMEND!! nice guy with a nice family?? i’m in!
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
Nnta. Like a full on fic
Oscar/carlos/pretty little wife
Like them as this powerful throttle
That would burn down the world if anybody got hurt???
Like carlos and oscar being ao protective and slight possessive of pretty little wife??
Like always competing of who gets her pregnant
But at the same time not giving a shit cause they would be protecting that child with everything??
How would oscar work around carlos?
Would they also be together?
Like kissing and fucking???
Like I just Want more of them
Love you 😍 💋 💗 💓 💛 ♥️ 😍
okayokay i've spoken to bianca and she said she'd cool w headcanons
Series Masterlist
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So, we know how it starts
Carlos catches them fucking and realise he likes what he sees
It's a surprise, a huge surprise, that Carlos was okay with it
But they didn't question it - they got on with things
The three of them didn't start dating, not until after she and Carlos were married
Which sounds kind of confusing, I know
But she and Carlos were married, she couldn't just be dating Oscar
At first, Carlos stops watching them fuck
He starts to join in, has his turn with his pretty little wife
He and Oscar would take it in turns
Weeks after they were married, after he and Oscar started taking things in turns, they stopped
They didn't stop fucking her, no
They stopped taking it in turns
The two of them together, they'd stuff her full, one in each hole
That was how the relationship started
It wasn't clear how it transitioned from just sex to a relationship, but suddenly she was kissing Carlos's cheek as she walked past
Suddenly she was treating Carlos the same way she treated Oscar
Kissing him whenever she could, letting him pull her into alcoves and behind doors
She did the same with Oscar, but she kept it hidden
Not from Carlos, though
There was no point in hiding it from him
One thing they never did was fuck in his bed
But Carlos began staying in the bed with them
Not his bed
But he laid there, arms wrapped around her while she laid against Oscar's chest
Soon they stopped hiding it
Soon it wasn't uncommon to see her holding Oscar's hand as she reached up to kiss Carlos
But still, it wasn't okay in their world
She was Carlos's girl in the eyes of everybody else
If somebody from another family caught her with Oscar, they'd surely kill him
So, when the three of them went out, Oscar was a few paces behind them, protective like a dog
God help anybody that threatened her
I'm convinced, if their relationship had been like this from the start, she never would have gotten kidnapped and Oscar never would have died
speaking of... that period
her pregnancy
it becomes a competition between the boys
who can get her pregnant first?
It's not that serious
They do a paternity test though, and who ever didn't father the baby gets to father the next
oh my god they have a whole brood
which is like three kids
I don't think they'd call the first kid oscar with them all being in a relationship together
But he'd still want to be a little racer
and their second born, their little girl, would still still grow up to run the sainz family
Oscar and Carlos wouldn't be together, not romantically
They'd become friends
Good friends at that
Everything with Y/N became a competition between the two
Not a serious competition, never a serious competition
they worked together to protect her and became the best of friends in the progress
like, high fiving during sex kind of best friends
They were so cute together
sometimes they acted like little boys
oh my god when they take their son karting together, it's so freaking cute
When carlos retires and hands control of the family over to their daughter, Oscar stays in his job
His protects her, keeps protecting the sainz family, his family
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @hiireadstuff @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa22 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @chonkybonky @shobaes @celesteblack08 @watermelonworries @gracielukey @cassie0sstuff @goldenharrysworld @venusesworld @sparklyperfectionstranger @evans-dejong @graciewrote @formulaal
295 notes · View notes
sprinkler-ashes · 1 year
the great war // aaron hotchner x reader
aaron hotchner x fem!reader
words: 5.5k
description: in which aaron hotchner thinks you’re hot-headed. inspired by the great war by taylor swift.
warnings: angst w/ a happy ending, one (1) steamy car makeout, cursing, typical cm violence depictions
a/n: long time no see, and i’m sorry about that. to make a long story short, summer was very awful on me; i had a breakup and am now back in school + drowning in work. I love this fic so much; it’s probably my favorite i’ve ever written and i hope you love it too <3 also!!! if you have a request for a fic to a song, please send it my way! taylor swift is my go-to, but i am open to any song request <3
you drew up some good faith treaties
i drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone
you said i have to trust more freely
but diesel is desire, you were playin' with fire
You should have known better than to date someone you worked with. No, actually, you should have known better than to date, of all people, your boss.
Date was a loose term.
You weren’t really sure when the lines between co-workers blurred into friendship and when friendship blossomed into early morning coffee dates and late evenings in the office together doing paperwork, and even later nights spent at dinner tables being hours deep into conversation. You knew it hadn’t happened out of nowhere. This thing between the two of you had been building up for years – years of pining.
There was a voice in the back of your head telling you that it was all too good to be true, but you pushed it back as far as you could. Besides, the two of you hadn’t even called it dating, but it sure did feel like it.
But it hadn’t felt like that in a really long time.
Aaron had put a stop to whatever was going on four months ago. He had given you some bullshit excuse that he was your boss, it was wrong of him to be doing whatever the two of you were doing with his subordinate — blah, blah – but you had stopped listening when your heart became so heavy you thought it was going to physically weigh you down.
You had been through breakups before, even some serious ones, but nothing had ever felt like this. 
You tried to stop him, but he was also a man who had made his mind up; it was impossible to get through to him that you didn’t want to end it.
So you went back to work acting like nothing had happened. And it was about to be the death of you.
However, you were a professional. It’s not like the team even knew about you and Aaron. You acted the same as always when you were at work. No one suspected anything because no one knew what you were going through.
You didn’t talk to Aaron unless you had to. Truthfully, you hadn’t spoken to him for anything that wasn’t work-related since he basically dumped you on a random Wednesday evening for reasons you couldn’t fathom, but that didn’t mean you didn’t try.
In the beginning, you tried reaching out. You called, you texted him a couple of times, and you had even been so desperate one night that you sent him an email. Each time, you were met with rejection, and him saying something along the lines that both of you should just forget about everything.
So you did by cutting all contact. You thought to yourself, I’ll show him, but it really did nothing. If it bothered him, he never showed it.
It seemed like nothing bothered him until now. A whole whopping four months later.
“Not only did you blow our cover, but you walked into a hostage situation with no weapon to defend yourself; you didn’t even strap a vest on. You are lucky that no one died or was seriously injured.” Aaron wasn’t yelling – he was actually just slightly an octave below yelling – but it sure as hell sounded like he was screaming because his voice had never been like this towards you.
You frowned, not liking the way he was calling you out in front of everyone – in front of a group of people that you greatly admired and respected. “What else was I supposed to do, Hotch? If I hadn’t gone in there, that woman would have died. I was trying to save her life.”
“Save her life?” he asked incredulously. “From the moment you burst through those doors, you put her in even more danger than she was already in. Not only could she have died, but you also could have.”
“Why are you giving me so much shit over this?” you asked, throwing your hands up in anger, not paying attention to the awkward glances your team was giving each other. “I’m not the only one who's done this, and I won’t be the last. I don’t care to risk my life trying to save someone else. I’m sorry that I blew everyone’s cover, but I won’t apologize for saving her.”
Aaron shook his head, his demeanor that was normally unreadable was completely gone. “You’re on probation, effectively immediately-”
“What? I, Hotch-”
“You will not physically assist in any cases for the next two weeks. You will still travel to cases, but you will work directly from the police department. You will not be allowed to go in the field.”
He kept talking, his mouth moving a mile a minute listing off all the things you were allowed to do and what you couldn’t do, but you couldn’t focus on anything he was saying. You were so tempted to slap your boss across the face and if it wouldn’t have technically been workplace harassment, you probably would have.
“Hotch, we’ve all made mistakes,” Derek Morgan said. “No one ended up hurt tonight. With all due respect, I think a two week probation is a little harsh.”
You wanted to thank Derek for sticking up for you, but you couldn’t form words at that moment. Your feet were on the move faster than you could even think as they took you to the SUV that you’d arrived in, not wanting to hear Aaron talk to Derek about you. All you wanted to do was get on the jet, leave the small Arkansas town you were in, get back to Quantico, and try to stop thinking about Aaron Hotchner.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t as easy as you liked to think.
You rode back to the hotel with Emily and JJ, who had let you sit in the front seat, and didn’t dare look either of them in the eye. Emily tried to make small talk to lighten the mood, but you could barely even think about anything other than your probation and the way that Aaron had talked to you in front of everyone. She eventually took the hint, and the three of you rode back to the hotel in silence.
You finally turned to Emily once the SUV came to a stop. “Do you know if we’re leaving tonight or in the morning?” Normally, if you finished a case late, you always preferred to spend the night in the hotel in order to get some rest, but there was nothing you wanted more than to just go home now.
“Uh, tonight,” Emily said with a grimace. “Sorry, I know you usually hate leaving immediately after.”
You shook your head. “Not this time. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to go home more than I do right now.”
Emily eyed you up and down, taking in your slumped, exhausted body. Her eyes flickered up to the mirror, catching JJ’s eye who was giving an equally worried look. “Do you want to talk-”
“Not right now, Emily,” you interrupted. “I’m going to pack my stuff up. Can you send me a text when it’s time to go?”
Emily looked like she wanted to say more, but she didn’t, sensing you obviously didn’t want to talk about it right now. “Yeah, I’ll let you know.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled. “See you guys soon.” With that, you were out of the SUV before either of them could unbuckle their seatbelts and on your way to the entrance of the hotel you were staying in along with the rest of the team.
Typically, you shared a room with someone, but luckily for you, it was your turn to get your own this time, which you couldn’t have been more thankful for when you swiped your keycard and finally got to be alone for a minute.
You knew that Emily meant well. She had been one of your closest friends since you had joined the team. You felt a tinge of guilt at how closed off you had been to her in the car when she was just trying to make sure you were okay. However, you really weren’t okay, and you really didn’t want Emily to know the full extent of what was going on.
After hastily packing your things and grabbing a quick shower, you received a text from Emily that it was time to go. On your way down to the lobby to meet her, it was finally setting in that you were, quite literally, exhausted. You’d been awake since before daylight and a quick glance at the time shining on your phone reminded you that you had been awake for nearly seventeen hours.
You rode with Emily, JJ, and Rossi to board the jet, but ended up napping the entire short duration of the drive. Truthfully, you hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep until Rossi had nudged you awake.
When you were finally in the air, you allowed yourself to catch a glance at your infuriating boss who was still, as usual, in his suit with his tie and jacket discarded, writing in a file.
Probably writing me up, you bitterly thought to yourself. You knew you had done a not-very-smart thing, but by the time you figured out that the original plan the team came up with wasn’t going to work, it was too late. If you hadn’t darted through the door and startled the unsub, the poor woman who was taken hostage was going to meet a very similar fate that four other women faced.
You could admit that it was a rash, last minute decision, but you didn’t regret it. You saved a woman’s life and helped capture an awful man who would have never stopped if not caught. It felt like Aaron was punishing you for something that wasn’t the decision you made tonight. Two weeks on probation felt a little extreme to you.
Twenty minutes into the flight, Derek, Rossi, and JJ were already asleep while Emily looked like she was close to following. Spencer was nursing what you thought was his second coffee in the short time on the jet, a pair of headphones in as he watched something on the tablet he had propped up.
That left only you and Aaron sitting in silence.
This had been a particularly hard case that had to be solved in under seventy-two hours in order to prevent any more victims since you, with the help of Spencer, figured out that the unsub operated on stalking and kidnapping his victims on a specific schedule. Hardly anyone had gotten much sleep in an attempt to solve the case as soon as possible – hence why nearly everyone was asleep.
Aaron finally spoke after nearly fifty minutes into the flight from his seat in front of you after Emily and Spencer had finally drifted off, though you weren’t sure how Spencer was even sleeping considering he had downed two coffees. “You should get some rest.”
“Don’t worry about me,” you said bitterly, keeping your eyes straight ahead. “I’ll be getting lots of rest in the next two weeks considering I can’t really do anything else on probation, so thanks, but I’m good.” The words were tumbling out before you could even comprehend what you’d said. In a normal situation, you’d be worried that speaking to your boss like that would result in its own consequences but considering you were already on probation, what was the harm?
He said nothing.
It was nine days into what felt like the most excruciatingly long probation known to man, and you still had five more days to go.
You had just gotten back from a case in Maine where you, unfortunately, barely got to do anything other than help out at the police station. In addition, you had to finish several online modules assigned to you by Strauss on safety in the field, which was, in your opinion, ridiculous considering you had been at the BAU for a good amount of time – long enough to know all about safety in the field.
“I think I’ve gone past the point of exhaustion,” Emily said as you came off the elevator as she stifled a yawn. “Is that a real thing?”
“Yes, my beautiful friend who I am so happy to see. That means you need to get home and rest.”
Penelope Garcia was there to greet you at the elevator, a warm smile lighting up her face as she gave Emily a hug then turned to you. “How are you doing?”
“I’ll be fine in five days when this stupid probation is over,” you told Penelope, watching her give you a sympathetic smile.
“I’m heading out, but you have my number if you need me,” she told you with a comforting pat to your arm. “Goodnight ladies.”
Penelope was on the elevator to leave as you and Emily, after waving off Penelope, filed off to your desks to pack up to go back to your apartments.
“Got a hot date tonight?” Emily asked jokingly.
You laughed and shook your head. “Haven’t had a hot date in a long time. What about you?”
It was true. The last date you had been on was four months ago with the man who also happened to be your boss and who also happened to be your number one enemy right now.
“Just with Sergio.”
You and Emily were already on your way out to leave for the night officially until you stopped in your tracks when you reached the elevator. “Ugh, I just realized I left my phone charger at my desk. You can go on without me.”
“You sure? I don’t mind waiting,” she said as she stepped into the elevator.
You nodded. “Go on; it’s late. Have a good night, Emily.”
A huff left your mouth as you turned back on your heel to walk back to your desk. Your hands grasped the charger laying under several files that you (probably) needed to look at, but tonight was not the night for that.
However, you realized it was definitely not your night at all when you tried to turn your car on, only to be met with a sound of spluttering.
“Not tonight,” you groaned, repeatedly trying to turn your key to start the engine, but the car never started, much to your luck. “Are you serious right now?”
Your car was by no means brand new, but it was a good car and not often did it give you problems. Except for tonight. Or in other words, the one night you desperately wanted to go home, take a shower, and go to bed.
You weren’t really sure of your options. You could probably call Emily. She couldn’t have gotten too far down the road. Maybe she could give you a ride since her apartment was on the way to your place. Another option was calling an Uber, but –
Your car door opening knocked you out of your train of thought. Your brain immediately went into fight-or-flight, and you chose fight as your hands instinctively reached for the pepper spray on your key ring.
“Hey! It’s just me.”
It was Aaron with his hands outstretched into a surrender position, his suit jacket hanging from the crease where his arm bent. “Why are you sitting in the parking lot in the dark with your car unlocked? Do you know how easy it would be for someone to-”
“Come up and kidnap me? Yeah, I learned all about it in my online safety training this past week as if I didn’t already know,” you sassed with an eye roll. “I think my battery is dead. I usually keep jumper cables in here, but I cleaned my car out last week and must have taken them out. I’m probably going to have to call an Uber.”
You didn’t know why you were telling him all of this. The small voice in the back of your head knew why, but you weren’t willingly to actively think about it. You had enough on your plate right now.
“I’ll give you a ride home.”
“Like hell you will,” you told him.
“You do know I’m your boss, and you technically can’t speak to me like that?”
“You won’t fire me. You'll just put me on probation.”
He paused, his eyes closing momentarily before opening them again and going back to his stoic demeanor as usual. “Let me drive you home, so I will know that you got home safely. Please.”
You wanted to say no, but it was late and getting a ride home from Aaron meant that you didn’t have to bother Emily or lose money on an Uber. The only thing you’d be losing, in your opinion, was what little dignity you had left when it came to Aaron.
It’s just a ride home, you told yourself in your head.
“Fine.” You had admitted defeat. “Give me a second.”
He turned his back to you and started to walk away from your car. When you knew for sure he couldn’t see you, you positioned the rearview mirror so you could see yourself in it. Before you could stop yourself, you attempted to fix your hair as nicely as possible and then took a moment to stop what you were doing. You scoffed at yourself and shook your head.
“What is wrong with me?” You asked yourself aloud. “He doesn’t care. Neither do you.”
However, after you grabbed your things, you did sneak one more look in the mirror before getting out of your car and locking it. You were glad when you took another look to see Aaron not looking in your direction. 
 You made your way over to Aaron’s signature parking spot, the same one he parked in every morning, and met him there, his hands typing something out on his phone until he noticed your presence.
Without missing a beat, he opened the passenger door for you. You wanted to tell your heart to stop when that familiar flutter came back like it used to all those months ago. You opened your mouth, but he stopped you before you could say anything.
“No need for a remark. I’m just opening the door for you.”
“I was going to say thanks.”
A ghost of a smile danced across his face as he shut the door. It was so quick if you weren’t paying attention then you wouldn’t have seen it.
Your eyes adjusted to the interior of Aaron’s car, déjà vu hitting you from the first time you were ever in his car. But you forced those thoughts back down with a grimace and a reminder of how that ended the first time.
With one hand gripping the wheel and the other holding onto the back of your seat as his torso turned, eyes watching behind as he backed out, you thought you were going to throw up. Not because you were sick, but because Aaron was so damn attractive in doing the simplest things like backing up a car.
“You can turn on the radio if you want,” Aaron told you. “Your cord is still in here.”
You bit your lip, eyes locking onto the green cord still plugged in. “I’ve been looking for that everywhere. I had to buy a new one for my car.”
Back when you were frequently with Aaron, and he was typically the designated driver when you went places, you often complained about the lack of music in his car. He only listened to whatever was on the radio. He had no CDs nor did he have an AUX cord, claiming something about never being in his personal car long enough to deal with music in it.
After that day, you put your AUX cord in his car the next time you were in it and controlled the music, often giving him a performance to your favorite songs in the car as he drove. Aaron never complained like a lot of guys would. Instead, he would watch you belt a heartbreak ballad with an amused smile.
But that was months ago. And things were much different now.
“I would’ve given it back to you, but it’s slipped my mind. Feel free to take it with you.”
The happy memories that the AUX cord brought back were pushed to the back of your head again at his words. He told you to take it because there was no point in it anymore. You two were done.
You didn’t plug the cord into your phone. You didn’t play a song. You sat in the terrible silence, wishing it wasn’t silent like before, but it was silent, and Aaron was acting like nothing was wrong. 
Another awkward moment passed as he kept driving, the route to where you lived engraved as he had driven there many times. Aaron didn’t have to ask you where you lived because he knew. He knew from all the late nights he dropped you back off. The thought of all the previous times you’d been on this exact same drive under different circumstances made your head hurt.
“Why did you put me on probation?” The words slipped out before you could stop them.
“You know why I put you on probation. You comprised the safety of yourself, the team, and-”
“I compromised the safety of myself, the team, and the victim, yes, I know, but you put me on a two week probation when I can name off countless times that others on the team have done worse and didn’t get put on a two-week probation,” you argued back. “I know I messed up, but at the end of the day, it feels like you’re punishing me for something.”
He nodded, his eyes staying trained on the road. “I am punishing you for something, and that something is compromising-”
“I swear if you say compromise one more time-”
“Compromising your safety and the safety of others.”
You didn't say anything. Your arms were crossed as you looked out the window and into the dark as objects moved past you, reaching closer to your destination.
Aaron spoke your name, but you didn’t want to look at him.
“Look at me,” he said as the car came to a stop at a redlight.
You reluctantly looked over, not prepared to see him already looking at you. You swallowed, trying to keep your gaze on him.
“I’d rather you be angry with me than even thinking about the possibility of you getting hurt.”
You couldn’t speak even if you wanted to because he kept going.
“When I saw you run into that warehouse, it was one of the only times in my life that I have been so scared that I couldn’t think straight. I put you on probation because you did something reckless. All of us outside thought we lost you when we heard the gunshots. I know you and a few others thought probation was too harsh, but it’s important for you to know that if you’re going to storm a hostage situation, you have to communicate with us. The team cannot lose you,” Aaron told you, his eyes never leaving yours. “I can’t lose you. Understood?”
You were pretty sure that at this point your voice was gone. You simply nodded.
The light turned green, and Aaron started driving again, his eyes finally breaking contact. “Finish out your probation next week and then put it behind you.”
There were no more words spoken. It was silent. You didn’t know how to respond to anything he had just said to you.
Except you did have one question. You weren’t even sure if you wanted the answer to it.
“If you can’t lose me,” you started, fiddling with the sleeve of your top, “then why did you end things?”
“It was for the best,” Aaron said, breaking your heart all over again. “I’m your boss-”
“You being my boss didn’t seem to be a problem when your mouth was on mine every time you dropped me off from dinner.”
He didn’t seem to have an answer for that. You sat smugly in your seat waiting for him to say something.
“You want the truth?”
“I’ve only been asking you for the truth for four months now,” you shot back.
“I fell in love with you.”
Aaron said it so casually that you had to do a double take, your mouth slightly opening. Out of all the things he could’ve said, you did not in a million years think that would be it. Your heart was pounding, and there was a moment where you thought that you had imagined him saying that he fell in love with you, but he really did say it.
He continued. “I thought it was best to end what was going on between us because things would’ve only escalated, and I didn’t want people to think negatively about you. You’re a strong woman in a male-dominated field. You’ve worked hard to get to where you are. You should be taken seriously and unfortunately, going out with your boss doesn’t look good on paper. I hurt you, and I’m truly sorry for that.”
You hadn’t even realized it when Aaron had finally pulled up to the huge parking lot of your apartment building, which was surprisingly vacant for a Thursday night. The words he’d said were dancing around in your head. You hadn’t done anything wrong. It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
Even after everything, all you really wanted was him.
“Aaron,” you said as you turned to him when he put the car in park, “I mean this with all due respect, but that’s not just your decision to make. I should get a say. I wish you had told me because for the last four months I’ve been going crazy with overthinking. That’s why it hurt so much when you put me on probation. I thought you were punishing me for something between us. Please don’t shut me out because I’m in love with you, and quite frankly, I don’t give a shit about what people say about me.”
“But people will talk about you-”
“And there’s also Strauss-”
“Who we can deal with. I’m not afraid of Erin Strauss,” you cut him off again.
He raised his eyes before you spoke again. “Okay, maybe I’m slightly afraid of her, but that doesn’t change anything. You don’t choose who you fall in love with. If people want to talk about me for being in love, then let them. I just want to be with you, so please stop trying to protect me. I can handle anything.”
“Okay,” Aaron said after a minute. “Okay. If you want to do this, there is a lot to discuss work-wise.”
“That’s fine. I have a lot of time to discuss things. I’m on probation.” 
Every other time you had brought up your probation, it had been with anger, but this time, there was only a grin on your face. Even though you were still mad about that damn probation, which was another conversation for another time, you figured you might as well make a joke out of it.
Aaron couldn’t keep a straight face. “Yes, you are for five more days. You still have one more module on safety in the field to complete.”
“Screw you,” you said half-jokingly.
“You wish,” he shot right back.
“You’re damn right I do.”
It was as if there was a shift in the air. You’d spent four months without him and in that moment you had decided you never really wanted to go another second without him. There was still a lot to talk about between the two of you, but for now, all you really wanted to do was kiss him.
Even when the two of you were “seeing” each other, or whatever it was, there wasn’t much physical affection. Aaron always kissed you before dropping you off at night, but it was always short, sweet, and simple. Tonight, you didn’t want short, sweet, and simple as your goodbye kiss.
“You should be getting in. It’s late,” he told you, but neither of you made an effort to move. In fact, it felt like you had only gotten closer. You could feel Aaron’s breath fan your face.
You leaned even closer, your face only inches from his. “You gonna tell me goodnight?”
Aaron never replied, only moving to close the small gap between the two of you, his lips pressing against yours in a way that almost felt desperate.
You were the one to take it a step further as your mouth opened wider and one of your hands slid up to rest on his shoulder. Aaron gladly took the hint. His tongue was in your mouth and before you could process it, one hand had moved to cup your face while the other rested on your thigh.
He pulled back for a moment, but only to mess with something under his seat. You gave him a confused look, still breathing heavily. “What are you doing?”
Aaron’s seat had scooted back further to open more room between him and the steering wheel, and you realized what he was doing now. He simply shrugged. “The console is in the way.”
With that, you laughed and maneuvered yourself across the center console that Aaron seemed to hate at the moment. His hands instinctively grabbed your waist in an attempt to help you move over and onto him – literally.
You took in your current situation for a moment. You were straddling Aaron Hotchner in his car in a parking lot. If you had told yourself earlier in the morning that this is where you would be, you would not have believed it.
His lips were back on yours before you could think about anything else, hands still gripping your waist while yours moved to his hair. You were pressed against him, your chest to his, and left no room between the two of you.
“This okay?” He mumbled as his warm hands snaked underneath your shirt, now resting on your bare hips. He pressed a kiss to your jaw while you nodded, a deep breath leaving your mouth. He smiled against your jaw before reattaching his lips again, but this time to your neck.
You couldn’t think of the last time you felt like this. Your body felt like it was literally on fire, and Aaron’s mouth wasn’t doing anything to extinguish that fire – only making it worse.
As much as you loved the hot, open-mouthed kisses to your neck, you cupped his face, guiding him back up to your lips. Your hands slid to tangle in his hair, earning you a throaty sound from him, which only encouraged you further as you smiled against his lips before going back to kissing him.
Aaron pulled back only a few seconds later, both of you breathing heavily in a hot and flustered state. “As much as I’m enjoying this, we probably shouldn’t get too carried away in here.”
“What? Car sex isn’t on your bucket list?” You joked.
He laughed as you leaned into the hand cupping your face. “You deserve better than a car the first time.”
“So what I’m hearing is car sex after the first time?”
Aaron gave you one of his rare grins, and it lit up your entire world. “You are impossible.”
“I’m just kidding,” you said, giving him a peck on the cheek. “I really should be getting in the bed. My boss is making me come in at eight-thirty tomorrow for a meeting.”
“Oh really? He sounds very smart.”
You playfully rolled your eyes and with the help of Aaron, you moved back over to the passenger seat. “I will see you bright and early in the morning.”
“Looking forward to it.”
You gave him one last kiss before gathering your bag and opening the car door. “Goodnight, Aaron.”
“Goodnight,” he told you.
You shut the door and with a smile on your face, waved to him one last time before making your way towards the entrance of your apartment building.
However, before you could get very far, you heard Aaron’s voice calling your name. You turned around to see him with his window down.
“Did I forget something?” You called to him and watched confusedly as he shook his head.
“Your hair looked fine earlier. You didn’t have to fix it just for me.”
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forever-rogue · 1 year
angst like this last ep where the reader gets hurt and joel is freaking out because it seems serious and he thinks he’s losing you, but he ends up nursing you back to health <3
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AN | Soft Joel! Protective Joel! It’s all here 🥰
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language, Injury [reader gets injured, mentions of infections]
Word Count | 3k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You knew that he was saying your name, but it sounded so different and off. You felt warm, but not in a good way. In a I shouldn't be sweating in the dead of winter type of way.
You swiped away the sweat on your brow as you clutched at your side. Pain. That's where the pain was. You felt his hands move yours out of the way and saw the frown on his face grow. 
"What happened?" you heard that loud and clear. You shook your head, trying to push his hand away from the wound in your side. It was so sensitive that even the slightest bit of touch seemed to aggravate it. You closed your eyes and tried to curl up within yourself but he wasn't having it, "you're hurt!"
"'m fine," you don't know why you lied; you clearly weren't fine, that much was obvious to both Joel and yourself, "wanna sleep."
"You can't sleep yet - you can't-"
The rest of whatever he said was lost as you did manage to fall asleep or pass out or something. Whatever it was, it was better than the searing pain in your side and the discomfort throughout your limbs.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
There was a creaking in the room - or somewhere - repeating in the same way over and over again. It became like a familiar tune as you slept, mostly out of consciousness. 
You tried opening your eyes multiple times but they just felt so heavy, heavy, heavy. So you opted for sleep, for whatever the lull was that you were currently deep in.
Every once in a while you felt something touch you. Your face, your hand, your side - although it didn't feel quite as bad anymore. But, still, you eventually quite ready to get up. Just a little bit longer…
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"It's been days," Joel slammed his fist against the table before immediately regretting the sting in his hand, "how much longer am I supposed to wait?"
"She had a pretty nasty infection," Maria put her hand on top of his, attempting to give him a reassuring squeeze. It did nothing for him; his heart was still in his stomach, “it’s going to take her a while to recover. But the antibiotics and rest are working.”
He let out a heavy sigh as he leaned back in his chair and tipped his head towards the ceiling. She was right, god he knew she was right, but he wouldn’t feel better until you were fully conscious and fully healed. 
“I feel so…helpless,” he scrubbed a hand over his tired face, “what am I supposed to do?”
“Get some sleep yourself,” she gave him the ghost of a smile but he couldn’t find it in his heart to return it, “take care of yourself. And just be there for her. She knows you’re there and that’s what matters. Joel, she made it back to you.”
“She made it back here.”
“No, she dragged herself home to you,” Ellie cut in and gave him a firm look, “she could have died, most people would have given up, most people would be dead. Not her, so consider yourself lucky. Now you have to be there for her.”
“I never left you,” she reminded him, her eyes darted to where his scar was hidden beneath his shirt, “and you never left me. And now we don’t leave her. She’ll be okay.”
“I know,” and he did. If anyone could make it through this, it would be you. You were strong, smart, skilled, and so damn stubborn. It was one of his favorite things about you. And yet…still. It hard to just be there while you were suffering, “I know.”
“Eat,” Maria insisted softly, “rest. You have to take care of yourself too.”
Ellie gently touched his shoulder before hugging him tightly from behind, “it’ll be okay, Joel. I promise.”
And somehow that was all he needed to hear because he felt the slightest bit better. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A steady sound reached your ears, soft but consistent. You couldn’t quite place it but it was somehow extremely reassuring. You moved slightly, trying to readjust yourself but let out a sharp hiss of pain. Okay, that was not going to happen right now. 
Your arm left like it weighed a thousand pounds, but you managed to lift your hand and touched the area that hurt. The tips of your fingers danced over some sort of cloth…a bandage? It spread along your abdomen and while it hurt, the pain was definitely less than what you had remembered. Well, that was a good sign at the least.
A groan escaped your lips as you tried to pry open your eyes, finding them heavy and stiff with sleep. They felt like sandpaper but eventually you managed to open them and tried to blink away all the bleariness. 
You looked around, so stiff and sore, but recognized the room you were in. His bedroom. A familiar place - that was good. You didn’t really remember much after you stumbled your way back into Jackson. Slowly and hesitantly shifting, you managed to make it on your side and readjusted yourself. 
The source of the sound soon became apparent. Joel Miller. He was sitting, sleeping rather, in a stiff and uncomfortable looking chair at your bedside, his head slumped to the side. That was going to be painful later. 
“Joel,” your voice was scratchy and your throat felt dryer than the desert. You reached out a weak, shaky hand and set it on his thigh. You attempted to give him a gentle shake in order to get him to wake up. Maybe it was selfish and you should have let him sleep but you also really, really just wanted to see him. Plus, you wanted to prevent a crick in his neck while you were at it. Two birds, one stone. He didn’t move at first…the poor thing must have been exhausted. You doubted he’d been sleeping since you were back, “Joel.”
But still, he didn’t stir and you decided not to push him. You felt pretty weak as well so you just closed your eyes and decided to get some more rest too. It wasn’t like you were at liberty to be going much right now. What you did do, however, was take his hand and lace your fingers through his, refusing to be completely separated from him. 
You needed him just as much as he needed you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Joel knew he was going to have a sore neck even before he opened his eyes. He would have been better off sleeping on the floor but he'd fallen asleep on the chair. Typical.
But wait - something was different. His eyes snapped open and he looked down at his hand and saw that it was tangled up with yours. He didn't remember holding your hand…he knew he hadn't been. That meant -
"Baby," you were sleeping again, mouth open as you snorted softly. But you were facing him, much closer, and you'd reached for him. There was a prickling at the back of his eyes and a breath of relief escaped his lips. He wanted to wake you up but he didn't have it in his heart to. You needed rest and he was going to let you have it, "such a stubborn thing, aren't you?"
You didn't respond but he was almost positive that he felt you squeeze his hand.
The next time you woke up you felt warm, but this time it was a pleasant sensation. You cracked an eye open and saw light streaming in through the window, the soft tittering of birds outside. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You tried to sit up, slowly, but it still wasn't an easy feat. You groaned the entire time but eventually you made it. 
Reaching up, you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and pushed some of your messy hair out of your face. The blanket you were in was soft, and you remembered that you were in Joel's room. You were in his bed!
You heard footsteps coming from down the hall and grew nervous for whatever reason when the door opened. Joel stepped into the room and his eyes immediately went to your figure, as they had become accustomed to. 
Only this time, you weren't sleeping. You were awake and looking at him with bleary eyes and a soft smile.
"Hi," your voice sounded so small and unsure that it made him want to cry. He came to your side, and despite the fact that he wanted to pull you into a tight hug, he dropped to his knees at your side and reached for your hand.
"Hi," his voice was thick with emotion, shaky and unsure as his eyes grew glossy, "you're awake."
"I'm awake," you confirmed almost as if you wanted to make sure he knew he wasn't dreaming, "you've been here. I-I woke up earlier, the other day, I don't know what day or time it honestly, and you were sitting there. In that chair."
“I was,” he nodded, a soft smile gracing his features, “I thought you’d woken up.”
“I tried to wake you up,” you leaned back against the headboard, “did you end up with a crick in your neck?”
“Of course,” he rubbed at his neck absentmindedly, “I, ugh…I’m glad you’re alright. I don’t know what…”
“Yeah,” you didn’t need him to say it - you knew exactly what he was trying to say, “thank you.”
“For what?” there was a small hint of blush that crept into his cheeks.
“For taking care of me,” you reached for his hand and happily took it into yours, “I don’t remember much, but I do remember you being there. So, don’t be bashful, I know it was you.”
“It wasn’t all me,” but he also hadn’t left your side in days, barely more than an hour or so at a time, and even those times were few and far in between, “Maria helped a lot, and Ellie.”
“I know,” after a moment of hesitation, you reached up and stroked his cheek, and the man practically preened into your touch, “but still. You’re a stubborn man. Can I ask you something?”
“Anything,” he took your hand and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, which caused your entire face to flush with warmth. 
“What happened?” your voice almost dropped to a whisper as though you weren’t quite sure you wanted to know, “to me? I-I don’t remember a lot.”
And then he laughed; that sweet, deep sound that you loved so much. It wasn’t that he was laughing at you or all that you had just been through, it was just…the situation. The fact that you’d been so unwell, almost on death’s doorstep, and here you were, sweet as ever, “oh sweetheart…you went through a lot.”
“I remember getting back but that’s about it,” you admitted sheepishly, “I do remember pain…how long has it been?”
“You came back about a week ago,” your mouth opened in surprise - there was no way. It couldn’t have been more than two or three days. He nodded, answering your silent question, “yeah, it was bad.”
“I-I got back and…I was hurt.”
“You came back, barely on your feet,” his gaze shifted to the clean bandage still spreading across your abdomen, “you looked…terrible.”
“What a lovely thing to hear,” you teased, knowing that he was joking.
“I just meant…the wounds. Not a-anything else, but you look…”
“Like shit,” you cut him off. You felt grimy and sweaty and gross; you were positive you were stinking and your hair was a disaster. You doubted you looked any better than you felt, “I’m sure. You don’t have to lie to me, Joel.”
“You’re beautiful,” it was the first time he had said it out loud, but it was something that had always been on his mind, “but yeah…right now you do look like you could use a bath.”
“I love an honest man,” you grinned, “you saved me.”
“I-I didn’t…no,” bashful, shy, and adorable. Although he’d never admit he was adorable.
“You did,” you insisted, pointing at your covered wound, “I imagine whatever this was, it wasn’t good.”
“No,” his brow furrowed and he shook his head lightly, “it wasn’t. There was a deep wound, and had gotten infected. The infection was starting to spread and…yeah. You came back just in time. I don’t know how you made it back but…fuck, I’m glad you did.”
“Me too,” shy smiles were exchanged, “I vaguely remember getting hurt and knowing I had to get back. And I just came back, I knew I had to get back. I wanted to get home to you.”
“Yeah?” his voice shook but you nodded, trying to be strong, “I shouldn’t have let you go. Especially not alone. I should have been there, I could have…done something.”
“Don’t think of it like that,” you put a finger to his lips to cut him off before he could continue to ramble, “thinking of all the could haves and would haves only works to drive us crazy. It doesn’t matter what happened, not anymore. What matters is that I’m here now.”
“But nothing,” he couldn’t help the small smile that turned up the corners of his mouth at your sharpness, “I’m here and I’m okay. We’re okay. Wait…I’m okay, right? I guess I should have asked that first and not just assumed.”
“You’re going to be okay,” he promised, thanking every lucky star and divine being or whatever existed in the universe, “most of the wounds on your arms and face are superficial; I think you probably got them when you were coming back through the woods. The main one was…rough. Do you remember what happened at all?”
“My weakness,” you joked softly, “small knives.”
“That was no small knife,” he shook his head as you shrugged.
“No,” you reluctantly agreed, “it wasn’t. But me telling you what it was isn’t going to change anything so…no need to worry.”
“I’m going to worry anyway.”
“You shouldn’t worry.”
“I’m going to worry about the people I love.”
“Oh,” oh. Joel had, once again, spoken before he truly thought about what he was going to say. It wasn’t that he didn’t mean it….he just hadn’t meant to tell you like this. He wasn’t sure exactly what his plan had been, but that was neither here nor there at this point, “oh?”
“Listen, I didn’t mean to make this-”
“I love you, Joel,” you met his eye, refusing to look away so he knew that you had meant what you said, “really.”
“Oh,” this time it was his turn to be surprised. You nodded; his relief was visibly when you saw how his shoulders relaxed, “I didn’t exactly plan this.”
“Me neither,” you gestured to yourself, “any of this.”
“It’s not going to hurt for a while,” he swallowed thickly as you exhaled slowly. You figured as much; if you’d been out for almost a week you knew that it wasn’t going to go immediately go away, “I…I would like it if you stayed here. So I could help you.”
“You mean keep an eye on me so I don’t go and cause more trouble?” you teased, “I’d like that, Joel. As long as you and Ellie are okay with it. But I can take the couch so you can have your bed-”
“Absolutely not,” as if. He’d rather cut off his own leg than to let you sleep on the damned couch, “you’ll stay here, in this bed.”
“This is the first time I’ve heard that in this sort of situation,” you snorted in amusement, “but thank you, Joel. Really.”
“It’s nothing,” it was everything, “I’ll change the sheets and you can have a shower - bath maybe, that might be better. Or maybe shower?”
“I can try a shower and if it doesn’t work, we’ll figure it out,” you felt so warm and fuzzy at the idea of him taking care of you, “maybe I’ll make you give me a sponge bath!”
“I would do it.” Of course he would. He’d do anything for you.
“I know,” you leaned over, slowly and gingerly, and pressed the most delicate of kisses to his cheek, “I know.”
“I’m going to assume you’re hungry?” you perked up at the sound of food. When was the last time you had a meal? You couldn’t remember…and your stomach grumbled loudly, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Yes, please,” you grinned, “what’s on the menu?”
“Fresh baked bread and soup,” your mouth almost watered in excitement, “the kid’s been on a cooking phase, so whether or not it’s good will have to be seen.”
“I’m so hungry, I could honestly eat anything,” you really could, “but thank you. Seriously…I hope that you know how much very much I…appreciate you. How very much I…I love you.”
“It’s not work, it’s not a bother,” he insisted, “not when it’s you. I…”
“You don’t have to say it,” you knew that it wasn’t always for him to be open with feelings and words. But he always showed his love in so many other ways, “if you don’t want to or…yeah.”
“I love you,” he’d stood up but he leaned down and kissed the crown of your head, not caring in the slightest about any mess, “I’m not perfect, far from it, but I’m working on it.”
“You think I’m perfect?” he really liked your laugh, “far from it. I’m working on it too. We can work on it together.”
“Yes,” and you really liked his smile, “together.”
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akutasoda · 1 year
bloody confessions
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synopsis - in a sudden realisation they may never see you again, they have something to say
includes - diluc, kaeya, xiao, sara, cyno, wriothesley
warnings - gn!reader, angst to comfort in some, angst, mentions of blood, reader is fighter in kaeya's and sara's, reader dies in kaeya's(sorry), wriothesely may be occ, enemies to lovers, wc - 2.1k
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diluc ragnvindr ★↷
mistakes. diluc has made alot of those in his life, some of them worse than others. but the worse one to date is letting you end up in this condition.
you were one of diluc's most trusted friends since his childhood, someone that stuck through him thick and thin. but someone along that line of friendship you had started to wish that it was something slightly more than a strong friendship. but you had no idea if diluc felt the same and not wanting to make things awkward you kept quiet about your growing feelings.
but little did you know diluc felt the same way. but both of you were scared that the other may not feel the same way. but passers-by could see that both of you were struggling with your feelings. more specifically diluc's brother kaeya. who practically couldn't help but cringe at the awkwardness knowing his brother was hopelessly in love with you but couldn't bring himself to confess.
but eventually with a little prodding from kaeya, diluc starrted to plan his way to confess. even eventually asking adeline for help, who couldn't help but smile at the idea of diluc finally confessing. but it seemed the archon's weren't in his favour.
on the day if his confession diluc went out to meet you in his wineyard. as the previous day he asked you to meet him there. but after 10 - 15 minutes of waiting passed the time agreed, you hadnt shown up. he tried to tell himself you were just running late that you would be here any minute but that was doing little to his hopes of confessing. eventually he heard someone approaching. thinking it was you he started mentally preparing himself, until ge saw adeline round the corner wearing a concerned look. 'master diluc I'm afraid I've come bearing bad news' this sent his mind into a spiral. 'what kind of bad news?' he was hoping to the archons it wasn't to do with you but seeing as adeline told him presumably right away it was serious. 'im afraid your going to have postpone your confession, they are currently being tended after a serious accident'.
this sent his heart racing, and his mind clouded with worry and anger. adeline explained how some fatui skirmishers had ambushed you and left you in a critical state, dead had not the knights of favonius stepped in. as diluc approached where you were recovering, he had ran into a medic and asked how you were and after confirming you were fine and just needed to rest but he could go see you, he couldn't help but grimace at your bloodied state. matted hair, bandage's, archons he wished he was there to save you. he knelt beside you taking your slightly cold but warming hand in his he pressed it to his lips and in a moment of weakness spilled out all his confessions, knowing you were unconscious and probably wouldnt hear him, but it made him feel better.
kaeya alberich ★↷
you two were known as an unstoppable duo in the knights of favonius. his stragetic thinking paired with your power in combat, you two were a package deal. but recently that had been concerns with more abyss mage's showing up near mondstadt's border. needing only you to go out and sort out the arising problem.
this concerned kaeya more than it should've. to most it seemed like he was worried because you were working partners and this was the first mission in a while you would be separated. and he thought so too. he tried to think rationally but the longer he tried to deny his budding feelings for you, the stronger they became. and he could only hope you returned safely and maybe he could get over his denial and confess.
so on the day you were meant to return, exactly 3 days you were set to be gone - he kept track, kaeya couldn't focus in his work and instead promted to wait for you. he waited until he saw a figure in the distance thinking it was you he got up excitedly, until he saw more people with the figure and the closer they came he noticed you. but you weren't looking like your normal self. you laid unconscious in another knights arm's as they rushed passed him hoping to get you the urgent treatment you needed. he was frozen in place for a while until he realised he needed to check how you were.
he paced outside where you were being treated waiting for the medic's to let him in as he was told it wasn't wise for him to be in there while you were being treated. until the noises of the medics near your bed went silent as tine seemed to stop. panic-stricken, he barged into where you were to see the grimaces on everyone's faces as they didnt stop him from teaching out to grab your hand. your hand that felt colder than anything he had ever felt before.
adeptus xiao ★↷
xiao was reluctant to let you, a mortal, into his life. he was scared his karmic debt would affect you aswell as his past comrade's. but you were insistent on becoming the yaksha's friend. and eventually you earned a spot in his heart.
eventually after being close to the yaksha for a while he started feeling a new feeling he had never felt before. whenever you dragged him to do things he felt a flutter in his stomach that made him feel weird. he didn't know what to do. everytime you smiled at him or did something with or for him he felt this way and he was at loss of what to do about it. maybe it would just go away.
that was until one day he returned to the wangshu inn and verr goldet immediately called for him to tell him 'just to be clear, they should be fine-', that set him up in alarm. there was only one person that verr goldet would know that he had a bond with. you. he immediately went to your room in the wangshu inn, after listening to verr goldet explain the whole story to him.
he looked upon you bandaged body that hid your worst wounds from him. why didn't you call for him? he knelt beside you and with no explanation looked ahead and started spewing out confessions about how you made him feel. 'you are the only person to make me feel these things, stay and help me understand them.'
kujou sara ★↷
you were an upcoming soilder in the tenryou commission. you had alot of potential and that attracted even the general herself. she never really was that intrested in her fellow soilders, she got along with them sure that's what any good general would do but you seemed different.
originally she thought it was your quick rise in the ranks, or something similar. but it seemed different when she had a small twinge of jealousy stir within her when a soilder became overly friendly with you. she also found intrest in how when sparring, you wanted to spar with her and surprisingly managed to keep up pretty well.
but eventually you were placed on a patrol with some other similar ranking commission members a fair way away from the camp. she had made decisions like this for a while but this one felt different and more personal for her. she pushed those feelings back and insisted to herself that they would pass. although she still counted down the days till you returned not that she would admit.
but when you returned you were beaten, bruised and completely bloody, the only one to return. you passed out before you even stepped into the camp and had to be rushed back into inazuma for urgent treatment. turns out your camp was ambushed and destroyed within seconds. Sara felt an indescribable amount of fear at the thought of losing you so she felt compelled to finish the mission as quickly as possible and check up on you and maybe get revenge. this was a shock to other soilders but no one spoke about it, they wouldn't dare. but sara was more aware of her feelings now and as much as she hated to think of it but maybe confessing to you wasn't that bad when you recovered.
cyno ★↷
you had met the general mahamatra through your friend tighnari. you were a nature researcher who had moved to sumeru to learn more about avidya forest and its close by equivalents. and your old friend tighnari was the forest watcher at avidya. however soon introduced you to cyno.
you had originally only planned to spend 6 months in sumeru but the bountiful enviroments and the people you met meant you stayed longer than intended. and eventually you were offered a job in looking at nature in the desert of hadramaveth. it was a way away but you had high hopes for it. however cyno felt slightly differently. over the past months cyno had started developing what tighnari had to point out to him, a crush.
on the day you were to depart, you bid farewells and cyno watched you feeling uneasy at knowing you would be a long way away for a month. he wanted to go with you to ensure your safety (totally not to spend time with you) but he had his duties to attend to and you're expedition team was sure to make a safe trip there and back. however one day, a week before your expected return, there was an uproar in one of the akademiya's medical bay's. cyno thought nothing of it until he saw tighnari rushing over there and stopped him just to find out your expedition had been ultimately destroyed by a setekh wenut, which you had accidentally stumbled across.
cyno was furious that your safety was widely disregarded and the akademiya hadn't provided enough protection, but was ultimately relieved that you had survived. sure you were a bit worse for wear but you were alive, unlike a few expedition members. and in those moments that cyno visited you until you recovered he realised that if you were to die he would've been distraught he never confessed to you. but maybe soon he would.
wriothesley ★↷
you and wriothesley had a complicated relationship some might say. but to each other you were rival's. no doubt about you hated each other. you two would constantly try to one up the other or never fail to make a snarky remark if spotted in the same room. but sometimes the lines between rivalry and something else blurred as wriothesley sometimes couldn't help but find how adorable you looked when you were angry and to him that was just something to tease you with more.
sometimes the people of fontaine, especially older folks, would find your petty rivalries exhausting to witness. sometimes one of you would stoop to the lowest of the lows and find a way to 'prank the other' but that sometimes ends up looking like a children's squabble. a petty, ridiculous and downright tiring squabble.
however at the end of the day you both had jobs. very respectable jobs at that. and sometimes that did mean working with each other which meant that it would come to a unspoken agreement to not continue your rivalry in the workplace. but after a particular day of hardwork wriothesley had overheard a particular conversation from two fontaine citizens about how you had encountered a fatal accident with some fatui members. that made his blood run colder than his cryo vision. there's no way you would lose to some fatui members.. right? probably just gossip roaming the streets of fontaine. yeah that's it.
well it wasn't. he kept hearing about it more and more until he decided to go and see to these 'rumors' himself. so he went over to the medic's himself and asked if you were here and to his fear, you were. the rumors were true. in a moment of panic he demanded to see you but was told that you were still under observation and he could come back tomorrow and visit. so thats what he did.
as soon as he was allowed he went straight to see you, for reasons that escaped him. he gazed down at your bloody, slight frostbitten body and let out a sigh he didint know he was holding and preceded to let out all the unspoken feelings he had that were hidden behind snark comments and teasing actions. he knew you hadn't heard him but it felt good to get it out. he slowly raised your hand to his lips, and left.
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mssorceressupreme · 3 months
Hi! I absolutely adore your writing (also going through a maze runner hyper fixation🤭).
Would you be able to do a fic where reader was thought to have died when they originally escaped the maze but reader got out with Gally. Then Minho and reader reunite when they see Gally again (if this makes any sense).
Thank you!! ���🏻
hiii aw thank you love that means a lot 💓💓 omg yesss this is such a lovely prompt!! I love reunions lol especially when one s/o was thought to be dead 😝
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Into Your Arms
Pairing: Minho x Reader
Summary: the gladers thought you were dead (you were shot instead of chuck), but what happens when you’re reunited at last. Your bond with Minho proves unbreakable as you face the future together.
Warnings: mild violence, mentions of bullet scars
You sat in the dimly lit room of your shared safe house in the Last City, your fingers tracing an old scar on your stomach.
It was a constant reminder of the day you had narrowly escaped death, a brutal memento left by a bullet from Gally, who wasn’t in the best state of mind a year back.
The pain of that moment, both physical and emotional, had nearly broken you. Yet, here you were, alive and determined, haunted by thoughts of your friends from the glade. Every night, you wondered if they had survived, if they were out there somewhere, fighting the same fight. If Minho was doing alright.
The last memory you had of your boyfriend was him shedding tears as he cradled you in his arms, before you passed out from the loss of blood. That was when they presumed you were dead. Everything after that was a blur, well, until Lawrence and his crew rescued you and Gally.
A knock on the door broke your reverie. Gally stepped in, his expression serious but tinged with something else—hope. “We spotted something, or rather, some people, and we’re bringing them in soon. You might want to be there when we arrive back.” What did he mean by that?
Though Gally was the person who gave you that scar, you forgave him for it. The both of you looked past that and decided to start fresh when Lawrence brought the two of you to his army. Gally even became a brother figure to you, constantly on the lookout to keep you safe.
Moments later, they returned.
Your heart pounded as you waited for their vans to reveal the mystery guests inside.
No shucking way.
The sight that greeted you made you gasp. As soon as the doors slid open, familiar faces emerged. Your gladers. Thomas, Newt, Frypan—they were all here. Relief and joy surged through you, but a sharp pang of anxiety struck you when you didn’t see Minho.
You stood there blending in with the crowd, not knowing what to say or do.
“Hey Greenie.” Gally greeted Thomas, to which he replied by striking Gally’s jaw. Gasps were heard and our soldiers cocked their guns, aiming at Thomas.
“Woah woah woah—stop, stop!” Newt rushed to the front, preventing Thomas from striking Gally once more.
“He killed Y/N…” Thomas spat, “do you have any idea what that did to Minho!”
“I know, I remember. I was there…but I also remember that he was stung and out of his mind.” Newt defended Gally, hoping to calm Thomas down before a fight escalated.
“I’m actually right here...” You said aloud, pushing past the crowd and making your way to the front. You slowly helped Gally up and stood face-to-face with your fellow gladers.
“Y/N??” They gasped in unison. Thomas and Newt rushed to hug you, Fry followed not long after.
“It’s so good to see you again.” Thomas softly said, squeezing you, “He would be elated to know.” You immediately knew who he was referring to. But where was he?
“H-how?! How is this possible? We watched you die. Both of you.” Newt questioned, glancing from Gally to you.
“No, you left us to die.” Gally retorted, “We were lucky Lawrence found us when he did, if not Y/N wouldn’t have made it.”
“What’re you guys doing here anyway?” You inquired, “and where’s—” Before you even finished your question, Newt read your mind.
“Minho. WCKD has him here, we’re looking for a way in.”
Your heart sank, he was here the whole time and you didn’t know?! “Let’s get him then! Gally?”
Gally nodded, “I can help with that. Follow me.”
The hours that followed were a blur of planning and preparation. You donned WCKD soldier suits, your faces hidden behind masks. Each step you guys took inside the compound was a step closer to Minho, but also a step deeper into danger.
The tension was thick enough to cut through it with a knife, every sound amplified, every shadow a potential threat.
As you fought your way through the facility, the adrenaline was mixed with fear. You were fighting to save someone you thought you’d lost forever.
“We’ll wait here.” Gally and you waited outside a tall modern building, WCKD’s headquarters, squatting behind a large pillar.
“Are you sure they’re doing alright inside? Shouldn’t we go in to help them?” I demanded, “I need to know that Minho and the others are safe.”
“Trust me, they’ll find a way out of that building.” As though Gally had predicted the future, a glass window on one of the higher floors smashed, and out jumped three figures.
“That’s our cue!” Gally hastened, both of you got in position and followed the other “WCKD soldiers” as they approached the trio.
“Freeze! Put your hands in the air!” One of them commanded pointing guns at your boys, “Uh uh uh!” He continued, when Thomas reached for the gun in his leg strap.
Gally and you acted quickly, shooting them, one by one the soldiers passed out.
The trio stood there dumbfounded, and finally sighed with relief when Gally revealed his mask first.
“Gally?” Minho’s jaw dropped.
You followed, revealing yourself next.
Minho froze, eyeing you up and down. He shook his head, tears welled up in his eyes, “Y/N?….”
You nodded, wasting no time running up to him and embracing him. “Minho!” You breathed, your eyes filling with tears, body trembling with relief and emotion.
He held you tightly, his breath ragged in your ear, “You’re alive…?!?” He whispered, disbelief and relief mingling in his voice, “All this time…baby, I thought you were dead.“
You pulled back slightly, tears streaming down your face, and punched him playfully on the shoulder, “You were here all this time, and I didn’t know?”
Minho’s eyes were wide with emotion, his voice cracking. “I thought I lost you forever when you got shot in the glade…by him,” He glared at Gally but couldn’t find a reason to be angry now that you were alive, “I mourned you every day.”
Your heart broke at the raw pain in his voice. You reached up, cupping his face in your hands. “I’m here now, Minho. I’m here.”
He hugged you again, tighter this time, as if afraid you might disappear. “Gally took me under his wing,” you explained softly, feeling Minho tense at the mention of Gally.
Minho’s eyes flickered over to Gally, anger flaring briefly, “You shot her,” he said, his voice hard.
Gally raised his hands defensively, “I was stung and truly didn’t mean to—”
“Thank you.” Minho’s responsed baffled Gally, he was sincere, “Thank you for taking care of her.” Once Minho saw that you were safe and well, forgiving Gally was easier.
Minho’s anger dissipated as quickly as it had flared. He sighed, his shoulders relaxing, “I’m just glad you’re okay.” He said, looking back at you, “that’s all that matters now.”
Timeskip to Safe Haven (and Newt survives cause I want him too 😩):
After the festivities of celebrating your first day at the safe haven, Minho guided you to a quiet corner, his eyes never leaving you while the others continued socialising.
“Let me see your wound,” he said gently.
You lifted your shirt slightly, revealing an old scar. Minho’s fingers traced the mark, his eyes filled with sorrow. “I never should’ve left you at the glade,” he whispered, “I should’ve protected you then.”
“You couldn’t have known,” you replied, placing your hand over his, “none of us could have known what would happen.”
He looked up at you, his eyes wet with unshed tears, “When I thought I lost you, I didn’t know how to go on.”
“You don’t have to anymore,” you gently replied, “We’re together now. We’ll face whatever comes next, together.”
He pulled you into his arms, and you rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. For the first time in what felt like eternity, you felt a sense of peace. The nightmares of your separation were over, and you had been given a second chance.
As the night wore on, you talked with Minho, your words a balm for your wounded souls. The two of you shared everything—what you had endured, the fears you faced, and the hope that had kept you going. Each word, each touch, strengthened the bond between you.
The sun began to disappear into the horizon of the sea tinting the sky a beautiful shade of orange, purple and pink.
That was when Minho finally spoke the words you had longed to hear. “I love you,” he said, voice raw with emotion. “I never stopped.”
“I love you too,” you replied, your heart swelling with joy. “I always have.”
You held each other close, the horrors of the past fading in the light of your reunion. You had found each other again, and together, you were ready to face whatever the future held.
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cdragons · 6 months
@dipperscavern & i were gushing over our child aka second in command!reader, akaa doe, and as a parent, I felt the need to contribute
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second in command!reader who is Jory Cassel's baby sister and whose mother died giving birth to her the same year as Robb Stark in 281 AC
second in command!reader who became Jory Cassel's whole world when he was only 8 years old - even more so when he learned from his Uncle Rodrik that his father died at the end of Robert's Rebellion at the Tower of Joy
second in command!reader who grew up completely and wholly loved and protected because she had her big brother Jory to look after and protect her
her first word was a swear word because her Uncle Rodrik stubbed his toe that one time when she was only a few months old and her first word was the 'f-bomb'
mother, father, brother - whatever his little doe of a sister needed him to be, he did that for her because she was his baby sister, and he loved her more than he loved anything ever
she got picked on for not having a mother or father, and sometimes there would be mean people who said she killed their mother and Jory actually hated her and only pretended to love her
when she cried to Jory about this, she asked him if he ever hated her because she killed their mother
she is crying so much at how her beloved brother's face drops and she starts to believe that those mean people were right - until Jory takes her little hands in his and tells her with such a serious expression that he’s never loved anyone so much after meeting them for the first time
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second in command!reader who Robb Stark had been in love with since he first laid eyes on her even though he never realized it and since they were babies, he would cry so loudly if she wasn't in his line of sight
second in command!reader who grew up with Robb and Jon at winterfell, and who was a spitfire with more audacity than a wildling from the moment she took her first steps
second in command!reader who was the little darling doe at winterfell with Sansa because she's the oldest girl and Ned Stark's boys would follow her until they reached the ends of the earth
second in command!reader who had Ned Stark's boys totally wrapped around her finger, and these three got into the most insane situations because little doe was an unhinged child
the trio became a squad when her brother came back after fighting in the Greyjoy Rebellion and Theon Greyjoy was taken as a hostage to winterfell
the squad became even more unhinged and insane because baby doe doesn't believe in subtlety and was the one who needed to be held back when a fight was about to begin
her nickname became baby doe because once she started walking, she very quickly took to running, and like a baby doe, there needed to be an entire searching party to look for her if it took too long for her to get back
ever since they were kids, Robb Stark would want two people to sit next to him during meals at the Great Hall: Jon and his Doe
so when Theon Greyjoy came to winterfell, he was nice to the boy because he was glad to have another friend, but he was NOT a fan at how his Doe kept sitting next to the boy now
but he supposed it would be okay because then doe came running toward him all excited and happy and adorable when she started spouting how she got her brother to agree to be a brother to Theon
if Jory became Theon's brother, then Theon would be doe's brother
brothers and sisters can't marry or fall in love, at least not in the way of the old gods, meaning that Theon and doe would never marry
Robb's mood was much better since then, much to the confusion from his mother and amusement from his father
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Jory thought he was hallucinating.
she walking toward him with her big, doe eyes. her hand was clutching Theon Greyjoy's.
it was a funny sight to see how his baby sister, who was still so small, dragging a boy taller than her until she stood before him with that little twinkle in her eyes.
"Uncle Rodrik was being mean to Theon," she said. "I told him he was being mean and a hippogriff because he told me i have to be nice, but then he wasn't nice!"
Jory held back a snicker and just nodded.
"Yes, that was mean, but why did you bring him here, baby Doe?"
she pulled out her pout and quivering lip and Jory knew whatever she was going to ask from him, he'd say yes.
"Well, after Uncle Rodrik was mean, I asked Theon to show me how to shoot an arrow. And then Theon told me he doesn't have any brothers because they all died! And that made me so sad because if you died, I'd never be happy again!"
Theon groaned and softly elbowed her ribs as his face became red.
he groaned. "Doe, I told you not to tell anyone about that."
she turned to her new friend with an angry look and angrily stomped the dirt with her little foot.
"Of course I'm telling about it! You're my friend, and I don't like people being mean to my friends!"
Jory leans forward and picks her up until she looked like she was flying and her little legs were kicking in the air and she couldn't stop her giggles until he put her back on the ground again.
"Very good, baby Doe. But why did you bring him here?"
"I want you to be his brother like with me! Can you do that Jory? Pleaseeeeeeeeee? No one should be alone!"
...and of course, Jory said yes.
the huge smile on her face and she cheered and tackled him to the ground to thank him told him that he made the right decision.
since then, whenever Jory and Doe would go to the godswoods, ride through the wolf woods, or go fishing at acorn waters - Theon would be there with them.
for the first time since he was taken from home, Theon Greyjoy felt like he wasn't an outsider.
he felt like he wasn't a hostage held captive by his father's enemy who aided a king who slaughtered thousands of his father's men.
he felt like a boy who had a younger sister who was his best friend, and he was her's, and it felt like he never knew what it felt like being alone in the first place at all.
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Robb Stark was not happy.
he was very not happy.
his mother had just given birth to his new baby sister, Arya Stark, and since then, he hasn't had a moment alone with Doe.
normally she would always be the first one in the courtyard, ready to train with him, Jon, and Theon under her Uncle Rodrik and brother, Jory.
but lately, all she's been doing is helping out his mother with his new sister - she's even been playing with Sansa!
Doe didn't hate his little sister - in fact, she liked Sansa very much, but Sansa liked boring stuff like playing princesses or dressing up or stitching.
and Doe wasn't boring...she was different from other girls at winterfell.
she loved to run in the woods and train with swords.
she hated wearing dresses and never bothered to learn how to braid her hair because she would just use the little leather string to hold it.
she loved playing snow wars during the summer snows and neer minded getting mud on her breeches.
but now...now she wasn't playing with him anymore and spending time with Sansa instead of him...it was very annoying.
and what's worse - Jon didn't get it, and neither did Theon.
Jon just shrugged when he complained. "Lady Stark needs help because she just gave birth to a baby."
Robb rolled his eyes. "I know that - but why is she spending all her time with Sansa? She doesn't even like playing princesses or stitching!"
Theon scoffed. "Your mum's spending all her time now with the new baby instead of Sansa, duh. If your sister's not kept busy or played with, then Lady Stark'll have two screaming babies."
Theon wasn't happy that Doe was spending time with the prissy little lady who was too much like her mother - always looking at him with an upturned nose and uppity attitude.
but he knew if he wasn't having a good time, his doe was having an even worse time.
Robb still pouted - he hated feeling like this, he didn't like it.
it was like that time when he caught doe being nice and playing the blacksmith's son and not him and he marched over to grab her wrist and dragged her away from him
Theon snickered. "Don't worry - Sansa'll get over it and you'll get your little lady back before you know it."
Robb's face turned bright red as Jon and Theon laughed at his expression.
"What're you lot screamin' for?"
Robb turned around and there she was, staring at her friends with a confused expression at the screaming she heard from her lord's son.
she burst out laughing at how he was gaping at her like a fish out of water.
She shoved his arm and walked ahead. "Come on! Septa Mor-dumb finally let me out! Let's get outta here before she changes her mind!"
she took off running with laughs echoing through the woods and all the boys followed after her.
it was the best day Robb had in so long: he spent the entire day running, fishing, playing, and climbing.
the four finally calmed down and stopped to rest underneath the red leaves of the weirwood tree.
Theon and Jon were fast asleep while Robb and Doe were still awake and talking.
"...Hey Doe?"
She turned to him. "Yeah?"
"Who do you like more: me or Sansa?"
She blinked before answering with a big smile. "You, of course, dummy! Sansa's not nearly as fun! And I knew you way longer - of course I like you more!"
the next time Doe played with Sansa, Robb didn't complain.
because he knew that no matter how many siblings he had, he'd always be her favorite Stark.
...Theon and Jon still keep teasing him about it though...whatever, they were just jealous.
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these two are so in love and are so obvious and everyone knows it but them smh
@dipperscavern is literally my wife - we're married, we eloped, and second in command!reader is our baby
@ghostinvenus i hope you don't mind me tagging you, but there's gonna be a lot more brainrot for our doe 🤣
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jxydiel · 4 months
Dean winchester x male!reader
Note : I’m just writing to pass some time nothing serious but I hope you will still enjoy
English is not my first language sorry if there’s mistakes
Dean comes to pick up drunk (Y/N) from a work gathering.
(Y/N) was about to pass out, slumped over a table in a restaurant whose name he didn't even know. His colleagues made him drink in abundance when he didn’t wanted to go at this gathering in the first place. They played stupid games and a girl confessed her feelings for him. That’s all he could remember at the moment. That was surprisingly a lot. His tie was in the way and he undid it in a clumsy gesture before looking around him. Everyone had vanished. Only empty or half-drunk glasses decorated the table with loneliness. (Y/N) wouldn’t lie, it did worried him but his sleepiness was way more intense and his head went back on the hard and cold wood. Bobby will definitely be mad to see him come back home in this state.
Bobby adopted (Y/N) when he was a teenager since he knew his biological parents who died during a hunt. That’s how (Y/N) became so close with the Winchester. He didn’t really grew up with them since he got adopted at the time Sam went to college and Dean was hunting with John but he saw them way too often. At first, when they met, (Y/N) didn’t like Dean. He was too arrogant, too… (Y/N) didn’t really knew, he was just too Dean. (Y/N) realised way later that he was probably annoyed at the fact he loved him way much more than he should. Dean was way too perfect in his eyes. He loved him but Dean would never in return. At least not as something other than Bobby’s adopted son, so as a so called lil’bro.
(Y/N) head started to hurt and his vision made him have doubts about reality. Actually, all his colleagues abandoned him there. It was really a surprise. He never had been the most liked. On the contrary, The girl, she was quite popular at the office so some of them left with jealousy but the most abandoned him because he rejected her. At least it would be a better excuse than just the fact they disliked him. (Y/N) didn’t reject her in a harsh way just in honesty. He liked someone else for so many years now. But I guess his colleagues didn’t see it the same. The girl cried and made herself the victim so everyone supported her and saw (Y/N) as a villain. Obviously, no one would help a drunk villain right ?
One of the barman went to (Y/N) and checked on him. He shook him, going from gently to briskly, but nothing (Y/N) didn’t regained consciousness. (Y/N) wasn’t even feeling anything. The bartender sighed and picked up the customer's phone. Unfortunately, he had a habit of calling the relatives to pick up his terrible customers. The barman went stray to the emergency contact and didn’t hesitate. The other responded quickly at his pleasure and he explained the situation quite annoyed.
On the other side, Dean wasn’t expecting this situation. He was about to finally go to sleep after his terribly long day and now he was back on the road. This is probably one of the routes where he drove the impala at its highest speed. Before leaving, Dean warned Sammy that he was going to get (Y/N) and the brother didn’t asked much more. He was used to it by now. It wasn’t the first time it happened. Dean leaving at whenever hours of the day to help (Y/N). The older Winchester arrived not long after the call and went stray to (Y/N)’s table. The man looked in an awful shape and that made Dean frustrated, probably anger. He took a chair and sat next to him.
- “(Y/N), I’m here.” Started Dean softly.
The other turned his head in the direction of the voice with implacable slowness. He thought he was dreaming. Dean couldn't be there, he was in another state normally. The barman gave the phone back to Dean that thanked him in the background. (Y/N) was just sitting awkwardly his eyes fixed on Dean. He realised the situation and felt ashamed. He bothered Dean. The person with maybe the most things to do in this world. Dean was on a case with Sammy he couldn’t be here, even more at this hour he should be resting. He couldn’t just drive here and take care of him like that. (Y/N) wasn’t the happiest when he drank, that was a fact.
Dean looked at the other with sad eyes and made him sat straight. (Y/N) played with his tie again and Dean helped to take it off.
- “I’m driving you home, let’s go.”
Dean picked the other up easily and placed (Y/N)´s arm around his shoulder. (Y/N) didn’t helped much and staggered with difficulty.
- “Come on buddy, help me a bit”
Dean gently sat him down in the car before going back to his own seat. The other didn’t even said anything since he was here and it worried him more than he could admit. They both sat there in silence for a while. The Winchester also couldn’t take his eyes off the man.
- “What happened ?” The taller one continued.
- “Nothing serious.” (Y/N)’s voice was sore and difficult to hear.
- “You expect me to believe that ?”
- “It’s the truth. I was at a gathering that’s all. I didn’t know the bartender would call you. You shouldn’t be here. You should have declined, they would have called someone else.”
- “I’m glad they called me. How else would you have gotten home? Call who else ? Do you have any friends other than us ? I don’t think so. Don’t you ever think ? Drunk as you are right now something could have happened to you.” Dean’s voice sounded harsher than what he would have like it to be.
- “I’m sorry.” (Y/N) was only watching at his hands while he played with them, stressed. “I didn’t wanted to bother you.” The conversation was uncomfortable and felt so far away in his state.
- “come on, you’re never bothering me sweetheart. That wasn’t what I was implying. I’m just worried about you.”
- “I know it wasn’t what you were saying. But I’m still a burden to you Dean. You have more important things to do than that. I’m not a kid you need to take care of. Gosh I hate this.”
- “But, you’re the most important” replied Dean deeply serious.
- “That’s not true and you know that” (Y/N) didn’t liked the answer.
- “That’s not true for you but that’s true for me” the anger of the taller one kept on increasing.
- “Don’t say things you don’t mean Dean. Not things like that. Don’t mess with me.”
(Y/N)‘s head wasn’t clear at all at the moment. He didn’t knew how to think correctly. Dean could mean it but not in the way he wished he did. (Y/N) was convinced Dean though he was the most important just because Bobby ordered the boys to always look after him. It was nothing more, nothing less. Dean couldn’t love him.
- “Drive me to a motel, Bobby can’t see me in this state he will got mad and it’s not good for his heart.” (Y/N) stated coldly.
Dean started ‘baby’ without a word and drove to where he was ordered. (Y/N) took out his pack of cigarettes off his pocket and light up one. Dean looked at him in disbelief and took it from him before throwing it out off the window.
- “Dean come on !”
- “We have a rule. Not in my car and I stop bothering you with it.”
- “It’s expensive, you could have just told me to turn it off.” (Y/N) was definitely more than pissed off.
- “just quit smoking it’s easier.” Dean was being deadly serious. He hated it.
- “You’re a funny guy, you know. You quit drinking.”
- “Quit drinking first if you end up like this every time.”
- “I told you I didn’t wanted to. It’s just work. I had to or I will be a paria or some stuff like that.”
- “I believe you’re already one honey.” Dean was actually joking on this but how (Y/N)’s colleagues were treating him was worrying him.
Dean sighed deeply. He didn’t knew how to help the other. He knew something was up with (Y/N) for some time now but when he tried to get the end of it (Y/N) pushed him away every time. On the contrary, Sammy knew more on the subject. Dean was convinced on that. The eyes of Sammy were always implying something when it comes to (Y/N). Like a big secret that the big brother was the only one not knowing. (Y/N) swore he never told Sammy anything but something was fishy.
They arrived pretty quickly at the motel and Dean took a room for both of them while (Y/N) sat in entry drinking water to come back on earth. The Winchester took the key and went back to the other. He helped (Y/N) to stand up while the other explained he could manage alone. They headed to the room in a tense silence they never really had between them. (Y/N) never behaved that cold with Dean. He felt far away and it was strange. Dean didn’t liked it. He didn’t like the feeling all this procured him. He hated the tension. The only time there was any was when they met and it was ages ago. It wasn’t normal.
Dean unlocked the door and directly throw his stuff on the bed. Only one bed. (Y/N) frowned. It wasn’t the first time they actually shared one but he wasn’t feeling it tonight. There’s wasn’t any reason behind this choice. Generally, when they shared a bed Sammy was there too, so it was just less expensive to take two big bed than three. But right now, Dean could have just take two. It was just them only. Sammy wasn’t there.
- “Why did you took only one bed ?” It wasn’t just coldness, (Y/N) voices was deeply stressed, like he was scared.
- “Oh, I didn’t through of it. I’m just used to us sharing one I guess.” Dean unpacked some stuff, not looking at the other.
- “Well I don’t want to.”
Dean eyes went stray on (Y/N) who was avoiding his stare. The Winchester analysed the other up and down. (Y/N) was staying in a corner of the room not moving a single part of his body. He just looked so uncomfortable in every aspect. His hands were twitching from stress. It felt wrong.
- “Hey what’s going on ? Talk to me. What’s happening to you ?”
- “I don’t wanna share a bed with you.”
- “I don’t think that’s the real matter it never bothered you before.”
- “It always did.” It was a half lie. It’s not like he disliked it but (Y/N) felt wrong every time. Like he shouldn’t because if Dean knew the truth he would probably be disgusted or something.
- “Really ?” Dean frowned. “You never told me. You could have said so.”
(Y/N) didn’t responded and stayed in his corner his eyes on the ground. The Winchester walked to him in worry and tried to catch his eyes.
- “Do I need to take another room ? Do you want me to do that ?”
Still no answer from the other, no look, nothing. Dean took his hand in the greatest softness like (Y/N) could break from that.
- “(Y/N) talk to me. What’s wrong ?”
(Y/N) eyes suddenly locked with dean’s in pure sadness. Dean felt like his heart was breaking in pieces he hated that look. Every time he saw it he was swearing to himself it would be the last time and yet (Y/N) was sad again. He failed his mission. Dean put his hand gently on the cheek of the other.
- “what’s going on ? Huh ? Tell me.”
- “I can’t” (Y/N) was about to cry. Every word was just pure torture to pronounce.
- “why ? You can tell me anything. You know you can.”
(Y/N) shook his head to say no and Dean hugged him to calm him down. He rubbed the other’s back gently.
- “You’re fine, it’s gonna be okay.” At this point Dean was probably reassuring himself too.
Dean continued hugging him while (Y/N) tears fell down slowly, one by one.
- “You really can’t drink, huh.” Dean tried to joke.
- “I love you.” (Y/N)’s chest was about to explode like the world was ending.
- “And I love you too sweetheart. Always.”
- “No, Dean. I love you. I’m in love with you. I love you.”
And (Y/N) got silence as an answer. Dean stood back. He stopped the embrace and his heart broke. (Y/N) felt like suffocating, his chest was way to heavy. He felt disgusting, he felt wrong, he felt selfish, inconsiderate, unmindful. Not because they were two boys, who cared about that. But because it was Dean who Bobby presented like a big brother and always acted like one even tho (Y/N) hated it more than anything. Plus, Dean liked girls and dated way too many for those feelings to be reciprocate right. He couldn’t do that to Dean. His tears became a wave in a second and his hole body started shaking.
- "You’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re saying." Dean’s voice was distanced. “We will talk about this tomorrow.”
- “No I’m not. Dean I’m in love with you. Why would I lied on that ? I always loved you from the beginning and I think it’s kind of obvious. I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t. I will stop if you don’t want me to.”
(Y/N) felt inconsolable. Everything was blurry and silent around him and it was killing him slowly.
- “Dean I- ”
And just like that Dean was kissing him. (Y/N) always thought Dean kisses were rough, wild or stuff like that. He never imagined it could be that soft and comforting. Dean hand was in his hair caressing it. Everything felt sweet and gentle. That was so unmatching with Dean image and if he wasn’t in a state of pure shock he would have definitely chuckle about it.
When (Y/N) finally realised what was happening he pushed Dean slowly away.
- “Dean you can’t”
- “what ? Why ? Did you disliked it ?” Asked the taller one, concerned.
- “No it’s not that. But why ? You can’t kiss me just to please me or calm me down. That’s wrong. You can’t miss lead me like that."
- "what ? No. I didn’t do it for that (Y/N). I didn’t did it just for you. I love you too, that’s why."
- “that’s not true. You can’t.”
- “Why can’t I ? You can’t forbid me. Why would I, in the middle of the night, drive through several states, at full speed, just to pick you up if I didn’t love you.”
- “Because Boddy told you two to take care of me.”
- “Honey. He told us that when we were kids. What are we now ? I’m 26 and you’re 24. We’re grown men. I don’t need Bobby to tell me to care about you. I just do. Because I love you.”
(Y/N) stayed silent looking at Dean in disbelief.
- “Is that why you never liked when I said you were the most important thing to me ? You thought it was because of Bobby that I was saying that ?”
- “Yes.” (Y/N) just nodded softly in shame.
- “That’s insane. Sweetheart I can think for myself I don’t just follow Bobby orders because he says so. I love you because you’re you not because anyone told me to.”
Dean sighed and hugged the other one more time. He felt relieved. The big problem wasn’t something unsolvable in the end. He continued :
- “I love you too. Now let’s get some sleep I’m exhausted.”
(Y/N) nodded in Dean arms softly hugging him tied.
- “I really hope this isn’t a drunk dream" chuckled (Y/N)
- “You will see in the morning.”
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