#he burned Deku’s notebook and we know Deku had info on him
shouta-aizawow · 2 years
Interesting how Deku has, like, no flashbacks of actually being bullied by Bakugou… Just ignored largely, hanging out with Bakugou and his friends, or Bakugou bragging
And before you (general) say how Bakugou beat up Deku in one flashback, I would just like to remind everyone that:
1) It’s canon that older kids would seek out Bakugou to fight him. Deku isn’t special.
2) We were shown the middle of the conflict where Bakugou was already fighting another kid. Deku isn’t special.
3) Deku joined a fight that was already in progress. You can’t jump in the middle and defend the enemy and not expect to be treated like one as well. Deku isn’t special.
Bakugou was canonically raised with violence. Bakugou thought smoking was wrong but being aggressive wasn’t, and no one taught him otherwise. I’m not saying Bakugou was right, but I’m also not saying he bullied Deku like how a large part of the fandom thinks he did. We just don’t have proof for it. He’s a kid who is a product of his environment, and as soon as he got out of that, he got better.
He’s expressed multiple times how uncomfortable he is with Deku knowing details about him and his quirk, but somehow he is the only one that has to change, and the change always benefits Deku. This isn’t fair for Bakugou. Having to ignore your boundaries to satisfy the person pushing past them isn’t fair to anyone whether they were an aggressive child or not. Bakugou has friends that respect his boundaries. He doesn’t need ones that don’t.
That’s part of the reason why I don’t like most “bkdk talk about their past and Bakugou apologizes” fan content, because a majority of the time, Bakugou is the only one apologizing and the only one changing, and he ends up becoming friends with Deku, which is something he didn’t want but Deku kept pushing for. Deku needs to understand boundaries and change as well, and I won’t pretend that their relationship was one-sided in the toxic department, because I do not believe that it was.
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
Wing Love
Request: I think requests are still open? If so can I request Kaminari with an s/o that has a vampire quirk? Like she consumes blood to use her quirk and also has wings?
HEY HEY! request are indeed still open babes! i love this request anon
Kaminari Denki x Vampire quirk! reader
Genre: fluff
warnings: none
AN: your boy hasnt proof read this, he is very sorry..
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Ah yes, the perfect day. It wasn't windy at all, the sun was out, no clouds in sight. The birds sang, and flowers grew. God, is was so perfect.
Well, maybe the perfect day for someone who, quite frankly, wasn't a vampire.
You ran down the street, a cloak covering your wings from the sunlight. No one payed any mind to you, they were quite uncomfy to say the least. It was an odder sight to see you run down the street instead of flying, but on day like this where the sun felt like it was burning holes into your skin, you can't expect anything else.
Your heavy boots clacked with every step, as you ran uphill. The last person you expect to start running along side you, is your boyfriend.
Kaminari Denki.
“Hey my immortal baby!” He panted. It sounded like he’d been running for a while to try and catch up. 
Note, you're not actually immortal, maybe your boyfriend actually thinks you are or maybe it's just a little thing he's got. Why? You have no clue.
“Hey.” you greeted back, just as tired as he is. You both slowed as the hill rounded out, and he fell onto the ground.
“Aw, is my Chargebolt in need of a quick recharge?” you laughed at him as you leaned over him, hands resting on your knees. He fought to keep his breath steady as he smiled at you.
“Yes please.” he teased.
You held your hand out, and he took it with no hesitation. You pulled him close and kissed him on the lips.
You both stayed there, kissing each other in front of the school, forgetting that you were both late to class.
“HEY LOVEBIRDS!” somebody yelled. Kaminari jumped, and you looked up towards the voice.
Smiling at the voices owner, you waved.
“Hey Jirou!” you answered, ignoring the fact she called you ‘lovebirds’.
“Get up here weirdos!” she shouted.
You took the blondes hand again, and ran into the school. Your cloak flowing behind you, you looked beautiful.
Kaminari knew that, he knew you were beautiful. But for him to see it in person, amazes him every time. He's seen you almost everyday for 8 months, either through a facetime call, or in person.
But you're goddamn beautiful.
“You're so pretty!” he called out to you, as you ran down the hall. You giggled at his words, and he blushed. He loves hearing your laugh, especially if he caused it. 
“Shut up, you gotta run faster!” you replied with another laugh.
You both ran a bit more, and skidded in front of the 1A class door. Kaminari leaned on the door, and smirked at you as smoothly as he could.
“Hey babes. I  want to suck your blood..” he began. Your cringed slightly, ready for the punchline.
“And your t-” he fell to the floor with a loud thud, as the door slid open fast. 
“Don't finish that Kaminari. Ew.” Mina said in absolute pure disgust. She switched her eyes to you and smiled. 
“Deku wanted to ask you questions, and freak you out with his mumbling!” She said, with a giggle. 
You laughed, and reached out a hand to the blonde sitting on the floor. 
“Deja vu, huh?” he stated with his signature smile. 
“I swear, Denki. I love you.”
“Heh, I love you too bat babes.” With that, he took your hand again, and walked with you into class.
You sat on Bakugou's desk, since he wasn't there. If he was, he would make a point to ‘blow your ass up’, his words. Deku asked question after question about your quirk stopping every once and a while to scribble something down, or mumble to himself.
“What blood do you drink?”
“Simple. Only the blood of animals, but only predators. Mainly wolves, but the blood is extracted in a safe way.” You can promise everyone that.
“Is it weird when you drink blood?” Mina chimed in. 
You laughed, and confessed that when you were young your parents had to explain to you that not everyone drinks blood for their quirk to grow and enhance itself. You had actually freaked a kid out, when he tried your juicebox, and you casually stated it was just blood.
Deku spewed more questions, and as you answered them, the boys started to gather around. They had gotten bored, but frankly always get a kick out of Deku’s constant flow of questions.
“Can we see your teeth again?” the green haired boy stared daggers at your mouth, waiting for it to open. You smiled to show off your white fangs, and Kirishima smiled behind him.
He called you his ‘fang buddy’, as Midoriya switched his gaze from your teeth to his notebook. He drew your fangs in a nice little sketch, and didn't even give you time to compliment it before rushing back into the jig.
“What do your wings feel like?” Midoriya asked. He stared at you, and you stared at him blank faced. You opened your mouth but were soon cut off.
“Feels like leather, but softer. They feel really nice, and they’re sensitive to light too, so they wear a cloak in the sun. The edges of the wings feel very thin, and are darker than the rest of it.”
Kaminari stated. Your head spun on a swivel, and you stared at him. He was just sitting on the floor, scrolling through his phone. 
Did he not realize he was spewing knowledge, some even you didn't know about?
He continued on as more and more of the girls huddled around to hear Kaminaris odd tangent on your wings.
“The top of their wings, they reflect a red kinda in the moonlight. They get really cold at night when they're out, but it's better than them being overheated in the sun.”
This was so out of the ordinary for him, for you. Whispers circled around you, as Mina stared her phone camera on you from a distance. She planned to send this to Bakugou.
“The base of their wings are dark and match the tips of them. They start just below their shoulders, and I think they said, it's about 25 feet from one wing to the other. ”
You grew red in the face as all heads turned to you.
“You know so much about them, it's so- so manly!” Kirishima cried, as Deku frantically scribbled everything down. You stared at the blonde on the floor, as his head slowly rose, and he came to realization what had just happened.
He didn't mean to let all that info slip, not that it was a bad thing. But he had spent so many hours with you, training, helping your sore wings, he just could tell someone the details of your wings from his brain like he was reciting poetry.
“Okay wait hold up… Mina don't send that to ANYONE yet.” He said as he turned to you, redder than you if that was possible.
“You know all that off the top of your head?” you questioned, taken back. He smiled sheepishly, and apologized.
“I didn't mean to let that slip, I'm sorry, I didn't even realize I was doing it!”
You stared at him in awe, and slowly began to smile from ear to ear.
“You're apologizing? And for what? That was adorable! I didn't know you knew that much about me, my wings especially!” 
He rubbed the back of his neck and once again tried to be smooth, “What can I say my vampire babe? I would love to see those wings of yours-”
“Once again Kaminari, NO.” Mina stared at him.
“And that's on what?” she shouted.
“Periodt!” a few others from the back of the class shouted.
You laughed at him, and took his hand as you pulled him closer.
“I love you, and your few braincells that like to focus on my wings charger boy.” you smiled at him, as he grinned red like a tomato.
“My three braincells work only for you babes!”
AN: kid has no idea if this is good or not... spare me
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bandit-12 · 3 years
Izuku Midoriya's Journey: Humble Start-Izuku Midoriya: Origins
The film started as it showed a scared 4 year old Izuku Midoriya at the park crying
Aww your so adorable"most of the girls cooed at young Midoriya as they took picture with their phones Midoriya sat their blushing with embarrassment at being called cute.
Of course a hero's journey usually starts during their childhood that's usually when most quirks start developing" Iida exclaimed.
Sorry for asking this but why are crying" asked Jiro as she watched the screen
You'll find out" Midoriya's said as he worriedly eyed bakugo.
Why are you being so mean Your making him cry if you keep hurting him I'll stop you myself; Midoriya said trembling with his fist in defence position with a boy behind him crying and young Bakugo and his friends in front of him.
Of course he'd be there knowing their history together; Todoroki thought as he and everyone else glared at bakugo.
Even though your quirkless your still pretending to be hero Deku" Bakugo said as him and his friends closed in on Midoriya.
Your such a bully bakugou; Hagakure yelled at him
I'm glad we didn't get stuck with him" Monoma said with Kendo for once agreeing with him
Deku what did he mean when he said you were quirkless" Uraraka asked which caused midoriya to flinch
His quirk probably didn't develop yet,Its like Iida said quirks usually develop during the ages of 4 right Midoriya" Yaoyorozu exclaimed.
Its.. its kinda complicated you'll see; Midoriya said with the others looking confused.
The sad truth Is: All men are not created equally that's the lesson I learned When I was four; older Midoriya narrated as the scene showed child Midoriya laying on the ground after being beaten up by Bakugo.
Boooooo; everyone yelled angrily at bakugo even the pros were glaring at him disappointedly.
What the hell man what's your problem; Sero yelled.
You went too far; Kaminari yelled.
Yeah man you beat him up that's so uncool" Kirishima yelled.
You were hurting a kid and he was just trying to protect him so how could he; Ashido yelled.
At least he acted more heroic than you; Uraraka angrily yelled.
Exactly and your violent actions would put our school to shame if this got out; Iida reprimanded.
Quite true I'm very disappointed in you young Bakugo This behavior will not make you good hero before you attend camp next week I demanded you see Mr Hound Dog for some counselling otherwise you can attend summer school here instead; Principal Nezu demanded with a much more stricter voice.
But that won't hold me back, I'll keep chasing my dream" Midoriya narrated as the scene showed him older and running down the street.
Yes go Midoriya(Deku) The crowd yelled at his eagerness.
That right young Midoriya push past those bad memories and keep going forward that will lead you through the straight path of becoming a hero; All Might said proudly with the teachers nodding in agreement.
I will; Midoriya said proudly.
Midoriya joined the crowd as he watched the villain fight then the theme song started.
Hey we have our own theme song cool; kaminari said excitedly.
This music really hits I like it; Jiro said as she jammed to the music .
We look magnific; Aoyama claimed as class 1A was shown in their costumes.
Shigaraki; Midoriya said aggravated as he as he saw Tomura Shigaraki on screen knowing a few day ago when Shigaraki captured him at the mall.
Don't worry Deku we won't let him touch you again; Uraraka reassured with Iida nodding next next to her.
Look It's Mr Aizawa kicking ass; Ojiro said as they watched their teacher Fighting the villians at the U.S.J .
Look its All Might fighting the Nomu; Sato exclaimed with All might looking at Aizawa's scar regretting not getting their faster to save him.
They really are so cool; Tetsutetsu said with everyone from class B minus a jealous Monoma nodding in agreement.
The screen showed punching hero Death Arms holding up a metal structure in order to save the people trapped the camera showed an illustration of Death Arms in Izuku's notebook.
Everyone stay back this is much too dangerous; said rescue hero Backdraft as he made a police line with his water quirk his sketch was also shown in Izukus notebook.
Nice observation skills young Midoriya am I in one of your notebooks; Midnight said with a wink.
Well yes I take notes on all the pros I've seen on tv and on in person; Midoriya said embarrassed
Your Observation skills are impressive Midoriya did you make one about us too; Yaoyorozu asked interestingly.
Can we see it Deku; Uraraka asked with the others begging with her with Midoriya looking embarrassed.
Suddenly Kamui wood came onto the scene to fight the villain causing all the trouble
That Dopey grin of yours must mean your a fanboy right; a man stated to Midoriya
He's not wrong you do get flustered every time you meet a new pro; Ashido teased while others chuckled
Before Kamui wood could attack the villain pro hero Mt Lady showed up with her special move Canyon Cannon which she came in, in her enlarged form and delivered a kick towards the giant villain while receiving all the credit from the photographers
Piece of cake for the world's next hottest hero hi everyone im Mt Lady and you don't have to worry about this "bum" anymore; she said as the cameras kept flashing
Midoriya you really are a lucky bastard; Kaminari said as he and Mineta stared at the screen drooling at the sight of her "ASSets" Jiro, Ashido, and Hagakure glared at the two perverts while the rest stared at them in disbelief.
Look out Midnight you got some competition; Snipe teased remembering the fight the two female pros had during their talk show.
Shut it Snipe I was a sexy pro long before she got her license; Midnight yelled out of aggravation.
Midoriya was seen muttering as he took notes on Mt Lady the man next to him noticed and gave him a thumbs up asking if he wanted to be a hero too.
Yes more than anything" Midoriya happily replied.
Title card- Izuku Midoriya:Origin
Go Midoriya you can do it" mostly everyone yelled proudly
From the progress he's making I have no doubts he'll pass the licensing exam in August "Nezu said with the others nodding in agreement even Aizawa looked impressed
You've gotten so much stronger the first time we met im so proud of you "All Might thought as he proudly stared at Midoriya.
That kid's gonna go far don't ya think "said Gran Torino
He will "said All Might
The scene changed to Midoriya sitting in his classroom while the teacher explains how its time to get serious about their future he then exclaimed how he knows they wanna be heros with all of them (minus Midoriya and Bakugu) raising their hands and showing off their quirks
How dare they use their quirks on school grounds back at soumei we'd get a months detention for abusing our powers like that" Iida cursed.
Hey Deku how come you're not raising your hand or showi..."Uraraka asked before she was interrupted by Todoroki.
Uraraka where watching his life now stop asking and keep watching and maybe we'll find out "Todoroki told her.
Hey teach don't lump me in with the in with these losers I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as some D-listers sidekicks " said Bakugo this caused the other students to rage at him.
The teacher claimed that Bakugu might be able to get into U.A after reviewing his test scores
Bakugo went on boasting claiming he'll end up as the most richest and most popular in the world and that it all starts U.A High.
I'm glad he didn't run into the Hero Killer Like us" Todoroki told Midoriya and Iida who nodded in agreement after remembering their encounter with Stain.
Oh yeah Midoriya don't you wanna go to U.A too" the teacher asked Midoriya ducked his as the other students began laughing at him claiming that he can't get into U.A's hero course without a quirk
Actually they got rid of that rule so maybe I could be the first" Midoriya argued before Bakugo destroyed his desk in anger and backed him against the wall
Your below these rejects Deku, your quirkless you really think they'd let you into U.A when they can have someone like me "Bakugo berated.
I wasn't trying to complete with you or anything its just I wanted to be a hero ever since I was little even though im quirkless I can still try my hardest"Midoriya said nervously.
What do you mean you'll try you'll never hang with the best, you'll die in the exams''Bakugu yelled as the screen showed him and the other students as shadow demons with red eye's.
JERK " all the students yelled at Bakugou.
If Midoriya's dream is your nightmare maybe you really do need the counseling" Tokoyami scolded.
Keep your beak out of this bird boy" Bakugo yelled but everyone ingored.
Don't worry Deku we won't ever treat you like they did"Uraraka said.
Yes here in Class A we all respect each other "said Iida with the other agreeing.
Thanks guys" Midoriya smiled but then realized the worst wasn't over, oh no when they see what Kachaan did and said to me next there gonna really hate him "Midoriya thought worriedly.
Those brats wanted to be heros yet they treat their own classmates like this, no wonder they didn't get in"Aizawa cursed
I'm sorry you had to go so much young Midoriya" All Might thought feeling useless.
The scene then change to the slime villain running away after robbing a store the citizens asked where the hero's were ,a skinny man was scene transforming into All might and left to stop the villain.
All the student were too distracted by the slime the notice which allowed Midoriya to sigh in relief.
The scene then changed back to the classroom with Midoriya writhing more info in his notebook when Bakugo took it from him
Were not done talking Deku "Bakugo said as he and his two friend mock him by calling his notebook a diary, Bakugo then burned it with his quirk and finally threw it out the window with Midoriya looking down mournfully.
How dare you Bakugou that was personal property you creatin" Iida yelled while the others glared at him. Guy's it's alright I still have it, see" Midoriya said as he showed the slightly burned notebook, but that didn't ease the anger they had on Bakugo
Bakugo told Midoriya how heros who show potential are destined for greatness and that he will be the only one from junior high to get into to U.A
Bakugo then threatened Midoriya about applying to U.A as he burned his shoulder then he and his goons left the classroom while Midoriya stood there frustrated, Bakugo turned around to tell Midoriya one more thing, If you really wanna be hero so badly there's one way to do it.
Oh no Kachaan" Midoriya shouted worriedly
Oh Crap what am i'm doing"Bakugo shouted
Everyone looked at them in confusion
Believe that you'll be born with quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building"Bakugo mocked before he left
GASPS came of the mouths of the pros and students, they couldn't believe a hero in training would say such a thing.
Just then the students began to angrily berate Bakugo
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" Yelled an angry Uraraka
YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF" Yelled and angry Kaminari
YOUR SUCH A BULLY "Yelled an angry Ashido
DUDE YOU WENT TO FAR" Yelled an angry Kirishima
That was low even for me "said Monoma as he and the rest of class B watched the berating in shock
Don't you think there being a little too hard on him' Ibara asked still shocked
Can you blame them after what he did to Midoriya he deserves it "Kendo said as she stared at Midoriya with sympathy?
If I knew what he went through id take back everything I told him" Shino thought regretting what he said to Midoriya during their match at the sports festival. I never thought young Bakugo was capable of somthing so dark, and to think of what I said to young Midoriya after I left him on that roof" All Might thought in shock I knew young Bakugo had Pride and Anger Issues, but that was getting out of hand, Something must be done"Principal Nezu thought in shock after finding out this disturbing news
Suddenly the room began to felt hot,everyone stared at Endeavor but he was still in shock at what He just saw, only to come out of it when they all saw it was Todoroki enraged and burning on the left.
YOU BASTARD HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO HIM,I'LL KILL YOU" Yelled a frustrated Todoroki with fire in his left hand
STOP SHOTO " Endeavor roared at his son not to fight
COME AND GET ME THEN ICY-HOT" Bakugo yelled as he jumped up and igniting his hands
I don't think so "Eraserhead yelled as he canceled their quirks and restrain them with his capture weapon
Settle down no fighting will be happening here, Todoroki control your emotions next time"Todoroki nodded as he and everyone else calmly sat back down, as for you Bakugo you won't be walking away from this, what you said was unheroic weather it was a bluff or not ,but after this is over you'll see Me, All Might, Hound Dog, and Principal Nezu in the office so we can talk, plus I want you to write Midoriya an apology letter, just so you know your on thin ice if we ever catch behavior like that again you'll be expelled From U.A before you can say plus ultra understand" Eraserhead finished
Yeah sure" Bakugo said frustrated as Eraserhead walked back to his seat, Endeavor thanked him for stopping his son from fighting.
Wait Mr Aizawa there's no reason punish Kachaan I already forga..." Midoriya defended but was cut off by Gran Torino
No kid he's right we can't let people like him go that easily, he needs to know what he did was wrong if he wants hero understand" Gran Torino finished and Midoriya nodded and sat down with his friends looking at him with sympathy.
That's what I like about you young Midoriya regardless of your history you manage to forgive those who harmed you in the past and you still push forward towards your goal" All Might who was still upset at what he saw,proudly said.
We have to make more changes to next year's entrance exam" Ectoplasm Suggested
Yes we can't risk letting more people like Bakugou into our school" Cementoss agreed
Midoriya are you ok" his classmates asked
Im fine im just worried about kachaan" Midoriya said
Don't worry about him im sure after what Mr Aizawa tells him I'm sure he'll learn his lesson"Iida asked concern
Till then we got your back Deku "Uraraka said with the others agreeing
Thanks guys" Midoriya said with tears in his eyes.
The Screen Showed a frustrated Midoriya Walking outside the school, idiot You can't go around telling people to kill themselves, what if I did jump then policies would investigate you, think before you speak" Midoriya angrily said to himself as he approached a small pond where his notebook was being nibbled on by fish.
At least he was smart enough not to go through with it" All Might said in relief with everyone else sighing.
That's enough it's not fish food "He said as grabbed his notebook
That dumb bastard" Midoriya swore referring to Bakugo
Hey Midoriya Watch your mou... Kaminari teased before Jiro plugged her earlobes into his ears vibrating him
Lay off, you saw what Bakugo did to him, so don't blame him for swearing"Jiro said as she glared at Bakugo.
The screen then flashed back to Midoriya as a child, mom, mom the computer he yelled to his mother, they then went to his room which was embellished with All Might posters as she turned on the computer and searched for a All Might video while he rocked back and forth in his chair.
Awww your so cute" Hagakure cooed as with the other girls blushing at seeing Midoriya as a kid, this just made Midoriya blush.
You've been a fanboy how long" Kaminari teased as the other guys began laughing and Midoriya blushed harder as he joined the laughing
All Might laughed at being so appreciated by his successor
Midoriya sat there smiling as he watched All Might on screen saving people,Fear not Citizens hope as arrived because I am here"All Might stated as Midoriya watched him with Pure joy on his face, he's the coolest hero ever when I get my quirk i'm gonna be just like him" Young Midoriya said as he Imitated All Mights laugh.
The scene changed to the doctors office, Sorry Kid It's not gonna happen"the Doctor said causing Midoriya freeze in shock, the doctor went on to tell them that quirks usually start developing at the age of four and asked Mrs Midoriya what kind of powers she or her husband had.
Mrs Midoriya explained how she can float small objects towards her as she pulled her sons action figure of the ground, and that Mr Midoriya can breath fire"Midoriya just stood there still shocked as his mother spoke.
The Doctor explained using Izuku's x-rays that research showed that people with quirks have one joint in their pinky toes, and that Izuku probably won't gain a quirk since he has two.
That Doctor should be ashamed for letting a child down like that" Recovery Girl berated.
What I want to know is how Midoriya has a quirk now" Thirteen asked confusedly.
Now now everything will be explained soon enough just be patient" Principal Nezu said as he sipped tea.
Hey Deku not to pry but where's your dad" Uraraka asked curiously at hearing about Izuku's father for the first time.
Oh... well he's away on business a lot but he's barely visits or calls us that sometimes I almost forgot about him " Midoriya said downhearted for have no memories of his father with everyone else feeling sorry him.
Todoroki gave him a nod of reassurance understanding what it's like living with one parent after his mother was put in that hospital.
I'm sorry to hear that Midoriya but if you ever feel alone again you can talk to us" Iida said with everyone agreeing, Midoriya began smiling knowing he had good friends and someone better than a dad.
As long as I'm still alive I'll make sure your never lonely again" All Might said concerned after hearing about Midoriya's fatherless childhood.
The scene changed to Midoriya sitting In a dark room watching All Might on the computer, he told his mother with tears in his eyes, that even when things seem impossible All might never gives up, he then asks if he can be a hero too.
All Mrs Midoriya could do was cry as she hugged Izuku apologizing claiming how she wished things were different,Mom that's not what I needed to hear, Couldn't you see I was depressed,there was only one thing I really wanted to hear"older Midoriya narrator.
Barely anyone had dry eyes at this even Aizawa Pretended to be asleep to avoid the water works.
Even men cry Kirishima just let it out" Sato said as he and Kirishima started bawling.
This music is so depressing" Jiro stated as she wiped her eyes with her earlobes.
After seeing such a tragic backstory Bakugo had a look of guilt on his face for the way he treated Midoriya.
No matter what anyone else says I still believe in you Deku" cried Uraraka as she hugged a Midoriya who was crying at watching his bad memories.
The scene changed to older Midoriya standing in front of a tunnel, I made a decision that day; no matter what anyone else thinks, I have to believe in myself, and I'll keep smiling just like him" narrated Midoriya as he walked through the tunnel mimicking All Mights laugh.
Hearing his dedication to never give up everyone smiled at him.
That's Right Deku don't give up" Uraraka smiled as Midoriya blushed.
Indeed despite all you went through you pushed forward and accomplished so much" Iida said proudly.
I'm proud of you too young Midoriya, Remember a hero must believe in their beliefs if they want to exceed, Just remember that only you can decide to be a hero, All Might said proudly to Midoriya before speaking out to all the students, Take your experience to heart kids you got this" All Might said receiving smiles from everyone.
And that's why you are all here, we all know you went through a lot since enrolling here and we apologize but despite that you all fought through your struggles and made it to this moment here and I know you'll all do much more after you become pros" Principal Nezu spoke up with the teachers proudly agreeing.
Just then the sludge villain appeared in behind Midoriya and attack him causing him to drop his notebook.
You'll make a perfect skinsuit for me kid" Sludge villain said as he made his way into Midoriya slowly suffocating him.
NO MIDORIYA" everyone screamed worried .
THAT BASTARD HOW DARE HE ATTACK A CHILD" Endeavor shouted with the other pros looking shocked.
It's a miracle he survived such a monster but how did he escape" Nezu said concerned.
Damn if only I gotten their sooner he wouldn't have suffocated" All Might cursed at seeing Midoriya choking.
Geez Midoriya your having a bad da..." Sero said trying to lighten the mood only to get yelled at by an angry distressed Todoroki.
SHUT UP SERO NOT THE TIME" yelled Todoroki with everyone glaring at Sero .
Ok im sorry,geez when did he get so protective" Sero said with his head down
I can't breath, I think I'm dying, somebody help me "Midoriya scream muffled as he was passing out while struggling to escape
Thanks for your help kid, Your My hero"The Slime Taunted When suddenly a manhole cover from behind flew into the air causing the villain to turned with fear as the music changed to All Mights Theme.
Fear not young man your safe ...because I am here"All Might said as He came out of the hole.
Oh no"the Slime cried out as he tried to attack All Might with his tentacles only for the pro to dodge and counter.
TEXAS...SMASH "All Might roared as he punch forward,and the wind pressure alone was enough to pull the sludge Villain apart dropping Midoriya In the process
Is that All Might" Midoriya said before passing out
YAY ALL MIGHT " the students cheered while the teachers looked at All Might proudly for saving one of their students, even Eraserhead was impressed on finding out why the two were so close
Thank god All Might showed to save you Huh Deku" Uraraka cheered as grabbed Midoriya's Arm with force.
Yeah it was but...Uraraka... you can let me go now " Midoriya said in pain from Uraraka grasp
Oops sorry Deku" Uraraka said as she let go
So You met the kid before U.A huh Toshinori" Gran Torino asked All Might
Yep I was originally gonna choose a Successor here in the school.. But then I met young Midoriya and well...(sigh) you'll see" All Might whispered to Gran Torino
Hey Wake up hey"The scene then showed All Might trying to wake up a passed out Midoriya By patting His Face
The students deadpanned at All Might while the pros stared at him in disappointment,they knew about his time limit but he handled the situation poorly before he could answer he was hit in the head by two angry elderly pros
All Might you idiot you dont wake somebody who just passed out like that" Recovery Girl Scolded as she punched the back of his head.
I'm sorry but I was running out of time"All might tried to argue before getting hit again.
Then why didn't you take him with you to the police and let them escort him home you dunce" Gran Torino shouted while beating All Might with his cane.
After a few more beatings the two old pro's came to an understanding
Well if the two haven't officially met then the boy wouldn't get his wish"Recovery Girl stated
Yeah and he wouldn't be here today either" Gran Torino replied
Are all old pros this dangerous" Midoriya thought as he saw All Might with bruises on his face
Midoriya woke up and backed away screaming after seeing his favorite hero in front of him
All Might apologize for getting Midoriya involved with his work, and thanked him for helping him capture the sludge villain ( who he contained in a two liter soda bottle )
Amazed at having the number 1 hero in front of him Midoriya Frantically looked for a pen so he could get All Mights autograph only to find that All Might already signed his notebook
Midoriya got up and started bowing like to All Might, thanking him claiming that he'll cherish his autograph as a family heirloom.
Just thought I'd save you the trouble Young Midoriya" All Might said as he and everyone laughed at Midoriya's fanboying
All Might said goodbye as he left to go turn the sludge villain into the police
No... wait don't go, I have something to ask you
Deku please don't" Uraraka ask concern
He didn't" everyone asked All Might
He did" All Might said embarrassed
The scene the showed All Might jumping into the air only to find Midoriya Clinging to his leg for dear life
Everyone began laughing at the scene
Midoriya you are a savage" Kaminari teased at seeing such a brave stunt
More like thoughtless, what were you thinking Midoriya, you could have been killed" Iida reprimanded
I'm sorry I was so excited I didnt think clearly" Midoriya said embarrassed
Now Young Midoriya you shouldn't be so downhearted If you hadn't done that then You wouldn't have been here today" All Might said.
Hey let go,I love my fans but this is too much" All Might ordered as he tried to pry Midoriya off his leg,only to stop after Midoriya reminded that he'll die if he lets go
All might told Midoriya to keep his mouth and eyes shut as as he looked for a place to land
The scene then showed All Might and Midoriya on the roof of a building
Not a smart move young man,bang on the door for a while and someone will let you out now I have to go"All Might said as he was about to leave.
Please wait"Midoriya begged
No I have to go"All might said
Please I have to know" yelled Midoriya as he remembered everyone telling him that it was hopeless for him to become a hero
Everyone watched nervously, hoping All Might would say something encouraging to Midoriya after seeing His sad memories again
Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk, I'm a normal kid without any powers..can I ever hope to be someone like you" Midoriya yelled stopping All Might as ne looked at Midoriya waiting for his answer.
Meeting All Might was a dream come true, what I didn't know was that this encounter changed my life forever"Midoriya narrated as the episode ended and the screen cut off.
Record then sat down and apologised claiming that he was exhausted and to give him 30 minutes and a snack and he'll been ready with the next episode.
Speaking of snacks come down to the cafeteria while you wait, I have prepared some really tasty food for you all, can't watch a life story on an empty stomach" lunch rush exclaimed as everyone left to the cafeteria
Hey Deku,what happens next" Uraraka asked with a smile
S..sorry I can't you'll just have to wait "Midoriya said nervously
Please Just one hint" Uraraka begged
Hey Uraraka" Shinso asked
Yeah, what is it"she responded thus getting brainwashed by Shinso quirk
Leave him alone and just wait for the next episode"Shinso ordered as she obeyed and left for the cafeteria.
Thanks Shinso I owe you one" Midoriya said.
I just don't like spoilers, now let's go get some food"Shinso said as they left.
Jiro had shoved past Bakugo Watch where you're going" Bakugo yelled Or what, you'll tell to jump off building too" Jiro scoffed as she walked away Screw you too"Bakugo shouted Whats that I hear, it certainly doesn't sound like a hero to me" Sero said Na, I just hear a goat, a Baku-Goat" Ashido said in disgust Fine, stay mad, I don't need any of you" Bakugo yelled in anger as he stormed off to the cafeteria (sigh) you may be jerk dude, and what you said to Midoriya as low, not even you deserve this neglect" Kirishima thought as he followed him Everyone was in the cafeteria having lunch, of course nobody sat near Bakugou (Except Kirishima), they were All very angry with him after they saw him try and convince Midoriya to Kill himself
Guy's, how long are going to stay mad at Kachaan" Midoriya asked his closest friends who sat with him for comfort
Until he apologizes for bullying you"Uraraka said in anger as she glared at Katsuki
Well you heard Mr Aizawa, he's gonna make him write Midoriya an Apology, so I think we should forgive him" Iida reassured
Todoroki then slammed, his hands on the table
Should we though, we All remembered how he tried to attack Midorya during our fitness exam, and the crazy stunt he pulled on him on our first day of training, now this, how can somebody like that enter U.A, to me I don't he even deserves to be a Hero" Todoroki said aggravated
Everyone was stunned by this amount of empathy Todoroki had for Izuku, normally he was an easy going guy who kept to himself, but everything changed right after the sports festival
Todoroki, I understand what your saying, but that was long ago, Kachaan may not say it, but I know he didn't know mean it when he told me to jump, that was just the overconfidence and pride he was saying, any way if Kachaan willing to apologize then I'll accept because I already forgave him" Midoriya assured
Yeah, but it's not like he really mean it, The whole reason Bakugo's even doing it is so Mr Aizawa doesn't expel him" Sero reminded
Yeah, so I really don't think counts" Jiro agreed
Kachaan's admiration for becoming a Hero is the same as mine, If he really cares about his future, then he'll do anything to keep it, so any apology from him is good enough for me" Midoriya stated
Well If Midoriya's ok with it, then I guess I'll forgive Bakugo "Tokoyami claimed
I've been given a second chance at life, so I guess I'll forgive him too" Iida agreed
I guess everyone deserves a second chance" Yaoyorozu said as she and a few other joined
It won't be easy, but I'll try for Deku's sake" Uraraka finished
Thanks guys, now let's please talk about something else" Midoriya asked
Ok, how about this, how did you get your quirk before school started, thats been eating me up for a while" Asui claimed with others agreeing
I don't want to spoil things, but it sort of developed sometime after All Might came back to Japan" Midoriya stated
Is All Might some kind of God" They all Wondered
At Bakugo's table
Bakugo was just shoveling food down his throat like a feral animal, with Kirishima staring at him awkwardly
Go away, why are you even here, shouldn't you be with Deku, comforting him after what I did" Bakugo asked annoyed
I could, but I think he's covered, look man what you did to Midoriya was wrong, I mean he's never mean to you, he never makes fun of you,he thinks your cool, and all you ever do is yell at him and ridicule him, I mean come on, all he ever wanted was to be a hero" Kirishima lectured
It's his own fault for being too nice, Deku should learn to man up and fight" Bakugo replied irritated
Don't you try and blame this fiasco on Midoriya, Bakugo, the only time he's ever done anything to you was stand up for that kid you were beating, leave Midoriya out of this, this is all your fault" Kirishima yelled disappointed
You think I don't know that (sigh) If I could go back in time I would punch myself for acting like a complete ass" Bakugo claimed knowing that he now to to face the consequences which wasn't going to be easy
Well, in that case, I'll have to be your look out, you won't so much as bully a single person here as long as I'm around" Kirishima declared smiling wickedly, as Bakugo looked shocked
DON'T DO ME ANY FAVOR'S SPIKY HAIR" Bakugo angrily barked
Oh you can be sure of that" Kirishima stated
In the teachers lounge
All Might and Record were sitting down having some tea (all Might was in his skinny form
All Might, I have to let you know my quirk won't skip memories, are you sure you want me to show your student's all of Izuku's secret, I mean I just got one them in trouble" Record asked nervous
This is part of their development into becoming real heros, young Midoriya has managed to hold these secrets for so long, so I know the others will do the same, as for young Bakugo, I think he'll be fine, he wants to be a hero that badly so I know he'll accept the consequences" All Might reassured
Ok, I just wanna let you know that I think you choose the right person to be your sucessor" Record praised Thanks, but there something bugging me, is there anything you can tell me about the boy's father" All Might ask curious
(sigh) no, the guy's been gone most of the kid's life, if Izuku hasn't seen him, then I can't find him" Record replied sadly
I see" All Might said disappointed, as he hoped to reunite Izuku with his father
But hey, he still has you, you managed to mentor him for months and that's more than his own father, I think you're pretty swell, in this form or not" Record said proudly
Gee thanks, now let's go back, I'm sure those kids are dying to see what happens next" All Might said as he transformed back into his Hero form and left
Ok (Sorry All Might, but Lied to you about Hisahi) Record thought as he went back to the authorium
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