#self care is blocking
shouta-aizawow · 2 years
Interesting how Deku has, like, no flashbacks of actually being bullied by Bakugou… Just ignored largely, hanging out with Bakugou and his friends, or Bakugou bragging
And before you (general) say how Bakugou beat up Deku in one flashback, I would just like to remind everyone that:
1) It’s canon that older kids would seek out Bakugou to fight him. Deku isn’t special.
2) We were shown the middle of the conflict where Bakugou was already fighting another kid. Deku isn’t special.
3) Deku joined a fight that was already in progress. You can’t jump in the middle and defend the enemy and not expect to be treated like one as well. Deku isn’t special.
Bakugou was canonically raised with violence. Bakugou thought smoking was wrong but being aggressive wasn’t, and no one taught him otherwise. I’m not saying Bakugou was right, but I’m also not saying he bullied Deku like how a large part of the fandom thinks he did. We just don’t have proof for it. He’s a kid who is a product of his environment, and as soon as he got out of that, he got better.
He’s expressed multiple times how uncomfortable he is with Deku knowing details about him and his quirk, but somehow he is the only one that has to change, and the change always benefits Deku. This isn’t fair for Bakugou. Having to ignore your boundaries to satisfy the person pushing past them isn’t fair to anyone whether they were an aggressive child or not. Bakugou has friends that respect his boundaries. He doesn’t need ones that don’t.
That’s part of the reason why I don’t like most “bkdk talk about their past and Bakugou apologizes” fan content, because a majority of the time, Bakugou is the only one apologizing and the only one changing, and he ends up becoming friends with Deku, which is something he didn’t want but Deku kept pushing for. Deku needs to understand boundaries and change as well, and I won’t pretend that their relationship was one-sided in the toxic department, because I do not believe that it was.
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rubindraws · 2 months
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Dungeon Meshi's been a big fav of mine for years.............I can't believe I haven't drawn like any art for it
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This is your permission to block that person!
There is no stigma attached to blocking people on tumblr. I promise.
Listen, I promise you. You can just block them.
I have blocked someone because I don’t like their art style. Their art constantly shows up in a fandom tag I follow; so I blocked that user.
Someone I follow reblogs from someone I don’t want to see on my dash so I put their entire URL in my filtered terms/ blacklist.
There was an aesthetic blogger in a tag I frequent and I didn’t want their collages/ mood boards to clog up my search results. So I blocked them.
I promise you, you are allowed to filter out and/ or block people.
People don’t need to be bad, don’t need to be annoying, don’t need to “deserve” getting blocked.
You are allowed to block people for any reason whatsoever; including no reason at all.
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jade-len · 6 months
you know it's bad when i read svsss and tgcf, stories about just two guys falling in love and getting together, and think, "god i wish i were in between them."
gay little domestic cottage core life with binghe and qingqiu? please and thank you. being sandwiched by hua cheng and xie lian, two pretty men who are hundreds of years old? i am blushing, kicking my feet and giggling
and again, it's not even that i would want only one of them. like in both of the relationships, the two love each other too much to the point it'd feel wrong if they were separated! it wouldn't feel complete, so you gotta be with both of them!
but that's the thing; i just?? i feel so incredibly guilty whenever i think about being loved by these mxtx couples??? like it's so stupid but i feel like i'm intruding in on something and it's like, everyone else seems to just want them together only, not wanna be with them. like it's fuckin taboo or whatever
i feel like with any other character from any other media it'd be fine to simp for and write/read x readers of them, but when it comes to these books, it's off limits! no way, what are you, crazy? yes, yes i'm unhinged and desperately want their love and affection simultaneously. i want to be in a happy little poly relationship with these overpowered beautiful men with long hair.
i can't be the only guy or whoever to feel this way?? to wanna be kissed by these characters? sandwiched?? i have two hands for christ sake and they all look so happy together and im just like "lord i wanna be with them so much". someone tell me i'm not alone cmon <\3
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sourtomatola · 27 days
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Blocking people is hard
It is so easy to just keep trying to defend yourself, to make the mean person understand, cause sometimes, it's hard to believe someone would be mean for the sake of it.
We all know deep down the best course of action is to call our friends to arms and break their knees behind the bleachers just block them.
Sometimes it feels harsh, but we need to priorities our happiness and customize our internet experience.
I'm so proud of you, you blocked them <3
For @valthecircusclown, free use
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bigbigtruck · 6 months
love to read the comments on a post and everyone’s raging against a horrid comment by someone awful i never saw. it’s confirmation i made a good decision some time in the past
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incorrect-web-novels · 8 months
Not to fan the discourse flames, especially since this is mainly a web novel occurrence, but certain people who hate Jiang Cheng purely on moral grounds are really strange to me when you consider what Wei Wuxian did to Wen Chao. "He (allegedly) killed innocent demonic cultivators." "He's ungrateful." "He's homophobic." "He's manipulative and abusive." Okay, but, like, Wen Chao literally ate parts of himself out of madness. Wang Lingjiao bit his penis off. Like or dislike any character you want without apology, but we're well past morality policing rn tbh. It's okay if they're a little fucked up
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franksthoughtdaughter · 2 months
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Stop checking your phone for their text and start bettering yourself
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Welp, it happened.
I have posted before about how blocking content on tumblr has no stigma attached
You – yes, you, person reading this – are allowed to block whatever tags/ content you want
You don’t need to have a “reason”, you are allowed to block and filter content “just because” or “because I don’t want to see it”
Content does not need to trigger or squick you for you to be allowed to filter it
This post is officially your personal permission to filter out whatever content you would rather not see
And this includes filtering/ blocking “#current events” “#current news” “#global news”
You are allowed to exclude/ block out current world events from your tumblr experience
This does not mean you don’t care!
Yes, you are allowed to filter content “just because” or “because I don’t care”
But filtering exhausting and upsetting content does not imply you do not care!
Compassion fatigue is a real thing!
Especially if you (like me) follow several, multiple, a bunch of activist bloggers
There are global crises everywhere, I just read of 6 genocides happening which is precisely why I decided to finally block/ filter out those “current events” tags
How to filter in the tumblr app:
Go to your own blog >
click the little gear in the top corner >
General Settings >
scroll down >
just above “Color Palette” there it is >
Type in whatever tags or words you want to not see in the future
This works for filtering out user-URLs too, if you have specific people you’d like not to see posts by
The “full text” filter will, however, 1) also look at the URL of the prev to who put it on your dash 2) ignores spaces in the post
Example 1: You follow “microplasdick” and you filtered “orange”; if the OP is called “orange-fishburne” your filter will hide that post; if the person microplasdick reblogged is “orange-cucumber” your filter will hide the post. Doesn’t matter if the word “orange” is not within the post itself
Example 2: You have filtered “orange” and a post goes “I also ran getting to my bus” – that post would get filtered because it contains “o ran ge” in that sequence
So “#tumblr is my safe space” and for that to stay true, you’re most definitely allowed to block out current events/ world news
Please take care <2
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
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Image description under the cut
A screenshot of a tweet from user "Maryamhasnaa" who's status reads: "Having compassion and empathy for why someone behaves the way they do based on their experiences, never means you have to tolerate the behavior or hold space for it. You can absolutely have compassion and set a boundary. This is what it means to also have compassion for yourself."
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general-yasur · 2 months
Going into my filtered tags to attempt to block the conversation of Lloyds age only to find that I’ve already tried before… when will i be free from these chains
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doctor-disc0 · 2 months
If this gets 50 notes, I'll work on 1 wip
If this gets 100 notes, I'll publish that wip to ao3 (and post a link here)
If this gets 500 notes, I will resume working on my ginormous wip that will be 20+ chapters, and I may even post snippets of what I have so far
If this gets 1k notes, I'll try fixing my sleep schedule
If this gets 5k+ notes, I will buy the medicine I probably need but have decided to live without for some reason
Watch as this gets 0 notes lol
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originalaccountname · 5 months
nawy you're out here taking one for the team with what you said about odazai (I agree and have gotten myself into situations that would put the "impropriety" of this to shame)
Starting off by saying I have some relationship horror stories I could tell (I will not). I am VERY aware of the potential dangers. Notable age gap relationships with teenagers are not something I would encourage at all (and if I can tell all of you one thing, it's to never let yourself be isolated from your safe circles by a partner. keep yourself safe.)
But I know a couple who started dating at 16 and 20 respectively. Years later, they are both adults with a kid. I have a friend whose parents are 10 years apart in age, and another friend whose mother started dating a guy who could almost be her son, with something like a ~20 years age gap. They currently are raising a kid together.
And just for a last kick: you know Céline Dion? the singer? My Heart Will Go On? Her. She fell in love with her manager at 16. He was 26 years older than her. She met him when she was 12. She made a move on him at 20. They married when she was 26 and were married for 22 years, until his death, and had 3 children together. Céline Dion still talks about him as her one and only.
But most importantly... Dazai and Oda are characters. They're fake people. Dolls. They only do what you make them do. You control their feelings and intentions. Not only is their age gap only 4 years and with time, that gap would come to be meaningless, but YOU decide if/when they act on it, if they are conflicted, if it's one-sided, etc. Others shipping them are doing the same. Fiction is an exploration. Not an argument for validity.
Sometimes people meet and the relationship changes over time. Sometimes someone has a crush on someone they shouldn't. Sometimes someone develops feelings that go unrequited. Sometimes relationships have concerning but ultimately fine age gaps.
You don't have to ship it, like it, or want to see it. You can have personal reasons to hate it, it can squick you for no real reason, or you can have an OTP that makes you dislike other pairings. You don't even have to tolerate the ship: block it, filter it, close your eyes and scroll by, whatever. Like with any other ship you don't want to see!
click here for tumblr's documentation on how to filter text and tags
Life is full of weird things. Fictional characters having a slightly eyebrow-raising age gap upon their first meeting for an ~eventual~ romantic relationship is nothing.
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silvermoon424 · 4 months
Practicing self-care by blocking people who are deliberately inflammatory instead of engaging with them has me feeling like this
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ceramicteapot · 3 months
i sit at my desk and shut my books closed as i physically cannot keep myself from crying anymore. the clock ticks away without a care in the world. with knots in my chest, it dawns on me- I'm alone.
i'm alone and the world won't wait for me and it won't be kind to me. people will always find a way to say something mean, be mean. the clock will always tick away. everyone will keep moving, even if i stand still in the same place for the rest of my life.
so i clutch my pen tighter. i scream into the empty room, empty house. the good part about being alone is the space you get. the good part is that you don't have to hide to not be seen.
i pick up my brush and untangle the mess my hair has become. it goes up in a bun after ages. so what if no one waits for me? what if they're all mean and I'm alone? i can keep moving too. i can keep being kind. i can be the figure i never had.
and maybe, just maybe, one day i'll meet someone like myself. or maybe someone better. and everything- every tear, every wound, every remark, every failure- it'll finally have a witness. it'll have acceptance other than the one i can give to myself.
i'll have someone who loves me better.
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