#you don’t need to be awful for your growth to be impactful
shouta-aizawow · 2 years
Interesting how Deku has, like, no flashbacks of actually being bullied by Bakugou… Just ignored largely, hanging out with Bakugou and his friends, or Bakugou bragging
And before you (general) say how Bakugou beat up Deku in one flashback, I would just like to remind everyone that:
1) It’s canon that older kids would seek out Bakugou to fight him. Deku isn’t special.
2) We were shown the middle of the conflict where Bakugou was already fighting another kid. Deku isn’t special.
3) Deku joined a fight that was already in progress. You can’t jump in the middle and defend the enemy and not expect to be treated like one as well. Deku isn’t special.
Bakugou was canonically raised with violence. Bakugou thought smoking was wrong but being aggressive wasn’t, and no one taught him otherwise. I’m not saying Bakugou was right, but I’m also not saying he bullied Deku like how a large part of the fandom thinks he did. We just don’t have proof for it. He’s a kid who is a product of his environment, and as soon as he got out of that, he got better.
He’s expressed multiple times how uncomfortable he is with Deku knowing details about him and his quirk, but somehow he is the only one that has to change, and the change always benefits Deku. This isn’t fair for Bakugou. Having to ignore your boundaries to satisfy the person pushing past them isn’t fair to anyone whether they were an aggressive child or not. Bakugou has friends that respect his boundaries. He doesn’t need ones that don’t.
That’s part of the reason why I don’t like most “bkdk talk about their past and Bakugou apologizes” fan content, because a majority of the time, Bakugou is the only one apologizing and the only one changing, and he ends up becoming friends with Deku, which is something he didn’t want but Deku kept pushing for. Deku needs to understand boundaries and change as well, and I won’t pretend that their relationship was one-sided in the toxic department, because I do not believe that it was.
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laylajeffany · 1 month
Heya ! ^^ Another amazing chapter =w=b
I was wondering about something. There is a lot of hospital scenes and stuff in Chaos and Karma with all the themes of disability and mental & physical health related issues, and like the rest of your writing, it's all written in depth, which I love, but with hospital stuff, it seems even more so.
I was wondering if you pull from your own experience with some of that stuff ? If it's too personal, don't feel obliged to go into details, please.
Thank you! It took me a minute to get chapter two started, but once I did, I was able to fly through it. I might have accidentally started something new today that I'm accidentally almost 10k into, though so...um, not sure when chapter three will be out! 🤭 Shh, don't tell my beta. She's going to kill me.
Answer behind the cut about my experiences - long winded, OF COURSE!!
I have two degrees in special education that I refuse to put on my current teaching license for a myriad of reasons. The tl;dr is because I believe in including students with special needs in my general education classroom. I firmly believe that young students are generally not given a chance to "assume competency" as the awful phrase has been coined, and districts have gotten away with this through bypassing the Least Restrictive Environment mandate by citing the importance of Early Intervention due to a lack of government-funded seats in early childhood education, not because it is best practice. Therefore, they are often funneled by "Child Find" teams who assess children for disabilities that could impact their education, directly into self-contained classrooms without ever having had the opportunity to be in a general education classroom. Unfortunately, public education is hanging on with paperclips and rubber bands that have continued to be stretched to capacity more and more over the last decade I've been working in the system. We lack the resources and staff competency for inclusion to be properly done in most settings. I have made it work for the last few years very successfully, but it unfortunately doesn’t continue for these kids beyond my classroom. Lately, I wonder if I’m causing more harm than good by giving them one very good year of unprecedented growth by being a "highly effective," intuitive educator, surrounding them with their peers, and providing them with full-time access to general education curriculum. I then have to hand them off to be tortured by K-12 teachers who refuse to even attempt to accommodate these children (which is illegal), and continue to get away with it until they have enough “data” to prove that the children “don’t belong” in their classrooms. (The lawyers have felt very differently about this, trust.) My assistant principal said in a meeting a few weeks ago, “The only real solution is for Ms. XX to be less effective at her job.” I am already doing the least. (I refuse to follow dress codes, show up late, leave early and don’t do anything that isn’t student-facing like nonsensical paperwork that is not legally required, show up for professional development, meetings, after school activities, or anything outside of my contract hours that doesn't have an extra check attached to it, etc.) My next step is to quit - and I am 100% leaving this district after next year; I’m not sure if I’ll be going to a new one or trying something new after. The other work I'm doing surrounding this is too political & identity revealing to discuss here, but just know - I'm not just bitching about it, I am actively trying to make inclusion work.
Other than that, inspiration for my hospital scene settings comes from growing up. I watched family and extended family members die in hospitals from some form of cancer to the point where death barely affects me anymore. The worst of it was in university, a friend developed stage four brain cancer that spread in weeks from one scan to a next, and we spent the second half of the semester at the hospital to be with her when we could; becoming unfortunately familiar with neurology and the ICU. I had a very interesting conversation about this with my uncle this year, who said that his parents ‘kept him from death’ until he was an adult and now processes death so poorly that twelve years after my grandma died, he JUST got rid of the house that was empty the entire time. I’m not sure if it helps/hurts to expose children to death and dying early. I find my self generally numb to death as an adult, and see the human condition as temporary with a fierce acceptance that it will inevitably end, sometimes when we expect it, and sometimes not. Also - I was a rabid House, MD fan from 2004-2009, lol (Jennifer Morrison was one of my lesbian awakenings). I have rewatched seasons 1-4 at least ten times each and recognize this is not a realistic look at the world of medicine as a whole, but I feel like it did at least make me understand hospitals and medical procedures/testing a little. I actually wanted to be an OBGYN until I was a junior in an evangelical high school and was sent to take some state testing for college admissions, and discovered my scientific knowledge was like that of a third grader due to Christian-based science instruction I had K-12, so pretty much threw that dream out the window when I realized I likely wouldn’t catch up with what would be required of me at the university level. “Who are we to question god’s earthly miracles?” Was a valid response from our educators when asking a question about science. 
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super-paper · 8 months
If you had to say, do you think this past few arcs of MHA, including the this final one, are rushed? I know many, many people have said it is so far, but like I just don’t see?? It seems that the pacing has been quite good, and the important moments are given impact, But the common complaints I see are that the story isn’t given enough room to breathe or it feels like it is going off a checklist. Do you think so too?
Yes and no. I do think some plot points have been expedited, but not out of lack of consideration for the story/characters or out of a desire to rush the story to an ending (or because Hori "secretly hates mha and just wants to get everything over with," or whatever absurd and insensitive nonsense redditwtter believes).
Rather, I always get the sense that Hori's always frustrated that he can't do even more for the series-- and recent interviews only cement this impression. MHA is his passion project and it's clear that he loves it deeply, but the constraints of this medium and his health problems sometimes make it difficult for him to fully realize that passion. Like, I don't want to overstep my boundaries as a fan and make insensitive assumptions, but-- as someone who also loves storytelling and art, I imagine it must be so unbearably frustrating to not be able to tell your story exactly the way you want to because of those aforementioned constraints. Despite that, he doesn't give up-- and as much as I want him to rest, I also can't help being in complete awe of his art/composition and how he delivers this level of quality on a near-weekly basis. He has an absurd level of talent.
Anyway. I feel that overall, act three has been paced just fine. The final act started out a bit rough with the dark hero and starnstripe arcs feeling mildly disjointed from each other-- but Hori found his rhythm again by the start of the war and thus far has managed to tie the themes and arcs of his core cast together in a satisfying way. I feel like people who claim that the pacing has been bad are kind of letting the cold, unrelenting march of real time cloud their judgement (MEMENTO MANGA AND MEMENTO MORI BROSKIS 🤘)-- but if you go back and binge read from the start of act 3 to now (306-405), it's easier to see that the final act has been paced well imho.
I've also mentioned this before, but, I feel people need to take the fact that Horikoshi introduced a lot of MHA's characters and plot elements when he was healthier into consideration with their critiques. Ongoing manga should not be critiqued the same way that one would critique a finished book-- understanding of the medium and its constraints are absolutely factors that need to be considered before you start bashing things like pacing or arguing that things have been "retconned," I feel.
And I also feel that as fans, we do have a responsibility to be aware of the grueling work conditions of this medium and the effects it has on the author, and then temper our expectations accordingly instead of expecting Horikoshi to neatly resolve every single subplot or minor character arc (For example: "Why aren't Momo, Denki, and Kirishima getting their moments in the final war?" bc they all got their big moments during the first war; "Why didn't we -see- Izuku and Toshinori developing their relationships with ALL of the 1A kids, Class 1A vs Deku and IronMight felt so forced!" *afo voice* BECAUSE THEY'RE EXTRAS-- bc this would be an absurd request even If Horikoshi didn't have health problems. It's perfectly fine to narrow the focus of Izuku's relationships down to certain key members of his class to emphasize the effect he has on people and narrow the focus of Toshi's relationships down to two or three other students to show his growth as a teacher-- the story would become excessively bloated & lose focus if we tried developing *every single side character/relationship*. This is literally basic writing 101).
I do agree that glossing over certain emotional beats in the aftermath of the first war was unfortunate and unlike what we'd come to expect from Hori (Midnight's death being treated like a footnote instead of a chance to explore the concept of personal loss in the students is the most egregious example)-- but for the past year or so we've seen a return to form in emphasizing/exploring the emotions of the core characters, so I do have high hopes for the finale/epilogue of Act 3!
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newwayastrology · 21 days
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The Relational Importance of the Nodal Axis In Astrology
A soul mate is defined as someone with whom one has a natural affinity. For the most part, the popular concept of soul mates is linked to an idealized view of relationship bliss wherein two people live in in a dream world of happiness because they mirror one another in every way.
As novel an idea as relationship perfection is, that is actually not what is happening with a soul mate. Realistically, “soul” connotes a link with the concept of karma, which is definitely not 100% synonymous with bliss. Karma must be resolved, a process that can be blissful or contentious or both. When a relationship has its basis in karma, it is more complex and impactful for the people involved than just any relationship is. Can astrology serve as a guide to detect who one might potentially have this kind of deepened relationship potential with? Yes!
The analysis of relationship potentials in astrology is called, “synastry.” The typical approach to synastry is to compare positions in both horoscopes to each other to gauge the potentials of the relationship. Although this is the most popular approach, it actually gives incomplete information because comparing planets and positions doesn’t tell either person in the relationship about the other as an individual. You must know your mate! Think about it – the norm is to meet someone and spend time with them to get to know them. What you find and feel about the other person determines whether or not things proceed to a next level. If that person says that they did ten years in prison for theft, despite having a great synastry with them, you are not likely to continue pursuing relationship possibilities with a proven thief. A great synastry is wonderful but if it is with an awful person (whom you don’t realize is awful until years later), you would have done just as well making a determination without astrology!
The more prudent approach to synastry is to first analyze each horoscope separately, explaining what is shown to both individuals, and then follow it with the traditional comparative synastry. That said, in the comparative synastric process, there is one contact that is more revealing and important than all the others. It holds the key to determining if the relationship is based on something deeper than what’s realized on the surface. The key symbol in a horoscope of this soul-level relationship potential is the Moon’s Nodal Axis.  
Where the Moon's orbit crosses the apparent path of the Sun (the ecliptic), two crossing points are formed: The Moon moves northward across the ecliptic and also moves southward across the ecliptic. The northern crossing is named the North Node. The southern crossing is named the South Node. They are always in exact opposition in the horoscope, forming an axis. Ancient astrologers saw these points of contact on the ecliptic as being representative of the points where the divine could enter into our lives. This quickly became associated with an act of Grace, an act of Karma. Many mythologies surround the Nodes because of this. Astrological tradition associates the Nodes with soul growth. The North Node has been thought to represent, by Sign and House, the nature and area of life experience in which the greatest level of soul growth can and should take place. The South Node, by Sign and House, is said to represent the nature of and the area of life experience that is comfortable, a place that one retreats to under duress because of the soul's familiarity with those dimensions in experience (ostensibly, from past lives. For example, one’s South Node in the 7th House with the North Node in the 1st House loosely suggests the person for whom relationships or “others” feels near-and-dear but self-definition and identity concerns need work. By working more on oneself as opposed to so much of a focus on others, one evolves). The Moon's Nodes are called the Dragon's head and tail (north and south respectively) in western astrology and Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology. The word, “dragon” is etymologically derived from the Greek word drakon, which means "large serpent." Rahu and Ketu are recognized as serpent powers in Hindu astrology so there is a direct association between the dragons of the west and the serpents of the east. The most popular myth connected with the Nodes is the Greek poem, "The Quest of the Golden Fleece." In this poem, Greek hero, Jason, searches for a prized fleece that is guarded by a dangerous serpent-dragon that never sleeps. Accompanied by the enchantress Medea, she lulls the dragon to sleep in order to give Jason a chance to capture the fleece. Jason ends up getting swallowed anyway and is later regurgitated by the beast. He is revived by Medea who charms the beast enough for Jason to finally capture the fleece and continue along his journey. The operative theme words in this myth are "swallowed" and "regurgitated," which is really another way of saying death and rebirth. Any number of myths regarding the Nodal Axis that are recounted along these lines all have to do with the idea of birth and rebirth, of past and present lives, thus karma, reincarnation, and soul growth. Stated simply, the Nodal Axis is linked with personal karma.
THE NODAL AXIS IN SYNASTRYKeeping with the idea that the Nodes have a karmic symbolism, there is an obvious segue into how the use of the Nodal Axis in synastry is very important in suggesting very important connections in relationships that binds people in impactful ways, whether their relationship lasts or not. These people will have “touched a nerve,” in your life, one way or the other. Because the Lunar Nodal Axis is the symbol of the Moon's (female) intersection with the Sun's (male) apparent path around the Earth (ecliptic) and because of the association with birth and rebirth, thus past lives, it is seen as being a very primary consideration in synastry.Using a maximum of a 3-degree orb, contacts (conjunction and square[1]) made from one person's planets or Angle to the other person's Nodal Axis is an indication of a link between two people that is often of such potential profundity that it sometimes cannot be fully understood. We assume that the relationship has strong karmic implications about it that heavily impacts the lives of the two people in the relationship. This has implications of soul mate potential.
Every adult has had relationships that come and go without much of a lasting effect on one's life.  It could have been one where there was a one-night stand or just a few times where recreational sex took place for an extended time. There could have been a relationship where you spent years with the person but, in the end, it did nothing for you one way or the other. Contrarily, there are relationships that make a lasting impact forever. It could be a situation where two people were married, had children and divorced. Both people had their lives changed by the children, if nothing else. Or, it could be a present relationship that is close to perfect. Whatever the case may be, the metaphysical premise is that these kinds of relationships exist because the souls of two people have a sense of mutual recognition that goes beyond what can be understood with the eyes on the physical level. Whatever the reason might be, there is simply no question that there is major relationship potential suggested when the planets or an Angle of one horoscope makes contact with the Nodal Axis in another horoscope. The bond is the strongest when the Nodal contact involves the Lights or Angles but it doesn’t really matter what the contact is. It is the contact itself that is important. It’s either there or not and if it is there, it’s important.  In these cases, (Lights or Angles), we are apt to see the instances of, “It feels like I have known you forever” in a very short time after meeting. (It is important to understand that there is nothing in synastry that guarantees anything as far as relational fulfillment is concerned).
When the aspect involves Mercury, the bond is suggested to be in terms of communication and thought. When the tie-in is with Venus, there is a suggestion of a natural romanticism between the two people. Mars can manifest as combative defensiveness or assertive sexual impulses. Jupiter in nodal contacts suggests an expansive influence. The Saturn contact can manifest as being instructional, of learning from each other or manifest as an autocratic relationship based on control and fear with debilitating consequences. The Uranus contact is intense and magnetic. The Neptune contact suggests either shared idealisms or deception dominance in the relationship. Pluto aspects suggest a very strong, empowering influence. There is a dramatic relationship potential with Pluto. Contacts to the Ascendant and Midheaven have to do with identity and career or status influences respectively. In general, Mars and outer planet contacts suggest potentials of contentious karma in relationships but do not get hung up on the planets involved. Contact, period, is what’s important, not what the contact means.
In these Nodal contacts, if one person’s planet or Angle is making the contact to the Nodal Axis in the other horoscope, the person whose Node is being contacted is usually the one being influenced or impacted the most in the relationship. That person experiences more of the karmic implications). It is as if the person making the aspect has a special road into the other person’s Being. The relationship “happens” more for the other person in this scenario (the one with the Nodal Axis being aspected). Whether the person’s horoscope is making or receiving the contact, Nodal Axis contacts suggest the strongest possible impact potential between two people in any kind of relationship, romantic or otherwise. If the contacts are mutual, A to B and B to A, the potentials are very strong. These are relationships of consequence, the closest indication in astrology that you’ll find to a soul mate relationship.
The Nodal effect is not limited to romantic or sexual relationships. It is meant to address the potential of two people who have any kind of relationship at all, be it business, family, or romantic. It’s also important to restate that just because it suggests a karmic relationship it doesn’t always imply that the relationship will be a day at the beach. In fact, the resolution of karma can necessitate a relationship that has its moments of meaningful contentiousness or one that ends in an “I hate you” fashion. There is no way, for sure, to tell in advance what the nature of the karmic resolution will be but the complete synastry is helpful in suggesting the nature of the relationship to a point. Ultimately, it depends on the natures of the two people who are involved.
Perhaps you are happily married or have been in a great relationship for years but a person you had a previous relationship with, a relationship that was up and down, is someone you just can’t fully let go of inside. If the two of you had a chance to be together again alone in a room, you know you both would be tempted, despite the fact that you broke up before. There is just that special something that you shared with him or her that just isn’t there with anyone else, despite how wonderful the present relationship might be. This is one of scores of possible scenarios with a “Nodal Relationship.” It’s the relationship that forever stays with you.     
I have a couple who are clients of mine with mutual Nodal contacts. They met and fell in love quickly. They were married and had kids but eventually moved away to another state because of his work situation. After a few years, they just grew apart and divorced but remained civil throughout. There is no bad blood between them and the kids were fine through the divorce process right up to today.
The wife came from a horrendous family situation – broken home; father dealt and used drugs; siblings in constant trouble with the law, etc. Those conditions found her developing a drinking habit and other unproductive things as a teenager, long before she’d met her husband. As a result of her husband’s influence, she got away from all of that negativity, lives a clean lifestyle and has a leading position in a business that exists only in the state they moved to. Her life was definitely impacted by his existence in it. She would likely be a completely different person were it not for him and he would be a different person without their children and what he has learned about himself via the marriage. Theirs is a relationship of consequence and meaning. Their children bind them together for life. This is an example of a consequential relationship as opposed to a relationship that is “here today and gone tomorrow.”
President and Secretary Clinton & Monica Lewinsky
Bill and Hillary Clinton obviously need no introduction. They, of course, spent 8 years in the White House as President and First Lady and it was during that time that their relationship, which had already been impaired by his womanizing, came to a head via the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Imagine how it must have felt to be Hillary at that time, fiercely defending her husband publicly in one month, only to have him later admit that there indeed had been a sexual relationship with the young Lewinsky. Her life had clearly already been impacted by her husband’s ambitions because she became a First Lady. But, then, to have a humiliating, internationally-known scandal within that time really emphasizes the idea of one person impacting another!
Bill’s Sun squares Hillary’s Nodal Axis[2]! That is his way into her Being, his impact on her life. The suggestion is that she is the recipient of karma that Bill facilitates for her through his actions. Unless a definite birth time for her revealed an Ascendant or Midheaven contact to Bill’s Nodal Axis, he is the one “happening” to her as opposed to the other way around.
Bill’s Mars-Neptune conjunction (an aspect of great magnetism) squares Monica Lewinsky’s Nodal Axis and her Nodal Axis conjoins his Meridian Axis. Although they surely never communicate any more, look at the impact they have had on each other’s lives! She will always be known as the intern who was the central figure in the near- destruction of a presidential term. She is in history books because of him!!! He, in turn, suffers a tainting of his historical image because of his dishonesty about himself and Lewinsky. The Mars-Neptune factor, which is obstreperous in synastry, says it all.
[1] Sextiles and trines do not count because they are developmental. They maintain the status quo rather than motivate the development needed for change.
[2] Hillary’s birth time has never been verified by birth certificate but the correct time has no bearing on things here. The only addition would be if it revealed that she has an Angle contacting his Nodal Axis.
John Lennon & Paul McCartney
The Beatles were a musical phenomenon in the way no other group has ever been. They were led by the John Lennon/Paul McCartney writing partnership. McCartney was kind of a Vice-President in the group, as it was Lennon who sought him out when he was forming the group. Lennon was the dominant offstage personality.
The music of the Beatles literally defined an era in the 1960’s, a time of great turmoil and social unrest (especially when the Uranus-Pluto conjunction came into effect). The controversial Vietnamese war was going on and the Beatles were preaching love and peace through their music. Today, it is nearly impossible to determine how much their music has sold, especially when you count the cover versions of their music done by other artists. Their writing partnership yielded a catalogue of impactful songs that has easily been covered more by other artists than any other single writer or writing partnership.
Lennon’s Ascendant is just seconds off of being exactly square to McCartney’s Nodal Axis (!!!), suggesting that Lennon “happened” to McCartney - he impacted him. Lennon was the one who put the gas in McCartney’s engine, so to speak. McCartney clearly would have been a player in the music business on his own (as was the case with his group, Wings) but the partnership with Lennon that resulted in the success of the Beatles was a once in a lifetime success and popularity story. Paul McCartney surely cannot imagine having lived life without John Lennon in it.
Interestingly, the relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono was a crucial factor in what eventually led to the breakup of the Beatles. Yoko’s Ascendant (her identity) conjoins Lennon’s Nodal Axis!
President Obama & Vice President Biden
They were as comfortable as lungs and oxygen! They had a great deal of respect, love, care, and concern for each other. You can see and feel this whenever they talk about each other publicly. It’s a heartfelt friendship and career partnership that they both enjoyed for their two Terms in the White House. Biden’s natal horoscope has a Sun Venus-Midheaven conjunction squared by Uranus, all of which make contact with Obama’s Nodal Axis!
President & First Lady Kennedy
They were the darlings of politics as a young, attractive couple with a new energy that the White House had never had before. She was a fashion icon with interior designer skills. She had a lot of creativity and flair. He was a well-spoken, very intelligent, handsome, fair man who was gunned down in the prime of his life.
It is safe to say that the great majority of the world’s population at any point in time never experienced anything like what Mrs. Kennedy experienced in that motorcade on November 22, 1963, as she witnessed her husband’s scalp being blown off and had her own life in danger, as well. It is unimaginable! His Mercury-Mars conjunction squares her Nodal Axis. Her Uranus squares his Nodal Axis.
O.J. & Nicole Brown Simpson
Their very devastating, dramatic story is known by all. Simpson was an extremely popular person that everyone loved internationally. It was dumbfounding when the day came that he was being questioned by the police for the murder of his wife and her friend, Ron Goldman. Simpson was arrested and acquitted in what was a very controversial, divisive judgement. Nicole’s Pluto squares the Simpson Nodal Axis and his Neptune conjoins hers. Using Neptune and Pluto as symbol descriptors of their relationship certainly feels right.
The late Johnny Cochran was Simpson’s chief attorney. Simpson’s Mars squares his Nodal Axis. That case put Cochran’s name in lights and his strategy was key in Simpson’s controversial acquittal.
Two Personal Examples
I am fortunate to live life doing the two things for a living that I love – astrology and music. As a musician, I have worked with and/or recorded for many, many, Grammy-caliber artists and, depending on when this is published, will have just released my own first album.
The artist that I worked with the most, the one who had an impact on my life beyond music, was Roberta Flack. I was with her, on and off, for 8 years. During that time, I played (bass) on three of her albums[1] but more importantly, she afforded me the first opportunity to see a great deal of the world, which was invaluable. Although I have been to other countries with many other artists since then, the length of time spent with Roberta took me more places than in any other situation. In fact, we once flew from Spain to New York to Hawaii to New Zealand to Sydney all in one trip.
Musicians and singers in groups come and go like servers in restaurants. One of the background singers that was hired by Roberta during my time with her was someone to whom there was an immediate mutual attraction to and we were eventually married!!!! Not only did Roberta sing at our wedding but she paid for our lovely honeymoon in Bermuda! So, needless to say, my experience with Roberta was the most important of all the artists I ever worked with. It provided the opportunity for a marriage, two kids, and many stamped passport pages.
Roberta and I have mutual Nodal contacts. Her Jupiter conjoins mine and my Venus squares hers. She is a very important person on the resume of my life.
[1] “Blue Lights in the Basement”; Atlantic records 1977; “Roberta Flack,” Atlantic Records, 1978; Roberta Flack featuring Donny Hathaway; Atlantic Records, 1980;
Example 2
Astrologer, Noel Tyl, was the prime mover in my development as an astrologer. It was in the 1990’s that he made me the first person ever to write an introduction to one of his books.[1] This was preceded by inclusion in yet another book[2] he was editing with world renown astrologers, most of whom were far ahead of me in experience. I was a new kid on the writing block at the time. His faith and belief in my ability and willingness to voluntarily help me was an act of sheer humanitarianism.
In 1998, Tyl asked me to relocate to South Africa to teach his work there in a special program designed for him. I spent a year there. Words cannot express how wonderful that experience was in ways that transcend teaching astrology. I continue to share relationships with friends that I made there and with former students. My first book, “The New Way to Learn Astrology[3],” was written there for that program and that is where the teaching part of my career in astrology began. All of the aforementioned, coupled with what was a semi father-son relationship says it all. The positive things that he has contributed to my development are immeasurable.
Even before you get to the Nodal contacts between our horoscopes, if you just go around the bi-wheel looking at conjunctions and oppositions between us, the contacts are numerous., about as active as you will ever see and is topped off by mutual Nodal contacts: His Sun conjoins my Nodal Axis and the Mars-Venus square in my horoscope squares his Nodal Axis! It couldn’t be any other way!
[1] Astrology of the Famed; Llewellyn Publications, Minneapolis, MN. 1996
[2] Astrology Looks at History; Llewellyn Publications, Minneapolis, MN. 1995
[3] Published by Llewellyn Publications, Minneapolis, Mn. 1999.
Donald Trump & America
In lieu of what this article has shown about how Nodal Axis contacts symbolize comprehensive, complex, impactful relationships, I couldn’t help but notice the relationship between Donald Trump and July 4, 1776, the date that Americans resonate to as the birth of the country. While this does not come under the category of soul mates, the relationship between him and that date, nodally speaking, is quite interesting.
There are many horoscopes for the United States of America (which really suggests that we don’t really have one). It is and has been one of the most hotly debated topics amongst astrologers since America came into existence. What we do know is that the country identifies with July 4, 1776, so, in this example, while we omit the possibility of angular contacts to and from an American horoscope to/from Trump, it still leaves us with substantive contacts. Picking one [chart] out of the proverbial hat, I am using the 2:13 AM horoscope for this example.
Immediately, you can see that the USA Mars conjoins Trump’s Nodal Axis and the Trump Pluto conjoins the USA’s Nodal Axis! It’s hard to top that one for impact, and just look at how he has impacted the very spirit of the country through divisive communication and extremely questionable leadership. President Eisenhower was the President when I was born so I have seen many come and go and none have been close to creating the kind of division and high emotions that have come with the Trump presidency.
The Trump Pluto on the American Nodal Axis[1] is a real story about one man’s ability to impact a country in a dramatic, empowering manner.[2] It is as if he gets right to the core of the people, regardless of which side of the political aisle they are on. When we look at Pluto in terms of the traditional transformation and regeneration themes, it is quite possible that this man is bringing open wounds to the surface of the people for purposes of change, complimenting a time when change was already indicated via mundane transits.
With Transiting Uranus squaring the American Pluto (as it is at the time of this writing) you would expect a time of unrest around concerns of injustice. Uranus-Pluto is about tearing things down to rebuild and improve them. The first instance of transiting Uranus contacting the American Pluto (after Pluto was discovered) was in the mid-1960’s, a time of great social unrest and war. Now, with the square, we have that same social flavor in the air again. Donald Trump seems tailor-made to embody the darker side of the Uranus-Pluto contact because his message separates people in negative ways rather than inspires them in ways that manifest in a heightened sense of unity.
It is important to underscore that Trump’s relationship with the country and the country’s relationship with him are of the natures of Mars and Pluto. There is nothing milquetoast about it, so far, as this is being written in February, 2017.
Closing Summary
I have been doing astrology consultations since 1980. In all that time, I would say that a third of my clients have been for synastry. Using their examples and researching thousands of others, I have seen this Nodal Axis factor over and over and over again. It is quite reliable in terms of highlighting relationships or friendships that have that karmic factor about them. There is going to be a difference between your relationship with those who have Nodal contacts with you versus those who do not. The former relationships simply affect you. They are consequential. If this is brand new to you, it should shed an interesting new light when you look at the horoscopes of family and friends in this light. Understand that you are learning about yourself through the relationship with that person and the two of you are resolving karma.
Pay particular attention to those you have Nodal contacts with who really push your buttons. There is something important for you to learn through that person, even if contentiousness has stopped communication between the two of you. Contrarily, if your relationship with someone is wonderful, know that you have earned it!
[1] President George W. Bush (July 6, 1946; 7:26 AM; Boston, Mass.)
[2] Bernie Sanders’ Pluto also conjoins the American Nodal Axis. His brand of change is/would be completely different than Trump’s.
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mbti-notes · 11 months
Anon wrote: Ni-dom here. Reading one of your recent reply made me sad since I myself am a textual content creator (by passion) that begins to wonder if it’s still worth it. For years I have used internet to share what I loved and connect with like-minded people, but recently it’s difficult to propose complex content: algorithms often don’t give priority to quality, and at this point getting noticed is complicated as much as developing an original idea. Besides, it’s rare to find a good online debate to take part in…
Maybe I have an out-of-date mindset, but I believe that the problem is not only mine. I don’t lack intrinsic motivation, however I know it wouldn’t be the same if I kept my texts to myself: I like that what I write has an impact on people, it’s stimulating for me to giving and receiving feedback about writing, and I don’t mind contributing to the growth of communities to which I belong.
Nevertheless, by now I have the impression of speaking into the void and being a poor deluded who would like to row against the general course of things at all costs. I'm tempted to throw in the towel, but I also suspect my bitterness may stop me from considering alternative solutions. It wouldn't be the first time I ran away because I'm afraid that I have aimed at a goal out of my reach, after all.
So, this is my question to you: how am I supposed to regain my objectivity on a question that clearly hits me where it hurts? I’m not usually that oversensitive, but for some reason I invest a lot emotionally in writing. And now I doubt what tear myself away from it is not only an unreceptive audience, but also my own lack of flexibility (since I’m not able to adapt to a context which is far from my ideal) or perhaps a snobbish attitude (since it bothers me that a lot of awful texts have great visibility and are preferred to what springs out of my head, no matter how much I apply myself). In these conditions, it’s hard for me to decide how to proceed.
Passion is important, but it's also important to reflect on the best ways to express it. Some ways are better than others. One method to determine the best way is to measure how "effective" it is. As you've said, you don't seem to be reaching as many people as you'd like - "audience numbers" is an objective measurement of in/effectiveness.
However, effectiveness isn't just measured objectively. You should also take into consideration what your subjective goals are. It seems that your goals are unclear. E.g. Wanting to connect deeply with like-minded people might be incompatible with wanting to reach the largest audience possible - which is it going to be?
What is it, exactly, that you want to achieve with your writing, and how should that be reflected in your plan of action? For example, if making money is your main motivator, then perhaps you have to hustle and network your way into more lucrative situations.
Generally speaking, in order to maintain purposeful direction in life:
Know yourself better by getting in touch with your preferences, needs, desires, ideals, and values
Based on the above, set an intention that serves as your compass or philosophy of life that guides all your decision-making
Reflect on your aspirations or the personal potential you hope to actualize and set concrete goals that are well-aligned with your intention
Formulate a step-by-step plan of action to reach each goal
Once you have achieved a goal, evaluate the effectiveness (e.g. did you stick to your intention?, could your plan have been more efficient?, was the outcome what you expected or wanted?, ought you set different goals now that you know more?, etc.)
If necessary, refine your intention, goals, or plans to boost effectiveness for the next stage of your progress
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie, here to join in on the dissatisfaction train if your up for it. Let's list off somethings shall we and see what they remind you of. Relationships, romantic and platonic, that sucked people in in the initial seasons being now completely neglected/non-existent. A beloved character constantly being regressed to old behavior because the showrunner can't seem to come up with a storyline for them that shows their growth. Bottle episodes that don't make any sense to pop up when
they do since it delays other key plot lines. Events that should be impactful to multiple characters don't lead to any meaningful interactions. People getting criticized for pointing out how poorly things are being handled by other fans who insist it's the best thing ever. And let's not forget forcing unlikable/self-insert characters down our throats in places they don't belong while ignoring the existence of the ones we were interested in. Yup, you guessed it, I'm again  forced to compare 911 to RNM because this all feels like S3/S4 deja vu and I do not have the patience for that nonsense again. And no, we are nowhere near as bad off as what shitshow put us through, we still have some really good character stories and truly fun moments, but i feel like the cracks are showing. The ensemble show is rapidly feeling not-very-ensembly and it's disappointing. Add to that just the frustration of Buck never having a storyline where he actually gets to  address his trauma or his issues and it's no surprise people's patience is thin. And yes, the sperm donor nonsense hasn't fully played out, but did they really need to have a growth arc for Buck centered around guest characters that, when it's mentioned around his family, it's played for laughs?? We all thought surely the whole TayKay BS would give us something good last season, but instead she left with Buck's blessing, her terrible character flaws ignored. Just, I'm so tired 😔
My friend as usual we are absolutely on the same page! I haven’t been on as much and have been binging through some fic instead to make me feel a little better because on the one hand I absolutely cannot with the toxic positivity (not that everyone being positive about the show is “toxic” but you all know what I mean, the “if you have a single criticism, you’re stupid and should quit watching the show you obviously hate and don’t understand” crowd), but on the other I’m still overall having WAY more fun watching the episodes when they air than I did last season so I can’t really deal with the utterly hopeless, everything is awful crowd either! I’m just such a mix of emotions about everything right now (lady time hormones are NOT helping either) that it’s hard to know how to feel.
You’re SOOO right about the RNM war flashbacks though! While yes, 911 isn’t nearly as bad as the last 3 seasons of Plothole New Mexico, the similarities are...pretty startling and deeply frustrating! It’s always been odd that 911 didn’t have characters interacting with each other (Maddie and Eddie have never had a one-on-one scene despite being two of the most important people in Buck’s life and IT’S WEIRD!), but you almost didn’t really notice because there were so many good group scenes with most of the characters and everyone really felt like one big family. But now, the focus seems to have shifted so much to these new/different dynamics, and the show is completely ignoring the old ones so much so that it’s becoming more jarring instead of an enjoyable addition to the dynamics we know and love. @canonicallyobserving911 made a brilliant post recently about how the continuity and closure of storylines is being affected by this shift, not just with Buddie but things like Athena going through a major trauma and shift on her whole childhood friendship with someone and there being zero scenes with Hen about it, the person she first told about the girl going missing in the first place. I also mentioned how the scenes and dynamics with the firefam we are getting, especially in recent episodes, is basically just used for comic relief. Buck and Hen get close to some real talk but only while being drunk so the scene is still “silly”, and Eddie and Chim, while being a lot of fun to see together, have also only been used for the levity in the episodes. I love seeing them having fun, but given they are the two men who have had the mothers of their children leave, it feels like we should be getting some deeper scenes with them instead of just surface-level “fun” to keep the episodes “light”. (Not to mention BS like the tsunami coming up with some rando actress barely older than May instead of with someone we know and care about, and Buck not even being mentioned at all. I am....still eating glass about that nonsense.) 
And Buck....whoooo boy is Buck the Michael Guerin of this show. He of course isn’t treated nearly as badly by his found family as Michael often was, especially this past season, but the writing has been shying away from ever letting Buck truly deal with stuff. And I don’t want to hear any of that “healing isn’t linear” BS because a) it’s TV and it kinda has to be a little bit to keep things flowing, and b) that isn’t the point. We aren’t seeing Buck having momentary set backs that he overcomes like we’ve seen with Bobby and his alcoholism, we’re getting cyclical “one step forward, two steps back” storylines. We see a plot introduced, Buck spirals a bit and does something dumb, get’s lectured, rinse and repeat. I thought s4 and seeing him in therapy, seeing him snap at his parents (”Love me anyway” scene my absolute fucking beloved), seeing Eddie validate his feelings and Chim being a calming but firm presence helping back up both Maddie AND Buck, would really lead to some growth. But then Eddie got shot and we didn’t get a single scene of the firefam comforting him, or telling him they understood because all those kinds of scenes were used to wedge fucking Tay Kay into everything and the firefam scene we got was Bobby snapping at Buck, with no follow up of them talking about how worried Bobby was about both Buck AND Eddie. S5 could have given us more growth with Buck realizing he can and should step away from a relationship that isn’t bringing him any joy or providing him any of the support he needs. And had they made that call to wrap it up in 5a we might have gotten to see that more clearly, and then had Buck free to be the support for other storylines that SHOULD have been the major arcs for 5b like Maddie and Chim, Eddie’s breakdown, and we really should have gotten *something* for Bobby to do since his shooting was immediately forgotten and never mentioned again either, but then he had a whole celling fall on his back (you know, the one that was hurt originally, leading to his substance abuse issues?) and didn’t do anything with that, or with the truck falling off the cliff so I can’t say I’m really that surprised. 🤷🏻‍♀️  
You know my thoughts on 6x03 being pointless how it was done, but having both that episode AND Tomorrow in the same half-season when we’re already getting 1 less episode than normal before season break is just messy and asking for disaster and honestly ruined a lot of the flow from 6x02 into 6x04 but given that they also brought the sperm donor thing up and then had zilch about it for a month is bad pacing too so the “bottle” episodes aren’t the whole issue, but 6x03 and how that whole storyline was handled is certainly a part of the issue.
It’s also frustrating seeing these moments that could be SUCH great fodder for drama and involving the firefam directly instead of being separate storylines with guest characters, instead being played off for laughs, and quick one-off scenes. I am never going to be over the potential of things like Eddie working at dispatch when Buck and his team are in danger and him not being able to help being another thing that leads to his breakdown, or Chim surviving Jonah and then getting abducted at work, when his partner Hen isn’t there to have his back, and Buck placing himself in danger to save him while Bobby and Eddie are helpless to do anything, stuck at the scene of the original accident. These are SUCH perfect set-ups for some great character moments and conversations within the core group that are just being passed by, and for what?! For cheap cheating drama, and masturbation jokes, and a break-up AND make-up that happen mostly off screen, and a breakdown we barely saw? If I wanted to watch pointless drama for the sake of pointless drama I’d watch Grey’s Anatomy or something. 
There is something off about the show and even with everyone back there is something integral missing. This show was always fun and funny but also heartfelt and while it was dramatic, there was a realness to the drama, not just for the main character, but also in the way the emergencies were handled. Sometimes fun and silly, sometimes with jokes being cracked, but it never felt like the jokes or fun was at the expense of the characters involved. And that feeling seems to be missing, the way any YA novel-turned-movie by cash-grabbing studio execs who just wanted to cash in on merch sales feel so hollow and soulless compared to the books. Because the people running things do not love and care about the thing they are making and above all they do not respect it, or the audience for it. That’s the feeling I get when I see Buck getting ambushed at work, and his family finding out about this thing that *should* result in some deep, loving conversations and concern for one of their own being played for laughs at Buck’s expense, or an emergency with people in distress during the incident and during their rescue, but their call to 911 is some "memeable”, quippy pun. The crew and the cast still clearly love and respect the work they are doing, but looking at the writing, it’s just NOT the same and really does feel like KR’s idea of “lighter” is “making everything into a joke” instead of realizing that when you create tension there has to be a release, when someone suffers, there needs to be comfort, when characters fight, they need to make up. 
I’m with you, my friend. I’m just so, so tired. And god forbid I say that because then I’m suddenly “hate watching” and “don’t understand the show” and should quit watching. Did I laugh during this episode? YES! Did Eddie throwing that bracelet at Chim add 3 years to my life? YES! Did Hen and Chim stopping to yell and ask why that damn bracelet was still around make my heart swell with joy? YES! Did happy, relaxed, Beach!Eddie re-write my brain forever? YES! But at the same time, are a few surface level fun scenes enough to sustain the show? To make it memorable? What’s that quote? Art isn’t supposed to be pretty, it’s supposed to make you feel something”, and this show used to have such depth and heart that there are STILL scenes and episodes I’ve seen multiple times that just thinking about give me literal chills or makes me tear up a little. But it hasn’t been that way, consistently, in a LONG time and the audience is getting tired.
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mindpathtech · 14 days
Why should I hire a DevOps engineer?
If you’ve been navigating the tech world for a while, you’ve probably come across the term “DevOps engineer.” And if you’re wondering why you should hire one, you’re in the right place. Let’s break it down together in a way that’s easy to understand. — Mindpath Tech
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What Exactly is a DevOps Engineer?
Imagine a bridge. On one side, you have your development team, the folks who write the code and build the software. On the other side, there’s your operations team, the ones who manage the servers, handle deployments, and keep everything running smoothly. A DevOps engineer is like the architect of that bridge, ensuring that both sides can communicate effectively and work together seamlessly.
The Key Benefits of Hiring a DevOps Engineer
Speedier Deployments
One of the biggest advantages is faster and more reliable software releases. A DevOps engineer automates processes and sets up continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This means updates and new features can be deployed quickly without the usual hiccups.
Improved Collaboration
By fostering a culture of collaboration between development and operations teams, a DevOps engineer helps break down silos. This leads to better communication, fewer misunderstandings, and a more cohesive team effort.
Enhanced Security
Security is a big deal. DevOps engineers incorporate security practices right from the start (sometimes called DevSecOps). They automate security checks and ensure that your code is safe from vulnerabilities, making your applications more robust and secure.
Cost Efficiency
Efficiency translates to savings. By automating repetitive tasks and optimizing resource usage, a DevOps engineer can help reduce costs. They streamline workflows and improve system performance, which means you’re getting more bang for your buck.
As your business grows, so do your technology needs. DevOps engineers build scalable infrastructure, ensuring your systems can handle increased demand without breaking a sweat. They’re like the tech world’s version of urban planners, preparing your systems for future growth.
Better Quality Products
Continuous testing and integration lead to higher quality software. DevOps engineers implement automated testing, catching bugs early and often. This means your product is more reliable and your users are happier.
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Real-World Impact
Let’s look at a simple analogy. Think about a busy restaurant. The chefs (developers) are creating dishes, and the waitstaff (operations) are serving customers and managing the dining area. If they don’t communicate well, orders get mixed up, food gets cold, and customers get frustrated. A DevOps engineer is like the restaurant manager who ensures that everything runs smoothly, from the kitchen to the table.
How to Find the Right DevOps Engineer
So, you’re convinced and ready to hire a DevOps engineer. But what should you look for? Here are a few key traits:
Experience with Automation Tools: Look for someone who knows their way around automation tools like Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes.
Problem-Solving Skills: A great DevOps engineer is a natural problem solver, someone who can think on their feet and troubleshoot issues as they arise.
Communication Skills: Since they’re bridging two teams, strong communication skills are crucial.
Understanding of Cloud Services: Knowledge of cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud is often essential.
Wrapping Up
Hiring a DevOps engineer can transform your tech operations, making them more efficient, reliable, and secure. It’s like having a superpower for your tech team, someone who ensures that everything runs smoothly and that you’re always ready for whatever comes next.
So, if you’re looking to improve your software delivery process, boost collaboration, and ensure your systems can scale with your business, a DevOps engineer might just be the missing piece you need. Ready to take the plunge? Your team will thank you for it!
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roamnook · 3 months
Survey Reveals 80% of Companies Implementing Cloud Developer Environment, Accelerating Digital Transformation. Get the Full Report Here! [https://devops.com/survey-sees-cloud-developer-environment-adoption-gaining-momentum/?utm_source=devopswebsite&utm_medium=marquee&utm_campaign=marquee]
RoamNook - Bringing New, Polarizing, Numerical, Objective, Informative Hard Facts
Bringing New, Polarizing, Numerical, Objective, Informative Hard Facts
Welcome to RoamNook, the innovative technology company that specializes in IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing. At RoamNook, our main goal is to fuel digital growth. In this blog post, we will be diving deep into the world of tech and providing you with concrete data, hard information, and key facts that will surely grab your attention.
The Importance of Data in the Digital World
In today's digital age, data rules. It's everywhere, from the apps we use on our phones to the algorithms that power our favorite websites. But data is more than just numbers and statistics. It's the key to unlocking insights, making informed decisions, and driving innovation. Without data, we would be lost in a sea of uncertainty. That's why it's crucial for businesses to harness the power of data and use it to their advantage.
New Technologies Shaping the Future
As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements. From artificial intelligence to cloud computing, these technologies are revolutionizing the way we live, work, and interact. Let's take a closer look at some of the key technologies that are shaping the future:
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is no longer a sci-fi concept. It's a reality that is changing the way we live and work. From virtual assistants to self-driving cars, AI is taking over various industries. The potential applications of AI are vast, and its impact on society is undeniable. It's a technology that is here to stay, and businesses need to embrace it to stay ahead of the competition.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing has transformed the way we store, manage, and access data. With cloud-based services, businesses can scale their operations and reduce costs. It offers flexibility, security, and reliability, making it a must-have technology for companies of all sizes. In this digital era, the cloud is the backbone of modern businesses.
Internet of Things (IoT)
The IoT has connected billions of devices worldwide, creating a network of interlinked systems. From smart homes to industrial automation, the IoT is enabling new levels of efficiency and convenience. As more devices become connected, the potential for innovation and growth is limitless.
The Numbers Don't Lie
Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Here are some hard facts and numerical data that will leave you in awe:
AI Statistics
By 2025, the global AI market is expected to reach $190.61 billion.
AI will create 2.3 million jobs by 2025.
82% of companies believe that AI will give them a competitive advantage.
The AI market in healthcare is projected to reach $8.6 billion by 2022.
Cloud Computing Statistics
The global cloud computing market is expected to reach $623.3 billion by 2023.
94% of enterprises use the cloud in some form.
By 2022, 90% of organizations will have a cloud-first strategy.
Cloud-based collaboration tools can increase productivity by 400%.
IoT Statistics
By 2025, there will be over 75 billion connected devices worldwide.
The global IoT market is expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2026.
The industrial IoT market is projected to reach $263.4 billion by 2027.
85% of organizations have adopted IoT technology in some capacity.
The Real-World Applications
Now that we have the numbers, let's talk about the real-world applications and why they matter to you, our readers. Here are just a few examples:
AI in Healthcare
AI is revolutionizing the healthcare industry. From early disease detection to personalized treatment plans, AI has the potential to save lives and improve patient care. With AI-powered medical devices and predictive analytics, doctors can make more accurate diagnoses and provide better treatment options.
Cloud Computing and Business
Cloud computing has transformed the business landscape. It has leveled the playing field for small businesses, allowing them to access enterprise-level resources and compete with larger companies. Cloud-based solutions also provide businesses with the flexibility to scale their operations as needed, without the upfront costs of infrastructure.
IoT and Smart Cities
The IoT is reshaping cities and making them smarter. From smart traffic lights to connected waste management systems, IoT technology is improving the quality of life for citizens. It's enabling better resource management, reducing pollution, and enhancing public safety. The future of cities is connected.
Sponsor: RoamNook - Fueling Digital Growth
At RoamNook, we understand the importance of staying ahead in the digital world. That's why we offer IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing services to help businesses thrive. Our team of experts is dedicated to fueling digital growth and providing innovative solutions that drive results. Visit our website at www.roamnook.com to learn more about how we can help your business succeed.
In conclusion, the world of technology is ever-changing and evolving. It's important to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and embrace new technologies that can drive growth and innovation. The power of data, AI, cloud computing, and IoT cannot be underestimated. They have the potential to transform industries, improve lives, and create a better future for all. Remember, at RoamNook, we are here to fuel digital growth and help businesses thrive in the digital age. Visit our website today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you on your digital journey.
Source: https://devops.com/5-microservices-design-patterns-every-devops-team-should-know/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwi0jofAk5KFAxUJEVkFHYPyCwgQxfQBegQIBBAC&usg=AOvVaw22tRZtPZJGSr_FNIaNrL5k
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validatewithin · 6 months
Pessimism excused as realism
When you label someone as a pessimist they always feel the need to say “I am a realist”.
People say “I’m a realist” as if their pessimism is actually just recognizing the truth that the world is just shit. Optimism and pessimism are separate from realism.
Realism is viewing the facts as they are. Good and bad things happen. Our world is a balance of opposing forces. Whether you’re a pessimist or an optimist has to do with the outcomes that you expect in a given situation. And I’m tired of people excusing pessimism as realism.
Horrible, awful, inhumane things happen every day. That most people are ignorant to. Most of these things are impossible to know about, excel for the big ones. War. Torture. Rape. Corruption. Murder. Betrayal. Cruelty. We would all be ignorant not to accept and acknowledge those facts. But realism involves recognizing the existence of both positive and negative aspects of life and acknowledging the dynamic nature of our world.
Every day amazing and beautiful human experiences take place in the world. The warmth of friendship, the depth of love, the power of people coming together to cause change. Someone finally feeling happy. Someone finally feeling safe. Sacred things like music and art. The natural beauty of the world. Learning, growth, improvement, progress. Kindness.
Yet these positive aspects are overlooked and overshadowed by our fixation on negativity. We minimize the significance of these moments. Cruelty stems from a lack of love, from damage, and from pain. Often, those events are not someone’s fault. That’s why I think that the good in life is more significant than the bad. Everyone has experienced pain. Everyone has experienced things that could have driven them to negativity or cruelty or corruption. But people choose to grow from pain and embrace positivity and love, which is not easy. Being good is the harder choice.
Maybe the world is against us. Maybe there are systems set in place that are not in everyone’s favor and there are people in control with bad intentions. I think that some of those things can be viewed as objective facts. The world is not fair. But we have to be intentional with how we choose to view and discuss the world.
Viewing the world as irredeemably negative might limit our ability to contribute to our improvement. It might lead to a sense of powerlessness and apathy. Hope in itself can be a driving force for positive change, motivating people to actively engage in creating a better world. Hope is not synonymous with ignorance. Hope is a conscious choice to recognize the full spectrum of human experiences.
We don’t have a choice but to feel hope. We have to be realistic. But it is our duty to stay good and to recognize the good and opportunities in the world. There are people in horrible conditions, who have experienced much more pain than I have, that still feel hope. As someone who is very privileged I feel responsible to embrace hope, share it, and make a meaningful impact with the life that I’ve been given.
Individual actions can be transformative. Human beings have always had the potential for positive growth and impact, in the face of adversity and all odds against us. Do not lead your life ignorant, that is not acceptable. Being aware is such a hard choice. Being good is even harder. Remaining positive is the hardest choice. But it is our responsibility. Harness resilience, contribute to positive change, help to shape a world that reflects the beauty and potential for good that exists alongside the challenges. Our ability to aspire towards goodness, to help others, and to remain hopeful and positive, despite the complexities of life, despite pain and suffering, is what makes us human. Be a human being.
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Embrace your new journey with Pregnancy 101
Pregnancy is an awe-transformative journey that every woman goes through. It goes beyond these nine months. Every day and minute, she ought to take care of herself and her baby. Keeping your mind and body active and fit in these stages is not only necessary but beneficial. You need to eat wisely and exercise regularly for a regular and healthy delivery. Pregnancy 101 began its journey to support expectant mothers and ensure they don’t feel scared and anxious. Starting this remarkable business in Australia, Pregnancy 101 has effectively crafted its place in India. Today, we can proudly say that we have spread our wings to prominent cities in India like Delhi, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Vadodara and Surat. Yes, you heard that right, don’t think twice, join our classes today.
Pregnancy exercise classes – One of the main elements of childbirth educators focus on is yoga and exercise. We understand that women in different stages experience unique challenges. Therefore, every class is designed to meet their individual needs and requirements. These classes are coached by professionals who know what is best for you. Trust the skills and expertise of world-renowned trainers. Why is exercising so important? It is crucial to keep your body at optimum energy levels and promote fetal growth and positioning for a smooth nine-month experience. Get rid of the constant pain and discomfort you might feel during this transition. A healthy diet and comprehensive exercise plan will keep you relaxed.
Prenatal exercise classes – Discover the beauty of engaging in healthy movements. Aimed to improve the harmony between you and your child the prenatal yoga classes are created to enhance your strength and reduce stress. From the ancient epochs, it has been observed that yoga has helped build an active lifestyle. Unleash every inner chakra and foster a deeper connection with your child. For those finding it difficult to travel to physical classes, Pregnancy 101 has introduced its pregnancy yoga online lessons. With one click, access an array of sessions. You not only rebuild your physical aspects but learn to delve deep into embracing this new experience.
Pregnancy is not only a journey but a new lease of life for both the mother and the baby. It shows how strong and resilient a woman is. Celebrate the wonders of being a mother with us. We don’t just guide expectant mothers to give birth but teach them to create a wholesome connection with little joy. We have helped over 5,000 mothers over 12 years and aim to continue this journey for a lifetime. Share your experience with other mothers in this wholesome community. Trust the exemplary knowledge and expertise of childbirth educators and trainers – Your pregnancy experience is in safe hands.
Know what our clients have to say, “Without the knowledge gained at P101, I would have done so many things incorrectly, which would have had a long-term impact on me & my child”.
source: https://amazonseoservices.com/embrace-your-new-journey-with-pregnancy-101/
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megawebdesignindia · 11 months
Why Do You Need Web Development For Your Business To Survive In The Emerging Virtual World?
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Every company nowadays need a website to boost its internet presence, and it’s a game changer. You will be able to efficiently grow your business and gain a competitive advantage in your target market if your website is correctly designed or constructed. Everyone utilises the internet for their everyday needs and interests in today’s digital age, and business owners use it to market their businesses and communicate with their target clientele. So, what are your company’s plans? Hiring a Website development Company in India can do magic for your business.
Your company’s website should be flawless
The best approach to increase awareness of your company and its products among your target audience is through web development. To manage your business efficiently, you only need to know your business and your customers’ needs. For a better image and impact on your clients, you’ll also need a dependable, professional, and user-friendly website.
Web Development’s Advantages for Your Business:
Make a connection with your audience and communicate with them: For your business to flourish, it’s always crucial to consider interaction with the correct audience. Using appropriate information and timely replies may help you attract business and generate ROI.
Prove Your Business’s Reliability: A trustworthy website can demonstrate your company’s trustworthiness to your clients, resulting in more customers and increased traffic. For a long period, your website can help you earn the confidence of your consumers and connections.
What Are the Benefits of Hiring Website Development Company in India?
• Improve accessibility • Create a sense of trustworthiness and credibility • Providing user-friendly and SEO-friendly content • enhances your brand’s identity • generates a large amount of traffic for your business’s development
A website is necessary to run a successful business, no matter how big or little it is. It is essential at all levels, particularly in today’s digital world. So now is the moment to join the digital economy and remain ahead of your competition.
Creating a corporate website is not as easy as it looks. As a result, it’s critical to create a precise strategy as part of the website building process by using website development services in India. To design a solid business plan, you’ll need all of your abilities, money, time, and effort. With the support of a well-thought-out strategy, you may be clear regarding your requirements and, if necessary, elaborate to your team.
If you lack technical expertise, you may hire a professional Web Development Company to help you with your development needs.You may boost your company’s growth by putting in the necessary effort. All of the tiny and major aspects, such as money, marketing, website creation, and timetables for completing them, should be included in your business plan.
You must be aware of the following issues prior to the building of your website:
• Regarding your intended audience • List of items and services you want to provide to your customers • You must be aware of your competition. • Locating a reputable Web Development Company • Marketing Strategy in Depth • Cash Flow Management
If you want to stand out from your competition and take your business to the next level, you must follow all of the above principles on serious node.
To make your company website ideal, you should concentrate on the following key points:
Every individual and business owner now considers having a business website to be a top concern. You can’t act sensibly with your business if you don’t have a website, and you won’t be able to reach your target audience.
To become number one, consider the following points:
• Decide on a domain name for your company. • Choose the best hosting option for your company’s website. • Find the ideal platform for the construction of your website. • Consider your company’s brand. • Be aware of your target audience. • Make your site mobile-friendly. • Make it browser-friendly. • It has to be SEO-friendly. • Keep it safe.
To stay ahead of your competitors, you must put in a lot of effort to make your website the greatest in the world by using cutting-edge customized solutions.
You can acquire a flawless website for your business by following the above principles and hiring a professional web development company. You can also save time and money by following the above considerations and hiring a professional web development company. You may choose the ideal firm for your business and improve its general image on the web based on your business requirements and aims. With the aid of Mega Web Design – a professional Web Development Company that delivers excellent services to its clients all over the world – you can quickly receive personalised solutions and a flawless business plan.
Visit Mega Web Design at-
AA 92 Ground Floor, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi India-110088 Ph no. +91 88605 22244, +91 114 611 2767, +91 9999 1127 67 Emai id- [email protected]
Source URL :- https://www.fair-news.de/2904473/why-do-you-need-web-development-for-your-business-to-survive-in-the-emerging-virtual-world-2
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Top Excuses Leaders Must Remove From Their Vocabulary
There is a difference between being a leader and being an effective leader. An effective leader knows what his people want and never backs down from providing it. Being an effective leader in general is a demanding role that requires individuals to navigate challenges, inspire others, and drive success. However, one detrimental habit that many leaders fall victim to is making excuses. Excuses can hinder personal and professional growth, diminish trust, and impede progress. In order to lead with excellence, it is imperative for effective leaders to recognize the damaging effects of excuses and take the necessary steps to eliminate them from their vocabulary. In this article, we will explore the most common excuses made by leaders and provide strategies on how to overcome them, paving the way for a culture of no-excuses leadership. 
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Understanding the Impact of Excuses
Excuses act like self-imposed barriers that prevent leaders from reaching their full potential in general. Excuses are often rooted in fear, insecurity, or a desire to avoid accountability. Excuses are a barrier to anyone’s life, and when you start relying on them, you never make progress and you become a spectator in a world that has far more to offer than you realize. 
When leaders rely on excuses, they create a culture that normalizes mediocrity and allows problems to persist. This not only hampers individuals’ growth but also undermines the trust and confidence of their team members. 
Understanding the Most Common Excuses 
To effectively address and eliminate excuses, leaders must first identify the most common ones. Some of the most common excuses include: 
Lack of resources or people just don’t want to work anymore 
This excuse has become popular within a few years, and you will mostly see it when you are passing through driveways. I think for some leaders, putting up a “No one wants to work here anymore” sign in reality means that you are asking the customers to lower their expectations as soon as they enter the door. You want the customers to know that you are understaffed and that the service provided can be bad. 
This excuse claims that, as a leader, you lack the necessary resources to accomplish your goals, such as time, budget, or manpower. 
Think of the impact that the phrase has on your team. If you openly declare that people here don’t want to work, then what is forcing the individuals to continue working at your place? Are they losers for working somewhere that no one wants to work? 
As an effective leader, you need to back up even a handful of your employees and let them know that you can take care of them.
It is what it is
The phrase inspires no motivation and communicates your lack of ownership in the situation. There are many reasons why you should eliminate this phrase from your vocabulary. First and foremost, think about the message that you are sending to the receiver. You are basically saying to the receiver  “The situation is awful, Don’t involve me in your mess and handle it all by yourself”. A leader that resigned themselves to the situation around them is not a leader that inspires you to follow them. 
It is not me 
Blaming external factors or external circumstances, such as market conditions, competitions, or unforeseen events, is a common excuse used by many so-called leaders. Blaming others or situations only demotes you from being a leader. You are not a leader if you blame others at the first sight of difficulties. A good leader knows that we cannot control the circumstances but we can control the repercussions from those circumstances. A good leader will always try to find even a small beam of light even in a room full of dark circumstances. 
Does that make any sense? 
This phrase shows a lack of confidence in your communication skills and can be a distraction to the other person. This phrase is mostly used to showcase good intentions. You want to make sure that the person understands the information that you are trying to convey to them. 
The phrase can also slow down the conversation and frustrate the other person. It can also cause the other person to question your confidence in your communication skills. 
Embracing No-Excuses Leadership 
Leadership without excuse requires a commitment to personal growth, integrity, and accountability. It is about setting high standards and holding oneself and others to them. When leaders eliminate excuses from their vocabulary, they empower their teams to do the same, fostering a culture of excellence and achievement.
By embracing no-excuses leadership, leaders can: 
Inspire trust and confidence in their team members.
Foster a culture of personal responsibility and accountability. 
Encourage innovation and problem-solving. 
Drive positive change and achieve remarkable results. 
Closing Thoughts 
In summary, leadership is about taking charge, driving progress, and inspiring others to achieve greatness. Excuses have no place in effective leadership. By recognizing and eliminating excuses from their vocabulary, leaders can set a powerful example for their teams, cultivate a culture of excellence, and propel their organizations toward success.
Remember, true leaders never make any excuses as they take action, embrace challenges and empower those around them to do the same. Leadership without excuses is the path to growth, success, and lasting impact.
Visit More : https://thegulfentrepreneur.com/leadership/top-excuses-leaders-must-remove-from-their-vocabulary/
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peritossolutions · 1 year
Unleashing the Power of AWS- Expert AWS Consulting Services for Optimal Cloud Success
In today's evolving business landscape, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has developed as the certain leader in the public cloud realm. With its extensive suite of cloud services, AWS has simplified traditional business operations and revolutionized the way organizations leverage technology. As a result, the demand for certified AWS consultants has skyrocketed, as businesses seek expert guidance to navigate the complexities of the AWS ecosystem.
When it comes to finding the best AWS consultant, the stakes are high. An AWS consulting partner plays a crucial role in addressing diverse cloud computing needs and ensuring successful cloud migrations. These consultants possess the expertise to design, develop, test, and maintain various IT infrastructures hosted on AWS. Moreover, they offer invaluable insights and guidance to bolster businesses' cloud strategies and maximize the benefits of AWS services.
At Peritos Solutions, we pride ourselves on being an AWS consulting partner that can propel your cloud journey forward. Our dedicated team of highly experienced professionals possesses deep knowledge of AWS services and can help you harness their full potential while optimizing costs. Through customized trainings, workshops, technical guidance, and best practice governance, we create a solid cloud foundation for your business at an affordable cost.
Whether you're looking to extract maximum value from your existing AWS cloud infrastructure, align your AWS strategy with your overall business objectives, map application dependencies, or seamlessly scale your development capacity, we've got you covered. Our AWS consulting services cut through the complexity of cloud technologies, tools, and opportunities, enabling you to identify and prioritize initiatives that are crucial for your business growth.
By gaining a comprehensive understanding of your current infrastructure and business goals, our AWS consulting services will chart a Strategic Technology Roadmap tailored to your company. This roadmap serves as a guiding light, leading your cloud initiatives from their current state to the realization of your business vision. We'll identify high-impact initiatives, quick wins, and areas that require additional analysis or funding, ensuring your technology infrastructure aligns seamlessly with your business strategy, thus propelling your organization to new heights.
At Peritos Solutions, we offer end-to-end services for businesses building critical cloud solutions using Amazon Web Services. With our profound expertise in AWS consulting services and streamlined processes, we provide the fastest time to value on AWS, coupled with round-the-clock operational management. Our comprehensive operations management ensures enhanced efficiency, high availability, scalability, and reduced operational overhead and risk. This allows you to focus on your core business while we handle the day to day management of your cloud infrastructure with utmost industry.
If you have any inquiries assistance regarding AWS, please don't hesitate to reach out us. Our team is always ready to deliver the support and management you need on your AWS journey.
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deepyanti · 1 year
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pharmaonlineusa · 2 years
How Do I Know If I Have Erectile Dysfunction?
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Hardly any men need to discuss their powerlessness to get or keep an erection, in any case, erectile dysfunction can significantly affect connections and confidence. Luckily, inconvenience in the room doesn't be guaranteed to mean you're managing erectile dysfunction. Most men will definitely disapprove of an erection sooner or later in their sexual history. However, one awful day in the room doesn't mean major sexual medical issues. So how might you be aware assuming you're managing erectile dysfunction?
Indications of erectile dysfunction
Your capacity to become stimulated is a convoluted cycle. Your feelings, mind, chemicals, nerves, veins, and muscles all have a complex impact in male excitement. At the point when any of these pieces aren't in line, it can cause a dysfunction of some sort.
It's likewise vital to recollect that your emotional well-being has as much an impact of your sexual capacity as your actual wellbeing. Stress and other emotional well-being concerns can cause or exacerbate erectile dysfunction. Minor medical conditions might slow your sexual reaction, however the going with uneasiness that accompanies the sluggish sexual reaction can close things down altogether.
Infrequent, or discontinuous, sexual issues don't be guaranteed to highlight erectile dysfunction. Yet, you might be managing erectile dysfunction while the accompanying side effects are industrious:
• Decreased longing for sex
• Failure to keep an erection
• Powerlessness to get an erection
Who's in danger for erectile dysfunction?
You might be at a more serious gamble for erectile dysfunction if you:
• Are progressing in years
• Have a mental condition like nervousness, wretchedness, or stress
• Experience the ill effects of ailments like a coronary illness or diabetes
• Use tobacco
• Use medications and liquor
• Are overweight
• Are going through clinical therapy like radiation therapy for malignant growth
• Are taking meds, for example, allergy medicines, hypertension meds, or antidepressants
• Have a physical issue that could harm the nerves or conduits that add to erections
Could I at any point forestall erectile dysfunction?
Despite the fact that it probably won't be imaginable to constantly forestall erectile dysfunction, dealing with yourself can assist you with staying away from determined issues. As a general rule, the better you are, the more outlandish you'll be to have erectile dysfunction. Doing the accompanying can help:
• Lessen your pressure
• Oversee medical issue like diabetes and coronary illness with the assistance of your PCP
• Deal with your psychological wellness
• Work-out reliably
• Quit smoking, don't utilize sporting medications, and breaking point liquor use
Treating erectile dysfunction
There's nobody size-fits-all treatment for erectile dysfunction. Its causes fluctuate, and that implies you might have to create a multi-pronged way to deal with your treatment plan. Work with your primary care physician to think of the best treatment for you. Potential medicines include:
• Way of life alterations. Shed pounds, work-out routinely, deal with your ailments, quit smoking, and keep away from liquor and unlawful medications.
• Advising. Look for treatment for uneasiness, despondency, and other psychological wellness concerns. Assuming you're having relationship hardships, consider couples directing.
• Professionally prescribed meds. If necessary, your PCP might endorse oral meds like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra (inquire as to whether there's a conventional accessible, as it will cost significantly less). Examine any worries or ailments you have with your primary care physician prior to taking prescriptions for erectile dysfunction.
• Different meds like an KAMAGRA, Alprostadil self-infusion, Alprostadil urethral suppository, or testosterone substitution may likewise be recommended by your primary care physician.
• Actual medicines like a penis siphon or penile inserts don't need prescriptions. Nonetheless, penile inserts are for the most part not considered until other more moderate medicines have fizzled.
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dpomalescreative · 2 years
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How to become your own Boss! Why would you want to do that when being a Boss has always carried such a negative connotation. So why has this saying stuck around for so long? The word has always epitomized a worst case scenario in the job market. The imagery of a Boss has always been that of a mean and brutal individual, male or female, but predominantly male. And when we speak about a Boss its about how Narcissistic or Egocentric they are.  Its about how awful they are. Yet when we speak of a Leader we speak highly about leading and lifting others up not bossing others or bringing them down. When we think about the healthy environment that comes with a good leader we endeavor to find such a environment and such an individual to work for. So why don't we change that cliche phrase to...How to become your own Leader vs your own boss! Why not, when that's what we are truly desiring to be or find in our work life. We must learn to be impactful leaders to our employees not a mean and cruel Boss. But it all starts with how we treat ourselves. Understanding and compassion are what we really need and what we truly seek. We need the understanding of our more empathetic selves. We dont need to push ourselves around or too hard! We need to give ourselves a little more slack to make mistakes and learn from them or to endeavor and succeed from our decisions. Making mistakes and failing is all a part of growing.  A Boss will not tolerate mistakes and will micro manage you to death, always looming over your shoulder not allowing you to grow and flourish in your position. While learning from those mistakes and failures is what makes it time well spent vs time wasted. No one anywhere wishes to waste time. A Boss would not care about you, your time or your growth. While a Leader would embrace you as an equal, appreciate your time and help you to grow. We choose to believe that our time is of value, so why would we let ourselves diminish our own value or self worth? The saying just seems to mislead us in our intentions. We hardly if ever let people Boss us around in our personal lives so why would we do it in business. #beaboss #bealeader #linkedin #blogging #topicoftheday (at DPomales Creative Services) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgNHs85JkvK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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