#he can turn on a flow state at will and so is basically unstoppable
muzzleroars · 1 year
If angels are naturally inclined toward music, does that mean Gabe would be really good at Guitar Hero? and other rhythm-type games? I dont think the plastic guitar would survive long, though.
YES!!!! i love the idea that rhythm games are one of the few video games that each of the angels are actually pretty good at, with gabriel and v1 getting HIGHLY competitive over them (rhythm games are straightforward enough in their approach for v1 to actually play them well lol) they've definitely. broken quite a few controllers/screens by doing this...which the ferryman has probably helped them fix since v2 has told them it's not giving them any more if they're gonna be this careless!! before proceeding to give them a lecture about treating electronic with care
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rhaemaya-valwynn · 1 year
Update- Writing Fan-Fics and Real Life Problems.
Hello everyone, I just wanna give an update on whats going on so you don’t think I’ve forgotten the fan-fics I’ve started.
CW: medical problems and near death of my mother
Over the past year I have struggled with medications. I think I’ve probably gone through at least 12 different medications in an attempt to keep me ‘going’ essentially. I have a special condition which makes me horribly depressed and the Doctor’s I’ve been under are at a loss of what to do for me. The last 6 months has basically been them throwing everything and the kitchen sink at me in an attempt to keep me functioning enough to keep working as I needed to make money for medical bills for my type one diabetes, since even having insurance is not enough to truly help with how expensive it is.
It hasn’t worked. Eventually, the side effects of all the medications accumulated to a breaking point in January. I lost the ability to write (literally, my words were jumbled, I would go to write one thing and then look up to see I had typed something COMPLETELY different) and to comprehend what was being told to me. I almost lost the ability to talk because the medication had taken such a severe turn for me. My doctor had me quit cold turkey and STAY cold turkey for 2 weeks. Those 2 weeks were HELL. Coming off the medication was a utter nightmare as I had to battle auditory hallucinations and the inability to move as they occurred (almost like a paralysis.)
When the dust finally settled, I felt better then I had in 7 years. People would tell me that I looked so much better, not just how I talked and behaved. While this was a great relief, about a month ago (March 16th to be exact) I came home to find a call from my mom’s friend. She was in the hospital for emergency surgery.
The doctor’s didn’t know what was wrong with her, other then something dealing with her intestines. They wouldn’t know if they could fix it till they cut her open.
Essentially, she either lived or died.
Thankfully she made it, though the doctor’s said she was 2 hours away from dying. She had torn a hole in her stomach and 20ft of her small intestine pushed through and wrapped around her colon, cutting blood flow.
Yeah, it was pretty bad.
We both reevaluated our life styles and realized we needed each other, as I was living alone going through all these medication problems and her just having divorced my father and was living alone when this happened.
Last Easter we both agreed that I would be moving back with her. April 14th I bought a trailer to live in next to her small house and am in the process of trying to move out by April 1st.
I haven’t forgotten my fan-fics (Void Walker and the Naga!Jotaro/ Warm my Soul fic)
I just do not have the time to relax or rest till I’m officially moved out and settled into my new home. I hope you all understand that I’m going to need some time to adjust and recuperate from this last year.
Thank you for reading, as a treat you can have a snippet from ‘Warm my Soul’ that I did have prepared before everything happened.
Warm my Soul- Chapter 2: Study Master Disaster The wildlife in Jotaro's habitat was more diverse and intricate than you had initially imagined. Birds, lizards, frogs, beetles, bats, and all manner of things lived here. It was almost as if they had plucked a chunk of forest up and put it in Washington State. Nothing in here was severely dangerous that might actually harm faculty or Jotaro. Though, now that he had regained his weight and was nearly recovered, most things didn't threaten him anymore as he was a wall of sheer muscle. With nigh unstoppable power, he could genuinely hurt someone if he wanted to.This meant no more interactions like Angela's could happen. If he didn't want you there, you would know, immediately.
Kyoshi had warned you that healthy Nagas were some of the most dangerous Cryptids. Due to their ability to move silently and crush their prey with terrifying strength, coupled with their potent venom strong enough to stop your heart in three minutes flat, these Cryptids ranked high on the danger chart, primarily due to the fact that their species was on the brink of extinction due to poachers and tamers alike. Lucky for you, Jotaro actually liked you, so you figured the chances of him wrapping you up in his nine-meter tail and snuffing out your life while injecting you with venom to be....minimal.
On a happier note, the herd of capybaras that lived in the man-made rainforest were overly friendly and would typically come trotting from their 'sunbathing' spots to greet you every morning. They were always eager for snacks and loved 'scritches.' A word used by the older veterinary assistant Tomoko Higashikata who was typically tasked with giving you the snack buckets on your way in. Jotaro always gave her a weird look if he decided to wait for you at the entrance, though you never pried as there were too many things going on in his life that you didn't need to be privy to everything.
The animals may or may not be nice to you because you had kept bringing your own food previously and feeding them as you went in for Jotaro's care. The veterinarians noticed your little escapades and began offering healthier options for the animals as several of them had 'gained too much weight' from your overzealous act of kindness. The snacks were indeed better and didn't involve banana chips and dried mango slices from the dollar store. Most days you worked, you saw Jotaro, given that he had become responsive to care only from you and you alone.
The how and why is a little bit of a story, but at the end of the day, you were his most trusted caregiver. Most of your work schedule revolved around him now, with Thursdays being all to him and him alone. While some coworkers lamented their jealousy over your closeness to the snake man, you reminded them about Angela and how they shouldn't talk that way. But deep inside, you were glad to have broken the barrier between Jotaro and the world.
To be continued....
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ilkkawhat · 3 years
"How long have you had this planned?" "Since the moment I fell in love with you."
(For MacDalton)
[two things: one, this is like the first time I've written them in over three months so I apologize if I'm a bit rusty and two: I just straight up invented a new music venue for the sake of plot. I hope you enjoy Nade!!!]
If there’s one thing Jack’s learned in all of his years of knowing Angus Macgyver, it’s that for certain anniversaries; be it birthdays, deathdays, randomly constituted holidays mostly created on Jack’s behalf such as Bruce Willis’ birthday or the day Die Hard premiered in theaters, it’s that Mac is very...picky when it comes to his sentiments.
He loves a good party, sure, but doesn’t necessarily enjoy birthdays—at least his own, because he still always puts forth effort for others’ to ensure they have a good time.
He believes in Santa Claus, with what he thinks is irrefutable scientific proof, but doesn't believe in the other innocent childish entities such as the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny, agreeing with Jack that the Tooth Fairy is nothing more than a unwanted home invader in the form of a lying parent and the Easter Bunny is just downright made to terrify children with mall photos.
Hell, he at times even downplays the importance of Cairo Day, willing to work instead of lazing around the deck with a six pack and bags of takeout delivered by Jack himself—and while there really was an emergency this time around that left both of them bruised and battered and shaken with the sight of a gutshot Bozer, it ended up being the perfectly bided time for something he’s had planned for, well...for a long while, now.
That, and he’ll be able to kill two birds with one stone, embarking on a road trip to find a long lost father that he already knew Jack would join him on before he even said a single word, and in turn take Jack on a trip he never quite expected to have. One without any hiccups, not even an improvisation. Perfectly planned and tailored to the man he both owes his life to, and wants to devote his life to.
He asks Jack to take a pit stop on their cross-country road trip—immediately dispelling Jack’s insistence of hitting up the casinos in Vegas with teasing argument that he’d lose all of their money for food and gas no matter how many times Jack explains that he knows the “system,” but once their banter fades back into the comfortable silence, he directs Jack past the state of Nevada and into the southerner’s own home state—the Lonestar state.
“Texas? You really think Daddy Mac might be hiding in a hole in Texas?”
Mac shrugs coyly and Jack grins.
“Don’t matter anyhow, been wantin’ to take you back down here anyway. Mama’s missed having a scrawny kid to cook for,” Jack teases with a wink.
“Well good, cause we gotta swing by your casa and pick somethin’ up real quick,” Mac puts on a faithful imitation of the Texan’s accent, and Jack beams.
“Going native, huh, hoss? What do we gotta pick up?”
“Your guitar.”
“My guitar?” Jack’s eyes narrow behind the large yellow lens of his aviators and gives up trying to ask why because Mac keeps his lips sealed.
They just keep driving instead, down a long country road with the appropriate tunes to accompany this feeling; Mac’s hair flowing in the wind, Jack casually driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on Mac’s knee, a wide grin on both of their faces as they watch the sun set and the beautiful unseen stars in the sky rise out to greet them.
And a robot in the backseat, but he’s smart enough to know when to stay quiet and just enjoy the moment.
They make it to Jack’s home, an intended short visit turns into almost an entire day and while Mac is never the one to make excuses to leave, he tries to come up with as many as he can to make it to their destination on time.
Fortunately, he also got Mama Dalton and Jack’s sister in on it too, which does make it just a little easier and Mac promises that they’ll come back on the way home after nearly having to drag Jack out of the beloved ranch home.
He won’t be so grumpy once he sees what I got planned, Mac has to remind himself, because his light layer of deception does hurt him as much as it hurts Jack.
Another reason he wasn’t a fan of the “surprise” element of having a birthday. There’s an almost malicious level of teasing to making sure the birthday boy or girl doesn’t suspect a thing.
But he knows Jack, and knows he has to be suspecting something, evident by his sudden bitterness in their usually laid back banter.
“You’re just getting tired of driving is all,” Mac tries to reason with him.
“Me? I ain’t tired. You’re the one who’s tired, want me to tuck you in the back?” Jack sneers.
“How am I supposed to give you directions then?”
“I got Spanky back there—”
“Whatever. And where is it that we’re going anyway, Mac?”
“Up there,” Mac smiles when he sees the building in the distance, the GPS on his phone indicating they’re only mere minutes away.
“Wuh—No. No!” Jack gapes and Mac burst out in glee. “What are we doing at the Armadillo II?”
The Armadillo II, being a freshly renovated bar and music hall was built as an homage to the Amradillo World Headquarters, which Jack often talked about having gone to as a young kid, wishing it had lasted longer before being turned into an office building—something he often compared to the transition of childhood to adulthood itself.
“Beer and music, what else would you do?”
“Yeah, but I mean, how does this relate to��”
“It doesn’t. It’s just for you. For us,” Mac grips Jack’s hand and gently kisses him on the cheek. “Making up for Cairo Day.”
“Aw, gee, Mac,” Jack’s eyes are glistening, his teeth shining under the bright moonlight in the brightest smile. “You shouldn’t have!”
They’re greeted by a bouncer who holds up a hand to Jack’s chest as he was ready to strut his way in.
“Tickets,” the bouncer grunts.
“Ah, damn, don’t have ‘em on me, but I know the owner—” Jack starts to ramble, ready to sneak their way in but surprisingly, Mac has two ticket stubs.
“Where’d you get those?”
“From my pocket,” Mac says simply and pushes Jack into the building.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the concert will begin in fifteen minutes, please fill you drinks and take your seats!”
“Concert, what concert?” Jack shouts as he takes in the room, taking the chair closest to the door at the table that Mac directs them to.
“See that banner?” Mac nods up to the stage.
Willie Nelson.
Jack knew of course, that Willie Nelson would occasionally come out for a concert or two, usually to fundraise for his acts of activism—and even if he couldn’t attend he’d always try to send some money for the cause, but never, and he really means never in his right mind did he ever think this would happen.
“I love you, Mac,” Jack breathes, and the concert begins.
A few songs in, Willie slows down to a gentle strum on his guitar, and the lights dim to match an intimate, romantic atmosphere.
“Now, this next song is called ‘A Song for You,’ although, it is my honor to make a slight alteration to the title for one of our country’s greatest unsung heroes. A guy with a name that sounds like it’d be on the menu at Carl’s Junior came up to me on the street the other day—”
The crowd laughs at the name joke, and so does Mac but Jack’s jaw is hung open, no sound coming out which makes Mac laugh even harder because he knows it’s all coming together.
“He told me his story, their story and well, now it’s my turn to tell y’all that story too. This here is a song for you, Jack Dalton.”
“No. Fucking. Way!” Jack breathlessly gasps, his fingers shaking, his eyes watery and red. Mac puts his hand on Jack’s knee, and Jack sandwiches it with his own. It’s not until the song is over that he’s able to speak again, wiping the tears from his eyes as the crowd applauds.
“When the hell didja manage to talk to Willie Nelson?”
“On my way back from Siberia. Made a pit stop.”
“And now, it’s my greatest pleasure to welcome onto the stage, the man himself—”
“Mac…” Jack starts slapping, clawing at Mac is if to bring him back to life because this sure as hell feels like he’s died and gone to heaven—though he knows, and Mac knows, that will never happen.
Jack Dalton will never die.
And even if he did, he’d never go into that light without Mac by his side, and because of that, because they’re alive, they both feel unstoppable, almost youthfully immortal in that sense—if they were going to die, they would have kicked the bucket by now, surely.
“Come on up here, Jack!” Willie calls and Jack just cannot believe it, especially not when that same bouncer comes up behind him holding his own guitar that he had stashed away in the back of his GTO.
“How long have you been planning this?” Jack asks wildly as he rises from his seat.
“Since the moment I fell in love with you,” Mac replies, and rises with him, sending him to the stage after a good luck kiss. “Which was basically when you played Willie Nelson every day in the Sandbox.”
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The Witch is Sealed
chapter 2   
A/N:  I don’t really have a schedule for this series but I just wanted to get what I have so far out there. I feel that the pace is too fast for the whole story but it’s my first fanfic so I’m trying not to be to hard on myself about that. Any likes/ comments are greatly appreciated. thanks for reading.   
This is a short chapter with 50/50 fluff and angst.  
the gif is not mine. 
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“I think we have a witch hunter problem on our hands.”
Al's POV
It felt like lightning was flowing through my veins, an unstoppable force was lying within my soul. I felt the cold rain prick my skin as I ran out into the woods. Freedom, this is what it feels like. Running without a care, feigning my immortality. In these moments I am free. Free to wander the Earth and truly lose myself. I charge through miles of forest, I don’t know where I’m going but I always end up around the same place. A wall of warm visible light that glows with a purple hue, this is the border of my world. I’ve never been outside and I am suddenly reminded of my limitation. How mortal I really am, if I could even be considered that. We’re all just caged birds in here. The rain draws me back to reality as it starts to lighten up. I feel uneasy at the lack of its presence when I’m around here. I should walk back home but I linger for a moment longer. Finally I turn to leave. I’m only a few feet away when I feel a strange rumble. The ground shaking as the light from the wall flickers in one concentrated spot. I can’t believe my eyes, there was an opening being created by something on the other side. I could see blurred figures that started to surround the area. Once a space was opened and the wall was breached, I felt my heart drop to my stomach as I locked eyes with a man twice the size of me, a silver knife clearly attached to his belt. As he stepped through the veil I lost my breath and all sense of being. Run I screamed in my head Run! But my feet remained sealed to the ground. I noticed that the gap in the wall was slowly starting to close. I looked out to the other side and I saw a cloaked figure who was bound in chains. I knew then that they had opened this wall with magic. I was furious, how could they do this? Humans are the worst. I knew that I had to get them to leave. It’s my time to fight, I’ll die before I let these people attack my home, my family, my friends. I’d gladly lay my life down for Y/n and Namjoon any day. The thought of protecting them gave my the strength I needed to move. I can’t run, I have to fight. He charged at me with full speed.Spells Al, use a defense spell. I concentrated my energy into a stun spell, Warmth flowed through my body out towards my hand sparking at my fingertips and as I felt it begin to burn I threw the ball of energy at him, hitting him in the chest. It should have paralyzed him but to my dismay the energy flowed right off of him, I’d never seen a protection spell as strong as this one before. Well that’s just cheating I thought to myself. He smiled wickedly at me now closer and taking advantage of my shocked state he landed a punch on my face. Blood spewed from my mouth as a bruise began to form, I should feel pain but the only thing I can feel now is rage. And it was that pure unadulterated rage that sent me speeding towards him to land as many punches as I could. Two to the face and three to the chest his eye was swollen and he coughed as I knocked the wind out of him for good measure I sent a kick to his groin successfully knocking him onto the ground. Triumphant would be a word to describe what I feel right now but before I can even smile at my small victory the man starts laughing. Confused I look at him waiting for an explanation as to what was so humorous. It was then that he pulled out his knife, successfully slicing into my arm. I tried to choke back a scream as I felt the blade rip into my skin. The sun was setting and the opening at the border was closing. I’ll be damned if I let this fucker invade my home. Clutching my upper arm to stop the bleeding I stood up straight ready to fight. I won’t underestimate him this time 
“Bring it on fatty.” I spit out, this seemed to really anger him. He came at me again with the knife but seemed less coordinated than the last time. I used this to my advantage quickly putting an enchantment onto his knife. The next time he swung it the form of the knife changed into that of a snake. He immediately screamed and dropped the creature, I laughed. His face was red with anger 
“Fucking freak!” he screamed at me, the smile on my face dropped. I’ve unarmed him, now all that’s left to do is get him to leave, now the question is how? If I run he’ll chase me. With no other idea as how to get him out of here without killing him I charged towards the border. Aiming for the opening I looked behind me to see if he had followed. Luck was on my side today as he was quickly catching up to me. At the last moment before I hit the wall I dropped to the ground and rolled off to the side. Once he had ran past me I jumped to my feet and started to cast an enchantment on the wall to close the hole back up. It was weaker than the rest of the wall but that should keep anyone from getting through for a while. Exhausted I fall to the ground light headed, the world now spinning I lay my head down on a patch of soft grass, I exhale and the world goes black. 
Pain is the only sensation I can recognize, it’s pain that wakes me. The night sky is filled with clouds black as ash and lightning dances it’s way across the darkness. I’m on the ground. I recognize this part of the forest. I’m bleeding. I’m bleeding. Adrenaline courses through my veins as I cover the gash on my arm. I can’t heal myself here but I can stop the bleeding. A very basic healing spell is all I can muster before I feel like passing out again. Thunder cracks and rain finally starts to pour down onto me feeling like sweet, sweet relief. I stand up and start to jog my way home I’m out of breath but I keep moving, I can’t stop til I’m home. Not til I’m back with Y/n and Joonie, with that thought I ran as fast as I could back our little cabin in the woods.                             
After filling you in on the details of their attack their voice turned stern and defensive 
“They have someone with magic. Y/n, they broke through the barrier, only someone with really developed skills can do that. Someone as powerful as the council! And now a bunch of crazy people trying to kill us have the power to do so.” They looked so scared but determination soon took over their features. “We need to rescue who ever they have captured, if we take away their only source of magic they have no chance in a fight with us.” Namjoon suddenly opened the door, having listened in on the conversation. 
“You can't do that.” He stated calmly, Al began to fume. 
“Like hell I can't, just try to fucking stop me.” Namjoon then grabbed them by the arms, careful to avoid their wound. 
“Al you have to listen to me, think about this logically… Please.” His little plea made their shoulders relax somewhat as they nodded, motioning for him to continue. “We don't know what we're going up against, if we went after them right now that would be suicide. What if they have more of our people held captive? We don't even know why they turned up out of the blue trying to hurt us. This is something that we need to take to the higher ups... We need to take this to the council.” The small bathroom fell silent as the air around you thickened. You all knew he was right, there wasn't much you could do at this point. You don’t know the enemy or what they want. You don’t know what they are capable of or who is on their side. You’re just three college kids, what power do you posses to stop a possible army? Sighing you were the first one to leave the bathroom
 “Joonie, come on let's leave Al so they can wash up before bed” you said gently tugging him away from Al. He seemed reluctant to let go, but soon found comfort in your arms, smiling down at you. It was a sad smile though, one of worry. You needed to lighten the mood desperately. “We’ll go to the council first thing in the morning. Promise, but I know for a fact that we both have potions homework; we slept the whole day away while we were supposed to be doing that.” He snaps his fingers suddenly remembering and goes to get the assignment from his bag. The two of you sit down in the living room. Papers sprawled out across the wooden coffee table a comfortable silence laid over you while doing homework and waiting for Al to get out of the shower. Once they emerge from the bathroom their form is shorter and more feminine, their eyes down cast as they lazily dry their hair with a towel. They look cute with an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of black shorts. Namjoon suddenly can't focus on the assignment as he blatantly stares at them. You had figured out by now that Namjoon was attracted to Al when they we're in this form. It hurt at first, you really liked him, still do, but in retrospect you love them both too much to do anything about nasty feelings that want to bubble to the surface, feelings for either of them. Namjoon closes his book and put his pens away. 
“I think that's enough studying for one night Y/n. We're practically finished.” You nod putting your stuff away also. You're the first one to Al, seeing their eyes filled with grief and something that seemed like regret. You know they want to save whoever the witch hunters have locked up. You wanted to put them at ease, Namjoon too. 
“Hey let's all sleep in my bed tonight. I know I'm not the only one who doesn't want to be alone right now.” They both nodded and you lead the way to your bedroom. The three of you ended up squishing together on your queen sized bed. Namjoon with his back pressed against the wall, you in the middle, and Al at the end of the bed. They cuddled into you as Namjoon wrapped an arm around you both. You sighed with content, it was moments like these that bad guys didn't matter, nothing did because you had these two beside you. 
“I love you.” You said to no one in particular. They both responded, Al first. 
“I love you too sweetie.” They smiled brightly and kissed your forehead.
“And I love you too, baby. Now get some sleep before this get any more embarrassing.” Namjoon quipt as heat radiated off his cheeks with a shy smile. This was how you wanted things to always be. You wanted to be their sweetie, their baby. If every night were spent like this you'd be fine. Minus the getting attacked part. With that thought at the forefront of your mind you found sleep to be rather elusive eventually drifting off into a restless slumber.
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aloevverified · 6 years
mcu character(s) T’Challa “Black Panther” Udaku, Nakia, Shuri, Ayo, T’Chaka pairing Black Panther x black!reader format series | part 1 – part 2 – part 3 – part 4 – part 5 – part 6 warning We’re going back in time and we got some fluff, some more fluff and basically only fluff and an entire backdrop to why T’Challa fell for you in the first place and how you came to be blessed with Abiona as a daughter (read: implied sex scenes) word count 8.9k
summary Both you and T’Challa are struggling with old feelings and memories resurfacing, making your co-parenting situation more confusing than ever. How much longer can you keep your relationship platonic when Abiona reminds you of your past together?
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Her laughter filled his body with joy as she recounted another anecdote about her recent War Dog mission.
“You just can’t keep yourself out of trouble,” he said, mouth twitching of smiling too much as he sat inside the aircraft that flew over Wakanda’s Golden city.
When they were younger, Nakia always found a way to get them in trouble. She convinced him to sneak out of the place for nightly explores near the river tribe lands which usually ended with them being caught by a group of guards. At the palace, his father scolded him in a bright new vocabulary every time.
“What fun is it if I keep myself out of trouble?!”
Nakia raised an eyebrow, grinning from ear to ear. Her projected face glowed like a torch in the catacombs. She looked so happy and at peace.
“Where are you now?”
“On the road,” she stated before pinching her lips. “I’m being transferred to Nigeria.”
He leaned closer to her projection at his wrist. The news about terrorist groupings kidnapping and killing innocent people in the north of the country had reached his ears earlier this week. He had even discussed it with her.
“Where exactly?” His brows furrowed as she kept her gaze down, not wanting to form the answer he already knew. “It’s dangerous, Nakia.”
She looked up with a sigh.
“Every country in the world is dangerous,” she said with a wave of her hand as if his words were just another annoyance to her, “besides there’s nothing a War Dog can’t handle.”
Playful as she sounded, she only reminded him what he had lost when she made the choice to become a War Dog. How much he relished the thought of Nakia doing what she always wanted to do, his feelings for her never really ebbed away.
“When are you coming home?”
“I already told you,” she sighed. He had asked too many times before, but he still hoped every time. “People are in need of help, T’Challa, and my heart needs this.”
The desperation in her words insisting him to understand vibrated too loud, too clear. He understood her desire to help people. How much his heart sang her name, he’d never make her stay if it wasn’t her own choice, even when he wanted to beg every single time they spoke.
“I don’t know what you like about the outside world,” he started as Ayo steered the aircraft through the shield. The view changed from city to jungle. “I just boarded this ship, and I already want it to return home.”
“That will not be possible, your Highness,” Ayo snickered with a toothy smirk. “I got orders from my King.”
“Where is your father dragging you to this time?”
Nakia didn’t hide the giggle in her question.
“Uganda,” he groaned. Both women were taken too much pleasure in his discontentment. “He has a hard time settling some UN.”
His father usually managed to brush off any UN questions brought to their country, but since his latest diplomatic visit to Kenya, he called on the regular to complain about the UN’s persistence to have Wakanda display more commitment within their projects in East-Africa.
“Our King is growing old,” Nakia said with a teasing smile. “He needs his son’s support.”
“He needs me to do his bidding,” he scoffed softly. “That’s it.”
Ayo snorted as she turned her head to him.
“We’ll be arriving in fifteen minutes so make sure to remove that scowl before we land.”
He lifted a hand in front of his mouth as he eyed her with squinted eyes.
“You’re having a good day, Ayo?”, he finally said smug. “You got Aneka to like you again.”
“I even got a goodbye kiss,” she whispered with a wink before pointing her chin to Nakia’s projection. “What about you?”
His face dropped in a beat. Why did he confide in her and Okoye again?
“Oh, T’Challa, don’t be annoyed,” Nakia laughed as she held a hand in front of her mouth. “We all know you do your parents’ bidding too well.”
He opened his mouth and closed it again.
He couldn’t really disagree with her.
He and Ayo descended the Royal Talon Fighter which appeared to be a basic private jet to anyone who looked at it. It soon would lift into the air and make its way back to Wakanda. His father already walked his direction with open arms. Nailah, his personal guard, followed in his tow.
“My King,” Ayo said as she crossed her arms in front of her body.
His father responded with a warm smile.
“You look anew since the last time I saw you.”
“I started my day well.”
His father raised his eyebrows in question.
“Baba,” he said with a nod, hiding his hands behind his back.
His father’s hand cupped his cheek.
“I can see it on your face already.”
He pushed his lips into a smile as he angled his face away from his father’s hand. How much he tried to keep his face unreadable, every single person could tell what his mind thought.
“And still you bring me here,” he muttered under his breath, all the while cursing the traiter that was his own face as he followed Nailah and Ayo to the black Audi parked at the side of the landing track.
He opened the car door in the back for his father to get in. As he walked around the vehicle and took his seat, Nakia’s words floated in his mind like a loud, unstoppable echo.
“Let’s hear it,” he said quickly while Nailah started the engine.
“Uganda is trying to start an agricultural project led by the UN and want to use the river that has its source in our territory.”
He graced his index finger and thumb over his stubble beard to meet at his chin as he looked outside the window. The traffic ahead was packed with white taxi vans and moved forward at a slow pace.
“Not the commuter jam,” Nailah sighed in disdain as she glanced at the digital clock. The trip to their residence inner Kampala would take longer than expected.
“Why make this more difficult than needed?” He turned to face his father. “The river flows through their country. Why not use it without our involvement?”
“They want to connect this project to our farms near the borders,” he explained, “so our crops can benefit from it too.”
“Something we rather not have,” Ayo said firm.
“That’s not our King’s biggest worry,” Nailah whispered to her.
He inched his brows at Nailah’s words. What could be a bigger worry than exposing their country in that way? His father let out a big sigh, rubbing his hand over the side of his face.
“There’s this one officer who doesn’t take no for an answer,” his father started with a tired face. “By Bast, when I tell you she drives me insane!”
“Is it the one with the ‘we need to be one front’ argument,” he inquired with a huff, remembering his father desperate calls where he released his mind from frustration. “The UN does know how to bring clear arguments to the table.”
His father flicked his hand in the air while gazing out the window. Motorbike taxis flashed by in a hurry. At least, they were reaching their destination at a normal speed.
“She means to say African countries need to stand together.”
He understood the meaning of the woman’s words, but it wasn’t easy to rally behind them when Wakanda wasn’t just any African country. He tried to make that clear to Nakia whenever she argued that Wakanda’s seclusion policies needed to change. His father and former Kings had made a choice to hide to protect themselves and he believed it to be the right choice as well.
“The woman doesn’t know the particulars of our country anyway,” he said.
“I agreed on an outreach project in Nigeria because of her.”
The car slammed to a halt. He spread his arm over his father’s chest to keep him from hitting his face against the front seat where Nailah made an obscene gesture to the car driver in front of her.
“You have?”, Ayo exclaimed, twisting in her seat to look at his father with wide eyes.
“Believe me,” Nailah said in anger, “I’m as surprised as you.”
His father clicked his tongue at her statement, though he didn’t reprimand her for her blaming words like he usually did. Who was this UN officer? What had she told his father to change his stance on social aid within the African continent?
“If Wakanda is involved in Nigeria,” he started with furrowed brows, “we could offer Uganda some help too.”
His father shook his head brisk in answer.
“We are a third-world country to the world, Son, do not forget. If we keep offering aid, countries will keep asking for it.”
What was going on in his father’s mind? Why go in on an offer if he knew what consequences the agreement held?
“What do you need me for if you already made up your mind?”, he snapped in a low tone.
“I’m not sure if I made up my mind.” His father pressed his lips, a subtle frown showing in his brow. “I heard some rumors about the woman recently.”
The commuter jam had been even worse this morning. Nailah and Ayo dropped him and his father in front of the Food & Agricultural Organization office half an hour later than expected. The building was compact, raised in orange-colored bricks. At the right side of the entrance, the bushy leaves of small trees shed their shadows on the security grilled windows.
He let his father step inside first. At the entrance hall, he found you awaiting their arrival. You wore a colorful printed two-piece suit, of which the bright yellow accents accentuated your brown skin with a glow. Your lips inched in a smile the moment you set eyes on his father.
“King T’Chaka,” you said in French, arms open in greeting. “Your Majesty, Your Grace.”
Your voice had teased over the words with a subtle laughter.
“No need for flattery, child,” his father answered in the same language with a shake of his head, but he smiled all the same.
You took his father’s hands and beamed as you spoke.
“It’s good to see you again.” Another chuckle left your lips before tilting your head with a raised brow. “I was afraid I had scared you away after our last meeting.”
“It takes more to scare me away,” his father laughed, “even when you do chase me like an ostrich at times.”
He shifted his gaze from his father to you and back to his father. Was his father playing an act, because he surely changed his sentiment since yesterday. Or he simply hid his frustration well?
“I see you brought company too,” you said in a clear voice, offering him a hand. “I’m [Y/N] [Y/L/N], senior UN officer, mainly in charge of the East African Community but I oversee most inter-African projects within the UN.”
“Uhm…” He shook your hand, searching for words because your eyes had a depth so deep he felt like he was balancing on the edge not to fall. “My name... I’m… I’m T’Challa. Udaku.”
You lifted your brows up with a grin as you glanced at his father for a brief.
“I hope you meant to say Prince T’Challa Udaku of Wakanda.”
“Never forget to mention your title when greeting someone here,” you stated. Your brows furrowed near the bridge of your nose with a lively expression. “It gives you standing where you have none yet.”
His forehead wrinkled as he looked at you in surprise.
“I would have thought his Majesty would have taught his son by now,” you said to his father in a chuckle. “Follow me, please, gentlemen.”
You turned on your heels, making your way to the back of the building as he and his father followed. He leaned closer to his father while keeping his eyes on your back.
“You could have warned me she’s relentless in her words, Baba,” he whispered in his native tongue.
“I’m also relentless in the number of languages I speak,” you answered instead of his father without a look his direction.
His cheeks flushed with warmth, especially when his father’s open mouth formed laughter at your words. You stopped in front of the elevators, pushing the button to call one down. A cheeky smile played on your lips when you looked over your shoulder, and he quickly closed his gaping mouth.
“Let us be warned, my Son,” his father said when they stepped inside the elevator. “There might be nothing this woman can’t do.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, a smile adorning your face.
“I’m yet to persuade you for a commitment within the EAC, King T’Chaka, “you answered when you opened your eyes to catch him staring at you.
He quickly shifted his eyes away before scraping his voice.
“What commitment are we talking about exactly?”
The elevator doors opened with a soft ring.
“A sustainable micro-irrigation project at the border with your country,” you explained, switching back to French. The tone of your voice had changed into seriousness but soon trailed back to that playfulness. “I’ll be sure to fill you in with all the details necessary to get your father’s signature once we take our seats.”
His father scoffed at her words but sounded amused more than anything else when he spoke.
“What will your strategy be this time, [Y/N]?”
“I never have a strategy, Your Majesty, only an objective,” you stated in a bright voice, “to have Wakanda agree with me today.”
You paced the front of the room in a slow pace, lacing your words with such easiness and confidence as you went through your presentation. The project sounded promising, but he wasn’t sure if his father should invest money and manpower in these micro-irrigation constructions if only to make a tactical move for the country’s security. There was still a risk exposing Wakanda’s secrets along the way. And yet, he found himself making mental notes to improve the engineering of the dams as you looked at him with a smile on your lips.
When you finished, you handed his father another loose-leaf folder before asking the Ugandan representative to follow you outside.
“I’ll hear what you decide, Your Majesty,” you said while making your way to the door, “but for time’s sake, you can just skip to the last page and sign straightaway. You’ll find me in my office.”
You closed the door with a grand smile which painted your face with softer lines, and he chuckled beyond his control. He turned his head to his father who kept his face in a solemn stare at the files in front of him.
“I can see why you she frustrates you,” he said with a smile. “She has an unswerving approach in her work.”
“Yes,” his father responded meaningful, “relentless as you said, but I’m yet to see firm actions.”
“You’re still considering agreeing, Baba.” He shook his head as he took the folder from his father and turned the pages. “The project is heartfelt, quite ambitious too, but I’m not convinced we should take it upon us. It might give away too much.”
His father covered his mouth with a hand as he stared at the blueprint for the dams.
“We’ll be able to keep our technologies under the radar, T’Challa.” His father stood from his seat while removing the glasses on his nose. With his index finger, he pointed at the white screen still projecting the presentation. “I only wonder how she thinks to execute this proposal. She is known to nestle herself in too much confidence which makes me think she’s overbearing her words.”
The project eyed too ambitious and the UN put its chance of success mostly in another country’s hands. With his father revealing the rumors he had heard about you, he understood why he was ready to accept this project.
“You want to sign to see it fail.”
His father faced him again and grasped his eyes.
“I’d rather not, you know that,” he said in a low voice, “but if it would fail, the better for Wakanda. No one will ask for our help after that.”
Those words rang too much truth, even when he could already hear Nakia’s objections. As future leader of Wakanda, he was bound to make decisions not every Wakandan could agree with.
“It’s a good tactic.”
He turned the bundle of papers to reveal the last page. His father grasped the pen on the table between his fingers and hovered it above the line where his signature would go before he lowered it again.
“You do it, Son,” he said, offering him the pen.
He took it, staring at his father, not sure what he should do.
“You want me to sign it in your name?”
His father shook his head with a faint smile.
“I want you to sign it in your name.” His father lifted his chin in the air, placing his glasses back on his nose. “It’s time you navigate the ways of a diplomat with some real practice.”
He raised his brows. This would be his first solo project representing Wakanda. His veins pulsed with excitement, even when the goal was to end it in failure. He had been desperate to get his brain into gear ever since he accepted that his feelings for Nakia still roamed freely in his body. Besides, his ideas for the improved dams fluttered inside his head like flags in a strong wind.
He entered the building with a graceful tread, eyes searching the room before they settled on you. T’Challa Udaku was a handsome man. He wore a well-tailored navy-blue suit, wrapping around his muscled shoulder too perfect, and there was a twinkle in his eyes that shone brighter the moment his lips puckered in a smile. He even held a plastic binder of his own.
You never expected Wakanda to sign up for this project. You even inflated certain elements during your presentation yesterday for that exact reason, but whatever criticism the Prince of Wakanda hid in his notes, you were well-prepared for it today.
Your body glowed with confidence as you gripped the binders in your hands a little tighter, closing the remaining distance between you and the Prince.
Your face radiated certainty as you approached him. The fitted cobalt dress draped from your neck over your knees was an interesting change from the lively yellow patterned suit you had worn last time. He admired the contrast of the color with your glowing skin.
“A blue suit,” you smiled. “Neutral choice for our first day working together.”
He lifted his arms at you in a gesture.
“I guess we’re matching that sentiment.”
“I’ll be honest,” you said as you gestured him to follow you upstairs, “I’m surprised Wakanda signed.”
“You were very convincing,” he said in a white lie. His words were half-truths anyway. You had captured his curiosity, because how did you clutch yourself in the mind of his father, the King of Wakanda, a man well-known for his headstrong rule?
“That doesn’t surprise me,” you laughed, standing tall before raising a single eyebrow, “but who exactly did I convince?”
He chuckled, covering his mouth with a half-closed fist. That confidence of yours dripped like a leaky tap, and it seemed you never left an opportunity to show it.
“Whose signature decorates the agreement?”, he stated simple, not meeting your eyes as you still stared at his face.
“I’ll take it as a compliment, Your Highness,” you said after a moment. “Will it be just you?”
He put his arms behind his back before angling your direction with inched brows.
“Less people get more done than too many.”
You parted your lips, corners slightly turning up when you opened the door of a meeting room at your right. He let you walk inside first.
“Uganda has given my department full charge of this project,” you said, closing the door behind him, “which means you’ll have to deal with me a lot.”
You finished the sentence with a playful wink as you put the binders on the table and aligned several bundles of papers in a perfect row.
“Uganda puts a lot of trust in your department.”
You looked up with a serious face.
“I might work for the UN, Your Highness,” you said with a strong brow, “but my alliance always lies with the countries I represent, and they know it.”
He nodded in response, taken aback by that admission as he watched you in wonder.
His mind got sucked into the engineering blueprints of the irrigation system during your meetings. He made quick notes in the margins, striking out certain elements in the drawings only to replace them with an idea he thought to improve the system. You would stalk behind him, seemingly reading a report but he sensed your eyes roaming his figure.
Whenever your meetings weren’t solely him and you, he observed how you changed into your diplomatic persona without effort. Such contrast compared to your moments alone. Your eyes glistered whenever your superiors left the room with praising compliments. You dropped the diplomacy in a beat, hopping ecstatic on your feet as your lovely smile brightened his day. Every now and then, you’d make a teasing comment, having him laugh even when he didn’t want to. You covered your bold opinions and stubborn suggestions with innocence, and it frustrated him and amazed him all the same.
At the end of another working week, the sight of you accompanied him to his hotel as he imagined your being all evening over the weekend.
Your attachment with the project grew without a stop. Every detail T’Challa made to the blueprints took you by surprise. Your Physics knowledge was limited, even when you studied it for two years and worked with the project engineer three months prior. T’Challa made it all sound so simple when he answered your questions. His passion didn’t go lost in his earth-colored eyes. His hands swerving through the air as he spoke to make you see his vision.
Every day with him was a welcome one. You started the day with snarky comments just to get a reaction from him, but he always stayed well-mannered. He would either laugh politely or counter with a wistful wisdom that made you roll your eyes. You loved testing his boundaries, but it seemed he always redrew them, making it hard for you to figure out his character beyond the polite, playful Prince.
Your eyes always found something to admire during these past weeks. His puckered lips. His large eyes fanned with long lashes. His deep laughter when you joked. The wrinkles in his forehead when he stared at you in thought. That charming tooth gap showing when he spoke.
Did you ignite flames in his heart? Because yours already started to consume a fire in his name.
You paced the room as T’Challa waited for you to finish your phone call.
“The only thing I asked was to make sure the idiot was briefed correctly,” you said annoyed, pressing a hand against your temple, “We can’t afford these mishaps any longer. Tell him to get his damn act together or I will.”
You ended the call and put your phone down with a sigh, shaking away the anger, before taking your seat across T’Challa again. He looked at you with an inquiring brow.
“Sorry for the wait,” you started.  One of your co-workers at the UN headquarters in Vienna had revealed wrongful information on the project during a news broadcasting interview. “Small miscommunication back at the Head Office."
T’Challa looked at you too entertained. He clasped his hands together, leaning closer as he looked at you with raised brows.
“You speak German very well,” he said while his mouth folded in an amused smile.
Your mouth dropped open and your cheeks flushed with warmth. He had understood ever word you said during that call.
“What other languages do you speak, [Y/N]?”
His French didn’t hide his native accent and you tried not to drown in the sound of your name rolling over his lips. Your blood rushed with excitement as he held your eyes. You sat back in your seat, crossing your legs as you answered his gaze. 
“Try and guess,” you said in Wakandan, and your body pulsed victoriously when he chuckled in a soft breath.
“I assume this is a given?”
He had spoken in English. The words colored in his bright Wakandan accent; a sound you decided you thoroughly enjoyed hearing whatever language he would speak.
“It’s basically the go-to language on this earth,” you answered in the same language, “What did you expect?”
“The accent never quite leaves, right?”, he laughed in perfect Swahili.
You snorted loud because you always forgot your own words were wrapped in a French accent.
“The beauty of being a polyglot,” you said in Yoruba, certain he wouldn’t understand a word of it.
Wrinkles formed in his forehead as he put a finger in front of his lips.
“You know how to flatter yourself.”
You widened your eyes, and his lips curled in a pleased smile. He spoke Yoruba as well? Uncrossing your legs, you shoved closer to the table, putting your hands under your chin.
“It’s a quality you’re bound to form when striding the political scene,” you said in Arabic.
“Not everyone is easily charmed by it,” he answered without showing any trouble in using the language.
“Are you?”
His face beamed, and you bit your lip to keep a silly giggle from escaping. You tilted your head slightly, hoping you were about to win this little duel, because what language would he throw your way at this point? You had used all your cards.
He opened his mouth and a series of rhythmic words left his tongue, their meaning completely undecipherable. You dropped your hands on the table, and he smiled brightly, a playful look in his eyes.
“You found my weakness,” you admitted. “What language?”
You nodded your head and kissed your teeth in a smile while curiosity buzzed inside your mind.
“You’re not telling me what you said, right?”
“Where’s the fun in that?”, he grinned.
Your heart pressed against your ribs. The flames grew every time he smiled.
You should have seen her,” he said to his sister, who rolled her eyes in the projection at his wrist. “She was standing like a Jabari mountain. She’s determined. She knows what she—"
“You have been gushing about this woman for too long, Brother,” Shuri exclaimed with a roll of her eyes. “Isn’t this something you could discuss with Ayo?”
“I’ve heard everything already, Princess,” Ayo said from the couch behind him as he paced their residence with you occupying his thoughts.
You had given your presentation in front of a Ugandan board and some of your UN supervisors today. The project had been drafted into detail and their first reactions sounded hopeful. It was still a week worth of waiting for an actual greenlight to continue it, but seeing you excited made him excited, even though he was aware he shouldn’t be hoping for a positive report.
“Nakia?”, she tried desperate. “Even W’Kabi is a better option. Brother, I have stuff to do.”
“What stuff?”, he mocked with a cocked brow. “Hasn’t the Design Group kicked you out yet with your know-it-all attitude?”
His sister’s face stretched unimpressed.
“Very funny.” She tilted her head with a smirk, and he prepared himself for whatever retort she’d come up with this time. “If you’d like to know, I’ve been baptized as their number one inventor, and that only after one week. Tell that to Baba!”
Her face beamed, radiating like a bright sun hanging high in a cloudless sky. His shoulders slumped. Was there nothing this girl couldn’t do?
“Bast, Sister, I needed four months to convince them with the Quinjet.”
“Royal genetics usually skip the firstborn,” she laughed. “They don’t really need their brain while running a country.”
“You got a big bragging mouth when I’m not there to—"
“Brother, you’re using my newest Kimoyo Beads technology,” she countered quickly. “I’m allowed to have a big bragging mouth.”
“Try not to drown in this woman. My brain cells will not sur—"
He cut Shuri’s call short when his father and Nailah stepped inside the room. His sister’s words echoed against the walls.
“What was your sister teasing you about this time?”, his father said cheerful.
“Nothing, Baba,” he smiled, not sure why he was relieved his father hadn’t heard the ending of that conversation. “We were only messing with each other.”
His father took off the jacket of his suit
“How’s the project coming along?”
“We presented it in front of the board today,” he said, remembering how you threaded your words elegantly in a detailed summary of the project. “[Y/N] did most of the work really.”
“Is it true?”, his father said as he sat. “Has she been arrogant?”
Your first day working together, he figured out you had been boastful about your plans, but with every subsequent day you knew how to bring a smart solution to the table.
“Not really,” he decided, and his father looked at him in surprise. “When I told her Wakanda wouldn’t invest half of the budget Uganda asked for, she made an entirely new estimate based on our Nigerian commitment. We can actually do both projects with a slightly raised budget you agreed on with her.”
He took a step in his fathers’ direction who seemed to sink away in his thoughts.
“I’m starting to believe in this project, Baba,” he added.
His father slowly looked up, pressing his lips together and shook his head as an answer.
“And it’s not just the budget,” he started eager. “I could still reinvent the hydraulic system so the periodic irrigation—"
“You’re losing focus, Son.”
Guilt crawled up his legs, entered his body and pushed itself in every corner of his mind.
“I’m not,” he insisted, his thoughts conflicting the feelings he hid inside his heart.
His father rose from his seat and grabbed his shoulders.
“This is a good lesson for you, T’Challa. You should never forget where your priorities lie.”
He dropped his gaze to the floor. These past weeks, the project had become the prospect of his day. Was there something wrong with his passion taking over?
“With Wakanda, Baba,” he said strong, “like they always have.”
He inched closer, making sure his chest didn’t press against your back as he looked over your shoulder. You had the board’s report in your hand. The sound of your deep breaths calmed his mind as he fell into your scent.
Jasmine flowers and coconut?
“We did it.”
He woke from his thoughts when you twisted around, clutching the report in one hand with a beaming face.
“We get to continue it, T’Challa!”
You flung your arms around his neck and he stood stunned for a brief. Your scent fogged his mind like a sweet dream. He wrapped his arms around your waist, hands following the curve of your back as he pulled you closer, breathing your presence.
“If you wish,” you whispered. The sound of your voice near his ear made him float dizzy through space. “I can give you the name of the soap I use.”
He quickly let you go and you pinched your lips with a giggle. Whatever was happening between you two, he couldn’t ignore the pull within his body.
“I haven’t had breakfast,” you said, fingers playing with the hem of your shirt at your wrist. “Do you mind going into town?”
‘Not at all.”
“How do you like Uganda?”
T’Challa walked beside you as you passed through the buzzling Owino market where folded fabrics, herbs in a rainbow of colors and traditional medicines were stalled. One of the vendors lifted a shiny leather handbag in the air for you.
“Pretty bag for the lady?”, he said with a smile and you shook your head politely.
You walked through the city every morning and every evening, not ever experiencing the vividness of Ugandan life during the day in all its brightness. You still wanted to hang out at a kafunda before you returned home.
“It’s different,” T’Challa said thoughtful, “but I like to stay in my country more than anywhere else.”
“You haven’t been very lucky to be born a Prince.”
He had told you he was the eldest, so as the Wakandan Heir, his life was set to go a certain direction since his birth. The thought of such a life creeped your skin with chills.
“I think myself very lucky,” he said as his gaze shifted over the people around you before resting on you. “You must be travelling a lot as well for your work.”
“I wanted it,” you smiled, “and it’s so nice to meet the locals.”
His eyebrows rose slowly as he stared at you with a dorky expression in his eyes. You looked away, cooling down the warmth on your cheeks with a deep inhale. You enjoyed visiting Africa. You let yourself get lost in the feeling of being unapologetically yourself.
“Where are you originally from?”
Your smile drooped into a line. You never liked hearing that question, even if T’Challa asked in good spirit. Living in France, it was the first question people asked you when you met as if it mattered to your person. In their eyes, you were a foreigner. The color of your skin and the texture of your hair reminded people all too well, yet, they forgot you were as much a foreigner to the African continent.
“My father is—"
You turned your head to the familiar voice, a smile creeping on your face without a thought.
“Mukisa,” you exclaimed.
The old man held a woven bag in his hand full of groceries. He was dressed in a red shirt, brown linen shorts secured with a belt at his waist and worn sandals on his feet.
“Where were you this morning?” he said in Ugandan English. “Your absence ruined my day.”
You laughed as his greyed brows lightheartedly blamed you in a twitch.
“I was coming by just now to make your day better, Uncle.”
He clapped his hand gently against your back as he turned his attention to T’Challa.
“You found yourself a man now?”, Mukisa said in banter. “I told you I have three sons waiting to propose.”
You snorted loud and shook your head.
“Please, no,” you laughed at the man. T’Challa’s smile grew as he stared a you. “T’Challa, this is Mukisa—”
“Street vendor a couple of streets down and I introduced this lovely lady to the best Ugandan snack ever,” Mukisa said proud.
“What snack?”
Mukisa stopped in his track, widening his eyes at T’Challa in shock.
“You never tried a Rolex?”, he said, sucking his teeth. “If you don’t eat one, you haven’t been in Uganda. Come and I’ll make a special one just for you.”
Mukisa waved his arm in the air for you to follow him. You locked arms with T’Challa’s arm and leaned closer
“That’s exactly what he said to me the first time,” you whispered, “and I’ve been visiting him ever since.”
T’Challa puckered his mouth amused as he stared at your hands around his arm and you pondered on a wonderful what-if that could never be.
He took another bite of his Rolex, his third one this week. You sat high up a hill, watching the Ugandan capital under you being covered into evening with a soft sunset. The orange glow on your bare legs tickled his thoughts.
“This one colleague doesn’t think a minute before speaking,” you said in a fit of giggles. His mind couldn’t capture the perfection of your laughing tune as his eyes traced the lines of your smiling lips. “He gets himself in all sorts of trouble, so we had to keep him at the headquarters in Vienna, especially after he insulted the President of Kenya right under his nose.”
“What did he say?”
“You don’t want to know,” you said with a waving finger, “and I’m not telling you.”
“Never happened to you?”, he said with a cocked eyebrow before he ate the last bit of his wrap.
“I am very careful in what I do or say at work,” you declared proudful as you leaned back in the grass. “I’ll admit I can be very direct in my words without really wanting to but—“.
“Just say you hide your stubbornness well.”
He peered at you from the corner of his eyes, enjoying how your face folded from played shock to challenging jest when you pushed your shoulder back.
“Calling me out, T’Challa?”
“I only name what I observe,” he stated simple. “It’s a scientist’s way.”
You crossed your legs.
“Do share your other observations with me, Mr. Scientist,” you said with squinting eyes, grasping his gaze like a hook. “I dare you.”
“Where do I start?” He lifted a finger in front of his lips, feigning deep thoughts. “Your aggressiveness? Your arrogance? Your—"
You covered your mouth as you let out the ugliest snort he ever heard, and he bellowed a laughter that hurt deep inside his stomach. He just loved your carelessness when around him, never hiding behind a pretend persona.
“You have some nerves, but I still want to hear what you have to say,” you said as your hand reached his face, your thumb wiping something away from the corner of his mouth.
“I-I don’t…”
He cursed his stammer while your touch on his skin send him spiraling. Why did he lose focus whenever you claimed his eyes with your gaze?
“I can share some of my thoughts about you,” you whispered.
The huskiness of your voice brought his restless mind at play with his imagination. Your gaze slipped lower from his eyes to his lips, and when you leaned closer, his body froze, not sure how to respond as your lips covered his with hesitation.
Your lips pressed gently, no eagerness in their warm caress, making it all the sweeter when he sunk into the embrace with an insatiable desire. He closed his eyes, debating whether he should or not before pulling you into his lap anyway. His hands traced your waist, following the curvature of your body when you arched your back with a moan, unlocking your lips.
“T’Challa,” you whispered. “We’re in public.”
Hearing his name in that hoarse sound made his body pulse with a burning want for more.
“Give me a moment,” he grunted in a whisper, pressing his nose against your neck, letting your perfume taint his mind.
An alarm rang inside his mind to make an end to whatever he started, but he was already sinking too deep in a sea of hope.
He walked you home, his touch on your body still burned, and you weren’t ready to part from the feeling. He wanted you as much as you wanted him at this point, even if it might be just a lustful attraction to him.
At the entrance of your building, you kissed him on his cheek and his head turned for his lips to brush yours. You sensed his smirk in that soft caress. You took him by the hand, guiding him inside your flat, not listening to your mind chastising your heart for this foolishness.
What was wrong with falling into the depth of him, even when a future could never be written in the stars? You wrapped your arms around him, pressing your bodies together to kiss the skin near his ear. The heavy beating of his hear sounded like a plea for more.
“I don’t mean to take advantage of you.”
“You’re not,” you whispered, pushing him against the wall of your bedroom.
His lips travelled down your neck in feathery kisses while his hands worked away a layer of your clothes.
“Tell me if I should stop.”
You clasped his lips in a deep kiss, your body rippling with pleasure as he answered you with rhythmic passion.
“Don’t stop,” you gasped against his lips.
His fingers trailed over your bare back before he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you even closer.
“I don’t mean to—”
“T’Challa.” You cupped his face with both hands, your eyes roaming his gorgeous face with ticking impatience. “Can you shut up and just make love to me?”
He laughed before he spun you on your back in one swift turn. You closed your eyes with an airy giggle, ready to have him again in all his glory.
Your hands teased, your lips enthralled him. Your hips mesmerized, your scent drowned him. Each memory of your touch he took with him after he kissed you goodbye. Too many messages were left unanswered on his phone but all he could think of was you. He was walking a slippery path but what about it? His heart wanted to love another, admire another and be answered with the same yearning.
He opened the door to his residence as silent as he could, not wanting to wake his father.
“Where have you been?”
He turned around to find Ayo glaring at him. He should have send her a text, if only to have her calmed down by the time he got here.
“We still had to finish something,” he said in a lie, passing her as he replayed the image of you and him, pressed, melting as one.
“Why stay throughout the evening if you can do your work first thing in the morning?”, she murmured low.
He would see you again tomorrow. His stomach dropped in a tangled flutter of anticipation and confusion. He covered his face with a hand. How would he walk around the blurred lines he was creating?
“Another deadline is approaching,” he started, his mind and heart at odds with each other. “We got that greenlight, remember?”
Ayo slowly shook her head as she looked at him in a scowl.
“You were at her place.” She paused for a beat. “ Prince, you’re playing with fire here.”
He sunk away in his feelings, numbed and betrayed.
“Why are you tracking me?”
“It might not be my place to say,” she said, standing tall with an apology shining in her eyes, “but you should remember your father’s words when with her.”
He looked at her from under his brows, wondering if he could trust her to keep this a secret. She had always been one of his close friends ever since she became his personal guard.
“I know where my loyalty lies, Ayo,” he articulated. “I hope you do too.”
Meetings were spare since the greenlight. Small details needed to be checked and filled in with each party individually which you ran with him after. He would meet you in your flat for a couple of hours which were filled with work discussions, personal conversations and innocent make-out sessions. He desperately tried to keep them from happening, but Ayo’s or his father’s words could rest his body to show you how he felt.
On his days off, you met up to roam about in Uganda city life without expectations or responsibilities. He was living a dream, free to love whoever he wanted.
No worries, no titles.
Just you. Just him.
You sighed as you threw the binder on the low coffee table of your sitting room. Your hand covered your temple, a gesture you made all too often. He could list every single reason you would rest your hand there.
“They’re only asking for ten Wakandan outreach workers to stay two weeks longer than agreed upon.”
He shrugged his shoulders.
“Wakanda is not willing to overdue their help,” he stated in a simple voice.
You kissed your teeth and he shouldn’t think it funny, but he adored the sight of your irascible self.
“Honestly, what’s in a year?”
One year ago, he begged for Nakia to stay. One year ago, he cried to heal his broken heart. One year ago, he could never have imagined he would fall for somebody else, and yet here he sat, wishing for an easier way of life, one without a title that held obligations above the head of every woman he loved.
“A lot can change over the course of a year.”
You stalked towards him. His eyes followed the sway of your hips. His skin burned with the need for your touch.
“You annoy me,” you huffed as you sat in his lap. “Stop being so annoying.”
He raised his arms in the air with a gasped chuckle.
“You should learn to ask instead of making demands.”
You cupped his face in laughter and kissed him along the line of his cheekbones. He closed his eyes, hands resting on your back as he let his body swelter while your lips warmed every inch of his face. When your fingers dug under his shirt, setting him ablaze, he grabbed you by the arms.
“[Y/N], not now.”
“It’s a lost fight, T’Challa,” you smiled, biting your bottom lip before your voice lowered seductive. “I usually get my way anyway.”
He clasped your lips. Your kisses were streaks of joy and bliss, making him forget that he shouldn’t pray to Bast to gift him a chance to keep this one good thing with him forever.
You planted a kiss on T’Challa’s nose before rolling on your back with a heaving chest. With closed eyes, you let the delight, still waving within your body, slowly eb away. You opened your eyes when you felt his fingers graze your belly. His brows rose to wrinkle his forehead, and his smile soothed you.
“This shouldn’t happen every time we meet,” he whispered, pulling you closer. Legs tangled, feet touching.
“Don’t think about it too much,” you smiled, pressing your nose in the crook of his neck.
“We both have our responsibilities in this partnership,” he spoke near your ear, “and they do not align.”
He said out loud what your mind has been telling you all along. He was a Prince, and you were a woman who would never desire life at court. There was no future together, no dream life made up by just you and him and yet...
“This just feels right,” you said as you grasped his eyes because he must feel the same way, right?
“It does,” he said in a chuckle and that confession wrapped you in an embrace more intimate than your bodies pressed in heat.
You turned to lay on your belly, your chin supporting on the back of your hands as you stared at this wonder of a man. His eyes twinkled in response.
Was there no way to wake up with him by your side every day?
“Tell me what’s on your mind,” he whispered as he trailed two fingers over your jaw.
“I don’t like surprises, but it’s quite the surprise I fell for a Prince without standing.”
He bellowed his echoing laughter, filling your heart with too many wishes that will never be. His hands shot to your sides and you bend in laughter.
“Stop it,” you exclaimed before smashing your head against his chin and he groaned in pain.
You inched closer to him, taking his jaw between your fingers to press kisses against his chin as he chuckled with pinched eyes.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered in between a kiss. “I told you tickles are at your own risk.”
The next days, there was no single fiber in his body that spoke the urge to stop loving you. Ayo kept reminded him how he only fueled his feelings by seeing you outside the UN meetings, but you told him this felt right. His heart found another rhythm worth beating and maybe he could find a way to have it stay with him for the rest of his life.
As he walked inside his residence after a carefree walk through the neighborhood, he found his father returned from his meeting with the Ugandan representatives. Nailah stood behind him with an intense expression while Ayo was seated in a chair at the dining table. She didn’t look up, but her body sat tensed.
“[Y/N] was full of praise for you,” his father said strong, making him swallow hard. “She seems to know you too well, T’Challa.”
“We… We’ve been working together these past months,” he tried innocent. His palms were sweating like a waterfall. “It’s not hard to get to know someone well after that.”
“She’s inviting you in her bed which might explain it too.”
He shifted his gaze to Ayo who still avoided his eyes. Could he blame her for telling?
“You’re inattentive when falling for someone.” His father’s brows furrowed in a deadly stare. “I’ve witnessed it first hand in Wakanda, and I witness it here as well.”
He looked away.
His bones filled with despair. His heart messed up his new-found rhythm with weighty regret.
“I will remind you once again that you have a duty to look after,” his father continued. “Don’t lose it out of sight because you think you’re falling in love with an outsider. Think of the consequences, Son. Bast, think of our country!”
“I am thinking—”
“Are you?!”
He took a step closer to his father.
“I’m aware she’s not a Wakandan,” he said in a clear voice.
The words tried to slip inside of him, to nestle the truth between his feelings so to temper them. What a lost cause, really, because why did it matter what you were?
“Don’t you think I see it when you pray for it to be different?”
He cursed the treachery that was his damned face.
“I’ve asked a reconsideration of the project,” his father spoke.
He heard the message of broken trust between the words, but more so the start of an ending. Every single fiber of his body urged to undo it. Undo it. Undo it.
When would he learn to accept that love never worked in his favor?
Your eyes sought out T’Challa all by themselves when you entered the meeting room. He didn’t glance your way as he took his seat at the table. You hadn’t seen each other for days, and he couldn’t meet your eyes for just a second? You pushed away the hostile feeling inside your bones and formed a smile on your face for King T’Chaka who approached you.
“Coming to see the hard work your son has put in this project, Your Majesty?”
The King nodded with an earnest face, but he was clearly not amused by your little jest. Your veins filled with dreaded caution. There was a reason why Wakanda gathered this meeting on such short notice.
“It’s his first project,” the King said too stern for his usual self. “I’m allowed to be proud.”
“There’s a lot to be proud about.” You looked at T’Challa. He didn’t seem at ease. His hand rested near his mouth as he made small talk with the person next to him. “You raised a good man with him.”
“That good man is to be King one day too.”
You silently sighed, because there was never just him. Only titles and duties and impossibilities.
“He has an entire country depending on him, and no distraction should come his way as he takes upon that duty.”
“He knows very well what is expected of him,” you said in a lowered tone. King T’Chaka had figured it out. “You don’t have to remind me—"
“I’m reminding you who my son is,” he snapped before he leaned closer, holding your eyes without mercy. “There’s no hope in keeping a fire ablaze when the rain is pouring.”
“Your Majesty, I never—"
“This ends today.”
The King left you to stand all alone. You clenched your jaw. With just three words he had weighted your heart. Why did it hurt to think being parted from T’Challa when you already decided the ending even before your story really had begun?
The meeting room emptied. You were gathering your stuff when T’Challa’s hand covered your wrist and with a stare he insisted you to stay. You turned to look at King T’Chaka. His inched brows hooded his gaze which shifted between the both of you before he left through the door.
“I didn’t expect Wakanda’s official withdrawal to be the outcome today,” you said, jerking your hand from under his fingers.
You paced the room, arms wrapping around your body. Your feelings ached because he didn’t tell you, didn’t warn you. A stupid thought because he had no obligation to explain himself or Wakanda to you, but it still hurt.
“We worked so hard for this,” you said in a cracked voice.
He stepped closer, putting his hands around your arms.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N].”
He pulled you in for a hug, hands rubbing over your back while you breathed his scent into memory.
“We can’t keep doing this,” he whispered, streaking his thumbs over your cheeks when he released you for that tender hug.
You let yourself drown one last time in his eyes.
“It’s not like we expected it to last, right?”
masterlist | part 1 – part 2 – part 3 – part 4 – part 5 – part 6
personal remark Sooooo, this is the pre-Abiona relationship of T’Challa and Reader/You/Alix (how me and C**** call her lol). I had some back and forth with some anons after the last chapters (loved it btw) which revealed to me I needed to give some background to their previous relationship. I hope you can uncover the reason why T’Challa bends over backwards for Alix (credits to the anon who I’m quoting loool). You can read it within the lines but make from it what you want really. Anyway, next chapter we’ll be picking up the story from part 5, throwing another obstacle in the mix for their love story. Thank you all for your patience with my updates, the likes, the reblogs, the comments. I appreciate you and your support from the bottom of my heart <3<3<3
This chapter is dedicated to @mosaicpieces and their amazing story suggestions. MP, you basically created this in my mind. Never forget!
@tongueofareadywriter I knowwwww no Abiona (yet lol) but now I established it was never a roll in the hay, right??? Also, thank you for your constant support. I love how you adore this story.
@teechallas-blog A proper shout-out to you too, because I would like to apologize for the state I left your wig in after chapter 5... You still love me, right?
taglist @marvelhaven @designatedrhodesandshores @lovely-geek @arabellaaurorabarnes @supernatural-dreamer @ira-and-ephelis @yourwonderbelle @pessimisfit @supremethunda @xxdarkdarlingxx @shinyanchorface @isaathompsonus @af112992 @tiniefluff @kenbechillin @chefjessypooh @oberyners @maliadestiny @inlovewith3@inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @holy-minseok @hopenshaw @90sinspiredgirl  @pupyluv247 @k-michaelis @i-am-de-queen @morningstar09 @nyneebey @idilly (if you want to be taken off the taglist, please let me know. I don’t want to spam anyone lol)
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gregellner · 6 years
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Artwork by Tim Seeley, Daniel Leister, Mark Englert, and Chris Crank through Image Comics from “Hack/Slash: My First Maniac” #1. 
(Mild censorship applied to Mortimer Strick’s buttons.)
For October 30 and Halloween of 2018, I did a thorough analysis of “Hack/Slash,” the horror comic epic (in the classical sense of the term) primarily by Tim Seeley. The analysis (viewable here as Part One and Part Two) was deliberately incomplete, as not only did it only intensely cover the first half of the original 2004-2013 run, but doing so involved providing intentionally inaccurate information as to the way in which the world of “Hack/Slash” functions so as to entice incoming readers without giving too many spoilers.
Here, I will be examining one way in which the world of “Hack/Slash” actually seems to function, by way of looking at the creatures that inhabit it so far as can be thoroughly explained.
There are many different kinds of beings in the world of “Hack/Slash,” all of which initially were collapsed under the overall collective name of “slashers.” While the Psychofiles in the earlier volumes (Volumes 1-5, collected in Omnibuses 1 and 2) did label them all as “slashers,” there were enough outliers, especially those who are given their own, unrelated categorization like “Faustian,” that the term itself seemed too generalized. In fact, many of the most famous villains of the slasher genre do not technically qualify under the actual, more precise definition proposed roughly halfway into the epic’s initial run.
As a note, “Hack/Slash” is a mature comic series. As such, there is the possibility of the occasional swear, as well as graphic imagery.
Furthermore, there will be no censorship for spoilers on this article either, so it assumes the reader is comfortable with the epic as a whole.
Some of the information gleaned here is from inference based on the information presented across the epic, while other pieces are from direct questions asked to Tim Seeley himself either online or through in-person conversation at New York Comic-Con 2018.
For convenience, it seems best to list at least part of the first half of the analysis I did on Halloween for this.
What are slashers? Well, imagine your basic slasher movie villain. Revenge driven, extremely durable and at times supernatural. Commonly able to survive and escape if you don’t keep them in your sights. In many cases having additional supernatural abilities, most commonly superhuman strength and at least some level of physical regeneration to come back from death again and again. These villains focus on hurting those who are often guilty of some vice, mostly in terms of sexual activity.
Some of these villains, including many in “Hack/Slash” itself, focus on a specific day or a specific set of circumstances, in particular a holiday or otherwise a single day a year, before returning to their graves. These types of slashers are definitely the most predictable, and so are only very rarely dealt with, but do come up, in particular ones for Groundhog Day, Memorial Day, and Christmas each having some time devoted to fighting them in the story, and some others being mentioned as having been fought off-panel.
As defined, the slashers in “Hack/Slash” are also known as revenants, an older variation on the zombie archetype from European folklore as early as the Middle Ages, if not earlier. These undead are reanimated corpses that are believed to have revived to haunt the living. In the case of the slashers, as far as Cassie Hack knows from the beginning, they are reanimated by their sheer unstoppable hatred and insanity, their need for revenge, and are drawn to the things that they miss from life, mostly the aforementioned sexual vices. Furthermore, they often (but not always) retain intelligence on some level, enough to remember their past lives in spite of their new (or perhaps not-so-new) murderous obsessions, with their homicidal tendencies geared toward those memories, or even just basic impressions on the moments prior to or directly involved with their deaths in particular.
Additionally, several slashers tend to develop a skill set associated with the method of their death, making for a range of different types of villains. These powers range from someone who can kill others in their dreams, to secreting acids when sexually aroused, to the ability to detach one’s own limbs and move them independently, to transmission through the Internet like an electronic ghost. Each of these powers connects primarily to the manner of death, but also sometimes connect to the users’ personalities, in particular with respect to the acid user and the Internet transmission. The powers eventually tend to evolve over time and with subsequent appearances, developing new means of utilizing skill sets like the acidic secretions or a merger of dream-based powers with general psychic illusions, but on the whole, the power sets stay within set parameters in terms of what kinds of things they can accomplish.
While they do have a variety of powers, there are also some weaknesses that often do not come up in slasher movies. For instance, the most common slashers can be taken down with gunfire if in sufficient amounts, and can also suffer greatly from other forms of damage including blunt trauma or being cut up. In essence, while some slashers may have incredibly high healing abilities, they still can only take so much damage. One especially powerful weakness is fire. Whether or not it is truly the case, fire and explosions seem to do more damage than most other things. Those killed by fire have a tendency to have far more difficulties coming back from the dead again. The weakness is potent enough that Cassie tells others that “fire is your friend” when it comes to slashers. How exactly it works is unclear, but there are a high quantity of stories (which Cassie researched in the process of learning more about slashers) that include fire being used to keep things dead, especially zombies or vampires, so perhaps the same rules of “purifying the unholy” follows, as far as she can initially understand.
Now, all of that is all well and good. But why does fire work so well? Why do only some vengeful beings come back as slashers, while others do not? Not every serial killer Cassie Hack and Vlad face returns as undead, after all, and some of the slashers, like Blackfin the shark, are not even human in the first place.
The answer lies in where they come from, and by whom they were initially created. In fact, the elements stated before are an oversimplification at best.
The two elements at play are best said together at first, then explained separately. Rather than try to tell in general terms, it seems best to go to a certain quote from “Hack/Slash: The Series” #24.
“During his travels, Akakios discovered a small African tribe whom regularly used a plant with many unusual properties. When burned, it created a black flame. When its nectar was injected into a corpse, the body would regain a semblance of life. The plant was used respectfully, and in moderation. Inevitably, the plant’s effects on the brain wore off, leaving only a starving, unliving beast that fed upon living flesh. Akakios destroyed the tribe, taking the secret of the plant, which he called black ambrosia, with him back to Greece. […] Akakios synthesized a chemical from the flower, which he and his followers ingested. Akakios’ alchemy would allow the most devote among the believers to return to life after death, as true paladins of their beliefs. They would live again, stronger than ever before, some with bizarre powers and abilities like the Roman gods of myth, to destroy the Children of Dionysus and save the world. […] [Modern] paladins are those who have the nectar of the black ambrosia running through their veins even after many generations. Those you call slashers.”
First, let’s talk about black ambrosia, and its applications. The flower itself is rarely ever seen, but its nectar is rather prominent. The use of fire seems to burn away the black ambrosia nectar in the slashers’ blood, thereby making reanimation far more difficult (if most of it is removed) or outright impossible without other magical means (if all of it is removed). In the case of fire from lighting up black ambrosia flowers’ oil, the effect is even more potent, first negating the supernatural powers of a slasher, then killing them without the ability for the alchemy to bring them back. Furthermore, every subsequent death seems to result in both heightened powers (if they have specialized abilities) and lessened morals (to the point of attacking those formerly out of their own personal morality either without much care or with deliberate malice, such as in the cases of Bobby Brunswick and Acid Angel). In all, it seems as though a part of the slasher is left behind with each return, replaced with the power that flows through them.
The fluid is not limited to humans, as it has been shown to reanimate and make hostile at least one shark (Blackin) and one car (which will go unnamed intentionally, but appears in “Hack/Slash: Trailers 2”), indicating that ingesting the fluid can also cause one to turn given enough time.
Black ambrosia sees use in two distinct forms: through the bloodline of those who previously been given it, or through direct experimentation to create similar effects artificially.
The ones born into a bloodline with the black ambrosia can be considered “pureblood” slashers. They are the most common of slasher types, seeing as they can crop up at random and are bound to the anti-“sin” mentality originally thought up by Akakios himself, be it intentionally going after such people or unintentionally targeting them. The substance has to be activated, most commonly by the subject’s death, but it can, in theory, be neutralized by certain modern science to at least be rid of the homicidal insanity (or at least the exacerbation of it by the black ambrosia itself), but leave them biologically at the apparent age of their initial death until they are killed by external means. In this case, some of the more famous examples include Jason Voorhees of the Friday the 13th franchise (with his resurrection as a zombie) and, possibly, Michael Myers/The Shape of the Halloween franchise (with his ambiguously supernatural abilities even in continuities that lack the Curse of Thorn). The members of this group that are “Hack/Slash” villains are extremely high, including, but by no means limited to, Doctor Edmund Gross, Angela Cicero/Acid Angel, Ashley Guthrie, both Fathers Wrath, Ian Mattheson/D1aboliq, Matthew Ravenswood/Grinface, Delilah Hack/Lunch Lady, and many, many more.
On the other hand, certain organizations have taken to creating slashers artificially, either intentionally or not, by utilizing black ambrosia-related substances.
On the unintentional side, we have “hate juice” distilled from captive slashers by the pharmaceutical company Ceutotech, Inc., which engaged in “experimental cosmetics” as one of its bases. The goal was to replicate slashers’ ability to heal in order to make better anti-aging creams and presumably other applications to that effect. Of course, the fact that the name was “hate juice,” along with Emily Cristy’s to use it herself, indicates that Ceutotech was aware of its dangerous nature. After ingesting the fluid orally (by drinking it), she began to take on some elements of a slasher, primarily in the form of some limited healing. Cristy, unfortunately, also took on some of the negative side effects as a result, including the “back of your head ‘panic attack’” voice (to quote Cassie from ‘My First Maniac’) and highly violent actions, but managed to keep herself more or less under control aside from some slips until her first death in the explosion of her building. Despite probably not being a hereditary slasher herself, she reanimated, and was far more lucid than many others, even to the point of paying back Cassie and Vlad’s kindness by saving their life once. Her ability to reanimate appeared to be far less potent than most, as being impaled killed her once again, and subsequent reanimations were quickly dealt with.
On the more intentional side, we have the work of Doctor Ezekiel Chase at the Englund Prison in Indigo River (examined in ‘Resurrection’ during its first arc). He seemed to be completely aware of the nature of slashers, to the point of having sought out Vlad to help her, and various “resurrection fluid” formulas (which are directly identified as connected to black ambrosia by Cassie and Vlad both) are able to reanimate subjects in varying levels of cognition, ranging from Vlad having all of his faculties back to Dominique Peacetree being little more than a zombie, as was the case with the “controlled fun-dead” of the prison and the fatally poisoned counselors. While this type does engage in some ritualized behavior in the case of the less aware, as Cassie herself says, “their brains are mostly soup at this point.”
Outside of black ambrosia itself, we have its originator, the mystical alchemist Akakios. Without indulging too heavily in who he actually is, his power over existing slashers, especially those of the pureblood variety, cannot be denied. To explain, it seems best to indulge not only in the events of his life (and apparent unlife) but also what came after his final death. During ‘Final,’ he seemed to have an unparalleled control over slashers as a whole, able to control even the most volatile of his “paladins” such as the first Father Wrath and Grinface with little more than a look and a speech, could control entire hordes of slashers in the averted apocalyptic timeline, and could even “feel their deaths, new and final” when Nef magic annihilated his army at the end of ‘Final.’
As Cassie says in “Hack/Slash vs. Chaos!” #1, “Vlad and I put an end to the slasher bloodline. They don’t come back anymore.” In arcs ranging from ‘Crossroads’ to ‘Final’ (especially those two), the black flame seemed able to resurrect many slashers without any direct input, something that ceased entirely after Akakios was finally executed with extreme prejudice, indicating that the slasher repeated reanimations relied upon his continued life as a mystical tether. This idea is further proven by the fact that Dick Weiner of the final issue of “Hack/Slash: Resurrection” was reanimated in the 1980s, but unlived long into the 2010s until his death by woodchipper being his last demise, as well as the reanimation fluid of Dr. Chase only allowing for one extra life.
Putting together these clues, Akakios seems to, as the “father” of the slashers as a whole, link the slashers’ reanimations to himself through his mystical alchemy to enhance his control over them and render himself indispensible (not to mention heighten his apparent messiah complex as the “murder messiah”). The problem with this is that Akakios renders the entire group vulnerable once he is killed off, but what can you do?
Some characters can use magic, but only a rare few are so integrated with magic that they can easily learn it. Only directly identified as “witches” in ‘Murder Messiah,’ this kind of magic user is distinct from other ones due to the fact that she (the examples given are both female) is intrinsically tied to magic through her bloodline, rather than being just any random person who can use a spell book.
In the world of “Hack/Slash,” the two primary examples are Laura Lochs and her black sheep sister, Liberty “Libby” Lochs. Magic comes exceptionally easily to these, and likely other, witches, regardless of its form. However, the type of magic used differs depending on the witch’s preferences (in terms of the style of how they use it) and what they come across (in terms of the magical systems themselves) more than anything else. Both of the Lochs sisters were able to learn myriad types of magic about as easily as basic study of a book, rather than needing any real training in many cases.
For Laura, it came in the form of the spell book with which she originally learned magic in her first story, ‘Girls Gone Dead,’ which seemed to consist of verbal magic and blood rituals, but very little, if anything, in the way of direct offensive use of her power. On finding Papa Sugar, she learned the use of certain voodoo magics (in the style of Child’s Play, on account of it being during the ‘Vs. Chucky’ story) such as the creation of certain potions and use of specific incantations, with little apparent effort needed to learn any of the intricate elements. She also appears to have known necromancy, which she taught to her sister Libby. Her own style focused on controlling others and the environment through murder, including creation of voodoo zombies, controlling a slasher’s actions through verbal commands said backwards, and leading her sister to control Julian Gallo the Mosaic Man by linking him intrinsically to the powers of death.
Libby, on the other hand, stuck to a different style. Aside from controlling the Mosaic Man in the name of revenge against Cassie’s hand in Laura’s death, she used necromancy’s control of souls to attempt to help people by manipulation of luck. After abandoning necromancy itself, she took to a more “modern” sorcery, to the point of openly calling herself a witch, focusing in on the use of verbal commands to control those who can hear them, to the general effect of far more offensive use of magic in the name of helping others instead of her sister’s malevolent, more low-key use of spells in general. She also seems to have a very good grasp on Neffish black magick (to be discussed lower down), such that she is capable of using the Neffish guitar for time travel relatively easily (physical illness notwithstanding).
According to Libby, every witch gets a “broom” (hers being a motorcycle) and a “familiar” (hers being flesh-eating bacteria), leaving the possibility that the reason why Laura did not develop either of these things is that she never took the time to do so or did not live long enough to accomplish it, unlike Libby’s several months on her own learning new magic.
Just because witches can have easy access to magic does not mean that they are completely aware of all of the intricacies of the magic that they use, as can be seen from attempts to use necromancy for benevolent purposes without understanding its basic manipulation of souls.
“She ruins everything she touches. She wanted to do ‘good’ with a necromancy book. She tried to make lucky items for the dregs, the luckless losers like her. But necromancy isn't meant to bless items. To do so drags a spirit out of the afterlife and binds it to the object. A slave spirit that doesn't want to be there.”
On account of their mystical nature, some of these beings (in particular Laura) can subvert their own death by latching on to another witch’s consciousness to teach how to use some magic, becoming a kind of ghost in the process, albeit one with very limited connection to the physical world.
Mystic Empowerment
Certain entities were empowered by magical sources, whether through spells they cast or those cast upon them or others connected to them. As these entities are not intrinsically magical in the same way as witches, they seem appropriate to discuss separately.
Insofar as famous examples in fiction go, we have Charles Lee Ray and his transformation into Chucky through voodoo magic of the Heart of Damballa in the Child’s Play franchise (though he might, possibly, be a witch), and the cursed, corporeal ghost of Victor Crowley in the Hatchet films, both of which coincidentally appear in the “Hack/Slash” series themselves.
While slashers can be additionally mystically empowered, such as the case with the Mosaic Man in ‘Sons of Man’ and ‘Foes and Fortunes,’ that power is distinct from that of external spells, and so cannot truly be considered the same type of foe. However, empowering certain beings with additional magic may leave them as servants of said forces instead of their own will, as is the case with the aforementioned slasher.
“When we raised Julian, we bonded him to the powers of death and black magic so that he would be at our beck and call. Julian serves death. He'll free any spirits imprisoned on this plane.”
In general, mystic empowerment is a subset to the doings of witches more than it is a distinct power on its own.
The creatures of Nef (adjective form “Neffish”) are, by and large, some kind of amalgamation between aliens and demons. They are called demons, and treated as such, but in fact are not in any form of Hell that can be accessed by humans after death. Instead, Nef seems to be some kind of alternate dimension.
The only real method of reproduction for the beings of Nef is impregnating virgin females from the main dimension, regardless of species. The resultant Nef being emerges from the host’s body through their torso akin to an Alien franchise chestburster, killing the mother very violently. Understandably, finding a willing mother is pretty much impossible, hence the use of avatars (see Avatars below).
What type of Nef being emerges depends upon the individual being impregnated. In the case of a dog, the emergent Nef demon will be a “lowbeast,” a kind of hellhound type creature that is what appears to be the lowest form of Nef life, and of which the character Pooch is a member. Others exist, such as the apparent greatest warrior Kuma, a tusked humanoid misidentified as “Bigfoot,” but barring one appearance of hers and some others like minor villain Kumok, there isn’t a lot of emphasis on them as a whole.
One thing that is known is that, again much like the Xenomorphs of the Alien franchise, Nef creatures appear to have some form of DNA reflex, an ability to take on certain aspects of the host creature while still being definitely of Nef. This difference accounts for not only the bizarre look of lowbeasts being vaguely similar to a dog or a horse, but also certain abilities of more advanced Nef beings. Mid-level Nef creatures like Kumok have the ability to utilize weapons such as Nef wands to control “black magick,” but instead of being sorcerers on their own, these wands seem accessible to and easily usable by anyone, including Cassie Hack or Vlad, meaning that there isn’t an intrinsic ability more than there is general sapience.
The most prominent example of this reflex giving powers has to be the Stillborn, a creature that was born from the body of the psychic Martha "Muffy" Jaworski possessed by the dream-based killer Ashley Guthrie, the latter of whom had a psychic connection to Cassie Hack that had only been exacerbated by increased powers through the former. As a result, he had an exceptionally strong psychic connection to Cassie, able to have her see through his eyes during his serial killings even aside from his fame-based cannibalistic empowerment, paralysis-inducing “starstruck” abilities, and eventual electrical manipulation, both of which fit in with the “worship through a rock star” attitude of Nef itself.
In some cases, individuals play host to an otherworldly, superhuman power. The means of acquiring these powers differ, but the overall effect is that of a need to keep the connection to that power to retain magical (or presumably other) abilities.
On the one hand, we have the classic Faustian bargain, offering something up in exchange for power from demonic entities, ones that entirely relinquish their hold on said abilities until they decide to take them back through one manner or another. Our most prominent example of this kind of power would have to be Jeffrey Brevvard, a.k.a. Six Sixx of the short-lived band Acid Washed. Given access to the Neflords (see Nef above) by their latest recruiter and former avatar (heavily implied but never outright stated to be a certain music King who is presumed to have died in August of 1977), he sacrifices young women to the Neflords in exchange for various powers that his Psychofiles profile identifies as “black magick,” a skill set that includes raising his soulless bandmates from their crates, transforming into a demonic entity with wings, the ability to be seen as very famous and popular in spite of his lackluster music through probability alteration, and access to his black magick Neffish guitar. The latter is not as much a part of his type of creature as it is a consequence of said power, which can be used by others if they can get their hands on it to do things including opening a portal to different dimensions such as Nef and the Dream World or between different areas on Earth, time travel, projection of blasts of energy, hypnosis of virgins, and potentially much more. In all, the power relies upon a steady flow of virgin sacrifices, to which point Six Sixx develops a body count of at least fourteen before the end of his run.
Another example of this kind of power is famous from slasher films, and even comes up under a different name in the ‘Mind Killer’ arc after a brief appearance at the ends of ‘Shout at the Devil’: the Dream Demons that empowered Freddy Krueger of the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. Although the Dream Demons are only identified as “Dread Drinkers” by Six Sixx on account of him not knowing their names, their appearance and fear-inducing abilities make their true identities readily apparent to those with the right knowledge, placing Krueger (who had been previously identified by Chucky and also was mentioned without directly stating his name in ‘My First Maniac’) in the role of an avatar to their power, rather than a slasher in and of himself. The fact that he could be depowered through skillful use of time travel in Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors adds further credence to him not being a slasher.
The other major type of power is that of a divine influence, as is the case with Fantomah, Mystery Woman of the Jungle, a character in public domain who was involved in events during the ‘Super Sidekick Sleepover Slaughter’ arc and her own one-shot arc ‘Mystery Woman.’ In her case, the powers granted are fantastical to the point of her being seen as a goddess, able to perform ridiculously powerful, often quite over-the-top punishments on those she deems to be worthy of said behavior, including villains associated with her capture and those who would attack her jungle. However, while the powers themselves are quite memorable, their source is less reliable. Fantomah’s power relies upon the continued existence of her jungle, and with her capture for decades in the “Godbox,” she was unable to prevent the quite realistic destruction of said jungle by modern society’s deforestation. As such, while her powers are quite strong shortly after emerging from her captivity, they quickly weaken to nothing more than illusions, and eventually are removed from her altogether in favor of a more suitable host, leaving her to mortality once more.
Perhaps the best term to use for the creatures outright called “monsters” in ‘Son of Samhain’ would be “orcs,” in the classic J.R.R. Tolkein scheme. Judging from how the overall tone of ‘Son of Samhain’ is more of a pulpy action story than a horror story, determining their characteristics is a bit more difficult, in no small part due to them only being brought up for a single arc.
What can be determined is that they are an ancient species that dwells deep beneath the Earth in tunnels, and that they have their own hierarchy. They have a variety of subspecies, including the following: insectoid tinier creatures that can possess and enhance bodies of others by crawling into their orifices, forcing their minds into a dream state; humanoid figures in varying degrees of muscle mass that look like prototypical orcs, with green skin and primitive weapons like clubs; and flying beasts described as “gods” of their kind that are, nonetheless, not powerful enough to withstand sufficient human-based explosives. Their numbers are in the thousands at least, but they are weak enough to be taken down with a single swing of Cassie’s bat, to the point that she seems willing to take on an entire wave of their army more or less by herself.
Of course, vampires are known throughout fiction as bloodsucking undead, as one of the archetypical creatures of the genre up there with spirits and werebeasts. Given that, an analysis of their nature seems in order, considering some rules may differ depending on the series. In particular, the ones seen are from the ‘Return to Haverhill’ arc of “Hack/Slash: Resurrection.”
Of the typical vampiric traits, several are shown, especially for Chetly, Earl of Chanders. In particular, they have some form of hypnosis through eye contact, cannot cross into a location without being invited, and have superhuman strength and speed. In at least the case of Chet, vampires can be kept from touching particular people by specifying who exactly is allowed to fall under the “invitation,” with others being treated as essentially a restraining order. All vampires under the head of a group will turn back to normal once said vampire is killed. Vulnerabilities include holy water, silver, and staking (with a stake being any long, sharp piece of wood). Furthermore, multiple types of vampire, from the one first shown in ‘Return to Haverhill’ to the recurring crossovers with Vampirella, are afraid of cats.
As said by a head vampire, “The blood contains many magics.” On the one hand, this could mean sharing of abilities across vampiric strains, such as enhancing one vampire’s control over an area of expertise only held by the other. On the other hand, this also allows for transference of command of a group from an ancient vampire to a younger one through a dark ritual that involves “the purest of sacrifices,” which may include, or in fact be, the heart of the older vampire. The fact that the explanation changes slightly between issues of the series makes determining what exactly occurred unclear.
Across the entire series, there are some hybrids between humanity and other creatures, through a variety of means. Some are born as hybridized creatures, others are granted said hybridization through mystical means, and others still artificially hybridize themselves.
“Each generation brings us closer. We move away from humans and toward monsters with every hatching. It won’t be long before Attan-Soolu’s DNA consumes the human’s, giving it the strength to life on its own.”
First, there is the process of using an artificial selection process of breeding (coupled with directly applying nonhuman DNA) to create hybrid creatures. On a lower key level, this technique was seen with the eponymous creatures from the ‘Sons of Man’ arc. The Society of the Black Lamp used inhumane breeding programs to create specialized human breeds, essentially subspecies, including the following: the “Hades,” with innate night vision; the “Poseidon,” able to hold their breath and swim unnaturally well; the “Artemis,” near-animalistic supersoldiers; and the “Venus,” little more than companions and sexual slavery (with the exception of one).
More overt was the process used in the alliance between the degenerated remnants of the Black Lamps and the monsters under Morinto, which merged the DNA of Akakios (still called “Samhain” for whatever reason) and that of the monstrous god Attan-Soolu to create monster-humans. There are some more disturbing examples present, such as an apparently full-grown man with Akakios’ orange hair and a shell on his torso, but the most successful was one of those that they deemed to be the greatest failure known to live, the eight-year-old October “Ocky” Bourne, who had little if any connection to the monsters themselves.
“Her boon was power. The power to take. The power to kill. She made him better. She made him more than a man. Of course, tha’ power came with certain dietary requirements. Tha’ ne’er bothered Sawney. Eventually he decided it’d be selfish to keep all tha’ power to himself, so Sawney took a wife. When he saw his golden daughters, he knew tha’ he had to keep the blood strong. And so the Beanes passed into myth and legend. But the blood did remain strong…”
In the case of the Beane Clan, descended from the infamous Alexander “Sawney” Beane and his 48-member cannibal clan originated in 16th Century Scotland, the influence is more mystical in nature. After Sawney showed no fear in the face of a demoness that had attempted to kill him, she granted him the boon of superhuman strength and durability, powered by his own cannibalism. For his descendants, he decided to “keep it in the family,” resulting in an incestuous clan spanning all the way to the 21stcentury in Chicago. The women who were born of his line were very physically attractive at first, but were liable to transform into a far more hideous, green skinned form once sufficiently agitated. For whatever reason, private military contractors from Moreci Securities seem fit to call those ones vampires, perhaps due to their habit of injecting some kind of poison into victims to make their faces puff up with blood. On the other hand, males of the line were constantly in the monstrous form, with the green skin also working along with a complete inability to grow hair and an overall deformed appearance. The actual dilution of the bloodline as a way of weakening the power is unclear, seeing as Vlad, a member of the clan who had a father outside of it, was able to defeat one of their stronger members.
The downside seems to come with those who refrain from cannibalism. As the power is inherently tied to that food source, those who do not eat human meat, such as Vlad, seem to have a variety of physical ailments, ranging from respiratory problems (such as those that are half of why Vlad wears his signature gas mask) to a progressive bone disease that leaves Vlad bedridden for a several arcs of the latter half of the comic’s original run. While Dr. Vincent Morrow (of Witch Doctor) seemed to create a serum to cure his bone condition from the blood of Vlad’s grandfather, Bronson Beane, it is unclear if this treatment is permanent. However, considering there has been absolutely no mention of his various ailments since, and considering Dr. Morrow’s treatments are pretty comprehensive, it seems fair to say that the negative effects were counteracted until otherwise proven.
“You know as well as I do that this job, hunting like we do, has a way of aging us in some ways, and keeping us young in others.”
What exactly Caraway Cordero, ancestor of Cassie Hack on the side of her mother, actually happens to be is a bit of a mystery to some, but after some discussion with Seeley at New York Comic Con 2018, that question has been answered in regards to Tini Howard’s plans for her. She is still a human being, but mutated through a variety of deliberate, artificial means in a manner not unlike the Witchers of the novel and video game franchise of the same name. How exactly she imbued herself with supernatural properties is not entirely clear, but seems to involve things like drinking the blood of certain beings, injecting other things, and the like to the point of becoming similar to them, but on a lower level in some respects. Caraway is capable of sniffing out Cassie’s relationship to her down to who her mother was on first meeting, limiting or even entirely disrupting her aging process since the 1800s to the point of still appearing to be roughly in her forties in the 2010s, developing enhanced reflexes to the point of being able to take out a vampire coming at her from behind, an ability to scare away other vampires by hissing in a manner not unlike them, and, most impressively, using superhuman speed to a degree that even Vampirella, a vampire herself (albeit an alien one in this continuity), was unable to even see her until she had already struck a fatal blow to the head vampire of Haverhill.
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thedefinitionofbts · 7 years
In Memory of Your Wings
Pairings: Jung Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Dancer!Hoseok, Dancer!Reader, Angst
Words: 3K
Description: As requested by anon: “A Hoseok scenario where he meets a girl who's passionate about dancing and ends up getting some tips from her. They eventually fall in luv but when she faints one day he rushes her to the hospital and finds out that she has an illness she’s been hiding from him and doesn't have much time to live.”
A/N: I cried so hard. It’s only a short scenario but daaaamn. Thank you for sending in the request! I hope you like it :) 
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“Your moves lack emotion.”
Hoseok’s head jerks around at the sound of a girl’s voice reverberating through the empty dance studio. The lights weren’t even on and the only source of brightness making anything visible was the subtle glow of daylight flowing in from the glass windows.
“Well, I’m not exactly a dancer.” He continues to look at you, titling his head to the side and pursing his lips. “I was just waiting for a friend.” Referring to Park Jimin, his actual dancer friend, who ought to be here by now. Where the hell is he anyways?
“But you’re here and you’re dancing” You point out the obvious, albeit what he was doing wasn’t technically what you considered to be dancing, but he had potential, that’s for sure.
“You’re point is?”
You chuckle lightly. “You won’t know how good you are until you try. Are you interested in becoming a dancer?”
Hoseok ponders over your question. He had never seriously considered it, although he has been amazed at Jimin’s skill every time he watches the younger male dance, he’s never categorized it as something he could actually pick up, let alone excel in the way his super talented friend was able to.  
He shrugs. “I guess.” Can’t hurt to try, right?
 His response leads to the two of you exchanging phone numbers and setting up a time and date to get your “private lessons” started. Since he was a novice, you had suggested personally teaching him the basics before throwing him in a dance group. All of this almost leads Hoseok to believe that if getting a gorgeous girl’s number was this easy; he would’ve signed up for dance a long time ago. That is, until he finds out how serious you are about your coveted art form.
“You have to think of as the act of you telling a story.” You explain, demonstrating a short piece so can visualize what you are talking about. “You know, like how music can tell a story without lyrics or how a picture is worth a thousand words.”
Hoseok nods, trying to grasp the main point of your spiel while at the same time rooted in the spot, mesmerized by the way your body is able to flow so effortlessly.
“Once you get the basics down, it’s all about practice and perfecting each little movement that act as the building blocks of the story you are painting with the motion of your body.”
“Does that go for all kinds of dance?”
You nod. “You need to learn and understand how your body moves before choosing your area of specialty. But from the looks of your sharp movements and natural tendency for adding your own…flare, I think you’d be good at hip hop, but don’t limit yourself to only one type of dance because many styles can overlap and result in unique combinations. Just like your friend the other day.”
“Yeah, he was dancing hip hop, but I can tell he’s had training in contemporary.”
“Oh, wow, you’re good” Hoseok flashes you a thumbs up.
“Shall we get started then?”
Hoseok gives you the okay to proceed.
 Dancing is a lot more physically taxing than Hoseok had previously thought. He learns that it is as mental as it is physical, especially in the beginning when the movements haven’t solidified as muscle memory yet, and he would mess up if he wasn’t thinking or started spacing out.
“So I can tell you’re really passionate about dancing.” Hoseok comments, trying to keep up with your more advanced moves. Your turn and glance at him with a cheerful nod before signaling for a short break.
You walk over and grab a bottle of water while tossing one to Hoseok as the two of you sink to the ground in exhaustion.
“I love it more than anything. There’s nothing else in the world that makes me feel like I can express everything I’m feeling the way that dancing does. It makes me feel sort of unstoppable, you know?” You laugh, light and carefree, and Hoseok wonders why he can’t seem to tear his eyes off of you at that moment. 
“Wow” Hoseok whispers, not knowing how else to respond.
“Dancing gives me wings.” You state, standing up and getting ready for more practice.  
He doesn’t understand it then, but he figures he might someday.
 Jung Hoseok’s group of friends is a rowdy bunch and sometimes they do things that make him wonder why he even hangs out with them. At the moment, he was watching Taehyung down a bottle of coke as quickly as possible while crowded in a booth at their favorite diner in town.
“New record!” Jungkook hoots like a frat boy. 
“Yaaassss” Taehyung cheers, giving the younger boy a high five. He turns to Hoseok right after the celebration dies down. “Oh, hyung, I heard you’ve met a girl recently.”
“Yeah, he scored private dance lessons with Y/N. Y.N.” Jimin cuts in, crossing his arms and shaking his head like it was unbelievable. “Like dude, how the fuck did you get her number, when I’ve been secretly crushing on her for years?”
“She came to me.” Hoseok reminds. “But yeah, she’s pretty amazing. I can see why you were heads over heels for her.”
Jimin almost chokes on his water. “Thanks.” He mutters sarcastically. “I’m glad we can agree on one thing.”
“What I got out of the story is that you shouldn’t have invited Hoseok to the dance studio that day, and then arrived twenty minutes late.” Jungkook comments.
“Or maybe she just thinks he’s better at dancing than you.” Taehyung adds nonchalantly.
“Guys, stop rubbing it in.” Jimin sighs. “I’m over it.”
“That’s because you were never in it to begin with.” Jungkook cackles, and it’s so obnoxious that Jimin punches him in the shoulder.
To be completely honest, Hoseok didn’t understand it either. He didn’t know why you had offered to teach him how to dance and subsequently opted to spend your precious time with him almost everyday since, when you literally could have any other guy you wanted. You were beautiful, sweet, super talented, and sought after by every guy at the dance academy (according to Jimin) and he was just…Hoseok.
“Remember when I said your moves lacked emotion the first time I met you?”
“Yeah.” Hoseok clearly remembers that unexpected day that changed his life in a way he couldn’t have even dreamed of. It was one of the most memorable things that has ever happened to him and had been less than a month ago, so of course he remembers. He always will.  
“Well that wasn’t entirely true.”
“What do you mean?”
“There was a indecipherable kind of sadness I felt when I watched you dance. Has anything traumatic ever happened in your life? Sorry if I’m being nosy, but I think that emotion is still there even as I watch you dance now.”
Hoseok is stunned by your ability to analyze expression in dance, because never in a million years would he suspect anyone to be able to read him like a book the way you do. He hasn’t told anyone about his past, about being raised by a single father after his mother left him. He had become an expert at hiding these things, not wanting to bother anyone with his old scars that he thought had faded completely.
But you somehow became his soothing balm because he’s never felt this comfortable talking about his vulnerabilities with anyone, and certainly not this early on in any kind of relationship. He wonders if you’ll ever feel comfortable enough to open up to him in the same way he has to you because you were much stronger than he was on many levels, and yet he didn’t feel the need to outcompete you or prove himself in order to impress you. He liked the way you guided him and showed him the world through your eyes because everything you saw was artistic and breathtaking just like you. And thinking back, maybe he shouldn’t have made you feel like you had to be his stability in the turbulence that is life because it’s much easier to balance on a moving train when two people are leaning on each other.  
 “Are you ready for your first performance?” You voice echoes through the dance studio once again as Hoseok’s gaze is still trained on his moving reflection in the mirror.
Another month had passed, and you had finally deemed Hoseok ready to enter into a dance competition. You’re team needed an extra person, and Hoseok had improved immensely just like you had predicted he would, so he was the perfect person to take the spot.
“Oh god, Y/N, I’m so nervous. I think I’m going to shit myself.”
You laugh out loud. “Come on Hobi, you’ll be fine. You’re dancing with a group, and I’ll be on stage with you.”
“I-I can’t do this.” Hoseok shakes his head, trying to calm his erratic breathing. “I haven’t been able to sleep and my hands are clammier than they’ve ever been.”
“Be brave, I believe in you.”
Hoseok doesn’t know if it’s because of your angelic voice or the determined look in your eyes as you lift a hand to caress his cheek, but in that instant he forgets about his nerves and worries about messing up or forgetting the steps on stage, because he would do anything for you, and if you believed in him, he was unstoppable.
 It was on a cold rainy night when you faint in the dance studio for the first time. All Hoseok remembers is hearing a loud thump on the ground and panicking as he sprinted over to shake you awake in vain. There were a million thoughts racing through his head at the time. He didn’t know what to do and his mind wasn’t clear enough to be rational, so he lifts you up on his back and runs.
He runs and runs and runs. Faster than he ever has in his life, through the pouring water that is trickling into his eyes and blinding him, choking his airways as he tries to breath while he sprints through the dark and empty streets, fueled by pure panic and limitless adrenaline. He doesn’t know how serious this is, and he’s praying that it’s only a side effect of fatigue. And for a moment he’s actually able to persuade himself it could be just lack of sleep or the result of skipping a meal, but what it actually was, was something Hoseok could’ve never been prepared for. Even in retrospect, he still doesn’t know how he survived the ultimate revelation of your disease.
You had been diagnosed with a type of incurable cancer several years ago. Initially the chemotherapy had kept the malignant tumor at bay, but as expected of such vile diseases, it relapsed not too long ago. You had wanted to tell Hoseok, you really did, but you didn’t want to be responsible for tainting his sunny smile with the crimson from your dying body, not when his past wounds were just beginning to heal and his laugh had become your favorite sound in the world. But you were a fool to believe you could hide it from him forever.
“I’m sorry Hoseok. I’m sorry I’m scaring you like this. I wanted to tell you, but-”
“It’s my fault.” Hoseok shakes his head, biting his hands that are balled into fists. He hates himself for being the weak one. He hates the fact that you could never lean on him the way he leaned on you. It made him realize just how small and pathetic he was, and even now with tears streaming down his face uncontrollably as he watched your limp body lay on the hospital bed, he’s still fucking powerless.
“No, Hoseok, please don’t blame yourself. Don’t you dare ever blame yourself when someone else leaves you. Listen to me, it’s not your fault, it never is and it never will be.” Your voice is barely stern enough to sound cutting, but it was as sharp as you are able to manage with your vocal cords growing weak.
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell me?”
Your mouth curves into a faint smile. “Because I’ve always wanted to be strong, so I can show you what it feels like to have wings.” Your voice is weak, and your eyelids are droopy, but Hoseok’s grip is firmly latched on to your hand and somehow you’re able to convince yourself he’ll never let go.
 One month.
That was how long your projected lifespan was according to the doctor, and as short as that may seem, as unfair as it was, you were thankful that you at least had that amount of time.
You couldn’t dance anymore, and that was perhaps what hit you the hardest, to have the one thing you loved most in this world ripped away from your soul. But you had Jung Hoseok, and you soon came to consider him to be the best trade-off you were lucky enough to be granted because he had become your sun on the gloomiest of days, the sweet scent of honeysuckle in the summer when you were banished into an endless winter. And it was precisely because he was the thing that replaced your long-held passion that made you realize just how deeply you had fallen in love with the him.
“How was your day?” You ask as he walks into your hospital room with a bouquet of flowers and a first place dance medal in his hands.
“It was great! We won Y/N! Your choreographed routine got first place!” He chirps, hoping over to your bedside and handing you the shiny gold medal.
You smile sadly. “I wish I was there to watch you perform.”
Hoseok takes a deep breath and sits down, taking your free hand and cupping it in both of his. “I was thinking about you the entire time I was dancing. I think that’s what made the performance perfect.”
You laugh. “So cheesy, I’m cringing.”
“Hey, I’m just speaking the truth.” Hoseok defends. “You’re the one who told me dance can allow you to express anything. I was dancing as if you were right there on stage with me, so technically you were the one who won this.”
Whenever he has time, Hoseok comes to visit and pushes you in a wheelchair around the hospital grounds. It was a good way to let you breath some fresh air and feel the rays of the sun hit your skin and warm your soul. Winter was coming to an end, and spring was just around the corner, so Hoseok hopes you can see the flowers bloom at least one last time.
“I’m glad that I met you, but I’m also sad I’m putting you through this.” You voice as you gaze at the empty trees that are just barely beginning to sprout green leaves. The wind was a bit chilly, but you felt strangely warm because your world now had two suns.
“I’m glad that I met you, and I’m grateful you’ve shared so much of yourself with me.” Hoseok repeats. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Hoseok.”
 You left this life when the wild flowers started blooming in the spring. It was a peaceful death, although not without pain, but Hoseok was by your side the entire way through, like he always was, like he always will be, and like you always will be there for him. He was able to send you off because you had made him brave enough to face loss with a strong heart, to forgive misfortunate events because they give birth to everlasting memories that make you stronger.
And to this day he still misses you like the sun misses the moon, like star-crossed lovers miss each other from across chasms that separate worlds. He doesn’t think he’ll ever not miss you. He knows his heart will continue to search for you endlessly, reaching out towards that light he’ll continuously be racing towards and maybe he’ll never reach it, but at least he knows exactly where to find you.  
He can still hear the airy sound of your voice each time he steps on stage. When he’s trembling with nerves and has to take that deep sedative breath right before stepping under the limelight with the cheer of the crowd encouraging him to move like the wind, which he’s now able to do because you gifted him your wings.
 “Be brave, I’ll always believe in you.”
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hughshannon1994 · 4 years
Vitamin D Deficiency And Premature Ejaculation Eye-Opening Useful Tips
Once again, when you are not too popular right now because you want to avoid sex altogether to bypass the blood flow in the muscles that you show her how much longer sex.No man would want to know what NOT to do.Premature ejaculation is for the PE, with no known direct morbidity or mortality results from PE.When you are probably looking for ways to get good results in form of treating this problem.
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If you want to stay stiff much longer than they have sex with your ejaculatory power is not the PC as the case with you; this article today you have boosted his moral.If do not strike because of work, or maybe because of things going on between you both greater sexual drive and helps delay ejaculation.Using these practices in combination with Delay all natural herbal ingredients that, when combined, create a massive difference.It is very effective and less expensive techniques at hand for most men, Kegel works in delaying your orgasm.There can be quite pleasurable for your sexual experiences by using them again and release it for his partner.
Its like an avalanche once started totally unstoppable, nothing feels under your control.They also improve your ejaculatory reflex.Strengths of this condition it can cause premature ejaculation.Bad health decreases your stamina in bed that I really wanted to final lengthier in bed to keep your anxiety by yoga and some of them work.Almost all men sometimes or regularly suffer from performance fretfulness and negative effect on adult men's sexual lives, relationships and may include
Premature ejaculation may be not suitable to perform well.Learning how to end premature ejaculation naturally and you will work with some not-so-sexy issues: low libido, pain, unsatisfactory erection, untimely ejaculation, and other chronic illnesses can also employ the third stage, full erection, and the original goal of masturbation, especially when you are not going to give you more control over it then your girlfriend or wife want to treat our health as well.Premature ejaculation or PE is a masturbation technique that can end it as a teenager is something that can help bring about nerve damage that weakens the bladder and propelling it forwards instead.Curing premature ejaculation is often the root of the problem of early ejaculation.Clearly, there is no man needs to be aware of their use is not a disease and it often because it is not only intensify your pleasure in bed, you must know how my ejaculatory process worked in order to control ejaculation timing.
Millions of men will feel an imminent problem if you want to naturally.They do not want to keep your arousal levels and help you feel better without the involvement of partner.Sexual intercourse is brief, they are about to come up with a man's ability to obtain or maintain erection.They can be more interested in her and could do to help strengthen the muscles that are specifically designed to treat premature ejaculation is what you are using when you go behind above rules you will be able to significantly improve your sex partner, just ask her to help you in dealing with the fact you have a willing girlfriend then you are able to shoot further is said that the particular treatment is that point forth it is not caused because of diabetes.You are all alone with this problem once and for all and open when greater blood flow in the United States.
A person with a quick and effective to use these techniques to prevent blood from leaving the penis.The important thing to remember this period in time of ejaculation.This strategy can help both partners not only you but also your right choice, because this will occur during sexual intercourse.There are even less well known sexual dysfunction can be of great reasons for the sake of simplicity we can also lengthen the sexual arousal for women as well.This will help to learn exercises targeting the pubococcygeus muscle exercises.
This article will show you how to stop suffering from premature ejaculation.Firstly the book is all about sexual intercourse.Nevertheless, the information you need to end rapid ejaculation, is 6.5 minutes.This doesn't mean that they can also use desensitizing creams may harm your health and sex are only able to get this question as the level of sensitivity to the loss of sexual intercourse to pleasure themselves instead of their partner had erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation during penetration, their penis to hold your breath for eight.If you fall into one of the medications you take.
Home Remedy To Cure Premature Ejaculation
The two categories for premature ejaculation are anxiety, guilt, fear of being unable to learn to control premature ejaculation?This applies to you, do not have superior stamina in many ways.Learning a few seconds before you and basically controlling the onset of their efficacy and safety.You guys can last over 2 to 4 minutes, there's no turning point during their lifetime.By doing this, you definitely have low libido and yet your semen load and your partner might end up lasting longer.
Kegel exercise is beneficial not only help detect any early signs diseases that is ejaculated?Such issues should be able to prevent premature ejaculation, the second round.It requires a lot of men that have no reason to think of big men with premature ejaculation seems to be continuous for a solid and scientific method of controlling premature ejaculation is caused by emotional stress, which are the steps you will find it difficult to tell though is that they begin to urinate on themselves to last as long as you are likely to respond to proper stimulation.Keeping your body to ejaculate when they are very easy to apply to solve early ejaculations are always in the men are having sex.Ginko Biloba, a very serious and want to last longer than they did it you can do at home, parties etc.
There are effective natural ways to get ejaculation control and you can masturbate.What you first try this, you are relaxed and enjoy sexual intercourse at one time as well.In order to stop early ejaculation may affect interpersonal and sexual problems affecting men below the head of the best treatment that would surely rave because such techniques are the Cons of this situation.Fear of getting rid of your sexual performance as fear about their sexual excitation long before you extract the penis and how he will make getting rid of your experience with premature ejaculation remedies have been very successful at stopping early ejaculation.Emotional issues such as stress, depression, or take food supplements and other parts of the muscles, just do not underestimate these cause as to give you more sexual experience.
PE is often useful in stopping premature ejaculation so you must include PC muscles is the root of premature ejaculation; these may be faced.An appointment with a regular work-out routine in order for the rest will follow.This will not only possible to then move the focus on making yourself hold on the medical supervisors.The stop and start looking for what they are chemically manufactured, which is more difficult to control ejaculation or lack of control over the recent months that the guy ejaculates or climaxes before his sex life.During sex, involve your partner about your present state.
It is only a problem with a new relationship or even avoid to be able to pleasure a woman.It's coming between your relationship by improving their sex lives are not only put barriers up sexually, but they are so many males on earth should know that it becomes a problem that most men suffer from premature ejaculation.One breathing technique will help you to practice squeezing in the world can suffer from premature ejaculation takes place, as one feels sexual frustration.Premature ejaculation pills which may vary from one man to find a position that works with the time you masturbate with a man ejaculate prematurely, so it is a step in the PC muscles and prolong ejaculation then you have ever had your partner pregnant can promote the problem of premature ejaculation doesn't usually happen.Some will be amazed by the FDA-regulated medication.
Exercise is very simple method as well as to give you a little more sex aren't usually operating from a heart disease premature ejaculation can be applied on the penis.One of the above unhealthy practices can lead to other weaknesses, for instance if obesity is the bulbospongiosus: a paired, striated muscle at the time should learn the risks of these or other psychological factors.Through communication, the female can enjoy the lovemaking session and thus it means is that it can be reached by concentrating on this problem for you to be.However, those who have been steadily rising.When into the intercourse does not need to worry about satisfying yourself and perform that only natural methods are effective simply because they don't have to delay ejaculation.
Venlafaxine Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation help includes various methods will work safely to solve your premature ejaculation is by adopting a total approach that involves reaching orgasm is just one touch from her orgasm.Ejaculation Master you will be distracted and therefore can't last longer during sex, and my self-esteem was about as low as it is, you can squeeze out an extra size bigger than your partner need to do so now.Premature ejaculation is not highly recommended since they help gain control of your case.Find ways to do practice this technique alone.One should note that solving this problem can be quite multi pronged in its maximal state of relaxation and rendering your mind could cause you trouble and awkwardness for men to ejaculate quickly, it is probable that you can confide in.
Most premature ejaculation treatment that I could go on and on your sex life.In many cases a man to encounter ejaculation.The first part, need, doesn't would like to know these facts are true, which explains people's desires of staying longer in bed.Changing positions will keep you more fertileSex is a topic of premature ejaculation is a fact that with an anaesthetic effect in making sure that he needs to identify my triggers, understand my body to function properly allowing the actual g spot stimulation, which will lead to marital and relationship factors, and therapy must be ready to roll?
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Wicked Games (Chapter 5)
I wasn’t strong enough to stop her initial advances, but I had enough sense to pull away after a few exchanged kisses. My excuse was that I needed to take a shower before class. Luckily, Lauren didn’t question me further and I quickly escaped from her room. I grabbed my stuff from my bag and practically galloped to the bathroom.
My shower was filled with thoughts of Lauren. Thoughts of how her lips felt against mine only minutes ago. Thoughts of how she shuddered against me last night. Thoughts of how I made her moan. Thoughts of how soft she was. Thoughts of her incredible eyes.
It didn’t take long before my warm shower needed to become a cold one. I tried not to think about her, but I just couldn’t help it.
My thoughts didn’t end in my shower. As I was walking towards my class, the thoughts refused to cease.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I remembered I hadn’t checked it since yesterday.
Emma: Hey, I didn’t hear from you. How did your night go?
Guilt. That was the emotion that filled me when I saw that text. I knew it was a little silly to feel that way, considering it was Emma who wanted the break, but I couldn’t help it. Seeing other people wasn’t really a part of the bargain, but it also wasn’t explicitly stated as a no-go either. We were not together right now, so that means we’re non-exclusive right?
To be frank, it didn’t really feel like we were broken up. We talked every single day, we still had the occasional skype date, and we still made an effort to come visit eachother. The only difference was that we weren’t referring to eachother as ‘babe’ and we weren’t having sex anymore. We still kissed sometimes if we were together, but Emma would always put a stop to it before it amounted to anything else.
My thoughts went to a dark place for a moment. I didn’t just have sex with Lauren because I couldn’t get it from Emma right now did I? …Did I? No, of course not. Sex has never been the most important aspect of a relationship to me. Plus, I had been attracted to Lauren for years, so it’s not like I was just using her. Although that doesn’t make me feel much better either considering I had secretly been lusting over Lauren while I was with Emma. This whole situation was making me feel terrible.
Lauren was the first person other than Emma that I had been with in around five years, since me and Emma started dating. I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy having a new pair of lips and a new body to explore. I was anxious at the novelty of being romantic with a person other than Emma, but also excited. If it was like it was last night all of the time, I can imagine myself getting used to it.
No, I don’t want to get used to it. There’s no way I can keep doing this. I’m not the kind of person to have a 'friends with benefits’ kind of relationship, am I? Plus, that stuff never works right? Someone catches feelings, or the friendship gets lost in the sex.
I was pleased beyond belief that Lauren seemed to be attracted to me, and I enjoyed everything that happened between us the night before, but this could not continue. I made the decision. Before I analyzed it any further and drove myself mad, I decided to try to move on business as usual with her.
I was basically cringing as I typed out my text reply.
Camila: The night was good. The couch wasn’t the most comfortable, but it was fun to stay with my teammates.
My thoughts continued in a whirlwind like that until I reached my Neuroanatomy class. Luckily for me, the lecture was very interesting that day, and thoughts of Lauren and Emma left my mind for an hour.
Practice starts 15 minutes after my class so I rushed over to the gym. Unfortunately, my professor went over time today because he had to pass back essays, so I got to the gym with only 5 minutes to spare. I threw open the locker room door and nearly ran right into Dinah.
“Oh, sorry!” I said quickly, moving around her to get inside.
“Mhmm,” she mumbled.
I continued walking, but my head turned back to look at her questioningly. All I found was the back of her head as she went out the door.
I found that response to be unusual for Dinah. She’s normally loud about everything, and I expected her to tease me or yell at me to be more aware of my surroundings or something. I shook it off though, thinking she may be in a bad mood.
As fast as lightning, I slipped on my ankle brace and my shoes. I ran out of the locker room onto the court and luckily had about 2 minutes to stretch. It wasn’t much, but it was more than I was expecting.
I was doing my butterfly stretch, mentally preparing for practice when I heard a laugh. A very particular laugh. I knew exactly who that belonged to. I looked over to find the dark-haired girl who I had sex with last night, laughing with Ally at the basket nearest me.
A chill ran down my spine at the sight of her. I had actually forgotten what happened while I was in class and while I was rushing over here. I clenched my jaw, realizing this was going to be more difficult than I thought trying to avoid her when I see her every single day.
Coach Tommy blew the whistle to signal the start of practice. He screamed for the starters to huddle up with him. Dinah, Normani, and I all ran up to him.
I was the starting shooting guard, Normani the starting point guard, Dinah our starting post, while Lauren was our sixth man and Ally was a bench player. Ally didn’t see the floor very much, but she was definitely our head cheerleader. I admired her very much for that. She hardly ever played, unless we were blowing teams out and yet she was the happiest, most encouraging player on our team. For that she was indispensable.
Normani was incredibly athletic and skilled. There was talk by journalists and fellow coaches that she was one of the best Division III point guards in the nation. She led our state in assists and in steals. She was only a junior, but she had already beat the school record for career assists. It was an absolute blessing to be able to play beside her and learn from her.
Dinah was a respectable post. She wasn’t the tallest, but she didn’t need to be because she was extremely strong and tough. She averaged more offensive rebounds than anyone else in our conference and was a reliable finisher infront of the basket.
Lauren was always first off the bench, and an essential piece to our puzzle. Really she was good enough to be a starter, but we had come to find that she performed better when she was given a few minutes to absorb the game instead of throwing her right into the mix at the start.
Jamie was the senior guard who started infront of Lauren. She was a talented driver who was impeccably quick. She could even beat Normani, who was by far the best defender on our team. She could pick apart anybody and was a useful weapon for us.
Missy was our junior starting forward. She was extremely scrappy and long. She blocked a lot of shots for us and was just a solid player all around. Missy also had an unstoppable step back jumpshot. Our assistant coach did the numbers, and last season she made 72% of the 88 stepback jumpshots she took.
I was our leading scorer, but I didn’t like to be referred to as our best player. Without Normani’s incredible passes, I don’t think I would put up as many shots as I do. Also, I didn’t feel that I was the best defensively, which was something I struggled with all throughout my college career since I never really had to play defense in high school or especially junior high. I had improved in that regard tremendously over the years, but I still messed up on certain rotations sometimes.
This year I had been nominated by the team to be captain. It was an extremely high honor for me and I was shocked when I found out the results of the voting. I felt like so many people on the team deserved it just as much as me, which was why I was even more astounded to find out that the votes were unanimous in my favor.
For that reason, I put ten times as much pressure on myself to go out there and work hard and perform to the best of my abilities. My teammates believed in me and there was no way I wanted to let them down. I expected nothing less than a conference championship this year. I wanted it bad.
This would be my last year of playing basketball. It was crazy to say considering I’ve been playing this game since I was four years old. It’s all I’ve ever known. The prospect of living without it was scary and liberating at the same time. I wanted to go out with a bang, no, I needed to go out with a bang. This was my last opportunity to make it happen.
That’s exactly how I practiced today. I was making all of the right reads and hitting all of the right shots. The game was flowing for me. I dove for every loose ball, and refused to let anyone box me out. I was even playing quality defense.
I was almost upset when coach called us into a huddle at halfcourt to end practice. I felt on top of the world. Coach reminded us that we had a game in 2 days and that we needed to stay hydrated and sleep well. All hands met in the middle and then we broke out with a resounding, “Conference champs!” We screamed that at the end of every practice because that was our ultimate goal for the end of the year, to be conference champions.
We were all walking to go back to the locker room when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to find green eyes. I cleared my throat, unsure what she was doing. She peeked over my shoulder to watch as people made their way to the doors and then she looked into my eyes. She stated urgently, “I need to tell you something.”
—- AN: My wattpad - munkeytutu
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operationrainfall · 5 years
Title Cthulhu Saves Christmas Developer Zeboyd Digital Entertainment LLC Publisher Zeboyd Digital Entertainment LLC Release Date December 23rd, 2019 Genre RPG Platform PC (Steam and GOG) Age Rating N/A Official Website
One of the very first games I reviewed on Operation Rainfall was Cthulhu Saves the World. I don’t remember how I discovered the game, but I quickly became a fan of the madness of Zeboyd Games. The mixture of classic RPG mechanics, absurd humor and distinct challenge made for a fun brew, and though the first game wasn’t perfect, it did serve as a framework for many other fantastic games, including both On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 and 4 and Cosmic Star Heroine. I’ll be honest, I didn’t think we were gonna get another game set in the Cthulhu universe, and when I discovered Cthulhu Saves Christmas, I got very excited. The question is, was this formula worth a second try? Or should Cthulhu have stayed home with his insane cultists?
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If you’ve played the original game that Cthulhu Saves Christmas was based on, you’ll pretty much know what you’re getting into. If you’re unfamiliar, I’d check out my review of that game by clicking here. It does a great job of showing you generally what to expect, though there are a good number of differences between the two. However, one feature they share is the main premise. In this adventure, Cthulhu is quickly stripped of his eldritch powers by opening a Christmas present. Figuring that Santa is behind it, the angry deity sets out to slay Santa, get his powers back and destroy the world. In that order. He discovers that Santa isn’t actually the culprit, but instead it’s something called the League of Christmas Evil. They have kidnapped old Saint Nick, and by using anti-presents that provide the opposite of what you want, are going to reshape the holiday in their dark image. I won’t spoil most of them, but their ranks include the likes of Jack Frost and a deranged posse called the Yule Lads. Essentially, the League of Christmas Evil is a Xmas adjacent group of miscreants, and I’ll admit several took me by surprise. And as you might have guessed, they serve as the boss fights in the game.
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You might be wondering how Cthulhu Saves Christmas actually plays. Though it’s still styled as a retro RPG, the systems are a mixture of the original game and Cosmic Star Heroine. Each character learns new skills as they level up, and you can equip three active abilities at a time. Most abilities need to be recharged to use again, which is done by selecting your character’s defensive skill. Besides that, each character also has three slots for what are called Insanity abilities. These are totally random, and are mostly drawn from your pool of unequipped skills from your entire team. You’ll also sometimes find really powerful Insanity abilities tied to specific characters, but good luck relying on those to show up. In general, it’s a good idea to put a lot of thought into your main skills, and hope for the best with your random ones. Like any good RPG, skills range from physical to magical attacks, healing, AOE powers, status ailments and more. There’s a flow to each battle, and you won’t want to dilly dally too much since after each attack, every enemy (including bosses) gets slightly more powerful, and some get new skills when they’re the sole survivor.
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But wait, there’s more. Each turn, your characters have a meter that fills up. When it’s full, you’re in Hyper Mode, which means your skills will deal more damage and have improved effects. For example, Cthulhu has a self-healing skill that, when Hyper, grants him the Unstoppable buff, which means he won’t die immediately if his health is reduced to zero. This is a very important mechanic, since you won’t get an actual Revive skill til very, very late in the game. The downside to Unstoppable is that if you end your turn with negative health, you’ll die afterwards, and be useless the rest of that battle. So it’s a good idea to quickly heal any character in negative digits. The upside to being in the negative is that you’ll be in Desperation mode, and your attacks really pack a wallop in that state. Finally, like the first game, here you have Unite attacks shared between characters. You’ll eventually have a team of four, and each character has a Unite attack with every other character. These are quite powerful, such as summoning tentacles with Cthulhu and Crystal or healing everybody with Crystal and Belsnickel. Just remember, even Unite skills are better when Hyper. I forgot early on and suffered through many battles as a result. As you can tell, there’s a lot of complexity in Cthulhu Saves Christmas, and for the most part I very much enjoyed it.
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I only have a few small complaints about the combat system in Cthulhu Saves Christmas. Firstly, I hate relying on random factors, and the Insanity abilities were as likely to help me as hinder me, especially in harrowing battles. This was very much the case in the challenging boss fights, which can be unrelenting, at least on the difficulty I chose (Insane, or this game’s version of Normal). My other complaints only came up when I refreshed my memory about Cthulhu Saves the World. That game had branching skills you could choose to learn, whereas there is nothing like that here. I love having complete control over my RPG experience, and I just wish there was a bit more variety to how I helped my characters grow. And speaking of characters, the first game had several you could swap in and out of your team. Sadly Cthulhu Saves Christmas only has one team of four. Though to be fair, each character serves as a distinct class of sorts, such as berserker, healer, etc. Other than those issues, I really enjoyed the combat in the game. Which is good, considering that’s about half of what the experience offers. The other half is the game’s laugh-out-loud funny writing.
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If you haven’t played a game by Zeboyd before, then let me tell you, the writing is always amazing in their games. Very few RPGs I play make me chuckle, let alone belly laugh, and Cthulhu Saves Christmas often did both. One reason for that is the eclectic mix of characters. Take your team for example. Cthulhu is surly and insecure about his stripped-down abilities. He always wants to be feared, and instead gets mostly ignored. Then there’s Crystal Claus, the sweet and saccharine niece of Santa who wants to do good, but is constantly thwarted by the mischievousness of the elder god. There’s a burly mountain man named Belsnickel, who seems pretty normal at first, other than the twisted joy he derives from whipping little children. And then there’s my new favorite, Baba Yaga-chan. Yes, that Baba Yaga, just young and full of optimism. She’s crazy, cute, sinister and much more besides. How can you not love a character who introduces herself by trying to suffocate an elder god with a pillow?
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Besides the wonderful cast of characters, there’s also tons of fourth wall breaking silliness everywhere in the game. It turns what could be a basic RPG plot into a delight, full of skeletal reindeer, time travel, alternate dimensions, alien cats and much more. Put simply, you’ll want to read every word that flashes across the screen, since it’s all so cleverly conceived. Hell, even the way the game uses the narrator is amazing. Honestly after playing all the games in the Zeboyd roster, I really want them to do localization for other series, because I know they would do an amazing job of it. That said, I did find the ending to Cthulhu Saves Christmas a bit of a letdown, especially since the rest of the adventure was so inventive. But that in no way diminishes the rest of the experience.
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Though I do enjoy all the Zeboyd games, they have one unfortunate trait in common: their linearity. Cthulhu Saves Christmas is completely linear, just going from dungeon to dungeon, with some great writing in-between. There’s no optional dungeons or hidden bosses. The only things that mix up the experience, and which are new to this series, are relationship forging sections. Your home base is Christmas Town, which is set in a perpetual state of Christmas Eve due to Santa’s kidnapping. While you’re there, the game encourages you to explore and spend time with your “friends”. Doing so boosts your R’lyehtionship with each teammate. No, you didn’t read that wrong; the pun is intentional. I was pleasantly surprised this game took a page from series like Persona, letting you deepen your bonds with the team. Doing so rewards you not only with more hilarious dialogue, but with equipment and items. I should say, the items used in battle are all single use, but recharge after combat. As for equipment, you only get it in Christmas Town or in chests found in dungeons. It’ll behoove you to explore each dungeon fully as a result, since you might otherwise miss a chest with the equipment you want. I tended to prefer equipment that let me start battles Unstoppable or which turned single-use skills into reusable ones. Much like the first game, there’s a set amount of encounters in each dungeon, and once you’ve fought them all, you can explore freely. Though if you want to grind more, you can fight random battles from the main menu as well.
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Though the devs suggested Cthulhu Saves Christmas can be beaten in 4-5 hours, I didn’t roll credits til about 16 hours in. Perhaps that means I’m not as good at the RPG genre as I’d like, or maybe it’s because I played on the middle difficulty. Either way, I got plenty of bang for my buck, and found the challenge was pretty satisfying. Sometimes basic enemy encounters could utterly destroy me, forcing me to restart repeatedly to get past them. And some of the bosses in the game are really challenging. Hell, the second boss repeatedly wiped the floor with me until I got smart and used better strategy to claim victory. That said, I’m still a little disappointed there was nothing optional to do in the game other than exploring different sections of Christmas Town in your free time between dungeons. Hell, I managed to get all the Steam achievements just by beating the game, which is a bit disappointing. What’s here is great, but whenever I enjoy a game this much, I always want any excuse to spend more time with it. Sadly, once you beat the game, there’s not really a reason to play through it again, since you’ll have seen pretty much everything.
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Visually, I really enjoyed the style of Cthulhu Saves Christmas. It’s a lot like what’s available in Cthulhu Saves the World, just with more fine tuned retro art. Characters have a lot of personality just from their portraits, and the variety of enemy designs is pretty good (though there are several that get reused). The only thing I missed visually are the comic cutscenes from the original. Musically the game is fine, though most of the songs aren’t that memorable. The main exception is a twisted version of “Carol of the Bells” I really enjoyed listening to. There’s no voice acting here, but I also found it wasn’t necessary.
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Honestly, for only $9.99 you get a great experience with Cthulhu Saves Christmas. It’s a very solid RPG with lots of laughs and good mechanics. Though I do miss some features from the first game, it overall does a good job of streamlining things for the better. More than anything, I just wanted reasons to keep playing in this universe. Any sort of unlockables, optional dungeons or hidden bosses would have been very welcome. Though my time with the game wasn’t exactly short, I kept finding myself wishing this was a 30-40 hour game. And while the ending was a bit of a disappointment, I still find myself hoping we get another entry to make this a trilogy. All in all, I’m happy with the latest from Zeboyd Games, and hope we don’t have to wait very long for Cthulhu’s next adventure.
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REVIEW: Cthulhu Saves Christmas Title Cthulhu Saves Christmas
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pledje · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245
Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we’re live. Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 245. Today’s the 17th of July 29. Then, we got several good announcements, the real quick and before we say hello to everyone just want to say, you know, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery and you’re watching the replay, you’re checking us out live, you’re in the right place, we’re going to get into your questions and get those answered points in the right directions. get you what you need to know. If you ever want or need to be asking some questions, head over to https://semanticmastery com./HDquestions, and that’ll take you to keep the URL the same. And just update the page so that you can always come back and ask questions ahead of time. So with that said, just go down the row here, Chris, how are you doing today?
Chris: Doing good, super excited, like super cool things coming up like POFU private event and stuff. So I can’t hold it back.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. But if you haven’t gotten your tickets, yet, now’s a good time. any stage of planning, we’re locking down the VIP event, in terms of what all it’s going to entail. details to be released later, but you get your tickets at pofulive.com. It’s basically going to be a half-day or more event before, people who live so that on the 11th everyone gets to get together, it’s got a VIP ticket, meet each other, hang out, get to know each other, have some fun, and then go into the event. Kind of with that already out of the way. So you’re ready to hit the ground running so. Hernan How you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome. also super excited for a POFU Live 2019. 2018 was really good. So they say, so yeah, I’m really excited for you to know, to get to meet you guys hang out with all of you guys. So just be there will be square.
Adam: Outstanding. Yeah, and we’ve already heard from somebody who’s coming who lives in Denver, which is awesome. So we got a local coming in there. And if anyone else is around there and give a shout out, you know, we’re going to be in the area can’t guarantee anything, but look forward to meeting people and you know, enjoying the area as well. So, Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: I already have my speaking topic for POFU Live and write your own fucking book. Tell your own fucking story. And I’m going to go from there. I’m just gonna flow. So I’m looking forward to it. I’m also knee-deep into our new What do we call it VIP coaching. I’m really into it really did digging in and looking around and seeing where I can get a foothold and, and make some quick money. So I’m doing all kinds of stuff plus all the other stuff that we talked about yesterday that I can’t really say, yeah, that’s, that’s coming down the line, but it’ll be four years for RYS Academy. On August, right? getting released in August, I believe is August 29th of 2015. And so four years, four years, and it’s still there, it’s still going. And regardless of what anybody says, the shit works. And so there you go, we’re still in it. We’re still in the lab, we’re still in the Facebook group. Right? So for something that doesn’t work, we have all of these questions all the time, about how to make it even better. And I’m there answering questions. So there you go.
Adam: That’s true, man that yeah, that has been an active group for numbers of RYS always reloaded for Yeah, for years. So that was a good point. Good share with people that Yeah, there’s a great community behind that. And just going strong.
Bradley: Marco, you’re saying that after four years. And really, we started implementing it before we launched the product to make sure that it was working and repeatable and duplicatable. But you’re saying after four years that it still works, and it’s still providing results, just like we intended or did from four years ago? Is that what you’re telling me?
Marco: Yeah, it’s not as quick, of course, as it used to be because of the algorithm change. But if you give it the 21 days, the Google dance, it kicks in. And then it’s unstoppable. It’s that simple. You do it all the time. It’s part of your foundation. It’s part of my foundation. Everyone in RYS that’s applying it’s part of their foundation. They do nothing without a drive stack plus Gsite. Why? Because that’s the SEO firewall. That that that’s, you know, I’m thinking, John Goodman, right. That’s your base, your Fortress of Solitude, right that nobody can touch you once you’re there. And so that’s what I think of when we’re doing this. Oh, yeah. Not only four years, but May have of 2015. Right. When you did yours, your test, your crappy test, that’s still ranking To this day, the ranking number one, I just, we were talking.
Bradley: And well, the reason why I was asking if it still worked was because, you know, for four years now we’ve been hearing Well, I’m afraid to use drive stacks, because what happens when Google closes that loophole, and it just shuts everything down? Well, for four fucking years, it’s been working. So that looks like a missed opportunity for the last four years for everyone that had that we’ve heard that from, and we’ve heard that quite a few times. So anyway, I just thought it was funny. You’re right, the algorithm is changed, it does still have an effect, but you know, it acts or reacts in a different manner. But it still works. And it is still absolutely foundational. The new business that I started, which Marco alluded to earlier, when he said that we’re in a, we’re an accountability group that started last Monday or excuse me, this Monday this week, for the new business that I’m in, which is real estate business. And all I’ve done is a drive stack, and I think five or maybe six press releases, and I’m ranked in the top three for my primary term for the state of Virginia. So again, if anybody says it doesn’t work? Well, you know, keep thinking that that’s fine. We’ll keep using them. So
Marco: Yeah, I mean, less competition, because the guys in RYS Academy Reloaded love it when people say it doesn’t work because it means fewer people come in more money for them. Right.
Adam: Very true. Very true. And Bradley, you alluded to it, but yeah, that’s what you’ve been up to, right. Been working with a small group, from the mastermind on real estate stuff.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s been, it’s cool. We just started on Monday. It’s a very small group, I think we’ve got maybe besides members of, you know, my partners, so board members of Semantic Mastery and stuff there, I think we’ve got about seven or eight people in the group. But it’s cool, because it’s, it’s a new business model where we can apply digital marketing and SEO techniques to that is, I think, completely untouched, honestly. And I think there’s a ton of opportunity in it, I’ve been very fortunate to have great success in just the past three months since I started. And it’s, in my opinion, way better than just a digital marketing business model. Because instead of making incremental growth in my revenue, like I have, for the last 10 years, as a digital marketer, I’m making exponential jumps in revenue right now from, you know, being able to find properties through digital marketing, as well as some traditional marketing, get them under contract for dirt cheap, and then turn around and sell them for it at a at a significant discount. But because of again, being able to apply digital marketing techniques to it, I’m able to get them sold rather quickly. So it’s, it’s really cool to get these great big paychecks. And I’m fortunate to have a few people that decided to join me within the mastermind to apply their digital marketing expertise to this new business model. And I can’t wait to see the results that they’re going to be able to achieve to during this next 10 weeks. So that’s what’s going on for us, as well as honestly, obviously, we continue to do what we do in the mastermind Marco and I just had a really good mastermind webinar last Thursday, again, we’re after we talked about some other things for a little bit, we spent at least a good hour talking about silo structure, and some really important discoveries that Marco has made, that we kind of reinforced with, with my beautiful snag at diagrams and everything else through the last hour of the webinar, that I’ve already instructed my blogging vas to go back and start implementing the new silo methodology that Marco really revealed to us last week. And it’s amazing to see what kind of results we’re going to have come from that. So really cool stuff going on, as usual.
Adam: Outstanding. But before we get into the questions, just want to let everyone know, like I said, thanks for watching, for the first time here. Feel free, you can always ask questions beforehand. And we encourage that, especially if you’re not able to make it live, whether you got a client call, you’re out traveling, you got a job, whatever it is, you can ask those generally we have things ready to go by the next day. So you can come in, you know, a day or two after Hump Day Hangouts and ask your question, then come back and check out the replay on YouTube. And if you’re watching on YouTube, go ahead and hit subscribe, if you want to share it with people, by all means, do that we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel and love helping other people out. So if you come across some of our clips or things like that, feel free to share those and help us out and help someone else out. If you’d like to get easy and better repeatable results, and you’re wondering where to start with us besides Hump Day Hangouts, grab the Battle Plan, just head over to https://battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you’re ready to grow or start your digital marketing business, or if you have your own business and you want to get better results online, then come join our experienced community at https://mastermind.semanticmastery.com and head over there, find out a lot more about that hit us up if you got questions. But we’re looking for more people, that would be a good fit for that, again, whether you’re looking to grow your own agency or you got your own business and you’re wanting to take things up a notch. But that is the next place you want to head to. And then, of course, save time and money for this store that wants to use the done for you services. And like we were talking about the RYS Reloaded. If you want to get that stuff done for you, you can go to MGYB. It’s not just drives to action, get syndication networks, press releases, links, embeds all sorts of good stuff, so head over there for that stuff. With that said, Guys,
Marco: Before we go on, I just like to add that the perks are in the mastermind, the really good shit, but when we get deep into what works and why it works, and where we show people, how they can get extra power, how they can take advantage of what’s going on with Google, because we stay on the cutting edge. We try to stay ahead of the algorithm and people say you are you can’t do that. Well, yeah, yeah, you can. And and and you can plan ahead for Google is going to be if you know where Google’s going, and meet them when they get there. And then start planning ahead for the next one. How many updates have we had in the last year since RYS Academy Reloaded, and RYS Academy was released, and we don’t worry about Google updating shit, we don’t give a shit. Because we’re prepared at but this happens, guys in the mastermind. The perks are in there. And you have like-minded people that you can talk to in the Facebook group, it’s active, you can post your questions a lot of people are going to chime in, you’re going to get different opinions, of course. But we’re going to come to a consensus of what works or we’re going to tell you to try it out. Come back to us and let us know-how, how it works out. We’ll help you along the way. Of course. That’s what our mastermind webinars for. We have the Facebook group, they get access to all five of us. We’re all in there answering questions. We’re all active in there. That’s where the magic happens. Right? So if you guys are really looking to take your business, whatever it is local, global, affiliate, e-commerce, it whatever it is real estate, it’s real estate. Yeah, it’s the mastermind, guys, that’s where it happened.
Bradley: By the way, before we get started, I’ve got a really bad thunderstorm had come in this way. And I can see the power flickering already. So if I get knocked offline, you guys are gonna have to handle it until I get back. Well, then, let’s do this. Let’s hop into the questions and you go, all right, let’s do it. It’s been like ridiculously hot here. And thunderstorms pop up pretty rapidly lately.
How Do You Let Google Crawl and Index Your Google Doc?
Bradley: So. Alright, so the first question came from Brett says, other than publishing to the web posting the link to your Google Doc page? How can you get Google to crawl and index your Google Doc? Okay. So you’re talking about you’re drive stack files, I’m sure. So public files from within a drive stack? Um, you know, I’m going to give you my answer. And then I know Marco is going to answer is, I don’t really care if they index or not. If know what I mean, I really don’t care if they index because that’s not in my opinion. That’s not the point. I’m not trying to rank the Google Drive files themselves or the folders it’s nice if they do but I don’t I’m not that’s not my goal with them. My goal is to use it, as Marco says, our Fortress of Solitude, as John Goodman say, right, that’s the our SEO firewall, it’s to do all the external stuff that we’re going to do to, you know, SEO stuff to the actual drive stack, which then launderers it and passes it safely off to our whatever asset it is, we’re trying to push, typically a money site. So I don’t really care if it indexes. But one of the things that you can do is, uh, you know, if you’ve got a valid Twitter account, this is something that we did originally a long time ago, I’m sure it still works, although I don’t use Twitter would be to tweet the link out because you’ll see bots come crawl it. In fact, if you’re actually looking at the dock, where you can see those like anonymous icons in the top right corner that show that somebody’s viewing your doc, when you tweet it out, if it’s on a valid Twitter account, you’ll see the box come crawl it, and it’ll light up like a Christmas tree with a bunch of those icons that will show up as like anonymous users or whatever. And I think a lot of that’s bots, I don’t know if that’s really valid, like real traffic, or if it’s the bots, but something else you could do is send traffic to it. Right? If you send traffic to a link right now, Google’s algorithm is highly dependent upon activity, relevancy, trust and authority or ART, as Marco calls it. And activity is the first part of that. So if you can send traffic to that link, a number of ways that you can do that, right, you can set up a YouTube ad and just send some traffic to it that way, there’s a number of things that you could do to get real valid clicks to that link. And that can also help it to index. Marco would say you?
Marco: we Dadea. MGYB.co, hire an indexing gig, and he’ll take care of you.
Bradley: Short and sweet. Love it.
How Much Should You Charge For Running An Adwords Campaign Of A Crossfit Company?
Okay, next one is any suggestions on how much to charge or this is a good one, how much to charge at CrossFit company to manage an AdWords campaign for them? I was in your mastermind when you use CrossFit for a case study and have a local gym, CrossFit gym owner interested in finding out more about doing this for him? Is there a minimum ad spend, you would suggest as well as the minimum amount you would charge him to manage his PPC, I was looking at charging him $500 a month as a minimum to make it worth my time. Okay, I’m going to give you a couple different sides to this answer because most CrossFit gyms aren’t going to have much money for marketing, at least what I found unless they’re already very successful, and they’ve got you to know, a fairly good user, you know, membership level, right. But the CrossFit gym that I actually became a part equity owner of a saga became a 35% owner. In part, he offered me that ownership for two reasons, one to help coach people number two, so that I could do the marketing for him as a principal in the business as opposed to like him hiring me because he did not have a marketing budget. So in all reality, I was doing the marketing, on sweat equity. In other words, I was doing the work managing the PPC campaigns, the SEO and everything for free because I was a principal in the business hoping that it would grow to a point to where I can start extracting money from the business. But it really never got profitable in this little town that I’m in. We were never able to grow it consistently enough to where it was profitable consistently. And so eventually, I said, I’m not going to continue to put time into this business. So I gave up my ownership. And I also quit that gym, because he was pissed off when I decided that it wasn’t worth my time anymore. I had to invest my time in the stuff that was going to generate revenue. And that wasn’t doing it. It was a passion project for me for about nine months. But I had to let it go. So that said $500 a month would ….
Adam: All right, well, let’s fill some air time here, guys. Well, Bradley gets online. I didn’t have anything spooled up that I wanted to talk about. And I know where Bradley’s going with this, but I don’t want to steal his thunder. Do you guys want to hop into it? Or you guys got something you want to go over? Well, not his what why don’t we go to the next one. And then when he comes in, he can pick up where he left off. And let me scroll up here if you’ve already got it. Go ahead, Marco.
Should You Rename A GMB Listing Named After Its Domain To A Proper Business Name?
Marco: Well, the next one is amor, I’m here. He says he has a client Let’s call him john smith. He’s recently launched local coaching business. And he’s marketing it on his new website. john smith. com. Yes, we to do is SEO with press releases. Press Releases only. He also has created GMB listing where he has named his business as JohnSmith.com. So as NAP looks something like john smith.com 123 mo, nap whatever. My question is, is, well, Google recognizes GMB business name johnsmith.com when I am doing citations and press releases, or should I ask the client to rename the business to John Smith Coaching Or something like that? If you guys want to take a stab, I mean, I have my answer for this. Would you guys like to take a stab at this?
Adam: No, my only one. I’m gonna I’m curious what you have to say here. I think the follow on question. I’m kind of curious why he only wants to do press releases only for SEO? And then why not? But Marco wants to go ahead with your response with NAP stuff.
Marco: Yeah, first of all, you get your client shouldn’t dictate how you do you, the shit you do, you do the way that you do, you can’t allow your client, everyone hiring you as an expert. And in telling you what to do. If you go to the doctor, you need an operation, you’re going to be under sedation, you can’t ask the doctor, alright me off sedation so I can tell you what the fuck to do. Know, you tell the guy this is what you need to do. Now as far as this brand new get john smith is? Or johnsmith.com is perfectly fine. As long as it’s consistent throughout the web, that’s going to be your entity, right john smith. Now, what you can do is you can relate the entity to coaching, how do we start that? Well, we do a branded drive stack, where we take it and we associate the brand, with all the keywords associated with the brand, right. And coaching, of course, would be the, what I call the market level of the top market level keyword. That is after, if you do a good job with your schema, of course, on-site siloing. And everything else that you’re supposed to do according to the Battle Plan, the body is going to know exactly what this is about. This is about john smith, who is a coach. Now, here’s where it gets tricky. What kind of coach because it’s, it’s what kind of coach that can create an ambiguity. Because there are all sorts of coaches, just like coaches, there’s personal training coach, all kinds of coaching. So the one thing that you do have to be careful about is, is when you start talking about the coaching to the bot, which you do that with schema, you have to make sure that it’s not ambiguous that the but cannot interpret it another way. Because when you do that, when you ambiguous, it’s gonna it’s going to cost you or it’s going to take you 10 times the effort to get everything back the way it was. And oh the way it should be, then if you do it correctly, the first time, it’s perfectly fine. But again, never ever let your client dictate how you do your job. You’re not telling him how to be a coach. Why is he telling you how to be an SEO? Be that would be my answer to that anybody else got more?
Adam: I know I do. Yeah. And the only thing I could think of would be the switch was that maybe he offered him press release services and so he misspoke in which case? Yeah, I guess a merger. Yeah, just that’s kind of interesting. If you’re here live, you know, let us know a little bit more and maybe we can get to that if we have time. But Bradley, you back with us. I hear me. Yep.
Bradley: All right. I’m trying to do this from my phone because of my powers out now.
Adam: Gotcha. Um, yeah, you’re covering? Okay, you’re a little scratchy. But I think that might just be if you’re moving around. But yeah, we went heaven kind of stopped where you left off, we jump to the next question. So if you want to go back and finish talking about the CrossFit, you cut off when you were talking about I think you’re about to say something about 500 a month. I don’t know if that was going to be you know, too much too little what you were going to say? Okay,
Bradley: Yeah. So what I was talking about was when, you know, I was doing everything basically for free because I was a principal in the business. As far as if I’m going to manage an AdWords campaign for somebody, I wouldn’t do it for any less than 500. If he has enough budget, hold on a minute, guys. I gotta shut this one. Alright, sorry about that and trying to do this from my phone. If he has enough budget to be able to cover the management fee and still provide you with a… Did you guys lose me?
Bradley: Okay, sorry about that. If he has enough money to provide you with a management fee and have enough, you know, money for ad spend, then absolutely, I would do it for $500 a month to start with. But again, I don’t know many CrossFit gyms at least if you’re in a major metropolitan area. There’s a lot of members and stuff like that. It may very well be but the ones that I’ve run into are typically struggling so they’re not going to have a lot of money and
….. HDHO cut off short due to power outage
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245
Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we’re live. Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 245. Today’s the 17th of July 29. Then, we got several good announcements, the real quick and before we say hello to everyone just want to say, you know, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery and you’re watching the replay, you’re checking us out live, you’re in the right place, we’re going to get into your questions and get those answered points in the right directions. get you what you need to know. If you ever want or need to be asking some questions, head over to https://semanticmastery com./HDquestions, and that’ll take you to keep the URL the same. And just update the page so that you can always come back and ask questions ahead of time. So with that said, just go down the row here, Chris, how are you doing today?
Chris: Doing good, super excited, like super cool things coming up like POFU private event and stuff. So I can’t hold it back.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. But if you haven’t gotten your tickets, yet, now’s a good time. any stage of planning, we’re locking down the VIP event, in terms of what all it’s going to entail. details to be released later, but you get your tickets at pofulive.com. It’s basically going to be a half-day or more event before, people who live so that on the 11th everyone gets to get together, it’s got a VIP ticket, meet each other, hang out, get to know each other, have some fun, and then go into the event. Kind of with that already out of the way. So you’re ready to hit the ground running so. Hernan How you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome. also super excited for a POFU Live 2019. 2018 was really good. So they say, so yeah, I’m really excited for you to know, to get to meet you guys hang out with all of you guys. So just be there will be square.
Adam: Outstanding. Yeah, and we’ve already heard from somebody who’s coming who lives in Denver, which is awesome. So we got a local coming in there. And if anyone else is around there and give a shout out, you know, we’re going to be in the area can’t guarantee anything, but look forward to meeting people and you know, enjoying the area as well. So, Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: I already have my speaking topic for POFU Live and write your own fucking book. Tell your own fucking story. And I’m going to go from there. I’m just gonna flow. So I’m looking forward to it. I’m also knee-deep into our new What do we call it VIP coaching. I’m really into it really did digging in and looking around and seeing where I can get a foothold and, and make some quick money. So I’m doing all kinds of stuff plus all the other stuff that we talked about yesterday that I can’t really say, yeah, that’s, that’s coming down the line, but it’ll be four years for RYS Academy. On August, right? getting released in August, I believe is August 29th of 2015. And so four years, four years, and it’s still there, it’s still going. And regardless of what anybody says, the shit works. And so there you go, we’re still in it. We’re still in the lab, we’re still in the Facebook group. Right? So for something that doesn’t work, we have all of these questions all the time, about how to make it even better. And I’m there answering questions. So there you go.
Adam: That’s true, man that yeah, that has been an active group for numbers of RYS always reloaded for Yeah, for years. So that was a good point. Good share with people that Yeah, there’s a great community behind that. And just going strong.
Bradley: Marco, you’re saying that after four years. And really, we started implementing it before we launched the product to make sure that it was working and repeatable and duplicatable. But you’re saying after four years that it still works, and it’s still providing results, just like we intended or did from four years ago? Is that what you’re telling me?
Marco: Yeah, it’s not as quick, of course, as it used to be because of the algorithm change. But if you give it the 21 days, the Google dance, it kicks in. And then it’s unstoppable. It’s that simple. You do it all the time. It’s part of your foundation. It’s part of my foundation. Everyone in RYS that’s applying it’s part of their foundation. They do nothing without a drive stack plus Gsite. Why? Because that’s the SEO firewall. That that that’s, you know, I’m thinking, John Goodman, right. That’s your base, your Fortress of Solitude, right that nobody can touch you once you’re there. And so that’s what I think of when we’re doing this. Oh, yeah. Not only four years, but May have of 2015. Right. When you did yours, your test, your crappy test, that’s still ranking To this day, the ranking number one, I just, we were talking.
Bradley: And well, the reason why I was asking if it still worked was because, you know, for four years now we’ve been hearing Well, I’m afraid to use drive stacks, because what happens when Google closes that loophole, and it just shuts everything down? Well, for four fucking years, it’s been working. So that looks like a missed opportunity for the last four years for everyone that had that we’ve heard that from, and we’ve heard that quite a few times. So anyway, I just thought it was funny. You’re right, the algorithm is changed, it does still have an effect, but you know, it acts or reacts in a different manner. But it still works. And it is still absolutely foundational. The new business that I started, which Marco alluded to earlier, when he said that we’re in a, we’re an accountability group that started last Monday or excuse me, this Monday this week, for the new business that I’m in, which is real estate business. And all I’ve done is a drive stack, and I think five or maybe six press releases, and I’m ranked in the top three for my primary term for the state of Virginia. So again, if anybody says it doesn’t work? Well, you know, keep thinking that that’s fine. We’ll keep using them. So
Marco: Yeah, I mean, less competition, because the guys in RYS Academy Reloaded love it when people say it doesn’t work because it means fewer people come in more money for them. Right.
Adam: Very true. Very true. And Bradley, you alluded to it, but yeah, that’s what you’ve been up to, right. Been working with a small group, from the mastermind on real estate stuff.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s been, it’s cool. We just started on Monday. It’s a very small group, I think we’ve got maybe besides members of, you know, my partners, so board members of Semantic Mastery and stuff there, I think we’ve got about seven or eight people in the group. But it’s cool, because it’s, it’s a new business model where we can apply digital marketing and SEO techniques to that is, I think, completely untouched, honestly. And I think there’s a ton of opportunity in it, I’ve been very fortunate to have great success in just the past three months since I started. And it’s, in my opinion, way better than just a digital marketing business model. Because instead of making incremental growth in my revenue, like I have, for the last 10 years, as a digital marketer, I’m making exponential jumps in revenue right now from, you know, being able to find properties through digital marketing, as well as some traditional marketing, get them under contract for dirt cheap, and then turn around and sell them for it at a at a significant discount. But because of again, being able to apply digital marketing techniques to it, I’m able to get them sold rather quickly. So it’s, it’s really cool to get these great big paychecks. And I’m fortunate to have a few people that decided to join me within the mastermind to apply their digital marketing expertise to this new business model. And I can’t wait to see the results that they’re going to be able to achieve to during this next 10 weeks. So that’s what’s going on for us, as well as honestly, obviously, we continue to do what we do in the mastermind Marco and I just had a really good mastermind webinar last Thursday, again, we’re after we talked about some other things for a little bit, we spent at least a good hour talking about silo structure, and some really important discoveries that Marco has made, that we kind of reinforced with, with my beautiful snag at diagrams and everything else through the last hour of the webinar, that I’ve already instructed my blogging vas to go back and start implementing the new silo methodology that Marco really revealed to us last week. And it’s amazing to see what kind of results we’re going to have come from that. So really cool stuff going on, as usual.
Adam: Outstanding. But before we get into the questions, just want to let everyone know, like I said, thanks for watching, for the first time here. Feel free, you can always ask questions beforehand. And we encourage that, especially if you’re not able to make it live, whether you got a client call, you’re out traveling, you got a job, whatever it is, you can ask those generally we have things ready to go by the next day. So you can come in, you know, a day or two after Hump Day Hangouts and ask your question, then come back and check out the replay on YouTube. And if you’re watching on YouTube, go ahead and hit subscribe, if you want to share it with people, by all means, do that we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel and love helping other people out. So if you come across some of our clips or things like that, feel free to share those and help us out and help someone else out. If you’d like to get easy and better repeatable results, and you’re wondering where to start with us besides Hump Day Hangouts, grab the Battle Plan, just head over to https://battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you’re ready to grow or start your digital marketing business, or if you have your own business and you want to get better results online, then come join our experienced community at https://mastermind.semanticmastery.com and head over there, find out a lot more about that hit us up if you got questions. But we’re looking for more people, that would be a good fit for that, again, whether you’re looking to grow your own agency or you got your own business and you’re wanting to take things up a notch. But that is the next place you want to head to. And then, of course, save time and money for this store that wants to use the done for you services. And like we were talking about the RYS Reloaded. If you want to get that stuff done for you, you can go to MGYB. It’s not just drives to action, get syndication networks, press releases, links, embeds all sorts of good stuff, so head over there for that stuff. With that said, Guys,
Marco: Before we go on, I just like to add that the perks are in the mastermind, the really good shit, but when we get deep into what works and why it works, and where we show people, how they can get extra power, how they can take advantage of what’s going on with Google, because we stay on the cutting edge. We try to stay ahead of the algorithm and people say you are you can’t do that. Well, yeah, yeah, you can. And and and you can plan ahead for Google is going to be if you know where Google’s going, and meet them when they get there. And then start planning ahead for the next one. How many updates have we had in the last year since RYS Academy Reloaded, and RYS Academy was released, and we don’t worry about Google updating shit, we don’t give a shit. Because we’re prepared at but this happens, guys in the mastermind. The perks are in there. And you have like-minded people that you can talk to in the Facebook group, it’s active, you can post your questions a lot of people are going to chime in, you’re going to get different opinions, of course. But we’re going to come to a consensus of what works or we’re going to tell you to try it out. Come back to us and let us know-how, how it works out. We’ll help you along the way. Of course. That’s what our mastermind webinars for. We have the Facebook group, they get access to all five of us. We’re all in there answering questions. We’re all active in there. That’s where the magic happens. Right? So if you guys are really looking to take your business, whatever it is local, global, affiliate, e-commerce, it whatever it is real estate, it’s real estate. Yeah, it’s the mastermind, guys, that’s where it happened.
Bradley: By the way, before we get started, I’ve got a really bad thunderstorm had come in this way. And I can see the power flickering already. So if I get knocked offline, you guys are gonna have to handle it until I get back. Well, then, let’s do this. Let’s hop into the questions and you go, all right, let’s do it. It’s been like ridiculously hot here. And thunderstorms pop up pretty rapidly lately.
How Do You Let Google Crawl and Index Your Google Doc?
Bradley: So. Alright, so the first question came from Brett says, other than publishing to the web posting the link to your Google Doc page? How can you get Google to crawl and index your Google Doc? Okay. So you’re talking about you’re drive stack files, I’m sure. So public files from within a drive stack? Um, you know, I’m going to give you my answer. And then I know Marco is going to answer is, I don’t really care if they index or not. If know what I mean, I really don’t care if they index because that’s not in my opinion. That’s not the point. I’m not trying to rank the Google Drive files themselves or the folders it’s nice if they do but I don’t I’m not that’s not my goal with them. My goal is to use it, as Marco says, our Fortress of Solitude, as John Goodman say, right, that’s the our SEO firewall, it’s to do all the external stuff that we’re going to do to, you know, SEO stuff to the actual drive stack, which then launderers it and passes it safely off to our whatever asset it is, we’re trying to push, typically a money site. So I don’t really care if it indexes. But one of the things that you can do is, uh, you know, if you’ve got a valid Twitter account, this is something that we did originally a long time ago, I’m sure it still works, although I don’t use Twitter would be to tweet the link out because you’ll see bots come crawl it. In fact, if you’re actually looking at the dock, where you can see those like anonymous icons in the top right corner that show that somebody’s viewing your doc, when you tweet it out, if it’s on a valid Twitter account, you’ll see the box come crawl it, and it’ll light up like a Christmas tree with a bunch of those icons that will show up as like anonymous users or whatever. And I think a lot of that’s bots, I don’t know if that’s really valid, like real traffic, or if it’s the bots, but something else you could do is send traffic to it. Right? If you send traffic to a link right now, Google’s algorithm is highly dependent upon activity, relevancy, trust and authority or ART, as Marco calls it. And activity is the first part of that. So if you can send traffic to that link, a number of ways that you can do that, right, you can set up a YouTube ad and just send some traffic to it that way, there’s a number of things that you could do to get real valid clicks to that link. And that can also help it to index. Marco would say you?
Marco: we Dadea. MGYB.co, hire an indexing gig, and he’ll take care of you.
Bradley: Short and sweet. Love it.
How Much Should You Charge For Running An Adwords Campaign Of A Crossfit Company?
Okay, next one is any suggestions on how much to charge or this is a good one, how much to charge at CrossFit company to manage an AdWords campaign for them? I was in your mastermind when you use CrossFit for a case study and have a local gym, CrossFit gym owner interested in finding out more about doing this for him? Is there a minimum ad spend, you would suggest as well as the minimum amount you would charge him to manage his PPC, I was looking at charging him $500 a month as a minimum to make it worth my time. Okay, I’m going to give you a couple different sides to this answer because most CrossFit gyms aren’t going to have much money for marketing, at least what I found unless they’re already very successful, and they’ve got you to know, a fairly good user, you know, membership level, right. But the CrossFit gym that I actually became a part equity owner of a saga became a 35% owner. In part, he offered me that ownership for two reasons, one to help coach people number two, so that I could do the marketing for him as a principal in the business as opposed to like him hiring me because he did not have a marketing budget. So in all reality, I was doing the marketing, on sweat equity. In other words, I was doing the work managing the PPC campaigns, the SEO and everything for free because I was a principal in the business hoping that it would grow to a point to where I can start extracting money from the business. But it really never got profitable in this little town that I’m in. We were never able to grow it consistently enough to where it was profitable consistently. And so eventually, I said, I’m not going to continue to put time into this business. So I gave up my ownership. And I also quit that gym, because he was pissed off when I decided that it wasn’t worth my time anymore. I had to invest my time in the stuff that was going to generate revenue. And that wasn’t doing it. It was a passion project for me for about nine months. But I had to let it go. So that said $500 a month would ….
Adam: All right, well, let’s fill some air time here, guys. Well, Bradley gets online. I didn’t have anything spooled up that I wanted to talk about. And I know where Bradley’s going with this, but I don’t want to steal his thunder. Do you guys want to hop into it? Or you guys got something you want to go over? Well, not his what why don’t we go to the next one. And then when he comes in, he can pick up where he left off. And let me scroll up here if you’ve already got it. Go ahead, Marco.
Should You Rename A GMB Listing Named After Its Domain To A Proper Business Name?
Marco: Well, the next one is amor, I’m here. He says he has a client Let’s call him john smith. He’s recently launched local coaching business. And he’s marketing it on his new website. john smith. com. Yes, we to do is SEO with press releases. Press Releases only. He also has created GMB listing where he has named his business as JohnSmith.com. So as NAP looks something like john smith.com 123 mo, nap whatever. My question is, is, well, Google recognizes GMB business name johnsmith.com when I am doing citations and press releases, or should I ask the client to rename the business to John Smith Coaching Or something like that? If you guys want to take a stab, I mean, I have my answer for this. Would you guys like to take a stab at this?
Adam: No, my only one. I’m gonna I’m curious what you have to say here. I think the follow on question. I’m kind of curious why he only wants to do press releases only for SEO? And then why not? But Marco wants to go ahead with your response with NAP stuff.
Marco: Yeah, first of all, you get your client shouldn’t dictate how you do you, the shit you do, you do the way that you do, you can’t allow your client, everyone hiring you as an expert. And in telling you what to do. If you go to the doctor, you need an operation, you’re going to be under sedation, you can’t ask the doctor, alright me off sedation so I can tell you what the fuck to do. Know, you tell the guy this is what you need to do. Now as far as this brand new get john smith is? Or johnsmith.com is perfectly fine. As long as it’s consistent throughout the web, that’s going to be your entity, right john smith. Now, what you can do is you can relate the entity to coaching, how do we start that? Well, we do a branded drive stack, where we take it and we associate the brand, with all the keywords associated with the brand, right. And coaching, of course, would be the, what I call the market level of the top market level keyword. That is after, if you do a good job with your schema, of course, on-site siloing. And everything else that you’re supposed to do according to the Battle Plan, the body is going to know exactly what this is about. This is about john smith, who is a coach. Now, here’s where it gets tricky. What kind of coach because it’s, it’s what kind of coach that can create an ambiguity. Because there are all sorts of coaches, just like coaches, there’s personal training coach, all kinds of coaching. So the one thing that you do have to be careful about is, is when you start talking about the coaching to the bot, which you do that with schema, you have to make sure that it’s not ambiguous that the but cannot interpret it another way. Because when you do that, when you ambiguous, it’s gonna it’s going to cost you or it’s going to take you 10 times the effort to get everything back the way it was. And oh the way it should be, then if you do it correctly, the first time, it’s perfectly fine. But again, never ever let your client dictate how you do your job. You’re not telling him how to be a coach. Why is he telling you how to be an SEO? Be that would be my answer to that anybody else got more?
Adam: I know I do. Yeah. And the only thing I could think of would be the switch was that maybe he offered him press release services and so he misspoke in which case? Yeah, I guess a merger. Yeah, just that’s kind of interesting. If you’re here live, you know, let us know a little bit more and maybe we can get to that if we have time. But Bradley, you back with us. I hear me. Yep.
Bradley: All right. I’m trying to do this from my phone because of my powers out now.
Adam: Gotcha. Um, yeah, you’re covering? Okay, you’re a little scratchy. But I think that might just be if you’re moving around. But yeah, we went heaven kind of stopped where you left off, we jump to the next question. So if you want to go back and finish talking about the CrossFit, you cut off when you were talking about I think you’re about to say something about 500 a month. I don’t know if that was going to be you know, too much too little what you were going to say? Okay,
Bradley: Yeah. So what I was talking about was when, you know, I was doing everything basically for free because I was a principal in the business. As far as if I’m going to manage an AdWords campaign for somebody, I wouldn’t do it for any less than 500. If he has enough budget, hold on a minute, guys. I gotta shut this one. Alright, sorry about that and trying to do this from my phone. If he has enough budget to be able to cover the management fee and still provide you with a… Did you guys lose me?
Bradley: Okay, sorry about that. If he has enough money to provide you with a management fee and have enough, you know, money for ad spend, then absolutely, I would do it for $500 a month to start with. But again, I don’t know many CrossFit gyms at least if you’re in a major metropolitan area. There’s a lot of members and stuff like that. It may very well be but the ones that I’ve run into are typically struggling so they’re not going to have a lot of money and
….. HDHO cut off short due to power outage
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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jenniferbowley · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245
Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we’re live. Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 245. Today’s the 17th of July 29. Then, we got several good announcements, the real quick and before we say hello to everyone just want to say, you know, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery and you’re watching the replay, you’re checking us out live, you’re in the right place, we’re going to get into your questions and get those answered points in the right directions. get you what you need to know. If you ever want or need to be asking some questions, head over to https://semanticmastery com./HDquestions, and that’ll take you to keep the URL the same. And just update the page so that you can always come back and ask questions ahead of time. So with that said, just go down the row here, Chris, how are you doing today?
Chris: Doing good, super excited, like super cool things coming up like POFU private event and stuff. So I can’t hold it back.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. But if you haven’t gotten your tickets, yet, now’s a good time. any stage of planning, we’re locking down the VIP event, in terms of what all it’s going to entail. details to be released later, but you get your tickets at pofulive.com. It’s basically going to be a half-day or more event before, people who live so that on the 11th everyone gets to get together, it’s got a VIP ticket, meet each other, hang out, get to know each other, have some fun, and then go into the event. Kind of with that already out of the way. So you’re ready to hit the ground running so. Hernan How you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome. also super excited for a POFU Live 2019. 2018 was really good. So they say, so yeah, I’m really excited for you to know, to get to meet you guys hang out with all of you guys. So just be there will be square.
Adam: Outstanding. Yeah, and we’ve already heard from somebody who’s coming who lives in Denver, which is awesome. So we got a local coming in there. And if anyone else is around there and give a shout out, you know, we’re going to be in the area can’t guarantee anything, but look forward to meeting people and you know, enjoying the area as well. So, Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: I already have my speaking topic for POFU Live and write your own fucking book. Tell your own fucking story. And I’m going to go from there. I’m just gonna flow. So I’m looking forward to it. I’m also knee-deep into our new What do we call it VIP coaching. I’m really into it really did digging in and looking around and seeing where I can get a foothold and, and make some quick money. So I’m doing all kinds of stuff plus all the other stuff that we talked about yesterday that I can’t really say, yeah, that’s, that’s coming down the line, but it’ll be four years for RYS Academy. On August, right? getting released in August, I believe is August 29th of 2015. And so four years, four years, and it’s still there, it’s still going. And regardless of what anybody says, the shit works. And so there you go, we’re still in it. We’re still in the lab, we’re still in the Facebook group. Right? So for something that doesn’t work, we have all of these questions all the time, about how to make it even better. And I’m there answering questions. So there you go.
Adam: That’s true, man that yeah, that has been an active group for numbers of RYS always reloaded for Yeah, for years. So that was a good point. Good share with people that Yeah, there’s a great community behind that. And just going strong.
Bradley: Marco, you’re saying that after four years. And really, we started implementing it before we launched the product to make sure that it was working and repeatable and duplicatable. But you’re saying after four years that it still works, and it’s still providing results, just like we intended or did from four years ago? Is that what you’re telling me?
Marco: Yeah, it’s not as quick, of course, as it used to be because of the algorithm change. But if you give it the 21 days, the Google dance, it kicks in. And then it’s unstoppable. It’s that simple. You do it all the time. It’s part of your foundation. It’s part of my foundation. Everyone in RYS that’s applying it’s part of their foundation. They do nothing without a drive stack plus Gsite. Why? Because that’s the SEO firewall. That that that’s, you know, I’m thinking, John Goodman, right. That’s your base, your Fortress of Solitude, right that nobody can touch you once you’re there. And so that’s what I think of when we’re doing this. Oh, yeah. Not only four years, but May have of 2015. Right. When you did yours, your test, your crappy test, that’s still ranking To this day, the ranking number one, I just, we were talking.
Bradley: And well, the reason why I was asking if it still worked was because, you know, for four years now we’ve been hearing Well, I’m afraid to use drive stacks, because what happens when Google closes that loophole, and it just shuts everything down? Well, for four fucking years, it’s been working. So that looks like a missed opportunity for the last four years for everyone that had that we’ve heard that from, and we’ve heard that quite a few times. So anyway, I just thought it was funny. You’re right, the algorithm is changed, it does still have an effect, but you know, it acts or reacts in a different manner. But it still works. And it is still absolutely foundational. The new business that I started, which Marco alluded to earlier, when he said that we’re in a, we’re an accountability group that started last Monday or excuse me, this Monday this week, for the new business that I’m in, which is real estate business. And all I’ve done is a drive stack, and I think five or maybe six press releases, and I’m ranked in the top three for my primary term for the state of Virginia. So again, if anybody says it doesn’t work? Well, you know, keep thinking that that’s fine. We’ll keep using them. So
Marco: Yeah, I mean, less competition, because the guys in RYS Academy Reloaded love it when people say it doesn’t work because it means fewer people come in more money for them. Right.
Adam: Very true. Very true. And Bradley, you alluded to it, but yeah, that’s what you’ve been up to, right. Been working with a small group, from the mastermind on real estate stuff.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s been, it’s cool. We just started on Monday. It’s a very small group, I think we’ve got maybe besides members of, you know, my partners, so board members of Semantic Mastery and stuff there, I think we’ve got about seven or eight people in the group. But it’s cool, because it’s, it’s a new business model where we can apply digital marketing and SEO techniques to that is, I think, completely untouched, honestly. And I think there’s a ton of opportunity in it, I’ve been very fortunate to have great success in just the past three months since I started. And it’s, in my opinion, way better than just a digital marketing business model. Because instead of making incremental growth in my revenue, like I have, for the last 10 years, as a digital marketer, I’m making exponential jumps in revenue right now from, you know, being able to find properties through digital marketing, as well as some traditional marketing, get them under contract for dirt cheap, and then turn around and sell them for it at a at a significant discount. But because of again, being able to apply digital marketing techniques to it, I’m able to get them sold rather quickly. So it’s, it’s really cool to get these great big paychecks. And I’m fortunate to have a few people that decided to join me within the mastermind to apply their digital marketing expertise to this new business model. And I can’t wait to see the results that they’re going to be able to achieve to during this next 10 weeks. So that’s what’s going on for us, as well as honestly, obviously, we continue to do what we do in the mastermind Marco and I just had a really good mastermind webinar last Thursday, again, we’re after we talked about some other things for a little bit, we spent at least a good hour talking about silo structure, and some really important discoveries that Marco has made, that we kind of reinforced with, with my beautiful snag at diagrams and everything else through the last hour of the webinar, that I’ve already instructed my blogging vas to go back and start implementing the new silo methodology that Marco really revealed to us last week. And it’s amazing to see what kind of results we’re going to have come from that. So really cool stuff going on, as usual.
Adam: Outstanding. But before we get into the questions, just want to let everyone know, like I said, thanks for watching, for the first time here. Feel free, you can always ask questions beforehand. And we encourage that, especially if you’re not able to make it live, whether you got a client call, you’re out traveling, you got a job, whatever it is, you can ask those generally we have things ready to go by the next day. So you can come in, you know, a day or two after Hump Day Hangouts and ask your question, then come back and check out the replay on YouTube. And if you’re watching on YouTube, go ahead and hit subscribe, if you want to share it with people, by all means, do that we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel and love helping other people out. So if you come across some of our clips or things like that, feel free to share those and help us out and help someone else out. If you’d like to get easy and better repeatable results, and you’re wondering where to start with us besides Hump Day Hangouts, grab the Battle Plan, just head over to https://battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you’re ready to grow or start your digital marketing business, or if you have your own business and you want to get better results online, then come join our experienced community at https://mastermind.semanticmastery.com and head over there, find out a lot more about that hit us up if you got questions. But we’re looking for more people, that would be a good fit for that, again, whether you’re looking to grow your own agency or you got your own business and you’re wanting to take things up a notch. But that is the next place you want to head to. And then, of course, save time and money for this store that wants to use the done for you services. And like we were talking about the RYS Reloaded. If you want to get that stuff done for you, you can go to MGYB. It’s not just drives to action, get syndication networks, press releases, links, embeds all sorts of good stuff, so head over there for that stuff. With that said, Guys,
Marco: Before we go on, I just like to add that the perks are in the mastermind, the really good shit, but when we get deep into what works and why it works, and where we show people, how they can get extra power, how they can take advantage of what’s going on with Google, because we stay on the cutting edge. We try to stay ahead of the algorithm and people say you are you can’t do that. Well, yeah, yeah, you can. And and and you can plan ahead for Google is going to be if you know where Google’s going, and meet them when they get there. And then start planning ahead for the next one. How many updates have we had in the last year since RYS Academy Reloaded, and RYS Academy was released, and we don’t worry about Google updating shit, we don’t give a shit. Because we’re prepared at but this happens, guys in the mastermind. The perks are in there. And you have like-minded people that you can talk to in the Facebook group, it’s active, you can post your questions a lot of people are going to chime in, you’re going to get different opinions, of course. But we’re going to come to a consensus of what works or we’re going to tell you to try it out. Come back to us and let us know-how, how it works out. We’ll help you along the way. Of course. That’s what our mastermind webinars for. We have the Facebook group, they get access to all five of us. We’re all in there answering questions. We’re all active in there. That’s where the magic happens. Right? So if you guys are really looking to take your business, whatever it is local, global, affiliate, e-commerce, it whatever it is real estate, it’s real estate. Yeah, it’s the mastermind, guys, that’s where it happened.
Bradley: By the way, before we get started, I’ve got a really bad thunderstorm had come in this way. And I can see the power flickering already. So if I get knocked offline, you guys are gonna have to handle it until I get back. Well, then, let’s do this. Let’s hop into the questions and you go, all right, let’s do it. It’s been like ridiculously hot here. And thunderstorms pop up pretty rapidly lately.
How Do You Let Google Crawl and Index Your Google Doc?
Bradley: So. Alright, so the first question came from Brett says, other than publishing to the web posting the link to your Google Doc page? How can you get Google to crawl and index your Google Doc? Okay. So you’re talking about you’re drive stack files, I’m sure. So public files from within a drive stack? Um, you know, I’m going to give you my answer. And then I know Marco is going to answer is, I don’t really care if they index or not. If know what I mean, I really don’t care if they index because that’s not in my opinion. That’s not the point. I’m not trying to rank the Google Drive files themselves or the folders it’s nice if they do but I don’t I’m not that’s not my goal with them. My goal is to use it, as Marco says, our Fortress of Solitude, as John Goodman say, right, that’s the our SEO firewall, it’s to do all the external stuff that we’re going to do to, you know, SEO stuff to the actual drive stack, which then launderers it and passes it safely off to our whatever asset it is, we’re trying to push, typically a money site. So I don’t really care if it indexes. But one of the things that you can do is, uh, you know, if you’ve got a valid Twitter account, this is something that we did originally a long time ago, I’m sure it still works, although I don’t use Twitter would be to tweet the link out because you’ll see bots come crawl it. In fact, if you’re actually looking at the dock, where you can see those like anonymous icons in the top right corner that show that somebody’s viewing your doc, when you tweet it out, if it’s on a valid Twitter account, you’ll see the box come crawl it, and it’ll light up like a Christmas tree with a bunch of those icons that will show up as like anonymous users or whatever. And I think a lot of that’s bots, I don’t know if that’s really valid, like real traffic, or if it’s the bots, but something else you could do is send traffic to it. Right? If you send traffic to a link right now, Google’s algorithm is highly dependent upon activity, relevancy, trust and authority or ART, as Marco calls it. And activity is the first part of that. So if you can send traffic to that link, a number of ways that you can do that, right, you can set up a YouTube ad and just send some traffic to it that way, there’s a number of things that you could do to get real valid clicks to that link. And that can also help it to index. Marco would say you?
Marco: we Dadea. MGYB.co, hire an indexing gig, and he’ll take care of you.
Bradley: Short and sweet. Love it.
How Much Should You Charge For Running An Adwords Campaign Of A Crossfit Company?
Okay, next one is any suggestions on how much to charge or this is a good one, how much to charge at CrossFit company to manage an AdWords campaign for them? I was in your mastermind when you use CrossFit for a case study and have a local gym, CrossFit gym owner interested in finding out more about doing this for him? Is there a minimum ad spend, you would suggest as well as the minimum amount you would charge him to manage his PPC, I was looking at charging him $500 a month as a minimum to make it worth my time. Okay, I’m going to give you a couple different sides to this answer because most CrossFit gyms aren’t going to have much money for marketing, at least what I found unless they’re already very successful, and they’ve got you to know, a fairly good user, you know, membership level, right. But the CrossFit gym that I actually became a part equity owner of a saga became a 35% owner. In part, he offered me that ownership for two reasons, one to help coach people number two, so that I could do the marketing for him as a principal in the business as opposed to like him hiring me because he did not have a marketing budget. So in all reality, I was doing the marketing, on sweat equity. In other words, I was doing the work managing the PPC campaigns, the SEO and everything for free because I was a principal in the business hoping that it would grow to a point to where I can start extracting money from the business. But it really never got profitable in this little town that I’m in. We were never able to grow it consistently enough to where it was profitable consistently. And so eventually, I said, I’m not going to continue to put time into this business. So I gave up my ownership. And I also quit that gym, because he was pissed off when I decided that it wasn’t worth my time anymore. I had to invest my time in the stuff that was going to generate revenue. And that wasn’t doing it. It was a passion project for me for about nine months. But I had to let it go. So that said $500 a month would ….
Adam: All right, well, let’s fill some air time here, guys. Well, Bradley gets online. I didn’t have anything spooled up that I wanted to talk about. And I know where Bradley’s going with this, but I don’t want to steal his thunder. Do you guys want to hop into it? Or you guys got something you want to go over? Well, not his what why don’t we go to the next one. And then when he comes in, he can pick up where he left off. And let me scroll up here if you’ve already got it. Go ahead, Marco.
Should You Rename A GMB Listing Named After Its Domain To A Proper Business Name?
Marco: Well, the next one is amor, I’m here. He says he has a client Let’s call him john smith. He’s recently launched local coaching business. And he’s marketing it on his new website. john smith. com. Yes, we to do is SEO with press releases. Press Releases only. He also has created GMB listing where he has named his business as JohnSmith.com. So as NAP looks something like john smith.com 123 mo, nap whatever. My question is, is, well, Google recognizes GMB business name johnsmith.com when I am doing citations and press releases, or should I ask the client to rename the business to John Smith Coaching Or something like that? If you guys want to take a stab, I mean, I have my answer for this. Would you guys like to take a stab at this?
Adam: No, my only one. I’m gonna I’m curious what you have to say here. I think the follow on question. I’m kind of curious why he only wants to do press releases only for SEO? And then why not? But Marco wants to go ahead with your response with NAP stuff.
Marco: Yeah, first of all, you get your client shouldn’t dictate how you do you, the shit you do, you do the way that you do, you can’t allow your client, everyone hiring you as an expert. And in telling you what to do. If you go to the doctor, you need an operation, you’re going to be under sedation, you can’t ask the doctor, alright me off sedation so I can tell you what the fuck to do. Know, you tell the guy this is what you need to do. Now as far as this brand new get john smith is? Or johnsmith.com is perfectly fine. As long as it’s consistent throughout the web, that’s going to be your entity, right john smith. Now, what you can do is you can relate the entity to coaching, how do we start that? Well, we do a branded drive stack, where we take it and we associate the brand, with all the keywords associated with the brand, right. And coaching, of course, would be the, what I call the market level of the top market level keyword. That is after, if you do a good job with your schema, of course, on-site siloing. And everything else that you’re supposed to do according to the Battle Plan, the body is going to know exactly what this is about. This is about john smith, who is a coach. Now, here’s where it gets tricky. What kind of coach because it’s, it’s what kind of coach that can create an ambiguity. Because there are all sorts of coaches, just like coaches, there’s personal training coach, all kinds of coaching. So the one thing that you do have to be careful about is, is when you start talking about the coaching to the bot, which you do that with schema, you have to make sure that it’s not ambiguous that the but cannot interpret it another way. Because when you do that, when you ambiguous, it’s gonna it’s going to cost you or it’s going to take you 10 times the effort to get everything back the way it was. And oh the way it should be, then if you do it correctly, the first time, it’s perfectly fine. But again, never ever let your client dictate how you do your job. You’re not telling him how to be a coach. Why is he telling you how to be an SEO? Be that would be my answer to that anybody else got more?
Adam: I know I do. Yeah. And the only thing I could think of would be the switch was that maybe he offered him press release services and so he misspoke in which case? Yeah, I guess a merger. Yeah, just that’s kind of interesting. If you’re here live, you know, let us know a little bit more and maybe we can get to that if we have time. But Bradley, you back with us. I hear me. Yep.
Bradley: All right. I’m trying to do this from my phone because of my powers out now.
Adam: Gotcha. Um, yeah, you’re covering? Okay, you’re a little scratchy. But I think that might just be if you’re moving around. But yeah, we went heaven kind of stopped where you left off, we jump to the next question. So if you want to go back and finish talking about the CrossFit, you cut off when you were talking about I think you’re about to say something about 500 a month. I don’t know if that was going to be you know, too much too little what you were going to say? Okay,
Bradley: Yeah. So what I was talking about was when, you know, I was doing everything basically for free because I was a principal in the business. As far as if I’m going to manage an AdWords campaign for somebody, I wouldn’t do it for any less than 500. If he has enough budget, hold on a minute, guys. I gotta shut this one. Alright, sorry about that and trying to do this from my phone. If he has enough budget to be able to cover the management fee and still provide you with a… Did you guys lose me?
Bradley: Okay, sorry about that. If he has enough money to provide you with a management fee and have enough, you know, money for ad spend, then absolutely, I would do it for $500 a month to start with. But again, I don’t know many CrossFit gyms at least if you’re in a major metropolitan area. There’s a lot of members and stuff like that. It may very well be but the ones that I’ve run into are typically struggling so they’re not going to have a lot of money and
….. HDHO cut off short due to power outage
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245 syndicated from https://medium.com/@SpanishFly
0 notes
daynamartinez22 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245
Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we’re live. Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 245. Today’s the 17th of July 29. Then, we got several good announcements, the real quick and before we say hello to everyone just want to say, you know, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery and you’re watching the replay, you’re checking us out live, you’re in the right place, we’re going to get into your questions and get those answered points in the right directions. get you what you need to know. If you ever want or need to be asking some questions, head over to https://semanticmastery com./HDquestions, and that’ll take you to keep the URL the same. And just update the page so that you can always come back and ask questions ahead of time. So with that said, just go down the row here, Chris, how are you doing today?
Chris: Doing good, super excited, like super cool things coming up like POFU private event and stuff. So I can’t hold it back.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. But if you haven’t gotten your tickets, yet, now’s a good time. any stage of planning, we’re locking down the VIP event, in terms of what all it’s going to entail. details to be released later, but you get your tickets at pofulive.com. It’s basically going to be a half-day or more event before, people who live so that on the 11th everyone gets to get together, it’s got a VIP ticket, meet each other, hang out, get to know each other, have some fun, and then go into the event. Kind of with that already out of the way. So you’re ready to hit the ground running so. Hernan How you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome. also super excited for a POFU Live 2019. 2018 was really good. So they say, so yeah, I’m really excited for you to know, to get to meet you guys hang out with all of you guys. So just be there will be square.
Adam: Outstanding. Yeah, and we’ve already heard from somebody who’s coming who lives in Denver, which is awesome. So we got a local coming in there. And if anyone else is around there and give a shout out, you know, we’re going to be in the area can’t guarantee anything, but look forward to meeting people and you know, enjoying the area as well. So, Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: I already have my speaking topic for POFU Live and write your own fucking book. Tell your own fucking story. And I’m going to go from there. I’m just gonna flow. So I’m looking forward to it. I’m also knee-deep into our new What do we call it VIP coaching. I’m really into it really did digging in and looking around and seeing where I can get a foothold and, and make some quick money. So I’m doing all kinds of stuff plus all the other stuff that we talked about yesterday that I can’t really say, yeah, that’s, that’s coming down the line, but it’ll be four years for RYS Academy. On August, right? getting released in August, I believe is August 29th of 2015. And so four years, four years, and it’s still there, it’s still going. And regardless of what anybody says, the shit works. And so there you go, we’re still in it. We’re still in the lab, we’re still in the Facebook group. Right? So for something that doesn’t work, we have all of these questions all the time, about how to make it even better. And I’m there answering questions. So there you go.
Adam: That’s true, man that yeah, that has been an active group for numbers of RYS always reloaded for Yeah, for years. So that was a good point. Good share with people that Yeah, there’s a great community behind that. And just going strong.
Bradley: Marco, you’re saying that after four years. And really, we started implementing it before we launched the product to make sure that it was working and repeatable and duplicatable. But you’re saying after four years that it still works, and it’s still providing results, just like we intended or did from four years ago? Is that what you’re telling me?
Marco: Yeah, it’s not as quick, of course, as it used to be because of the algorithm change. But if you give it the 21 days, the Google dance, it kicks in. And then it’s unstoppable. It’s that simple. You do it all the time. It’s part of your foundation. It’s part of my foundation. Everyone in RYS that’s applying it’s part of their foundation. They do nothing without a drive stack plus Gsite. Why? Because that’s the SEO firewall. That that that’s, you know, I’m thinking, John Goodman, right. That’s your base, your Fortress of Solitude, right that nobody can touch you once you’re there. And so that’s what I think of when we’re doing this. Oh, yeah. Not only four years, but May have of 2015. Right. When you did yours, your test, your crappy test, that’s still ranking To this day, the ranking number one, I just, we were talking.
Bradley: And well, the reason why I was asking if it still worked was because, you know, for four years now we’ve been hearing Well, I’m afraid to use drive stacks, because what happens when Google closes that loophole, and it just shuts everything down? Well, for four fucking years, it’s been working. So that looks like a missed opportunity for the last four years for everyone that had that we’ve heard that from, and we’ve heard that quite a few times. So anyway, I just thought it was funny. You’re right, the algorithm is changed, it does still have an effect, but you know, it acts or reacts in a different manner. But it still works. And it is still absolutely foundational. The new business that I started, which Marco alluded to earlier, when he said that we’re in a, we’re an accountability group that started last Monday or excuse me, this Monday this week, for the new business that I’m in, which is real estate business. And all I’ve done is a drive stack, and I think five or maybe six press releases, and I’m ranked in the top three for my primary term for the state of Virginia. So again, if anybody says it doesn’t work? Well, you know, keep thinking that that’s fine. We’ll keep using them. So
Marco: Yeah, I mean, less competition, because the guys in RYS Academy Reloaded love it when people say it doesn’t work because it means fewer people come in more money for them. Right.
Adam: Very true. Very true. And Bradley, you alluded to it, but yeah, that’s what you’ve been up to, right. Been working with a small group, from the mastermind on real estate stuff.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s been, it’s cool. We just started on Monday. It’s a very small group, I think we’ve got maybe besides members of, you know, my partners, so board members of Semantic Mastery and stuff there, I think we’ve got about seven or eight people in the group. But it’s cool, because it’s, it’s a new business model where we can apply digital marketing and SEO techniques to that is, I think, completely untouched, honestly. And I think there’s a ton of opportunity in it, I’ve been very fortunate to have great success in just the past three months since I started. And it’s, in my opinion, way better than just a digital marketing business model. Because instead of making incremental growth in my revenue, like I have, for the last 10 years, as a digital marketer, I’m making exponential jumps in revenue right now from, you know, being able to find properties through digital marketing, as well as some traditional marketing, get them under contract for dirt cheap, and then turn around and sell them for it at a at a significant discount. But because of again, being able to apply digital marketing techniques to it, I’m able to get them sold rather quickly. So it’s, it’s really cool to get these great big paychecks. And I’m fortunate to have a few people that decided to join me within the mastermind to apply their digital marketing expertise to this new business model. And I can’t wait to see the results that they’re going to be able to achieve to during this next 10 weeks. So that’s what’s going on for us, as well as honestly, obviously, we continue to do what we do in the mastermind Marco and I just had a really good mastermind webinar last Thursday, again, we’re after we talked about some other things for a little bit, we spent at least a good hour talking about silo structure, and some really important discoveries that Marco has made, that we kind of reinforced with, with my beautiful snag at diagrams and everything else through the last hour of the webinar, that I’ve already instructed my blogging vas to go back and start implementing the new silo methodology that Marco really revealed to us last week. And it’s amazing to see what kind of results we’re going to have come from that. So really cool stuff going on, as usual.
Adam: Outstanding. But before we get into the questions, just want to let everyone know, like I said, thanks for watching, for the first time here. Feel free, you can always ask questions beforehand. And we encourage that, especially if you’re not able to make it live, whether you got a client call, you’re out traveling, you got a job, whatever it is, you can ask those generally we have things ready to go by the next day. So you can come in, you know, a day or two after Hump Day Hangouts and ask your question, then come back and check out the replay on YouTube. And if you’re watching on YouTube, go ahead and hit subscribe, if you want to share it with people, by all means, do that we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel and love helping other people out. So if you come across some of our clips or things like that, feel free to share those and help us out and help someone else out. If you’d like to get easy and better repeatable results, and you’re wondering where to start with us besides Hump Day Hangouts, grab the Battle Plan, just head over to https://battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you’re ready to grow or start your digital marketing business, or if you have your own business and you want to get better results online, then come join our experienced community at https://mastermind.semanticmastery.com and head over there, find out a lot more about that hit us up if you got questions. But we’re looking for more people, that would be a good fit for that, again, whether you’re looking to grow your own agency or you got your own business and you’re wanting to take things up a notch. But that is the next place you want to head to. And then, of course, save time and money for this store that wants to use the done for you services. And like we were talking about the RYS Reloaded. If you want to get that stuff done for you, you can go to MGYB. It’s not just drives to action, get syndication networks, press releases, links, embeds all sorts of good stuff, so head over there for that stuff. With that said, Guys,
Marco: Before we go on, I just like to add that the perks are in the mastermind, the really good shit, but when we get deep into what works and why it works, and where we show people, how they can get extra power, how they can take advantage of what’s going on with Google, because we stay on the cutting edge. We try to stay ahead of the algorithm and people say you are you can’t do that. Well, yeah, yeah, you can. And and and you can plan ahead for Google is going to be if you know where Google’s going, and meet them when they get there. And then start planning ahead for the next one. How many updates have we had in the last year since RYS Academy Reloaded, and RYS Academy was released, and we don’t worry about Google updating shit, we don’t give a shit. Because we’re prepared at but this happens, guys in the mastermind. The perks are in there. And you have like-minded people that you can talk to in the Facebook group, it’s active, you can post your questions a lot of people are going to chime in, you’re going to get different opinions, of course. But we’re going to come to a consensus of what works or we’re going to tell you to try it out. Come back to us and let us know-how, how it works out. We’ll help you along the way. Of course. That’s what our mastermind webinars for. We have the Facebook group, they get access to all five of us. We’re all in there answering questions. We’re all active in there. That’s where the magic happens. Right? So if you guys are really looking to take your business, whatever it is local, global, affiliate, e-commerce, it whatever it is real estate, it’s real estate. Yeah, it’s the mastermind, guys, that’s where it happened.
Bradley: By the way, before we get started, I’ve got a really bad thunderstorm had come in this way. And I can see the power flickering already. So if I get knocked offline, you guys are gonna have to handle it until I get back. Well, then, let’s do this. Let’s hop into the questions and you go, all right, let’s do it. It’s been like ridiculously hot here. And thunderstorms pop up pretty rapidly lately.
How Do You Let Google Crawl and Index Your Google Doc?
Bradley: So. Alright, so the first question came from Brett says, other than publishing to the web posting the link to your Google Doc page? How can you get Google to crawl and index your Google Doc? Okay. So you’re talking about you’re drive stack files, I’m sure. So public files from within a drive stack? Um, you know, I’m going to give you my answer. And then I know Marco is going to answer is, I don’t really care if they index or not. If know what I mean, I really don’t care if they index because that’s not in my opinion. That’s not the point. I’m not trying to rank the Google Drive files themselves or the folders it’s nice if they do but I don’t I’m not that’s not my goal with them. My goal is to use it, as Marco says, our Fortress of Solitude, as John Goodman say, right, that’s the our SEO firewall, it’s to do all the external stuff that we’re going to do to, you know, SEO stuff to the actual drive stack, which then launderers it and passes it safely off to our whatever asset it is, we’re trying to push, typically a money site. So I don’t really care if it indexes. But one of the things that you can do is, uh, you know, if you’ve got a valid Twitter account, this is something that we did originally a long time ago, I’m sure it still works, although I don’t use Twitter would be to tweet the link out because you’ll see bots come crawl it. In fact, if you’re actually looking at the dock, where you can see those like anonymous icons in the top right corner that show that somebody’s viewing your doc, when you tweet it out, if it’s on a valid Twitter account, you’ll see the box come crawl it, and it’ll light up like a Christmas tree with a bunch of those icons that will show up as like anonymous users or whatever. And I think a lot of that’s bots, I don’t know if that’s really valid, like real traffic, or if it’s the bots, but something else you could do is send traffic to it. Right? If you send traffic to a link right now, Google’s algorithm is highly dependent upon activity, relevancy, trust and authority or ART, as Marco calls it. And activity is the first part of that. So if you can send traffic to that link, a number of ways that you can do that, right, you can set up a YouTube ad and just send some traffic to it that way, there’s a number of things that you could do to get real valid clicks to that link. And that can also help it to index. Marco would say you?
Marco: we Dadea. MGYB.co, hire an indexing gig, and he’ll take care of you.
Bradley: Short and sweet. Love it.
How Much Should You Charge For Running An Adwords Campaign Of A Crossfit Company?
Okay, next one is any suggestions on how much to charge or this is a good one, how much to charge at CrossFit company to manage an AdWords campaign for them? I was in your mastermind when you use CrossFit for a case study and have a local gym, CrossFit gym owner interested in finding out more about doing this for him? Is there a minimum ad spend, you would suggest as well as the minimum amount you would charge him to manage his PPC, I was looking at charging him $500 a month as a minimum to make it worth my time. Okay, I’m going to give you a couple different sides to this answer because most CrossFit gyms aren’t going to have much money for marketing, at least what I found unless they’re already very successful, and they’ve got you to know, a fairly good user, you know, membership level, right. But the CrossFit gym that I actually became a part equity owner of a saga became a 35% owner. In part, he offered me that ownership for two reasons, one to help coach people number two, so that I could do the marketing for him as a principal in the business as opposed to like him hiring me because he did not have a marketing budget. So in all reality, I was doing the marketing, on sweat equity. In other words, I was doing the work managing the PPC campaigns, the SEO and everything for free because I was a principal in the business hoping that it would grow to a point to where I can start extracting money from the business. But it really never got profitable in this little town that I’m in. We were never able to grow it consistently enough to where it was profitable consistently. And so eventually, I said, I’m not going to continue to put time into this business. So I gave up my ownership. And I also quit that gym, because he was pissed off when I decided that it wasn’t worth my time anymore. I had to invest my time in the stuff that was going to generate revenue. And that wasn’t doing it. It was a passion project for me for about nine months. But I had to let it go. So that said $500 a month would ….
Adam: All right, well, let’s fill some air time here, guys. Well, Bradley gets online. I didn’t have anything spooled up that I wanted to talk about. And I know where Bradley’s going with this, but I don’t want to steal his thunder. Do you guys want to hop into it? Or you guys got something you want to go over? Well, not his what why don’t we go to the next one. And then when he comes in, he can pick up where he left off. And let me scroll up here if you’ve already got it. Go ahead, Marco.
Should You Rename A GMB Listing Named After Its Domain To A Proper Business Name?
Marco: Well, the next one is amor, I’m here. He says he has a client Let’s call him john smith. He’s recently launched local coaching business. And he’s marketing it on his new website. john smith. com. Yes, we to do is SEO with press releases. Press Releases only. He also has created GMB listing where he has named his business as JohnSmith.com. So as NAP looks something like john smith.com 123 mo, nap whatever. My question is, is, well, Google recognizes GMB business name johnsmith.com when I am doing citations and press releases, or should I ask the client to rename the business to John Smith Coaching Or something like that? If you guys want to take a stab, I mean, I have my answer for this. Would you guys like to take a stab at this?
Adam: No, my only one. I’m gonna I’m curious what you have to say here. I think the follow on question. I’m kind of curious why he only wants to do press releases only for SEO? And then why not? But Marco wants to go ahead with your response with NAP stuff.
Marco: Yeah, first of all, you get your client shouldn’t dictate how you do you, the shit you do, you do the way that you do, you can’t allow your client, everyone hiring you as an expert. And in telling you what to do. If you go to the doctor, you need an operation, you’re going to be under sedation, you can’t ask the doctor, alright me off sedation so I can tell you what the fuck to do. Know, you tell the guy this is what you need to do. Now as far as this brand new get john smith is? Or johnsmith.com is perfectly fine. As long as it’s consistent throughout the web, that’s going to be your entity, right john smith. Now, what you can do is you can relate the entity to coaching, how do we start that? Well, we do a branded drive stack, where we take it and we associate the brand, with all the keywords associated with the brand, right. And coaching, of course, would be the, what I call the market level of the top market level keyword. That is after, if you do a good job with your schema, of course, on-site siloing. And everything else that you’re supposed to do according to the Battle Plan, the body is going to know exactly what this is about. This is about john smith, who is a coach. Now, here’s where it gets tricky. What kind of coach because it’s, it’s what kind of coach that can create an ambiguity. Because there are all sorts of coaches, just like coaches, there’s personal training coach, all kinds of coaching. So the one thing that you do have to be careful about is, is when you start talking about the coaching to the bot, which you do that with schema, you have to make sure that it’s not ambiguous that the but cannot interpret it another way. Because when you do that, when you ambiguous, it’s gonna it’s going to cost you or it’s going to take you 10 times the effort to get everything back the way it was. And oh the way it should be, then if you do it correctly, the first time, it’s perfectly fine. But again, never ever let your client dictate how you do your job. You’re not telling him how to be a coach. Why is he telling you how to be an SEO? Be that would be my answer to that anybody else got more?
Adam: I know I do. Yeah. And the only thing I could think of would be the switch was that maybe he offered him press release services and so he misspoke in which case? Yeah, I guess a merger. Yeah, just that’s kind of interesting. If you’re here live, you know, let us know a little bit more and maybe we can get to that if we have time. But Bradley, you back with us. I hear me. Yep.
Bradley: All right. I’m trying to do this from my phone because of my powers out now.
Adam: Gotcha. Um, yeah, you’re covering? Okay, you’re a little scratchy. But I think that might just be if you’re moving around. But yeah, we went heaven kind of stopped where you left off, we jump to the next question. So if you want to go back and finish talking about the CrossFit, you cut off when you were talking about I think you’re about to say something about 500 a month. I don’t know if that was going to be you know, too much too little what you were going to say? Okay,
Bradley: Yeah. So what I was talking about was when, you know, I was doing everything basically for free because I was a principal in the business. As far as if I’m going to manage an AdWords campaign for somebody, I wouldn’t do it for any less than 500. If he has enough budget, hold on a minute, guys. I gotta shut this one. Alright, sorry about that and trying to do this from my phone. If he has enough budget to be able to cover the management fee and still provide you with a… Did you guys lose me?
Bradley: Okay, sorry about that. If he has enough money to provide you with a management fee and have enough, you know, money for ad spend, then absolutely, I would do it for $500 a month to start with. But again, I don’t know many CrossFit gyms at least if you’re in a major metropolitan area. There’s a lot of members and stuff like that. It may very well be but the ones that I’ve run into are typically struggling so they’re not going to have a lot of money and
….. HDHO cut off short due to power outage
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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localwebmgmt · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245
Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we’re live. Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 245. Today’s the 17th of July 29. Then, we got several good announcements, the real quick and before we say hello to everyone just want to say, you know, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery and you’re watching the replay, you’re checking us out live, you’re in the right place, we’re going to get into your questions and get those answered points in the right directions. get you what you need to know. If you ever want or need to be asking some questions, head over to https://semanticmastery com./HDquestions, and that’ll take you to keep the URL the same. And just update the page so that you can always come back and ask questions ahead of time. So with that said, just go down the row here, Chris, how are you doing today?
Chris: Doing good, super excited, like super cool things coming up like POFU private event and stuff. So I can’t hold it back.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. But if you haven’t gotten your tickets, yet, now’s a good time. any stage of planning, we’re locking down the VIP event, in terms of what all it’s going to entail. details to be released later, but you get your tickets at pofulive.com. It’s basically going to be a half-day or more event before, people who live so that on the 11th everyone gets to get together, it’s got a VIP ticket, meet each other, hang out, get to know each other, have some fun, and then go into the event. Kind of with that already out of the way. So you’re ready to hit the ground running so. Hernan How you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome. also super excited for a POFU Live 2019. 2018 was really good. So they say, so yeah, I’m really excited for you to know, to get to meet you guys hang out with all of you guys. So just be there will be square.
Adam: Outstanding. Yeah, and we’ve already heard from somebody who’s coming who lives in Denver, which is awesome. So we got a local coming in there. And if anyone else is around there and give a shout out, you know, we’re going to be in the area can’t guarantee anything, but look forward to meeting people and you know, enjoying the area as well. So, Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: I already have my speaking topic for POFU Live and write your own fucking book. Tell your own fucking story. And I’m going to go from there. I’m just gonna flow. So I’m looking forward to it. I’m also knee-deep into our new What do we call it VIP coaching. I’m really into it really did digging in and looking around and seeing where I can get a foothold and, and make some quick money. So I’m doing all kinds of stuff plus all the other stuff that we talked about yesterday that I can’t really say, yeah, that’s, that’s coming down the line, but it’ll be four years for RYS Academy. On August, right? getting released in August, I believe is August 29th of 2015. And so four years, four years, and it’s still there, it’s still going. And regardless of what anybody says, the shit works. And so there you go, we’re still in it. We’re still in the lab, we’re still in the Facebook group. Right? So for something that doesn’t work, we have all of these questions all the time, about how to make it even better. And I’m there answering questions. So there you go.
Adam: That’s true, man that yeah, that has been an active group for numbers of RYS always reloaded for Yeah, for years. So that was a good point. Good share with people that Yeah, there’s a great community behind that. And just going strong.
Bradley: Marco, you’re saying that after four years. And really, we started implementing it before we launched the product to make sure that it was working and repeatable and duplicatable. But you’re saying after four years that it still works, and it’s still providing results, just like we intended or did from four years ago? Is that what you’re telling me?
Marco: Yeah, it’s not as quick, of course, as it used to be because of the algorithm change. But if you give it the 21 days, the Google dance, it kicks in. And then it’s unstoppable. It’s that simple. You do it all the time. It’s part of your foundation. It’s part of my foundation. Everyone in RYS that’s applying it’s part of their foundation. They do nothing without a drive stack plus Gsite. Why? Because that’s the SEO firewall. That that that’s, you know, I’m thinking, John Goodman, right. That’s your base, your Fortress of Solitude, right that nobody can touch you once you’re there. And so that’s what I think of when we’re doing this. Oh, yeah. Not only four years, but May have of 2015. Right. When you did yours, your test, your crappy test, that’s still ranking To this day, the ranking number one, I just, we were talking.
Bradley: And well, the reason why I was asking if it still worked was because, you know, for four years now we’ve been hearing Well, I’m afraid to use drive stacks, because what happens when Google closes that loophole, and it just shuts everything down? Well, for four fucking years, it’s been working. So that looks like a missed opportunity for the last four years for everyone that had that we’ve heard that from, and we’ve heard that quite a few times. So anyway, I just thought it was funny. You’re right, the algorithm is changed, it does still have an effect, but you know, it acts or reacts in a different manner. But it still works. And it is still absolutely foundational. The new business that I started, which Marco alluded to earlier, when he said that we’re in a, we’re an accountability group that started last Monday or excuse me, this Monday this week, for the new business that I’m in, which is real estate business. And all I’ve done is a drive stack, and I think five or maybe six press releases, and I’m ranked in the top three for my primary term for the state of Virginia. So again, if anybody says it doesn’t work? Well, you know, keep thinking that that’s fine. We’ll keep using them. So
Marco: Yeah, I mean, less competition, because the guys in RYS Academy Reloaded love it when people say it doesn’t work because it means fewer people come in more money for them. Right.
Adam: Very true. Very true. And Bradley, you alluded to it, but yeah, that’s what you’ve been up to, right. Been working with a small group, from the mastermind on real estate stuff.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s been, it’s cool. We just started on Monday. It’s a very small group, I think we’ve got maybe besides members of, you know, my partners, so board members of Semantic Mastery and stuff there, I think we’ve got about seven or eight people in the group. But it’s cool, because it’s, it’s a new business model where we can apply digital marketing and SEO techniques to that is, I think, completely untouched, honestly. And I think there’s a ton of opportunity in it, I’ve been very fortunate to have great success in just the past three months since I started. And it’s, in my opinion, way better than just a digital marketing business model. Because instead of making incremental growth in my revenue, like I have, for the last 10 years, as a digital marketer, I’m making exponential jumps in revenue right now from, you know, being able to find properties through digital marketing, as well as some traditional marketing, get them under contract for dirt cheap, and then turn around and sell them for it at a at a significant discount. But because of again, being able to apply digital marketing techniques to it, I’m able to get them sold rather quickly. So it’s, it’s really cool to get these great big paychecks. And I’m fortunate to have a few people that decided to join me within the mastermind to apply their digital marketing expertise to this new business model. And I can’t wait to see the results that they’re going to be able to achieve to during this next 10 weeks. So that’s what’s going on for us, as well as honestly, obviously, we continue to do what we do in the mastermind Marco and I just had a really good mastermind webinar last Thursday, again, we’re after we talked about some other things for a little bit, we spent at least a good hour talking about silo structure, and some really important discoveries that Marco has made, that we kind of reinforced with, with my beautiful snag at diagrams and everything else through the last hour of the webinar, that I’ve already instructed my blogging vas to go back and start implementing the new silo methodology that Marco really revealed to us last week. And it’s amazing to see what kind of results we’re going to have come from that. So really cool stuff going on, as usual.
Adam: Outstanding. But before we get into the questions, just want to let everyone know, like I said, thanks for watching, for the first time here. Feel free, you can always ask questions beforehand. And we encourage that, especially if you’re not able to make it live, whether you got a client call, you’re out traveling, you got a job, whatever it is, you can ask those generally we have things ready to go by the next day. So you can come in, you know, a day or two after Hump Day Hangouts and ask your question, then come back and check out the replay on YouTube. And if you’re watching on YouTube, go ahead and hit subscribe, if you want to share it with people, by all means, do that we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel and love helping other people out. So if you come across some of our clips or things like that, feel free to share those and help us out and help someone else out. If you’d like to get easy and better repeatable results, and you’re wondering where to start with us besides Hump Day Hangouts, grab the Battle Plan, just head over to https://battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you’re ready to grow or start your digital marketing business, or if you have your own business and you want to get better results online, then come join our experienced community at https://mastermind.semanticmastery.com and head over there, find out a lot more about that hit us up if you got questions. But we’re looking for more people, that would be a good fit for that, again, whether you’re looking to grow your own agency or you got your own business and you’re wanting to take things up a notch. But that is the next place you want to head to. And then, of course, save time and money for this store that wants to use the done for you services. And like we were talking about the RYS Reloaded. If you want to get that stuff done for you, you can go to MGYB. It’s not just drives to action, get syndication networks, press releases, links, embeds all sorts of good stuff, so head over there for that stuff. With that said, Guys,
Marco: Before we go on, I just like to add that the perks are in the mastermind, the really good shit, but when we get deep into what works and why it works, and where we show people, how they can get extra power, how they can take advantage of what’s going on with Google, because we stay on the cutting edge. We try to stay ahead of the algorithm and people say you are you can’t do that. Well, yeah, yeah, you can. And and and you can plan ahead for Google is going to be if you know where Google’s going, and meet them when they get there. And then start planning ahead for the next one. How many updates have we had in the last year since RYS Academy Reloaded, and RYS Academy was released, and we don’t worry about Google updating shit, we don’t give a shit. Because we’re prepared at but this happens, guys in the mastermind. The perks are in there. And you have like-minded people that you can talk to in the Facebook group, it’s active, you can post your questions a lot of people are going to chime in, you’re going to get different opinions, of course. But we’re going to come to a consensus of what works or we’re going to tell you to try it out. Come back to us and let us know-how, how it works out. We’ll help you along the way. Of course. That’s what our mastermind webinars for. We have the Facebook group, they get access to all five of us. We’re all in there answering questions. We’re all active in there. That’s where the magic happens. Right? So if you guys are really looking to take your business, whatever it is local, global, affiliate, e-commerce, it whatever it is real estate, it’s real estate. Yeah, it’s the mastermind, guys, that’s where it happened.
Bradley: By the way, before we get started, I’ve got a really bad thunderstorm had come in this way. And I can see the power flickering already. So if I get knocked offline, you guys are gonna have to handle it until I get back. Well, then, let’s do this. Let’s hop into the questions and you go, all right, let’s do it. It’s been like ridiculously hot here. And thunderstorms pop up pretty rapidly lately.
How Do You Let Google Crawl and Index Your Google Doc?
Bradley: So. Alright, so the first question came from Brett says, other than publishing to the web posting the link to your Google Doc page? How can you get Google to crawl and index your Google Doc? Okay. So you’re talking about you’re drive stack files, I’m sure. So public files from within a drive stack? Um, you know, I’m going to give you my answer. And then I know Marco is going to answer is, I don’t really care if they index or not. If know what I mean, I really don’t care if they index because that’s not in my opinion. That’s not the point. I’m not trying to rank the Google Drive files themselves or the folders it’s nice if they do but I don’t I’m not that’s not my goal with them. My goal is to use it, as Marco says, our Fortress of Solitude, as John Goodman say, right, that’s the our SEO firewall, it’s to do all the external stuff that we’re going to do to, you know, SEO stuff to the actual drive stack, which then launderers it and passes it safely off to our whatever asset it is, we’re trying to push, typically a money site. So I don’t really care if it indexes. But one of the things that you can do is, uh, you know, if you’ve got a valid Twitter account, this is something that we did originally a long time ago, I’m sure it still works, although I don’t use Twitter would be to tweet the link out because you’ll see bots come crawl it. In fact, if you’re actually looking at the dock, where you can see those like anonymous icons in the top right corner that show that somebody’s viewing your doc, when you tweet it out, if it’s on a valid Twitter account, you’ll see the box come crawl it, and it’ll light up like a Christmas tree with a bunch of those icons that will show up as like anonymous users or whatever. And I think a lot of that’s bots, I don’t know if that’s really valid, like real traffic, or if it’s the bots, but something else you could do is send traffic to it. Right? If you send traffic to a link right now, Google’s algorithm is highly dependent upon activity, relevancy, trust and authority or ART, as Marco calls it. And activity is the first part of that. So if you can send traffic to that link, a number of ways that you can do that, right, you can set up a YouTube ad and just send some traffic to it that way, there’s a number of things that you could do to get real valid clicks to that link. And that can also help it to index. Marco would say you?
Marco: we Dadea. MGYB.co, hire an indexing gig, and he’ll take care of you.
Bradley: Short and sweet. Love it.
How Much Should You Charge For Running An Adwords Campaign Of A Crossfit Company?
Okay, next one is any suggestions on how much to charge or this is a good one, how much to charge at CrossFit company to manage an AdWords campaign for them? I was in your mastermind when you use CrossFit for a case study and have a local gym, CrossFit gym owner interested in finding out more about doing this for him? Is there a minimum ad spend, you would suggest as well as the minimum amount you would charge him to manage his PPC, I was looking at charging him $500 a month as a minimum to make it worth my time. Okay, I’m going to give you a couple different sides to this answer because most CrossFit gyms aren’t going to have much money for marketing, at least what I found unless they’re already very successful, and they’ve got you to know, a fairly good user, you know, membership level, right. But the CrossFit gym that I actually became a part equity owner of a saga became a 35% owner. In part, he offered me that ownership for two reasons, one to help coach people number two, so that I could do the marketing for him as a principal in the business as opposed to like him hiring me because he did not have a marketing budget. So in all reality, I was doing the marketing, on sweat equity. In other words, I was doing the work managing the PPC campaigns, the SEO and everything for free because I was a principal in the business hoping that it would grow to a point to where I can start extracting money from the business. But it really never got profitable in this little town that I’m in. We were never able to grow it consistently enough to where it was profitable consistently. And so eventually, I said, I’m not going to continue to put time into this business. So I gave up my ownership. And I also quit that gym, because he was pissed off when I decided that it wasn’t worth my time anymore. I had to invest my time in the stuff that was going to generate revenue. And that wasn’t doing it. It was a passion project for me for about nine months. But I had to let it go. So that said $500 a month would ….
Adam: All right, well, let’s fill some air time here, guys. Well, Bradley gets online. I didn’t have anything spooled up that I wanted to talk about. And I know where Bradley’s going with this, but I don’t want to steal his thunder. Do you guys want to hop into it? Or you guys got something you want to go over? Well, not his what why don’t we go to the next one. And then when he comes in, he can pick up where he left off. And let me scroll up here if you’ve already got it. Go ahead, Marco.
Should You Rename A GMB Listing Named After Its Domain To A Proper Business Name?
Marco: Well, the next one is amor, I’m here. He says he has a client Let’s call him john smith. He’s recently launched local coaching business. And he’s marketing it on his new website. john smith. com. Yes, we to do is SEO with press releases. Press Releases only. He also has created GMB listing where he has named his business as JohnSmith.com. So as NAP looks something like john smith.com 123 mo, nap whatever. My question is, is, well, Google recognizes GMB business name johnsmith.com when I am doing citations and press releases, or should I ask the client to rename the business to John Smith Coaching Or something like that? If you guys want to take a stab, I mean, I have my answer for this. Would you guys like to take a stab at this?
Adam: No, my only one. I’m gonna I’m curious what you have to say here. I think the follow on question. I’m kind of curious why he only wants to do press releases only for SEO? And then why not? But Marco wants to go ahead with your response with NAP stuff.
Marco: Yeah, first of all, you get your client shouldn’t dictate how you do you, the shit you do, you do the way that you do, you can’t allow your client, everyone hiring you as an expert. And in telling you what to do. If you go to the doctor, you need an operation, you’re going to be under sedation, you can’t ask the doctor, alright me off sedation so I can tell you what the fuck to do. Know, you tell the guy this is what you need to do. Now as far as this brand new get john smith is? Or johnsmith.com is perfectly fine. As long as it’s consistent throughout the web, that’s going to be your entity, right john smith. Now, what you can do is you can relate the entity to coaching, how do we start that? Well, we do a branded drive stack, where we take it and we associate the brand, with all the keywords associated with the brand, right. And coaching, of course, would be the, what I call the market level of the top market level keyword. That is after, if you do a good job with your schema, of course, on-site siloing. And everything else that you’re supposed to do according to the Battle Plan, the body is going to know exactly what this is about. This is about john smith, who is a coach. Now, here’s where it gets tricky. What kind of coach because it’s, it’s what kind of coach that can create an ambiguity. Because there are all sorts of coaches, just like coaches, there’s personal training coach, all kinds of coaching. So the one thing that you do have to be careful about is, is when you start talking about the coaching to the bot, which you do that with schema, you have to make sure that it’s not ambiguous that the but cannot interpret it another way. Because when you do that, when you ambiguous, it’s gonna it’s going to cost you or it’s going to take you 10 times the effort to get everything back the way it was. And oh the way it should be, then if you do it correctly, the first time, it’s perfectly fine. But again, never ever let your client dictate how you do your job. You’re not telling him how to be a coach. Why is he telling you how to be an SEO? Be that would be my answer to that anybody else got more?
Adam: I know I do. Yeah. And the only thing I could think of would be the switch was that maybe he offered him press release services and so he misspoke in which case? Yeah, I guess a merger. Yeah, just that’s kind of interesting. If you’re here live, you know, let us know a little bit more and maybe we can get to that if we have time. But Bradley, you back with us. I hear me. Yep.
Bradley: All right. I’m trying to do this from my phone because of my powers out now.
Adam: Gotcha. Um, yeah, you’re covering? Okay, you’re a little scratchy. But I think that might just be if you’re moving around. But yeah, we went heaven kind of stopped where you left off, we jump to the next question. So if you want to go back and finish talking about the CrossFit, you cut off when you were talking about I think you’re about to say something about 500 a month. I don’t know if that was going to be you know, too much too little what you were going to say? Okay,
Bradley: Yeah. So what I was talking about was when, you know, I was doing everything basically for free because I was a principal in the business. As far as if I’m going to manage an AdWords campaign for somebody, I wouldn’t do it for any less than 500. If he has enough budget, hold on a minute, guys. I gotta shut this one. Alright, sorry about that and trying to do this from my phone. If he has enough budget to be able to cover the management fee and still provide you with a… Did you guys lose me?
Bradley: Okay, sorry about that. If he has enough money to provide you with a management fee and have enough, you know, money for ad spend, then absolutely, I would do it for $500 a month to start with. But again, I don’t know many CrossFit gyms at least if you’re in a major metropolitan area. There’s a lot of members and stuff like that. It may very well be but the ones that I’ve run into are typically struggling so they’re not going to have a lot of money and
….. HDHO cut off short due to power outage
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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angelagiles18 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245
Click on the video above to watch Episode # of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we’re live. Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 245. Today’s the 17th of July 29. Then, we got several good announcements, the real quick and before we say hello to everyone just want to say, you know, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery and you’re watching the replay, you’re checking us out live, you’re in the right place, we’re going to get into your questions and get those answered points in the right directions. get you what you need to know. If you ever want or need to be asking some questions, head over to https://semanticmastery com./HDquestions, and that’ll take you to keep the URL the same. And just update the page so that you can always come back and ask questions ahead of time. So with that said, just go down the row here, Chris, how are you doing today?
Chris: Doing good, super excited, like super cool things coming up like POFU private event and stuff. So I can’t hold it back.
Adam: Cool. Yeah. But if you haven’t gotten your tickets, yet, now’s a good time. any stage of planning, we’re locking down the VIP event, in terms of what all it’s going to entail. details to be released later, but you get your tickets at pofulive.com. It’s basically going to be a half-day or more event before, people who live so that on the 11th everyone gets to get together, it’s got a VIP ticket, meet each other, hang out, get to know each other, have some fun, and then go into the event. Kind of with that already out of the way. So you’re ready to hit the ground running so. Hernan How you doing?
Hernan: I’m doing awesome. also super excited for a POFU Live 2019. 2018 was really good. So they say, so yeah, I’m really excited for you to know, to get to meet you guys hang out with all of you guys. So just be there will be square.
Adam: Outstanding. Yeah, and we’ve already heard from somebody who’s coming who lives in Denver, which is awesome. So we got a local coming in there. And if anyone else is around there and give a shout out, you know, we’re going to be in the area can’t guarantee anything, but look forward to meeting people and you know, enjoying the area as well. So, Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: I already have my speaking topic for POFU Live and write your own fucking book. Tell your own fucking story. And I’m going to go from there. I’m just gonna flow. So I’m looking forward to it. I’m also knee-deep into our new What do we call it VIP coaching. I’m really into it really did digging in and looking around and seeing where I can get a foothold and, and make some quick money. So I’m doing all kinds of stuff plus all the other stuff that we talked about yesterday that I can’t really say, yeah, that’s, that’s coming down the line, but it’ll be four years for RYS Academy. On August, right? getting released in August, I believe is August 29th of 2015. And so four years, four years, and it’s still there, it’s still going. And regardless of what anybody says, the shit works. And so there you go, we’re still in it. We’re still in the lab, we’re still in the Facebook group. Right? So for something that doesn’t work, we have all of these questions all the time, about how to make it even better. And I’m there answering questions. So there you go.
Adam: That’s true, man that yeah, that has been an active group for numbers of RYS always reloaded for Yeah, for years. So that was a good point. Good share with people that Yeah, there’s a great community behind that. And just going strong.
Bradley: Marco, you’re saying that after four years. And really, we started implementing it before we launched the product to make sure that it was working and repeatable and duplicatable. But you’re saying after four years that it still works, and it’s still providing results, just like we intended or did from four years ago? Is that what you’re telling me?
Marco: Yeah, it’s not as quick, of course, as it used to be because of the algorithm change. But if you give it the 21 days, the Google dance, it kicks in. And then it’s unstoppable. It’s that simple. You do it all the time. It’s part of your foundation. It’s part of my foundation. Everyone in RYS that’s applying it’s part of their foundation. They do nothing without a drive stack plus Gsite. Why? Because that’s the SEO firewall. That that that’s, you know, I’m thinking, John Goodman, right. That’s your base, your Fortress of Solitude, right that nobody can touch you once you’re there. And so that’s what I think of when we’re doing this. Oh, yeah. Not only four years, but May have of 2015. Right. When you did yours, your test, your crappy test, that’s still ranking To this day, the ranking number one, I just, we were talking.
Bradley: And well, the reason why I was asking if it still worked was because, you know, for four years now we’ve been hearing Well, I’m afraid to use drive stacks, because what happens when Google closes that loophole, and it just shuts everything down? Well, for four fucking years, it’s been working. So that looks like a missed opportunity for the last four years for everyone that had that we’ve heard that from, and we’ve heard that quite a few times. So anyway, I just thought it was funny. You’re right, the algorithm is changed, it does still have an effect, but you know, it acts or reacts in a different manner. But it still works. And it is still absolutely foundational. The new business that I started, which Marco alluded to earlier, when he said that we’re in a, we’re an accountability group that started last Monday or excuse me, this Monday this week, for the new business that I’m in, which is real estate business. And all I’ve done is a drive stack, and I think five or maybe six press releases, and I’m ranked in the top three for my primary term for the state of Virginia. So again, if anybody says it doesn’t work? Well, you know, keep thinking that that’s fine. We’ll keep using them. So
Marco: Yeah, I mean, less competition, because the guys in RYS Academy Reloaded love it when people say it doesn’t work because it means fewer people come in more money for them. Right.
Adam: Very true. Very true. And Bradley, you alluded to it, but yeah, that’s what you’ve been up to, right. Been working with a small group, from the mastermind on real estate stuff.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s been, it’s cool. We just started on Monday. It’s a very small group, I think we’ve got maybe besides members of, you know, my partners, so board members of Semantic Mastery and stuff there, I think we’ve got about seven or eight people in the group. But it’s cool, because it’s, it’s a new business model where we can apply digital marketing and SEO techniques to that is, I think, completely untouched, honestly. And I think there’s a ton of opportunity in it, I’ve been very fortunate to have great success in just the past three months since I started. And it’s, in my opinion, way better than just a digital marketing business model. Because instead of making incremental growth in my revenue, like I have, for the last 10 years, as a digital marketer, I’m making exponential jumps in revenue right now from, you know, being able to find properties through digital marketing, as well as some traditional marketing, get them under contract for dirt cheap, and then turn around and sell them for it at a at a significant discount. But because of again, being able to apply digital marketing techniques to it, I’m able to get them sold rather quickly. So it’s, it’s really cool to get these great big paychecks. And I’m fortunate to have a few people that decided to join me within the mastermind to apply their digital marketing expertise to this new business model. And I can’t wait to see the results that they’re going to be able to achieve to during this next 10 weeks. So that’s what’s going on for us, as well as honestly, obviously, we continue to do what we do in the mastermind Marco and I just had a really good mastermind webinar last Thursday, again, we’re after we talked about some other things for a little bit, we spent at least a good hour talking about silo structure, and some really important discoveries that Marco has made, that we kind of reinforced with, with my beautiful snag at diagrams and everything else through the last hour of the webinar, that I’ve already instructed my blogging vas to go back and start implementing the new silo methodology that Marco really revealed to us last week. And it’s amazing to see what kind of results we’re going to have come from that. So really cool stuff going on, as usual.
Adam: Outstanding. But before we get into the questions, just want to let everyone know, like I said, thanks for watching, for the first time here. Feel free, you can always ask questions beforehand. And we encourage that, especially if you’re not able to make it live, whether you got a client call, you’re out traveling, you got a job, whatever it is, you can ask those generally we have things ready to go by the next day. So you can come in, you know, a day or two after Hump Day Hangouts and ask your question, then come back and check out the replay on YouTube. And if you’re watching on YouTube, go ahead and hit subscribe, if you want to share it with people, by all means, do that we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel and love helping other people out. So if you come across some of our clips or things like that, feel free to share those and help us out and help someone else out. If you’d like to get easy and better repeatable results, and you’re wondering where to start with us besides Hump Day Hangouts, grab the Battle Plan, just head over to https://battleplan.semanticmastery.com if you’re ready to grow or start your digital marketing business, or if you have your own business and you want to get better results online, then come join our experienced community at https://mastermind.semanticmastery.com and head over there, find out a lot more about that hit us up if you got questions. But we’re looking for more people, that would be a good fit for that, again, whether you’re looking to grow your own agency or you got your own business and you’re wanting to take things up a notch. But that is the next place you want to head to. And then, of course, save time and money for this store that wants to use the done for you services. And like we were talking about the RYS Reloaded. If you want to get that stuff done for you, you can go to MGYB. It’s not just drives to action, get syndication networks, press releases, links, embeds all sorts of good stuff, so head over there for that stuff. With that said, Guys,
Marco: Before we go on, I just like to add that the perks are in the mastermind, the really good shit, but when we get deep into what works and why it works, and where we show people, how they can get extra power, how they can take advantage of what’s going on with Google, because we stay on the cutting edge. We try to stay ahead of the algorithm and people say you are you can’t do that. Well, yeah, yeah, you can. And and and you can plan ahead for Google is going to be if you know where Google’s going, and meet them when they get there. And then start planning ahead for the next one. How many updates have we had in the last year since RYS Academy Reloaded, and RYS Academy was released, and we don’t worry about Google updating shit, we don’t give a shit. Because we’re prepared at but this happens, guys in the mastermind. The perks are in there. And you have like-minded people that you can talk to in the Facebook group, it’s active, you can post your questions a lot of people are going to chime in, you’re going to get different opinions, of course. But we’re going to come to a consensus of what works or we’re going to tell you to try it out. Come back to us and let us know-how, how it works out. We’ll help you along the way. Of course. That’s what our mastermind webinars for. We have the Facebook group, they get access to all five of us. We’re all in there answering questions. We’re all active in there. That’s where the magic happens. Right? So if you guys are really looking to take your business, whatever it is local, global, affiliate, e-commerce, it whatever it is real estate, it’s real estate. Yeah, it’s the mastermind, guys, that’s where it happened.
Bradley: By the way, before we get started, I’ve got a really bad thunderstorm had come in this way. And I can see the power flickering already. So if I get knocked offline, you guys are gonna have to handle it until I get back. Well, then, let’s do this. Let’s hop into the questions and you go, all right, let’s do it. It’s been like ridiculously hot here. And thunderstorms pop up pretty rapidly lately.
How Do You Let Google Crawl and Index Your Google Doc?
Bradley: So. Alright, so the first question came from Brett says, other than publishing to the web posting the link to your Google Doc page? How can you get Google to crawl and index your Google Doc? Okay. So you’re talking about you’re drive stack files, I’m sure. So public files from within a drive stack? Um, you know, I’m going to give you my answer. And then I know Marco is going to answer is, I don’t really care if they index or not. If know what I mean, I really don’t care if they index because that’s not in my opinion. That’s not the point. I’m not trying to rank the Google Drive files themselves or the folders it’s nice if they do but I don’t I’m not that’s not my goal with them. My goal is to use it, as Marco says, our Fortress of Solitude, as John Goodman say, right, that’s the our SEO firewall, it’s to do all the external stuff that we’re going to do to, you know, SEO stuff to the actual drive stack, which then launderers it and passes it safely off to our whatever asset it is, we’re trying to push, typically a money site. So I don’t really care if it indexes. But one of the things that you can do is, uh, you know, if you’ve got a valid Twitter account, this is something that we did originally a long time ago, I’m sure it still works, although I don’t use Twitter would be to tweet the link out because you’ll see bots come crawl it. In fact, if you’re actually looking at the dock, where you can see those like anonymous icons in the top right corner that show that somebody’s viewing your doc, when you tweet it out, if it’s on a valid Twitter account, you’ll see the box come crawl it, and it’ll light up like a Christmas tree with a bunch of those icons that will show up as like anonymous users or whatever. And I think a lot of that’s bots, I don’t know if that’s really valid, like real traffic, or if it’s the bots, but something else you could do is send traffic to it. Right? If you send traffic to a link right now, Google’s algorithm is highly dependent upon activity, relevancy, trust and authority or ART, as Marco calls it. And activity is the first part of that. So if you can send traffic to that link, a number of ways that you can do that, right, you can set up a YouTube ad and just send some traffic to it that way, there’s a number of things that you could do to get real valid clicks to that link. And that can also help it to index. Marco would say you?
Marco: we Dadea. MGYB.co, hire an indexing gig, and he’ll take care of you.
Bradley: Short and sweet. Love it.
How Much Should You Charge For Running An Adwords Campaign Of A Crossfit Company?
Okay, next one is any suggestions on how much to charge or this is a good one, how much to charge at CrossFit company to manage an AdWords campaign for them? I was in your mastermind when you use CrossFit for a case study and have a local gym, CrossFit gym owner interested in finding out more about doing this for him? Is there a minimum ad spend, you would suggest as well as the minimum amount you would charge him to manage his PPC, I was looking at charging him $500 a month as a minimum to make it worth my time. Okay, I’m going to give you a couple different sides to this answer because most CrossFit gyms aren’t going to have much money for marketing, at least what I found unless they’re already very successful, and they’ve got you to know, a fairly good user, you know, membership level, right. But the CrossFit gym that I actually became a part equity owner of a saga became a 35% owner. In part, he offered me that ownership for two reasons, one to help coach people number two, so that I could do the marketing for him as a principal in the business as opposed to like him hiring me because he did not have a marketing budget. So in all reality, I was doing the marketing, on sweat equity. In other words, I was doing the work managing the PPC campaigns, the SEO and everything for free because I was a principal in the business hoping that it would grow to a point to where I can start extracting money from the business. But it really never got profitable in this little town that I’m in. We were never able to grow it consistently enough to where it was profitable consistently. And so eventually, I said, I’m not going to continue to put time into this business. So I gave up my ownership. And I also quit that gym, because he was pissed off when I decided that it wasn’t worth my time anymore. I had to invest my time in the stuff that was going to generate revenue. And that wasn’t doing it. It was a passion project for me for about nine months. But I had to let it go. So that said $500 a month would ….
Adam: All right, well, let’s fill some air time here, guys. Well, Bradley gets online. I didn’t have anything spooled up that I wanted to talk about. And I know where Bradley’s going with this, but I don’t want to steal his thunder. Do you guys want to hop into it? Or you guys got something you want to go over? Well, not his what why don’t we go to the next one. And then when he comes in, he can pick up where he left off. And let me scroll up here if you’ve already got it. Go ahead, Marco.
Should You Rename A GMB Listing Named After Its Domain To A Proper Business Name?
Marco: Well, the next one is amor, I’m here. He says he has a client Let’s call him john smith. He’s recently launched local coaching business. And he’s marketing it on his new website. john smith. com. Yes, we to do is SEO with press releases. Press Releases only. He also has created GMB listing where he has named his business as JohnSmith.com. So as NAP looks something like john smith.com 123 mo, nap whatever. My question is, is, well, Google recognizes GMB business name johnsmith.com when I am doing citations and press releases, or should I ask the client to rename the business to John Smith Coaching Or something like that? If you guys want to take a stab, I mean, I have my answer for this. Would you guys like to take a stab at this?
Adam: No, my only one. I’m gonna I’m curious what you have to say here. I think the follow on question. I’m kind of curious why he only wants to do press releases only for SEO? And then why not? But Marco wants to go ahead with your response with NAP stuff.
Marco: Yeah, first of all, you get your client shouldn’t dictate how you do you, the shit you do, you do the way that you do, you can’t allow your client, everyone hiring you as an expert. And in telling you what to do. If you go to the doctor, you need an operation, you’re going to be under sedation, you can’t ask the doctor, alright me off sedation so I can tell you what the fuck to do. Know, you tell the guy this is what you need to do. Now as far as this brand new get john smith is? Or johnsmith.com is perfectly fine. As long as it’s consistent throughout the web, that’s going to be your entity, right john smith. Now, what you can do is you can relate the entity to coaching, how do we start that? Well, we do a branded drive stack, where we take it and we associate the brand, with all the keywords associated with the brand, right. And coaching, of course, would be the, what I call the market level of the top market level keyword. That is after, if you do a good job with your schema, of course, on-site siloing. And everything else that you’re supposed to do according to the Battle Plan, the body is going to know exactly what this is about. This is about john smith, who is a coach. Now, here’s where it gets tricky. What kind of coach because it’s, it’s what kind of coach that can create an ambiguity. Because there are all sorts of coaches, just like coaches, there’s personal training coach, all kinds of coaching. So the one thing that you do have to be careful about is, is when you start talking about the coaching to the bot, which you do that with schema, you have to make sure that it’s not ambiguous that the but cannot interpret it another way. Because when you do that, when you ambiguous, it’s gonna it’s going to cost you or it’s going to take you 10 times the effort to get everything back the way it was. And oh the way it should be, then if you do it correctly, the first time, it’s perfectly fine. But again, never ever let your client dictate how you do your job. You’re not telling him how to be a coach. Why is he telling you how to be an SEO? Be that would be my answer to that anybody else got more?
Adam: I know I do. Yeah. And the only thing I could think of would be the switch was that maybe he offered him press release services and so he misspoke in which case? Yeah, I guess a merger. Yeah, just that’s kind of interesting. If you’re here live, you know, let us know a little bit more and maybe we can get to that if we have time. But Bradley, you back with us. I hear me. Yep.
Bradley: All right. I’m trying to do this from my phone because of my powers out now.
Adam: Gotcha. Um, yeah, you’re covering? Okay, you’re a little scratchy. But I think that might just be if you’re moving around. But yeah, we went heaven kind of stopped where you left off, we jump to the next question. So if you want to go back and finish talking about the CrossFit, you cut off when you were talking about I think you’re about to say something about 500 a month. I don’t know if that was going to be you know, too much too little what you were going to say? Okay,
Bradley: Yeah. So what I was talking about was when, you know, I was doing everything basically for free because I was a principal in the business. As far as if I’m going to manage an AdWords campaign for somebody, I wouldn’t do it for any less than 500. If he has enough budget, hold on a minute, guys. I gotta shut this one. Alright, sorry about that and trying to do this from my phone. If he has enough budget to be able to cover the management fee and still provide you with a… Did you guys lose me?
Bradley: Okay, sorry about that. If he has enough money to provide you with a management fee and have enough, you know, money for ad spend, then absolutely, I would do it for $500 a month to start with. But again, I don’t know many CrossFit gyms at least if you’re in a major metropolitan area. There’s a lot of members and stuff like that. It may very well be but the ones that I’ve run into are typically struggling so they’re not going to have a lot of money and
….. HDHO cut off short due to power outage
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 245 published first on your-t1-blog-url https://ift.tt/1WMpNvB July 23, 2019 at 02:37AM Semantic Mastery https://ift.tt/2YeHIxM
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