winterdragon101 · 2 years
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Part three (and final part) of HUMANITY, my little D&D comic featuring Akakios.
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slimeblorbo · 14 days
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When you and your queerplatonic bestie take your godkid to the beach
OC art yippee!
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wingedscribe · 9 months
1, 6, 15 for Tav backstory asks! Your choice or do one for each of them, whatever you prefer!
I'll do each for all of them because I love any excuse to talk about my OCs! For a brief overview of the three, Akakios is my Dark Urge playthrough and is a half-drow Paladin of Devotion; Hithala is. well. Hithala uses the wood elf body but is a hexblood druid of the circle of spores; finally, Tanith is a half-elven Cleric of Selune.
Is your Tav Baldurian? If yes, did they grow up in Baldur’s Gate? If no, where are they from?
Akakios is Balduran, growing up in Baldur's Gate -- although they can't remember it, given the uhhh. [Gestures toward the cranial trauma in the Dark Urge's past.] Hithala is not Balduran and grew up in the middle of a forest (I haven't decided which Faerun forest it is, it doesn't particularly matter) and spent most of his time pre-game wandering in less civilized areas. Finally, Tanith is from the area around Baldur's Gate, but didn't grow up in the city itself, although she has visited it multiple times.
6. When did your Tav learn their abilities/skills?
With Akakios they can't actively remember it, but they learned their abilities -- if that's the right word for them -- as the Dark Urge when they were around fourteen years old, proceeded to swear off using them forever (this did not work) and joined an order of Paladins, learning how to channel divine power to aid others through their adolescence there. It wasn't enough to stop their blood from taking its due, but when they woke up with no memory it was their Paladin's oaths that they clung to.
Hithala learned some basics of nature magic from the hag that raised him, although it was largely through observation -- the hag wasn't really interested in teaching what she saw as an unfortunate step on the path to making another hag. However, once he left her house, he took refuge in a local druidic circle, and that was where he learned most of his skills as a druid.
Tanith's entire family are Selunites, so once it was clear that she had both a lot of faith and a deep connection to the goddess she became an acolyte of the local temple, and from there her cleric powers came into focus as she devoted her time and energy to serving Selune. Her specific focus as a Tempest Cleric came from her conviction that someone had to strike at Selune's enemies before they could do harm to the innocent.
15. Do they have any sentimental items?
Akakios has a battered old book on the oaths of Paladin orders that they woke up with; the more they learn about themself pre-amnesia, the more confusing the fact that they held onto this was, but as the player I can say it's because there was always a part of Akakios who still very much wanted to be the strong, noble paladin who protected people and wanted to be the hero, and even though pregame Akakios had been convinced that they could never be anything but the villain, they kept that book of oaths anyway.
Hithala has a few things that he is emotionally attached to, but the main one would be a necklace with an amber pendant, holding a leaf from the forest he grew up in. It was a gift from his first love, a fellow druid named Rowan Tavverin -- Rowan was human, so Hith has long outlived him at this point, but in lieu of a wedding ring keeps the necklace with him at all times.
Tanith doesn't have a strong attachment to many things -- a lot of her belongings she sees as stuff she's been given by her goddess/the temple she typically works out of, and so she's happy to give them to someone who would need them more than she does and just make her way to wherever she can find the next thing she needs -- but her holy symbol, a Selunite pendant she's kept since childhood, is extremely precious to her. She had one of a matched pair with a childhood friend of hers, to the point that they swapped them before that friend went out into the woods for her coming-of-age ceremony -- where she was, Tanith assumes, killed by Sharran hunters, along with the rest of her family (if this sounds similar to a companion's backstory, there's a reason for that! Neither Tanith nor Shadowheart know it, though), so Tanith holds onto the pendant as the last part of her best friend she has with her.
Thank you so much for the questions -- if anyone else wants to ask about these three gay adventurers feel free to send me questions from this list: https://wingedscribe.tumblr.com/post/736382006258253824 or, you know, whatever questions you have.
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evilasiangenius · 2 years
Crowley waited for Aziraphale to approach him, and when the angel was close enough, he gestured, obscuring them from human eyes and then just to be safe, freezing time all about them.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Crowley said with impunity, knowing no one could hear him but for Aziraphale. He picked up a long dried branch that he cracked in half, catching a glimpse of Nikanor off in the distance, frozen in a crouched position where he had been picking up bits of small twigs and handfuls of dead grasses for kindling. “Didn’t think you’d come hunting with us.”
“Well, I certainly didn’t want to miss out on the fun,” Aziraphale smiled. “It’s quite exciting so far, isn’t it?”
“Yes, rather,” Crowley frowned, meeting Aziraphale’s eyes with an sharp, intense expression. “But you really ought to leave.”
Aziraphale was taken aback. “Leave?”
“I’m serious, Aziraphale. Please, just go. You shouldn’t be here.”
“W-why, do you not want me here?”
“Yes. No, it’s not that, I don’t- I... Look, I can’t tell you! Just...just trust me on this, all right? You don’t want to be here for this. Go. Make up some excuse and get out of here.”
“Why not?” Aziraphale paused. “What’s wrong, Crowley? Don’t think I haven’t noticed that every time we meet, you freeze time. Why are you doing that? And...and why have you been avoiding me? I haven’t been able to get a word with you in private since our last meeting. Are you trying to hide something from me? Or is it something else?”
“No, o-of course not. I just don’t think you’d like to be around right now because I’m working, all right? I’m on assignment, Aziraphale. Try to understand-”
“So? So am I. Whatever evil wiles you’re up to, I’m supposed to thwart you, aren’t I? And if we also get a chance to spend some time together while that’s happening...hasn’t that been our arrangement for some time now?”
“Point, but...I’m warning you, you should leave. It’s not- that is, you shouldn’t stay here, please. Let me just do my job without your interference-”
“No. You know I can’t do that. Besides, I’ve grown rather fond of these humans. I’d rather if they weren’t on Hell’s ledgers,” Aziraphale said, stubborn and unyielding. “Crowley, you’re hiding something aren’t you-”
“...no, why would I be hiding anything from you?” And with a subtle gesture, Crowley released time, and the sounds of reality came flooding back.
“Akakios? Koinos?” Nikanor’s voice called out. “Where are you two? Are you all right?”
“Yes, I’m here Nikanor. I’m fine,” Crowley scowled, dropping the obfuscation about them. He glared at Aziraphale, and made a little gesture, pantomiming that Aziraphale should go.
“I’m warning you, you’ll want to stay out of this. You don’t want to be involved,” the demon said, in a hiss of a whisper. “You’re making a terrible mistake, you need to leave. Please, Aziraphale.”
“You know I can’t tell you why...”
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oracularpig · 10 months
navigating religion as a system is SO WEIRD HELP
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echidnana · 10 months
we're having A Day...
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swirlmup · 1 year
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good lord i forgot to post these doodle ruffs of these other character's designs, gomenasai
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lunabunry · 1 year
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Knightingale 2021
here are some character interactions and two solo Damiens
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Empress Theodora
Theodora reigned as empress of the Byzantine Empire alongside her husband, Emperor Justinian I, from 527 CE until her death in 548 CE. Rising from a humble background and overcoming the prejudices of her somewhat disreputable early career as an actress, Theodora would marry Justinian (r. 527-565 CE) in 525 CE and they would rule together in a golden period of Byzantine history. Portrayed by contemporary writers as scheming, unprincipled, and immoral, the Empress, nevertheless, was also seen as a valuable support to the Emperor, and her direct involvement in state affairs made her one of the most powerful women ever seen in Byzantium.
Early Life
Theodora was born in c. 497 CE, the daughter of a bear-keeper called Akakios who worked for the Hippodrome of Constantinople. The 6th-century CE Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea states in his Secret History (Anekdota) that Theodora earned her living, like her mother before her, as an actress, which meant performing in the Hippodrome as an acrobat, dancer, and stripper. Theodora was said to have had one particularly lurid routine involving geese. By implication, considering the common association of the two professions at the time, she was also a courtesan. Procopius would have us believe an especially popular and lustful one, at that.
Procopius' Secret History, is, though, regarded by many as an outrageous gossip piece with a few facts thrown in for authenticity. The writer's attitude to both Justinian and Theodora is plainly that they were the worst thing ever to happen to the Byzantine Empire (in contrast to the official works he wrote under Justinian's patronage which are suitably laudatory of the emperor's achievements in war and architecture especially). Procopius also had it in for Antonina, the wife of Belisarius (Justinian's most talented general), and she is portrayed as constantly scheming with Theodora to create damaging palace intrigues. It is perhaps important to consider, too, that our knowledge of Theodora only comes from male authors and a woman performing any other role than the traditionally submissive one in Byzantine society was bound to be, at best, disapproved of and, at worst, outright demonised.
Before she married Justinian, the nephew of Emperor Justin (r. 518-527 CE), in 525 CE, Theodora left the sands of the Hippodrome to travel to North Africa as the mistress of a medium-level civil servant. After the relationship broke up, she made her way back home via Alexandria where she may have converted to Christianity.
The marriage between such a lowly figure as Theodora and a future emperor was an odd rags-to-riches one, but there was a tradition in the Byzantine court for emperors to marry the winners of beauty contests organised for that purpose. The entrants to such contests could come from lower classes and from far away provinces so such mismatches were not unheard of. The lowly status of Theodora was not ignored by everyone, and one particularly passionate opponent was Empress Lupicina Euphemia, indeed, her death seems to have removed the foremost obstacle to the marriage. Justin I even went so far as to amend the laws (senators, which Justinian was, could not marry actresses) in order to permit the marriage and to legitimise Theodora's illegitimate daughter. Procopius also claims there was an illegitimate son, too, but no other sources substantiate this.
The Empress, 20 years younger than her husband, is described by Procopius as being short but attractive, a stickler for court ceremony, and a lover of luxury. Theodora was crowned as empress in the same coronation ceremony as her husband on 1 April 527 CE. Justinian had insisted his wife be crowned as his equal and not as his consort. The pair also matched each other in intelligence, ambition, and energy, and with their lavish coronation in the Hagia Sophia, they seemed to herald a new era for the Byzantine Empire and its people.
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pupsmailbox · 15 days
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NAMES ⌇ adler. aeris. agatha. aiden. aisha. akakios. alec. alistair. amadio. amos. anastasia. andie. annika. ansel. arden. ariel. aspen. atlas. auda. audr. august. augustine. augustus. aventurine. avery. barett. beau. belladonna. benedict. bentey. bentley. bian. blanc. blythe. bonaventura. bradley. briony. buenaventura. calix. caper. casey. castle. cebba. chance. chanceline. chancey. charis. chase. cipher. claude. cleo. cliff. clu. clue. clyde. colette. columbus. conan. constance. cora. corbin. cypher. daley. dalton. damon. daphne. darcie. darcy. darnell. darwin. dean. deanna. declan. dee. delia. devin. dex. dice. dot. dottie. doyle. duncan. edith. edmund. edric. edward. eivor. elmer. elysium. enigma. fog. fortuna. fortune. foxglove. gizem. godid. hannah. harley. harlow. harper. haze. holmes. indigo. iris. juke. jules. kasper. keme. king. leto. lilith. liraz. locke. maya. mist. morana. myst. mystery. nancy. neil. noir. noire. obscure. odilia. onni. ophelia. ortun. otto. pandora. poe. poirot. quinn. river. rivers. runa. rune. runfrid. sam. scarlet. selma. sher. sherlock. silver. sitheach. spy. sylvi. sylvia. tec. tyche. tychon. veil. veila. velma. vera. verity. vesper. vesta. watson. widow. wisteria. zero.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ analyze/analyze. book/book. caper/caper. case/case. chance/chance. cipher/cipher. claw/claw. clu/clue. clue/clue. code/code. crime/crime. crime/scene. cypher/cypher. deal/deal. detect/detect. detect/detective. detective/detective. en/en. end/end. enigma/enigma. evidence/evidence. eye/eye. fate/fate. file/file. find/find. flaw/flaw. game/game. glass/glasse. grit/git. hidden/hidden. hide/hide. hint/hint. hunt/hunt. hypo/hypothesi. inv/investigate. invest/investigate. investigate/investigate. it/it. justice/justice. lore/lore. luck/luck. magni/magnifying. magnifying/glas. murder/murder. mys/mystery. myst/myst. myst/mystery. mystery/mysterie. mystery/mystery. noir/noir. note/note. obscure/obscure. per/perplex. poi/poison. private/private. psych/psych. puz/puzzle. puzz/puzzle. puzzle/puzzle. que/question. read/read. rid/riddle. rob/rob. rob/robbery. rpg/rpg. scene/scene. search/search. search/searche. sec/secret. secret/secret. see/see. seek/seek. sight/sight. sleu/sleuth sleuth/sleuth. sol/solution. sol/solve. solution/solution. solve/solve. spot/spot. spy/spy. stake/out. stake/stake. step/step. stole/stolen. story/storie. tape/tape. thon/thon. threat/threat. track/track. watch/watche. ⚰️ . ❓ . 🎭 . 🎮 . 🐦‍⬛ . 💉 . 💊 . 💡 . 📁 . 📖 . 📚 . 📹 . 🔎 . 🔐 . 🔑 . 🕹️ . 🗃️ . 🗝️ . 🗞️ . 🚬 . 🧩 . 🧬 . 🩺 .
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winterdragon101 · 2 years
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Part two of HUMANITY, a comic about my dnd character, Akakios.
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slimeblorbo · 9 months
TW Eyestrain on 2nd image
Eyes on you...
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wingedscribe · 1 year
Started a Durge playthrough of BG3 and some facts about my Dark Urge
Their name is Akakios bc I enjoy ironic names
Half-drow warlock. Cannot remember who their patron is but uhhh the magic is still working so this must be fine
Also completely forgot what gender was until they read illithid documents mentioning it. hasn't decided what theirs is yet, if they have one. gender seems to them like something that probably happens to other people. they have murderous urges instead of it.
isn't super thrilled about following their murderous urges. trying their best not to.
Also on a somewhat more serious note I'm really enjoying a Durge playthrough as someone who has (and used to have much more) intrusive violent thoughts. Oddly nice to have a character where yet again you find yourself in the position of going "okay, we're not going to do that, because that's fucked up. we're gonna move on"
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prettypinknarc · 2 months
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Mystery game id pack
Pt: Mystery mame id pack /end pt
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Agatha, Akakios, Anastasia, Belladonna, Caper, Elysium, Enigma, Fog, Foxglove, Gizem, Hannah, King, Lilith, Mist, Myst, Noire, Obscure, Ophelia, Pandora, Poe, Widow, Sherlock
it/its, thon/thons, myst/mysts, mystery/mysteries, story/stories, sol/solution, sol/solve, solve/solves, lore/lores, puzzle/puzzles, puzz/puzzle, game/games, rpg/rpgs, enigma/enigmas, obscure/obscures, psych/psychs, caper/capers, noir/noirs, grit/gits, flaw/flaws, threat/threats, poi/poison
🎭/🎭s, 🎮/🎮s, 🕹️/🕹️s, 🧩/🧩s, 📚/📚s, 📖/📖s, ❓/❓s, 🐦‍⬛/🐦‍⬛s, 📹/📹s, 🧬/🧬s, 🩻/🩻s, 🩺/🩺s, 💉/💉s, 💊/💊s, 🚬/🚬s, 🪦/🪦s, ⚰️/⚰️s, 🔎/🔎s, 🔐/🔐s, 🔑/🔑s, 🗝️/🗝️
the mysterious one / thing, prn who solves mystery, prn who hides in the shadows, prn who is indescribable / unexplainable, the puzzle master, the puzzle solver, prn who solves puzzles, prn who makes [impossible] puzzles, prn who plays mystery games, the crook, the private investigator / detective, prn who is a looming threat, prn who will do anything
★ Written on July 29th, 2024
★ For Day 4 of @rwuffles follower event [link]
★ Tagging @id-pack-archive
[ bonus ] " show a picture of a meal or food from a game that you would eat in real life "
The main two video games food are probably the cake from Minecraft, which is sort of obvious given it looks absolutely delicious, and the Food Paste from Fallout 4, which is more of a 'fuck around and find out' thing given it's apparently addictive, causes increased aggression, and can cause your skin to turn pink, but like... I wanna know if it actually tastes good or not
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rotkeres · 1 month
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Dissoname term for when one wishes / believes their birth name is Akakios due to some sort of involuntary disconnect (delusions, atypical dysphoria, plurality, etc). Transition if you want, just don't be weird
Tagging @dissodic-archive
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whispersinthedawn · 4 months
Concealed in the Coriolis ch 6
It would have been so much simpler if Apollonius had been Apollo in disguise, but why would a god lower himself to coming down himself to treat a wound any child of his could have treated with a simple song? 
Or not even a child of his.  
Cleophema’s drawn face grew more pinched by the moment as she read signs of pain off Coronis’s face. Perhaps, Percy admitted, running off their healer before completing the treatment might have been a singularly foolish endeavour. And yet, the talk about honour!
Percy hadn’t been able to remain silent, not when Apollonius had appeared genuinely convinced of the veracity of his claims, not when Apollo had yet to even realise that just raising other people’s children did not absolve him for leaving his own to be abandoned on mountaintops. And how long, how long until the god realised that just because he couldn’t protect his children did not mean no one else could? 
Would it take Coronis’s death and being left with a squalling infant without another to care for it, would it take falling in love with gap-toothed smiles and tottering legs, of being forced to relinquish that same child to certain death, to remind Apollo of Chiron? 
Percy wiped a hand across his forehead, wiping away the droplets of sweat beading up from both pain and horror.  
She'd died and with her death, built a future where at least a quarter of demigod children did not die. 
When Percy blinked, tears pooled around his eyes before falling. 
“Should I call Akakios?” Cleophema fretted. “Just stay here a moment, dear. I will send for him.” 
It wasn’t the pain. Or at least, not the pain wracking his body. 
Coronis. Aegle. The one destined to be with Apollo for just long enough to give him a child.  
A child that would save everyone. 
Asclepius, Percy prayed, please forgive me. 
It seemed the worst possible offering Percy could have ever offered the child that would never know its mother. Asclepius had been born of a caesarean, had begun the system of hospitals, and sparked the formation of what would one day be Camp Half-blood.  
And in return for ensuring the lives of Percy and his mother, Percy had wiped Asclepius's mother from existence. 
‘I’m still here,’ Coronis breathed out even though the stardust of her spirit littering the ground could have outnumbered sand grains on the beach.    
Percy released a shuddering gasp as Cleophema shook Phlegyas awake and sent the confused man chasing the palace healer. 
This was ... this was no time to stultify in panic and regret. How could he blame everyone else for plodding along in complacency and callousness, when he refused to sacrifice anything himself to build a better world? 
Just the realisation that no matter what Percy himself wants, he needs to act out Coronis's past simply for the lives of everyone he knows. Before this, Percy could convince himself that he didn't need to live out Coronis's life – but no more.
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