#he cannot catch a break from nagisa
mintys-musings · 1 year
hey previous nagianzu anon
1. can i be the nagianzu anon
2. i have so much nagianzu stuff that i have made up in my brain only bcs i think they’d date to be petty towards ibara. nagi would DEF blow his entire allowance on the girl, clothes, food, movies, parks, toys..…..anyways, he wld probably be the type to stare at her lovingly and worship her like some sort of goddess, he would also (nsfw) DEFINITELY tie her up in white or red ribbon plus he would probably kiss her a bunch but only infront of ibara to piss him off (i like the idea of petty nagisa okay) and he has probably gone up to ibara to ask questions abt sex to he probably already knows abt the twos entire sex life. teehee
yes of course ya can ~~ ... i should actually start a runnin list of yalls signoffs- anyway—
i love the idea that they are petty together sm. especially when they're both the type of person that many people think are like very put together but are actually really silly.
like. yes anzu is a hard workin gal. yes she has hang glided off of a school roof to avoid the student council. and yes nagisa is an "omnipotent god." and yeah he needs an allowance because he'll spend money on random weird shit otherwise. pure sillies
theyd be so cute taking shopping trips and stuff. it annoys the fuck outta ibara when he realizes were all of nagisa's allowance is going, but he'll probably try and like. gaslight himself into making it part of a scheme of some kind. surely.
also ibara has no right knowing so many details about their sex life he can never be free 😭 hes so tired. i bet nagisa tries playing it coy too like "okay.... hypothetically.... if there was this girl i liked... and she's into bondage...." and ibaras like "please for the love of god just say anzu. i know you and anzu fuck please just say her name."
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karin-ko · 7 months
Cruel Story of Youth by Nagisa Oshima
In 1960, Nagisa Oshima directed "Cruel Story of Youth," depicting the youth of two young men and women. It was the first color film we watched in this class, and its visuals were remarkably clear even though it was taken more than 60 years ago, with red elements like umbrellas, clothes, and telephones vividly standing out. The content, in a word, was shocking.
This movie tells us that youth, throughout time, must surely be fleeting, beautiful, and cruel. Youths overestimate themselves, misunderstand themselves as special, and rush towards their dreams without a plan. They indulge in desires, believing fervently that intense romantic feelings will last forever. They struggle desperately to obtain something, yet looking back, even that struggle seems beautiful and dazzling. In the movie, the elder sister, seeing the struggles of Makoto and Kiyoshi, feels this way, portrayed as striving. Perhaps even adults today have trodden similar paths, and when they look back, they might nostalgically think how childish but beautiful they were at that time. Youth must surely be like that. But honestly, my impression of this movie was that it depicted a woman seriously involved with a casual lover and a self-assured man who treats her casually and selfishly. Did such men really attract women back then? To be honest, I do not understand the appeal at all. He resorts to violence, sleeps with other women, plays the badger game by using his girlfriend, and manipulates situations to his advantage under the guise of doing it for her sake. Where is Makoto drawn to such a guy? Ultimately, he chooses to break up (presumably) to protect her, and he was beaten to death, so he must have grown, and his feelings for her must have become genuine. But honestly, I could not see the appeal until the end. She is responsible too. I cannot empathize at all with expecting something from such a man, being emotionally manipulated, sleeping with an older man who she does not like to catch Kiyoshi's attention, having an abortion, being sent to a reformatory, and still loving him. Also, if she really wants to give birth, she should not drink, engage in sexual intercourse, or be with someone who smokes… Basically, I could not relate much because all the characters seemed either too childish or weird.
However, it was very nice to see many depictions that evoke the time. The retro American-like feel of the characters' clothing, hairstyles, cars, etc., was very cute. Riding a motorcycle recklessly on a deserted road at night and plunging into the sea, though stupid, felt like Showa-era romance, which was kind of nice. Also, something I have noticed in other movies too, that there were a lot of depictions of smoking cigarettes. Everyone smokes everywhere, even at school. In today's Japan, you cannot see that which made watching it feel enjoyable, sensing the era.
In terms of direction, there were many long shots used throughout, with the camera following the characters' movements or changing the characters being filmed, which was interesting to watch. There were several other intriguing directing choices. For example, deliberately capturing the blurred faces of the people at the bar while Makoto is dancing, or focusing only on the hands during sexual scenes. Particularly memorable scenes include the shot from the back seat of a car, capturing two people and the scenery, and the scene at the hospital where despite the camera focusing on Kiyoshi and Mokoto, the story progresses through the voices of the doctor and her sister through the door. Also, the transition from the lights in Kiyoshi's room going out to depicting the corridor, leading to the scene with Mokoto's sister and a friend, was nice. Additionally, the sound of heels during Makoto's walking scene towards the end, alternating between her sensing Kiyoshi's danger and his situation, was effective. However, I cannot understand jumping out of a moving car, and the scene at the end with the two bodies captured together seemed to evoke laughter rather than any other emotion.
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repo-net · 2 years
Month of Nagisa masterpost
It's October; the birth month of this blog's main focus - Nagisa Shingetsu! To celebrate for this year, I've decided to make scenarios and short stories and speculations based on alternate things that could've happened in Nagisa life's, from decisions he could've made that took him somewhere else, to important events in his life never happening, or scenarios that already took place in canon but a different ending takes over.
This is planned to have a new story posted every other day, with a break in the middle and near the end because of midterms catching up with my schedule. I don't really wanna flood the Nagisa tag with a sea of all my stories since it doesn't really get much attention or posts in there in the first place, so I'll only be tagging posts every now and then. If you want to go through one that may have not been tagged and can't be found by searching through tags, this is the place to go to!
October 2 (Searching Heroes) -
October 4 (The Bonds That Never Were) -
October 6 (The Game Continues) -
October 8 (In Our Next Life) -
October 10 (Same Blood, Different Results) -
October 15 (Her True Intentions) -
October 17 (Wipeout) -
October 23 (I'm Still Me) -
If you read these before everything's been posted, do know that these titles are subject to change. I'm not very good at them, anyways.
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goji-pilled · 2 years
MK-S: Small excerpts from Candeloro’s journal (dated as January 1, but not necessarily the actual date; as a role play journal, she takes some creative liberties; if she stops for a break, changing days as a way to mark different writing sessions, etc.):
Jan 1st: …And so I already find myself making camp, barely more than a small jog from the entrance to this realm; the multitude of passages available exceed my wildest expectations. If I do not begin my map making now, then I will surely leave several of these passages unmarked in future endeavors; I cannot allow this fresh perspective and attentiveness to be muddled by time and familiarity…
Jan 27: Today I engaged with yet another servant of the Rat Lord. Truly, he must be the cruelest of tyrants, for his minion was surely no more than a mere babe. (Note to self, google if baby rats wander into homes, or if it’s a sign of nesting; really hoping it’s the former.) All the same, the beast fell by my blade. My honor dictated that give I give my foes, however vile, a proper burial, least their remains rot and let their evil bleed over into my own realm. (Reminder: start bringing plastic bags so I don’t need to drag these things all the way back to the entrance every time I kill one and the moment I do so; I don’t want these things to start stinking up the house, but I’d rather have to drag multiple bags back, than have to stop everything each time.) And so, I grabbed my fallen foe, and began my return to my beloved home realm (Need a name for this. ‘House of Seckendorff’? Sounds good, but the ‘House’ part’s a bit too on the nose, and realms are inside and out…did I call them realms or spaces? Check later.) dragging my foe (oops repeated with pen) so that he may receive a proper burial, with the rites of his people (a quick goodbye in the dumpster outside)…
Feb 3rd: …I…I cannot begin to describe the thing I saw today, but it is my duty to do my best, to document all aspects of this strange land.
One of the rat lord’s minions descended upon me from above, a tactic they had never done before (scared the heck out of me, looking up to see an eye looking back. And since when can these things climb on next to nothing?!?) and one that caused me to drop my trusty blade in shock. This foul beast of gargantuan size (seriously, as big as me; I’m tiny, but that’s got to be big for a rat…Todo: google wild rat sizes after family dinner) lunged at me.
I was backed into a corner, and the beast moved ever closer, fangs bared, intent to rip me to pieces (or make me shoot a small hole in the wall, but still something I’d rather not have to fix). But then…something I could not tell be blessing or curse came out of the darkness. At first I thought it the Rat Lord himself, for surly this titan among rodents must be king of his kind. But this greater beast waited not but a moment before biting down on the neck of my assailant, killing the ambusher in nary the time it took (to find a word to go here) for me to release my baited breath.
The titan, though seemingly made of the night itself, I believe I saw impossible traces of reds and blues, took the fallen rat and left retreated (sounds much better) back into the dark. I myself fled back to camp, so I may document this strange event, least I potential find some more mundane, albeit tragic, end. (Note to self: ask Nagisa if she’s always had such big small familiars, and add more cheese to the shopping list.)…
Alright, that concludes these excerpts written as though by Candeloro. Hope they were fun to read! (I thought it be fun to have things like Candeloro making small notes in the margins, where she breaks character to write reminders, or having this double as a diary of thoughts while she’s hunting rats. Also a few jokes related to how she’s writing this down and, like many of us, may get stuck trying to catch that word on the tip of her tongue.)
That is soooooo cool omg,,
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Conquest - Prologue
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP & ENG)
Translation: hyenahunt
Hiyori: But the problem is, we're not enemies at all. We're allies, aren't we?
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[Location: ES Breakroom]
[One day in late spring...]
Hiyori: "Eden Breaks Up?! The decisive battle fans have all been waiting for: Adam VS Eve —"
—Or so says this ridiculous performance plan I just received over HoldHands.
I'd greatly appreciate a detailed explanation of just what is going on. Depending on your answer, chances are I won't let you off.
Nagisa: ...Wow, Hiyori-kun, your expression is frightening.
Ibara: Aye-aye! Allow me to offer you an explanation. After all, it is my job to see to it that this incomprehensible world is dissected, cooked up and arranged for serving.
That being said, however, this appetising proposal came from the higher-ups themselves, and as such I myself am not too clear on how it came to be.
All the same, I do have some grasp of the overall outline.
Nagisa: ...I had no idea about this. While I did receive it on HoldHands, I leave all administrative matters to Ibara.
Hiyori: Nagisa-kun, you're pretty much the leader of both Eden and Adam, aren't you?
I do feel it would be for the best if you managed such things yourself, but well, everyone has their individual strengths and weaknesses, I suppose?
Nagisa: ...Yes. I'd rather not concern myself with the everyday world. It's troublesome.
...And having Ibara look over it results in a more accurate understanding. He's the right person for this.
Ibara: Ahahaha! Receiving such praise and trust from you is truly an honour, Your Excellency!
Nagisa: ...I simply state the truth. By the way, Jun, did you know about this proposal?
Jun: Ugh, please don't drag me into this, Nagi-senpai. Ohii-san's been in such a crazy awful mood all morning and I wanna have nothing to do with it, y'know~?
In situations like these, I'm the one who usually ends up as his stress outlet, after all —
But whatever, I guess. What'd that proposal say again...?
It sounds like something only the unit leaders receive, so there's no way an underling like myself would know anything about it, yeah~?
Nagisa: ...Ahh, it does seem like that's how it works.
...It's set up so that all messages I receive are immediately forwarded to Ibara, so it doesn't concern me, though.
Hiyori: Nagisa-kun, are you alright with that?
If you leave every little thing to Ibara like that — or grow dependent on him, I should say—then aren't you going to have trouble living on if he randomly drops dead one day?
Ibara: Worry not! I won't be dying any time soon — I cannot allow myself to die when we've gotten this far already!
Hiyori: Well, even if Ibara does kick the bucket, I can look after Nagisa-kun like how I used to so everything will be just fine.
Ibara: Indeed, should such a situation ever arise, I will leave him in Your Highness' capable hands.
...Anyway, to return to the topic at hand, I do believe the current proposal isn't completely devoid of points worth considering.
Hiyori: ... In what way, may I ask?
Jun: (Woah. Ohii-san's face is seeeriously scary as hell right now. He's usually all silly laughs and smiles, so when he's got a serious face on you know shit's gonna go down.)
(This time he seems kinda actually really upset about things, huh?)
Ibara: Right. Firstly, it is essential to note that this proposal is by the restructured top brass of CosPro, after the majority of its executives were fired due to the scandal at the end of last year.
They're all most eager to repair their damaged reputations — money is no object in their quest to prove their innocence and competence.
So in short, they intend to create something of great extravagance with this proposal. They'll pull out all the stops, no matter what it takes.
And since this comes right on the heels of the scandal, even the higher-ups will be careful not to attempt anything dubious behind the scenes — so everything should be safe.
Nagisa: ...Well, true fools tend to repeat the same mistakes over and over, though.
Ibara: All the same, it's common knowledge that after the last scandal, we as Eden collectively denounced and drove out the top brass.
Taking that into account, the fact that they've put out a proposal means that they're prepared to face such a situation once more.
This is a proposal of great importance—one that puts their lives on the line, if you will.
At the same time, if we were to reject this proposal, which is composed of the desperate desires of these higher-ups, they'll simply shrink away and believe anything they do or say will be pointless.
I'd greatly prefer to have some clumsy fools bumbling about their jobs rather than frightened figureheads cowering in a corner.
To be frozen in place is no different from being dead, after all. And corpses certainly can't be mobilised for war.
Simultaneously, always saying anything and everything is out of the question will never allow for growth in us humans.
...Well, such overprotective and motherly behavior seems to be a favorite of His Highness Hiyori.
Hiyori: ...In what sense? I certainly feel as though you're mocking me right now, you know?
Ibara: Of course not, I would never do such a thing... It is but a misunderstanding.
But in any case, for the sake of the top brass gaining experience, and to grant them that sense of self-confidence and achievement, I would dearly like for us to accept their proposal.
Nagisa: ...It's actually an interesting proposal, too.
...A confrontation between Adam and Eve... I've never considered such a thing before.
Jun: Well, it kinda feels like something guys would be pretty into. It's almost like pro-wrestling.
Seeing who'd win if Adam and Eve faced off... that might really catch our fans' interest, actually~
Hiyori: Ngh... A lion is still the king of beasts even if he doesn't go around proclaiming it, right?
Ibara: Certainly. That being said, a performance is essential in allowing the masses to actually understand this, as they are rather slow on the uptake.
And it is for that purpose that we now have this current plan: "Conquest".
For us of Eden, who were regrettably only the runner-ups for the idol world's greatest festival, Winter Live, at the end of last year...
Perhaps it's a rather ambitious event, to try and realise that domination that once slipped through our grasp —
That world domination, thwarted by Trickstar, or rather obstructed by traitors within our own camp.
Now is the time to see it through — that, I feel, is the current sentiment borne by the higher-ups of CosPro.
Conquer all, and we shall seize the world within our hands.
Hiyori: Well, in all honesty, I do have faint regrets that we weren't able to conquer the nation at the end of last year.
But we'd still be able to make the world ours just by doing things as we always have. Why make a show out of something so unsightly as an internal quarrel—
Ibara: That's not the case. ES has now been established, and in this new era of oligarchy between the four agencies, it'll prove difficult to stand out if we simply go about our days without aim.
If we are to use a single showpiece to launch ourselves to the top, then it is essential for it to be explosive in nature.
In that sense, I believe Conquest is the ideal plan for it. Since the earliest times, people have always been drawn to showdowns of destiny, after all.
Such as Holmes and Moriarty, Godzilla and King Ghidora, Goku and Vegeta... Would you understand those examples, Your Highness?
Jun: Oh, I totally get you.
Ibara: Good. Let's see... it would be something akin to the War of the Roses — does that make sense?
Hiyori: Mm... I can't deny that a showdown between age-old enemies would be exciting, of course.
But the problem is, we're not enemies at all. We're allies, aren't we?
No... I consider Eden a family, but am I the only one who feels that way?
Nagisa: ......
✦ all ✦ next →
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Anon asked: Heyyy! Can we have some HC on style 5 as fathers? Thank you
Yes! The boys as fathers have me so soft 🥺
Father Headcanons (Style 5)
I got carried away with these hcs... might have to make a separate post for each later on 😅 long post ahead!
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Personally I imagine Haru with a daughter first
Like can you imagine how cute that would be? 🥺🥺the whole like father like daughter 🥺🥺
Haru doesn’t get this whole babies thing, in fact he’s panicking on the inside, but the moment he holds his child in his arms, it’s like every thought every worry has now become irrelevant
The only thing that matters is the child in his arms❤️
Smiles a lot more now because he is genuinely happy.
Even lets his laughs be heard more often just for his kid lol
When his child grows up a bit more, he definitely wants to teach them how to swim and how to ahem ~be one with the water~
He’s not a pushy father at all tho he won’t ever force his child to go down the swimming path and would rather have them get into something they are passionate about
Nevertheless, he still would like them to know how to swim atleast, it’s not a bad thing to learn
But um...he’s not the best of teachers...
Uncle Makoto here to save the day!
That being said, Haru always wants to be there for his child, be able to go to as much of their competitions/meets/games/etc. as he can even though he’s so busy with his own training schedules
He just wants to be there for them and he wants them to know that too<3
Oh um also...he’s bad at scolding...he’ll try to “scold” his little kid for doing something wrong like picking things off the ground and putting it in their mouth but his child just looks up at him like 😯
Also Haru changing diapers? Haha... “ahh (y/n)! How do I do this?”
He gets better at this tho over time :)
Watch his child not like Mackerel
He’s still confused over this whole father thing, but he knows that he really does want to love and be there for his child<3
Btw how cool would it be to have a dad being a world renowned swimmer? 😱
*haru excitingly watching as you feed your baby daughter (I see him w a daughter ok but it’s your choice) mackerel for the first time*
*baby makes a weird face and spits out mackerel*
“*Haru gasps dramatically* She doesn’t like mackerel.”
Baths with his kid. 🐬
How precious 🥺
You sitting on the edge of the bathtub, silently watching Haru as he holds his baby in the bath with a small smile, eyes then slowly drifting up to lock in with yours, his smile a bit wider and everything he feels for you and his child, all shining in his eyes ❤️
There cannot be a more perfect, little, peaceful family <3
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An amazing father!
We’ve seen him with his little siblings Ren and Ran!
That doesn’t mean he won’t panick from time to time because it’s different when it’s your own child
He’s the type to do the whole baby talk and little cooes with his baby but turns bashful when he catches you quietly standing in the doorway watching 🤣
His cooking skills have improved a bit...
You already work so hard everyday for the baby and the house, he wants to lessen your burdens and give you a little break <3🥺
Family cuddles! With you and Makoto on either side and your child/children in the middle! How precious🥺
I see Makoto’s children being a lot more brave and daring than he is like watching “scary” (like Cartoon Network scary XD) movies and wanting going on adventures in places supposedly paranormal
“Dad stop being such a scaredy cat! I wanna go watch this movie already!”
“Ahh (y/n)!! Help me! 😰”
His kids are mischievous bro always do those puppy dog eyes to get him into their schemes
He also spoils his kids XD
Don’t think that means he doesn’t know when the boundaries are crossed and when he needs to get a bit strict
He may spoil his kids but spoiled kids are a big no no (there’s a difference)
The kids actually grow up to be sweet and respectful
Aww imagine Makoto teaching his own kids how to swim and sending them to an sc🥺
He’s just such a loving father and SO supportive!
His children love that they can come to him with any of their problems and know that he’s going to listen intently and understand, while also offering any advice he might think suitable <3
As if you alone didn’t make his heart well enough with so much love, his heart practically bursts with his children❤️
Ready to sacrifice everything he has for the happiness and well being of his family ❤️
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Excitement is an UNDERSTATEMENT
As if this baby himself wasn’t cute enough, just IMAGINE HIS CHILDREN
omg omg omg cuteness overload
He’s jumping up and down when his baby is about to come, however he calms down when he actually gets a chance to hold them and he’s just in a soft, serene state, looking on at his little one with a small smile~
All his little toddler has to do is slightly tug on his shirt, and Nagisa is in a full gushing frenzy
He cries over how adorable they are
Nagisa baby YOU are adorable
He’s such a funny dad always makes his kids laugh!
Like when his child is a baby, he would come over making silly faces that half of the time either made baby laugh or baby cry 😣
Tickle Monster 😏
Finger puppets! I totally see him doing this as a father!
Nagisa won’t tease his kids a whole lot tho, knowing how frustrating it can get having experienced for a good amount of his life by his older sisters
He wants his kids to have fun ALL the time just like him 😁
He shows them his secret sweet stash when he believes it is time
So you’re going to have to be the one implementing the rules and regulations
“Come on, it’s time for bed let’s go, it’s past 11”
“Aww come on (y/n)-chan look at how happy they are! Just give us five more minutes🥺”
The challenging part for you is that you end up having to give in a lot more because now there’s more than 1 who’ve mastered the puppy dog eyes around the house
Another supportive dad! (They all are) he wants to be there for his kids’ firsts! And for all their games and competitions etc.
This is going to be such a fun little family with LOTS of love, support, chocolate, and fun! ❤️
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No theory, no book, no calculations prepared him for the moment his child was placed in his arms
He’s immediately brought to tears and whispers a small “beautiful” 🥺
The type to document EVERY moment of his child
You end up having like 10 albums and tapes of just your kid(s)
ALL of your little ones firsts have all been recorded and documented to reminisce on later in the future🥺
Always nudging you and showing you the cute little things your baby is doing off in the corner🥺
He can be strict
Unlike Nagisa, oh no he is not spoiling his kid’s diet
Their kid is eating their entire rainbow with lots of fruits and vegetables, along with the right amount of protein and milk
However there are times where he chills out and actually bakes cookies and sweets for his children 🥺
And they are *chefs kiss*
However when Uncle Nagisa comes over...those kids know what’s up 😝😋
Wants to show them the beauty of swimming, specifically the butterfly stroke
You don’t have to worry about your kids getting low grades, because Rei will personally take care of that😌
He just wants his children work hard so they can become the best at whatever they choose to do in the future <3
Haha you wanna know what I’m imagining?
Him having a daughter that is an EXACT copy of him
And it will completely leave him speechless at moments XD
“Ahem...Daddy, the way that you pitch the ball is off by approximately 15 degrees according to the direction and pressure of the wind...not beautiful” *pushes glasses up*
Rei is just like 😨😱
Anyways you can forget about having excessive burden on your shoulders from parenting because this man is going to give it his all for you and his children❤️
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The second his baby was delivered, he was already a crying mess, however when they are actually placed in his arms, it’s like all the tears have suddenly stopped, and it’s just a moment for Rin.
However he starts crying again immediately after
He loves his child so much! ❤️
They are a physical embodiment of his love with you! <3
He now understands the sacrifices his own father made for the sake of his family and now Rin is willing to to the same for his own
All his tsundereish tendencies vanish and he just becomes one big softy 😤
Don’t think that means that Rin doesn’t know how to be strict tho
Oh he is a strict dad but he only does is it for his child’s own good
He will shower them in just as much affection after the scolding <3
Like even after he gets a bit harsh on his child and sees their eyes, Rin immediately stops and goes into your shared room and starts sniffling
“H-hey (y-y/n)...w-was I too harsh on them?”
Yes he’s the type of dad to get onto you for brushing your teeth
He’s also that dad helping his kids with math
He has let his emotions show a lot more now.
Like when his baby started taking his first steps...Rin cried, camera in his hand shaking
When his child picked a flower and brought it to him...shark baby cried.
Or when one of his children brought home their essay about Rin being their biggest hero...Rin cried.
A very supportive family!
With you guys going to support him swimming at the world stage, and Rin going to all his children’s events and being their #1 fan <3
I can see Rin owning a “The World’s Best Dad” or “#1 Dad” mug and proudly drinking from it XD <33
He also gets very competitive with his kids! He gets very into the sports and games he plays with them
Teaching them tricks and tips along the way
And swimming? He’s got it in the bag, your child will get the hang of it under a week.
Some days Rin likes to lie with you on the bed, wrapping an arm around you to hold you close and pressing a a soft kiss to your temple, thanking you for being the love of his life and making him the world’s happiest man alive 🥺❤️
A/n: The boys would be such good fathers!They can all have my babies I love the parenting concept! I’m probably going to make separate hcs for them in the future 🥺
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A Way to Behave
I just wanted to say thank you again for actually liking and reblogging my post! I was really surprised ❤️
Also, bit of a warning: it's been a long time since I've watched assclass, so I'm sorry if it's a bit out of character.
Summary: Koro Sensei thought he was able to get a grip on every student, until he met a certain slippery redhead. However, one day he discovered something... interesting.
It was slightly irritating. No, scratch that. Very irritating.
Koro Sensei thought he was able to get Karma under control after catching him from the cliff.
He was dead wrong.
At this point, he wasn't even sure if the redhead cared if the pranks really harmed him or not. But it was certainly getting on his nerves.
He tried, and he means really tried to look at it from a bright way. That he was... he was just expressing his intelligence and creativity.
But, this drive can only last so long.
The last straw was at the final class. As he was teaching the class as diligently as ever, something caught his eye.
A certain magazine on his desk.
What no-
"Oh teach, I saw you dropped it. So, I thought it'd be kind to return it." Karma smirked leaning even more from his desk. "Call it, a sign of gratitude for all you've done for the class."
"YOU- you! I cannot believe how absolutely shameless-" The teacher was cut off from the ring of the bell. Koro Sensei sighed in defeat. "Class is dismissed. Karma-kun, please stay for a bit."
Karma just grinned, calmly leaning forward on his desk; resting his head on the palm on his hand.
That was just adding more burn to the cut. The octopus could feel the steam burning through the hole of his ears. He allowed himself to calm down and politely ask for Karma to follow him outside.
"Is there an issue?" Karma asked feigning the worried look on his face. "I was just trying to be helpful."
"Karma-kun, I do appreciate you trying as many ways to assassinate me. But, I must ask for you to not pull such stunts that would make the students think of me like a..."
"A pervert?"
"But Sensei, if you can't pull someone down physically. The best bet is to tear down their pride. It only makes them more vulnerable." Karma said, tilting his head down ever so slightly down as if he was challenging the octopus.
Who was he kidding?! He can't change this... this devil!
Koro Sensei just placed two tentacles on Karma's shoulder.
"You must also learn to pace yourself, Karma-kun. You may have more chances to kill me, but you can burn yourself out more easily." Koro Sensei then begin to massage his shoulders for emphasis. "You need to be able to take breaks to allow the brain to recuperate. That could make you more vulnerable in turn."
"Sure, sure." He tried waving his teacher off.
"I'm serious Karma-kun. It could make it easier for someone to find your weakness instead of the other way around." He said as he was releasing his tentacles from his student's shoulder lightly.
He accidentally brushed his neck, not thinking about it until he heard a squeak.
What was that?
"You know what?" Karma said suddenly walking off scratching the back of his neck. "I think I'm gonna head home, it's getting late. I do need to make some more fun ways for me to express my gratitude. See ya!"
He then ran off leaving Koro Sensei... confused? Did he hurt him? Perhaps he doesn't know his own strength.
It was the next day and he saw Karma casually sitting on a desk talking to Nagisa.
Koro Sensei wondered if Karma had forgotten about the strange exit he made yesterday. Koro Sensei hadn't, and he was still curious.
So, he decided to do a little experiment. He quickly went through the classroom, and as soon as he was close to Karma, he made sure to brush his neck again.
He was able to catch Karma make a strange strangled sound and then coughing.
"You okay?" Nagisa asked worryingly patting Karma's back.
"Yeah, just breathed through the wrong tube." He responded casually.
"Awe, those sucked." Nagisa smiled.
Interesting, very interesting.
He decided to try it again, to see if it was just a coincidence or a cover.
The next time Koro Sensei decided to try was the class before lunch. He saw the redhead not paying attention to the course. And, the material was important.
Karma had however, seem to think that leaning back in his chair and twirling his pencil was more interesting.
So, Koro Sensei decided to quickly go to Karma. This time, swiftly poking his sides.
"Karma-kun, as intelligent you are-"
He cut himself off as he finished the movement, causing the redhead to shriek leaning a bit too far from his chair, falling to the floor.
He heard laughing from Terasaka and some chuckles from others. Karma just quietly pulled up his chair glaring at both Terasaka and Koro Sensei as his face started to burn.
The teacher just kinda froze, certainly not expecting the kid to actually fall off his chair.
"Uh, well, Karma-kun. Please pay attention to the lesson, it's very important."
Perhaps, he has found a way to make Karma actually behave.
It was now break, and Koro Sensei heard arguing. Well, Terasaka yelling.
"Hey, I thought you'd be good. Don't get offended because you're shit, it's nothing I can control." Karma smirked.
"What's going on?" Koro Sensei asked seeing Karma smirking and twirling a badminton racket while Terasaka was fuming.
"HE'S JUST TRYING TO WOUND ME UP SO HE CAN WIN THE STUPID GAME!" Terasaka yelled pointing the finger to Karma.
"I was just telling the truth." The boy shrugged.
"Karma-kun, please apologise to Terasaka-kun."
"Why should I? Maybe you should consider-" Karma was cut off by a yelp, freezing. He felt a quick poke to his sides. He looked to see Koro Sensei smiling even wider than he thought possible. "My most sincerest apologies." He bowed sarcastically. "May we finally continue the game?"
Terasaka nodded proudly as the others were shocked that the redhead relented.
"Are you sure you're doing okay? Are you sick?" Nagisa asked getting more worried.
"Just peachy." Karma mumbled glaring at Koro Sensei, who was ecstatic at his new bit of information.
The big and bad Karma Akabane was ticklish.
Oh he is so going to use this finding to his advantage, without a doubt.
And he did. He only did it one other time, but it was already to the point where he could just get close to Karma and he'd tense up.
It was honestly quite funny. But then, after a class from Bitch Sensei, the redhead was nowhere to be seen. Apparently he skipped.
Koro Sensei decided to give Karma a little visit when it was break time.
Who the hell did this slimy yellow octopus think he is?
That he could just poke a prod him as he pleased?
Karma was just brainstorming the many ways to cut off the teacher's tentacle if he tried to touch him again. He was sitting underneath a tree instead of usually climbing and sitting on a branch.
He often went to the woods to clear his head and when he was stressed-
But this wasn't even a stressful situation! It was idiotic and stupid, not to mention really embarrassing.
He was tempted to just sleep it out. But it seems like the universe wasn't on his side and he felt yet another poke.
He yelped out a curse turning to see a goofy ass octopus laughing.
"Shouldn't you be in class?" Koro Sensei asked behind Karma's shoulder. He vehemently ignored the shiver down his spine.
"It got boring, I already know the material and I'll ace the test tomorrow anyways."
"Perhaps, but I feel you shouldn't be skipping so often. You understand these actions come with consequences." He said as a tentacle wiggled a bit too close to Karma's side.
He jumped, standing up growling feeling heat rise to his cheeks.
"The hell's your problem?!"
"Haven't I told you to be careful to not exhaust your tries? It makes it easier to spot a weakness." Koro Sensei said smiling wider than the usual.
Karma for once wasn't entirely sure what to say. He was about to ask what weakness but immediately clamped his mouth shut. He was about to speak but Koro Sensei already beat him to it.
"I must say, I certainly wasn't expecting you to be ticklish." He chuckled, especially seeing Karma's face go from bright pink to full on red.
"No I'm not." He said without thinking.
"You sure?"
"Certainly." Karma huffed, turning around and began walking away.
"Uh huh." Koro Sensei then wrapped a tentacle around Karma's waist, pulling him close to the teacher.
"What the actual hell?!" Karma yelped and started to wiggle around, pulling at the tentacle around his waist.
"Then surely this shouldn't bother you."
The octopus then began to wiggle his tentacles to the redhead's sides, and the reaction was instant.
He began to giggle hysterically moving around as much as he could, making it more difficult for Koro Sensei to control him.
"S-stohop!" His giggling started getting more heavier as the prodding turned to full on squeezing.
"But I thought you weren't ticklish! Surely, this shouldn't be bothering you."
The teasing was making the situation worse. He squealed as he felt two more tentacles wiggle to underneath his arms, rendering him absolutely helpless.
He just couldn't stop laughing and the strange tingling feeling was making it really difficult to think properly. He opted to just kick aimlessly and arch his back as his underarms and sides were being viciously attacked.
He was laughing full on already like a mad man. Much to Koro Sensei's shock, his laugh was less evil, but really adorable.
How come he hasn't heard him laugh like that before?
"FUHUCK OHOHOFF!" He laughed not being able to handle this whole situation. How was he supposed to come back from this? His pride basically crashed out the window.
"How rude, I'm simply putting a smile on your face!"
He released his hold from his underarms but then moved to tickle his stomach. This made Karma shriek very loudly doubling over and thrash.
"STOPSTOPSTOPSTOP!!" He begged laughing going up an octave.
"Is this a sensitive spot?" Koro Sensei chuckled, moving his arms to hold Karma's to his chest and attack his defenseless belly.
At this point, Karma couldn't form any proper words laughing and thrashing. It was honestly surprising.
"I was expecting you to be ticklish, but not this ticklish. You've got to be the most ticklish person I've ever met! It's quite adorable." He chuckled seeing Karma's face get more red if it was even possible.
It really was an adorable sight, Karma's smile was more wide than he's ever seen. Not to mention, the dimples at the side of his face. His eyebrows were also pointed upwards from the laughter instead of the normal neutral or furrowed brows.
Koro Sensei decided to give the boy a but of a break by just tweaking his ribs. He thought Karma would calm down a bit more but he was still giggling heavily. Seriously, how ticklish is he?
"So, are you ready to go back to class and behave?"
"Heheget ohoff me you asshohole!!" He giggles, still trying to wiggle his way out of the teacher's grasp.
"That's not the answer I'm looking for." He said, teasingly inching a tentacle closer to Karma's stomach. He laughed at seeing him suck in his stomach and giggle in anticipation. "Well?" He asked as he just tapped his stomach making a flood of giggles poor out his mouth.
"Okayokahehey, I'll go back to clahahss. Just stop, plehehahahase."
"That's better!" Koro Sensei beamed letting the boy go who plopped on his bum panting, wrapping his arms around his middle protectively. He was still giggling slightly.
Koro Sensei thought he heard Karma mutter 'asshole'.
"Does someone need to be taught another lesson?" He threatened poking at the boy's side making him stand up immediately, actually looking somewhat frightened.
Karma just glared at Koro Sensei that promised death, but he just chuckled.
"Oh, and don't worry about this little weakness if yours. It's our little secret as long as you behave. Who knows what some people could do with information like that?" He chuckled turning around heading for class, fairly certain Karma's face was as red as his hair.
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rikacain · 5 years
the stronger claim
Warnings for dark themes and noncon/dubcon elements.
Many thanks to drel for holding my hand and doing lit analysis on my words when I sure as hell couldn’t, and to magnus for their suggestions.
when someone put down aphrodisiac jutsu as a prompt, i really wonder if they expected this.
(check ao3 notes for the kinkmeme prompt this is based on.)
Kidnapping a shinobi is nothing new. It’s what you do to keep them there, that is the question.
read it on: ao3
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The kidnapping of a hidden village’s shinobi is not an entirely surprising affair. 
Shinobi or not, wars have been fought with prisoners of war as a bargaining chip - it will be fought the same way for many wars more. There are far too many reasons to capture an enemy: for intelligence, or the prevention of it; for a bargaining chip to leverage against your enemies - especially if the target is significant to someone high on the authority chain. 
(To act as a suicide bomber upon their return to the village, something whispers. Obito’s eye aches like a bitter reminder.)
Nevertheless, the requisite reaction to such actions in peacetime is to pursue the victim. Losses in personnel are bad for morale, and a healthy discouragement of kidnapping Konoha shinobi, in general, is a good deterrent to future kidnapping attempts (up until it isn’t). And even if retrieval ends unsuccessfully, better for those under the banner to believe that an effort would be made rather than none at all.
Of course, a successful rescue attempt is infinitely preferable - and although Kakashi won't admit it to anyone, this attempt will be personal. 
As a shinobi, Umino Iruka is nothing more than a chuunin, a minor gear in the workings of Konoha. As a shinobi of Konoha, he is a teacher in the Academy, a tenant of the Mission Desk, and a regular visitor of the Hokage. Each position affords him information on various affairs, ranging from clan heirs and their abilities to the missions he reviews and accepts. 
Coupled with the weekly visits he makes to the Hokage’s office for no discernibly official purposes and the way Naruto proclaims his love for his adoptive father figure without the slightest bit of reservation, Iruka makes quite an attractive target if there aren't other more compelling and valuable targets to infiltrate Konoha for. 
But as a person... Iruka is more than all of his worth as a shinobi, more than his sharp words and gentle smiles and unrelenting belief in the Will of Fire; Kakashi can only be pulled into his orbit whenever Iruka passes him by.
But now Iruka’s taken (like Rin before he drove a handful of lightning through her chest) - gone. And Kakashi had always thought that there would be a day he would walk up to the teacher and ask him, maybe, for his time and whatever else Iruka would be willing to give - to let the pieces fall as they may. 
It tears more at him than more he ever thinks it would, that there would never be that possibility, soft and warm and entirely his. 
It fuels him to run faster, to track harder, to go to where Iruka had been taken to; it leads him to the hidden village of Nagisa, surrounded by white sands and rolling waves. A potentially idyllic vacation spot, only tainted by the actions that they have taken against Konoha. 
He directs his team to infiltrate the village, to acquire information on their motives and the whereabouts of their captive. After all their efforts - after the seeping fear of finding Iruka bloody and bruised, broken against a cell wall - he finds himself venturing into a cavern with a foreign seal sketched large and wide onto the pristine sand, the sprawling script of symbols glowing a soft gradient between sea-green and ocean-blue.
He finds Iruka, at the center of it all. 
Iruka, bound. Iruka, writhing. Iruka, gasping as a hooded figure bends low over his prone form and seals their mouth over Iruka's own. 
Perhaps if Kakashi were more level-minded,  he would claim that immediate action was a necessity. That he couldn't wait for a diversion Tenzou was creating on the far side of the village, for a better opportunity. That the seal, an unknown factor, seemed far too dangerous to allow it to come to fruition. 
At that very moment, he knows only that Iruka is garbed in a yukata, thin and light and so very easy to remove. Eye-catching, sprawled helpless against the sand. 
Whatever is planned next, Kakashi doesn’t want to know. He drops down onto the central array sketched within the seal. The symbols around them flare as his feet touch the ground, washing the cavern in a brilliant white. 
The hooded figure jerks their head up, eyes flashing in alarm - but Kakashi only has eyes for Iruka, who arches up in their arms. He doesn't give them a chance to raise their voice; he moves in, the grip on his kunai firm and deadly. 
The fight - if it could be called one - doesn't last long.
When the hood is stained red from arterial spray, Kakashi finally lowers his weapon and turns around to check on Iruka. A quip is ready on his tongue, only to dissipate with a sharp breath when he sees Iruka’s reaction - or lack thereof. 
It worries Kakashi, how unaware Iruka is despite being shinobi - how utterly vulnerable he currently is. He approaches Iruka’s prone form and crouches over him. 
“Iruka-sensei,” he says, urgency rushing his words. "Sensei, we’re here to rescue you.”
It does not bode well that Iruka does not even react. He stares up towards the ceiling, eyes glassy and unseeing. A sheen of sweat glistens upon his skin. The drag of his breaths, slow and audible. 
Perhaps a genjutsu. Kakashi attempts to dispel it. 
Nothing happens.
“Sensei,” he says again. He ruthlessly quashes down thoughts of too late once again. Tsunade can be the judge of that and no one else. “We have to go."
He reaches out to slide a hand under Iruka’s neck -
Iruka shudders in his arms, pressing into Kakashi. Reflex makes Kakashi tense; experience makes him shift towards a defensive position. He expects Iruka to swing at him, perhaps compelled by this foreign ritual, and half-expects at the end of all this to relearn that heavy numbness within his hand, the cold weight of a precious person dead at his feet.
He does not expect Iruka to moan.
Long and low and guttural; Iruka’s head falls back, eyelids a-fluttering; mouth open, inviting. He shifts, restless, his thighs twitching against each other, unmistakably rubbing against each other. A flush rises high across his face, accentuating that scar that Kakashi has always longed to trail a finger across. 
The moan tapers off to something breathy. Needy.
It is a sound Kakashi dared to imagine only in his fantasies, a sound that will feature in many of them to come. His mouth dries, his heart pounds loud in his ears. A blush burns across his face, arousal mixed with mortification - he has never been more thankful for his mask.
It is also a scene he’s familiar with, one that he would not have wished on Iruka. 
An aphrodisiac jutsu.
In that haze of arousal, Iruka weakly turns his head to look at Kakashi. In his eyes, there is a faint spark of recognition. 
“Kakashi-san,” he rasps.  
Kakashi cannot help but track the swipe of Iruka's tongue as it darts out to wet his lips. The muted shine it leaves behind. And - shamefully - all Kakashi can think is: <em>this is what Iruka would sound like in his bed.</em>
There’s a distant sound of an explosion - the distraction he was supposed to wait for, finally come unto existence. It jolts him into action: he hoists Iruka over his head and across his shoulders in one smooth and practiced movement, curling one arm around Iruka's arm and the other around his bare leg but leaving his hands otherwise free to perform a jutsu if need be. Despite the breathiness of the fabric, Iruka is emanating warmth as though he is running a fever - no doubt a symptom of the jutsu placed upon him.
Kakashi resolutely ignores Iruka's trembling, his breathy sighs. He forms a futon to blow away the symbols in the sand. 
Whether it would break the jutsu, he doesn't know. Their first priority is to escape.
“Hold on, sensei,” Kakashi swallows, ignoring the curl of desire within his gut. "We're getting out of here."
He meets up with Tenzou and Yugao at the edge of the village, as planned. Their three-man cell takes quick leave of the area, making the run back to Fire's borders - a grueling three days' journey away.
It takes four hours before night falls, and for darkness to set in proper without the silvery light of the moon. The absence of light is a boon more than a bane: it would be difficult for pursuers to come across their camp.
That is, if there were any. 
Kakashi had expected hot pursuit of their prisoner, or retaliation for the intrusion. But there has been nothing: no jutsu aimed at them, no shuriken grazing their skin, no kunai planted in their back. They leave Nagisa practically unmolested, with their objective in tow; their objective being draped across Kakashi’s shoulder. 
It is discomfiting to refer to Iruka in such an impersonal way. An objective has always been a mark: to steal, to persuade, to assassinate. To use it against Iruka feels incongruous, if not for Kakashi's own affections then to address a comrade. 
But the uncomfortable truth is that Kakashi cannot consider Iruka as anything else, not at this very moment.
For Iruka has been restless, the entire time he was on Kakashi's back. The jutsu has not worn off even with the destruction of the array and the distance they gained. There is a damp patch on Kakashi's shirt where Iruka has been gasping helplessly against the fabric. Kakashi's neck is drenched with sweat, from physical exertion and his proximity to Iruka’s body heat. 
Most incriminatingly, Iruka's groin is positioned just where Kakashi's tactical vest ends.
It is impossible for Kakashi to maintain an unyielding grip on Iruka; it is equally impossible for Iruka to remain still. It is therefore very natural for friction to occur - for Kakashi to feel the way Iruka's cock fills out against his shoulder as they ran, especially through the thin material of the yukata.
A healthy dose of desperation and his iron discipline stave off Kakashi’s own burgeoning arousal. Or so he hopes.
They stop in a suitable clearing. Tenzou creates a thick copse of trees with its trucks curving to form a hollow dome able to fit four at its base, while Kakashi and Yugao set up the perimeter traps and seals. Such is their routine, established by once a plan and now muscle memory; they reconvene in mere minutes.
"Senpai," Tenzou says. There's an undercurrent of concern in his voice.
The cause is clear: Kakashi has refused to set Iruka down even when they were a safe distance away from the village. Iruka is essentially little more than a deadweight at this very moment.
As if in reaction to Tenzou’s words, Iruka shudders again against his shoulder. Kakashi hastily sets him down, positioning him to face away from the others. 
Iruka deserves to have his modesty preserved, as much as Kakashi can provide, even if Iruka's yukata is presently drenched with sweat to the point of translucence. It sticks to him, almost as though it is a second skin. Leaving nothing to the imagination. The way he’ll shiver if Kakashi pushes it off him, shoulder by shoulder...
He tears his gaze away from Iruka and breathes out, harsh. It is only physical relief he can afford. 
"An aphrodisiac," he explains briskly, calling upon his lifetime’s worth of discipline, his experience in imparting information concisely. "I found him in a seals array, and tried to dispel the jutsu, erase the seals." 
Iruka's heavy breathing in a corner of the dome speaks volumes about the success of either attempt. 
Tenzou's eyes flick towards the other man, his face set in neutrality. "What did they do to him?”
"Nothing good if it involves an aphrodisiac," Yugao says darkly. 
"We'll get him back to Hokage-sama," he says, decisive. None of them are medics; he can only hope that the aphrodisiac would run its course. Or that they get to Tsunade before the symptoms can worsen. "Tenzou, you're on first. Yugao, third. We leave at dawn."
Tenzou nods, and darts upwards to perch within the trees he built. Yugao settles in a far corner of the dome. He doesn't miss the way she turns her back to him, giving him the privacy he wants to talk to Iruka; gratitude settles firmly in his gut.
He crouches again, this time a distance away. Iruka probably doesn’t want anyone to see him with his inhibitions lowered, Kakashi included.
“Iruka-sensei,” he murmurs. There’s the minutest of shifting - he takes it as acknowledgment. “I’ll get you back to Konoha. To your students - to Naruto. I promise.”
There’s the sound of an exhale, shaky and forced. 
“Kakashi-san,” the quiet rasp comes again. Kakashi holds himself still. “I have to go back.”
“We will,” he says hastily. “I promise you, sensei - “
“I have to go back.” Iruka’s breathing shudders again, and Kakashi yearns to reach out, to hold him. To comfort. But physical affection is the last thing Iruka needs right now. “But you can’t let me.”
Something cold drains into Kakashi’s body. 
“Sensei,” he says, almost choking on the possibility of his past, repeated. It would be cruel of fate to act so callously. The hoarseness of his voice makes it sound like he’s begging: “Iruka.”
Iruka only repeats, “You can’t."
The wards scream to life as their pursuers finally make their attack.
Something is wrong.
Maybe it’s the way the darkness of the night is supposed to cover their tracks, and the camouflage of Tenzou’s Mokuton-built fortress their presence. Maybe it’s how the pursuers stop far too easily, never giving chase even as they retreat. Maybe it’s how their team is getting run ragged into the dawn of the next morning, as they move camp again and again and again.
Three times. They’ve been attacked three times, within an hour of setting up camp. Had it been once, Kakashi would put it down to unluckiness; twice, coincidence. Three times make a pattern. 
Nagisa is tracking them. 
Kakashi considers chakra sensors - then discards the theory. All attacks so far have involved different shinobi. Sensory abilities are a highly valued skill; Nagisa would have gone the way of Uzushio if other countries realize the number of chakra-sensitive shinobi they’re putting out. 
Perhaps a physical tracker. But none of them has taken anything from the village, and the yukata draped on Iruka (on which Kakashi forced himself to perform the most perfunctory of inspections) is far too thin to hide any tracker sewn into its seams or sleeves. Iruka has been coherent enough to confirm that he had not been fed during his brief captivity.
That leaves only jutsu.
(There remains only one unknown factor in this entire scenario.)
He turns to Iruka - huddled again in a corner of the dome. The aphrodisiac has shown no sign of reducing in intensity throughout the night, raising a whole different set of medical concerns: dehydration and heatstroke, to name a few. More worryingly, Iruka has been incredibly reluctant to press forward, with all attempts at running being best described as faltering. When pressed, he would only shake his head.
(You can’t let me, and Kakashi can’t tell whether he’s remembering Iruka, or remembering Rin. You can’t.)
They had to resort to carrying him but therein arose another problem: Iruka would thrash wildly the very moment Tenzou or Yugao touched him. The only person he would remain still for, would allow to touch him, is Kakashi.
It sets something possessive and dark purring within him, even though he knows that it’s likely due to the jutsu. It also means that Kakashi is the only one who can carry him as they run, limiting his movement and defenses.
Still, the most pressing concern remains Nagisa’s recurring ability to find their camp. And if it’s truly jutsu, then there is one way for Kakashi to confirm: the Sharingan.
He raises his hand to pull off the headband, to direct his gaze towards Iruka… and then hesitates. The Sharingan burns memories into his mind, this he knows. He also knows how utterly mortifying it is to be vulnerable, to curl away from pitying eyes. 
If he looks at Iruka, he'll remember him like this, forever. Even though Iruka should be standing with his head held high, his ponytail tied back proper, confident and assured. All the things Kakashi respected him for. 
And he will be those things still, Kakashi tells himself, but only if Kakashi can get him back within the safe boundaries of Konoha. 
(As though you won't remember him like this when your hand is wrapped around your cock, something small and nasty whispers to him.)
Better traumatized than dead, Kakashi repeats and pulls the headband off. 
The strain sets in almost immediately. The sluggish swirl of the tomoes within the eye begins to quicken as it greedily absorbs any and all information it could perceive, the blurry haze of chakra settling into proper place as his vision comes into focus. 
Iruka's chakra levels are running low, with the occasion flicker and flare Kakashi expects from a loss in control. What alarms him is a thin cord of chakra running from Iruka's heart, through the gaps of Tenzou's Mokuton dome and out into the distance. 
There is little doubt that at the other end is Nagisa. 
The cord is cool when Kakashi reaches out to touch it, to run a finger down the line. He flicks at it, noting how the chakra is foreign from Iruka’s fiery own - and the ephemeral flash of inscriptions running across Iruka’s form.
"Senpai," Tenzou says hesitantly.
Ah, right. He must look quite peculiar, touching nothing midair. Actually, now that he notices - the cord seems to go right through Yugao's knee, with her none the wiser. 
"I think," Kakashi says in lieu of an answer, "we need to ask them some questions."
It takes a counter-ambush to capture a Nagisa-nin. It takes the Sharingan to get her to tell them what Nagisa did to Iruka. 
It takes a sick mind to come up with what they did. 
The tethering jutsu, Nagisa calls it. A fuuinjutsu, a forbidden technique: the sealing of foreign chakra into another person's body. As long as the source of chakra existed, Nagisa would be able to track Iruka wherever he went. 
Placing trackers on prisoners and marks is nothing new, least of all to Kakashi. While physical trackers like the Aburame's insects are far more common, infusing raw chakra into the body is not unheard of. Still, as most jutsu do, such methods have their limitations - in this case, weakening or dissipating entirely after a certain distance is gained. 
Nagisa's jutsu entrenches the chakra more firmly, the transfer of chakra augmented by emotional intensity and physical intimacy. 
In blunt terms: by sexual intercourse. 
(The aphrodisiac jutsu certainly makes that easier, Kakashi notes clinically.)
The tether also acts as a reel, one that constantly compels Iruka to return to the source of the chakra. Even though Kakashi killed the caster, apparently they were but a mere conduit for the source: the sands of the cavern, chakra-infused over the years. 
Loyalty to one is a danger to all, the Nagisa-nin murmurs under the swirling Sharingan. Better to bind to a place rather than a person.
There is little need to ask why such a jutsu is so necessary, not when it is clear how small Nagisa is compared to other hidden villages of similar status. The low birth and high mortality rates of shinobi lifestyles are problems Konoha chose to answer through a relatively open (for hidden villages) immigration policy. Nagisa merely circumvented the lengthy background and security checks through the forced conversion of foreign shinobi to bolster its own forces. 
After all, why invest in training when you could appropriate a trained shinobi? Why keep your best assets at home performing menial jobs and administrative tasks when you could send them out into the field?
A policy that makes sense on paper. A policy where someone looked at another villages’ shinobi and considered them resources instead of people. The results instead of the means.
(Even so, there’s a twisted part of Kakashi that is relieved - that it is but a tracker instead of a ticking bomb. That when he said ‘back’ he meant to Nagisa, and not to Konoha. That Iruka will not go the same way as Rin.)
Behind him, Tenzou’s chakra sharpens, glass-shard sharp and glinting. Kakashi wagers the idea of loyalty to one's village being ripped away so easily disturbs him. In direct contrast, Yugao’s chakra simmers, roiling bursts contained within a chilly veneer.
He turns back to the captive. “How do we break the jutsu,” he demands. “I interrupted the ritual - it shouldn’t have taken hold.”
A blank gaze. “There were other conduits attending to him,” she finally says, the hungry pull of the Sharingan drawing the information out of her. “A claim has already been made. An interruption is merely another."
Other conduits. How many of them had laid their hands on Iruka before he had gotten there? The very thought turns Kakashi's voice vicious; he snarls, again - “How do we break it?” 
“We must let go of him,” comes the placid reply. “Or there must be a stronger claim.”
Tenzou finds him outside of the dome. Kakashi is staring out into the distance, for the possibility of more ambushers, more pursuers, more lives to take - something he knows how to do better than solve this problem before them.
“Tenzou.” Kakashi doesn’t turn to look at him. “What are our chances of making it to Fire?”
He doubts they can even make it to Konoha. What an ingenious plan - instead of facing their opponents head-on, Nagisa merely tires them out until they are forced to give up from sheer exhaustion. He’d appreciate it when it isn’t done against him.
To his credit, Tenzou doesn’t soften his words. 
“Very low." Kakashi thought so. "Even with chakra pills, we’d be drained of chakra long before we reach the borders. And with that fever Iruka-sensei is running...”
He breathes out as Tenzou trails off, sifting through the various plans he has come up with. A single guard while the others slept would mean they'd have to carry that guard alongside Iruka. A decoy would be useless. And if any of them were caught and brought back to Nagisa…
“I won't abandon him.” The words tear themselves out of Kakashi’s throat, unbidden. Cutting losses, sacrifice - concepts they’re both familiar with. The choice to save three over a compromised one. 
But it means letting Iruka go back. Back where they can finish the ritual.
That isn't an option.
Tenzou nods slowly, his faith in Kakashi absolute. “I know."
Kakashi shakes his head sharply. Those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash - but this is more. More than camaraderie, more than loyalty. More than the guilt of allowing someone to be ripped away from their home, never to return, only to be part of a system that will never value their choice.
But to keep Iruka, to return him to Konoha...
It has to be Kakashi. The jutsu would not accept Tenzou, nor Yugao - it recognizes only Kakashi as a competing claim. If they were all to get away from Nagisa alive, then Kakashi would have to - 
He’d have to -
“I can’t,” he says, hoarse. 
"I know.” The answer jolts him out of the maelstrom of his doubts; he finally turns to look at Tenzou. His friend looks back at him, steady as the trees he built. "But you have to."
Duty calls. Kakashi closes his eyes. Tenzou is right, he has to -
"You have to ask him.” Kakashi’s eyes fly open. They meet Tenzou’s own, dark and piercing. "Ask him, senpai."
To ask Iruka - 
"He's out of his mind.” Kakashi's fist clenches, tight, almost as though lightning would build in his hands. As though he could punch his way through the chest of this problem. "He won't know what he's saying."
"Better he decides than you decide for him," Tenzou tells him bluntly.
Kakashi stares at Tenzou, searching his face for another solution, another possibility. As though there'll be another way to bring all of them out unscathed. But Tenzou remains unwavering in his conviction. Firm. 
"Go and ask him, senpai," he says again, not unkindly. 
Kakashi stands.
When he steps back into the dome, he finds only Iruka. Curled small and tucked away into a corner, the previously pristine yukata now creased and sweat-stained. His gaze remains vaguely vacant, staring into the distance, but his eyes flick weakly to Kakashi as he sits down in front of Iruka. 
How to even begin this conversation? Iruka-sensei, if you don't want to go back to Nagisa, you'll have to let me fuck you. 
Iruka-sensei, I don't want to rape you, but if I don't do it Nagisa probably will. Would you rather be raped by me or them?
Iruka-sensei, I'm sorry. 
(There is one more path, one where a kunai is put to Iruka's throat and pushed in deep. The one where Iruka becomes unreachable, untouchable - but remains wholly his own. 
Kakashi refuses to even think of suggesting it.)
Kakashi takes a deep breath, to say something - but Iruka's voice is the first to cut through the silence. 
"I'm sorry to put you in this position, Kakashi-san," he whispers. 
Kakashi should be apologizing, not Iruka. He should have done more reconnaissance before plucking Iruka right out of the ritual. He should have watched and waited - but fear had driven him more than caution had then. 
"Maa, sensei." He forces his voice lighter and smiles wanly through his mask. It was comforting then, their easy-going banter - he can't help but wonder if Iruka finds it comforting too. If he still does. "We've all had a tracker planted on us before. Yours is just a bit harder to get rid of."
He thinks he sees Iruka's twitch upwards, just the slightest bit - but that might just be wishful thinking. 
"You heard about how to break the jutsu." Iruka dips his head downwards, and Kakashi doesn't know whether it could be called mercy that he doesn't need to say it again. That he doesn’t need to say it aloud. 
It doesn't stop his throat from clogging up, to cement what comes next into words. Into reality. 
Ask, the echo of Tenzou's voice reminds him. 
"Iruka-sensei," he forces out. "I... What do you want?"
Iruka stares at him. Kakashi can see the heated glaze of his eyes, the damp sheen of his skin. What was he thinking, asking - but he can't make this decision for Iruka. Tenzou is right - and even if the choice is not much of a choice at all, Kakashi has to give Iruka anything that he can. 
God, he'd give Iruka everything that he can. 
"We can break the jutsu now," he continues. "Or - or, we can - "  - let you go back to Nagisa, except that choice isn't a choice at all, not one he could let Iruka take any more than he could let Iruka commit suicide. 
"We can wait until the borders," he says instead in a moment of great weakness. It comes out like a plea. "We'll just run all the way there. They wouldn't risk invading Fire -"
"The borders," Iruka murmurs. "The borders, they," - he cuts off with a shudder, before forcing out a strained, "three days away."
"We'll make it," Kakashi says, desperation dripping through the cracks in this terrible plan. 
Iruka lifts his head. Before he even says a word, Kakashi knows. 
"Kakashi-san is a very kind person," Iruka breathes out. "But I... one man isn't worth all this."
You are, Kakashi wants to say - you are, you are worth all the miles I ran after you, worth all the rain drenching my clothes and the sun beating down my back. Worth the burn in my muscles and the strain in my shoulders. 
But it’s not about Kakashi, not here, not now. 
“I’ll be fine,” Iruka is saying. He’s even smiling - a weak, reassuring smile, as though Kakashi is one of his students needing reassurance for a skinned knee, or from a violent storm. “I can take a few weeks more of captivity. I promise.”
Like how Kakashi promised him a few hours ago. “I promised that you’d return to Konoha, sensei. Would you have me break that promise too?"
“If it means keeping everyone safe,” Iruka answers. “Yes.”
All of them, duty-bound. Martyrs and fools. If this is Iruka’s choice, Kakashi has to respect it - but…
“You know what will happen,” he says. A nod. “You know you might not see Konoha ever again.” If Nagisa decides Iruka is valuable enough, they would increase the security and begin negotiations with Konoha - rescue would be immensely difficult. Yet, still, another nod. “Then why?”
“Like I said,” Iruka says, softly. “I don't want to put you in this position. You shouldn't have to do this."
"I shouldn't have to," Kakashi repeats, uncomprehending.
“I couldn’t…” Another tremor sweeps over Iruka. The sight of Iruka’s throat working around the words, the shift of his Adam’s apple under the skin - it catches Kakashi’s eye and keeps him there. Keeps him wondering how it would taste, if he puts his tongue to it. “I couldn’t be so selfish.”
Selfish, he says. No, Kakashi knows what selfishness is: the urge to tear off the arms off any ninja that would attempt to bind Iruka to their cause. The depths of Kakashi’s want, to be the only person Iruka should ever tether himself to. The hollow grief at the thought of an Iruka-shaped absence in the part of Konoha Kakashi considers his, even though he would be alive in Nagisa.
This is also selfishness: the absolute dread at the idea of Iruka never wanting to see Kakashi again for as long as he is alive.  
"It would be selfish of us to leave Naruto worried,” Kakashi says instead. He avoids saying ‘you’, an effort to soften the blow - an effort in vain from the twitch that would have otherwise been a flinch. “Your students. Your colleagues. Friends.” 
“They’ll understand.” They won’t. No one possibly could, least of all Kakashi. “They’ll carry on.” 
Iruka looks at him - soft and resigned. Final. “You’d look after Naruto for me, won’t you?”
In any other situation, that is a promise he can make easily. In this situation, it is a promise he is not yet willing to give. 
“You’d go back to Nagisa just to spare me.” Kakashi says quietly, confirming.
Iruka nods again, exhaustion getting the better of him.  "And that's the only reason." Another nod, slow and languid. "I see."
"Thank you," Iruka says. His weak but sincere smile rends Kakashi apart - and the wretched part of it all is the gratitude. That he would be left to the wolves just to spare Kakashi. 
And in that very moment, Kakashi knows what he is willing to lose.
"You're wrong about one thing, sensei," he says. There is a flicker of confusion in Iruka's eyes as Kakashi holds them with his own. They widen when he pulls off his headband yet again so that they might better see the strands of chakra tethering Iruka; further still as he pulls down his mask. "I'm not kind at all."
He reaches out to curl a hand around Iruka's nape, pulling him close - close enough for Kakashi to press his lips to Iruka's own.
"I'm very, very selfish," he confesses into the space between their mouths, and begins to stake his claim.
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nagatsukinura119 · 5 years
Day 2 at Japan Expo Malaysia (27 July 2019) Part 2
Time for the climax of this trip, and the reason why I was here. Fun fact: N and I were prepared for this concert, in which I wore my customized red and white YuuNaa shirt and made some for N as well. Since we didn’t have any towels to twirl around, we decided to use the shirts to get Naachan’s attention. N and I stayed at our spot for around 4 hours, since KiREI’s performance was 11.30 while AKB48’s was at 3.30 pm. Trust me, we had like one of the best spots! Until as time came closer, more people rounded at our area too, including this one girl who just casually sat on the floor in front of the railing barrier, to which I stared at her and was like “WTF man!” At 2.30 the venue was overcrowded and there was no way to turn around for both me and N. It got even worse when the audience in the middle were told to make an empty way towards the stage. That’s when I KNEW that they were going to enter the stage all the way from the main entrance of the building, unlike all the other performers so far. This just shows how much of a different level AKB48 is.
3.30 hit and we could see all the way from the bottom to the top of the stairs where the members were coming from. They walked down to the middle area of the stairs where they posed and cue the symbolic, “1, 2, 3 4!” and Heavy Rotation started, and echoes for the song blared throughout the venue. It was SO OVERWHELMING! One cannot just stand there, without singing along with the members. As they were singing they walked down the stairs, passing through the audience, and finally reaching the stage. And, seriously, this was just amazing and unbelievable because Naachan’s standing point was MINE AND N’S CORNER (we screamed our heads out for Naachan). Here’s the thing; I AM SMOL AND SHORT. And having this stature is a curse for an AKB concert, especially because the security in front of you were tall, and ALSO WHEN THE FANS AROUND US STARTED TO BREAK THROUGH THE BARRIER AND BLOCKED OUR VIEW! Like legit, even I had to go over the barrier in order not to trip because the people behind us were pushing. Being small was really hard since I had to stretch my arm all the way up to get pictures and videos. I also honestly felt bad for the staff in front of me who was acting as part of the security. She clearly had to cover her ears from the screaming, especially from me since I was right behind her.
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I’ll be honest that; throughout the whole concert and activity, everything felt like a rollercoaster, the adrenaline rush, the overwhelming excitement, the screaming and all that, I couldn’t really put in details what was going on, except that I sang along with most of the songs. After Heavy Rotation, they sang Kibouteki Refrain, then Sukinanda, then Iiwake Maybe and lastly Koisuru Fortune Cookie. And let me just say; after each song, the hype increased much more! I really wanted to dance along to their performance too but with a space of a bug between the audience, that was impossible except for hand movements (to which I did). When we came to the introduction and of course every member got huge cheers, BUT when it was Naachan’s turn it was as if a goddess appeared and all the worshippers started shouting (myself included lololol). Now here’s the thing, I came here not just for Naachan, but all the other members too, albeit I’m not that familiar with Okabe Rin (Rinrin), heck I wanted and needed to scream all their names, I wanted all of them feel appreciated for coming here.
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After Iiwake Maybe, it was time for the special event for the lucky people who followed the expo’s Facebook account. Their names were randomly selected, and they got towels that were signed by all six members, and was given directly from the members. Nagi gave the first towel, then Megu, then Rinrin, then Yuiyui, then Mion and lastly Naachan. The lucky winners were also given chances to take pictures with the member who gave the towels to them. While five members kept their safe distance by merely passing the towels, Naachan took a step further to wrap the towel around the guy’s neck. I liked the fact that Aki (one of the hosts) mentioned that he was not gonna go home safely, because that was partially true, because I WOULD MURDER FOR THAT TOWEL.
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Lastly during Koisuru, they taught us the onigiri move. All of them taught the manoeuvre, but Naachan was most enthusiastic demonstrating to us. In fact, Naachan seemed like she was having the most fun and excited, no wonder she grabbed so much attention from visitors who did not know anything about AKB48. I’m not saying the other members were not good, because Megu definitely had grabbed a lot of attention to her with her goddess-level of fanservices. But Naachan was just THAT good at grabbing attention. SASUGA MY OSHIMEN. After Koisuru’s performance, the huge selfie came for which N and I were not part of cuz we were far away *cries*. So they said their thanks and left at the back door. N and I rushed our way to the back as well and the moment we got out of the door their van sped of lolol.
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Since I thought there might be a lot of people going to the airport to send them off I said we should leave the venue immediately, but N thought otherwise, but we didn’t want to really risk it, so we left as fast as we could to the airport, knowing they should be arriving the latest at 6.55 to catch their flight to Thailand, and when they were done it was already 4.15, and the duration to the airport could take an hour. When we reached the airport around 5.30, surprise, surprise there wasn’t much fans there (only the two of us and 2 Japanese fans). So we waited for an hour (thanks for the mango smoothie N) then the members entered the airport with so little security (I was gonna try to reach to Naachan who was on another side of their line to give my hat, but their bodyguard was like “NO PHOTO” so we were like “oh ok” and just stood there smiling and waving at them. Naachan was kind of blocked by Mion (they were walking together) and a bit preoccupied so I started waving vigorously at Yuiyui and called for her with the most respectable volume I could muster in an airport lol, she turned to me! Then Megu, Rinrin and Nagi started to wave at us too. Me and N said “mata kite nee~” (come back again) and both Mion and Naachan responded to us, waving at us and MADE EYE CONTACT and said “mata nee~” I. DIED. FINALLY WE WERE ABLE TO DIRECTLY COMMUNICATE WITH THEM.
We literally walked behind them as they were walking towards the security gate and while they were lining up, once again Megu and Rinrin waved at us. BY GOD, MEGU GAVE THE BEST FANSERVICE BY GIVING ALL SORTS OF HAND SIGNALS AT US EVERYTIME SHE INTERACTED WITH US. Then they went down the escalator while me and N (and other fans who have showed up) looked at them from the upper floor but we restrained ourselves from taking pictures unless the managers weren’t looking. (Since it was illegal to take pictures at the immigration area, I cannot share the pictures that I secretly took). I was being a super creepy stalker by literally running towards where Naachan was standing, directly below me (sumimasen). So while we tried to sneakily take pictures of them from above, N and I realized that Nagisa seemed like she was a bit down, and we assumed that she may be tired, or she may be a bit sad that she wasn’t as highly anticipated in the event (which was not true!). When we paused from taking pictures we just stared at them and waved at them when they looked up at us fans (me and N were standing separately from the other fans). Megu, Rinrin, Nagisa, Mion and Yuiyui responded to my waving (Naachan didn’t look up much, but when she did, she looked at different directions *cries again*)
We kept following them until they passed through the scanning process and entered the terminal and before they reached there, we waited for them after they passed through the security and took some videos. Again! The members waved and gave hand signals to us (N got the best signal from Naachan which was a wave and a heart finger, to which caused her to jump around after finishing filming it hahahahaha). So that was it, that was my whole first experience with AKB48.
Honestly, the experience in the airport was much more overwhelming than the concert, mainly because it wasn’t crowded so we could enjoy looking at the members without having the need to fight or shout and it was peaceful. Not to mention the members’ interactions with you were more direct and personal, which was difficult to get during the hectic concert. While looking at them as they were lining up at the immigration, I was so overwhelmed with a mixture of emotions; happiness, satisfaction and a bit of sadness as well. You see, I’m an emotionally sensitive person and I cry when I get overwhelmed emotionally. I cried so hard when I was just looking at each one of the members, because I thought like “Well I’ve finally got to see them in real life, which is something I’ve never really dreamed of being able to do. Now what? What am I supposed to do?” I don’t know why, but for some reason I was feeling like that was probably the only and last time I’d ever see them in real life, and that this was goodbye. I bit my tongue and pushed those thoughts so many times in order not to show tears, but man those feelings and emotions were so strong. In fact, there was one point when Megu was waving at me while I was crying and I had to hide my face with my arm on the railing. I had to keep telling myself that I was lucky that I got to experience this while many others couldn’t experience it, especially when it was a free concert! So I was really grateful with the experience to so many people; my parents for allowing and accompanying me to Malaysia, N for being a good friend and company who drove me to and from the airport, the people who organized Japan Expo Malaysia event, and most importantly the AKB48 members who came and entertained, and filled our hearts with happiness through their smiles, their interactions and their energy.
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SIDE NOTE: When I said I cried, I meant I REALLY cried. N can vouch for it lololol.
Part 1 is here! To be continued in Day 3!
Bonus picture:
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(The closest picture I took that Naachan may have looked at me. Curse me for my short stature, cursed phone camera and dead camera lmaoooo)
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Single Dad Support Group AU
Okay so, I know I’ve been gone and I haven't been posting and that’s due mainly to not really knowing what to write for a lot of requests or not being in the best place mentally (I’m working on it! Don’t worry!) or kinda worrying that what I’m writing isn’t good enough. And I don’t even know if you guys know that I write for Free! Iwatobai Swim Club. But this ideas been stuck in my head for a while and I just gotta get it out there. So without further adue, I present the Single Dad Support Group Au. 
Okay so it was Gou’s idea to start the group, mainly because her brother’s a mess and has no idea what he’s doing and the others aren’t any better
They make Makoto the head of the group because he’s the one who seems to know what he’s doing the most
This AU includes the boys form the movies but not the third season, I haven’t seen it yet
Makoto, Haru, Nagisa, and Rin are all still friends from swim club and thats how they all joined the club. Rei lives in the same building as Nagisa so he got dragged in that way. Ai and Sousuke joined because of Rin. Kisumi joined because Makoto invited him and he brought along Asahi who in turn brought Ikuya... eventually.
Makoto has twins, two beautiful little girls both 10 years old. One called Aiko and the other called Hina. While both look almost completely identical to each other, Aiko has Makoto’s eyes where as Hina has their mothers, a beautiful deep brown.
The twins mother dyed in a house fire when the girls were 3 years old, while the three have mainly moved on there is still a lot of grief over what happened
Makoto works at a childcare centre, it works with the girls schedules since they have school and then head off to their respective clubs before all meeting again to head home. Everything is relatively close by. Makoto takes the weekends off so he can spend time with them and so he can attend the fathers support group
On the topic of clubs, lets talk about the girls for a second
Aiko is the shyer of the two. She’s younger by a couple of minutes and is more artistic than her sister. She’s apart of her schools art club and is actually rather talented. She prefers to wear shorts and teeshirts along with sneakers because they’re more comfortable and if the school has a uniform she’d much rather wear the boys, mainly because it’s comfortable and that way she doesn’t need to worry as much about getting paint on her. It unfortunately gets all over her clothes and Makoto has to spend every night cleaning it out
Hina is the sportier of the two. She’s a member of her schools soccer club. She’s also the one who gets in the most fights. She’s not one to sit idly by when someone’s being picked on, unfortunately this ends with her fists most of the time. Hina prefers to wear dresses and skirts when she's not playing sport. She’s also very interested in things like makeup and design, but doesn’t really have a talent for it. Her clothes often end up covered in mud if she’s playing sport or not. Makoto ends up with a lot of washing
Makoto is the member of the group who looks like he’s got his shit together. He somehow manages to make enough money to care for all of them, have time to attend all the important life events and club things, have a loving and close relationship with his daughters, and still somehow make time to cook and clean for not only his family but Haru’s as well
When the girls were younger Makoto used to jog with them in a stroller. Let’s just say he was pretty popular with the ladies and still is
But it’ll take someone very special to distract him from his girls
Haru’s a mess
He loves his daughter, Nami, he really does. But sometimes he can hardly take care of himself
Haru is a divorced father. He actually got married but started questioning his sexuality shortly after, and realised he was gay when Nami was 1. The divorce wasn’t messy, his ex wife understood that sometimes it takes a long time to work things like sexuality out and she doesn’t hold it against him. They have joint custody of Nami but she stays with Haru most of the time since her mother travels a lot for work, she does send gifts though
Nami is currently 8 and is the spitting image of her father, just a girl. She’s also quite like him as well. Both share a love for swimming and the water and both are quite socially awkward. Naimi doesn’t have too many friends outside of the other kids in the help group, Makoto get’s worried about her sometimes. But Haru isn’t. Nami may be shy and socially awkward but she’s not weak. She’s just like water. Gentle yet strong.
Haru works as a swimming instructor at the local pool. He could have gone pro as a swimmer, and almost did, but wanted to focus on raising his daughter instead.
Haru spends most of his off time at Makoto’s house, as a result the three girls are very close and I pity anyone who picks on Nami because they will catch Hina’s hands
Nami know’s somethings probably up between her dad and Makoto but she doesn’t ask. She loves him now and if anything happens with Makoto she’ll love him then, she’ll just gain two sisters out of it
You know who else is a mess? Nagisa
Nagisa had a similar situation it Haru where he realised he wasn’t straight. While he wasn’t gay he wasn’t attracted to the woman he was with anymore. The two weren’t married but the custody fight was hard. His ex moved across the country after the split and took their son and daughter with her. He had to fight to be able to see them and the two eventually agreed that during holidays they would be with Nagisa and during school they’d stay with their mother.
Nagisa has a son and a daughter, the son being the younger of the two at 9 and his daughter being 10. His son is called Kaede and his daughter is called Mami. Kaede is the more mellow of the two, Mami having inherited her fathers joy for life. Kaede is rather quite and scared of people at first but quickly warms up to them, especially if his sister is there to show that they aren’t a thread and are nice. He’s a sweet boy with a huge sweet tooth who looks just like their father. Mami on the other hand is loud and bubbly and makes friends everywhere she goes. She’s a giant ball of sunshine who spreads smiles and happiness everywhere. She has her fathers eyes but long, straight brown hair.
Nagisa kind of act like a child, even with kids. He’s a young spirit who will play games with the two endlessly and let them win just to see them smile. He takes them out for ice cream and cannot say no to them ever
Nagisa works with Makoto at the childcare centre but also works nights at his local diner, he wants to be able to pamper his kids when they’re with him and while they aren't. He sends gifts all the time and often pays more child support than he needs too.
Nagisa is also pretty active on the dating scene. While he doesn’t go on dates when his kids are in town, he’ll often be seen at speed dating nights when they aren’t around and is one of the few in the group who still goes out drinking and clubbing. Gotta live while you’re young, after all
Okay, so Rei ended up with a son because he accidentally got this girl pregnant and she didn’t want the child so Rei offered to take full custody of the child, who is currently only 2
He works a desk job and his son is enrolled at the daycare that Makoto and Nagisa work at
His son is called Michi and is a very inquisitive toddler. He seems to be at the stage of life where he will grab anything and everything and put it in his mouth. He will get anywhere he wants whether he has to crawl, walk, climd, or jump and has ended up in places that have given Rei a heart attack. Other than having a knack for getting himself in a tight spot Michi is a good natured boy who bares a striking resemblance to his father, we may have a mini me here
Rei is the kind of dad who really needs a break. He works all day and them picks up Michi and takes care of him all night. He’s a great father, don’t get me wrong, but boy is tired and his boss works him way to hard
Rei and Nagisa are relatively close. Nagisa has hit on him a few times but Rei hasn’t reciprocated which lead Nagisa to believe he wasn’t into men. However, when Nagisa had one of his female friends over and they hit on Rei he didn't respond either. Nagisa isn’t sure what Rei is looking for and kind of wants to take him to speed dating just to see what happens. Rei refuses, claiming he doesn’t have time for such things.
In what little time Rei does have to himself he reads and does quiet things... or he just naps. God knows he needs it.
I give you the epitome of a child who is just like you
Rin’s son, Nobu who is 9, is literally the spitting image of his father and has the same loud and competitive personality. Nobu love swimming and thinks of his father as his idol, since Rin is a professional swimmer. Nodu values his friends a lot, of which he has many. Nobu is the type of child that the other children swarm too. He’s a natural born leader and an all around good kid. He’s just like his dad
Rin has shared custody of his son with his ex girlfriend. The two were long term until she cheated on him while he was away for a competition. Rin didn’t want to make a big deal out of it in front of Nobu but it’s a cold relationship now, they don’t talk much outside of their son. They’re civil about everything. Rin vents to Souske about it every week
As mentioned before, Rin is a professional athlete now. Not much to say about it other than he’s good at what he does and his son idolises him a little
Rin’s a great fucking dad. While he’s a little bit of a mess in terms of forgetting playdates and some important school events he’s very loving to his son and if his son asked him to show up somewhere right that moment he’d drop everything and rush to whatever event he missed or play whatever game he wanted. Rin also takes Nobu on the best holidays, his mother needs to keep up because last golden week they went to Hawaii and had the best time ever
Rin taught is son personally how to swim, the only other person he’d trust to teach his swimming prodigy of a son his Haru
Speaking of Haru let’s talk about how their kids get along
Nobu has a giant crush on Nami and Hina is not pleased. While Hina doesn’t necessarily dislike Nobu but she also has a crush on Nami and thinks Nobu is too loud for the quite girl. Akio has no opinion on the matter, she sees Nami as a little sister anyway
Sometimes Rin has Got babysit for him and Nobu loves her a lot, they’re very close and You spoils him
He’s wrapped around his daughter finger
She could ask him for anything and she’d get it no questions asked
She’s adorable really. 7 year old little girl. Bright blue eyes, dark hair, often seen in white. But she also knows that she can have whatever she wants from her father so she can be a brat at times
Sousuke’s relationship with his ex wife is messy. When they first divorced she took custody of their daughter, Suzu. His ex, however, was not a suitable mother, not by far. He took her to court over custody almost immediately and it was really messy, there were tears and lies everywhere. But at the end of the day he walked away with custody and Suzu was away from a mother who couldn’t/wouldn’t take care of her
Sousuke works as a physical therapist, having experienced an injury in his younger years he didn’t handle properly he now tries to make sure young people don’t do the dumb shit he did
Sousuke takes Suzu out a lot. He thinks her getting enough fresh air and sunlight is really important. Even when she was a baby he used to take her out on jogs with him, he’d have this little baby strapped to his chest while he ran. Now he mainly takes her to the park or out on bike rides. They’re a very active pair. 
Sousuke sometimes goes out on dates but its rare. On the odd occasion he does he’ll have Rin or You babysit for him. Suzu love them both like family and they all get along swimmingly. 
So Aiichirou is a shy baby. Accept when it comes to his daughter. If anyone fucks with his daughter he will fuck you up.
He has fought the principle of the school before. Boy was yelling. He might have thrown a stapler at the ground. He’s not proud but it did get things done
His daughter, Yuuka, is 11 years old and has blonde hair and blue eyes. She’s quiet and shy and doesn’t fit in. She’s often bullied by people, which is why Ai fought the principle because he wasn’t doing shit. She has a flair for artistic design, when she’s older she might go into architecture. She’s smaller than most children her age and it’s something she’s insecure about. She has a lot of insecurities. I want to hug her.
Ai works at a bookstore and restaurant while studying chemistry at an online university. 
The duo spend a lot of time watching movies together and playing video games. They also go sight seeing a lot, Yuuka likes architecture and has her own little camera she uses all the time
Nittori actually adopted his daughter. She was his sisters child who is no longer with them and after Yuuka’s father died in a car crash Nittori took the girl in and legally adopted her
Nittori is one of the few who has some idea of what he’s doing with raising a child. He's capable of taking care of her, makes sure she attends school on time, does her homework, works nights but makes sure she has diner in the fridge when he does. Makes sure she has plenty to read and expand her mind
Kisumi is raising both his child and his brother. His child is a son, not five months old. The child’s mother had complications during the birth and didn’t make it. Kisumi is still very much filled with grief from this event but he’s preoccupied with raising young Yuuma.
Kisumi works from home, running an online store and runs a successful photography page online. He's very aware of online presence and is an influencer himself. Any pictures that are of his son, which are few, get the most traction. Yuuma’s a cute baby. Soft pink hair, soft green eyes, very pale. He’s adorable
Hayato is in his last year of high school at this point and loves his nephew so damn much. He helps take care of him when Kisumi has to go out and loves it so much.
Hayato may or may not be very popular with people because of this
So many people want to date him man
People just like people who are good with kids
Kisumi is also very popular because he’s good with kids, not just his own. Even before Yuuma, Kisumi knew he wanted to be a father, he loves kids
They’re a very loving family
Haru is not pleased that he’s in the group but what you gonna do?
Okay we have another mess
Sometimes it’s his daughter taking care of him
Asahi what are you doing, get your shit together
He works in a cafe and restaurant 
His daughter is called Izumi and has bright red hair, just like her father, and soft brown eyes. She’s almost her fathers opposite. Where her father is loud and a giant mess she’s calm and somehow seems to know what she’s doing. She’s so mature for her age, she’s only 10. 
Her mother died in a car crash when she was young, Asahi’s doing what he can to help but he can barely take care of himself
Someone help him, he’s trying he really is
The last to join the group, Ikuya has a 10 year old daughter who is shy and socially awkward and he would do anything for her. Her name is Hibiki
Hibiki has long black hair and red eyes. She loves swimming and her dad is her favourite person. Her mothers never really been in the picture but neither are really worried about it, they have each other and that’s what matters to them
She meets Nami before she meets the other children. The two met at a swimming lesson and hit it off almost instantly, the two are so similar and both fathers are glad their daughters have friends
Ikuya is a journalist (IDK I just feel like it fits him..) and is actually pretty popular
He and Hibiki often go on swimming weekends where they’ll go on a trip somewhere they can just swim and talk. She tells him everything, they have no secrets, she trusts him with everything
Surprisingly Ikuya is also very open with her about his feelings. Not to the point where its too much for someone her age but if he’s not having the best day or has met someone he might be interested in he’ll let her know
They are each others most important person and if Ikuya is interested in someone she has to approve of them before anything happens
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mishamoonberry · 7 years
I forgot to put her general info in the first chapter, so here’s some info about Shiori:
Kotonoha Shiori / 12 years old / 164 cm / Pisces / Birthdate 25th of February / INFP / Hufflepuff
Kotonoha: Word / Poem
Shiori: Poem / Weave
Likes: fried rice, ramen, sweets, anime, action movies, writing and reading
Dislikes: sushi (she can’t stomach it), horror movies, mean people, being forced to do something she doesn’t want to do
She has straight shoulder-length black hair with parts of it on both sides of her head braided up and tied at the back. She has sharp brown eyes. I imagine her to have similar voice as Owari no Seraph’s Shinoa.
Kunugigaoka is as fast-paced as she expects it to be.
Some teachers are way too focused on giving as many lessons as they can and it pisses her off sometimes that they don’t seem to care that some of the students are having a hard time catching up, but she manages, because she’s a cheater, but the point stands that she manages.
In class 1-A, she is once again pitted with Asano, and she is quite glad, because the presence of a familiar face is enough to make her rather happy. Although he has taken into the lessons with more vigor than before—perhaps because of the fast-paced studies—they manage to go out and talk leisurely like among friends, even though he does keep on talking on how he’s going to be at the top rank again this year, defeating her, while smiling all the while. She can’t really keep up with his super competitive nature sometimes, but she smiles back at him and nods at the challenge.
There are other students in her class that she finds herself able to gravitate to, like Nakamura Rio, a happy-go-lucky blond who has quite a wicked sense of humor. She’s excellent when it comes to English, and Shiori does her best to help the blond girl with other subjects, although she has a suspicion that Nakamura doesn’t really give her all in her studies.
Another is Akabane Karma, who seems to be laidback, but has the brains of a top notch student. He skips a lot, though, and she feels like it will start on affecting his grades. It’s not her business, however, so she butts out of trying to scold him or something similar. She doesn’t speak much to him anyway, perhaps because in this kind of age, boys and girls don’t really hang out with each other a lot, unless they’re interested with each other. But in the times when they’re paired together for projects, he doesn’t ditch her for it and does his fair share, so she thinks he’s an OK.
There’s also Shiota Nagisa, a boy with light blue long hair that is actually very soft to touch. He’s pretty timid sometimes, and she doesn’t hang around him too much, but she gets to know him through Akabane, who seems to have the same interest as Nagisa and her when it comes to superhero movies.
As she continues her days in Kunugigaoka, Shiori has to wonder, since when has her life became only consisting of studies? True, the lessons keep her up and about most days, especially with the homework, tests and projects going on as well as club activities but—
Grades aren’t everything.
Other students are busy with tuition, with extra lessons and studies here and there, mostly they only want to go out with her when she offers a group study, but other times they only can spend at most two or three hours a day to hang out and play, sans club activities.
In Kunugigaoka, grades are everything.
(If not, you’ll become trash).
Shiori wonders if this is really what she wants in a school.
She wonders if this is how she really wants to spend her next three years like.
Luckily enough, Nakamura seems to be the type who also likes to hang out for fun. Shiori does make it an effort to remind the blond repeatedly to try hard with other subjects, but for teens her age, even for Shiori herself, the teacher figure plays a huge part in whether a student can be receptive and motivated toward the lessons or not.
And dare she say it; some teachers in Kunugigaoka are dicks.
Perhaps that’s why many students take effort to have tuitions, because the teachers within Kunugigaoka don’t really help much, even with supplementary lessons and hours they give for students to ask more questions, and in a school where grades are everything, they need to put in extra effort so they don’t fail. Therefore, tuitions happen.
“I’ll probably end up in class B or C next year,” Nakamura sighs softly, pushing a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. In front of her, Shiori leisurely eats her own matcha ice cream, furrowing her eyebrows.
In Kunugigaoka, class placements use students’ ranks, instead of the usual abstract placement some other schools seem to have. If you manage to get into Class A, that means you’re at the top of the top, Class B is right under it, and Class C right under B, and so on and so forth.
And then, there’s a class only reserved for third years who can’t keep up with the other classes: Class 3-E.
She’s seen them around in School Assembly sometimes, standing in line at the very corner and often times mocked by the Vice Principal or even the Student Council. She can’t really say that she agrees with it. True, they cannot keep up, and this kind of mocking happens once in awhile, but the loud laughter that follows around the student body isn’t exactly necessary.
Sometimes, she thinks of skipping assemblies like Akabane does, just to avoid this bout of public humiliation, but then not only she’ll get some sort of punishment from the school, Asano will probably start scolding her. Something along the lines of, I can’t have my rival slacking off or something. Luckily, while Asano does smile mockingly, he’s not one of the people who laugh his ass off at the public humiliation. She doesn’t think she can see Asano in a good light anymore if he does.
Giving Nakamura a small smile, she waves her spoon in front of the blond’s face playfully. “That’s why I told you to start studying a little bit.”
“But it’s soooo booooring!” Nakamura whines, kicking Shiori’s legs under the table. Shiori replies in kind right after. “I’d rather play games or read comic books, you know? You know?”
Shiori rolls her eyes, a fond smile on her lips. “Just study enough so you’ll manage to get by,” she says, “I’m sure you can divide your play time with some study hours, Nakamura-san.”
“Shioriiii, how many times must I say it? Call me Rio. Ri-o. Honestly!” She tuts, “you’re one of the only fun classmates I have and yet you’re so stuck up!”
Shiori gasps in mock horror, a hand on her chest, “Stuck up? How dare! I’ll tell you that I’m one of the most fun people out there!”
“Oh yeah?” Nakamura challenges, “How can you be so sure you’re a fun person?”
“I play games with you,” she says, “I watch movies with you,” and then she pauses, not really knowing what to say, “….and I watch Evangelion?”
Nakamura chortles, clutching her stomach as she does so. “Your standard for fun is a bit skewed, Shiori!” She wipes a tear from her eye, “you’re such a nerd.”
“Wha—“ A blush decorates her cheeks, and Shiori almost yells, “there’s nothing wrong with liking anime! I love superhero movies too!”
“I didn’t say that it’s wrong,” Nakamura waves her hand, grinning, “but for someone who hangs around with Asano Gakushuu, nobody will really expect you to be into stuffs like these.”
Shiori can’t help but frown, “but that’s stupid,” she says, taking another spoonful of her ice cream, “everyone has things they like; grades cannot determine whether they’re into something or not, you know. You can be a model student but also a very fun person, there’s nothing that should stop you from doing so.”
For awhile, Nakamura is silent, staring at her with slightly wide eyes before she breaks into a smile, somehow looking a little bit self-deprecating.
“See,” Nakamura mutters, “this is why I like you, Shiori.”
Shiori blinks, the spoon still inside her mouth. “Wha?”
But the blond simply shakes her head. “Mm, it’s nothing.”
She sees how sometimes, the teachers and top students will start mocking the 3-E students in a bout of public humiliation, and will frown at it.
She sees how sometimes, words of fear will pass among the students who fail at a subject, saying how they don’t wish to be moved to class E by the time they get into third year.
She sees how sometimes that fear motivates students to try harder, to do better.
She sees how other times that fear simply makes some students get even more pessimistic and afraid, which ends with them failing more and more often.
She doesn’t know if she likes it, this system.
It has its merit, of course—she sees how it makes students aim for the top, makes students more diligent and motivated in studying—but there’s a feeling in her chest that tells her that it doesn’t have to be like this, that it shouldn’t be like this.
She wonders how her upperclassmen in 3-E manage to continue on, how they’re holding up.
Because surely, to be constantly under this pressure, this discrimination, it can’t be healthy.
There are, after all, different types of people, and as someone who will probably break down under too much pressure, she sympathizes.
There’s bound to be 3-E students who are unable to climb back up to the top, who are unable to make themselves motivated.
It’s just one year, she thinks, after a year, they will be free from this and gets a new start in another high school.
She has faith her upperclassmen can hold out. And besides, she has never heard of an extreme breakdown coming from previous 3-E students, who had graduated and yodeled away from Kunugigaoka.
Therefore, she stays silent.
(And then, one day, she doesn’t).
Review please! Tell me what you think!
Next chapter: Second year
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donamoeba · 8 years
[ENG Translation] Free! Eternal Summer - Another Story Bubbling of the Starry Sky (based on the Makoharu Mook Drama)
Audio link from Tsunamayo at soundcloud (thank you for sharing!!)
Makoto: I'm home~ Phew, we had so many emergency call outs today.. I’m so tired... there are so many fire accidents lately. Ooh! I've got black soot all over me! *strips* Well then, time for a bath...
Makoto: Phew...
Haruka: What's up.
Makoto: HUUUUH!? Who are you!? Why are you using the bathtub in my house!? More importantly, how did you get in!?
Haruka: Shut up…
Makoto: EEEEH!! You have a tail! A mer… merman!?
Narration: Free! Eternal Summer - Another Story
Narration: Bubbling of the Starry Sky!
Tumblr media
Haruka: I’m not a merman. I was born between a fish and a human.
Makoto: So like… a half-fish man?
Haruka: Yeah.
Makoto: Is that even possible? But, you do have a tail... eeh, so, um, how did you managed to get here? I mean, you couldn't have walked here, with that tail...
Haruka: I do have legs…
Makoto: You're kidding!
Haruka: If you don't believe me, I'll show you. Once all the bath water is drained, you'll get what I mean.
*gurgle gurgle*
Makoto: Eh? Wait, if you do that, wouldn’t you dry up? Will you be okay!?
Haruka: Shut up. Just watch, and you'll understand.
Makoto: Woah! You really do have legs! Even though they were a tail before...
Haruka: as long as I’m not touching water, I can take the form of a human.
Makoto: So, so you really are a half-fish man!?
Haruka: *sigh* That’s what I’ve been saying the whole time.
*ding dong*
Makoto: Who could it be, in the middle of the night…? Ah, stay here for now and don't move.
*ding dong*
Haruka: Shouldn’t you hurry and answer the door?
Makoto: Aaah, oh fine. Just make sure you don’t come out, okay?
*ding dong*
Makoto: Yes! Just a moment! I’m opening the door now!
Rin: Hey, I have a few questions for you.
Makoto: Huh!? The police?
Rin: Your pronunciation is all wrong! It's POLICE.
Makoto: Eeeh!? What's with this guy?
Rin: Anyway. Hey, did a suspicious man escape into this house?
Makoto: ! N-no, I didn't see anyone...
Rin: Are you sure? Why do you keep sneaking glances at the bathroom then? Something's up.
Makoto: Ah…um, I, I was about to take a bath, so… hahaha, I think my bathtub is almost full. Now if you will excuse me then!
Rin: Hey, wait! HEY!
Makoto: The police was here!  Please don’t tell me they were chasing after you!?
Haruka: Yeah.
Makoto: Don’t just say “yeah”!
Haruka: I was soaking at the park’s water fountain when I was spotted by a police who walked past, it looked like trouble so I escaped.
Makoto: Then the police just now must be the one who saw you!  he's chasing after you… but anyway, why were you in the fountain?
Haruka: *dreamy* When you see water, don't you just want to get in it?
Makoto: Is that your natural instinct as a half-fish?  Is that why you’re in my bathtub?
Haruka: While I was running away, I looked into your bathroom window and saw a nice bathtub, and before I realized, I was in it.
Makoto: Before you realized... *sigh* under normal circumstances, I would’ve called the cops on you... but anyway, please change into some clothes. I think the police has left by now, so it’s probably better if you go home.
Haruka: …don’t…
Makoto: Huh?
Haruka: I don’t have a home to go back to.
Makoto: ... *chuckle* Well, I guess I don’t have much of a choice... would you like to stay here for now?
Haruka: *surprised* Are you sure…?
Makoto: You don’t have anywhere else to go, right? That’s settled then!  I’m Tachibana Makoto. Um, what’s your name?
Haruka: Nanase… Haruka.
Makoto: So Haruka, yes?
Haruka: Don’t call me by my first name.
Makoto: All right, "Haru" then.
Makoto: Nice to meet you, Haru! Here, let's shake hands!
* * *
Makoto: I’m home~
Makoto: Oh? Something smells really nice...
Makoto: Waah~ these look delicious! And there're so many dishes...! Did you make them all, Haru?
Haruka: Yeah.  Anyone can cook.
Makoto: That's not true... I’m really bad at it… thank you so much, Haru.
Haruka: It’s not like I made these for you. I need to eat too.
Makoto: So it’s okay for you to wash your hands?
Haruka: I can touch water on the upper half of my body.  But if my feet get wet, I’ll turn into a half-fish.  But since I’m wearing an apron, I’m fine.
Makoto: I see…
Haruka: Makoto, let’s hurry and eat. The food will get cold.
Makoto: Itadakimasu!
Haruka: Itadakimasu.
Makoto: This is delicious! I’ve never tasted anything this good before! It’s even better than the restaurants! Hehe…
Haruka: What’s so funny?
Makoto: Nothing funny, it’s just that it’s really nice to have a meal with someone.
Makoto: Speaking of which, Haru…
Haruka: What is it?
Makoto: You mentioned that you don’t have a place call home, so what was life like for you up until now?
Haruka: I was travelling around the world.
Makoto: What about your parents?
Haruka: I don’t have any.
Makoto: What about friends?
Haruka: ...
Makoto: …so, you’ve been alone all this time?
Haruka: yeah.
Makoto: …
Haruka: …what’s the matter?
Makoto: No, it’s nothing.  But you’re not alone anymore, right?
Haruka: …not that I really care.
Makoto: That’s no good!  It’s boring to be alone! See? We’re having a meal together, it’s much more fun this way!  It’s definitely better to have more friends around you!
Makoto: Haru…
Makoto: It’s because Haru has lived all his life alone that he doesn’t understand… but if from now on, I can show Haru the importance of friends…
Haruka: …Makoto? What’s wrong?
Makoto: Ah, it’s nothing, don’t mind me.  That’s right! By the way, Haru, a friend of mine is a scientist, maybe we can ask him about your body!  Maybe he’ll find out something.  Oh, and also my astronaut friend!
Haruka: Hey, Makoto...
Makoto: Oh, don’t worry, they are both really good friends of mine.  I’ll find a roundabout way to tell them about your situation.  Oh and also, I have some very nice sweets we can have for dessert! Wait a sec!
Makoto: Um… they should be here… ah! There they are! Haru! They might be a little too sweet, but… huh? He's gone! But the table is cleared. Haru!?
Makoto: HARU!
Haruka: What is it?
Makoto: Oh, thank god... you're here in the bathroom... you gave me a fright disappearing like that!
Haruka: It's relaxing here...
Makoto: Do you like this bathtub that much?
Haruka: No…
Makoto: Haru, your tail is really beautiful. It sparkles in the colors of a rainbow.
Haruka: Really?
Makoto: I was too overwhelmed to notice it at first, but you have scales on your arms and your face too.
Haruka: They appear when I'm in water for a long time.
Haruka: …what’s the matter?
Makoto: No, well er…  I was just thinking that I’d like to see you swimming in the sea, instead of such a small bathtub…
Haruka: The sea…
Makoto: That’s right!  When it gets warmer, let’s go together!
Haruka: I’ll go.
Makoto: Awesome! I can't wait!
* * *
Makoto: Nagisa, Rei, I'm sorry to bother you during lunch break.
Nagisa: Hehehe, don't worry about it, Mako-chan! I wanted to catch up with Rei-chan and you anyway!
Rei: I feel the same way too.
Nagisa: Plus everything in the menu of this restaurant is delicious! I can gobble it all up!
Rei: Nagisa-kun, if you don't restrain yourself, you won't be able to move later... so, you mentioned there's something you wanted to talk about...
Makoto: Well... it's a bit out of the blue, but... do you guys think... half-fish exists?
Rei: Half-fish!!? Ha-ha-ha! Logically speaking, such things cannot exist! Both mermaids and half-fish are only fantasy, creatures made up by men that only exist in fiction.
Makoto: Hahaha... I thought you'd say that...
Nagisa: But if there really is one, I’d love to be its friend~ and besides, I bet a half-fish person is really pretty! Right, Rei-chan?
Rei: It’s… definitely interesting, but only if they really exist.
Nagisa: Ah! Food is here! It looks so yummy~!
Makoto: You're right. Let's eat.
Makoto/Rei/Nagisa: Itadakimasu!
Makoto/Nagisa/Rei: This is SO GOOD~!
Rei: But... it tastes different from usual…
Makoto: Hmm? This taste... like what Haru made me the other day... HUH? Haru!? Why are you here!?
Haruka: I brought your lunch over.
Makoto: That's not what I mean! What are you wearing? Do you work here?
Haruka: I’ll work and pay for my share of the rent.
Makoto: Geez… you could’ve told me if you got a job.  You gave me a fright!
Nagisa: Hey, hey, who is this? Is this chef your friend, Mako-chan?
Rei: Please introduce him to us.
Makoto: Ehh... I was thinking about introducing him to you two properly… but anyway, due to some circumstances, we’ve been living together since last week…
Haruka: Half-fish…
Makoto: *interrupts* He’s Nanase Haruka-kun! Please call him Haru!
Nagisa: Well then, Haru-chan! I’m Nagisa! Nice to meet you!
Rei: And my name is Ryugazaki Rei.  I’m the scientist of this town.
Haruka: Nice to meet you.
Rin: Huh? The cook of that restaurant... I've seen him before... something’s fishy... let me take a closer look.
Rin: Hey, you guys.
Makoto: that's the police from the other day..! Haru!
Rin: Oooh? So your name's Haru?
Haruka: And what about it?
Rin: I’m looking for a merman who I spotted at the fountain the other day, and he looks exactly like you…
Haruka: You’re just imagining things.  Aren’t you a bit young to go soft in the head?
Rin: Hah, aren’t you a feisty one… but let me tell you, I never forget a face once I’ve seen it.
Makoto: Wait, you two...
Haruka: Besides I’m not a merman, I’m a half-
Makoto: (interrupts) waaaaaaahhhh–! But mermen don’t really exist! Right?
Rei: That’s right.  How could a police officer like yourself believe such illogical nonsense…
Rin: I don’t care if it’s logical or illogical, I’ve seen him with my own eyes.  and I’m definitely gonna get him.
Nagisa: What are you going to do after you catch him?
Rin: Let's see... don’t people say that a mermaid’s flesh gives you immortality? In that case…
Makoto: In that case…?
Rin: I’d probably eat him up.
Makoto: Bu-but, Haru is not a mermaid! I mean, see? He has legs!
Rin: Hn, guess you’re right… but I won’t give up.
Rin: That merman is my prey.  One day I’ll catch him by the tail and make him mine.
Rei: Well, maybe in this case, you don’t catch him by the tail but by his fin? (T/N: In Japanese a mammal’s tail and fishtail are different words)
Nagisa: Hahahahaah, that's a good point~
Rin: SHUDDUP! What a sloppy bunch, you guys... anyway. I'll be back.
* * *
Makoto: Let's see... Clothes for changing, lunch boxes, towels, picnic sheets, swimsuit… oh Haru, your swimsuit…
Haruka: I don’t need one.
Makoto: I guess that’s true.  But just in case, I’ll bring an extra one of mine…
Haruka: I said I don't need it.
Makoto: Just for caution's sake. The weather is so nice, it's the perfect day to go to the beach. I'm just really happy that it's finally warm enough for us to go swimming together, Haru. So I want to make sure everything is well prepared!
Haruka: Fine, do what you want.
*ding dong*
Makoto: I’m coming!
Rin: Yo, I’m here again.
Makoto: What… what can I do for you?  We’re just about to leave the house…
Rin: There’s something I want to confirm.  I’m just gonna let myself in…
Makoto: No, wait…!
Haruka: Makoto? ...! That guys from the other day...
Haruka: What do you want?
Rin: Yo. I'm just here to check something... using the water in this bottle!
Makoto: Oh no! I need to stop him!
Rin: Oops…! My hand totally slipped by accident and I spilled the water... sorry mate. Now your feet are wet, aren't they?
Rin: I knew it. You have scales appearing on your legs! I don't really know how this all works, but my hunch was right! I found you, Merman! Now come with me!
Haruka: Don't grab my arm!
Makoto: Let go! Wait! Let go of him!
Nagisa: Haru-chan! Mako-chan!
Rei: We came here to rescue you!
Rin: What… what the hell!?
Nagisa: Haru-chan, this way! Follow me!
Rin: He escaped! Hey! You assholes! Open the door!
Makoto: What should I do? What is going on?
Rei: Please don’t worry.  It just happens that Nagisa-kun’s lunch box is today’s special menu, grilled mackerel, so I believe it will be very useful.  Please just leave the rest to us!
Nagisa: *obviously fake* wooooooaaaaaaaaahhhhhh~~!!
Rin: What’s going on!? Open the door! Hey! Dammit, I guess I have to kick the door open...
Rin: Okay, it's open... what the hell... why is there a salted grilled mackerel floating in the bathtub!?
Makoto: Haru, are you all right? To think that you had to escape through the bathroom window...
Haruka: I'm fine. This is the window I used to get into your apartment in the first place.
Makoto: Ah... that's true, now that you mentioned it... anyway, we don't have much time. Let's hurry, Haru!
Nagisa: (obviously fake) Haru-chan…. Haru-chan he… turned into this…!
Rin: Like that’s gonna happen! Do you think you can fool me!? Hey, where did Haru go?
Makoto: Let's go while he's distracted by Nagisa, c'mon! We should make it onto our train if we run.
Haruka: Yeah.
* * *
Makoto: Hah...thank god... we boarded our train...! Now we can go to the beach! Hehehe.
Haruka: …why?
Makoto: What do you mean?
Haruka: Why is everyone doing so much to help me?
Makoto: You don’t need a reason to save a friend.
Makoto: But enough of that, look!  We can see the sea from here!
Haruka: ...! The sea...
Makoto: Haru, we'll be there soon! The sea is even more beautiful from the beach, so I really want to show it to you!
* * *
Haruka: I've never seen a place like this.
Makoto: Yeah? It’s a pretty well-kept secret.  I thought it would be nice if you could swim here.
Haruka: I see...
Makoto: Haru is always the happiest when he's in water, I'm glad we came here.
Haruka: Makoto, aren't you coming over?
Makoto: Sorry! I'm coming now!
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Makoto: In the sea full of vibrantly coloured fishes and coral reefs,  Haru and I swam languidly.  In the sea that seemed to stretch on forever, Haruka looked blissful as his began to swim ahead of me. Just when I was about to catch up with him...
Makoto: Woah! That's a huge school of fish! ...huh? Haru's gone..... Haru? Haru, where are you?
Makoto: He's not behind the coral reefs, or across the seaweed...!
Makoto: Could it be that he’s returned to the sea, just like this?
Makoto: Haru! Haru? ...oh no, I'm running out of breath. I have to go back to the surface...
Makoto: Puaaah! *pant* He isn't here either...Haru! HARU-!!
Haruka: What’s wrong, Makoto?
Makoto: Haru! You came back to the surface?
Haruka: Yeah. I found a nice stretch of rocks, so I sat there to look out at the sea.
Makoto: Thank god... I thought you suddenly disappeared!
Haruka: ...you worry too much.
Makoto: After that day, we went back to everyday lives again. I work at the fire station, while Haru works at the restaurant. When we get home from work, we have dinner that Haru makes, and then we play games. Sometimes Nagisa and Rei come hang out with us too. Although that police is still keeping an eye on Haru...well, but our days together were lively and full of fun.
* * *
Makoto: It's my shift at the station today. I wonder how Haru's doing...
Announcement: There’s a fire at the restaurant in Iwatobi Street!
Makoto: Restaurant!? Could it be...! Haru's...!
Makoto: Haru!
Haruka: Makoto!
Makoto: Oh thank god... you made it out all right. I heard there's a fire at the restaurant, I was so worried!
Mother: Somebody! Somebody please help!  My child is still inside!
Firefighter: But the fire is too strong, we can’t go inside…
Makoto: Oh no! I have to go rescue him!
Haruka: No, wait! It’s too dangerous to go inside! Don't go, Makoto!
Makoto: I'll be right back!
Haruka: Makoto!
Makoto: Hello?  I’m here to save you! Shout back if you are there! Hello~!?
Makoto: This is not working. I can't find the kid.
Haruka: Makoto...
Firefighter: We found a child! He just came out from the fire!
Child: *cry* Mommy...
Mother: You’re all right!! Oh thank god!!
Haruka: The child is safe... then what aboout Makoto!?
Makoto: The ceiling is collapsing! I have to be careful or I'll be crushed.
Makoto: Gah! This is not good... I'm stuck under a column. Uggh!
Makoto: It's too heavy...I can't move...
Makoto: I’m so useless… I’m just going to die here and I couldn’t even save the child…
Makoto: Huh...? There's someone, over there...? Haru? But there's no way...Haha... I’m starting to hallucinate…
Haruka: Makoto! Makoto! Hang in there!
Makoto: ...Haru?
Haruka: The kid is safe.  We need to get out of here now. Pull yourself out while I lift the column! *sizzle* Makoto: It's working...! Thank you, Haru!
Haruka: Ugh...!
Makoto: Haru! You're covered in wounds! Why did you come into the fire without any fire-resistent gear!?
Haruka: That's not important...
Makoto: Yes it is!! Why... why did you come for me!?
Haruka: It’s my choice.
Makoto: But…!
Haruka: You don’t need a reason to save a friend, right?
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Makoto: …!
Haruka: It’s my turn to save you this time.
Makoto: Haru... I...
Haruka: Makoto, stay still.
Makoto: This is...! A layer of water...? It’s like I'm engulfed by it, what a strange feeling...
Haruka: You'll be protected from the fire as long as this layer of water is on you. Let's make our escape together now!
Makoto: Okay!
Makoto: We made it... we made it outside! Huh? Haru? Haru!? Where's Haru!?
Makoto: ...what's this? Tears? Why...? I...
Makoto: The water around me is evaporating! What should I do!? At this rate, Haru's gonna...! Don't go!
Makoto: ...it's so shiny... just like... Haru's scales...!
* * *
Makoto: Every since Haru was gone, the apartment feels empty without him. Now that I think about it, we've only lived together for a very short time, but somehow, I feel like I've been with Haru since forever. Haha, it's so werid, isn't it?
Makoto: Apart from the fact that Haruka's gone, my life goes on as usual, and now it's the season of cherry blossoms in full bloom...
Makoto: I'm home... we again had many emergency call outs today... I’m so tired. And I've got black soot all over me again... *strips* well then, time for a bath...
Haruka: Shuddup…
Makoto: HUH!? Haru!? Why are you in my bathtub again!?
Haruka: It took a long time…
Haruka: On the night of the fire, when I became the layer of water and evaporated, I turned into a cloud, then rain, and a river...
Makoto: You were part of such a grand natural phenomenon!?
Haruka: Anyway... before I realized, I’m here.
Makoto: Haru…
Haruka: Don't cry.
Makoto: I thought... I'd never see you again... *sniff* welcome home, Haru.
Haruka: I’m back.
Makoto: Here, give me your hand.
* * *
Ran: Onii-chan!!
Ren: Wait for me, Ran!
Ren: Oh? Onii-chan and Haru-chan are both asleep, and they left their game console on too...
Ran: What~!? But I wanted to play with them! Hey, wake up, wake up~!
Ren: Ran... you shouldn't wake them up...
Ran: Did you want to play with them too, Ren?
Ren: Well, yeah... but look, both Onii-chan and Haru-chan are smiling.
Ran: You're right... hehe, I wonder if they're having a good dream.
Ren: I bet you're right!
Ran: Oh fine... Ren, let's go. Softly~ so we don't wake them up!
Ren: Okay!
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NÍL AON TINTEAN MAR DO THINTEAN FÉIN: a nagisa kelly playlist
[listen here] | [art by]
{1. chasing it down- mother mother  | {2. live by the ocean- the hoosiers | {3. sinister kid- the black keys | {4. ain’t no rest for the wicked- cage the elephant | {5. love me dead- ludo | {6. you know what they do to guys like us in prison- my chemical romance | {7. daniel in the den- bastille | {8. are you hurting the one you love?- florence + the machine | {9. heartilation- AJJ | {10. drunken lament- ludo | {11. it will come back- hozier | {12. julien- placebo | {13. you’re crashing, but you’re no wave- fall out boy | {14. runs in the family- amanda palmer | {15. england made me- black box recorder | {16. billions of eyes- lady lamb | {17. calm me down- mother mother | {18. bye bye symphony- foxy shazam | {19. dear sister, your brother- talain rayne (feat. meg lynch) | {20. i never told you what i do for a living- my chemical romance | {21. bohemian rhapsody- queen | {22. be safe- the cribs
(lyric selections/liner notes beneath the cut!)
{1. chasing it down- mother mother
"Turn around your life, or we'll change / Without your consent, without your okay / It happened again / I woke up today, and everything changed / All my friends and all my family / Suddenly don't understand me / Understand I'm not the man they think I am..."
{2. live by the ocean- the hoosiers
"Somewhere I can be free / So big, it's swallowing me / Along with everything I used to be / Dive in before I explode, where armies are swallowed / So many monsters in me, so many monsters in me, so many monsters in me / So many, so many, so many, many, many / For once in your lifetime, will you / Do what you want, not what you have to?"
{3. sinister kid- the black keys
"A sinister kid is a kid who runs to meet his maker / A drop-dead sprint from the day he's born, straight into his maker's arms / And that's me, that's me, the boy with the broken halo / That's me, that's me / The devil won't let me be..."
{4. ain’t no rest for the wicked- cage the elephant
"Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked / Money don't grow on trees / I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed / There ain't nothing in this world for free / Oh, no, I can't slow down, I can't hold back / Though you know, I wish I could / Oh, no, there ain't no rest for the wicked / Until we close our eyes for good."
{5. love me dead- ludo
"Kill me romantically / Fill my soul with vomit, then ask me for a piece of gum / Bitter and dumb, you're my sugarplum / You're awful! (I love you!)"
{6. you know what they do to guys like us in prison- my chemical romance
"They all cheat at cards, and the checkers are lost / My cellmate's a killer, they make me do push-ups in drag / But nobody cares if you're losing yourself (Am I losing myself?!) / Well, I miss my mom / Will they give me the chair? / A lethal injection, or swing from a rope, if you dare? / Ah, nobody knows all the trouble I've seen!"
{7. daniel in the den- bastille
"And felled in the night, by the ones you think you love / They will come for you / And felled in the night, by the ones you think you love / They will come for you..."
{8. are you hurting the one you love?- florence + the machine
"Are you hurting the one you love? / When they watched the walls, and the ticking clock? / Are you hurting the one you love? / And was it something you could not stop?"
{9. heartilation- ajj
"Sometimes, I get so lonesome, I can't breathe / Sometimes, I get so scared, that I can't speak / Sometimes, I get so worried, I can't hear my heart beat / Anyway, anyway..."
{10. drunken lament- ludo
"'Self-loathing is quaint' / You told me, showing restraint / Now you're gone, and I'm lost / In the swells, I am tossed / Bobbing and choking and losing the fight in the fog / You said "forever", tell me, why can't you stay?"
{11. it will come back- hozier
”Oh, please, give me mercy no more! / It’s a kindness you can’t afford!”
{12. julien- placebo
"You can run, but you can't hide / Because no one here gets out alive / Find a friend in whom you can confide / Julien, you're a slow-motion suicide."
{13. you’re crashing, but you’re no wave- fall out boy
"Fresh-pressed suit and tie / Unimpressed birds sing and die / Can talk my way out of anything / The foreman reads the verdict: / 'In the above entitled actions, we find the defendant / Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty!'"
{14. runs in the family- amanda palmer
"Mary have mercy, now look what I've done / But don't blame me, because I can't help where I come from / And running is something that we've always done / Well, and mostly, I can't even tell what I'm running from / Run from their pity, from responsibility / Run from the country, and run from the city / I can run from the law, I can run from myself / I can run for my life, I can run into debt / I can run from it all, I can run 'til I'm gone / I can run for the office, and run from the cause / I can run using every last ounce of energy / I cannot, I cannot, I cannot run from my family, they’re hiding inside of me..."
{15. england made me- black box recorder
"I need my privacy, I lead a secret life / Sleep with the enemy, then betray both sides / I travelled all my life, but never got away / From the killing job, and the garden shed..."
{16. billions of eyes- lady lamb
"When gravity's a palm pushing down on your head / Like the devil's got a paw dug in your shoulder / And the other one is rubbing your back / But the kitchen in the new place has a window / Yeah, you can grow basil on the sill / Maybe, you can call your neighbours by name now."
{17. calm me down- mother mother
"I wanna be a good man, don't wanna be no has-been / I wanna be a real friend, don't wanna break when I bend / I wanna be a sweet son, don't wanna fight with my mom / I wanna be no seeker / I wanna scream, 'Eureka!' / I wanna scream, 'Eureka!' / I wanna scream, 'Eureka!', aaah!"
{18. bye bye symphony- foxy shazam
“Oh, hope, I need you / Life is a bitch, but she’s totally doable / She’ll knock you around, and she’ll lend you a hand / Life is a bitch, but she’s totally doable / She may be a beauty, but life, life is a bitch...”
{19. dear sister, your brother- talain rayne (feat. meg lynch)
"Please say everything is okay / Tell me we can go play, like we did when we were younger / Oh, oh, we'll sing and shout / Lying on the ground / Staring up at worlds beyond our own..."
{20. i never told you what i do for a living- my chemical romance
"And we'll love again, we'll laugh again / We'll cry again, and we'll dance again / And it's better off this way, so much better off this way / I can't clean the blood off the sheets in my bed..."
{21. bohemian rhapsody- queen
"Mama, ooh / Didn't mean to make you cry / If I'm not back again this time tomorrow / Carry on, carry on / As if nothing really matters."
{22. be safe- the cribs
"We know from our youth how to be treated / How we'll be received, how we shall end / These things don't change / You can change your clothes / Change your hairstyle, your friends, cities, continents / But, sooner or later, your own self will always catch up / Always, it waits in the wings."
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