#he clonked out pretty fast last night after night fell
luvevee · 1 year
So, a baby was dropped into my lap yesterday.
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This is Knuckles! Crude name considering his hand, but it was charming enough to convince me.
He was surrendered by his previous owner after a bad shed led to the loss of some of his fingers and him chewing off most of his front hand. My brother's girlfriend texted me since he was passed to her uncle's petsmart, and they couldn't sell him due to his excessive injury. I was the only person she knew who would have any idea on how to care for a reptile, so I was his last chance.
Knucky's such a sweet angel. He's not used to handling, but he's very curious of everything and incredibly active. He's super interested in his new family, which includes his crestie big sister across from him (she is, as usual, unimpressed and lost interest in staring within 10 minutes). One deep clean later and he was he was doing laps around his enclosure to check out his new decorations. He also gets a nice spot next to the window and absolutely love his view of the outside!
His nub and missing fingers have no effect on his quality of life, and he's incredibly healthy otherwise.
Not what I expected this year, especially considering he seems to be tangerine which was one of my dream morphs and those are super expensive, but very very appreciated.
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Can I get some Dabi with, maybe asking out, a crush that would fight god in an alleyway for a stale piece of bread? Just a chaotic bastard that can’t remember anything that happened before a week ago but has every Pokémon memorized. The kinda “why them, why do I like them of all people, they just ate something out of the trash can 5 minutes ago and are ranting about capitalism to birds outside the window.”
FLAME BOI!!!! Thank you lovely anon for the ask, i am honored to fulfill your villainous desires! ~Bea (also this is hilarious)
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Its not that you’re completely and totally crazy
Well, ok thats a lie
Your pretty crazy, not Toga crazy... your just kinda a bit off your rocker if you know what i mean
And for some reason, Dabi completely and totally loved you
It probably started that one time you were yelling at a stray ally cat for getting too close to “your beloved territory” (it was a dumpster that you’d eat from on occasion for some reason.)
Or perhaps it was the time that you were ranting to the birds on the sidewalk outside of LoV headquarters about the economy and how great an anarchist society would be at approximately 3 o’ clock in the morning.
Regardless, he liked you... for whatever reason. Honestly he didn’t even know what about you he found attractive, just the fact you were... well you.
Although he cant pinpoint when he originally gained feelings for you, he knows exactly when it turned from a crush to love
It was when the LoV found out you had... memory loss
It was right after a raid on a nearby weapon store, and you had gotten quite the beating from a hero, causing you to pass out
Dabi carried your beaten and unconscious body back to the hideout, while getting teased by Toga of course
“Do you liiiiiiiiiike her~” or, “Dabi and Y/n sittin’ in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G~”
Dabi wanted to die, or kill Toga, or both, but decided that not reacting would be a good choice.
He put you on a couch and sat at the bar for a much needed drink. Actually, everyone was at the bar, just kinda talking about the raid and what was aquired and lost during it.
Well, that is until there was a loud scream
Shigaraki and Dabi flinched while Toga screeched, thinking it was another hero attack
But, it wasn’t a hero attack, it was just you waking up
Everyone gathered around the couch... well everyone but Dabi, he was drinking himself to shit, as you began to scream stuff along the lines of, “where am I?” “Who are you?” “Don’t hurt me please!”
Toga, in an attempt to comfort you, reached out to pat your back, but it only sent you spiraling into terror
You began sobbing and shaking, backing as far into the couch as possible.
At this point Dabi wanted you to shut up, and apparently so did Shigaraki, because he clamped a gloved hand on your mouth
You began to struggle as Dabi walked over to the couch.
For a moment he just stared at you, and when you caught his eye you became silent, and Shigaraki removed his hand from your mouth.
You instantly jumped at Dabi, tears streaming down your face and yelling his name.
You jumped at him so fast that he didn’t have time to react, and you knocked him on the ground
You were sprawled out on top of him, the LoV watching on in shock as you held on to him and cried into his shirt.
You began to whimper, “D-Dabi...” you sniffled, “wha-where am i?”
Dabi just looked up to the rest of the group, and Toga just shrugged.
Dabi sat up and wrapped an unsure arm around your torso, and you just clinged to him tighter.
At a certain point, his ass started to hurt from sitting on the tile floor, so he just picked you up and walked around with you, even with a group pf onlookers watching silently as one of the most terrifying villains ever carried you around like a puppy
After a while he got tired and just kinda, went to bed with you in his arms. Mostly because you refused to let go of his arm, and not at all because he wanted to bury his face in your hair and just inhale your sweet scent
He put you on the bed and just curled around you, heating up his body until it was a nice warm temperature for you.
He watched you sleep for a while, just thinking about how you were acting and how you didn’t seem to remember anyone else, until slowly drifting off to the sound of your breathing
Dabi woke up before you did, but didn’t move. Its not like he didn’t wanna wake you up, you just... smelled nice
He watched you sleep for a good hour, until your eyes opened slowly and you begun muttering about Pokémon or whatever.
You looked up to see him staring ar you with cold eyes and couldn’t help but be confused. How did you get here? why were you here? Why the fuck is Dabi just staring at you?
Of course, you didn’t say anything, you just kinda... looked at him. And just, rolled off the bed silently.
Well, tried to. Dabi caught your wrist before you could make a clean escape.
“What the hell happened last night?”
You didn’t reply, you just stared at him.
“You screaming your ass off and shit?”
You looked at him for a few seconds, then just kinda... smiled. “Oh,” you said impishly, “I must have gotten clonked pretty hard ay?”
He just looked at you.
You continued, “When i get hit sometimes i get severe short term memory loss, it comes back n’ shit after like a day or so. Prolly’ forgot who you were and screamed like a lil’ girl.”
Dabi just shook his head, “then why didn’t you scream at me, you just held onto me all night.”
You blushed and grinned, “ah, well if someone is important or somethin’, then I’ll probably remember em’ when I forget others. Your face is logged as important in m’ brain,” you tap your head, “so I probably went to you for help.”
He didn’t say anything, just grunted. Of course he was dying a bit on the inside with this new information, but that doesn’t matter.
He didn’t speak for a while, and you just looked at eachother, until he grabbed your waist and pulled you back into the sheets, causing you to yelp. “Dabi! I need to get ready!”
He just grumbled “mine now.” And fell asleep. No use in fighting back. You just sat there with the thought of your confession but not confession fresh on your mind, and ended up drifting back to sleep.
Sorry if he’s ooc, i havent written for him before, hope you liked it! Reblog and follow for more! See y’all next time!
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