#i know im just a random blog in the wind but i wanted to talk about him lol
luvevee · 1 year
So, a baby was dropped into my lap yesterday.
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This is Knuckles! Crude name considering his hand, but it was charming enough to convince me.
He was surrendered by his previous owner after a bad shed led to the loss of some of his fingers and him chewing off most of his front hand. My brother's girlfriend texted me since he was passed to her uncle's petsmart, and they couldn't sell him due to his excessive injury. I was the only person she knew who would have any idea on how to care for a reptile, so I was his last chance.
Knucky's such a sweet angel. He's not used to handling, but he's very curious of everything and incredibly active. He's super interested in his new family, which includes his crestie big sister across from him (she is, as usual, unimpressed and lost interest in staring within 10 minutes). One deep clean later and he was he was doing laps around his enclosure to check out his new decorations. He also gets a nice spot next to the window and absolutely love his view of the outside!
His nub and missing fingers have no effect on his quality of life, and he's incredibly healthy otherwise.
Not what I expected this year, especially considering he seems to be tangerine which was one of my dream morphs and those are super expensive, but very very appreciated.
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eganeyes · 2 months
you're my favourite blog and I NEED more of your demarco/macon headcanons [normal][im normal]..........maybe nsfw too if you've got them
hi!!! that is soooo very sweet of you to say considering the only vibes i bring to this fandom is deranged overfilled tags and unneeded breakdowns over callum turners face 😭🫰❤️
this is my previous demacon hcs post and the is this a modern au? a post war au? a no pow au? i literally cannot tell you because i do not know is still in effect here very sorry :')
apologies for like taking A While because i really squeezed out my creative juices for this SO:
‘he fell first’ benny vs ‘he fell harder’ macon yeah
i see benny as being free with his feelings, with his affections, there isn't a single person who doesn't get a bit of his heart with them when they leave. his parents' are designers, artists, and they teach him that to create is to love and when he creates bonds he pours love and never feels left with wanting. the minute macon opens his mouth, perfectly civil in taking down people down a notch with his intelligence and an extra brand of fuck you in his voice? he's instantly enamored.
macon, far more closed off—cautious to the point of near callousness, perfectly polite and tiring of talking to new people because more often than not he's being looked down upon and invisible, he doesn't think much of these 100th boys—until bennys there with an easy grin and easier hands, at the end of the day macons left admiring at bennys unflinching steadiness and unconditional kindness.
now for more silliness:
for some strange reason (he was forced.) benny confides about his crush to bucky. which is kind of weird because he's usually closer to buck—except one random day bucky sees benny—steady handed, light fingered benny demarco—grip at meatballs fur a tad too tightly and then stumbles on thin fucking air. he follows benny's unchanging gaze to: one richard macon. from that point on benny's fucked on a biblical proportion.
why he continues to seek out love advice from someone who doesn’t even have his shit together enough to notice his best friend is as in love with him as he is and also a known manwhore (because the conversation went sideways within two sentences) he does not know. it goes a bit like this:
okay, yes, i have a crush on macon.
……oh wow did you sleep with him? was it nice?
why would you ask me that?
you’re right im sorry i just tried to act cooly supportive and that came out. i have had sex before dw.
I’m not worried bucky but thank you.
but was it?
i didn’t have sex with him jesus.
oh wow you’re really bad at this
….please self reflect.
but the talk actually genuinely calmed him down 😭 bucky purposefully winding the conversation up down and sideways so benny could focus on the fact that crushes are supposed to be fun and electric and not the end of the world, benny laughing a bit and confiding more on what he thinks of macon—god i spent last weekend with him to his kid sister's science convention. i met his entire family, what the fuck. he's so soft with his little sister, he knows three languages, he's won every science competition he's ever entered, he's watched casablanca 3 times, he knows every star in the sky and their lores—
the two start out a mini mindmapping plan out for seducing macon, but like completely shit at keeping it a secret so the entire base finds out within 24hrs. benny kind of wants to die from this but when kidd actually starts vetoing buckys plans that benny couldn't for the life of him say no to, he's thankful
do not steal a b-17 to write your confessions on the sky with smoke what the fuck is wrong with you
......blakely's advice is actually not half bad, go on get some photos taken and printed
the entire shit i wrote out on the previous hcs list is a product of this full on 100th written plan out btw, but buckys ideas are very summarily buried never to be thought of again, except for this one thing
benny ties a ribbon around meatballs neck. attached to the ribbon is a letter. inside the letter is a request for a date. a date where meatball chaperones.
macon writes back, ribbon and meatball and all.
(meatball gets used as a conversation starter so fucking often macon thinks benny birthed the dog himself ffs)
god i am so fond of the idea of benny coming by the tuskegee base (again, please pretend their bases are like half a day away) and taking the effort to meet all of macons friends, charming every inch of the base, shooting the shit with alex and daniels again (daniels being initially a staunch demacon anti bc he's overprotective is a whole other thing aaa), making nice with his superiors that they are literally gunning for macon to court the guy back
the drawing that alex did of the two in the officers club is kept carefully pressed between the pages of macon's journal. he commissions another drawing of them for benny's birthday, pressed dried flowers himself around the watercolor sketch, and wrote winding letters in the back, of wanting a future outside of planes and skies he didn't think he'd ever want with someone else. he frames it and ships it to benny, who's in chicago at the moment and is geared for a roadtrip to birmingham, alabama the day after his birthday. times it perfectly so when its the day of his birthday, benny reads it, and whatever his answer is it'll be known in two-three days time: if he does arrive at macon's doorstep with a ring he hid on the side of the wooden frame—a little puzzle that only benny could solve.
now for something a bit more nsfw but like only a few bc i embarrassed myself writing this without the cover of anonymity
do i believe that they're switches? yes.
do i believe that their sex scene mainly revolves around benny face down ass up moaning like a whore while macon drives into him with the sole intent of making benny see galaxies? also yes.
do i believe that richard wakes him up via trailing fingers up from bennys ass, spanning the width of his marked up back, and scratching at bennys hair that when benny finally wakes up its to a gasp and to ground down his hips on the bed? ....yes.
do i also believe that benny spent an inordinate amount of time just worshipping richards cock with his mouth, pushing him back down by the chest when richard tries to rise and pull him off? grinning and humming when richards spluttering and panting and keening, legs hooked around his back like a vice and hands gripping at his hair? very much yes.
will richard bring forth physics talk to the bed? .....yeah.
also: macons a grunter, bennys a moaner 🤗
i am soo sorry for this btw but also thank you for letting me yap about demacon my beloveds <33333
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writer-of-the-shack · 11 months
pls can u write ANYTHING for a pretty boy x gn! reader? no one writes 4 him n im so desperate u don't understand 😭
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In all honesty, I can agree with this. The lack of Intersection Pretty Boy fics just makes me- GGGGGGGGG
Also, sorry for the long wait!! Honestly, I had to rack my small brain for some prompts that would make a good scenario so- Ehe..??? HOW MANY YEARS??? THIS IS THE LONGEST I THINK THAT A BLOG HAS RELEASED ITS FIRST POST AND I'M HONESTLY SO SORRY I PROMISE I'LL DO MY BEST WITH THE OTHERS IT WOULDN'T BE A YEAR LONG WAIT I SWEAR--
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Within the Fog
The town of Nanchou-Shi was eccentric in its own right. With the obsession of the townsfolk over intersection fortune telling and the rumors of the ghost that haunts the town's tradition, the Intersection Pretty Boy. Though intersection fortune telling was something that people mostly do in search of that one seed of hope, the circulating cases proved otherwise. If not, it proved to be more dangerous than helpful.
In truth, the strange problem of the town seemed to have beckoned a morbid curiosity within you. The fact that these unfortunate souls met their ends when all they wanted was hope for their romantic struggles was a tragedy in its own right. Yet not only were they caused by random strangers that happened to pass by, but the most intriguing part was that the victims would often talk of a beautiful boy in black wearing red lipstick. He was an unknown entity that piqued the fear and interest of many.
With the mystery of the Intersection Pretty Boy's origin and identity, all fingers are pointed at your unfortunate friend, Fukata Ryusuke, claiming he was the Intersection Pretty Boy. But doubt would always wrap your mind in its shadowy cloak as you think of the connection between the Intersection Pretty Boy and Ryusuke. He never wore earrings, nor had you seen him owning red lipstick. Yet the tension of his posture and the sweat trailing down his face roused your suspicion.
As usual, the rumors regarding Intersection Fortune telling had been one of the school's favorite topics to gossip about, and your piercing gaze with the worried glances of Midori was of no help as Ryusuke struggled through the day.
Through the classroom window, it was easy to know that it was another gloomy day in Nanchou-Shi. Though the school had sheltered the students from the fog, they couldn't stay in school for long. But it was a thought that barely reached their restless minds, for what drowns their caution was the overpowering curiosity and temptation of Intersection Fortunetelling. Ryusuke never seemed to do it for the sake of his struggles, but it seemed more of a responsibility for him, one that seemed to come at the price of his well-being. As the fog hung in the air, he'd walk through the town, passing through intersections and giving advice. As days went by, curiosity crept from behind, slowly engulfing your mind as the image of what remained of your friend, Ryusuke, would occasionally flash within your mind. How thin he had become, how dull his eyes would come. He seemed like a dead man walking.
Your thoughts continued to dive deep into the intriguing mystery of Nanchou-Shi. But with the chilling hush of the wind, you were dragged back into reality, your view obscured by the overwhelming fog. "Tsk… Lost. I shouldn't have spaced out like that." Frustration clung from the back of your head as you internally scolded yourself. Helpless, you tried to navigate through the fog, wishing for something to enter your line of sight, perhaps a wall or a sign. And so, your wish came true as gray walls entered your line of sight, concealed by a veil of fog. Towards the wall, you walked. Mind running through memories to see if this wall was a puzzle piece to a place you've walked past at some point. But to no avail, your thoughts froze as your fingers made contact with the sharp turn of the wall.
You were at an intersection.
Cold realization struck as you froze in your spot. It felt like the wall was absorbing your hand, refusing to let you escape. The silent atmosphere of Nanchou-Shi felt more ominous as your eyes darted around the fog, paranoia creeping in like a silent predator. Was that figure walking towards you just a figment of your imagination? A hallucination? A tall, slim figure walked through the fog, seemingly unaffected by the heavy fog. It wasn't in a hurry like a businessman running late for work or a daydreaming student idly walking from school with their bag in hand or shoulder. The figure strolled casually, the rhythmic clack of their footsteps growing nearer and louder.
Paranoia turned to panic as your silently wary mind exploded into a flurry of thoughts. Whether you believed in the tales of the Black-Clothed ghost or thought it was just an elaborate cover for someone's crimes, you knew the outcome was inevitably grim.
The fog soon made way for the figure, revealing an otherworldly beauty. Eyes devoid of life, red-stained lips curved in a small yet mysterious smile, he wore no other color than black. The fog didn't seem like an entity of its own, but rather, it was akin to a veil that lovingly embraced him.
And as your eyes found him, it felt as if your heart froze. It was a contrast to your mind running in a storm of frenzy. Yet like the calmness in a storm's eye, one thought echoed in your mind like a voice lost within a looming cave.
With sudden courage, you ran from the intersection. Your beating heart echoed in your ears as the heaving of your breath grazed past your auditory senses. Yet none of those seemed to drown the echoing footsteps of the Intersection Pretty Boy. The image of the tall ghost was carved in your mind as you ran through the streets of Nanchou-Shi, using every turn to your advantage. But no matter how many turns you took, the chill that clung to your back didn't fade.
With the doubtful reassurance of your mind, you finally slowed your pace as you leaned on a lamp post for support, catching your breath. As you looked up, your eyes met the all-too-familiar gaze of Ryusuke. His confused gaze set upon you as he approached you with caution. "(Y/n)..?" The sickly-looking boy gazed at you, cold sweat trailing down his cheek as he took in your disheveled appearance. With the haunting image of the Intersection Pretty Boy flashing in your mind, you chuckled as you smiled at Ryusuke. Finally, in the presence of a familiar face, the veil of caution and fear slowly slipped from your mind, leaving only a tiny stain of vigilance within your mind.
"Ryusuke! " A sigh of relief escaped from your lips which curled into a smile that Ryusuke reciprocated with an uneasy smile, shoving his hands in the pocket of his uniform slacks. The fragile smile on his face dropped, unease flooding through his eyes as he looked at you as he spoke. "I didn't expect that I'd see you here…" With his hands still in his pocket, he walked past you. The Black-Clothed Ghost loomed over you, and he stood with his back straight. Ryusuke, though he hid his hands in his pocket, walked with a slouched back and heavy shoulders.
"… The fog's heavy. You should go home." He said as he looked at you over his shoulder. Unlike the ghost, who seemed at home in the fog, Ryusuke seemed like a fearful prey within the heavy fog. As his figure disappeared into the heavy fog, you struggled to take in your surroundings through the heaviness of the fog. Relief flooded over you the moment you recognized the streets.
You were finally near your home.
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Finally, inside the safety of your home, you hurried towards the privacy of your room and into the comfort of your bed. After your eventful walk back home, you were too tired to get back up from your bed to change out of your uniform. The softness of the bed was just too comforting for you to leave as your eyes shut, slipping into your dreams.
Opening your eyes, you found yourself on the cold streets of Nanchou-Shi. Upon noticing the familiar fog surrounding you, your eyes widened as you sat up and looked around. Echoes of steady footsteps reached your ears, sending your blood running cold as you turned your head to see the all-too-familiar silhouette of a looming figure.
As the silhouette grew nearer and nearer, your mind began to yell at you to run. But as you tried to stand and run, you couldn't. Your body felt as if it was frozen, glued in place. Why? You couldn't move your own body, and he was nearing you. His eyes were an empty void of lifeless white. With his red-stained smile, you could feel his gaze on you.
At last, you managed to stand to your feet, taking your steps back, away from him. Set on running away from him, you finally turned away and ran deeper into the endless fog. You couldn't tell where you were going. Your mind plagued with fear as the sounds of his footsteps didn't seem to disappear the more you tried to run from him.
It only seemed as if your attempt was futile. Wordlessly, he appeared from within the fog and walked past you. Each time he opened those red-colored lips, you ran faster, not wanting to hear any words coming out of his mouth. The more you ran, the more it seemed like you were in a desolate town. You expected to run into someone, perhaps Ryusuke, but there was no one except the Black-Clothed Ghost.
Feeling your heart hammer through your ribs as you ran deeper within the fog, breathing felt heavy as your body gave out. You didn't know how long you were running, and the more you ran, the more pointless it seemed. Countless turns and intersections greeted you, and it only seemed like you were running in circles. No matter how many turns you took, he's always there.
Leaning on a wall as you tried to catch your breath, you lifted your head to find the heartless ghost walking past you with an eerie smile. As you watched him walk past an intersection, a sigh escaped your lips. The momentary relief washed over you as you thanked your luck that you stopped on the length of the walls and not its corners.
Resting your head against the wall behind you, you closed your eyes in hopes of waking up. This was a dream, you were sure of it…
… And you woke up. Not on the streets, and most certainly not on your bed. Turning your head to look over your shoulder, you found yourself leaning against a person's leg. Standing with the back facing you, you let your eyes wander upwards only to find him again. His hands hidden in his pockets, his lithe figure loomed over you who remained on the ground.
Turning his head, he looked over his shoulder. Though his eyes were empty, you felt his gaze at you, felt him staring at you with the seemingly amused smile still on his red-stained lips.
And as his red lips parted, his voice rung to your ears, his words echoing in your mind.
"Never return."
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edith-is-a-cat · 2 months
OMG!! i love crystals so muchhhhh that's got such a good vibe you captured me perfectly :D
i also love minecraft foxes especially the Rotund Ones in that one mod. i'm so excited to see more arctic foxes in game because those are my favorite :) i would keep your netherite sword safe!!!
also dw i'm not worried :3 i don't mind anxiety, i have it myself. i'm not the most social person in the world but online i tend to be more outgoing. i'm kinda getting back into the tumblr scene after a year or two of neglecting it so i'm a little anxious here and there too lolol. patting your head! don't drink too much energy stuff~
in return, i am telling you to look up blue tiger's eye crystals, since you seem to like blue and you are also a cat. :) they have really cool banding and it's so reflective and pretty. one of my favorite crystals.
THE NOISE I MADE I LOVE READING LONG ASK THEY ARE SO SWEET 💕 (My older sibling made a noise back at me from downstairs 😭)
yes all the photos have flash on because im a "one of those creatures who've evolved to spend their entire existence in a pitch black cave that's closed off from the world" (direct quote from my friend) an i never have any lights on i just run into things
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WUGH WHAT MOD EXACTLY??? IM GOING TO WRITE IT DOWN AND HOPEFULLY USE IT ONE DAY!! (I haven't gotten minecraft on my pc yet, ive wanted to mod minecraft for a while but couldn't bc forever on an ipad, but i have modded stardew valley and it wasn't as scary as I thought it was! Now i can live happily with my 6 wives!! Plus ive been wanting to mod Deltarune for the Ribbit mod! but its more scary and complicated since there isn't as big of a modding community around it, ill figure it out though!!!)
also if u were like a little fox in minecraft i would give you a special nametag using my magic §!! (you can get that symbol by holding down &!! idk if your keyboard is the same but that how i get it!! It changes the text color depending on what letter you put by it!!!) Also i would construct you the best enclosure ever (or just plant a forest!!)
WUGH SO REAL if real life was like being online everything would be so cool (and maybe suck a bit more?? people get more voiced online for better and for worse ;~;)
+ I got back into tumblr like!!! October 2022, well i was never really into it but I did have my first blog that i never really did anything with (its now my reblog account)
also on the energy drink note my chem teacher said i had a problem 😭 (I dont!!! I exist like a month without any!! (I love her i showed her my can locker where i had filled my school locker with energy drink cans and shes just like "cool bud" SHE ALSO WAS ONE OF THE TWO TEACHERS TO ASK FOR OUT PREFERRED NAMES I LOVE HER))
On the blue tiger's eye note!!!! Yes. please. give. I need them i have so many things to decorate!!!! I need to put up shelves around my bed so i can look at my random stuff i adore!!!!! (the only thing i have up on my wall is something i drew for my art class and my Undertale heart locket aka one of my most prized possessions... sadly the the music box in it doesn't work anymore i played it so often, cries, it broke when i was trying to wind it for the little kids at my old school)
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scullysexual · 2 years
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I posted 3,718 times in 2022
131 posts created (4%)
3,587 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 607 of my posts in 2022
#encanto - 161 posts
#scullysexualwrites - 43 posts
#txf fic - 36 posts
#the x-files - 36 posts
#the x files - 35 posts
#xfiles fanfiction - 35 posts
#my ao3 stuff - 12 posts
#28 days of fic - 12 posts
#febwhump 22 - 12 posts
#i love you prompts - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#me at work when im trying to put shit away but theres nowhere to put it so i gotta organise the table/organise the understorage when
My Top Posts in 2022:
Scullysexual's 25 Day Ficmas Advent Calendar Event!
Participant Limit: 25.
Fandom: X-Files only.
Premise: For 25 days in December (starting on the 1st and ending on the 25th) I will be dedicating a fic to each participant. The day will be random- you will just be tagged in the fic and sent a DM by me letting you know your fic has been posted.
Instructions: To sign up and show your interest- reblog this post. Sign ups will close 30/09/22 (30th September) so please sign up by then. You will then send me your prompts(s) via the my ask box- all prompts must be in by 10/11/22 (10th November) so I can start writing as soon as. Then you just wait until one of the 25 days in December to receive your fic. It's that easy!
Prompt Rules: You are free to send any many prompts as you wish however, please note, that not all of them may be written as this will all be based on the number of participants so if you are sending multiple prompts please list them by order of which prompt you want me to write the most.
Bit more info: There is a cap of 25 people who can sign up for obvious reasons. Failing to reach 25 participants, you may have to provide multiple prompts to fill all the days, however that's just more fic gifted to you! All that will be decided by the 01/11/22 (when sign ups close and I see how many people are interested)
A reminder: These prompts are of your choosing. There will be no list created by me that you are limited to. There are no rules to what prompts you can send nor where you find them- either by a pre-posted list or an original prompt created by you- doesn't matter. They do not have to be holiday or Christmas themed either. If I have any issues with the prompts you send me I will message you personally.
That's pretty much it! So, if you're interested reblog this post and I will add you onto the list. Send in your prompt(s) and then just sit patiently until December.
Any questions, don't hesitate to message me!
64 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Febwhump 2022: 28 Days of Fic
febwhump 22 | day 4 + 5 | smut prompts | wc; 359 | s7 | ao3 | @today-in-fic |
Today's Prompt: #9: Smut Prompts: "Is that my shirt?"
Today's Season: Season Seven.
Stop Stealing.
You’re laying stomach down on her bed, surrounded by her scent. Slices of her pizza shoved into your mouth- she said you could.
She’s off in the bathroom doing…something you’re not quite sure of but the door is open and you’re talking to her. Life is good right now.
You pick off the mushrooms, shovelling another slice into your mouth.
“…if he wasn’t such an ass I wouldn’t have gotten angry,” you say with your mouth full.
You’re talking about the sheriff who has been nothing but difficult during this entire case and who is one step away from kicking you off said case.
“You need to stop letting people wind you up,” says Scully. She emerges from the bathroom post shower, hair curling at the ends as it dries and skin smelling of lemons from the shower gel.
You liked many Scullies but Post Shower Scully was up there as one of your favourites; freckles on full display, skin soft and warm from the water.
Her appearance catches your attention. You frown at a familiar looking piece of grey fabric.
“It’s not my fault these people are dicks,” you grumble. “Is that my shirt?”
Scully stops dead in the middle of the room, a deer caught in headlights.
“It was in my suitcase,” she offers as explanation.
You grin, moving to sit upright. “It just happened to be in your suitcase, huh?” You weren’t buying it.
“Yes,” Scully answers. She offers up her own frown then. “Why are you eating all my pizza?”
“You said I could!”
“One slice, not the whole thing.”
You look down at the pizza and realise that you’ve eaten almost more than half.
Picking up the rest of the slice you shrug.
“Didn’t want it to go cold.”
Scully joins you on the bed, picking up your discarded mushrooms and dropping them onto the other remaining slices.
“Stop stealing my pizza,” she says, slapping your hand away as you reach for another.
“Stop stealing my shirts.”
You know she won’t, just as you won’t stop stealing her pizza, even if she does order mushrooms on it.
“Sharing is caring,” she says.
“I know.”
79 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Us: Chris, can we have MSR?
Chris: We have MSR at home.
MSR at home:
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92 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Scully: *hears about Mulder*
Scully: Yeah, he sounds Spooky.
Scully: I would probably fuck him, though
129 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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They met today!
205 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ellavogues · 3 years
sunday mornings - harry styles
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summary: your relationship with harry has always been ‘whatever it is’, although you both secretly long for more.
a/n so this was originally posted on my old blog which i deactivated, but im too proud of this to let it be gone forever <3
Sunday mornings always seem to start the same. You’re cozied up in his bed, head on his chest and his arm splayed across you, the light shining through the gaps of his curtains.
Memories from the night before tend to replay in your head as you wait for him to wake up - from the pre game at his house, to his hand on the small of your back leading you out to his car and only leaving to open the door for you, to the club or shitty frat party that he had somehow weaseled his way into where he’d hold your hand while he filmed and makeout with you in the corner once he had finished.
Then the journey home. Harry being the only sober one of his friends almost always ended up being the designated driver, dropping all of them off at their respective households. Not that he minded, it was the perfect opportunity for him to talk to you.
It was always incredibly easy talking to him. He was good at small talk, and he was good at turning small talk into meaningful and often fun conversations.
Conversing was one of his many talents you told him as he was dropping his friend off at his house one night. Harry couldn’t help but laugh at the unique compliment you gave him, his hand landing gently in your thigh, giving it a small squeeze as his head tilted slightly back as he laughed.
“Baby, what does that even mean?” He chuckled, shaking his head as he tilted it to look at you. You could get lost in his eyes.
Even after six months of whatever your relationship with Harry was, your heart still skipped a beat every time he called you baby. You tried fruitlessly to stop ot hide the blush rising to your cheeks as a result of the nicknames he called you, but he never missed it.
It was one of his favorite things to see; something as simple as a pet name got you all nervous in the best way.
Despite Harry being better at hiding it, you had the same effect on him. Whether it’s you calling him Haz (you’re the only person he’ll allow it from) or you playing with his hair while you watch your show together, he gets butterflies in his stomach every time.
One day, when you came over for a movie night and ice cream, you came with a bunch of shopping bags. Harry’s first reaction was to wind you up, tease you for your frivolous shopping habits. But when you set your bags down and reached into one of them, feeling around for something and pulling out a T-Shirt and hoodie - a men’s T-Shirt and hoodie - Harry’s expression turned from playful and confused.
“What’s that for?” He asked casually, eyebrows furrowed.
“I was shopping for myself and I saw these and I, I thought they would look good on you,” you tell him, honestly nervous as to how he’d react. You had no idea how serious the two of you were, and whether this gesture, as simple as it may be, would scare him off.
But Harry’s confused face turned into a smile, relieving any anxieties you had. He couldn’t believe you thought of him when you saw these clothes and then cared enough about him to buy it.
That’s when he realized he loved you. And it scared the shit out of him.
He wore the hoodie to pick you up the next Saturday, repeating your weekly routine of hanging out then going out. He took everyone to a new bar that just opened that night, and invited some other friends outside of his usual group to join.
You had to watch some girls you’ve never met (but Harry clearly has) flirt with him while he wore a hoodie you bought. You hated how much it infuriated you, because despite how much you longed for him to be yours, he wasn’t. Your relationship with him was just whatever it was.
And you hated it because you loved him. And you hated that you loved him.
The next morning, Sunday morning, you woke up in his arms wearing his T-Shirt. Anyone would think that you were his, but you weren’t. You were the first to wake up, as always, and Harry was snoring beneath you. You felt like his, but you weren’t.
The week flew past, you only came over a few times for a movie night and to keep him company while he edited. Both times he wanted you to sleep over, so both times you did. How could you ever say no to him?
But the next day, when you woke up, he was gone already - off to some meeting or to film. You didn’t want to let it hurt you, because you knew how busy he was, how hard he worked. He doesn’t have time for a relationship with you more than whatever it was.
So you chose to ignore the pit in your stomach that only grew every time you left his house or every time he left early. You grabbed your things, shot him a text, and left, pretending it didn’t bother you. Because it didn’t bother you. That was just how things were, and how they had to be.
The next Sunday morning, he broke your heart.
Things were too complicated, there were too many strings and they were all beginning to get knotted. He needed to untie them before the knot got too big.
And you understood, like you always do. It was for the best, if he kept whatever the relationship you two had going any longer, you might’ve fallen too hard and obtained permanent damage only he could mend. So you just nodded in understanding, not daring to meet his eyes, as he tried to let you down gently.
It broke his heart too.
Harry didn’t realize at first, he thought that with you gone his love for you would vanish as quick as you did. But he was reminded by it constantly. He found himself staring at the hoodie you bought him, until he got so frustrated and confused that he tore it off the hanger and threw it to the back of his wardrobe. But then he started seeing your face in all the little things you two used to always share, like the fluffy blue blanket on his couch and the cookies you got him hooked on.
Eventually he found himself laying on his bed alone on a Sunday morning with the fluffy blue blanket and the hoodie you bought him.
You both tried dating, but it didn’t fill the freshly dug hole in your hearts.
The thing with knots is that they’re hard to untie and the strings remain tangled. The harder you pull the strings in opposite directions, the tighter the knot gets.
When some girl Harry was on a date with a random Saturday night told him he was a good conversationalist, he rudely and abruptly told her he had to leave and this wasn’t going to work out. His anger masked the hurt he felt from missing you.
The next morning he woke up without you in his arms, which just felt wrong for a Sunday morning.
He thought about calling you, he even stared at your contact for about half an hour before he had the balls to get up, grab his hoodie and drive to your place. He had no idea what to say to you.
When you opened your door at eleven a.m. that Sunday morning, he was the last person you were expecting.
“What do you want?” You words were cold and your face was blank. He broke your heart, which broke his.
“I fucking miss you.”
“You can’t do this, Harry,” you tell him, voice shaky as you put all your energy into keeping your guard up. “It’s not fair. You ended things. You didn’t want whatever the fuck our relationship was.”
“I don’t want that,” Harry says bluntly. “Fuck that. I want more than that. I want you to be mine.”
You’re taken aback at his words, you never thought that he’d ever find enough time in his busy, fast-paced, hectic life for you.
“You broke my heart.”
“I know, love, and I’m sorry,” Harry takes a step forward, reaching out to you. He knows the effect ‘baby’ has on you. “I was a fucking dumbass. I thought - I thought whatever feelings I had for you would disappear when you left, but they didn’t. You’re everywhere.”
“I’m not having a label-less relationship with you,” you state. “I want it to be official.”
Harry nods, stepping closer to you again. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
This was the best Sunday morning of them all.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Godling anon here: Magic poisoning omg yes! I want to say MC is more resilient to it at first thanks to the pact marks. But Volo is nothing if not tenacious and has been carefully learning how to effect mc. He wants them dependant on him, to be the only thing in any world for them like mc is to him.
At some point he goes a little over board and MC is close to death and that is the first time Volo sees mc's soul. It calls to him more beautiful then anything he'd ever seen before. His darling's entire life force so close he could just take it away and keep it. But oh how he would miss the touch of your hands on his the way you skin dimples as he grips you close. So he holds off but now he is hooked on seeing it so he often puts mc back in that state just to see it to try and find a way to mark it and mc as his own in a way not even the demons or angels could fight.
Off topic but sadly I doubt I'll write a story for this. I love the idea but writing full fics gives me anxiety. I have a writing blog here on tumblr too but I am pretty shotty at being active since my hyperfocuses have been jumping all around and I rarely get requests lol. But I'm happy to have someone to talk to about Volo.
Hello godling Anon.
Volo bringing MC close to death would make the brothers especially a certain hungry one fucking livid.
Levi is weirdly jealous of the fact that he's never seen Mcs Soul before and some random guy just saw it...
Meanwhile Belphie Petty is off the charts and has thought about marking MC skin. But unfun Lucifer says no touching them because MC is still delirious and they don't know how bad Volo's manipulation was.
I can see Volo trying to make a pact with MC. Because that's how you could get closer to them in this world right?
I think Barbados would be some interest to him because of the pocket Dimension.
Also imagine if Volo caught wind of the Demons trying to kill them in the past.
Oh I understand writing full fics give you anxiety bit im the same like I could write one full sick but then I would get really worried of how well it did and then immediately see what I could have done better and I'll just make me cry lol.
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seulgiology · 4 years
that’s my type | jeon jungkook
Tumblr media
pairings: fwb!jungkook x fwb!female oc
words: 3k
genre: SMUT with an “i love you” at the end , uwu
warnings: cursing, praise, dirty talk, thigh fucking, pet names, choking, a widdle exhibition, a lil pussy spank, ass slapping, piercings, tattoos (are those warnings?? idk), oc loves to mess with kookie lol save him
a/n: GIF IS NOT MINE! sad yer. admin 1 is sadly alive. HERE’S A REQUESTED JUNGKOOK SMUT, I TRIED MY BEST PLZ ACCEPT MY OFFERING TO YOU @itboykook . Also, i just randomly put two names together, so if by any chance that it relates to an actual idol IM SORRY. anygays, being a student is hard and online school is a lot :))), sorry for my inactivity.
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, idols, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. thank you and enjoy :)
Mid July - 12:03 p.m.
Jungkook fit right in with the rest of you, his quiet, odd, yet lovable personality was enticing and it didn’t fall short from the other 6 guys. 
He was the newest and the youngest out of your friend group, only a junior in college. His adorable teeth whenever he smiled that contrasted with his toned body was so attractive and he knew it too. He nearly rivaled Jimin when it came to visual duality.
You all were on one of the campus’ fields, enjoying a rare afternoon of no classes on your spread blanket. You and Hoseok were trying to play a makeshift game of basketball in the field with a random volley ball lying around and your jacket in a circle as the “hoop.” 
You were both dying of laughter from your failed attempts at playing defense and rolling in the grass like a couple of kids on a sugar rush.
Jungkook was next to Taehyung listening to brief him on everything about you, from your flat feet to your unconventional love for Tom Holland. He was sitting comfortably on the blanket, hands resting behind his back as he watched you and... What was his name? Hobi?  He’ll remember later. 
He couldn’t see you too clearly but he knew you were having fun after hearing your bubbly laughter from the distance. You didn’t seem to be coming over towards the others anytime soon so he thought he’d rest his head on Jimin’s plush lap and rest his eyes for a bit, letting the spring sun beat down on his face.
“Don’t you come over here with all that grass on you, Mae, you don’t know whose child was in there pissing.”
Jungkook’s eyes snapped open, and he hissed out at the suns rays blinding him. He lazily shifted towards the direction of the noise and heard Seokjin— Jin grumble to you two. 
You were in the middle of rubbing the loose grass off your jeans when you could feel someone’s stare on you.
Jungkook shamelessly drank in your figure, loving the way your ripped jeans hugged your thick thighs. He could only dream of burying his face in between them and leaving hickies. You were slightly bent over in front of him trying to wipe the dirt off of you, but he had a great view of your full and round ass trapped inside the denim.
Is this what it feels like to look at an angel? Jungkook didn't know what to believe anymore after being graced with your existence. Did he want to worship your body, make you laugh, hold your hand? Or something more? The blood rushed to his center the longer he kept his gaze on you and letting his thoughts take a sexual turn.
You didn’t catch him practically eye-fucking you, but when you looked up and around, you did see him blushing and hastily putting his bag on his lap.
He must be a shy guy. Yet his whole presence makes you want to shut up and be a good girl for him. He was only laying down with his arm propped up for support, and his short black hair was flowing in the wind, making him look goofy with such a concentrating look on his face.
He pretended to be searching in his bag for something as his heart raced when he saw your shadow coming towards him. He tasted the saliva pooling in his mouth at the sight of you towering over him, your nose and ear piercings glinting in the sunlight. 
“I’m Maerin, the only reasonable one here. You are?” You carefully reached your hand out for him to shake with a charming grin on your face, amazed that your friend group just continues to add more attractive men to your circle.
“Jungkook, the other reasonable one here.” You laughed at his statement and his adorable nose scrunched when he smiled with you. You took the vacant seat next to him, and his sight was glued to your physique on your descent, entranced by the minimalistic ink on your arm.
Could you get anymore perfect? Perfect face. Perfect ass. Perfect thighs. Perfect body. Perfect personality most likely. HIs mind raced with thoughts of only you as soon as he took your much smaller hand in his in a firm shake.
He was going to have you one way or another. And that’s a promise he kept. Sort of.
Early December - 11:46 a.m.
Those god-awful finals had just ended for you guys and it was time for winter break. It was decided that you all would put in money to go to a ski resort for the break, needing the stress reliever and rest.
And get rid of stress was exactly what you did.
“Fuck, you really don’t know what you do to me,” His hand tightened around your neck in the most pleasurable way, and you were hazy from the dream-like steam the shower was bringing.
He had you pinned against him, his arms held you tightly in place as he thrusted in between your thighs, only sliding his cock against your slick womanhood. You hated not being able to feel him inside you, but he was in heaven when he had you like this. 
Jungkook’s reasonably unreasonable obsession with your ass and thighs played a great part in your friends with benefit arrangement. 
“This is all mine, sweetness,” He grunted in your ear, and all you could do was gasp in response. His wet and wavy locks draped over your shoulder as he sped up his pace, leaving you devoid of any type of release as your thighs tightened around his cock sliding in between them. 
“Jungkook-” You whined to him, upset that he was using you to get himself off. He payed you no mind however, his thrusts speeding up as the unrhythmic slide of his cock in between your folds meant he was going to cum soon. 
"You wanna cum pretty girl? Wanna feel me stuff you so full you won’t remember anything but me?” He moaned in your ear at the thought, torturing himself as much as he was torturing you.
You let out a pathetic but audible yes that you knew had his dimple popping from the grin that adorned his face. You yelped when he manhandled you against the wall and pushed your back down so your ass was to his front. You turned around to see him desperately pumping himself in his hand and his lips slightly parted. The sight had your arousal trailing down your legs along with the water and you licked you lips at his hard cock in his hand.
He pumped his load on your cheeks that were spread for him and he watched it get rinsed away as quickly as it came with the water.
Your body was still on edge when you felt Jungkook rise you up and back hugged you so tenderly, you were ready to fall asleep in his arms at the safety they welcomed. He chuckled in your ear at your languid body and held you tighter. “If you fall asleep you won’t get your reward for being good for me,” his voice was so sweet and you. Why isn’t he your boyfriend again?
“Mmm, really?” You questioned him in a sultry tone, wanting to get him riled up again. You grinded your ass on his hardening manhood and you loved the way he grabbed a handful of it and rolled his hips on you.
“Jungkook, you in there?” You both froze in panic upon hearing Namjoon over the white noise. Jungkook’s finger tips stopped their descent down your stomach and lightly dug in. Shit, fuck, fuck fuck, shit- 
“Yea hyung, I’m in the shower, what’s up?” His voice was unusually shaky to the older man, but he brushed his overanalyzing to the side. “Have you seen Maerin? She said she was looking for you but she disappeared.”
Your heart pounded to the speed the water was hitting you. Namjoon wasn’t stupid, he’d probably figure you guys out, if he didnt already.
Jungkook frowned at you in confusion and you shrugged back at him, your face heating up at the excuse you told the others men to just come see your fuck buddy. 
“She told me to meet the rest of you in the lobby but I wanted to take a shower before leaving. Um... I think she went to get more food before they closed the breakfast buffet.” He lied smoothly, and you sighed in relief and let your grip on hi arm drop.
Namjoon jumped after hearing the load thump and an extremely familiar feminine squeak from the bathroom.
Was that Maer—
“Sorry hyung, the soap fell on my foot when I tried reaching for it! I’ll be out soon, don’t wait for me.” He replied in a haste after turning the shower off and giving you a hard look. After hearing the room door close, your body chilled beyond return and your nipples hardened in anticipation.
“You think this is a game, huh?” He tilted your chin up with his cold finger tips and glared at your smirking face.
This was most definitely a game you wanted to play.
Late December - 1:30 p.m.
“Who brought the liquor, im trying to get wasted tonight.”
“Jimin, we’re watching Stranger Things.”
“Ok— so where’s the liquor...?”
You smile to yourself at hearing your friends’ conversation, they never fail to amuse you. You were in the kitchen, trying to get popcorn ready for all 8 of you to watch the supernatural show in Jungkook’s apartment.
You leaned on the counter in front of the microwave and listened to its humming as the bag of popcorn started to slowly inflate.
“The guys are here and you have your ass all out like this?” A silent groan left your lips and arousal pooled in between your legs when Jungkook grinded his hips into your ass and grabbed a handful of it.
Your friend group had no idea that you were fucking each other for about 2 months now. It felt wrong to be sexually attracted to each other, especially because you were friends. So you both didn’t want a bad reaction if you told the others.
“Jungkook, someone’s going to walk in—” But you ignored your own words and instead rubbed against him more. You were breathing softly but heavily when you let him cup your cunt through your leggings. He loved it when you wore leggings, it always left little to his imagination when he wanted to guffaw at your legs.
The microwave beeped loudly and it startled the young man behind you into jumping back in fright. Jungkook swallowed hard at hearing your snickering and in a haste, left the kitchen and into the noisy living room instead. He was hard under his sweats, and hated how uncomfortable he was because did it.
They were all seated and prepared to binge watch the latest season of the popular American show when you crept out with two large bowls of kettle corn popcorn.
After they graciously thanked you, you took the obvious seat next to Jungkook on the loveseat. The others expected this, they knew you two were closer than ever. He threw the fuzzy blanket over you both as you cuddled close to the arm chair and put your feet on the other side of his thighs.
Your knees were bent up because you couldn’t fully extend your legs, and it was the perfect position for him to touch you in. He turned to gaze at you under his dark and curly fringe and his earring dangle from the movement.
He discreetly leaned in and whispered, “I dare you to try something while they’re here. Watch what’s going to happen.” The eerie theme song of the show began and you knew for a fact you weren’t going to pay attention. 
You’ve seen the legendary show already. So instead you’d mess with the man directly in front of you.
So for eight long hours you you teased him under the blankets; Rubbing his length with your feet, edging him and never letting succumb to the unusual pleasure. It was exciting to see him sweat while all of your close friends were so close to you yet too engrossed in the T.V. set to notice.
Just as your group was piling out and saying their goodbyes, you suggested that you stay to help the maknae clean. it was late and everybody would be busy the next day but you. 
And Jungkook wasn’t going to let you go that easy.
9:54 p.m. [same night]
Your damp forehead was pressed into soft cushion and your hands clutching the closest pillow on the couch as you were hopelessly whimpering for more. 
Jungkook wasted no time in having you ass up, head down with his wet tongue abusing your cunt and giving you a taste of your own medicine.
“You really must think this shit is funny, baby” He said, basking in the taste of your arousal. You whined when he lightly slapped your clit, your hips involuntarily pushing back for more and he arrogantly chuckled at your neediness.
“I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it.” His voice was gruff when his hard and angry cock slapped against your swollen lips, the slickness of it making it an obscene noise.
“Only if you fuck me first.” You breathlessly said to him and wiggled your ass to draw him in even more. His hooded eyes caught the sight and he moistened his thin lips, loving they way your bottom moved.
You both sighed in relief when he finally pushed in, the initial sting always catching you by surprise, no matter how many times he’s done it. 
“Shit, you always take me so well Mae,” He pumps faster, his hips snapping into yours and you cry out from the intensity of it. Your clit throbbed from your fingers circling around it, and your moans were purely sinful. Jungkook loved seeing you like this.
Back arched and your pussy clenching around his length. The way your ass bounced against his hips whenever he thrusted into you. Fuck. His hand came down hard on your already stinging before grabbing them and drilling into you impossibly quicker than before. 
“Please don’t stop!” You cried out, living for the way his dick filled you so fucking full until you you were seeing white. “Look at you pretty girl. You’re such a brat and all I do is fuck you and give you what you want.” He grunted in your ear and kissed right below it, hearing the dangling sounds of your own earrings.
“Ohhh, Jungkook I’m so close,” He huffed before carefully flipped you over and fucked you with vigor, your toes curling and an amazing sensation rushing through you. “Come on sweetness, you’re almost there.” He placed your legs over his shoulder and gripped your delicious thighs so tight, this wouldn’t be the first time you’d see hand prints there tomorrow.
His forehead was pressed against yours as he watched his dick push in and out of your sopping cunt, your cries egging him on to spill inside of you without hesitation.
The feeling in your lower stomach was becoming uncomfortably persistent and with one final rare moan of your name his hips stuttered sloppily and he filled you with his seed to the brim. Your body spasmed around him and your mantra of his name didn’t even let up after you came. 
When you finally came down from your high, your eyes cleared to see the sweaty boy slumped against you, body spent from putting his all into this session.
He peppered kisses along your collarbones and softly massaged your chest as your eyes closed from his blessed hands working on your soft tissue.
He peeked up at you through those unruly locks of his and that boyish charm never failed you whenever he literally did anything. Don’t even get you started on his boxing practices, whew-
“So round two?” He quirked a playful eyebrow at you as his fingers lightly danced over your torso. You giggled when he reached around your waist and applied pressure, the soft skin felt like silk to him. 
“What do you expect an answer?” You giggled up at him, stars in your eyes. You sneakily reached and tickled under his arms, and he let out the most adorable laugh your ears could ever hear. You shushed your laughs with unsuccessful kisses that were even more laughs because of your failed attempts of keeping a straight face.
When he pulled away, his doe-eyes were stuck on your gorgeous face. The way he was looking at you wasn’t unfamiliar, you we’re just too stupid to play it off as the “post-fuck love stare.” But here you were now. Laughing in between his strong arms and pecking each others lips. 
We’ve been friends fucking like this for months and I’m just realizing this now?
“What if I told you that I loved you? How’d you answer to that..?” He trailed off towards the end, his spontaneous confidence wearing off by the millisecond from his impulsive words. 
You could combust with the overwhelming feeling of happiness and your chest felt lighter even with his body of muscle on you. You smiled so wide up at him, you could barely see his own face morph into the dimpled look you’ve grown to love since you first met him. But you still wanted to mess with him for 10 more seconds.
“I would say I love you with all my heart...” 
You think his just dropped to his stomach with the way his face turned ghastly pale and his eyebrows raised in worry. He was not expecting that after your reaction to him confessing his feeling towards you. Was this a joke? But you were smiling... mayb-
“But my ass is bigger.” Your laugh was contagious and he couldn’t even be mad at you cause he couldn’t agree more.
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hi! i love your blog and i was wondering if you could ship me with one of the queen and beatle boys if that's okay. i'm a virgo if that's needed, i'm sarcastic and i love all things stars and astrology. i makes jokes a little too much and i'm kinda sassy
hi! i love your blog and i was wondering if you could ship me with a beatle, queen and borhap boy if that isn't any trouble- i am 5'4 and have brown hair and brown eyes. i'm a virgo, intp who is very sarcastic and i love astronomy. i read a lot and i get stressed and anxious very easily. i drink tea when im stressed (random but i thought that'd be helpful) i don't come off as someone who likes people very much but in the end, i just want to be liked but i have a weird way of showing it
Thanks for all of the information! It actually gives me more to write off of!
For Queen, I would have to ship you with...
Brian May!!
Our Bri would meet you at some planetarium or museum. You both would wind up talking so much about the planets and the science of it all for hours and hours until you realized it was dark.
So he took you out for dinner and offered to buy yours. You smiled and joked “Oh, you mean like a date?” 
And he froze. Your sweet smile as you played with your staw, sipping your drink froze him for a second. Then, shyly, he nodded his curly head “yes, like a date!”
Your practical, organized, almost motherly Virgo would work really well with his soft, emotional Cancer personality. He is able to soften you and open you up and you are able to help him get his sh*t together.
Plus I think you would have such cute star gazing dates with food and hot chocolate when it got cold, including cuddling in blankets saying names, and whispering stories behind the constellations (my HEART)
Plus Brian would love to take you on tour with him and bearing the long car rides and plane trips together along with the band. Knowing you made it even better.
Plus since he’s still pretty tall next to you, he gives the best hugs!
As for the Beatles, I have to go with...
John Lennon!
Okay, John is a sarcastic boy. So the fact you could match and play with his banter word for word would have him shook in the first place
And he would try and play it cool, like the usual, cynical, tough boy John.
But one look at your brown eyes and he fell on his face, causing you to laugh at him. And finally, he asked you out.
He would love to make you cups of tea. It started when you said so, but it then became the fashion whenever you came by his place that he would get the nicest mug out and heat up the water in the kettle.
And he would make it just the way you like it and get the right flavor of tea you like and everything. Even this tough, smart boy has a tender side when it comes to you!
Plus, imagine reading together all the time! Curled up when it’s raining, and both reading different books. Talking about what the books are about. John sometimes moving to write down some lyrics as you tease him to return back to you, which he does gladly!
Plus (like with Brian), you get to watch the stars. There is a window near your bed when you move in and you both watch them together. 
And for BohRap boys, I have to pair you with...
Rami Malek!
I think Rami would be so sweet and understanding about your anxiety! He would always be holding your hand when it hits you.
He would then cancel any superfluous plans and stay in with you, watching movies and eating snacks as you make silly commentary until you both get into it.
But that also means you both get to glam up for the red carpet and wear coordinating outfits that are beautiful together! Like ballgowns and colorful tuxedoes and so on!
Also, the Virgo with his Taurus would work really well. He would give you nice cuddles and kisses and fix you nice dinners, just spoiling you.
But Rami would also be insanely loyal and devoted to you. Like, literal ride or die. Wanting to commit to being with you and making himself better for you.
He is so glad you chose him because at first he was worried if you even liked him, but you always make him feel supported and assured from the different way you show affection.
Plus he loves to play with your hair, making little braids, brushing it, stroking it when you’re cuddling together. It’s heavenly.
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Your writing is so amazing thank you so much for running this blog! Can I request jealous Sanemi reacting to seeing other guys flirt with his fem s/o?
Hm, I already make this type of hc but with Medic s/o so I’ll go with tsuguko on this one!
If you still not read the medic staff one, look here
Most of reader will think that Sanemi probably the jealous-tsundere type (because I thought so too), but after chap 179 and Genya’s backstory, I changed my mind. He’s not. He’s the type who will drop his tsundereness out of his mind when it comes to people he loved. And er… even didn’t hesitate to kill them? (Koku dear, I’m sorry)
Thank you for requesting!
Jealous!Shinazugawa Sanemi x s/o (NSFWish Warning)
Sanemi’s s/o is his tsuguko, because she has the same breath style as him.
The rest of the students didn’t know that you and Sanemi are couple, since he didn’t really show sign or gesture. He even trained her harder more than anyone else.
The students were wondering how could she handled all of these demonic training, and thought that he really hate her from his deepest heart.
How could she hold the continuous attack and endless fist fight, plus other additional practices like hop on 1000 ladder, and how she could hold his wooden sword attack until it break by both of their force.
They don’t have any slightest idea.
She’s totally fine with that, because she has more stamina but lack of strength. That’s why Sanemi tried to fix that weakness.
But one thing, that Wind Pillar didn’t know there are many male Demon Slayer who hit on her, because of her power as Demon Slayer and the beauty that laid on her as a girl
At first, she didn’t want this relationship to be public, neither did Sanemi. But she realized that probably, publication really necessary.
She never told him on how the boys constantly talked, flirted, even tried to enter her personal space. She already told them that she has boyfriend, but they never listen. They always thought that it’s just her excuse.
She knew the moment if Sanemi spotted her like this, he will kill all of these students.
Ah, she doesn’t want to imagine it.
Today, after some medication in Butterfly Estate, she went back to Sanemi’s house alone. Sanemi actually wanted to escort her, but Oyakata-sama called for his service.
He told her to stay and wait for him, but she said that she’s too tired and prefer to go home alone.
He clicked his tongue. “Do what you like.”
“Are you angry?”
“I’m not. Go home first.”
She looked hesitant at first, but eventually went home alone.
On the way, she hummed and sometimes pressed the bandage on her head.
“Hm, I hit Sanemi’s shoulder once in the morning practice and his back once in the evening practice. Looks like l developed today!”
Somebody suddenly tapped her shoulder. She flinched and ready to commence attack.
“Hey, it’s me!” That’s one of the boy who gradually trying to get close to her.
“I almost hit you, you know.” She giggled. “What are you doing at this hour?”
“Well, I’ve bought some snacks.” He showed her the Dango, covered with leaves. “Are you going to home?”
May I escort you? It’s dangerous for girl to walk alone like this. Some stranger, even demon maybe attack you. Luckily, you have me!“
She shook her head. "Thank you, but I prefer to walk alone.” Also, aren’t you the one who also whining and easily give up when Sanemi trained you. Really have guts to talk about someone who probably attack me, huh.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” He suddenly grabbed her hand. “Show me where your house is!”
She fended his hand, feeling super uncomfortable. But looks like he didn’t bothered by it.
Since he insisted, she walked home with him while listening to his nagging about Sanemi’s hellish training.
“You agree with me right?! Just because he’s a Pillar, he doesn’t have to be like that!”
This is the worst, ugh.
She didn’t want to show where she’s really heading to, so she stopped at random stranger house.
“I’m fine here.” She bowed down to him, hoping the owner of the house will not see them in front of their gate.
“Hey.” He suddenly catched you in between his body, hugged you from behind. “I like you, please go out with me.”
“I- Im sorry.” She shoved him down. “I already have someone. I told you this.” He looked unpleasant but didn’t give up.
He stepped forward again and cornered her onto the gate wall, trapped her with both of his arms.
She swears, she just want to drop-kick him.
“Why? Am I not enough? You’re beautiful and I believe no one could resist my looks. I even got higher demon-killing last night. I’m sure I’ll make it into Pillar.”
“I’m so sorry, I told you-”
“Who is that someone? I’ll rip-”
“Fucking rip what?” A big hand suddenly grabbed his arm and clutched it, probably leaving purple bruised on this poor boy’s arm tomorrow morning
“Shi-Shinazugawa Hashira?!” He startled.
“Let her go, you dipshit.”
It didn’t take a long time to swift his big hand from this younger male’s arm to his neck and slammed him to the ground.
Sanemi choked him with the strength he got. The boy scratched his big arms, trying to get some oxygen into his lungs
“Sanemi! Stop!” She’s trying to pull him back.
“I-I’m sorry!!!” The boy stuttered. Sanemi finally pulled out his hand. The younger male got up and ran away from that place.
Sanemi didn’t say anything after that. Just pulled her wrist on their way to home. She tried to explain to him what happened but looks like he didn’t listen to her. It’s even hard to match her steps with him, it was more like he dragged her along.
When they got home, he slammed the door and pushed her onto the wall.
“Sanemi, list-” He didn’t waste time and pushed his lips onto hers, kissing her roughly
“I heard from Uzui today. You like being a attention seeker, huh.”
He moved and bit her neck on every inch of her skin, licking every marks he made.
“That’s not it…”
“How is it feel like? Surrounded by males, when right here, you already have someone who actually devoted his life to you.” He suddenly clenched and sink his canine teeth on her neck. The blood dripped slowly from that place. He looked satisfied.
“It’s not like what you think…” She yelped and whimpered, trying to shove his body. But the strength is no match.
“What? I can’t hear-”
A loud slap was heard. Sanemi finally stopped and came back to his sense, slowly caressing his reddened cheek.
He looked at her, tears were flowing down from her eyes’ corner. Her eyes were in unexplainable rage.
“Do you really have any idea how many times do I had to tell them that I already have lover?! How many times I had to protect myself from them?! So many that I’m really pissed but they never heard me! And now you here suddenly saying that, like I’m some kind of a whore?!”
“Then why don’t you tell me-”
“Because I know you will hurt them! Just- just look at that! You almost choked him to death earlier! Do you think I’ll let you doing such things?!”
She ragged her back against the wall down to the floor. “You even didn’t listen to me… How should I trust you that you will not hurt them?”
Sanemi knelt and hugged her. He kissed her forehead and wiped her tears with his thumb.
“Don’t be such a sweet man after what you’re saying to me…” She shoved him down. “Leave me alone.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He stood up and left her. “If you calmed down, talk to me.”
She just sat there and buried her face into her knee. “Aren’t you the one who need to calm down….”
Inside their shared bedroom, Sanemi punched the wall, while gritting his teeth.
He failed, the moment Uzui told him her condition, he already knew he failed to protect her. Why didn’t he realize it sooner?
After some sobbing, she finally stood up and went to the bedroom
“Hey, you done? Come here.” Sanemi invited her to his side. There is kind-of-bowl thingy, disinfectant and patches on the nightstand
She move towards him and sat down, still sobbing and sniffling
He started to cleanse her neck’s wound, slowly. Sometimes, she flinched and groaned, an ordinary reaction for wounds treatment.
“…Sanemi, I’m sorry for being mean to you.” She finally opened her mouth.
“Done.” He patched the wound and tidied up all of the utilities, walking out to put them in shelves.
Of course, he ignored her huh… She slapped his cheek after all.
He came back to the room. The tension became awkward, she didn’t know what to do.
“Sanemi, I-”
“I’m sorry.” He sat and hugged her body. “I just don’t want you to… Get hurt or something.”
“Me too, I’m sorry for not being honest.” She draped her arms onto his neck.
“I wanted to make this clear, I’m not possessive towards you, but sometimes…” He kissed her forehead, sticked his forehead against her and closes his eyes. “Sometimes, it’s hard to see you with another man. Now I know your problem, I promised to protect you. And you also had to promise me, if someone really bothered you, tell me.”
“I promise. And please don’t hurt them when I told you.”
He chuckled and cupped her face.
“I won’t.” It really made her heart at ease, knowing Sanemi will not hurt them
Lmao. Bold of you to assume he WILL NOT KILL THEM.
Of course there will be consequences for touching her like that. Sanemi smirked behind her. What kind of hellish training he gave to those who try to flirt her tomorrow?
“Sanemi, are you okay?” She sensed some evil aura from him.
“Yup, totally.”
On next morning training, all of the male demon slayers knew about their relationship. The talks was spreading like plague.
Some of them were grunting, some of them are trembled, not wanting to know what happened to them if they bothered her again.
When both of them came to dojo, the males were stoned. This couple held their hands and make entrance inside.
“Oh so it was true.” One of the boy clenched his fist.
“Shit. There’s no way I could beat that Wind Hashira.”
After briefing, he called you behind the dojo. The males were carefully eavesdropping on them.
They talked like usual until Sanemi moved closer to her.
“Hm? What’s wrong?” She asked.
He cleaved apart the hair that make her neck covered.
“Sanemi?” He suddenly kissed and light-bite her nape while looking at pack of male teenagers who eyed on her.
Of course, there is no way Sanemi didn’t realize their presence.
“What are you doing?!” She blushed while tapping her behind, hoped that nobody looking.
“Nothing.” He licked his lower lips, still looking at spotted and trembled young Demon Slayers behind. “Just want to clear up something.” She looked confused.
“What is that supposed to- Ow?!” He flicked her forehead
“Go to Himejima place, asked him about the wooden swords I requested yesterday. There will be another people who sent it. Your task is escorting them safely to here.”
“Why not Kakushi-”
“They are busy right now.” He smiled to her.
“THEY ARE CLEARLY NOT.” Those younger demon slayers shivered. Some of them even blaming the boy who hit on her yesterday, saying that it’s all his fault now they are in this situation.
“Hey, how am I supposed to know that HE is the lover?”
After that, Sanemi gave her the details.
“Okay. I’m going now.” She waved her hands and Sanemi responded with raise his one hand.
“And for all of you.” After she disappeared from his sight, he turned around his head. His irk marks are bigger than the usual. The terrors that emitted from his body is more sinister and enough to make anyone who passed by or just stand there were dropped dead.
Imagine the rest of the lower rank demon slayers who shivered in tremor there.
“Shall we fucking ‘date’ now?”
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svankmajerbaby · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not. Let’s get to know the person behind the blog ❤️ =)
thank you!! this is kind of difficult because generally talking about myself is a weird pull and push of what i want to share, what is too much.... but i hope someone finds this interesting!!
1. when i get my own job home and money i really really want to be a toy collector. i wanna buy these old wind up tin toys and doll houses and miniature furniture and very old porcelain dolls and try to fix them and make them new dresses. i also want to make sure old plush toys are healthy-looking and well... my ma gave me an old lion toy she had when she was little, and all the hair of his mane fell off as years went on :( i wish i could give him the mane he deserves. i was a bit of a lonely kid so i played often with my toys, and often i hope toys were better cared for. i still remember an adorable teddy bear i saw thrown off on the curb, all moldy and dirty.... i wanted to take him home but my ma didn’t let me :(((((
2. i’m collecting brown glass bottles! i used to collect little porcelain cups, but they got too expensive for me too soon. i got just three brown glass bottles right now, because the quarantine cut my search off... but as soon as i can i’ll continue searching for more. i really like their slightly creepy look, theyre usually old medicine bottles but some others also look just warm and cozy... i just think they’re neat
3. i don’t know how to braid hair properly...... i’m waiting for my hair to grow long enough to try again, but both my lack of dexterity and the fact my ma has always braided my hair for me led to my incapacity to know how to do so. i really love braids tho so even if im a bit older than whatever age people usually learn to braid i’m really hoping i can make some nice loose braids in a few months and also make my own hair ties and decorate them with fake flowers and fruit
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unibrowzz · 4 years
My Personal Eurovision Winners (and then some) Part III- 1970-1979
And so we finally enter a decade where I actually have stronger feelings to some of the songs I’ve picked.
It’s about bloody time.
Granted I don’t I really care about ALL these songs... and certainly not all these years... because... well...
The 70s sucked. They just did. Things got better in 1973, but then all downhill again in 1974, hitting rock bottom in 1977, then soaring back up in 1978, which is one of my all-time favourite years. Besides 1990 of course. So this is going to be a bit “hnnnng, this year sucked ass but this song was decent I guess hnng”, just warning you all now.
Same rules apply, no actual real winners allowed in this. Because... reasons.
1970- Switzerland- Henri Dés- “Retour”
So 1970 was a fairly mediocre year with an extremely mediocre winner, but there’s still some gems in there. If I’m honest my personal winner was between this song and Monaco... But I gave Monaco 1969 so Switzy gets this one.  That and this song just bangs.  We’ve probably established that I have a song type by now; staccato, bouncy, rhythmic, etc, so it’s no surprise I like this song. It’s got a great energy, and an infectious rhythm to it. Go check it out, sing along if you know the words or just like making funny noises.
1971- Spain- Karina- “En un mundo nuevo”
I know I said “no runners up” but A) I don’t give enough fucks about the actual winner to keep it even if I didn’t have my “no real winners” rule and B) This was literally the only song that stood out to me anyway. I tend to find this song getting stuck in my head at inopportune moments, like times when I can’t think about what song that particular phrase is from, or whether it’s a Eurovision song or just some random foreign song someone else played on Discord. I blame the fact the opening verses and following chorus sound like they’re taken from two completely different songs for that. I’m sure a lot of people are already familiar with this song, since I know a lot of Spain’s old entries got quite popular after the contest, so go remind yourself of it I guess.
1972- United Kingdom- The New Seekers- “Beg, steal or borrow”
I KNOW I SAID NO RUNNERS UP BUT 1972 FUCKING SUCKED AND THIS IS THE ONLY SONG OTHER THAN APRES TOI AND FALTER IM WIND THAT I REMEMBER, AND APRES TOI WON AND FALTER IM WIND WAS AS OUT OF TUNE AS A PRIMARY SCHOOL CHOIR.  Now that’s out of the way, yeah this is just... only here because it’s not Apres Toi and there was nothing else better that year. 1972 really was that shitty that I can’t think of any other likeable entry from it.
1973- Finland- Marion Rung- “Tom tom tom”
So 1973 was a pretty solid year. The top five blows absolute ass in my opinion, but whatever, we can look beyond that. Let’s look at... 6th. Yeah. 6th is good. This is probably one of the few times I’ll recommend an English version over the original language version, not that the Finnish version is offensive or immoral or anything like that, I just prefer how this song sounds in English. It just flows better in my opinion, and I also like the way she says “lucky” in the chorus, like the way she holds the L sound is just so satisfying. It’s just great. Deserved to be in the top five. Top three. First.
1974- Luxembourg- Ireen Sheer- “Bye bye, I love you”
Ohhh, how much I wanted to break my own rules and put ABBA for this. But at the same time, I wanted the challenge of picking alternative songs. Go figure. But thankfully, Sweden wasn’t the only country who actually bothered their ass to send something half decent that year. Luxembourg sent this. Is it perfect? No. Do I like it? Hell yeah.  I’m not sure why, I guess I just like the swing and sway of it. It makes me feel oddly nostalgic too, I don’t know why since I only heard it after I started getting into old Eurovision about two years ago. But that’s by the by. This is just a nice, sweet, gentle song, go listen to it.
1975- Switzerland- Simone Drexel- “Mikado”
Okay but seriously if this song wasn’t in German who else would swear that it was meant to be Israel’s entry. Only me? Huh. But this song was a love at first listen, like this is right up my alley. Granted it’s a bit slower than most of my other favourites, but this is still a firm favourite of mine. It’s very steady, like a metronome, and I kinda like it’s melancholy tone. Go check it out if you haven’t already.
1976- Greece- Mariza Koch- “Panagia Mou”
I used to hate this song. First time I heard it I had to skip it because it just annoyed me. I thought it was whiny, horrible, tinny, obnoxious, any insult you can think of that would apply to a song like this. And then. It got stuck in my head one day. So I had to listen to it to get it out. And it stuck. Like it stuck. And I kept kidding myself into thinking I had a love/hate relationship with it. But no, I just love it. It’s probably one of my favourite Greek entries, if I’m honest. Obviously this is an acquired taste, it’s basically a Greek, 70s, 1944, right down the political pot-shots at another country who usually compete. So if you like 1944, you’ll probably like this. And even if you don’t like 1944, give it a chance!
1977- Austria- Schmetterlinge- “Boom boom boomerang”
I’ve already talked about this song in a post here, so if you want a bit of context, just follow that link. Tl;dr, it’s cynical and pessimistic, just like this blog :’)
1978- Ireland- Colm Wilkinson- “Born to Sing”
Ohh yes, now we’re getting into the good shit. Veterans of this blog probably saw this song coming. I’m pretty sure it’s been on every one of my favourites grids, plus I’ve stated a few times that’s it’s my favourite entry from Ireland. Granted it’s not the kind of song I usually gravitate towards (and by that I mean it’s not a fast paced pop song pfft) but there’s still so much that pulls me in, like I love the pace, the melody, the lyrics are great, the singing’s outstanding... Also side note I had no idea how Colm Wilkinson was before I heard this song, which is both weird and embarrassing since I live in the UK and I basically only know about one of the biggest West End stars of his day through Eurovision and Eurovision is a cringey interest here but who cares, the song’s incredible and Colm Wilkinson should hold the title of Eurovision winner as well as West End star.
1979- Germany- Dschinghis Khan-  “Dschinghis Khan”
Ah, time to get basic :’) Now I’ve loved this song for years. It was probably one of the first old Eurovision entries I properly got into, like I absolutely loved this. It was fast, punchy, catchy, like this song captivated me and would not let me go for a long ass time. And even though it’s worn off, I still love it. I can’t deny it, this song is an absolute blast. 
Stay tuned!
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uncloseted · 4 years
This is such a random question but i have no clue who to turn to im so sorry:( me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 years but ive always secretly been attracted to his best friend. Shes really pretty and i always used to play it off in my head that i was jealous of her but i cant deny i really like her. A few months ago we were all playing spin the bottle and me and the girl ended up kissing and it felt so different to how it does with my boyf. (part 1)
(part 2) now at every party or anytime we all hang out we usually end up kissing or holding hands or something. Sometimes we even kiss in front of my boyf and he thinks im trying to impress him. Its not technically cheating because he says Its fine to kiss girls and that he likes It but I know the truth deep down is that I like her and so really I am cheating and sometimes right infront of him. I feel so guilty and I want to break up but everytime I try i end up backing out.
(part 3) before quarantine me and the girl ended up kissing in the toilet and it got really heated to the point we were about to have sex. I didnt go through with it and tried talking to her about it but when I said what we were doing was wrong she just said were both girls arent we its not like I like you im just drunk. Her saying that made me realise how much i liked her cos it hurt so much.
(part 4) a couple days later she offered to drive me home and we stayed up till 4 in the morning talking and ended up kissing sober for the first. I said again dont you think this is wrong and all she said was can we just pretend its not were both girls anyway. I dont know if shes in denial or she really is straight and just likes kissing or something. How do i break up with my boyfriend? And do i tell him the truth or is it best he doesnt know?
(part 5) im so sorry this is so long winded and a bit crazy i just didnt know who to ask i cant tell any of my friends about it or anything:( thank you so much i love your blog ive been reading for like 3 years and youre such a role model to me and such a lovely person you seem so smart and interesting sorry if this sounds dumb but i hope im like you when in older!! Not that youre old or anything! xxxx
Thank you, and I’m happy to help!  First things first, I think you have to break up with your boyfriend.  I know it can be hard and scary and guilt-inducing to break up with someone, but you’ll only feel guiltier the longer you drag this out.  It’s not fair to him to be in a relationship with someone who’s not as into the relationship as he is, whether that’s because of sexuality or just a lack of interest.  In terms of what you tell him, it’s up to you.  I don’t think telling him that you’re leaving him for his best friend is the best move, but maybe say that you’re confused about your sexuality and you need some space to figure it out, or just that you’re not interested in your relationship anymore and feel like that’s not fair to him.
In terms of this girl, I feel like “we’re both girls so it doesn’t even count”, and “it’s just a fun drunk thing” are both classic “closeted lesbian” things to say, but it’s hard to know for sure.  And even if she is gay, she might not be at a point in her life where she can admit that to herself or to other people.  It sounds like she has some self-discovery to do.  Maybe that will include you, maybe it won’t, but I think you need to let her figure this out at her own pace and not push her to be in a relationship with you if she’s not ready.  I know that might be frustrating because clearly they’re something between the two of you, but coming out is a complicated process and people need to do it in their own ways.  Either way, though, it’s good that you’ve come to this realization about yourself, and you should be proud of yourself for letting yourself be who you are.
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP.7 (Cont.)
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“i have not now, nor ever, liked this creepy ass church elevator.”
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“kanade please get out of my head, just because im hungry doesnt mean you have to tell me every time i am”
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Hibiki finishes getting a full body X-ray. She’s fine.
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“that anime protagonist immunity is really kicking in well!”
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“by the way, your wife is here! and she’s looking mighty miffed., as opposed to me, mighty milfed.”
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“you dont strike me as a mother figure but ill play along for now”
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“i just hope miku’s okay...”
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“oh, she’ll be fine! see, i’ve seen these kinds of plots before. big secret revealed, another lover is shown, the victim watches as they’re thoroughly cheated on, and they get to lik-”
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“please stop breathing”
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Genjuro’s wasting away again in Margaritaville. Looking for some daughter to adopt. SOME PEOPLE SAY THAT THERE’S A, WOOOOMAAAAAN TO BLAAAAAAAAAAME, BUT HE KNOWS
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“i hate it when he gets like this. jimmy buffets not a good look for him.”
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“for once you and i agree. seeing the commander sulk like this like a middle aged perma-tourist is genuinely miserable”
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“hey homies! im back and i brought some bitches! oh, jesus, why does this place smell like mistakes in miami?”
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“its me. im sorry. every time i feel like i failed as a dad, my anti-dad energies manifest. imagine every midlife crisis rolled up into a single ball, smacked into the face for eternity. thats the depth of my pain for failing this girl.”
In a moment of positivity, the friendship between Tsubasa and Hibiki is cemented.
> Tsubasa has joined the party.
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“uuuuhhhhh... dadship? yeah thats close enough.”
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“ya tiddies are ringing again, better go get it”
Ryoko also points out that Hibiki’s relic is fusing with herself at an alarming rate. This is important to keep in mind.
Meanwhile, at night.
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Miku is posing in the motherly “you done fucked up, where have you been young lady” position. A cold scolding is coming.
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“.........................hey miku......”
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“you can come in. are you worried im gonna bite? you suplexed a car. that shouldn’t be an issue anymore.”
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“miku, i.... i wanted to tell you.... but.... the plot wouldn’t let me, miku....”
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“should’ve told the plot to fuck off anyway. now you’re gonna live with that. you’re sleeping... on the bottom bunk.”
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“b.... b..... b...... b.... b...... bottom bunk...?”
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They slept separately that night. God, this is so stupid. All of this is so goddamned stupid. “I’m so mad at you even though you saved my life.” This is just so. AUGH. THIS IS DUMB. KANEKO WRITE BETTER ANGST THAT MAKES SENSE THAT ISN’T THIS.
Meanwhile, far away from this garbage...
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Chris, having been evicted from Fine’s McMansion, wanders the streets of mumblemumble aimlessly. Don’t be fooled by her new fancy dress. Basically, she’s a combat-competent hobo.
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“no food. no home. no victories. this sucks. whyd you do it, fine? we coulda been great together. but no. ya fired me. now i look like im prancing the red light district with a highly advanced superweapon around my neck.”
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“no... hibiki’s to blame. ever since that genderbent little mac showed up to fight me, it’s been all downhill. fine thought me a laughstock because i couldnt take out her oversized boxing gloves, and now she beat me while i had nehushtan. god... i wish i never met that damn hamster faced chubby cheeked nerd.”
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“wait, whats that crying”
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Chris spies two kids talking to each other, one of them crying. Chris immediately makes an assumption, believing the big bro is bullying his sis.
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“hey! stop nicking her lunch money, twerp”
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Chris currently is a firm believer of corporeal punishment.
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But the sister deflects the blow. Chris can’t even defeat children right now. Truly, this is a record low for her. You know you blew it when even kids are schooling you on basic morality. She then tells the little girl to stop crying, ironically mirroring her brother.
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The infamous double T-Pose maneuver. Chris, you might as well get a shovel and start digging your own grave.
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“i keep doing bad things badly, and now im doing good things badly... when fine said i was bad... did she just mean im not talented?”
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Chris, finally, does a good thing and helps these kids find their parents.
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“yeah. hibiki saved a kid when she got her gear. guess what? bam! im saving two! that’s fifty percent more kid per kid saved. take that, weirdo.”
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The kids call her out on Chris singing unconsciously, and Chris gets flustered over it. Dawwwwww.
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Chris manages to get them to safety to their Dad...
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...while brutally lying about it, making Chris look like a predator. There’s a very crushing irony at play here, given who Chris used to serve.
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“ugggggggggggggggghhhhhh hes not even gonna payyyyy meeeeeee why the fuck did i dooooo thiiiiiiissssss”
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“hey, you know. you kids have a really nice relationship with one another. care to give me tips on how to be an empathetic human being capable of making friends?”
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“maybe we’re born with it”
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“maybe its maybeline”
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A cold wind blows through Lydian Apartment 69-L. (I don’t actually know if that’s their room number, I just made it up.)
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“jesus take the wheel, because i’m jumping out the passenger seat to save this current wreck of a relationship”
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“miku please i saved your life, doesnt that count for anything”
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“you already killed me the moment you lied. also im taking the bottom bunk so i dont have to see your face coming down the ladder.”
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“miku you cant hide in this depression den forever. i know i hurt you and im sorry for it, but please understand i literally couldnt do it. you saw there were punches and violence and stuff... i didnt want you tied to that...”
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“what was that? i cant hear your apologies over my incredibly loud snoring. SNOOOOOOORE. SNOOOOOOOORE. SNOOO- fuck, i just swallowed my spit, fuck”
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“i hope this cocoon of displeasure you’ve made for yourself lets you erupt into a butterfly of acceptance so i can fly with you again.”
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“......thats not fair. you cant say those beautiful metaphors and get away with it. let me be mad... sniff... let me be mad...”
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Sadness wafts in the den of lies Hibiki has been forced into.
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No music plays. There is only heartbreak, and woe.
In the midst of this pain...
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Ryoko loredumps about how the Symphogears work and are immune to the noise on her blog, ‘hornyonmainforscience.org’, her hybrid science journal slash kink zone. It’s mostly a recap with some pretty good soft techno beats in it.
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“i made a custom brew of red bull, five hour energy drink, coffee, and cream. i call it gamer girl piss.”
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“damn. that’s some good piss.”
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She muses about how Hibiki has managed to break the limitations of her Symphogear, making her a totally unique specimen. Wait, where have we heard this before...?
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Hey... Ryoko... let’s just... cool it a bit with the Hibiki pictures... come on...
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Ryoko touches upon the Custodians and the Curse of Babel. We ain’t touching that shit until later, because that’s another shitfuck box of crazy just ready to jump us in a dark alleyway to rob us of our wits.
Back to Lydian:
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“miku whats the answer to the first three multiple choice questions”
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“B. A. D.”
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“oh, thanks. huh, BAD.”
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“yeah. you are.”
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“mmm. taste likes dissapointment. just like my life.”
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“hey table for two haha get it cause there’s two chairs and miku for the love of god, please, forgive me”
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“ive surgically removed my eyes and drew eyelashes over them with sharpie so i dont have to see your bird bangs.”
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“thats very rude to both me and my hair. also, wig.”
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Even Hibiki’s meal is judging her. Mainly for not eating it. Fucking look at this. God, that looks amazing. Fuck, why did I write this while I was hungry.
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“miku you cant do this forever. i might die and youll end up crying on my tombstone going ‘oh god, why, oh god’, and really, i cant live with myself if that happens. mainly because id already be dead by then”
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The Anime Janai crew show up to break some icebergs with a goddamn sledgehammer. As the self-aware Gods of this realm, they got very tired of this poor display of angst, and have decided to directly intervene.
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Nevermind. They came for her kneecaps, and they most certainly got them.
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“look. imma lay down the facts. yall are gay. yall are in love. yall are angry for the wrong reasons. its nobody’s fault here but the writer. so please kiss and make up. pretty please.”
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“kaneko... you fool... we all know what the original sin is. its your hack writing making this stupidity in the first place. let the pencil go, asshole!”
They bring up the fact that Hibiki isn’t doing her work and wonder if she has a job on the side, which isn’t allowed by the school. Miku gets annoyed and bails, with Hibiki running after her. Unfortunately, Miku runs faster...
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“oh god miku not the rooftop whatever you’re thinking just dont do it! please!”
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“no. i came here to angst, since this is the Maximum Angst Zone.”
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“i..... okay! okay, that’s fair! rooftops are the perfect place to look sad while getting proper air ventilation, thats fine”
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It really would have been better played if it was played off that she felt hurt not because of the lie, but because she felt like she could have helped her better having known the truth, and it being a self-loathing sort of scenario for not being there better for her and not fully understanding the risk at play.
But no, instead, we get this.
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Absolutely obliterated. A heart ripped, shredded, and sent to the Shadow Realm.
The episode ends on that note, but has a post credit scene.
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Naked. On an old timey telephone. On a computer. Wearing stockings and long gloves.
The main antagonist of the series, everybody.
She’s talking the best English possible to some random-ass American when suddenly bursting through the scene is none other than:
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“i paint my eyelashes with mascara made from the tar of freshly carbonated corpses manufactured through noise, what on gods green earth compels you to think id give a rats ass about you?”
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“so you never cared, huh! you’re just a nasty naked hedonist trying to- trying to- what the fuck are you even trying to do?!”
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“i want to live the dream every spicy little fossil like me yearns for.”
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“how- what? what? how do you even- what? are you- do you want to be the pope? is that it? does the pope get to fuck god? are you- is this a larping thing? you’ve really been into larping lately! i don’t like this!”
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“youve never read the old testament, have you. ass out, pussy bare, hips up and barefoot. that’s how god’s always liked it.”
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“now get lost, punk. you tipped off my hand to genjuro and now you being here is going to ruin everything. if you still feel any semblance of devotion, eat one of your own bullets and call it a day.”
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“it’s 2012 bitch, if the mayans dont get you, I WILL”
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“what god gives, He takes away, and so do i. i built you from the ground up. your relic, which was good for jack shit on you. the nehushtan, which you failed to do anything with except zap a couple hundred people. stop wars? you’re a walking war, waged by me, for me. and your cartridge has just run out of bullets.”
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“uh oh! hand’s acting up again! better bail before i send you back to smacktown where all the bitter little shittalkers like you strut around spending their lives being useless as hell.”
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“ah fuck, im not dealing with no manos: the hands of fate bullshit again”
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“and guess what else i got on motherfucker”
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“i see the union efforts have officially been busted. understandable, have a nice day ma’am”
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lansizhuis · 5 years
hello! i’m so sorry but i really have no idea how to check my mentions which always gets covered by other notifs /sobs so idk who else tagged me (hopefully i didn’t miss anyone?? if i did, please tell me!!) 
tagged by: @lee-luca​ @lianhuawu​ @shu-kaku​ @yilingpatriarch​
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better. 
Nickname: notti Height: all im saying is that i have no right to diss JGY Star sign: aquarius sun (virgo moon, capricorn rising lol yes i know all about my stars and zodiac) Last movie I saw: i just rewatched the pirates of the caribbean franchise for the nth time  Favorite content creators: i honestly don’t have a “favorite” bc i look at each work individually (i know it’s weird sshhh) but i can also easily say that all the artists im following in my twit are obv my favs  Do I get asks? yes! and im super slow in answering bc rl stuff but i promise i really do answer all hehe ALSO im super bad at communicating via typing and texts so chats are one of my worst mediums since i tend to talk very fast that my hands can’t keep up and i get bored bc of that sakfkajf i prefer talking and calling (this sounded like an excuse on my slow replies and it actually is whelp sorry) Favorite books: the picture of dorian gray, animal farm, maniac magee, sherlock holmes, the godfather, harry potter, inferno (so much more tbh haha but generally any mystery/crime/suspense/fantasy stuff and im most probably into it) Other blogs? @raftels​ is my main~ Following: 203  Lucky number: odd numbers in general What I’m wearing my stitch onesie bc ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind  Dream job: i wanna work in the interpol hahaha pls dont judge Favorite food: CHICKEN /sobs *holds hands with LJY* Dream trip: african safari!! my goal is to finally have it by 2020 and i wanna do it alone bc i honestly really just want to see cheetahs running freely and elephants walking regally  Play any instrument? piano! but i mostly only play classical music bc that’s what my mom wants to hear lol at her face when i sneaked in wangxian once Languages: fluent in english and filipino // elementary level on japanese and spanish Favorite song: colors of the wind (pocahontas) ahhhh also any of tohoshinki’s japanese ballads (love in the ice, bolero, etc) Favorite poem: Invictus by Ernest Hemingway (this poem defined my entire life istg and it’s coming back now bc it extremely fits TGCF’s heishui arc for HX and SWD) Favorite quote: “我命由我不由天” (this is when i knew i really fully lost it for SWD) Random fact: i once accidentally drank holy water when i was a kid Another random fact: im a veeeeery picky person in almost anything (trying to tone it down and i’ve succeeded by like 5%)
Tagging: any of my followers in the mxtx fandom that would like to do this!! i’d love to get to know you guys more and if you wanna change some of the questions pls feel free~
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furubaish · 5 years
INFYPLRules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to get to know better Thank you @junishi-stan for the tag!! (っ・∀・)っ 1. Nicknames: Marz (hardly used though)
2. Zodiac Sign: CAPRICORN ! im bout dat goat life moo. i mean baaah.  3. Height: 5”4
4. Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw!! 
5. Last thing I googled: i literally just googled the english translations of the 2019 opening and ending themes wow. last non fruits basket google search: atrial fibrillation.
6. Favorite musicians: Hozier, The Lumineers, One Republic, Of Monsters and Men
7. Song stuck in my head: an assortment of the FMA B opening/ending themes i love them and i recently did a rewatch
8. Followers on this blog: 150 beautiful human beans ⊂(・﹏・⊂)
9. Following: like 500 something heh
10. Do I get asks: No, but asks are always welcome!! i love talking to people (⌒▽⌒)
11. Amount of sleep: oh um i think i can function on even 5-6 hrs but i inevitably end up making up for it at the next opportunity for a 10 hours sleep heh
12. lucky number: i do like the number 7, and also 11 because i really reaaaally had hoped for that hogwarts letter
13. What are you wearing: blue jeans and a loose flowly printed pink and turquoise shirt
14. Dream job: an adventurous archeologist!! or just something that can help me make a positive difference in people’s lives, help people. 
15. Dream vacation: mountains and greenery and rivers and adventure 
16. Instruments: i attempted to learn the piano but i was terribly impatient (゚A゚;)
17. languages: apart from english i am fluent in Urdu and can understand punjabi and speak a little, and can read Arabic because the script is the same as Urdu.
18. Favorite song: Like Real People Do by Hozier, and I adore I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz, and The Book of Love by Peter Gabriel, also love love love by the lumineers and little talks by of monsters and men. 
19. Random fact: the first anime i ever watched (and ADORED) was card captor sakura and i shipped sakura and syaoran so hard even before i knew what shipping was
20. Aesthetic: cherry blossoms in the wind, rainy afternoons, excavating a stormy cliffsides in a big billowing black cloak for fossils, hands reaching out, clouds over a full moon in the sky. 
I tag @palamig  @sohma-stan @dontlookatmepwease @thewinterose @uchisuke @ahiruarima-elric @pellumair @hollyiries @machi-kuragi @yunsoh @sohmanyfruitsbasketmemes @ethics-basket @fururuba @zoerussle   
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