#he couldn't answer when they asked him if he'd let oscar fall
vivwritesfics · 2 months
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Thirteen
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
Feel free to buy me a coffee ☕☕
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"So, how does this work?" She asked as she laid against Lando's chest. Oscar was sitting above them, Lando's head in his lap as he pushed his fingers through the curls.
Oscar turned his attention to her. He didn't stop brushing Lando's curls, but he did it mindlessly as he gave her his full attention. "How does what work?" He asked, laughing when Lando moved his head up, chasing his touch.
Maybe it was the post sex glow, but the two of them looked so pretty beneath him. Lando was practically falling asleep at his touch and she was blinking up at him with those pretty, pretty eyes.
She gestured between the two of them and Oscar sucked in a breath. He didn't know how this worked. between him and Lando. It was something they were figuring out as they went along.
"The whole werewolf and vampire thing."
Oscar deflated, released a breath as he slumped back. "For a vampire, you have to be bitten and then drink the blood of the vampire that bit you," he answered and stopped the movement of his hand in Lando's hair.
A snore left Lando's lips. "No way," Oscar whispered and grinned down at Lando. Tomorrow was the full moon, and that was going to drain him, he knew. But he looked like a sleeping angel, his head still in Oscar's lap.
"Sleep, sweetheart," he whispered, holding her chin in such a sweet way.
They slept against him, but Oscar stay awake. He was a vampire; he didn't need sleep. He raised his hand to his neck and touched his bitemark. Two puncture wounds in his neck that would never heal. Every other injury he'd ever had, scars from before he was turned disappearing in a blink of an eye.
Part of him couldn't remember what it was like to dream, to escape into a world that was so entirely his own. Where anything could happen.
The things she and Lando had described dreaming about sounded so impossible that he couldn't begin to imagine them.
For the last hundred years, Oscar had hated staying awake while the rest of the world slept. But now he had something to stay awake for. Two people he loved, sleeping on his lap while he watched over them, keeping then safe.
When early morning sunlight danced into Lando's bedroom, Oscar placed a gentle touch to her cheek. She rolled away from his fingers and, still asleep, pushed him away.
He tried not to let the hurt show on his face as he gently woke her up. "Morning, sweetheart," he said as she opened her eyes. She immediately shut them again and let out a dramatic groan, rolling her body towards Lando.
"Hey," he whispered and rolled her back towards him. "We gotta go."
It was the day before the full moon. Oscar had already pushed his luck by staying in the pack house and keeping her there also. He knew that tensions would be high from the moment to pack woke up.
She let out a noise and snuggled closer to Lando. "Five more minutes, Osc," she mumbled and pressed a kiss to Lando's shoulder. His response was to tighten his grip on her.
Oscar ran his hand through his hair and then started to untangle Lando's arms from around her. "The pack won't be able to control themselves around me," he explained, voice still soft. "They'll try to kill me, and they won't be able to stop it."
Reluctantly, she let go of Lando. But he hadn't let go of her. No matter how hard the two of them tried, Lando's grip remained tight. Giving up on the niceties, Oscar pulled on Land's arm in an attempt to unravel him.
His eyes snapped open, a growl leaving his lips. His usually bluey green (or greeny blue, neither of them could tell, they just knew they were beautiful) eyes were yellow as he stared at Oscar. They'd seen them flash yellow before. But this was more than that. This was dangerous.
"Lando," she said softly, laying her hand on his chest. "Lando, my love." She pressed a kiss to his shoulder and let her hand travel down, travel towards the hand on her back. "I need to head home. But Oscar and I will see you tomorrow, yeah?"
Lando kept his grip on her tight. But she gently pried his hands away from her and slipped out of his grip. He reached for her, his noise desperate. Beyond talking, Oscar realised, his heart aching for him. He reached out and pushed his fingers through Lando's curls.
A rumble started up in his chest, something close to a purr. His eyes natural colour flashed between the yellow, but it never remained for very long. "Stay safe for me," he whispered and dropped a kiss to his forehead.
As soon as she was dressed, Oscar grabbed a hold of her hand. He spared Lando one last glance before pulling her out of the room. The noise that Lando released was pained, but then it turned angry. He launched himself off of the bed and chased after them.
Oscar held her close as he moved impossibly fast. Well, impossibly fast for a human. She gripped him tight as he ran out of the pack house and into the woods. The wolves were behind them, both of them knew it. Chasing them towards her house.
He took her in through the window. As soon as she was safely on her bedroom floor and her window was shut, Oscar released her. "Sorry about that," he said through a breath as he turned his attention to the window. The wolf pack were out there, no longer human.
"What was that?" She asked, wincing (from the night before) as she sat on the bed.
Oscar released a breath as he sat beside her. "It's the night of the full moon," he explained. She gave a nod as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "It messes with their brains. If I wasn't there, you would have been safe. But their instincts say 'Kill the Vampire'. They no longer see me, just a blood sucker."
Standing up, she joined him at the window. There was movement at the edge of the woods, an indicator that the pack was still there, waiting for Oscar to reappear.
The pack gave up hunting the Vampire. They waited at the edge of the woods, hidden from the human house until another scent caught their attention.
Most of the pack had the foresight to stock up on food before the full moon took over everything. But not Lando. He'd been busy. Busy doing what? Now, Lando didn't know. But the patchwork of hickies on his human body told another story.
The wind changed direction and he caught the smell of a deer. Just one, grazing somewhere in the woods. He put his hunting instincts to good use and and chased after the deer.
Hunger sated, Lando returned to the pack house. Everybody else had already returned from chasing the Vampire, watching him with yellow eyes as he walked towards them on all fours.
All Carlos had to do was scruff him to have him changing back. "Not yet," he said through a growl. It wasn't aggressive or unkind, but his control over his emotions had slipped.
The daytime before the full moon sucked. The pack sat around, energy building up. Just a few more hours and they'd be able to run beneath the full moon.
The pack tried to entertain themselves in different ways. Carlos tried cooking something, but the pan ended up bent in half and thrown against the wall. Daniel's knee was bouncing as he tried to meditate. But the packs preferred method of entertaining themselves was to fight.
It wasn't a proper fight, pairs of them wrestling on the grass until the moon rose in the sky.
All ten members of the pack transformed beneath the moonlight. None of them were particularly big werewolves, with Lando being one of the smallest in the pack. He was small, but he was strong and fast.
Running beneath the full moon was a tradition that dated back to the first pack of werewolves. It was something they looked forward to every month.
Carlos led the pack. He released a howl, one the rest of his pack copied, and started forward. They didn't launch into a run right away, paws heavy against the forest floor as they walked. But it sped up until the pack was running. Carlos stayed ahead of the pack. Every time one of the boys tried to overtake him, he growled and snapped his jaws at them until they fell back into formation.
They were passing by her house. Just on the other side of the trees, she was there. Following his instincts, he broke away from the pack. Alone, he walked the woods, keeping himself low and invisible.
There she was, in her bedroom. He could see her at her desk, and released a howl. It wasn't an uncommon noise in town. But he hid himself beneath the shrubbery as her fathers bedroom light flicked on.
He peered out, searching for anything in the woods. When he saw nothing, he returned to his bed, light flicking off.
But she was there, back door open for him. He padded over, cold nose pressing against her bare leg as he walked past. His steps were slow and careful, his nails making soft clicks against the floor. She shut the door and laced her fingers through his soft fur.
The two of them crept through the house and up to her bedroom. She stayed ahead of him, checking for any sign of her family.
They made it to her room, unscathed. "Hi," she said as she sat on her bed. Her fingers moved through his fur and scratched behind his ears. His tail thumped against the floor as he looked at her. "You scared me this morning," she whispered as she sat up against her pillow.
Lando climbed onto the bed beside her and laid his head on her lap. "Aren't you meant to be with your pack?"
He made a low noise.
They fell asleep like that, her hand in his fur. At some point in the night he transformed back, and her hand fell into his curls. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her close.
It was almost perfect.
Lando didn't know what woke him up. Something in the air, a feeling, a smell, it wasn't right. His eyes snapped open, back to their usual pretty colour. He looked at her, sleeping beneath him, and unwound his arms.
The feeling that settled in his gut was awful. He sat up and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. NOT SAFE! NOT SAFE! NOT SAFE! His instincts were screaming at him as he walked over to the window.
Movement at the edge of the woods wasn't uncommon. Wolves, his pack seeking him out. It was a comforting site.
But this wasn't his face. The unfamiliar werewolf stared at at him with glowing red eyes.
Permanent Taglist: @biancathecool
Series Taglist (CLOSED): @cmleitora
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jakeysbuttsheeks · 10 months
Fall into you
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Warnings: domestic abuse, violence, angst toxic relationship, adult content, language, profanity , cheating , soft Jake
Word count: 2k
Parings: Jake X fem reader
"dont fucking make me beat the shit out of you like I did last night. Tell me where the fuck you went!" your boyfriend, calum spat in your face , gripping your arm too tight for your liking.
Calum was the sweetest any guy had ever treated you . But he was sick . He'd get into this mood where he'd be a completely different person , yell at you and hit you even .
Last night it got bad and you ran out after he bruised your cheek and cut your lip open , you had the red marks of his nails digging into you at different parts of your body like your arms and neck .
You left to stay at a hotel and you came back to get your things and finally leave him. But to your suprise he was at home and obviously wasn't going to let you leave again.
"Calum you're hurting me-" your voice breaks as you try to slip your hand out of his grip but he only twists your arm tighter , making tears swell up in your eyes.
"what the fuck are you packing your shit up for?" He asked ,this eyes looking at the bag with all your things behind you on the bed.
"I can't do this anymore Calum" you cry , trying not to fight back because you knew that only makes him worse .
"do what?" He softened his voice , but his gaze still furious as his eyes shifted from your eyes to your lips .
"be with you! I can't be with you anymore!" You cry out , he still wouldn't let go of your arm as he pulled you in closer .
"you're leaving me?" He asks , his tone dripping in sadness.
You couldn't answer as he pressed his lips against your gently , apologetically. He loosened his grip on your arm and you melted into the kiss. It was times like this that you cherished him. You did love him. He was an awfully handsome man with a kind heart . you convinced yourself to look at the good parts over the bad because you thought you didn't deserve any better.
"I'm sorry" he breaks away from you , his eyes teary , he cupped your cheek and caressed his thumb over your bruised cheekbone and you melted into his hand as tears streamed down your face.
"I'm so sorry love" he whispers in strain as he kisses away your tears and pulls you into a hug .
"let me make it up to you. Please don't leave me . If you need a change or something let me take you out tonight" he pleads , his voice wavering.
You nod , giving into him . You knew you'd miss him if you left anyway. And he was right . A change of scene would be better. And he said he was sorry too.
He spent the day sweetly caressing you and keeping you close , no yelling and no getting physical.
You almost forgot you had the horrible purple bruise and swollen lip . You were remind when you dressed up that night to go out with him.
You covered it up with slight make up and lipstick, hoping no one would notice the claw marks. You dressed up pretty and left with calum .
There was a bar you and calum were regulars at . The drinks were cheap and the music was perfect . It was your spot .
The two of you walking in and greeted the bartender before ordering your drinks. You had this weird sensation of someone watching as calum spoke to you about something you couldn't careless about.
You turned and looked behind you , trying see if anyone had there eyes in you.
"y|n- are you listening" calum interrupted and you quickly looked back at him and nodded before he continued off .
For once it felt like there was a stronger energy in the room other than calum. Usually you wouldn't bother about anyone or anything around as long as calum was with you . But the air felt different. Like there was someone else stealing the spotlight.
You paid zero to no attention to anything calum was talking to you about and lost interest completely when the band started playing.
One of your favourite songs , you met eyes with the guitarist as he started the first few notes of the song.
"hey Adam?" You call out to the bartender, your eyes not leaving the little stage in the bar.
"yeah?" He calls back as he's busy making a drink for someone.
"who are they?" You ask , pointing to the band . Because usually they'd just be a guy or a girl up there singing or doing something small . But this was a full out band and they sounded too good to be playing in a place like this.
"Greta Van fleet. Some band from Michigan" Adam answers nonchalantly.
"I was talking to you" calum says in tone too deep for your liking and you immediately feel yourself sink down into the floor and wither away as you met eyes with him . He had that furious look in his eyes and you gulped .
"I'm sorry. It's just- they sounded too good- I-" you stutter .
"it's alright" he says , his tone back to calm . And he starts talking again , continuing what he was saying. But you had your ears on the band , tapping your foot to the rythem.
Calum eventually shut up and got lost in the band's music as well . The whole bar did . They were cheering them on . But what almost threw you off your seat was the way the guitarist kept looking at you .
Was he the strong presence you were feeling before?
Your heart almost melted when the corners of his lips curled up into a cheeky smile , his eyes directly on your as he teased his guitar. You couldn't help but and blush and smile back at him.
"okay what the fuck is going on here?!" Calum snapped and you flinched at the sudden action of him slamming his empty glass on the counter and getting of his seat .
"w- calum-?" You stutter in confusion as he walked through the crowd, approaching the little stage the band was on.
The guitarist met eyes with you for a second as he looked at calum with confusion.
"shut the fuck up" calum yelled as he grabbed the guitarist's wire and wrenched it out of his guitar , causing a loud shrill before the band stopped .
The guitarist set his guitar down and looked like he was ready to throw hands at calum for that as calum got on the stage .
"calum stop!" You scream as he grabs the guitarist's collar .
"get this sick fuck off the stage we don't need him fucking ogling at my girl and flaunting his shit up here" calum yelled at the bartender who was equally panicked and confused.
"WHOA WHOA WHAT'S GOING ON" the other band members dropped their instruments and came over .
"calum what the fuck!?" You yell as you try to wrench him away from the poor guitarist but he shoved you away making you trip back.
"hey! Don't handle her like that!" The guitarist snapped , radiating the same energy as calum .
"don't fucking tell me how to treat my fucking girlfriend!" Calum smashes his fist across the guitarist face. And it seemed to have unleashed some sort of anger that the guitarist had been fighting back .
"Jake no!" One of the band members yells at him before he could immediately punch calum back .
"STOP IT!" you scream as they violently wrestle eachother around the stage and started lashing out at the eachother.
The guitarist knocked calum off the stage as he fell onto a flimsy table and broke it . Calum immediately got back up and punched the guy across his face again . But the guitarist was quick to throw his fists into calum's stomach making him fold.
The guitarist basically had calum pinned down to the floor as he punched him .
The other members of the band tore the guitarist away and tried to hold back calum with you .
"take this shit outside!" The owner of the bar yelled . People were filming and you were honestly so embarrassed .
Calum had blood oozing from his mouth and a black eye but he still wanted to fight that damned guitarist. And you couldn't hold him back long enough.
The guitarist had a bleeding nose and a bruised cheek and a violent stare .
"woah man cut the shit!" One of the band guys stopped calum from coming back up to Jake.
"calum stop it please" you pleaded as you grabbed his arm and held him back.
He landed a back handed slap across your face , making you fall back and immediately let go of him as he barged back to Jake who was ready to throw hands again .
"I'm gonna call the fucking cops!" The owner warned but he was ignored.
"are you alright?" One of the band guys asked as he held your shoulder.
"calum" you mutter under your breath as you tried to stop the two again.
The two guys brutally hitting eachother, enough to cause serious damages as the band guys kept trying to pull them apart .
The guitarist wouldn't give in till calum was passed out . He was finally torn away from calum as he lay on the floor half consious.
"are you okay? Do you know him?" The guitarist asks you , breathing heavily.
"he's my- he was-" You breakdown as you try to find an answer.
"shit your bleeding" he says as his hand comes up to touch your face , his fingers barely touch your jaw as you move away.
"sorry" he apologizes immediately. But you couldn't help but find comfort in his presence. The fact that you knew he was stronger than calum but you just knew he'd never use any of that strength on you .
But with calum it was obvious he was a violent person. He tried to be good but he just couldn't.
For the first time you felt safe . Safe with a man you didn't even know . Safe when your boyfriend was beaten to the ground by him. P
"my name's Jake" he said , realising that he came out to strong when you barely knew him .
"is he your boyfriend?" Jake asks. You nod tearfully.
"I'm sorry I beat him up. He shouldn't have hit you" Jake said apologetically.
"thank you" you rush out , like a call for help. And you see a spark in his eyes.
He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the sound of cop cars .
"shit! Sam did we get all our stuff?!" Jake yells as he walks away from you to the exit of the bar.
"yeah get in the car the cops are here!" One of the guys yelled back as he walked out.
"do you want a drop home or-" Jake asked softly, waiting for you to answer.
You looked at calum passed out on the floor , he was gonna wake up any second. And what next after that ? He would just beat you up . Maybe this was a sign. Maybe Jake was here to save you.
"yeah" it rushed out of you as the sound of police cars get louder.
He grabs your hand and quickly walks out of the place and pulls you into a busky van with him in the back seat . it smelt comforting. Even tho it was the dead of night and you were in a van with a bunch of strangers , you felt warm and comforted. And finally safe .
"which way love?" Jake asks .
'love' it came out of him like he said it out of habit. Calum never called you anything of the sort . It was either your name or 'babe'.
The question made you realise how you actually had no where to go . You could barely afford your own apartment when you met calum. And then you sold it and moved in with him after. You had no family or friends in this town , you kept to yourself alot. You were truely alone . It made you cry .
"it's alright love you're safe now. We're nice people" one of the guys turn around in his seat to look back at you , you recollected him as the singer .
"at least we're nice people, I donno about Jake , lashing out like that" the singer said , giving Jake a death glare like he was scolding him .
"hey! You saw how he treated her" Jake said, putting his hands up in defence.
"oh yeah? That doesn't mean you go all crazy and get us kicked out of-" the singer argued but was interrupted by another band member you remembered to be the drummer .
"alright cut it out both of you" he yelled as he drove the van , looking back at y'all from the rearview mirror.
"do you really have nowhere to go uhh-" the drummer stopped mid sentence when he realised he didn't know you name.
"y|n" you said . You heard Jake murmur your name under his breath , thinking you couldn't hear him .
"do you really have nowhere to go y|n?" The drummer asked. And you shook your head in embarrassment. You almost regretted getting into the van with them .
"you can stay over with us- I mean we have a guest room , with a lock- or I could get you a hotel room" Jake spoke nervously. And you immediately shook your head.
"just drop me off at the nearest hotel . I'll be fine" you say , you voice stuffy from your blocked nose.
"don't be absurd! We couldn't possibly leave a woman who's bleeding and scared at some hotel room like that!" The other guy yelled , the bassist. Almost like it made him angry.
"Sam's right . Do you wanna stay over ? We're safe people" the drummer says with honesty as he drove cautiously.
"I don't wanna be a bother-" before you could even finish your sentence the singer protested.
"a bother!? Don't be stupid!" He snaps .
"are you sure?" You ask softly.
"of course!" "Hell yeah" "definitely" they answer together in unison.
"come stay with us . I promise were nice people" the singer adds .
"fuck off Josh you're scaring her! Who the fuck says that to someone like that?" Jake pushed the singer's shoulder.
"what!? I'm being nice and she knows it!" Josh snaps at Jake and then looks at you in concern . You almost giggle at them . Their presence was so comfortable.
"alright if I'm not a bother" you answer and the boys protest at you for saying the word 'bother' .
Your mood is already much better as the van pulls up into the driveway to a nice warm looking house .
They got out and carried their equipment and instruments in , Jake helped you into the house before closing the door after you .
You felt like a misplacement for a second as they put their equipment away and took their shoes off . But after they were done they brought their attention right back to you .
"oh poor thing . Let me get something for that bleeding lip" the drummer says before he scurries off . You touch your lip and find it wet , unaware that it was bleeding.
"I'm Sammy" the bassist says as he reached his hand out for you to shake.
"and I'm josh at you're service" the singer says with a slight bow making you smile .
The drummer came back with a first aid box .
"and I'm Daniel. The only thing that can keep these assholes from killing eachother" the drummer said with a kind smile .
"come sit down" Josh said like an excited child when their favourite uncle comes to visit.
"we're siblings by the way , if you couldn't tell" Jake says , offering you a glass of water .
"oh thanks you" you say as you scan the four faces and take the glass from him.
"all of them except me of course" Daniel adds .
"aw come on don't say that! We may not be brothers by blood but we're brothers damnit" Sam said like he was offended , you giggled , Forgetting the whole scene that had happened in the bar.
"do you mind?" Daniel asked as he sat down next to you with a alcohol swab in his hand .
You open your mouth to answer but you shake your head instead, blushing in embarrassment.
He wiped your lip with the swab and you hiss. You met eyes with Jake who was staring between the two of you in pure jealousy and you blush harder .
"alright there you go" Daniel said , purely respecting you and not eyeing you up in anyway.
"fatass you're next" Daniel says as he walks over to Jake .
Jake rolls his eyes and stays put as Daniel wipes all the blood of his nose and mouth, and then tending to any open wounds . Your heart melts at the intimacy of them . It felt good to know there was good people in the world.
You felt like you didn't deserve them . They were too kind to you . No one had ever been. You grew up with egoistic parents that always put you down and never let you think you were worth loving. And your friends had crossed you one too many times for you to trust again.
The boys had gone off to bed after showing you the guest room .
Once you were alone with your thoughts you broke down . Thinking of what was to happen now . How could you go back to face calum ? What about your things in his house ? You should've left when you had the chance .
There was a knock at your door and you startled up , quickly wiping your face and sniffing in your snot before answering.
"it's open!" You answer, slightly panicked that you were a bother by using this room .
"I got you clothes for you to change into . You couldn't possibly sleep in those . And the bathroom is just down the hall feel free to use it" Jake says as he stood by your door , not daring to come in and invade your personal space .
"thank you" you say in overwhelm. You quickly got off the bed and headed to the door to take the clothes from him . And he noticed you were crying.
"hey uh-" he starts as you put the clothes on your bed .
"are you alright?" He asks comfortingly, his eyes looking at you simpathically .
You didn't answer. You had so much to say and You didn't know what to tell him , your eyes tears up and your heart clenched and you saw him tense up thinking he shouldn't have asked.
"I'm here if you need anything- we're here- so just let us know okay?" He says quickly, reaching for the door knob to close the door .
"jake-" you call , stopping him . He looked at with concern, waiting for you to talk .
"can you-" your voice broke . You felt empty and stranded .
"can you hold me?" You let out a sob and he immediately slips his hand from the door and strides up to you and hugs you , wasting no time .
You ball up his shirt in your fists as you sob into his chest.
"shh it's alright" he soothes, petting your hair gently and holding you close butnot too tightly to make you uncomfortable even tho you were holding him tight .
You sob harder , letting everything out. It was like he was a saviour. The comfort he offered you was immense and you couldn't believe it .
"you're alright doll" he hums . Even tho you barely know him , and he had you so close to him in his own house , he still treated you respectfully , held you respectfully.
You sniffle and break away to look at him , noticing you had made his shirt damp from your tears .
"fuck" you whine as you rubbed your hand on his chest to try to take off as much of the snot as you could .
"I don't mind it's alright" he smiles.
"I'm sorry" you ignore him as you keep wiping the snot off and he holds your wrist gently stopping you.
"it's okay y|n" he says , looking into your eyes and you blushed hearing your name from his mouth out loud for the first time.
You let go of him and he moves away from you , still smiling at you .
"I'll be in my room if you need me alright?" Jake says sweetly as he walked over to the door .
You look down and blush at the interaction with him as he leaves .
"oh by the way" he stops just before he could close the door.
"I wasn't 'ogling' at you on stage, I just thought you looked pretty" he said giving you a wider smile before he left , closing the door behind him .
Your face was heated and your heart was racing. The way he held you and cradled your head , petting your hair and muttering sweet comforts to you like you were the most delicate thing after brutally beating up your boyfriend well, ex now . And the fact that all you knew about him was his name his brothers and that he played guitar.
There might be a part 2
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tooxmanyxships · 10 months
If you're still doing prompts, may I ask for Loscar (Logan x Oscar) and maybe a combination of:
You really don't know your effect on people, do you?
Do you love me?
In my head it's Logan asking or more stating the first and Oscar figuring out that his feelings could be mutual, but I loved all I've read of yours so far so feel free to do it in what ever way or even just using one or neither actually, I'm happy to get anything with Loscar. 😅
I'm always taking on prompts, my dear anon.
Some might take me longer than others.
Thank you for the compliment! I'm glad you love my writing 🖤
And you're in luck, because I'm kind of picturing the Logan/Oscar conversation the same way 🤭😉
It was no surprise that Logan looked up at Oscar.
They were both rookies, but one just edged the other one out.
There was no shame in that. Logan just needs more time and that's okay.
But, apparently he wasn't the only one looking.
As reserved and 'cold' Oscar had seemed at the beginning, that was just because he wasn't comfortable yet, now he had blossomed.
He looked so much more comfortable. Confident.
Of course everyone noticed. Everyone also seemed to get attracted or at least affected by it.
It made Logan feel warm inside, that his best friend was making such an impact.
It also made him a little jealous, but not for the reason people might think.
He wasn't jealous of his success, though he was competitive, oh no.
He was jealous because they were looking at Oscar the same way he was looking at him. He always thought he'd be the only one.
But now Lando was getting closer to Oscar too and it was great to see a good teammate bond, he had a pretty good one with Alex too, but it felt... Different.
Oscar became like a magnet. Logan couldn't help but feel a little bit left behind.
But the most frustrating part was that Oscar didn't even seem to notice.
"You really don't know your effect on people, do you?" He'd asked him one day and all Oscar had done was give him a confused look.
"What do you mean?"
Logan had opened and closed his mouth a few times, not sure how to answer without just spilling out his feelings.
"Nothing. Never mind."
Tilting his head to the side in a curious way, Oscar had shrugged and let it be.
But from then on, unbeknownst to Logan, Oscar started paying more attention to him.
He finally started to notice the way Logan seemed to always like to be around him.
Lando had told him that a few times before already, but he'd never given that a second thought.
He honestly didn't realize the way Logan looked at him until he was paying attention.
But maybe that's because he was too lost in his own thoughts when he dared to stare at Logan.
He'd never really noticed him staring straight back.
"Do you love me?"
Oscar asks him one evening when they're both sitting on Oscar's bed in his hotel room.
Logan has no idea how to answer that, so he opts to go for the safe option.
"Of course. You're my best friend."
But Oscar shakes his head, reaches out to touch his arms, letting his hands travel over his skin.
It makes every nerve in Logan's body tingle and stand on edge.
He finally looks up into Oscar's eyes, when he feels Oscar's fingers press into his arms.
"Do. you. love. me?" he repeats himself, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Please. Logan."
Logan's throat feels dry.
"Yes. I do." He closes his eyes. "I've always loved you, Oscar."
That's why it was so hard to watch other people fall in love with him too.
Those people getting the attention back that he thought he deserved more.
Because he's always been there.
He saw it first.
He saw the amazing person that is Oscar Piastri first, god dammit.
He can feel movement and when he opens his eyes, Oscar is hovering before him, practically sitting on his lap, but not quite sitting down yet.
"You idiot."
He doesn't get a chance to reply, because before he can part his lips, Oscar's lips are locked with his.
He might have made the most embarrassing sound, but it doesn't really matter, because he's kissing Oscar.
He's actually kissing him and he's just kissing back, but no one cares about the details.
He pulls Oscar down until he does sit on his lap, doesn't stop kissing him until they both need to breathe.
He's pretty sure professional athletes aren't supposed to be so easily out of breath, but, Oscar quite literally took his breath away right now.
Looking at the other boy, he was in the exact same position as he was.
He saw Oscar slowly lick his lips and mirrored the movement before cupping the slightly younger boy's cheek in his hand.
He smiles when he feels the other lean into the touch, then runs his thumb over his cheek, prompting him to look at him.
He asks softly when their eyes meet.
He knows he can get lost in them right then and there, but it's his words that keep him grounded.
"I've always loved you too."
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onewomancitadel · 4 months
It really tickles me that Jaune's anima (his feminine unconscious) and Ruby's Shadow kills Pyrrha, like an actual part of Jaune kills Pyrrha and Ruby's suppressed darkness kills Pyrrha, but it awakens her silver eyes - the heritage of her mother, which she can't speak of and knows nothing about, which the very mention of twists something inside her. I think this is where the Jung stuff actually adds another element to the story which isn't just about setting things in order and giving the characters their roles, because it is actually kind of exciting to think there is a literal explanation for Jaune's guilt beyond the fact that he feels like had he been capable, he could've gone with her up the Tower and saved her. A maligned and externalised part of him - his feminine enemy, the part of himself he hates and fears, that he will grow to especially hate - is responsible for killing his teammate, almost-Fall Maiden and love interest.
Cinder loses an eye and a arm after this sequence. Salem explains this to her that it was Ruby's fault, but I don't think this is the case: I think it's very clever of Salem to make Cinder think she's weak to the silver eyes, when the silver eyes would free her of the Grimm curse she's placed under - Cinder's White Shadow, her suppressed light, her goodness, is actually the key to her freedom from this new imprisonment.
And then there's the fact that it's Ruby's Shadow who kills Ozpin, which causes him to reincarnate into Oscar, which brings Ruby's animus (her masculine unconscious) into the story, so Ruby can actually keep going on her Heroine's Journey and reach a Jungian catharsis Salem never could. Ozpin's death is necessary for Ruby's psychological wholeness, but then there's also the fact that Oscar is the next victim of the curse, which is another obstacle to overcome; Ruby is his anima, his feminine unconscious, and she's the only one in V6 who believes he can be free of it.
I think more specifically to Jaune, to pick up on that idea of the feminine part of himself being his enemy - it's that it's very literal in his story, there's obviously a masculine anxiety in his storyline. He's worried about being a Huntsman, being weak, saving people, taking on gross responsibility beyond himself, fulfilling his family's legacy in a very particular way, which he begins to overcome when he awakens his Semblance because he can't kill Cinder. He can't fight her, he can't meaningfully hurt her (physically), and she can threaten his loved ones - she's physically very powerful, she has the Fall Maiden power - but that's kind of the answer, right, which is that he's not meant to fight her, because he'd be killing part of his soul, which awakens his Semblance. She sees into him and decides that she's not going to kill him despite the fact he's supine beneath her, physically vulnerable but at this moment, coming into spiritual awareness and unsettling her, because that's what he wants - her masculine unconscious is angry and hurting, and (physically) powerless, her worst fear - but she's not going to give him what he seemingly wants and really, cosmically, teach him a lesson, that his life matters, and he can't throw it away, because he's part of her. It's interesting that this leads to Cinder's lowest point in the series - weakened, presumed dead, without allies, her mask broken - which she doesn't recover from for a long time.
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And then her animus protects her and stops her from taking the Maiden power through Penny. She's already got 'the' power, the Fall Maiden power, she doesn't need more; her masculine unconscious knows this, that she has enough already, and he sacrifices the ability she gave him, in the worst scenario possible, to not let it fall into her lap, and to give Penny what she asked of him that Ruby couldn't. In this case like... Ruby's dark reflection puts Jaune into a situation where he has to make a decision which Ruby will absolutely not approve of, which she rejected herself, which in itself will cause them to play out the same scenario as Rhodes and Cinder - Ruby is disillusioned with him the same way Cinder was disillusioned with Rhodes-the-Huntsman, which actually already had an awful reversal with Jaune and Pyrrha-the-Huntress (who leaves him behind and dies at Cinder's hands).
I want to add the caveat here that all the Jung stuff is just like... descriptive of how we talk about gender (and tbf I think Jung can be more forward-thinking than you believe; it's really interesting a lot of people think it's a novel interpretation that Paul occupies a nonbinary space in Dune, because a basic interpretation of the story that Paul has both feminine and masculine elements - he fully integrates his anima, his mother, through the awareness of the Water of Life - but also occupies a boundary outside of that, as both the one who gives and the one who takes), not really intending to be prescriptive about how people ought to be behave or how people ought to identify. Like, we know there are cultural ideas about what it is masculine and what is feminine, and what it means to have awareness of other men and women, which is an important idea in psychoanalysis, that first when you are a child you don't recognise the difference between male and female, then they grow into disparate ideas, but psychological growth is achieved through reuniting the masculine and the feminine. In a story like R/WBY this is actually something which occurs on a cosmic scale - from a Gnostic viewpoint, Salem is the fall of the Sophia - that the anima/animus of humanity is first whole then divided through Ozlem's union and then breaking of the world.
I'm not about to get into a whole Jung segue, the important part is that this is just storytelling language.
It's potent stuff, because you can see how all these characters are squared out - but then when you look at something like Blake and Yang, Yang is Blake's animus, so not even R/WBY feels particularly constrained by gender to explore these ideas. When Yang is traumatised and dismembered by Blake's persona, her false self (Adam), Blake has to flee, because she feels disempowered by the fact that what feels like a true part of herself has injured Yang. It's when she meets her Shadow (Ilia) and finally reconciles with her that she makes the choice to go back to Yang, because Ilia is really that dark suppressed part of her - someone who's stayed behind in the White Fang, who loves her unconditionally and without return and forgives her, who's not like Adam at all, and can help redeem the White Fang. I think it's pretty significant that once Yang accepts Blake again, this scary feminine part of herself (after being mother to Ruby, after her own mother fleeing, after finally finding Raven again and seeing who she truly is), that Yang can use her Semblance again - with clear vision, unclouded by anger - to protect Blake from the bull. And then you have that whole sequence with the bull sacrifice, and the sacred marriage - 'marriage and killing are related'.
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I had wondered if the phases of anima/animus awareness were being literally explored, and maybe there are - maybe this explains the sequences of interaction, that at some point, say, Jaune will come to the highest understanding of Cinder as a complete person, but that feels pretty self-evident; it would make sense that something like that would happen anyway if they went in that romantic direction. What you'll also notice - if you haven't read my Jung posts before - that the twinned pairs I've explored here are mostly romantic, but I think there are some who aren't - most prominently Weiss-Whitley and Qrow-Raven - which is meaningful, probably because Qrow-Weiss are analogues of each other across team S.TRQ/R.WBY (Qrow-Weiss/Summer-Ruby are a duo; Blake-Raven/Yang-Tai are the other; there are other superficial parallels, and more specifically a Jungian parallel of Summer-Pyrrha, though).
The point of this post was just like... because I didn't want to hold back from thinking about it for once. I get a bit shy writing these posts, especially because I have so many reservations myself about how far to take all of this: from the perspective of writer, I would like this stuff to give me some foundation, but I wouldn't want to be backed into a corner either. I like how it adds a new flavour, and I like how it allows you to arrange the pieces on a board, and also how it gives you something to work with before you start stacking on the allusions and interacting with those elements people will recognise more immediately. This is all baser, fundamental stuff which undergirds the story, like the monomyth (which draws on psychoanalysis itself). I really like it, because I like thinking about where the characters are really going and where they think they're going. It's exciting to me that something so tragic, so terrible, so awful, which is the death of innocence in the story, or later the death of adolescence, is the promise of more story - of something beyond it. I guess that's why I like the broken moon or anything associated with Ozlem in this story - because in its brokenness is the promise of wholeness - I like that sense of playfulness.
More particularly to Jaune/Cinder there's just that extra flavour because they are necessary to each other without any conception of exactly how or exactly why, if anything they now view each other as absolute impediments to where they need to go. Which is really exciting. I love that. They don't know. Hahahaha.
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tooxmanyxships · 1 year
Can you do “ it’s starting to dawn on me that… the reason you might not want to come out about this is because you don’t really love me—” from secret relationship . - painful with Landoscar?
I was debating on who was saying that sentence to who in this pairing...In the end I just went with the flow?
Painful was the prompt, so painful you'll get 😅
In their relationship, secret relationship but whatever, Lando was definitely the more open one.
The one who didn't care so much anymore about what people thought or what they would say about anything they did.
People would always scrutinize them and have something to say.
Lando was over it. Maybe it was Max's influence, who knew, but he'd stopped caring and just did whatever he wanted now.
He gets reprimanded when he goes too far, but most of the time it's worth it.
Oscar on the other hand was still a rookie. F2 and F3 were totally different from F2 in many ways.
People just expect more from you. Not only in the car but also out of the car.
Oscar was having a great season. Probably one of the best rookie seasons. Lando couldn't be more proud of him.
The only problem was that he couldn't show him exactly how proud he really was.
At least not in public.
Oscar would probably kill him if Lando showed him the affection he wanted to in front of the camera.
He'd gotten away with a sneaky butt slap, but that was on impulse and so fast.... Oscar couldn't really be mad about it.
But Oscar was an introvert. He didn't show emotions so easily. Not like Lando, the extrovert.
And it was a big but(t)....
Sometimes Lando just felt.... Neglected.
Felt like he was being pushed aside, just because Oscar didn't want to come out to the world.
Or not yet anyway.
The easy, relaxed way Oscar always seemed to be around Logan and Liam... Why can't he be like that with Lando?
People actually might start to think Oscar had something going on with one of them two.
And Lando wasn't jealous. He wasn't.
Okay, so he was - - -
Especially because Oscar seemed so unbothered by it. Saying he, Logan and Liam were just friends. Which Lando knew. Of course he knew.
But then why couldn't Oscar act the same way around him like he did around those friends?
Having had enough of the constant pondering and worrying, driving himself absolutely crazy, Lando finally decided to confront Oscar about it.
It was another night after a race, they both made it up to the podium, in which Oscar snuck out of his hotel room and into Lando's.
Lando was sitting up in the bed, waiting. But when Oscar sat next to him on the bed and came up close to kiss him, he was stopped by Lando's hand against his chest.
"We need to talk."
Oscar frowned and sat back. "About what?"
"You and me," Lando answered, then hesitated for a second. "Well, mostly you."
"Me?" the Aussie boy just looked confused.
"Yeah.... You see, I've been thinking....." Lando looked down at his hands, fingers clenched into the blanket. "About you not wanting to come out---"
Whatever Oscar was gonna say was cut off by Lando raising his hand up in a 'let me speak' manner.
“ it’s starting to dawn on me that… the reason you might not want to come out about this is because you don’t really love me—” Lando just kind of blurted out, even to his own surprise.
Oscar blinked a few times. Gaping at his boyfriend. He couldn't have heard this right - - -
"You - you think I don't really love you? Are you serious? What makes you think that?"
Lando could see it happening. Could see Oscar's protective walls coming up. And honestly, his own were coming up too.
"Oh, I don't know..." Lando answered snappily, "the way you ignore me in public but are all over Logan and Liam."
"I'm not all over - - - Lando, they're my friends!"
"And I'm your boyfriend!" Tears were burning at the back of his eyes, but he wasn't gonna let them fall. "I'm not asking you to kiss me on live television. But at least talking to me more wouldn't hurt, right?"
Oscar visibly winced, before his face became a hard mask again.
"I think I should sleep in my own room tonight."
Well... Lando definitely wasn't expecting that outcome.
"Yeah.... Maybe you should."
Oscar sighed. It looked like he was gonna lean in and kiss his....boyfriend.... But ended up just shaking his head and getting up from the bed, walking to the door.
"Goodnight Lando." He held the door open, doorknob still in his hands.
The door fell closed. Oscar was gone.
Lando screamed into his pillow and finally let his tears fall.
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