#he didnt even miss a note climbing up that ladder
darlinhutchence · 7 months
headbanging when he was up that high with zero support? braver than the us marines
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itstimetotheorize · 5 years
props to the bh6 writers. What will happen next? a discussion on season 2 episodes 1-5, warning spoilers ahead
i gotta say we’re not even half way thru the second season and i can already tell that the bh6 writers have really outdone themselves. The story is much darker than the first season and the villains of the show have developed into more sinister versions of themselves. 
but out of all the villains so far, the big MVP of this season is definitely Liv Amara. Not gonna lie, i didn't know how they would play liv out in the show, or if she would even be played off as an even bigger threat than Obake, but oh boy do they know how to write a good villain. 
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liv amara is more cynical compared to Obake, and unlike Obake who was originally good, but due to a deathly explosion that caused him brain damage, he was left with the inability to tell right from wrong, so he was not consciously aware of the fact that he was doing something he didn't want to do. Liv Amara on the other hand has no such brain damage and is fully aware of the fact that she is doing inhumane things and doesn't care who she brings down if it means she can accomplish her goals, but just what are her goals to begin with? thats the other thing that the writers are doing so well, keeping the mystery behind liv amaras plan a secret but still laying it out bit by bit to keep having us guessing
so far from what we have seen, Liv Amaras generous funds do not just come from investors seeking to support her work, rather they mostly come from shady villainous people who will have no issue supporting her insane experiments. In season 2 episode 2, Liv meets up with Momakase to talk about her “investing” funds for a specific top secret project she is currently working on at sycorax. We do not know what this secret project is but it is no doubt something that she cant just show to any investor with a good conscious 
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 However, that doesn't matter to villains that have done equally horrid things and wouldn't mind giving Liv the cash she wants if it means that they could benefit from her skills as well. And, as we later learn near the end of the episode 2, (thanks to a mysterious chip liv inserted into her neck) momakase can now produce indestructible knives from the tips of her fingers
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since it is clear that Liv is responsible for the mutations this season the only questions now is, what is Liv Amaras end game?, what is her “top secret project” and what do those chips mean for the people she is mutating. 
first lets talk about the chips. Its clear that the chips reprogram a persons DNA and can cause specific mutations at the persons request. My only question is, are these mutations permanent ? orso knox in season 3 episode 3 was able to return back to normal thanks to karmi, but as liv amara states ( as she effortlessly blackmails him), she has the power to return him back to his monstrous form whenever she likes. 
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if these chips are removed will the persons abilities be removed along with them? or do they become inactive once the person has fully mutated, leaving their only chance to return to normal a series of treatments to splice their DNA back to normal. Regardless of who it is, once its embedded in a persons skin all it takes is for liv to activate it.
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next, lets talk about this “top secret project”, in episode 2 liv shows the top secret project file to momakase. This project may be what gave momakase the idea to have liv turn her into a knife wielding super monster, so its clear that the plan involves some kind of human genetic mutation. 
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In episode 3 (out of hiros constant bickering to figure out livs actual progress on orso knox) karmi finds out that she cant access the knox file, then directly goes to livs office to ask about why she cant access the info related to orso knox. 
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before karmi reaches livs office we get a clear shot at some of the files on her screen and what we see are base pairs for parts of someones DNA (maybe orso knox, momokase or someone we haven't seen yet) and what is clear in those pictures is that there are parts blackened out, as if to show that something is missing.
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 We see this same DNA in episode 4 when liv meets high voltage, the dna strand is visible as a hologram on her desk and is again missing certain pieces.
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 When karmi looks at the DNA sequence of mutated orso knox in episode 3, she notes that the base pairs in his DNA are not similar. 
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For those of you who have a hard time understanding this, basically imagine DNA as a ladder split down the middle, the steps that make up the middle part of the ladder and allow people to climb it normally are different shapes on both sides but when they come together they make a proper ladder, 
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in order for DNA to produce a functional human being the DNA base pairs need to match. Those regions of his mismatched DNA are being caused by a specific area somewhere else in his DNA, and so long as that specific region remains orso knox continues to lose more and more of his humanity as his DNA continues to produce that mismatched areas. 
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We can clearly see this occurring with Momokase as well. When momokase escapes the teams combined attacks near the end of episode 2 we see that she has now developed blue skin, sharp teeth and wild and unruly hair,
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 even more noticeably is when she runs in the direction of hiro. She doesn't try to attack hiro and granville now that they are vulnerable without baymax and the others there to help, instead she makes her way to the pillar behind them to escape and gives them an angry hiss/growl before leaving. 
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In episode 4, high voltage undergo the same procedure as momakase but transform at a slower rate. Later on when they crash a high school dance, they become fully mutated eel people
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once high voltage gains the upper hand to make their escape, what do we see them do? they dont just escape, they escape and without a second thought they immediately go to liv amara, now fully mutated into eels and living in her office aquarium!!. 
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If high voltage returned to liv then odds are that momokase is somewhere in her building as well. But why are they going back to liv?, well, back in season 1 episode 18 knox didnt go directly to liv, he followed his schedule until he found his way back to her, only to attack her, and sadly now that we know liv is the second seasons main antagonist liv learned from her mistakes with knox and most likely implanted the idea in future mutated people to return to her without fighting back. But what does this all mean?, why is she collecting mutated villains, what was the point of mutating orso knox? and what does this have to do with her secret project?
well, what if Liv is trying to make mutants but is having a hard time figuring out a base pair that will allow the persons DNA to remain stable and thus creating a stable mutated human. But to do that she needs test subjects, and she knows that she cant just experiment on ordinary people without drawing suspicion, so instead shes using criminals that the public would prefer not seeing. The only exception was orso knox who may have realized what liv amaras secret project was and refused to give her the money to support it. Liv turning him into a monster was just one way of keeping her money and gaining a lab rat, however, now that he is back to normal all she has to do is threaten him with turning him back, if he doesn't keep quiet about what she is doing. 
she may have always known how to turn mutants like orso back into regular humans but thats not what she wants, she wants these mutated and now animalistic humans to stay unstable so she can figure out the missing link in their DNA.  In episode 3 when karmi sees orso and quickly figures out the right treatment to turn him back, liv comes in and looks at karmis work, 
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liv doesn't look happy or surprised, shes upset because now there is someone other than her that can successfully turn mutants like oros back to normal, liv knew karmi was smart, but now that she knows karmi is to smart, she identifies her as a threat. And what does she do once she realizes that karmi is capable of undoing her work?  she pushes some buttons, 
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takes fred to the elevator and leaves karmi, hiro, and baymax seconds before orsos lock is disabled and the entire building is placed on lock down. 
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Liv was trying to murder hiro and karmi, then later pin the blame on orso to cover up her tracks!! and the only reason she took fred to safety is because she still needs to get her funds from his mother, and she cant do that if his mom is grieving for her dead son. 
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and now lets talk about the biggest question of the show, what is liv amaras end game? in episode 5, we see her experimenting with the cell regeneration capabilities of globby and claims that the way globbys cell regenerate may be a breakthrough to what she is working on. When nega globby begins to regenerate  into a bigger size in front of liv we see that they are confined to a small room, this room/lab contains a series of pods and one more pod that chris looks over to on his right off screen.
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 In episode 3 as hiro, karmi, and fred discover that orso is confined in sub level 9 fred says, “thats the most mysterious sub level there is, unless there’s a  sub level 10, is there a sub level 10?”. 
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Odds are, freddy is right!, there may be a secret level that liv did not include into the buildings computer and that secret sub level is where she is currently conducting her “secret project”
later, when the nega globby escapes, Chris meets up with liv in that same suspicious room were liv is working on a single giant pod in front of her
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when chris states that the glob escaped liv deactivates the security shutdown (which she says in episode 3 that she has no control over, but clearly she does !!!) 
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and lets it escape into the city. Chris then says, “dont we need it for..” then points to the giant pod next to him. 
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What if livs top secret project and ultimate end game has to do with whatever is in that giant pod. And what exactly is in that giant pod?, I have no idea!!, it could be anything at this point, and without enough evidence I am just gonna list out some ideas below and do a follow up later on when new info is revealed in future episodes:
1. in episode 1 liv says to grandville, hiro and the gang on their tour, “mother nature is an artist and I see myself as her protege, studying and... even improving on her work”. Liv believes it is her responsibility to do what nature is no longer capable of, improving human kind and is making a giant serum to transform the entire city into mutants, and later transform the entire world, making her the new mother of an entirely new world.
2. she is trying to create a new human race and what is in that giant tub in episode 5 is the first superhuman, however, because she hasnt figured out the right DNA sequence it is still incomplete and unstable. 
3.she knew(possibly admired) or knows obake and found his body underwater after his base fell apart and currently holds him in that tub as she is trying to turn him into the first line of super mutants and thus saving his life but also using him to her advantage.
4. shes gonna turn the entire city into mindless animalistic mutants, have them all under her control, then later use her new army of mutants to take over the world, starting with san fransokyo.
5. again this is just a theory, so don’t bother complaining, I’m just making this up as i go until i get new info. Liv found Tadashi after the fire and is currently holding him in that giant tub as she is trying to figure out how to stabilize his mutated genes and fix his damaged body so he can use whatever abilities his body is developing. Then she will later use his DNA to create a new line of mutants to serve under her. 
its just a theory, a big hero 6 theory!
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imagine-loki · 5 years
TITLE: Choice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: One Shot AUTHOR: inspired-snowflace 
 ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki assisting his partner in a series of quests to let her see her sister once more in the Underworld. Whilst there, Hades and Persephone offer her a chance to revive one person from the dead. Loki’s thoughts immediately go to Frigga but he knows his love will choose her sister, leading to heartache. RATING: Teen NOTES/WARNINGS: I know that it should be Odin considering Norse mythology but consider this as a crossover of Greek mythology!!!! (You will see why… Also, I hate Odin). Do leave a review!!! Pro tip : read my fic bracelet before this to increase the feels. Enjoy !!! Also, Mentions of death
You had done it. You knew that you had done well as you stood alongside Loki, your boyfriend, in front of Hades and his wife, Persephone. Actually, the Lord of the Underworld had given you a task a few months ago, that could only be achieved through your knowledge of magic. You had asked a single thing in exchange- to see your dead sister. Many years ago, the same magic had killed her, the only one who believed in it.
You hadn’t seen her in years. But today, however, you were sure you would see her as Hades hum of approval mixed with the gurgling of the river Styx behind you.
“Thank you. You have done me a favor and have earned your reward.” Hades bellowed in a voice that seemed to come directly from his throat.
Your eyes twinkled as a servant brought the soul of your sister. You glanced at Loki who was smiling. He wasn’t too happy to be in the Underworld but he still smiled. Even though tears flew down your cheeks, you were grinning and with a look at the couple seated on the throne, you ran towards your sister’s soul and greeted her. She looked exactly like herself, except she was white and hazy, as if she was made out of smoke. You started to peck her on the forehead and cheeks, to the best ability you could kiss a soul. You told your sister everything about yourself and asked her about her afterlife. She smiled and glanced back at Loki when you mentioned that he was your lover. During this conversation you apologised to her a million times for her accidental death. No, that was a lie. You apologised to her a BILLION times. She forgived you with a smile while caressing your hair.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Persephone whisper something in Hades’ ear. He nodded and made a low cough sound in his throat to get your attention. You stood up and moved back, thinking that he meant to imply that it was time for you to go. You stood diagonally in front of Loki.
“Persephone is moved by your love for your sister and she has suggested to me that I should allow you to revive one soul from the dead. And I do wish to let you know that I accept her suggestion.” Hades said.
Loki’s POV :
Revive? Revive someone from the dead? Mother? Frigga? I looked at Y/N with hope. She glanced back at me with excitement bubbling in her eyes and I knew what that look meant. The radiance in me dimmed drastically but I still smiled at her. I hope she didn’t notice the broken smile. Ofcourse, she was going to revive her sister. And why should she not? She had risked her life to see her sister. I can only wonder what she will not do to make her heart beat again. Should I ask her to revive Frigga?? She would gladly do that for me. But is it right?? She was the one who risked her life. No!! but I want Frigga back so badly!! No Loki. Dont put her in an awkward situation. She deserves this. She gave me a look as the energy in her eyes changed. What was that? Understanding? But why? Before I could ask her she turned and went ahead to speak to her sister. She spoke something is a voice too low for me to hear. Her sister grinned and nodded vigorously probably at the thought of being revived back to life.
Y/N moved back and calmly said “How?”
“Well, just think of the person who you want revived” Hades replied. His voice was really irritating.
Y/N closed her eyes and thought hard, putting all her energy into it.
Persephone seemed slightly suprised as she asked “Y/N, are you sure?”
‘Ofcourse lady. You saw her affection minutes ago. Ofcourse she is sure.’ I thought.
Y/N smiled and nodded.
“Fine. Tell me the place and date.” Hades said. Man, his voice was really irritating.
“On the Rainbow bridge in Asgard. On 17th December.” She replied so quickly it seemed that she had revised this reply a hundred times before.
However, the date was caught my attention more. It was a week away. But, that was my birthday!!! Great!!! So Y/N even forgot my birthday. The selfishness started to take over me. So not only had I lost a chance to revive my mother but Y/N wasn’t going to even spent my birthday with me. A day I wished to have her all to myself.
Third POV :
You smiled happily at your idea. You had talked with your sister and decided to revive Frigga instead of her. She assured you that she didn’t even want to come back to the mortal world. She somehow seemed to know everything about Loki and Frigga and had supported your idea.
“She will appear in the morning on the place and date mentioned by you.” Hades explained.
Before you left the Underworld, you asked Hades, “She wont have any problems to come back or after coming back?”
“Dear, that is a promise.”
That is the last you heard of Persephone’s voice along with her sweet smile which gave you the feeling that a flower had just blossomed. The next thing you saw was you and Loki standing on the Rainbow bridge with the palace of Asgard in view. You dragged Loki along with you smiling and glancing back every two seconds. However, you did very well notice that he was trying to cover up his broken smile with a genuine one.
“There is so much to be done. So many preparations to be made!!” you said to Loki.He didnt reply.
Once entering the palace you did EVERYTHING in your power to make the palace look more beautiful than it already was. And when you say everything, you are not to be underestimated. You could see the same pained expression in Loki’s eyes no matter how hard he tried to cover up with a smile. Loki did feel you went overboard when you tended to Friggas garden making pretty little flowers blossom again. Persephone did seem to help you in that arena. He felt sad but never voiced it accross to you. He liked seeing the garden so beautiful once again.
However, his beeaking point reached the limit when he saw you clean up Frigga’s own room. She shared a room with Odin but also had a room to herself. The doors had been closed for so many years. You cleaned up everything, even changed the sheets and dusted everything. Loki was first shocked to see the doors open. But seeing you clean everything made his blood boil.
“Enough Y/N!!!”
You looked back at him and climbed down the ladder you had climbed before rushing over to him. A neutral look on your face.
“Enough of this cleaning! This decorating! Who gave you the permission to open up mother’s chambers? You are preparing day in and day out as if it was the most important day in Asgard.” He screamed bitterly with emphasis on words he found appropriate.
Your face still remained neutral as you walked past him to god knows where.
Great!!! He had finally let his anger get to him and ruin your mood. He would convince you later on. But even you should understand!!! That you just can’t change that room whatsoever. He looked into the room and saw the cresent moons that hung from the ceiling were polished and shiny again. Momentarily, he considered returning the room to its original state but the idea of Frigga’s presence made him delay it. And like that seven days had passed. With you cleaning the palace and preparing for a grand celebration. Loki did apologise for his behaviour but you seemed rather unfazed about the whole ordeal.
Loki was the first to wake up with you shortly afterwards. You just pecked his lips as he caressed your cheek before you ran away to prepare yourself for welcoming the awaited one. He sighed as he saw you run into the bathroom. So you really had forgotten his birthday. You didn’t even wish him. Was your mind so preoccupied that even a simple greeting failed to escape your lips? Not to lie, he did feel a bit jealous of your sister. He felt that she was stealing away you from him. These thoughts constantly kept his mind occupied and he was now standing on the rainbow bridge staring into the horizon.
You had somehow even convinced Thor into coming here. That is, if convincing him was a difficult task. You just had to make puppy eyes and you could even get away for stabbing him. Loki kept smiling every time you stole a look at him but he felt a storm brewing in his heart. And to those who don’t know- That is NOT a good sign. The selfishness just surged through him no matter how many times he reminded himself that you were happy and that was all that mattered. He momentarily considered injuring himself to get your attention. Thor went inside for some reason promising you that he will be back in just a moment after finishing some impending work.
Suddenly, you both saw something glimmer at the end of the golden bridge. The face was not clear but It was seemingly made out of smoke same as your sister, only taller and more golden. A huge grin spread on your face as you gave Loki a quick hug. The smoke slowly shifted forth till it took the form of a body and yet it was quite hazy. But with every step it became clear as if it was on the transition from a soul to a body. You muttered something about Thor missing it. But Loki was too mesmerised to reply. As he watched on, he saw the haze turn into a middle aged woman, wearing a purple colour silk dress and that smile… That smile!!! No way!!! It just couldnot be… Frigga?? He thought. He glanced towards you and your eyes were intently fixed on him rather than the miracle unfolding in front of your eyes. You started to turn hazy in his sight and he wondered whether this was a wishful dream? But he realised that the hazyness was due to the tears welling up in his eyes.You smiled at him and went on your tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek.
“Happy Birthday, my baby.” You said while holding his hands letting your thumbs caress his knuckles. Moving away you signalled towards Frigga and said “Don’t you wanna give her a hug?”
As if on cue, Loki ran towards his mother, whose misty-ness had disappeared just now and enveloped his arms completely around her, lifting her clean off the feet and with a twirl landing her down. They laughed together for the moment. But then there was a 180 degree turnaround. Loki fell to his knees, crying and apologising numerous times for whatever had happened and his careless behaviour. Frigga helped him up through his shoulders placing a fond kiss on his forehead.
“Now you are a true king” you heard Frigga say.
“Mother, I am no king.” Loki said intertwined with the last sniffles of the earlier cries.
“Oh Loki… You never really understood what we meant, did you? A king is someone who keeps the people around him- his family, his subjects happy. It was never really about a golden throne. It is indeed a suprise that your brother understood this before you did.”
Loki smiled as the truth dawned on him and he locked eyes with you. He need not say anything- You understood how he felt. With Frigga standing directly in front of you, you saw how pretty she really was. An aura radiated off her. Frigga glanced at Loki waiting for a formal introduction of who you are.
But before he could say anything, he heard a bellowing “Mother!!!”. If he hadn’t been so happy he would have rolled his eyes.
“Oh, Thor!!” Frigga exclaimed before he lifted her and twirled her around, the same as Loki did.
Loki and you again locked eyes again, briefly this time and you saw that Loki wanted to say something but the words never came out.
“Mother, how is this possible??” Thor exclaimed, though he didn’t really care much as long as he got to see his mother.
“Oh Thor, you oaf!!” Loki said rolling his eyes. On a much softer note he added “It seems we owe lady Y/N an eternal favor.”
“So Y/N is her name?” Frigga questioned.
“Yes My Queen. My name is Y/N L/N.” you said.
Frigga looked like she wanted to say something but Loki interrupted her.
“Mother, she is Y/N. I am courting her.” You saw how shyly and boyishly Loki said the second line.“Y/N, this is my mother and Queen of Asgard, Frigga.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, my Queen.” You said bowing slighty.
“Dear, do you even refer to my sons with their titles?” Frigga said. You froze. Oh shit!! Were you even supposed to refer them by their titles?
“I… actually… umm….”
The three of them laughed at your sudden discomfort.
“Awww… Dear Y/N, being courted by the God of Mischief I thought you would get that one.”
“Y/N, you should really stop hanging out with my oaf of a brother. I am afraid you are becoming dumb like him.”
“Loki” Frigga said and playfully smacked his shoulder.
Frigga stepped forward and cupped your face “Dear, call me Frigga or since you are Loki’s lover, call me mother. If you are comfortable with that. Ok?” You nooded with a slight blush.
“Mother, by the way, she was the one who revived you from the dead.” Loki said.
Frigga raised her eyebrows and asked “is that true, beloved Y/N?” again you just nodded.
“For that I am most thankful.”
“Really, lady Y/N we cannot thank you enough for this blessing. But how?”
You exhaled. “I revived your mother instead of my sister.”
The truth suddenly dawned on Loki. That is why Persephone asked you whether you were sure! That is why you mentioned his birthdate! That is why you were preparing the entire palace! That is why you opened Friggas room!! It was all a choice you made!!!
You were teary eyed but Frigga placed a warm hand on your shoulder, “Come on now, Let us all go inside and converse. You don’t plan to stand outside the whole day, do you?”
The four of you went inside with Thor and Loki telling their mother everything between the sun and earth that she missed. There was laughing too, as Thor and Loki constantly told her embarassing events about each other. There were flowers on the floor which were laid to welcome Frigga. You all directly headed to her room. Outside Thor paused for a moment telling the guard to annouce in the whole of Asgard that their Queen has returned. He also asked the guard to send a message to Odin and was discussing the details.
Meanwhile, Loki, Frigga and you entered her chambers and Frigga asked you to sit beside her. Suddenly noticing your boots, Frigga said “Oh! Are you a Midgardian?”
You immediately remembered what had happened to Jane when Odin came to know that she was a Midgardian. Thor had told you about everything. Tensed and breaking into cold sweat, you didn’t reply. From the corner of the eye, you saw Loki was equally tensed since he didnt really know his mothers view on Midgardians.
Frigga looked up to Loki and smiled genuinely, “You and your brother sure have an eye for Midgardians!” Loki smiled shyly and your tension slowly ebbed away.
“After all, they are so pretty and smart.” Thor chose to add the moment he entered.
Loki rolled his eyes but you could see the hint of a smile on his face.
“…But I do have powers.” You said, your insecurity still biting you.
Before Frigga could say anything, Loki added “Yes mother, she can do magic just like us. She is also very strong. Once, she even lifted Thors beloved, oh-so-powerful hammer!!”
“Brother!!! That was only once.”
“If once then a million times” Loki boasted proudly but Frigga just laughed.
They stopped their bickering and you three fixed your eyes on her.
“Oh my dears, it is nothing. I am laughing because I really did miss all of this. And I must add here Y/N, that you must be very precious to Loki for this is the first time I have seen him defend and boast about someone other than his own self.” Frigga said after her laughter died.
You and Loki went red as a rose. Momentarily, It seemed like a competition of who could turn colour the most.
But Loki won the competition with Thor’s next sentence accompanied with his wiggling eyebrows- “Brother, so when are you getting married to lady Y/N? and on the night of the marriage—”
His words were cut short by Loki screaming Thor’s name and Loki started to chase Thor through the corridor. You glanced at them and then the grinning Frigga.
Without a warning Frigga started, “Y/N, I know that I thanked you for bringing me back to life but there is something more precious you have gifted me- Loki’s happiness. He seems genuinely happy when he is with you. I remember Loki as a child, he loved to listen to love stories and all those happy endings. He used to say, ‘Mother, one day will I also fall in love and live happily ever after?’ “. You noted that here Frigga became slightly grim. "But when he realised that he was a frostgiant, he started to note how the villain always lost and convinced himself that he was doomed to the same fate. He considered himself a monster that did not deserve a ‘happily ever after’. After Odin sentenced him to prison, I went to visit him. I tried to be cheerful and told him that I was going to the library and I could bring something he needed from there. He asked me to do a favor and burn all the romance novels right in front of his eyes.
‘Mother, you lied to me! You told me that even I would find a happy ending… but no. Not I. Why is it mother that everyone finds happiness, everyone finds love, EXCEPT ME? It seems that nature has a personal grudge against me. But mother atleast you should not given me false hope!’
‘Loki, I didnt give you false hope…’
‘Oh really,mother? Lets just drop the drama shall we? Who do you think will fall in love with me? Look at what I am? Look mother! It is not your son! It is a failure, a lonely monster, someone who lost to a measly race, someone who was always deemed to remain in the shadows of his glorious brother! But know that I will not kneel, not beg to find love’. ”
Frigga said reminiscing. You had tears in your eyes but so did Frigga.
“I really felt like I had failed as a mother that day. I used to feel so helpless to see him cry himself to sleep every night. He used to keep an illusion but I could still see through it. And now he has that happy ending. With you. Thank you for being my son’s saviour. But…”
Oh no!! There was the word you dreaded, the word of non acceptance and of rejection- “But…”
“….But I fear he can’t really have a happy ending. I think he was right about that part. And trust me my dear it pains me as much to say this. If you do get married to him, I am afraid you won’t be able to bear his child. A mortal, even with superpowers at that, won’t be able to give birth to a half frost giant child. Either you will die or the baby or both… I am so sorry, dearest Y/N, I wish-“
Frigga froze. The sudden pause make you look up at her and after following her gaze you saw…. LOKI!!!
OH SHIT!!! You were praying that he hadn’t heard what was being said. But the tears in his eyes told you otherwise. Coming fully into view from behind the door, his face screamed clearly- “I heard everything you said.” You wanted to say something. Anything!! That could cheer Loki up. But you sat there as still as a painting.
“Brother, remove these chains around my legs now, will you? I promise I won’t speak to lady Y/N about-” Thor said running to the chamber with his feet and hands wrapped in chains. But seeing your solemn faces he stopped midway realising something was wrong.
“Yes, brother, I surely will. But could you do me a favor in return? Can you remove the chains around my neck too? Or rather could you just tighten them so they can take my life away peacefully and not choke me every moment I live?” Thor looked confused at these words but Loki was just staring at you.
Frigga had tears flowing down her eyes but you just sat there holding your breath like a perfect painting. Loki turned to march outside Frigga’s chambers. The moment your eye contact broke you snapped out of your daydream. You looked at Frigga for help but she had given up already. You got up to ran behind Loki but he was gone. He was not even in the corridor! You turned back to look at Thor and told him that if you required help you would send a telepathy message to him. You immediately sent a telepathy asking him to take care of Frigga. He nodded.
You quickly ran from the room frantically searching for Loki. You tried to ask the guards but that ended in a dead-end due to Loki’s invisibility. Your throat was burning from screaming his name non stop but you couldnt care less. You had to reach to him and you had to do it NOW. You checked everywhere- the kitchen, your bedroom, the secret passages but there was no sign of him. Then you remembered- the garden. Ofcourse!! He would go to Frigga’s garden. He had spent quite a lot time there lately and you were sure he would be there.
You quickly teleported to the garden, leviating to prevent any twigs from cracking and giving you away. Indeed, you spotted him sitting amongst the rose bushes on a bench with his legs held closely to his chest by his hands and tears flowing like a waterfall. He sensed the presence of your magic though.
“Go away.” He whispered hoarsely.
You sighed audibly and sat down beside him. The place provided a picturesque view of the fountain ahead as the roses overwhelmed your nasal nerves. The place would be perfect for a beautiful after morning if not for the situation. You didn’t look towards Loki. Not just yet. But then he suddenly encased your body in his strong arms, almost knocking you behind. You slowly started to caress his hair and waited for him to speak even though you knew what exactly was the problem. Between sobs you heard what he managed to put out despite the burn in his entire body, including his throat-
“Pretty Y/N, Why does it always have to be me? Why am I burdened with all the bad luck in the whole of nine realms? What did I do wrong, Y/N, What? I got a girl better than anything that I deserve, my mother had come back to life, I was planning to propose you for marriage, my life was perfect for just this one moment. Y/N, why did even that had to be taken away from me? I am that UNDESERVING of love? Of happiness? Y/N,if I am to lead a life under these burdens, then why am I shown the beacon of hope? WHY Y/N, WHY?”
“Loki…” was all you managed out at first. The sincerity in his words made everything hurt more, if that was possible.
For his sake, you choked the words out-
“Loki… I dont have the answer to all of your questions. But I will do tell you answer to questions asked or not. You are deserving of every drop of love that fall on your precious body and so, so, so much more.. And you will not have anything taken from you, not me, not your mother, not Thor… not in this moment atleast. And know that I love you with all my heart and am going to spend the rest of my life with you, whether you approve of it or not. And I know that you love me back equally, if not more. Also, about bearing your child. Loki, we are sorcerers, one of our task in itself is making the impossible, possible. We have enough time. We can figure out something. We WILL figure out something.” Even though tears were rolling down your cheeks, you cupped his face and kissed his forehead.
Loki started to talk again slighty calmer than before. “Y/N, you know what mother had said was true. After I discovered my true heritage,I thought of avenging myself on my lover. I always thought that if a woman ever made the mistake of falling in love with me I would break her heart into a million pieces. I wished to inflict the same heartbreak that was inflicted on me by everyone I trusted and cared about. I promised myself to never kneel, to never beg in front of her. But-“
Loki went on his knees and connected the sole of your feet with his palms and slightly gripping your heels to prevent you from flinching away. He then rested his forehead on your knees halfway through talking.
“But Y/N, I stand as a beggar at you feet. Kneeling, utterly at your mercy. Y/N, please grant me the pleasure of you company, the luxury of feeling your love. For surely, love is a luxury to me. Please accept my love for you too. Please swear your vows of eternal faith to me. Y/N, I might be a prince, but infront of you I am nothing. But I will accept the title of a prince for that will make you what you truly deserve to be- a princess. And I will find a way to enable you to bear my children without being hurt.” He started sobbing again and you feel that in the of the cloth warmth near your knees.
“I dont know how you were meant to be with a failure, a monster like me, but Y/…Y/N please, please, whatever you do dont leave me.. don’t let me drop deep down that dark abyss again. Please, Y/N, please make this choice.”
You would have been convinced that a paralysis had struck you, had you not been able to hear your heartbeats in your ears.
“Oh Loki!!! I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!” You said flailing your arms around him causing him to fall on his back. You exchanged a passionate and fierce kiss before pulliing away to be able to breathe.
“I love you too Y/N”
“Lets go back to the castle, your brother and mother will be waiting for us!!”
Yoou and Loki walked back to the castle, his hand gripping yours tightly; for in this one moment, he had found his ‘happily ever after’….
A/N : If you do like my fics, please check out my blog, inspired-snowflace, for more !!! (Also, all my writings are not so feelsy!!)
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drabblers · 6 years
Three months late
Prompt: Mystique Fandom: Rurouni Kenshin Setting:  Modern AU, Actors. This is part two continuation for the one-shot: “A Comedy of Romance.” The last part was “Goodbyes aren’t always final“. Characters: Kenshin Himura, Kaoru Kamiya, Misao Makimachi  Word count: 3307
<…and if you would like to see more about my interpretation of the character, I would be pleased to do also demos from other scenes. Looking forward to hearing back from you. Respectfully yours, Kamiya Kaoru.>
Kaoru frowned at the email she had written, gnawing on her bottom lip thoughtfully. No, it was as good as it could get, she decided and pressed send. The email left, leaving her to stare at her depressingly empty inbox. Twenty-two applications send, only two replies – and both of them nicely worded versions of “sorry, not interested.”
It sucked to be an actress between jobs, with no good prospects waiting.
True, it was the same for all the starting actors and yes, she knew the industry was extremely competitive. But still, if she just got a chance, a real chance to play a significant role in an action movie… She sighed deeply. Sometimes her dream just felt too distant. Unreachable. Like a mission impossible. But Kenshin had told her that she just had to keep trying and to differentiate herself from her competition the best she could. For example, when she had an option to choose scenes to do a demo for, she should select ones that suited her strengths instead of going for the popular choices.
The thought of Kenshin drove her to check her mailbox’s spam folder, just out of habit. Ads for sunglasses, bags, online shop adds, and nothing else. Just typical.
It had been twelve weeks since the last shooting day party, since that night with Kenshin… since he had left for the Gobi desert. She hadn’t heard anything from him since then. No phone call. No email. No message. Nothing. His shoots for his next movie had supposed to take six to eight weeks, but now… it had been three months. Had she just dreamed that night? Maybe she had been too drunk and just come up with this elaborate make-believe memory and fooled herself into believing that Himura Kenshin had asked her to date him?
Or maybe, there was no self-deceit or mystique to it at all and it was like Misao said, that her co-actor had just made promises to get into her pants and after he had succeeded, he had fucked off to his merry ways and left her reeling.
She shook her head.
No, Kenshin wouldn’t do that. He was not the sleazy type, thank you very much. Which she had tried to explain to Misao as well – but given that her secrecy contract forbid her from mentioning Kenshin’s name until it was officially announced – her explanations had fallen on flat ears.
Kaoru groaned to her hands. She was frustrated and angry at herself, at Misao and most of all – at Kenshin. Why hadn’t he contacted her? It was the Gobi desert, not Mars! They had some form of communication down there, hadn’t they? Even if they didn’t have reliable phone lines or internet, there had to be old-fashioned snail mail or a courier or... something? Surely, If he wanted to, he had to have some way of contacting her?
…If he wanted to.
Gods, that was the one thing the devil on her shoulder kept whispering her. That she had understood the whole dating thing wrong and it was like Misao claimed, that he had just wanted one night’s fun.
No. Nope. She slapped her cheek, as if to drive away the poisonous thought, and rose, heading to her kitchen. Misao should be coming back any minute now and she had promised to cook tonight. Nothing fancy. Just something simple even a kitchen disaster like her could throw on a frying pan and call it dinner.
She lived in a two bedroom apartment in downtown Tokyo with her roommate since University days, Misao Makimachi. It was a useful arrangement for both of them. After all, freelance reporters and actresses shared the same problem: they got paid per project basis.
Kaoru had just gotten the frozen dinner on a pan when out of a sudden, the doorbell rang.
“Wait a minute!” Kaoru yelled, dumping tofu and frozen vegetables on a pan and setting to heat to hot. It should take several minutes to warm up anyways. She huffed, sweeping her hair aside and looked down at her comfortable pajamas. She had not bothered to dress up for the day, after all, it wasn’t like she was going anywhere. Should she change clothes to answer the door? Nah, no need. It was just Misao.
The doorbell rang again.
Kaoru growled. Seriously! Was Misao carrying something large, or just being lazy that she was not using her own keys to open the door?
She pulled the door open, about to say something rude but the words died on her tongue and she blanched in realization…
...and slammed the door shut right in front of his face.
“Oro?” Kenshin blurted, too stunned for more cohere words.
Something slammed against the door with a thud. Her back? Then, her shaky inhale echoed in the silence.
Kenshin lowered his hand and wetted his lips. “Miss Kaoru…?”
“Why didn’t you send a message?” She asked softly. “Even a letter? You had to have some form of communication available, even down there in the middle of nowhere.”
“I… I, ah… Um, one is sorry, that he is.”
“Sorry…?” She asked, taking a pointed pause. “I waited for you. Week, four weeks… twelve weeks and nothing.”
There was hurt in her tone: bewilderment, pain… but also anger. Kenshin squeezed his hands to a tight fist. God dammit! He should have known that man couldn’t keep things professional between them.
He took an inhale, finally gathering himself enough to speak. “This one did send you messages. Every day, in fact. But it seems that they got lost in transit, that they did. This one is sorry, that he is. Miss Kaoru – please, forgive this one.”
Clothes rustled, and something hit the door – her fist? No, her forehead?
He heard her drawn breath. “What happened?” She asked, her voice wavering only a little. “If what you say is true, how can you lose over a  hundred messages?”
“That’s… Um, it’s a long story. A very personal story, that it is.” Kenshin cringed. “But in essence, this one’s interpreter… well, Enishi has a reason for being angry with this one, but this one honestly assumed that he could put his feelings aside and maintain a professional relationship.”
“…your interpreter?”
“Err, yes,” Kenshin said. “This one doesn’t speak Chinese – more than few words, that is – and whenever one does movies with Chinese one needs help with the language.”
The lock twisted, and she opened the door.
He stared at her, drinking in every detail of her. Her hair was in a messy bun, and she was wearing her pajamas and under her eyes, she had dark spots, like she had been trouble sleeping. Yet, despite everything, she looked like home and something in his chest ached. He wanted nothing more than to pull her close and tell her how he had missed her.
“Let me get this straight,” she started, gnawing on her bottom lip. “Your interpreter had a grudge against you? And he took it out by not sending your messages? Did the guy never want to have work in the industry or what?”
“Um, that’s… well, most likely he knew this one wouldn’t rat on him.” Kenshin hazarded, “As this one said, Enishi has a good reason for his anger, that he has. You see, this one, well, one was, but...” He stopped abruptly and looked aside, clearly trying to find the words but failing miserably.
She blinked slowly. “Um…”
Instead of continuing his stammering, Kenshin shook his head and dug into his shoulder bag and pulled out a stack of letters with a huge red stamp with Japanese text for "Return to sender" on them. “This one picked these up at the mail office in China. See the address?”
She took the stack gingerly, turning the unopened stack of letters in her hands. “That’s my name but… what the hell?”
“Enishi did send the letters as this one instructed him to, that he did. He just misspelled the address and when the letters did not reach a proper destination, they were returned to China – and given the distances, this one only found out about this last week, that one did. Note how small the error is?”
“Are you sure it was deliberate?” She asked. “I mean, even to me – it looks like a human error.”
Kenshin exhaled, relieved that she seemed to believe him. “I… Well, could this one come in?” He asked, glancing over his shoulder where a neighbor was peeking from the doorway. “One will tell you, but as it relates to personal history, one would prefer to keep it between the two of us, that he would.”
Miss Kaoru followed his gaze and blanched. “Err, yes – of course.”
She opened the door, wordlessly inviting him in… into an apartment with visible puffs of smoke floating around.
Kenshin stared. “Um-“
Which was, of course, the moment when the fire alarm blared to life, filling the apartment with ear-splitting beeping.
“Oh fuck.” Miss Kaoru said, pressing her hands to her ears. “Wait here!”
And she ran off to where the smoke was coming from.
Too curious to his own good, Kenshin followed her to – kitchen? Miss Kaoru had pushed a frying pan onto the kitchen sink with its contents and all and was staring at the fire alarm fixated to her ceiling like she wanted to smash it to pieces.
No wonder why, like him – she was on the shorter side and the kitchen did not have a convenient a ladder or step-stool. Well, not a stool most people would use to reach high places.
Kenshin grinned and without a second thought, grabbed a chair from next to her small dining table, stepped on its seat, tilted it on two legs and climbed to stand on the backrest, balancing it while reaching to the offending fire alarm.
And there!
Blessed silence.
Miss Kaoru stared up at him, her mouth falling open. “So you really do your own stunts—“
Kenshin covered his mouth with his hand, but couldn’t quite contain his snort in time.
She pouted at him.
And then he really couldn’t help it, but burst into laughter. Gods, her expression! He knew it wasn’t polite – no, it was downright rude but she had an unparalleled ability to make him laugh and forget his worries and stress. It was amazing. Just for that, he would have fallen in love with her…
“Mou! It’s not that funny,” she grumbled. “And get down here before you fall down, break your neck and force me to cart you down to hospital.”
“Sorry,” He straightened and jumped down. “It just seemed to be the fastest way to solve the problem, that it was.”
“I was not complaining.” She grumbled, turning to the offending attempt at dinner.
His voice was soft, gentle when he whispered those syllables. He always said: Miss. He had never called her by her bare name. A shiver raced down her spine and something fluttered at the pit of her belly.
She didn’t turn around. Because if she did… she wasn’t sure what she would do.
Footsteps behind her, and then he stopped, close enough that his breath tingled at her neck. “I… This one missed you.”
She swallowed. “I missed you too.”
He laid his chin on her shoulder, resting his arms around her waist. Not forceful. He was simply there. Warm. Solid. And there. For her. She inhaled deeply, turned around in his embrace and asked, “are we still dating?”
“I… This one…” He frowned. “Aren’t we?” He finally asked. “One means, if you don’t want to…”
“I do!” She hurried to assure him. “I want to. I just, it happened so soon an then I didn’t hear anything from you-“
“One is sorry about that, but there was-“
“I believe you,” Kaoru hurried to interrupt him. “I know you said the whole thing with messages and interpreter spiraled out of your control and I want to know all about it, but before that… I just, are you sure that you want to date? With me?”
He blinked slowly. “Why wouldn’t one want to date with you?”
She looked aside, gnawing on her bottom lip. “It’s, well, you are you and I am…“ She waved her hand, directing his gaze to take note of the apartment’s small kitchen and all signs of student lifestyle style therein. The difference to the standards he was used to had to be obvious. After all, even when discounting the fact that he was a celebrity, he was exceedingly well of man and she… she was just a rookie actress starting in her career with a whole bunch of student loans to pay for.
He took his time studying her apartment from his spot, still holding her in his embrace. Finally, he noted out loud, “It’s homely, that it is. A lot cozier than the apartment this one used to live when he was just starting out, that it is.” He smiled at her, a hint of mischief sparkling in the corner of his eye. “Did you know, this one afforded to purchase a futon only after the Legend of Hitokiri Battousai was published and started breaking the box office records? Before that, one used to sleep curled against the wall.”
“…huh?” Kaoru gaped. “You mean…”
He shrugged. “This one knows very well how difficult it is to start out in this career, that he does.” He drew his arms a little tighter around her and looked at her seriously. “One knows how very proud and self-reliant you are, that one does. But if you ever feel that you could accept introductions or some other assistance one could offer…”
“No!” She yelped. “No, I’m fine. Thanks for offering though.” She mumbled, feeling the heat to rise to her cheeks. Gods, did he think she was asking for help? She wasn’t about to take advantage of him! “I was just…” She paused, and thought through what she had been about to ask which really came down to the question: are you sure that am I good enough for you? And suddenly, she felt very stupid. “It’s nothing”. She mumbled, pressing her face into his shoulder.
The whole time she had known him, Kenshin had been very consistent in his appreciation of her. His glances at her, his constant smiles, the way he always took her questions and concerns seriously and offered any help he could… No, even if she had no idea why he had decided to like her, it was obvious that he did enjoy her company.
“Kaoru…” He hesitated. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes,” She mumbled. “I just feel stupid, that’s all.”
He huffed fondly, stroking her cheek, wordlessly asking her to look up. “You are amazing.” He smiled. “You are funny, charismatic and if one could, one would never again leave your side.”
That last line! Only he could repeat his character’s line at her like they hadn’t spoken those words to each other in front of cameras and five dozen people three months ago!
She grinned, and replied her part, “Then stay.” And rose on tiptoes to kiss him.
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back, drawing her to his embrace like they had never parted. They kissed and kissed each other again…
“Kaoru, you are never gonna believe this, but the neighbor’s old lady said she saw…“ A female voice called out, only to turn to a shriek: “Oh my god.”
A shopping bag dropped to the floor.
Kaoru froze and turned to look at her roommate staring at them. Blushing, Kaoru untangled herself from Kenshin’s embrace and swallowed, “Um… Hi, Misao-chan.”
“Kaoru, you…” Her roommate stared. “That’s…”
Kenshin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Um... Hi, I don’t believe that Miss Kaoru has mentioned me.” He smiled awkwardly, stepped closer to Misao and offered his hand for a handshake, “I am Kaoru’s colleague, Himura Kenshin, that I am. It’s nice to meet you.”
Misao took his hand and shook it. “Uh, Misao. Makimachi. I have heard quite a bit about you.”
“You have?” Kenshin asked, guileless.
“Uh huh.” Misao nodded, her eyes lighting up with unholy glee. “But more importantly, what was with that kiss? Do you kiss all your colleagues like that?”
Kaoru felt like face-palming. “Misao…”
“Hey, hey,” Misao protested. “It’s a valid question! A girl’s gotta know these things.”
Kenshin stiffened. “Uh… No. That’s not the case, that it isn’t.”
“Then, what’s with the kiss?” Misao’s smile had teeth. “Because if you step in Kaoru’s life just when it suits you and end up hurting my friend…”
Kenshin looked at Kaoru, a question in his eyes. Clearly, he wasn’t about to say anything if she wasn’t okay with it.
Kaoru’s heart melted. She smiled, and stepped to his side and wrapped an arm around his waist. “We are dating.” She said to her friend. “It’s a little bit sensitive information, so please could you keep it to yourself?”
Misao blinked. “Okay, if you say so… but, uh, what about the three-month long disappearing act? Weren’t you angry about that?”
Now Kaoru did cover her eyes and groaned into her palm. How often had she talked, ranted and whined about her mysterious colleague that had left of to shoot his film in China during the last three months to Misao? She couldn’t even venture a guess. “Yes I was, but there was a bit of trouble with the interpreter and...” She trailed off, noting how tense Kenshin seemed to be. Hadn’t he said it was private? Given his habit of understating things, it really had to be something he wasn't comfortable at speaking about. She looked at Kenshin and said decisively, “It’s all fine now.”
He shot her a relieved little smile that spoke more than a thousand words.
She had made the right choice then. She exhaled in relief, spun around and grabbed her phone from the kitchen counter. “But before that, perhaps we could order something to eat?”
Misao glanced at the kitchen sink. “Don’t tell me you burned the dinner again.”
“This time it wasn’t my fault!” Kaoru protested, holding out her phone. “Is Chinese fine for everyone?” She froze, realizing the faux pas as soon as she said it. He has just been three months in China. He had to be sick and tired of Chinese after that.
Kenshin grinned sheepishly. “Or perhaps this one could cook?” He volunteered. “You seemed to have planned on having a homemade meal tonight.”
Kaoru’s stare turned to shock.
Even Misao boggled. “You cook…?”
“Sure,” Kenshin quipped back and leaned down to gather the groceries Misao had dropped to the floor.
“Kenshin…” Kaoru hesitated.
“It’s fine.” He smiled at her. “This one enjoys cooking. It’s one of his hobbies even to this day, that it is. Besides, one did interrupt your cooking rather badly, that one did...”
"That's..." Kaoru cringed.
"Please, Miss Kaoru." Kenshin smiled at her. "Let this one do this small thing for you."
What could she say to that? Wordless, Kaoru nodded at him.
In silence, She and Misao settled down to sit around the dinner table and stare the spectacle of international action mega-star, Himura Kenshin unpacking Misao's groceries with quiet efficiency, and them rummaging through their fridge, pantry, and freezer for supplies to cook a dinner for them.
It was quite obvious that he knew what he was doing.
Kaoru gnawed on her bottom lip in silence, and Misao leaned over to whisper to her ear. “Forget everything I said and hold to him for your life. You and him... It's obviously a match made in heaven.”
AN: Happy new year!
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