#he doesn't have to be married to five separate women to have children
spoofymcgee · 10 months
i do think that within the GFFA there's a misconception at some point that the jedi are allowed to get married.
this comes about as a result of the fact that a member of the sitting council has–give me a sec–five wives and seven children.
eventually, it comes out that mundi is the outlier and overall there is a ban on members of the jedi order marrying.
my point is that i think in the GFFA Spiders Georg is actually Wives Mundi.
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eternal-echoes · 4 days
The poll
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I don't think it's just that; I think more and more people are realizing that every child deserves a mother and a father and legalizing gay marriage deliberately deprives a kid of one of them. Orphans and children of single parents always long for their missing parents.
While there are unfortunate circumstances like death of a parent or divorcing an abusive spouse that makes it inevitable, ultimately since children are made through the biological union of a man and woman, their spiritual relationship with them should be preserved.
Since we're not just a material being, we're also of both body and soul. Not Cartesian dualism but Hylomorphism where the union of body and soul makes one nature.
The only two ways a gay couple can have a baby is either through surrogacy and/or adoption. Along with its ethical concerns with buying a baby, a gay couple taking a newly born baby from his/her mother is depriving that child with the much needed bonding time with the mother (i.e. breastfeeding, cuddling, etc). It's illegal to sell a puppy within 8 weeks of birth because it would be too cruel to separate it from its mother,* then how much more devastating would it be when it comes to a human child? And a child's need for a mother doesn't stop when he/she no longer needs to be breastfed, the mother is essential for the child's emotional maturity as well.
Here is a video of Ryan T. Anderson back in 2014. I'll highlight some important points but the whole video is really good.
Marriage exists to unite a man and a woman as husband and wife to then be equipped to be mother and father to any children that that union produces. It's based on the biological fact that men and women are distinct and complementary, it's based on the anthropological truth that reproduction requires a man and a woman, it's based on the social reality that children deserve a mother and a father. ... Marriage is the institution that different cultures and societies, across time and place, developed to maximize the likelihood that that man commits to that woman, and then the two of them take responsibility to raise that child. Part of this is based on the reality: there's no such thing as parenting in the abstract; there's mothering and there's fathering. Men and women bring different gifts to the parenting enterprise. Rutgers sociologist professor David Popenoe writes, "The burden of social science evidence supports the idea that gender differentiating parenting is important for human development and the contribution of fathers to childrearing is unique and irreplaceable." He then concludes, "we should disavow the notion that mommies can make good daddies, just as we should disavow the popular notion that daddies can make good mommies. The two sexes are different to the core and each is necessary, culturally and biologically for the optimal development of a human being." ... The impact of marriage. So why does marriage matter for public policy? Perhaps there's no better way to analyze this than looking to our own president, President Barrack Obama: "We know the statistics that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of schools, and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. They're more likely to have behavioral problems or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundation of our community are weaker because of it." ... President Obama sums it up very well: what we've seen in the past 50 years since the War on Poverty began, is that the family has collapsed. At one point in America virtually every child was given the gift of a married mother and father, those numbers right now: it's more than 50% of Hispanics children are born outside of wedlock, more than 70% of African Americans are born outside of wedlock. And the consequences for those children are really serious. The State's interest in marriage is not that it cares about my love life, or your love life, or anyone's love life just for the sake of romance. The State's interest in marriage is ensuring that those kids have fathers who are involved in their lives. ... If the biggest social problem we face right now in the United States is absentee dads, how will we insist that fathers are essential when the law redefines marriage to make fathers optional? ... Think about the social consequences if that's the direction the slippery slope in which marriage redefinition would go. For every additional sexual partner I have, and for the shorter lived those relationships are, the greater the chances that I create children with multiple women, without commitment with either to those mothers or to those kids. It increases the likelihood of creating fragmented families and then big government will step in to pick up the pieces with a host of welfare programs that truly drain the economic prospects of all of our states. ... So for all those reasons this is why the State and all states have an interest in preserving the definition of marriage as a union, permanent and exclusive of a man and a woman.
Also an article supporting some of Ryan T. Anderson's points:
It’s worse to be raised by a single mother, even if you’re not poor.
The reason for this is that fathers tend to be the disciplinarian in the family. They provide the moral framework in his children's lives.
Reminder that even though the Catholic Church does not support gay marriage, it doesn't mean that she hates gay people. There is a ministry called Courage International where people with same-sex attractions are encourage to live chaste and holy lives.
*Original wording taken from here.
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innerchorus · 9 months
As much as I know, Andragoras and Tahamine adopted Arslan because Tahamine gave birth to a baby girl, and after that she can't have baby anymore. But why Andragoras didn't try to have other babies with other women? Is there any explanation?
Okay, warning for novel spoilers.
First, the truth about the child born to Andragoras and Tahamenay. The baby was a son rather than a daughter, but unfortunately it was stillborn. This is revealed by Zahhak in Book 16:
'"If Tahamenay had given birth to the child without mishap, things would have turned out differently. Since the son born to that woman was stillborn, Andragoras panicked and staged a foolish charade. No only did he bring in someone else's son, but he also bought three baby girls, gave them the appropriate silver bracelets and sent them off to separate parts of the country. This was all for the sake of preventing the infertile Tahamenay from committing suicide."' (Book 16, Chapter Five, Part ii)
You're right that Tahamenay was left infertile after giving birth. I assume the birth itself must have been pretty traumatic for those who attended her to know this was the case right away, as if Andragoras had believed she was able to give him more children, I doubt he would have gone to all this effort.
As for why he didn't father children with anyone else, as far as I know there are no details about this, but we can make some guesses.
Andragoras doesn't seem to particularly care about the continuation of the royal line. He sees it for what it is, and in all honestly I think he gets a grim sense of satisfaction from hinting at the unpleasant truth while never revealing it in full, and was fully prepared to let the line die out after his death. I'm sure that in an ideal world he'd have liked to have his son inherit, but when that's not possible (specifically, when it's not possible for him to have another child with Tahamenay), from his point of view, a substitute will do.
He needed an heir in order to maintain stability in his rule, which is likely a big motivation for taking Arslan. By the time Arslan is named Crown Prince and officially designated as his heir, five years have passed. During that time, perhaps he held on to some hope that Tahamenay would somehow conceive again, but after five years it must have been apparent that it truly was impossible.
I do think, in the absence of a biological child with Tahamenay, he fully intended for Arslan to become Shah after his death, but was more interested in preserving his own power during his lifetime than he was in setting Arslan up for success.
For Andragoras, I think his biggest motivation was "having". The throne. The wealth and power that came with it. Pars itself. And Tahamenay as his queen. He wanted more than anything to possess her, and he did it by controlling her since he couldn't force her to love him and he knew that without believing she had a living child out there somewhere, she would find a way to escape by killing herself. Perhaps he was even so obsessed with her that no other woman would do. I believe all of this mattered more to him than thinking about what would happen to the country after his own death. He's a very selfish person, especially compared to Arslan.
Unlike Andragoras, Arslan has no personal desire for power and does not wish to be Shah for his own sake, but rather views it as his duty. He spends his whole life wondering what an ideal ruler is like and worries about not living up to that ideal. He is conscientious and puts the future of his people before all else. He doesn't care about riches or treasure. And he does not want to marry or have an heir of his own. They are total opposites in every way.
(That last bit was a digression; I just find it interesting. Hopefully this has answered your question!)
May as well edit to add here as well as in the comments: it is also mentioned in Book 7 that part of the reason for the baby-swap is that having a son preserves Tahamenay’s status. That must have been important to Andragoras (again, for selfish reasons, not for Tahamenay’s sake).
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seoness · 2 years
(18+) Childhood Sweethearts
NSFW | (Book!) Sandor Clegane x Fem!Reader | Requested | Headcanon
This post does not contain explicit sex scenes, but uses explicit language and therefore is marked NSFW. Also, I've never written Headcanon... I tried to understand what it was so if I'm writing something completely different... A thousand apologies!!! I tried!
Question: I couldn't resist the urge to request Sandor hc because I absolutely adore him in your writing. Could I possibly request Sandor with reader? Maybe they were childhood sweethearts or best friends, but before "the burn" they were separated. They met much later when Sandor became the King's dog. How would Clegane react to his past friend if he still had feelings for them? Would he avoid them, would he try to frighten them, or would he desire to resurrect a forgotten friendship (or even love)? The reader can be any gender you want (the same applies to Sandor: he can be the book-version of Sandor or show-version, which one you like more)
First of all, thank you! I am so happy you enjoy my depiction of the Hound! I will be going with the book version since it leaves me with the most canon material to work with. So let's break this down.
But there's something we need to answer first.
Who are you?
Who would be able to survive being Sandor Clegane's childhood sweetheart? Who would you need to be because having Sandor's affection would make Gregor want to break you above everything else?
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Pretext: Sandor tells Sansa in the books that he was about six or seven when he was burnt, and Gregor is five years older than him, making him about eleven or twelve. We know he was a squire at the time, a force in the yard, already six feet tall (about 180 cm) and muscled like an ox. Servants aren't safe around him. The larger noble houses wouldn't pay the Cleganes much mind seeing as they are such a small and - more importantly - young house.
You are the sole child to a successful merchant. Your family made its riches on providing the nobility of the Seven Kingdoms with luxuries from the east. The Clegane lands are not far from Lannisport and your father's estate is on their border. The Cleganes were and are by no means rich. To fund his house Gregor Clegane tourneyed. The late Lord Clegane must have faced similiar issues and forging a bond with a rich merchant would have been to his benefit just as it would have been for a merchant hoping to have his family marry into nobility. You might have been baseborn but your upbringing was on par with any lady. A generous donation to the Motherhouse of Lannisport afforded you a septa, and while you didn't have a maester to tutor you, the many cunning minds willing to spare their time for gold did.
But doesn't the Mountain have a horrible history with women? How could a girl survive him?
Far better than a boy of similar stature.
As a boy you would have been expected to interact with the Mountain far more, to spar in the yard, to ride with him, each an opportunity for one of the mysterious "accidents" that surrounded young Gregor to occur...
A girl of your standing would never have been left alone with someone of the other sex not of her own blood. Your shield would have been the skirt of your septa and mother. At feasts, you would have been forced to sit beside Gregor, but it had one upside. You sat close to your best friend. Sandor never spoke to you while Gregor was near, he never said much of anything then, it was so different from the boy that would come to the edge of your estate. Your very own knight. Ser Sandor Clegane was as gallant as Ser Florian and as faithful as the Dragonknight. Every quest you sent him on, he fulfilled. Your septa allowed it, the harmless play of children.
Before Sandor Clegane was sworn sword to the Crown Prince, he was yours. Shielding his lady and her septa as you explored the strange forest surrounding the manse. The dagger in his belt had made your septa nervous, but Sandor never allowed you to play with it.
Only once did the two of you fight. You had picked up a stick for a sword, and no sooner did Sandor break it in two, cursing underneath his breath. How wide-eyed the boy had become as you burst out crying. A crying that turned to a wail as your septa slapped his cheeks red.
The morning after, he had watched you from the edge of the forest. Sandor never said he was sorry, just shoved a basket of blackberries in your hands and ran away.
The next day your game started anew. He would make offerings, more blackberries, and pretty flowers. Sandor guarded you against the vile Lord Frog of the pond and built an armada of ships to send down the rushing creek.
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Your septa prepared you for life ahead, for a time when you'd be grown but Sandor made you want to stay a child forever.
Then one day, your knight never returned...
You tried to find him. Running away into the forest in search of your knight, but one of the servants or your father's guards always caught you. It wasn't like you'd find the Clegane Keep on your own. So you called out from your window like all the princesses in the songs but your knight never answered.
It didn't matter how much you cried or screamed when your mother told you the manse would no longer be your home. Not even Father listened to you as you made your case. He didn't realize, so stupid and old. How couldn't he understand that a lady was to wait in her castle for her knight to return?
"Look around you, little one. I have not been able to afford us this life from lacking to see what the future holds and no good shall come to us from staying. Those that clammer to investment no longer worth it, die with it."
You wouldn't understand those words for a long time.
Until you met again...
You were a memory, and no matter how much Sandor Clegane tried to will it away, you remained.
The boy who believed in knights and their holy vows hadn't died the day his face was raked through the burning coals. He too lingered, hoping against hope, but Rhaegar Targaryen put him out of his misery the day he tapped his sword on Gregor's shoulders. About bloody time. But you? You somehow fucking survived.
He only wallowed in the memories you made together when drunk. They were just about the only good he had from his childhood, but time had left them hazy, only flickers in his mind. You had played songs to him, ones your septa taught you on the lyre, but your tiny fingers had difficulty plucking the strings just right. Each slanted note made your nose scrounge up, and your cheeks burn redder still, and Seven Hells how you glared as he had giggled. The fool of a boy who'd thought he'd be the luckiest sod that ever was if you would hold his hand and explode if you pecked his cheek.
The man's fingers ran over the twisted skin, scratching as if it rid him of the mark. Sucking at his teeth, the Hound would fill himself another cup of wine.
Drunker still, he'd imagine himself another life, one where Gregor was never born, one where his father had you sitting next to him at feasts. With time, he'd have mustered the courage to hold that hand and earn that sweet little kiss; with time, he'd grow to want more. He wouldn't be like those Lord Husbands that took his prick to everything that moved. He'd treated you right.
As long as the wine doesn't sour in his stomach, you'll be a dream for an evening... but the Hound is the Hound, and it usually ends with cursing your existence. What does your life look like now? Wedded to some merchant prince? Bet you never think of him. Not that you'd recognize him now, you'd look the other way as everyone else. He's no song.
In the evenings you bother his mind the most he'll seek an escape. He'll tumble dice if whoring and drinking don't do the trick. Not to win, the Hound waits for anyone to cheat, and King's Landing never lacked in that regard. A good excuse as any to hit someone.
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All hail King Joffrey Baratheon, the first of his name!
The first day of Joff holding court was for the nobles, those daring to swear fielty. Petty lords and ladies hoping to curry favor by being first, and every other sent some vassal. The Hound had gone to Joffrey's side by the throne that day as a sworn sword, and on the second, he stood beside his King a Kingsguard. A white cloak hung heavy from his shoulders, but the rest would be the same. Those not born of noble blood were to present their new King with gifts.
And there you were... A ghost, a lost friend to a boy long dead.
Sandor kept you in the corner of his eye. He could see the east on you. The layers of light linen peaking out underneath the myrish silk dress, its wrapping kept close by golden clasps. So he wasn't off on his predictions. You belonged to some merchant prince, didn't you? Made one of the Free Cities your home? Bravos? Myr? Qohor?
Damn this, damn you. He wanted to look away, twist so you'd not see the burn as you walked towards the throne with your servants in tow. Couldn't do that. Couldn't care. You were no one, for fuck sake, it wasn't like he knew you. Not really. He knew the girl you'd once been. You were grown now. You'd probably gotten as rotten as the rest of them.
You offered your gifts, bowed, and said your pleasantries. It was unnerving. He heard the remnants of the girl that had once offered him an escape in your voice.
The Hound's stomach churned. 'You repulsive cunt. How kind the world has been to you'. His mouth twitched as your eyes met. You should have stayed wherever the fuck you'd been hiding all these years.
After he was free of his duties, Sandor didn't stay long enough to be handed new ones, marching through the halls of the Red Keep and set on locking himself in his sleeping cell of the White Sword Tower. He reached its door before the thought struck.
This was a blessing. He'd kill you. The boy you had dubbed a knight was long dead, and you needed to die too. The memories of you were a weakness. Every morn after you had slithered your way into his mind the eve before, Sandor felt like shit. Bugger that, bugger you.
Sandor's new brothers of the Kingsguard didn't dare question or stop him when he barked that he'd take leave for the evening.
One fool makes another...
The Red Keep wouldn't be where you slept for the night but it wasn't hard to figure out where it be. Those that had the gold but were denied room atop Aegon's Hill, clambered to the hills of either Visenya or Rhaenys. Anything that would take them up from the streets below and the stench of urine, horse manure, and vomit.
It had gone late into the night when the Hound walked up one of the many streets of Rhaenys Hill, the ruins of the Dragonpit towering high above.
No one called him that. No one dared. Yet there you stood on one of the balconies overlooking the street below, the woman he was to ruin, smiling and waving...
You didn't cower behind the railing, no you were the fool that invited him inside. Made his work easy for him, he'd enter and you'd get yourself a good look.
A servant, his common broke heavily in the Myrish tongue, opened the door and guided him to the upper floor. The door was not even fully opened before you offered wine.
Might as well, it'd be easier work if drunk.
It was no wine sink, no cheap wine that cut like vinegar on one's tongue. Pale green nectar wine from Myr was too sweet for his taste, but a smooth Lyseni red lingered in his mouth. What fool of a woman you were, even made getting drunk easy.
You drank as well, your cheeks as red as the ones he remembered when you had played on the lyre. The memory slipped out. Shouldn't have, and you quickly picked up where he stopped.
Did you think them sweet words? Telling him that you hadn't known, that you had run off into the forest again and again to find him.
"I always wondered what happened to my knight," you said. "Not a knight," Sandor rasped, gaze locked on his cup. "Well, you were mine. I knighted you, do you reme-" He silenced you with a glare. This was it. He'd make you weep. You laid by some cushions on a seat, talking and drinking. Trying to fill the awkward silence that had risen. How quiet you became as he rose, walking past the table filled with flagons of wine, cheeses, and roasted nuts. Looming above... You were so close, your scent made his nose scrounge. Just needed to open his mouth. Find some curse, some insult, something to make those eyes wide and teary. Your face softened and a smile spread across your lips. "How much you've grown," you whispered. 'What?' Your gaze wandered to the side of his face, where fire had eaten away at his flesh. "Does it hurt?" "No." Your hands cupped his cheeks. "The Sandor I knew could have died from joy had he known he'd become a Kingsguard... I'm glad you're still here," the smile turned crooked, "even if you're no longer my blackberry knight." "Blackberry?" "What else?" you laughed. "I was seven, you cannot judge me too harshly."
Sandor doesn't return to the White Sword Tower for the night.
Sandor's instinct would be to avoid a childhood sweetheart but if unable to, he'll spiral and become hostile.
Self-sabotage in abundance.
The man is far from easy to court but the shared past will quicken the pace of your relationship's progress.
...was this headcanon??
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cfshadows · 13 days
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( SANTIAGO CABRERA + CIS-MALE + HE/HIM ) dearest reader, i am ever so delighted to introduce LORENZO CORDOBA, the forty-five year old duke of spain, known among the ton as clever + selfless but their foes would certainly tell you that they are more impatient + obsessive. perhaps that is why many seem to think they had something to do with the ongoings around the ton, but here they are anyway !
name: lorenzo sebastian agustine cordoba
age: forty-five
height: 6'0
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
home: spain
gender: cis-man
pronouns: he/him
starsign: libra
sexuality: bisexual
father: duke sebastian cordoba †
mother: duchess viola cordoba †
three children: one bastard child WANTED CONNECTION, one legitimate child WANTED CONNECTION, Andres Cordoba (8 year old son)
siblings: two younger sisters
the only son of duke sebastian cordoba, lorenzo was almost exemplary, he understood what his future would be and had accepted that. he fit into the role of the future duke, and eventually soldier.
he was a good child, excitable and fun. it was what made him endearing to many people, smart and ready to simply be with people. he's always been one who's wanted to be in the world, he's wanted to be known.
what he wanted was to be someone the world would know, someone who made a difference in the world. that was why he was excited to serve the crown and show himself worthy. fighting isn't as glamours as he thought.
becoming a solider was the hardest part of his life, he ended up injured and stranded in austria for two years. he was stuck unable to walk and when he returned he was forced into a marriage.
he tried to get out of it, he did everything he could think of, claiming bastard children he didn't know about, claiming he'd already asked someone to marry him but his father heard none of it.
he was married to a woman who didn't care for him either. as much as they tried to get along it never happened. (wanted connection so most is left open)
lorenzo turned to other women and at times men to escape the wife he never wanted, one of these affairs leading to a child that lorenzo wasn't aware of until the child turned 10.
he and his wife managed to have two children, promising his wife that at least her child would be his heir. he knows he's unhappy with her and he treats her unfairly but he can't seem to stop himself.
lorenzo has always been someone who's willing to do anything for other people, he does enjoy a reward for his actions but he would go above for most people. he's unsure why that doesn't extend to his wife. as hard as they've tried.
he's been a lothario his whole life an attention seeker, his father tried for years to find a wife for him until he finally found one.
lorenzo is a father figure type to younger people, he knows what the world does to those who are young. it takes their dreams and then shoves them into the real world, just as it did him.
Wanted Connections
bastard child: lorenzo has one child from outside of his marriage, he met them when they were 12 and he takes care of them (if he's close or not is utp) but he's always made it known this child isn't his heir.
child: his heir and his pride and joy. how they feel about him is utp but he's always behind them and wants the best for them.
wife: PLEASE HIS WIFE. this is all angst probably, either they both cheat and are looking for a way out or she's still trying. but it does end in separation for this connection.
mother of his bastard: at some point he had a child with this person, they can be friends, terrible exes, or they don't care about each other. I'm down for anything.
someone he's a parental figure to
friends, enemies, anything!
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scotianostra · 1 year
The Four Mary's Linlithgow.
On way to Edinburgh so here's a wee bit history for you all while I sit on the bus.
The inside of the Pub is like a museum with lots of historical artefacts, don't expect to see the footie though, it doesn't have a television.
Some of you may know the song of the same name, which has been covered by many artists including The Corries, Joan Baez and Steelye Span, but the story behind the song dates back to the 16th century and centres on Mary Queen of Scots.
The Four Marys pub was named after the four ladies in waiting to Mary, Queen of Scots, who was born over the road in Linlithgow Palace.
They were Mary Seton, Mary Beaton, Mary Fleming and Mary Livingston. Mary Fleming was also a relative of Mary Queen of Scots, as Fleming’s mother was the illegitimate half-sister of Mary Queen of Scots’ late father King James V. The other ladies were of noble and high birth.
Although Mary Queen of Scots’ connection to France started at a young age, it wasn’t always certain that France would become her home. King Henry VIII first attempted to marry his son Prince Edward to the young Scottish Queen. Although some of the Queen of Scots’ nobles supported an English alliance, Marie de Guise and other nobles pushed for the Auld Alliance.
In 1548, the four Marys joined their Queen at Inchmahome Priory in preparation for their journey to France. The journey to France from Scotland was a rough sea voyage. It is recorded that during the journey, all of the ladies came down with sea sickness.
Upon their arrival in France, the station of Mary Queen of Scots and that of her ladies-in-waiting could not have been made clearer, as Mary was to join the Valois royal children whilst her ladies were initially separated from her. This could appear as a cruel move by the French King Henri II, however it was for the young Scottish Queen’s benefit. First of all, if she were to marry the Dauphin, she would need to learn to speak French and be associate with the Valois Princesses, Elisabeth and Claude. Secondly, by making her closest companions Henri’s daughters he could secure her loyalty and ensure she was surrounded by women of noble birth and of respectable character.
The four Marys were initially sent away to be educated by Dominican nuns. However their time in France was not to be for as long as anticipated, as although Mary Queen of Scots married Francis, they ruled France together for only a year before the young King died in 1560.
By this time, Marie de Guise, who had once decided her daughter’s future in France whilst protecting her realm in Scotland, had died. This left Mary no choice but to return to her country as queen. The four Marys returned with her to Scotland. Scotland would be the place where the four Marys would seek their own husbands, as their now widowed Queen would also seek out another.
Mary Queen of Scots married her cousin Lord Darnley in 1565. Her ladies also married, all except Mary Seton who remained in the Queen’s service until 1585 when she left the Queen’s household to join the house of God and become a nun. Mary Beaton married Alexander Ogilvy in April 1566.
Mary Beaton had a son James with her husband in 1568. Two years earlier, she had been there to support Mary Queen of Scots as she gave birth to her son and heir James, who would become James VI of Scotland and eventually, James I of England.
Mary Beaton lived a long life, dying at the age of fifty-five in 1598. Mary Beaton has been depicted in history as a model lady in waiting and one who was well educated. It is recorded that Mary Beaton’s own handwriting was very similar to that of Mary Queen of Scots.
Mary Livingston married her husband John Sempill in the same year that Mary Queen of Scots married Lord Darnley. Both Mary Livingston and her husband’s characters were not considered to be honourable and respectful, unlike those of her ladies Seton and Beaton. The Scottish Reformer John Knox wrote that Livingston was “lusty” and her husband was a “dancer”. He even rumoured that Livingston had conceived her child before the marriage and therefore was of unworthy character to be a lady-in-waiting to the Queen. These remarks by Knox were ignored by Mary Queen of Scots who granted wealth and land to her lady and her husband. Mary Livingston was even awarded some of the Queen of Scots’ jewels in her will. However she and her husband were ordered some years later to return them to the crown. Her husband John Sempill was arrested for refusing to return them. Livingston died in 1579.
Mary Fleming married a man who was many years older than her, Sir William Maitland. Maitland was the Queen’s royal secretary. There were rumours that their marriage was an unhappy one, but this has been largely disregarded by history and evidence proves otherwise. Their marriage took place after three years of courtship and therefore, they had time to get to know one another well before the marriage. In 1573 they were captured at Edinburgh Castle. Mary’s husband died shortly after their capture and she herself was kept a prisoner. Mary Fleming was forced to give up her belongings and her estate was not returned to her until 1581/2 by the then King James VI, the son of her former Queen and mistress.
There is a dispute over whether Fleming remarried but it is commonly believed that she did not. She had two children, James and Margaret. In 1581 the Queen of Scots tried to set up a meeting with Mary Fleming, but there is no evidence that this ever took place. Fleming died that same year.
The lives of the ladies-in-waiting of Mary Queen of Scots were very different, despite their common experiences and Dominican education in France; three married and only one lady actually returned to a life in a nunnery.
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fratboykate · 2 years
How did French Kate and Yelena meet each other? They couldn’t stand each other at first like all the other time periods?
I'm sorry I know you sent this 5-6 days ago and I meant to answer it right away. Y'all know I do all my writing on the notes app on my phone because I'm INSANE. It's all meticulously organized in folders by AU at this point but it's still just my Notes app. When I went to look for my notes, my French folder was empty and I have 19k notes so it's a clusterfuck to look through. Either I accidentally deleted all my research notes or idk wtf happened to them because no matter what terms I've used to search for them nothing has come up. Needless to say I've been HEATED and I had to walk away from this ask for a second lol. That was hours of not just French history research but also story groundwork that vanished 😩
I quickly just did some stuff from my shitty ass memory as best I could cuz I didn't want to leave you hanging any longer but it's not the same in depth answer you would've gotten had I still had my notes from before. I'll do it all again eventually but right now I'm too annoyed/mad/sad to bother. ANYWAY...
Cateline Evesque's husband is one of the king's Councillors. Her father is a Count from Southern France. She grew up in a Chateau until her mother died when she was five then her father sent her to receive a convent education. Her family has a long aristocratic lineage. She loved her husband when they married her off at like 16 but eight years later that has sort if evaporated. Especially after two children lost. That changes marriages and people and right now their relationship is rocky AT BEST. She knows he has affairs but she'd rather look the other way than make a big deal out of it. Him being busy with other women means more time with her friends at court.
Hélène Beauchêne is married to a Count/Marquis. Her family comes from money in Northwestern France as her father is a Duke and her mother is a French courtier/daughter of a Duke. Her and her husband are courtiers at Versailles (basically 1700s socialites lol). It was an arranged marriage based on financial and power brokerage between their parents. They got married when they were both like 16/17 and it wasn't terrible for a while. They were at least friendly and did what married couples are expected to do. They tried to do their duty and have kids but it never happened. They're now almost 30 and can barely stand each other after these many years together. There's a constant, suffocating pressure from both sides of the family for heirs but every night Yelena is like "if you touch me you will lose your penis in a really violent way" and he's a bit of a wimp so he doesn't do much about it 😂
SO...Kate and her man Henri have been living in their fancy Versailles apartment overlooking the gardens way before Yelena and her man Lucien move in. They're the new kids on the block but it's not like they're totally out of place. Everyone knows their families and that they're "purebreds" so they're not like...lepers. They've rubbed elbows with some of these people at some point before.
During the daily nigthtime salons it was common for it to eventually get separated by gender and the men went to do their thing while the women did their thing so Lucien ends up with the bros and Yelena ends up gambling and gossiping with Kate and the girlies. (Gambling was HUGE with the women at Versailles. It was in general. It's one of those things they did all day. Not like they had much else going on...)
Kate is like...GOOD at the cards. She's a shark actually. To the point where people almost don't want to play with her because they know they're just going to end up losing a shit ton of money when they do. But Yelena is the new arrival and she doesn't know that. Versailles is a viper's nest so the women went from being lowkey catty af to simply going "Lets just sit back and watch this bitch get demolished by Card Queen Kate." Problem is.........Yelena is actually holding her own. Like.......surprisingly well. She is actually kinda whooping Kate's ass.
Everyone eventually leaves the game and it's just the two of them, toe to toe. Gambling away shit tons of money and the entire court has basically surrounded the table watching popular girl of the court get a bit of a whooping by the new girl.
Yelena makes a huge bet and Kate matches it thinking Yelena HAS to be bluffing. She's been counting the cards. No way she has that good of a hand. She's going to win all that money back and her husband doesn't have to find out the ridiculous amount of money she's already lost tonight. He has no idea how much she gambles because she never loses. Well, that changed tonight and it'll definitely be an issue if she doesn't get it back. Yelena shows her hand. Kate must've miscounted somewhere because she just got FUCKED. She just lost more than a 1/3 of what her husband makes in a year in a single bet. Fuuuuck.
Kate's like "😬again?😬" but Yelena stands up and is like "Nah I'm good. But thanks for the money tho. Night night :)"
Kate is fucking SWEATING BULLETS. How the fuuuuuck is she gonna explain that one? She stands up and goes after Yelena. By now Yelena is in one of the dark, solitary hallways adjacent to the Salon. Kate's like..."Double or nothing?"
Yelena laughs and she's like "....look on your face tells me you can't even pay the single as it is and by the way tonight went I'm fairly certain I'll win the double. It would be unfair of me to take that bet." and just keeps walking. Kate's ass is CLENCHED as she watches Yelena leave but then............Yelena turns.
"I'll make you a deal."
"What deal?"
"There's something in Versailles more valuable than money."
"Allies and people with information. Right now I have neither. You show me the ropes and we can consider your debt squared."
"Good night, Cateline."
She gives Kate a once over then starts to walk away as if nothing just happened. Kate calls after her once she's further down the hallway.
"Yo...you gotta be at church tomorrow at 10. It's a must. King will literally come for your ass if you miss it. I'll save you a seat. Dress well, but not too well. You can't upstage the queen."
And Yelena is like "Dope. Thanks. See? You're coming in handy already 😉."
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your-pal-crow · 4 years
One cold afternoon, a rich man was walking through the forest for he was terribly lost. A foggy mist clouded around him, anything past 20 feet or so was completely white.. The branches of the trees shook with an eerie howl of wind, and a new presence made itself known with a small cough. A witch disguised as an older woman shuffled over to the rich man.
"Why hello dear, are you lost?" She asked curiously, her head cocking to the side.
"Yes miss.. I believe I am... By any chance would you know how to get out of the woods? My maid is cooking dinner at home, and if I don't get back in time it will be cold, and she knows how much I despise eating cold food."
Well this man didn't seem very nice at all, so the playful witch decided to play a little trick on him.
"Yes yes of course I do, I'll lead you out of the foggy forest on one condition."
"Anything! I have gold and riches, servants in The finest clothing you've ever seen! You will be paid well for your kindness."
She shook her head, having a different idea in mind.
"I'm quite old you see, I have no use for money and silk. My only condition is that you take my four daughters with you, and fed them well. So if they're too much of a hassle for you then you can simply sell them off to be married."
Although a bit perplexed, the man shook her hand and the deal was made. After all, how much of a ruckus could a few young girls make? She led the rich man back to her small cottage, surrounded by mushrooms and wildflowers. Having him wait by the door, she went inside and came out with a lantern and four beautiful women. They were quite similar to one another, each had striking green eyes just like their mother.
"The lantern will illuminate your path, follow the trail of moss and you'll find your way out rather quickly." The rich man did his she said, the quadrant of maidens following behind him whilst giggling and chatting amongst themselves.
The old woman (or rather the clever witch) was right, the green path led them out safely and he was quite relieved.
Back to his luxurious home they went, though the girls didn't seem as surprised or awestruck as he had hoped.. He would pride himself on showing off his riches to others, and was not used to them being brushed off like this.
"The four of you will share a room, right next to mine." The man declared and the girls simply nodded in agreement and walked into their new bedroom. It was late, so the man did the same, walking into his bedroom and lying down on his comfortable bedding.
"what a poor old woman..." He thought, though his mind was slowly drifting into sleep. "..That she is forced to give away her daughters to a strange man for she can not feed them." That is what he thought at least, for the girls were rather skinny for their age. He descended into his slumber with a smile, happy with his deal.
The next morning the fog seems to have disappeared from the landscape, sunlight peeking through the drapes like a playful child asking to play. He awoke, got dressed, and descended down the stairs into the dining hall where the four beauties were waiting for him.
"Thank you for having us sir." One politely spoke.
"Terribly kind of you sir." Another smiled.
"I hope you won't mind us around." The third laughed nervously.
"Terribly kind indeed." The youngest giggled to herself quietly.
Breakfast arrived and the room nearly lit up with the joy on their faces, causing a grin to spread across the rich man's face.
"You've lived a life of poverty, eat as much as you'd like!" He laughed, digging into his food right away. The beautiful women relished their meal, afterwards each asking for a second helping.
The rich man was never very good with love, so having four happy and beautiful women sleeping rather close to you does help quite a bit doesn't it? He bought each of them expensive golden jewelry, and beautiful dresses made out of the finest silk, woven with emeralds and rubies. His attempts at courting went seemingly unnoticed however, each girl peppering him with compliments but never kisses, or giving him only a glance in the hallways.
There was only one thing that bothered him though, despite being quite skinny the girls ate an awful lot of food. Two servings turned into four servings, then to five then to seven and so on. So much food and so much cooking cost the rich man quite a bit of money, until he wasn't nearly as rich anymore. Of course he loved the women, but they were sucking every penny he had with grand feasts just about every meal and he could not stand the thought of being without a roof over his head or a loaf of bread on his table.
Finally, after about a month of these antics he realized that these girls were not as they seemed, and it finally got through that thick skull of his that he had been tricked. Night after night he tossed and turned, trying to think of how he could rid himself of these ravenous maidens before he was as poor as the old woman in the woods.
"What did the woman say that night? There must be something I can do.." he muttered anxiously, looking out his window at the glowing moon. The moon almost looked like a large silver coin, round and bright and beautiful. That's when it hit him like a stone, the woman had said that he could sell them off to be married if they were too much of a hassle. And at this point, they were definitely a hassle.
The very next morning the not-so-rich man took his harem into a nearby village that had been weakened by an infestation of wolves and looked for somebody who could take care of them for him. He felt sure that they could use a bit of help around since their numbers were dwindling. The townspeople however, were very cautious about this sudden deal. They've heard tales of the girls who could eat twice their weight in beef, and knew none of them could afford such a cost.
He asked the baker "Please, these beautiful girls will help you make your bread and your cakes, as long as you feed them well." The baker declined, for he could not feed them.
Next he asked the medicine maker "Please, these beautiful girls will help you grind your herbs and stir your pots, as long as you feed them well." the medicine maker declined, for he could not feed them.
Running out of options, he came to the final house with the four girls' giggles seeming more devious than before...
In that house lived the weaver, a kind young lady with a nack for sewing, and a gray cat that followed her around. "Please, these beautiful girls will assist you in whatever you need, as long as you feed them well."
The weaver saw the mischievous gleam and the girl's eyes and simply smiled and nodded. "They'll be a great help around the house, I don't have much money but I'd like to pay you back even a little for such a generous gesture.."
Though his money was dwindling, he was desperate to rid themselves of these gorgeous menaces. "I ask for only a single bronze coin in exchange for my harem!"
Although a bit surprised, she hurried inside the house and came back with a small pouch. "Here you go sir, have a lovely day" The weaver smiled as she pressed the coin into his hand and the girls walked in.
The not-so-rich man went home feeling relieved, and had learned a lesson about making deals with strangers in the woods...
Meanwhile the weaver took care of the girls rather easily, after a few trips to the huntsman's cabin they learned how to hunt for themselves. The wolves no longer terrorized the village, for any that got too close were gobbled up by the beautiful yet gluttonous women, who had found great joy in running through the woods and shooting arrows.
And the weaver grew rather attached to them over time, and they to her, until one day te weaver and the eldest sister were happily wed. Over time the other three sisters went their separate ways, yet remained in the village hunting and dancing together every other night.
A good life they all lived, and thankfully the children were not nearly as hungry as their mothers.
What a good deal I'd say, and as the old saying goes.
"A penny for your thots"
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thousandeyesand-one · 6 years
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Hey anon,
Thank you for your question! There is a common misconception people have about targ restoration that it is going to establish another era of Dragon Lords resuming rule in the Red Keep. Thats not atleast what I think is going to happen I'd like to think there's more people who understand this. 
Stark Restoration was just as important as Targaryen Restoration is for the future of this story. House Targaryen has a very bad reputation when it comes to rule or just in general. Almost like each & every single one of their mistakes were remembered by the history & maybe even exaggerated in some cases.
"The Targaryens have always danced too close to madness. King Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land".
                      - Ser Barristan Selmy (ASOS)
There are so many accounts of the Targaryen's cruelty most of them true but one should wonder if before Targaryen's came to Westeros, before Aegon's conquest was Westeros really all that hunky dory at all? It is said in TWOIAF that even before aegon conquered the Realm the seven kingdoms fought amongst each other. Black harren terrorized the riverlands always in a fight with Argilac the arrogant whose name alone gives you the idea of what he was North forgot their were 6 other kingdoms, after the age of heroes. In short the war, destruction & internal conflicts are not House Targaryen's legacy alone in Westeros. 
"Because of the Long Night, these early wildlings were then pressured to begin a wave of conquests to the south. That they became monstrous in the tales told thereafter, according to Fomas, reflects the desire of the Night’s Watch and the Starks to give themselves a more heroic identity as saviors of mankind, and not merely the beneficiaries of a struggle over dominion."
          -Archmaester Foma's Lies of Ancients (TWOIAF)
Brandon the Breaker is said to have joined forces with joramun to overthrow the Night's King who according to Old Nan was a Stark. That is why Brandon the Breaker broke the horn of winter & is said to have wiped any record of the Night's King or any knowledge of such instance from Night's Watch history or Stark's records. I am not comparing but Targaryen's have never tried to wipe anything mostly because they didn't care about anything or anyone.
"Like their dragons the Targaryens answered to neither gods nor men."
"Treachery was a coin the Tragaryens knew well"
"What did a Targaryen ever knew about honor?"
Almost every POV we get speaks of Targaryen's in a derogatory manner. Neither has the history written by Septons or songs sung by singers have been dealt with by Targaryens in their favor unlike the Starks who behave way too good to have kept power for 8,000 years. Specially when it is widely believed that Valyrians are First Men just like the Starks.
So both Starks & Targaryens are descendants of same civilization but separated by land & time & later on religion. First men in westeros became the Kings of Winter & First men in essos became Valyrians. Both these families don't have clean records when it comes to their history. Starks defeated the children, killed the marsh kings & barrow kings of the old taking their women into marriage & making their reign formidable & long-lasting without any contests left in the north & Valyrians decimated their enemies & the leftover they enslaved. The oppressed children created White Walkers an army that literally fights & perpetuates death & those enslaved in the caves of 14 flames in valyria created the faceless men who also worship death. Point is both these families have their hands in the dirt but one (stark) were cunning enough to clean the board but Targaryens were too proud & idiotic to care about hiding their mistakes.
"Their must always be a Stark in winterfell" people say has something to do with the Kings of winter & Lords of Winterfell being buried down in the crypts that they'll wake before the endgame being the literal representation of "Winter is coming" as in the dead Kings of winter are coming. That is the true might of Winterfell. Before the Long Night comes again a Stark must be there in Winterfell to fight the army of the dead that brings the storm with them. That is why the stark restoration  happened. I understand we as viewers are very emotional when it comes to Starks because the story started with them & they have been the victims of the books+tv show that we've been following but the stark restoration had a much more deeper meaning behind it than just merely giving them a safe place in this cruel world.    "Everyone is where they are & what they are for a reason.. "  Starks are needed before the endgame that will be the final twist in the show regarding the Night King.
Likewise, Targaryen's are needed to Break the Wheel they created at King's Landing because quite simply nobody else can or will. When Aegon conquered the 7k he offered mercy to the Lords who bent the knee & granted them the land with the title of Lord Paramount but the ones who rebelled & fought him he decimated House Hoare wiped out, House Durrandon wiped save for a daughter who married Orys Baratheon, House Gardener also wiped out. Rest of them bent the knee. Aegon showed mercy to House Stark, House Lannister & just about everyone who begged for it. While House Tully he instilled as Lord Paramount of Riverlands, House Baratheon he gifted his Bastard brother his own house name & a castle, House Arryn also shown mercy to & house Tyrell were stewards of House Gardener who bent the knee to Aegon & he named them the Lord of Highgarden. Even though Martells very much like the Starks had no interest in the power outside of their kingdom they just wanted independence but they never bent the knee whatsoever. Point being all the other houses after the conquest were no less than common folk to the might of House Targaryen, they were sort off elevated to a level of lordship by House Targaryen kinda like how house clegane was elevated to Lordship with their own house sigil by Tywin Lannister, like Ser Davos Seaworth was knighted for his deeds even after being a smuggler by stannis. Back then the fear of Dragons & the might & wrath of Targaryens kept any & everyone under control. so when time came they rebelled against them not only that but are now vying for the very power the Targaryen's created playing the game of thrones.     
"Varys: give us common folk one taste of power we are like the lion who tasted blood.. nothing is ever sweeter"
"LF: Do you know what the realm is? It's the thousand blades of Aegon's enemies, a story we agreed to tell each other over & over till we forget that it's a lie."
"Varys: Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick. A shadow on the wall."
Ever since Robert Baratheon died all the people who say they have the claim or want the claim joffery, cersei, Renly, Stannis, Robb, Little Finger, Tyrells etc everyone of these people are trying to chase that shadow on the wall it's like they're trying to catch smoke with bare hands it's too treacherous & volatile causing the destruction it did in the War of the Five Kings. Only the most erroneous of the lesser people will be able to tame it like Cersei who fought to win to save her children & now after losing all of the 3 she's fighting for her own skin, her family. She doesn't care about the greater good or anything she did what nobody had the the soul to do, she stopped at nothing! She tames the shadow on the wall because she stepped into darkness & shadows don't exist in darkness.
"... to reach the light you must pass beneath the shadow"       -Quaithe
Maybe this is the shadow that dany has to pass beneath to find the light, to pass beneath the shadow of power to find the light of wisdom & courage to break the wheel. (Although am not completely denying the possibility of dany going to asshai & passing through the shadow lands as a lot of people theorize). The Targaryen Restoration is just as important as Stark Restoration is.
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