#sperm donation my dudes
spoofymcgee · 9 months
i do think that within the GFFA there's a misconception at some point that the jedi are allowed to get married.
this comes about as a result of the fact that a member of the sitting council has–give me a sec–five wives and seven children.
eventually, it comes out that mundi is the outlier and overall there is a ban on members of the jedi order marrying.
my point is that i think in the GFFA Spiders Georg is actually Wives Mundi.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
7x05 promo meta
Thank you 911 for dropping those stills - its save you all from my terrible quality screen shots!
This was supposed to be a costume meta, and it is, but things rather got away from me so its got a bit of a mishmash of spec and the like in it! its probably incoherent but my brain is whirring!
Ok first things first - Firehouse!
Soooo whenever we've had firehouse scenes before between Buck and Eddie, the one not in uniform is the one receiving advice - Buck after he found out about Daniel, Eddie during the Black out etc. So I expect this scene to play to a similar theme.
The green jacket for Buck is an interesting one for me, green is all about growth - especially this shade of green. I think this scene will be the first time Buck and Eddie see one another in person - Buck perhaps re-apologising to Eddie, clearing the air, Eddie offering buck some advice (i don't know exactly what advice, but perhaps along the lines of not bottling things up and talking to him etc!).
The fact its a broadcloth jacket harks back to his shirt jacket from Eddies breakdown - that one was very red, so there's no direct connection to the meaning of that jacket from a colour theory perspective, but there is a wider theme connecting to the broadcloth - broadcloth is a fabric that was historically used for military uniforms (it still is) so the use of broadcloth has this element of going to war - unlike the red jacket that signalled danger and Buck going to 'war' to both get to Eddie and to then help him in the aftermath, this one is more likely to be a war related to Bucks 'bad behaviour' from the basketball game and I think and with the green of the jacket meaning growth, I expect this scene to show them on a more even footing - one where the one doesn't need to go to war for the other, because the 'war' is over, this is the aftermath now and Buck has grown (in the same way that Eddie was in green during and after his breakdown - he grew from that moment)
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Date night - for Buck and Tommy
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Firstly I want to mention the fact that Check theory is in overdrive for this scene - the check is literally everywhere - floor, tablecloths, walls, windows, the guy sat to the side of Tommy. Something is clearly going to happen that is going to lead to some sort of chaos. My money is on Check shirt guy suddenly becoming ill and interupting both dates (call back to Buck choking on bread would be chefs kiss imo as that was Bucks first proper date!!).
I originally thought his was the same shirt Buck wore when he was trying to donate sperm - however, turns out it isn't it isn't, this is a knit bowling shirt while the one from the sperm donation storyline was a knit polo (no buttons all the way down the front). I do think the remarkable similarity between the two shirts is relevant though. because Buck trying to donate sperm, was Buck trying to start a new life, but it was a false start when he was wearing the similar shirt (because the power was out at the clinic) and he is essentially doing the same thing here - he's on his first 'date with a dude' and is starting a new life as a bisexual man - only it seems he's probably going to try and hide it from Eddie - thus a false start in the same way his first attempt to donate sperm was. thing is, Buck was successful in making his donation in the end, so even if he has a couple of false start in this episode, he'll be successful in the end (see the end of this meta for the reason why!!)
Tommy is in brown (possibly a dark olive green, but it looks more brown to me at this moment in time!). Brown is of course one of Eddies staple colours, so we are continuing with the Tommy Being costumes as a version of Eddie!
But Brown is a colour of stability and strength - its solid ground. It's showing us that Tommy is completely comfortable in his sexuality (whatever denomination of queer he is as we don't know at this point!). Its also a colour of safety support and protection (its why many police and military uniforms around the world are brown - meant to invest a sense of protection - a reflection of what that job is supposed to be!). for me thats playing on the idea that Tommy is going to protect and support Buck on this date - Buck not wanting to come out to Eddie in that moment and Tommy supporting that and protecting Bucks right to chose when and how he gets to come out to the people in his life (and I adore him for that!) is my guess on why he's wearing brown here.
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Eddie and Marisol's date night
(as an aside - Bucks face in the still below is hilarious!!)
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I already mentioned the pink handbag in my 7x04 meta, but now we also have a pink skirt to add into the mix and its a ditsy print of two shades of pink, which not only further supports my pink and innocence theory about this season, but it also plays into how both Shannon and Ana were costumes as well - in lots of pink and in ditzy prints!!! Marisol (who doesn't even have a last name) is not long for the world of 911 - if it doesn't end in this episode, its gonna be over very very soon! She is going to essentially be an innocent bystander in whatever the hell is going to go down at this date night fun house we're about to see, whether her seemingly naive personality (well what little personality she seems to have!) plays into things as well, we'll have to wait and see!
The other aspect of this outfit that is making me laugh is the fact that the skirt is giving me 1980's/early 1990's teen vibes (not to out myself as old but trust me I had some just like this back then and I wouldn't be caught dead in it now as a grown woman!!) and the baby pink handbag looks like something an 8 year old would have to play dress up with - its all very childish and immature - naive one could say, and its suggesting to me that we're going to see some pretty childish behaviour from her at some point in this episode (we'll have to wait and see if I'm right!). The other aspect oof this childish style we're seeing on her plays into Eddies narrative of looking for magic and trying to recreate what he had with Shannon. Its for me one of the reasons why i think we have s2 Eddies hair back, especially this greased back version in this scene - its a nod to his s2 arc when he tried to recreate the magic with Shannon. Eddies journey is about learning that he cannot recapture or recreate that magic he had when he was young - that the love of youth - in all its innocence is not something that is sustainable or actually what he wants in the present. for me, him figuring this out is an important part of his wider un-repression arc and will allow him to move forward and learn that he needs to build a relationship on a stronger foundation that magic and innocence. That (ghost of a) second chance with Shannon ended up as a literal car crash (sorry to be blunt but it was a metaphor back then too!) so my feeling is that this is going to go the same way - and end in a figurative (at least) car crash.
As for the chain necklace! you can read my 6x15 metas for a fuller run down this one is the most comprehensive one (and theres some stuff lurking on other meta posts as well) but essentially every single one of Buck or Eddies girlfriends have worn a chain necklace (there is also a bracelet too, which I think Marisol wore in 7x01 but her scene was so blink and you'll miss it that I can't get a good still to be sure!) of this style - I never did get to writing the full meta on the chain necklaces I intended - the season 6 finale rather deflated my enthusiasm to do so, but I can talk about it here so, things worked out I guess!
Chains are a representation of incarceration, or of holding something back. they are a huge symbol of slavery and are used in derogatory terms when used to talk about relationships (the old ball and chain etc). This is why we see them on all the women connected to either Buck or Eddie, and never on any of the other female characters in the show - these women are essentially holding Buck and Eddie back, they are chains to be broken free of.
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Then we have Eddie in his white shirt! There are a couple of reasons I am completely in love with this choice! firstly is the most obvious, it paints things very black and white for Eddie and Marisol - they are opposites! In this context, the wardrobe department are deliberately creating that opposition between them - and in combo with that pink bag and skirt - things aren't going to end well for them.
Black is a colour that sucks light and colour from things (yes there is the concept of the little black dress etc for dating but thats more about timeless elegance and Marisol is not wearing a black dress!) that absorbs everything around it - you can see in the picture below how the black of her top is absorbing the colour while Eddies white shirt is bouncing it around and glowing with the red - its especially obvious on her sleeve which is partially sheer and partially matt - the sheer parts are picking up the light, making the black non sheer parts still look black.
The other reasons I am living for the Eddie in a white shirt of it all is the fact that it really highlights that red lighting - this use of red - in this setting at that moment - when it doesn't appear to be anywhere else in the scene and certainly not around Buck and Tommy - can only mean danger and anger. Its telling us that Eddie is not happy - jealous definitely (that look is one of jealousy!) its also hinting at underlying anger though. My thoughts on this is that its playing into Eddie having to face up to his feelings for Buck - that he understands them, and perhaps feels like he missed his shot
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The other reason I'm obsessed with the choice to put Eddie in a white shirt is this ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Because yes that is Eddie in white and Buck in dark blue, and yes that is the only other time we've seen Eddie in white in the entire show (excepting white shorts in fight club and even they fit the theme we're seeing here). Seeing them in the same colour ways here is very much giving Buck and Eddie divorce era 3.0 (fight club/lawsuit was 1.0 and the one above was 2.0) vibes.
Having dinner with Buck (or in the same space as Buck) and his current partner and the blue and white (and green that Tommy is wearing which matches the green that Taylor was wearing) is definitely a choice. This scene in season 5 was essentially a Buck and Eddie break up - 'move on Buck, I have' - we all know how that spiral ended - with Eddie digging in with his leaving the 118 and excluding himself from the firefam and Buck cheating on Taylor and asking her to move in with him.
thing is Eddie has form for doing dumb things when he feels under stress or pressure (asking Shannon to marry him again, fight club after her death and Buck suing the firehouse, leaving the 118 and not getting the help he needed until he had a major breakdown to name 3!)- so if we saw some kind of parallel to this scene - (this is especially in light of Eddie talking to Bobby about the job in this episode) where Eddie doubles down on a poor decision (don't know what but I'm currently speculating that its maybe asking Marisol to move in with him way way too soon - when he doesn't know her - hello episode title) in the same way Buck did with Taylor (because he is faced with the fact he could've had a chance with Buck after-all and is emotionally cheating on Marisol) and it plays into
I'm not saying we're going to be getting rid of Marisol in 7x05 (unfortunately) but I am saying the writing is on the wall for that relationship - there are too many costuming signs on both Eddie and Marisol for it not to be headed in the direction of ending. My guess from what I'm seeing with these costumes and that lighting, is that 'Ghost of a second chance' is when it will come to a head - it plays into the theming of Shannon redux and car crashes, learning from past mistakes before you repeat them.
And finally we're at Bucks loft!
Not saying this is at the end of the episode - I have zero idea where its going to land - every time I see a new still from it I'm more confused and decide its going to be at a different point of the episode!
Anyway, thats not important! Eddie is in his Buck 'date night' shirt - the one he wears when he has serious talks with Buck in the loft. thing that is different this time, is the fact he's in jeans rather than the green trousers he's worn on every other occasion. Something about that is making me feel like, while this scene is likely to be similar in that its going to be a serious talk, and I'm sure from the way it looks in the stills we're going to see Eddie reassuring Buck as we have in previous scenes, I think we might find this one is going to give us Buck and Eddie on a more even footing that we've seen before.
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I'm fascinated that the Christopher watch is not visible in the above still, but it's very visible in the below one, and in the other stills we've got. We don't often see it hidden under eddies sleeves - we usually see it more like we can see it in the date night stills - visible with the shirt slightly tucked underneath. haven't figured out if its going to be significant or not yet - I need to see the scene!
We do have to talk about the looks they are giving each other here though - especially Buck!!! because I mean!!!! its kind of giving me don't keep things from me again vibes!!
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I am very much loving that they put Buck in this jumper though! it is the one from the sperm donor storyline - when Buck tells Eddie, Hen and Chim he is 'responsible for creating new life.' I love this specific parallel because there is the play on the fact that Buck is now living a new life - that he's figured something out about himself - that he's creatinga new life forhimself - one where he is bisexual, and openly so (as we know he's going to tell people in this episode and hell he might be telling Eddie in this scene!). the other thing is that this light blue colour, throughout season 6 became a real representation of Buck journey of self discovery - all the way back to Lev at the happiness convention and his year of yes, right through to post Lightning strike Buck who was trying to wrestle with his death and his rebirth - the light blue here really ties all of this together beautifully
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Right thats All at this point - I'm sure my brain will conjure up other things once i've hit post, but for right now - I'm off to bed!!
@theladyyavilee @mistmarauder @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @bewilderedbuckley @spotsandsocks @bewitchedbewilderedbisexual@rogerzsteven @wanderingwomanwondering @oneawkwardcookie @leothil @copyninjabuckley @shammers86 @crazyfangirlallert @missmagooglie @katyobsesses @radiation-run @gayandbifiremenofmine @bi-moonlight @crazyaboutotps @princesschez75 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @sherlocking-out-loud @satashiiwrites @lover-of-mine @yramesoruniverse @extasiswings @favouritealias @pop-kam
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Re incest wank
There was an episode of New Amsterdam (which was a pretty decent medical procedural for the first couple of seasons), where a psychiatrist counsels a young straight couple who've just found out that they are related. Half-siblings from the same sperm donor or something. Not planning on kids. Madly in love but understandably freaked out. IIRC the episode ends with them staying together.
I thought it was very well done and in line with the politics of the show, which is basically "How do you stay true to your idealist progressive values and still get anything done: the doctor edition."
However, people online seemed to disagree, and the episode was labeled controversial and dangerous for trying to normalize incest. Which is just crazy to me.
For one thing, I'm fairly certain I've seen this plot before. For another, it's obviously a classic thought experiment: remove the things that are the reasons for taboo: the genetic risk (which I agree with a previous anon about it being basically eugenics) and the potential for abusive family dynamics (these two people didn't grow up together or even in the same extended family) and ask yourself if it's still wrong.
My progressive values tell me that in this case, who cares? But apparently people do care because it sends a signal to the society that incest is a-okay yadda yadda. And to that I say, do you really think that there are many people out there who would boink their siblings if not for the taboo? Seriously?
Yeesh. People are fucking stupid about this. With the increasing use of sperm banks and the number of dudes who donate widely without disclosing (a rising problem that is often against regulations but happens anyway), we're going to see more RL cases like this. People need to stop acting like their squick matters when all of the social aspects have been removed and it's just an accident of genetics.
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Unhinged fic idea incoming...
An AU where Buck is the one looking for a sperm donor.
Buck is trans in this AU fyi and there's trans pregnancy and related stuff involved
He's obviously in love with Eddie, had been for a long time, and for a little bit after he and Taylor broke up, he hoped.
But then nothing happens. Because nothing ever happens between them, no matter how many nights he stays over, how many dinners he cooks, how many times they go out, how many times they spend the evening like a family -- they're not. Chris is not his son, Eddie is not his partner, and there's nothing happening.
And Buck, at that point, is tired of hoping for and waiting to have his own family.
This is when Connor shows up -- Buck was stealth back when they lived together so he explains, that sorry, dude, no dick or anything like that here, so can't give you sperm.
But Connor gives him an idea.
At first he thinks it's crazy and pushes the thought back because it seems to be more of a fantasy than anything - Buck having his own child without another person involved.
But then, well, why not? There are single mothers that decide to keep a baby from accidental pregnancies all over the world and Eddie is a single dad himself -- if he can do it, why couldn't Buck? He's got a stable job, financially he's okay, he hasn't had any health issues in a while, he wants to be a dad more than anything, and he wants a family more than anything, even if just a small one.
So he sets a plan in motion, talks to his doctor, goes off both HRT and birth control and starts looking for someone willing to donate sperm to him or sleep with him.
He's got a few candidates lined up - past friends, mostly, because he wants someone he knows and can trust with such a delicate process, someone who won't take advantage of the situation - and when his period finally comes back after two months off testosterone, he starts calling up.
He's got one guy he used to date in the fire academy who has agreed to try and get him pregnant. They meet up, they talk about what they're more comfortable with - Buck was going to go with the good old cup and syringe method insemination, but Gabe says they could have some fun while at it.
It's going alright - they meet up for sex two-three times a week, there's absolutely zero feeling to it, and after two months of trying, nothing happens.
And then the crew finds out.
There's lots of opinions and questions why ('I'm tired of waiting to have my own family') and why couldn't he just wait until he finds someone ('I want a baby, not a partner, and I'm not getting younger and the timing is right'). Eventually, he explains everything and tells them the plan and all the preparations he's done -- medical, financial, housing, etc. and everyone realizes this isn't something he's doing on a whim and agrees to support him.
Everyone except Eddie.
Who seems to be incredibly offended that Buck 1) didn't tell him about the plan, 2) didn't ask him to be the baby daddy donor and instead asked some other random guy.
Buck, because he's oblivious, thinks Eddie's weird behaviour is only due to the first reason and gets defensive that he doesn't have to tell Eddie about all his life choices any time Eddie brings up the topic.
Cue month three of trying to get pregnant and Buck tells Gabe hey, I actually would prefer to switch to the cup and syringe method. And the dude blows up about how he's only doing it for the sex and he's infertile anyway so whatever Buckley.
Obviously, that's upsetting because he's just wasted three months but also because he trusted Gabe and it turned out like this - so how is he supposed to trust any other guys on the candidate list?
Everyone on the team is sympathetic - Athena offers to get that guy for extraction of sex under false pretense - but Buck just kinda feels like giving up. Hen mentions he can just use a clinic's donor, doesn't have to be doing IVF for that, just get a donor catalog and go for the specimen to the clinic or have it delivered to his house and do the syringe method anyway. It's going to cost some money but still cheaper than IVF.
Eddie still hates the idea.
And Buck gets one catalog and brings it to the station so he can talk to Hen about it (since she and Karen had gone through the process before) and Eddie is really snarky the whole day about it, with little comments here or there.
At some point, Buck just can't take it and tells him, 'If you think I'll make such a bad parent why don't you just tell me to my face, loud and clear.'
Obviously, Eddie tones down immediately. Explains that hey, this isn't what I meant, I just don't like the idea of you having a kid with a stranger you know nothing about.
They have a whole discussion when Buck confesses he doesn't like it either but he's desperate and please don't make me question it even more, I just want a baby at whatever cost.
So Eddie takes the opportunity and says, 'I'll be your sperm donor.'
Buck knows it's a bad idea but it's also the best he can get from Eddie - maybe he won't love him and maybe they won't be a family in a little unit of four, but he'll have a baby that's a little bit like him.
Because he has the rest of his self-preservation and doesn't want his heart to break any more, he insists on doing it with the cup and syringe method.
Which backfires spectacularly since he's literally sitting outside Eddie's bedroom while he comes into a cup and when it's his turn to lie down on the same bed and do the insemination, Eddie is like, I could help you with that, probably easier if someone else does it for you. What was supposed to be a simple procedure of draw the sperm into a syringe, inject the syringe's contents up your vagina has just changed into something very intimate.
They try for three months like that and once again, Buck is starting to think there's something wrong with him because he's not getting pregnant. And like, he cries about that a little bit even though he knows it takes six months on average to get pregnant and Eddie offers, you guessed it, let's try it the standard way because maybe that will help (knowing fully well it only busts the chances of getting pregnant by like five percent tops). Buck is desperate, so things happen.
They start having sex.
And Eddie gets, like, really obsessed with it too, just so Buck finally gets pregnant and stops feeling like it's his fault it's not happening faster. He is also tracking Buck's cycles, too, now, and plans for them to have sex on all his predicted fertile days. When one of those days falls when they're on duty, they have sex in the back of the (parked inside the station) truck.
The universe apparently thinks it's funny because that's the lucky time...
Buck is pregnant and so happy he doesn't realize Eddie is mentally freaking out because 1) that means they'll stop having sex and more importantly 2) Buck is having his baby and he's expected to let him parent them alone and never say a thing, just observe from the sidelines as a friend (which ironically is how Buck's felt about Eddie and Chris...)
It quickly proves to be impossible - Buck's got his first ultrasound scheduled and Eddie is like, 'I'm going with you' because he can't imagine not being there for Buck in such an important moment and not seeing the baby for the first time with him.
Which sets off an argument because Eddie was supposed to be a donor not dad and Eddie finally loses his cool and yells, 'I can't.'
Buck is definitely not getting it and is upset because Eddie still doesn't love him but he's already gotten attached to the baby that was meant to be his only in DNA. It's irrational but he feels like Eddie's going to take even this from him, the baby that was supposed to be the small part of Eddie and his dream family he could have.
And Eddie feels guilty because he promised he'll just be a donor but it turns out he can't, he feels like he tricked Buck into this situation. He can't quite literally make this worse so why not just come clean, right? Tell Buck he's sorry and he's in love with him and he really did offer to be a donor thinking he could be just a donor but he can't let go.
Obviously they get together before the first ultrasound.
The only problem now is no one at the station knows that Eddie is the baby daddy, and not some anonymous donor from a catalog.
Chaos ensures
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magemeows · 18 days
My partner and I are trying to have a baby! Unfortunately, being a trans dude, I lack some of the necessary parts. Also, buying sperm is expensive! So we started a GoFundMe hoping to ease some of that financial stress.
Any help is greatly appreciated! ❤️
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cinematics123 · 2 years
So the Connor & Kameron issue in S6E7 really felt like a clanger. It’s a writing issue (shared with House of the Dragon no less) and it’s a problem.
It doesn’t make narrative, thematic or character sense. Let me explain.
The issue, which cropped up in Animal Instincts (S6E4) is that the stakes are never paid off and it requires characters to act out of their established arcs in order to make the tiniest amount of sense. For instance, Buck and Hen talking about Buck donating was hilarious on its own. But it also put up the stakes that *Buck does not want the crew to know* but when the whole crew finds out, it doesn’t matter. That’s not a story, that’s just a sequence of events.
Now it makes sense that Buck is keeping this from Eddie and from Maddie (and b/c of Maddie, from Chimmey). That makes sense, he doesn’t feel what he is doing is right *by them* even if it is something right for Connor and Kameron (C&K). Why? Because he is family to both Eddie and Maddie and Buck having a Buck Jr. out in the world affects them.
Now it’s still possible that Chimmey will go straight home and tell Maddie (and it would be WEIRD if he did not tell his wife that her brother was donating sperm). But Eddie…? Buck is purposefully hiding this from Eddie and Eddie goes so far as to notice that Buck is drinking a juice cleanse, but says **NOTHING** about the sperm donor situation? Nothing?!
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Even in the most bro-y straight guy friendship, you’d say something like “wow that’s a huge gift to them.” But nothing? No, way.
Now they could have done something minor with it like Buck apologizing to Eddie, but Eddie blowing it off to “work on the bracelet thing”, but the show just made the stakes about Eddie not finding out… only for Eddie to find out - and no consequences.
That’s… bad writing. Full stop. You have to do something with it. It’s not just missing an opportunity; in the same scene they are 1 trying to hid it, 2 asking about it, but 3 finding out changes nothing. Bad. Writing. (And that goes beyond the weirdness of C&K just showing up at his work to ask Buck if he’s literally jacked off for them yet. Dude, just no. That’s not even how sperm donation works, he will probably be donating for them regularly until they conceive and if it’s his first time they’re doing a bunch of motility/health of the donation tests. There’s, no rush physically, the rush is only set up so it can be blurted out, so Eddie can find out, but… then nothing.
It’s also hugely out of character for Eddie to not care about what is going on with Buck. I complained about this in S6E4 with the car chase. They show Eddie being worried about Buck, but never put it off. No stakes. No consequences. Just a series of things that happen. That’s not storytelling. That’s why this feels flat. The House of the Dragon has this same problem - but because of a 10 year time leap. In that show we miss critical developments between Alicent and Raenyra over Raenyra’s 10 year long relationship with the Strongs (whose little brother is also working for Alicent). They’ve admitted it was bad writing, but blamed the constraints of the 10 year time jump. Nothing like that here.
So, like in my S6E4 post, let’s look at minor changes that add stakes to see why we’re missing. Buck’s storyline was about not being chosen for captain because he couldn’t make his own decisions (over a couch/life). This would have been great to have Eddie and Maddie caution Buck it was a bad idea. One stand out scene with Hen and Buck could have Hen convinced Buck means this and take his side (only for Karen to join Eddie in saying he’s doing it for the wrong reason). Chimmey could take Buck’s side for the gift that it’s really is to this infertile couple. Oh and Bobby and Athena might have some positive feelings about Buck helping out a mixed race, blended, found family. But the point is that Buck would ultimately have to put his foot down and choose (my body, my choice) and could still get let down by the Daniel of it all (Leukemia genes).
But at least there would be stakes and consequences and it would be a story instead of a series of events with no pay-off and meaning. And with Buck trying to hush things and Eddie noticing the juice cleanse, it’s no longer just “out of character”, it’s like they had to throw things in as a rewrite to get to where they wanted the story to go because it doesn’t make sense otherwise. So, if you’re feeling the story is off, you’re not wrong.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Last ask for the night.
I always felt that Nathaniel and Miss Bustier looked similar. In fact, I thought they were related when I first saw them.
So it got me thinking,
Could you write a headcanon/scenes about what would happen if Miss Bustier was Nathaniel's mom?
What would change in canon? Would she make sure that he doesn't get bullied, seeing as how she's pretty naive to that stuff in canon? How would she be as a mom to him? Would his reputation change, seeing as how the teacher is now his mother?
I feel like it's a pretty interesting idea.
P.S., I can imagine that she'd be pretty embarassing to Nathaniel in class.
Miss Bustier: Nathaniel Kurtzberg-Bustier! . Go to your room at once!
Nathaniel: Mom, it's still class time. I can't just leave! I'll be marked absent.
Miss Bustier: I mean it young man!
(Nathaniel groans and leaves class, avoiding the confused stares of his classmates.)
And then he probably gets akumatized into a rebellious kid by Hawk Moth to get revenge on his Mom for embarassing him.
Caline and Aya marry, have Maison donate sperm so Aya can have the baby, and nine months later, Nathaniel!
With Aya as her girlfriend and the. wife, Caline becomes less lenient when it comes to rich kids
She’s still terrified of getting in trouble with the mayor, but she tries, especially since Nathaniel is one of Chloé’s favorite targets
She tries not to embarrass him in public, but it’s too hard!
Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier: So, who can tell me… Nathan, you have paint on your face again. *Pulls out a napkin*
Nathaniel: Mom, not here.
Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier: Just a little bit-
Nathaniel: We are in the middle of class!
Kim: Wait… She’s your mom?!
Everyone, except Kim, knew Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier was Nathaniel’s mom since they were seven. They just never brought it up
Marinette almost thought she was kidnapping Nathaniel before she learned the truth
Nathaniel’s grades are a little better since Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier helps him with homework, and he’d be at the top of the class if Max and Marinette were in a different classroom
The two have an unspoken rule, no home interactions during school hours. So Kurtzberg-Bustier doesn’t use the dozens of nicknames she calls Nathaniel, and Nathaniel doesn’t call her mom
… Occasionally, there’s a slip-up.
Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier: *Handing Nathaniel his test back* Excellent work, sweetie.
Nathaniel: Thanks, mom.
Everyone: …
Nino: … Of course, your realize, I have to tell everyone now.
Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier: Then you’re grounded- I mean, DETENTION! Detention if you tell someone.
Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier always lets Nathaniel hide in the classroom when he’s escaping bullies
Again, she’s doing whatever she can to help her son, but Damocles still has the spine of a jellyfish when it comes to Chloé and her dad
But, when she heard how Chloé got her baby akumatized and exposed his crush on Marinette all on his birthday, then you can bet she was going to raise hell
So, three detentions, she has to write an apology letter, and the mayor has to get off his fucking high horse and know he can’t do shit with the school except take away funding. Even if he does, there are still plenty of students with wealthy parents who would donate their share of savings
… Damocles is still a little bitch, though, and blames those lower than upper class for getting bullied
Nathaniel’s reputation at school is about the same, but…
Louis: Dude, have you see Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier’s ass in those pants?
Louis: Oh… *Looks behind Nathaniel* Checks out.
He hears comments like those all the time, and he would punch the assholes if not for his mom giving him detention and then grounding him at home
So, he resorts to a verbal lashing
Also, the teachers (Minus Damocles) have been pretty close over the years, so to Nathaniel, they’re his aunts and uncles
They even drive him to and from school when Caline is sick and Aya’s taking care of her
Now, cue Lila
She, of course, thinks that by getting in Nathaniel’s good graces, she can get some special treatment from Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier, which will make skipping classes easier
But, since Caline married Aya, she’s not falling for this girl’s bs about globetrotting and being best friends with Ladybug
She asks Nathaniel to keep an eye on Lila, and he follows her words to a T. So, he’s following Marinette following Lila who’s going into the jewelry store to get the fox tail necklace
Nathaniel: I don’t know what I should be more concerned about. Marinette stalking Lila or Lila lying to Adrien and the rest of my friends…
Marinette: Time to deal with that liar! Tikki, spots on!
Nathaniel: Oh… My classmate is Ladybug… Well, then. I’ll just be on my way.
Ladybug: Oh, that’s because we’re not friends!
Nathaniel: … Right after I watch this.
So, Nathaniel tells his moms that Lila was trying to lie to Adrien by pretending to be a superhero, and Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier knows to take her words with grains of salt
Also, he may have let it slip that Marinette was following Lila.
Aya: I told you that girl had some issues, dear.
Caline: Yeah, I figured.
Nathaniel: … Would now be a good time to tell you she’s also Ladybug?
Aya/Caline: WHAT??
Nathaniel: So, not the time?
So now, Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier allows Marinette to leave class for the weirdest reasons whenever there’s an Akuma attacking
But she’s still keeping an eye on that girl
Also, after Reverser…
Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier: *Flicking Nathaniel’s forehead* Don’t. You. Ever. Do. That. Again!
Nathaniel: Okay! I already told him I was sorry!
Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier: Alright. That’s good… So, you got a crush on him, or what?
Nathaniel: Mom!
Mme. Kurtzberg-Bustier: What? When I was an emotionally-constipated teenager, I lashed out-
Nathaniel: I am going to bed now!
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
Anyone else just wants to smack Connor? First dude ambushes Buck with the donation. He's all "hi haven't seen you in years how about you give you sperm". God herself was telling Buck not to do it but bless his soul, dude is blind and did it anyway. And he's all you won't be involved, you're not the father. And now this man has the audacity to just leave Buck to deal with his very pregnant wife, like her and the baby are somehow Buck's responsibility? "Well, technically." Technically, i would like to throw you off a flight of stairs. My dude??? Shouldn't you have considered the fact that you're insecure about the situation before there was literal baby on the way???? Dude get your head off your ass.
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Buddie 607 Meta - Donor Reveal Scene
I’ve been going crazy over Eddie’s reaction to Buck’s sperm donation reveal. It didn’t happen the way that I expected but it was still intense. Honestly the more I think about it, the more I think it was actually pretty genius given Buck’s overall storyline this season and the Buddie of it all.
After Connor said that the 118 knows now and Buck turned around to see everyone looking at him, the firefam can be broken down into two pairs. Hen and Chim were the silent ones. Hen gave off “sorry man!” vibes and Chim gave off shocked and confused vibes. Bobby and Eddie were the talkers! They were the two with lines in that moment.
Bobby did the logical thing and tried to play off the awkward invasive curiosity moment by slipping into Captain mode and giving fake orders to clean everything. Poor Eddie on the other hand lost his chill! Professionally.
Eddie’s first facial expression (no lines yet) was a “so THAT’S what he’s been hiding. interesting. also WHAT?!” Then when Cap piped up with cleaning orders, Eddie was at the same time saying “Oh that’s where I left my turnouts.” That line was amazing because:
They always know where their turnouts are (!!!) so it made zero sense for Eddie to say that.
Eddie was obviously flustered and discombobulated by Buck’s news. That fact was highlighted by his body language. Hen and Chim were motionless. Bobby was gesturing authoritatively like a captain with orders to give which was consistent with his cover story. But Eddie was touching the back of his neck, looking around like he was disoriented, and shifting on his feet. He was at a loss for what to do, what to say, and how to be when he heard that his husband Buck was giving away body fluids and doing it without telling his life partner bestie.
The writers could have chosen anything for Eddie to say in that moment but they chose turnouts. I think that’s fascinating because their turnouts are designed to protect them from dangerous environments when they’re on a call. 
When Eddie said “Oh that’s where I left my turnouts” it implied two things for me:
Eddie lost his protection aka Buck’s news caught him off guard and he got flustered.
Because their turnouts are like their uniform 2.0, “forgetting” where they were implied that Eddie’s reaction was intentionally (for the writers) about Eddie! Buck’s news was personal to Eddie, not professional even though the reveal happened at work!!
AND THEN we got that absolute gem of a moment when the bell rings. OMG. Bobby and Chim quickly and silently exited the shot. But not Eddie. Eddie had the only line. He said “Yeah uh…[bell rings] OH THANK GOD”!! He was relieved!! The bell, the hallmark sound of their professional lives, saved Eddie from the personal awkwardness of feeling some type of way about Buck releasing his body fluids to make babies with someone else. His line made it clear that Eddie was literally saved by the bell. Dude was awash with thoughts and feelings he didn’t know what to do with. That begs the question, why Eddie??? Why you in yo feelin’s about this??? Why you the only one in the bunch looking just as silly as Buck???
In the next scene, Eddie had some of his composure back…and was wearing his armor aka turnouts. Only Eddie and Hen were in full turnouts. Buck and Chim were wearing everything but the jacket to signify that they were the most personally impacted by Buck’s news at this particular point in time. So Chim spoke first which makes sense because of his connection to Buck via Maddie and Jee-Yun. Any children Buck has are going to be of interest to the Buckley-Han Family. 
Even though Chim spoke first, Eddie was staring at Buck like he had 1000 questions. The face he made before asking his half-formed question made it seem like 999.9 of them got lodged in his face on the way out so all we got was “Did you…” I swear I would pay cash to know what the hell Eddie’s whole question was. Was it:
Did you donate your sperm the old-fashioned way? [my money’s on this as Eddie’s question mostly because of Buck’s face after he asked. this question also tracks with Buck’s “promiscuous” era from s1]
Did you give your donation (the old-fashioned way ofc) to both Connor and Kameron? [this is the spicy version of the previous question that lives in my mind as Eddie’s complete question]
Did you and Connor have a thing in college?
Did you actually want to do this or did you feel obligated?
Did you understand the potential consequences of this decision when you agreed?
Did you mean to tell me on your own at some point or was I always going to find out in the most awkward way possible? [I’m convinced this would have been Eddie’s second question to Buck because he kept it light with Hen but actually really did want to know how long she knew and how she knew BEFORE him!!]
The show played the sperm donor reveal for a joke but I really don’t think that vibe is going to last much longer. Eddie and Buck will eventually have a real heart-to-heart about it but first something will happen with the donation and/or Buck will experience some more self-discovery before he and Eddie have a conversation about Buck’s true emotional state and his search for happiness/family.
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mysimsloveaffair · 2 years
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I lead Me-Me and Mase away from the family paintings.
Kai: My bedroom used to be this way.
My old bedroom is indistinguishable from the rest of the upstairs area without the walls and door.
Kai: I had a loft bed that used to sit on this wall.
My grandparents’ wedding pictures now occupy this corner, along with a large photo of my father like the one from my old bedroom in Britechester**. Me-Me sees it at the same time.
Melisa: Is that your -
Kai: *finishes for her* - father? Yes, that’s him.
Melisa: He’s handsome, just like you.
Kai: Thanks, but I realize that looks are all I got from him.
As I stand here with my family, I realize that he nor his side of the family has had anything to do with the man I’ve become. Everything I am has to do with all the other people in this room - not this one dude that donated his sperm in Sulani. It makes me wonder why I’ve wasted so much headspace trying to fill in the blanks about the Conway family. My family history is rich enough without them.
 **Link takes you to my WordPress website.
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stedebonnit · 1 year
Mary: I clearly know what a vulva looks like dude.
Also mary: guess I’ll sleep with my painting instructor and not have him pull out.
Stede when the kids show up:
Oh nice! Im so glad to see us literally never having sex was so effective in producing children. It must be that, despite my dick falling off, Im still capable of producing children. Blessing from god and all that.
Mary: mhm, yes darling of course.
I mean it lowkey goes with my theory that cis stede never even manages to have sex with mary anyways. Like he just cant get it up so they have to do the activity separately.
Whereas here Stede is just like "cant have sex anyways because my dick fell off, so we shouldnt even bother. Might as well...obtain the goods elsewhere."
Part of me does wonder for infertile people how common it was to have sex outside of the marriage to get kids, or if they knew anything about.like donating sperm at the time?
But amother part of me is like eh this is the muppet show. They can know about sperm donations even if that isnt accurate LOL
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calypso-finale · 1 year
Sixty Five. Part 3
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I have realised since having Emi that she is really just Robyn’ daughter, I just donated my sperm. I mean she looks like me but Emi is so close to Robyn, she is just her mother’s daughter and I think Robyn wanted that, she missed out on her daughters that she wanted a child, well a daughter to have that bond with but I think Emi is going to get the best of her, and it’s a shame because all the mistakes we are doing is what the three elder ones are getting, Emi is going to think life is a breeze, she really just loves her mom and I am not mad at that, I think it gives me space to spend time with the boys. The three younger kids are Robyn’ kids, it’s just weird to think that but it is, it’s like Robyn restarted motherhood because she couldn’t do it then, so she is doing it now and these kids are getting the best mother, they really are. They have best of both worlds, and we are both home, Imani was around for that, so she sees it and side eyes and walks off, but you know I think my daughters, they don’t appreciate it but we move on, I guess. I don’t forget but we move on. Today is Emi birthday and I have had about enough of Taylan being in my house, this was Robyn’ idea and I am sure she said it would have been just a day because they are tired, I feel disrespected at this point, some man in my house and I don’t like it but I am trying to keep peace, the old Chris would have thrown him out of the window but I have had enough, I don’t want it anymore “Robyn” I said “yes?” she is too busy for me now, it’s all about Emi and this party “yes poppa?” looking up from my phone “I want Taylan and Ti to stay in a hotel or stay with Rylee, I don’t know, I don’t care. I don’t want him in the house, walking around topless. No” I pulled a face “Chris” Robyn said “I said enough, don’t make me ask again Robyn, you said one night now he walking around topless, I have been kind Robyn, enough is enough. I don’t like it” I pointed, she can’t just Chris me and think I am going to accept it “so kick them out?” she questioned “are they broke? Tell her to grow up and ask her sister, my god. We didn’t have Rylee here with him, I don’t care. It’s my house and I do not want him in the house, are they married? No! So please, I don’t want to argue on Emi birthday, thank you” I smiled “fine, ok. I will talk to them but please, can it be tomorrow? I am so busy” nodding my head “thank you” I was about to snap there but I didn’t, I kept my composure. I think I have been doing so well with keeping my composure with these men in my kids life.
“my nigga!” Herb spat as he made his way over to me “out here looking like someone grandpa, you got the cookout shoes on” I laughed out, nearly choking on my blunt “shut the fuck up, and actually I am someone’s grandparent now, my little guy Aziel” Herb sat next to me “oh shit, yeah. I just thought he’s one of the Brown gang damn. I be forgetting you old as shit you know” I would hit him, but I am too relaxed for that “blunt before the party? That means it about to be lit as shit” I shrugged “I meditate in the morning, just silence, my blunt, the back yard, just happiness. Care free living my guy” he nodded his head “you ready for the party” nodding my head “it’s bittersweet, it’s the last one and she getting it all really, she is blessed if I was to be born I would be her because she got the gang” Herb agreed “whole gang man, she got it all. Little Emi first birthday, I posted actually, and you ignored it, it was when I held her when she came home. The delicate uncle I am” it just hit me when he held Raihan “like when you was about to drop Raihan?” he laughed “reminding people of their bad, man you are not nice. I just got nervous, he was moving around like he got ADHD” shaking my head “he was just born, ADHD just shut up” I can’t believe he is someone’s dad “the fuck is this dude? Titan?” looking at Herb “don’t even start me off bro, I just complained to Rih, like you know one day they said because they came and whatever. I was ok with it and then now we in deep and this guy walking around topless and Monica looking like Ti got a Greek god” I need to shut up, I am talking too much “Rih mom ain’t ever looked at you like that? You jealous bro?” side eyeing Herb “a little” we both laughed out together “man, you sat here like Monica ain’t ever tell me I am beautiful, I wouldn’t either, you just skinny, light skinned with freckles” punching his arm “this is like history repeating you know, it just hit me now” it’s literally just come to me “huh?” Herb said “Monica don’t think much of me, she tolerates me. Robyn tolerates Oakley, a little better then Monica but like Rorrey and Rajad partners she adores, and Robyn adores Taylan” Herb let out an oh “shit, you right bro” nodding my head “I am right, you said skinny, and light skinned, and it hit me, or this weed is hitting” looking at my blunt smiling.
It is nice to see Taina and Herb getting along, they are talking, it’s nice that majority of us do get along but I still think Majesty is shady because she hasn’t said sorry but who am I to start something off “little Emi party today, you excited” I am currently feeding her because Robyn has gone to check the venue or whatever “dad, do we have to go to a girls party?” Raihan asked “mhmm what do you impose we do? Since you don’t want to go to your sisters party huh?” Raihan smiled “exactly you sound dumb, I told you that you can be with Junior at Rylee house” Raihan is miserable, well missing his brother “mhmmm” he leaned on me “what is wrong with you?” looking at him “Junior thinks I am a joke, and he keeps texting me fat joke because I want to be a rapper” I laughed “fat joke? Tell him you’re just big boned” Raihan is not amused with me “son, don’t let him for one annoy you” Raihan is chubby, like it’s cute but he doesn’t like it but still eats “I am hungry” he grumbled “you want some of Emi’ food?” I asked “dad!” he laughed “dad can you tell Rylee to let Cenctral Cee talk to me” this child “talk to him Raihan, you don’t need permission” he is so silly “but like I want to be a rapper and I can rap dad and I can show him, can I be on stage with him, at his show” I pulled a face “ask him your damn self, you can do it. Rappers aren’t shy” he needs to learn, these kids really love Central Cee, it’s more their music and with him having the thing, that one night thing I know it’s going to be busy “alright Raihan, I will ask. Now let me feed her” he smiled at me, I really don’t think he is really wanting to be a rapper, he is bored.
Robyn’ theme is everyone wears light colours, so we wearing white, both of us and Emi but nobody else can wear white but it has to be light colours, she literally said people will be escorted out which to me is funny, she is so dramatic “Aziel look so cute” turning my phone to Robyn “he looks so smart, I love that lime green cardigan, I wonder how long it will last until he ruins his clothes” Robyn has a point “I hope not, he looks so handsome, oh and she posted them” sliding across and showing Robyn “she really got that boy wearing something other then sweatpants and tees” turning the phone “don’t they look good, oh Rylee really put thought in that, I like they she stuck with the lime green theme too, I thought she would have worn white, I won’t lie. I love that picture of them” Robyn complimented, liking the picture. I am laughing, she really got him in a lime green shirt, it’s Gucci but still, everyone knows he doesn’t do anything but himself. Adding a comment ‘Blink twice if you are being held hostage @CentralCee when has this guy ever worn a shirt with added colour?’ he will be teased to the very end, I do not care “I love that everyone is wearing everything but white” looking over at Ti and Taylan “see, that is nice. It’s like an Ivory colour?” I said, “yeah it is, we was looking and staring at it, I said if this hits white we are out” I like that “I like the shade, it’s nice you know” I complimented “thank you” Ti said, “what a beautiful couple” Monica said, “Taylan is punching really, my daughter is the beautiful one” Ti pulled a face “stop it dad” she blushed “I am serious, he is lucky to have you, always” I smiled lightly.
I always find that walk inside awkward, like just everyone staring at us with Emi, but this party is big like she got that Gracie Corner person here “who is that?” I pointed, Emi is in her own world talking “I think she is shocked; she is so used to seeing you on YouTube, and I was like I need to have them here. So thank you for doing this”  Robyn said “oh it’s our pleasure, when we got the call I said we would do it for free” I chuckled “that is nice, thank you bro” shaking the dad hand, seeing Rorrey is here “I will catch up with you after but Emi, she is happy seeing this, I think this is the main part for her” making my way over to Rorrey “don’t speak about it” dapping “I thought you wasn’t coming here, flights being delayed” he huffed out “I ain’t slept, like I wish I went on the Jet now, I said it to Nadia and she laughed. I am so mad” he shook his head “you better hide though, white? Robyn about to kick you out” Rorrey groaned out “I am saying she needs to be happy I am here, but this is a nice set up, it’s amazing. I think it’s the fanciest party I have been too for a child” Rorrey pointed, and I looked behind me “Aziel looks very handsome” he said “right, I said the same. Look how he is stood there innocent, that child isn’t but yeah, I said to Robyn. Us adults need to turn up so these kids need to go” Rorrey laughed out “I want Popcaan on that stage by the end of the night” he pointed at the stage, he is right though but I know Robyn, we always turn up after the party is done for the kids, I can’t wait to have a little bump and grind after.
I think Okaley has had enough of me and Herb “you know what I was thinking, he look a little Latin too, who put the curls in your hair son?” Herb asked, “my daughter?” I said smiling “maybe, like I do this anyways, but she enhanced it” I laughed “enhanced it, nah you good. Just difference to see you dressed like you belong somewhere and not on the streets” Oakley is just side eying us “enhanced it, you two are annoying” he pointed, I think he is right when me and Herb are together we are annoying “you good though” Herb nudged him “you wanted to kill me? I ain’t forget that” I cleared my throat “I wanted to kill you too, I still do” I smiled at him “alright look that is my niece, I was having to do the uncle thing, but I know you cool if Chris likes you and Chris isn’t a guy to like everyone, what you like about him?” Herb looked at him “good question” I laughed “I think he reminds me of me, but he is a calmer guy then me, but I think he has that same mentality as me and I feel his life and dynamics is like me” it’s true “impressive, what about me?” Herb asked, “you’re there for my entertainment, so I can smile” Herb is stupid every time “yeah he is funny” Oakley agreed “see, I don’t make the rules. But you a good guy, you just need to relax on some shit and we good” he touched his stomach “like this gut man, I need to get rid of it. Taina then can you know, get back with me” he rubbed his stomach like a pregnant lady “sure” I pulled a face “you want to see my ex, Cench. This is my ex” Herb pointed her out “and you played that?” even he agrees “nigga!?” Herb spat “I know what I done; I got it. I know I have” shaking my head “he is an idiot; she is too classy but this idiot” placing my arm around him.
I am making my rounds, I am meeting and greeting everyone, besides Momo. I tried to not see her much, but she is here before the cake candle blowing. She is here with Taylan, the Barbados family really love him “you have been busy” Monica said “I am sorry, I have to greet everyone” I apologised “your mother in law, you see this. Everyone but his mother in law but I don’t blame you. The guests needed that” nodding my head “yeah of course, you enjoying yourself?” looking at Ti “it’s very mom” Ti said which made me laugh “bougie and big, it’s a big price tag for Emi, the party could have rehoused a few people” I sighed out “she is doing it because it’s her last” Ti is right “I know, it’s cute through. Emi is loving Gracie; I am sick of hearing it but to see her happy it’s alright. I will take that” I usually put it on YouTube and run out of the room because I am sick of hearing it “did you want this many kids?” Taylan asked, I had to laugh “erm” I paused “I need to word this without sounding rude but, I couldn’t stop. My wife is beautiful, she is the most amazing woman and things happen, a lot of times” Monica hit my shoulder “he is a pest, he wouldn’t leave my poor daughter alone” I sniggered “but yeah” rubbing my chin “Chris!” Robyn shouted me “duty calls now” walking off, I think I have been so good today. I have spoken and spent time with everyone, I am just waiting on the second part of the party. The drinks will be set out, and weed out for the masses, I need that right now, but we will act like this for the kids. I don’t even think we can smoke weed in here, I think Robyn did a section outside, but the booze will be flowing better by then, no sneaky drinks on the low, which sucks for me.
Raihan punched my leg stood with Emi “excuse me little nigga?” I looked down at him “you not do it” he said to me “oh yeah, let this be over first” he huffed out “Ti, Rylee” Robyn waved them over, they stood there like they didn’t come out of her vagina, them girls of mine “bring Aziel with you!” Robyn said, she is leaving her son, I sighed out “we can literally take a family picture while we are here” shuffling down a little “my dress” Imani spat “oh my bad, there is too many dresses around” I don’t know here to go “dad” Rylee said, looking over at her “you can hold your son” I said, she is passing off her child “I really like his outfit, I can’t lie. I get why Dior wanted him and not you” Rylee gasped “you are so mean! Oh my god!” I sniggered “ok, can you all just look at me” Dennis spat “I am joking” nudging her “mom said no boyfriends in this picture” I chuckled “rightly so, they ugly as shit too” smiling as Dennis took the picture “actually! Dennis. Boys come here” taking Aziel “take a picture of my wife and the girls. I think that will be perfect” Robyn looked at me “oh god, it makes me feel so old with my daughters” she huffed out “you are old” moving back, I think it’s the sweetest thing “Chris, you’re right. Look how sweet the picture is” Monica complimented, Ti and Rylee not wanting to kill each other is sweet, I like that they can just be cordial “beautiful picture” Dennis said “can I take one with my eldest three” Robyn looked at me, making my way over to her to take Emi from her “I got arm strength, don’t I Aziel” he isn’t letting me go, I think it’s just a weird gap in ages, I feel for the boys sometimes. Emi is has the worst one, Robyn got emotional “Aziel, why are you touching my daughter’ hair?” I asked him, he isn’t pulling it he is stroking her like a dog “stop it” looking back at Robyn “sorry, I am sorry!” she laughed “just yeah, don’t mind me. Wow” Robyn is really crying “you know I do love you girls, ok. Enough” everyone cooed out, I think it’s sweet and I know the pictures are going to be sweet.
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I want to reuse this cardigan, so I folded this up before he does anything nasty to it, it really complimented Aziel a lot and he has had so many compliments. Looking over at Aziel, he is good at harassing my sister a lot, she is trying to not fall while walking and he is there to make sure she does fall, smiling at him. He is very caring to other kids, but I think he doesn’t get that he is too much with the touching, Emi fell down which I knew she would because his big self just there. Getting up from the chair, picking her up onto her feet “mommy look” Aziel showed me his chain “I know, dad got you that” picking her up, pulling her dress down “Aziel, leave her alone” moving him away, Emi held onto my hand. She is so happy, her little face just storming around. She looked at me smiling, I don’t know why but it just hit me that she reminds me of Imani, when she was a baby. Smiling at her, I felt emotion hit me “I am here!” Amerie came “I needed the bathroom” I laughed “it’s ok, Aziel kept her company and dropped her a few times, Amerie picked her up “of course he did, were you being a babysitter?” Amerie asked him, Aziel got all shy “hey, don’t be shy with my second mother now” I laughed “oh you know what, I was thinking when I went to sleep last night. How much I miss you girls at home, you all bought the drama” I laughed “we did” I mumbled “I remember when Ti said Rylee has gone out with North that night, I said she hasn’t because it’s night and there is cameras. I woke up next day and I nearly fainted, you gave me heart pains Rylee” I chuckled “erm, sorry. Well I wanted to be with North then”  I was bad “Ti and you both just making sure you both snitched on each other, you sisters were just something” I cringed, we weren’t good really and never will be.
Pressing a kiss to the top of Raihan’ head “Rylee, nobody takes me seriously, and dad is not asking but can I come to Cench concert? I really want to go, and he can help me be a rapper” I chuckled “you serious about this?” he groaned out “I am! Can I go? Will he have me there” I cooed out “of course he will” that reminds me where is Oakley, I haven’t see him in a while actually “Raihan, do me a favour. Find him for me, please” Raihan jumped off the seat “I will” he really means it, I will take him of course if mom and dad say yes, he got to have permission first. Grabbing my phone and looking at the group chat, I sent them the picture of us together with my mom, I love the picture. Smiling at them complimenting it ‘Auntie spat you out! We know why you’re her fave’ Lillian said in the chat ‘sometimes!’ I replied, my mom sometimes wants to beat my ass, they on crack “Rylee!” looking up from my phone, my ears perked up, I can hear my son’s cry in any setting “I found him and it’s not good” dropping my phone and getting up, I just felt it in my heart something wasn’t right. Looking around and the music is slowly being drowned out, people starting to stop talking. Hearing Aziel crying, pushing by “calm!” I heard Herb shout, I picked up my speed pushing by everyone “he’s sensitive, come on now” Taylan said, seeing Aziel on the floor crying. Picking him up “just calm down the both of you” what is even happening here, looking at Taylan again and he got a busted lip and then seeing Oakley “get off me, I ain’t going to do anything” Herb has him held “get off him uncle, it’s ok. Oakley, what happened” I can’t even hear a thing with Aziel crying “your nose” I said, “I just don’t want them to fight” Herb said “it’s ok I got it, Oakley come with me” looking at Taylan, I knew he would have done some shit, I am blaming him, and I don’t care.
Aziel won’t let me put him down now, Oakley is holding his side “what happened, are you in pain? Speak to me” he shook his head “what happened to your side” he is in pain “he sucker punched me” he mumbled “Aziel, please. It’s ok, stop crying in my ear” crouching down “what happened, tell me?” I asked him “he started talking to me, and I don’t mind it. Aziel was with me, and he started saying erm” he cringed “I need painkillers I can’t lie erm, he said that I like young girls, he said lucky Aziel is a boy, he called me a groomer and that I popped your cherry, he said these things and I got mad. I threw the first punch” I just froze, he won’t know any of that shit. That bitch Ti told “you stay here, I am coming back, and we are going, just don’t move” I said, I am so angry that now I am going to cry “Aziel, I am going to need you to stop crying” I am so angry at her and him, they have no right, and she should have known better to not say a thing when that was a secret. Seeing Ti being all concerned of Taylan so is Momo, of course she is. My mom and dad have just come all confused “he hit me” Taylan said “no he fucking didn’t, nobody attacks anyone over anything” who is he kidding “your man hit mine Rylee, he has no fucking right” I know she isn’t speaking to me “you and I are fucking done, you thought we was done before but this is over. Dead, done. I don’t want to know anything in regards to you, I don’t care. What you told this motherfucker was a secret between us, I have fallen out with North and not even she told anyone! And she is always fucking high and has a big mouth, you had no right! This was a secret between us” I shouted “I did nothing” she defended “you might as well say it, as long as you blacken my name, I am the disappointment anyways Ti so say it. Go on! Fucking say it bitch! You had no right, I get it you didn’t like him or even me, and you want Oakley dead, but I don’t like Taylan, and never will but I don’t say I want him dead; you know what you are fucking done, and no dad! Fuck it, I am done. You couldn’t keep one thing to yourself, how could you” Ti is quiet and for what “he attacked my man” she mumbled “and that’s all you care about, ok” smiling at her “and you know what, I don’t care anymore. I won’t have some bastard like him thinking he got one over us, I slept with Oakley at seventeen, there. Now fuck you, I slept with him! I wanted to have sex with him but did this bitch say that!? No, sorry dad but your precious cunt there couldn’t keep a sister secret, ok Aziel!” I spat; I am over it all.
I wish Aziel let me just gather my stuff “we are going, can you get up?” I asked Oakley, he got up which is good “don’t go” Mel said, she came out of nowhere “no, we are going” I said “yeah well I won’t have everyone hating him, I can’t stay here. I am not going to stay here with someone like that, I am not upset. My life isn’t here anyways, it’s just another rollercoaster of hate drawn out because she couldn’t keep a secret” I said to Mel “I have secrets from your mom that I would hold to the grave, one of those. Well, we all do things” she said “he is not a groomer, he didn’t look for me. I won’t have people saying that to him, he isn’t that” my voice broke “leave us, thank you auntie” I said to her “I love you niece” I nodded my head, walking off with Oakley “I want to go” Oakley is rushing out now, not even allowed me to get my stuff so I just ran behind him “you going?” Noella said but I didn’t answer, clearly she missed it all so it’s fine “you got the car key?” I asked him, I don’t have it “I got it” he mumbled, I am sure he said he was in pain.
Placing Aziel on the couch, he fell asleep as soon as he got in the car seat “I have left my phone there, I don’t have it on me” I said out loud, I left half of my stuff there. Will I ever get that back now, I don’t even know. Turning around, and Oakley is just there staring off “Oakley?” I said “it’s over, I am done out here” he said “fuck” he paced away “everything is over, I will be done out here” my heart dropped “I am sorry” I mumbled, he fell forward holding onto the side of the couch “I am done out there Rylee” he looked at me “this is it” he stared at me and then a sob left his lips “everything in life has consequences, oh my god” he placed his hands over his face, I feel so bad “I am so sorry” I don’t even know if he wants me to touch him “I wish I wasn’t so selfish, I am sorry” wiping my tears that fell “I don’t know what to do” he walked by me, I have fucked up his life, his career and really I am to blame because I pushed for everything “I am so sorry” he walked off and went upstairs, my selfish ways would one way or another catch up with me and I feel so bad, I ruined his career, I sobbed out.
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sage-a-licious · 2 years
Couldn’t deal with the news this afternoon so I watched a doc on Discovery Plus called Genius Factory and it was hilariously racist. It’s about this dude Robert Graham who thought people were too stupid so started a sperm bank of Nobel prize winners. Hello, eugenics! So then the whole doc is like skirting around the fact that all the people that participated in this are also racist. My favorite quotes were: “As a modern-day eugenicist…” “Nothing about this is racist. However…(long pause)…no, I better end the sentence there.” And “We weren’t racist. I tried to recruit a negro professor to donate but he had diabetes.” Oh my god.
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bluemarbled · 6 months
Some points/beliefs held by this blog, just to get us on the same page here and help you decide if this is a space you want to engage in.
1. We don't moralize health, appearance, or productivity around here. Being disabled, fat, an addict, unemployed etc, is morally neutral and I truly believe that. You will never catch me using words like 'lazy' or 'lay-about', or 'unhealthy' except in irony, because those terms are all subjective. The only thing that ever matters to me is that people are cared for and met where they're at. 'Fat' is Not a dirty word and is not synonymous with 'ugly', and I also don't use that word because again. Subjective. Fat people and/or disabled people are not only welcome here, but your viewpoints are highly valued. Yes even and ESPECIALLY if your disability is your 'fault' as a result of behaviors or habits you have. I get it dude! Me too! This includes every type of disability, deformity, deficiency, neurodivergency, etc. This blog accepts both person-first and identity-first language, and believes that is a personal choice. If you're a disabled person I love you, and if you're a person with a disability I love you too. No one can tell you how to describe your personal experiences besides yourself. This blog also believes 'intelligence' is a social construct so words like 'smart' or 'stupid' are also not used here with any amount of sincerity. People with intellectual disabilities are very welcome here and I'll do what I can to help you understand on your own level within my personal abilities. This blog also advocates for universal design rather than pasted-on accessibility.
2. This blog sees children as full people, and not only that, but marginalized people. Children in our current society have little to no enshrined rights and are exploited in myriad ways for household labor, emotional support, trafficking, etc. This blog is anti- private adoption and pro-reunification (when possible and safe). This blog is vehemently pro-choice, views abortion as a morally neutral medical procedure, and believes that no one should have to be pregnant or stay pregnant if they don't want to. This blog does not believe in or agree with anonymous egg or sperm donation and is highly critical of the private infertility industry. I don't find 'jokes' about killing or harming kids because they're annoying to be funny, and I will not allow that type of behavior here on my page, I'll just block you. That being said, a fetus is not a baby or a kid, so don't even try to do a 'gotcha' there. Abortion jokes are not funny either, it's a medical procedure, we don't need to glorify or demonize it. This blog advocates for open communication between families and rejects traditional family hierarchy. 'Kids should be seen and not heard' is bullshit, and your kid doesn't owe you respect simply because you created them or care for them. Yes. Children are annoying and can be mean, that doesn't make them evil. No not even that one that called you ugly that one time. Children do not 'owe' their parents anything. This blog is anti-eugenics but also understands certain disabled people personally not wanting to pass on their genetic material to somebody. That's YOUR choice and no one else's.
3. This blog only engages in what they believe to be good-faith arguments. I will elaborate on pretty much any point I ever make and will break down or re-explain for people who have issues synthesizing information or communication difficulties, but if I believe you're just here to bait me or trying to intentionally piss me off I will not engage. I am only interested in actual conversations and debates, I will never resort to name-calling or personal attacks and if I have made a genuine mistake or said something unknowingly shitty I will own up to it. This blog believes people CAN change on even the most fundamental of levels when given enough grace, time, and understanding. Yes. Yes even that one person you hate so fucking much. I'm not saying you have to forgive people who hurt you, but what I am saying is that human beings are complex and actions are more important here than words. Be chill and I will be too!
4. This blog is extremely. Extremely. Anti-racist. Do NOT come in here acting like a fucking fool towards people of color. The author (me) is mixed-race (although non-black) and comes from a blended cultural and family background. Along with this same point, the runner of this blog is agnostic but believes in freedom of religion full stop. Whatever culture or faith you are from or practice is beautiful, as long as you find personal meaning in it that's all that matters! Anti-theism and specifically anti-semitism or anti-muslim sentiment are not cool here, if you want to genuinely criticize Christianity or another specific religious structure for their historical issues. that's fine, there are good points to be made there! But saying 'religion is bad' full stop is not cool here. I will accept prayers, blessings, good vibes, etc from you and your deities, ancestors, or what have you as long as you ask for consent first (although sometimes I may say no so please respect that!) In fact, I find it beautiful and take it as a huge compliment when someone asks their own personal highest power to help me! I may not believe the same thing you do but I'm never gonna tell you you're wrong. Just don't be a dick about it, and I won't either.
5. This blog advocates for sitting in your own discomfort. By this what I mean is that I encourage my followers to learn that discomfort is not harm, and that just because something makes you feel bad does not mean it *is* bad. Reactionary behavior is greatly discouraged here, and I'm well aware that I am on the 'bad reading comprehension' website so I will clarify that all I'm asking is that you fully read what I say and consider your words before you say them to make sure we're on the same page. This is a principle I've committed myself to as well, and please don't be afraid to ask for clarification on points that I make! And again! If I have fucked up! Let me know so that I can fix it! I am someone who is fully willing to admit when I have been wrong. This blog also does not believe in tone-policing. I will listen to what you are saying, not how you are saying it. As long as you aren't being unnecessarily mean I will engage and attempt a conversation and I ask for the same courtesy.
6. Lightning round because this is getting long so I'll just put a bunch of statements here. Unhoused people are people and deserve empathy and care regardless of how they became unhoused. Everyone deserves healthcare, food, housing (with air conditioning and heat!) and education. Yes everyone, yes even that shitty guy that 'borrowed' your car twenty years ago and never brought it back. This blog believes in prison abolition and restorative/rehabilitative justice rather than punitive justice. This blog believes in equity rather than equality and acknowledges that a truly equitable society means that everyone gets what they personally need to exist and thrive , not that everyone gets the exact same thing. This blog loves disabled people, fat people, black people, poor people, queer people, etc. and we don't do acceptability politics around here. Sex work is work, and sex-workers deserve empathy and understanding. This blog acknowledges the complexities of the porn industry and the very real problems with it, but don't you dare shit on the actual real people who are affected by and victims of said industry. Marginalized voices will always be the most important when it comes to their own specific issues so I may often re-direct you to educational sources, books, blogs, specific educators, etc, if I feel that I can't personally get the correct points across responsibly. I don't know everything, but I do know a lot and am happy to provide jumping-off points for you to do your own internal work. This blog is pro harm-reduction and does not believe that full sobriety is the only acceptable end-goal when dealing with addiction, that's case-by-case. Drugs are morally neutral here (yes all of them. Yes even that one), I get it man! Life sucks! I'll never judge you for needing something to help make it more bearable, especially if you have other health problems that you're self-medicating for because traditional medicine hasn't helped you specifically. This blog is very, very, very pro-bodily autonomy and that includes the freedom to make mistakes or 'bad' choices in regards to your body. It's yours!
This blog advocates for a balance between 'natural' remedies and modern medicine, they can and should co-exist! This blog is pro-freak and I mean that genuinely, I'm not just being edgy. 'Weirdos' make the world go round! Furries, pups, kinksters, aces and aros, self-proclaimed dykes, faggots, trannies, leather daddies, anyone who isn't 'normal' when it comes to relationships, hobbies, etc? Yeah get the fuck in here I wanna hear about your fun subculture and your weird clubs, I LOVE learning about stuff I don't understand. I have committed myself to never allowing an automatic disgust reaction to keep me from listening to somebody's viewpoint, and all I ask is that people do the same for me.
7. Finally, this blog has committed itself to keeping its eyes on the system. If I am ever speaking about an issue, I am not speaking about individuals or passing judgements on groups of people. If I say 'racism' I am talking about the power-structures and systems that make racism possible, not your uncle Dave who says the n-word at Christmas because he swears he got the 'pass' from some guy back in the 80s. Same goes for words like sexism or queerphobia or pretty much anything else. Don't take ANYTHING I say personally because I don't know you and I promise I am not here to attack you. If points I make bring up guilt in you I encourage you to examine that and ask yourself WHY it makes you so uncomfortable. This blog advocates for open communication, community building, self-reflection and conflict-resolution in all places possible and safe. I will only ever speak on issues that I'm confident I understand fully and can engage with responsibly, and if I don't understand I will at least make an attempt to do my own research and work before returning to you with what I've found. I am VERY committed to constantly learning and growing, and I encourage my followers to try and do the same if you have the mental and emotional capacity to do so!
Some final housekeeping- I am a legal adult, but I do not share my age or birthday. I am physically disabled and neurodivergent but feel no need to specify my exact issues here. I may speak on certain disabilities that I have in order to help other people, but i will not 'prove' myself to anybody. If I'm being vague about a specific detail there is a reason for it, as I also need to keep myself safe and this is the internet. I will sometimes post stories or writing bits that are somewhat based on real things, but nothing I ever post on this blog will be a 1-to-1 representation of my own life. I use writing and fictionalization to help people digest ideas, so take anything you read on this blog as fully fiction but with a purpose. I am U.S. American so please don't make school shooting 'jokes' and also please know that like! I am STARKLY aware of our issues! You don't have to tell me we suck! I know! That's why I've committed myself to making an active effort to NOT suck and to actually listen, because I refuse to be one of those assholes who acts like the U.S. is the only country that exists, however I can only ever speak from that perspective. So I do my best! Please be patient if I don't understand something or if I've been ignorant, I WILL get there!
Thank you for reading, stick around if this resonates with you as these are all points I'll probably elaborate on or make posts on eventually. I am here to educate and spread balanced viewpoints that allow for nuance, understanding, and bridging gaps between types of people. Morality will ALWAYS be a nuanced topic on this blog and I do not believe in absolute 'good' or 'bad'. I think this covered most of it but if you'd like me to elaborate or explain anything stated here, I will be happy to! And if you've read this and went 'yikes this guy sucks' that's okay too! That just means this isn't a space for you and that's fine! I hope you have an awesome day anyway!
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
Why are you against coom donation? Genuinely curious!
i think the commodification of reproduction and children is fucked up. children from sperm donors often have highly negative views surrounding it from not knowing their full medical/genetic history (even if the donor is clear then of family history of conditions, he could very well develop some condition or illness that has genetic element later in life), to not knowing their bio father to the sickly feeling of being 'bought', where they feel immense pressure to not disappoint their parents because of how much money they spent to 'make' them, etc. etc. essentially, the same issues as adoption. but because sperm donation is seen as so easy and harmless, it actually has very few regulations.
the 'designer' aspect of it where the buyers look at profiles and choose the exact looks and genes they want. did you know that white sperm is more expensive than black sperm? an immense amount of ethically questionable choices go into it. if the sperm is from a donor known to the buyers, they may later in life want to have parental access to the child and is not allowed, or is and disrupts the family's life, or the child may want to be in the man's life when the man doesn't want to. sperm donation can also fuck up relationships. men will often have negative emotions towards their children from sperm donors because it's 'not theirs', it reminds them of their infertility, and they feel emasculated. if the donor is known, it often destroys his relationship with him due to jealously and feeling of threat. they can even end up being abusive assholes to the child and their female partner, because often they'll agree to sperm donation because the wife really wants a child and perhaps they're running out of time. and then you have if it turns out the guy can actually have kids (infertility and sterility are two different things), and kids are born, there is often a highly strained relationship between the kids, with the father preferring 'his' kids.
there's even gross shit like accidental incest. a donor can produce many babies, some countries don't even have child limits, and those that do only adopted them recently. i believe the US doesn't have any laws on it, and there are some dudes who have fathered dozens, at least one known to have done up to 200 kids. if the donor has donated to a city clinic, and many couples in that area use that clinic around the same time, as even just one session can donate plenty of sperm, think about the potential risk for romantic interaction between siblings without knowing. it's already happened multiple times.
then you have the doctors that used their own sperm. many cases of this has occurred. when sperm is a product, what do you charge the doctors with in their crime against inserting their own sperm into women? it's not a sex crime because it's not a sexual act according to law. fraud? scam? they do it because they get off on it, and yet face no sexual crimes. and not only women, they have violated men as well. there have been many occasions, especially in the pre 90's (literally before 1990 there were zero laws around sperm donation), zero regulation days, where male doctors would just....steal sperm from male patients while they were either providing sperm for fertility testing, or under anaesthetic because they thought they were good looking and 'had good genes', and sell it.
but even if all of this weren't the case....i just don't think that we can ethically commodify children, even pre conception. biological children aren't a right, sometimes you're dealt bad cards in life. my health issues mean i can never be an astronaut. people need to accept this instead of trying to loophole every reproductive law they can in order to build-a-bear a mini-me.
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ihatebnha · 3 years
i cannot help but imagine izuku donating sperm, except he gets too worked and plus ultra’s a load on the ceiling 💦 then the lucky poor intern has to clean it and help him
My dog……… do you, by any chance, have the urge to lick cum off of random surfaces? If so, please call the hospital. Right now.
NO BUT for whatever reason, this is reminding me of some ??? idek TV show I watched as a kid with my mom, where (for whatever reason), this couple had to like… go to the sperm bank to, I THINK? Freeze the dude’s sperm…
And I remember literally nothing else, but one thing I do is, like… the cameras following the couple to the room where they both laughed and waved goodbye. And being the stupid fucking 8-year-old that I was, I asked my mom, like… what they were doing in there… because when you’re 8, wtf the sperm collection, right?
Anyway, my mom was like… “Well, they get the man really, really excited… and…” tbh I don’t remember what the rest was, BUT…
This is making me thinking about (and I know this isn’t what you said):
YOU (specifically you, anon) and Deku going to the jizz library to freeze some of his baby juice because he doesn’t want to have kids right away or in case something happens to him blah blah blah… and like… you have to have sex to get the sperm…
But because he can’t nut in you if you actually want to collect it… you make him pull out and he busts so hard that it gets on the ceiling… and you know the rest LOL BYE.😫
(Though just because I feel bad I misread the ask… imagine that he goes in looking to donate… and then asks for you to help him get it up. I would faint.)
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