#he doesn't really call matthias anything but helvar
barrel-crow-n · 9 months
Kaz's petnames for his crows:
Inej: Darling Inej treasure of my heart
Jesper: Jes
Nina: Dear/Love/Darling etc.
Wylan: Merchling
Matthias: Big Fjerdan
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The Crows: Nicknames
Nina has the most nicknames out of all of the crows
her favourites include
Neens, mostly by Inej
Ninocha, by Zoya and surprisingly also by Kaz (but only if he's very pleased with her)
my Queen, by Matthias
Roëd Fetla, by Matthias
Kaz doesn't have many nicknames mainly because people are too afraid to use them
there are some that he accepts
and even enjoys
Dirtyhands for example
especially when Inej calls him that
boss, by his dregs
and Kazi but this one's reserved for Inej only
Inej also sometimes calls him the Suji word for moonlight
Jesper loves nicknames
Jes, Perry, Jessi, Fahey, really anything goes
but his favourite is still when Wylan calls him darlin'
he also likes Matthias' pronunciation of Jessi
and when Inej calls him 'my friend' in Suli
Wylan's name is very un-nicknamable
so most of his friends stick to Wy
all besides Jesper who keeps inventing more and more ridiculous nicknames for him
some favourites are:
merchling, my musician, my crazy scientist, my dangerous little bomb, dynamite kid and lovely mind
Matthias absolutely hates nicknames
he goes absolutely feral when anyone tries to call him anything else than Matthias
Nina once tried calling him Matt
he hated it
so everyone just sticks to Matthias or Helvar
but once when all his friends were drunk and Nina wasn't around Jesper called him Zenik
and surprisingly he didn't kill him on the spot
he just tried to hide his smile
so from this point on whenever Nina isn't around Jesper, Wylan, Kaz and Inej call Matthias 'Zenik'
and every single time he gets a but flustered but doesn't correct them
he also likes it when Nina calls him baby or babe
Inej has a relatively short name so making a nickname from it doesn't leave many options
most people call her Nej or Ina
Nina has adopted the habit of calling her princess whenever she's annoyed at her (Inej actually enjoys this)
in front of people Kaz calls her just Inej
when he's feeling bold my Wraith or Nej
but when they're alone Kaz has the sweetest and most meaningful nicknames for her
sweetheart is Inej's current favourite
or darling
or my love
or the Suli word for soulmate (which is also what Inej's parents had called each other)
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I was thinking on something hella angsty with Matthias Helvar
Song by Fleurie: hurts like hell.
“I’ve loved, i loved, then lost you”
Like what if reader gets really hurt
Okay, now this, this I think I can do, who knows if I can do it well? Not me, let's find out.
In His Arms - Matthias Helvar
Content Warnings: Gratuitous (Canon Compliant) Violence And Threat. Repetitive Mentions Of Blood And Injury. Mentions Of Death, Depictions Of Near Death. Not Beta/Proof Read.
Part 2
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Matthias is covered in blood, it is soaking through his shirt, he would never be able to get the blood out, no matter how hard he tried. But he isn't thinking about the blood on him right now, at least not in relation to him. Every consuming thought running through his brain is about you. You and the blood. The blood and you. Your blood. All of your blood. How it is all over him and not where it supposed to be. Your blood, all your blood. How you won't stop bleeding. You are in his arms and he is watching you bleed out and he feels lost, helpless, never has he felt this helpless, this incapable of doing anything, anything at all.
I've loved
You were lost in the storm, you couldn't feel your bones, but you could feel the cold getting into your open wound. You'd been with Matthias, but you'd lost him between the blizzard and the bear attack. Your arm and your torso had deep slashes that would be bleeding more if you weren't so cold.
You didn't feel yourself hitting the ground, you didn't feel the layers of snow, you didn't know you were dying.
Matthias holds you tighter, and you can feel every movement of his muscles, every tension of his frame. He has held you when you were close to death before, and he had saved you then.
You woke up feeling buried in fur, to realise it was Matthias's coat covering you, keeping you from the death by frost. "You are awake," he said.
"You are here," you said in response. "And I am alive."
"You nearly weren't," he stated, "you nearly got yourself killed."
"I thought you would be long gone," you pulled yourself up enough to feel the bandages on your injuries. Matthias had found you in the snow, carried you somewhere safe and made sure the new safeness wasn't marred by letting you bleed out. You couldn't help but feel you'd misjudged him.
“I’ll stay with you," Mattias said, watching the way you winced as you moved, each step hindered by the pain. "I have concerns that your wounds might open up again.”
"You have concerns?" You teased. "How out of character."
"I have..." he trailed off, realising you were mocking him. "Let me check that cut of yours."
"No," you said, Matthias just stared you down.
"I did not drag you through all that snow and a blizzard to have you die in this cave," he stated. "Show me."
"There's the solider," you smirked, "the Drüskelle."
"Just let me help you, you're insufferable and petulant," he muttered.
"Big words."
"Just let me see the wound."
You feel so cold, both to his touch and inside yourself, you think you're shaking, you feel as if you should be shaking, but your body isn't moving at all. You don't have the energy to shake.
You are lucid enough to hear Matthias call for a healer and despite the pain, despite the resistance, you get a half laugh breaking from your chest. "The Drüskelle calling for a grisha, what a day," you're not sure the words really make it out as intelligible but you hope Matthias can see the humour. He doesn't, which isn't surprising, he rarely does.
He continues calling but you're not sure if anyone can hear him, you're not sure if anyone is around to hear him, to find you both, to help. But he is trying, Saints he is trying.
I loved
"This is," Matthias was searching for words he could not find, how could he possibly explain you? How could he explain who you are? How could he explain what you are to him? Who you'd become to him?
You'd cut him off with your own introduction, and he could see no pain in your expression, no blame for his hesitation. And that hurt him more. He wanted you to be mad at him. But you didn't ever really get mad at him.
There was a secret selfishness in his quiet, it wasn't all the reasons he thought it would be that he struggled to find the words, there was no shame or no disconcerting notions about his feelings for you.
He was stilted because he could not find words that would do it justice, and selfishly, in a type of selfishness he didn't know he had inside him, he wanted this for himself. He wanted you for himself, in the quiet and peace of privacy, where what you both had could just be yours.
"I'm with you," he tells you, over and over, words like a prayer.
then lost you
You can feel the blood rising in your throat before you're choking on it. "Hey," the Fjerdan tries, gently shifting your shoulders closer to him, "none of that. You are not allowed to die." His voice is rougher than he would like it to be, the words leave his mouth as more of a set of commands than the pleas they truly are.
"I'm glad," your breath catches but you won't let that stop you, not now, now when you're not sure what time you have left, "that I didn't die, before I got to meet you Matthias."
"You're not dying," Matthias insists, your blood is on the ground now, not just on him, and it reminds him of the way your blood hit the snow when you both got lost in the ice. Your blood had led him back to you, you had lost a lot less of it back then, now you were losing so much if you close your eyes Matthias knows you won't open them again.
"Matthias I am tired," you tell him.
"You changed everything, everything in my life, the whole world it looks different now, it sounds different, it is different, because of you, because you found me, because we found each other. You changed everything for me, and I don't want to go back, I can't go back to what my life was before you, so I need you to not die," Matthias insists, resting his face in the crook of your neck, listening to the sounds of you breathing, knowing how faint it is.
Matthias cannot think straight, he cannot let this be the end, he won't. Not after everything it had taken to be here, to get here. You have both nearly lost one another too many times before and this would not be the last moments he has with you. He will not let it. Your heart is his heart, you life is his life, to lose you would be a fate worse than death and he will not let it happen. He won't.
He can remember the first time he saw you, your annoyed face clear in his mind, you had been disagreeing with him, he cannot remember why now as you've disagreed with him on plenty of things, in gentle ways. Annoyance, but not anger, your anger was reserved for things and not people, for situations and weather and badly cooked meals. He remembers the first time he heard you laugh, your real laugh, not the gentle laugh that is easily conjured upon an instinct, the laugh that nearly winded you, and nearly winded him just the same. He played that laugh over and over in his mind every single day, wanting nothing more than to hear it again, to be able to make you laugh like that. He remembers how soft your hands were as you checked his wounds, and how harsh your gaze was as he insisted on fixing yours. They were smaller wounds then, not minor injuries, they were considerable in their rights, but they were tolerable, they were manageable, not like now. Not like the one that feels like it will be the end of you, it no longer feels like your blood is what is leaving your body, but your life, and he is watching, holding you but not able to hold it together, to hold you together.
"Please," he whispers, unable to manage any more words than that. 'Please don't die. We have made too many plans for me to lose you now.'
You can't hear anything by the time the healer reaches you, you can barely still feel Matthias's hand in your own, but you can see those eyes, those eyes that you see in your dreams as often as in your days, those eyes that have seen you through your worst moments as well as your best. His eyes, that look so scared to lose you, so scared at the idea he would have to continue without you, at the idea that he simply couldn't.
"Matthias," you manage again as the healer starts to mend your torn skin, your broken pieces, trying to keep the blood inside your body where it belongs, you don't feel strong, you don't feel saved, but you can keep your eyes open long enough to see Matthias talking to the healer, asking a million questions and the healer looking half terrified of how badly your hurt and half terrified of the Fjerdan asking for help. "I'm... with you."
Matthias looks back to you, trying to let the healer do their job. "Stay with me," he says. "Stay with me?"
"I'm trying."
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Matthias Helvar x fem! Healer! Reader - Mine
A/n: I don't think I've finished a request fast... Looks longingly at all the other drafts that are requests. Fuck.
Warnings: Kind of sexual at some points, injuries, mentions of death, I think that's it? You have been warned!
Request: Can I please request an soft, romantic oneshot of female!healer!reader and Matthias Helvar falling in love with each other, please? thank you so much!!
I do not own six of crows or shadow and bone or its characters! I also do not own this gif!
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Matthias had first meant her lying in bed.
He had been hurt and everyone was internally freaking out because the Fjerdan never showed any pain yet here he was lying on his death bed the screams of pain coming from his lips every now and then.
Blackness was looming over him, there was no light he couldn't feel Djel like he should have. Maybe his sins had lined up too high, or maybe Djel had abandoned him like Nina had. He didn't know what was going to happen, all he knew was that death was almost certain at this point, he could hear the wolves howling in the distance. They were coming for him - he was sure of it.
Something he didn't understand happened though. He was in the dark taking his last few breaths then a blinding light that must have been sent from Djel himself came barreling through the door kneeling right in front of him.
"Not today." The woman muttered as she hovers her hands over the top of his injury.
"I still need to get paid, so if you could you know - stay alive for me here that would be great." She grits her teeth together and suddenly the world is just light.
The only thing he can see through the blinding of the whiteness is her and her eyes telling - begging him to hold on for a little longer.
So he does.
Gasping for breath Matthias realizes there's no pain in his chest anymore, there's no blackness yet there's no overwhelming white either. There's only a soft glow at the end of his bed belonging to the woman he recognizes as the person who saved him.
"What happened?" He mumbles and his voice comes out groggy and part of him is ashamed that that's what he says when there's a beautiful woman sitting on the edge of his bed tending to his wounds. The other part of him wonders how he can be so bashful over a girl he's barely meant.
"You broke all your ribs so your chest was starting to disconnect when you were breathing. You're lucky I got there on time or else you would have been dead. You passed out after I healed you."
The healer doesn't move off his bed but closer actually and she moves so close she's levelheaded with him as Matthias sits up.
She brush's a piece of his blond hair away from his face and cups his cheek for a second and for a felting moment he's sure she was going to kiss him. But she pulls away before they can get any close and he's half glad because he was sure she could've probably heard how his breathing had how it speed up.
"Matthias." Finally he breaths out looking at the temptress with wide eyes.
The girl smiles and he stupidly puts up his head to be shaken but instead of taking it or laughing at him, she kisses him on the lips.
It's not for very long, it's very brief actually, and this is all crazy because he had just meant her (he doesn't even know her name!) Yet he can't get her eyes out of his head or the feeling of her lips against his and how he eagerly kissed her back.
She pulls away really fast but he still has time to commit everything to memory before she stands up leaving the doorway but stopping midway.
"Y/n, my name is Y/n."
He knew her name.
Nothing happened entirely after that, Matthias and Y/n grew close and became quick friends.
Friends who sometimes kiss. The former Druskelle was pretty sure that friends didn't kiss, even in Kerch.
"Matthias I swear to your tree god if you don't put me down I'm going to rip you to shreds!" Y/n screams at him as he carries her trying to get the Slat on time before she dies.
"You are hurt." He says simply in retaliation, as the girl fumes and struggles to get out of his arms.
"I'm a healer!"
Matthias just rolls his eyes and bursts through the Slat doors with an injured and a very frustrated Y/n.
"You can't heal yourself completely Y/n I'm not stupid." He whispers down into her ear as he takes them up the stairs going in (unintentionally) his room.
She hurriedly gets out of his arms face red from embarrassment and starts working on her wound. They both stay there in silence for a bit before he starts to get bandages and ointments to help her heal the rest.
He hands them over to her and she staches them out of his arms not even looking at him. She doesn't say anything either as she winces when she places the ointment on what's left of the wound. She warps it up and the silence is still on like a broken switch that can't go back down. Wolves that are hurt but can't howl in fear of their abuser.
"How did you figure it out?" She whispers quietly as she finishes warping up her wound. It's barely audible but he hears it because he always notices when she says something. Matthias doesn't know if he's ever been so aware of someone before.
Because she is so much more than just a friend to him.
"In Fjerda we were trained to see the signs when a Grisha hadn't been trained at the little palace." He pauses for a second, wincing internally because it was easier to kill Grisha who weren't as well trained.
"Oh." She says looking down trying to hide her eyes from him.
"That doesn't mean I think any less of you though, you... Your power is strong most Grisha wouldn't be able to heal people entirely in seconds if they hadn't trained at the little palace."
She finally lifts her head up to meet his eyes and he swears she's a heartrender because he can't breathe.
But before he can even look for a second longer she's at the doorway opening the door to leave him. Again.
"Is that it? Is that all that you think of me?" She demands him to answer her with the tone that she's using, yet it doesn't remind him of Brum or any of that. It only reminds him of her.
She shifted her body to face his and he shamefully looks away from the woman before him. Who was of course only wearing her undergarments?
"Kaz needs this for a job."
His head snaps back to look at her with fire in his eyes as her hands trail up and down his arms. He holds back a shiver and looks down at the serpent. He was her prey and she's ready to strike because he so memorized with her. Se must have bitten him with her poison because he wasn't backing down.
Fury fuels his veins at the thought of anyone touching her in that way. Probably he wouldn't get through the mission if he had to see it.
She places her hand around his neck and he's trying hard not to look at it because it wasn't proper but she was beautiful.
"Don't you have a job to get to?" He murmurs as he tries and to hold back his stare.
Her laughs rings out around them and her soft glow is back for a split second before it's gone in a snap.
Her other goes around to his back and she leans into his ear.
"Hold my waist." Her voice is commanding and he was addicted to her poison that made him do whatever she desired. And who could deny a strong woman that used that tone?
So he does and then she kisses him.
This isn't like their first time but it isn't their second time either. He has become accustomed to the way her lips felt against his own, yet he didn't ever want her to stop because every time it just got better.
She bites down on his lips before trailing her own down to his neck.
His breath comes out in pants as she trails further and further down till she's found his sweet spot.
"Vixen." He gasps as she bites down hard on his sweet spot before she gives him one gentle kiss before pulling away.
"I have a job to get to Helvar."
Then she's gone.
*Flashback over*
"No." He calls out to her.
"That's definitely not what I think of you."
This time he wraps his arms around her waist before leaning down to kiss her.
And this time it's him who kisses her and their lips shift together and move in sync before he pulls away. Both of them were breathless.
"I think of you as mine."
And she doesn't object to that.
Words 1467
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover @brekker-zenik @alohastitch0626
(If you want to be tagged just comment shadow and bone taglist!)
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