#he dont seem creepy to emily either
evitamylove · 2 months
idk man clints never seemed as creepy to me, not enough to warrant the way ppl talk about him :/ he just sounds like he has anxiety and doesnt know how to talk to the woman he likes. Like. He dont come off as an incel or creepy, hes just awkward and a loser.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 7 days
my ranking of the tig villains/most hated characters
i'm bored so i'm doing this. 1 is the character i hate most meaning 8 is the one i hate the least. i apologize if this sucks. its quite late for me as i'm writing this.
drake. ik most people would put eve or smth at the top of this list, but this dude is an abuser and a pedophile (he used to call avery jailbait which means "a person who is younger than the legal age of consent for sexual activity and usually appears older, with the implication that a person above the age of consent might find them sexually attractive" according to wikipedia). not only was he horrible to libby, but he also tried to kill avery. characters like him just give me the ick and the creeps and i just can't stand them.
eve. i think this is self-explanatory. eve is one of the most annoying and petty characters i've ever read about. she tried to kill avery, kidnapped tobias (and ruined his chances of forming a better relationship with avery, and, as the biggest toby and avery father daugther stan, i cannot stand this), manipulated grayson, and hurt many people. if you don't hate her, i don't trust you. also, i hope she doesn't get a redemption arc bc she doesn't deserve it.
sheffield. i have one thing to thank this dude for and that's the love confession from jameson after he put avery in a coma. other than that, he bombed avery, kidnapped avery, cheated on his wife, was a horrible 'father' to grayson (and his daugthers bc of colin). he's honestly tied with eve (he's not first cause i can't stand guys like drake). i dont really think i have to explain myself
emily. i really don't think i have to explain. she's manipulative, petty, self-absorbed. the only thing she has going for her is that she didn't try to kill anyone. she treated the boys like crap, emotionally abused her sister, and (although she wasn't present to do it i still blame her for it) affected avery's self-esteem.
ricky. i know he's high on this list but he's just so creepy to me. anyone who hurts avery in any way si automatically a no for me. he was never there for avery and libby, refused to take custody of her after her mom died, didn't show up to hannah's funeral, tried to step up to get money after avery inherited, got together with skye (ew???). ik this doesn't seem horrible in comparison to what the others did, but seeing avery's feelings towards him in the books (especially thl) made me despise him so that's why he's so high up.
tobias. he emotionally abused his grandsons, put avery in a position that he knew might get her killed, treated his own kids horribly, hurt a lot of people in order to become who he became. the only reason he isn't higher up is bc he did sometimes do nice things (although not often).
vincent. him and tobias are sort of interchangeable??? but he partnered with eve to get toby kidnapped (sort of putting a stop to toby and avery's relationship which like said earlier pisses me off). from what i remember, he didn't really do anything else and i sort of understand where he was coming from (getting revenge on tobias) but what he did is still horrible and taking his anger towards tobias out on a teenage girl is just weird to me.
skye. i find her character sort of interesting but she is a horrible mother towards her sons. she's also a huge pick me bc who sleeps with their sister's boyfriend. she also tried to get avery killed which is just a no no. this is sort of off topic and i've made a post about this before but she didn't get punished enough for what she did to avery and that is grayson's fault. i talk about it in slightly more detail in this post.
although i knew that avery was hurt by a lot of people in this series, this really showed me exactly how bad it was. there are even more people. literally every person on this list hurt her (directly or indirectly (in emily and vincent's case)). these people either tried to get her killed, messed with her head or both. avery is a girl boss. she deserves better.
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blaithnne · 5 years
Ever Growing Long ass Mary Poppins Returns Shitpost
Mr. Fry is such a god damn sweetheart I can’t eve-
“Well then you’ll just have to AVOID them at all costs”
Lin Manuel Miranda was fucking fantastic
Topsy and Mary’s relationship just makes Mary seem so much more human it’s great
You can see Mary’s personality showing a lot more in this movie, she interacts with the kids so much more and she’s even playful at times, I like her a lot more here than in the original movie
Emily Blunt is an absaloute goddess
Jane is such a brilliant and funny character, I fucking love her
JaneXJack is now on my list of OTPs
I will protect those penguins at all costs
I loved watching the kids transitioning from tiny little adults to actually acting like regular children
Ok but Mary and Ellen gossiping about Jack and Jane is so sweet
Can we talk about Ellen? I freaking love Ellen
Mary deadass steals Micheal’s bag so she and the kids can take it to the bank and I love it
The Parrot is more of a character in this and it’s funny seeing him start talking at really inconvenient times
I’m pretty sure that Mary just leaves whenever she feels her job is done, she’s not tied to the wind like it was made out to be in the first movie and pretty sure she’s not controlled by the Banks’ front door either
That being said the scene where the door opens and the cherry blossoms fly around and then Mary’s balloon flies away and then Micheal and Jane realise she’s gone it’s just so dynamic I can’t-
The penguins tho
Ok but during the Big Ben scene I would have killed for one of the Leerys to yell “SHE COULD HAVE JUST DONE THAT THE WHOLE TIME!!???”
I loved the relatshionship between Jack and Mary, it’s so cute
Right but where did the Banks’ get those clothes in the scene at the fair? I mean I love them but when????
The admiral being in a wheelchair and everyone writing him off as a crazy old man killed me a little
Also him being so happy that Big Ben is “on time” was such a brilliant moment
And him giving the Banks a boat in a bottle when they were leaving was just the sweetest thing
It’s not Mary Poppins without a pampered dog
Mary on the bike tho
Dick Van Dyke was amazing
Angela Lansbury is probably my favourite person ever I love her
The face Mary makes after John asks her how much she weighs had me laughing my ass off
They kept drawing attention to the toffees in the bank and it was really weird? Like I was expecting it to have some significance but it didn’t??? It was kind of awkward, was it a reference to the books or the first movie that I’m just forgetting?????
I swear I almost cried when the Banks’ were being kicked out
And their friends coming out at midnight to see them off was great
Mary deciding to help the kids turn back time and then them saying something along the lines of “and if it doesn’t make sense it can’t be true” with these big grins and Micheal and Jane being really confused was so funny and uplifting and so many other things all at the same time
The animation in the royal doulton bowl was incredible, it was clearly 2D but it almost felt 3D at the same time
There’s this scene during The royal doulton music hall when they’re riding the carriage and the camera sort of flips upside down and it was really disorienting a loved it
Can we talk about Jane Banks tho
“But you’re-” “Yes I know I’m Irish”
Micheal yelling at the kids when they were telling him about their adventure have me major flashbacks to when the kids, Ellen and Cook were all singing supercalifragisticexpialidocous in the original movie
I loved the paintings at the start
The text during the opening credits being the old orange style was giving me so much deja vu and I love how that’s all Disney has to do to make me smile
“Lost, are we Mary Poppins?” “Hopelessly” THEIR FACES WHEN THEY SAY THIS THO
That first scene when the kitchen starts flooding it’s just such a great way to introduce the characters
Jane storming right up to Mr. Wilkins’ office while Micheal chases after her is just so badass I love her
Have I mentioned that Jane Banks is fucking supercalifragalisticexpialidocious
The balcony scene just made me smile so much
Jack immediately running to help when he see’s Georgie in trouble, he fucking throws his bike down what a hero
A conversation was the saddest song ever I just want to give him a hug
So apparently Angela Lansbury was considered for the role of Mary Poppins in the original movie and that’s all I’ve been able to think about for almost a week now
“Where is it your from?” “Well that’s a very interesting stor-“ “We have no idea”
Mary’s lullaby was so sweet I loved it
I love how when Jack, Mary and the kids first get going on the bicycle you can see Mary join in with the laughter and it just makes her seem much more real
Also her splashing the kids with water in can you imagine that
Jack and Jane riding the bike together was so adorable
Also Mary just watching them cycle away together for like ten seconds before going “Right that’s enough” and walking off was so fucking hilarious
“You can ride in the basket!”
Mary splashing the kids with water in can you imagine that
The wolf’s smile after the kids went into the tent was so fucking creepy I was actually scared
I love when Mr. Wilkin’s see’s that the time on his pocket watch is different to the time on Big Ben he doesn’t think that his tiny little pocket watch is wrong, no, he naturally assumes that someone found a way to climb all the way up to one of the biggest buildings in the city and change it. I mean that’s exactly what happened but still
“Stay off the sea grass”
Jack rapping in a cover is not the book
I feel the need to mention that I freaking love Jane Banks
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withallthingslove · 6 years
the handmaid’s tale s2ep8 thoughts
under the cut because spoilers
- it’s obvious the writers have been wanting to do this episode for awhile. Anytime the de-aging of serena from the books is brought up they point to how that changes her relationship with june and creates the idea they could have been friends. And that friendship is teased sooooo many times this episode
- it’s funny (though not funny) that while june is constantly oppressed and a slave, she has a support system in gilead. She has nick, rita, emily, janine, and alma. Serena has her fake friendship with naomi and knitting. I would argue that while serena’s life is better, her life is also lonelier. Which is her own damn fault
- but you can tell that while june enjoys their interactions, serena clings to them
- and neither of them was happy fred is coming back. 
- I don’t think anyone in this show has ever said “praised be” sincerely
- Is is just me or does fred look 1000% times creepier
- okay nobody in this house is happy fred is back. Except eden but even then that could be argued that she is a kid who is trying her best to fit in so deep down she might not even be happy
- “may the force be with you” I love you janine
- is there anything more pure than janine’s smile???
- I hate seeing Emily angry but I’m also like GIRL WHAT YOU GONNA DO because I will get my popcorn and watch emily take down gilead all day
- june has obviously let her editing sessions give her more confidence/power. She pushed those guardians away like she was in charge and I was impressed. But also confused at why the guardians let her get away with it? Unless they were impressed as well
- Serena coming to june to get an opinion... this is what draws up so much complexity. While june enjoys serena’s company due to not feeling oppressed, I think serena is a step ahead and feels an admiration for june and a need to connect with her. 
- fred is such a prick. And june and serena sitting on that bench in the kitchen made me think “men. what are you gonna do?” and then serena’s face is like “aight fuck it janine can see the baby”
- forever confused by warren and naomi’s relationship
- aunt lydia is a lot less threatening when she is just as concerned as june. And I also wonder why she feels such a strong attachment to janine. In the same way pryce was a father-like figure to nick, I think aunt lydia feels strong maternal instincts to janine. more so than any other handmaid at least
- also why does everyone call janine “janine”? even aunt lydia doesn’t give a fuck about her given name anymore
- that poor martha was so scared at first and then SHE MADE ME SO EMOTIONAL. that actress did such a good job conveying so much emotion in 3 seconds
- also that doctor just talking her up about how great it was to see her again. Part of me thought it was cute and part of me wanted him to just shut the fuck up because where was he objecting to her being made a martha instead of being kept as a doctor? hmmm? HMM?
- Naomi getting mad about angela dying? Naomi cares about angela? what?
- serena goes and rages on the martha/doctor... of course. She has such a short fuse she has to take her anger out somewhere and it’s always misplaced. 
- fred going up to rape june... ughfdkghdksfj he’s the worst and so much creepier now
- and then he saw the rose and realized serena and june are cool with each other and he realized that he didn’t have control over either of them
- naomi handing charlotte over to janine... thank god she was civil about it
- nick and june subtly holding hands I see you
- okay lots of thoughts on this scene...
cinematography was A+++ at first fred seems really feeble behind his desk and then when he rises up the lighting made him look like this terrifying monster
watching the whipping was harder than I thought it would be it was so much more violent
also fred is the worst and he did this because he’s weak and needed to exert his “power” and drive these two women against each other
all three of them acted that so well. Fred was a creepy monster, yvonne was pitiful, and elizabeth acted her face of as per usual
- eden finding the letters. knew it was coming. But as nick got mad... did anyone else get the feeling she was expecting to be hit? As in she’s been hit before and that’s what she expects when a man raises his voice?
- I feel bad saying poor serena because she’s a villain and I know what happens in the next two episodes but POOR SERENA. Yvonne acted the undressing scene so perfectly and I flipped back and forth between being in awe of her beauty and talent and feeling bad for her character
- june comes upstairs to try and keep the friendship going, serena is tempted, and then pushes those feelings down and lets her anger walls back up. and then goes back to crying. YVONNE DESERVES AN EMMY I SAID WHAT I SAID DONT @ ME
 - june gives up, knowing their alliance is over and goes back to fred. Shout out to the use of margaret atwood’s quote
 Again A+++ camera work making fred seem like a monster hidden behind a door and then of june on the floor
- I don’t really know how to interpret june’s breakdown? Is she upset about serena? about angela? both? is it just a typical day in gilead? idk
- JANINE AND CHARLOTTE <333 (it’s hard flipping back and forth between angela and charlotte but I always try to use charlotte whenever she is referenced with janine)
- That scene was so beautiful and janine is a glowing mother, charlotte is her happy daughter who looks just like her and that was the best shot to end on
Next episode:
- I’m not going to speculate for it because I know exactly what happens in episodes 9 and 10 and so it wouldn’t be speculating and I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who doesn’t want to be spoiled
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coalitiongirl · 7 years
ive been watching your scenes to rewatch and ive been crying at literally all of them. out of curoisity, what are your favourite ouat scenes? either sq or general? also side note, i love your latest fic, such an interesting premise. i get so scared every time someone says an order and emmas forced to comply, that scene with the trolls had me on edge. and the fact that cora must suspect something about emma now - im so scared but excited ahah :D have a nice day :)
OH I super dropped the ball on those omg, i have so many others!! but i haven’t been able to rewatch in a long time, it hard 😩
of course i LOVE almost every swan queen scene!! it’s hard for me to pick favorites because nearly every one pings something else inside me omfg. I don’t think there’s a single sq scene I couldn’t write an essay about WHOOPS. so lemme try to answer this with just some of my favorite non-sq scenes 😅
Emma in True North: hoo boy, this is probably in my scenes to rewatch but that scene on the road, MAN. there’s so much careful buildup with emma’s abandonment issues and how much she sees herself in nick and ava. and they have a chance she never does and dammit, she fights for them!! she fights for two kids just like her and they get their moment and jmo turns that realization into agony with sheer artistry in emma’s FACE in their final moment. god.
Regina in We Are Both: this was the episode that sold me on Regina! tbh i’d marathoned s1 as soon as they announced mulan was going to be in s2 so i hadn’t been focusing much on thinking before that?? and then suddenly there’s Regina, in all her rich and layered stories, and i fell hARD. the whole narrative of the episode- Regina resisting parental abuse until she becomes what she’s always feared to be free!! and that translating into her saying ‘no, this isn’t going to continue to the next generation. even if i lose the only thing that matters to me.’ do u ever stan!!! I DONT KNOW HOW TO LOVE VERY WELL. END ME.
Emma in Firebird: listen. never follow ur idols to ur next fandom or you’ll suddenly realize they actually hate women and then get ‘’’muted’’’ for ‘’’yelling at her too much’’’ but jane espenson did a GOOD with the flashbacks in this one (present day still literal and figurative hell tho!!). The concept of Emma’s jacket as armor isn’t an original one, but the execution was honestly stellar. Emma forging this connection with an older hardened woman who can’t let go of the past either!! emma destroyed and remade into the lady we met on her twenty-eighth birthday. GOD. SHE FINDS HER DAUGHTER. and i gotta say, the vulnerable-tearful-young thing jmo was doing w emma in s5 didn’t work for me in terms of what present day was trying to convey, but it’s a perfect fit for that flashback, i WEPT.
Regina in Quite A Common Fairy: Lana OWNS the cave scene with Tink, god. The depth and breadth of emoTION. The episode and the narrative itself builds it up from episode one! because this regina on the road to redemption but finally giving us a glimpse into the emotional and mental state she was in as the young queen- she has all this rage and she’s SUSTAINED by it, it’s her only real truth and constant and she’s terrified of what might happen if she lets it go for even an instant and chooses hope instead. (Lana’s voice when Regina says she’s afraid that without rage she might just ‘—float away’ is something that has stayed with me for a long, long time.) REGINA PULLING OUT HER HEART TO MAKE A POINT. far from the last time she will, but how affecting!! god!!
Emma and Snow in S1: There are a few moments i’m thinking of (and i’m literally writing this on the treadmill so pls forgive the lack of episode names) and all of them are so stellar, god. The moment when Snow finds Emma living out of her car early on. Snow and Emma sitting at the table at the loft holding hands. Emma lying down next to a crying Snow. Snow yelling at Emma for being so selfish when she tries running off with Henry?? EMMA SHOWING UP AT MARY MARGARET’S DOOR SEARCHING FOR A ~PERSON~ AND MARY MARGARET SILENTLY LETTING HER IN. Snow and Emma work best in S1 in the silences and the fights, where they’re allowed to just care and be family, and I treasure each of those moments as much as they do.
Regina and Zelena in the Kansas: There’s a lot of effort put into this dynamic right near what seemed like the end, playing with how exactly Zelena perceives her happy ending to go- and then Regina strikes it all down by being different, by changing, by being someone Zelena hadn’t believed either of them capable of. And then Regina goes to Zelena’s cell and offers her!! sisterhood!! my god. i instantly fell in love with the dynamic in that moment and i’m forever pressed that the ‘it’s nice to have family in town’ line was cut. because you can tell that regina craves family and craves unmaking this second monster of her mother’s and zelena was going to TAKE that second chance and hey! this seems the perfect time to go off-message and
Belle in Family Business and Heroes and Villains: imma be honest, i like belle just fine in the early seasons but i have zero interest in rumbelle, which means a lot of fast-forwarding through her scenes. But these two scenes were ENCHANTING. Mirror Belle preying on Belle with the truth that she’s afraid to face! Emilie does such a fantastic job conveying so much cruelty in that scene, I was gaping and enthralled and hoping shattered sight was going to work exactly like that (and tbh props to ginny for doing a hella creepy snow at the start of Shattered Sight). And that town line scene!!! What a stunning, evocative scene. Belle reclaiming agency and taking action in such a 100% cold-blooded but necessary way!! that’s my ravenclaw babe!!!
Mulan and Aurora: I was young, and I Believed, and I Believed for a very long time. I am appalled at my naïveté too, don’t worry.
Regina in Enter the Dragon: LOOK it’s not about the leather but it’s a lil about the leather!!! I really appreciate both Regina in the past and present in this one and also how gay it is, and I’m most charmed by lil evil pep talking nugget Regina who just wants you to be the very best villain you can be! It’s such an artful melding of the exuberance of young!Regina and the delight in chaos of eq!Regina and i, for one, am a fan.
Emma (and Henry) in The Stranger/An Apple Red as Blood: my gOD. Okay I think one of the first times I cried while watching this show was in Emma’s desperate, hysterical denial to August about the curse. She’s so clearly hit rock bottom and she’s TERRIFIED of believing and it’s breaking her. SHE DIDNT ASK TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYONES HAPPINESS. SHE DOESNT WANT IT. THAT IS CRAP!!!! i love her!! i love emma swan!!! i do!!!!! and then moving into the end of the next episode when she tells henry she’s leaving and just!! ‘henry! life isn’t a story!’ man this show had some incredible early work. sigh. emma kneeling in front of henry begging him to listen! my god.
Regina in the Cricket Game: so i’m leaving out all my fave sq moments which severely limits the number of regina and emma scenes i can talk about here but the flashbacks in this one SURE ARE SOMETHING. regina has hit rock bottom in this set and you feel it in every moment, in her REGRET THAT I HAVE NOT CAUSED MORE PAIN and frickin stABBING snow and that dark scene with the candle oh god. this is a regina who doesn’t think about looking back anymore but who doesn’t think about looking forward, either, and she’s terrifying. it reminds me a lot of the scene later this season in Welcome to Storybrooke where she takes out snow’s heart and ‘see? i can have everything’ but there are tears sliding down her face. regina in enraged despair is something to behold!!
Henry (and Emma and Regina) in Operation Mongoose: Henry doesn’t often get lengthy times to shine that aren’t about other characters, but he was literally a YA hero in the author’s universe! man! what a kid! and his scenes with bandit Regina are some of my all-time favorites, as is that heartstopping moment when he reaches the top of that tower and flings the door open and Emma KNOWS him. reader, i wept. i wept hard. talk about your earned moments!!!
Emma as Dark Swan: posture! clothing! positioning! voice work! dark swan was a revelation i’m still rightfully bitter about, because she was EVERYTHING in those early episodes. the way she caressed snow’s face in first episode of 5a. the faux-innocent with the calculating eyes on the ship with whats-his-name. every interaction with henry where she was trying to be a PERSON. the way she moved! the way she felt more reptilian than human! i wanted to know everything about her!! (then i did and quit the show lol) honestly some of jmo’s best acting to date, i’m forever in awe.
That Still Small Voice: look, this is an episode about a cricket and it remains one of my favorite quality ouat episodes. Archie sells it best as an adult influenced by his past without quite knowing it, and Archie and Henry make for a really engaging dynamic in here. There is nothing about Archie’s professional behavior that doesn’t make me want to scream but this remains a very, very good episode.
Emma in Sympathy for the De Vil/Lily: okay this is cheating a little because so much of this is also Regina but!! Emma individually shines in this narrative and throughout 4b. From the moment she finds out about what her parents had done, you can watch it slowly draining a part of her?? yes her eyes got redder but there was also this kind of apathy about EVERYTHING. And tbh the Cruella episode is pretty awesome on its own (I love the slow revelation that Cru is the villain, what a stellar execution of a fave trope) but WHEN EMMA KILLS HER. In the exact moment that Cruella says ‘heroes don’t kill’. that’s what pushes emma over the edge!! and then emma ready to kill again the next episode because she feels like she’s sliding into an abyss, i couldn’t BREATHE. emma is incredible when the narrative lets her be angry, and i wanted So Much More. Speaking of which, Emma getting angrier and angrier and almost losing it in The Snow Queen was more of that anger!! i am HUNGRY for it.
Regina and Snow in The Evil Queen: This episode is messy af but damn did my heart skip a beat when a hooded hero saves Regina and tears off her hood and it’s SNOW. This episode does so much of what makes Snow/Regina so fascinating and frustrating, both in the present and the past. Their interactions in the woods moved me! changed me! and Regina had already crossed the point of no return but oh man, oh man, the way they’d almost gotten somewhere for a minute there.
Regina and Henry in Save Henry: A classic, a work of art, and I’ve said so much about it in the past that I’m exhausted just thinking about expressing it all again now. But what a STORY of an evil queen who falls in love with a little boy. What a narrative!! The promo pictures from this episode came out when I was sitting in the hospital for a checkup while I was expecting my daughter, and I was tearing up and the nurses thought it was about the ultrasound. I’M NOT PROUD. This is a love story!!! And it culminates again in A Curious Thing, by the way, which put another ten years on my life, an Epic !
Emma and Henry in New York City Serenade: boy was this a journey, but I was absolutely spellbound omg. This was a love song to a fantasy but it’s a fantasy that never unmakes Emma– she’s afraid of commitment and happiness and everything permanent in her life that isn’t Henry, but she’s still going to take that leap despite herself. It’s a wonderful character study that captures Emma’s essence in a new world, with a new past.
Snow in The Miller’s Daughter: Snow is at her best when the show isn’t painting her with rose-colored glasses and we get to see her darker side, and I don’t think she ever gets quite as dark in the first three seasons as she is when she’s standing there, smiling earnestly at Regina as she tells her that the key to Cora loving Regina is in the poisoned heart she holds. My god. It’s so incredibly cold-blooded and vile, and it’s absolutely the kind of manipulative pragmatism that suits Snow best. I am enthralled and horrified.
Neal and Emma and Henry and Gold in Manhattan: This is one of those really cool scenes where even though I don’t particularly care for half the characters within it, everyone acted the hell out of it and it’s so GOOD. There’s so much tension and you’re holding your breath through the squabbling, and then Henry shows up and you KNOW. You know what’s going to happen and you’re terrified for Emma and it’s so visceral, right up until the instant when Neal demands Henry’s age and Henry shouts ELEVEN and my god, my god. What a reveal. What a scene.
There are more!! so many scenes and moments i’ve loved over the years. Emma and young!Lily! Snowing in Snow Falls! Anna of Arendale!! Snow and Emma in Lost Girl!! Ruby in Red Handed! The David/Emma dragon fight in A Land Without Magic! Regina tearing out that heart in The Doctor and meeting Daniel again?? Regina and her father in hell. all of Hat Trick. i think twenty is a good place to stop, but hoo boy, when this show was good, it was GOOD. alas.
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faceoffdoodles · 7 years
I haven’t been able to watch ANYTHING and I’m so impatient to see who goes home
Although, Ben and Evan don’t look too good and I accidentally came across just PICTURES of them on Twitter, so I can make some conclusions that maayyyybee they were the ones eliminated? 
Who knows, let’s watch!
I did notice the lack of intro before but forgot to overreact to it
Adam is in the thumbnail... interesting
“McKenzie scares me” - Cig, me too, Cig
I really was wondering if someone feared McKenzie sometimes, she can be a little creepy and I like that a lot about her, she’s not just plain voice but she really sets the tone for the episode sometimes
Both teams on bottom last time seem to be struggling
I wonder how logan feels seeing his own makeup on the intro
Her idea that Niko was planying to to marry them was so cute
I actually laughed, fuckiiing love them
Also I like the callback to McKenzie being a minister
“For this challenge you’re going look really....deep....inside” MCKENZIE!! Language!!
does anyone wonder if thats the line she uses in bed? no? sorry
So good and evil challenge, GREAT! Love these
Niko’s hair update: It seems the same height, but a little spread
Cool idea for a challenge, good and evil in one person, let’s go!!
This episode could also double for “every contestant’s backstory” episode
Evan delivers confessionals so stoic and plain it actually sucks some life out of me
I mean they are both in danger of going home today and he’s like “This is the only opportunity of creating a really cool makeup we dont want to be on the bottom this week. I don’t want to go home. No. Not at all”
I think I’ve seen Melissa’s design before, in a horror challenge from season 6 I think
The one with a Teletubbie ring on the head
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Okay, picture the above creature but with some gold color on top, that’s the design they’re gong for and I think it’s a good idea
Stella wants to like, destroy the creature anatomically
Adam’s getting some highlights this episode when I felt he didn’t get a lot last episode, cool!
Was he always this serious tho?
Happy Birthday Tyler Green!!
I love Team Funny’s ideas, Love it! Hope it looks good ebcause I’ll be drawing that
Okay I thought fo sure Team Benevan was going home but Team Sassy don’t look too good today
THey came up with a decent idea
Oooh Team Talent have a really interesting concept
“THAT’S DOOOPE” - Says Emily as she hits a blunt and dabs
Okay no it didn’t
Oh I ahven’t seen Ben this worried
Learn from Nora Ben, she could totally redo herself if she was doubting
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I wake up like this in the morning
I wish people were a little more creative this episode instead of being “One Half Evil, One Half Bad!”
To be fair if I were on time constraints that tight I wouldn’t think out of the box that quick
I love when Westmore walks in and the thing that Team Rage presents is just a mascara on a mannequin
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Logan and Adam seem to be doing the dullest of ideas right now, it looks like a simple warrior
That was savage, they were doubting themselves already and he comes like “WHAT IS THIS?!!”
Mold Drama today??
Who knew sassy ladies were a bit stubborn??
“Tyler come here a little, come chill out with us! what a tiring day huh, it sure wooould be grrreeeeat if someone brought in some CUPCAKES!”
That was so sweet
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You can kindaa see a bit of what everyone put in there, seem like standard happy birthdays and a You Rock!
“From Your Second Family <3″ makes my heart melt though 
It seemd a little bit acted out
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Team Love are wearing matching exercise outfits for all the RUNNING THEY’LL HAVE TO DO IN THE LAB TODAY
I lvoe Keaghlans shining blue outfit today
Keaghlan just made a huge amazing devil voice
Like the deepest “NOO!” you can imagine
“The devil just came out of me”
The episode keeps flashbacking to Team Benevans Long Daddy Legs alien and its hilarious
Team are making really cool hands and fingers everywhere
Mold Drama!!!! 
I think Stella opened it too early, damn
Team Sassy in danger!
“I have no fight left in me” Aw man, first time I’ve seem someone completely give up, it’s sad that it’s Stella
You know what I’ve always appreciated? I love how the show tells us the things the contestants use to make these makeups, I love learning how Niko makes wings
Holy moly Team Funny are doing some seriously creative stuff
Thanks for the church window lifehack, Cig!
She’s moving a mile a minute
TEAM Benevean are really proud of what they’re doing
That’s really important to believe in your makeup
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I’m digging this creature a lot so far
God knows the judges love fancy spiral work
Team Love are also doing really amazing paintjobs
Neville Page hates that stuff
I seriously love Gage, I thinks he thinks the most like me
I’m fully convinced Stella and Jasmine are going home today
All their edit today was downhill and they’re not happy at all
The editors even left us in the dark for it to be revealed in the stage instead of a little sneak peak
Time to take a look now
It looks better than I thought but it looks so, bland and normal, specially compared to the ideas the other teams have, though sometimes that can be for the better. Their makeup has killer paintjob and details though!
The chest piece is preeeety awful though, like, really out of place awful, and it has no color
And it looks silly, yeah, it looks like they didn’t finish painting it.
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Stella: “and maybe we will be safe! I don’t know!”
Neville: *mean face*
I can see all the rage forming on his head, I can hear his words through his teeth, I can see my self looking at those eyes, full of hatred, and pissing my pants like Jason from Season 9 whenever Glenn Hetrick said his name
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The Master of Terrified reactions has come back, everybody!!! Long time I haven’t used you Jason, welcome back!!!
Okay Ben really knows how to pull gold celestial makeup so his angel looks GREAT
I think his devil could have used a little more
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Team Funny’s stone sculpting is GORGEOUS but if I didn’t know what it was about I would be pretty confused
Love it, love at first sight, love IT
It totally nails the challenge and it’s just, magnificent
It’s like something from Season 5
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I like the way it goes from perfect arches to crooked putrid remains,  I love the different colored eyes and the gray pupil, it’s like something mythical. I love mythical ceratures on FaceOff. This is right up my alley!
I hope the judges love it because I do, so much
Logan and Adm’s creation is pretty awful and silly
It looks like it belongs on another challenge
The 80′s wig is pretty out of place there, too
It has some things on the face but it can’t really read that well from afar, I think it’s too skin-colored
The chest piece is cool tho
I’m not sure about the hand coming out of the neck
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TEAM BLUE’S MAKEUP is also pretty great looking, great color sceme and design.
One of the most creative chest pieces for sure, man I really like this makeup as well
I’m not sure who sould be Top Spot at this point
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I really like the ring on the head too, good job, Melissa and Keegs.
Team Rage made something that I presume will be safe, it’s pretty safe looking 
Team LOVE’s makeup has a GREAT color sceme but I think the wings are too high
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Does it fly with her EARS???
Love the paintjob on it though, great, GREAT contrast
The wings are AMAZING too, so
Good on Cat for making the call for the feathers!
Glenn says Team Sassy’s chest piece looks like it was just pasted with glue, it’s true
And I hadn’t noticed but the horns do look too squishy lmao
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Glenn has a point in that the makeups feels very Native American, i had that on the back of my mind but didn’t know exactly what i reminded me of
Thanks Glenn!
The judges LOVE the arch creature, LOVE IT
The judges also LOVE team LOVE’S makeup!! I’m glad!!
Niko and Cat really do make an amazing team together
Did they skip Team Blue’s makeup??? I don’t recall any critiques of it
Team Love and Team Talent on Top 
Team Logam and Team Sassy on bottom, those are my bets
I went back a bit and yep, they skipped Team Blue’s makeup, certainly safe
WOAH This is weird, there are 5 people in the BEst and Worst
It usually is in pairs
I think it’s because Ben and Evan were on danger last week but did alright this week so it was just to recall who is in danger
Their makeup is pretty alright
The judges do like it
Jasmine and Stella are definitely going home, how sad
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God the love angel looks so beautiful from afar
I like this shot of Logan and Adam, hold on
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Like “Yep. We fucked up”
Logan even does an eyebrow disa`ppointment look
Team Talent is so POWERFUL
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I love how sad they look, and I love that they’re gold
Man this was just very beautiful
Oh man I’m not ready for Glenn to bash Stella and Jasmine
It breaks me, it really breaks me
Stella looks very sad, like she’s about to cry
I can’t take this
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However, I’m gonna love seeing Cat and Niko get praised
Go Team So-Sweet-You’re-giving-me-Diabetes!!
And even she says this is the best beauty makeup she’s ever seen on the show, GOD yes!
I like seeing them get praised because  on other places they were so bashed, and I feel like sometimes it went too far. Like Cat had great talent but was put on a horror-themed season (and even then she failed on the most fantastical of challegnes, how ironic) but I liked her, Niko made it all the way to 4th but everyone said it was a fluke and that he got lucky everyone else just did worse than him all the time and that he was just a pretty face, but together they seem really great so far. 
It makes me feel nice, totally rooting for them
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Love Ve Neill’s laugh
And God knows she loves big wings
“Big, Profoundly Strong in regards to his silhouette,  and defying the laws of physics, I’m referring to your hair.” - Ne Veill “No Hair Up There” Page
“How the hell do you do it, man!” - Neville “Bald Mage” Page
I think he always wanted to make this joke since Season 6
I mean even after all these years HE STILL HAS THE SAME HAIRSTYLE
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Poor guy just wants to have hair, 
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I also love this Nevilla Page reactions picture, by the way.
Neville is impressed at the SIZE
I love Neville Page so much
They totally spot the highlight from Glenn
I think Niko and Cat are totally winning this
“His horns looked like SLUGS!” - Ve Neill, made me chuckle
Just the way she said it
Its painfully obvious Jasmine and Stella are going home, no need to hide it
I’m surprised they didn’t mention Team Talent on top
Cat n’ Niko have to win this
Cat finally wins something!!!!! YESSS!!!
It’s sad this is Stella and Jasmine’s second chance, like
Really sad
Too soon
Goodbye, sassy girls
Stella shrugs it off but I know she is very sad
Jasmine has the same facial expression as ever
Tragic second chance
Also I wish Jasmine was focused on more
I feel like I didn’t see her at all
Well I was rooting for her so much since I thought the Gauntlet was a bit unfair ro Jazz but well, she didn’t really show up in here
See ya next time everybody!
And yes, Stella cried
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What. a. great. episode. The first half of building and sculpting went by pretty normal, standard, almost looking like a middle of the road episode but the second half had me stitches, it was so funny and the judges seem to be enjoying themselves more and more and I love that! Neville is letting his comedic side take over, Ve Neill isn’t afraid to express how happy she feels about a makeup and Glenn makes a great stoic to contrast the funnier judges, also the makeups the teams created were astounding! Agree with the top spot, I’m so glad that Team LOVE are finding their ground and the elimination was also very fair, I thought Stella and Jasmine had some serious talent to show everyone else but I think it was the team dyamic of that season what did them in, I think they’re better individually, (Stella more so), but you gotta get with the times.
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PLL 7B, Ep 5: In the Eyes Abides the Heart
Welcome back! It’s been 2 weeks since the last new episode so let me remind you where we last left the liars.  Hanna found out that Pastor Ted, her mom’s ex-fiance, was the father of CeCe aka Charlotte aka Charles.  Pastor Ted also innocently let her know that Charlotte had a childhood friend by the name of Lucas, the genius gaming millionaire and former high school classmate letting Hanna stay in his apartment for free.  Spencer finds out from her dad that Mary Drake killed her twin sister, Ali’s mom Jessica, and tried to frame him for murder by burying the body in the Hastings backyard.  Aria finds out that Sydney is indeed working with AD and is given a choice - play the game and be tortured by AD or join AD and watch her friends be tortured but be safe herself. Hmm...tough choice, I don’t know let me see what would I do...I think I would get a good lawyer and GO TO THE FUCKING POLICE.  What else, what else...oh right..ALI IS PREGNANT WITH EMILY’S BABY.  
Tonight’s episode, we are reminded every commercial break, was directed by Spencer herself, Troian Bellisario - fitting because after this episode I am officially convinced that the “Spencer has an identical twin” theory is real.  This theory goes two ways - either there are two Spencers running around (the more likely theory) OR Spencer really did die of her gun shot wound to the heart and fake Spencer took her place (my preferred ending for how ridiculous it would be).  
At the start of the episode Emily and Ali are wondering what they should do about the baby.  Emily feels angry and violated, the most real feelings I’ve ever heard from any of the liars. 
Aria is hiding out behind a dumpster outside a restaurant holding her phone. When her facetime rings, a creepy face comes up that seriously looks like a Paige and Aria faceswap (from now on known as Paria).  Aria tells Paria that she won’t hurt her friends, and Paria laughs and says she will because Ezra is one document away from going to prison (I still don’t fully understand this, did I miss something here? Is it a document that says he hooked up with Aria in high school because ...we all know.  Or did he plagiarize something at some point? I think we aren’t supposed to know what’s in that, but sorry if I’m wrong about that and leading you astray.)
At the brew, Emily/Ali tell the others that they went to the clinic to get blood tests - It should be noticed here that a simple blood test won’t determine the paternity or maternity of your child, they probably had to do an amniocentesis and Ali should probably be resting now.   They talk about Lucas - Hanna doesnt believe he knows anything.  Emily suggests going through Lucas’ things (something I would’ve done the moment Lucas let me stay in his apartment, even before I found out he was connected to Charlotte).  They assume the loft is full of bugs, but they want to search discretely anyway.   They all leave Aria, who misses a facetime from AD.  
Spencer brings cupcakes to Marco and asks Marco about Archer Dunhill’s finger.  She’s wondering what happened (even though she knows).  He thinks Mary Drake is a possible suspect in Rollins’ death. He asks Spencer if she knew Mary was involved with Archer and she immediately said no.  She reminds him she didn’t know Archer was dead when she asked him to look for Mary.
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Aria comes back to the loft to find Ezra is on the phone with Nicole’s dad.  Nicole’s parents want Ezra to go back to NY.  Ezra leaves to go run errands and Aria’s facetime rings again.  Creepy Paria is mad that Aria sent her to voicemail again.  Paria sounds just like really corny. I’m not even sure how Aria talks to her without laughing.  It seriously looks like Paige in a fun house mirror.   Aria asks what AD is getting out of this and she looks at Aria and says:
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Literally, exactly like that.   Aria tells AD that Hanna and Spencer went looking for Mary Drake and found the place she hid for a few days as well as Charlotte’s father.  AD hangs up.  
Back at Rosewood High, Paige and Emily are talking about Ali’s baby. Paige doesn’t know it’s really Emily’s, she still thinks its Archer, a fact Emily doesn’t correct.  Ali calls and lets Emily know the clinic called - it’s definitely Emily’s baby but it’s not Archer’s sperm.  They don’t know who the father is....yet.  I do have a theory on this, but I’ll save it for later. 
When Spencer gets back to her place, she sees a pillow out of place and an empty wine glass.  At the door sits a wine bottle with a note inside.  It says “Need to talk please, Mary.”
Hanna and Emily are not so subtlely searching through Lucas’ apartment. Hanna asks her what she’s going to do about the baby.   Emily says whatever Ali wants to do, and then changes the subject to the boxes under Lucas’ desk.  It’s a box of comic books.  Hanna muses about how cute her and Caleb’s babies would be (they definitely would be) while they go through the box.  At the back they find a manila envelope and inside is a comic called “Arcturus” by Lucas and Charles.  Hanna and Emily later show Aria the comic.  It’s a comic about a kid geting bullied and his friend turns into a super hero to torture the friends who picked him - it includes a lot of psychological torture.  Aria suggests maybe Lucas is the father of Ali’s baby and Emily says no and takes the comic away.   I’d like to point out here that the one liar missing from this scene is Spencer who’s busy leaving a note in a wine bottle at her door for Mary Drake.  
In their next facetime call, Aria tells Paria about the weird comic book.  She asks if facetime is Lucas, and AD laughs and says would I tell you if I was?  Then says “you’re a good spy Aria, now lets see what kind of thief you are.”  Curious that Paria wants Aria to steal a comic book and the only liar not in the room when the comic book was shown was Spencer..hmmm???
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Let’s return to the show - Emily is drunk at Spencer’s house (you can always count on Spencer to have plenty of wine).  Emily says she keeps thinking about the letter Mary wrote Spencer with all the pain and regret of giving up her child.  Emily doesn’t want to write a letter like that.  Spencer stares at the wine bottle with the note in it as she talks.  
A possibly drunk Emily goes to Ali’s house and tells her that she wants her to have the baby.  She wants a chance to raise the child. Ali, looking concerned and confused, says we don’t even know who the father is.  Emily says we know who the father isnt (but it could still be a psychopath though....)  Emily says she doesnt want AD to win, and Ali is like what? And Emily is like that’s not my only reason and she understands if Ali can’t but she wants her to promise to at least think about it.  Ali says she promises. 
Hanna comes back home and goes to get the comic but realizes it’s missing. She calls Spencer (odd choice) who thinks Lucas is watching them.  As she’s on the phone she notices a new note in the wine bottle.  In it is a key...now the real mystery begins.... How the hell did the key not drop to the bottom of that wine bottle???
At the brew,  Mona shows Hanna that their factory space is on a real estate site and Lucas must’ve put it there.  Hanna stares at it for a few minutes then suddenly remembering that Mona is a genius, she tells Mona that she has to show her something. 
It’s now night time and a sketchy Aria is walking through the halls of Rosewood High with a flashlight , stopping in front of locker 214.  She opens it (it’s empty) then places the envelope with the comic inside.  As she’s leaving she hears a noise in the school and runs back to the locker. When she opens it a black hoodie is now inside.  
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Emily gets drinks with Paige at the Radley, and finally tells her what is going on with her and Ali's baby  Just like all of us watching, Paige can’t get over the fact that Alison is having Emily’s baby.  Paige thinks she should leave town because she doesnt know who she’ll be to Emily if she stays.  Emily tries to beg her to stay and Paige looks at her saying “this is the third time i’ve said goodbye to you, i’m never going to say it again.” They share a last kiss and Paige leaves. 
Hanna brings Mona to Ali’s and shows her Liar’s Lament.  Mona basically makes love to the game.  She says it runs on battery and when she tries to touch the game a knife comes out and she laughs.  She wishes she could’ve built something like this because it’s brilliant and beautiful.  She then takes a lot of pictures of it on her phone.  Something tells me AD won’t like this..but then again AD is too busy facetiming her new bff Aria. 
Spencer uses the key to go to a house I assume is Mary’s? There’s mail all over the floor when she walks in.  She uses her flashlight to scan instead of turning on any lights, as you do in Rosewood. 
When Aria gets back she sees a bag packed by the door and Ezra sitting on the couch.  Ezra tells her that everything is ok but he has to go talk to Nicole’s doctor….in NY becuase her parents asked him to come.  Aria is like..do you think her parents really don’t know how to talk to a doctor?  What happens when we are married? He says he’ll be back in two days and she says i don’t want you to come back, I want you to stay - you dont know what I’ve done for us.  Ezra says what Nicole went through was the worst thing in the world and when she came back everything was different and it’s not fair.  Kind of like that time that Aria was kidnapped and tortured in a dollhouse?  Then she got back and Ezra and her decided to break up. She asks him to stay again but he leaves anyway. 
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Ali is sleeping on her couch when a figure hovers over her.  When she opens her eyes Paige is standing there saying “wake up the door was open you should watch that.”
Spencer sits alone on the couch in the creepy house when she hears a noise at the door.  A flashlight shines in her face and it’s Marco.  He followed her there.  Marco is on to them and says that Spencer seems like she’s the most guilty because she’s so connected to Mary Drake.  He asks her if Spencer knew that Archer was at the bar the same night that they were (last season when they made out at the Radley after Spencer broke up with Caleb) or at least his credit card was - flashback to that time Spencer accidentally pulled out Archer’s credit card to pay for their drinks and signed it with her own name.  Also when he asked that night what she was doing earlier she “jokingly” said “burying a body.” Oops. 
Don’t worry, Paige was not there to murder Ali. She is just there to say goodbye because she is leaving Rosewood. She tells Ali she doesnt want to make it any tougher but she wants to know if Ali loves Emily.  Ali says shes the last person she should ask about love.  Paige says you know Emily loves you but Ali shrugs it off saying she was a terrible person and sometimes she still is.  She doesnt want to tell the truth and Paige tells her to try.  Ali says “ i know how i feel when she looks at me, I’ve never felt that with anyone before. It’s like she sees who you really are. Maybe that’s the scariest part. You look at her, her eyes, and you want to be worth the effort. You want to be the person she sees.”  Paige is smiling bc she knows that Ali loves her. Then she gets up to leave, before she goes she says “Ali, you’re going to have a beautiful baby.”
In her ridiculous over the top Mona way, Mona has mapped out a blue print of the game, showing how it all works.  Mona says whoever made it can’t stop it now - when the game ends, the game dies. Hanna asks if Mona thinks Lucas is involved.  Mona says its not computers, it was “lovingly handmade”.  Hanna asks Mona to help her play the game and win because she’s the only person who isnt afraid of it. Mona says shes not afraid of it because she doesn’t have a game piece on it.   Mona says that someone who plays with people’s lives like this is an addict - something she knows because she once was one.  Hanna looks at her and says, yes but now you can finally beat them.
Ezra is waiting for his flight to NY at the airport.  Now I was just joking when I said the PLL team always takes the express jet to NY but I guess it’s true.  As he’s listening to the flight delay announcements, he turns and sees Spencer talking to someone in the airport.  She notices Ezra and says hello, calling him over. The guy she is with turns around and it’s WREN - with a shaved head!  She cheerily introduces Ezra to Wren as the guy who was “almost her brother in law a few times” and asks Ezra to join them for a drink, he declines and begins to walk away.  She runs to catch him and tells Ezra that Wren used to work at Radley when Charlotte was there so she’s trying to get information.  She asks Ezra if he would mind keeping it a secret that he saw her there.  Hmm...Spencer was just caught by Marco in Mary Drake’s house and now she’s cheerily at the airport with Wren?  Also she wants Ezra to not tell anyone he saw her?  Could this be.....the identical twin???
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Emily finds Ali crying in the bathroom looking distraught. I really thought Ali was about to tell Emily she had a miscarriage but instead she tells her she’s going to keep the baby because she thought about “what it means and what it could mean.” They are going to do it...together. #emison
Ezra returns home from the airport to Aria.  It’s awkward but Aria apologizes for what she said earlier. There’s really no need to apologize here because Ezra is a pedophile and kind of an asshole but whatever Aria is working for AD now so.. Ezra says his flight wasn’t cancelled, he just didn’t get on it.  In her bag Aria’s phone is buzzing but she doesn’t asnwer.  
As real Spencer comes out of the shower she knocks over the wine bottle with a new note in it saying “you brought the police. I understand. Goodbye.”
In the last scene, AD is sitting at an Inspector Gadget style computer editing the facetime photo of Paria.  The voice says over and over again “I warned you, I warned you, I warned you.”  The image then holds up a file with Aria’s name on it and she laughs in such a ridiculous way I can’t help but laugh with at her. 
Overall, I’d say this episode was a little boring. No big reveals, no shocking conclusions - even revealing Wren in the airport was not that dramatic.  I do really believe that identical twin Spencer is A.  AD is still someone’s initials after all....Amelia Drake anyone?  And what about Wren? It would be really easy to switch hospital records and steal someone’s eggs if you had a doctor on your side.  So maybe Wren really did lust after Spencer all these years, then found the next best thing - her identical twin.  Is Wren the father of Emison’s baby?  And where does Melissa fall into all of this? Is she just going to disappear like Judy Winslow?   So many questions, but to be honest I’m not sure I trust I. Marlene King to give us all the answers. 
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