#he engaged with the material
fictionadventurer · 1 year
The best people in the world are the ones who are genuinely interested when you infodump at them.
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vaxxman · 2 months
I have so much brainrot about Medic's wife, specifically the design from the comic doodles that Makani drew, I'm so ready to draw a whole comic about her, man I love hallucinating.
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darlingofdots · 9 months
I love the Temeraire series because at its core it is a record of Will Laurence Being Put In Situations and I do love it when a man is in situations
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myrmica · 2 months
speaking of interpretations i don't like i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the idea that lifesteal characters are somehow different people or lose memories between seasons i hate it so bad
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boyfridged · 9 months
this is only vaguely related to my last ask but it got me thinking again how much i don't like the type of scrutiny that some people engage with when it comes to headcanons. don't get me wrong, there is plenty of headcanons that i despite when they appear in a particular context because they clearly come from a place of total ignorance and sometimes even borderline malice; and there are ways of writing about characters that are very obviously rooted in reactionary attitudes. but i have also seen situations in which people of specific ethnicities were told they were not supposed to hc a character to be said ethnicity because of the classist implications. i have seen people saying that headcanoning a particular character to be trans is too stereotypical and that it makes them "sick." i've seen people annoyed about characters being a particular religion because "there's another character who was said to be that religion before" (shocking and upsetting to some americans especially: religions are real and usually have more than one follower so they don't have to be assigned to a single character per title as their token.) and idk i think we should all pause for a moment and remember that the pieces of identity that people assign their favourite characters are often their own. there are ways to reclaim these cliches too. it's a matter of intention. people often read themselves into their beloved pieces of art. and maybe it does not always create the truest image of the author's intention nor a revolutionary picture of minority rep, but no one claims it does.
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wekillitwithfire · 2 months
its a unique kind of pain when you get really into something with a small fanbase and not much recent fanart, and you find a really cool piece from a really good artist and you just love how they interpret and draw the characters and you're obsessed with it and you can't wait to see what else they have in store, but then you go to their blog and you realize that the drawing was just a one-off 'i watched this show (etc.) recently and thought it was kinda cool" and they're very unlikely to make anything else for it again
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yugiohz · 1 year
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I’d agree with this sentiment if I didn’t know that fandom people love bastardizing character into harmful stereotypes etc like I get the sentiment but nah I’ll happily disagree with a lot of people’s characterization
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the-everqueen · 3 months
aous was...fine, imho, it was fine, but it was fundamentally white, middle-class british and i could accept that but i couldn't forgive it
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collectorcookie · 22 days
*crashing through window* the reason why fifi ends up being the "third wheel" over and over again is for two simple reasons: both his upbringing as a god and the fact that northern twins took him in. His upbringing as a god caused him to always love and be loved from a certain distance, and later on, even when the twins take him in, he keeps that distance, not just because the twins are closer to each other than they are to him, but also because he has a certain sense of pride as a god. He likes watching over people rather than being directly involved, functioning as some sort of "glue" to these relationships. Not only is he certified "eldest daughter" for the twins, but he also does the same thing for oz and arthur, rutile and mitile, etc. Without him, many of these relationships would be either non existent or downright disastrous.
However, the way that he loves makes him feel as though as if he were unlovable, because in his mind, and what the world has told him up until now, to be loved is to have a "one and only" person in your life type of situation. This makes no sense for him, as he is a god, and loving everyone and wishing them happiness makes more sense to him than having that focus be on one person, whether he himself is in that focus or the person that he loves.
This is why murr describes him as "unlovable, but would be an excellent cult head figure". He goes into an existential crisis over this, whether or not the way he loves is wrong, but oz reminds him that it is simply his way of loving and that that is fine, and that objectively, him and arthur wouldn't even be there had it not been for fifi's kindness.
The idea that his role as a "third wheel" is to be made fun of quite frankly pisses me tf off to be honest. The whole "2000 y.o. and still single in his parent's basement" jokes were kinda funny the first time around but eventually it starts feeling like y'all think of relationships in hierarchies and that somehow his contribution to others' relationships is "loser behavior" when it is literally foundational to them.
You guys don't get him like i do 😤
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cosmicsirene · 1 year
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shitty meme for the game i just started playing
i don’t care if there’s better units i’m keeping them in all the time
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invinciblerodent · 4 months
(why is it always the characters whose story centers around themes of reclaiming body autonomy whose appearances get modded to the point that they're.... borderline unrecognizable. like sure, they're a bunch of pixels, they're not people, obviously it doesn't hurt them or anything, but I do admit that it does... leave a bad taste in my mouth.)
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blackmoldmp3 · 4 months
getting the urge to label myself an outsider artist just bc my one teacher at art school who was otherwise rlly cool said yayoi kusama was an outsider artist and i had to be like thats not what that term means. she had an arts education akjhds being institutionalized And an artist doesnt make ur work outsider art even if ur getting weird w it
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homebrew-regret · 5 months
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lunarscaled · 1 year
Kisses them kisses them kisses them kiSSES THEM
-> They had only just set their bags down in the hall leading towards the mirror room for dorm travel when they see Charles already rushing full speed ahead towards them from the opposite end, nearly drifting around the corner he seemed to be in such a rush to greet them before they made it back to Diasomnia. Without other students in the way to impede his progress, Lyric has to prepare themselves to simply not be bowled over by his enthusiasm when he nearly leaps to hug them, caught by Lyric's one free arm as their other grasps the rough concrete surface of a pillar to keep the momentum from pulling them all over sideways. When they said they would be returning a day early from spring break with permission from the Headmage, they had prepared for some level of enthusiasm on Charles' part ( mostly in the form of an anticipated long phonecall which he seemed keen on doing with friends he was far apart from ) but nothing at quite this level. As they understood it---as the technology of it was quite new to them---their home island lacked "cellphone service", a pivotal component for phonecalls. It may have had it at once point, but any infrastructure which allowed such has long since decayed and rusted over after many years of harsh weather without repairs. So, though long stretches of isolation were normal for Lyric, this was likely the first time Charles had been completely unable to contact them for an extended period. Not even a carrier pigeon would have lasted in the frosty, ravenous wastes of The Cold North long enough to deliver and return with a letter.
"H Hello, Charles...!"
-> Meek response as it was they are simply overshadowed by his bright, enthusiastic greeting, a bit anxious and seemingly uncertain by contrast. But their shallow attempts at a calmly pleasant greeting don't last; Charles holds their face in both of his warm palms and lays a fleeting peck of a kiss to their cheek ( which was not uncommon. he was openly affectionate with many people. ) But he bestows on them another, and another, and another; the other cheek, the corner of their temple, the skin just under their eye, their cheek again. Like he thought they'd died and come back or something equally as absurd. And each kiss gets a little closer to where his thumbs rest just outside the corners of their mouth as they try to interject his name to gain his attention between his fawning until he presses a chaste kiss to the corner of their lips just against their cheek, and then finally gives only a brief moment of pause to listen to the silent hallway, and take in Lyric's red muddled face. They stutter out his name again, barely above the sound of their own breathing as the pads of his fingers skirt along their jaw and he leans in again to meet the slight tilt of their head and kiss them, painfully chaste and soft in a way that makes their chest feel like it's going to pop like a balloon. Some anxiety they can't explain gnaws at them.
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"I was only gone a few weeks...!"
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freddythewatchdog · 1 year
Hi, came back again to give you another question! I know there are several Watchdogs on the ship and you might not even meet them at all, but I heard that a guy named Teddy wanted to get a ring for Christmas to propose to his love interest. And I was curious to know if by any chance you and his friends, Pete, saw the whole thing. (I'm simply curious since I heard the whole thing when wandering around the ship and ended up eavesdropping.)
Ah! That's my brother! It was real nice of Lord Hater to send him an engagement ring!
I wasn't there myself but I heard it from Pete. Speaking of... I wonder if Teddy's spoken to any of them since he became a scientist?
...Eh, probably not. Not completely sure if he ever thought of them as his friends. Pete asks about him every once in awhile when we go tap dancing though! (^)
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unproduciblesmackdown · 10 months
also more odds & ends orville info & more not Not orville/phil info as well:
"In Steinkellner’s version of Summer Stock, Jane Falbury (Danielle Wade) and “Pop,” her father (Stephen Lee Anderson), are struggling to hang on to the family farm. Their farm is one of the few in the Connecticut River Valley that hasn’t been absorbed by the Wingates, whose holdings completely surround theirs.
The widow Margaret Wingate (Veanne Cox), whom son Orville (Will Roland) aptly describes as having eyes “as cold as death itself,” plans to absorb the Falbury farm by the simple expedient of having Orville marry Jane. After all the two kids had decided they were engaged in first grade!
Enter the prodigal younger sister Gloria (Arianna Rosario) who has been seduced by the lure of the Great White Way. She returns to the farm bringing along Joe Ross (Corbin Bleu in the Gene Kelly role), the director of the show that will make her a star, its composer Phil Filmore (Gilbert L. Bailey II), and the entire company. She has generously offered the company, which can’t afford rehearsal space in New York, the use of the family farm’s barn. Sister Jane reluctantly agrees to the intrusion with the proviso that the thespians will double as farm hands.
As rehearsals progress, Phil discovers that Orville, a bit of a doormat who has been raised with the understanding that he will never have to work, is a musical wunderkind. He is enlisted to work his magic on the show’s score and begins to blossom.
Widow Wingate takes umbrage with all this and vows to shut the enterprise down. Fortunately, the cold embers in her soul are stirred to renewed life by her encounter with Montgomery Leach (J. Anthony Crane), the has-been ham enlisted to give Ross’s show some cachet, so all might not be lost.
They make this Summer Stock a veritable feast of nostalgia. I was especially taken by the amusing way Steinkellner used Jackie Gleason’s theme song “Always” to further widow Wingate’s plot to get Jane and Orville hitched.
Orville, who has found personal liberation in show biz, is accorded a moment that reminded me of a similar scene in the musical version of The Producers. In a triumphant declaration of his emergence from under his mother’s thumb he exults, “I’m in the theatre! And I love it!” The audience loved it, too.
As director, Feore has elicited some wonderful performances, especially from subsidiary characters. Veanne Cox is splendid as Margaret Wingate as is J. Anthony Crane as Montgomery Leach, the faded matinee idol. Will Roland (Orville) and Gilbert L. Bailey II (Phil) both have wonderful moments and their intense professional friendship is one of the show’s highlights."
INTENSE PROFESSIONAL FRIENDSHIP you say....and also ofc everything about orville and wanting to be a musician and being in the theatre and he loves it sounds so good. i love it
#summer stock#orville wingate#will roland#also i guess they Are ambiently together / ''engaged'' already then lol#very cute really ''decided they were engaged in first grade''...and illustrative of both just kinda having been stuck in life the whole tim#mention of how the gene kelly epic solo tap sequence that i can muse on context for but Does just kinda happen#now does have more context and like. a part in an arc lol. which also gene/joe just doesn't have much of at all in the film; so (an arc)#needless bit at the end as the reviewer is skeptical this show could be on broadway basically b/c it's not ''edgy'' enough#which is then bafflingly & exhaustingly explained w/juxtaposing ''disclaimers'' abt the content in Other shows on broadway#which is bad; irrelevant; bigoted; and also unfair not just to those shows but summer stock lol. and like everything. and everyone.#get tf outta here....talking about like well gee i guess an ontario reviewer like me might enjoy it but in New York....#like it's an nyt critics pick okay cool it. have Only read glowing reviews save the one critic who Didn't like the warm feelgood deal.#which is sure a thing that's possible to experience (though i don't think it makes for a Well Executed; Useful Review to hinge it on that)#but (a) warm feelgood material isn't like. riskier than what you deem Not ''unfashionably'' ''old-fashioned'' there#& (b) like many reviews point out that the feelgoodness Could've fallen flat or short or been too much but it was balanced / well executed#like don't come in here insulting the show with your supposed compliments lmao....Bizarre brushstroke of [ugh you know bway] shows....#which it then gestures broadly at as shows with a ''message''....just tiresome & useless little tangent at the end smhhh#anyways really do love this for orville. was already wondering if he plays that piano we see them dancing with...their adorable meetcute?#i would like to see it....makes it seem even more likely. or who knows if it's orville just reading some music left At that piano#and singing but also composing? arranging? in doing so....harmonizing....etc#i bet it's a delight. he Does get to work on the show....he's truly getting I Don't Dance'd brought into the show/theatre ft. bisexuality#taking votes for whether he's chad or ryan in that situation. the one not already in theatre but also the one attached to the antagonist
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