#he asked clarifying questions!
fictionadventurer · 1 year
The best people in the world are the ones who are genuinely interested when you infodump at them.
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
Would Batman be a cannibal?
The cannibal question is a two parter: in an emergency (say, if they're all trapped on a deserted asteroid in space with no food), would they a) eat somebody else in an emergency, and b) consent to be eaten?
I think, given any alternative, Batman wouldn't do a cannibalism. He'd find another way. He always finds another way, he's Batman. But if the cannibalism was the 'other way' from something worse, he'd have no problem doing it. If cannibalism is the alternative to a loss of life, then he's definitely down. He does whatever it takes but he always does the right thing. He's not squeamish, but honestly you know he's prepared for the deserted asteroid situation and you know he probably wouldn't need to resort to that. He's also obviously down to have his corpse be eaten if it saves a life. However, he does always give due consideration to cannibalism when it could be a practical solution to a problem.
Every single other Batfamily member would be 100% down with absolutely 0 reservations, far less hesitantly than Batman. Tim would be the first to suggest it but Dick would be the first to volunteer to be eaten. Cass is second. Jason is last, but that's because he's convinced his corpse would be icky. The only exceptions are Stephanie, who thinks the entire room is a freak for even having this hypothetical conversation, and Damian, who is a vegetarian.
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buwheal · 2 months
Buwheal, What are you even planning that involves so many angles... ?
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itwasanangryinch · 19 days
10/10 Creepy
10/10 Cinematic
9/10 Characters
4/10 Answers
Spoilers in tags
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tswwwit · 1 year
Do the Other Pines ever figure out that Dipper is the mysterious husband Bill was oh so eager to get back to? If they did, how would they react?
They'll only figure it out if they get more information!
Upon learning said information, they will each take 2d10 psychic damage.
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marriedtobigfoot · 1 year
Its always "Eddie is flagging, he's a sado top" or "Eddie is a sad little virgin man" and never
"Eddie is a sad virgin, but he's snatched enough skin-mags and had enough elicit fantasies that he knows he's into some wild stuff, and he thinks it's absolutely hilarious to flag in Hawkins, where nobody knows what it means. Until one day Steve calls him out on it (Steve visited a gay bar with Robin to be her supportive bestie, and a very helpful drag queen taught him all about flagging) and Eddie finally had to deal with the fact that he's signaling being a sadistic Dom, when the only time hes even touched another man, let alone slapped one around, was in his fantasies."
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warden-melli · 2 months
feel free to not answer this one if you've already answered it, but what do you imagine Melli's voice sounds like? Is there any specific voice actor you have in mind for him?
I’ve touched on this a bit before, but mostly in regards to his singing voice, but I don’t mind talking about it again ˙ᵕ˙
I imagine Melli to be a flexible tenor - Think Adam Lambert, or the vocalist for Patd, or Muse. Something warm yet capable of impressive high notes. I picture him having an operatic quality to his voice and I can see him being a major show off, hitting extreme highs with the goal of impressing anyone listening. The pose in his offical art tends to indicate to me that’s he’s a belter (this art also helped me correctly guess that he was a singer even before it was confirmed in the art book), so I’d love to hear him sing something theatrical or flashy like Queen. In saying that (just like his personality) I could see there being two sides to his singing. Just like we know he is a naturally shy person who covers it up by putting on an overly confident and flashy facade, I could also see him enjoying to sing softer and more folksy/less vocally demanding music, but only in private. Stuff with less of an emphasis on vocal ability and theatrics, and more on melody and emotion, while exploring a lower register. My favourite vocalist in the world is Patrick Stump, and while I picture Melli to have a brighter tone than Patrick, I do see them having similar flexibility in the types of music their voice excels at. Patrick can sing virtually any genre and make it sound incredible, and I think Melli would have a similar gift. I think he’d be extremely aware of how good his vocals are, but would become doubtful and jealous in the presence of another singer with a similar range/style
As for his speaking voice I know how I’d like him sound, but not necessarily who I’d like him to sound like? I think he’d have a lyrical cadence to his speaking voice, with a bit of an upwards inflection, especially on words he wants to emphasise. I picture him speaking in a way/tone that most (correctly) interpret to have a “fake” quality to it. Almost like a customer service voice, as if he’s trying to sell you something. I can see that tone being completely dropped whenever he loses his temper, dropping his voice a bit and flattening his tone to scold or insult somebody, but quickly resuming his higher sing-song tone as soon as the emotion has passed. I imagine greatly that he struggles with tone, and tends to exaggerate a fair bit when he speaks. As a child and when anxious he’s a mumbler, and can speak too softly when not feeling confident
I don’t have a specific voice actor in mind for him both for speaking and singing, and I hope he never has one tbh. I live in terror of him being added to Pokemon Masters and a big part of that is them assigning him a voice actor of any kind
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vincent-frankenstein · 6 months
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menlove · 4 months
send me good vibes that the boomers aren't as heinous at work today as they were yesterday
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dannybobany · 5 months
[Fnaf au thing :)]
TW: potential eyestrain & implied child death
(I don’t think these are necessary but better safe)
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You couldn’t have saved them
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Fastest heroes in the East au- would Gran Torino be proud of the hero that Hawks became?
short answer? It's complicated, because on the one hand, Hawks was a good kid who grew up to be a good adult, and he's not in the industry for fame or material gain. On the other hand, Hawks is everything that All Might is to the Commission, which is to say: he's the pale, tiny imitation of Toshinori, and Gran Torino will always regret not doing more to pull him out.
on matters of Commission-sanctioned murder: Gran Torino can justify killing to save. not an area to criticize Hawks for.
long answer? wc: 1044, and it's in Hawks pov, post-Kamino Ward (I'll say a few days after Torino forbade Toshinori from chasing after Shigaraki.)
Years have passed since Hawks has met with the old man and Yagi. The impromptu lunches and thinly-disguised field trips (training trips, Torino insisted, and Yagi had made such a face that meal, Hawks laughed until his sides hurt) stopped with the conclusion of Torino’s tutelage. If Gran Torino ever made an overture to meet Hawks outside of the HPSC’s contract, Hawks never heard nor saw it.
Honestly speaking, the last Hawks even noticed Gran Torino was a note about his license renewal. There are a few elderly pro-heroes still in the game, but he thinks it’s pretty notable that Gran Torino hasn’t broken a hip or whatever, considering he doesn’t have the security of Yoroi Musha’s armor or the untouchable reputation of Recovery Girl’s career.
Well. Until now.
Hawks doesn’t know how he missed the fact that Yagi was All Might. He doesn’t particularly like that the Commission thought to gloss over Gran Torino’s presence at Kamino Ward either, when they informed him about All for One’s arrest and the multiple hospitalizations.
He smiles his way past the first level of security and ducks past the second, sending his smaller feathers through the hospital’s floorplan to search for Yagi or Torino. His larger feathers still need to grow out after the last mission.
It’s difficult, sifting through the noise of patients and doctors and nurses and technological beeps just to find one person, but Hawks spent long hours as a child playing Torino’s version of hide-and-seek. So the only obstacles in his path are the well-meaning, starry-eyed workers when they catch a glimpse of Hawks wandering their halls.
A finger lifted to his lips and a conspiratorial wink perform wonders in not raising a fuss, at least.
The quiet, even-paced breathing, paired with the familiar low muttering of an old man. As a courtesy, Hawks bumps the feather into the general vicinity of Torino’s face. This earns him a spluttering, “What now?”
Hawks grins. He quickens his approach and finds the door, gives it a brisk rap of his knuckles and lets himself in. And as an afterthought, he starts reeling in the other feathers. (Yagi--All Might--must be somewhere around, but he’s not as talkative as Torino.)
“Torino-sensei, hey,” he says brightly. He shuts the door behind him and leans against the frame.
The room is small and unadorned with any get-well cards or flowers. It’s a lonely cold place, and its only inhabitant is clearly planning an exit. Cane on the bed, already outfitted in a simple button-down and jeans… All the old man needs are his boots, and to unwrap the strips of gauze tied around his head.
“Hawks,” Torino responds in a voice more like gravel than the solid bedrock he remembers. “Been a while.”
“Only a handful of years, really.”
“Long enough. You finally stop wearing Endeavor merch? Todoroki should be lurking around here somewhere; he’s more ready to demand answers from All Might than the Commission.” Torino busies himself with yanking on a pair of beaten-up cowboy boots, the leather scuffed with the years of careless handling, but he manages to give Hawks the side-eye anyway.
“I’m not here for them,” says Hawks, stung.
“Oh. Just to check in on your old teacher?”
“Can you blame me? I saw a clip of you getting punched in the face by All Might.”
Torino scowls. “They got me on video?”
“That’s your concern?” Younger men would have clocked out for the rest of that fight. Though the capture had been pixelated to all hell in addition to being shaky, the size of that yellow blur could have been very few people. Hawks had to double-check the casualty lists before the relief flooded back into him.
“I hate leaving proof for the Commission,” says Torino moodily, and he finishes with the boots and moves on to the bandage. He picks at the clean white edge, trying to loosen it.
“Proof,” Hawks echoes. This earns him another annoying side-eye. “Torino-sensei, why the cold reception of your best student? Or I guess, second-best student. Man, I can’t believe Yagi-nii was actually All Might…”
“The constant pushing of free limited-edition of All Might merch didn’t clue you in?”
“He said he was the secretary!”
The resulting snort barely rebalances the atmosphere between them, but fortunately, it seems like Torino is willing to talk. “Do you want a congratulations? I always knew you were going to make it as a pro-hero. Dealing with your own agency at eighteen though,” he clicks his tongue, “I wouldn’t have advised it.”
“What was Yagi-nii doing at eighteen?”
“Getting his ass kicked.”
Hawks laughs at the succinct deflection. “I believe that. He always looked so horrified when you brought up ‘training.’ You must have gone easy on me.”
“You weren’t even in junior high. I’ve got limits,” says Torino dryly.
“Sure.” The bandages are removed, folded into a neat bundle, and then placed on the thin pillow. Gran Torino levers himself off the bed with a grunt; the cane’s end clacks against the linoleum floor, somehow steady in spite of the lack of a rubber cap. “But you took the job. And don’t tell me it was for the money.”
“Alright, I won’t.”
Clack, clack, clack goes the cane. The distance between them closes, and the difference between their positions widens. His stomach turns over on itself to see Gran Torino shorter, thinner, older. Hawks remembers his teacher’s cape being tall enough to duck under.
When had he crossed that line, the one telling Torino that he was a charge before a student, and a student before an investment of the Commission?
He grins to paper over his discomfort--a Gran Torino lesson more than one of the Commission’s, to smile in spite of everything, not that Gran Torino seemed to practice it. “Are you really gonna give the doctors the slip?”
“Nothing else needs healing.”
“It’ll be easier with an accomplice,” says Hawks, innocent.
Torino eyes him. “Is this for the Commission,” he pronounces deliberately, “or you?”
The grin stays on, but it’s starting to ache. True to his education, Hawks dodges the point-blank question and offers instead, “How long’s it been, Torino-sensei? Can I treat you to some fresh taiyaki?”
“... Alright then, Hawks. Let’s get out of here.”
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trekkele · 4 months
Everytime I see a post about Bruce being a hypocrite, someone says "he lacks so much self-awareness, it's insane"
I can't help but think that's not true. You absolutely can be self-aware while acting hypocritical and Bruce shows this in his internal monologues and sometimes dialouge with other people, like Alfred or Clark, that he knows what he's doing and what effect he's had on other people and then critisezes or defends his actions to himself. He even critizises himself for being a hypocrite lol.
What are your thoughts on this? Is Bruce lacking self-awareness or is he not? Or something in the middle?
Also, there's something of a difference between being self-aware about himself and when it comes to his kids. But I didn't touch on it bc the writers like to make Bruce so OOC around the batkids it's hard to see his actual character. What I mean is the question "does bruce lack self-awareness around his kids because of the writers or because it's an actual core part of his character?"
Oh yeah i agree with you completely. Bruce is very self aware, he knows he acts hypocritical, it just doesnt matter. Also once again some of the things fandom calls hypocritical are just … parenting. Im sorry! But saying ‘no you cant fight crime with a bruised rib’ to your fifteen year old, even if you do fight crime with a bruised rib, isn’t necessarily hypocritical - its parenting. Bruce knows his limits and knows when to push them. He does actually take breaks in comics to heal. But making sure your kid takes proper breaks and doesnt push their limits is just parenting.
Im not sure what you mean by being self aware around his kids specifically tho, but i do agree that Bruce gets written wildly inconsistently around them so its kind of dealers choice i guess?
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 1 year
Are Griffin (albino) and Jonathan (scarred for life) the only ones with white hair?
oh this is the perfect opportunity to inflict Dilf Moreau on tumblr
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corvidexoskeleton · 8 months
Considering that kratos was canonically sleeping around for 10 years prior to the beginning of the series, i think it would be really funny if they make a god of war game from atrues' perspective and one of the minor npc's is some greek person that is very obviously a half sibling of his that was conceived during kratos' decade of slutting it up across greece
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sandersgrey · 1 year
I had a dream that Kit had a friend ://
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theoldandnewfirm · 2 years
I'm not quite sure how it would work but I'd love an AU where all the gaps and inconsistencies in the history of the war for the surface lands are ultimately explained by Merlin being a straight-up liar who played both sides for his own ends.
I think learning that he's truly working for Merlin's glory and not for the greater good could be the setup for a story arc with all kinds of interesting themes: with great power comes great responsibility, learning from the mistakes of your predecessors, figuring out who you want to be instead of who you've been told to be, understanding that history is written by the victors and rarely tells the full story, etc.
Jim could come out of the whole experience with a sense of agency he doesn't really have in Trollhunters because he has the opportunity to decide what he's going to do with his power rather than resigning himself to fulfilling Merlin's narrative. And he presumably gets to fight Merlin at some point, which is a fun bonus.
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