#he gasses me up fr. love that
celestialship · 11 months
8, 14, and 23 for Garrus? (CrypticCupid)
8. what’s your favorite thing to do with s/i?
well, when we’re not fighting for our lives, which…isn’t very often, meg and i like to have our downtime. which usually includes watching a vid film. and i get to hold her and make her feel that everything’s alright, which helps me feel useful. and i just enjoy holding her too
14. if s/i was here right now, what would you tell them?
…that i’m proud of them, and in awe of them. i see the work she puts in everyday, how she fights like hell for everyone even if it puts herself in harm’s way. they’re a damn good commander, and an even better partner. there’s no one else i’d rather be with.
23. be honest — do you easily get jealous?
ah, a little, if we’re being honest. being the galaxy’s greatest war hero, meg has no shortage of admirers. so occasionally, i may make a bit of a point to hold her close or keep my arm around her, so everyone knows they’re all mine.
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 year
"you're easy to be comfortable around and I appreciate you being my friend" music to my fuckin EARS babe
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memento-rory · 23 days
✭ 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐭. 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐚, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐧: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈.
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✭ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the big day has finally arrived. (find james and amelia’s reception playlist here!)
✭ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: the end of st. lucia. :(
✭ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: ~2.9k
✭ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: well. here she is, y’all. the final chapter of st. lucia. i just want to thank y’all for reading and supporting and gassing me tf up over this series. and a HUUUUGE huge thank you to the jschlatt & ted lovers discord members. i literally would never have been able to finish it if it wasn’t for y’all constantly hyping me up. y’all are my best friends, fr. anyway, enough of me being sappy. enjoy! 🩵
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Warm sunlight streams through the gap in the curtains, birds sing their songs in the trees outside, Schlatt’s arms are wrapped around you, and everything finally feels right in the world.
So why do you feel like you’re forgetting something the second your eyes flutter open?
It hits you as you hear someone banging on the door of your hotel room.
“(Y/N)! Are you awake?” Jasper’s voice is muffled as she calls out to you.
Your eyes go wide as you sit up, immediately checking your phone. You have several notifications from everyone in the bridal party asking where the fuck you are. When you check the time, you realize you’re already an hour late to get ready with the rest of the bridesmaids.
“Oh, fuck,” You spit out, jumping up from the bed in a flash to go answer the door.
“What the hell, (Y/N)?” Jasper scowls at you as you swing the door open, hands on her hips, “You were supposed to be in Amelia’s room an hour ago!”
“I know, I know,” You speak in a hushed tone, trying to keep from waking Schlatt, “I overslept. I’m sorry.”
Your attempt to keep from waking Schlatt proves to be futile, because he lets out a loud groan as he stretches, indicating that he has, in fact, woken up.
You watch Jasper’s expression change from annoyed to downright delighted as she pieces everything together. “Oh, I can’t wait to hear all about this later.”
“Pervert!” Schlatt calls from the bed, and Jasper pushes past you to flip Schlatt off with one hand, using her other hand to cover her eyes in case Schlatt is indecent.
“Now, get your cute ass to Amelia’s room before she has a conniption.” Jasper points a finger at you, before smiling and taking off back down the hall to Amelia’s room.
As soon as the door closes behind you, you rush around your room, grabbing everything you could possibly need for the wedding. Dress, shoes, makeup, hair products. Schlatt watches you from the bed with a small smirk on his face.
“I can’t believe I forgot to set my alarm.” You sigh, changing out of your pajamas and into the matching set Amelia got for everyone.
“Well, you were a little preoccupied,” Schlatt shrugs, the smirk on his face growing.
“Oh, I remember. Trust me.” You breathe out a laugh, double checking that you have everything you need before leaning over the bed to kiss Schlatt goodbye.
Schlatt takes your face in both of his hands as he kisses you, not letting go until he’s gotten at least four or five kisses in, despite the fact that you are definitely in a rush. You giggle against his lips before squirming out of his grip.
“See you at the wedding.” You say, giving him one more kiss for good measure, before taking off toward the door.
“Hey!” Schlatt calls out, and you turn around, your eyebrows raised.
Schlatt smiles softly. “Love you, kid.”
You beam right back at him. “Love you too.”
“Oh my God!” Amelia yelps as she opens the door to let you into her room, “I thought you were dead!”
She grabs your arm and yanks you inside, closing the door behind you.
“She was just sleeping…” Jasper explains from her spot on Amelia’s bed, and you watch her eyes twinkle mischievously as she starts to speak again, “…with Schlatt.”
The room goes silent as everyone’s heads turn in your direction.
You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. “…Yeah, I was.”
Everyone erupts with cheers, which turns into laughter as Kass (another friend of yours currently acting as the makeup artist) says, “About fucking time!” despite having no idea what has transpired over the last week.
“I was mad about it at first but…” You smile over at Amelia, “Thank you for Parent Trap-ing us.”
“I just can’t believe it worked.” Amelia snorts, shaking her head, “I really thought y’all were gonna kill each other for a second there.”
“Remind me to thank Ted for being such a gossip, too.”
“Now we just need to find someone for Kelsey!” Jasper teases, leaning across the bed to pinch Kelsey’s cheek.
“Get offa me!” Kelsey grumbles, smacking Jasper’s hand away, “I’m doin’ just fine on my own!”
“Shame,” You click your tongue, smirking over at her, “Charlie’s going to be at the wedding… but if you’re good on your own—”
“I never said that.” Kelsey deadpans, and you dissolve into giggles.
Hours later, everyone is dressed and ready, and you all head to the venue. The bridal party, save for Amelia and James, are ushered to a room to wait for the wedding to begin while Amelia and James do their first look photoshoot before the wedding.
The groomsmen are already waiting in the room, and Schlatt lets out a low whistle as you stride into the room. He stands up from his chair, taking your hand in his and making you twirl for him.
“Goddamn,” Schlatt breathes out, shaking his head in disbelief as his arms snake around your waist, “I am so glad we made up, because seein’ you lookin’ like this would have driven me fuckin’ nuts.”
You grin up at him, feeling your skin heat up under his gaze. You reach up to straighten his tie for him, before smoothing his collar down as you speak. “I was thinking the same thing. You clean up nice, Schlatt.”
Schlatt leans down to kiss your forehead, letting go of your waist to put his arm around your shoulder, holding you close to him.
“This is so weird in, like, the best way.” Ted remarks, gesturing at you and Schlatt together.
“Guess I should thank you for not knowin’ how to keep your mouth shut, huh, buddy?” Schlatt teases, smiling over at Ted.
“Yeah, I probably never would have known if it wasn’t for you.” You tell Ted, before playfully smiling up at Schlatt.
“All in a day’s work.” Ted shrugs, but you can tell he’s glad to have confirmation that he’d made the right choice in telling you. “And I’m sorry again about — well—”
“Totally forgotten, dude,” Schlatt waves his hand, and Ted nods, smiling appreciatively.
“Hope to see some of those moves tonight, though,” Schlatt murmurs in your ear, before pressing a kiss to your temple.
“With Jean mixing drinks tonight, you can count on it.” You giggle. Jean’s always been notorious in your friend group for making their drinks incredibly strong, it’s no wonder Amelia asked them to be the bartender for the reception.
“Mike’s DJing, too,” Jasper mentions, “They’ll give us plenty of chances to shake some ass.”
“I love that Amelia and James hired all their friends for this shindig,” Maple muses.
“Wish I was getting paid.” Schlatt mumbles, and you playfully elbow him in the side.
It’s not long before word gets back to you all that James and Amelia are ready to start, and you all take your positions in the hallway outside the double doors. Bouquets are handed out to all of the bridesmaids, and you hold yours under your arm gently as you do one last look over Amelia, making sure she looks absolutely perfect.
“Last chance to book it.” Schlatt jokes beside you, and Amelia gently hits him with her bouquet.
“You look beautiful.” You tell Amelia, and she grins as the music starts inside the chapel.
The double doors swing open and Maple and Eddy start down the aisle, followed by Kelsey and Natalie, then Jasper and Ted, then, finally, you and Schlatt. Schlatt winks at you as the two of you separate at the altar.
James walks in next, and Schlatt claps him on the shoulder as he takes his place at the altar.
When Amelia walks in, all heads turn to look at her, and James immediately tears up. You find yourself doing the same, just so unbelievably happy for your friends.
“By the power vested in me by GetOrdained.org, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now—” Ethan doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before James pulls Amelia in for a kiss, and everyone cheers.
This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) by Natalie Cole starts playing from the speakers as James and Amelia make their way back down the aisle together, unable to keep from dancing, full of pure joy. Amelia hops onto James’s back, and he runs the rest of the way down the aisle with his tongue out.
When you and Schlatt reconvene in front of the altar, he twirls you around again, before offering his arm to you to take. You loop your arm through his, heading down the aisle with a skip in your step. Everyone follows the two of you out in reverse order, all dancing their way out.
After the wedding comes the photoshoot with the entire wedding party and Amelia and James’s families. Portia — another friend of yours — calls out different groups for photos, snapping candids of everyone else as they all take a moment to gather up.
Schlatt stays close to you, like he can’t bear the thought of you being too far away from him ever again. His hand rests on the small of your back, or he’s got his arm around your shoulder or your waist, or at the very least, you’re standing arm to arm.
Schlatt says something that makes you belly laugh, and you hear the tell tale sound of a camera shutter pointed in your direction. You look over and Portia is already moving to show you the photo.
Portia’s caught you mid-laugh, with Schlatt looking at you like you hung the moon. It’s a little surreal to see, to think that just a few days ago he was looking at you so differently. You can’t believe a silly misunderstanding kept you away from each other for so long, but you don’t want to dwell on that anymore. All of that is in the past, and the future looks bright.
After pictures, finally, is the reception. Silverware clinks against porcelain plates, chatter and laughter fills the air, soft music drifts from the speakers — everyone is having a wonderful time.
You sit at the table for the rest of the wedding party, just eating dinner and catching up with your friends some more, reminiscing on old times. James and Amelia have opted to share their first dinner as a married couple alone in another room, their last private moment before celebrating their marriage with all of their closest family and friends.
You look around the table, smiling softly to yourself. Maple gives Eddy a sip of their cocktail, and his lips pucker at how strong it is. Natalie and Ted speak with hushed voices, heads too close to each other to be considered just friendly, giggling at whatever the other just said. Ethan’s hand is on Jasper’s, gently rubbing his thumb over her wedding ring, no doubt recalling their own wedding with this group. Kelsey stares longingly at a table across the room, quickly turning her head as Charlie notices her staring.
Schlatt nudges you gently. “What are you thinkin’ about?”
You smile over at him, giving a little shrug. “I just love bein’ with you guys, that’s all.”
“Stop, I’ll cry.” Jasper wipes away a fake tear, sniffling.
“Such a fuckin’ sap,” Schlatt teases, pinching your cheek affectionately.
“Yeahhh, whatever,” You playfully roll your eyes. You open your mouth to tease him back but Mike’s voice over the speakers interrupts you.
“Everybody give it up for Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez!”
The doors to the reception hall fly open and James and Amelia rush out, yelling excitedly as everyone claps and hoots and hollers for them. Schlatt whistles loudly beside you.
“If everyone would please direct their attention to the dance floor, our newlyweds are gonna take to the floor for their first dance.”
Love You For A Long Time by Maggie Rogers starts playing and James pulls Amelia close to him, leading her around the dance floor.
You tear up again. You can’t help it.
As soon as the dance ends, James and Amelia share another kiss as everyone applauds. When they pull away from each other, they share a look, before addressing the room.
“LET’S FUCKING PARTY!” They both yell, and Mike immediately gets the party started with their wedding mix.
You grin mischievously at Schlatt, slowly scooting your chair back. “C’mon, Big Guy. Lemme show you some moves.”
Schlatt downs the rest of his whiskey as you grab for his hand, pulling him up out of his seat. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
You lead him out onto the floor, meeting up with the newlyweds in the center. Amelia wraps her arms around your neck, pressing a kiss to your cheek, laughing as James starts busting a move behind her.
The rest of the wedding party joins you, shouting lyrics at the top of their lungs as you all dance like nobody’s watching.
“Alright, my loves, it’s time for the bouquet toss!” Amelia yells into a mic, waving her bouquet high in the air to get everyone’s attention. “Line up, y’all.”
A large group gathers in front of Amelia, all getting ready. You kind of keep your distance — you know this kind of thing can get brutal. Amelia turns around, swinging the bouquet up once, twice, three times before flinging it over her head.
Before anyone has any time to react, the bouquet lands squarely in your hands, shocking everyone. There’s a beat of silence before everyone cheers, and all of your friends are laughing or shaking your shoulders or whining that it should have been them.
You look up and see Schlatt grinning at you, raising his whiskey glass in congratulations and shooting you a wink.
Mike slows things down after that, and Schlatt pulls you close to him as You’re Still The One by Shania Twain starts to play — one hand on the small of your back, the other clasped in yours as you sway on the dance floor. He holds your hand against his chest, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
Schlatt’s smiling down at you, pure adoration on his face. He hums along to the song in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
The two of you dance in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s company, relishing in the fact that you’re even in this position in the first place.
He leans down, capturing your lips in a soft kiss. You can feel him smiling against your mouth.
You’re about to go in for another one when Kelsey runs up to the two of you, out of breath with her eyes wide.
“You’ll never guess who I just found in the supply closet.”
You quirk an eyebrow, eyeing her suspiciously. “Why were you in the supply closet?”
Kelsey’s eyes dart over at Charlie, his hair a mess and his tie crooked, but she waves a dismissive hand. “Not important. Natalie and Ted are in the supply closet.”
“Can no one at this wedding keep it in their pants?” Jasper exclaims as she and Ethan appear next to you and Schlatt.
“I hate to tell ya, but your wedding was just as bad. I found Kass and Swagger hookin’ up in the bathroom at yours.” Schlatt clicks his tongue, holding back a laugh as Jasper’s jaw drops.
“You guys are nasty,” Jasper says, and Ethan only laughs as Jasper whisks him away and back onto the dance floor.
Schlatt shakes his head, and you can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of you at your exasperated friend, giggling into Schlatt’s chest.
A little drunk and fully danced out, you and Schlatt finally return to the hotel, hand in hand, fingers intertwined.
“Your room or mine?” Schlatt asks, as you get back to your rooms.
“Your choice.”
“Yours,” Schlatt says, with a decisive nod. “Your bed’s more comfortable.”
You smile up at him, before digging into your clutch for your room key. As soon as you get the door unlocked, Schlatt’s picking you up bridal style, earning a surprised yelp from you.
“What are you doing?” You laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck as he carries you into the room.
“Practicin’,” Schlatt answers, like it’s obvious, “You caught that bouquet. Means we’re next, doesn’t it?”
You playfully roll your eyes at him, giggling as he sets you down on the bed, settling over you.
Schlatt mentioning a potential marriage has you all kinds of giddy. You had no idea he felt that strongly about you. You pull him down for a kiss, smiling as his lips move from yours to your cheek, and then your nose, and then back to your lips.
“I need you to promise me something.” You say after a moment, looking up at him.
“I’m listening.”
“If I ever, ever say anything that bothers you like that again, you have to tell me.” You tell him, “I don’t want to lose you again over something stupid.”
Schlatt grins down at you.
“You couldn’t even shake me if you tried, toots.”
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← 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 ✭
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thenickgirl · 5 months
BSF!Nick HeadCanons
nick x fem!reader
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disclaimer: this is all fictional, and based on my own conclusions.
warnings: kinda long, very very self-indulgent, pure fluff, swearing.
Nick as your best friend:
⚤ he loves to spend time with you, always asking you to come over and keep him company.
⚤ the two of you are so close and so comfortable with each other that you tell each other everything, the good, bad, and the ugly.
⚤ he’s protective, not overly, but you always know that you’re safe with him. he’s not letting any hate get to you, and if it does he’s always there to comfort you. he doesn’t hesitate to put haters in their place when it comes to you, not caring about any backlash it could cause him.
⚤ you both send tik toks and instagram reels back and forth all day long.
⚤ you share locations with each other, and anytime he checks and sees that you’re somewhere he doesn’t recognize he’s calling you immediately:
“bitch! where the fuck are you???”
“nick, are you fr checking my location again?”
“yes, now take your fast ass home”
⚤ when you’re sick, he’ll come over and help take care of you. attempting (failing) to make you soup, but then decides to just order in from panera. he’ll cuddle up with you while you watch movies or some reality tv show.
⚤ he’s always teasing and making fun of you, you both playfully argue so much that people on the outside think you actually hate each other.
⚤ you’re on the phone with each other for literal hours, whether it’s texting, on a call, or on FaceTime.
⚤ if you’re in college, he’ll make sure you stay on top of your studies. he’ll never let you put off schoolwork just to go hang out with him:
“nick come onnn, i can study when i get back, it’s fine i promise”
“un uhh, nope! you’re not gonna blame me when your ass fails”
“but ni-“
⚤ he loves when you go shopping or thrifting together. he’ll pick out outfits for you to try, and you do the same for him. the both of you hyping each other up when you come out of the dressing rooms.
“yesss girl, you look so amazing in that dress!”
“says you, i love that shirt on you, it’s definitely your color!”
⚤ he’s a big foodie, and so are you. so breakfast and/or lunch dates are a staple in your friendship. he loves going to your favorite restaurant or cafe to just sit and talk about whatever and whoever. sometimes you like to try out new places and add them to your list.
⚤ he’ll send you flowers or candy on valentine’s day because he’s such a sweetheart, and never wants you to feel alone or unloved.
⚤ he’s always gassing you. he never hesitates to call you pretty or gorgeous, saying how much he loves your outfit, your hair, or your new bag. he’s your number one hype man for sure. you of course, are the same way with him never passing up an opportunity to let him know he’s so handsome and the baddest bitch.
⚤ you’re pretty much the ceo of the nick defense team, always on go when it comes to people being disrespectful towards him.
⚤ he’s basically your personal photographer. he loves taking your pictures for you, and you love to brag about his skills. he loves when you take pictures together as well, adding them to his photo dumps, giving very much bff goals.
⚤ since he doesn’t drive he loves riding with you, he even bought a “passenger princess” sticker to put on your glovebox just for shits and giggles. sometimes you guys would just spend the day riding out, blasting music and singing along, snacking on the random goodies you pick up along the way, just simply enjoying each others company.
“bitches be quick but i’m quicker”
“bitches be thick but i’m thicker”
⚤ if you’re in a relationship or get into one, he’ll be very protective over you, yet respectful of your relationship. he’ll make friends with them, and try his best to get along for the sake of your friendship. he’ll even plan group outings so you all can hang out together and get to know each other.
⚤ however, the second you call him in the night crying, he’s ubering over to your house to comfort you. he’ll hug you and wipe your tears, reassuring you that you deserve so much better than them.
“you’re amazing and i love you so much, y/n. you didn’t deserve that, and if you want, we can go egg their car right now”
“you get the eggs, i’ll start the car”
⚤ he doesn’t believe in fighting with friends. any arguments between the two of you wouldn’t last very long, you’ll always end up talking things out and laughing about it later.
⚤ he loves to include in the videos, especially any challenges they do like the baking videos. you always get front seat if you’re ever in the car videos, and he makes sure you get to speak.
⚤ he absolutely loves the bond you have with his brothers, and you would tease him about liking one of them solely to get on his nerves:
“matt has been looking really good lately..”
“y/n i swear to god…”
“what?? i’m just being real”
“i’ll actually kill you both”
“bitch, shutttt up! you love me too much”
“you’re right. now stop talking about matt before i throw the fuck up”
⚤ if the stars happen to align where you and one of his brothers fall in love and actually get together, he’ll be so annoyed at first, not willing to share you. eventually he’ll be okay with it, just happy that you both are happy, as long as you keep the pda out of his line of sight.
⚤ he fucking loves your cooking. he knows better than get in your way by trying to help so he’ll sit at the table and watch you. you don’t mind his company at all while you’re cooking, even letting him taste test which he never refuses. he’s constantly calling or texting to see what’s on your menu:
“please please PLEASE tell me you’re cooking tonight. i cannot eat in n out again”
“well, i guess i am now”
⚤ you always have him, matt, and chris over on Sunday’s. you love giving them the ultimate sunday dinner experience. you make sure you cook more than enough so they have some to take home as well.
⚤ any time one of you sees those cute and fun best friend date activities on tik tok or instagram, you’re instantly texting it to one another, making plans to try it out.
⚤ when you take him out to the club or a just night out with the girlies, he’s having the time of his life. he’s hyping you up while you’re dancing and throwing it in a circle. he’ll capture every second to show to you later cause you’re so gone you won’t remember a thing. the next day he’s asking you to teach him how to twerk like that for the next outing.
⚤ since you have similar music taste, you love going to concerts and festivals together. all in coachella with your matching crop tops and boots, turning heads left and right. you two are literally glued to the hip the whole weekend, holding hands and jumping around, dancing to the beat just loving the experience.
⚤ he absolutely loves sleepovers, and he’ll always be the one to suggest them. he’ll have a space for you in his closet and at his sink because of how often you stay over.
“bro is there a reason you called me 15 times??”
“uh is this the body scrub that you use? i’m gonna get it for my bathroom so you don’t have to keep bringing yours every time”
“nick, you really could’ve just tex-“
“YES OR NO??!”
⚤ whenever you sleep over, you always do your nighttime and morning skin routines together. ‘faerie soirée’ playing softly on the portable speaker while you go through your skincare steps, singing along, and swaying your hips to the beat.
⚤ he is obsessed with the different ways you style your hair. his jaw drops every time you pull up with something new. he was completely gobsmacked when you showed up with a 30 inch bust down after just rocking your natural fro, then two weeks later in some knotless braids down to your knees. he’s always asking your opinion on his next hair color, but you beg him to keep his natural hair for a while longer.
⚤ he always waits to get his nails done with you so you both can match. in the days before your appointments with analysse, he’s sending you different ideas he sees on pinterest for you both to choose from only to ultimately decide to just let analysse freestyle.
⚤ when it comes to his brand, space camp, he’s always giving you the sneak peeks. he’ll let you be the first one to try the newest flavor because he trusts your judgment, and knows that you’ll always be honest with him:
“okay, what about this one? did you like it?”
“friend, i ain’t gone hold you…that shit nasty as fuck”
“well damn bitch, tell me how you really feel. okay, we’ll scrap that one”
⚤ he loves when you come to boston with him to visit his family. mary lou and jimmy absolutely adore you, and so does all his hometown friends nate, mckayla, and chloe.
⚤ the snap streaks between you two go crazy. you’re both constantly snapping each other the most random shit.
⚤ he’s always telling you about the guys he’s crushing on or talking to. he’ll ask you if you think they’re cute or not, and wants advice on what to say to them. if they send him nudes, better believe he’s immediately sending them to you for you both to talk (or laugh) about:
“girl you won’t believe what he just sent me”
“ouuu how big is it?”
“bitch, i’ve seen baby carrots bigger than that”
⚤ on halloween, you guys love to find matching costumes (when he’s not matching with matt and chris) and sometimes the four of you would find costumes to match together.
⚤ on your birthday, don’t be surprised to find yourself plastered all over his story. he’s posting a photo dump of you together with a lil paragraph, going on and on about how amazing his best friend is. you’ll have gifts galore from him, matt, and chris.
⚤ he’s super supportive of whatever you do, helping you in any way you can to achieve whatever it is you need to.
⚤ he’s the perfect best friend and he takes the bond that you have very seriously, never letting anyone or anything jeopardize it.
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🏷️: @muwapsturniolo @mattslolita @guccifrog @luverboychris @freshloveforthefit @matty-bear @sturniolossss @imsosillygoofylol @nickgetsmewetter @mybelovednick @moonk1ss3d @ghostking4m @certifiednatelover @meg-sturniolo
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m1ckeyb3rry · 22 days
Ok I’m just gonna merge and put my response to both responses here so I don’t keep double sending stuff into your inbox LMAO
Tbh from what I’ve seen he’s still a pretty volatile player (maybe he’s got brother trauma too) so your kiyora probably cooks LOL
TRUE I do enjoy the Prince yuki duo…imagine Chris giving him tips on training to help him build up stamina so he doesn’t get as tired and strain his eyes as much I’m crying….pause Chris cameo in yuki oaeu….youre onto something
FS I lowk forgot about kurona for a min (sorry bro) but Reo’s physicality esp after the training with Chris would seriously up the plays that Isagi could make too omg I have to admit I’m mainly in it for the character development though LMAOO like Reo and Isagi becoming besties /hj Id honestly love to see them interact more on good terms because a good chunk of what we’ve seen now is Reo being like “Isagi give me back my loser” I dying with the nagi slander hiori would totally be like “if he can haul his ass out of bed to kick a ball maybe I should start moving too” but LMAOOOO I actually laughed out loud the “your mom” comment is BRUTAL I can totally see it happening like Kaiser crumples on spot gripping his next and Nagi’s just standing like wtf is “your mom” that powerful maybe I should try “deez nuts” next time (imagine he does and Kaiser just stares at him like wtf are you 12) Noel noa and Nagi being the ceos of no thoughts brain empty to the point that they have no other option and it forces a Nagi awakening…
I’m just imagining a mean girl powerpuff trio….i guess by color default Rins buttercup and hiori is bubbles so Nagi’s gotta be blossom LMAO I see the vision though
I can imagine asks being distracting especially since our convo is always so long LMAOO (I live for it though) Mira on that grind…flashbacks to your mention of that one baby Justin Bieber audio (I love how I can remember this but not whether or not I’ve sent in an ask)
OH IM WALKING ALRIGHT let’s go grab coffee while we’re at it I think you’re gonna wanna sit down for this convo…ok but wait this is actually dangerous you can’t just drop this thought into my mind and dip!! Yotd x bllk crossover…hold on….im ngl it has been a bit since I’ve watched but imagine aiku or Otoya as jaeha too…both personality wise and color…
Ok now kiyora notes response response LOL
OFCCC and tbh I figured you’d be on the mark with his character (as usual) LMAOO miraverse just too powerful…
Ok wait I think the street fighter thing fits with him perfectly…like he’s always raring to go with breakdance battles and whatnot so I can lowk see it? He lowk would be a street dancer I feel in bllkverse so not that far off in terms of vibes I feel…we also saw him straight up squaring up with Nagi (soccer wise though) in epinagi LMAO so definitely a relatively combative character
LMFAOOOO that panel is so funny but FR thinking back on epinagi where Karasu insinuates that Kiyoras the weak link of the team and kiyoras like “you wanna go bro??” it all makes sense…makes me more excited for epinagi though I wanna see how they interact mid match!! Maybe Karasu and Otoya really were carrying their team (as expected) I’m also crying because from the clip I saw the HEIGHT DIFFERENCE the top of kiyora head reaches like the middle of Karasu ear they really said “ok time to really show how small he is”
- Karasu anon
HAHA i’m abt to post in the next hour or so i hope so you can see for yourself 🙂‍↕️ also side note i can’t stop using the head nod emoji JFNSKKS
AWW no because chris somehow getting involved and teaming up w aiku too?? he gives very blustery sweet but embarrassing uncle vibes where he def has no clue what’s going on but he’s doing his best…gasses up yuki whenever he sees reader meanwhile aiku is giving yuki tips to pull…absolutely insane combo LMAOAO honestly the best part of the oaeu is how many random combos that i can write about (for example i think the premise of the nagi one is going to be that aiku’s going on a double date and he needs another guy who’s going to make him look good in comparison so he picks nagi who’s like tall/cute/athletic enough to not embarrass aiku but uninterested and weird enough to not steal aiku’s thunder but then he accidentally DOES steal aiku’s thunder so he becomes aiku’s opp 😭 aiku turns into the anti wingman fr meanwhile reo and chigiri are like “nagi likes a woman???” so they’re beefing w aiku as well because they need nagi to touch grass FJDJSJSJ)
EXACTLYYY it would help isagi develop as a player and reo develop as a person >>>> no because hiori is def like hold on if THIS idiot can enjoy himself playing maybeeee it’s not thatttt bad 😩 PLS nagi thinks kaiser is just weak to fortnite insults so he’s like “kaiser do you know what happened to candice” and kaiser is like ? who IS candice ? and nagi’s like “candice nuts fit in your mouth 🤣” kaiser considers ending it because wdym he has the most fuck ass immature teammate ever 😰 also wait imagine wildcard kunigami but with nagi instead of isagi 😭 he’s all emo and traumatized and nagi is just like wow you have big muscles it reminds me of barou 👍 or he’d accidentally bring up how he beat him in the 3v3 and it would make poor kuni spiral 😓 also a nagi + kunigami bm vs rin + shidou pxg feels like such an ultimate second selection get back like they def wouldn’t win because plot but it would be insane!! LMAOOO forget nagi developing a new ego because he’s creative or curious he’s forced to because noel noa is NOT abt to help him in any way shape or form 😟
LMAOOO no i love our convos but sometimes i have to just lock in 😩 HAHA the justin bieber audio is a miraverse staple like that’s literally me writing about sooo many random characters it’s unreal (but very enjoyable!!)
i thought abt otoya for jaeha but i feel like jaeha is more extroverted than otoya (plus ponytail) so i thought reo fit better!! although i can def see the aiku vision especially because jaeha is much older than all of the other dragons…also lowkey kaiser kinda serves soowon (cunty blond) it’s too perfect HAHA i’m just thinking yk 🤭
miraverse always ends up connected to canon even unintentionally 🤫 i do agree considering he likes when people provoke him it just made sense to me to put him in that au!! and yeahhh bro karasu is actually kinda mean to kiyora but honestly that’s just the tabito signature like love him but he is top ten assholes in bllk (he’s just joking around though so it’s okay) HAHA okay wait kiyora and i are almost the same height (he’s 165 cm and i’m 163 cm) so that’s good to know for ah…research purposes…hehe so basically i’d barely even come up to the middle of karasu’s ear 🤗 that checks out though because i knew a guy who was 6’3 (nagi’s height) and i deadass had to actively look up to talk to him it kinda made things awkward though because even hugging was lowkey a gymnastic endeavor 😭 i’m perfectly alright w lime 5’9 that’s still tall to me (also that’s otoya’s height i believe…so basically more proof that miraeita 🔛🔝‼️)
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blondrichclosetwitch · 9 months
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First convo with God 1/14/17
(to cat)
Move your tail
(exhales) It’s 7 am (more exhaling)
 I believe that this is God coming in?  but i’m not sure
( she waits awhile) 
Is that you, God? 
(exhales again) 
Good morning …it feels so strange to say that, because of Judy Blume. 
Did you hear the question in my head just now? 
Are you a he? 
Um, …is my brother suicidal? Is what katie has been tellling me, is it accurate information?
So i can trust katie as my guide. 
You are going *very very very very* vehemently yes. 
That’s what i thought. 
That’s how i feel too. 
That’s why when the death doula said to go to you, i feel that katie is my way to you. 
(emotional) Do you agree? 
I am reaching you through her (crying) because she’s so close to you. 
And i know that. 
Do i need to continue with the death doula? (transmission) 
I need less voices right now. 
What about…..was _____ texting when the accident happened.
“She was on her phone.”
Do you want me to tell John that
Oh God..oh God. you’re saying that so big, you’re saying that so big.(( Breaks down into sobs)
(receiving transmission)
You want me to write it in a letter.
After the court date for this guy.
(shaking) in this letter…you want me to tell John because…his anger will make his..will be bigger than his sadness
“Because he’ll be able to look it up…and prove it. And it will keep him on the earth.”
(She takes a breath and thinks)
Should I tell my mother that I’m doing this? 
Should i tell her that you and i have had this conversation? Should i tell her that (crying again)  he is so sad? 
When is he planning on doing it. When he goes on this trip? 
Ok ok ok
In this letter to explain to him…should i explain about katie and i and the past life? 
And how i was a Holocaust victim
And how i put a plastic bag over my head, rather than let them kill me in a gassing chamber
But that she was the love of my life
(laughing) and that Katie told me this whole story
Will katie be able to help me find ..her past life with him before the 20th? 
And i should put that in there. 
Should i put in the part about dad abusing me as a child? 
And how Katie led me to it? 
And how I need John…to be alive to help me get through it 
And that the whole reason that i started doing tantra was because of losing the baby..and that Dad told me to abort the child because…(breaks down) 
(intense transmission)
Yes, I *need* to put that part in (overwhelmed) 
And i should tell him about thepsychic  opening in September…..
“And the accident”--oh my god this is going to be such a monstrous letter. It’s gonna be, like, the letter of my lifetime…to save my brother’s life. 
Has he already bought a gun?
Does he know…that i have..does he know that i have this connection to katie?
Does he know that i’m able to talk to her?
So basically i’ve got like, 6 days
I’ve got a week…to write it. 
What about Blond & jakk? 
I know what i’ve got to do for John, ….i can do it 
Will he talk to me after he finds the text information? Will he forgive me?
I know he’ll be mad at first
He won’t talk to me right…that’s how he’ll first respond. But then he’ll find the stuff. 
And then he’ll call me?
(stressful sigh) 
Are you *sure* that she was on her phone.
He *will* find the proof?
so(drinks tea) …..
Did she do all those spells on me? 
And Jakk? 
(tense) Does he have a letter waiting for me at lafayette
(long pause) 
And her spells on him….are they working? 
Does he know that she’s still doing spells on him? 
Can i do anything to stop her?
 The same spell again? 
(The spell on New Years Eve was to “set us free”) 
Ok. ok. 
Does her mother know?
 Should i contact her? 
Is her mother *expecting* to hear from me? 
(writes something) 
Is it so he can’t get out of the marriage? Are they still having sex? Does he want to be having sex? 
 (transmission/visual involving Blond in a brunette wig, him calling her Tinka) 
She’s  bringing me into their sexlife??
Is this true? (Starts fucking with her phone,  freaking out typing) “ you cannot let Blond bring me into your sex life. Do not let Blond bring me into anything, do you hear me? KEEP ME OUT.”
(She then writes another message) laurie.. Meet with you….Tinka….confidentially..
(She walks around) I’m going to fucking…(trails off, angry) 
Ok so let’s get back to this with Blond. 
She’ll see it. 
It’s true though. 
Is she gonna be mad that i told him?
So wait are jakk and i actually able to communicate telepathically?
I just did a cord cutting on him! I mean, i guess we could go to the roof today. We don’t have to wait til midnight. Can i just do it in broad daylight? 
Ok. ill do it today. 
I’ll have to have those pictures re-done. 
Hi hi hi my fat tiger (to the cat) 
Not at 5 am. (typing) 
 (end  of tape)
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austronauts · 2 years
i am returning with yet another brainrot episode [dodges booing and tomatoes being thrown] of me annotating mitch youtube content.
this podcast episode with connor was ADORABLE and revealed a side of him that we rarely ever see otherwise SO...it has made my mitch hyperfixation at LEAST 5x worse. I say this so i can warn you to listen at your own peril (i say listen rather than watch bc mitch is like..in 240p the whole time and at certain points looks SO BLURRY he looks like an impressionist painting of a twink. how very renoir of him tbh). 
I also recognize this video is long af (honestly i didnt know mitch knew this many words....very impressed) so i’m time-stamping every part that im annotating...... also this post got so long so i’m sorry. i KNOW i always say this but it’s bc im genuinely always surprised by my own verbose ass.,.,,,,.,,,,.,.,,,,, WHY DO I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY IM JUST LIKE MITCH FR I NEED TO STOP YAPPING (morgan rielly voice: “just never shuts up”) 
1:35: mitch apparently loves oysters? honestly adding this only because it’s so cute when his face scrunches up and he throws his head back to laugh at 2:12 (also why is connor’s water glass so dirty what is HAPPENING)
3:21: mitch marner, self-proclaimed coffee aficionado and BEST coffee maker on the leafs, does not know what a chemex is. the look of blank confusion. i know what you are. a fraud who would rather be drinking capri suns and chocolate milk.
3:45: ok now we understand WHY mitch is always wearing a redbull hat (when he’s not wearing his recent assortment of ridiculous hat acquisitions like that powder blue hat with the HUGE BRIM or the orange prada bucket hat) - redbull just sends mitch HATS ON HATS ON HATS that he’s not even allowed to share as part of his agreement. i am now, in fact, asking redbull to send him EVEN MORE HATS so he’s less tempted to wear those hats he’s been wearing this off-season. redbull should just absolutely bury him in hats until he is no longer even visible. he’s not that big so it really shouldn’t take that many hats!!! that’s what i call a hat trick. that’s what i call cap space [booing from audience intensifies]
7:14: just connor gassing mitch up and then chirping him for looking like a newborn foal when he entered the league (mitch then chirps himself for what he looked like with his shirt off lmao - it always surprises me how self-aware he seems to be and how comfortable he seems to be with himself? genuinely endearing tbh)
9:34: mitch talking about how formative visiting the children’s hospital in london (with christian dvorak) 1-2x a week was for him and the “legacy” he wants to build as a hockey player. like. as a cynical human i understand that this podcast is meant to be a fluff piece that’s beneficial for mitch’s reputation/brand, but as a human human i cannot help but be touched by how sincere mitch is about this. and more importantly, he’s shown it with his actions re: the genuine friendship he had with hayden, who mitch met during these hospital visits. 
11:54: hearing about mitch’s contract issues from mitch’s POV is pretty interesting, and i believe this is the most extensively he’s ever spoken about it? it makes so much sense that mitch’s biggest priority was not wanting to miss training camp and pre-season. and that he had ZERO intention of leaving the leafs. im forever genuinely flabbergasted by that contingent of leafs fans who thinks mitch was the one in the room negotiating with kyle/the leafs and playing games to squeeze every last dollar out of them? like DO THEY KNOW MITCH? THE TWITCH STREAMER? my. brother in christ, this guy does not even know what an encyclopedia is. my brother in christ, this guy called his finnish teammate “finlish.”  ANYWAY, he talks pretty openly about the impact the contract negotiations and pressure had on him mentally
17:40: connor: what is your favorite part of being a toronto maple leaf? mitch: my friends 🥺
19:54: mitch talking about how he just likes to check in “on his guys” and connor pointing out that whenever he gets an assist or a goal in a game, he still gets texts from mitch. WHICH IS. SO SWEET. as someone who is absolutely fucking terrible at keeping in touch with people i am JUST. SORRY TO BE A SAP BUT THATS SO SWEET OF HIM? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!! IM GOING TO EAT HIM!!!!!!
24:45: Mitch talking about how the award he’d want to win the most is the Selke - and given how great Mitch has been this past season offensively AND defensively AND on the PP AND on the PK??? give minch the selke send tweet. 
28:30: when Mitch was drafted by London he was 5′6″ and 125lbs DLKDLKSJA HE WAS fucking TEENSY! please! i 100% could have carried him around in a fanny pack with my wallet and keys and a granola bar and the 3-4 random crumpled receipts from walgreens
30:16: “whenever people ask me what it was like playing with mitchy, i always tell them he has the ability to rubiks’ cube the game.” i LOVE This and i will be using this expression from now on, even though i have never solved a rubik’s cube and never will!
46:20: I would say this is the 2nd really meaty part of this podcast? It’s where Connor and Mitch talk about Mitch’s draft day experience. When Mitch talks about how NERVOUS he was when Toronto went up to draft their 4th pick i started laughing because if you watch the 2015 draft video you can SEE JUST HOW PETRIFIED AND TERRIFIED AND CLOSE TO SHITTING HIMSELF THEN THROWING UP THEN FAINTING AND DISINTEGRATING INTO A PILE OF DRIED UP LEAVES MITCH LOOKS LMAO. like that boy was on the brink of death. also, really interesting details behind Phoenix Coyotes drafting Dylan at third right before Mitch here!
51:47: The 3rd meaty (auston-y :---))))) ) part of this podcast: Mitch talking about THE BABCOCK INCIDENT where babcock made mitch grade his teammates on work ethic. Mitch talks about it with a lot of levity and positivity tbh but hearing mitch even joke and laugh about it makes me sad because it clearly was a really awful experience for him to go through as a rookie. knowing how close mitch was and is to those 3 guys at the bottom - tyler bozak, naz, JVR (his recent italian escapade buddy) - is definitely comforting tho. BOOING BABCOCK FOREVER FOR THIS TBH. like WHAT were you aiming to get out of this and why the hell would you ever put a ROOKIE in this impossible situation?
55:46: THE FINAL MEATY PART OF THIS PODCAST: THE MATT MARTIN SECTION. honestlyyyyY. just watch this part from beginning to end pls because mitch clearly loves and treasures matt SO much and there’s SO much here that will make you want to gnaw gnaw gnaw chew chew chew scream ferally and SUE connor carrick for your upper body injury (heart hurts)... but anyway, a few highlights: 
Mitch calling Marty a protector, a big brother, and “how big of a mentor he was to me” - i WILL CRY!!!!!!! I WILL!!!!! THATS MY FAVE LEAFS SHIP RIGHT THERE 
“He was all for me shooting a puck off his leg or his ass.”  every other time Mitch opens his mouth he says something that makes me go “wait ..what did he say?” and have to re-listen. this is one of those moments
the FUNNIEST story about how connor and matt almost fought when they played for different teams because matt found connor so annoying. i won’t spoil the details but i - i def cackled out loud
“you just felt 2 feet taller with matt around” 🥺🥺🥺 ok that’s fine tHATS FINE 
OH GOD. THE worst part: Mitch talks about how Matt and Syd would always invite him over and make sure Mitch never felt alone his rookie year, and how this experience of feeling included and loved by Matt shaped the kind of teammate/friend Mitch tries to be aka making sure his home and heart are always open to his teammates. I....I’M. Y’ALL. HOLD MY HAND AND STAY WITH ME BECAUSE LIKE - think about the way bogo (esp when his family was away during covid) and justin lived with mitch and how the leafs all clearly love mitch so much and how mitch says he always tries to be the positive energy guy for his team AND I JUST .  LETHAL PSYCHIC DAMAGE SUFFERED FROM THIS PART OF THE PODCAST TBH BRAIN JUST LEAKIN OUT THROUGH MY EARHOLES AS I CRAWL INTO A CORNER. Matt Martin drop your location right now and square up because i will fight you right now for what you’ve done. how DARE you and mitch marner, 2 rich white men i absolutely do not know, make me want to be a better kinder person....i...pretend i do not see it...i pretend i do not feel it.
1:02:58: Yes this podcast is over an hour long and i watched all of it ahahahah1!! haHA! anyway, mitch thanking the frontline workers - very sincere and endearing and mitch-y (aka causing little brain blips of complete confusion - like why did he call the UPS... “ups”? is this a canadian thing? also him thanking the WIFI PEOPLE FJDLKDJLDDSDSSDAKJLDDFLFJFKJLDSJLDKFAJL lmfaofjldjDDKS lmfaofofoofofOFOFO okay)
But seriously the entire podcast is extremely endearing and it’s still the off-season so please do watch the whole thing if you have a chance! then come yell with me about it u know i love to yell 
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
how do u think the boy would be in a party😈😈
SYNOPSIS: blue lock at a party
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, rin, chigiri, naruhaya, niko, nanase, gagamaru, kunigami
WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking and weed (but no one actually takes anything), swearing, mentions of throwing up and food, again pretend they're all friends and go to the same school because it's more fun to think that way. ooc rin maybe? idk i like pretending he's not as miserable as the manga makes him out to be 🤗 he deserves to have fun i think
A/N: no cause this was soooo fun to write tysm anon, i got through this in a flash cause i loved this suggestion sm :') literally one of the most fun requests i've ever gotten eeee!!!!! also this made me miss my irls bye corona can suck my balls fr
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i feel like this would be his first big party aw lol, so he’s kind of nervous LMAO.
gets handed a beer by someone, has his first sip of it ever, and immediately spits it out. mutters “how the hell can anyone drink this?” and “discreetly” pours the rest into a bush.
mainly stays with nagi, chigiri, kunigami, and bachira and they just talk throughout the night
(bachira only sits down and talks after his energy dies down. i'll elaborate on this below the cut).
keeps asking nagi “what song is this?” throughout the night LOL. makes a mental note of what songs to add to his playlists.
slightly nods his head to the music, aw cute. goes a little harder and lip syncs/raps along when he really likes the song, though (i stand by my word when i said he loves “neon guts”)
does accidentally bump into someone, but isagi starts a convo with them after he apologizes, and they hit it off right away 🥰
but, the person left early and isagi, ever the dummy, forgets to ask for their number.
and he's actually so disappointed in himself when he realizes, too 😭
not drunk or anything at all, but boy, the way he’s acting makes it seem like he is.
the self proclaimed “life of the party.”
can be found “dancing,” though i use that word generously because to classify whatever he’s doing as “dancing,” is a stretch, to every song, even if he doesn’t know the words LOL
really likes when throwbacks come on!!!! he does dance to the lyrics and not the beat sometimes, though 😭
but, bachira looks like he’s having so much fun, it’s so cute, he’s definitely been waiting for this moment his whole life 🥰
if you were dancing with him, bachira would 100% take you by the hand and spin you around
also forces gets isagi to dance with him but isagi’s so awkward 😭
bachira also ends up jumping in the pool sometime later that night. yells “cannonball!” and everything, like, okay michael phelps 😭
he doesn’t have extra clothes so reo has to give him some and they're so fucking big on him LOLLL
texts the groupchat “i was sooo crazy last night😂” in the morning LMAOO, okay babe calm down
takes it upon himself to make sure none of his friends die LOL
only drinks water and diet coke 👍
his mom calls in the middle of the party to ask how he's doing and bachira and nagi are doing stupid shit like yelling “pass the weed” and fake moaning 😭
isagi and chigiri tell him to tell her they say hi LOL
really likes when the dj puts on 90s/2000's r&b/hiphop songs (i'll die by my hc that kunigami's an oldies fan)
mostly sways side to side to the music, but he did also dance a little, per request of bachira, and ended up talking to a cute person a for little, too 🤗
offers to help clean up in the morning
at least two drunk girls have mistaken him for their friend, and another four have asked to touch his hair.
tried to use one of reo’s many bathrooms, found a couple making out, outwardly said “gross,” and then left to find another one 😭
nods his head and taps his foot to the music, not much of a dancer.
also a people-watcher, and he points out things he sees are happening to his friends.
“guys, i think misa and her boyfriend are breaking up, look.” leave that poor girl alone bro 😭
finds himself laughing a lot that night because damn! his friends are funny, whether they try to be or not.
not really a party person, but chigiri actually had a lot of fun 🥰
also on the dancefloor! doesn’t really dance, per say, but he jumps up and down and does the fist pump thing 😭 he has the spirit, let's give him that.
drank a lot of soda, so he’s filled with energy. also pees in at least three of reo's bathrooms.
talks to his friends, but also makes new ones! also i feel like he takes a lot of pictures LOL. he needs the finsta content 😭
plays truth or dare, or something like that. ends up having to do some stupid shit like smack raichi’s ass and run away, but naruhaya did make out with the girl next to him, so fair trade, he thinks.
also ends up in the pool, but he’s playing chicken with gagamaru and some other people. does not win a single round, but he had fun 😇
leaves with like four plates of food and one of reo’s decorative towels for some reason???
goes through a bunch of reo's shit 😭 he's not taking anything, but he's just curious LOL
strikes up very, random conversations with a bunch of people out of nowhere, good for him!
weirdly good at darts, very good aim.
although one round, naruhaya accidentally distracted gagamaru and one of darts ended up in reo's wall 💔
“it's fine, he has the money to fix it,” naruhaya shrugs as he walks away from reo's now punctured, wall. so true bestie!
gagamaru somehow ends up giving some drunk stranger some “life-changing” advice. (whether it's good or not is debatable)
they thank gagamaru for changing their life and he never sees them again
irritates the fuck out the dj because nagi keeps asking him to play one specific song over and over again.
it was good the first time, don't wear it out for the rest of us bae 😭
doesn't really dance, just nods his head, maybe raps along a little, too
when he talks to the girls that come up to him, nagi says stuff like “yeah, the host and i go way back, we’re best friends.”
“way back,” my ass, but whatever nagi 🤨
knocks out in one of reo’s guest rooms. someone finds him when they’re trying to look for the bathroom and they draw a mustache and a bunch of other stupid shit on him 😭
tries to leave before reo makes him help clean up in the morning. does not work 👍
dumbass also ended up losing his phone (reo bought him a new one so nagi doesn't really care)
gasses himself up sooo much when he’s trying to hit on girls.
“yeah, i'm about to go D1 after high school, just wait on it,” yeah, okay raichi 🙄
also tries to show them his highlights, bye. babe, i mean this in the nicest possible way but, i do not care, can we just kiss 🙏
i feel like he’s one of those boys who likes to take his shirt off for no reason, so raichi most definitely ends up shirtless at some point of the night 😭
takes pictures with reo’s fancy cars in his garage to flex 💀 gets annoyed when reo says raichi can’t drive them. raichi doesn't even have his license 😑
plays pool and is actually not that bad. does almost accidentally blind isagi with his cue, though.
he's with some girls but, he’s a dummy and he didn’t know his other hoes would be there, so imamura had quite a few drinks spilled on him here and there.
still somehow leaves with like three new girls snaps, four numbers, and a bunch of lipstick stains. not even gonna lie, i respect his game.
actually a really good dancer, and he knows he looks good, too. knows the words to every drake song that comes on, argue with your mom.
lip-syncs the words to you when you dance together and it makes you more flustered than you would think 🙄
the type to pull you close and wraps his arms around your waist or around your neck
actually really fun to talk to. always in the loop with drama and stuff, so he's always got some interesting conversation topics. and he's funny 😭
obviously, the party’s at his house. what’s the point of having a rich teammate if you can’t exploit them for their possessions?
jokes, but reo did offer to throw it at his mansion house in the first place.
actually really likes throwing parties lmao, so he jumped at the opportunity.
posted on his snap, “party at my place su for address‼️” LOL
natural charm + raised with good manners = reo being an amazing host
but, reo does have a little group of girls following him around the entire night 👎
and it irritates the hell out of whoever reo’s trying to talk to because they’re all up on him, making it hard for reo to pay attention 😑
also doesn’t help that he entertains them and flirts back and dances with a couple of them, too
and looks good when he dances, too UGH!!!! he's the type to run his hands up and down your body while he dances with you 😣
i hate this man 👎 /j
practicing. he didn’t come. sike! rin has a social life, too, come on now, y'all 🙄
talked a big game about how he wouldn’t show up then he still came anyways, like rin, what 😭??
super good at cup pong and he knows it. he keeps beating ryusei and if you look closely, rin has something reminiscent of a smirk on his face.
a foot-tapper, not a dancer, which sucks because he’s not even bad at dancing, either 👎
a couple of girls come up to rin to flirt, but rin doesn’t give them the time of day. no response or anything just a little side eye 😭
rin just talks to his friends and that’s it, really.
actually internally glad for the chance to kickback and relax for once, tbh.
but, he refuses to admit he had any semblance of fun. (he did, rin’s just a weenie 😒)
the team forced him to come 😭
niko’s already a homebody and he doesn’t like loud noises or large social scenes, so he wasn’t too jazzed about going somewhere where the both of those things combine.
also he's picky with music so LOL. does like that one remix to the pursuit of happiness, though
he’s a wall-stander, i hate to break it to y’all. just watched everything from a distance and didn't talk to anyone except for isagi and his friends.
bye, if you don’t get off the damn wall and dance (he'd dance with me i'm different 🥰🤗)
keeps opening and closing his phone so he looks busy but that mf is literally just going through the settings app 😭
called his mom to bring him home an hour and a half in 👎
i hate to admit it, but he’s the annoying first year that documents everything on snap bye
he’s just excited to be there but like, there is no reason for his story to be half an hour long.
i'm not watching all of that! sorry that happened to you or good for you 🤗
probably playing games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. is very proud of himself for kissing four people in one night #bigmoves 🥳
stays with his group of friends and they're sooo loud and rowdy LMAOO. #firstyearthings
you can literally hear them laughing over the music, but they're having fun, so it's fine (at least of those kids hits people when they laugh too)
also dances, too! has super good energy and a natural sense of rhythm surprisingly 🥰 also a good hypeman!!!!! honestly, he's just really fun to be around tbh
overall, has a lot of fun, as you can tell by his story 😇
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fibula-rasa · 4 years
12 Christmas Films of a Century Past
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For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to watch somewhere around 50 Christmas and Christmas-adjacent silent films from before 1920 to put together a playlist for you all. So, I hope you enjoy!
I chose these twelve as a representative selection. My general criteria were:
Christmas should be central to the story
The plot should be novel to a modern viewer or something a modern viewer would be surprised to see so early on film
The list on the whole should have a variety of settings and narrative structures
Here’s a direct link to the YouTube playlist if you want to watch them all in one go. (They are all shorter than feature length!)
Two quick presentation notes: 1. Some of the videos have music and some don’t, so you may want to check your volume level. 2. The intertitles for some of these films are not in English, so be sure you have captions turned on for English translations.
See the whole list BELOW THE JUMP!
1. Santa Claus (1898) (UK)
Directed by George Albert Smith
Short and sweet, this film sees children put to bed by their nanny on Christmas Eve and Santa Claus coming down the chimbley to fill their dutifully hung stockings. Director G.A. Smith used his own patented technique of double exposure to show Santa’s arrival without cutting away from the children’s room. Santa Claus might not pack the punch of a Méliès trick film, but it’s a fun novelty and is purportedly the first appearance of Santa Claus on film.
2. The Little Match Seller (1902) (UK)
Directed by James Williamson
This one’s quick but effective adaptation of the Hans Christian Anderson tragedy featuring impressively well-coordinated superimpositions.
3. The Christmas Angel (1904) (FR)
Directed by George Méliès for Star Film Company
The Christmas Angel follows an impoverished girl driven into the city to beg on a snowy winter night. First she’s chased away from a church by more seasoned beggars; then she’s thrown out of a poultry seller and harassed by police. On the verge of falling asleep in the snow, a rag-and-bone man rouses her and offers her help. Later, the girl passes out beside a road but is luckily spotted by a wealthy couple on a car ride. When they learn of her plight, they bring her home along with food and gifts.
Though not as fantastical as some of Méliès’ more famous works, The Christmas Angel is still highly stylized (and stylish) and features special effects that photograph beautifully. It’s also worth noting that the version of the film included here is the American cut. The original French cut, titled Détresse et Charité (Distress and Charity), did not include the sequence with the wealthy couple and instead ends with the girl dying in the snow.
4. The Night Before Christmas (1905) (US)
Directed by Edwin S. Porter for Edison Manufacturing Company
This is the first time the poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas” was put on film. Loosely following the poem, we see Santa Claus prepare for his yearly trek while a middle-class family prepares for his visit. When Santa heads out, we are treated to an extended panning sequence with a fully painted backdrop for a mini Santa and his reindeer to glide across. When Santa arrives at the family home, he chaotically dumps presents and decorations around their living room and makes a large, decorated tree appear out of thin air. (Across many of the movies I watched to put this post together, this seems to be a favored scenario for the jolly fat man around this time–and it’s delightful.) The family then wakes to find their gifts and the film closes with Santa directly wishing us a Merry Christmas.
5. A Little Girl Who Did Not Believe in Santa Claus (1907) (US)
Directed by J. Searle Dawley and Edwin S. Porter for Edison Manufacturing Company
Even at the risk of this list being too Edison heavy, I couldn’t leave this great short out. While walking with his mother, a rich little boy encounters a poor little girl alone in the cold. They take her home to play and warm up. When the boy learns that the girl doesn’t believe in Santa because apparently Santa doesn’t visit poor children, he hatches a scheme. On Christmas Eve, the boy has a stake out near the fireplace and takes Santa hostage, tying him up and holding him at gunpoint. The boy then forces Santa to visit the girl–going so far as shimmying down the chimney himself to let Santa in the front door. When the girl wakes up to a beautifully decorated tree, new toys, and a full stocking, she can finally believe in Santa Claus. While I’m generally not so into stories about supposedly benevolent rich people, I do love the implications this story has on how Santa Claus works and I also find the means with which the boy gets his way hilarious.
6. Il Natale di Cretinetti / Foolshead’s Christmas (1909) (IT)
and Come fu che l’ingordigia rovino il Natale di Cretinetti / How Greediness Spoilt Foolshead’s Christmas (1910)
and Il Natale di Cretinetti (1911)
Directed by Andre Deed for Itala Film
This entry is a three-for, which I hope you’ll excuse, but I couldn’t decide which Cretinetti Christmas to share! Cretinetti, the comedic persona of filmmaker Andre Deed, is an absolute agent of chaos.
In the 1909 film, Cretinetti attempts to bring a tree home for a Christmas party. The destruction escalates wildly, culminating in an entire building falling to pieces.
If you can believe it, the stakes are even higher in the 1910 film, when Cretinetti can’t resist sneaking out of bed on Christmas Eve to snack on the candy decorating the tree. When Santa sees what Cretinetti has done, he chides him and takes him back to his workshop, which is apparently in heaven. Destruction ensues. Cretinetti then proceeds to cause havoc for Saint Peter, annoying god so much that he calls the devil to come get Cretinetti. Cretinetti is then chased to hell where demons try to cook him alive. Thankfully, spoiler alert, it was all a bad dream and he wakes up on Christmas morning with a terrible stomach ache.
The 1911 film returns to localized chaos. Cretinetti has a run-in with a mail carrier and his Christmas packages get mixed up with one of the carrier’s parcels. The parcel contains three bottles of ether which then begin to emit gasses in the middle of the family Christmas party.
I wasn’t familiar with Cretinetti before reviewing films for this list, but I’m definitely going to seek out more of Deed’s movies. Each of these films had well-executed chaotic slapstick; over-the-top in all the right ways.
7. Making Christmas Crackers (1910) (UK)
Produced by Cricks & Martin Films for Clarke, Nickolls, & Coombs Confectionery
To start, if you’re not sure what a Christmas cracker is, it’s a colorfully decorated paper tube that makes a cracking noise as you pull it open. Inside the tube is a paper hat, a joke, and/or a small toy. It’s a traditional part of UK Christmas celebrations.
This short starts as a documentary of the workers at Clarke, Nickolls, & Coombs constructing the crackers. It’s a fun thought that as early as 1910, people were interested in watching how mass-produced consumer goods were made. It’s also fun to see these skilled workers ply their trade so deftly (even though I’m sure wages and working conditions were less than ideal). The film ends with a family celebrating around a Christmas tree topped with a functional giant cracker.
8. A Christmas Carol (1910) (US)
Directed by J. Searle Dawley for Edison Films Manufacturing Company
There are so so so many film adaptations of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol made before 1920 that it was hard to choose which one to include on this list. In the end I chose this 1910 version for its economy of storytelling, fluid use of special effects, and for Marc McDermott’s great performance as Scrooge.
9. Broncho Billy’s Christmas Dinner (1911) (US)
Directed by Gilbert M. Anderson (Broncho Billy) for The Essanay Film Manufacturing Company
Gilbert M. Anderson was an incredibly prolific and popular filmmaker and star of early American film, particularly in his role as Broncho Billy. As was typical for Anderson, he’s pulling triple duty on Broncho Billy’s Christmas Dinner as the star, director, and producer. The film features a simple and heartwarming story.
On Christmas, Billy comes across a young woman in peril as her horses got startled and are now pulling her cart along wildly. Billy manages to wrangle the horses and in gratitude she invites him to Christmas dinner at her parents’ home. Unfortunately, her father happens to be the sheriff. But, all is well, as it turns out that Broncho Billy’s been given a pardon and the sheriff welcomes him to the table gladly.
The enduring appeal of outlaws or criminals getting into the Christmas spirit is fascinating to me and it’s cool to see such an early instance of the story!
10. Le Noel de la princesse / The Little Princess’s XMas Gift (1911) (FR)
Produced by Société Générale des Cinématographes Éclipse
In all honesty, this is the least Christmassy of all the films I included here, but its style and novelty stood out. The sets, costuming, and production design are lush. It might also be one of the weirdest Christmas stories I’ve even encountered.
After Lord Othberg passes away, the conniving Otto plans to assassinate the baby prince in order to inherit the lordship himself. He poisons the baby, but the princess prays for her baby brother to come back to life as her Christmas gift. An angel appears to her and they summon Jesus, who resurrects her baby brother. Of course, they then place the revivified baby in the castle’s nativity scene, to the joy of all but Otto.
11. Ida’s Christmas (1912) (US)
Directed by Van Dyke Brooke for Vitagraph Company of America
With a more classic Christmassy story, Ida’s Christmas tells us of a family who are facing hard times. Ida (played by a very small Dolores Costello) has her eyes on a pricey doll. Meanwhile, her mother seeks out employment with a wealthy family. The matriarch of the wealthy family overhears Ida’s wish and decides to buy the doll for her as a surprise. Later, Ida is distraught to find that the doll has been purchased but comes across a wallet that someone has dropped. She considers taking the money, but chases down the owner instead. The old man gives her some reward money for returning the wallet. Ida rushes to see if she can buy the doll, but has second thoughts when she thinks about how much her family could use the money. She arrives home with the money just in time for a Santa-esque old man to show up bearing packages and an assurance that the wealthy family has work for her father. The film ends with the family celebrating an unexpectedly Merry Christmas.
It’s a sweet story that hits so many beats of what we now consider traditional Christmas tales.
12. Rozhdestvo obitateley lesa / The Insect’s Christmas (1913) (RU)
Directed by Władysław Starewicz for Khanzhonkov
Fair warning, if you thought The Princess’s XMas Gift was odd, you might need to ready yourself for this one. Stop-motion virtuoso Władysław Starewicz (Ladislas Starevich) spins a tale about a tiny ornament of Santa/Ded Moroz coming to life on Christmas and going out into the wild to bring Christmas joy to creatures small and smaller, including a frog and a ladybug. Starewicz’s animation is as impeccable as ever and the short is imaginative and quirky.
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thetulipinacup · 6 years
music i like
it is the only thing i fucking care about anymore. decided this might be a cute little time capsule to show what my interests are*
beyonce: currently spend the majority of my time locked in the bathroom dancing and pretending like im her at coachella. mainly been doing why don’t you love me, green light, formation, and the entirety of everything is love and basically every other song where she gassing up jay (especially BAM) she is my hero and so confident yet vulnerable and owns her sexuality yet she’s still so elegant and everything i wish i was. and the VOCAAAALS SIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE RANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FAV WISHESSSSS SHE COULD
tyler the creator: is also everything i want to be. he absolutely doesn’t give a fuck about what anyone has to say about him, from the bright clothes to the fucking cheetah print hair to the music to coming out like!!!!! can i fucking be you please!!!! and obviously i love his music my favorites are hard to choose but find your wings, keep da o’s, fucking young, see you again, glitter, and so so many fucking more god i love him to death. i’ve seen him live twice, at panorama festival and msg show 2 
frank ocean: one of my favorite human beings who i had the honor and privilege to see live last year who made the best album of the decade (blondeeee) and i love him so much that i forgive him for taking so fucking long to ship my endless cd. forrest gump is my favorite song of all time, i also love pink and white, white, unity, slide on me!!!!!!, and alabama
childish gambino: my most played artist of all time at 242 hours and 42 minutes of playback in total (which i still dont think fully reflects just how much i’ve listened because this app lowkey sketch) also my most played album (bti) and my genuine hero. to be as multi-talented in as many fields of entertainment as he is is a fucking dream and i would love to do that one day. 
other artists that i fucking love but can’t really articulate how much i love them:
vince staples (jump off the roof and party people + his hive and ride out verses are godly and FM! just dropped today and it makes me wanna buy a gun fr)
twenty one pilots (saw them live also glowing eyes, fake you out, lovely and the run and go are iconic)
kendrick lamar (literally everything skjskshkjsk)
p!atd (saw them live too yum girls/girls/boys, far too young to die, fav album will always be vices and virtues)
paramore (hayley williams please sit on me)
brockhampton (defined my entire 2017 i love them to death)
steve lacy!!!!!!!!!!! (dark red my most played song of all time)
kanye (obviously)
travis scott, the internet, anderson paak, EARL SWEATSHIRT, nerd, mild high club amine sza 1975 idk there’s so many great people DANIEL CAESAR tame impala kid cudi lorde kali uchis isaiah rashad rico nasty ravyn lenae cardi b playboi carti idk the list goes way too long and its 12:20 pm im too tired for this shit goodnight 
* i also wanna fuck all of them
finishing this like 3 months later lmao
new people i like
lady gaga (ik she isn't new but i just got into her and i love the fame and donatella and g.u.y and judas)
mac miller (you know why :( 2nd half of cinderella, all of swimming, 100 grandkids, perfect circle / godspeed, red dot music, objects in the mirror [especially this performance], my favorite part, actually just listen to everything he’s ever made)
im boutta see playboi carti on the 30th thats lit asf
now just random one off songs that have defined the last year for me
drip too hard
gyöngyhajú lány
fefe (yikes ik)
my blood
from eden
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lovelikec0caine · 8 years
Say every feeling you got and just blow that shit away 2017 😁
I know it doesn't matter at all, but I figure I say it anyway since I felt it. First of all, you are a dick for no reason and have always been a dick to me. I tolerated it because I felt like that was you on your weak shit and maybe letting you act like a dick to someone like me would boost yours. Fr tho, cuz it always seems like you trying to hurt me to make yourself feel like somebody, but I really dc about that childish shit. Truth is, I didn't get what I wanted from you so I did other shit when we were "together" I was always too much for you. I ended up with my hubby because he can handle me. I married him cuz we click that much n I had his babies because shit is real. I never had none of that with you. So no, I don't think about your sex.. it's actually the last thing I wanna do. Humble yourself love, there's bigger n better niggas out here n trust me I'm fine lol which is why I never hit u on no fuck shit. There are times when I wanted a friend, so I call. I liked you as a person once upon a time so I just be looking for that connection we used to have. To me, we were kinda soulmates as far as liking and understanding the same type of shit. Not the type that end up together but the type that just connect every time they're together. Those type of relationships have become more important to me recently so like I said, I call. But u lol, Idk what bitch gassed u. But it's not that serious 😂😂😂 U ain't shit my nigga to be having your head all swole and I told u that shit before. That shit u be kicking to me all the time like all I was, was sex. Yea ok. U spent a lot of wasted time trying to get to know me and understand me and even "loving me" if all I was, was sex. Anyway, I obviously was offended and I feel like u fake for that but whatever. You won't hear from me no more, it's a new year, I'm mad I even brought u into my new year but whatever, this had to be said and now your chapter in my life no matter how little, is officially closed. You're blocked so there's no reason to respond. God bless u and may all your dreams come true. 💋
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