#he got in trouble and became his younger brothers responsibility. an oldest siblings worst nightmare.
lynxalon · 5 months
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mittcnsblight · 3 years
What owl house headcannons do you have for amity and her family
Hmm... Honestly, I think I put a little bit of thought into it. 
My headcanons for the Blight Fam.
Blight Parents 
1. First off. The parents are very recluse and proper and decide themselves when to give affection only if it is earned in their eyes. 
2. The parents look down on any magic families who have not proven themselves worthy to do so. Ex. Willow’s family who may only have each other and good family values and not much in terms of wealth.
3. Mr. Blight and Mrs. Blight are both very difficult and take a lot of convincing to allow their children any kind of fun. They sign their children up for things that will make them appear very valuable to the publics eyes. 
The Twins
1. Edric and Emira typically spend a lot of time together because they are close, had to fend with each other together when their parents began to care even more about status when they got older.
2. Edric & Emira are both gay and they will not tell their parents, but they will happily flaunt it when they are with their friend groups or peers. They only need to pretend when their parents are present
3. Edric is the one who helps Emira with her eyeliner in the morning. Boy just has an eye for perfection. 
4. Emira is the eldest twin and even though Edric is the middle child of the family at least, he believes he’s not the baby that would be a nightmare. He prefers to prank his father with his sister whenever possible they get in trouble from time to time, but nothing too severe.
5. As the oldest children they have a reputation to uphold. They don’t always enjoy having to be in matching outfits longing for individuality, but what are they going to do? They are not old enough, or brave enough to stand up to their parents. They do get away with things more than Amity because Amity is the scapegoat of the family. 
6. Although, Emira and Edric tease, mess, and bully Amity who get carried away with their pranks, after nearly killing her and Luz with their Library pranked creation from their doodles. They were horrified that they had put her in real danger and more so then ever have been extra protective and nice towards her because they care! 
7. Emira is closer with Amity a little bit more than Edric is on the sister scale of things. It is because they are both girls and understand one another so Emira has had many talks with Amity as a result. Their opposite personalities do put them at a bit of a crossroads though Emira is responsible for both Amity and Edric, but will prefer to pick on them every chance she gets.
8. Edric is very protective of his sisters, especially his baby sister they have an interesting bond where he does stupid shit and she bails him out with her smarts. They can joke around a little bit more when they feel like it’s necessary with things only the younger siblings will get. 
9. Since Amity was a toddler Emira has learned that scratching her pointy ears is a very effective tickle-spot for her. When they were younger Amity did try to be more older siblings or parents to the twins by telling them what to do. They would have none of that! So the twins will gang up on Amity show her how strong they are just to put her in her place when she’s being unbearably stubborn and oh so full of herself.  
10. When Amity was a baby leading into a younger child the twins spent a lot of time with her they normally do the typical siblings things. However, if they had to go outside she was always prompted to hold their hands so she would not go missing, wander off and get kidnapped, or fall and get hurt. 
As the older children Em & Ed are very serious about this rule and will now do it sometimes to this day even when she’s fourteen absent-mindedly. Now she can walk on her own, but who still knows what could happen?   
Amity as the youngest
1. Amity has always worked hard to achieve her goal her parents set high standards for her and she does her best to fulfill them to get even the slightest bit of acknowledgement sometimes that means pulling all nighters and not sleeping for three days. This can leave her siblings distraught so they will do everything within their power to lull her to sleep.
2. Amity does not care all too much that Em is the oldest. To this day she will still try to boss her brother and sister around and it’s even much more prominent since she became a teenager. She does do her best to stay out of their way though when she wants to be doing her own thing.
3. Amity only wishes for her parents to be proud of her and when they don’t notice her she cries. A lot. Often making herself sick with worry. 
4. She has told no one about her crush on Luz, but she has a really bad feeling her brother and sister know.  
5. It’s not easy for her being the youngest in a rich, well-known family that title follows her all the way to school and the upperclassmen in the twin’s class know due to their relentless teasing. 
There are times Viney will tell her when showering for the sports to not forget to “wash behind her ears.” because that’s what her mom tells her and her family to do. Then Emira shows up and starts making a big deal about it insisting she will keep her “baby’ sister clean then roll up a towel in the locker room.  
6. Amity hates the fact that Edric likes bats and she would rather not have to witness him going out trying to find countless pets to bring home. She is usually the one who has to wrangle them up. If Em finds out they’re both dead! 
7. Amity will stutter her voice around Luz when she is near so the twins try to give her pep-talks and watch anxiously for her to make her move on their fun human friend. They think she should tell her when she is ready too, but they’re also begging her to not freak out crushes are normal.
8. If Amity has a nightmare when she was younger she would crawl into her sister or brother’s bed when she had a nightmare, but nowadays that’s changed. Now it’s her brother and sister she has to keep out of her bed because they worry about her when they hear her crying. Em can make a backhanded snarky comment like: “Oh by the way Since you’re up...” 
9. They bring out the worst in Amity and sometimes Amity brings out the good in them too. All the things that Luz is with her personality some her siblings can be too. In yet, she likes Luz better they just don’t get it. Amity is asked by many to stay away from her siblings or be just like them. There are so many mixed messages which one should she listen to? The Twins get angry when people tell them they are bad influences on Amity because they only believe they are teaching her how to have fun. When Amity has her own idea of fun and people who believe she is to back her up. 
10. In a lot of ways all Blight siblings think the other one is lame because of their conflicting personalities it’s hard for them to bond and share interests.  Vice versa all of them feel like one would be better off without the other... But then, they wouldn’t all have the courage and stand up to their parents if they all did not stay together. They’re all the family they need right now. 
Sorry this is so long, but I hope it will suffice. 
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uchu-the-angel · 4 years
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Hi everyone I just finished my new OC and after Little Nightmares 2 I decided that Mono should have a family before meeting Six and being trapped in the single tower so meet his younger sister Nil. [warning this character is a cross over to Little Nightmares 1-2, 9, and Bloody Bunny: The First Blood. And that some information on my drawing is not finished because there’s no room. If you don’t like it that’s okay just no hate comments please]
Name: Nil (Undead)
Age: (Unknown time) four, (Little Nightmares 2) five, (3 years after Little Nightmares) eight.
Biological Family: Old sister Duet (Deceased), Older Brother Mono (Alive), Oldest Brother Infinity (Fate Unknown).
Step Family: Dad 9 (Alive), Mom 7 (Alive), Old Sister 4 (Alive), Old Brother (Alive) [just a info 3 and 4 are twins], Grandpas 1 and 2 (Deceased), Uncles 5 and 6 (Deceased), older brother 8 (Deceased).[1-9 are mostly stitchpunk]
Friends: Six (Alive), Seven/The Runaway Kid (Possessed) [go look @LazyArtist13 on Instagram or @artisticlazy15-ln you would know what I mean], Bloody Bunny (Possessed) [another info in Bloody Bunny: The First Blood all dolls are possessed], Mumu (possessed and Alive),
Important: Dark Rabbit (Possessed, Alive, and may not just be her friend).
Other: Master Sloth (Possessed, Alive, and Nil’s teacher).
Personality: when she was four years old she had always been afraid of the unknown but a happy child until the incident, at five years old she is more worried about losing her family again has survivors guilt/survivors disorder after the incident and became muted [also in a different a incident], at the of eight years old she acts more like Mono and 9 in a way how ever she more of saving and protecting everyone also still muted however in her dreams she can talk but only in her dreams.
Abilities: Just like Mono [it’s a family thing] she can teleport through with/without the TVs (thought she glitches every time she use the TVs and takes her energy away the more she use the TVs the more Glitches and less energy she get so she chose without), can build things, make weapons appear and disappear out of thin air, can see and feel aura, see soul of different poison, see and talk to the dead, most importantly she is born with out a heart (not the spirit though it the fleshy part) which means she can’t feel pain or die [Don’t worry she has a soul well actually two souls].
Infinity: Nil and Infinity have a pretty close relationship as they would sleep and play together a bond that would never be broken until infinity was taken away which lead to her having survivors disorder.
Mono: Nil and Mono had your standard sibling relationship but Mono is a overprotective brother just like Infinity but when Mono went missing Nil fears the worst.
Duet: Nil and Duet relationship is interesting as Duet would act like the motherly tip for Nil all the time Duel died falling off a broken bridge.
9: Nil’s step dad and legal Guardian is a brave and respectful leader even though Nil didn’t want to give 9 more responsibilities 9 always let Nil know that he still cares and loves her no matter what.
7: 7 and Nils relationship is mostly how a daughter and mother should act however 7 is mostly overprotective of Nil especially when Nil walks off alone.
3 & 4: you may guess how two twin stitchpunk with flashy light eyes to communicate and are muted with a human girl child with survivors disorder you may think their relationship is bad. Actually no in-fact after some time Nil she got used to having lights in her eyes before they used project to communicate with her now she can understand them with out pictures.
1: for 1 Nil is a waste believe that human children’s are a waste of time and energy even when she’s watching him but after time he found out about Nil’s past and that her family had fallen apart one by one 1 felt bad for her knowing it was not her fault.
2: 2 for the most part is like a teacher for Nil but unlike some people that hates learning new things Nil is the opposite she loves to learn new things and knows how to build things, Nil’s first on she built is her lantern which 2 is impress.
5 & 6: 5 is the one who taught Nil how to take care of an injured will 6 taught her about alchemist.[I don’t know how their relationship goes].
8: yes this tough guy has a soft spot for Nil no matter how heard 8 tries he ends up caring for her even at night 8 protected her from nightmares like a knight in shining armor.
Six: Six and Nil is more like a ‘friend and enemy’ after hearing that Six left Mono at the Single Tower but couldn’t do anything about at least Six gives Nil food that’s a plus.
Seven: well when they first met its more of Seven should not sneak into Nil and Nil only scratched Seven’s neck but they do make things okay even if Seven is protecting Six.
Bloody Bunny: Bloody Bunny just like 7 is overprotective of Nil according to Bloody Bunny Nil reminded of her little sister Mumu even after founding Mumu she still overprotective.
Mumu: this has to be the double the fun, the trouble, and the cutest they almost had everything in common despite their past being different they always have their backs.
Master Sloth: a teacher that taught Nil how to fight and taught her how to control her abilities Nil loves to hear Master Sloth’s stories and welling to listen.
Dark Rabbit: as you may guess Nil did find Dark Rabbit and things didn’t go as well as Dark Rabbit tried to attack Nil but she dodgers them all the time but after the encounter Dark Rabbit started to have feelings for Nil [not live a boyfriend girlfriend will you come out to date thing] as if he know Nil and wanted to protect her from danger even if their first encounter was not good at least Dark Rabbit is making up to her and even heard about Nil’s past and she has Survivor disorder even about her oldest brother Infinity had disappeared he thought of it over and over again almost Infinity and himself are identical he thought maybe his is Nil’s oldest brother ever if Dark Rabbit has to stay in the shadows.
Backstory: Nil was a cheerful and kind girl when she was four years old, she never know about her parents, she has a close relationship to her old siblings Mono and Duet but not as close as her oldest brother infinity, she thought that her life will never change. Until one day a fire started since Mono and Duet are in different buildings except for infinity she had no idea what is going on [basically it’s a reference to the Little Nightmares Comic] the doors were locked and the windows are boarded up she thought they would die in a painful death but the sprinklers were on the fire had stopped but the nightmare did not as children’s one by one were taken away infinity took Nil’s hand and ran away from the place they were been and had injured himself in the process and found a window that was not boarded, Mono and Duet were out side waiting for them however infinity was grabbed and with one last glance to his younger sister before throwing Nil out the window. Nil cried and scream but she couldn’t do anything as her remanded family ran as far away as they could. A year has pasted and Nil became a different girl they had found a new place to call home but after the incident Nil blamed herself for the death of Infinity even though it was not confirmed given her survivors disorder when ever one of her family leaves she believes that they would die after stepping outside and she would not stop them and would have a lot of nightmares even night one day Mono hadn’t returned so her and Duet started to look for him but a creature clawed at Nil’s neck so deep that it even broke her voice box making her muted. As time went on they came to the place called the nothingness which in-fact no one is around but that doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous because when they are almost at the other side of a broken bridge they almost feel about Duet died falling will save Nil just as before she lost another of her family and it was all her fault even though she didn’t do anything. Nil kept moving forward but a machine with a needle stab her and took half of her soul away and was half dead when 9 and 7 gave parts of their souls [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 have the same soul but with different personality] given her the ability to see ghosts and her right eye change to Emerald after. When they got to Duet there was no hope for her but Nil wanted to have her sister with her took Duet’s scarf as if she was on her shoulder during her journey with her new family she found Mono’s mask and put it on she was not longer scared and moved on. Three years past and Nil is now eight years old and she’s willing to bring her new and old family back together.
I know there should be more to her story but I might think of putting her in a comic or animation if I am willing to do so
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
A belated Halloween - Batsis (reader) x Batfam
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Prompt 8 : Came to investigate someone screaming next door.
Well, here it is, 25 days late, a story for Halloween haha. Hum. Yeah. Anyway, some Batsis stuffs because I’ve had requests to have more of her around here :-). So...Yay for some siblings bonding around a horror film and acting like they’re not scared ! Boom, hope you’ll like it :
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Your father is the first one that noticed, on the 25th of november, that this year, it didn’t happen...and the fact that none of you realized it broke his heart.
He had to do something about it.
As far as he could remember, it’s the first time, since this little tradition of yours started, that you guys skipped it ! Without even knowing !
Yes, he had to do something about it. Because in a way, it was his fault.
It all started when you were six. Dick was about fourteen, Jason eleven, and Tim nine. Damian wasn’t around yet.
It was a complete accident really.
Halloween was always the busiest night for Batman. 
It seemed that all the freaks in Gotham came out at that time of the year. 
It was so bad, that more often than not, and though it killed him to do so, the great Batman would have to ask Superman or Wonder Woman for help. 
Sometimes both.
Halloween was always the busiest night for Batman and...He always forbid any of his children to go out with him on that day. 
Dick and Jason were already accomplished Robins by that time, and Tim was almost ready. You were too young for your father to let you out at all, too young to be a vigilante yet (your dad thought he should give you a few more years, your mom, Catwoman, thought so too...at least to fight off crime, because she already took you on a few...hum, “robberies”. Needless to say, your father didn't know. You and your mom were great at keeping secrets).
So each Halloween, you and your brothers would stay at home (no kids could trick or treat in Gotham...) and would just eat tons of candies previously bought by Alfred. Your beloved butler, that you came to see as your grandfather, would hide candies all around the mansion to give you a semblance of actual Halloween, and it would always be so fun ! 
But this year, fate had decided otherwise. 
The year you were six, Halloween was a particularly rough night for Gotham, and Alfred was too busy helping your father by monitoring the Batcomputer to really take care of you guys, to keep an eye on what was going on.
Fortunately, he trusted Dick and Jason, who were rather mature boys, to take care of you and Tim. Besides, he tested both of them before, to make sure they were ready to take care of their younger siblings. They were responsible and mature enough for it. And you and Tim were calm and behaved children anyway. 
Alfred trusted Dick especially and, oh it was a mistake...Because contrary to popular belief, contrary to what your father and Al’ thought, the “horror movie night” was your oldest brother’s idea, not Jason’s. 
It was around 9pm, you guys had found all the candies already, and it was suppose to be yours and Tim’s bedtime (in the Wayne household, when you reach the age of ten, you can stay up a bit longer). 
But Dick, being the best brother in the World, just couldn’t tell you guys to go to bed while there was still so much you could all do ! 
Well of course right now, you guys were all in the living room, splayed on couches and armchairs, not really knowing what to do with yourselves. 
Tim proposed to play video games, but that was ruled out by Jason who pointed out it always ended up in all of you being way too excited, which would lead to you guys misbehaving and such, and Alfred was counting on him and Dick to make sure such things wouldn’t happen. Tim pouted for a few minutes but he got over it pretty fast because...yeah, fair point. 
You wanted to play hide and seek but...knowing both your father and Alfred weren’t in the actual house freaked you out too much (what if there were monsters ?! BIG ONES ?!), and you vetoed that out yourself (making your brothers chuckle in the process). 
Jason had a lot of ideas of things to do, but all of them involved something that would probably get you in trouble and...Well, that night, Jason discovered something about himself : he kinda liked danger and doing things he wasn’t suppose to do. But with his younger siblings around ? No way Jose. 
And that’s when the idea came to Dick’s mind. 
He recalled watching TV, the night before, in his room (which was strictly forbidden but hey, who was going to enforce that rule really ?), and seeing an add for a “special Halloween movie night”. 
This is when it happened. 
The year you were six. One of the roughest night your father ever had. 
This is when the “horror movie night” tradition started. 
Of course your father and Alfred weren’t really happy when they realized that you guys watched movies you weren’t suppose to but...They didn’t have the heart to stop you from doing it, because it was just so damn cute how, the morning after Halloween, they often found you all cuddled up in the same bed, because you were too scared to sleep alone (though none of you would admit that you were actually scared). 
When Damian arrived, he simply joined in, and oh your father’s bed was so crammed every Halloween night, even now, while Dick was in his early twenties and you all were old enough not to be scared anymore...
Yes. It all started on the year you were six, on Halloween night. On the roughest night your father ever had...and oh, it was a perfect timing. 
That night, you got forever traumatized of dolls (your father had to remove any dolls you had in your bedroom the next day...oh he could just recall your tiny body hiding behind him while he was carefully removing all of them, and oh cute you were, clutching his leg and telling him to be careful because they were “vicious creatures”) because of a certain movie called “Child’s Play”, and had a nightmare...which made you run across the corridor directly to your dad’s bedroom, very early in the morning, as he was just crashing down on it. 
Bruce Wayne was battered and bruised, and had a terrible night and...comforting his sweet daughter with cuddles and soothing kisses was the perfect way to cheer him up. 
That morning, after one of the roughest night of his life (right behind the one when he lost his parents...), Bruce Wayne couldn’t stop smiling, feeling his sons all gathered around him, and you safe and warm, holding him tight in your arms, asleep on his chest. 
Maybe “horror movie night” wasn’t such a bad thing...
On the contrary. Through the years (almost fifteen now), “horror movie night at the Manor” became a great night of bonding for the Wayne siblings. 
Damian arrived in you guys’ life a few months before Halloween, years ago, and it’s only on that “fateful” night, gathered around a horror film, that you all finally managed to crack his shell, and that he truly became a part of the family. 
That  for the first time, he really did consider you guys his family, and oh he would die for you all ! 
Yes. That night was important, it was a time where you could all relax and...but that was a lie. Halloween started to become less and less that night of “eating too many candies and scaring your younger sibling”, and more and more...”stress”. 
Your father felt guilty that you forgot about this tradition this year...By now, all of you guys would go out to help him on Halloween night, but you’d always come back to watch a film, no matter how tired you all were ! 
But this year’s Halloween resembled the one that happened when you were six. A particularly rough one. 
And your father felt guilty. 
Because the reason his children, didn’t even notice that this year, they didn’t watch a horror film all together on Halloween night, was because they helped him more than usually. 
Was because you were worried about him. 
Truthfully, he wasn’t getting any younger and nowadays, you and your brothers would be out with him every nights, watching his back at all time.
And there was no way that on the worst night in Gotham you’d leave him go out alone...You couldn’t loose your father ! This time however, you all got beaten up pretty badly, and skipped the movie and oh Bruce couldn’t let that pass ! 
He was going to make things right. He had to. 
Needless to say that, at first, you were all rather confused. 
Off patrol ? All of you at the same time ? 
Usually, only one or two (max) of you would stay home (rarely happened anyway). If you guys needed time off or if you were injured and needed to rest, the others would still be up and...why was your father telling all of you to stay home ? This was so weird. 
It’s only when he silently entered the living room, where you and your brothers were all sitting on the biggest couch (big enough for the five of you to sit comfortably), that you understood what he was doing. 
And oh it was such a relief ! 
For a few minutes, all of you were trying to remember what you might have done to make him take such a decision. If you did anything wrong and such...But no. No you didn’t. On the contrary, you were all starting to take yourselves too seriously, and the last thing Bruce Wayne wanted for his children, was for them to be too much like him.
But when you all saw that he had in his hands a few horror film he knew you never watched, and you all smiled widely and had trouble hiding your excitement...he knew that he didn’t have to worry about you turning into him (he often worried about that, especially when it concerned you and Damian, as you guys looked like him quite a bit, and unfortunately got some of his personality traits...But you were also both fiercely independents ! Selina never understood why your dad was always so worried about you being like him, because she loved the fact that you were also quite like her, never letting anyone walk on her feet and such ! But...well, Selina was Selina, your mom was a special one). 
“The Grudge” won the vote. 
The Japanese version, not the american one with Buffy (it always made your brothers laugh, how you could remember incredible details, including almost every line of dialogue in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer), but could never remember Sarah Michelle Gellar’s name and always called her by the character that made her famous : “Buffy Summers”). 
It was an absolutely terrifying movie and not even ten minutes in you were already clutching your closest brother...who just happened to be Damian. 
The boy didn’t seem to mind at all though. Because it gave him an excuse to hide his face in your arms whenever he got too scared !  
It’s funny, really, how the children of one of the most feared man in the World, how Batman’s kids, were always so scared of horror films. 
You blamed your vivid imaginations and the fact that you knew this things in horror films could happen in real life...You all saw so much shit already, that really, nothing surprised you. And yet, you were still terrified. 
Maybe it was because, unlike most people who thought monsters and such things didn’t exist, you knew better ? Because for real, what happened in some of those horror films could and did happen in real life ? 
Your father taught all of you to use your fear to your advantage, and in a fight, you could all easily do it...But here ? In the comfort of your own home ? Not as alert as you would be ? Oh you could just let go ! No more control over your emotions, and if you let out a scream at a particularly good jump scare ? Then so be it ! 
There was no competition on those nights. It wasn’t about who would not be scared or whatever. It was about enjoying a moment all together, knowing that if anything was really to happen, you could count on your siblings to be right there with you. 
On those night, when it was just you guys, you could let go of that “I’m fearless” persona you put on most of your lives. Because it was just you. You knew each other well enough to know how to read each others. And you wouldn’t judge. Nope. So you could be scared. 
Half an hour in the movie, and that was it. Your favorite moment of the year. 
You always started all sitting on your own little spot on the couch, the middle being empty (that was your dad’s spot)...but as the movies would get scarier and scarier, you’d all instinctly reach for that empty spot, where your father was suppose to be, to just all meet in the middle and start to just...hold each other. 
That night, on the 25th of November (but let’s just act as if it was a regular Halloween night), you were all quite tired, and this enhanced the way you would get scared. 
All it took was Damian screaming a bit loudly at one small jump scare to make the rest of you squeal and reach for each others. 
All it took was a fraction of a second in the movie, and boom, you were all sitting wrapped in a blanket, cuddled against each others. 
Jason was in the middle that year, and in a way, it was perfect, as he was the tallest one out of all of you. You were on his right side, with Damian in your arms, while Tim was on his left side, Dick’s head on his shoulder. 
A bundle of scaredy bats. 
Happy scared ones as well...somehow, you all loved being scared and...
A screeching and piercing screams resonate in the entire Manor and you all jump, startled. Not a sound escape your mouths though, as right now, you feel genuine fear. 
This is your home. Your comfort zone. Nothing is actually suppose to happen to you in here and eat...Where the Hell did that screech came from ? Who was it ? Or...Who was it ? 
Suddenly, Dick regrets all of the jokes he ever made about ghosts roaming Wayne Manor, trying to scare his younger siblings because...what if ? 
You’re the first one to react : 
-The Hell was that ? 
Your voice startles your brothers a bit more and, instinctively, you all clutch to each other even tighter. But...you know you got to move because...
-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaarghlllh ! 
A gurgle ! It ended in a weird and terrifying gurgle ! JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIE YOU WERE WATCHING !! 
Panic surged by itself in your hearts, even though it was unreasonable and even though it went completely against everything your father ever taught you. 
The fact was, that you were all in a state of “on edge”, as you’d call it. You all let your guards down, ready to be scared by a movie, so an actual real life sound ? 
It was terrifying. Especially on Halloween night ! (Though it was actually November 25th). 
As a whole, not letting go of anyone, you all stood up, and turned toward the sound. The lights were off, and the way the darkness mixed with the faint light from the TV was absolutely nerve wracking. 
Suddenly, you all became very paranoid about what was behind you and you instictivly formed a circle so you could see everywhere...Without uttering a word, you all moved to the light to turn it on and held your breaths...
The room was empty. Reluctantly, you guys let go of each others...Dick starts : 
-So, you guys heard it too then ? 
-No Dick, we didn’t, that’s why we’re all totally freaked out right now ! 
Tim rolls his eyes at his brother, and this earns him a small tap behind his head by Jason. The Red Hood says : 
-Yeah, like smart ass over there pointed out, we definitely heard. Should we...
-If you say “investigate”, I swear I’m going to punch you in the face Jason ! 
-Come on (Y/N) ! We got to ! Someone might need our help ! 
-Or it could be a ghost or a serial killer waiting for us to...Oh don’t make that face at me. 
If Jason was in a horror film, he would be the one that almost survives at the end. The one that is the most helpful since the beginning and that takes the least terrible decision. But also the one that would die because he wanted to save someone, and in the process, get everyone else killed because he was just too damn good at convincing them to go ! 
-Hey, guys, it’s us ! We once fought against armies of monsters on Apokolips ! What could be worst than that ? 
-...Fighting an army of monsters in our own house ? 
-You’re not being very helpful (Y/N). 
-Sorry, I’m just a little freaked out like, what was that ?! 
-We’ll know only if we go investigate. 
-Ooooor, we take one of dad’s car and leave the Manor for the night...
-And leave him and Alfred alone to face whatever made that sound ?
In retrospect, you’d all think about this episode and  wonder : “...Why were we all so damn dumb ? Why were we acting like horror film characters ?”.
Your father would tell you that you needed to cut yourselves some slack, to take it easy. It was alright, sometimes, some situations just...felt different. 
Like tonight. After a terrifying horror film, you guys letting your guards down and letting your “weakness” surface to enjoy the moment, a screeching sound was enough to freak you all out and to make you act a bit stupid. 
In retrospect, you’d all think about this moment and wonder : “...Why did I actually think there was a damn ghost in my house ?” 
In retrospect only. When you guys would all be calmed down and not “on edge” mode. When you guys would be chiller. 
When the situation would be over, and you could actually review it...Force was to admit that, when you were living something, it was different later on, when your mind was calmer. 
Another screech sounded all around the Manor and that was it. You knew you guys had to go check it out...
You took hold of a lamp, Damian of a very heavy book, Tim of his laptop, Jason raised his own fist and Dick grabbed a broom left in the corner. 
Again, it was quite idiotic really. You guys were all highly trained warriors, and had tons of weapons hidden around the house. Actual weapons. Like Tim’s baton, or Dick’s sticks...But in the moment, right now, with your minds clouded by fatigue and fear, a lamp, a heavy book, a laptop, fists and a broom seemed like the perfect weapons against whatever entity was haunting your house. 
-Ok, let’s stick together then.
Tim and Damian were walking backward to make sure nothing would creep on you, while you and your eldest brothers were looking straight ahead, walking in a line. 
As you were walking through your dark house (seriously, why none of you pushed any button to turn the lights on !?), you all grew more scared each seconds, starting to imagine what was there. 
Maybe very much like in the movie, it was a ghost jealous that you were living, that was after your soul ? But you all liked your souls very much ! You wanted to keep it ! 
Here. It came from here. 
You went through the entire mansion before being able to properly localize the source of the screech. And you had time to hear it about four more times. 
It definitely came from behind that door. 
The attic door. But of course. 
It was quite crazy, really, how all of you guys managed to completely forget about any training you received in your life. About how suddenly, you weren’t the kids of the mighty Batman, but some random horror movie teens being terrified by a random entity ! 
But you were all humans. Sometimes, you did things you couldn’t quite explain yourselves. Later on, with your brain calm and your body well rested...Later on you wouldn’t even be able to understand what when through all of you guys’ mind ! But it was a common thing, and your father would reassure you. 
Yes. You were only humans. 
And boom here goes yet another freaky shriek from behind THAT door. 
Jason and Dick approach it. They’re the oldest, if something is to grab them and steal their souls, they’d rather be the first one to go. They couldn’t bear the thought of loosing any of you, they couldn’t live with the thought of them being surviving all this and you...oh but what the hell were they even thinking ? 
They went to open the door, ready to sacrifice themselves for you and...before they could reach the doorknob, the door opened by itself, and...It was just dark and scary in there. 
-Turn on the goddamn light for Heaven’s sake ! 
Damian’s voice makes all of you jump and automatically, you reach for the nearest light and...it doesn’t turn on. It doesn’t ! 
Your brothers realize that after you frantically click the button. 
You squeezed together a bit more and Jason and Dick almost ran back to you guys, wrapping themselves around you, and looking at the darkness from the attic door...the screech sounded again, but this time low and..Menacing ? 
You took your phone and turned on the flashlight, your brothers imitated you, and you all turned your lights toward the attic. 
This was the moment, in horror films, where the heroes would fight back and...most likely die. So it’s with not-so-sure footstep that, once again, you all walk forward toward the dark, pointing your lights in every direction. 
Going through the door is harder than it should be, as you guys all tried to go through at the same time...but you still manage to go in, almost falling on the floor, but catching each others up, as you always do. 
The room seems empty and you...All Hell suddenly breaks loose. 
Your phones turn off and you’re in the dark again, instinctively forming a circle, backs against backs, so you can “see” all around. 
Lightning illuminate the room and...lightning ? But it’s snowing outside, not raining and there’s definitely no thunderstorm around ! 
The screech surrounds you. It’s everywhere. And it’s definitely not natural and...Tim. Tim screams and you all turn as one as you grab him before he gets grab. 
It was so close...But the thing comes back and you all jump out of its way, scared to death. You whip your weapons around but don’t seem to touch the thing...it’s definitely something supernatural ! 
The lightning lights the room once more and you can almost see it. It’s like something out of one of your nightmare...dark, tall, the face of something that would be Dracula’s and Big Foot’s kid, and it goes around so fast ! 
It comes back, and you and your brothers take a few steps back instinctively, to save your damn life, making sure all of you are out of reach. 
Damian trips and falls on his ass, and the little sounds he makes, as he doesn’t quite hurt himself but still, makes you see red. No one, NO ONE hurts your brother ! You turn around and when you “feel” the thing coming back, you hit it with all your might with the lamp and...
-Outch ! 
...Outch ? And, wait...that was an “ouch” you could recognize easily...
-...Dad ? 
Suddenly, the lights turn on and blind you and your brothers. 
And surely enough, your father is there, on the floor, holding his...oh, let’s just say you aimed perfectly with the lamps. Right between the thighs. 
Alfred is in the corner of the room, with a remote in his hands and...You’re all so confused. 
You blink like idiots for a while, and it’s only your beloved butler’s laugh that brings you back to reality. It’s only when Alfred full on burst out laughing that you finally realize what’s going on. 
A prank. 
A stupid prank. 
-Oh my children you should see your faces ! Iconic ! You all look so dumbfounded and hahahahahaha. 
It’s probably the first time you hear Alfred let go that much, that you hear him laugh so loudly...Come to think of it, it was probably one of the few times you heard your father say “ouch” as well. 
And here you all are once again, in the living room, with your father at his rightful place, in the middle of the couch. 
He has a bag of ice resting on in between his thighs, but he can’t help but smile. Because oh you guys are still a bit out of it, and it’s so good to see his kids, that are usually such damn “smart asses”, being just...not really understanding what’s going on. 
And so he starts to tell the story. 
-It’s something I always kinda wanted to do really. But I...Well, I never got to, because you all know how Halloween nights are. But I’ve had that in my mind for years. It was to teach you a lesson, because needless to say, I wasn’t very happy about you guys watching horror films. However if I’m being honest...I always kinda wanted to do it because I thought it would be hilarious. And oh I was right ! 
Your father, just like Alfred, goes again in a fit of laughter (last time, when you all were still in the attic, he couldn’t quite laugh...your aim was really good). 
Tim scoffs and says : 
-So...All of this was just a...Very elaborate joke to scare us ? 
-Yes ! Hahahahahaha. 
Damian narrows his eyes at his father and takes the lamp that you still held in your hands and...Your dad stops laughing instantly and puts his hands protectively on his crotch, while Dick and Jason are snickering and you...you have the brightest smile ever. 
Your dad looks at you, and tries to ignore his heart melting at seeing you smile in such a way...It has been so long, since he saw you like that. You all were so damn stressed and serious nowadays...he missed his little munchkins who were just smiling and laughing all the time. 
He missed seeing your smile, the one that always soothed him, the one that has been around ever since you were a baby...He gives you a questioning look and you say : 
-Since how long have you been planning this ? 
Your dad gives that trademark half-smile of his and answers : 
-More years than I dare to admit...
-So all those years, you’ve been wanting to scare us on Halloween night but you couldn’t because you were too busy right ?
You smile even more, and goes to sit next to your dad, hugging him tightly. 
-This is definitely the best Halloween I’ve ever had. 
It takes a few minutes for all your dumb family to catch your drift. But eventually, they understand...
You got to spend quality times with your brothers, talking, laughing, and cuddling with them. You got confirmation that any of them would die for you, and you would do the same. That you all got each others’ back at all time. You ate too much candies, drunk too much tea (but was there ever too much ?). You made the usually so calm and collected Alfred laugh his ass off. 
And above all, above all...Your father took a night off just to plan a somewhat elaborate jokes to scare his adult children. He created a machine to that would turn your phones off so you’d end up in the dark, connected said machine to the house lights so the dark thing would be sure, he put on a ridiculous costumes (which, by the way, in the light, didn’t look scary at all anymore), he made stupid screaming sounds, he put lights outside the house to act as lightnings...
Your father, your stoic and “I have a duty always all nights” father, took a night off just for that and...really, it meant everything in the World. 
You and your brothers were more important than anything else for him. Sometimes, you’d doubt that, because of course he loves you but he would always be so busy and focus ! But no. 
You were more important. 
The great Batman took an entire night off of his night duties just to scare his children (who weren’t even children anymore, except for Damian, who just turned fourteen). 
The great Batman...Who was now suffocating under his sons jumping on him (they were never too old to cuddle right ?) and trying to annoy him. 
Alfred looked at the scene fondly, and as your eyes met his, you thought you saw a tear run down his face. 
Yes. This was definitely the best Halloween ever. Even though it was technically November 25th...
Definitely feel very insecure about this one. Cause like, I made you guys wait and...uh. Meh. I wrote it while very VERY tired and a bit drunk (after coming home from a Halloween party) and had to change parts cause obviously I wrote this on October 31st while we’re not almost at the end of November, and yeah ok it’s shit. 
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