#Batsis x Jason Todd
myeagleexpert · 1 month
Reader (imprisoned) having some kind of argument with Damian and Batman having to intervene in the fight
Damian: I was just doing what was best for her, Father! How could she not understand? Batman: See? He only wanted what was best for you, Reader. Do you have anything for your dear blood brother? Reader, rummaging through her pockets: Oh, wait, I do! Just a moment….. Reader: From the bottom of my heart… to you:
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Damian, rolling his eyes: Wow, that's very mature of you…
Reader, with a smirk: I urge you to shove all your 'maturity' in the middle of your suppository, brother.
Damian, internally: SHE CALLED ME BROTHER
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mischieveousmayhem · 6 months
Ummi, come back
Pairing: Damian Wayne x Batmom! Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Mention of death
Synopsis: All he wants is his mom, without her he is falling apart.
a/n: pretty short, my requests are open.
Damian Wayne, a tough kid.
He gets it from his father of course.
But lately he feels like he hasn't been so tough. Which is okay right? Even the toughest people have weaknesses. But this felt worse then any weakness.
It's been a week since he saw the suffering of his dearest mother. He just needed some of her soothing words, or to break down in her warm, comforting embrace. Although if she was here, he wouldn't need that. If she was here, they would probably be on the couch watching some of her favorite movies, or baking cookies with his fellow brothers.
Y/N wasn't his real mom though. Talia was.
But that didn't matter to you or him. That reason being because you treated him better than Talia ever would.
Even though he didn't like you at first, he learned to love you. You had the sweetest heart ever and you cared for him and his fellow brothers like they were your own kids. Scratch that. They were your real kids even if it wasn't biologically. Blood wasn't what made them your children, it was the memories and love.
Secretly Damian was a mama's boy and whenever you two were alone he would show that. Without his mother he is so lost. Of course he has his father, Bruce. But nothing can replace a mother's tender, delicate love.
So alone he sat, in the garden, watching the sunset. In his hands was a picture of your family. You, Bruce, and the boys. The photo was taken at the first dinner after you and Bruce got married. It was so chaotic, but none of you would have changed it for the world because it was one of the families happiest moments. But lately there has been no happiness. You were their ray of sunshine, you gave the boys everything they could ask for to make them happy.
The sunset, the thing that reminds him of his mother. It was beautiful, just like you. But the thing that really made him get reminded of you was the fact you used to sit on this bench together and watch the sunset.
His eyes are red and puffy. Not to mention he is still crying while watching it, missing you so much.
"Oh Ummi," He spoke, "Come back."
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batsis-reader · 5 months
Batsis, peeling a banana: May I take your jacket, sir? Hahahaha.
Damian: Do you think other people can’t hear you?
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m3ntally-unstable · 6 months
When you read a really good fic but then after ur done reading it, realising that it was a part of a series so now your dying because now you’ve ruined it.
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tsuvvy · 9 months
Reader is injured during a fight with Bane and they refuse to seek medical attention. They hide their wounds from their batfamily and try to heal on their own. However, their condition worsens and they collapse in front of the batfamily. (Reader is the youngest tooo??)
Needing Help Isn’t a Weakness
Pairing: Platonic Batfamily x youngest adopted reader (A little more focus on Damian cause I want to be his little sibling so badly)
Warnings: Mentions of harm, violence, blood, passing out/fainting/collapsing, like one cuss word close to the end
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Bane was a nightmare. An idiotic, annoying, nightmare. The guy basically threw you around like a ragdoll. You’d think he had it out for you the way he seemingly targeted specifically you. You’d sustained quite a few injuries by time the fight with the villain was over.
You were leaning over, your hands on your knees to support you. You almost felt what you thought might be your heart seemingly dropping to your stomach at the sight of the gash on your side. You hadn’t even noticed it. You must have been in shock, because the realization of even having it made it start to hurt. You could feel the blood seeping from the wound.
“Hey, are you okay?” Tim asks worriedly, coming to your side after having seen the heavy hits you had been taking in the battle against Bane.
You moved your cape, hiding your side in a way you usually liked to do, even when not injured. “I’m good,” You told him non-chalantly. You were lucky for the habit with the cape, cause Tim might have had a moment of wanting to continue prying on if you were okay, but he left it be.
You’d lied to everyone that asked if you were okay, giving them thumbs ups and ‘I’m okay’s. You rushed to your room, saying you were so tuckered out from the fighting and could do with a good nights rest. You were a little surprised that the family full of masked vigilante detectives didn’t seem to notice anything wrong. But that was until you got to just shy of maybe 7 or 10 steps away from your room.
“What’s your problem?” Damian spoke from behind you, his arms crossed over his chest, his tone accusatory and suspicious. You could almost feel how his gaze narrow on you from behind.
He had seen how you had clutched your side for a moment before letting your arm fall when you heard him.
“Nothing,” You had calmed yourself down, turning your body halfway to look at your older brother. “I don’t have a problem.”
Damian stared at you for a little while. And you stared back. The two of you caught in some kind of staring contest.
“You know you can tell me if you do, right?” Damian asked, his expression softening slightly, “I might be distant, but I’m still your older brother-”
“Adopted. Older brother.” You quickly added on. You had been adopted only recently, not having really taken to the family quite yet. “I don’t need your help or your pity, Damian.” You sighed, turning away.
Damian had stayed in the hallway for a little while, watching you walk into your room. And he heard the lock sound after you closed it.
But he didn’t see how you bit your lip and closed your eyes tight as the pain from the gash on your side radiated throughout your whole body. It was a struggle to get the vigilante uniform off, and even more of a struggled to try and bandage it yourself. You knew the gash needed professional attention, but why do you need anyone else’s help? You didn’t need Tim, Damian, Cassandra, Barbara, Dick, Jason, Bruce, or Alfred’s help.
It made sense why Bruce adopted you. He had a thing for adopting traumatized kids, and you didn’t seem to be any exception to that. You’ve been alone for so long. You’ve fought by yourself, stole by yourself, survived by yourself, and you’ve patched yourself up before by yourself. So why couldn’t you patch this wound?
But you couldn’t deny the flitting moment of thinking to going to any of the bat family for help when you let out mutters of pained whines and cusses as while you sporadically poured the 99% alcohol over it to ‘clean’ it. But that thought was quickly pushed to the side after the alcohol and cleaning part. You messily applied the bandage around the gash. If someone asked if you knew what you were truly doing, you’d be lying if you said yes.
Everything hurt. All of the wounds inflicted by Bane started taking precedence. But the gash most of all over all of them. Your legs and arms were sore, you had a headache, the cuts on your hands and face were stinging. It’s a miracle that you even made it to bed. You somehow got the strength to take a pain pill, and of course, to no surprise, you passed right out.
Luckily your bleeding had stopped not long before you took the pain pill, so you were able to survive the night the best you could with the most amount of sleep you could manage you get. Which was’t a lot..
When you awoke, everything was blurry, and bright, and your headache was back. And your side was just radiating with pain. You let out a whine of pain as you managed to sit up. You really hadn’t thought about how much pain you might be in in the morning.
You pushed yourself out of bed, and basically fell into the door of your room. You moved your hand to the doorknob, unlocking the door and turning the handle. You almost fell when the door you were leaning all of your weight against opened more abruptly than you thought. You managed to catch yourself by grabbing onto the door frame. A silent scream of pain leaving your lips.
Somehow, you also managed to use the wall to walk throughout the house, keeping a hand on the wall while you not even walked. I’d say.. Shuffled or scooted might be a better way to describe how you moved.
You were basically hugging the bannister while you slowly shuffled down the stairs. You could feel the blood soaking the already somewhat soaked bandages. Though you were wearing a thick long sleeved gray sweater with pajama pants.
“Y/n?” Dick questioned, his eyebrows furrowing when he saw you, “You okay?”
You were disoriented. You looked around, but it felt like you weren’t. Everything was a blur, all you heard was static in your ears. Everyone was staring at you with worry. But you couldn’t make that out. All you could make out was how everything began turning on it’s side before everything went black.
“Y/n!” A good majority of people screamed in worry while they watched you fall. Luckily, Jason was close enough to catch you.
You groaned, more of a whine of pain, actually.. It took almost everything out of you to peel your eyelids open. The cieling was weird. The medical equipment next to you was weird. You felt weird. You were in so much pain..
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“It’s a miracle she lasted as long as she did with the poor bandaging job they did,” You heard a sigh from nearby. You looked over tiredly to see Barabara was the one that sighed while she had been talking to Dick and Tim.
“Y/n?” Everyone looked towards the opening in the curtain. It was Damian, and he was staring at you. His eyes wide yet worried set on you. “Y/n!” He said, but a bit louder and more enthusiastic in a way. Damian rushed to your side of the medical bed, grabbing your hand with a gentleness that was strange. Barabara, Dick, and Tim had made their way to your other side.
“She’s awake?” Jason questioned as him, Cassandra and Bruce came in as well.
“You are an idiot, l/n,” Damian told you, sending you a glare. But it was different. It looked more emotional. And you guessed it might have been a worried glare considering how his grip on your hand tightened.
“Seriously,” Jason started, he was standing behind Damian, “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you seriously so stubborn you won’t ask anyone for help with something you clearly need help with?”
Honestly, you felt stunned and confused. You looked around at everyone. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. You didn’t realize how your grip on Damian’s hand tightened.
“I don’t need help…” Was all you could mutter out, barely above a whisper.
“You’re kidding, right?” Tim deadpanned.
“With all do respect, Ms/Mr/Mx. Y/n,” Alfred appeared in the doorway, bringing little sliders for you to eat. He placed them on a little table next to the medical bed you were laid in. “But you collapsed from severe bloodloss, exhaustion, and because of the pain you were in,” You listened to him intently. Alfred was one of the only family members to be rewarded with such treatment for you, “I’m afraid the gash you had acquired on your side would have killed you if it was left not professionally treated.. And I must also say, dumping 99% alcohol onto a wound is very reckless.” The old man sighed.
You puffed out your cheeks and looked away from him. Your cheeks had colored in embarrassment.
“Y/n,” Barbara took your other hand, “I know it was hard growing up alone, you’ve been conditioned to not accepting other’s help.” She sighed, reaching up to move some of your hair out of your face with a gentle touch. “But needing help isn’t a weakness..”
“She’s right!” Dick spoke up, “It’s actually pretty honorable to know your limits and ask for help.”
“Come on, give them some space!” Bruce spoke up, noticing how everyone seemed to be crowding you. Barbara backed away from your side, your hand falling out of her’s. Damian however stayed at your side, keeping his grip on her hand tight and protective. Damian hadn’t always been the nicest, but he cared for you. Part of him felt the need to protect you. You’re his younger sibling, whether you were adopted or not, it didn’t matter.
“I am proud of you, Y/n,” Bruce patted your head. Your eyes widened, you weren’t sure what to say to such a gesture from the guy. “You need to learn that we all care for you and your wellbeing, we want you safe and happy. So next time you are injured as badly as you were, I do not want to be seeing you collapsing because of your stubborn pride.” He scolded you gently, “That understood?”
You sighed, rolling your eyes, “Yes sir..”
“Alright, good.” He smiled gently and subtly.
“This was great and all,” Jason spoke up, “But I gotta get going,” He rested his hand on your head, ruffling your hair gently yet annoyingly, “Be safe, don’t do stupid shit anymore, kay?” He didn’t wait for you to answer before he left. And after him, everyone else started trickling out with their own goodbyes and see you laters. But Damian remained at your side.
The two of you sat in silence. You looked to the open curtain when Titus came into the room and hopped up onto your medical bed. He had rested his hand on your lap, and you began to pet him with the hand Damian hadn’t been holding
“Never again,” You heard Damian say.
“Huh?” You looked at him.
“Never do something stupid like that again..” He sounded angry, but also worried.. You stared at him for a second, your hand on Titus’ head coming to a halt.
“I’m sorry..” You muttered. Damian didn’t respond for a second.
“Don’t apologize, I understand your reasoning behind why you did it. Just don’t do it again.”
“Alright..” You said softly.
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Damian: I could kill you if I wanted to
Tim: Yeah? So could another human
Jason: So could a dog
Y/N: So could a dedicated duck
Y/N: You’re not special, Dami
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The Lost Condom
Synopsis: You were in the middle of a spicy time with your boyfriend, when something odd happened: the condom disappeared. Inside. Of. You.
The solution? Go to the hospital.
The problem? Your family didn't know about your relationship.
Pairing: Jon Kent X Gn!AFAB!Reader; Platonic!Batfam
Tw: 18+; Only mention and slight description of genitals and sex, but nothing too explicit; All characters are aged up of course; English isn't my 1st language.
Word count: 1,8k.
Requested? Nah.
Extra notes: This isn't an original idea of mine, it's based on a real life story someone told me. Also the family finding out scene was inspired by this fanfic from @dccomicsimagines and this scene from Megamind. Also, eventually I will work on the asks waiting for me I swear 😭
General masterlist
So… You were in the middle of… Having fun… With your boyfriend… When suddenly, he said something that really confused you.
— Hmm… Babe… Where’s the condom? — Your head snapped back to look at him, since you were on all fours.
— Where's the ‘what’? — Your eyes were wide, unconsciously. Jon was blushing intensely, looking from your eyes to your entrance. He didn't know how to explain.
— I-I-I put it inside with the condom on, but now it's… Gone! — You narrowed your eyes. You watched him wrap and then enter you, you didn't feel him pull out at any moment, and even if he did, why would he tell you that he pulled out, took the condom off and then put it inside again secretly while you were still going at it?
You were both silent for a few seconds.
— Search for it! — You practically yelled at him, making him scramble to get off of you. You laid with your back down and legs open, looking at the ceiling, trying to calm down and not feel embarrassed. You felt him entering you with his fingers and searching around for minutes, grumbling and getting frustrated. The sensation was good… But you had bigger priorities at hand!
You huffed and changed positions a few times. A pillow underneath your butt, legs up, on all fours. Nothing worked. You even searched around the room and the bed, just to be sure. At some point, you both defeatedly decided it was best you go to the hospital.
The thing is, your relationship was still new, and no one in your family was aware. Lois and Clark already knew and approved, and you thought Cass suspected you were seeing someone, but you hadn't told them yet.
Especially Damian.
You and Jon knew each other years before Damian was even part of the family, since Bruce raised you since your birth — you were the product of one of his affairs, your biological mother didn't want to raise you, but she also didn't want to abort, so she and Bruce agreed that he would have you as soon as you were born — and he's best friend was Clark. Although, you didn't see each other much back then. It was after the Supersons became a team and besties that he started frequenting the manor more. You always had a childhood crush on each other — Jon thought you were beautiful and nice, and you thought he was cute and sweet, very different from the gross and rude boys from your school. —. Until you were each other's first kiss, then years later, first relationship, and first time. Of course, all in secret from Damian. The older family members only knew about your crush because of your physical language, but since you grew older and learned to hide, they assumed it was just a childish crush from the past.
Lois and Clark knew and approved, but they also always reminded you that you needed to tell Bruce soon, or at least Alfred, especially after you started being sexually active.
Unfortunately, the day came. Yes, you and Jon were old enough to have sex, but too young to be mature and brave enough to go to the hospital by yourselves. Lois was in another country for work, Clark was in the Watchtower in a League meeting, your dad was there too. Leaving the 2nd best option: Alfred — the best would be Lois, then Alfred, Clark, Cass, and then you would have to discuss which one of your other family members would it be.
Since you were in Metropolis — again, no one knew. More privacy wink wink —, Jon flew you back to Gotham, and you both almost cheered when you realized you were completely home alone, except for Alfred, of course.
Poor Alfred knew something was up when you suddenly were back from your “shopping trip”, with messy hair and clothes, red face and Superboy looking almost sick. He released a long sigh.
— Mx/Miss/Master (Y/N). Young Mr. Kent… — You cleared your throat.
— Alfred… We need help…
After you explained everything, Alfred looked ten years older. He didn't comment on anything, but his face showed how unimpressed he was. He just gestured for you to follow him to the garage, took the keys and started driving.
— Let me warn Master Bruce while we are-
— NO! — You yelled, started. He looked at you through the rearview mirror disapprovingly.
— Should I remind you that he will see the hospital bill and go after the truth? — You bit your lip.
— No, I know that. Just… Can't we pay on cash? — You smiled at him hopefully and nervously, but it was more like a grimace. Alfred was silent. You groaned. — I will tell him okay! Tonight! — Jon’s eyes snapped to yours, wide. — Relax! You're not gonna die!
— Yeah, until Damian whips out a kryptonite sword… — He groaned, hiding his burning face in your neck. You huffed, now wasn't time for him to be adorable.
— He doesn't have a kryptonite sword. Dad didn't let him do it. He would have to build it first. That would give him enough time to calm down. — Jon looked at you, indignant. Alfred cleared his throat.
— While we're there, I can't make any promises that if your father asks, I will hide the truth. He will know. — You and your boyfriend groaned, rubbing your faces with your hands.
— Yes, Alfred, I know…
Two hours later, you were finally laid down in position for the doctor to begin the procedure. Since if wasn't anything serious, you were on the emergency and there was only a curtain separating you from the rest of the patients outside. Alfred was sitting just outside, waiting, while Jon was standing by your side, holding your hand, as if you were about to give birth. The doctor was amused by your story, and her jokes helped you calm down.
She searched around you for a few minutes, the instrument she was using inside you being a little uncomfortable. Jon was silently horrified when he saw, you were startled too, but maintained the composure.
— AHA! Found it! It was really deep inside, almost on your cervix! — When she pulled out the condom, you both let out a breath of relief you didn't know you were holding.
You quickly put your clothes on again, you and Jon chatting as everything seemed lighter, and then left.
What you didn't know was that when Bruce got home and you and Alfred weren't there, it made him call, finding out just that you were in the hospital. Alfred refused to say much more than reassure him that it wasn't urgent and that he would soon know, thus he didn't have to crazily drive all the way there. That didn't stop him from alerting all your siblings.
When you got home, your whole family was there.
— Jon?! What're you doing here? — Alfred kept a straight face. Wow, he really wasn't going to help.
— Hmmm... — Jon subtly and subconsciously hid behind you. You shifted from one foot to another. Damian got up with a threatening scowl. You just came from the hospital. With a kryptonian.
— Kent! If you hurt my sibling I will-
— I didn't! — Jon almost yelled, then covered his face with his hands.
— Then, what is happenning here? — Bruce got up with a raised brow, analyzing the situation.
You thought for a moment. You either told them now and made things easier, or you spent all the way to dinner with them bothering you to tell. You could take it, Jon couldn't.
You took a deep breath.
— JonandIwerehavingsexwhenthecondomdisappearedinsideofmewecouldn'tfinditanywheresoweaskedAlfredforhelpandwenttothehospital.
They blinked.
— … What?
You huffed.
— Jon and I were having sex, when the condom disappeared inside of me. We couldn't find it anywhere, so we asked Alfred for help and went to the hospital. — You said, slower this time, although uma lower, more abashed tone.
— … But… It was stuck inside? Weren't you wet, though…? — Tim's analysis broke the silence.
— SEX?! — Dick and Jason exclaimed.
— Knew it. — Cass smiled and nodded, proud of herself.
Bruce heaved a sigh and sat down again.
— I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS! — Damian threw Tim's coffee mug in your direction and Jon zoomed in front of you. The mug broke. Jon had a sheepish expression.
— Tim, go grab kryptonite. — Jason ordered and got up, walking toward the hidden compartment in the shelf where he kept his guns. Dick held him back while Damian threw a flower vase at Jon.
— No! Don't do that, Tim. — Dick ordered back. Tim shook his head.
— I wasn't going to anyway… — He mumbled. Damian threw the center table.
— I'm sure civilized conversations don't involve breaking the forniture. — Alfred shot a pointed look at Bruce. — Master Bruce! Say something! — Your dad just kept gazing at you and your boyfriend.
Cass sighed, stepping toward Bruce and sitting beside him.
— (Y/N)’s happy. He’s good. They're careful. — Bruce nodded, finally showing some reaction and looking pleased. Jason stopped struggling against Dick and looked at you.
— I don't care. I'm going to kill him. — Damian growled, starting to pace around the room in anger. Jon silently sighed in relief that Damian kept his distance by being on the other side of the room, the couch and the whole family serving as a barrier. You stepped forward.
— It's not casual. We've been together for almost two months now. — Everyone but Alfred and Cass gasped. Damian burned holes in Jon’s head with his eyes and your dad looked at you, masking his mix of emotions.
Cass tsk.
— So clueless. Many signs. — She shook her head.
— (Y/N), why didn't you tell us before? — Dick asked carefully, walking in your direction and stopping in front of you. Jon fiddled behind you. You shrugged.
— Didn't want to deal with you all while we were just starting things. Especially if it didn't work out.
— When were you planning to tell us? — You pouted.
— I don't know… In a month or two? You guys probably would find out by yourselves. — You shrugged.
— You've been sneaking out a lot… — Tim spoke up for the second time, catching everyone’s attention. He was fiddling with his laptop, likely doing his own investigation. The ones closest to Tim looked from the monitor to you again.
— When did you go to Metropolis?! — Jason exclaimed, indignantly.
— Hehe…
Damian growled.
— So that's why you've been ditching me?! — Damian pointed a finger at Jon, who scratched the back of his head.
— Surprise...? — Jon weakly sang the word.
Bruce cleared his throat.
— So that's why Clark’s been acting like he was happy he knew something I didn't… — He got up and pointed at you. — No more sneaking out. Ask permission before going anywhere. — You opened your mouth to protest, but he stopped you. — Either that or you're grounded. — You pursed your lips and nodded in defeat. — Now we will talk about birth control…
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DC Taglist:
@wandalfnation @vadersassistant @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @hxsun4 @silverklaus @toast-on-dandelioms @bluewillbon
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shallyouobeyme · 11 months
From the Outside
Part 1 (you're here) | Part 2 (Coming soon)
Platonic!Yandere Batfam x Neglected Batsib!reader (GN)
Summary: You were living your life as a stranger in the house you were supposed to call home, an outsider in a group of people who were supposed to be your family. So you do your best to keep yourself distracted from your situation and go on with your life. But just how long will you be able to keep on with that?
! Minors Do Not Interact !
Requested by @sol565
TW: Not much in this one, neglect (obviously), loss of relatives, car crash (mentioned), cancer (mentioned), swearing, coming up to Yandereness in the next chapters. I'll try to proofread and edit once I finish the whole thing.
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Last night you dreamed of your family again. It was a pleasant dream, one that had you wishing to keep on dreaming even after you were woken up by your alarm. All of you were sitting at the dinner table, enjoying Alfred’s excellent cooking. The room was filled with happiness and joy, the kind of atmosphere that has you reminiscing about that day for ages. In your dream you felt so weightless, Damian was sitting opposite you as he listened to you talk about your day, an anecdote of you leading to laughter filling the room. Your mother ruffled your hair from where she was sitting beside you and as you smiled up to her you felt filled with love. Around the table, the Waynes were actively interested in the conversation and Bruce was asking you a question leading to a cheeky comment from your left side. You knew what was said, but you couldn’t understand the voice. Confused you looked to where your father should be sitting but only a distorted shadow figure looked back at you. 
It opened whatever would be most akin to a mouth and a blaring sound echoed out of it. Your eyes flew open as you slapped your bedside table to grab your phone. 7 A.M, time to get up. This dream had been haunting you for a few weeks now, the idyllic family dinner turning into an unpleasant reminder of your situation. At first, you had woken up in a cold sweat and slightly fearful from the end, but by now you had grown very accustomed to it. Just another part of your day to get through. 
You accepted to pay the mental price for the opportunity to see your mother again, if only during the nights. 
Another look at your phone to check the notifications and you got up and got dressed. Given the time you knew that you still had enough time to join your adopted siblings for breakfast, but even Alfred's amazing pancakes and french toast could to move you into the kitchen. Deciding to just nap something from your friends during lunch break at school, you grabbed your bag and jacket before quickly making your way through the manor. Like almost every morning you silently prayed that you wouldn’t come across anyone on your way to the front door. Eighty per cent of the time you were lucky, fifteen per cent you were just ignored and the other five per cent you found yourself stuck in painfully awkward small talk with the people who lived on the same floor as you. People who were supposed to be your closest friends and confidants. People who weren’t that. People who were more akin to strangers.
Today you were in luck as you managed to slip out of the giant house you hated to call home without having to talk to anyone. Getting onto your scooter, you made your way to the school, enjoying the air in your face through the helmet and the feeling of freedom that only came to you on rare occasions. 
The school was still fairly empty when you arrived - as was expected - so you had the honour of walking through the empty halls like you owned the place. A sentiment that some of your schoolmates even believed. You wanted to tell them that you had no need for your Guardians money, no interest in his family’s name or his family’s reputation. Bitter thoughts filled your mind, leaving a taste of anger, of disappointment, of anguish on your tongue. They weren’t helped by what you saw when you stopped in front of the trophy showcase. There were pictures of some of the best former student-athletes that had attended the school, and the most recognizable was a picture that was proudly displayed right on eyesight. It was at a sporting event that had happened some twenty to thirty years earlier, one that was still held bi-annually. The winners of different disciplines were smiling proudly into the camera, arms around each other. 
Taking the spotlight was a man that every proud Gothamite would recognize as a young Bruce Wayne on one side, a different boy who people tended to overlook based on his less noticeable features and the lack of fame he had, and in the middle of both of them stood Bruce’s former best friend. Your mother. Your late mother. 
She had been a beautiful, stunning, talented woman. Everyone who had ever known her told you that. You tried to take some solace in the fact that they told you how alike the two of you were, both in looks and in personality. It did nothing to quell the underlying pain though, the pain still boiling inside you, pain that over the years had turned into anger. You weren’t angry with your mother, of course, you knew that she had not chosen to fall sick, that she had not chosen to succumb to cancer. She had loved you with all her heart and only ever wanted you to be happy. This is why, when your grandparents died in a shooting shortly after her diagnosis, she put it in her will that after her passing you were to be taken care of by her lifelong friend Bruce Wayne. After all, he already had kids and he was rich, just like she and her parents had been - money and estates that now waited on you to turn 18 to take charge of - and he’d be surely able to give you the life and the love she always wanted you to have. 
Sadly, your mother had not known Bruce quite as well as she had believed she did. She had no idea that he spent his nights as the infamous Batman, or that the kids he adopted had been turned into fighting machines - sometimes even killers. She had no idea that he was not the amazing, loving and attentive father figure she had wanted you to have. Not even close. 
You suppose he had tried at one point. When you were a young child, grieving the loss of your entire family and everything that you had known, he had taken you in like one of his own and assured you that from then on he’d protect you. Back then you had believed him. After all, your mother had told you so many great things about him, why should she lie. And with elder brothers and sisters, a Butler who made sure you had your favourite foods whenever you felt sad and a man who tried his best to be the father you never had. They did lots of work to spend time with you and to pay attention to you which would ensure you wouldn’t notice their weird habits and absences. But of course that couldn’t work forever. After a few months, you found out about their best (and somehow at the same time worst) kept secret and as you walked through the Batcave by Bruce’s side everything changed. He didn’t directly offer to train you, but he did insinuate that it was an option, though you declined. You couldn’t see yourself hurting others. You wanted to help like your mom had helped, by volunteering, bettering the world peacefully. Bruce had assured you that that was a completely acceptable decision and that it wouldn’t change anything. But he had lied. Perhaps knowingly, perhaps not. Maybe some of both. 
Once you were aware of their second life, they didn’t put in the effort to pay enough attention to you to make you unaware of their secret. At first, they still spent time with you, but over time it seemed like you were blending into obscurity like a special bottle of champagne that was planned to be open on a special occasion only. Just that the bottle was usually remembered after the occasion had passed in annoyance. You weren’t. And as you phased out of their minds and into oblivion, you made peace with your place in the family. An outsider, a stranger inside their house, just waiting until the time had come for you to finally live your own life. 
Of course, you knew you could have it worse. You had enough money to fulfil every wish you had as long as it was material, always had something to wear, something to eat, and somewhere to sleep. The only thing you didn’t have was love. But especially in Gotham you knew that you got away rather luckily with that, so while you were deeply angry towards the people who had promised to treat you like family, to love you, you also tried to just get on with your life. 
It would have been easier if it wasn’t just so hard to look at your so-called siblings as if you didn’t resent them for the way they treated you, compared to one another. Somehow showing any interest in you or attempting to spend any time with you was a chore, but somehow Jason and Cass could have a little book club, Jason and Dick could go out for lunch at a cat-cafe, Steph, Cass and Tim could have Spa-days and all of them could have an occasional movie night together. It wasn’t explicitly stated that you weren’t welcome, but you had seen how they acted when you were with them compared to how they acted when you were hiding behind the door listening in. They seemed so much happier without you. As if your mere presence ruined the mood. So you started rejecting their invitations to join and it only took one of two attempts of them to stop asking completely. 
You might have been able to cope better with the obvious dismissal of your existence if it had been because you hadn’t been part of the family when they had forged their close bond, but somehow, even when Damian joined, acting like a complete asshole to everyone around him, they managed to include him and when he warmed up to them he joined their close group. 
So your newness surely could not have been that big of an issue right? Even Damian, completely new to the family and surely aggressive towards all of his pseudo siblings, seemed to know you were less than the others since he didn’t even bother to insult you, instead opting to ignore you. Completely. A glance spared, looking you up and down, and he had decided you were not worth it and his opinion seemingly still hadn’t changed. Sure by now you had talked with him a few times, but you could say the same about the fucking mayor of Gotham so you were sure that did not really count. 
Sometimes, you lay in your bed at night, wide awake, wondering just why you were worth so much less in their eyes. What you had done wrong. Two answers usually presented themselves before you. Either it was because you weren’t a vigilante, something that you might even have been willing to accept, or it was… you. Just you. And for some reason, that was the answer that seemed more plausible to you. Maybe you were just unpleasant to be around, not fitting enough for their family. Not interesting enough, not Wayne enough. 
And so you were cursed to live your life like a ghost in what is supposed to be your home. Going in and out every day, just waiting for the day to come when you could move into the penthouse your grandparents had bought you before they died, which would become your legal property in just a few years. You’d start anew. Maybe one day, after a long time and probably a lot of therapy, you’ll be able to start your own family. One that you’d promise not to fuck up like Bruce had. Until then though, you’d go on like always, spend as little time in that Manor as possible and try to distract yourself from your reality. 
You really did spend very little time at the manor. For one, no one in that house cared when you left or when you came back except maybe Alfred, but even he either knew that you could properly use the freedom or he was too busy to care. Probably a mix of both. And along with that, you had started a very active life outside of your family. You had a lot of friends, though you were not ready to call any of them close friends, always knowing about how many of them were after the publicity of your actual and current family name and the money and fame connected to it. But they were nice enough and they distracted you so you didn’t mind. Especially because you used said popularity to help the people in town. You managed to get a lot of your friends to volunteer alongside you in different homeless shelters, though a lot of them tended to post dozens of pictures which made you feel a bit icky about them trying to profit from helping others, but you knew you couldn’t complain because it did help the shelters. The shelters told you so themselves. 
Most of your ‘pocket money’ was donated and the rest of the time was spent doing different activities, be it arts, sports, parties or just wasting the day away. You did your best to cram as much into your day-to-day life as you could to keep you from thinking too much. To stop you from thinking too much about how messed up you were now, how you couldn’t even confide in any of your friends, how you didn’t even really manage to call them your friends, because you couldn’t allow yourself to let anyone close to you anymore, because you knew you weren’t worth it, because you knew you’d be disappointed and hurt again. 
These dark thoughts were kept inside, slowly eating at you like termites, while on the outside you kept on being the happy-go-lucky Gotham personality that people loved to follow. Though you didn’t post a lot on your own social media, your friends and people around you did, which the public loved for some reason. And so you kept up the act, because what else could you do? Let people know you’re hurting? So they could ridicule you for your rich people's problems? Or keep out of the public eye? And have to face the lonely darkness that was your life? No, you’d rather keep on pretending like you had been for years now. Even if it meant being a piece of entertainment for other people who could turn on you at any second. 
The day at school was mostly uneventful, only a short moment of passing by Damian ruined your mood as your classmates did their usual shtick of asking if that wasn’t your brother and you trying to shrug them off, after all, how do you explain that your brother treated you like air not worth breathing? So you changed the topic by announcing that you’d go help out at a local shelter after school and asked if anyone wanted to join. Some excused themselves but a few agreed, which led to a group of five of you coming into the shelter a few hours later after some mandatory selfies so keep your friends placated. There was a bit more traffic inside than usual - a few people definitely not in need of help - which was probably because one of your friends posted your plans on their socials. That was something that you had to begrudgingly accept. You couldn’t afford their anger, so you made a compromise with them that they could post stuff like that, but that they couldn’t post the exact location (which in your opinion was just common sense, but it seemed not a lot of people shared that).
Ignoring the people only there to see you or be near a Wayne, you focused on helping those who needed your help, though aware of the effect you could have on the shelter business, you helped out in the kitchen where people couldn’t see you. You didn’t mind, you liked cooking and you and the fellow kitchen staff had a sort of harmonized rhythm. It even helped you get lost in thoughts that didn’t make you wanna cry, so when you got interrupted in your flow, you almost jumped in shock. One of the organizers had tapped on your shoulder. 
“Y/N, there’s a man outside that wants to talk to you,” Marcus told you and nodded towards the door to the front.
“They still haven’t left? I’m really sorry Marc, if you think it’s better if I leave, then I will,” you sighed, annoyed by the turn of events. 
“No, it’s not a fan. At least I think, he’s- well, he claims to have something really important to talk to you about. He gave me this to show to you, said it’ll show you he’s serious,” Marcus shrugged and held a picture out to you. It was an old Polaroid of a young couple smiling into the camera. Your breath hitched. 
“Is he the guy in the picture?” you asked with a newly found seriousness.
“Yes, at least he looks like it. Is the woman-”
“Yeah, could we use the office? Only if you’re okay with it, of course.”
“Sure, no problem, go ahead, I’ll bring him to you in a minute.”
“Thank you,” you earnestly smiled at Marcus as you made your way to the door that led to the office. You were used to being nervous, but not quite as nervous as you were then. This could change a lot of things, everything if it was what you imagined it to be. You looked at the picture in your hand again before sitting down behind the desk and putting it down on the desk. There were steps behind the door coming closer, so you took a deep breath as you wiped your hands on your pant legs. The door opened and in came a man who looked just like the guy from the Polaroid. He seemed familiar, not just from that snapshot of the past, but something in his face rang a bell in your memories. You mustered him, trying to keep a stern exterior as you didn’t know if this was going to be what you thought it would be. 
Marcus gestured the man to sit down on the other side of the desk, before giving you an encouraging nod and closing the door as he left. 
“Hello,” you greeted the man, hands intertwined before you on the desk.
“Hello,” he responded alike and you could feel his curiosity burning through you. Had you misinterpreted this? Was this just another weird fan?
“This picture,” you looked at it again before sliding it towards him, “how do you know my mom?”
A/N: So, what do y'all think? Let me know in the comments or in my inbox ❤️ Also, I'd appreciate feedback on the title as well, not sure if I should change it or keep it.
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rainnyydaysworld · 11 months
Reader: Am I going to far?
Jason: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you’re going to prison.
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Damian: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Tim: *crouches down*
Reader: *kneels down*
Cassandra: *sits on the floor*
Damian: I hate all of you.
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Reader, dramatically: They called me a fool.
Tim, sick of reader’s shit: They weren’t wrong.
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Reader: Why is Damian crying on the floor?
Cassandra: They took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.
Reader: And?
Cassandra: They got Tim.
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serendipitous-girl · 2 months
𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞
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⊱✿⊰ summary: your family wants to protect you but its impossible with the life you all lead
⊱✿⊰ warnings: kidnapping, minor torture, it will be angsty, almost dying, spitting on your face, the joker deserves his own warning tbh
⊱✿⊰ notes: this is for skye because she wanted some angsty batfam stuff and here we are. I am just shitting on the page and hoping words form at this point. I hope you enjoy and feel free to send me requests. Also this is a platonic fic sorry if you were hoping for romance action
⊱✿⊰ tags: @kozumesphone @fizzywashere87 @fashionablysouly @witherwallflower @goldierey
@finleyforevermore @baecakie @gergthecat @mqstermindswift @anyas-shitposting69 (comment on this or send me an ask if you want to be added to my DC taglist)
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"Well, well, well. Looks like baby bird got caged." The clown sneered, leaning close to your face. You scrunched your nose and tried to scoot away despite the ropes scratching your wrists raw.
The Joker's finger runs along your cheek, a horrific grin on his face as he stared at you. You tried to keep a brave face, you tried to act like the domino mask over your eyes was really a shield. You tried to act like your dad, Batman.
Maybe it was your fault you got kidnapped. He said you weren't ready to go out and patrol with your family, but you went away. You stole one of Damian's mask and put on the most costume adjacent clothes you owned.
"Where should I start, little one?" Joker asked, breaking your train of thoughts. Placing blame would be set for another time. Not now, its not time yet. "Should I give you a smile that matches mine? Should I turn you into a firey decoration before dear ol' daddy bat gets here?"
You winced, trying to prevent the ice filling your veins and the fear weighing your stomach down. The Joker grabbed a knife from his table that had numerous weapons littered on top. Carefully the cold metal of the blade brushed against your skin, not harsh enough to cut just yet. He wanted to scare you first.
"I am going to kill that son of a bitch." Jason growled as soon as he heard the news. Bruce gathered the family in the batcave, and explained the Joker had kidnapped the youngest of the family- you.
"Jason, I understand your frustration but we can't act with haste. I won't let her face the same fate you did. I won't make the same mistake twice." Bruce replied, already dressed as Batman. He was doing his best to stay professional despite his fear being ever present.
"I don't want to wait too long either." Dick added, crossing his arms over his chest. Everybody was tense, wanting their sister to be safe once again.
"I'll find where that stupid clown is keeping [Name]." Tim said, standing up and rushing towards the computer before anybody could even reply. Barbara silently followed, knowing she would be the most help to Tim.
Bruce looked at all of his family and nodded, "We'll find her and get her back."
Your throat was hoarse and tears had dried on your face. There was no point to fighting it anymore, you only hoped he would kill you soon.
"Aw but doesn't the bird look good with her wings marked?" The Joker chuckled, slicing yet another line into your arm. The cuts were deep, sure to scar, and they were deliberate. You could only guess what he was spelling on your arms.
With the amount of blood flowing down your arms like a red river, it was to no surprise you were fading in and out of consciousness. That would be nice, at least you wouldn't be awake while he tortured you.
You almost settled into the pain, eyes fluttering close to let yourself rest, when you heard a crash. Glass was broken and there was yelling everywhere.
The Joker grabbed your face with his hand and forced you to look forward, where you saw your family (the only thing disguising their horrified looks were their masks)
"Looks like they showed up in time for you, baby bird." He grinned, spitting on your cheek. You were too tired, too fragile to even bother being disgusted. It was better than the cutting.
"Let her go and I'll think about not crushing your head into the wall." Red Hood barked out, already aiming his gun at The Joker. You tried to pay more attention but you were fading slowly,, ready to force your body to rest.
The Joker dropped your body like it was nothing, your face smashing into the concrete. It hurt, pain forming in your forehead but it was a distraction from the blood oozing out of you.
Despite your best efforts, you finally blacked out. The last thing you saw was your family lunging at the Joker, rage thick in the air.
Light flooded your eyes, fresh air blasting your lungs. You were laying down on something soft and warm, contrasting against the mildly scratchy fabric on your skin. You blinked your eyes a few times, forcing them to focus despite the dull ache pounding in your head.
"You're awake." Damian said, apparently sitting beside you. It took a little while but you realized you were in the personal hospital at the manor. He had a few scratches and bruises but nothing as horrific as the scars on your skin (and in your brain.)
"Wha-what..happened?" You croaked, throat feeling like sandpaper. Like magic, Dick appeared with a glass of water you gratefully took. The liquid in your throat was almost heavenly in the way it made you feel infinitely better.
"The Joker kidnapped you and we rescued you." Your father explained calmly, not bothering to add details. Which was probably good for you, the devil's in details.
"I'm glad your back, sis." Jason said, making you suddenly aware of his presence in the back of the room. Your entire family seemed to be in here, ready to see your betterment. Despite he general aversion to touch, Jason wrapped you into a hug.
Of course, everybody else joined in (forcefully or not) for a big group hug. You laughed, despite the hollow of your heart, watching as Tim was pushed into the hug by Dick.. It was ridiculous having a group hug after a traumatic event...how family sitcom could you get?
But somehow, it felt good to be in the arm's of your family. It felt like home.
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lori © 2024. please don't copy, modify, or do anything weird with my writing! i like reblogs and comments but please be kind as this was my writing.
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late-nightfalls · 8 months
Jason: *Enters his sister's room without knocking* Y/N, have you seen your father? I need to talk to him abou- What are you doing?...
Batfam: *Everyone sitting uncomfortably on plastic chairs with pink bows in their hairs and makeup on their faces*....
Batsis: *Is pouring imaginary tea into the plastic cup that Bruce is holding* Hi Jay!!! :D
Jason: .... *looks at Bruce without reaction*
Damian: If you're not going to participate, then leave! *drinks imaginary tea*
Jason: ....*Joins silently*
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kimberly-spirits13 · 1 year
As a joke the boys put this at Bruce’s parking space
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Also I think it’s gonna be the reference for my senior parking spot. What do we think?
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chiroptophobiawrites · 6 months
lowkey trying to read x readers for certain batfam members is such an experience cause the ‘top’ side of the tag has the same 10 fics, but then the ‘latest’ side has random naked people, batmom/batsis reader, or like shared batfam reader and im just like 🤕.
Please i don’t wanna be his mamma or his sister or be with the whole fam bro, what is going on here.
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tsuvvy · 6 months
Oh Sister of Mine - Chapter 5
Poison Constriction
Cassandra explores her feelings of having a new little sibling while the others work to get information on where the seemingly invisible father might be. Instead, they find someone heavily involved in this situation and discover a disgusting truth.
Warning: Talk of a controlling serum being put into y/ns blood, mentions of bruising and blood, the poison serum has been an idea cultivating in my mind for awhile, pls just let it cook 😥
Word Count: 3.4k
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“Miss Cassandra,” Said woman turned around, seeing Alfred with a tray of little sandwiches. No doubt for you. “While I have you here, Master Bruce asked to see you. He is paying the garden a visit, he asked that if I should see you I should invite you for him.”
“Oh..” Cassandra’s lips parted in a small surprise. Bruce wanted to see her? Why? “Okay, thank you Alfred.” She gave the man a soft thankful smile.
Alfred returned the smile with a gentle one of his own. But before he could walk away, Cassandra spoke up.
“He didn’t say why, did he?” She asked abruptly.
“I am afraid not,” His soft smile turned a bit apologetic.
“Alright, that’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Thank you again.” Alfred gave her a nod before walking away.
Cassandra stayed where she was for a moment, watching as Alfred walked down the hall with the tray still in hand. She might have needed a moment to build up the courage to go speak to Bruce, or maybe she needed to come up with what she would say to the man. Either way, her nerves were aflame before and while she made her way to the garden where Alfred said Bruce was.
She spotted him on a bench. He was calmly sitting still, almost mistakable for a statue.
Bruce looked at Cassandra, an uncharacteristic subtle smile reaching his lips at the sight of her. It was odd, even if it was common. Bruce saved that smile for only those he cared for deeply. His adoptive children and Alfred getting it most often. Though it was still rare, especially for someone like Jason who made it his own part time job annoying and angering the man. Dying and coming back to life sure didn’t change that habit, if anything it made it worse.
“Cass,” Bruce called out, pulling her out of her thoughts, “Sit.” He didn’t need to gesture to the empty spot next to him.
Cassandra listened. She moved to sit next to the man.
The two sat in silence for a while; silently watching over the flowers and listening to the soft wind and how it would shake the branches of the trees.
“How are you feeling?” Bruce asked abruptly. Cassandra looked at him, staying silent for a second.
“I’m okay..” Her voice was soft as she looked to the ground.
Bruce nodded slightly at her comment. “But that isn’t true, is it?” He looked down at her, his subtle smile gone now. It was never a luxury anyone close to him could ever witness for a very long time. You had to savor it for the small amount of time it was there.
Cassandra didn’t say anything to his comment. He already knew her lies were just that, lies.
“How are you feeling about everything?” He asked instead.
Cassandra thought about his question for a second. “I don’t really know how to feel.”
“Understandable.” Bruce responded.
The two sat in silence for a little while.
“Y/n,” She looked up at him, and he looked back, confusion written subtly on his stoic face, “Their name.” Cassandra clarified. She saw his eyes widen slightly, “Their name is Y/n.”
“When did they tell you this?” He asked.
“They got out of the room, they picked the lock when Damian wasn’t there,” She told him while turning back to look out at the flowers and delicately crafted and cut bushes. “They weren’t looking for a fight, pretty much all we did was.. Talk,” She shrugged her shoulders lightly, “They asked why I’d left David, and…” She paused.
Bruce gave her a second before pressing her to continue, “and?”
“And they.. I told them they were safe. They didn’t know what it meant. So I. I taught them what the word safe means. And they told me their name.
Bruce nodded his head lightly, turning to look at the flowers and bushes himself.
“That's a start, they’re starting to trust you and Damian a bit, however surprising it may be.” Bruce said. He lifted up a hand and gently placed it on Cassandra’s head. “You did good, Cassandra.”
Her eyes widened at the contact and the praise. In a sense, she was still a lot like you. No matter how long she’s been with Bruce and the Batfamily, she might not ever get truly used to being in a healthy environment. Not fully, anyway.
“Bruce…” Her voice was soft. He didn’t do anything to tell her he acknowledged his name slipping from her lips, but she knew he was listening. “I don’t..” She hesitated, “I don’t know how to be a big sister..”
Silence overtook the two, apart from the gentle wind rustling the nature around them.
“It’s not something you can just know, Cassandra.” He told her. Cassandra didn’t respond to that.
A silence once again overtook the two.
“There's this feeling in my gut, like a weed growing in it.” Cassandra abruptly spoke through the silence.
“What do you mean?” Bruce asked.
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“What do you mean you haven’t seen him for a year!?” Jason yelled.
“Red Hood calm down!” Kate yelled at him.
The two were at Ace Chemicals in their vigilante suits. They hadn’t expected to find someone that has been involved with David in the past.
“I mean exactly that!” The guy yelled, a desperation in his voice as the Red Hood shook him by the collar of his shirt. After his statement, the vigilante dropped him and he fell to the ground.
The man rubbed his neck, trying to soothe the pain of how his shirt was so tightly held.
“Do you know what happened to him?” Kate, or Batwoman, asked him.
“No, he just straight up vanished,” the guy said.
Batwoman looked to Red Hood who had taken a few steps back.
“Mind if we look around?” Batwoman looked back at the man.
“N-No! Go ahead!” He quickly answered, almost fearful of what either vigilante might do to him if he said he did actually mind.
“Great,” Batwoman answered, “Glad you don’t.” She commented, an amused smirk on her face as she moved past him.
She started looking around; not that she had anywhere to specifically start.
And for the first about 14 minutes, nothing was found by either vigilante.
“This place has nothing,” Jason said, making sure to keep the man he was once interrogating in his view.
“It’s gotta have something,” Batwoman sighed, looking behind a few tubs of chemicals. She hadn’t met you yet. All she knew about you was pretty much the extent of what everyone else minus Cass knew.
Red Hood crossed his arms, huffing in annoyance as he looked at a few jars on some random desk. They looked poisonous. Probably gas too. One wiff would probably kill you.
“I’m gonna check further in,” Batwoman said, coming back out from behind the tubs of chemicals she had found nothing out of the ordinary behind. “Stay with him,” She told Red Hood.
“Yeah, alright,” He said.
Batwoman began walking into a back area of Ace Chemicals. There was a door into one room and then stairs leading upward to a few more rooms that were all next to each other.
She decided to go into the room on the bottom first.
Batwoman cautiously turned the rusty old knob, keeping her guard up. Ace Chemicals is known for criminal activity, I mean, it’s quite literally the birth place of Harley Quinn. It’s where Joker had pushed her into that vatt of chemicals all those years ago. You had to expect anything in this place.
“Ugh,” Batwoman cringed, bringing a hand to her nose, “Jeez, it smells like three month old eggs in here.”
She stepped into the room, keeping a hand over her nose as she began to look around.
There was really nothing to note in the room. It was obviously some type of hang out area no one had been in in probably years. A lounging couch that stank of rat poop and an assortment of other things that were just rotting under the cusions. Then there was a counter with a sink. One that had piles of dirty dishes in it. She had found a few rats licking off the plates; she didn’t bother them, but she did cringe. Then the fridge. She didn’t even want to open the thing. She could already tell that’s where the smell was coming from. And sure enough, inside the fridge was a variety of disgusting, old, moldy, and rotted food inside.
“Don’t think Kelsey is gonna want this muffin anymore,” Batwoman commented, looking at the container with a chocolate chip muffin inside and branded with the name Kelsey on the lid of the container. It was all moldy and gross.
“Blegh,” Batwoman gagged, closing the fridge with her foot.
She looked in the old wooden cabinets, behind and under the tables. Everywhere she looked, nothing but rats and their feces and disgusting bugs were found.
“Well that was a waste,” She grumbled as she walked out of that room, closing the door behind her. Now it was time to look in the two rooms upstairs.
Batwoman walked up the stairs, deciding to go to the first room. She read the plate next to the door that read, ‘lab room.’
“This should be fun,” She sighed, opening the door and cautiously peeking in and looking around. From first glance, there didn’t look to be anything in here of note. “This better not be a waste of time,” She grumbled as she stepped in.
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“Alright, I brought a new kind of food this time.” Damian said as he entered the room.
You hadn't turned to look at him from where you sat kneeled on the floor, your head resting on your arms that rested on the window sill.
Damian didn't move, you knew he didn't. There weren't any footsteps coming farther into the room.
“What are you doing?” He asked, and you finally heard him start walking, and soon you heard something being placed on the nightstand.
“Out.” You said, finally turning to look at the boy and raising one of your hands to tap on the window. He was standing staring at you near your nightstand, his hands in his pockets.
“Outside?” He questioned as he finally started moving throughout the room closer to you.
You had turned back to look out the window once more once he was standing at your side.
Damian's gaze rested downward on you. You looked so calm staring out the windows. Though your blank face looked as if you were displeased, he knew you weren't. He was the same way with his own blank face.
“What that?” He was pulled out of his thoughts by your voice. He looked at what you were looking out the window at.
Your pointer finger which rested against the window pointed towards two creatures in the air, gracefully maneuvering through the gentle breeze.
“Birds,” Damian said bluntly. “They’re birds.”
You looked up at the boy, “Bi..” You paused, unsure of if you were going to say it correctly or not.
“Birds.” He said one more time. “They’re flying.”
“Bird.” You finally attempted.
“Mhm,” he nodded.
You looked out the window once more. Watching the birds fly through the air. “Want that.” You said.
“Want that?” Damian repeated in the form of a question.
You nodded, “Want that.” You pointed to the bird.
Damian wasn’t quite sure if you meant you wanted a bird or if you wanted what the birds had. Freedom.
“Bird is…” You paused, watching the bird in awe.
“Pretty?” Damian questioned after a few seconds of silence. You nodded.
“Yeah..” He agreed softly, looking away from you and out the window at the birds again. “They are.”
“Dami.” His eyes widened a bit and he looked down at you again. Dami? Dami..? You were looking up at him, your face a blank one like his.
“Yeah..?” He managed to ask.
You pointed to the free spot on the floor next to you. “Sit.” You told him. Not in a commanding way like most would hear from your tone. He knew you didn’t mean it like that.
He listened and sat down on the floor next to you.
For you to actually invite him to sit next to you, and so close, was honestly a big step. He noticed you’d opened up a bit quickly with him, but he assumed it was because of the age difference between the two of you. There wasn’t really a big one.
“Dad..” You said softly. He looked to you, waiting to see where you would go with this, “You hate him.” It was more of a statement than a question. You didn’t look at him. You had rested your chin back down on your arms that rested on the window sill.
Damian stayed quiet, keeping his gaze on you for a moment before letting it drop down to the surface of the window sill and then out the window. “Yeah.” He answered. Though he knew you already knew that. “I do.”
A quiet fell over the room. The two of you staring out the window.
“He scares me…” You admitted.
He looked at you. Your expression, still blank, had grown a bit more solemn. Like a little puppy that had just been yelled at or hit for just trying to get love or have a bit of fun. It broke him to see you like this. So young and yet already so broken and wounded.
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“Ugh,” Batwoman groaned as she walked out of the room she had just been looking in. “Theres nothing in this disgusting dump..” She grumbled, looking down at all of the chemical pits and barrels that Ace Chemicals held. “I doubt there’s anything actually here all these chemicals haven’t hidden.” She sighed, now making her way down the stares and back the way she came.
“Oh, don’t give me that crap!” Red Hood exclaimed. Batwoman started walking a bit faster, hoping to get there before he would probably kill the guy the two found.
“Please, please,” The man cried desperately, “The guy is going to kill me!”
Batwoman was met with a familiar scene. Red Hood holding the man in the air the collar of his shirt. But this time, the man’s face was bloodied. Blood ran down from his nose, he had a busted lip that was bleeding, and an array of cuts on his face.
“Red Hood!” Batwoman yelled, “What the hell are you doing!?”
“Tell me!” Red Hood yelled, shaking the man within the air. Tears were bubbling in the guy’s eyes.
“He.. He’ll kill me!” The man repeated. Red Hood scoffed.
“And if you don’t tell me what the hell you know, I’ll kill you!” He told the man, his red helmet growing an eary and angry sense to it.
“Fine! Fine!” The man screamed, his legs flailing around in the air, “Please, I’ll tell you! Just put me down!”
“Red Hood put him down!” Batwoman demanded.
Jason dropped the man, letting him fall to floor with a thud.
“Well,” Red Hood demanded himself, looking down at the man on the floor, “Go on!”
The man winced at his commanding and angry tone, “The guy you’re looking for. Cain or whatever.” His voice was shaking in fear, and he was looking down at the floor in shame. Of himself, or maybe something else. “He came here a few months ago after his disappearance. Vanished for about 3 months, came to me. He had some..” He sounded unsure. “He was asking for some weird stuff,” he shrugged his shoulders lightly, “Said he needed it for some project, I didn’t ask what. But he did have this weird sense of pride to him. One he never usually had.”
“Can you get to the damn point!” Red Hood demanded.
“Hey,” Batwoman said sternly, “Let him speak.”
The man recieved a nod from Batwoman, telling him to go on. “Cain wanted some type of like.. Serum. Said it needed to enhance and quicken the development of metahuman abilities. Then he had a thought to make another serum that would make someone more…” The man paused and sighed loudly, “Hell, I’ll just say it. More easily manipulable.”
Batwoman and Red Hood stood silent for a moment. Batwoman’s lips parted as she took in the information, and her eyes widened behind her domino mask. The two vigilante’s exchanged a glance.
“Hey,” Batwoman started, looking towards the man.
“Y-Yeah?” He looked back, a bit nervous of what might happen to him.
“Do you have any samples or spares of that?” She asked.
The man sat for a second.
“Well!” Jason exclaimed, making the man jump.
“Yes! Yes, I do!” The man scrambled to his feet, walking to a station a little ways away behind some tubs of chemicals with the two vigilantes close behind him.
“Damnit..” The man muttered as he scrounged around in the desk, throwing papers and gadgets sloppily in his hunt for the serum. “Here!” He announced, pulling out a green liquid serum in a small tube. He handed it to Batwoman.
“Not a lot, huh.” She commented, swishing the liquid around in the enclosed tube.
“Sorry,” He apologized, his expression growing a bit solemn, “I tried to save at least a bit, but. The recipe was tricky.” He began to scrounge through the desk once more before pulling out a paper with sloppy handwriting on it. “The ingredients were hard and illegal to get, then the only perfected batch he took immediately. It was hard to even steal that tiny bit out of it.” He handed the paper to Batwoman as well. “That’s the recipe for it.”
“Alright.” She nodded, turning on her heel and beginning to walk away with Red Hood next to her.
Batwoman stopped however, turning to look at the man and Red Hood went ahead, “C’mon (nickname).” She said, gesturing her head for him to follow and speaking like it was the obvious that he come along.
“Huh..?” His brows furrowed.
“Hurry it up!” Batwoman called. “You have vital information about this stupid serum and we can’t have you getting caught by the wrong people.” The man was startled into pace. He began to catch up with the vigilantes, still confused and quite bewildered by what the hell is happening.
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“Damn, this just keeps getting messier and messier..” TIm groaned, running a hand along his face and moving it up to run through his hair. He was tired, anyone could tell at a glance. “Alright, give it here.” He spoke, putting a hand out to take the serum from Batwoman. “Who’s the straggler?” He asked as he got up and walked towards a machine.
“Hm,” Batwoman turned to look over her shoulder at the man.
“Um.. My name is Sullivan Bishop.” He answered her unsaid question.
“He’s got connections with Cain. Helped him make the serum.” She said as she crossed her arms, watching Tim carefully pour the bit of serum into a compartment of the machine and clicking a few buttons. Soon, it started up and started analyzing the liquid.
“Do you know what he used the serum for?” Sullivan asked. Everyone was silent. Sullivan visibly curled in on himself in defeat. He was terrified. He was in the batcave, surely not going to be let out anytime soon. And he was so lost. He had no clue what was happening. He’d never wanted to get involved with Cain to begin with. He knew he was shady, knew that Cain would get him in trouble. But this? This serum that was testing positive for countless things on the Batcomputer. This serum that could be considered a poison.
This was beyond anything shady he’d heard or expected from Cain. Whatever he used this serum for was downright psychotic.
Tim stared up at the computer, honestly at a loss for words.
“What the hell did you use?” Tim’s voice was breathless. But the look he gave to Sullivan sent chills down the man’s spine. “Toluene, lead..” His voice trailed off. “No wonder the kid was so set in killing Cassandra. This serum makes it so she can’t think for herself.”
“What the hell..” Red Hood’s voice trailed off.
“We can only imagine how long this was being administered into her blood stream.” Tim finished.
“I..” Sullivan’s eyes bubbled with tears, his voice breaking. “I didn’t know.. I… I didn’t know what he would use it for. I… Please I. I didn’t know..” He was rambling.
“You didn’t know?” Jason questioned, his tone growing angry and threatening.
“N.. No. No I didn’t I promise!!” Sullivan’s waorks were jumblings up as they tumbled from his mouth in fear of what Red Hood might do.
“Red Hood!” Batwoman stopped him from walking toward the shaking man with a hand on his chest, “Take a walk.” She made eye contact with him through his helmet when she ordered him.
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<- Chapter 4 Chapter 6 ->
@redh00dsbf @02006 @shikanosn @rainnyydaysworld @notsaelty
450 notes · View notes
Jason: Why are you looking at me?
Y/N: Why are you looking at me?
Dick: Why isn’t anyone looking at me?
3K notes · View notes
rogueshadow1124 · 4 months
Batfamily x Batsis!Reader
Summary: Y/N Wayne gets in trouble at school, her father Bruce Wayne is called in to see the principal...
Word count: 2477
Warnings: swearing (not proof read)
There sat a young girl, dark Y/H/C locks messily arranged upon her head. Bruce Wayne, her father, was designated in the chair beside her, hands clasped together in his lap as he held immense eye contact with the headmistress who broke out into a sudden sweat under the icy blue hues of the man, not knowing whether to break the eye contact or keep it.
"I would appreciate it if you sped this up Dianne, I've been In this hellhole for more hours than I should have been." The girl sneered at the women who was making googly eyes towards her father, seemingly glaring through her thick skull. 'Pft stupid witch!'
"Y/N what have I told you about addressing adults in a respectful manner." Bruce peered down at his youngest child, squinting down at her as she pulled the innocent card, batting her lashes at the older man as she always did in these situations, which happened to appeal quite often. The Raven haired male switched his gaze back to the women before him and his child, shooting a charming smile that was hardly noticable. "Please, continue if you may Ms. Chèrmaine."
"Aha urm- of course Mr. Wayne." She lowered her gaze to the papers that were disorganised upon her desk, moving o few pieces around before she hummed and pulled out a file on the young girl. "It appears Y/N has made an offense towards another student."
"Is that so?" The man turned his head so he could face his daughter who had switched her eyes to look around the room, avoiding his own identical hues that were latched onto her. He sighed, bringing up a hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose in a form annoyance. "And what is this offense you speak of ma'am?"
"I hope you understand that violence is not tolerated here at the academy Mr. Wayne and Y/N has bypassed these rules numerous times, this time however has been proven to be out of hand." The headmistress set her eyes on Y/N who was already staring at her, more so glaring harshly with a scowl forming on her lips. "Am I right to assume you are familiar with Mr. Hayes?"
"You already know I am Chèrmane, get on with it!" Y/N snapped.
"Y/N Y/M/N Wayne! What have I said about showing respect?" Bruce stared down at her, a look of disapproval overshadowing his features.
"Right right I'm so sincerely sorry Ms. Chèrmane."
"If I may continue- your daughter Mr. Wayne is a troublesome girl. This morning, a fight broke out in the cafeteria, we are yet to get to the bottom of the cause but we have reason to believe that Y/N had started it. We have CCTV footage as evidence." Dianne Chèrmane was now on the girls most hated list, how could that women have called Y/N as such as troublesome, maybe hot-headed but not at all did she herself believe she was troublesome. People- especially people like Hayden Hayes got under her skin so easily.
"I am not troublesome Ms. Chèrmane and I demand to know why you have not been willing to hear my side of the story." Y/N rose a brow at the woman, eyeing her sitting form up and down in a judging manner. A scoff passed the girls lips as she felt a tiny nudge on her arm, coming to now side-eye her father. "At least have the decency to hear my side of the story if you will...Please."
"Go ahead Y/N..." The headmistress nodded at the girl, motioning with her hands to speak on.
"It all started when that stuck up Hayes kid came and sat at my table..."
[In the cafeteria early today...]
The young Wayne was sitting quietly at one of the tables in the cafeteria, eyes scanning over the words on the page of the textbook she was currently reading. Her fingers tapped rhythmatically against the wooden surface, the tapping came to a stop when she noticed a shadow casting over the space infront of her, hearing the sound of a chair squeaking as it was pulled out, allowing whoever had moved it to take a seat.
"Oh little Wayne." A male voice called out to the girl tauntingly, her head slowly rose so her icy gaze could be set on the sandy haired boy sat infront of her, a low grumble echoing between her lips.
"I have no time for you Hayes." She stated coldly, slamming the textbook close while coming to a stand from where she was previously sat in the chair. "You ruined the little peace I have in this wretched place."
"How come you think your so high and mighty because your daddy's rich huh?" Hayes seethed, jumping up from his chair and proceeded to slam his hands down on the table eyes trailing over the bored expression that plagued the girls face.
"Are we done here? I havent such time for inconvenience." She arched a brow, smiling fakely as she watched the boys face change into one of annoyance and frustration, his nostrils starting to flare in his moment of agitation. "I will take my leave."
"No you won't Wayne, I wanted to talk!"
"Oh yeah well I dont want to talk nor do I have time to waste on you." Y/N turned her back to the boy, setting off towards the exit of the cafeteria only to be stopped by a hand grasping onto her wrist.
"I bet you daddy's so disappointed in you, your a nobody Wayne, a nobody you hear me?! Nobody cares about you, your a mess up, somebody who is only the slightest bit lucky to exist-" Haydens speech came to an end when the girl swung around and connected her fist to his face, a cracking sound echoing through the silence.
"Dont you ever talk to me in that way Hayes."
"Huh..." He hummed, hand clutching his nose tightly, eyes glaring at the girl menacingly. He brought his bloodied hand nearer to his face, examining the amount of crimson that laced his fingers. "I admit you have quite the force for such a small thing Wayne but you've made a huge mistake."
As the male went to make a move on the girl, she caught him by the wrist just as his hand had raised at her. She huffed, rolling her eyes not at all fazed by the advance the boy had made, she twisted his arm harshly, swinging his front into a wall, pressing hardly to where he had started to whine and wince at the oncoming pain.
"Don't you ever touch me Hayden, I may be a girl but I can sure handle myself and y'know what I dont think I'm high and mighty i just like this thing called personal space, something you obviously dont know of but i would take this as a warning if i were you, i could do so much more damage." She twisted his arm more, smirking when he shouted out in pain, his arm pulsing hardly as it felt like the bone was about to pop out of its place.
Then she let go, allowing the boy to slide down the wall as she waltzed out of the cafeteria not minding the other students who were left silent and stunned from the scene.
[Back to the office in present time...]
"Technically it was his own fault." The girl declared, slouching back in the chair that she had been sat in for ages, feeling it start to become uncomfy.
"That does still not give you the right to nearly immobilize the boy Y/N." Ms. Chèrmane spoke, looking at the girl intensely, not knowing why the younger was completely unfazed and looking rather bored in the situation.
"Are you saying I should have allowed that boy to lay his hands on me?" She spat out, staring down the headmistress who seemingly shrunk back in her seat as the girls agitation rose from nothing to something in only the few moments that passed by with the conversation. "I do believe I am finished here."
Y/N pushed back in her chair, making it squeak against the wooden boards of the floor. She set off towards the office doors ignoring the calls of her name that fled from her fatyers lips, hand reaching out to the brass knob of the door only to fling it open harshly, not bothering to stop it from swinging into the wall before she stormed away and through the halls.
She was absolutely livid, how could some woman be a headmistress of a school if she didnt even take into consideration both sides of the story. Y/N does have to admit that she did indeed act out maybe a little too much on the school grounds but that doesnt mean that only she was in the wrong, Hayden Hayes had made an advance to lay his hands on her and that would not at all be an acceptable move to make by any means on not only her but any other female or student within the school.
The girl barged through the exit, hopping down the steep stairwell vastly. She set into a quick pace down the opposite way to where her fathers vehicle was parked and headed straight for the city, her mind drowned in the thoughts of what she was to do next, she didnt want to go home yet or face her father- in her mind she did believe that she was infact a disappointment, she was always the one to be in trouble, she couldnt do much right by her family- trouble always seemed to follow her and she hated it because this made her a burden.
How could she hold the name Wayne, she couldn't live up to being under such a powerful name. She wasnt at all like her brothers- Dick Grayson was so very graceful and kind, something she couldn't conquere or be. Jason Todd, she related to him the most being reckless and resentful but he had qualities that she didn't, he could control and restrain himself, he was the charmer after all. Then theres Timothy Drake, he was a technical genius, smart and generous, he was above many but he was humble. And theres Damian Wayne, her actual half-blood brother, he was an absolute prodigy, a cocky bastard and a know it all, he had not many flaws, he seemed so perfect.
A vibration from her pocket caught her attention, taking her away from the haze her mind was slowly suffocating within. She whipped out her phone from her pocket, noticing how the screen had lit up with her fathers name, she grumbled pressing decline, going to put it back in her pocket only to have it start buzzing again, only this time it was one of her brothers.
"What do you want Jason?" She hadn't meant for her voice to shake when she spoke, also currently noticing that her throat was becoming dry and her eyes burned as water had started to build and make her icy blues become glassy.
"Where you at little bird, Bruce is flipping his lid." Jason's voice echoed through the device, a slight hint of worry wavering in his tone as he waited for an answer.
"M'just catching some fresh air Jay, no biggie I'll be back later." Was her response, a heavy breath breaking through her chapped lips shortly after when she heard her older brother whisper something incoherent under his breath.
"Fresh air? This is Gotham Y/N/N, theres nothing fresh about the place." He attempted to joke, not raising any kind of applause in return, nothing but a low hum on the girls behalf. "Where are ya' I'll pick you up."
"Gotham city park." She whispered, taking a seat on one of the benches. She could hear a few ruffles through Jason's end of the phone before he grumbled a goodbye to whoever was in the room with him.
"See ya in five kid." He ended up hanging up the phone before another word could be spoken.
Y/N's eyes were lowered towards the ground, body unmoving as she breathed unrhythmatically in an attempt to calm her nerves as she was beginning to grow upset. She hadn't meant to get so out of hand, she never does but she just cant control herself at times and she absolutely despises herself for that. She could be a better person, she could try harder.
Her thoughts begin to overcrowd her mind, making her become overwhelmed and she succumbed to the words that swarm her head. A tear had finally fallen, sliding down the length of her smooth pasty cheek, trailing over the ridge of a scar she had gotten on one of her nightly patrols. She hadn't cried for over a year and now she had broken, after all this time of having her feelings build up.
"Hey baby bird." She heard the soft masculine voice of her brother, she peered up through her lashes glancing at the boy who had crouched down infront of her. "Talk to me kid."
"I'm sorry..." she whispered, watching as his face contorted into one of confusion. "I never mean to be the way I am, i cant help being a disappointment."
"Woah, let me stop you right there." A hand made it's way under her chin, tilting her head upwards so her eyes could meet a pair of candy apple greens. "You are nowhere near a disappointment Y/N, nowhere near."
"But dad was so mad, I make him mad."
"Y/N/N you don't make Bruce mad, he just doesnt want you to turn into something we all know your not. We want you to be safe and happy, we dont want you to end up hurt." His thumb reached out to swipe at the tears that had continuously started to fall, a light smile lacing his features when he saw the girl's lips lift at the ends.
"I dont want to be a bitch all the time." She concluded, leaning into the boys hand that now layed on her cheek, seeking the comfort he was providing at this time.
"I know kid, but we all have our ups and downs- take demon for example, he's an absolute cocky little shit but we still love him." Jason mused, chuckling lowly when he saw a flicker of light seep through Y/N's eyes as she started to smile a little more. "That stays between you and I."
"I dont know Jay, I might just let it slip." She taunted, smirking her brother when he rose his brows. "I'm joking."
"Those words ever get out, I'm coming for you little bird."
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