#he got so many hampters
annieanonymous1 · 3 months
How TFP Autobots and Deceptions hold humans
Optimus: big callused hands or whatever the Cybertronian equivalent is many older welds and few new
Gentle giant (obv)holds close to frame, aware of vocal volume and comfort of human
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Ratchet: has sensitive hands - can feel heartbeat and breathing; softer, slightly chubby hands but almost soft
Will not hesitate to pluck up a human and take them to medbay if coughing (once) or even sneezing - no one knows if it’s from a check up or just to hold the squishy; would jostle a human if provoked, holds human under armpits
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Bulkhead: large chubby servos and fingers, surprisingly malleable like human hands
Afraid of hurting the squishy, will hold close to chassis with both hands, very aware of human’s comfort
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Wheeljack: old and new wield scars everywhere, oil and stuff usually gets caught in his seams
Firmer grip but no bruising, secretly scared of dropping squishy, doesn’t work when human is in servo
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Bumblebee: not as many scars, more malleable servos
Likes feeling the tiny human hands hold onto him, gentle pokes and happy whirring while conversing, holds squishy close to face if he trusts them
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Megatron: sharp, chubby, and large servos with mainly old welds
Little disgusted since he’s not handled many organics, doesn’t know how to hold so jostling rides are the norm, squishy is odd breakable stress ball - after finding out that the belly and thighs are the squishiest (has thought about biting the squishier flesh) - will bruise and accidentally cut
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Starscream: almost feminine hands but callous and sharp
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Soundwave: slender (boney if human) servos with no claws, but plenty of sharper points
No regard for organics, will hold in tentacles if he needs both hands, human lower than chest level, human held securely - expect sore spots and bruises
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Conclusion!! Reader inserts and humans are hampters.
Edit: I’ll finish this in a day or too, I got work in the mornin 🥱
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monimccoythings · 1 year
Tiny and cute!
Here I come with a new one! Thanks to all the shitposts that give me life and inspiration to write this! I think this might be the last one I write of this series for now, because I’m literally out of ideas lol. But it has been really really fun. I really enjoyed it. But don’t worry, I’ll keep posting if I get more ideas.
Ayyy lmao when I get a better quality of the angery boi in a pickle jar I update it. This contains spoilers!!! If you haven’t watched the movie yet, go and watch it now! It’s worth it!
Previous parts: 1 and 2
Next parts: 4 and 5
tags: @loveforfandomsstuff @harpy-space​
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After so many tiring weeks working your ass off for the minimum wage, you finally got a very well deserved vacation. Which you were totally planning to spend with your friends and your little pal.
He was such a grumpy pants, he cussed you whenever you came close, but deep down inside his little black heart you knew he craved the attention. If only he didn’t try to bite your fingers with his hampter teef.
So, you, Peach, Mario, Luigi and Toad set off on a journey to the Kong Kingdom, a tropical paradise, for a week of unashamedly lazing off. Since nobody trusted Bowser to be left on his own without causing a ruckus (throwing the piano over and over again against the bars of the cage), you so kindly offered to bring him along in a pet carrier. Oh he was big mad now.
Didn’t help that you kept feeding him apple slices through the bars saying “does the Big Boy want his appy slices?” and it certainly didn’t help either that the Big Boy really wanted his appy slices. To make up for the embarrasment, maybe you’d let him take a sip of your Caipiranha plant cocktail.
The Kong Kingdom was something you wouldn’t have even imagined in a thousand years, and you came from the Mushroom Kingdom. Throw tropical paradise, with Aztec aesthetic and Nash Car in a blender, mix it, and that’s what you get.
One of the Kongs kindly took you all to your huts and very wisely ignored all the Traffic regulations and laws of safe driving, which moved you so much, you spent the entire journey with tears in your eyes and your mouth open in a never ending scream of pure terror.  Yeah, next time you were walking.
One of the most peculiar traditions of the Kongs that you experienced there was some kind of tournament in a stage that was literally floating on air. You had to say it was a bit awkward when the kinda handsome? and cocky prince of the Kongs invited you all over to ‘smash’. Oh well, it would be way too difficult and weird to explain it to them anyways, and quoting Mario, ‘that was a pipe that wasn’t worth exploring’.
The tournament was like watching a real gladiator battle, but the gladiators had superpowers, and they were monkeys. Of course DK won, since, until Mario, he was the undefeated champion. He was a show off, you were truly impressed and cheering for him. He sent a flirtatious wink your way. And a loud thump was heard from inside the carrier. Awww, potato man didn’t want anybody else catching your attention. That was so sweet of him, actually.
The truth was, that despite this being a bit of a holiday, the real reason you all were there was because the turtle had to answer for his crimes against the Kong Kingdom. Godzilla v. Kong. It was jury duty for your friends, yaaayy.
Apparently Bowser didn’t get the memo. He was absolutely angery, screaming, raging, fighting. There was no way to handle him. To try an coerce him out of the carrier and into a proper cage was a task no Kong was patient enough to endure.
Would have it been easier to handle if he had remained in his temporary enclosure? Yeah, it would, but Kongs were monkeys with deeply rooted traditions, and if the teeny mutant ninja toitle had to be in a cage on the witness stand, then he would be in it, conscious or not. Looks like they had very little regard for the rules of the courtroom, but he had tried to kill them, so they were even.
Nobody took into account the possibility that he would manage to break free and make a run for the entrance. Tbh, it was kinda sad to watch him give the effort of his life trying to get to a door that was like ten feet away from where you all were. Still, no Kong was able to lay a hand on him, given how slow he was and how eager he seemed in getting hit, it was as if they were avoiding him on purpose. Peach would later explain you that given the nature of the power up, if he got hit in any way the mushroom would loose its effect and would turn him back to his original size, which was a big nope.
While the jury was debating wheter let him enjoy what little freedom he would have before he was tricked back into the pet carrier or just pick him and finish it, you had a moment of enlightment. That was it, the moment you had been waiting for for the last months, what you had unconsciously been training for your entire life. This was your moment to shine, your moment to be the hero, your moment to-
“Look at you so tiny and cute!” You gushed, picking him up, mindful of the spikes in his shell. He wiggled, trying to be set free and demanding you to put him down that instant or throw him as hard as you could against the wall. But the only thing you wanted to do was...
* smooch * You kissed the tip of his nose. You had been wanting to boop it since day one, and its scales were as soft as you had imagined. Your life dream had been achieved.
Bowser went very still in your hold. His eyes were wide and his pupils had shrunk with shock. The Kongs looked horrified at you so casually holding a narcissistic and psychotic tyrant like a pet, Peach was awkardly smiling at the eldest Kong, Cranky, while Mario and DK were trying as hard as they could to not burst out laughing. Luigi quietly snapped a pic and quickly hid the phone in his overalls, when the guards shot him dirty looks.
It were a couple of uncomfortable minutes that felt like years for all of you, until someone decided to clear their throat, snapping all out of their stupor. Bowser was still frozen so putting him inside the cage was easy. And so, the trial went on without any more disturbances. Whetever the sentence was, he didn’t hear it, nor did he care. Because his mind was occupied by something else. The kiss.
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You didn’t know how it had all started but suddenly there was a loud explosion and the entire castle was on flames. Tumbling, you made your way through a bunch of screaming toads towards the source of the blast. Because you perfectly knew where it had started.
The thick smoke made your eyes watery and you blinked several times, trying to clear your vision through the tears. You coughed several times, your lungs ached and you felt like you were going to pass out at any given moment. But you had to keep going fowards, make sure everyone got out safe. And by everyone you meant every single one of the creatures inhabiting this castle.
Finally, you reached the giantic doors. Exhausted, you tripped and desperately clinged onto the golden knobs, burnng your palms in the process due to the overheated metal. Thankfully, your weight was enough to pull the doorknob and push the door open.
You fell against the cracked marble floor, the only things in front of you were the dark columns of smoke that clouded your vision and the burning roar of the flames in your ears. Until, you saw it.
A gigantic dark shadow with glowing red eyes pulled out from the darkest of nightmarish Hells. The eyes burned with a flaming passion and seemed to be piercing your soul. For the first time in a long time, you felt true fear running through your veins. Still, you were too stunned to move.
A low rumble came out of that disturbing sight. It started to approach you, with every step it took the ground shook, and the less time you had to make a run for it. A shiver ran down your spine at the thought that were you brave enough to run, this monster would catch you in a matter of seconds despite its size.
A sob got caught in your throat when the smoke cleared and you got to see the owner of those eyes.
Your little fella. Your beloved tiny musical tot that played piano. Literally everyone’s warnings against him suddenly came to mind. He was not so little now.
Bowser extended one hulking arm, and with one of his meaty fingers, he dragged a claw through your collarbone without breaking the skin, like some twisted version of a caress. He let out a low purr, certainly deepest than it had sounded merely days ago. “Look at you...So tiny and cute...”
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shopcat · 4 months
who are ur favorite mha characters?? :3 mine are aoyama and kirishima and bakugo is like my pet hampter
cut because i got embarrassedddd
TBH bc there's no character i like necessarily Hate other than like endeavour and overhaul im a lover at hearttttt i think so many charas are fun in some way or other or at least have interesting designs or something or a fun dynamic w someone else that makes them cool TEEHEE ^_^ i love kiri too and aoyama is sooo funny and i rmr the day everyone found out he was the traitor so vividly. also all the candidates for who it was before him omfg ... that was what we call dj crazy times. i am definitely more of a kirishimahead than i used to be what people don't understand about him is he's actually emo for real like for real though i always thought he was funnyyy with his likes listed as "manly men" LMFAO 😭 GAY 🫵 . OH and i do love bakugou he's so stupid & i enjoy the platonic (🤨) baku deku dynamic a lot they are teenage boys. which is such a nothingburger statement and yet So true. but you basically can't hate bakugou anyway with a rowan in your heart that's just stupid and talking about him w him over the years has formed a lot of fondness for him he's weirdo
anyway. myyy favourites will always be shinsou todoroki & aizawa (That one oomf who does NOT play about aizawa) but i love deku too idg how people can watch/read something and dislike the MAIN CHARACTER like omfg you're so sour he's legiterally my c section baby =_=. i also love TAMAKI he's my lockscreen atm he's like my bias wrecker my other c section baby. my beautiful twins. over all i'd say i enjoy thinking abt the whole todoroki family in general minus endeavour but in a way bc of the endeavour shaped hole too + dabi both in that and otherwise just as himself yknow. & tomura is my oomf in another life. pretty much the whole league too but i love toga and need to safe her like she's literally 16. though i have a certain fondness for twice atm at least and also spinneraki nation.
ummm i think about the weird tragic amalgamation of kuroboro mostly by nature of also being erasermic nation. i generally just hold a lot of care for pretty much all of 1a minus you know .. i think outside of the quote unquote main cast i love mina the most she's so cute & came around on denki too i'm taking custody of him awayyyy from horikoshi like for real. at this point in time i think hawks is cool and a hottie with a body and i will 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 him re: tragic backstory... also obv i love monoma he's crazy and ibara ocd realness and i like the mushroom girl whose name i don't know she's creeepyyyy. hound dog is also cool i like all the anthros and such LOVE tokoyami another real emo... and i am not an all might hater i am an all might lover (🤨). i can't think of anyone else rn there's too many of these bitches. my final message goodbye.
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brawlqueen · 1 year
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well, late for munday but! i spoiled myself a little on etsy with my favorite girl / a favorite ever character ! so this is my munday contribution. i also got a very cute note of best ai-ball aiba in her hampter form! super cute! from the talented artist (please check out etsy! amazing work there for uchikoshi fans!) not sure what or where i'm putting them but i also have another set of mizuki at both ages we've seen her and also of her gremlin self at 12 with a date charm, as he is also in the 'favorites' category!
please support etsy artists their art is top notch and also i would highly recommend the ze/aitsf fandom's tag on tumblr! hell knows how many times i've reblogged the same art (i'm so sorry artists..) and support them, they are my favorite fandom of content because everyone is so chill and has so much heart! also i love how mizuki is in an aiba bubble shape doing her iconic thumbs up as a child and grown up!
happy...mizuki munday?
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thecranewivesrpf · 1 year
you have shrimp AND rats? damn you just have exciting pets
my choice of pets are...intriguing to say the least
I'm allergic to cats and dogs and my sister is allergic to hay so we can't have normal pets 😭 normalest we got is a hampter who we think may or may not have knowledge beyond our mortal comprehension. he's very old and still kicking. bi weekly escapes from his bin cage (we still don't know how) except he only goes to my bedroom and I catch him immediately because he walks over my feet while I'm gaming.
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here's an old pic of the pregnant girl who started almost our whole colony! We had snails for the algae but they didn't get there in time apparently smh. they were named katatsumuri taxi (snail taxi in Japanese, the shrimp like to ride their backs and eat the algae off of them) and ocean Roomba but they both kicked the bucket unfortunately. we have an unnamed snail now, un-officially dubbed ocean Roomba two despite the fact it's a freshwater tank
I don't take many pictures of them, sorry shhsjdje
I thought a certain shrimp had a parasite and moved them to a separate tank to let them live their last days in peace without spreading the parasite, turns out they were just having babies and the saddle was just really weird looking, so we have a 2 gallon and a 10 gallon full of 8 or so and 50+ shrimp respectively. Have had em for about 2 years now
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here is a boopable rat snoot. boop!
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Mood: Ultimate Breeder
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