#he hasn't even done anything wrong exactly. kind of. sorta.
alectology-archive · 3 years
I’m such a baby I stopped reading the moment perrin’s pov started
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flightfoot · 3 years
When I came across some post that said the ladynoir conflict is over I thought they're just joking but it turned out they're serious thinking that it's over because "it's just one sided conflict since begin with that revolve about Adrien feeling while mari never do wrong" as one mlbtwt said and I was like "seriously? Mari never do wrong? Trying to trick her partner isn't wrong? Not teling about third permanent miraculous user spying around to her so called partner isn't wrong?" And got blocked lmfao. I never understand people who always said Mari never do wrong because if she's never then doesn't that just proofing salter that she's a marysue then?
Yeah, Marinette's definitely made mistakes, and those things were not exactly great to do, and I'd still like some fallout for them, to ensure that they won't happen in the future. I think it's interesting that the show DOES give her these flaws, it makes her a more three-dimensional character I think than someone who's just always heroic and good and never messes up in her personal relationships, but I DO want it to be brought up again in-show, to have a proper resolution, with Marinette at the very least realizing the full impact of keeping these kinds of secrets from her partner, or the kind of manipulation she attempted in Ephemeral. I want to be sure she won't attempt those same kinds of things again, at least without realizing the gravity of what she's doing.
That being said, the whole "mary sue" thing... that term tends to get overused to the point of uselessness. My main concern is on how much the world warps around the character, pulling everyone else out of character or changing the way the world itself works to revolve around the character. It happens to some degree with most main characters, but when it happens too much, it gets to be a problem. Especially if Protagonist-Centered Morality comes into play.
Anyway, I can sorta see where that person may have been coming from, as far as it being one-sided goes. The Ladynoir Conflict has been two-sided in the sense that it involves both Marinette and Adrien, but one-sided in the sense that Adrien's the one who's upset by what's going on - Marinette's obliviously going about her business, Chat hasn't done anything to upset her. Even him not showing up to some akuma battles (probably because he's too depressed? It was never made clear, but I think that was the implication) didn't actually lead to her thinking anything was wrong.
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loonlynxshenanigans · 7 years
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Alright so! Said I'd get a reference up for these nerds, gonna do that now. A basic reference, at least.
The three above- yes, only three- are, from left to right, Papyrus, Gaster and Sans- in that order for their bipedal forms, as well as their quadruped forms. They, uh... aren't actually capable of being both at the same time, this is just sort of for height reference- though it... isn't the best at that either, since Gaster's quadruped form is supposed to be taller- but hey, you get the gist of their appearance! Probably! Moving on, those wings you see on those quadruped forms are made of magic- specifically, the combined magic of all three of them- and can be summoned and desummoned at will, just like any other attack- though when summoned, it's easier to share magic between them- they can even... sort of use their powers for the other- so Sans can teleport the other two, Papyrus can heal, and... well, Gaster has yet to get a handle on his own speciality of magic, and. Might never, so that remains to be seen. But, as for the different forms thing, all three of them are shapeshifters- a kind of shapeshifter specific to their universe (as far as I know) that, usually, only have two forms; their usual, bipedal form, and a quadruped form; in which they can't naturally speak any normal, spoken language- without use of magic that takes a lot of practice to perfect. Instead they use a 'language' called... well, Shapeshifter- which I usually denotate by using >this sorta thing< rather than quotation marks. It's... basically a slighttly more complex version of animal body language and sounds; heck, actual animal body language is often known as basic Shapeshifter. It's possible to do it without any vocal sounds, but it's s little harder to be specific- and, generally, Shapeshifter can't carry an accent, or any specific way of speaking; it's always just a little bit interprative, though... usually not enough so to cause misinterpretation. Shapeshifter can... also be understood by Pokémon. Because this is a crossover. That's where the 'mystery' comes from.
Moving away from physical, and... most magical aspects- I can talk plenty about magic science later- let's get a bit more into the specifics of these characters. Let's start with Sans.
Mysterytale!Sans is much like the ocean, in that he is. Very salty. Granted, it's not entirely unwarrented; he has a lot to be salty about. Usually, the things he's salty about involve someone he knows getting hurt, something close to him being destroyed, that sort of thing. When he isn't being salty, he's... rather laid back, as most Sanses tend to be. He's somehow... allso manage to keep up to date on the latest memes. The current running theory is blame Alphys, but he hasn't directly told anyone yet; he's also, of course, proficient in puns. He isn't exactly opposed to an adventure, though- exploration, when it isn't obviously dangerous or some place he's seen a thousand times in different universes- it actually is exciting for him, and he tends to perk up quite a bit around Papyrus as well. Sans' quadruped form is, decidedly... pretty cat-like. And, as the behaviour of most quadrupeds are, I mean in an incredibly stereotypical way. He will knock things off shelves, stare at nothing, and if Mysterytale had a Sans fight you could defeat him with a lazer pointer. It's... slightly rediculous, and he's. A bit embarrassed about it. You probably won't catch him in quadruped form, alone, very often. He doesn't really get along with most canines outside of Papyrus, and... as of recently, other cats are. A little frightening. In terms of his relationship to the other two, he is. V e r y close to Papyrus, usually depending on him for moral support and sanity checks- as well as. Actually knowing how social situations work. His relationship with Gaster is... a bit more difficult. Sans cares about him quite a significant amount, but he... has a bit of a hard time thinking of Gaster as a dad. The fact that he's rescuing him every two weeks and has to stick around to make sure he doesn't cause property damage while experimenting does not help in this fact. Still, they can certainly talk science together, and they have 'pun wars' on occasion- which. Is just ghem talking back and forth in almost entirely puns. It's great.
Now, to Papyrus! ...I, uh. Gotta be honest, I'm still getting his personality down, but- he's pretty definitely the moral backbone of the three. He's a grand majority of the reason that the other two aren't a broken mess half the time, likely being the most optimistic out of the three. He truly does believr in everyone's ability to change, and it's not because he doesn't know or understand the things people have done. He often knows a lot more than he seems to- he's actually pretty darn good at reading expressions, and social situations in general, and though he isn't the most scientifically-geared, he is v e r y good at understanding people. Still, he hesitates to use this to his advantage in fear of hurting people, or damaging their trust, so he tends to keep most of this to himself. It definitely does help him take care of the other two, though; knowing what's troubling them, and when they aren't actually 'fine'. Which is... most of the time. Papyrus' quadruped form is decidedly canine- generally pretty vocal and not shy at all about it, happy to chase a stick and very willing to... at least attempt to be a lap dog. Thankfully, he doesn't chase bones, and gets along rather well with cats. As for his relationship to the others? As mentioned, he is the moral backbone of the group. He's comforted Sans more times than he can count, and it's always a little frightening for either of them to go exploring someplace without the other. He's also consoled Gaster quite a few times, but... both Sans and Papyrus know significantly less about him than they know about each other, which, at times, make that difficult. Papyrus has... a bit of an easier time seeing Gaster as a father, but... if he's honest, it's partially for Gaster's benefit.
And finally... Gaster. This nerd- this hecking nerd is the most developed character in this entire AU and I'm prrobably going to send him in alone in a grand majority of roleplays I do here because. I... I actually know how to write for him. But- yeah, first and foremost, he's a nerd. He studied magic for a rediculously long time, being one of the first to do so using a more scientific method- and he still does research on the subject when he has tge chance to. He doesn't even really need to, it's simply fun for him. Exploration is also fun, of course- and, ultimately? ...He wants to go to space. He really, really wants to go to space. He knows quite a lot about space, and space agencies, and all of his notes are littered with theoretical designs of a magic-based engine to be used in- yeah, you guessed it- a space shuttle. Though he... doesn't know nearly as much about constellations. He can certainly name a few good stars on sight, though. Of course, given all this research into magic, and a pretty significant knowledge of physics, the increasingly un-constant rules of physics and magic across the multiverse are endlessly frustrating. Especially universes that fail to recognize simple law of conservation of mass. Still, he's... plenty capable of getting over that simply because exploring the multiverse is now necisarry, even if he isn't really the most fond of it. He... doesn't really have the most self-confidence in anything but his knowledge of magic and physics- and space- and... usually isn't too concerned with getting himself hurt, especially if, in any way, it seems to be helping someone- to a rather dangerous degree. He's aware of the impact this has on the people close to him, though, so he does try at least a little bit not to get himself into too bad of trouble, but he... isn't really the best at it. He's also very... very aware of the relationships between many Sans', Papyrus' and their Gasters in other universe- as far as he's seen, most of them being... poor, to say the least. With that knowledge, he's pretty hesitant to so much as tell people his name, speak in Wingdings, or introduce himself in bipedal form, for fear of bringing up unwanted memories. He... has done many things he regrets rather heavily, and if you get to know him enough, it... shows pretty quickly. He probably needs a hug. Like basically everyone in his universe. Moving on yo his quadruped form, though, it's... losely based off of a dragon...? His universe doesn't have a whole lot of stereotypes for dragons, but he is pretty easily distracted by shiny things and tends to rumble-growl a lot. His relationship with Sans and Papyrus is... well, as previously described, but- he is incredibly protective of the both of them, keeping a lot of his problems to himself and generally not letting strangers know they even exist for fear of tgem being used just to get to him. He's... told people that they've died on multiple occasions, and hurting them in any significant ways is one of the very, very few ways to get him actually, significantly mad at you. The other being another version of him or a flowey, though redemption is certainly possible. He just has yet to see thst more than once or twice. He... most definitely does depend heavily on both of the other two for moral support, though- even if he does still refuse to actually explain what's wrong, just being together... seems to help all three of them. He views them, as well as many other members of his universe as family- even if Sans and Papyrus are... really the only ones he regularly talks to, and... for many reasons, he feels like he owes them- both his universe, and the two specifically. He... he really isn't doing too great, but it's not something he always thinks about, and he has plenty of things he can be happy about- just. Exploring the multiverse can often be a bit... stressful, and he doesn't give himself a whole lot of recovery time...
But! Beyond that, there's a whole heckton of backstory, magic shenanigans and such that- for now- I'll keep secret, just to... hopefully make things interesting. But! Have a few extra tidbits!
All of them are... a little uncomfortable around soup, Sans especially
Flirting is Gaster's greatest weakness. He cannot comprehend it.
The Exploration Team that, for convenience sake, now includes... basically their entire universe is called Team Determination.
They use a hybrid between Pocket dimensions and the Treasure bag to have a basically infinite storage space shared between the entire universe, accessable by inventory.
This inventory contains an entire page of 99 stacks of Gravelrocks.
They sometimes use this inventory space to send written messages to eachother.
They use the badges' rescue system as a form of transportation, though they're still working on getting it to bring people to specific locations rather than some random place in the 'dungeon'
Gaster owns a model of the Columbia space shuttle, as well as a turtleneck he will never wear
Strong violet magic, in Mysterytale, is kind of terrifying
None of the three are likely to relax in a flower garden
Gaster has gone to the void twice, and has 0 LV. He is terrified of gaining more, and will take drastic measures to avoid this.
No one in Mysterytale is capable of swearing.
Gaster has a third form, mimicking a monster from his universe known as a Dracfin- semi-aquatic, furred quadrupeds that shapeshift slightly based off of whether they're submerged in water or not, playing off of the way water bends light. They are carnivores. Have a picture of said form- his appearance on land on the left, and his appearance in water on the right. Ignore the fact that both are pictured underwater, I got a little lazy with the background.
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Every monster in Mysterytale has a sort of Multiversal camoflauge- which simply means that when they enter a new universe, if the rules of that universe don't allow for Monsters and their magic to exist- say, in a universe without latent magic- they change into the next closest form that obeys that universe's rules, whatever they may be. So, for the most prominent example, if a monster from Mysterytale entered a pokemon universe, they would almost definitely become a pokémon- one that already exists in that universe. So, in all likelyhood...
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Gaster would become a Noivern- to be specific, a noivern with the telepathy ability, and Boomburst, Air Slash, Dragon Pulse and Roost
Papyrus would be a lucario- already mega evolved if allowed, but... otherwise just a normal Lucario with the Inner Focus ability, and Bone Rush, Aura Sphere, Heal Pulse and Copycat as moves
And Sans, finally, would be an Alolan Marowak- Cursed Body as an ability, and Bonemarang, Shadow Bone, Bone Rush and Flamethrower as moves; or... just a normal, non-alolan Marowak, depending on whether or not the universe in question actually. Y'know, has an Alola.
...Have some pictures!
They'll actually register as these Pokemon if scanned with a Pokedex, even when they aren't Pokemon. Again... crossover.
...but, uh. Yeah, anything else you want to know, go ahead and ask. We'll see if I can figure out how asks work. You can probably ask the characrers things, too, and I'll give you an in-character response that might spiral into an entire non-cannon au because that's how those things seem to work for whatever reason.
...also, uh. Let's... let's keep this sfw, mkay? mkay. Like you can swear at them and whatever but. Probably not much beyond flirting, aight?
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