#he is ACTIN UP !!!! thinkin aint nobody got him and hes gotta be in this shit by himself
jrueships · 3 years
Luka (Keldon’s bf Luka not Luka Luka 💀) changed his Insta pfp to the Joker and reposted a video of the Jake paul fight to his story….. this is absolutely the worst day of my life 😭 KELDON GET YOUR MAN I DONT LIKE THE WAY HES ACTING 😭
Okay so.. keldons birthday AND the day luka got waived bcus the nba hates gay people.. keldons getting interviewed on his bday. Love that 4 him! Keldon love!
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A reporter asked smthin abt keldons bday, nice small talk, happy keldon, love wins
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BUT THEN someone asks how keldon feels about luka getting waived ... and you can just See in keldons face how he Really feels about it.
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But he's a professional and doesn't wanna start anything so he basically said like 'things just didn't work out.. y'know?' he just really wants to move on from discussing the topic
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BUT THEY KEEP ASKING!! because they did their research and SAW how close luka and keldon were and keldons just 💧💧💧 'yknow, yknow, yknow' a keldon classic fill in phrase go to.
Reporter: asks another luka question*
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😐. his voice is naturally kinda shakey but you can really hear it kinda tremble, & it's like.. keldon.... you can just say you're sad to see him go... reporters are saying like 'you spent some time in the gleague together' and he's like 'haha yeah... we grew up with each others....' AND ITS LIKE.... KELDONN :-((((.....
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reporter: do you feel like this shows how cold business can be sometimes ?
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Keldon: haHah well- uh- i mean, I dunno- business is business, yknow ?
Like i Get It, you don't wanna start something ESPECIALLY with the media who take the tiniest statements and snowball them into drama (so kinda what im doin LOL bUT IM DOIN IT FOR PURELY MY OWN ANALYSIS, NOT TO RUIN OR GAIN REP) , but you shouldn't be afraid to express your feelings either !!!!! Like that's one of the things i kinda worry about keldon becoming a bigger front figure for spurs. Like YES i love him getting more attention BUT ITS LIKE... he's becoming the comical, happy go-lucky rep n that's CUTE but like... keldon.. u don't Have to be happy or funny all the time... im not saying what he presents isn't real, but he Is a pretty big showoff. Likes impressing people and keeping them happy.. i dunno.. i just want him to know he can be sad sometimes!!!! It's okay!!!!
AND THEN THE WHOLE LUKA THING... OKAY.. SO... instagram luka is. Wow. Okay.
The joker pfp change??!?? OMG... THANK U FOR TELLING ME. i don't really keep up with others social media unless i remember to check in every now n then out of curiosity, so i take ANY media updates from anyone i can Get. thank u and also ARRRGH for this info bcus... it's only adding more ideas into my head that i Do Not like....
So the joker pfp. From the newer movie joker😭😭 YIKES. Men really love turning to that for feelings ... so he in his feelings... the Jake Paul fight... im not even gonna Speak on that BUT BASICALLY... bruh turning to weird shit out of personal feelins. he wylin and keldon isn't getting him. He wylin BECAUSE keldon isn't getting him.
He just posted some will smith thing ( which is like. Don't even get me started on will idek WHATS goin on with him... ) and the video was basically will saying smthin about the road to success being a journey you have to go on alone?? And people won't believe you can do it? IDK i have bad memory but it was basically some lone wolf anguish and it's like.... yikes..
SO WHAT I MEAN IS... u got professionalism keldon and isolation luka which is Not a good combo... but an even worse cause and effect.
You got keldon in an interview trying to smile his way through tough questions about his (boy)friend getting waived and then his (boy)friend jokerfies himself and becomes obsessed with the idea of clawing your way upstream with the entire world turning against you . Like. Yikes. Yikes yikes. YKNOW cus it's not like deebos trade then kyle answering interviews with 'my friends upset so im upset.' you get... 'business is business... yknow ? '
and its not like luka got Traded, he got straight Cut. Not even trade material. while he doesn't get the inhumane feeling of only being a pawn in a giant trade game, he gets no feelings at all. Not from his team and not from keldon, not in public , anyways. And it's Understandable . But it Hurts. Because it's understandable .
#NAMEAN ????#WHAT I MEAN IS.... LIKE.#the idea of luka getting cut and then watching his friend have to act like hes not that affected when he Is#because he doesnt wanna disrupt or cause anything#it hurts#he cant say any feel bad stuff about his Friend and that makes Sense#but i think what luka feels anyways is that even tho it made sense to keep feelings out of sports .. it doesnt mean it didnt hurt#its like that little kinda self centered part of you that wants someone to just. stick up for you even tho u know u might be in the wrong#u just want someone in ur corner#and to have keldon.. a guy known for being in EVERYONES corner and talking and laughing and being Everyones Corner..#suddenly just. Not be in it anymore.. when you want him the most.. it kinda hurts.#so yeah... literally keldon COME get your MANS#he is ACTIN UP !!!! thinkin aint nobody got him and hes gotta be in this shit by himself#when he literally doesnt have to#like he believes in getting up and doing better hes not rlly crushed by defeat he still has Drive#but he just doesnt think anyone else believes in him now and hes added that to his motivation#some ppl always have a bulldog mentality but that doesnt mean that they dont want love!!!!#IDK IM A LITTLE WORRIED...#keldons follower mentality is so obvious....#ANYWAYS YEA THANKS FOR THIS ASK IVE BEEN WANTING TO TALK ABOUT THIS FOR A WHILE#ITS BEEN BUGGIN ME... WORRYIN ME... I DONT LIKE THIS CHANGE ???? I JUST WANT THEM TO BE BOYFRIENDS AGAIN!!!#TELL ME UR THOUGHTS!!!!!@#keldon#keldon/luka#ted asks#to think this all became big bcus a stupid joker pfp change... shoutout to one of the biggest red flags of all humanity#da jokah babay
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oh-no-its-mo · 7 years
what dream you had about jimin nd you 👀👀👀
i just woke up and i forgot i even say something about itsjshtidhd WELP WERE WE GO
ok so i was at our house (you know cuz we was a couple and all dat) and i like ‘okie ik he been workin hard so ima cook all his fav foods and do what ever he wanna do dis his night’ trinna be cute 🙄
im in the kitchen cookin and listening to my lil music and about a hour and a half passed and i hear the front door so my lil excited ass starts cheesin and shit and i yell from the kitchen ‘hi bby welcome home! how was your day ☺️’ but i didn’t get a reply so im like ?????? what da hale 😦 and i got to thinkin ‘okie maybe he got headphones on or something’ so i walk to the kitchen table where he could see me from the living room and i said it again but a lil louder cuz you know… I THOUGHT HE HAD ON HEADPHONES 😤
dis mf look up from his phone and i looked at his ears for the headphones and i ain’t see none… so im like 'okie maybe he ain’t hear me with my music on and all the pots and pans clickin together’ trinna give him the benefit of the doubt i guess… ANYWAY so he looks up at me and just walked passed me and went thru the kitchen and went to our room
at this point im kinda upset but im more confused cuz when he usually comes home hes huggin me and kissin my forehead yellin about how much he missed me but he just ignored my ass 😭 im still standing there trinna figure out if i did or said anything to make me ignore me like that but the night before we watched movies together and that morning we made breakfast together ssoooo 3+2= taes long toes?????? ion understand 🚶🏽‍♀️
so i walk back to the stove cuz even tho he ina mood i still gotta eat and i cant burn no food 💀 so im bent over getting the food out and i feel some hands on my hips and something on my butt and i instantly rolled my eyes cuz for 1 he seemed like he had a attitude and 2 he looked me in my eyes ignored what i said and walked away SOOOO i wasn’t havin it 🙅🏽 i stand up straight organizing the food on the stovetop MIND YOU DIS BOI STILL BEHIND ME GRABBIN ON ME AND SHIT and im just actin like he ain’t there goin about my business
i guess he started gettin frustrated cuz i wasn’t responding to him and he started kissin on my neck and ngl… ya girl was gettin kinda weak but im too petty so i was still trying to ignore his ass cuz he not boutta ignore them kiss on me thinkin ima cave tf 🙎🏽 so i stopped moving and i made this lil 'oh’ sound and i felt him smiling but lil did he know i did that cuz i forgot to put something for the food 🚶🏽‍♀️and i moved away from him to reach up in the cabinet for what im lookin for and all of a sudden i look over at the kitchen table and jimin over there but he look like he boutta knock everything off of it 🤔 so im like 'uhhh wyd’
fam… HE FUCKIN PUSHED EVERYTHING OFF THE TABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i couldn’t even keep up ignoring him no more i got mad asl cuz i had a nice ass cover over the table with some nice ass decorations and one of em was glass so ik it broke gljfsjidtsfy so walk closer to the table like 'dude wdf is up with you!? you ignored me TWICE when you got home then you wanted to rub and kiss on me now you wanna knock shit off the table boi im boutta…’ and i started walkin away but he GRABBED my arm not no regular ass grab dis boi was hulk that day my damn wrist was hurtin and i got a tiny wrist 😭😭😭😭 but he grabbed me and i looked back like let me go leave me alone and he just starin at me and he started lookin down and he stopped half way and he smirked and at this point im creeped tf out cuz what type of dope he smokin 🚶🏽‍♀️ and i asked again if he can let me go and he gon say 'so you still wearin that huh?’
ik he aint talkin about my clothes i wear around the house (it was the summer time so i had on a sports bra and some lil shorts cuz it was hot asf even in the morning) im like 'uh yeah i am is that a problem your highness’ and im rolling my eyes bein sassy cuz he don pissed me off and he yanked me towards him and ima stick… so my ass FLEW and i bumped into him and he lookin down at me and ohmygod… he had his long black hair and it was falling over his eyes and he had on a white t and some black cut up jeans and i was kinda shakin cuz 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 but i was still pissed so that feeling went away QUICK 🚶🏽‍♀️
he get even more upset cuz i play too much and called him your highness and he got dis look on his face and i stopped lookin at him cuz ik ima crack and get soft gigdigfzj and he grabbed my chin LIGHTLY and he was like 'you know you kinda upset me when i went to leave for the day right?’ and my ass lookin at him like wdf you talkin bout and he got to tellin what i did and i wanted to laugh but i aint trinna make nuffin worse… but my ass laughed chfidjdfxjf
apparently he was upset cuz when i was walking him out to his car like i always do some dudes saw me and i didn’t have on nuffin but my sports bra and my shorts (i probably should of covered up but usually nobody is outside at that time and that day he wanted to be all lovey dovey in front of his car and saying bye too longer than usual) and the dudes got to sayin stuff to me and he got jealous and tried to say something but i told him no and i just ignored the dudes and told them good morning and went in the house 😩 i didn’t want no fights okie favjidsuh
so i laughed cuz he jealous but who come home to me everyday 🤔 and i guess that was the last straw cuz he pushed me on the table and my scoliosis was screamin and im screamin wdf you doin and he get on top of me and im lookin up at him like 'are you fr? can you at least apologize for ignoring me cuz you really hurt my feelings’ and he got soft and his started rubbing my cheeks and and said this big ol apology and he kissed me and i got soft and we was being all cute til he like jerked himself against me and iiiiiiiiiiiiii wanted to choke 🙃 and i was shocked cuz we was just bein cute but he trinna do it???? on the kitchen table????? HUH????
im weak asl so i couldn’t push him away and he wouldn’t listen to me when at told him lets go to the room so uh he just…. went awf… on our table 🤷🏽‍♀️
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