#he is explaining why he has to get a pirate ship like hes doing a presentation
been plundering a little lot recently,.,,,,
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bitchimasnake-sss · 2 months
i love from me to you sm! 😭 like it aimed directly to my heart 😭 you're so good at writing stuff so, here i am asking for a zoro!fic where reader hides that she got wounded during their last battle and zoro founds out and our poor moss head thought reader was gonna die so, he confessed (i just love flustered zoro) 😚 n e ways, continue writing the best stories!! lotsoflove! - glasses of nanamin
i feel like this is your second ask cause of the "n e ways" but lol, eitherways that's such a cute concept!! i would love love love this (i tweaked the prompt a little bit to fit it better, but i hope you like it it still)
got me losin' my cool ft. roronoa zoro!
set-up: as anon asked!! you get hurt during a fight and zoro almost has a mental breakdown haha live, laugh, love <3
warning: a bit of angst, zoro is a dumbass. otherwise, wholesome!
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roronoa zoro's feet pound against the earth and he was sure that with every leap he took, his heart sunk further under. his fingers were clammy. so very clammy against your soft skin. and he was sure the sweat dripping off his forehead and dropping onto your bloodied tank top was the last thing you wanted to see before you died.
"zo—" you rasped helplessly and your voice felt like graters against his skin. your chapped lips, almost closed eyes, the wound on your stomach and your week, blood-stained hand on it. he couldn't even bear to look at you without wanting to breakdown.
"stop talkin, please." he clenched his jaw tighter, the sound of teeth against teeth jarring. and although he refused to look down at you, cradled carefully in his arms, he could hear the desperate heaves that rocked your body.
he picked up the pace, ducking under hanging vines and leaping over overgrown roots of ancient trees carefully, so, as to not hurt you. the ship should be two minutes away, docked at the edge of the island and chopper must be there. and chopper would know what to do. how to help you.
zoro had to just deliver you to chopper.
but with his poor geographical skills, he felt like he had been running for the past thirty minutes without finding the ship. and he was certain the ship was docked only 10 minutes away from where the fight was taking place between the strawhat crew and a local pirate crew.
"zoro—" you started again.
why were you speaking? DID YOU WANT TO DIE?
"—don't use up your breath. please." he panted, feet still working to find the ship. where was that goddamn ship?
"that side—" you winced as you pointed your arm in the opposite direction. you coughed, wincing again before whispering, "the sunny."
zoro's head whipped around to look behind him. and at once, he changed the course. running as fast as he could, he soon found himself at the rocky beach the ship had been docked at.
"CHOPPER!" the swordsman bellowed for the mini doctor as he climbed up the ship. the reindeer was peering over the deck and when he looked at your nearly passed-out figure, he yelped in surprise.
"she got stabbed." zoro explained as he carried you inside to chopper's makeshift office/operation theater. laying you down gently, they both looked guilty as you groaned and clutched your own hand on the wound tighter.
"i need to apply some anti-septic, clean the wound and stitch it up." chopper stated, eerily calm in the heat of the moment. "here—" he gave zoro a sterilized cloth from his cupboard, "—apply it to her wound. put pressure on the area, i need to go make the anti-septic really quick."
"you have to make it? how long will that take?" if the swordman wasn't scared out of his wits, he would be surprised at how desperate he sounded.
"five minutes."
zoro looked at the reindeer wide-eyed. but the reindeer ran off, presumably to make the said medicine.
he looked back at you, putting the cloth to the wound and gently pushing down. he knew how to make the bleeding stop, he had done this multiple time. what he hadn't done multiple times was see you so lifeless, so incredibly overtaken by pain.
"hey." he found himself saying softly. softer than he had ever spoken before, "hey, can you look at me? hear me?"
you nodded slowly and relief washed over him. atleast you hadn't lost all cognitive senses.
"just focus on my voice, okay?" he knelt down so that he was on your eye-level from the bed. his other hand gingerly took ahold of yours. mindlessly, he rubbed soothing circles on your skin. he repeated, "just focus on my voice. yeah, close your eyes. i'm here okay?"
you found yourself closing your eyes, relying solely on the darkness of your eyelids and his voice to guide you to safety. his hand felt like a familiar weight against your stomach, the kind of touch that will renew a dead man and get him climbing back from his grave. his voice was sweet, too sweet to be even called his.
"i—" he paused, rubbing your skin with the pad of his thumb, "chopper's gonna fix you up, you know. h-he always does. i mean you're stronger than this. you'd survive, right?"
he's not sure if he meant to ask it as a question. he was sure he had said it to sound reassuring. but somewhere in between him uttering the words and you hearing them, they had turned into a desperate, desolate plea.
your chest fluttered underneath him, your breath strained. the face he adored slowly scrunched up from the pain. and he found himself talking even more.
"focus on me, okay? just me." he steeled his voice. and his nerves. "you'd be okay. you know, you always said you'd make me mochi, you never did. you said you'd make sake flavoured mochi. is that even a thing?" he laughed despite himself. it was barely a laugh. a pitiful scoff maybe? it was not the kind of laugh that would fool you.
"uh— once you get better." he pretended to ignore the way your body seemed to go slack under him. he repeated, "once you get better, i'm gonna convince franky to make us fireworks. you love those. and- and nami. i'd convince that money-hungry witch to lend me some money so that i can take you out. we will go shopping. you always said you—"
why were you so awfully quiet? usually, you'd talk to the point where he wanted to cut his ear off. now, he wanted to her you. he wanted to hear you call him a moss-head like sanji and he wanted you to laugh when he yelled at luffy for doing something stupid. and—
"—hey?" his voice pitched higher, "please wait, chopper will be back yeah?"
but you didn't even shake your head a weak yes. his shaky fingers reached out to look for your pulse on your neck. it was there. feeble, but there. but for how long?
how long till he lost you?
his throat was closing up, he couldn't breathe. his eyes burned and he was sure he was gonna mark your skin with his own from the way he held onto your wrist.
why won't you talk to him? call out his name, god fucking dammit. nobody called his name the way you did. as if you liked the syllables enough to make a home out of them. nobody smiled at him the way you did. so sweet, too sweet for him. you were everything. even though he was just another wrecked, broken boy with dreams too big for his mortal body, you were everything.
"please," he clutched onto you like a maddening bastard, "please. just hold on, okay?"
but bile seemed to crawl farther up his throat every time you didn't respond. not even a slight glance. not even the movement of a pinky. his fingers checked for your pulse. faint, but there.
and he couldn't hold his words back. he called out your name in a desperate effort to awaken you. water blurred his vision and he blinked it away. his throat was scratchy. too scratchy. and where was chopper?
"i love you." he finally confessed, not thinking much of his words than the fact that he just wanted you to hear them. "i love you so much. i have for so long. i-it wasn't supposed to be like this. i- i was gonna take you out to explore some island. i would have bought you food and called you an idiot when you smiled at me. then— then." he paused, "i would have told you i loved you. you would have said nothing back. and i would have loved even despite that."
he called out your name, sobs racking through his body like accursed symphonies.
"move." chopper was back, in his hand was a ceramic bowl with a green, gooey paste. "go out. i'd call you back, okay?"
if chopped noticed the state zoro was in, he simply chose not to dwell on it. and if zoro had any residual doubts for what kind of a doctor chopper was, he didn't dwell on them either. he caressed your hand one last time and stepped out.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
the swordsman had been pacing around the deck. none of the members were back and it gnawed on his heart. what if they were hurt too? should he go back to see? but how could he leave chopper and you alone here? and what kind of a first mate was he if he cannot even save his own crew?
the world's greatest swordman be damned.
chopper stepped out and zoro looked at the doctor, frantic. chopper gave him a sigh and chased it with a smile, "she's okay."
zoro was not sure if it was the exhaustion, or the relief, or some other feeling his gut had concocted in him without asking. but he crashed down on his knees. his palms felt rough against his face and when he inhaled, he could smell dried blood on them.
"hey." chopper trotted towards him, keeping his paw on the green-haired man's shoulders, "she's okay, really. they missed any vital spots and she didn't lose a lot of blood. she will heal, okay?"
zoro couldn't do anything but just nod along. then, when he had the courage to look away from his hands. he looked at the doctor, finally muttering a faint "thank you."
the reindeer blushed at the compliment, "don't thank me. but you know, once she's better, you should tell her how you feel. this time maybe while she's conscious."
"chopper." the swordsman groaned.
the reindeer shrugged mechanically, "i won't tell anyone what i heard if you promise to take her out on that date."
after much deliberation— having to choose between humiliation at the hand of his crewmates when they discovered his crush or the humiliation from his crush when he finally confessed— he finally gave in. after all, humiliation from one was better than humiliation from seven. especially that fucking cook.
"fine." he grumbled, "i'd take her out."
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
it had been two weeks since you were stabbed. well, you didn't talk to anyone about it, really. but when you drifted off into the wicked embrace of sleep, you would be plagued by the memories. and well, a confession.
it's not like you were pretending to be dead!! your body had simply given up. it was exhausted from the fighting and the not-dying. so, when you were laid on chopper's bed to be patched up, your body had gone slack. but just because your body had gone slack doesn't mean you weren't awake.
it had been two weeks and you hadn't told the green-haired asshole what you had heard. why? maybe cause you thought he would make the first move. or maybe because you weren't quite sure if he actually said those things or if you hallucinated it to dilute the pain.
eitherways, seemed like things between you and the mosshead were the same as they were before the incident. and you were really starting to consider the hallucination excuse. but then—
"hey." zoro quipped up as he came to stand beside you. it was cloudy today, the grey skies churning in anticipation of a storm. the winds were unkind and the sea was malevolent. beautiful nonetheless.
"oh hey." you turned and gave him a small smile. you shifted from one feet to another, pretending as if you weren't terrified of the route this conversation might take, "whats up?"
"uh—" he looked back for a spilt-second and you saw— from the corner of your eyes— chopper hidden behind a bunch of boxes, giving zoro his best death glare. zoro sighed, "so, uh, this is random, i think? but when we dock on the next island tomorrow morning. do like... do you want to go see some new sword-cleaning equipment with me?"
you shouldn't have laughed. but you did.
"what's funny?!" his eyes widened and his cheeks were dusted pink.
"no-nothing." you heaved, closing your eyes. "that's the best excuse you could come up with? sword cleaning equipment?"
"what do you mean 'excuse'? i need some equipment!"
"zoro." you forced open your eyes, your smile still frozen over your lips, "if you want to go out on a date with me, you should say that okay?"
his ears went red and he looked away. you were sure if the weather was quiet, you could hear his heart picking up the pace. clearing his throat, he finally asked, "who told you? chopper?"
"no, dummy." you reached your hand out, taking his calloused palm in yours. your thumb rubbed familiar patterns on his hand, "you did."
"me?" he snapped to look back at you, "me?"
you just gave him a grin, "this reminds me, i did promise you i'd try making sake flavoured mochi. i never did. but again, you said you'd ask frankie to make us fireworks and we're still firework-less. but hey, i forgive you if you forgive me okay?"
his head could have burst open from the sheer pressure on his brain but you continued, "but eitherways, what i really mean is that if you said i love you." you stepped a bit closer, "i'd say i love you too."
your hand let go of his and you chose to walk away, leaving him dumbfounded. when his senses came to him, he ran upto you, "YOU HEARD THAT ALL?!"
"all of it."
"heh, it was kinda cute."
"i thought you were dying, woman."
"in a way, we all already are."
"have you been hanging out with robin too much? god, kill me."
"god doesn't need to. you're already dying."
"i want to die faster."
you took his hand back in yours and pulled him towards yourself. pecking his cheek, you said, "no. we still have to go on that date. i mean, if you ever actually ask me."
the flustered mess that was rorononoa zoro just sighed. accepting his fate, he asked, "well, do you wanna go on that date or what?"
you snickered, "i'll think about it"
"do you live to annoy me?"
"maybe. but you love meee."
"i might change my mind after this."
but despite his words, his fingers stayed gently intertwined with yours. hey, maybe getting stabbed in the stomach wasn't all that bad? (jk, it was very very bad)
a/n: i love writing stoic men are flustered little guys lmaoo. hopefully y'all like this? i've been writing a lot of fluff/semi-angst lately. i wanna write some nsfw content but im so out of ideas. send reqs if you guys have anything in mind!!
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cinnbar-bun · 5 months
Together (Benn Beckman x Reader)
Summary: As the "mom" and "dad" of the Red-Hair Pirates, you and Beckman have a lot of work on your plates. (Un)Luckily for you two, your crew decides to meddle with your relationship (again).
A/n: A gift for my friend, @fanaticsnail . Enjoy the first mate, darling <3.
Notes: F!Reader, kinda of a will they-won't they type thing. Everyone is shipping it just Beck and Reader lowkey refuse to admit it. Lots of fluff and teasing. Reader is referred to as 'mom' and Beck as 'dad'.
Word Count: ~3k
You can read on my AO3 here!
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“Dad! Mom’s being mean to me again!” Shanks loudly yelled while he was chugging more bottles of rum. The first mate sighed at the nickname but didn’t even bother to turn around and face his captain. 
“(Y/n)?” Beckman called out. 
“Yes?” You replied, the other members of the crew staring at you both with wide smiles and bated breath. 
“Smack him for me,” Beckman chuckled. Shanks let out a faux-offended gasp as the deck erupted with laughter.
“You’re so mean to me! How could my own first mate do this to me?!” Shanks whined as you pat your poor captain’s head. He pouted like a little kid before he took another swig of his alcohol. 
“That’s just what you get, Captain!” Lucky Roux laughed. “You know Beck won’t ever disagree with (Y/n)!” 
“Well some of us need to be the adults around here,” Beckman retorted. He held two mugs in his hand, one filled with his coffee, the other prepared just for you. For the first mate, it was practically routine to make your morning drinks for you. He silently handed off your mug to you, and you took it with a hushed ‘thank you’. “Are you still making the list?” 
You nodded while going over the notepad in your hand. “Tomatoes, potatoes, onions…” 
“Don’t forget to add some carrots, since someone,” Beckman’s eyes narrowed at Limejuice, “burned them all.” 
“Hey! It wasn’t my fault! I thought you eat them if they were black!” Limejuice tries to explain. 
“They’re carrots, you can eat them raw!” Beckman shouted in exasperation. “You guys are going to kill me one day!” 
“Oh, don’t be too harsh on them, Beck,” you try to soothe the first mate. “I can always take care of cooking duties, anyways.” 
The men nodded, eager to have your cooking as a guarantee instead of whatever slop they would make in their often drunken stupor. 
“Thanks, mom!” Yasopp cheered. “You know we love your cooking!” 
“Not happening,” Beckman deadpanned. The men slunk their shoulders and groaned. 
“Why not? (Y/n) makes the best food!” 
Beckman rested a hand on his hips. “Because (Y/n) is already busy taking care of a majority of the duties on this ship. I’m not having her overwork herself because you guys couldn’t figure out that carrots are edible.” 
Shanks put down his drink and nodded. “I have to admit, it’s pretty true. Beck has a point.” 
“Thanks, Capta-” 
“So I guess if you want (Y/n) to cook, you need to start picking up the slack!” Shanks proclaimed. “That’s a good compromise, right?” 
You shrugged. “I-I mean, it’s really not necessary, I can cook, too.” 
Beckman placed a hand on your shoulder and shook his head. “(Y/n), they’re grown men, they can do their own laundry and dishes. You don’t need to do everything.” 
“I could say the same thing to you,” you chuckle. “‘Dad’.”
“Not you, too,” he groaned. “You know I hate that nickname.” 
“I know, but it fits you.” 
“‘Mom’ fits you as well.” 
“Okay, you two, get a room!” Shanks laughed. Beckman glared while Shanks waved him off. “Anyways, why don’t you two take care of the shopping today? The men and I will handle things back here.” 
“Are you sure? But Yasopp was saying-” 
“Bah!” Shanks laughs off your concern before rummaging for a bag of coins. “Yasopp wasn’t planning on doing anything. Just take your time and get whatever you guys want. I better see you two relaxed and having fun when you get back!” 
Beckman made a puzzled face as he took the bag of money. “You’re not slick, Shanks.” 
“What’re ya talking about, Beck! I’m just saying, you two should take it easy today. You guys keep this ship and crew running. As captain, it’s only natural I let my best mateys have a day off every once in a while. I’m not some tyrant, you know?” 
You stifle the laughter in your throat and and close your notepad. “Well, we really can’t complain, Beck. Let’s enjoy shopping for a bit.” 
“Sure thing,” Beckman relented. He made sure his pistol was strapped to his belt and put the money into his pocket. “You got the list?” 
“Good. I heard this island is supposedly famous for their bread. If we’re early enough, we might be able to snag some right from the oven,” Beckman comments. Your eyes widen. 
“Really? We gotta hurry then.” 
“Bye mom, bye dad!” Shanks waves with his remaining arm, causing the other members to rush back to the deck to see you off. 
“Bye, you two!” Lucky Roux waves his stick of meat. “Don’t have too much fun!” 
“Don’t stay out too late, lovebirds!” Yasopp jokes. 
“Keep talking like that and I’ll not bring any rum back,” Beckman threatens. 
“Aghhhhh! MOM! Do something about him!” The men whine to you while some of them boo and chide Beckman. 
“Bad, Beckman, bad,” you chuckle as you and Beck begin to walk down the ship. 
“You’re right,” Beckman plays along. “I’m just a horrible, terrible first mate.” 
“The cruelest first mate around.” 
“Mhm. And what does that make you? Just as bad?” 
You two go through the streets of the island, taking in the sights. It isn’t long before the sweet smell of bread begins wafting through the air and taking hold of the both of you. 
“Oh man, they weren’t kidding,” Beckman mumbled after inhaling the smell. 
“I think that means we came just in time,” you grin, excitedly walking up to the door of the bakery. You marveled at the selections within the store, as well as some of the bakers making the bread behind the counter. 
“Wow…” you tap your chin. “Maybe we should get some brioche.” 
“They do have flatbreads, too. We could get those for a meal,” Beckman hums thoughtfully. 
“With tuna?” “Now you’re cooking. Add that to the list for our next stop,” he commented, and you nodded before writing ‘tuna’ on your list. 
“I’ll add some rice as well,” you say. 
Soon, it is you and Beckman’s turn to order, and you two greet the old woman working at the counter. 
“And what can I get you two?” You begin to place your order, before turning to Beckman. 
“Do you think we should get anything else?” You ask, glancing back toward the display of pastries. Of course the first mate caught that and nodded. 
“Two pastries,” he added. “You want that one, right?” Beckman pointed at your favorite pastry and you smile bashfully at the fact he knew what you liked without you having to say a thing. 
“Yep, that one,” you confirm. The old woman grins at you two and begins to package your bread. Beck takes the box of it to carry, and promptly thanks the woman. Afterwards, she puts your two pastries in a small, wax paper bag and hands it to you. She sighs contentedly and has a nostalgic look on her face. 
“Oh, you two remind me of the good ol’ days. May your love stay with you forever,” she wishes. The sentiment catches you off-guard for a brief moment. “Sorry, we’re actually-” 
“Thank you, ma’am,” Beckman thanks her. Your eyes widen as he smiles at you, and you can’t help the smile forming on your lips, either. You wave goodbye to the woman and exit the bakery with Beckman. 
“Why’d you say that?” You ask, curious of his intentions. He shrugs, but there’s still a playful grin on his face. 
“Felt natural,” is all he says as you two continue down the street. You rummage through the paper bag and get out the pastry he ordered for himself, one made with figs, and hold it to his lips. He stops his mindless chattering about things to get and leans down to take a bite. 
“Mm, that’s so good. They got good figs,” he mumbles with a mouth full of pastry. You laugh at his silly behavior and wipe some of the crumbs off his chin. 
“Let me try mine.” You take out yours and bite into it, melting at the exquisite taste of the pastry. “Oh, that’s amazing.” 
“Right?” He says enthusiastically. “We have to come back here again and get some more another day.” 
“We should bring some back for the crew next time.” 
“Nah. Let’s keep this one our little secret,” he winks at you. 
“You’re a very cruel first mate, Beck,” you tease. 
“Well, can you blame me? They won’t taste as good without you eating them with me.” 
“I think I have to agree.” 
The day continues on like this, with you two continuing to shop and cart around box after box of supplies for the ship. Beckman and you have practically inspected every item for the freshest produce, meat, and fruits for the crew. Thankfully, you two are the most organized and efficient members of the crew and are practically finished before lunch. 
“Did we grab coffee beans?” You ask, looking at your list again. 
“Right here, dear,” he answers, showing you one of the bags. 
“Okay, good,” you check off another box. “Is that really it?” 
Beckman looks over your shoulder to see the list and the boxes all around you. “Would you look at that… guess we really did get everything.” 
“I mean, this looks like all we need, but we did it so quick,” you say, admittedly wanting to spend more time with the first mate. 
“We did. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t send Roux and Yasopp to do the shopping.” You laugh as you remember the time when those two went to get the supplies, only to come back near midnight with only the most expensive of alcohols and hardly any food. From then on, Beckman had set a rule that if anyone messed up that bad again, they’d have to pay with their own coin. 
“Should we head back, then?” You ask. 
“If you want. I have no problems walking around the town with you,” he replies. 
“Considering you’re pushing that cart, I think we should go back and drop the supplies off.” 
“It’s not a problem, (Y/n). This is pretty easy to pull,” Beckman assures you. 
“Still, I-” you begin, before Beckman places a hand on your shoulder. 
“Hey. It’s okay,” he states. “I’m happy to keep walking with you. After all, even our captain said we should enjoy ourselves. I don’t see any issue with us taking a bit longer to go back.” 
“You really mean it?” Beckman nods. 
“I do mean it. I enjoy our time together, and it’s rare we get the time to just do as we please.” 
You hesitate for a moment then nod at him. It is true, as a pirate, especially in the crew of a notorious Yonko, moments of peace are rather rare and fleeting. Not having to fight for your life or the world is a nice change of pace every once in a while. 
“Okay. Where to next?” You ask as Beckman leads you deeper into the city. The shops are more refined compared to the street markets near the port, leading your eyes to wander. You gasp and stop in front of a display window when you see a gorgeous selection of bracelets. Some are made with gold, others silver, and another with a shiny, black material. Beckman notices you frozen at the display and makes his way to you. 
“Come on, let’s go in.” 
“Huh? Oh, don’t worry about it. I’m just looking.” 
“Don’t be so modest, (Y/n),” Beckman urges. “Go try one on.” 
“I don’t have the-” 
“Nope. No more excuses,” he shakes his head as he opens the door to let you in. You step into the store, amazed at the beautiful jewelry surrounding you. A salesperson greeted you and chatted with you about the bracelets you saw on display. They pulled out the displays for you to try on and you debated which one to pick. 
“Hm…I think I want to try that one on,” you point at the gold bracelet. The salesperson clasps the bracelet gently on your wrist and you marvel how it sparkles under the light. “Beck, what do you think?” 
You show off the bracelet to him and he stares at it with a surprised expression before he composes himself. “It looks great on you.” 
The excited look on your face makes his heart beat faster as you tell the salesperson you want to buy it. 
“Good choice. I do want to let you know we are currently doing a promotion for this particular set. If you buy another one, it’s 50% off.” 
You turn to Beckman expectantly. “Do you want to get one then, Beck? We can match!” 
He examines the bracelets. “I don’t know, I don’t think they’d look that good on me.” 
“Hey, you can’t pull that trick on me after you made me come in here!” 
“Fine, fine,” he chuckles. “I think I’ll try this one.” He picks out the black bracelet and puts it on. He looks impressed with the jewelry and his face softens as he looks into your eyes. 
“Well? Does it look alright on me? Definitely doesn’t look as good as it does on you,” he jokes. 
“It looks great,” you look back into his eyes as you press your wrists next to his. “I think this should be another of our little secrets.” 
“I’m starting to think my bad behavior is rubbing off on you,” he smirks, as he goes to pay for the jewelry. 
“Maybe it is, Beck,” you respond as your eyes are locked on your matching bracelets. 
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The afternoon is spent wandering aimlessly in this town. You two visit nearly every shop, walking and chatting about everything under the sun. Things like memories, what the crew was possibly up to, to even the most mundane topics like sweets and how you like your eggs prepared. 
It feels simultaneously too short and like an eternity between the two of you. He continues to lug around the cart of supplies and other things you two bought in your impromptu shopping trip, never looking any worse for wear. He doesn’t care to focus on something like that when he’s with you. 
The sky is beginning to turn a bright orange and pink as the two of you finally manage to get back to the ship. 
“Wahhh! Mom and dad are back!” Roux yells as the men cheer. Shanks leans over the edge and smiles at you two. 
“Well, well, I didn’t think either of you had it in you to take a break!” Shanks admits. “We all started placing bets on if you would be back by noon.” 
“I was saying midnight, for the record,” Yasopp shouted. 
“You guys are so immature,” Beck chuckles while shaking his head. “We just explored some of the shops. Got a few things.” 
“Anything fun~?” Limejuice says. 
“Bowls?” You lift a few of the new bowls you bought at a store. 
The men throw their hands up and groan. “Really? Nothing else?” 
“Nope,” Beck lies, making them all quiet. He scans the deck and notices it’s rather clean compared to the smelly and alcohol-ridden floor. “So, you guys actually did clean up, hm?” 
“Yeah! Course we did!” Shanks proudly exclaims. “I told you we’d handle it. Now where’s the rum-” 
“When we have dinner.” 
“Ugh… why are you the worst?” 
“Don’t be like that, Shanks,” Beck crosses his arms. “(Y/n) and I won’t be around all the time to handle everything. It’s good for you guys to learn to take care of the ship.” 
Yasopp sighs. “Always so mature and level-headed, I tell you.” 
“You’re so lame, Beck! How does (Y/n) put up with you?” Limejuice whines. 
“Mom, tell Beck he’s boring and needs to be cooler!” Hongo cries. 
“Enough complaining, help put these supplies away,” Beckman points to the boxes. The crew begins to do as told while you and Beck start unloading some of the supplies. As you do so, Shanks calls your name. 
“Hey, gorgeous bracelet. Where’d you get it?” He asks, loving the gold on it. You jump when he mentions it and look at Beckman, who gives a simple nod. 
“Just got it from the shops. It was on sale.” 
Shanks nods and lifts your wrist closer to inspect the bracelet. “Wow, it really looks great on you.” 
“She would hardly step into the shop until I made her. She was eyeing that the whole time,” Beck teases you. 
“Not the whole time, exactly,” you try to explain. “It just was pretty, is all.” 
Beckman lifts a box up to a shelf and Roux loudly gasps, surprising everyone. 
“What? What’s wrong?” You and Beck say at the same time. Roux has a knowing smirk on his face as he points to Beckman. 
“You got a matching bracelet, too!” Roux shouts. Shanks and the other men gasp and move in closer to look at it. As Roux said, the black bracelet on Beck’s wrist matches yours perfectly, and the men howl in laughter. Some even begin to exchange money as you and Beck are mortified at their behavior. 
“You guys seriously made bets?!” You cried. 
“It was just a simple one!” Hongo admitted. 
“And who was the one who said they were doing more than just shopping for food?” Yasopp rhetorically asks. 
“You were also the guy who said they’d return at midnight. You lose half,” Roux retorts as he takes the money in Yasopp’s hand. Shanks huffs as he also gives some money to Roux. 
“So like, did you two confess?” Shanks asks hopefully. 
“For the last time- we’re not dating!” You and Beck shout in unison. 
“Could’ve fooled me. You guys act like you’re married.” 
“You guys are in so much trouble,” Beck sternly tells the men as he steps closer to them. 
Some of the men begin to scream in horror. “Whaaaaa! Mom! Save us!”
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actualhumantrashcan · 8 months
I can understand a silly workplace comedy about pirates not being everyone’s jam but I really can’t understand the amount of queer people I see hating on ofmd.
like for one thing most of the debates turn into gatekeeping queerness (which I think has a lot more to do with the ages of the main couples than actual concerns about authentic representation but that’s another post) and the rest are just hateful because it doesn’t directly name or label it’s queer characters but like why do we need that at this point?? listen I love heartstopper with all my heart but it is exhausting to watch them explain queer identities sometimes (even though I do think it’s super useful for younger audiences I’m just not the target demographic!) and ofmd is an explicit, violent, adult show that doesn’t NEED to explain it’s character’s identities.
queer people past their 30’s are usually very well aware of their queerness and have had (hopefully) plenty of time to go through the arc of discovering that. so why would we need to see Stede or Lucius or Ed going through turmoil because they’re attracted to men when they have already come to terms with that at this point in their lives?? i for one find it so fucking refreshing to watch a show where the characters being queer is not their main arc, they just ARE queer and life is still happening to and around them. maybe that’s just the millennial gay in me talking, but it gets emotionally exhaustive to watch show after show where the queer character’s arc is overcoming homophobia. yes obviously homophobia still exists and yes obviously if ofmd was trying to be historically accurate these characters would be living in a very dangerous time to be queer but it isn’t trying to be accurate!! it’s trying to be fun and diverse and kind!!
and also, they aren’t pretending homophobia doesn’t exist!! it’s just addressed in a different way. Stede was emotionally abused by his father for his entire life for being “soft” and then was chased down by his homophobic childhood bullies, one of which explicitly told him that he “defiled” the great pirate Blackbeard by simply falling in love with the man behind that name. Meanwhile Ed was forced into the world of piracy at a young age and developed the entire persona of Blackbeard (who fits the toxic, violent masculine stereotype of the time) to hide the fact that he’s actually an incredibly sensitive and deeply queer man! and is told multiple times by male figures in his life that sex with other men is fine but it is absolutely unacceptable to be in love with a man. both of their arcs contain homophobic rhetoric that is still present in society today, but its never presented as a problem that they have to wrestle with. they don’t have to come to terms with what it means to love each other, they just have to overcome some trials that go along with the complicated lives they both lead as a pirate and former aristocrat. the homophobia in ofmd is woven into the backstory of each and every character, it shapes them into the people they are at the beginning of the show when all of their walls are up and they are performing the “pirate” roles they are supposed to play. and then we get to see them grow and realize that they are in a safe space, part of a community not just on the ship itself but in the life of piracy (which in the show is pretty much explicitly an allegory for queer lifestyles.)
anyway, I could rant about this all day but just truly why do we have to tear people down for enjoying something? why do we have to find reasons to hate something so obviously created with sensitivity to it’s queer audience and with so much queer joy? if historically inaccurate gay pirates going on silly adventures and falling in love are not your thing, fine! but perhaps just let people enjoy things and find your own things to enjoy.
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kimbappykidding · 9 months
Hot things Ateez do that drive you crazy
Hongjoong - How he speaks about you when you're not there
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Some guys like to complain about their girlfriends in front of their friends to maintain a false sense of masculinity. That was not Hongjoong. He really didn't care who knew about his feelings for you and expressed them willingly no matter who we was around...or what state he was in. It was Wooyoung's birthday so all the guys had gone out. You hadn't heard anything from them and then suddenly got a message from Seonghwa that they were outside. You opened the door surprised to see Mingi and Yunho carrying a very clearly drunk Hongjoong. "Y/n!" he cried seeing you and rushed from their arms to yours. "Y/n I missed you so much and I nailed mini golf". "Did you?" you asked "you won?". "No I came second to last but I got it in the pirate ship!" he cried ecstatic and you nodded "wow well done!". The guys helped you get Hongjoong to bed and when he was all tucked up, you thanked the guys for bringing him home. 
"Was he much trouble?" you asked. Seonghwa went to say no while Jongho and Wooyoung nodded. You laughed "well thank you for putting up with him, I know he can be a handful sometimes". "Yeah especially when drunk but he was in Y/n mode tonight" San said and you paused "Y/n mode?". "Yeah where he basically just can't stop talking about you" Yeosang explained and when you still looked confused Yunho showed you a video. It was of Hongjoong and he was smiling to himself. "Hongjoong why are you smiling?" you heard Wooyoung ask and Hongjoong smiled more "Y/n likes this song". "Oh yeah?" Wooyoung replied and Hongjoong nodded "she's the best. She's so nice and kind. She's also so smart and her job is so hard but she smashes it. Not to mention she's pretty, she always smells nice and her hair is so soft". The video cut out and Wooyoung smiled "that's when he reached the video limit but it went on a while longer. The guys all nodded and you felt so touched. "And he goes into Y/n mode often?". Mingi nodded "yeah pretty much anytime he gets drunk and you're not there". You blushed "that's so sweet!".
After the guys left you got into bed beside Hongjoong and watched him softly. "Tomorrow you are getting a reward but for now you'll just have to settle for this" and you kissed his forehead. In his sleep Hongjoong smiled and moved closer to you. As if he couldn't be any more adorable. 
Seonghwa - How he stands up for you
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One of the things you liked most about Seonghwa was how he was the perfect balance between being nice and assertive. He tried to be polite and kind to everyone but if someone tried taking advantage of him or treated him badly, he let them know he wasn't taking it. He was especially good at this when it came to you.
It was your birthday and you'd been planning a weekend away to Japan for ages. He'd told work almost a year in advance and had everything ready. You were leaving from his work as it was closer to the airport and so you arrived with your suitcase and his ready to go. When the guys saw you they smiled "all ready for the trip Y/n?" Yunho asked and the manager looked around. He was a new manager and clearly wanted to make an impression because he'd been really rude ever since he started to try and assert dominance. The manager frowned "oh is that Japan trip this weekend? I need you to come in this weekend Seonghwa". You were a people pleaser so immediately thought this was it, your weekend plans gone but Seonghwa had other ideas. "I can't come in this weekend I'll do next weekend" Seonghwa said in a tone that left little room for discussion but the manager still tried. "No it has this weekend so the trip will have to wait". "No, we've had this planned for a year and the company has known for that amount of time too. It's Y/n's birthday and we're going to Japan". "But this is your career, are you really putting you girlfriend's birthday ahead of your work?" the manager asked in a sneering tone that made you feel bad but Seonghwa just stood up taller. "Put my girlfriend before my job? Every single time and if you disagree with that then we're going to have a problem. Y/n is nothing but supportive of my career. She never complains about the late nights or long working hours. She’s always there to pick me up when I’m sad of give me energy when I’m exhausted so really it's in your best interest to make her happy because she's what makes me happy. So I ask, are we going to have a problem?" Seonghwa asked staring right at the manager! You and the boys all watched awe struck through Seonghwa's speech and waited for the manager's response. Finally the manager looked down "no not at all, have a nice trip" and he left the room. The boys all cheered and you laughed hugging Seonghwa. A little later when you were waiting for the taxi you kissed Seonghwa and he laughed "what was that for?" holding you close. "For fighting for me" you said and he smiled "I'll always fight for you Y/n and I’m going to personally make sure you have an amazing birthday...starting right now" and he gave you an earth-shattering kiss. You didn't doubt his promise for a second.
Yunho - His body
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You had a thing for tall guys and had dated a few in your time but none of them even mastered their height like Yunho. He always knew exactly how to style himself or pose in photos. Not to mention he used his body magnificently when dancing. He had such long legs but never looks uncomfortable or awkward. He was meant to be a performer and watching him always reminded you of that. You came to Ateez's training room to meet Yunho after work. You hadn't seen each other in a week and Yunho was working late tonight but asked if you wanted to get a late dinner. You agreed and hurried along the corridor anxious to see Yunho. You found him alone in a practice room and he ran to hug you when he saw you. He engulfed you, wrapping his arms around you and holding you securely against his chest. "I missed you" he said and you smiled "I missed you too" and gently kissed him "you almost done?". He nodded "yeah let me just run through the number once more, can you tell me what you think?". You nodded "sure thing" and got comfy on the floor "hit it". Yunho pressed play and started dancing. When he finished, your jaw had dropped and you stared amazed. Yunho chuckled "so it wasn't terrible then?". The opposite, you were amazing. The way you move your body is just...so hot". Yunho paused and a smile appeared on his face "is it huh?" he asked coming towards you. He gave you a hand to help you up and yanked you close to his body. You nodded "so hot, you roll your hips so well and your legs seem to go on forever, not to mention your face”. You were smirking the whole time so don't pretend you didn't know what you were doing to me". Yunho smiled "I did think you looked like you were enjoying it". "Very much" you nodded playing with the collar of his shirt gently "what time did you book the table for...". "We have an hour to go" Yunho said and you smiled "you so planned this!". Yunho smiled "and? I haven't seen you in a week! That does things to me". "Well you're doing things to me" you replied back and Yunho nodded "that's the plan". Your dinner could wait.
Yeosang - Oblivious to other people flirting with him because he only sees you
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Yeosang had a very beautiful face. His eyes were stunning and he looked like some mythical elf or an angel or something. So anywhere you went he tended to attract attention and had lots of people flirting with him. The funny thing is he never noticed because his mind was only on one thing...you. You were both kpop idols and your relationship wasn't public so you couldn't act like a couple at events. However Yeosang would always acknowledge you in some way with a smile or just eye contact until he could come over to you later. You were used to seeing idols check him out or ask him about his muscles (*cough*Soobin*cough*) but tonight the interviewer was really flirting with him. You could tell she was attracted to him just from how she looked at him and how she positioned herself in front of him. Then she directed every question she could to him and must’ve told him he was in shape 5 times in their 2-minute interview. Yeosang clearly had no idea though, he didn't even register she was flirting and just kept thanking her formally. His members were all trying not to laugh and your members were smiling too more than a little proud of your boyfriend. Later at the afterparty all the press was gone and so Yeosang came right over to you and hugged you from behind "how’s the most beautiful girl in the world". You smiled "good, how's the most in shape boy in the world because you’re really in shape Yeosang and I don’t know if anyone's told you that". Yeosang paused "what?" and you laughed "don’t tell you didn’t realise that interviewer said it like 10 times!". He chuckled "the guys mentioned something like that but I didn’t notice! Honestly I kept just listening out for you to speak and was a bit stunned with how amazing you look. You know I can’t speak for like 3 minutes after I see you". You shook your head "you're that type of guy that is so nice and respectful that you just want to rip his clothes off". Yeosang blushed slightly but smiled "well if you really feel that way we can leave early?". You nodded "yes please" and Yeosang nodded "anything my girlfriend wants" and he led you out of the door, his eyes still on you the whole time.
San - His performance skills
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San and yourself had been family friends as kids and mainly got along because you both liked performing. You went to dance class together as kids and always enjoyed being on stage together but didn't see each other again until he became an idol and you were hired as his backup dancer. You were thrilled to be working together and quickly resumed your friendship but the second you saw him perform you were in awe. Your number was next so you were waiting in the wings to go on when you heard the fans scream and were confused why. Then you saw San shaking his hips while running his hands down his chest. You'd seen him go for it in practice but this was something else. You'd never seen anyone move like this and the fact he was only wearing a half-intact crop top really helped. You were staring so much that you almost missed your cue to go on and had to be prompted. When you got off stage you felt so warm because dancing with this San was such a turn-on. You were hoping to go get some air but it was the intermission and San followed you. He gently touched your waist and smiled "woah you were so good out there, you looked so hot" he said and you shot him a look "me? I looked hot?". San smirked "why did you find something else hotter?" coming closer to you. His skin was glowing and he looked so good it hurt. You couldn't even lie "you" you replied honestly "you're so sexy" and San smiled. "Really? I happen to find you incredibly sexy too, dancing with you gave me a lot of ideas, fancy going home with me after this and trying them out?". You nodded "very much so" and San smiled "good, try and last through the rest of the show" and with a wink he walked away.
Mingi - Even if he's scared he protects you
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Mingi was scared of lots of things and so were you which either made you a perfect couple or a terrible one because you'd both scream if any bug appeared. However Mingi had one great motivator and that was you. If you needed him, his fear went out the window and he only thought of you.
The start of your holiday was off to a shaky start when minutes through walking through the door you spotted an eight-legged “friend” on your jacket. The spider moved and you screamed and so did Mingi. He yelled and hit it off you and then threw a magazine at it for good measure. He then grabbed you and picked you up, carrying you to the other side of the room where he jumped onto the bed still holding you. Only then did he let you down but you both still clutched one another. "Is it dead?" you asked "I can't sleep if it's not". Mingi frowned but he heard the fear in your voice and knew you were telling the truth. So he grabbed some big boots and approached the corner. "Mingi...are you sure?" you asked and he nodded "I just won't think about it". He reached the area and at the count of 3 lifted the magazine. With a war cry that turned into more of a scream, he began attacking the floor. You could see his hands shaking and felt just as scared as him but finally he held up the shoe triumpant "it's dead!" he cried and you cheered running to hug him. Mingi happily accepted you into his arms and you rubbed his arms "you're shaking like a leaf". He nodded "I know". "I can't believe you did that, it was so scary but you were so brave". He nodded "well you needed me" and you melted. "Wow...you’re amazing, you know that". He blushed and bashfully tried to push away your comment but you wouldn't have it. You made him look at you and smiled "you're amazing Mingi, my hero and I love you". Mingi blushed bright red but smiled "love you too" and kissed you. Once you separated he paused "your hero huh?". You smirked "yep want me to prove it to you?". His eyes lit up and he nodded taking your outstretched hand eagerly. This holiday promised to be extremely eventful.
Wooyoung - Endlessly flirts with you
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One of the things you loved most about Wooyoung is how he always made you feel beautiful by how he acted around you. You could be doing the most ordinary thing or be wearing something baggy with messy hair and he'd be amazed by you.
You’d recently moved in together and it was such a stressful experience. First you had a work emergency the day you were meant to pack meaning you had to do it all at night. Then the van to move all your stuff never showed up and to top it all off the road leading to your new house was closed. So by the time you'd gotten to your home and moved all the boxes inside were feeling pretty tense and frustrated. You would leave unpacking for another day but had to get the basics running like the fridge and the bed etc. Wooyoung had sorted the fridge and came upstairs to find you finishing off the bed. You'd assembled the frame and were pushing the mattress onto the bed with lots of sighing and a few choice swear words. Wooyoung smiled as the mattress finally admitted defeat and fell onto the frame. You let out a sigh of relief and Wooyoung laughed.
You turned to see Wooyoung watching you and put your hands on your hips "how long have you been watching me fight that thing?". "Only a few seconds but honestly you didn't look like you needed any help". "Yes but some might've been nice" you replied when you frowned "why are you staring at me?". "Because you look so hot" he smiled and you blushed "how? I'm all sweaty and dirty from moving everything". Wooyoung shrugged "In my eyes you’re the most beautiful person I've ever seen and it makes sense. You helped buy this house with me and I did just see you take on an opponent more than double your weight, very impressive". You blushed shaking your head but Wooyoung wouldn’t let up "even the way you roll your eyes is hot, you have such beautiful eyes..." and he trailed off his voice going husky. You turned to him "really?". "Really?" he nodded coming closer to you "but I love every part of you, your eyes, your ears, your cheeks, your hair" he said gently touching each one "and of course your lips" but he used his own lips to press them. You of course kissed him back straight away and unpacking was well and truly left for another day.
Jongho - How effortlessly he hits those high notes
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Sometimes you forgot how insanely talented your boyfriend was and then he'd do something amazing to remind you.
It was your sister's wedding and everything was going great until the singer your sister had hired for their first dance got violently ill. It wasn't his fault of course but your sister was freaking out because she'd wanted live music and not a tape. You were unsure what to do when Jongho who'd be calm through all of this spoke up. "I could sing if you'd like?" he asked and you all froze. "I know the song and think I could imitate it" he said "but of course if you'd prefer I didn't that's fine too". Your sister shook her head "no I'd love that thank you so much!".
So Jongho was rushed to the stage to stand with the band and you watched anxiously as the music started but you never should've doubted him. The minute Jongho opened his mouth you relaxed. His voice was so beautiful and smooth it was like honey. You saw your parents smile realising everything was going to be okay and saw your sister and her wife relax. The song was beautiful but challenging, there were several high notes and difficult notes...however Jongho smashed them all. The last note was the highest and he met it wonderfully. The crowd applauded both for your sister and her wife as well as Jongho.
He turned around and clapped the band, not taking any of the applause for himself before stepping down from the stage to come to you. "Good?" he asked you and you shook your head "you're amazing, you did all of that live and without any planning or warm-ups. How are you so talented?". Jongho shrugged "oh it's nothing, any singer could do it". "Yeah but it wasn’t any singer it was you and you saved my sister's wedding". "I wouldn't say saved..." he argued but you shook your head "are you kidding me? My parents will be here any second now to propose for me". Jongho smiled "a proposal huh?" pulling you closer and you wrapped your arms around his neck "they asked not me". Jongho smiled "right..." and before he could ask any more questions you kissed him. 
When you separated you held onto him tightly but Jongho wasn’t done. "Maybe I can sing at our wedding too" he whispered in your ear and that's when you lost it and marched him right out of the hall and into your room.
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imagopirateversion · 2 months
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales; Why It Shouldn’t Exist
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Or how I invested time and energy into an analysis of a relatively dead franchise instead of doing it for my actual media analysis university course.
An essay by: a bitter and obsessed PotC fan since they were 7, with a lot of free time.
Lads, this is going to be long. You have been warned.
The Beginning
At the very beginning of the movie, we see a young Henry Turner looking for his dad.
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Now, we're not talking about characterization problems or how likely it is that a ten-year-old child would risk his life to look for a man he technically only saw once; we're talking about plot problems, actual logical fallacies. My questions are:
How? The Flying Dutchman is a legendary ship, impossible to be found unless She wants to be found. The only reason we see Her in Dead Man's Chest is because Davy Jones himself is looking for Jack to collect his debt, and in that occasion the Dutchman's captain wasn't even doing what he was supposed to do, so he was most definitely in the living world. Will otherwise, he's doing the job Calypso gave him, so he's constantly in between. Is the movie trying to convince me that a kid was able to do something no one in the history of piracy was ever able to do? And even if he did, why hasn't anyone explained me how? He simply looks at a map and throws himself on the bottom of the ocean. How did he know The Dutchman was there? How did he know it would've come to surface?
Where is his mom? We got to know Elizabeth in the first three movies; we know she's a smart woman and we can assume she's an attentive mother. She didn't notice her son preparing himself for a trip in the middle of the ocean to go look for his dad? Was she distracted? Was she outsmarted by a 10ish-year-old? Or is she just not contemplated in this scenario?
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Why does Will look like that? Will is doing his job, so... why does he look like he's slowly corrupting? That kind of corruption is the punishment Calypso reserves to The Dutchman's crew when the captain fails her, which isn't the case. Did they forget about it? Was the idea of putting algae on Orlando Bloom's face just impossible to resist to?
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Alright, this isn't actually from this movie but it's bothering me, so I have to write it; also, it would make this whole movie unnecessary, so it's somehow related to it. Why (and I can't stress this enough) can't Elizabeth be on the Dutchman? Why can't they do the job together? Is it because she's not a pirate? I'm pretty sure se actually is. Is it because she's a woman? Last time I checked she was the KING. She wants to stay with Will forever, Will wants to stay with her forever, they can literally live forever on the same ship. Why aren't they?
Whatever the Hell Happened to Jack Sparrow
Imagine creating a character that is so iconic whenever you ask a person who was a kid in the early 2000 to imagine a pirate, they imagine said character.
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Now imagine fourteen years pass and you decide to ruin that character by making him the most hideous, annoying, idiotic person in the whole saga, and we're talking about a saga that has Philip the Missionary in it. Why? Jack Sparrow is THE anti-hero. Never on the right side, but never on the wrong one. You can tell he's doing something morally questionable, but you still find yourself rooting for him. He's stupid enough to make you laugh, but he's secretly clever enough to always get away with it. Now he's just... drunk. And that's not even an excuse for this horrendous new characterization, because he was always drunk. The guy FORGOT HE WAS ROBBING A BANK, the same guy just one movie earlier was able to escape from the King of England's palace and steal a lady's earring (by pretending to be a literal slut) in the process. He just switched from the iconic drunk bi bestie everyone loves to my cringe uncle that drinks too much at Christmas parties and makes everyone uncomfortable. Please, if the risk is ruining an entire generation's beloved character, either don't make the movie or find a better explanation than "Bad luck dogs you day and night".
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The Pearl in The Bottle
So... what you're telling me is that Jack Sparrow, the guy who was able to defeat Hector Barbossa, Davy Jones and Blackbeard thanks to his slyness, and who loves his Black Pearl more than anything else in the world, had said ship in a bottle in his pockets for FIVE YEARS... and he never thought about breaking the bottle to free Her. That's what you're telling me. This is the pivotal point upon which the entire Jack's plot hinges. I... I don't even know what to say. Was this supposed to be funny?
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What an Incredibly Lucky Coincidence
A guy needs a treasure to save his father. To find it, he needs the help of a notorious and legendary pirate. He looks for him everywhere, sailing on dozens of ships just so he has the remote chance to stumble across the pirate. The last ship he's been on has sinked, he's the only survivor. He's been found in the middle of the ocean and someone brought him to the nearest city. Which city? I mean, the one that has both the pirate he was looking for and a lady who's the only person in the whole planet who's able to find the treasure he was looking for! And, oh my... he finds the both of them! In that same city! Without even LOOKING FOR THEM! A hell of a coincidence, if you ask me. Also known as lazy writing.
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What's Wrong With the Guards?
Now, I know Pirates of the Caribbean isn't exactly known for its accurate historical reconstructions, but why are the guards in this movie acting like they're some sort of hellhounds ready to kill anyone in sight? Even pirates and traitors as Jack and Henry were supposed to stand trial before being sentenced to death. It would've probably been an unjust and barbaric trial, but there should've been one. We literally saw it, in the previous movie. Why's Jack been sentenced to death for simply existing here? He gave pirate vibes and they decided that was enough?
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Paul McCartney
This is not an actual point of the analysis, I just wanted to remind people that Paul McCartney is in this movie and that's the only valid reason to watch it.
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I am confused. Once again, I have questions.
El Matador Del Mar was so good at his job he had almost defeated piracy. "The last ones joined together to try and defeat me". The last what? Pirates? There were no pirates left? This happened when Jack was young, so a lot of time before the first movie, right? Where were, I don't know... Blackbeard? Davy Jones? Barbossa? All the other Pirate Lords? I might be wrong, but I guess Salazar didn't kill them, did he? Why weren't they there during that "last battle" in which "the last ones joined together"?
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The Devil's Triangle. I just don't understand what's the logic behind it. So, this is a cursed place. Whoever enters there, can't get out. One would think it means that if you get there, you die; and Salazar does die, but he somehow also becomes a ghost whose only purpose is to find Jack Sparrow and have his revenge. So, do people become ghosts when they get in The Devil's Triangle? We have to assume people have gotten stuck in there before; otherwise, there wouldn't be legends around the place. So why isn't it like full of spirits ready to haunt people? Why are Salazar and his crew the only ones?
Poseidon or Calypso?
What's the Trident of Poseidon? Does Poseidon exist? Isn't Calypso the Goddess of the sea? Breaking the Trident, you break all the curses of the sea, so the Trident must be more powerful than Calypso, which leads to a question. Where is she? She IS the sea, right? So she must have known someone was about to find the Trident and brake all curses, including her one. She just decided it was okay? It really feels like someone decided to suddenly change the world's mythology without giving explanations.
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The Compass
This is possibly the most blatant plot hole in the whole saga. Probably the most blatant plot hole I've ever witnessed, and man, I watched all the Harry Potter movies. In Dead Man's Chest, Jack meets Tia Dalma in her "shop" and he tells her he's looking for the Davy Jones' key. She asks him "The compass you bartered from me, it cannot lead you to this?", making another pivotal point of Dead Men Tell No Tales factually senseless.
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That man couldn't have given his compass to Jack, because that wasn't his compass.
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So either Salazar is lying while telling his tale or they forgot about that line in the second movie. Anyway, let's pretend that line doesn't exist; even if that captain gave Jack his compass in that exact moment, why would it be the key to free Salazar, exactly? How is the compass in any way related to The Devil's Triangle or to Salazar? In the movie, they try to explain it with a sentence: “if you betray it, your greatest fear comes true”. So, is Salazar Jack's greatest fear? I really doesn't seem right, Jack almost didn't remember Salazar when Henry mentioned him. To Jack, he's only a guy he outsmarted decades earlier. Also, Jack technically already gave the compass away, twice: to Elizabeth in Dead Man's Chest, to make her find the chest, and to Beckett in At World's End, when they're negotiating.
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That's... That's Just Body Shaming, Mate
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Let's talk about her. So, the woman's ugly. It can happen that a woman is ugly. Was it necessary to build an entire scene around some blatant body shaming? This scene wants to mimic the similar scene in Dead Man's Chest: Jack's on an island, running from the main villain, and he's forced to do things he doesn't want to do until someone saves him, then it was Will, now it's Hector.
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Except in Dead Man's Chest it was LITERAL CANNIBALISM he was facing, and yet he looked LESS TERRIFIED and DISGUSTED. What's exactly the message here? Lads, is marrying an ugly woman worse than cannibalism? I don't know... that was just bad.
Justice for Hector Barbossa
If you know me (you probably don't, but if you do) then you know about my obsession with Hector Barbossa. I truly believe he's the best written character in the saga, and he's in my top five of the characters I love the most in all media. I watched The Curse of the Black Pearl when I was seven and I am autistic, so I had all the time to develop a literal relationship with these characters in my head. As much as Geoffrey Rush's interpretation was impeccable, as always, it really hurt to watch Hector in this movie. He just doesn't sound like him. First of all, why isn't he on the Queen Anne's Revenge? Why's he letting someone else sail around on his ships? He would've never. Why's he just sitting on a throne and shooting musicians instead of, I don't know... being a pirate? Being a pirate is the only thing that matters to him. He says it at the end of On Stranger Tides, and he even says it in this movie, to the witch. "I'm a pirate. Always will be".
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So, why isn't he pirating? What happened to him? And what about the pact with the witch? He made her curse all his enemies; that's honestly the most out-of-character thing he could've done.
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Seriously, watch this movie, and then The Curse of the Black Pearl and tell me he sounds like he's the same character. Then there’s his death... was it necessary? And I don't mean if it was necessary to the plot (it wasn't), but the way he died, did it make sense? He takes the sword and sacrifices himself to kill Salazar, but WHY? Salazar was back a mortal. They could've brought him to surface and then shoot him. What was the point of his death, Disney? I will never forgive you.
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I would've preferred if they never showed him again. He's alive and living his best life in Tortuga, if you ask me.
How does Carina Smyth exist?
Let's do the math. Carina Smyth has approximately the same age as Henry Turner, who was born around nine moths after the end of At World's End. At the end of that movie, Barbossa once again stole the Black Pearl (he's iconic we stan a legend), so we have to assume it is during that time (between the At World's End and On Stranger Tides) that he conceives Carina. He stays with this woman during the whole pregnancy, bacause he says he was there when she died. So nine months, at least, right? Except; Jack makes it clear that he and Barbossa met Carina's mom, Margaret, together.
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When, exactly, did this happen? It can't be between On Stranger Tides and Dead Men Tell No Tales, because Hector himself says only five years passed between the two, and Carina doesn't look like a five-year-old;
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it can't be between At World's End and On Stranger Tides, because we know Jack and Barbossa weren't together, and Hector was too busy losing a leg and planning his revenge by working for the King of England; it can't be during At World's End, because Barbossa was too busy rescuing Jack and then slaying (literally and metaphorically) Beckett's men to save piracy; it can't be during Dead Man's Chest, because he was dead; it can't be during The Curse of the Black Pearl, nor during the ten years before it, because he was... he was a skeleton, I hardly believe he could reproduce, despite what’s written in some fanficions; it can't be before, of course, because Carina would be too old. The only chance, but it's a stretch, is that Hector and Jack met this Margaret Smyth years and years before, and that at a certain point (while he was still busy slaying, losing a leg or planning his revenge), for some reason he decided to come back to her and accidentally had a daughter. That would mean that Jack remembered Margaret Smyth's name DECADES after he met her.
The Post-Credit Scene: What?
WHY'S DAVY JONES BACK? The Trident technically broke all the curses of the sea. He is THE cursed man of the sea. AND HE'S DEAD. The only answer I was able to give me, is that the moment the Trident broke the curses, the curse that said if you stab his heart he dies was also broken, so he technically didn't die, but it makes even less sense, because if the curses just aren't real anymore, then a man shouldn't be able to... carve out his heart and put it in a chest, right? (Which by the way, makes Will Turner being alive senseless as well). Even if so, Davy should've come back as a human.
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My conclusion is that this movie should not exist, and we, as a community, should pretend it was never made. Hector is alive. Bye.
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alazystranger · 4 months
zolu fic recommendations? (i can take reading angst now)
Ooh, this is going to be bit of a long post. i have tried to include a mix of both angsty and otherwise.
*cracks knuckles* alright let's get down to it! I have included the summaries as given by the authors below the link.
let thy sword be thy tongue by queerweather. A personal favorite! I go back to this one a lot.
Hindsight is twenty-twenty, and Zoro is not afraid of Luffy handling his swords; Zoro is afraid of how Luffy handling his swords might unravel him.
Love you by willoffire123. Both angsty and sweet! Kind of like my comfort fic
When Luffy goes overboard one night during a winter storm, Zoro dives after him and the two are separated from their ship. Stranded on a winter island, slowly freezing to death, Luffy and Zoro come to realize their long dormant feelings for each other. Can they say their love in two words or less? Or will the winter island take their lives before they get the chance?
Loyal Till Death Do Us Part by StygianHeart. You said you can take angst now, anon? *cackles maniacally* this one has it all- whump luffy, traumatized zoro and what not. It has 13 chapters and it's absolutely worth it
Roronoa Zoro knows he’s loyal to a fault. And maybe that loyalty is only for his Captain and Crew. But realizing his loyalty for Luffy is also something more, something more personal and emotional, was not what Zoro wanted. And he definitely didn’t want the voices in his head to get so loud. But hey, we never get what we want, do we? In which Zoro figures out he’s in love with his captain and is in great denial, all while struggling through emotional repression and a bunch of shit he doesn’t deserve. Go figures.
running just to keep my hands on you by nevermordor. another fic i love to read again and again.
The thing they do is kind of like a game, because Luffy likes games, but it’s also kind of a competition because Zoro can’t not turn anything and everything into a competition. It doesn’t have a name and there are only two rules, because more than two would just be making things boring and overcomplicated. 1. Whoever takes out the most guys in a fight is the winner 2. Whoever is the loser has to do whatever the winner says “Why’s it gotta be a whole game and stuff," Luffy says. "That’s gonna take too long.” “It makes sex more fun," Zoro explains. "You gotta win it, you gotta earn it. Like anything good in life. Like pirate king or greatest swordsman.” Luffy considers this.
A gamble on love by SnailorBee. short and fluffy. had me grinning like an idiot. perfect fic to recover from the angsty ones.
Pre-Time Skip! "We have a bet amongst the crew, minus Chopper. You want in?" "A bet?" Brook repeated, mystified. "About what?" "If those two idiots are dating or not." Nami jerked her chin in the direction of the nap pile behind him. Strawhats and their bets about Luffy and Zoro.
To cut your teeth on love by freckledshoulderblades. basically a series of snippets from their first meeting to just after timeskip but full of zolu feels.
Zoro meets Luffy and gives himself over wholeheartedly the instant Wadō is placed between his teeth again. Luffy meets Zoro and decides in a heartbeat that Zoro is his.
poly philtatos(the most loved by far) by swordsmans. another personal favorite!
He keeps moving forward at a steady pace, resisting the urge to run because how fucking embarrassing would that be, running because he missed them, and as he breaks through the treeline he shouts, “Oi, oi—what took you guys so long? It's been—” And then he freezes, because yes, actually—something is very, very wrong. The Sunny is anchored just off shore, close enough to see the deck but far enough away that the crew has had to take the Mini Merry to make land. Scattered across the beach in various stages of chaos—rolling around, yelling, fighting—are his crew but not his crew, so similar and yet so, so different. They look younger, fresher, and whatthefuck there, on the deck of the Sunny just peering over the railing, he catches a flash of green—his own green hair— “Ah, fuck,” he grunts, and then immediately turns back around because no, actually, he does not want to deal with this.
These are a few of my picks. if you want more/shorter fics/if you were looking for something else, don't hesitate to send me another ask!
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the-music-maniac · 4 months
I think what drives me a little crazy (in a good way) about zosan as a ship is - ironically - that they're willing to do the worst possible thing, to sacrifice, for a necessary goal unrelated to their relationship. By that I mean that a common romance trope is an individual being willing to sacrifice the world, anything and anyone else, for their lover, and zosan is...not that. And for some reason that drives me more feral than that other romance trope ever possibly could. I find that more romantic than "I would burn the world for you" and I'll explain why.
The root of their specific willingness to sacrifice isn't a shortage of love or care by any means, but a complete trust and understanding of each other. To the absolute core of who they are. I'm going to refer specifically to that agreement between zosan (that I got spoiled on, so apologies if I get details wrong, I haven't gotten there in the story yet - ALSO spoiler warning if you haven't gotten to around Wano, so click away).
I'm referring to Sanji telling Zoro to kill him if he changes after his stint in Germa, and Zoro agreeing without need for an explanation, telling Sanji to survive until then - that is so fucking romantic to me, and people hold it up as proof that they don't care about each other but to me, it's anything but.
There is a burden of duty to being the wings of the pirate king, and they both take that responsibility seriously. They're both devoted to their captain and to their crew, and to the dreams of their crew. Zoro perhaps more outwardly unwaveringly so, but Sanji is devoted too, different from Zoro but equal in intensity. There are moments when you can TELL they're on the same wavelength, moments where Zoro gives a rare speech on the dynamics of their crew and Sanji is silent because he agrees. Sanji is terrified of hurting his found family, and he's terrified of becoming like his brothers and father. He loves his nakama and so he's willing to sacrifice his own life to prevent from turning into that type of monster.
Zoro is similar. He is willing to die for his nakama, and their dreams. They are in complete understanding of that point. Death itself is not something that scares either of them, there are some things that are worth the price. Potentially for different reasons ahem self worth issues ahem Sanji ahem but that's still something they both understand. Zoro would sacrifice himself in a heartbeat to save Sanji (he already has at Thriller bark), Sanji would do the same (again. Thriller bark), so it's not remotely because they don't care or love each other. They are absolutely willing to give all they are to keep each other from outside harm.
But what happens if the threat to the crew is Sanji himself?
Sanji asks Zoro to be the one to kill him, because Zoro is the only one on the crew who he trusts 100% to do so, to fulfill the promise, who understands. I personally think Luffy would try to save his nakama, even beyond what is possible, at his own detriment. The other crew members would probably do the same (then again I'm still not through the show so feel free to disagree with my interpretation).
But Zoro could do it if it came to that. It would be awful, and it would shatter and change him, irreversibly, heartbreakingly so - I don't agree with people who say Zoro would kill his nakama without hesitation and be fine with it out of loyalty to his captain, Zoro has a heart y'all and he loves his crew - but he could grit his teeth and do it if he realizes it is necessary, that there is no other option. Sanji trusts him to keep his word, to protect the rest of their family. Do you know how telling it is about the level of regard you have for your partner, to trust them to the point where you can easily place the well being of almost all you both treasure into their hands, once you realize you can't be the one to protect it anymore, and know without a shadow of a doubt that it'll be safe as long as it's with them? With knowing they're strong enough to accept the heavy burden of having your blood stain their hands for the rest of their life, the blame for your death on their shoulders, the shadow of you in every single thing they do, inescapable and marking every facet of their life forever? And to trust that they'll not only accept those consequences without hesitation because it's what you asked of them, but will also protect what you both treasure until their last breath, without you even needing to EXPLAIN that that's what you're asking to them to do, because it's the obvious, it's what you've both been doing all this time, it's something you both know so well that no words need to be exchanged, no reassurances need to be given.
And the implication of Sanji wanting Zoro to do this task too, of being okay dying by Zoro's hands because they're equals in every way. Especially since their fighting dynamic is mostly a competitive, I'm stronger than you, I'll never lose to someone as weak as you, blah blah. This is proof that that's not what Sanji and Zoro actually think of each other. Sanji knows that they could kill each other if either of them truly tried for one - wouldn't have asked Zoro to kill him otherwise. Sanji is also fine with Zoro being the one to defeat him. There is an inherent (kinda fucked up) romance to that notion. 'If I have to die, let it be by your hands.'
And on Zoro's part, there's an inherent fucked up romance to keeping your lover close forever because your fingers are stained with the necessity of their blood.
(here is a caveat that I'm viewing this in a scenario where Sanji and Zoro have established that they love each other and are potentially in a relationship. If it's before that you could also flavour it with Sanji's "I love him but I think it's unrequited, actually I think he may hate me, so it would hurt him the least to be the one to kill me" which is JUICY, but just for this post I'm viewing it where they've already established that they're valuable to each other, that they care)
How am I supposed to look at that and not fucking die. It's so much more nuanced and romantic to me personally than "I would burn the world for you" because that trope at its core is a selfish sort of protection. I can 100% see how people find it romantic, don't get me wrong, I'm not judging you if you like that trope, that's so valid. It's "I can't live without you" and "I would choose you above all others" which is romantic, but it's romantic in a different way. Depending on the characters, it's also, I would go to extremes to make sure you're alive, even if there's nothing else left after the carnage except for each other, even if everything else that makes life worth living has been destroyed for survival, and we can only ever rely on each other for the rest of time. I only care about you but not anything else you care about. I won't try to save it, even if you tell me to, even if you want me to, and won't forgive me for all I've done because I can't bear the burden of you not being alive and around anymore.
I get why it's compelling, but that trope could ignore (depending on how it's written) everything else that person could hold dear. Ignores potentially, the agency of the person being protected, a character who could have accepted the consequences and have not wanted the world to burn for their sake, who is strong enough for that burden. And true, maybe the character isn't like that, maybe they just want simply to live a life (valid of them, people are allowed to want happy endings for themselves), but my point is, it's a different archetype of romance for a different archetype of character, but it seems to be more accepted as a romantic trope then zosan's dynamic and I think it shouldn't be that way.
Zosan is the opposite. It suits their character type perfectly. For them, it's "there are things that are worth more than even you and me. I love you, knowing who you are and how you view the world and what other things you value. I love you everyday on purpose, not hopelessly or illogically or blindly, even knowing you may not always choose me. I'm willing to accept the pain of that, just to be next to you. The time we share isn't any less valuable for being fleeting and impermanent. I care about the things you care about and our lives are also worth living because of those things. It would tear me apart irreversibly to hurt you, but I would do it if you asked it of me, I would do it if that's what this life demands of us. I know you can protect what we both love, even if I'm not beside you. I respect your choices. In this, we understand each other perfectly."
THAT is my shit. That's the fucking deranged ass bs that has me staring at my ceiling at 3 am, pacing the floors at 6 in the morning, gnawing on conkcrete like a rabid dog. Brain rot brain rot brain rot.
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gatitties · 4 months
Hey so I saw your Tanjiro!reader fic and wanted to aak if you could do another one but this time with misturi!reader instead. Cuz isint mitsuri like the perfect girl in sanji's eyes?
Oh and can you do this with straw hat,heart and kidd pirates please?
thank you !
─Strawhats, Heart Pirates & Kid Pirates x Mitsuri!reader
─Summary: Your heart feels like it's going to explode at how adorable everyone around you seems, painting your vision with rose-colored glasses.
─Warnings: none
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─ They look at you so confused when you blush madly at random, leading them to compare you to Sanji when he sees pretty girls.
─ They discover that it doesn't just happen to you when you see people who are attractive to you, but rather because of the love stories you see around you, even if it's not even something romantic, you are passionate about seeing people being affectionate.
─ They really don't pay much attention to your amorous personality, they have it quite normalized because of the cook.
─ No doubt you'll fantasize with Sanji about girls, of course, if he's being a little gross you'll hit him and explain to him why love can't just be about falling in love with someone at first sight and that it's something much deeper.
─ Zoro gives you so many blank looks because of your attitude… however, he finds your fighting style and your curious sword endearing, he admires that about you.
─ You help Usopp write letters to Kaya from time to time, you help him express his feelings about her and you love seeing her responses, you love this couple!
─ You have the habit of hugging Chopper like a stuffed animal when a romantic or sentimental scene is happening before you, you will also drag him with you when you want to rant about some gossip with Nami and Robin.
─ Franky will join in from time to time to gossip, although it may not seem like it, he is another romantic like you, he just doesn't let that side of him come out as much.
─ Brook will only make you more sentimental by playing some music in the background, you thank him for dramatizing the scene and making your heart explode with happiness.
─ Jinbe is a little skeptical about your passionate and loving personality, however he doesn't bother you about that, he was also young and in love at some point.
─ Luffy doesn't understand, no matter how many times you explain to him the feelings that come with certain actions, the devotion of love and feelings, Luffy will only say that if someone likes each other, then they should kiss and that's it.
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─ Law is a little irritated by your 'fangirl' side when it comes out at the least opportune moments, can you fantasize about a couple of enemies after the mission and not when you don't have to be discovered? No, you can't.
─ You're in the same boat as Ikkaku, although you show it much more than her, Ikkaku loves seeing how people relate and the love affairs that develop over time.
─ Bepo cheers up when you tell him that you have new gossip and you usually occupy your free hours talking non-stop about it.
─ You spend the day sighing fondly when you see an action of affection, everyone gets used to your blushes and eyes full of feeling quite quickly.
─ You joke a lot about the 'bromance' relationship that Shachi and Penguin have, at least, to them you make it look like a joke but in your mind they are dating.
─ You have certain comical moments that make the tension on the ship disperse, everyone has laughed more than once because you crashed into a wall because you were distracted looking at a couple.
─ They're fighting if someone messes with your appearance, they know you have some problems with that because of your past, Ikkaku is throwing her fists first for you.
─ This will only make your heart warm and accelerate as you see how everyone, in a certain way, demonstrates their attachment to you, feeling that your feelings were reciprocated since you also took charge of defending them.
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─ This crew is not that sentimental, not to say that they are not, or they have affection buried deep in their hearts.
─ Perhaps Wire and Heat are more open to talking to you about romance and emotions than Kid and Killer, their mouths are sealed when it comes to those topics.
─ However, they don't care much about you blushing or muttering when you see something cute happen, which you do quite often considering how infrequent affectionate actions are among this testosterone-filled crew.
─ They appreciate and find the way you swing your sword quite intriguing, you may be at your most sensitive after having observed the most adorable thing in the world before your eyes and being slaughtering someone who interrupted the moment.
─ They definitely don't interrupt you when you're creating fantasies in your head, if you're distracted enough you could accidentally impale someone with your sword.
─ You join their conversations about hot people to give your spiel about love, even though they only listen to the part where you say that person is hot, they are simple guys.
─ Although, if any of them are really into something or want to start romanticizing their life, they will come to you without a second thought, who better to guide them on the path of love?
─ They find your calmer personality quite relaxing compared to everyone else's, if they are looking for some peace or rest they will also come to you, they don't mind you talking to yourself about your feelings when silence is created.
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thelittlestoflives · 4 months
Thank You
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soooo i sort of have a whole backstory to the Unravelling the Mystery fic and i just thought welllll i might as well post that too lol!! (i actually have lots of parts and stories)
again, very new to fic writing and i've thrown in some y/n lore in there too!! it's so vulnerable and scary to post stuff you've written (again i suck at proofreading so forgive pls)
sanji x strawhat!reader, or the story of how y/n became a strawhat and gravitated towards the chef
use of YN, afab reader
cw: stuff to do with horrible exes, forced eating of a devil fruit, being severely injured, slight angst to fluff but mostly fluff i think
wc: 2.7k
It was like a ritual. The breathing in the room evening out, slipping out from under the covers and creeping through the halls towards him. His arms were your salvation, every gentle kiss burning your skin with love, each touch so heavenly you could almost believe in a higher power.
You can barely remember how it began. It's like it's just always been this way.
But it wasn't.
Not when you were stuffed in that barrel, just you and the darkness and the splashing of the waves against the wood, the drip drip drip onto your already soaking clothes. You can't remember how you survived it, how you endured the minutes and the hours and the days you remained in there, physical wounds nowhere near the pain of the scarring on your soul.
And like words out of the holy texts, there was light. A piercing, bright light. But unlike the holy texts, soft mutters echoed in your ears.
"Shit. It's a girl."
"Dammit. So, it's not treasure?"
"She's injured."
"How long has she been in there?"
"Why does this always happen to us?"
“Get her out of there, for fuck’s sake! Why are you all just standing around?!”
Just like that, the light vanished and darkness returned.
When you came to you were in some sort of medical infirmary, the light streaming through the windows so intense that you could barely open your eyes. An assortment of smells hit your nose; disinfectant, bleach, salty sea air, and a bowl of rich chicken noodle soup that steamed as it sat on your bedside table.
Maybe that's when it started. The soup. You stared at it for god knows how long, tears streaming down your face at the act of kindness. The trauma of what you'd just been through vanished staring at that bowl, feeling the love of whoever made it poured into it. Your body had been wrapped in bandages and cleaned, and you wore soft pyjamas that weren't your own, your hair had been brushed, and someone had made you fucking chicken noodle soup.
A couple of days went by as your body slowly healed. The only interaction you had was with the ship's doctor as he tried to make you feel comfortable and safe. You didn't see any of the other crew, but each time you woke from a restless, haunted sleep, there was a steaming dish beside you. Before long, you were strong enough to walk around. Chopper held your hand as he led you above deck to meet the crew who sat around the kitchen table.
You felt shy and nervous. Sure, you'd spoken to pirates before, but always in a controlled environment, never on their turf.
But they were vastly different from the pirates you'd encountered, offering easy smiles and gentle words, coaxing you to tell them what had happened to you. You caught eyes with a man with a cigarette hanging casually out his mouth a couple of times, quickly looking away. Was this where it started?
You explained that you're a journalist on your home island. Or rather, were a journalist. Now? You were dust in the wind, not taking any sort of discernable shape, floating with no direction, no intention, nothing. You thought you had it all; a home, a job you loved, family, friends, and someone who you thought was the love of your life. In less than a week, it was gone.
You had been investigating a cult on your island and stumbled across a giant conspiracy involving the World Government. You had written a tell-all piece, ready to blow the whole damn thing wide open. But you made a mistake, you told your then-boyfriend about it. Turns out he wasn't who he said he was, he was one of them. Sent to keep an eye on the local journalists, he’d pretended to fall for you to keep you close. The cult that terrorised truth seekers from the shadowy underworld was an unstoppable and dangerous force and he was one of them.
They'd captured you, and when the darkness was lifted there was no heavenly bright light. Just a dank basement dimly lighting up your boyfriend's face, grinning from ear to ear as he told you in laborious detail what was about to happen to you. You would eat a Devil Fruit, they would drug you, and you would be forced to do their bidding. No choice, no control, this was it. They’d already done this to every other person who had been investigating them. They had a small army now, he informed you. An army of ‘nosey bastards who didn’t know what they were getting themselves into’. Despite your pleading, he laughed and said that you better get ready for what’s about to happen.
And so they did it. They had it all figured out. They forced you to eat the Devil Fruit, and as its powers flowed through your veins you realised that perhaps they didn’t have it all figured out after all. They didn’t account for the fact that you would be damned rather than be bested by a man.
Your powers erupted out of you, flowing with such a force that all you could do was let out a silent scream, as the shadows wrapped themselves around the foundations of the building they held you in and it collapsed into rubble. 
An arm roughly grabbed you, pulling you out of the wreckage. It had stuffed you in a barrel, and an unfamiliar voice hissed the words: “It’s better if they think you’re dead. If you survive, never return.” 
As soon as the last word of your tale left your mouth, a straw hat was placed on your head, and that’s how Luffy obtained another stray to add to his collection. You became the Strawhats’ Chronicler, your job was to forever immortalise the crew’s journey towards the One Piece and to document how Luffy became the King of the Pirates. Although it was a difficult adjustment at first, you became fast friends with the crew. Robin in particular was a huge help for you, as it was she who understood your plight the best.
Sanji kept his distance at first. You were so beautiful that he knew he wouldn’t be able to help himself from flirting, and that was probably the last thing you needed right now, so he resigned himself to being helpful in the background, finding out information about you from Robin and Nami and incorporating it into his cooking. But the two of you were like magnets, unexplainably drawn to one another and soon neither of you would be able to stay away.
You were ripped from your nightmare with such force that you shot upright, sweat dripping down your back. It was the same as always, but tonight you didn’t want to wake up Robin with your tears.
And that’s how you found yourself in the kitchen, face-to-face with a certain chef. He tried not to make a fuss as he saw your hunched, small frame in the doorway, tear-stained cheeks and sleepy eyes. Really, he did. But he’s only a man, after all. He gave you a warm hug and sat you down, making his own special sleepy tea (“I promise you, you will be knocked out after this. No bad dreams for our sweet Chronicler!”).
“I meant to say thank you,” you said quietly as you sipped your tea.
He arched an eyebrow, a gentle blush on his cheeks. “For?”
“The food. When I was in the infirmary, your food made me feel…” you trail off, suddenly embarrassed. 
“Made you feel what?”
You look up at him, an amused expression on his face. 
“Your chicken noodle soup made me cry,” you admit softly. “It was the first thing I saw when I woke up, and it’s my comfort food. And I cried. I was so touched that I forgot everything else. I can’t thank you enough for that. I could’ve lost my mind, but that small act grounded me.”
The blush was no longer gentle but furious as his eyes diverted from your face. “Ah. Well, it’s an honour to cook for a pretty girl like you, and even more so that it makes you feel something. So really, I should thank you for your high praises.” 
Your mouth twitched into a smile. “No, thank you!”
His mouth echoed yours. “No, no, thank you!”
And you continued like that, thanking each other more and more dramatically through laughs. The silliness wore off, and Sanji’s face turned slightly more serious.
“Look, I wanted to say something to you too,” he began. “I’m sorry that your ex betrayed you like that. No beautiful lady should ever have to suffer at the hands of a man, much less a man who should love her.”
You blink, suddenly remembering why it was you were here in the first place.
“It’s okay,” you say with a small shrug. “Well, no, it’s not okay but… I dunno. What else can I say? ‘My ex gave me up to an evil cult and altered my life forever and because of him my family think I’m dead and I didn’t even get the t-shirt’? I appreciate that though. I appreciate all of you.”
He blew air out of his nose softly as you tried to make light of what was clearly a horrific situation. 
“Well, if you ever need to talk, I’m here for you.” “Thank you, Sanji, same goes for you,” you smile.
He grins back. “No, no, no. Thank you!” 
You laugh and lightly hit his arm. “Cut it out or we’ll be here all night!”
His grin widens. “Maybe that’s what I’m trying to do.”
And maybe that’s where it starts. Those late nights in the kitchen when you both couldn’t sleep, sharing easy conversations and trying to make the other laugh. Warm mugs of tea and knees touching each other under the table. A bubble you created with just the two of you, a sacred space, with none the wiser as to these secret meetings of yours.
It would become routine for a couple of weeks. The nightmares jolt you awake, so you pad through to the kitchen for tea, smiles, and chats. 
“You know, I reckon you’re the beating heart of this crew,” you say as you blow on your tea to cool it down.
Sanji scoffs in derision. 
“No, I’m serious! If Luffy is the soul, then you’re the heart. I see everything you do for the crew, Sanj. You’ve got a kind soul.”
You wished you could frame the look on his face to cherish forever. A mix of gratitude, embarrassment, confusion, denial, and something else. Something you couldn’t quite place. 
“In saying that,” you continue, sipping on the now-cool beverage. “You look tired. If you’re looking after everyone else, who’s looking after you?”
He froze.
Your eyes are trained on his. “Look, there’s a reason we’re both here in the dead of night. You can’t sleep either, can you?” 
He looks down.
“Let me in, Sanj. Let me look after you.”
And he does. He tells you everything, and now the bond runs so deep you’re afraid. After all, the last person you fell in love with lied about it and broke your heart. You couldn’t take much more. But this was different, somehow.
Maybe it started the first night you slept in his arms. 
It was just a normal night. As usual, a nightmare ripped you from sleep. It was a particularly bad one this time, your cheeks wet with tears as you made your way to the kitchen. But when you got there, the lights were off. Panic clawed up through your chest. You’d come to rely upon the chef in the dead of night, and now that he wasn’t here, you were scared to face your demons alone. So, fuck it, you thought. I’ll just go to him.
The men’s quarters were loud. Zoro’s snores cracked through the room, and general grunts and smells and sleepy noises were prevalent, but it didn’t matter. He was there, and he would make you feel okay again.
And once you’d crawled in beside him, and his arms automatically wrapped around you, you knew that there was no going back. You woke up in your own bed, having slept soundly for the first time in weeks.
That night when you met in the kitchen, there was a slight awkwardness that hadn’t been there before.
He cleared his throat. “Did you, uh, did you sleep okay last night?”
“I did. Best I have in a while, really. I’m so sorry if I overstepped or-”
“No! No, I’m sorry for not being here at our usual time-”
“Don’t be stupid!”
“Thank you for-”
“Thank you for-”
You both stopped and he cleared his throat again, cheeks bright red.
“Well, honestly? That’s the best I’ve slept in a while too. So, thanks. And I…” He paused as if building up some courage. “I wondered if you would maybe want to… Do it again sometime. But, you don’t have to and I don’t want you to feel like I’m coming on to you because I know you don’t want, like, romance or anything because of the situation with your ex and-” He began to ramble anxiously, bringing a small smile to your lips.
“Sanji, Sanji, stop! It’s okay! I… I would like that a lot. And so thank you.”
He stopped blabbering and clasped his hands together. “Really?” There was a sparkle in his eyes.
“Really,” you nodded. 
You both built a little routine together. If Sanji wasn’t already in the kitchen, then you’d go to him. Otherwise, you’d meet in the kitchen for your cup of tea, before retiring to his hammock in the men’s quarters. The noises of the sleeping crew around you didn’t bother you at all as you lay entwined in Sanji’s long arms.
One night, you made your way into the kitchen and stopped quietly in the doorway. Sanji had fallen asleep at the table waiting for you. You took in his sleeping figure, the way his sleep shirt clung to his arms and revealed some of his chest. His face was relaxed and peaceful, and god, was it beautiful. Shit, you thought. I’m in way too deep now.
You gently woke him up, and the look in his eyes when he saw your face sent your stomach dropping and mind shortcircuiting. 
“It’s you,” he whispered.
You nodded. “It’s me, Sanj. Let’s go to bed, hmm?”
He had that look on his face again, the one from before when you couldn’t figure it out. But now? Now you knew what it was. It was love. It was adoration. It was ‘you’re my comfort, my safety, you feel like home and I’m at peace’. He stood up and pulled you to his chest, groaning softly as he rested his chin on top of your head. You looked up at him, fondness in your eyes.
“Sanj?” You whispered.
“Yes, my darling YN?” His sleepy voice and eyes were too much. You stood up on your tiptoes and pressed a soft, swift kiss to his lips.
He stiffened, eyes wide. 
“Are you sure?” He whispered. 
You nodded.
His face brightened and burst into a lovesick grin, one hand settling at your waist, the other snaking up to hold the back of your head. He nudged his nose against yours as your lips met, the world melting around you both. He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours.
“I want to promise something to you right now,” he murmured. “I promise to protect you, to keep you safe, I promise I will never do anything that could possibly hurt you, and I will hunt down anyone who does. Thank you, YN, for showing me what love could be.”
“No, Sanj… Thank you for showing me.”
His eyes were brimming with tears too, but he laughed softly, unable to resist the urge to say:
“No, no. Thank you.” 
And with that, you went to the safety of Sanji’s hammock, entangled with one another as you pressed burning kisses to each others’ skin, his heavenly touch making you forget what life was like without him. You don’t know exactly when it started, but you know this will never end.
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Underworld Insomnia | 4 - B.Barnes
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Character : Bucky × Psychiatrist Female!Reader
Summary: As a ruthless contract killer, Bucky is feared in the underworld of criminals. His opponents freeze when they see him, as he is feared among them. However, they don't know that he could be warm to only one person: his psychiatrist. The only person who could make him fall asleep.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 ,-
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Please let me know what your thoughts are. I'd love to hear your feedback. Thank you once again.
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"Frosty longed for companionship, but no matter where he drifted, he found himself alone in the icy wilderness," the soothing voice of the story lulled Bucky into drowsiness. Just as he began to succumb to sleep, he heard your urgent cry, "Bucky!"
His body relaxed upon hearing your voice, but his eyelids felt heavy, weighed down by exhaustion. As he fought to keep them open, he sensed a peculiar sensation—something cool and tingling on his face. With a struggle, he managed to crack his eyes open, greeted by the sight of a small figure with oversized glasses hovering over him.
Bucky rubbed his eyes in confusion. "You... Ahh!!! What is this?" he exclaimed, noticing Conroy holding a tube of toothpaste.
Conroy, ever matter-of-fact, explained, "Because you're not awake. Seems like your body lack of iron."
Bucky narrowed his eyes at Conroy, feeling a mix of amusement and irritation at the kid's audacity. "Bah! I'm still in my prime," he retorted, trying to maintain his tough demeanor despite the situation's absurdity.
You were in another room when you heard an adult male voice, and you approached them, relieved to find that Bucky was no longer asleep. "You're awake," you remarked, noticing the toothpaste under Bucky's eyes. You knew it must be Conroy's doing.
Moving closer to Bucky, you reached for a cloth to wipe away Conroy's prank. "Conroy, you have to apologize to Bucky," you insisted firmly.
Bucky was taken aback by your actions. First, as the best contract killer in the industry, he could evade guns, knives, poisons, and other threats, but he never expected your voice to act as a lethal weapon. Second, he was surprised by the sudden tenderness in your gesture. He had never experienced such care before.
Conroy put his hands on his hips defiantly. "Why? If it's not because of me, he would still be asleep," he argued.
You clicked your tongue, feeling the need to maintain respect for the homeowner who could also protect you both from the group.
Bucky waved his hand dismissively. "It's fine," he assured, standing up to put some distance between himself and you. Perhaps it was your perfume that made his heart race. Clearing his throat, he asked, "How long was I asleep?"
You replied, "12 hours."
Bucky closed his mouth in disbelief. Twelve hours? That was a new record.
Concerned for his health, you suggested, "Bucky, do you need to go to the hospital? Perhaps something is wrong with your health?"
Bucky crossed his arms, feeling a bit irritated that both you and Conroy seemed to underestimate his health. He shook his head. "No. I've been there multiple times, and they found nothing wrong with me. Besides..." His conversation was cut short as he received a call.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Where the heck have you been?" the voice on the other end demanded.
"Sleeping," Bucky replied simply.
"What?! I don't even want to know. Just get your ass over here. Our situation is not good in the Caribbean Sea. Pirates tried to steal our client's ship."
Bucky's response was nonchalant, "Sure. Prepare the plane for me."
"But there's nowhere to land," came the urgent reply.
Bucky smirked, unfazed, "Who said the plane has to land?"
At an altitude of 40,000 feet inside the cargo plane, Bucky surveyed the situation below. Miguel, one of his colleagues, filled him in on the mission details, "Our client hired us to rescue his son. Pirates are attempting to capture the vessel because they know our client is wealthy."
As Bucky prepared his parachute bag and checked his guns, Miguel asked him, "Are you sure you want to go alone?"
Bucky nodded confidently. "Yup. It'll be quick. See you later." With a salute, he jumped from the plane, disappearing into the night sky. Watching his fearless departure, Miguel chuckled and shook his head. "Crazy dude," he muttered to himself.
Once airborne, Bucky opened his parachute and descended gracefully toward the pirate-infested ship below. As he landed on the deck, he swiftly drew his weapons and sprang into action. With precise aim and lightning-fast reflexes, he took down each pirate one by one, dodging their gunfire with ease.
In a matter of seconds, the deck was cleared, and Bucky secured the area before moving to rescue the client's son. Amidst the chaos, he located the young man and ensured his safety, escorting him to a secure location on the ship.
The client's son, shaken but unharmed, looked up at Bucky with gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you," he said, his voice trembling with relief.
Bucky's work was clean and efficient, a testament to the positive effects of his recent restful sleep. He nodded in acknowledgment as he received praise from his agency's boss. "Great job."
However, when the boss mentioned wanting to introduce him to someone, Bucky politely declined. "No, I need to head back," he explained. He remembered that you and Conroy were relying on emergency food supplies back at the safe house. While Conroy might have a sharp tongue, Bucky couldn't forget that he was still just a 4-year-old kid.
With a sense of responsibility, Bucky prioritized your well-being and Conroy's comfort over any additional meetings or introductions. He needed to ensure that you both had enough to eat and were safe while he was away.
Bucky returned to the safe house to find you and Conroy engaged in making origami, a sight that amused him. It seemed that neither of you found entertainment in TV or movies.
Upon hearing the door open, you looked up and greeted him, "Welcome back."
"Hm," Bucky acknowledged, feeling a warm sensation at being welcomed home for the first time.
Conroy abandoned his Godzilla origami and rushed over to Bucky. "Is that the same chicken I had?" His hand reached out eagerly for the plastic bag, but Bucky raised it just out of reach, prompting Conroy to pause. "Hey."
Bucky raised an eyebrow playfully. "Don't 'hey' me. Ask me nicely."
Conroy's cheeks puffed up with a pout. "Can I have some of the food, please?"
Bucky chuckled, lowering the bag. "It's all yours."
Conroy dashed to the table, exclaiming, "Yes!"
Left alone with you, Bucky expressed his gratitude. "With 12 hours of sleep, I was able to finish my work quickly. Thanks."
You smiled warmly. "I'm glad I could help."
Bucky glanced around the safe house, noticing the origami creations scattered around. "What are you two making?"
You chuckled softly. "Conroy wanted to learn origami, so we've been practicing."
Bucky observed the colorful paper creations with a hint of admiration. "Looks like he's getting pretty good at it."
You nodded proudly. "He's a quick learner."
Just then, Conroy returned to the table, devouring his fried chicken with gusto. Between bites, he grinned at Bucky. "Thank you for the food!"
Bucky ruffled Conroy's hair affectionately. "You're welcome, kiddo."
As the three of you sat together, enjoying the simple pleasure of a shared meal, Bucky couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging he hadn't experienced in a long time. Despite the dangers lurking in the shadows, there was a sense of peace and camaraderie within the walls of the safe house.
Bucky leaned forward, his eyes focused on you with a seriousness that caught your attention. "Do you have a plan to put Conroy into kindergarten?"
You paused, a thoughtful expression crossing your face. "At the moment, no. With everything that's been happening, it hasn't really crossed my mind."
Bucky nodded, considering your words carefully. "If you want, I know of a safe kindergarten that's highly secretive. It's attended by children of parents in similar lines of work, like myself. To ensure Conroy's safety, we could even consider changing his name."
As you listened to Bucky's suggestion, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his concern. Despite his tough exterior, he genuinely cared about your well-being and Conroy's.
After you answered, Conroy interjected excitedly, "I want to go!!!" He hopped down from his chair and dashed over to Bucky, his eyes wide with enthusiasm. "I want to join the kindergarten. Please,~"
Bucky chuckled at Conroy's sudden burst of energy, finding his eagerness endearing. "You can, if you behave," he replied with a playful grin.
Conroy puffed out his chest proudly. "I am a good kid," he declared, his determination evident in his stance.
You couldn't help but smile at Conroy's excitement, feeling hopeful for his future despite the challenges you faced. With Bucky's support and the promise of a safe place for Conroy to learn and grow, you felt a sense of relief wash over you.
The next day, Bucky continued his day with a brand new energy, grateful for the restful sleep he had gotten. This newfound routine eased his anxiety, allowing him to approach the day with a clearer mind.
He decided to visit the bar, a usual haunt where killers often gathered. As he entered, the dimly lit ambiance greeted him, familiar and somewhat comforting.
To his surprise, his boss approached him, accompanied by a figure clad in a custom suit that exuded an air of mystery and intelligence. The man's demeanor suggested he was no ordinary individual; perhaps a member of the CIA or a special undercover agent. His sharp gaze bore into Bucky, assessing him with keen interest as if dissecting his every move and thought.
The person introduced himself to Bucky with a firm handshake and a confident demeanor. "It's an honor to meet you, Barnes," he began in a voice with authority and a hint of intrigue. "I'm August Walker, and you have something that I want."
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Author Note:
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
"banter, baby!!" ft. the monster trio!
you know sometimes sexual tension turns into petty fights
ft. luffy, zoro, sanji x fem!reader
set-up: you knows and he knows and everyone on the fucking crew knows what is up between you two but instead of fucking it out (as you should), you both decide that it's banter time!
warnings: petty insults, pettier them, pettiest you
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- was luffy easygoing? yes. was he friends with almost everyone? yes. but was he also a dumbass who started to fight if he felt like it? also yes. - you're not sure how it started to be very honest, maybe you told him off and asked him to leave some food behind for the rest of the crew - that explained how the captain of the ship: strawhat luffy of the strawhat pirates, a man with an immense amount of bounty atop his head sat pouting in front of you with his arms crosses - that also explained why you also sat with your arm crossed, staring him dead in the eye - "luffy." you hiss, "stop being a baby and apologize." he looks appalled, "you stop being a baby and apologize." "you alMOST ATE ENOUGH FOOD FOR LIKE 8 PEOPLE FOR FUCKS SAKE?!" he looks solemn as he whispers, "a growing child has his needs" - what????? - you fold your arms tighter against yourself, causing your cleavage to be more prominent to his keen eyes, "you know somebody who looks at you wouldn't ever realize you're ace's brother." he pouts more, voice whiny now, "what does that mean?" "i mean he's so thoughtful and charming and a sensible human being and look at you, sharp as a butter knife!!" "YOU TAKE THAT BACK. I LIKE BUTTER!" - WHAT???? - "you're impossible." "uh-huh, uh-huh and i'm about to become more impossible now." "wha-" - dragged you to his room and showed you how impossible he can be
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- yeah, roronoa zoro was your sparring partner. yeah, one can say that you were a little bit mesmerized everytime his muscles rippled against his tight t-shirt. yeah, maybe you were drooling just a little - that shouldn't distract everyone from the fact that he was a smug, cocky asshole when sparring (its like you've been training since the age of eleven, stfu zoro) - "tch, yn. you can do better than that you know?" you hold back obscenities, narrowing your eyes, "shut up, how about that?" - he's sheathing the swords, standing against the deck with his arms crossed over his broad chest. he doesn't seem to have broken a sweat. a light hand runs through his cropped hair and he gives you a lazy smile, "you're quite weak, you know?" - he laughs a bit at your fuming state, finding some amusement in the way your cheeks burned an you held onto the dagger more tightly "you're pissing me off." your experienced hands throw the dagger at him, aiming for his head "am i?" his smile broadens as he catches the blade in his hands. he twists the blade on his palm, eying you leisurely, "maybe you should redirect all that anger into trying to land a blow on me, how about that?" - "you know, zoro." you plaster on a fake smile, "i have often heard a rumor about you" "what kind of rumor?" "ahh, just that you have a fourth sword." your smile drops, "just didn't know that sword was stuck up your ass." - his face fell for a second and then a smug smile crept across his face. his calloused hands found your wrist, leading you upto his room "how about we fact-check your rumor?" - uh lets say he does have a fourth sword. thats all.
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- honest to god, you had come here to help him prepare food. was he supposed to just be your cooking partner? yes. but were your eyes running over his flexing forearms as he hiked his shirt sleeves and cut something up? also yes. was it getting too hot here and you knew it wasn't even because of the food? also yes. - you were stirring the pot as sanji hovered behind you, his hand reached into the cabinet above you and momentarily, you were stuck between the stove and his body - and it's making you feel things - "sanji" you spoke abruptly, "get away from me, please." "huh?" he backed away, an apology ready on the tip of his tongue - maybe the blush on your cheek was evident because his expression changed from apologetic to smug. - he inched in closer, "oh, im sorry, my love" "stop it, stop getting so close to me" "oh, why? something wrong?" he drawled out "no, you just smell like fish right now. that's why, move it." - now why would you say that - he just chuckles, "you know, i am a cook, so i would smell like food. why? wanna devour me?" "no." you mumble nervously, "if anything, i am allergic to fish." - why would you say that again??? - "trust me, darling, you should give it a shot. maybe you'd like the taste?" he winked at the last statement - that night, you did give it a shot - maybe the cook is as delicious as the food he makes
a/n: listen to me, i just know sanji's banter will be straight-up flirting, i dont make the rules. hope you enjoyed lmao
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stillxnunpxidintern · 4 months
Quick Little Mishanks x AFAB Reader
(This thought has been in my brain for a while now)
You are married to Mihawk and Shanks, have been for like 10 years, but you stay on the Red Force, as it was just easier for you all, plus when Mihawk he decides to visit, having both his spouses in one place was easy than having to look for you both separately.
There were times when you and Shanks also visit him on Kuraigana but more often he would find you.
You were currently at your wits end with your red hair husband and so close to killing him, but Beck was keeping you from doing that, cause he didn't want to become Captain.
Being that you were currently 6 months pregnant, Shanks had started sprouting off nonsense about how you need to stay on land, when the baby was born, at first you thought it was good idea for like a month while getting used to being parents, but when he said 6 years, you were gobsmacked and told him no, you were not staying on land for 6 years, especially when he said he would still be sailing.
Even the crew was your side with this one, but he was refusing to listen to anyone and cause of this, you kicked him out of the cabin.
So knowing that he wouldn't listen to anyone on the ship, you came up with your plan and started setting it into motion. So a week later when one of your favourite whitebeard pirates showed up on his boat with his flames powering it.
You grabbed your ready pack bag, then heading down the rope ladder to met the Ace and get on his boat. It was tight squeeze but managed as it been to have a little upgrade. You could hear Shanks telling you get back on the Red Force but you ignored him everything he was saying, you kind of felt sorry for the crew and having to deal with the sulking Shanks but it was his fault.
Grabbing a piece of vivre card from inside your top and handed to Ace, as he was the one the powering the boat.
It took around two days to arrive at your destination, but you were glad to have room to move. Upon seeing the large ship, you were surprised that it was docked, but that it made easier for you, taking the the piece of the vivre card back.
You thanked Ace for his help and any trouble you might of caused him, but he waved it off and said he could stay with you if you wanted, but you told him that you would be fine, and would let him know how the 'showdown' between the husbands went.
He just laughed, as he followed as he was going find food, so if you needed help just yell.
You let the piece of paper lead the way, till you arrived at a building and stared at it for moment before knocking and waiting, but when no one open the door and your patience very little, you called your dark hair husband full name and then door magically opened.
Walking into the building it dimly lit, but you followed the torn paper a little more till you were in front of another door, and put the piece of paper back in your top and open the door.
There sat your dark hair husband, with Crocodile and Buggy in there as well. You could hear Buggy made a splatter noise, saying you couldn't be here but you sent him a glare that quickly shut him up.
Mihawk placing his wine glass down and was soon stood in front you, placing a hand on your stomach which earned him a kicked, and a brief glimpse of smile on his lips at the action.
He then asked why you here and you explained him what had happen, that if he didn't speak to his red hair husband, they both were going to be down a husband as you were going to murder him, as he starting to panic the further along you got.
So you needed him to speak or smack sense into Shanks, as he in the same boat as him, otherwise you would be living with him from now on, and you heard Buggy make another noise followed by a nooo, from the blue hair man.
Mihawk had no qualms about you staying with him, but he also knew that you would be safer with Shanks, but told you wait here, while he went and get his things to travel.
As you waited, you looked at both men, Buggy looked like he was about to pass out, while Crocodile looked a little intrigued however said nothing but drrnk from his glass.
Soon your husband was back with his hat and other things, before grabbing Yoru and soon you were on the sea again, heading back to the Red Force, much like with Aces boat, there wasn't much room, but you did got to sit on Mihawk lap, and enjoy small moments together.
Arrived back at the Red Force, you found that they were docked at some small island, getting drunk most likely. Both of you walked along the beach till you found the crew and to your surprised they weren't drunk, however Shanks was.
From what you got from the Beck, once you had left with Ace, Shanks had ordered to find the closest island, docked and had been drinking since then untll last night.
Grabbing a near by bucket, you filled it with sea water before throwing it over Shanks, who woke up and went for his sword, that wasn't on his side, before stumbling slightly before looking up and seeing both you and Mihawk.
Before Shanks could say anything, Mihawk grabbed his arm and dragged him off, making sure to grab Gryphon as well and gave it to his red hair husband.
While both your husbands were away, you sat down with the crew and relaxed, it was the first time in the last couple of weeks, that you could actually relax, feet wiggling in the sand.
A couple hours later both men returned and Shanks looked more dishevelled than you expected, but the first thing he did was come up and apologized you, kissing your forehand and placing his hand on your stomach, then saying he might of panic a little bit but his head was back on straight again now.
Mihawk then said next him refused to listen to you or Beck, then to Den-Den him rather than sailing to him. You agree and told him that you would, this time was only done out of spite.
Once everything had been sorted, Mihawk stayed for a few days and when it was just the three of you, normally in the Captain cabin, his hands were resting on your stomach and sometimes would talk to it as well when he thought you were asleep.
When he did leave again, he said he would be here before baby was born and not to let Shanks pick any stupid name, which made you laugh and Shanks pout, then he was gone.
When it was just you and Shanks, he then started giving you baby names now that Mihawk was gone, but this was a battle that could wait for later, so you just let him rattle off the names he had put on his mental list.
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goddessofroyalty · 5 months
So this was based on a silly joke I have in my head about hormonal birth control not working for omega!Sanji for (spoilers) reasons and him and Zoro then ending up with 3 kids on the pirate journey because they keep breaking condoms.
Anyway this is just them finally making it back to the Baratie and having to face up to Zeff about it (from Zeff’s POV)
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Tags: omegaverse, mpreg
Zeff will admit he is slightly surprised at the swell in Sanji’s stomach when he showed up again as part of what seems to be the new Pirate King and crew’s Victory Tour.
It’s not that Eggplant had given him no indication of it – he had been getting more and more jittery every damn time he’d gotten in touch as the Strawhats made their various stops before reaching the Baratie. Saying how some things had happened during his travels and that he’d needed to talk to Zeff about them in person. But Zeff had assumed it was to do with his damnable family. Not that his woman-obsessed omega son had gone and got himself knocked up. By an alpha, going by the new layer of scent clinging on top of the one he remembers to be Sanji’s.
And, because wonder’s don’t fucking cease, they’ve only just gotten through their tearful hug when a little green-haired girl comes running over. Clinging to Eggplants leg and staring up at Zeff with curious, familiar, blue eyes.
“I thought you were staying on the ship Princess?” Eggplant says, brushing a hand through her hair. And Zeff is equally sure that actually Sanji told her to stay on the ship as he is that his boy was as much a pushover to his daughter as he had been any woman who had stepped foot into the Baratie before he left.
“You know she wasn’t gonna’ as soon as she found out this was your old home.” And there was the newly minted World’s Greatest Swordsman and apparently sire to Zeff’s grandkids walking in like it had been his home as well and not the place he had gotten nearly cut in half by the former owner of the title.
And, fucks sake, there was another little one resting on his hips as he does it with that same matching green hair.
“I do remember teaching you about the importance of making them wrap it,” Zeff grumbles, because going by the age of the older one the two it hadn’t been all that long after Sanji left that he had gotten himself knocked up. “I know you said you weren’t planning on getting with any alphas but I know you were still listening.”
Eggplant goes red at it before glaring at Roronoa who gives a grin back that is entirely too filthy and leaves Zeff sure that he doesn’t actually want to know.
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Zeff asks more to move the topic away from his kid’s sex life before he finds out more about it than he wants to.
They had been exchanging letters and calls on and off the whole time and never once had Eggplant mentioned that he was going to be or had become a granddad in any of them.
“I did try to but I couldn’t say anything too direct in case it got intercepted,” Sanji explains, resting a protective hand over his middle while the other curls around the girl at his side.
It makes some degree of sense. Best way to keep the two, soon to be three, pups from being a target is to have nobody know they exist in the first place.
Maybe Zeff should have guessed something like this was up when Sanji had asked him how he had dealt with the stress of raising a kid in the dangerous world they lived in. But he had just assumed his boy had finally matured enough to realize how much of an antagonistic dumbass he had been at times.
“I did want to tell you though,” Sanji continues, his voice guilty.  
Roronoa has moved close to his mate’s side, not touching though. Which is probably what Sanji actually wants – always had been a bit funny about any too direct an offer of comfort. Something Zeff’s probably as much to blame for as anything else in his life.
“You have no idea how many times I nearly did.”
“Probably for the best you didn’t,” Zeff says because he can’t have his kid feeling guilty for doing the smart thing. “I don’t know if I’d have been able to keep away if you did.”
Neither he nor his ship these days are made for the journey to the Grand Line. And it wouldn’t have been good for Sanji or the rest of the crew of his to have an old pirate getting underfoot while they were making names for themselves on history’s pages.
“Hell, I’m gonna’ struggle letting you sail off with my grandkids with you now. You better come visit more than you have been!” He doesn’t actually hold it against them and damn well know the reason why this is the first time he’s seen them since Sanji left to join a pirate crew. But he still missed years of his grandkids lives as a result and they had better make up for it.
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
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They are not related by blood, no. (Blood? Frosting..? Filling?? Anyways-)
Red is actually Seafoam's great Nephew. And he joined the crew because of a tradgedy involving his mother,, Seafoam's niece..
When Red joined the crew he was very shy and scared of everything. Coco at this point was a rough and tough pirate gal.. but man, something about that kid.. she just adored him. She took it upon herself to take care of the little guy and be his guardian.
She loves him to bits and has definitely taken the role of "mother" in his world. When ever the ship is under attack, she is the first to swoop in and take Red to safety. She is the one Red goes to when he cant sleep or is scared. She takes care of him when he is sick, she cleans his clothes and feeds him too.
Seafoam has made it very clear that she does not have to do any of this. And that Red is 100% his responsibility. But she just ain't havin' it. She chooses to be involved in Red's care and wouldn't have it any other way. 💖
Its a good thing too, Seafoam has no idea how to raise little kids <XD
(Also thank you so much!! :DD )
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Sorry uh- I don't know that character. I made some OCs for Cookie run but I haven't played any of the games, I don't know the lore and I don't know/remember any of the characters- sorry!
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Ah,, I don't know? <XDD I don't know how the games work- are there other types of cookies?? I don't know--
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Judging by what I've heard/seen of that game? They'd run for the hills! They're not safe there <XD
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<:D Ah sorry- I don't know who that cookie is- remember I haven't played either game and I don't know any of the lore!
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Also thank you so much!! You are beary nice :}}}
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Thank you for the no spoilers!! :DD I have not seen it but I have heard of it :0 perhaps sometime I'll give it a go! :}
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Man, cookie run lore is WILD XDDD
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Thank you! My day today was better than yesterday at least! XD
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I've drawn them twice actually that I can remember! Once in my FNAF Recap/Repair part 2, and once in a doodle dump post thing! :00
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:0 eh? Huh? Til what?
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I actually haven't thought much about that :0 I worried that the group wouldn't feel very diverse if I had duplicate characters.. but the opposite personalities but same person is genius! But whompst would be duplicated... 🤔
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Hello! I believe I do write scripts, but if I'm being honest I don't think I can scrape together even one sentence of sound advice for you- 💔😭💔
I am known to be very bad at explaining how to do things. A lot of what I do is just taking random things and stapling them together and ripping off some parts and gluing this here and put that over there and tada! Comic! "How'd you do that" "...Honestly I cant really remember-"
The only think I can think to say is figure out what you want to come from the scene and.. do what ever it takes to make it happen..? Uhhh- for example, "I want these two characters to fight and character A to leave in a huff." Well then give them something to fight about, and make character B say something that would make character A mad enough to leave without saying anything..?? But that doesn't explain how I would figure out what the argument would be about- I
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I'm afraid I am of no use to you here-
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AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm glad you like my minecraft guys and my cookie run critters! :DD And not to worry- He'll catch on XD right now the main thing keeping them some what apart is Seafoam's thoughts of "She's a beautiful mermaid, why would she be with an old Captain like me..? :( " And Blue's thoughts of "He's a well respected Pirate Captain! What would he see in a big whale like me..😔" But they get past that eventually-- XDD
And yes! I have drawn them before <XD although those drawings weren't made with my Mario AU in mind.. When they grow up they will definitely be more stylized. :0 Not sure how they'll interact with Bowser as they age, but they are intended to all be his biological children :)
As for the birth order, I haven't thought it through fully,, but I have decided that Ludwig is the oldest and next in line for the throne. And JR is the very youngest with Lemmy being second to youngest. And Larry being 3rd to youngest :00
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Thank you! And to be honest if the D.A was split and gender swapped, I would just slap on some eye lashes and make them both generally appear more feminine.
Glitchy sun tho.. man, how would Fazbear Entertainment deal with that? <XD
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Thank you!! :DDDD
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(Post in question)
XD Well? Did it work?
231 notes · View notes
ladyluscinia · 8 months
What Exactly Did David Jenkins Say?
Look, I'm still staunchly of the opinion that Word of God statements and creator interviews are overvalued in fandom, especially when they get pulled out mostly as gotchas without then continuing to analyze whether or not the show canon is successful at getting across that same message. Death of the Author is good, actually, and we should remember that. But they are worth looking at in the context of evaluating intent vs execution, and for future speculation - just, like, please with less of the whole mile high pedestal idolizing and backlash cycles.
But if overvalued "Word of God" is annoying, then overvalued "supposed creator statements that have gone through three rounds of telephone and any given blogger has only heard about a quarter of them, which they'll use confidently anyway" is worse. So, since I'd already looked up interviews for various reasons...
Here is a fairly comprehensive list of interviews David Jenkins has given and statements he's made during them, presented without commentary (save curating which statements get highlighted). All provided with links. I definitely missed some, so if you have any that you want to add, please do - though if you could trim off any commentary and save it for tags / your own post with a link that would be cool.
Also, again, just because he said it doesn't make it incontrovertible canon that only a blind person wouldn't understand. Some of these even arguably contradict each other. The creator's intent doesn't always translate to what the show is doing, nor do you even have to think it was a good idea.
(Listed in chronological order from oldest to newest - post contains spoilers below the cut)
Gizmodo - Feb 22, 2022 - with Cheryl Eddy (io9) - Link
Why this story - Really, it was the enigma of Stede that drew him in. "I think actual pirate stuff is fine, but it's not necessarily my cup of tea. And I think Taika [Waititi] felt similarly. But hearing about this guy and reading about him and seeing that, you know, he left his family, then he met Blackbeard, they hit it off, and we don't know any of the details in between. So filling those blanks in, and having a very human story, and then being able to do it with the pirate genre, that was like, 'Oh, this would be cool.'"
Post 1x01 - 1x03
Polygon - March 5, 2022 - with Tasha Robinson - Link
David Jenkins, Taika Waititi, and Rhys Darby interview
About Stede running off to sea - "Stede thought he could outrun his baggage, and you can't outrun your baggage."
About S1 - "I don't think there was enough improv on set! We had an insane schedule, with a huge amount of plot. We were budgeted and designed as a one-hour show, but with a half-hour production schedule, which means we really had to chase these episodes to get them shot. And then there are certain emotional beats that we really needed. So trying to find places to find the fun was hard."
Mashable - Mar 5, 2022 - with Belen Edwards - Link
About the show concept - "It was Jenkins' wife who first told him about Stede's adventures; she thought it would make a good TV show."
On casting Rhys Darby - "Stede did a terrible thing to his family. If you cast it wrong, he's a very hard character to get behind," Jenkins said. "Very quickly, the only person I thought of for this was Rhys [Darby]. He has this childlike quality that's endearing."
About the story - "Seeing them discover a need for each other that neither anticipated and charting how that relationship goes is the meat of the story." + "If you're on this ship, you're running from something, and you're running to something that you can't be on land"
Mentions of matelotage - "In fact, one of Jenkins's favorite pirate facts that he learned while working on Our Flag Means Death was the term matelotage, which was a civil union between same-sex pirates. "The more you look at it," he explained, "the more you write to the fact that this is a queer-positive world.""
Discussing piracy careers - "Something else that astounded Jenkins about pirates was "just how fast it all moved — their lives were quite short," he said. "Your career [in piracy] wasn't very long.""
Post 1x09 - 1x10
Decider - Mar 24, 2022 - with Kayla Cobb - Link
David Jenkins, Taika Waititi, and Rhys Darby interview
Pitch for the show - "That was in the pitch," series creator David Jenkins told Decider. "That was the reason, to make them fall in love with each other."
About the romance - "The main thing to me was to side-step coming out," Jenkins continued. "I just want a romance. I want a Titanic romance between these two people. We don't have to do the coming out story and then the non-binary story for Jim [Vico Ortiz]."
About S2 and the show - "The show is the relationship," Jenkins said. "So, we end in a place where there is this breakup. What happens after a breakup between these two people who, one’s realized he's in love and the other one is hurt in a way that he's never been hurt before? What does that do to each of them in an action, pirate world with them trying to find each other again? So again, I really love those rom-com beats."
Collider - Mar 24, 2022 - with Carly Lane - Link
On making it a romcom - "It's the only reason to make the show. If you didn't do that, it would just be weird. I mean, you're using the rom-com beats. You're using these like they're together. And it's funny because so we're so habituated to be like bromance, bromance, bromance, and it's such a simple move to put them together."
Discusses focusing on romance - "I guess I really... I get kind of bored. How much pirate can you do? They're going to rob stuff. They're going to steal ships. There's only so many pirate stories you can do. So if you're going to do a workplace story, I mean, you're essentially having this... You'd have this same amount of relationships in Grey's Anatomy in the ER. So it's standard. It's the most standard. We're making a soap opera on a pirate ship, and to use those soap opera beats... I like it, and I like the flavor in a comedy when you have something that's played genuinely up against very ridiculous things."
Discusses history and kissing scene
Discusses importance of going home to Mary - "Yeah, that was the problem for me in the story. I knew that I wanted to have the end where he goes home, because you need to give Mary her day in court. I just wanted to know from Mary's perspective what happened and then to see that, yeah, they're friends."
Is Lucius dead? - "You got to wait."
EW.com - Mar 25, 2022 - with Devan Coggan - Link
David Jenkins, Taika Waititi, and Rhys Darby interview
Pitch for the show - "To me, [Stede and Blackbeard's relationship] is the reason to make the show," Jenkins explains. "When Taika and I were first talking about it, he was like, 'Oh yeah, that's the show.' I first started reading about Stede and how he befriended Blackbeard and we don't know why. Very quickly, it was like, 'Oh, it's a romance.'"
Polygon - Mar 25, 2022 - with Tasha Robinson - Link
Discusses 3-season intent - "I think three seasons is good. I think we could do it in three."
Discusses acts within S1 - "To me, when you see him get stabbed, and the blood runs through his fingers, it’s like 'Oh, no, the clown got stabbed! And not comedy-stabbed, he got stabbed stabbed!' That to me is cool. And then having Blackbeard find him as the end of what would be the first act of our story felt good to me."
Discusses kiss scene filming and the national moment around gay rights
What to focus on a rewatch - "I think Con O'Neill does such a great job. He's such a complex character, and it's such a tortured relationship. And that's a love story too, between him and Blackbeard. It's a very dysfunctional story, but it's fun to watch. Watch that maybe, on a rewatch, looking where their relationship ultimately goes."
TV Insider - Mar 25, 2022 - with Meaghan Darwish - Link
Discusses show pitch - "When I was pitching [the show] to people, I'd be like, 'Okay, so it's about Stede and Blackbeard, and then they hit it off and then they fall in love.' And then people are like, 'Okay, cool,' Jenkins shares. "And then they really fall in love, and become intimately involved."
Discusses historical inspiration
Discusses S2 direction - "But when [Stede] goes to find [Blackbeard], he's gone and his crew's been abandoned. And so watching them try to negotiate that, that's a good rom-com beat," he adds.
The Verge - Apr 15, 2022 - with Charles Pulliam-Moore - Link
Discusses being surprised by queerbaiting legacy - "...part of me knew that, yes, Stede and Ed's romance was going to be real. But one part of me felt like, 'We're going to do this story, and they're going to kiss, and maybe that's not even going to be that big a deal. Maybe it'll just be a blip.'"
Discusses writing romance - "I'd never written a romance before this one, but I think with Ed and Stede, the question's always 'what's the need for each other?'"
Discusses falling in love and Stede's accidental seduction - "It made sense to have that love be almost like a teenage version of falling in love — one with all these intense and conflicting feelings. They're middle-aged, but Stede's young. Ed's young. Emotionally, they're like 16, and they've both got a lot to learn."
Discusses Con O'Neill as Izzy - "He plays an exhausted quality that's really lovely because this character could just be generically evil, and the way Con plays, it is like, he's credible. I believe that he can do some damage if he wanted to. My favorite thing I've seen about the show is somebody saying that Con's playing the only human with a bunch of Muppets. It does feel like that a bit where he's like Charles Grodin in The Great Muppet Caper."
On Izzy being in love with Blackbeard - "I think Izzy's deeply in love with Blackbeard, and it's a very dysfunctional kind of love, and he's like the jilted spouse who's losing his man to fucking Stede Bonnet, and he can't believe this is happening."
Discusses masculinity and piracy as an escape from that
Discusses diversity and trauma based stories - "And the consensus in that very diverse room was that we wanted to show that isn't just wallowing in trauma. We don't have to do a coming out scene or focusing on the trauma of it — not to say that those stories aren’t valid."
Gizmodo - Jun 20, 2022 - with Linda Codega (io9) - Link
Musing on fandom response to the show - "I'm wondering if the fact that because the queerness of this show isn't gaslighting the audience, and isn't a function of wanting to do something, but not being able to produce the results because of network standards. I think we just happened to be in this lucky spot where the show is actually queer… and I do think that people are responding to that."
Comparing fanfiction to writing - "And Con O'Neill's audition was one of those things I would go back to. I would watch that and be like… Oh, right, that's the show. And in a way, you're writing fanfiction for a certain actor and character because you want them to do something, and you're like–" at this point, it must be said, Jenkins let out a maniacal little giggle. He’s just as thrilled to show off Con O'Neill's ability to seem both deeply exhausted and menacing as the rest of the fandom. "And you [as the writer] you're like… And then Izzy does this now."
EW.com - Dec 13, 2022 - with Devan Coggan - Link
Discusses The Chain sequence - "I had initially wanted that end sequence to be like the FBI raid in a mob movie, where the feds come in, and they've got boxes of stuff, and everyone's running, and someone makes a dash for it," Jenkins explains. "So, it's like a mob movie or FBI raid story, and then it's also a story of Stede's lover coming back."
Collider - Oct 2, 2023 - with Carly Lane - Link
Discusses fan reaction to S1 - "I thought that they'd kiss, and people would be like, 'Oh, cool, cool!' I kind of thought people would know a little bit more [about] where we were going, but then in hindsight, no, people have been hurt and burned on so many other shows and then made to feel silly."
Discusses starting S2 dark - "One of these characters is very, very damaged and has never made himself vulnerable in this way before, and I don't think [he] would react very well to having his heart broken in this way. I don't think it would be cute, and I don't think it would be funny. I think it would be scary as hell to watch a very damaged guy that we've established in Ed, who killed his dad and thinks he's not capable of being loved, deal with rejection and see that Stede really hurt him."
Discusses adding more female characters
Discusses S2 needle drops including "This Woman's Work"
Discusses 3-season arc
Post 2x01 - 2x03
Mashable - Oct 5, 2023 - with Belen Edwards - Link
Discusses fandom response to S1
About the canon gay relationship - "To watch the explosion of enthusiasm around [the kiss] was disorienting, almost," Jenkins said. "I thought people would react to it, but I didn't think the reaction would be that big. And then it was moving, because I didn't realize that this audience felt so unserved in general, as far as storylines go."
Insider - Oct 5, 2023 - with Ayomikun Adekaiyero - Link
Tease on leaning into the Stede / Ed / Izzy love triangle - "I think Izzy, in a certain way, got the worst deal in the first season," the showrunner tells Insider. "He gets jilted and then he still is in spurned spouse territory at the beginning of the second season."
Discusses Izzy's arc - "What is that relationship about? And I think by the end of the season it kind of becomes a little unexpected of who they are to each other and what they mean to each other," he teases
Discusses addition of Zheng - "He likens Zheng's way of pirating to a successful tech startup, compared with the garage sale vibe Stede had going on the Revenge."
Discusses introducing Hornigold - "I thought Hornigold was the most obvious because he was the person who made Blackbeard what he is. And Blackbeard has a father complex, so it's natural that he's going to bring his former captain back," the show creator said. "It's a struggle with him because he and dad figures don't historically do well."
Discusses importance of the mermaid scene
Inverse - Oct 5, 2023 - with Hoai-Tran Bui - Link
Reveals he didn't commit to the romance until shooting 1x06 - "Jenkins always intended his pirate comedy to end with a romance, but he'd envisioned it as an unrequited love. "It was going to be about Stede learning what love is, and Ed making himself vulnerable and getting burned," Jenkins says of his original pitch. But Darby and Waititi's choices in the scene, which they played without diffusing the tenderness with a joke, made him wonder if they could take the show in a new direction."
Discusses mermaid Stede idea from S1 - "We talked about Stede as a mermaid very early on in the writers' room," Jenkins says. "At some point, yeah, I want to see Rhys Darby as a merman." + "They wanted us to come up with a Season 2 pitch during Season 1. And that was one of the ideas we hit on, and I can't quite remember how we got there, but it was us asking, what is a pirate world? Are there mermaids? Is there magic in this show? With pirate stuff, I don’t know that I want there to be magic, but there was a way where it was something really beautiful about a mer-person, and I like the idea that their coming together would have a mythic size to it."
Discusses historical divergence
Discusses matelotage and pirates as weird outsiders
TV Guide - Oct 5, 2023 - with Allison Piccuro - Link
About the shipping culture - "It's the meat of the show, so it's great to have people bought into the central romance. If it were a bromance that we were trying to make look like a romance, that would suck."
Discusses playlists he makes
Discusses opening dream sequence - "I just like that it started with something badass. Stede, Blackbeard, and Izzy are on an arc together. Whether they're in stories together or not, their ultimate arc is together. I think, by the end of this season, the last episode, that first scene will be gratifying. I won't say why, but their fates are tied together."
Discusses Kraken arc - "But I think the thing that's good about this show is that it can go to really sweet comedy land, but I want there to be, like, if someone loses a body part, for instance, they lose a body part. To do justice to the fact that this guy is a killer and a monster, and dealing with heartache that he doesn't know how to deal with, I think you really need to go there."
Discusses Izzy in S2 - "I mean, he's jilted. He had a partnership with Blackbeard, and he knows he can't live up to this person that Blackbeard fell in love with... Who is that guy? What are his hobbies? What does it look like when he's not totally subsumed with his boss's love affair with somebody, and heartbroken?"
On S2 reunion - "The second season is them being a little bit more mature... It's the thing where you're in your 20s or 30s and you're like, "Well, should we move in together?" They have to make up some time because neither of them have been in a functional relationship before."
About genre of pirate stories - "...is a show about multiple relationships. That's what I want to see when I see this show. I don't want to see a bunch of pirate things that I've seen in other things, I'll just go watch another thing if I want to see that. That's not really my thing. I like the genre, but it's a very hard genre to budge. I want to see relationships in a pirate world."
Discusses the A Star is Born aspect of seeking fame / retiring
Mashable - Oct 7, 2023 - with Belen Edwards - Link
About the mermaid scene - "You need something expressive for when they come back together," Jenkins said. "Their reunion moment has to feel big and mythical. This is not a world where mermaids actually exist, but their love for each other has that size that you can get [a mermaid] in there somewhere."
About Kate Bush - "I love Kate Bush, and I love that song, and I know Taika loves that song," Jenkins explained of the choice. "So I wanted to find a place for that song somewhere in the second season."
Polygon - Oct 9, 2023 - with Tasha Robinson & more - Link
Compares S2 and "Golden Age of Piracy" stuff to Westerns, lists 5 he was thinking of - "Every Western that’s good is that story," Jenkins says. "'This way of life we made is coming to an end. It can't last. It's a blip in time. We created this thing because we need it to exist. We're outlaws, and we need a culture that suits us, but it's running out of time.'"
Gizmodo - Oct 9, 2023 - with Linda Codega (io9) - Link
Short tease on leaning into the love triangle
About Stede, Edward, and Izzy - "I think the three of them are on an arc together that's pretty inseparable," Jenkins said in an interview with io9. "And to watch Izzy try to process what's happened [in season one]… to watch him kind of grow and figure out what's his own story, if he can separate himself from this kind of toxic relationship, is interesting to me and I think gives him a lot of room for growth."
Post 2x04 - 2x05
IndieWire - Oct 12, 2023 - with Sarah Shachat - Link
Discusses directing and show creation
"The limitations of the show also naturally push it back towards moments with the ensemble and plot problems that it would frankly be irresponsible to tackle if you had a giant budget and a fully working ship-of-the-line to sail and then blow to bits. "That's the fun of the show to us, I think. If you open this up and you're like, unlimited budget, that would be terrible because I think you can get seduced," Jenkins said. "[It could be like,] 'Oh man, it's all leading up to a climatic battle on the sea.' And those things are great. But that’s not this show.""
"The nice thing about that, though, is you get to be the lo-fi show that’s like, 'Hey, we’re making The Muppets.'"
PopSugar - Oct 12, 2023 - with Victoria Edel - Link
About S2 Stede - "I like the idea that he learns and grows and he doesn't just stay a bumbling captain. He might be ridiculous, but he is getting better at it."
Discusses genre challenges - "How do you have a show that's a romance show but it's also a workplace show and they're criminals?"
Discusses Edward's redemption - "But Blackbeard still has to come back and apologize and be part of the community again, and give his little press conference. It was fun for us to look at that in the context of piracy, where they all do terrible things to each other. But even by their standards, what Blackbeard did was a bit much."
Discusses Izzy in S2 - "When Izzy shoots Blackbeard and they all mutiny on him, that's Izzy breaking up with Blackbeard. And they're both having their own journey in the wake of it, and Izzy's having his own redemption arc. He's trying to figure out, "Who am I if I'm not Blackbeard's first mate? Who am I outside of this relationship?"" + "If Stede's Spongebob, he's Squidward. I don't know what that makes Blackbeard. But there's a real pathos to Squidward."
Discusses trauma-based narratives - "As a diverse room in terms of sexuality, socio-economic background, and race, we thought, "Wouldn't it be nice to have a non-trauma-based story for these characters who don't get that historically?""
Variety - Oct 13, 2023 - with Hunter Ingram - Link
Discusses three act structure and making Stede work for a relationship - "The way I like to look at a season is in threes. The end of the first act is when they find each other, and this is the beginning of the second act. They've found each other, but they are pissed. Stede thought it was going to be [Kate Bush's] “This Woman's Work,” but, in reality, it is this headbutt –– literally."
Discusses the central romance - "It was always part of the pitch... that is the reason to make the show. The pirate genre is fun, but I wasn’t dying to make a pirate show. Taika wasn’t dying to make a pirate show. But the thing that was interesting to me was that Stede finds love, and he finds it with Blackbeard."
Discusses 2x04 plot - "This episode is based on a very, very thumbnail sketch of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?." Anne and Mary are Martha and George, and they are Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton."
Discusses adding historical pirates
Discusses Buttons exit - "I just love the idea of him turning into a bird: I love the idea of Buttons somehow being the one character that is able to figure that out."
Discusses Izzy and the crew's trauma plot - "We liked the idea that there is something about trauma and getting past that trauma, even on a pirate ship. They have been through two very different ways of living and they have to get used to each other again. But it's also a family that was separated, and becoming one family again is painful."
Discusses bringing characters back - "We could bring Calico Jack back, who, if you remember, was hit by a cannonball last season. Anyone who is that fun to play with and wants to keep playing, you always find a way to bring them back."
Polygon - Oct 14, 2023 - with Tasha Robinson - Link
Discusses 3-season arc and how keeping them apart with some plot device was never in the cards - "at the end of the first season, they're 14-year-olds, emotionally. In this season, it's more like they’re in their late 20s."
Discussing New Zealand production and ensemble cast writing - "It's pretty organic, because as we're going through and tracking everybody's journey for the season, we're watching the thing that holds us together — what stage of Stede and Blackbeard's relationship are we in? Because the overarching arc is, are these guys going to learn how to settle into a relationship?"
"The second season is more overtly about romance, and more a relationship story."
Energizing aspect of fan reaction
S3 is about "love is work"
Gizmodo - Oct 16, 2023 - with Linda Codega (io9) - Link
About the story - "I want to see them become a functional couple or fail to become a functional couple," Jenkins said. "Those are the most interesting parts of the show."
Discusses fandom engagement - "...ultimately the writers are also "the fans in the room." He goes on to say that, "We're fans of the world. We're writing fanfic about our own characters, our own worlds… It's paid fanfic, but it's fanfic." He gives another example: "If you're writing a season of Succession, you're writing fanfic Succession. You're just getting paid to do it. We, as writers–" it's clear that he's not just talking about the writers in the writers room, "become fans of the world and we all have things we want to see these characters do. What we do is not that different."
Discusses the A Star is Born aspect of seeking fame / retiring
Discusses Zheng Yi Sao
Villains of the series - There are a lot of new villains this season, but, Jenkins says, ultimately, "the antagonist on this show is normalcy… These pirates have a way of life that they're not finding in normal life. They've found a way to live and support each other and be there for each other. And that's always threatened by these larger, tyrannical forces that want to shut them down."
Post 2x06 - 2x07
Mashable - Oct 19, 2023 - with Belen Edwards - Link
Discussing drag performance in 2x06
"It is nice to see with Izzy's arc, where he finally breaks through whatever he's been doing to himself. He lets himself have that moment, which I just love. It resonates for Izzy, and I think it resonates for Con. Just personally, it made me feel good to see how it turned out."
Consequence - Oct 19, 2023 - with Liz Shannon Miller - Link
Discusses intent for romance - "...telling a love story in a serialized medium like television has its perils, largely because it's tough to know how much you can draw out any unresolved tension. "I think we take it episode by episode and we try to not piss people off in taking too long and doing double beats and triple beats," Jenkins says. "You can only do Will They or Won’t They for so long. Then you have to deepen it.""
Discusses pirate setting - "The emphasis on relationships also fits into the show's high-seas setting, which Jenkins finds similar to post-apocalyptic narratives. "It is a little bit like you're doing Mad Max, except there's relationships," he says. "Stuff's shitty, so you gotta try to find some joy. Of course, people are going to have a need for each other in these extreme circumstances, and I like the idea of these characters finding some level of a healthy relationship in these extreme circumstances.""
Discusses Jim x Archie
Discusses 3-season arc
Polygon - Oct 21, 2023 - with Tasha Robinson - Link
Discussing gender and power dynamics in Jackie x Swede / Zheng x Oluwande / Blackbeard x Stede + A Star is Born aspect
Jim not being jealous of Oluwande - "I think that relationship was always seen in the room as a friend relationship that got romantic."
About adding a villain - "I think a lot of the internal forces in Our Flag are the villains." + "I think this is a story about the age of piracy coming to an end. This way of life is coming to an end. And every Western that's good is that story: This way of life we made is coming to an end, and it can't last. […] I think every story about outlaws is about trying to preserve a way of life against normative forces that are kind of fascistic."
Historical accuracy - "The balance of the show is 90% ignoring history, and then 10%, bring it in, whenever we're like, Ah, gotta move the story forward! Remember, the English are out there, and they're really bad!"
Post 2x08
AV Club - Oct 26, 2023 - with Saloni Gajjar - Link
Killing Izzy was always the plan - "We wanted to show the depth of that character. Izzy is one of my favorites. He's like middle management who is in a sort of love triangle [in season one]."
Discusses how they really wanted the happy ending for S2 - "I think with season one's end, it was a gamble to leave it the way it was. Everybody stomached through it. Now if it turned out they didn't want us to make more, I just didn't want to have another story where the same-sex love story ends in tragedy, unrequited love, or if one or both of them are being punished."
Discusses S2 progressing the 3-season romance - "They’re a couple who is like in their late twenties right now as opposed to being teens at the end of season one." + "It was an interesting tension of, which one gives up their dream? A lot of times in relationships questions can come up, like who is going to give up on their dream to take care of the kids? Obviously, no one wants to, but someone ends up giving up more than they want to at some point. What's wonderful about a mature romance, and what I'd want to see more of in season three, is Ed and Stede making these tough decisions." + progressing past the getting together point
Discusses parallels, Republic of Pirates, and Zheng Yi Sao
Short bit about fan response
Collider - Oct 26, 2023 - with Carly Lane - Link
Discusses Ed leaving fishing - "I like that he had a little prima donna moment where he thought he could go and be a simple man, and then it's revealed that he really isn't a simple man; he's a complicated, fussy, moody guy. No, he's not gonna be able to catch fish for a living. For him to be told that, "At your heart, you're a pirate. You have to go back and do it," he doesn't want that to be true, but it was true."
Discusses Izzy's speech to Ricky - "I wanted to give Izzy a proper eulogy for himself. He gives a eulogy for himself, but it felt true writing it."
Discusses Izzy's death scene - "In a way, it's very much for Ed, that speech. The "we were Blackbeard" is claiming that he is also Blackbeard, that Blackbeard is not just Ed’s creation, and I like that for him, too, because he's worked so hard for that — and then just to say, "You can give it up." There can never be a Blackbeard again as far as Izzy's concerned because he's dying, and they did that together."
Discusses Republic of Pirates / music parallels from premier to finale
Discusses finale wedding - "We knew we wanted a matelotage in the season, which is the real term they had for marrying crew members. And yeah, they've always been in relief to Stede and Ed, and they're a little bit ahead of Stede and Ed in how much they can talk about things. So to have a bunch of family things in the season, like a funeral and a wedding, and have the parents kind of watch the kids sail away, felt right, and all of those things seem to work well together and build on each other."
Discusses retirement ending - "That will-they-or-won't-they is interesting to a point, but the real meat of it is always like, "Can they make the relationship, and can they do better than Anne and Mary?""
"Frenchie's in charge of the Revenge" + teases Stede struggling to give it up
EW.com - Oct 26, 2023 - with Devan Coggan - Link
Discusses Izzy's death and telling Con - "It feels like the logical end of Izzy's arc. It's heartbreaking to me because he's my favorite." + "I told him in the middle of shooting because I didn't want him to find out at the table read, obviously. I also didn't want it to leak. He was lovely about it."
Discusses Izzy's final arc - "You know, I didn't expect him to become kind of a father figure to Ed. I think we hit on that while we were breaking the [final] episode. He's in such a weird position: He's like a jilted lover, and then he's a middle manager who has to work for a terrible boss. He gets thrown away, and then he comes back. He really develops, and he becomes a part of this family. I think the biggest surprise was the extent that he was a mentor to Ed. They were both Blackbeard. They both made Blackbeard happen."
Discusses the happy ending intent - "With this season starting so dark, I kind of wanted to reward them for the work that they've done and the character growth that they've had. I wanted to leave them in a place where they're really going to try and make this work. I don't think it's going to be easy for them, necessarily. They're both still immature."
Discusses the wedding - "We knew we wanted a matelotage in the second season, and pretty quickly we landed on Lucius and Black Pete. It seems like they were ready for that. We made up a ceremony and everything, where they call each other mateys, and it was just fun to make our own version of a pirate wedding ceremony."
Discusses potential S3 and Frenchie's Revenge - "But it felt like a good place to end the second season. It felt like a contrast to the first season. If it turns out we don't make any more, I'm comfortable with that being a resting place."
Variety - Oct 26, 2023 - with Hunter Ingram - Link
S3 endpoint - "I love things in threes," he says. "That first act, second act, third act structure is so satisfying when it is done well, and you don't overstay your welcome. I think this world of the show is a big world, and if the third season is successful, we could go on in a different way. But I think for the story of Stede and Ed, that is a three-season story."
Discusses the draw of a "Golden Age" and it's ending
Talks about father figure Izzy and wanting a real sense of loss - "There is a nice parallel to have Ed treat him so badly at the beginning of the season and then come all the way around to where Izzy is this sort of father figure he doesn’t want to lose — because Ed usually kills his father figures."
Gizmodo - Oct 26, 2023 - with Linda Codega (io9) - Link
Teasing future Izzy - "Jenkins looked slightly sad himself, saying that "Ghosts exist in this world." I told him not to make promises he couldn't keep."
"Jenkins said that he doesn't see Izzy as a pure antagonist in season one because on some level… Izzy was right in his hesitations about Stede."
Discussing Con O'Neill & Rhys Darby acting
Jenkins confirms the season was always 8 episodes due to budget cuts
About S2 finale vs S3 - "The first season ends on such a downer, so it made sense to end the second season in a kinder spot." + "I think there's plenty of story left for season three, but I think that it was important to end this as if it was the end of the show, and on upbeat note and avoid the kind of "kill your gays" trope. I don't want to see Stede and Ed punished for giving it a go. I want to see them really say, 'yeah, we’re going to we're going to try to have a relationship'."
Teases S3 revenge against Ricky and going to the Americas
Vanity Fair - Oct 26, 2023 - with Sarah Catherall - Link
About the ending - "It's bittersweet. There's death and there's the rebirth of Stede and Blackbeard's relationship; there's a funeral, there's a wedding, and the idea that this family is going to keep fighting even as they lose members. And then it's about belonging to something." + "A lot of times, with this narrative of characters, same-sex relationships end on a dour, downbeat note, where one of them dies and it's unrequited or it's unrealized; something horrible happens and they're punished in a way. So it was important to leave it open and a lot more show to go, but also leave it in a place where it's happy."
Discusses Izzy as a mentor / father figure - "We felt like Izzy's story had reached its conclusion, where we put him through enough. And then there was the realization that he is kind of a mentor to Blackbeard and that he is kind of a father figure to Blackbeard." + "And it's also a pirate show, so he's got to die."
Discusses filming challenges - "It's a big show; it's basically a one-hour show that we're doing on a half-hour budget."
Discusses adding Zheng Yi Sao
Is the show a queer romance? - "For this show, it's important to me just to write a really bold-bodied romantic show that happens to be between two characters of the same sex. I think that the story beats don't matter, because if you've been in love and you've been hurt and you met someone you love—hopefully we all know what those feelings are."
Blackbeard's arc in S2 - "...the second season is about Blackbeard's midlife crisis. And then when they both have their midlife crises, they can open a B&B together." + "I don't think Stede and Blackbeard are ready to be married. They're emotionally saying: 'Let's give this a go.'"
Discusses historical piracy as "counterculture" that's been straightwashed and whitewashed
Did he feel responsibility to the fan community? - "As opposed to responsibility, it feels more like relief—that people feel seen and they feel good about it and they liked what we did. And so it feels like, Okay, somebody's out there and wants the show. The makeup of the writers room looks a lot like the makeup of the fan base. So as long as we're true to our stories in the writers room, I think we just feel excited that there's somebody waiting on the other end to enjoy it."
Paste Magazine - Oct 26, 2023 - with Tara Bennett - Link
Discusses whether fandom expectations felt weighty - "I think particularly for this season, that "bury your gays" thing… I didn't want to end on a downbeat for Ed and Stede. We did that in the first season. I like that there's a lot of different flavors. It's even a little melancholy because the Republic of Pirates got blown up. But there's still more good things."
Discusses production and plotting - "I wanted to start at the Republic of Pirates this season and end at the Republic of Pirates. And I knew I wanted the Republic of Pirates to be destroyed, ultimately. Within that, we are making a one-hour show on a half hour budget, on a half hour schedule."
Discusses planning the ending - "In terms of ending this season, it all felt right just in talking through it when we were in the room. It felt pretty intuitive. When you get to the third act of the story, things kind of settle in. There's gonna be a funeral. We always knew we wanted a wedding at the end of the second season. And I knew that I wanted Stede and Ed to start an inn together. So once you have those beats, it's kind of locked in."
Discusses Izzy's arc - "It's kind of a strange arc in that I knew we were going to put him through all these things, and I knew he would ultimately die. But I think him becoming a father figure to Ed in the last episode didn't really dawn on us until we were breaking the last episode. Asking what would this man say to Ed at the end because they've been together through everything? He went from a troubled and downtrodden employee to a jilted lover to a discarded employee, to someone that is just trying to find his footing again—no pun intended—to actually becoming this guy's parental figure on some level. And he's one person who kind of raised Ed right, because Blackbeard usually kills his parental figures. So, it felt right and it felt like that's how the mentor dies. The mentor in a story usually dies in the second act and then our hero has to go on and try to do it without them. It felt like the right journey for Izzy and a gratifying one for Con."
On leaving open for S3 - "I don't think it was a very hard thing to do. I think it was more that I felt a responsibility to leave Ed and Stede in a good place, at least for now. It's not gonna go well. They're not going to run a business well. Ed's too much of a talker. Stede can't focus. It's gonna be challenging."
Vulture - Oct 28, 2023 - with Sophie Brookover - Link
Discussing Izzy as a "father figure" and his S2 send-off being a priority
Meaning of piracy - "...what our pirates stand for is a life of belonging to something larger than they are in the face of a crushing, slightly fascist normalcy."
Re: Con O'Neill & Izzy's death - "I had to tell him about halfway through the season"
Third season about the work of a relationship between still damaged main characters
Discusses middles as about change and transitions, and wanting characters to change instead of reset, have them experience permanent consequences
About the final scene - "...Ed and Stede as the parents kind of watching the kids take the ship. Frenchie's the captain now..."
Objective of the crew - "...have had terrible things happen to them at the hands of colonial forces, so they want some payback. Party, plunder, and payback — the three P's."
Metro Weekly - Nov 1, 2023 - with Randy Shulman - Link
Discusses historical premise of S1 and easing into the romance
Discusses S2 genre - "In the second season, it was great because we know it's a romance and we can lead with that. It's a workplace show essentially. I wanted it to be more in the vein of early episodes of Grey's Anatomy or something where there are all these relationships on those shows. That's what you’re following — relationships and friendships that are taking place in a hospital, procedural. That's Grey's Anatomy. This is less procedural for the pirate stuff — and you need the pirate stuff."
Discusses not being into pirates - "But I'm like you. I'm not a big pirate person. In general, it's a big creaky genre that's hard to budge" + "Pirates of the Caribbean, those movies are great. That's not necessarily what I hunger to see, but in that genre, it's great. You're not going to beat that, especially on something that's lower budget. We've seen a lot of this stuff, so it's fun to take it then and don't do any of that stuff."
Discusses adapting historical piracy - "You don't want to see them punch down. You don't want to see them do terrible things to people who don't deserve it, which is not what they really did. So, in the show's world, I think piracy is like a stand-in for something. I think it's a stand-in for being an iconoclast and an outsider and queer in some ways and just different." + "Yeah, I mean, the British are there to be Stormtroopers, or Nazis in an Indiana Jones movie. I mean, they're in there to die essentially."
Discusses diversity staffing
Discusses performative masculinity
Discusses Izzy's death, happy endings, and openness to S3
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