#he is literally pimped out as some kind of “bad boy sex dream
sweetbitterjake · 6 months
i would die on a hill defending jake from sweetbitter. not a single person in his life actually cared about him. actual him, not an idea of him.
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vivithefolle · 4 years
About criticizing Hermione.
Personally I think Hermione should be criticized for everything that happened in the books, the facts speak of their own but there is a limit in how responsible a fictional character is for the actions the author made her do . It's not like she actually had her faith in her hands and she chose to be JKRs shelf-insert and make all her Shitty ideas her own.
Let's look at the bigger picture here, is Hermione realy being treated better than Ron from the phantom?
JKR trusted her characters to Kloves and he basically pimped Hermione. She is the most sexualized fictional character of the 21st century so far, he portraited her like an OP/sexi cosplay of the real Hermione. She became a top10 sex fantasy for every healthy and sick mind out there and JKR did nothing to stop It for like a decade.
Ron is being hated for being an 'unworthy' pair for her(actually they hate him just because he has Hermione) and she is being hated for choosing him and she must be punish for it. You said that if she was a boy everybody will call for his head on a plate and I apsolotly agree but she is a girl so they call for her vagina on a plate instead. This is how you punish an intelligent woman, you subdue her and then you sexualy demean her.
You know better than me what is happening in fanfiction. She's been paired with evreone from Harry to Hagrids dog and the giand squid. Hermione is a sex slave, a dominated toy, a sperm dumpster, a total slut, a cheating/cheated wife, she is been mercilessly raped and abused and portrayed like a young Bellatrix or umbridge.
She has earn as many nasty titles as Ron so I don't think her being a girl worked in her favor.
Unfortunately it seems there are a lot of people who think that Intelligence is a mark of higher character and superior maturity as you said but Hermione is not one of them. She is hanging around with Harry and Ron and his family not her 'intelectual equals' from Ravenqlaw book club and she is dating athletes not distinguished students. Intelligence isn't the most important thing for her and she never acted like different people are not worthy of her company or her attention. So let's not hold her accountable for those ridiculous ideas.
Anyway I don't know if I am ranting but I just believe Hermiones character has been damaged and shamed just as much as Rons has, just in bit of different way and she don't deserve extra hate because she is JKRs shelf-insert in the story.
That comment of yours 'Hermione is literally JKR' ruin my appetite for the day. I just imagine Ron doing things with her.... Buhh😫🤢
The major difference in fanfiction is that... many people legit think this is “better” for Hermione.
They write stories of her being abused by Big Bad OOC Ron and being rescued by heroic prince charmings like Harry, Draco, Snape, or whoever. And all the while, the shippers genuinely think this could be plausible.
They take this huge dump on Ron and everything he stands for as a character - your insecurities don’t define you; the people you love only ask for you to be there, not for you to always be a 5* badass; you don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself - then proceed to “reward” Hermione with the affections of someone they’ve deemed “worthy” of her.
Usually, a person with which Hermione finds herself in a more subservient position.
Harry Potter: Mr Save The World, super fucking rich, will forever outshine whoever marries him Draco Malfoy: aristocratic/nobility, super hella rich Lucius Malfoy (yes, Luciumione is very popular on AO3): same as above + MUCH older than Hermione Severus Snape: Potions prodigy who actually invented stuff while Hermione only ever stuck by the book, MUCH older than she is Viktor Krum: famous athlete, probably rich
And so on and so forth.
Many of the Hermione ships of the fandom have an inherent imbalance. When it comes to age gap ships like Snamione or Luciumione, people will justify themselves by saying “oh but Hermione is so mature for her age, she needs someone on her level!”
.......... I very much hope to never meet one of these people in real life.
Not only is Hermione nowhere as mature as what they believe she is but MATURITY DOESN’T MAKE UP FOR A GAP OF NEARLY TWO DECADES OF EXPERIENCE. (And can you imagine saying  “Hermione needs a mature man!” then pairing her with Snape, the teenager stuck in a grown man’s body? Talk about cognitive dissonance.)
Anyway, those ships usually take Hermione to pair her with, let’s say it in the worst possible way, a man of “more value” than her.
The Hero. An aristocrat. An older man and a teacher. A celebrity...
They’re not trying to look to match Hermione with an equal.
They’re trying to pair her with someone she can be subservient to.
Because as @lytefoot​ brilliantly put it:
A woman has to be all-around pretty good at everything, whereas a man has to be the absolute best in his area of greatest competence (surely better than any puny female!) with a help-meet there to compensate for his weaknesses. People are very, very uncomfortable when Ron and Hermione reverse this dynamic. Hermione is extremely intelligent and dedicated to intellectual pursuits, but is complete pants at things like self-care and people skills. Ron is bright enough to keep up with her and strong in her areas of weakness.
Even if Ron was as dumb as a sack of rocks (he’s not), his other virtues are more than enough to “justify” Hermione loving him. (Because she needs an excuse?) But no. A woman has to be with a man who outdoes her in her area of greatest strength.
But they’re completely convinced that they’re making a “better” match for Hermione because in their heads, they’ve convinced themselves that Ron’s “inferiority” (= his underrated qualities like his good heart, his humour, his patience (many of which are also coded as primarily feminine qualities); his poverty; his language; his tendency to stand up for himself even against his friends; his insecurity) is a sure sign he would be bad to Hermione. Because there are two types of people: those who are inferior and those who aren’t! /s
They sincerely believe they’re elevating Hermione when they’re using her as Harry/Draco/Snape/Aragog’s token to redemption/happiness. Because they genuinely think Hermione should be “rewarded” with a man that outclasses her in the aspects of her life she prides herself on (her studies, her academics, her social justice ambitions). At the same time, they build up this whole narrative about how Ron would “want her to be another Molly, barefoot and pregnant all the time” to convince themselves that they really are Good Little Feminists.
All in all: when people write Hermione as Snape’s sex kitten, they do it because they believe that’s the best thing that can happen to her. But when they write Ron to bash him, it’s because they genuinely hate him. They want the worst to happen to him. They delight in his misery. They love it. Because they’re so blinded by their own lies and so convinced that “hurmion 2 gud 4 ron durrhurrhurr” that they think he deserves the most painful, humiliating things to happen to him.
That’s the difference. People pair Hermione with the most horrible people out of blind adoration for her. Those same people bash Ron as retribution for “defiling” their goddess.
The kind of “Hermione bashing” you refer to is done out of good sentiments. But Ron? He doesn’t get that sort of bashing; he’s reviled and hated for things he didn’t even do, because people can’t fucking comprehend that just because he acted badly at times doesn’t mean those actions define him. The bashing comes out of hatred and an unfounded, unfair desire for “justice” that is unwarranted in the first place.
That’s why I turn the tables and judge Hermione with the fandom’s absolutely impossible standards they only seem to apply to Ron and a select few others (Dumbledore, some of the Weasleys). To prove that no fucking human being could even hope to dream to meet those standards.
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asightsodivine · 6 years
The Pig by Edward Lee
Full disclosure, I'm gonna spoil a lot of the book, I'll indicate when throughout but I reckon you shouldn't care because you shouldn't read it for the story or maybe at all, but we'll get to that.
For some context: after reading Guts by Chuck Palahniuk (the legend), I was excited to explore the genre of shock/gore horror and found that Edward Lee was infamous for his themes of extreme gore porn imagery and all the nasty stuff that'll make you cringe. So I chose The Pig to read. It's a novella, about 90 pages with no chapters but breaks.
The story is pretty interesting initially. Not particularly intelligent and it provided some inconsistencies to discover later as well as just those good old "oh fuck off" plot conveniences. The main character: Leonard, went to film school and had a dream to become a famous director, he had written a screen play in college and after graduating, became dead set on creating his movie. Initially, he stole recording equipment from the news studio he worked for but was caught and went to prison where he got butt fucked and pimped for 10 months. I'm not gonna comment on the racist undertones because I don't know what Lee had going on in his head and I don't want to know. But basically all throughout this he was thinking about his movie. Then he gets out, steals a car, steals equipment from the same place and travels onward and gets a job at a restaurant to garner enough cash to fund his movie. Blah blah blah, he fucks the boss' wife gets kicked out, meets a mafia shark, gets money, makes movie, next week they come out to get back the money, he doesn't have it and he gets bashed and becomes a slave for the mob, recording extreme porn (mostly dog bestiality) for the mafia in the middle of nowhere with two heroin junkies. I skimmed through but in essence, it's a neat plot. Dumb as hell but interesting. Also I'm not gonna knit pick this book because that's lazy criticism, but believe me, there plenty of problems.
The main appeal of this book is the gore. It's horrendous, completely disgusting. Being a fan of gore, it was very enjoyable to say the least. And Lee’s trademark of using sexuality to intensify the horror scenes was not original, but still very effective. Gore in itself generally doesn’t impress, it’s outdone and once you’ve gotten to know it well, nothing is really shocking, but this combination of something desired by (most) people, something often romanticized and seen as beautiful colliding with scenes of relentless sadistic mayhem is something refreshing and fun. It hits a lot harder than conventional gore and it’s something to appreciate (Albeit, personally, it turned me off a great deal and I haven’t been very adamant about the thought of sex since, though I’m getting back there. I’m just kind of a pussy. Fair warning for all: it may fuck with your brain a little):
“The camera whirred and whirred and Leonard;s mind swam and swam. Rocco planted the blade into her lower abdomen, then quickly crawled up and inserted his penis into the wound. He humped and humped and without further delay-
‘Ahhhh, yeah! I’m comin’ in this bitch’s stomach fierce, man! Fuckin’-A!’
Whether or not Ms. Weinstein was still alive at this moment scarcely mattered. The continued meager twitches of her body could’ve been involuntary muscle spasms of her peri-mortal state. Rocco finished dumping his semen into her abdomen, then slithered off.”
But with Lee’s vivid imagination when it comes to describing bodies ripped in half and gangsters gut-fucking and torturing a helpless woman, also comes his lacking ability to actually write. As vaguely seen here: it’s mediocre. Initially I was under the impression that it was stylistic: that the pseudo-intellectual vocabulary he brought out because he ran out of synonyms for particular words (mostly sex organs and even the word pig for whatever reason) were there for a reason. Like it was a reflection of the protagonist's voice or something. But it’s really just him being limited and uncreative. Most of what he was writing was in no way complex or clever, it was like reading a high schooler’s edgy short story. And I don’t mean complex like BIG BRAIN writing. I just mean he lacked variance or versatility, literally the only thing he has nailed is his way of presenting gore. And his (normal) sex scenes are just unbearable:
“He fornicated with strained slowness, each glade of his erection into her vagina bringing sensations like rampant electric current from his feet to his genitals. It was a though his penis were a plug and her sex... a light socket.”
He’s just not too good at writing, especially when it comes to smut, which I doubt anyone was really looking for when picking up this book. It literally serves no purpose to the story and is always just an awkward intrusion, I am by no means a prude, but there’s a time and place and method of writing smut, and this ain’t it. 
Really quickly while on the topic I’d just like to mention the sexist implications of this book and further my claim that this really does read like some stupid, horny, edgy teenager’s short story. I’m not one to boldly assume and point out sexism in society or literature because it’s either obvious or presumptuous, and I’m just not vocal in general, but the shit in this book was too much. It is a narrow story (meaning there’s just not a lot of setting development or side characters) but it is kind of sad to see that EVERY woman in this story is portrayed as a slut, besides the one who is raped and tortured and gut fucked (how interesting). But even then, she is still exploited for sex. Let me list off every woman in the story and their contributions:
Waitress at restaurant: suddenly wants to fuck Leonard because horny and this results in him getting caught by her husband, the owner of the restaurant, so he gets beaten up and raped. 
Sissy and Snowball: two heroin slave whores who Leonard films fucking dogs and are raped a lot by the two mobsters keeping them and Leonard in check. 
Ms. Weinstein: Kidnapped, tortured, raped, pissed on, beheaded, then humiliated because her father was a judge that fucked over the mob.
Esther: a amish(?) punk rebel who suddenly wants to fuck Leonard because horny and she wants to fuck over her parents or something. 
A bunch of amish whores: They all suddenly want to fuck Leonard in an orgy because Edward Lee has the imagination of a horny 14 year old boy. 
Now to conclude, I’ll just list out general criticisms that were just unbearable. Initially, the story is set up like a recall of past events, there’s even a moment where the narrator says this is a true story. But Lee obviously got too distracted and completely disregarded this aspect of the story. And the ending in general was absolute horseshit. Like I screamed at my phone (because I’m not paying 20 dollars for a 200 page book). (Ending spoilers but who fucking cares) The two heroin junkies kill the pig they just fucked because it ate their heroin, Leonard then butchers the pig because he is starving and when the two girls refuse to eat it, he kills them. Then his entire body turns green and he finds out the pig was used for an amish ritual of unburdening it’s people of their sins, so he consumed the sins of hundreds of people and became a demon (and his dick grew to a monstrous size BECAUSE WHY NOT). Absolutely terrible. The biggest problem with Lee’s writing in this book is the inconsistencies. He doesn’t know how to write for his own characters, he can’t keep a consistent tone and he clearly has no idea what the fuck he is doing, and if he does he better reconsider because that ending by no means belongs in this story. He did it anyways because he could and good for him, but fuck is it bad. Also, he just had to chime in that Leonard’s movie that he made and dreamed of succeeding in making won EVERY award. Just lazy writing. Also, offhand critique: his book served no purpose and it made no statement. 
The Pig is the definition of literary GORE PORN. So have fun with it if you read it but I don’t recommend it. It’s 90 pages so it’ll only take a couple of hours but it’s just not worth it even then. 
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