#he is not your precious cinammon roll too good for this world
stormcloudsandshadows · 6 months
Having so many thoughts about papyrus and how the fandom at large doesn’t get him. If you even care
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angels-and-demons · 1 year
Was just messing about on the otp prompt generator (link), and here are a few that I like.
Use them in your fanfics, use them for your fanart. Whatever.
Under the cut for length:
Nico tilting Toby's chin up to get a better look at his face and the evidence of the fight. Nico delicately thumbs away a streak of blood from Toby's mouth, saying nothing as they examine it. After a brief pause, Toby's heart skips a nervous beat as Nico looks him dead in the eyes. His voice is quiet and tense. His anger barely restrained.
"Who did this to you?"
Toby is normally the clingy one and the one that likes the attention. Well, one day, Nico comes home and is exhausted and proceeds to cuddle up onto Toby like a kitten. Nico puts their face into Toby's neck and Toby enjoys every minute of it as Nico is begging for kisses and cuddles and Toby is happy to supply.
Nico and Toby go to the bookstore and suddenly Toby runs away. When Toby comes back, he is holding a Yoda plushie. Toby then talks in a Yoda voice saying: "Run over bitch in my 2003 Toyota Prius I must" and Nico responds with howling laughter.
Toby and Nico throwing food for the ducks at the duck pond.
Nico and Toby are on a hammock together, the sun is setting, the air cools and Nico is asleep on Toby's chest while Toby has a foot on the ground, rocking the hammock in hopes of keeping Nico asleep.
Toby dancing around their home with headphones in, eyes closed, and singing as loudly as they please to their favorite song while Nico stands in the doorway, watching their oblivious partner dance and sing with a loving smile on their face.
Laying in bed, foreheads pressed together, just gazing into each other's eyes and taking it all in. Everything is silent.
And then, Toby suddenly sneezes and scares Nico so badly that they fall out of the bed, causing Toby to laugh.
 *Nico TEXTING Toby*
Nico: Toby, I'm sorry.
Nico: Please talk to me baby
Nico: Muffin?
Nico: Sweet pea?
Nico: The love of my life.
Nico: Beautiful cinammon roll who's too pure and precious for this world.
Toby: Sorry doesn't bring back my fucking Skittles, Nico.
Nico and Toby enjoying a night of stargazing. Things are going well, and romantic, they start to kiss/make out and a storm hits. But instead of seeking shelter from the rain they make love under the night sky not caring if they’re drenched.
They’re just caught up in the moment of passion itself, the heated air of summer only provides a good reason to enjoy it. 
Bonus: Either one or both get sick.
Toby wakes to find that it had snowed overnight and gets excited about playing in it. Nico gets excited because this means that when Toby comes inside, it will mean that they get to cuddle by the fire.
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