#he is soft and squishy like his own pet octopus. :>
hollowsart · 2 years
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A little time-lapse piece for you all <3
image itself under the cut:
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meteormind · 1 year
🌈 May all your colors be happy, friends. 🌈
Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Midoriya Inko, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), not all of them though - Character, U.A. Faculty (My Hero Academia), not all of them either Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Worldbuilding, POV Midoriya Izuku, POV Bakugou Katsuki, POV Alternating, Pistol Shrimp Bakugou Katsuki, Dumbo Octopus Midoriya Izuku, strange mer anatomy, not that strange, Soft Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Squishy Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki is Good at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku is Good at Feelings, but they are also a little bad at them for a while, Falling In Love, what did you think they were done?, Kid Bakugou Katsuki, Kid Midoriya Izuku, kid shenanigans, Pranks, Pets, Coming of Age, Boys Kissing, Slice of Life, Armor, Armor Crafting, Arts and Crafts with bkdk, Slightly Oblivious Midoriya Izuku, look he tunnel-visions when Kacchan is anywhere near, Tsundere Bakugou Katsuki, poor thing is beleaguered send help, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, violent fluff, Enough Fluff to fight a WAR, it's being weaponized, You Have Been Warned, Light Angst, very light, Kacchan is an ass-man, Literal Sleeping Together Series: Part 2 of to the Touch Summary:
Izuku's eyes slid shut as he wrapped his many arms around his favorite person and pressed a smile to an armored shoulder, warm and smooth, like a sun-kissed stone. The waters whispered over them, rocking them and ruffling the seagrass against Izuku's back like a caress.
"Kelp spirit," Kacchan mocked, poking a finger in Izuku's hair. "Loser! Nerd! Creep! Just float away and die."
Silly shrimp. Who are you fooling? Not this loser-nerd-creep.
When Izuku woke, it was past noon, and Kacchan was gone, but the blanket had been tucked close around him and someone had hooked five little curl-tails into his hair. Still half asleep, Izuku unthreaded the timid creatures and released them into the swaying seagrass, chuckling to himself.
With thoughts of Kacchan and lunch, Izuku tried to swim down but yelped as he was stopped short. Bewildered, he looked at his waist where someone had tied a rope. He followed it to a large rock someone had moved onto the roof and defaced with the ferociously carved words; Deku Anchor.
"Who's the stupid one, Kacchan? I already have one of those."
you thought I forgot? you thought you were safe? SURPRISE, YOU FOOL! i live and i am here TO REPORT A GRUDGE. here's the punch i promised. make sure to read Part 1 too.
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
I saw ur dating headcanons and they were really sweet, so what about //checks notes// All Might, Hawk, and Tamaki? i am but a simp
Ur darn tootin’ I can I can’t believe I just typed that Anyways, headcanons requests are open!
All Might|Yagi Toshinori
-An actual ray of sunshine, love is stored in the Toshinori. For real though, he’s such a good boyfriend??? He genuinely cares about you and wants to support you however he can and would probably bring you the moon if it made you happy.
-So you guys probably met either as both heroes, or both as civilians. I think he’d be too worried about openly dating a civilian as All Might, but if you were a hero he’d be a little more okay with it, since you can obviously take care of yourself. But if you met him as Toshinori and not as All Might, that would be the best case scenario.
-However you guys meet, he’s probably really drawn to you at first, maybe not even romantically, just interested in you as a person. So he makes small talk to test the waters, see if you’re into the potential of a friendship, and you guys end up hitting it off!
-You probably don’t get to hang out very much, what with him being a teacher and living on the Yuuei campus, and you being a pro with your own busy work life. So you guys exchange phone numbers and keep in contact that way! He prefers to actually talk to you over the phone, but if you’re not feeling up to it he’ll settle for texting.
-Send him memes and watch his confusion as he tries to figure out what the hell the image means. He loves his kids, but he’s really not in with the young crowd XD
-Like doing relaxing activities with you, like walks in the park, private dinners and lunches, and corny shit like getting dressed up and slow dancing in your living room. He really is a huge sap, and values the time you have together.
-He gets down on himself sometimes, blames himself for a lot of things, so give him gentle affirmations and kind words. Tell him what you like about him, how he makes you feel, how you appreciate him, stuff like that! And if he’s still sad, then lay the logic on him, give him facts and truths that he can’t deny. It might not solve the problem right away, but he’ll at least appreciate your efforts.
-He loves you so much tho, like damn. He is absolutely your number one fan, biggest simp on the block. All you have to do is look at him and he turns into a pile of mush, you just make him happy, and help him feel at peace.
-He loves cuddling, too. In public, hell yeah he’s gonna hold ur hand, and kiss your cheek, and hug you close. But in private is really where it’s at. He becomes an octopus, pressing up against you and wrapping you up in his arms. He likes feeling you so close to him, feeling the warmth from your body and the best of your heart.
-If u guys are snuggled up somewhere and you stat playing with his hair, he’s gonna turn into a cat. His eyes fall shut and he just lays there in bliss.
-As sweet as he is, it can also backfire. He’s a worrier by nature, so whenever you’re not around, or you’re not answering your phone, his mind immediately jumps to ‘did they get hurt’. Even if 99% of the time you’re just busy or on patrol or something, he’s still gonna stress. His job hasn’t really been to kind to him in that aspect, and he’s learned to always be looking over his shoulder.
-The tried and true way to calm him down is to give him a lil kiss, on the forehead, on the cheek, on the back of his hand, all over his face, you name it. It never fails to make him smile.
-His kisses tho. What a way to make you melt. You can feel the love he has for you poured into every kiss, whether its a small peck, or a more heated make out. The way he holds your face is so gentle, as if you’re the most precious thing in the world to him. Which, well, you kind of are.
-He’s a good guy though, and his love for you is immeasurable. He requires a lot of verbal affirmations and soft touches, and he always returns them tenfold. He’s willing to help you out with work cases if you need it, and supports you in all your escapades. He’s funny, and charming, and sweet, and absolutely loyal to you. Please be gentle with his heart.
Hawks|Takami Keigo
-This mf.
-Dating him is both a really good idea, and a really bad idea. He’s young, he’s famous, he’s on a lot of people’s shit lists. Dating him would without a doubt put you in danger at some point. That being said, once you actually get him to open up, he’s kind and funny and smart and loyal.
-Something I think he’d really like in a person is genuineness and honesty. Not necessarily wearing your heart on your sleeve, but a willingness to open up once you trust him. He likes knowing things about you, your hobbies and interests and dislikes, the way you like your eggs, what you take in your coffee, mundane stuff like that. He never really gets to know people on a deeper level, so it’s something he enjoys with you.
-It would probably take a long time of knowing him before you started dating. He’d want to get to know you as a friend first, know that you wouldn’t just be using him for popularity. Plus he’d want to trust you some before he starts baring his heart to you, because despite his persona, he has a lot of troubles and shit he’s hidden away.
-Don’t push him to open up, though. That’s the fastest way to get him to clam up. Instead let him know that you’re there for him, both with words and actions. If you tell him you’re gonna do something, then make sure you do it. Not only will he be proud of your accomplishments, but he’ll gradually learn that he can trust your word.
-It might also help him be more comfy opening up if you also let him in on your more private life. Tell him about things that have scared you in the past, or done harm to you, events, people, whatever you’re willing to let him in on. He’s not gonna tell anyone unless you ask him to, though he will later joke about wanting to kick the asses of the people who’ve hurt you.
-He’s hella protective of you. Not possessive, he wants you to be able to do your own thing and maintain your own life, but if anyone dares hurt a hair on your head then he’s going to hunt them down. He makes that fact pretty clear to the public.
-He will try and convince you to take precautions about your safety, because of his job. Like moving in with him as soon as you’re ready, making sure someone always knows where you’re planning to be in case something happens, stuff like that. If he ever gets a little to suffocating, let him know and be up front about it. He’ll sulk for a while, but he’ll do his best to trust you on the matter.
-This guy is also touch starved as fuck. Like, god when was the last time someone held him. Some please hold him.
-He won’t always ask for physical affection, beyond some hugs and cuddles in bed, so it’s up to you to read his body language and know when he needs it. If he looks even slightly stressed or like there’s a crack in his facade, lay down on the couch, hold him against your chest, and pet his hair until the tension eases out of his body.
-Once he’s all nice and mellow, he’ll perk up a little and stretch up for a kiss. It probably starts small and then escalates to something more, because let’s be real here, his desire for physical touch absolutely carries over to kissing. He can’t get enough of you, and probably tries to kiss you even at the most inopportune times.
-The first time he showed you his true colours, he ended up crying in your arms until he fell asleep. He tried to apologize for it later probably, but you better shut that shit down and reinforce the fact that he is a person and not an object and that he has feelings and needs and that he’s allowed to be sad and angry and scared.
-If he’s shown you all of himself, then that’s it for him. You’re it for him. You’re his person, and he’s never going to love someone else the way he loves you. After he decides this, expect his affection to quadruple. 
-He’ll bring you trinkets that made him think of you, odds and ends for whatever you collect, pretty clothes, fancy food, you name it. Nothing is too expensive for him, even if you scold him for being too lavish sometimes.
-Will take you to every event that he’s allowed to, and will proudly show you off to everyone you meet, even if they already know who you are. He’ll be close by you the whole night, with your shoulders bumping or a hand on the small of your back. He just really loves being near you.
-If it’s a fancy event that he takes you to, like a gala or smth, then you bet your ass he’s gonna dance with you all night long. Screw socializing with other people, you’re all dolled up and looking fiiiine asf, all his attention is on you. And honestly it’s pretty romantic, just swaying with him while he holds you close, foreheads touching, whispering quiet nothings to each other. The tabloids probably get some really good shots of you guys making gooey eyes at each other.
-A good asf boyfriend. Hard egg to crack, but once he lets you into his heart, he’s squishy and really a nice person. He overworks and hides his stress well, but once he trusts you he’ll let you help with that. He’s protective and soft just for you, and probably the most loyal of the bunch (which is saying a lot). Good for cuddling and hanging out with, and all your dates are fun because he hasn’t had the chance to do a lot of leisure things, which is a little sad, but it also means you get to see the way his eyes light up when he tries something new.
Suneater|Amajiki Tamaki
-Okay I relate to this guy the most in terms of personality. I, too, am an anxious mess. But I digress, you’re here for him, not me XD Anyways. You’re going to have to be the one to ask him out, hands down. Unless he’s 100% certain about your feelings, it’s gonna be you.
-And you’ll want to get to know him as a friend first, otherwise he’ll turn you down. Slow, small steps are a friend to anxiety, so you have to work your way up. Spend time getting to know him in all aspects of his life. Take in interest in things he likes, show that you pay attention to him, ask for advice about things, that sort of stuff. Show him that you trust him and respect his opinions, it’ll help him to trust you and yours.
-He’s shy as hell when you first start dating. Like, he almost stops breathing at the thought of holding your hand, never mind kissing you. Again, you’ll have to be the one to initiate, but please do it somewhere private or less populated. Always make sure to give him an out if he gets uncomfortable.
-Once you do manage to get to the kissing stage, though, I think he’d actually be the one to ask you for it. It would probably be weighing on his mind for days, so much so that he’s more distracted than usual, and you take notice. If you ask him what’s wrong, he’ll deflate and quietly admit that he can’t stop thinking about you, and then he’ll turn bright red.
-Reassure him that you’re into it and that you feel the same way, and that kiss is gonna happen.
-His kisses are really sweet and soft, the kind of kiss that just turns your heart into a puddle and makes your stomach flutter. And the more you do it, the more confident he gets. He might even be able to eventually work up to kissing you before class in the hallway, or in passing at the dorms.
-Behind closed doors, he’s a lot more bold. He definitely likes for you to take the lead with things, but when it’s just the two of you he’s not so shy about his desire to be close to you, and has no qualms about laying down beside you and holding you close, or resting his head on your thigh while you study.
-Please touch him regularly, a hand on his shoulder here, a gentle nudge there. He likes your touch, and he likes how gentle and non abrasive you are.
-Dates will almost always be chill. Mundane things like walks on the beach, trips to the zoo, a night in with home made dinner and a movie, soft shit like that is his jam.
-He’s also surprisingly protective of you, even though he knows you can hold your own. He wants to make sure that you never have to face anything by yourself, though, since everyone is stronger when they’re not alone. You make him stronger, so he wants to return the favour.
-That being said, if he’s watching you train then he’s not going to jump in and help, he knows you need to practice. He’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines instead! Very quietly, but you can see in his smile the pride he has for you.
-A good boi, a very good boi. He’s sweet and gentle, caring, and though he gets hella anxious sometimes, he’s always gonna do his best to be there for you, and be someone worth your time (even tho he’s already worth your time as he is). He’ll support you and listen to you, and help you solve problems if you have them, and if you’re just feeling shitty about something then he’ll cuddle the crap out of you. He’s strong in his own way, and you know that he tries so hard, so make sure to tell him how much you appreciate his efforts!
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goremagalaisdaboss · 6 years
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Omenightmare (purified, passive form) [with info!] Age: 700 years Height: 5' 11" Species: Skeleto/Dragon/God Nicknames: none Status: Single (forever alone, R.I.P) Powers: Gasterblasters, top two tendrils can form GBs at the tips to attack, can shapeshift into any au sans at will, perfectly mimicking everything; right down to soul properties and code; can breathe fire, elemental attacks, shadow travel, teleportation, hiding in peoples shadows to watch over them, dragon form (very rare), the goo can harden into a smooth, soft and squishy substance, its very strong and durable, but mostly this is used in house interiors to prevent making messes with his goo, weapons are absorbed into his body if the attacker doesnt drop their weapon in time, the goo will not release the weapon if the attacker tries to pull the weapon out, physical attacks do not work well, magic, elemental, or energy attacks work better Family (Biological): Father: Jason Mother: Serine (deceased) Sister: Tear (deceased) Brother: Papyrus Family (Current): Adopted Father: Asgore Adopted Mother: Toriel Adopted Brother: Asriel/Flowey Adopted Sister: Chara (deceased) Brother: Papyrus Pet: Daisy (Annoying Pomeranian) Friends: Omenink Omenerror Omenhorror Omendust Omenkiller Cromen (OmenX-tale) Omendream Soulkeeper (Business partners) Stats (Corrupted, defualt form) Hp: ♾/♾ Def: ♾/♾ Atk: 230 Stats (Exposed): Hp: 1/250 Def: 0 (+ 25 def) Atk: 1 Equipment: Necklace A birthday present from your beloved and beautiful mother. Tattered Bullet-Proof Vest (+20 def) Tattered from the players constant genocide runs, someday they shall pay for toturing us... Family picture Chara, Asriel, you, Asgore, Toriel, and Paps. Someday I'll go home you guys... Sansys coming... Torn Jacket (+5 def) A present from Mrs.Toriel when you and your brother moved to Snowdin, so many treasured memories are attached to this jacket... Silver Moon and Dragon pin The only gift your father ever gave you, you hope to never see that insane reptile again... Strange Circlet Omendream found this, you wonder if its magical, it definitely has the aura. Fits your head perfectly, like it was made for you. Facts: •he will LITERALLY kill for coffee •he likes to stargaze when nobody is around •he cherishes gifts immensely, even if theyre from someone he doesnt like, if he personally doesnt like, or are fairly useless to him •he hangs out with Omendream when he has nothing else to do •he knows how to sew (thanks to Omendream) •he can cook, he isnt amazing at it like Omendream, Omenink, or Omenswap, but its good.., and edible... •he misses his paps a ton, and prays that he will be able to return to his bro one day •he has the pin hidden under his goo •he has eaten 999 Dark Fruits like the Original Nightmare, but he perfectly sane, and not as murderous ( any evil Chara is not safe from him however) •he pretty much invincible, but if he gets exposed, he is weak and vulnerable until the goo covers him again *he has extreme control over his aura, which is about 10x stronger than the original nightmare's, thoughit tends to spike if he gets tense or nervous *he is touchy about his past, any Toriel can make him have a mental breakdown and cry *he prefers not to fight, but will if nessasary * he wields a katana made of his magic for close combat, bones, blasters, tendrils, and elemental attacks for everything else *healing him causes him extreme pain, for its positive magic (visual explanation here:sta.sh/01aeapoigftw) so if you want to heal him, use draining magic *He is immortal *there is a Dreamtale in the Secondverse, but the Secondverse's Nightmare suddenly dissapeared one day, never to be seen again, thus, someone had to take his place, and that someone is poor Omenightmare *Omenightmare's normal temperature is 150 degrees farenhight, he doesn't burn anyone on contact however, just feels warm to the touch *he is a floofy octopus owo *sometimes his old injuries bother him, so please, bear with him if he refuses to move *he has a natural case of natural insomnia, so he tends to not sleep for weeks *Before EncryptedTale Sans released him, ON was stuck in his own dimension, unable to leave *his loyalty shows no bounds, he will protect freinds and family at all costs *the Dark Fruit gives the illusion that he's lv 20, in reality, he's only lv 1, his true lv shows when hes exposed, or in neutral form *he sometimes wears other clothes *any other element other than fire, Ice, and Dark magics drains him more than usual *nobody his necklaces power except himself, it connot be used by any other being, no matter what *he has witnessed 9,650 genocide runs, nonstop, hes seen his friends die 810, 600 times *he is skilled in many types of languages, like Latin, Draconic, Demotic, Elvish, Dwarvish, and also understands animals, a few examples being dogs, cats, and birds (aquatic is hard to understand, but he manages if given enough time) *he has wings, but his tendrils replace them in his corrupted form, they can morph into wings tho, when exposed or in his neutral form, his wings are very much real, they're just expertly hidden Omenightmare belongs to me The original Dreamtale belongs to Jokublog Undertale belongs to Toby The Seconverse belongs to me but is shared with all who have placed their aus in it
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