#he is the perfect giant ahhhhhhhhhh
obwjam · 4 months
the tiny ends up getting lost at a tournament one day and runs into another team (idk who) but then Asahi steps in and actually has to be all menacing to get the tiny out of trouble. But then when they’re safe he’s all like “omg are you ok? 😢”
yeah ok you got me i have to write a fic about this LOL
Asahi was panicking.
It wasn’t like that was a new feeling for him. But the reason for his worry was weird, and foreign, and really, it shouldn’t have been his problem.
But it was. And here he was. Running through the hallways of an unfamiliar gymnasium, looking for a person with whom he was wholly unfamiliar.
The tiny person was Hinata’s friend, originally. That is, until the day Kageyama – of course it was Kageyama – discovered them hiding in his bag, and the entire team decided to adopt them like a stray kitten. It wasn’t like Asahi didn’t understand it. They were cute, kind and an all-around morale booster, and he was fascinated every time they sat on Hinata’s shoulder like it was the most normal thing in the world. There was just something… he couldn’t explain it. But every time they made eye contact, his stomach sank and he felt nervous.
They were Karasuno’s worst-kept secret, especially after the summer training camp debacle; now everyone knew about them and wanted to say hello any time they crossed paths. Hinata refused to let the tiny out of his sight, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t still try and run off for a breather when he wasn’t looking.
Didn’t they know that a gigantic gym with a million volleyball players wasn’t safe to go wandering around by themselves? Asahi wondered how they even managed to sneak away, but in the chaos of the tournament, he supposed it wasn’t all that surprising. He just didn’t understand why.
When Hinata realized they were missing, he was practically inconsolable, which was not an ideal situation an hour before a match. Daichi, very forcefully, told Asahi to go look for them. He said it was because he was standing closest to the door, but really, Asahi knew why. Everyone knew why. He was the only one who seemed unable to connect with the tiny, no matter how hard he tried. He complained that Tsukishima was no different, but Suga gently reminded him that Tsukki wasn’t trying.
Yeah, I’m definitely lost. You sighed, balling up your fists and smacking your forehead a few times before taking deep breaths. It’s alright. I couldn’t have wandered all that far. Besides, they’ll realize I’m missing and someone will come and –
“Hey, what’s that?”
You froze. Surely they were talking about something else.
“What’s what?”
“There. On the floor…”
They surely were not.
You whipped your head around, and the sheer size of the two humans stopped you dead in your tracks. It was impossible to see their faces from the floor, but you were positive you didn’t know who either of these people were. It was hard keeping track of so many humans, but everyone you had met at training camp was very distinct, both in appearance and personality. 
You had virtually no time to react as two giant hands descended upon you, shrouding you in complete darkness as the world was swept away from under you. In an instant, you were staring into the brown eyes of two total strangers. You had to keep yourself from vomiting after the altitude change – Hinata didn’t move that fast with you. He knew better.
“Is this real?” one of them asked, moving his hands into the sightline of the other. Another erratic movement. This time, your hand flung to your mouth.
“Looks real to me,” the other replied, eyes boring into you. You trembled furiously, so much so that the giant holding you could feel it. But he didn’t seem to care. He just stared harder.
This is it. It’s all over. I had to be selfish, and now I’m about to be whisked away and never see Hinata or Karasuno or anyone I know ever again. Maybe you should beg. Begging has worked before.
Your entire body felt like jelly, and being able to see nothing but the billboard-sized faces of two random humans didn’t bode well for your ability to get a word out. You could barely breathe as tears pricked the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall at any time.
Asahi was ready to give up. The match was going to start soon, and he needed to warm up. They’re probably hiding somewhere, he thought, making minimal effort to peek around a few corners. His anxiety was growing with each passing second, and he could barely take it. At this rate, he was going to get reprimanded by his teammates and play poorly in the match. He hated that Daichi made him do this. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t instantly bond with a tiny little human being, it was just –
“Hey! Stop! Let me hold them next!”
“No, I’m not done yet!”
Asahi turned around, and in total shock, watched as two people he’d never seen before were passing you around like a toy.
Even from here, he could see your fear. They were being loud and abrasive – you hated that. They weren’t even talking to you, they were just – babbling amongst themselves. Like you weren’t even a factor. He stood, frozen, unable to move his limbs as he watched from a distance. It wasn’t until one of them pinched the back of your shirt and lifted you into the air that something inside of Asahi snapped.
As he approached the duo with heavy footsteps, he realized he had at least half a foot of height on both of them. Good. 
You swung your limbs uselessly through the air, trying to grasp onto solid ground that you didn’t have. Sure, heights didn’t bother you too much, but when the only thing between you and the floor was a pair of fingertips gripping your shirt, it was a little different. You couldn’t even begin to formulate an escape plan – you were simply concentrating on not plummeting to your death.
Suddenly, a tall, dark shadow enveloped you. You blinked, but your bleary, tear-soaked eyes were useless right now. You were so disoriented, you couldn’t even see who it was.
“Hey,” a deep, imposing voice rang out. It rumbled right through you, causing your hairs to stick up as a chill shot down your body. 
The two had stopped moving now. They whipped their heads around and let out a small gasp at a towering figure with darkness around his eyes and a dense aura staring down at them. They whimpered in shock.
“Give them to me. Now.”
The one that was holding you dropped you instantly, and for a moment, you thought it was all over. You shut your eyes as you plunged toward the ground, waving your hands frantically in the off-chance you could grab onto something.
Asahi watched, face stone cold, as you dropped what were a relative few inches into his palm, but he found himself wondering just how far the fall actually was for you. Or at least, what it felt like. Your tiny weight hit his hand, and you scrambled, causing his heart to sink. He could feel your erratic, choppy breaths, and there was soon an impossibly small pool of water where your tears were.
But his attention was fully on these idiots. He was suddenly overcome with a wave of pride; he had found you. He had gotten you out of this mess. Because of him, you were safe.
The two shivering boys visibly recoiled when he lifted his head up. 
“You saw nothing. Go back to your team.”
“Y–YES, SIR!” they shouted in unison, quickly spinning around and sprinting out of sight. 
Asahi didn’t hesitate as he strode over to the wall, huddling himself in the corner so nobody else would see. For the first time, he allowed himself to make eye contact with you.
You stared up in complete shock. This was Asahi. Asahi! He was too nervous to even look at you most days! You felt yourself still trembling; the experience was still rattling you, but staring up up up at Asahi’s almost lifeless face gave you a renewed sense of fear. He wasn’t going to do anything, was he? Was the whole nervous thing an act, and he had been waiting patiently to make his move? He was expressionless, motionless, until –
You flinched at the sheer volume of his voice, causing him to immediately go red in the face. You stared back, wide-eyed, wondering if what you just heard was real.
“I’m… I’m fine,” you managed. You weren’t, but it wasn’t worth getting into now. “I just – I – th–thank you, Asahi-san!”
He couldn’t hide his shock when you stood up and bowed at him. The movement tickles, he thought, silently cursing himself for thinking such a silly thing. 
“O-oh… I…” he could barely find his words. You and your tear-stained face were looking at him with such a clear expression of fear, but it wasn’t at him. It was at the world, in general, at the strange, gigantic people you had to face every day. There was a twinkle in your eye as you gazed up, grateful to be out of the situation and flustered at the person who saved you. In an instant, Asahi finally understood. 
“Y-you’re welcome, Aki-chan.”
You both blushed at the same time; you weren’t expecting him to say that, and he wasn’t expecting to say that. It kind of just… came out.
“I’m – I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have – oh, everyone’s going to be so mad at me!”
Asahi’s eyes widened. “Wh– no, nobody’s mad! We were just – just worried, that’s all!” He suddenly felt sick at the thought of the entire team reprimanding you. “Wh–what–why did you…” he was almost too afraid to ask the question, in case he was missing something obvious.
“It’s just – it doesn’t matter,” you said, sounding remorseful. This was not the time to get into this. And not with…
“W-well, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but… it does matter,” Asahi asserted. He looked at you expectantly, and it was then you realized the softness in his eyes that wasn’t really present with everyone else.
Damn it, you were blushing again.
“M–maybe later,” you said meekly, not wanting to disappoint. “You have to get back. The, uhm, the match starts soon, r-right?”
“Oh. Yeah,” Asahi said. He suddenly became aware of the situation: you were sitting in his palm. He was holding you. And now he had to carry you back to the gym, discreetly, all by himself. A person who fit in the palm of his hand. A person who was practically weightless, yet Asahi felt like he was holding the world. He was cradling a life. You barely even registered to his senses. He still couldn't believe you were real.
“Just go slow.” Your small, downright adorable voice floated up to his ears. “You’re not gonna hurt me, Asahi-san. I trust you.”
Asahi knew his face was positively glowing, but he wasn’t going to think about that right now. He knew how much his fellow third-years would tease him if they found out the tiny person was the one reassuring him.
“Right,” he said. As he began taking slow, cautious steps, he cupped his hands together to mostly shield you from anyone who might be watching.
Daichi-san and Sugawara-san were right, Asahi thought, eyes flickering from you to the empty space ahead of him. They did know why I was so nervous.
All eyes were on Asahi as he slowly entered the gym, looking like he was holding glass he was desperate not to break. He had felt your trembles as he carried you, and he knew it wasn’t because of him; it was because you were afraid everyone was going to be mad at you. He frowned at that very thought being something that scared you enough to shiver. He found himself wishing he could pull you close to his chest and reassure you everything would be okay.
Kageyama was the first to notice Asahi walk in, and his subsequent nudge of Hinata drew the attention of everyone else. The crows watched with uncharacteristic bated breath.
“Asahi-san! Did – did you find them?!” Hinata blurted, jumping to his feet. “Please tell me you found them!”
Asahi could only nod, gesturing down to his cupped hands. Hinata’s mouth grew into a bright, shining grin, and he was practically bouncing with glee. The others slowly fell into formation behind him, staring at his hands in muted surprise. 
“Hinata!” you cried in exhausted relief. You were always happy to see your friend, but never this happy. 
“Aki-chan!!!” Hinata practically ran over Asahi, but managed to stay steady. He bent down to get at your level, and his face was practically radiating happiness just looking at you. To your own surprise, you felt nothing but relief. You would have to unpack the feeling later of actually being thankful to stare at the faces of a dozen giants looming over you. Even Tsukishima seemed to be regarding you with a sense of ease.
“Aki-chan! I’m so glad you’re okay! We were all so worried!”
“Hinata was practically comatose!” Tanaka joked with his ever-present sharp smile. He positively beamed looking down at you. “I don’t think I saw him blink once!”  
“What happened?!” Nishinoya pushed his way to the front. “Where did you go?”
“I–” you started, very tired and completely overwhelmed, when you caught Daichi’s eyes. His gaze always said so much – this time, it was saying we can get into it later. We’re just glad you’re okay.
Luckily, you didn’t have to say anything. Ukai sauntered over, caught a glimpse of you and sighed.
“Finally! We can worry about volleyball now.” He turned to Hinata, who stiffened. “Oi, you idiot! Keep a better eye on them, huh? We can’t afford to be this distracted before a match!”
“Y-YES COACH!” Hinata stuttered. He added an awkward bow and yelled “I’M SORRY!” before regaining his composure.
Asahi looked down in horror as Ukai turned his attention to you – was Ukai about to blame you too? Yell at you in this gigantic expanse of a gym? Asahi had just seen you cry, and he didn’t think he could take it again. He braced for impact when Ukai’s eyes met yours.
But suddenly, almost imperceptibly, his face softened. He wasn’t mad. How could he be?
“Glad you’re okay, pipsqueak,” he said, the smallest smile tugging at his lips. He held his gaze for just a moment longer, but long enough for you to return the smile. 
As quickly as that moment happened, it was done. Ukai turned toward the team and yelled, “Alright! Let’s warm up!”
Everyone else jogged onto the court, but Asahi stood frozen in fascination, unable to keep himself from staring. You could feel the weight of his eyes on you, but you didn’t dare look up. It made you nervous.
The third-year jumped; Takeda had practically materialized out of thin air next to him. How was he ever going to concentrate on volleyball today?
“You did a very nice thing, going off to find them.”
“Ah, well,” Asahi chuckled nervously. “Daichi-san kind of made me.”
“But you didn’t have to say yes. You wanted to.”
Asahi felt you tense up in his hand. He would have to get used to that, he figured – feeling your every little movement against his skin.
He attempted to bow, but it was awkward while holding you. “T–thank you, Takeda-sensei.”
Takeda smiled gently. “Now, go on and get warmed up. They’re going to need you out there today.”
Asahi stood still, wanting to say something to you, but unable to find the words. Strangely, he sensed the same apprehension from you.
Takeda held out his hands, and Asahi knew what to do. He had seen this happen countless times. Very, very slowly, he moved his hands until they touched the edge of Takeda’s, allowing you to leap over with ease. His breath hitched when you jumped, and he could feel his heart racing by simply watching you move. He had... never felt this before.
He watched in amazement as Takeda gently tilted his hands, and you slipped into his breast pocket, landing awkwardly like you always did. It was just enough to keep you safe, comfortable and hidden during matches in big gymnasiums, when he could tuck his jacket to shield you from any prodding eyes but still give you an angle to enjoy the match.
Asahi gave Takeda a proper bow this time and turned to start his warm up, but something stopped him.
His stomach lurched, and he turned back around. You were hanging over the rim of the pocket, staring back at the giant with such intent it took Asahi aback. He had never quite felt your presence like that before.
“YOU’RE GOING TO DO GREAT TODAY!” you shouted – you had to shout, or else he wouldn’t hear you. Above you, Takeda smiled. He knew how much courage it took for you to do that.
Asahi gasped softly. That feeling from before – pride, a sense of self, a sense of purpose – filled his chest. So this is what it was like, huh? Why everyone else on the team was practically obsessed with you. You had this way of… captivating people, just by being yourself.
He stood up straight, like he was getting ready to salute someone. 
“RIGHT!” he shouted with such force, even you were surprised. You didn’t think his voice got that loud. You couldn’t help but smile, and naturally, that just made Asahi smile, too. He gave you one last nod before running onto the court. He instantly recognized two players on the other side of the net, and he felt a rage bubbling up inside him.
He knew he was about to have the game of his life.
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leafsbabe · 5 years
omg give us cute first date with william nylander
at first he wouldn’t know what to do because date-wise he’s a complete mess but then he starts googling and thinks hey never can go wrong with a classic dinner and a movie but he’s going to put his own twist to it so he does a ton of research and finds the perfect thing
he’s ten minutes early to pick you up because he’s trying to impress you, sadly you’re still in the middle of stressful last minute getting ready but he doesn’t mind when you open the door a half mess
he brings you flowers, some that rarely cause allergies because he doesn’t know if you’re allergic to any and he stalked your insta to find out your favorite color
he compliments your outfit and holds open the car door for you and obiously lets you control the music
he takes you to the cutest little restaurant that’s off the grid a bit, it has a nice cozy atmosphere and serves swedish comfort food
the owners know him and he tells you not to tell his nutritionist but he goes there all the time even though it’s not in his meal plan
he asks you a bunch of questions about your life, let’s you ramble on and on and laughs at your jokes and if you insist on paying for your food yourself he’ll let you but he’s also giving the server a giant tip not to seem generous in front of you but because he’s always doing it
and then he takes you to a drive in movie theater and let’s you chose which film you want to watch because he timed it so that there would be four different ones starting soon and he smuggles in a bunch of snacks because yeah he technically has enough money to buy the overpriced snacks at the theater but why should he and he brought like five blankets because it’s warm enough outside to be okay with a jacket but it could cool down at night and there are enough for both of you to have your own blankets but you could also share but only if you want to and he hung fairylights in the back of his car so that there’s a little bit of light and he puts down the back seats and opens up the trunk so that there’s space to stretch out 
he spends half the time watching the movie and half the time watching you and at some point you forget the movie altogether and throw candy at each other trying to catch them with your mouth but failing miserably but it doesn’t matter since you’re laughing
and when he drives you home he talks about how he liked they date and would love to take you on another one and he walks you to your door and asks you if he can give you a kiss and ahhhhhhhhhh
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #167: Tomorrow Dies Today!
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January, 1978
Oh hey the Guardians of the Galaxy! Not the ones more known these days and never at the same level of popularity but an interesting bunch just the same!
I’ve been actually thinking of going and reading some of the original team original run.
On this cover, Beast punches a guy in the face and the rest of the Avengers are like hey slow your roll this is a crossover not a hero vs hero event.
Anyway, we start off killing tomorrow today with a priority communications alarm interrupting him from his shower.
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You’d think that since its a communications alarm and not necessarily an emergency, he could continue showering and let someone else take the call and if it is an emergency then someone can knock on the door and let him know.
Like, I understand that with the stuff the Avengers deal with its good to stay on your toes but Beast is completely covered in hair. When he starts a shower, its a long, inevitable process that should be seen to until the end.
Otherwise he’s going to drip everywhere and probably smell like dog.
He’s not even the only one who is not ready. Scarlet Witch is half dressed.
And Steve “I probably go on a ten mile run every morning for fun” Rogers criticizes Beast for not getting up to shower at 0600.
Beast, Cap, and Scarlet Witch arrive at the communications center to find Vision already there.
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Also, why do they have so many chairs in here? This is more chairs than they have in their living room.
A lot of the Avengers equipment is a mystery to me. They seem like they have a lot of the typical superhero headquarters monitoring equipment but also they so often wait for problems to happen on the news before they notice them.
Anyway, it actually is an emergency so Beast would have had to interrupt his shower anyway.
Nick Fury is on the horn and he tells them to turn on the feed from the Avengers’ monitoring satellite because of course they have one of those and need to watch the news anyway.
Per Fury’s request, they focus the Avengers satellite on the SHIELD space station. Weirdly they can’t see any stars behind the station. Just an endless wall of white.
Beast zooms out and-
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Galactus is going to be miffed.
Except no. This looks like a double Unicron. Which is possibly twice as bad.
Apparently this giant structure popped out of nowhere and its orbit is going to smash the SHIELD station all over it in a couple hours.
So the Avengers assemble to finish getting dressed and also to go check out a mysterious huge space thing.
Like I said, this is the huge space thing portion of their lives.
On the station, playboy industrialist Tony Stark claims he has urgent business on Earth.
Nick Fury is like no shit of course I’m not letting you get smashed with the rest of us you dink, get on a shuttle and go.
Fun fact: the SHIELD space station is where Steven Lang’s Project: Armageddon set up shop. And coming up to space to stop him is what led to Jean Grey becoming the Phoenix.
Secretly, Tony Stark has to get back to Earth so he can change into Iron Man and lead the Avengers back up here.
Double lives are hard.
Meanwhile, Thor and Wonder Man are enjoying some bonding time in a diner.
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Thor confesses that some mysterious force has been transporting him back to Earth every time the Avengers need his help. Which has to be every couple of days. Its almost as if he’s being displaced through time.
Wonder Man goes wow cool uh I’ll be no help figuring that out but as long as we’re here maybe you can give me some advice.
Wonder Man: “You see... sometimes I -- I feel as though I’m not man enough to be a super man!”
-interrupting Avengers beeper says no time for feels, time for punches-
So Wonder Man and Thor fly back to Avengers’ Mansion.
But they have to wait because Iron Man still hasn’t joined them.
And when he does show up, Cap goes off on him.
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Iron Man: “Sorry I’m late, group!”
Captain America: “You’re sorry you’re late? A hundred men might die up there, and --”
Iron Man: “Then shut up and get into the ship!”
Also, new Quinjet! Space Quinjet!
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Only minutes later, the Avengers have arrived on the SHIELD station. Which is... really impressive.
But since it took them so long (because of Iron Man), there’s no time left for anything fancy. The big double Unicron is only half a mile away.
Now the only option is to spacesuit up (except for Thor and Vision), rocket across to an opening that the station’s brand new Stark computer pinpointed, and find a way to redirect or destroy the giant space thing in... fifteen minutes.
I’m pretty sure fifteen minutes wouldn’t even get you from one side to the other of that thing.
But the Avengers do rocket across. And the opening that the computer found was an airlock. And interestingly, they find that the atmosphere inside the station is breathable and even chemically perfect for humans!
Now that is interesting. Does that mean that this is a human construction?
Not necessarily. The Avengers never had trouble breathing on Skrull ships or Thanos’ giant H, or even on the Kree homeworld.
I mean maybe the chemically perfect line signifies that even beyond everyone in space breathing the same thing except that one group of aliens that kidnapped that lung expert, that this construct has a human friendly atmosphere.
Iron Man weighs in. Atmosphere or not, whether the occupants are humanoid or not, this construct is far beyond the capabilities of any Earthly power.
Boring and also a waste of time says Cap.
And he steps up and takes charge, giving everyone a directive.
They should split up to cover more ground.
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And while that would usually be a bad idea on a space station that appeared out of nowhere and could contain any number of alien nasties, the simple fact is that they have a vanishingly small amount of time.
Splitting up is the only way to cover any significant amount of territory.
So Vision and Wanda are one team. Wonder Man and Cap another. Thor and Iron Man another. And Beast is on his own because they have an odd number of people.
Although Beast wonders why he’s the one without a partner. He used mouthwash that morning!
Meanwhile, while Iron Man dismisses Thor’s concern that Iron Man might be troubled over Cap taking charge, in reality he is troubled.
Iron Man: “On the other hand it’s no secret what Cap thinks of my leadership! I suspect his resentment is growing and getting personal! With the stakes the team is playing for, that kind of dissension can lead to sudden death!”
Maybe its time to consider whether someone without their own book should lead the team then.
Meanwhile elsewhere, Beast is climbing through the air ducts or perhaps Jefferies tubes. And actually Cap had a point splitting him off like this. Beast is the only one who has the agility to crawl through tubes like this.
Good call, Cap!
But when he pokes his head out of the Jefferies air duct, someone grabs him and yanks him out like a radish.
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Hey, its Charlie-27! From a race engineered to live on Jupiter, he’s about 11 times stronger and denser than a normal human being.
Also, its Nikki Gold! Raised on Mercury, she has high resistance to heat and most radiation and also HER HAIR IS FIRE.
And the thing is, they don’t think Beast is an enemy. They think he’s some kind of ugly alien space monkey that can also parrot words like a raven.
Beast refuses to put up with that sitting down dangling by his scruff so he kicks Charlie-27 in the face and starts bouncing all over the room.
Nikki tries to shoot Beast because, hey, he’s a rude monkey. But he’s bouncing so fast she can’t get a bead on him despite having aim adjacent to Annie Oakley’s.
But then Beast tries to tackle Charlie-27 and just bounces off. Because dang. Remember? Eleven times more massive than a normal person? Its rather like Beast just tried to jump kick a brick wall.
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Before possibly breaking a toe kicking a guy built like a brick house, Beast also muses on the weirdery of the two of them speaking English.
Which again isn’t so odd. Universal translators exist. And a lot of aliens speak English.
But all these things like the atmosphere and aliens speaking English? This time they signify something other than narrative convenience.
Nikki jumps to confront the dazed Beast but with a RRRAK! a coherent light burst separates the two.
The rest of the Guardians have shown up, specifically Starhawk who tells Charlie-27 and Nikki to stand down.
Starhawk: “This fighting must cease! I sense that he is not evil! Accept the word of one who knows!”
Lets run up the line.
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Blue guy red fin is Yondu Udonta and he is absolutely familiar if you only know Guardians from the movies. Like in the movies, he has special arrows that he can control through whistling. But in the comics he also uses a bow. He is from Alpha Centauri which kind of breaks the theme of the Guardians all being humans but adapted for life on different planets of the solar system.
Unlike the movies, Yondu is portrayed as noble savage IN SPACE. Going with that he has an intuitive and mystical rapport with nature. IN SPACE! Making him a space Alabaman was probably a better idea.
Next there is Starhawk. In the movie he was Sylvester Stallone and very disappointed in Yondu. In the comics, he’s just weird. He was conceived on Earth, was born on Vesper, and was raised on Arcturus IV. He has a grab bag of powers like flight, super strength, light manipulation and being the one who knows thanks to being empowered by the Hawk God. He’s also in an on-again off-again fusion with an Aleta Ogord. He’s basically weird.
Next is Martinex. His people were genetically-engineered to colonize Pluto so he’s made of silicon crystal instead of meat. He can also siphon heat out of the environment or vent it. Which lets him shoot heat rays or cold beams somehow.
And finally we have Vance Astro, Major Victory. He’s another weird one. He was sent on a mission to help colonize Centauri IV, put in cryogenic hibernation, and woke up to find that he wasted his damn time because faster travel had been invented and people got there before him. And now he has to stay in his astronaut suit or age rapidly. Also also, he has psychokinesis. And also his younger self became New Warrior Marvel Boy and probably ruined his chances of becoming an astronaut by killing his abusive dad.
Comics are weird.
Beast doesn’t know this though. He just sees a bunch of asshole aliens who are still calling him monkey so he jumps to attack Charlie-27′s face.
But is interrupted when Mjolnir flies by, snags him in its loop and drags him away. Which is damn good trajectory control.
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Anyway, despite split up gang we’ll cover more ground, the Avengers have reassembled off-screen and apparently recognize the Guardians from prior team-ups. With Cap in Marvel Two-in-One #5 and with Thor in Thor Annual #6.
And now Major Victory recognizes the Avengers. Because he is from this time period and oh man oh geez the Avengers are his heroes! He used to dream of meeting them!
So a potential misunderstanding fight cut off before it began and the teams introduce themselves.
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And no worry about the SHIELD station. The Guardian’s meteor deflectors will gently shove it out of the way instead of running into it. This whole mission was pointless!
Except as set-up. And honestly, even if the Guardian’s station wasn’t going to run into the SHIELD station, I’d hope that they’d be interested in why a giant space thing appeared.
Thor recaps his crossover with the Guardians because it happened so recently he hadn’t had a chance to put it in the Avengers files yet and also because the details are relevant.
He teamed up with the Guardians to invade Korvac’s Wonderworld. Who is Korvac?
He was a collaborator with the Badoon when they conquered the Sol System IN THE FUTURE. But they caught him napping at work one day so they grafted his upper body to his work station because the Badoon are dicks.
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So obviously he turned on them and started a plan to conquer the cosmos by trying to make Earth’s Sun go nova.
Aw dangit, Thanos, you trendsetter!
The Guardians plus Thor were able to thwart Korvac’s plan and minions but Korvac escaped by traveling back in time to the year this year.
They’re not sure what he’s planning but when a guy who tried to blow up the Sun goes back in time you just have to kind of assume its nothing good. For instance, Major Victory’s past self is currently a child on Earth. If Korvac kills young Vance Astro, then Major Victory never gets frozen like a space Captain America and never goes on to form the Guardians.
So they have to stop him. Except if its on Earth, Major Victory can’t get involved. Two Vance Astros on Earth would mess up the time stream.
(Beast you were right there for this conversation, why did you think bringing the original X-Men into the present from the past was a good idea??)
Meanwhile, on Earth, Janet Van Dyne makes her debut as a fashion designer.
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I had been wondering where she and Hank (Pym) were. Sort of weird that they didn’t get paged about this though. There’s a giant thing in space and they buzz Thor and Wonder Man away from dinner but Jan doesn’t get called away from her fashion show.
Maybe she left her bleeper at home.
Anyway, also in the crowd is Kyle Richmond, aka Nighthawk, aka Not-Batman. He’s usually on the Defenders, being a jerk, but Yellowjacket is sometimes doing stuff with the Defenders so maybe that’s why he’s here.
He does comment to himself that it’s weird for him to sit through a fashion show.
Kyle Richmond also notices a weirdo sitting next to him in the crowd. Wearing a tux in this day and age and sitting like a statue. He doesn’t react to anything until a model named Carina Walters takes a turn down the catwalk in a sultry summer jumpsuit.
Kyle being the kind of person he is, sees that this weirdo stranger reacts to Carina and thinks “Forget it, pal! You’re not her type!”
You’re a gem, Kyle.
And then Porcupine busts in to rob the place.
Just his luck that he chose to rob a place where three superheroes were chilling. Porcupines are seriously unlucky.
Hank Pym and Janet waste no time shrinking down to shoot the robbers with tiny blasts.
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Janet was also far-thinking enough to have her dress made from unstable molecule cloth so she wouldn’t have to fly around naked just in case a supervillain tried to rob her fashion show.
Its this kind of forethought that made her one of the better chairpeople that the Avengers ever had.
Just saying. Civil Wars don’t happen when Jan runs the show.
And while the rest of the audience panics and flees and screams, the mysterious tux weirdo continues to calmly sit in his seat.
Kyle Richmond managed to sneak off and change into his costume and I don’t even know where he managed to hide the wings because they would not fit under his civilian clothes.
But anyways, he helps punch people that dare ruin Jan’s big debut.
Including a guy that hesitates from shooting at Nighthawk because he doesn’t want to go up on a murder rap. Nighthawk makes the very valid argument that not making a decision is a way of making a decision and unnamed robber made the right decision.
What a weird segment. I hope no-shoot criminal turns his life around.
Anyway, the tuxedo weirdo shows up where Carina is tending to a fainted Mrs. Lichterdale. And he silently offers her a hand.
And without a word spoken she feels his desire but also his offer and without a word spoken she departs with him.
And they seem to teleport or something from the scene while the heroes are distracted shooting Porcupine with pink and yellow zaps until he finally falls down.
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Only after the villains are all unconscious does Mrs. Licherterdale inform Jan that Carina is missing along with Jan’s sultry summer jumpsuit.
Hank is sure that she just got frightened and ran off somewhere. She’ll turn up!
Jan: “I hope! That was my favorite outfit!”
Oh Jan!
So here we go again. Once again we take our first step into a run defining story arc. It was only back in May that I started the Celestial Madonna Saga and now here we are once again on the front porch of a long saga I have mixed feelings about.
The Korvac Saga.
The Shooteriest part of Shooter’s run on Avengers.
At the least, we’re going to get some more time with the Guardians. The downside to not having a misunderstanding fight is that if you’re solely following Avengers, we haven’t really seen what they can do yet.
And they have some good batshit stuff that they get up to. Like the giant double Unicron station? Its called Drydock. It was a, well, drydock and training facility. When the Badoon invaded, the commander used its experimental warp drive to keep the station out of Badoon hands. But warp radiation killed the entire crew.
In an almost Red Dwarfian move, the computer needed people to give it orders. So it created a simulated crew to tell it what to do. Except the simulated commander went insane and captured the Guardians of the Galaxy to create a clone army of friends. So Charlie-27 had to run the gauntlet of the station’s security and shut down the computer.
That stuff right there? That’s amazing. And I don’t mind at all if the Guardians are hanging around bringing that kind of craziness to the Avengers.
Oh and also, I guess there’s the mystery of what Korvac is up to and whether the tuxedo weirdo is related. I already know the answer but what are you going to do? Google information?
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childrenstories · 4 years
The Beginning of Our Tale
Mari, could not have guessed that seven years after meeting the love her life, that she would have to hide something like this from not only her husband but, everyone she knew and cared for. Seven years ago, she could not have predicted anything that has happened to her by bumping into a stranger who was built like a brick wall.
 Almost seven years ago today she met the love of her life in… the most hilarious circumstances possible. It was bright and sunny spring morning in the Kingdom of Britagaul as Mari walked the capital’s streets. She was walking to the local bookshop as the store-keepers had promised last week that the latest book was coming in today, as she rounded the corner just a block from the shop she bumped into a man. It seemed to cause him just as much of a fright as it did her.
           “Watch where you are walking sir! It’s fairly unpolite to nearly run someone over.” Mari scolded, the man looked fairly shocked, it seemed as though nobody besides his own mother has ever done so.
           “Where you talking to me like that?” he asked, generally curious.
           “No,” Mari said very sarcastically, “I was talking to the giant who holds the sky.”
The man laughed at Mari’s sarcasm and stepped forwards as to properly introduce himself.
           “My name is Achilles,” he said reaching out a hand “and who might you be, Miss Sassy?” Achilles had said it in such a way that Mari couldn’t help but, to giggle at his tone.
           “I’m Mari” she replied shaking his hand.
Turns out the book shop was still waiting for Mari’s book come in, and it wouldn’t be arriving for the next two weeks. Mari didn’t mind, however; as Achilles kept her preoccupied the entire day by asking for a tour of the town.
 As the two of them spent more and more time together Mari found herself falling in love with Achilles, and he with her. After nearly two years of secretly dating Achilles told Mari two very important things. Number one; he wanted to marry her, which Mari was not opposed to, and number two; Achilles was the oldest child and direct heir to the throne. After the two families properly met each other, and three months of arrangement, Achilles and Mari were married.
Nearly a year into their marriage and Mari had become friends with the royal advisor Hermia, a Fae known for her sight into the futures, Fae rulers Arawn and Titania, and as well as with the heir’s guards the family of LeFae. She got along with almost everyone. Almost.
Mari could never tell why but, she this feeling that told her Agamemnon, Achilles’ younger brother, didn’t like her. It really wouldn’t have surprised her at any point to find out it was true, as Agamemnon seemed to like nobody, and nobody particularly likes him. Even the LeFae’s, people who Agamemnon had never met, didn’t seem to like him. This was probably due to the fact that Agamemnon believed that all of the Kingdom, including that which is owned by the Fae, should belong solely to Britagaul’s human rulers. He believed that the Fae were below him, though he’d never say it to Arawn or Titania, as he was afraid of their magical abilities.
           ‘Oh well…’ Mari thought ‘you can’t change someone else’s behaviour and beliefs.’
Agamemnon is someone she tried to politely avoid as often as possible but when it wasn’t avoidable, and she had to she was respectful and polite to him in conversation.
Achilles was aware of his wife’s discomfort around his younger brother and tried to join all of their conversations to make Mari as comfortable as possible.
Three years after Mari and Prince Achilles’s wedding, they became the rulers of Britagaul. Now, King, Achilles made Mari the rightful Queen and together they ruled their Kingdom. Achilles also, made his brother in charge of the military, as he knew his brother enjoyed a could fight. A couple of months after Achilles and Mari were made King and Queen, Mari was certain she was pregnant. After asking Hermia, the psychic royal advisor, if she was pregnant, and reconfirming this over a dozen time, Mari told Achilles. As per the traditions of Britagaul no one outside of the palace, the guards of the heir, and Fae Court were told, to keep the baby the Queen as safe as possible. The Fae court and the LeFae’s came by almost daily, near the end of the pregnancy waiting for the day Mari would give birth.
Mari and Achilles loved having their friends over and also, watching the LeFae’s two children run around made Mari very confident in the advice that either LeFae parents gave.
Then finally the day came.
             “AHHHHHHHHHH!” Mari screamed as the pains of her labour went on. She wished for her husband’s hand, or for him to at least be in the room but, he could not come in. He was waiting just outside the door.
           ‘Probably with Finn and Arawn holding him back.’ She thought as the midwives helped her deliver the newest heir to Britagaul’s throne. Once the babe was quiet, cleaned up, and given back to her, she could see the dark hair already on their head.
           “You can come in now your Highness.” a midwife said opening the door. Achilles stared at his wife, his Queen, holding their newest family member.
As quietly but quickly as he could, Achilles went to his wife’s side and looked down at the babe.
           “So,” said Finn, the head of the house of LeFae, “what’s their name?”
           “We aren’t sure yet,” Achilles said, “we were in the middle of debating names when her water broke.”
           “Can we meet your baby please?” the LeFae’s youngest, Delia, asked as her older brother Eamon nodded beside her.
           “Okay,” Mari said “but you have to be careful, understand?” she chuckled at the eager responses that were given to her.
Delia and Eamon approached the King and he picked them up to allow them to properly meet, the newest heir.
           “Hello, baby,” Eamon said in a quiet tone.
           “Hello…” Delia started but paused, looking at the babe before she continued. “Hello, Erin”
           “Sweetie,” Rhiannon softly called to Delia, who looked over at her mother “who’s Erin?”  
           “The baby,” Delia said plainly.
           “You can’t name someone’s baby, Delia” her father chuckled
           “Babe does look like an Erin.” Eamon quietly said, agreeing with his sister.
           “Oh honey, it’s the perfect name,” Mari said looking at her husband, who looked just as pleased with it.
           “Okay,” said Achilles smiling softly at his wife then at his newborn child. “Welcome to the world, Erin.”
 That was nearly a week ago. The birth Erin was followed by several check-ups by several doctors, and magicians to make ensure the baby’s health. Out of all the things Mari was prepared to hear she couldn’t believe what Hermia was informing her about.
“What are you saying, Hermia?”
The psychic looked teary-eyed as she reexplained what she, herself, did not wish to be true.
           “Agamemnon is going to kill you, Achilles, and Erin if he can.” She repeated. “I’ve looked through the fortunes and the only way to save your child is to give the babe to the LeFae’s tonight.”
Mari was baffled, but deep down she knew that if Hermia could only see the one outcome, it would come to pass. It always did, and it always will happen.
Mari looked up at Hermia, the fear evident on her features but, all she saw from Hermia was the same upset she felt. Mari didn’t want to die however if it meant her child’s safety, she was willing to give her everything.
           “No one else can know, can they?” Mari asked in a quiet voice.
           “No, they can’t,” Hermia answered “you know Achilles, Mari. He will directly confront Agamemnon, who has been training non-stop just in case his coup needed to become more direct.”
           “Don’t tell me how it happens,” Mari said, she did want to know the answer however, she’d rather live her last day as she wanted to and not in complete fear. “just please, get the LeFae’s over to take Erin during nap time.” She herself could hear the detachment in her voice but she needed to be strong, for herself, for her friends, for her baby.
           “Mari…” Hermia looked at the young Queen, her friend and pulled her into a hug. Both, Mari and Hermia, tried not to cry as they said their silent goodbye’s.
After speaking to the Queen, Mari went to Erin’s room painted light purples and yellows where the doctors were finishing their check-ups.
“Is everything alright?” Mari asked the doctors.
“Erin is as healthy as a baby can be your majesty.”
“Thank you,” Mari said, “If you’re all done, I’d like to take my baby with me.”
The doctor nodded his head and began to pack his things, as Mari came over and picked Erin up.
           “Let’s go see Dada, yeah?” she spoke softly to Erin as they fiddled with Mari’s hair. She carried Erin all the way to Achilles’ private quarters humming a lullaby that her own mother once sang to her as a babe.
           “Knock, knock,” Mari said as she opened the door finding Achilles behind his desk looking over some paperwork that now meant nothing to Mari.
           “Why, hello,” Achilles said in his normal happy tone. “isn’t it my two-favourite people in the whole Kingdom.”
As Mari approached and Achilles opened his arms and bringing the small family close together. They spent a couple of hours together like that, just the three of them, Mari and Achilles doing silly little things with their little babe causing Erin to smile and giggle until it was nap time.
 Mari carried Erin back into their room were the LeFae’s were waiting for them.
           “Hermia told us that we need to take Erin away.” Said Finn, “I’m not doubting her abilities but…” he took a breath “are you and Achilles going to be okay?”
           “I don’t know” Mari lied, as much as she wanted to scream and cry that she was scared of dying she couldn’t, she wouldn’t if it meant jeopardizing Erin’s safety. She gave Rhiannon, her sleeping baby, and gently kissed Erin on the forehead. She turned around and took off her favourite ring slipping it into Erin’s little bag of baby toys.
           “Here take this with you when you go,” said Mari handing the bag to Finn “it’s some of Erin’s favourite toys, as well as some other toys for Delia and Eamon.”
Finn and Rhiannon looked at the bag then at their friend, with a bit of shock, before the full realization set in. They weren’t going to see her again. Rhiannon and Finn hugged Mari before leaving through the secret walkways, to get to the docks and boats.
Once Mari was certain she was alone she allowed herself to cry. She didn’t want to give up her baby but, she had too. But, no one could blame her being afraid of her own death. She cried until it was nearly time for supper. She didn’t want to go so she told a servant she wasn’t feeling well and wished to lie down and rest. Mari went to bed and lied down in bed hoping that whatever way Agamemnon picked to kill her, killed her quickly. Technically speaking Mari got her wish and it was quicker than she thought, as he had poisoned both Mari and Achilles at breakfast that morning. However, when the servants were sent to bring Erin’s dead body as well, they were shocked to find the baby missing and scared as to what Agamemnon would do to them in his wrath. Rightfully so, as Agamemnon was furious that Erin was missing before proven to be dead. The next day Agamemnon used the missing royal baby to his advantage claiming that it meant that his brother and sister-in-law were murdered, by traitors to the Kingdom and kidnapped their child as a result.
However. Agamemnon did not know where to look for the missing heir so it meant that Erin, who by this point was on a boat with the LeFae family, could grow up safely. Finn and Rhiannon knew that they couldn’t go back to the main island. Not until Erin was much older. Not until Erin was ready to overthrow the Faux King.  
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ssilcatt · 8 years
busan-skyline replied to your post “today is the day i die. goodbye friends—”
I DID. IT WAS THE BEST OMFG. I HAD SO MUCH FUN THEY WERE SO SWEET AND I WAS SO CLOSE TO THEM DAMN. (read under for a very detailed and lengthy explanation of my take on the boys and the concert)
CHRIST OK. FIRST. JUNG HOSEOK IS SO MUCH PRETTIER IN PERSON. PICTURES DO NOT MAKE HIM JUSTICE. And he just has this sweet and caring expression on his face and anD HIS SMILE. HIS BEAUTIFUL SMILE. UGH. I was in the Platea Baja Golden right in front of the “T” stage and fUCK. it was the effing beST. Platea Baja was around the same height as the boy’s stage. They’re all fucking giants. They’re so tall. Even Yoongi seemed very tall from my point of view, which was like, 10 to 15 meters in front of the stage. Somehow, Yoongi’s voice was a lot higher from what im used to hearing in the mv’s and other misc videos. Might have been a sound issue with the arena but who knows. 
Do you guys get that feeling of like, not actually realizing that the members of bts are real actual living and breathing creatures? I mean, not in like an ideological way but like.... to see them, to be able to recognize little things that go on with their bodies when they move that make you take a step back and say...” ok.... this is an actual human being....i could touch their arms and actually feel the flesh and it is not so different from touching another human being” AND THAT WAS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME AND JUNGKOOK’S THIGHS. THE JIGGLING. THE JIGGLING. THAT’S SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE WHEN YOU STAMP ON THE GROUND TOO HARD AND FAST AND HIS THIGHS JIGGLING MADE ME ACTUALLY REALIZE  THAT YES. THEY’RE HUMAN, THEY’RE REAL. THEY’RE NOT JUST A CHARACTER ON A COMIC BOOK OR WHATEVER. and fuck if it wasn’t the best feeling ever. ALSO, his bunny smile almost made me fall off my seat because it honestly is so freaking adorable and rude at the same time. I’m conflicted about this child. He also was so damn broad like, daaaaaamn. Those biceps. bOY.
Kim Seokjin. Oh my fucking gOD. His singing. Goddamn, his singing. He reached all the damn notes and went bEYOND. His eyes were so glassy when we all sang along to Awake, I will never be over that. CHRIST. He’s so damn slim tho, like, the vocal line sang Lost and they were wearing red hoodies and such (tae had a stripped red and white sweatshirt) and he looked even thinner than Taehyung... bUT HIS SHOULDERS MAN. HIS SHOULDERS. AHHHHHHHHHH THEY’RE NO JOKE. LIKE, SO SOSOO DAMN WIDE I AM WEAK. And his smile. A smile I’ve drawn countless of times and to see it live, right in front of me, ugh, it’s just indescribable. (ALSO, he fucking sang “bésame mucho” at his ending ment and this this lil’ dance and the rest of the boys joined and his singing and dancing and ashvskdnvn, goodbye it was nice knowing u guys)
Namjoon had the sweetest expression on his face the whole time and it made my insides feel warm and fuzzy. He smiled and talked to us with such love. I could actually feel the fondness and happy feelings pouring out from his expression and eyes towards us. I just felt, so appreciated by this man. Like honestly. Same thing happened with Hoseok. The both of them just had the most caring and soft expressions on their faces whenever they interacted with us. AND HIS DIMPLES OHMYFUCKINGGOD. THEY’RE SO DAMN CUTE AND ADORABLE I WANT TO BITE THEM. 
The one song that left me speechless was Yoongi’s First Love. Like, with all the others I sang along and shit, but I couldn’t speak while he performed his solo because of the sheer power and feelings he poured into each of lines and his verses. I honestly am floored by his abilities and talent and just fierce and raw charm he has and shares with the audience. I just respect him so much. He’s also pale as hell and his legs are something i envy a lot....and he also took off his earpiece during a lot of the songs because he was hearing us while we sang along, im cryinggg
Taehyung, effing Kim Taehyung. He wasn’t his giggly and playful self but he still smiled and enjoyed himself on stage with us... There was this moment where we all kind of got close the railings containing our area when Jimin approached the end of the stage, which was the closest to us and after Jimin left, Taehyung approached and letme tell u people that I’ve never seen a jawline so defined and perfect as Kim Taehyung’s. I’LL BE HAVING NIGHTMARES. I HONESTLY STILL FEEL ATTACKED BY THE PERFECTION OF HIS FACE SHAPE. LIKE, HIS FACE IS SO TINY AND PERFECT. AND THAT JAWLINE IS THE STUFF OF LEGENDS PEOPLE. IM TELLING U. 
Jiminie, sweet and devilish Park Jimin. Now, I know everything they say about him being rude af when he’s wiggling and throwing his body and hair around but fuck I wasn’t ready for his facial expressions. Like, you could tell this boy was feeling himself on stage. Like, that goddamn sMIRK that was on his face like 90% of the concert. FUCK. GET HIM AWAY FROM ME. Another Jawline that’s worth remembering as the stuff of nightmares/legends cuz daaaamn. And, his lips. YES. So plump and shiny (im so emotional pls someone hold me Park Jimin is ruining my life). Also, his vocal prowess almost made the whole freaking arena go deaf because his pitch went so damn high at one point (cant remember the particular song, sorry) that the audio of the place went a lil crazy for a second. His spanish was the best out of the 7 boys and he even corrected and helped out Kookie when our bunny boy got his spanish mixed up at the beginning. (all jikook shippers in the arena went nUTS over that)
Overall, the boys were so surprised and appreciative of the fact that we sang along each song they performed. It was so sweet. And during 2!3! we all lifted up some banners the fanclubs handed out to us and there was this almost magical moment where they were just admiring the whole arena filled with our own little message for them and fucckkkkk im A MESS.
(i didn’t take any photos cuz i was literally too busy being bewitched by the boys that i completely forgot about my phone lmao sorry guys I’ll ask my friend to share some of her shaky videos with me but im sure that any fancam you might find in here will be of better quality of what i can show u guys)
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