#good job avengers and guardians
darkstar225 · 6 months
Kid Y/N feels under the weather, what is gonna happen? ft Wanda and Natasha 
Rain pelted against the large windows of the Avengers compound, a symphony of nature's melancholy to accompany the drama unfolding within. Y/N, a young child with an inclination for mischief, which made her seem like Loki's daughter sometimes (she may be...), and two extraordinary guardians: Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff, found herself feeling under the weather. The cold had crept into her small frame, bringing with it a storm of sneezes and sniffles.
In the heart of the Avengers' home, the living room was a battleground. Y/N lay on the couch, surrounded by a fortress of plush toys. The television played some animated movie, forgotten in the background. Natasha was still donned in her Black Widow uniform after returning from a mission with Wanda, her fiery red hair cascading in waves, was the epitome of calm. She knelt beside the couch, worry etching lines on her face as she touched Y/N's forehead with the back of her hand.
Y/N - Mama, I don't wanna take those yucky medicines! 
Whined the little girl as her raspy voice showed her clear discomfort.
Wanda, also in her Scarlet Witch attire, floated into the room with a tray of steaming soup and a small bottle of medicine. Her expressive eyes softened as they met Y/N's defiant gaze. 
Wanda - Sweetheart, it'll make you feel better. Just a spoonful, okay? *frowns*
The girl's eyes narrowed and a pout formed on her lips. 
Y/N - No! It tastes icky.
Natasha sighed, her stern look softened by a smile. 
Natasha - Come on, kiddo. You'll be back to causing chaos in no time.
Y/N's eyes welled up, a mixture of exhaustion and frustration. 
Y/N - I don't wanna be sick, Mommy.
Natasha's heart melted at the word. Y/N had walked into her and Wanda's life like a burst of sunshine, and now, seeing her curled up with illness, it felt like the sun had been clouded over.
Natasha exchanged a glance with Wanda, who was now floating in the air, her green eyes filled with concern. 
Wanda - We just want you to feel better, little one. *soft voice with a motherly smile*
But Y/N was having none of it. With a sudden burst of energy, she sat up, sending the plush toys scattering like leaves in the wind. 
Y/N - I don't want the yucky medicine! I hate it!
Natasha's eyes met Wanda's, both sharing a knowing look. Parenting, even for two superheroes, had its challenges. But they were up for it. Wanda floated down to Y/N's eye level, a playful smile on her face. 
Wanda - How about a deal, little rebel? Take the medicine, and Mama will read you a story. A magical one.
Y/N eyed Wanda suspiciously, her small brain working through the proposal. 
Y/N - A really magical one? *head tilt*
Wanda nodded, her fingers conjuring a spark of Scarlet energy. 
Wanda - The most magical story you've ever heard. 
Y/N contemplated this for a moment before finally nodding with all the seriousness a child could muster. 
Y/N - Okay, but no yucky medicine next time. *scrunches nose*
Natasha handed Wanda the medicine with a smirk. 
Natasha - Of course, princesa.
Wanda poured the medicine into a small spoon, casting a glance at Natasha. Natasha nodded subtly, understanding the silent question. Wanda approached Y/N, who was still eyeing the spoon with scepticism.
Wanda - Open wide, little one. *cooing*.
Y/N opened her mouth reluctantly and Wanda administered the medicine. The kid grimaced at the taste, but she swallowed it down with a determined expression.
Natasha - Good job, honey! 
Natasha praised, ruffling Y/N's hair.
Wanda - Now, for the magical story... 
Wanda settled on the floor near Natasha with Y/N nestled between their chests.
As Wanda began weaving a tale of enchanted forests and talking animals, Y/N's eyes sparkled with wonder. The room echoed with Wanda's melodic voice, each word painting a vivid picture in the child's imagination. Natasha sat back, watching the scene unfold with a smile. The storm outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of the family huddled together.
As the story reached its climax, Y/N's eyelids grew heavy. The pair shared a glance, silently agreeing to transfer the dozing child to her cosy bed. Together, they lifted Y/N, who mumbled something about flying with Mama and Mommy in the magical forest.
In her room, surrounded by plush toys and soft blankets, Y/N slept peacefully. Natasha and Wanda lingered for a moment, marvelling at the small, slumbering figure. Parenthood was an adventure, one they embraced wholeheartedly.
As they tiptoed out of the room, Natasha began to whisper. 
Natasha - We make a good team, don't we? *smirks*
Wanda nodded, her eyes reflecting the love and contentment they both felt. 
Wanda - The best. *winks*
And with that, the two superheroes, mothers to a special little girl, ventured back into the living room. The storm outside had quieted, leaving behind the soft hum of family and the promise of many more magical stories to come.
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will80sbyers · 2 months
Do you still have the list of movies that inspired ST4? I had a picture of it but I lost it and I haven't been able to find it since. Please and thank you in advance.
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Long post warning lol
2001: A Space Odyssey
47 Meters Down: Uncaged
12 Monkeys
28 Days Later
13th Warrior
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Altered States
American Sniper
Analyze This
Assassins Creed
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Almost Famous
Batman Begins
Batman V. Superman
Basket Case
Battle at Big Rock
Beauty and the Beast
Behind Enemy Lines
Beverly Hills Cop
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Billy Madison
Black Cauldron
Black Swan
Boondock Saints
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Burn After Reading
Broken Arrow
Blade Runner
Con Air
Cast Away
Children of Men
Cabin in the Woods
Crimson Tide
Dukes of Hazzard
Don’t Breathe
Death to Smoochy
Dark Knight
Deep Blue Sea
Drop Dead Fred
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard 3
Don’s Plum
Dances with Wolves
Dumb and Dumber
Edward Scissorhands
Enter the Void
Ex Machina
Event Horizon
Emma (2020)
Forrest Gump
Fisher King
Full Metal Jacket
Ferris Bueller
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Good Fellas
Girl Interrupted
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Get Out
Good Will Hunting
High Fidelity
Hellraiser 1
Hellraiser 2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
High School Musical
Hurt Locker
Hunger Games
Hell or High Water
Home Alone
I am Legend
It’s a Wonderful Life
In Cold Blood
I am a Fugitive from Chain Gang
Inside Out
Island of Doctor Moreau
It Follows
Interview with a Vampire
Inner Space
Into the Spiderverse
Independence Day
Jupiter Ascending
John Carter of Mars
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
James Bond (All Movies)
Karate Kid
Knives Out
Little Miss Sunshine
Long Kiss Goodnight
Lost Boys
Leon: The Professional
Let the Right One In
Little Women (1994)
Mad Max: Fury Road
Men in Black
My Cousin Vinny
Mystic River
Minority Report
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Neverending Story
Never Been Kissed
No Country for Old Men
Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
North by Northwest
Open Water
Orange County
Oceans 8
Oceans 11
Oceans 12
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Ordinary People
Paddington 2
Pulp Fiction
Pan’s Labyrinth
Pineapple Express
Peter Pan
Princess Bride
Paradise Lost
Primal Fear
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Reservoir Dogs
Road Warrior
Rogue One
Reality Bites
Raider of the Lost Ark
Red Dragon
Sky High
Sword in the Stone
Step Up 2
Spy Kids
Saving Private Ryan
Shape of Water
Swept Away
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Silence of the Lambs
Source Code
Starship Troopers
Silver Bullet
The Visit
The Italian Job
The Mask of Zorro
True Lies
The Blair Witch Project
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Craft
The Guest
The Devil’s Advocate
The Graduate
The Prestige
The Rock
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Fly
The Mummy
The Guardian
The Goofy Movie
The Peanut Butter Solution
Toy Story 4
The Ring
The Crazies
The Mist
The Revenant
The Perfect Storm
The Shining
Terminator 2
The Truman Show
Temple of Doom
The Cell
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Good Son
The Orphan
The Birdcage
The Green Mile
The Raid
The Cider House Rules
The Lighthouse
The Book of Henry
The A-Team
The Crow
The Terminal
Thor Ragnarok
The Descent
The Birds
Total Recall
The Natural
The Fifth Element
True Romance
Terminator: Dark Fate
The Hobbit Trilogy
Very Bad Things
Wayne’s World
What Women Want
War Dogs
Wedding Crashers
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Welcome to Marwen
Wet Hot American Summer
What Lies Beneath
What Dreams May Come
War Games
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Weird Science
Wizard of Oz
Young Sherlock Holmes
You’ve Got Mail
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jedi-luca · 10 months
Avenger Lane Chapter 8: Finish Him!
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis, Guardians of the galaxy vol 3 spoilers
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Avenger Lane Chapter 8: Finish Him!
“Your soul is mine!” You mimicked Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat. 
“FINISH HIM!” the game announcer bellowed.
“Nooooo!” Beth shouted as Sub-Zero performed their fatality. 
“Beth, your room is a mess!” You hear Quinn shouting from upstairs causing Ollie to sit up from his nap.
“Young lady, did you not clean it earlier when she asked you the first time?” You raised your brow pausing the video game you both were playing.
“Beth!” Quinn shouted from upstairs.
“Uh oh.” Fin giggled looking up from her drawing. “Mommy’s mad.”
“Well, go on.” You said taking her controller hearing her groan.
“Don’t play without me!” Beth shouted as she marched up stairs.
“I help Bethy.” Fin said racing after her, leaving her drawing behind.
You stood making your way to the garage grabbing your sheers you needed to tend to the gardens anyway. Right as you kneeled in front of your flower bed a certain redhead walked by.
“They’re beautiful.” Natasha smiled stopping next to you before crouching down.
“Beautiful flowers-” You cut a small bouquet. “For a beautiful lady.” 
“Thank you.” She chuckled bashfully taking them from you.
“You're welcome.” you grinned before asking. “Off to Wanda’s? Or did you just wanna see me?”
“Well always happy to see you, but I am about to have a drink with Wanda.” She smiled. “Do you wanna join us?”
“No, I'm just messing with you. I'm waiting for Beth to finish her chores so we can go back to our video game marathon.”
“Oooh fun, I've never really played anything before besides what is at an arcade. Sometimes Pietro would convince us to skip school and join him at the arcade.” 
“Woooow, bad student.” you both chuckled.
“I was a great student! How are you by the way?”
“Good; we took Beth to get registered at school earlier today. I can’t believe she’s starting the 6th grade already.”
“I bet, did she join any clubs?”
“Her mother really wants her to be a cheerleader.”
“You don’t?” She raised her brow.
“Not really.” You sighed setting your sheers down. “I just can’t see her doing that.”
“Does she want too?” 
“Well it looks like her new friends are playing soccer. So now she’s on the fence.” You shrugged.
“Lyla’s pretty excited she’s played since she was a little girl.” Natasha added with a smile.
“Secretly, I want her in anything but cheer. I know how cheerleaders are, and I do not want my daughter to be like them.” You grumbled.
“Well they’re only in middle school.” Natasha smirked.
“Of course.” Natasha nodded standing up with a grin.
“Tell Wanda I said hi.” You grinned.
“I will. When are you going to tell Quinn about the job offer?” She raised her brow at you.
“I’m working up to it.” You mumbled.
“Hmhm.” She smirked walking off to the Maximoff residence smelling her flowers. “Thanks for the flowers.”
“Welcome!” You say back as you watch her smile at you before walking inside the Maximoff home.
“Look at that love sick look on your face.” Wanda laughed as she set two wine glasses down.
“Shut up.” She grumbled setting them down softly before taking the glass in her hand.
Natasha was too busy looking at her flowers to notice Wanda yelling at the boys to go outside.
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You were tending to your garden with your phone playing an old Journey song in the back ground. You were jamming along when you heard Wanda’s boys run outside.
“What’s up boys!” You waved seeing the Maximoffs holding a football.
“Hi!” They waved excitedly.
“Can Beth come out and play?” Billy asks.
You sighed looking back at the house. “Well Beth is finishing up her chores but she can when she’s done.”
“Oh okay. Beth said you used to play football.” Tommy says looking at the flowers you were repotting.
“Four time state champ.” You smirked.
“That’s awesome! Mom, just signed us up today, but we don't really know how to play.” Billy says sadly.
“Will you teach us?” Tommy asked sweetly. “Please? When we asked our dad he thought it meant soccer.”
“Well soccer is great too!”
“But we wanna play football.” Billy sighed sadly.
“Please teach us.” Tommy pleaded.
“No…” the boy's looked down in disappointment. “but I’ll coach ya.” You teased with a wink.
The boys jumped up and down cheering.
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Wanda and Natasha were in the middle of a conversation when they heard the boys yelling. They ran outside only to see you teaching them how to tackle. 
“Y/N, is so great with kids.” Wanda said, before taking a sip of her wine. “Ya know if Vis wasn’t such a great husband.” she shrugged jokingly.
Natasha glares playfully. 
“I'm kidding!... Sort of.” Wanda laughed.
“Another thing that makes her undeniably attractive.” Natasha murmured watching you laugh wholeheartedly with the boys.
“Vis is going to be jealous if he sees this.” the taller woman murmured.
“What? That you’re ogling Y/N?” the shorter woman chuckled.
“No.” Wanda laughed, slapping her arm. “More so that Y/N is coaching our sons on how to play football. Vis tried but he grabbed a soccer ball, and the boys didn’t have the heart to tell him.” She sighed before looking over at you. “What is Y/N doing?” 
You were lugging a large tractor tire towards the lawn.
“Okay you were right Y/N is really strong.” Wanda smirked watching your muscles flex as you flipped the tire.
“Can I try?!” She heard Tommy ask and you laughed.
“Be my guest.” You stepped aside as Tommy growled trying to move the tire but only nudged it.
“Oh this is adorable.” Wanda chuckled, taking out her phone once more to record the boys. “Come on Billy, you can do it!” 
“Dad, what are you doing?” Beth asked suddenly next to you.
“Oh hey sweetheart!” You laying your hand on her tiny shoulder. “I'm just teaching the boys about football. They wanted to try and lift the tire before I hang it up.”
“Can I try?” Beth asked looking up at you.
“Of course.”
“Beth!” The boys waved her over explaining how heavy the tire is.
Beth remembered you throwing the tire and squatted down before using her legs to support the toss.
“That’s my daughter!” You cheered.
Beth blushed hearing everyone cheer for her.
You finally moved the tire where you wanted it using rope to tie it to the tree branch out on your lawn. You jumped from the tree taking the ball Billy handed you,
“The key to a perfect spiral is hand placement and foot work.” You showed them with one hand how you were holding it. You slowly showed each step in movement before throwing it right through the tire.
“Wow!” The boys gasped.
“I know right.” Beth grinned.
“Who wants to go first?” You grinned, taking the ball from Billy who ran to get it. “Thanks bud.”
“Hey Y/L/N!” Steve shouted from his driveway holding up his arms.
You stepped back angling yourself before grunting as you threw it straight in his arms.
“Yeah!” He chuckled before throwing it right back.
You jumped up catching it before landing back on the grass.
“That was so cool!” The boys gushed.
“Woooo! That’s a running back right there!” He clapped his hands cheering before he walked into his home.
“My turn!” Beth shouted.
Soon Cassie and Morgan, and Monica joined in with the kids throwing perfect spirals.
“Okay but this is such a dad thing!” Carol giggled as she watched you coaching the kids. She and Val walked over to watch you and the kids with Wanda and Natasha. “She’s literally teaching the kids on the block.” 
“It’s called Coaching.” Val smirked, taking a sip of her beer they brought over, nudging her wife. “That’s it sweetheart that’s the hustle!” Val clapped seeing Monica throw the ball through the tire.
Soon a car drove up it was Vis.
“Uh oh.” Wanda sighed.
Vis got out watching his boys being coached by you. He sighed sadly before trudging up the steps. “I see the boys asked Y/N to coach them.” He sighed.
“Oh Vis-“
“It’s quite alright darling. Y/N is a 4 time state champion. They seem to be learning a great deal. I’ll just go get washed up for dinner.” He made a mental note to return the book he purchased earlier that same day.
“Oof, he is definitely upset.” Val nodded.
“I’d give my vibrator to see Y/N in her old football uniform.” Carol fanned herself, ignoring the depressed Englishman to watch you run around with the kids.
“Oh my God, Carol!” Natasha chuckled before looking at Val.
“What? Y/N is hot. I wouldn’t mind them in our bed. Devils threesome and all.” Val shrugged. “Her wife is just as sexy, I can only imagine what goes on in that bedroom.” She laughed causing the women to giggle. 
Natasha stayed silent clenching her legs knowing exactly what you were like as she recalled a memory.
“I’ve seen it.” Wanda blushed smiling as she bit her lip, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Shut up! You have not.” Carol scoffed.
“I did and let me just say Y/N, is very, very well endowed.” Wanda smirked while finishing her drink.
“I can confirm. Hung as a fucking horse” Val chuckled. 
“How did you both even-“ Natasha began she was upset. How dare they oogle you… even though she used to do the same thing.
“Gym I saw the outline.”
“Quinn did this sexy strip tease for Y/N in the living room. It was like watching one of those nature shows I couldn’t look away. Y/N definitely knows how to work a woman, and Quinn knows how to work Y/N. All of Y/N.” She giggled.
“Damn Wands you watched them fuck?” Val furrowed her brows. “Have you ever seen Carol and I?”
“Once.” She giggled.
“Oh my God.” Val muttered.
“We’re getting black out curtains.” Carol murmured. “How did you see Y/N and not tell me though?”
“Are you kidding she made me feel…slightly emasculated. Why would I ever openly say that she’s bigger than-” Val scoffed. 
“Oh baby, you shouldn’t ever feel that way.” Carol smirked sitting on Val’s lap giving her a kiss.
“Alright you two; reel it in.” Nat muttered, sipping her drink as they began to feel eachother up. 
“Speak of the devil.” Wanda said, diverting her attention to the girls to Quinn who stepped out on her own porch.
“Dinner is ready.” Quinn smiled. “Beth, come wash up.”
“Aww but mom! Pop is coaching us!” Beth whined.
“Papa me too! Papa me too!” Fin ran out the door with your old football helmet.
You laughed watching her tumble down the steps the helmet breaking her fall.
“Fin, I told you to leave your papa’s things alone.”
“It’s ok Q.” You wink. 
“Papa my turn!” Fin whined, holding out her tiny hands.
“Oh my gosh fine!” Beth huffed, throwing a spiral at her little sister.
“Beth.” You and Quinn said sternly after it bounced off of the helmet.
“Sorry.” Beth said meekly after her mother glared at her.
“You did great kiddo.” You say pushing the helmet up so she could see.
“Okay enough football for tonight let’s eat dinner. Beth take Fin and go wash up please.”
“Aww mom, one more round!”
“It’s alright Sweetheart I’m pretty hungry. You all were awesome today! It’s getting a little late so everyone go home, and wash up.” You turned waving towards the ladies watching.
The kids cheered before each one ran to their respective houses.
“Fin!” Beth huffed as Finley ran right behind the other kids to the Maximoff residence.
The kids cheered before each one ran to their respective houses.
“Natty!” Finley beamed from beneath the helmet.
“Hi Finny!”
“I’m like papa now!”
“I see that you did great!” Natasha smiles lifting your youngest on her lap.
Meanwhile the other neighborhood kids were gushing about their new fondness for football.
“Mom, did you see me?!” Billy gasped holding the football.
“Mom, that was so much fun!” Monica said, looking up at Carol and Val.
“Yeah it was! You did fantastic out there lieutenant trouble!” Carol grinned.
“How’s pizza sound for our little football player?” Val smirked.
“Yayyy!” Monica cheered.
“Mom did you see?!” Tommy panted, his hair crazy and sweaty..
“I did sweetie you and your brother are naturals.” Wanda smiled sweetly, pushing his wet sweaty hair back. “Did you thank coach Y/L/N?” 
“Yes momma.” They nodded.
“Billy and I are gonna make coach Y/L/N a tshirt tomorrow in art class!” Tommy grinned.
“That’s really thoughtful. Boys, go on and take showers, dinner will be ready soon.”
“Bye neighbors!” The boys shouted to the women drinking on their porch before racing one another to the shower.
“Hi Miss Nat, Fin, come on, we have to go back home for dinner.” Beth 
“Hi Beth.” Natasha smiled at Quinn’s mini clone.
“Neh, I stay with Natty.” 
“Oh you’ll stay with me?” Natasha chuckled looking down at her little eyes beneath the helmet.
“Fin.” Beth huffed.
“How about next time Fin? Your mommy made you dinner, it's time to go eat now.”
“Aww.” Finley bowed her head making Natasha lift it back up before she tumbled over by the weight of the helmet.
“We’ll go swimming tomorrow, how about that?” Natasha smiled.
“Okay Natty.” Finley made grabby hands at her older sister. Beth rolled her eyes before lifting her up.
“Bye Natty.” “Bye Miss Nat.” The kids said in unison.
“Bye, see you again soon.” She looked over at you who winked in response.
Natasha looked away when Quinn started acting like a lovesick teenager by pulling you in a kiss.
“You gonna be my coach tonight?” Quinn husked.
“I can think of some drills.” You smirked.
“Hey Y/L/N!” Steve shouted as you held your wife by her hips pecking her lips softly. He ran over from across the street.
“Hmm?” You hummed, turning your head before turning away from your wife.
“Let’s all get together this weekend to have a friendly game of touch football? I can bring out the grill and cooler.”
“Yeah man sounds like a plan!” You grinned.
“Nice! I’ll get the guys together.”
“Oi what are we? Chopped liver?” Val shouted.
You chuckled leaning back against Quinn who stood a step higher. Her arms wrapped loosely around your neck. She was whispering sweet nothings near your ear. It drove her absolutely insane when you did anything sports related. 
“The more the merrier!” Steve laughed.
“Yeah sounds good just more ass I get to smack.” You smirked over at them as Quinn bit her lip.
“Wow Y/L/N I had no idea you were such a jock.” Carol smirked.
“Four time state champ baby!” You grinned.
“My mom won the cheer championship 4 times in a row too!” Beth smiled looking up at her mother.
“The jock and the cheerleader. Lots of locker room meetups?” Val smirked. 
“How do you think we got Beth?” You chuckled as Quinn elbowed you and Beth made a ew sound before running inside.
“Nice.” Val chuckled high fiving you.
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The following morning you had been walking Ollie with the girls when you all came across Peter and Gamora Quill walking their animals.
“Oh my gosh!” Beth gasped.
“Can I pet?” Fin pointed.
“Yes.” Gamora giggled. “Yes you can pet.” She crouched down letting your daughters pet their mini zoo of animals.
“Sorry.” You chuckled.
“Oh don’t be neighbor, this happens all the time we don’t mind and neither do they.” Quill laughed. “We were just about to put them in the backyard. Why don’t you guys just follow us and you can keep playing them.”
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“That’s such a sad story but at least they found the their happy ever after. Rocket and the others really went through the ringer.” You say as the raccoon settles on your lap letting you gently pet him as you listen to Peter Quill and Gamora explain how they found him in the first place, and how Gamora made a sort of career change from being a bounty hunter to a rescue hunter. She went from hunting Nazi’s to hunting animal abusers and sometimes even child abusers
“Yeah they really did.” Gamora whispers softly just before Rocket lept from your lap to hers giving her a snuggle before darting off towards up a tree that Peter made a treehouse in. “After finding him and Lylla I couldn’t let them be apart.” 
You smile seeing the otter they rescued in their salt water pool. You sniffled and wiped a tear away looking around at the recuses they have found together. “Well Rocket, is welcomed to our trash anytime.” 
“I love Flor!” Beth giggled as she played with the handicapped bunny. 
“I can’t believe animal cruelty is even a thing. What kind of monster of a human would hurt defenseless animals.” You sigh. “They’re all so sweet and beautiful. Makes me love and appreciate Ollie even more. I’ve only known Rocket, Lylla, Cosmo, and Flor a short while and I would absolutely lay my life down for them just like I would for Ollie.” You smiled seeing Ollie and Cosmo playing around with one another.
“Maybe we can take all of you to visit Teefs.” Gamora smiled. “He’s living at the Aquarium now in New York. We hated separating them but Teefs needed a lot of special care and the Aquarium provides that. We take them out to visit him at least 3 times a month.”
“I’d love to meet the big guy, and I’m sure the girls would too as well.” You chuckle as Cosmo, their rescue dog, gives you kisses. “Thank you Cosmo, you're a good girl.” She barked in excitement she whisked Fin up and on her back. Zooming all of the yard chasing Ollie.
“Cosmo zoomies!” Fin giggled on her back.
“The girls are in love with this place.” You chuckled seeing Beth’s face light up when floor hopped on her chest as they laid in the grass.
“They are always welcome here.” Gamora smiled.
“Yeah maybe next time I can grill us some burgers, and you can actually meet our team.” Peter grinned.
“Yeah I’d like that!” After a beat you asked; “Have you thought about opening up a rescue center?”
“We have but we just felt like if we did then it would need to basically be a zoo so they can free roam and not be tied down in a cage.”
“Well when you guys find the right place let me know. I’d love to help out in anyway that I can.”
“Thank you Y/N.” Gamora smiled.
“Beer?” Peter grins, handing you a bottle.
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“Hey.” You say knocking on her office door.
“Hi baby, you and the girls have a nice walk?” Quinn smiles, taking her glasses off looking from her computer to you.
“It was great we met some more neighbors down the block, but we can talk about that later. I wanna talk with you about something important to me.”
“Okay.” She said standing up taking your hand leading you to her loveseat. “What’s going on?”
“Well a few days ago I was speaking with Tony, and he basically offered me a job on his team.”
“With Stark Industries?” Quinn’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, he heard I was supposed to go to MIT, and since I actually know what I’m doing he offered me a job.”
“Wow.” She smiled, patting your hands.
“You don’t want me to take it.” You mutter softly with a sigh.
“It’s just Fin is still not in school, and I-“
“Natasha said she’d be her babysitter, and Beth will be in school.” You say.
Quinn bit her lip looking away.
“Hey.” You say gaining her attention back. “This is important to me. I can actually bring something home. I can actually have my own career. It’s time Quinn.”
“Let’s wait a couple years for Fin to go to school then we can-“
“If you don’t want Natasha to take care of Fin. Then why don’t you just work from home fulltime and take care of our daughters yourself?”
“I can’t do that.”
“Quinn why can’t you just meet me half way-“
“Because I may be pregnant.” She interrupts you.
“Wait what?” You furrow your brows.
“I didn’t wanna tell you yet, I wanted to be sure.” She sighed standing up.
“Oh.” You raise your brows.
She swiftly turned around glaring at you. “You said you wanted-“
“No, no, I do, I do.” You say quickly rushing to her side, taking her hands. “Have you taken a test yet?”
“No…I’m still waiting a few more days to see if I start.” She muttered. 
“Okay.” You nodded. “So we really aren’t sure yet.”
“No… but I know my body, and it feels just like the first time. I’ll make a doctor's appointment.”
You took her hand and sat down in thought. You did want another baby, but you knew she didn’t want another. You can’t help but feel a little blind sided. You internally roll your eyes at yourself Beth and Finley were both surprises, and you did tell her you wanted another baby. Maybe you won't have to turn down your dream job. You take in a deep breath and slowly release before saying something more so for yourself.
“One day at a time.”
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ofwinterandspring · 3 months
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When Segal Moriel heard of his sister's demise at the hands of Levanmount, he knew he would do anything to protect and avenge the Moriel family name. And he did. He made waste of the Levan royal bloodline and forced its people under Aesian rule. That was ten years ago. Still, the Levan's want their sovereign, but how safe can it be to crown the Heir when he's spent those same ten years fighting insurrections.
charismatic ✘ shrewd ✘ proud ✘ trustful ✘ resentful
Although Rochlin Moriel's father preferred he'd locked himself in his lab than make a mockery of their family name. His father's disdain has not stopped the Heir from granting him all their support. With the looming war and stories of a deadly prophecy soon to unfold, he's ding all he can short of taking the throne, to help the Heir see another day.
loyal ✘ resourceful ✘ diplomatic ✘ persuasive ✘ grounded
Yardane Zered, better known as Dane, had barely been twenty-seven when he made an oath that if anything should happen to Aerben, his best friend and captain, he would take on the responsibility as legal guardian of Aerben's child. Dane never got to ask why Aerben thought him capable of raising a child. Or why Aerben had chosen to go on a trip that he'd never return from. All Dane knew was that he had a promise to keep and a child to raise and protect.
cynical ✘ stubborn ✘ diligent ✘ wise ✘ gentle
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Santana Dur, a charming and witty barmaid most days. No one would guess that she was the same assassin many believed to be the demon from the woods. And she would have kept her anonymity had she not attempted to rob a curious and heavily disguised Heir out of sheer boredom. So maybe she gains a secret she can leverage at any moment's notice, but what good would it be when the Heir offers her gold and silver in exchange for her services.
unpredictable ✘ secretive ✘ fearless ✘ arrogant ✘ blunt
The inside joke between the Riders is that Aymel and Lyron Dur must have shared a womb and have been lied to by their mothers. Because no matter what, it seems that the two can never be separated from each other for very long. Where they find one, the other is not far behind. Unfortunately, meeting the two can only mean one thing and that's imminent death. As guards to the Heir, they take their job seriously. Now, if anyone cares to even whisper of the things these two get up to at night rest assure that they will cease to exist.
intelligent ✘ daring ✘ flirtatious ✘ mischievous ✘ dramatic personable ✘ reliable ✘ genial ✘ charitable ✘ thorough
No one seems to know much about Zephan Caeth, the bard who loitered Aesian roads and caught the sights of their Heir, earning themselves the official title of Storykeeper of the Lands. All anyone knows is that whenever they play their oud, a truth is unveiled and little can be done to anticipate the lies it will break. They're a menace to all who wish to be ignorant and it's no surprise why the Aesian's are taken to them.
insightful ✘ artistic ✘ guarded ✘ diplomatic ✘ skeptical
In what seemed to be a matter of seconds, Vyath Lya and their ward were stripped from their title and escorted to the borders of their city with no chance of return. Having pledged an oath should have saved them both. But, their friend refused to be silenced. So they followed their friend into the brume knowing that they would never find their way back. And what did it matter? All Vyath cared about was figuring out how they'd be allowed back in.
strong-willed ✘ loyal ✘ confident ✘ stubborn ✘ rational
As one of the few Master Blacksmiths of Nerillis, Ivar Gailion knew he would never see the world outside the great caves. With responsibilities like keeping the Eternal fires from burning out, an honor bestowed on few, he should have lived his Immortal life passing on his gift to his apprentice. And somehow by doing just that, he finds himself leaving the caves behind, headed on a nameless journey with his closest friends— the ungifted apprentice who came to them several years ago.
compassionate ✘ dependable ✘ patient ✘ hearty ✘ tactful
Fievel Ro, wasn't in a place to question Ro's plan. If Ro thought that they best served as the Regent's hired protection, than they'd do just that. And, what was there to question when they were paid handsomely for it? Everything they ever wanted was at the tips of their fingers. So why was it that despite Ro's strict orders to stay away from the Heir, they couldn't stay away?
clever ✘ seductive ✘ self-indulgent ✘ reserved ✘ unreliable
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trashywritestrash · 10 months
Pairing: Avengers x Singer-Songwriter!Stark!Reader (platonic/family)
Word Count: 1,220
Warnings: Swearing, no specific age is given for reader, but she's between 18 and 21. Probably bad writing, heavy dialogue, song lyrics… Idk if half of those are warnings, but that’s what I’ve got.
A/N: This isn’t going to be the best thing I’ve written by a long shot. This whole thing is just like a daydream I have sometimes and I was encouraged to just write it out because maybe that would help me unclog the writers block. Honestly, I’ve just been drained lately and I don’t have the energy to be creative, so I’m cranking this thing out in the hopes that it’ll spark something. I’d call this a crack fic but I don’t know if it’s unhinged enough to qualify.
Song Reference: Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
gif by jameschildress
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As the daughter of Tony Stark, you had been in the spotlight your entire life. So when you announced that you would be releasing your debut album as a musician, the internet was hyped up immediately. You didn’t need to promote it at all, but you still released small clips on social media and dropped a single before the release of the album.
The Avengers are close to you, they’re your big found family… But when they asked to listen to the album before the official release, you still said no. Obviously, they continued to ask and even attempted to bribe you, but you were adamant that they would have to wait like everyone else.
Finally, the album dropped. To celebrate, everyone gathered in the common area while you set up a camera to record their reactions as you all listened. In the living room sat your father, Pepper, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Clint, and Wanda. The “extended” team members like Peter Parker, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Carol, and Dr. Strange were listening on their own and simply texting you their thoughts.
“Okay, guys. Get your snacks and stuff now because I’m not going to wait ten minutes in between songs for you to grab something,” Tony bosses, completely impatient.
You chuckle, “You do know that I’m controlling the music, right?”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll have Friday override the speakers if I have to.”
“Alright, are we ready yet? Yelena is already trying to text me about it and I don’t want spoilers,” Natasha complains from her spot on one of the couches, bowl of popcorn in hand.
“Yeah, yeah, settle down.” Once everyone is sat, you take your spot on a stool by the camera, “Okay, if you need me to pause or rewind, raise your hand or something. Or listen to it again later on your own. I’ll pause between songs so you can get your comments and questions out. Sound good?”
Sam waves his hand, “We got it, just play it already, we’re tired of waiting.”
“Patience, Samuel. Alright, the first song is called ‘Brutal’.” You press play on your phone, which is bluetooth connected to the speakers in the room.
The song opens with classical instrumental music, surprising the group. They’ve heard the clips released on your social media, and this doesn’t seem to fit at all.
I want it to be, like, messy.
Suddenly the music is louder and faster paced, taking on a more punk rock sound. Tony grins wide, “That’s my kid!”
I’m so insecure, I think
That I’ll die before I drink
And I’m so caught up in the news
Of who likes me, and who hates you
And I’m so tired that I might
Quit my job, start a new life
And they’d all be so disappointed
‘Cause who am I, if not exploited?
Reactions across the room are mixed. Bucky and Steve look a little thrown off, not used to this type of music. Tony looks prouder than ever. Pepper and Sam look proud, but you can tell they’re not sure what to think about the tone of it. Natasha and Clint have “I told you so” written all over their faces. Thor is enthusiastic and smiling wide. And Bruce and Wanda seem to be trying to dissect and analyze the lyrics as they listen.
And I’m so sick of seventeen
Where’s my fucking teenage dream?
“Language,” slips from Steve before he can stop himself. “Also, you’re not seventeen anymore?”
“I wrote it a while ago and I decided to leave it like that. I wanted it to be truthful to where I was in my life when I wrote it.” The group nods as the song continues.
If someone tells me one more time
“Enjoy your youth,” I’m gonna cry
And I don’t stick up for myself
I’m anxious and nothing can help
And I wish I’d done this before
And I wish people liked me more
“Awe, sweetheart,” Wanda frowns. Everyone seems conflicted. Like they’re unsure whether they should be banging their heads or offering you hugs.
All I did was try my best
This the kind of thanks I get?
Unrelentlessly upset (ah, ah, ah)
They say these are the golden years
But I wish I could disappear
Ego crush is so severe
God, it’s brutal out here
You frown at how the mood was brought down by the lyrics. Quickly, you pause. “Guys, stop that. This is supposed to be a fun song.”
“It is fun, but you’re my daughter, of course I’m going to be concerned,” Tony pouts. “Why didn’t you talk to me about this stuff?”
“Because I didn’t feel like I needed to. I get these feelings out in therapy and in my songs, so it’s not like I’m bottling it in. I have some healthy coping mechanisms.”
Bruce takes the opportunity to speak up. “Some?”
“Nobody’s perfect, Bruce. You guys don’t need to know everything.” You chuckle to diffuse the tension, but resume the music before anyone can argue.
I feel like no one wants me
And I hate the way I’m perceived
I only have two real friends
And lately, I’m a nervous wreck
‘Cause I love people I don’t like
And I hate every song I write
And I’m not cool and I’m not smart
And I can’t even parallel park
“Are we not your friends?” Thor pouts, genuinely sad.
“You guys don’t count. You’re family.” That answer seems to appease them, but they’re clearly still concerned. The chorus plays once more before the music starts to wind down.
Got a broken ego, broken heart
God, I don’t even know where to start
The song ends, so you pause before the next one automatically starts. “What did you guys think?” You wait nervously for their response. They mean a lot to you, so you want them to like your music.
“I loved it, but the lyrics are kinda sad when I think about them…” Pepper admits cautiously, not wanting you to think she didn’t like it.
You give her a nervous smile, “I’m gonna be honest. Some of the stuff on here is sad. Some of it is probably gonna upset you… I don’t tell you guys everything, and there are some things in here that you guys don’t know about. I’m sorry about that; but the last thing I want is for you guys to pity me or anything like that.” Chuckling, you attempt to lighten the mood. “I’m an angsty girl. In this album I get a little sad, a little angry, a little petty, but try not to get too heartbroken over it. Please?”
“No promises, kid. We’re your family. We’re absolutely going to get protective.” Sam grins, keeping his comment lighthearted, even though he means every word.
“Fine, I’ll take it.”
Steve raises his hand patiently, “Are all of the songs this… upbeat?” He asks, unsure of what to call the sound.
“No, some of them slow down. But some of them are more punk like this. I won’t give you a heart attack.” He laughs at your joke, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, I think we’re ready for the next one,” Clint says, causing the others to nod. “Hit us with it!”
You laugh, pulling up your music app. “Okay, okay. Here we go…”
If you enjoyed this or would like to read more of my work, please consider liking, reblogging, or tipping my Ko-fi!
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nevermore-grimes · 29 days
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐲 💄
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
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Role(s): Primpara Age: 34 Pronouns: She/her Species: Human Birthplace: Earth Sexuality: Bisexual
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More Info
TW: Brief mention of rape
When Giffany and Nevermore first met, she was a total bitch. She actually stole Nevermore’s first boyfriend, lmaooo!
And then during their second meeting, she flirted with Loki in front of her to distract her from the real trouble she was brewing. (She tried to kill Nevermore that same visit, but Aerith absolutely rocked her shit, lmaooo!)
But, after The Grandmaster broke up with her during The War Saga (dating a gay man kinda sounds like a skill issue, lowkey), Giffany left the side of evil and attempted to strand herself on Ego (the planet where the war is taking place).
Nevermore found her in this miserable state and laughed it off, but something in her genuinely felt bad for her heartbreak (and also Aerith was being too good of an influence on her big sister, I guess), so she went back to take Giffany back to the Avengers as a rescued civilian.
Fury had other plans for her, though, so she started training as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent instead (and she’s actually made a lot of progress really quickly!).
When she first joined the team, Giffany and Nevermore fell right back into their rivalry. But, one day, Nevermore overheard another S.H.I.E.L.D. agent antagonizing Giffany and saying that “with what she was wearing, she was asking for it”.
Nevermore turned around and beat the shit out of him (a quick nod to her “Justice Incarnate” days), risking her job and her status as Peter’s guardian in the process. But, when questioned as to why she attacked him, she refused to respond out of respect for Giffany’s privacy.
Realizing the gravity of Nevermore’s situation, Giffany finally came forward and admitted what had happened to her. So, Nevermore faced minimal consequences for the fight, while the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent was fired for disorderly conduct (not to mention causing physical, mental, and emotional harm to a colleague, but I digress…).
After this harrowing experience, the girls began to get along a little more often, and slowly became friends.
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lokiondisneyplus · 8 months
After the climactic release of the historically successful Avengers: Endgame – the 22nd film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the penultimate release in their “Infinity Saga”, the culmination of 11 years of brand-building, the second-highest-grossing film of all time – Marvel decided what the world really needed was more Marvel.
Armed with classic Hollywood hubris – the misguided conviction that the public would never tire of what they were selling – Marvel Studios rolled television production into their main business model, with “Phase Four” delivering more television shows than movies. The effect was a flooding of the market and a dilution of the brand, not to mention the release of the worst MCU movie, Eternals.
Forcing narrative crossovers between television shows and movies had the adverse effect of turning the former into homework and the latter into ads for the former. This practice was an act of artistic self-sabotage, ruining what could’ve been Marvel’s most sublime film, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, by burdening it with a host of tonally-off, studio-obligated B-stories crowbarred in to promote upcoming television titles.
After a run of disappointing films that weighed down once-fun franchises with po-faced gravity – Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 – and a slew of ordinary television shows – The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Moon Knight, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Secret Invasion – we’ve officially reached a state of Marvel fatigue, with questions looming around the state of the superhero industrial complex.
It’s in this cultural moment that Loki, the acclaimed solo show for the titular character, arrives for a second season. It doesn’t just have to live up to an inspired first season but also has to push back on all the bad vibes, a difficult task given the heavy presence of Jonathan Majors, the breakout star who was arrested in March on domestic violence charges.The great charm of this season is that it cultivates the feeling that it could head anywhere and be anything. Loki doesn’t just explore free will as a theme, it actually feels as if it artistically possesses it.
The good news is that, whether or not it can be spun as state-of-Marvel narrative correction, season two is a worthy successor. Blessed by the fact its titular character, Tom Hiddleston’s charismatic God of Mischief, remains a slippery figure, Loki is allowed to move forward with no clear lines drawn between good and bad, protagonist and antagonist, hero and villain. Characters hold convictions until they don’t, make choices that will have ramifications, agitate for themselves, then for the greater good, and try to navigate a world whose rules shift beneath their feet.
It’s largely set, once again, in the Time Variance Authority, a comic bureaucratic labyrinth charged with policing multiversal time lines. Offering obvious symbolism at a time when Marvel is struggling to retain coherence in the midst of its “Multiverse Saga”, the TVA prizes the one true “Sacred Timeline”, pruning infinite possibilities back for the sake of cosmic narrative purity.
The TVA is an inspired retrofuturist space steeped in Eastern Bloc mid-century design and early Terry Gilliam films, satirising the pernickety dictums of workplaces and government offices – “limit your lunch break to 17 minutes!” proclaims one poster. From its dated tech – ’70s-style computer monitors, reel-to-reel tape machines, chrome hi-fis – to its curved surfaces, coloured floor tiles and lurid-emerald key lime pie, it’s a rare work of inspired production design by a studio otherwise synonymous with green-screening its way to rush-job eyesores built by an army of non-unionised offshore digital effects artists.
Everything in the TVA looks shabby and neglected, evoking its place as an office lost to time. The plot machinations of season one found an Avengers-adjacent Loki commandeered by the authority – Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson), upper-management Ravonna Renslayer (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) and others – to pursue a variant of himself, Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino), through time and space.
It ended with an explosion of multiversal time lines and revelations about the true history of the TVA: its top-down system of authority a matrix of illusion, its mind-wiped employees existing in a state of suspended limbo, its time line-culling operation seeming a lot like a morally questionable act of mass slaughter.
In the fallout from that climax, season two finds characters questioning whether the TVA is an entity worth preserving or destroying, not to mention the meaning of their own existence and the ramifications of choice. It’s a study of free will and moral responsibility, housed in 45-minute episodes of action-oriented television. Its chief writer, Eric Martin, both lionises liberty and weighs up its gravity, while happily dealing in the all-American fear of governmental oversight.
The collapse of the TVA’s artificial reality – “everything you’ve been doing is wrong and all your gods are dead”, Mobius deadpans in classic Wilson fashion – leads characters to their own convictions. Mobius seeks peaceful resolution. Renslayer seeks to preserve her power and the authority’s agency (“all that matters is order versus chaos”). The once-bellicose B-15 (Wunmi Mosaku) has a moral reawakening. The dogged Dox (Kate Dickie) is more committed than ever to the cause. The weaselly X-5 (Rafael Casal) wants to explore his new-found independence and maybe become a movie star. The oddball tech guy with the on-the-nose name, Ouroboros (Ke Huy Quan), is there to both provide comic relief and to save the day from a temporal calamity that may destroy all worlds, or something to that effect.
Loki’s playful riffing on time means every benign use of the word pops – “it’ll take some time”, “remember that time”, “take your time”, “time to go” – and its first four episodes dance along the Earth’s time line at various points of history – 1868, 1893, 1977, 1982 – with plentiful hijinks, dabbling in genre tropes, meta use of Loki’s skills of illusion and misdirection, and creepy fast-food-franchise sponsored content.
Looming over all is the presence of the big bad of Marvel’s Phase Five, Kang the Conqueror, played still, to this point, by Majors. He’s seen here in two variants: a squirrelly 19th-century nutty professor named Victor Timely and the all-powerful end-of-time figure met at the end of last season, He Who Remains. These twin characters are connected but separate enough that they symbolise the series’ focus on free will. One may be fated to become the other, but does that mean that he – and the future – can’t change?
The great charm of this season is that it cultivates the feeling that it could head anywhere and be anything. Loki doesn’t just explore free will as a theme, it actually feels as if it artistically possesses it. While it may not be enough to combat the waning influence of comic-book screen output, this season does feel like a disarming counterpoint to recent Marvel Studios product. Rather than feeling conscripted or forced, a puzzle piece that exists solely to build a bridge between branded content, Loki remains its own thing: a nimble exploration of big themes in a colourful, comic, oddball package.
This article was first published in the print edition of The Saturday Paper on October 21, 2023 as "Changing times".
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aita-blorbos · 4 days
AITA for breaking a promise by revealing a government secret?
Some background: In the city where this took place, adventuring guilds are under contract with the local government to explore a certain submerged dungeon. Part of the contract includes having to report all findings to the government.
I [22F] am the co-leader of an adventuring team. (For legal reasons, what I do on the high seas is my own damn business.) I started this team a while back, partnering with a foreign noble, SB [22M] as part of an agreement to help him explore this dungeon, in exchange for my crew and myself being legally allowed to stay in town by signing on to his guild as adventurers. The other members of our main exploring team are MZ [25M], AZ [28F] and YH [Robot NB].
Our team was able to make it deep into the dungeon. Along the way, we kept running into this lady, O [???F?] who gave us quite a few useful survival tips. However, from the moment our team first met her, I felt uneasy around her. Actually, that's an understatement - I knew, instinctively, I hated her, and I wanted nothing better than to see her suffer. Those feelings were later vindicated when she directed us into a trap to be eaten by fishes.
In fact, this was not my first rodeo - five years ago, I had joined another adventuring team, we had met O and were led into the exact same trap. All my teammates were slaughtered before my eyes, and I myself only barely survived. O attempted to finish the job, which also failed, but I developed amnesia from that attack. I had forgotten all about my previous life - my family, my friends, even my girlfriend who was killed in the trap - for the last few years, the memories only returning with this renewed attempt at our lives. (Also, SB and I were childhood friends, and his motivation for exploring the dungeon had been to solve the mystery behind my "death" and avenge me. Unfortunately, the last few years had sent him...spiraling.)
Anyway, all of us somehow survived, much to O's surprise, and she fled. With the backing of the government, we pursued her - to a city that everyone had thought lost, sunk below the waves in a major disaster 100 years ago. Apparently the people there were able to survive, and the city itself is maintained through incredible technology. Also, pretty sure all the inhabitants are robots. YH is actually a local, in fact, though they've been on the run for reasons.
Apparently, O had been killing people to make sure they didn't find this city. When she realised we were there, she frantically told us not to tell the government that the city was real. According to YH, it is the intent of the king there that the city must be kept a secret from the one above. Still recovering from a huge battle we'd just had against the city's guardian, we were pretty distracted and just agreed without really thinking too much. We just wanted to get things over with.
Fast forward to when we returned to the surface and met with the government official, F (100+F) we've been reporting to throughout. Apparently she's been wanting to find this city for almost her whole life. She was extremely desperate for information, especially with the knowledge that we had gone deep into the dungeon on the seabed. All of us had already had a horrible opinion of O, so we just told F about the city without hesitation.
AITA? We did break our promise to O almost immediately, and revealing government secrets is probably not a great move, but...it's O. A murderer who hasn't given us any reason to trust her motives again. Also, now the local government has decided to propose a truce with the undersea city. Things are looking pretty good so far. But what do I know?
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 2 years
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It's been a while since I've had a nice long fic rec list cross my dash so, as my good friend said to me earlier today, I'm going to be the change I want to see.
Anyway, here are some of the in-progress Irondad fics and series been enjoying recently! (in no particular order)
❤ A Secret Or Two by Winterturtle @winter-turtle
Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings || Rated T
A single gunshot was all it took to turn the Parker family's lives upside-down. It's been rough couple of months, but Peter and May were slowly starting to pick up the pieces of their lives. For a moment, it was starting to feel normal again.
That is, until a mysterious man barged into their apartment, leading to a secret or two being revealed about both of them.
Or a (former) Shield agent May Parker fic because I couldn't find this trope anywhere.
❤ 5 times Peter Parker falls asleep in an uncomfortable position by lemonlillybee @lemonlillybee
Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings || Rated T
And 1 time he falls asleep like a normal person
❤ 5 Times Tony Tried to Be a Good Dad by InfinitesimalDna
Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings || Rated M
+1 time he knew he was.
Or, Tony trying to navigate new waters he never thought he would have to with the kid. He hopes he can handle at least one of 'em right.
❤ Social Butterfly Spidey by Jenniboo311 @jenniboo311
No Archive Warnings Apply || Rated T
A series filled with Spider-Man's adventures in social media.
❤ A New Point of View by waitingondaisies @waitingondaisies
No Archive Warnings Apply || Rated T
Peter doesn't hesitate before ditching school to go help fight the weird, purple, goo energy type stuff that's coming out of a portal over Manhattan. Perhaps he should have, though, because when he and Tony breathe the stuff in, they end up swapping bodies. With Dr. Strange not answering his phone, Peter and Tony are stuck living each others' lives for the time being. Really, though, what could go wrong?
❤ one single thread of gold by tonystarktrash
No Archive Warnings Apply || Rated M
Tony's answer to the final question of whether he would ever allow contact to be made prior to his offspring’s 18th birthday had been instinctive. Tony had checked ‘no’ and had clicked the end of the pen, satisfied by a job well done. A quiet voice at the back of his mind, the voice of his mother, had caused him to scribble over ‘no’ until the bottom of the page was almost entirely consumed by ink. Then, his handwriting cramped but legible, Tony had written yes — in case of medical emergencies or death of legal guardian(s).
a drunken dare made six years ago leads to a phone call that changes tony stark's life.
❤ Catch Your Own Happiness by truelovetakesawhile
Archive Warnings Apply! || Rated M
When Tony finds a strange, spidery experiment locked underground in a Hydra facility, he takes it upon himself to try rehabilitating a teenager who knows nothing about the outside world.
❤ The ghost at the back of your closet by niniblack @niniblack
Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings || Rated M
The DODC makes good on their threat to charge May with child endangerment, sending Peter into foster care. But in a universe where Tony Stark is still alive, his actions have repercussions as well, and May Parker isn’t the only one fighting to get custody of her child back.
Meanwhile, Peter’s left completely alone and unable to contact any of his loved ones, trying to navigate a system he thought he’d left behind after his aunt and uncle picked him up a few weeks after his parents’ deaths. And he’s absolutely not going to let anything like what happened to him happen to Morgan, no matter what he has to do to make sure she’s safe.
❤ Tales from the Tower MedBay by Call_Me_Coley @call-me-coley
No Archive Warnings Apply || Rated G
Also known as “MedBay Adventures” with a specific focus on Irondad and Spiderson, and of course some Avengers and Ironfam will be stopping by!
A series of unrelated drabbles and oneshots that revolve around the Tower’s MedBay cuz if we’re being honest, you know those walls have got some stories to tell.
Please be sure to leave these amazing authors' comments and kudos!
Also! Stay tuned for a 'completed multi-chapter' and 'one-shot' rec list in the future!
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - May 7th
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 HELLO MY LOVELY FRIENDS I MISSED YOU!!! Last week was a mess BUT I closed on my house Monday (OMG) and now we’re in the home stretch before we move (!!!!!). Quick note: 
I’m going to be moving May 21, so the rec list might be kinda off that weekend, but I’ll pre-plan something! Enjoy and be sure to drop a kudos/comment for your author! 
Mark Zero by enkiduu
Tony wears his lack of soulmark with pride.
lover, we always fall by enkiduu
Dying in a world with reincarnation is easy. Living in one is hard, because history inevitably follows you, and you can't always decide what your legacy is.
You try to change history, but your Icarus only ever chooses the same thing he's always chosen.
(In which Tony is Icarus and Steve is the ocean.)
ignorance is (not) bliss by earliebirb
One of Tony’s hands shoots up to grab his wrist, gripping it tightly. Slowly, Tony opens his eyes.
Steve’s blood freezes in his veins. His heart sinks with dread. 
“Tony?” Steve hopes that this is just some weird bout of sleepwalking, but Tony doesn’t sleepwalk, and from the thoughtful way Tony regards him, Steve knows that Tony is somehow very much awake, which means—
Tony swallows, his eyes wide and alert in a way Steve didn’t think they were capable of being twenty minutes ago. 
“Steve,” he says, the single word carrying too much weight.
the stark-tangled man with a crappy plan by Serinah for AvengersNewB
*At first, it seemed to be an easy job: find the O, secure the O, and hand him over to his guardian and the fiance. Simple. Unfortunately, the omega wasn't onboard. At all.*
Steve has to return a runaway omega to his guardian Mr. Stane.
Where Lies A Home by XtaticPearl
They're in the middle of the most complicated and risky fight of their lives, placing their bets on a distant memory right now, and basically in deep trouble if the plan doesn't work out. Steve knows he should be stressed and somewhere in the corner of his mind, he is a little. Mostly though, he's having fun and strangely, so is Tony.
Yes, Just Like This by gottalovev
Tony wakes up in a hospital on another planet missing his memories of the last eleven years. It's now 2023, and he learns the Avengers saved half the universe. Unfortunately, not everything he forgot is good news.
(An Endgame Alternate Universe AND Civil-War fix-it and get together story, weaved through a space road trip with Steve, Carol and Nebula. Complete but cut in 5 chapters for ease of reading.)
messages from the stars by Thahire
Steve's not expecting to find anything remotely of interest when he steps into Macy’s, of all places, in a last-ditch effort to find a present for Tony.
Somehow, he ends up leaving with an engagement ring.
Still Got It by KandiSheek 
Ever since Tony's close call in their battle against Thanos Steve treats him like he's going to break at the slightest pressure. He won't so much as look at the bionic arm either. So Tony takes matters into his own hands to prove that he can still handle himself just fine.
Soul Searching (The Hop, Skip, Jump Remix) by navaan
Tony lives a peaceful life in Irondale and then Steve Rogers drifts into town. It's the beginning of a romance — and not all is what it seems.
Code Icarus by FestiveFerret
Steve Rogers hates falling, but he hates being caught even more.
Truths, Lies and the Tipping Point by BlackEyedGirl
The news report seems more interested in the argument between the team during the fight than the way they eventually won. And then it gets worse.
Me in You by Captain_Panda
What if J.A.R.V.I.S. was Tony?
That is, what if a lonely genius Velveteen Rabbited his computer program into a real being instead of just his own thoughts talking back at him?
A deep dive into a broken psyche, contemplating Tony's loneliness, J.A.R.V.I.S.'s protectiveness, and the mother of all broken genius families. Mostly because Howard Stark never hugged his son.
Depthless by Captain_Panda
"Depthless: (1) unfathomably deep; (2) shallow and superficial."
Weeks after defrosting Captain America, S.H.I.E.L.D. finds Steve Rogers lying at the bottom of a pool. Assumptions are made. They have no idea what they are dealing with.
Meanwhile, Tony Stark, the man-in-the-spotlight, has demons lurking off-radar that are literally filling his lungs with water.
Ignoring either problem was never an option. This is the story of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark's collision course.
For What It's Worth by Captain_Panda
S.H.I.E.L.D. thaws out Captain America, expecting a combat-ready soldier to greet them.
They get Steve Rogers instead, a broken artist who turns to the violin for salvation.
hold your fire by JenTheSweetie
He watched Tony eat an entire steak and listened to him talk about the work he was doing on the Milano while he downed glass after glass of expensive scotch. Just as Steve was about to suggest they head back to the jet, Tony finished his last glass, put it down firmly, and said, "I want to blow you."
Steve stared at him.
"Let's get a hotel room," Tony said, like that was that, and somehow - and Steve never could explain how, not then and not now and not later - it was.
Say It Now by ishipallthings 
“I’m glad you’re here, Tony,” Steve tells him. It’s not everything he wants to say, but it’s enough.
Steve thinks it might be one of the most important things he’s ever said.
(Steve and Tony have a conversation the night before the time heist. Maybe second chances aren’t impossible after all.)
a hop, skip, and a jump by IronSwordStarShield (SweetFanfics)
“Before I go, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions.”
“About?” they ask they return the stone to its place.
“Timelines. Alternate realities.”
Steve returns the stones to their rightful places in time, gets his dance with Peggy, and then embarks on a whole new search.
Give Me Just A Little More Time by Robin_tCJ 
Spoilers for Avengers: Endgame. A full summary will live in the author’s notes, so you have to click to read it, but the premise is that this is technically canon divergent in the sense that I’m treating it as… a few deleted scenes in the middle, there. It’ll only make sense if you’ve seen the movie, and if you haven’t seen the movie it will definitely spoil you for it. Written in kind of a sketchy, lots-of-really-short-scenes style.
falling like the stars by complicationstoo
When Tony starts at MIT, he's excited to finally be in the same city as his older brother, Bucky, again. Then he meets Bucky's roommate and best friend Steve Rogers and falls faster than he would have ever thought possible.
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jackiequick · 10 months
The Avengers Initiative | Early 2010s [Marvel Phase 1 Fanfic]
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Summary: Putting a team together isn’t always easy, but it’s always good to have a few helping hands. But the real question is, will this actually come?
Pairing: Jason UnderWood & Darcy Lewis, Rick Banner x Luna Marsh
Established relationship uncle and nephew: Tony Stark and Jason Underwood
Characters mentioned: Phil Coulson, Pepper Potts, Melissa Wallace, Rei Stark, Rochelle Romanoff and etc.
It was a pair of months back to backs. Fury saw something shift in the air, he felt like time was running and the future needed heroes. Young and old. Ones to learn from one another and grow together as a team.
Nick felt a threat was coming soon.
But he also knew his so called heroes wouldn’t come falling out of the sky or so he thought?
He opened a cabinet and pulled out a stack of signed paperwork. One file said it all.
The Avengers Initiative.
The man held a small smirk behind his eyes. Danvers was already in space, and he knew she had a daughter. Michelle Danvers. She will be coming soon for sure. So that was off the hook, but he needed more players.
Rogers. Stark. Banner. Romanoff. Thor. Barton. His so called main players.
But it didn’t stop there. He needed the younger links there as well.
Any extra players he can get.
He had Agent Coulson and Agent May gather another list of people that SHIELD kept tags on. Theses teens and young adults came from different backgrounds and plenty of fields. But he knew they would be fit to rise up when needed.
Coulson had scouted the fields across the country, finding a pair of unlikely characters. A couple. Instead of distributing them, he slides the file underneath their door and walked out. He waited outside the apartment across the street at a cafe, with agents secretly surrounding the area for the pair to arrive home.
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Rick Davidson. Last name Banner. He opened the door with his shy girlfriend Luna Marsh. They just did their small job downtown, finished getting groceries for the weekend and entered their home.
Luna was playing with her hair, removing her jacket but kept her sweater on due to the weather being a little chilly. She was chatting with her boyfriend. Suddenly her eyes narrowed downwards to the floor, seeing a file and raised an eyebrow.
She gently flipped it open very slowly and being rather confused.
“Uh, Rick?” She asked looking up at him, placing the file on the table.
“Yeah, lovey?” He replied, looking over his shoulder almost done, putting the stuff away.
“What’s this? I feel like I heard of it..”
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Luna looked over the logo, feeling like she heard of it. Remembering her mother, who was Jersey getting her life together for them, telling her that SHIELD was a strong place. A protective order of people, if you were found, it meant luck.
Rick turned around to face Luna in confusion, before looking at the familiar sight of the file. SHIELD headquarters paperwork was in his hands. His father Bruce Banner, who was working across the world, told him about it.
He looked up at his girlfriend, telling her everything he knew about it. She nodded listening to him.
There was a chance for something new..
Fury already sent Romanoff to keep an eye on the older Banner, meanwhile she was also keeping focus on her own daughter. Rochelle Romanoff, who was adopted by The Feltons. Along with her cousin, Liane Felton. She always knew something would go down soon.
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A fallout for The Felton family.
Liane Felton didn’t have a true care in world, however she knew she was different. A mutant. She knew about an organization built for people like her. The women deep down a broken soul who needed a true perspective in life. A purpose.
Same things goes for Rochelle Romanoff, she was the black sheep of the family and she knew, but a part of secretly felt that there was a guardian angel looking after her. Secretly it was her own biological mother.
Knowing one day she will break out and make a stand.
And that day just so happens to be the day her family was destroyed. Sitting in the rumble of the house with shock and tears threatening to show, she found a folder with information beside her.
She opened it gasping, seeing locked information of who she truly was. And she was right, she did a guardian angel. There was hope.
She just needed to wait now…
Up in Stark Tower, days past. It felt like weeks since the party. But luckily they were home.
The view of Stark Tower was shining. The flooring was designed perfectly. But most of all, it was quiet.
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Tony was building shipments for he can start creating new toys with his kid. Pepper was shopping downtown in the glitzy stores a few blocks away.
Jason sat in the living room with his grandnephew, Rei, watching a movie and eating popcorn. However the boy was more paying attention to the toolset in his hands. He was always in his little world.
The young teen was smart for his age, hell he had a freaking suit he started wearing to fly around in practice for gods sake!
Like father, like son. History repeats itself very well in that department. It made him proud honestly, but it also scared the shit out of him, Pepper and Winter. Two Starks flying around. Wow.
Rei snapped him out of his thoughts without looking up from the spot on the couch.
“Pops! Hello?! Your laptop is making noise again. Answer it!” Yelled Rei, rolling his eyes and glances at the movie.
“Huh? Yeah, thanks kiddo!” He replies, rushing over to his laptop that sat across from the couch.
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The second Jason opened up his emails as he he raised an eyebrow. SHIELD. Don’t they know he’s trying to stay retired?! Hell, he was supposed to meet Darcy this weekend.
He stop to read the folder. It said The Avengers Initiative. He heard Tony mention it. Hell, Rei mentioned it plenty of times!
This time Nick Fury wants to push it further into their minds. He didn’t mind it too much, thinking it was actually a good thing. A band of heroes young and old to keep the future alive.
But what made him almost choke on his drink was the list.
It read from Stark to to Felton to Bishop and beyond!
His eyes did a double take reading the line. Steve Rogers—Captain FREAKING America—on the list?! Mother-trucker was alive?!
Hell there were rumors that even his best friend, Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes is alive?!
Oh god, Coulson is going to have a field day about this…
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“What is it?” Rei asked, looking over his shoulder, “No that a care too much but still.”
“Nothing. Just work.” Jason repiled, keeping himself relaxed about.
“I told you not to say that word.”
“But you use it and so does my mom, so I can use it. What’s the plan?”
He knew the could would figure it out eventually, so he flipped the laptop over to him. Rei’s eyes doubled in size and blinked at the words in front of him, you couldn’t tell if he was in shock or kinda excited. He’s wanted by SHIELD.
“So. Does Dad know that he’s being officially recruited?” Said the teen.
“Nope, but he will find out soon I bet.” He replied with a sigh.
“Finally something i know before he does. Oh I’m gonna love seeing this surprise him..”
“Oh brother..”
The Lehnsherr siblings had it clear in their face. Meira was already off in her own world, working for SHIELD with her friends Melissa, Mia and Ji-Hoon. But Ethan and Cole were a whole different story.
Each found out there own way. Cole after a accident happened in front of his face thinking he screwed up huge.
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Meanwhile, Ethan was at a cafe on the upper east coast when he landed in his face.
As if both brother could’ve been more right in that moment. Since the first words that came out of their mouths afterwards were..
They were in for a wildcard of a ride.
But little did this knew this ride would lead to them working side by side, along with a group of future friends…
When the trio found out, it was an unusual idea. Leo was out of his wheelchair taking class to help with his back with Thiego teaching him. Stella was frustrated watching her brothers, which was new to her, handle the whole situation smoother than she was.
It was crazy founding out that there was 3 of them?! But it was a honest joyful sigh of tears and soft smiles. It a magic number!
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Leo was handing the rest and classes a bit better than she was. But can blame her? She felt bad about herself, a little jealous of them.
However Thiego encouraged his big brother and baby sister, even going as far to teach them magic to heal, with Wong’s help.
So it they felt the love all around.
One day after the classes and conversation, a stack of paperwork came in. All 3 siblings looked at one another confused, having a small short discussion about it after finding out what it was.
They were in sight of something bigger than they expected…
It list was long. So many of them found out different ways.
The young group consisted of Rei, Rick, Rochelle, Luna, Cole, Liane and Ethan.
The older group consisted of Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner and Clint Barton. The Strange Siblings included.
Once everything was settled into place. They all came one by one. Most importantly the younger generation of future avengers arrived.
It was a long winded conversation full of shouts, confusion, glances and some laughter. A lot of them knew of or met each other on various occasions.
The organization took the decision to make it a different path. Having rented out a small hotel for all of them with separate rooms, places to shop, food to eat and most importantly to get to know one another.
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The Young Avengers stood outside their rooms looking at the agents that were placed in front of them. All wearing causal outfits, but their IDs in their pockets.
Meira Lehnsherr, Amelia Parker, Melissa Wallace and Cho Ji-Hoon. There were other agents downstairs as well, but they seemed like they were the main four.
Mia cleared her throat awkwardly, “Hello everyone! Uh, um I’m Amelia and we’ll like to welcome you to um..ah shit i thought i had this rehearsed...”
Some of the Young Avengers chuckled and snorted at her fumbling over her words.
Meira chuckled, “What she meant to say, is that welcome to The Sandbox, people! Here you will have everything you need from beds to TV to food.”
“Exactly! We want all of you to be comfortable and get to know one another. I bet it will be rather fun.” Melissa added, going on to explain everything in full.
Ji-Hoon spoke up, “What she said! We will help you with everything you need here and so much more.”
Cole, Rick and Luna shared a small smile. Ethan leaned against the wall with his arms across and raising his hand, “Um, where would you guys be staying? And where the hell are the adults?”
Liane smiled and lightly scoffed, “We are all sorta adults here!”
Rick added, “You know what he meant. But where will you guys be staying?”
Melissa gladly answered, “Some of us are cross the hall from you guys and downstairs are the other half. As for the adults, they’re nearby so don’t worry.”
Ethan nodded and Rick shrugged, both finding it alright. Rei just shrugged as well. Rochelle smiled, walking over to Luna to start off a little conversation. The others either went to their rooms or started talking with one another.
It was hilarious really. Teens and young adults all stuck in a motel together, you can only imagine what happened that night!
Some found themselves sneaking into one another’s rooms to hang out and sleep. Meanwhile others bumped into each other in the hallway, getting lunch or dinner, some climbed to the roof to see the stars and it felt oddly enjoyable.
What happened next? You may wonder, that’s up for them to figure out.
Thanks for reading! What did y’all think?
Please reblog, like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @meiramel @msrochelleromanofffelton @parisparker269 @mandylove1000 @gcthvile @blackheart-beauty @hanlueluver @sherloquestea @rooster-84 @blueboirick and etc
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tinkertoysdamn · 1 year
Guardians of the Galaxy Fic Master List
The Legendary Star-Lord Will Return Series
I Read It In the Papers
The first in the The Legendary Star-Lord Will Return series. A character study of Peter Quill's Grandfather and of Peter once he returns to Earth.
Track #4: In the Meantime
The second story in the series aka the one where Mantis accidentally starts a cult.
The King of Wishful Thinking
The third in the series. Peter Quill goes on a heist adventure with Gamora and Thor, romance and hilarity ensue.
It's a Dirty Job (But Someone's Gotta Do It)
The fourth in the series. Peter Quill is the new liaison between the Avengers and S.W.O.R.D. He gets roasted for it.
It's Not Time to Make a Change
The fifth in the series. The elder Quills visit Knowhere.
Systematic Drug (Collectively, Unconsciously Composed)
The sixth in the series. Peter Quill must testify before Ashirem the Judge over the worth of humanity. A crossover with The Eternals.
The Weight of Living
The Seventh in the series. Peter has to deal with the fallout from Arishem's Judgement. Good thing he's not alone.
You Stick Around, I'll Make It Worth Your While
The Eighth in the series. Nick Fury recruits Peter to clean up the aftermath of Dar-Benn's rampage with the help of some new and old friends.
Other GotG Stories
Saturday Night's Alright For Fightin'
The Contest of Champions AU based on The Grandmaster's plan in KOWT. Starring a disapproving Beta Ray Bill. OT3 fic.
Nice Day for a White Wedding
The one rated M fic based on the Disney XD continuity. Loki kidnaps Peter with a "proposal" and Peter tries to squirm out of it with legalese. Badly. He is so terrible at this.
The Tragedy of Uncle Taserface
A character study of a minor villain. (could be read as part of TLSLWR series)
She's a Little Bit Dangerous
A Five Times fic. Five Times Gamora was intrigued by Peter Quill and one time it happened in We Built This City 'verse
Oh Brother, Brother I Can't Get Through
A Mantis and Peter sibling short fic
You Know They're Bragging About Your Sugar
Starmora, set after What If...? S2E4
When The Rain Washes You Clean You'll Know
A Five Times fic...for Ego the Living Planet. A villain POV fic.
Listen to the Wind Blow, Down Comes the Night
Mourning comes in many forms. A Rocket and Peter friendship fic.
But a Beast Is In the Heart
Starmora. Sometimes, Gamora feels like a monster.
We Built This City 'verse:
We Built This City
A Rule 63 'verse story. 2014!Gamori needs to work with the GotG to rescue the daughter he didn't know he had, which means working with the woman his other self left behind.
And I'm Feeling Good
The second We Built This City story. Brandy Quill is doing a honeypot operation and Gamori's stopped talking to her. They are both dumb about this feelings thing.
The third We Built This City story. An alternate Thanos misses his family after his victory in Infinity War. Unfortunately for Brandy Quill, he has his eyes set on hers.
Escape (oh god, not this song)
Thorquill, crossover with the Loki TV series, fits into no continuity. XD Pairs with We Built This City
Loki needs a variant Thor to help him on a mission and immediately regrets the one he finds.
Stereo Hearts
Thorquill, crossover with the Loki TV series. Sequel to Escape and We Built This City.
Ramble On
Thorquill, the course of true love never did run smooth, not even for the Goddess of Thunder.
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The Favor - Thorquill short
Silly and short about stealing a kiss or "favor."
Untitled Starmora Short
Inspired by the prompt "too many beds." Short and sad.
Edit: Updated as of 5/28
Smut will not be directly linked to from this blog but....it does exist
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linkspooky · 2 years
Talk about Tousen, Hisagi, and Komamura
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Tosen, HIsagi and Komamura all three of them go through what you could call a “Seek revenge and you should dig two graves”. The two captains who betray, Gin and Tosen both betray soul society for the sake of avenging a loved ones. While they defect they leave two more loved ones behind, Gin abandoning Kira and Rangiku, Tosen leaving Hisagi and Komamura. People who struggle with this betrayal because they still want to see the best in both of them. In both cases, the revenge fails, because Bleach is a story pretty clear with it’s themes revenge = bad. Let’s look more under the cut. 
1. Dig Two Graves
Tose is introduced to us as one of the most just and reasonable Soul Reapers. He finds Kenpachi’s battle craziness distasteful, he is a good mentor to his lieutenant and a good friend to Komamura and has their complete and unshakable faith. He is the total contrast of Gin Ichimaru who everyone know was shady right from the start of his character intro, Tosen’s betrayal seems to be the complete opposite of his character (you could say we were blindsided by it). 
Tosen’s character revolves around the idea of what falls under justice, and what falls under revenge. One important thing about Bleach is that rather than straightforward good and evil, the manga focuses on balance. For example hollows, the goal of soul reapers is not to exterminate every hollow in the world but rather to cleanse them and return them to the cycle of souls. In fact Quincies seeking to kill hollows causes a problem, because it disrupts that same balance. 
The job of soul reapers then is the keepers of the balance. Therefore, they uphold law, when there are people who need to be punished they mete out punishment, it is their supposed job as a guardian force to make sure things are fair and enforce those rules. 
Of course Soul Society is not a society of equality, there are nobles who live in riches, while a lot of souls live in extreme poverty, with little chance to rise in the ranks. This is important to establish, because Tosen’s disillusionment comes from the fact that a supposedly fair society is not, and the people who are supposed to uphold that fairness are not doing their jobs properly. 
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Tosen’s friend is killed in cold blood by a noble, who then escapes justice. He supposedly became a soul reaper, toe ensure his friend’s dream of justice would not die with her. Of course, this was never his real intention. Tosen  became a soul reaper to seek revenge and not justice, however it’s not just revenge against the murderer he seeks, but rather the entire institution of soul reapers. 
I am going to be using Can’t Fear Your Own World, because it provides an excellent follow up to Tosen’s character. 
Someone who doesn’t fear the blade has no right to fight. 
Tosen always said that. The blade wasn’t just a zanpaku-to. Tosen likened justice itself he brandished to a blade. What Tokinada said was likely the truth. There was no reason for him to lie now, and it was consistent with what Aizen had said. Then, most of all, it was more than enough of an answer as to why Tosen had determined Soul Society to be evil. 
Kaname Tosen had despised Soul Reapers and the Soul Society because the existence of the former and the history of the latter were themselves a betrayal of the wishes of Tosen’s own friend. 
It wasn’t Tokinada individually. 
The Soul Society’s Justice, which covered the world in clouds that could never be cleared, yet continued to give the false hope that clouds could be dispersed, might have been Kaname Tosen’s True enemy. 
A society which promises justice where there is none, where soul reapers do not live up to their responsibilities of the keepers of the peace. Tosen’s not wrong for being disillusioned by this society, or even for wanting the laws to be enforced equally. What is Tosen’s biggest flaw is when he betrays the greatest thing he taught Hisagi. 
Someone who doesn’t fear their blade has no right to fight. This is the reason revenge = bad essentially, people are not completely objective beings. Yet a person deciding to take personal revenge does so because they believe they are justified in their violence. They are deciding for themselves, who deserves it and who doesn’t. That is what Tosen’s desire to extrajudicial killing is, it’s violence wielded without fear. I am not saying that violence wielded in attempts to reform society are wrong, Soul Society is clearly in need of reform, but there’s a difference between an uprising and an individual deciding to play judge, jjury and executioner because they cannot let go of their own hatred. 
And, it’s that decision to wield his blade in hatred that becomes Tosen’s undoing. If you want to look at why Komamura and HIsagi won against him, I would point to the simple fact that both of them were not wielding their blades out of anger. 
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They are not even necessarily trying to put Tosen down, but fighting out of a desire to connect to him, and understand him in a way after having a false understanding all this time. Revenge is inherently destructive, because it attempts to heal a hurt with violence, whereas Komamura and Shuhei didn’t seek revenge against Tosen for his betrayal, their sole desire was to heal their friend.
Which is why it’s tragic when Tosen dies, despite the fact that it is some idea of justice being served, Tosen dying as punishment for all the people he has killed so far in betraying soul society, it’s empty. No one is healed, no one is saved. 
Komamura ends up repeating this same mistake as well, perhaps after losing his friend and guidepost in Tosen. Komamura despite having the face of an animal is a deeply human character, whose soul desire was to be a friend to the person who accepted him and humanized him. He then witnessed that friend shed away his own humanity and die horrifically. So perhaps, it’s karmic that when he gives up his animal form and becomes human, he completely throws away his own humanity. 
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Revenge is the betrayal of what the Soul Reapers represent, because they are supposed to be impartial, they’re supposed to uphold the law and be balancers, not wield the law in their own hands out of hatred. But, even when Komamura is lost he is still given solace in the last moment by the power of bonds when his lieutrenant carries him the rest of the way on his back. 
Shuhei is perhaps the only one of the trio who manages to overcome the cycle of revenge, because of the three of them he is still able to hold onto the idea of what soul reapers are supposed to be rather than getting disillusioned by it. He sees a harsher reality than the soul reapers he believed in when he was younger, he sees those two close friends fall, but unlike the three of them he is able to keep walking the path. This is Shuhei’s outstanding quality, 
However, he would not have been able to do that without his connection to Tosen in the first place. The loss of his friend permanently ruins Tosen. The loss of Tosen and Genryusai permanently ruins Komamura. Shuhei is the only one able to take lessons from the loss of his important master and still remember the good things he left behind. 
The only thing supporting him was his pride as a Soul Reaper. 
He only had his feet, which walked the path of justice that Kaname Tosen had shown him.  Specifically because of that...  Because he had continued to walk that path with honest integrity .. he was capable of withstanding death, pain and intermittent nihility that assaulted him.
As Hisagi continued to stand in front of the collapsed Hikone through sheer willpower, he spoke to the child with simple self-admonition in his voice. “This world isn’t kind. Just being alive is terrifying.” 
Recalling his past self, then the face of the man who had taught him how to live in this world, he continued in his own words. 
“That’s exactly why you’ve got to be kind to everybody around you. And I will try to do that as well.” 
Shuhei never stops fearing his own blade, and remembering that violence is scary, it’s harmful. Which is why unlike his mentors he is able to introduce more kindness into the world instead of violence. 
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katatonicimpression · 6 months
A Walk Through My Year in Media
This isn't necessarily things that came out this year, but rather things that I watched/read this year that I liked or compulsively consumed regardless of whether or not I liked them.
2023 in Films
Most of this post is going to be positivity; a sampling platter of things I've enjoyed this year. But also:
Salty Film Hot Takes:
The French Connection is uncomfortable to watch. I don't care about the racist, antisemitic, misogynist cop. He's objectively bad at his job make him go away.
None of the Next Generation era trek movies are good.
Guardians 4 would have been a better movie if Pratt wasn't in it. And I mean that in a "the script would be better structured" way.
Se7en is a really fun film and I'm not mad to have rewatched it recently but... it's undermined by 1) the writers not realising that John Doe's opinions are bog standard right wing talk radio shit, 2) the fact that they kind of agree with him and 3) they clearly, hilariously, don't know what lawyers do.
The Mummy (2017) is awful. I guess that's not controversial but still.
Robin Hood (2018) is also awful. Like, amazingly so. And, slightly warmer take, so is Prince of Thieves you guys.
I will not be answering questions on any of the above.
Positive Film Hot takes:
I went on a bit of an 80s dark fantasy kick this year. Out of films that I hadn't seen before, The Dark Crystal and The Last Unicorn really stood out. Especially the Dark Crystal. I ended up rewatching the show as well. Just so good. Bring it back. Justice for the gelflings.
I also watched a lot of Terry Gilliam this year - not all of his back catalogue but most of it. Obviously Jabberwocky is almost entirely bad, no one needs to be told, but overall yeah you get why he's beloved. The common vibe from his films is "wow there's so much to love here but it doesn't quite work". Brazil is an obvious standout - it's a classic for a reason. But I want to highlight The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Behind the scenes disaster and orientalist opening sequence aside, it really is spectatular. The sets, the details. It's so well crafted and just makes you wish they made films like this all the time. Damn you, Terry.
The 1938 Robin Hood film is the best Robin Hood film. Yes, congratulations, you noticed another theme in the shit I've watched this year. But yes, it's great, it's fun and well paced. It holds up staggeringly well. I also watched The Court Jester (1955 - with Danny Kaye and Angela Lansbury) - Also surprisingly great.
Finally, also feeling medieval, I watched Excalibur (1981). This is more "swords and sorcery" than "dark fantasy" (think: Conan the Barbarian vibes), but it's kinda great (most of the genre is not, lbr). It captures the logic of those stories, the vibes of the mythology very well, the mix of pagan and early christian beliefs, and the weird metaphysics that results. It's great. Way better than that dumb clive owen one. My lord that was bad.
2023 in Telly
Live Action Drama:
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It's good. I don't think anyone needs me to tell them that. Still haven't finished it but enjoying it in a peaceful, fandom-free way.
Robin Hood (2006)
This was a terrible show, with an even worse third and final series. Did I rewatch the whole thing anyway? Yes I did. Should I have? No. (I love the first two so much though. Lily Allen's dad as the sheriff of Nottingham as tony blair? sign me up.)
Doctor Who
Am I a basic bitch who only came back to who because RTD did? Yes. But at least I'm not quite as basic as the ones who were only back for Tennant. The first one was good, if a little on the nose, the second was great, the third was good up until they get onto the stupid avengers platform for the showdown, from which point me and everyone in the room just got mad at it. The christmas special was fun though, excited for Gatwa and the new series.
Adult Animation:
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Castlevania: Nocturne
Genuinely so great. It's very clear that they're setting up a whole multi season arc with this first season, and the incompleteness that comes with that is probably its biggest flaw. But overall, fucking fabulous. The animation, fights, character design. Just a gorgeous show. Maybe not to everyone's taste; it's fantasy, but not escapist - its very much rooted in the historical injustices of the setting and has some heavy themes as a result. But if you liked the first Castlevania show, then you'll probably love this.
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix
You might have noticed that there was a show out that featured "Rayman, but with drugs and cussing!" and, yes, this is that show. You might not have noticed that Rayman is only a small part of it, and it's actually about Dolph - a traumatised gay cyborg - and his no good, horrible, very bad breakup. Dolph is great.
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Do you like Star Trek? Do you like silly cartoons and workplace sitcoms? Then do I have the show for you. Real highlight of the year for me tbh. While the show is built on poking fun at trek canon, and can feel a little overly reliant on nostalgia sometimes, the latest season really pushed for more meaningful character moments in between the laughs. I like it. It's good.
This was the most mixed of mixed bags. Japanese horror with a really striking and confronting art style. At its best, it's got this visceral atmosphere that sucks you in and is genuinely fantastic. At its worst, it's got a whole storyline about "abortion ghosts", and features some art that comes across as racial caricature. Between this, and a few other things that felt uncomfortable in an unintentional way, I don't think I'd really recommend this, but it did stick with me, I'll give them that.
YA Animation:
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The Dragon Prince
If you're into the whole YA fantasy adventure thing, this is an obvious rec. It's biggest flaw is how slow it's been to release, but if you're binging it for the first time, that's not a problem. It's heartfelt, it's pretty, it's clearly a kids show but is well crafted and has appeal beyond its core audience.
Star Trek: Prodigy
S1 actually originally aired like two years ago, but I only watched it this year after finding out that it was cancelled. But it was rescued! S1 is now on netflix, and s2 will air there next year. Genuinely a really fun contribution to the whole trek shebang, fitting into the universe well without ever feeling reliant on nostalgia.
I didn't include the two other treks that aired this year because s3 of Picard sucked balls (still not over it) and Strange New Worlds has stopped appealing to me... but that's a whole thing for the other blog. But the animated series are great! Also Disco. I still like Discovery.
Skull Island
This was better than it had any right to be. One season of a surprisingly funny King Kong show, also on Netflix.
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Rupaul's Drag Race UK Season 5
DRUK is good again, hooray. The dark times are over... for now.
Married at First Sight UK
Do not watch this. It will consume your entire life. Your brain will melt away as you watch someone fake cheat on their fake husband with someone else's fake husband just days into their fake marriage.
It's good. It's been good. It continues to be good.
2023 in Gaming
Lol no. Can you imagine?
I did play the sims a lot. I had my guy cheat on his husband who then died.
2023 in Books
Fun fact: I only finished one of the books I intended to read this year. That's embarrassing. Anyway, it was "From Here to Eternity" by Caitlin Doughty (yes, the Ask a Mortician lady). It's great.
2023 in Comic Books
This has really been Steve Orlando's year for me. I was thinking about what series I would include on a highlight list, and his Scarlet Witch was the only obvious answer for me. Sara Pichelli's art in that series is gorgeous - I love the way she draws Wanda. The writing is solid, compelling, tells a complete story. If I were to recommend any one series from this year, it would be this.
His Astonishing Iceman was also up there for me, and I will also repeat that the Mutant First Strike one shot he wrote was genuinely great. Kudos, Steve.
Kieron Gillen's Immortal X-Men is easily one of the best to come out of the Krakoa era, and this year was no exception. I didn't really care about the Sins of Sinister event, and I care even less about the Fall of X event, so it really means something that I'm still including this series here despite it being dominated by these events. The issue with Piotr's narration has been my favourite, I think. But overall, still strong. I really hope he gets to continue writing these characters (especially Exodus and Sinister) in the future.
Other Positivity
Ewing's Black Panther series is really solid, Avengers (2023) has been pretty good. Dark X-Men was probably my actual favourite of the Fall of X titles.
Lol I already said I didn't like the x-events. I also hated cold war. Such a waste of an opportunity. Speaking of, a lot of my comics-based salt and frustration this year has been about Sam. The way that he gets written out of things, ignored, then he turns up and his written badly and goes straight back to being ignored again. Then Marvel turns to the camera and is like "why would audiences do this?".
Put the fucking effort in and more people would show up for him. It's not that hard.
There's my overall annoyance with Duggan, which is a freebie, but one highlight of that has to be the bizarre direction they went with Kamala. No one wanted this, no one needed it, and certainly nobody needed the weird gleeful "killing" of this character just to launch a pointless plot beat that feels both offensive (see: Emma lecturing Kamala about not understanding real oppression) and is inexplicably happening during a whole massive event that feels like it should be about other characters.
The end...?
I don't want to keep listing things that annoyed me this year, because it'll just get repetative. If you follow me (which, if you don't, why are you reading this?), then you'll see me complaining about random crap all the time anyway.
Have a good NYE everyone!
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lunarspiral1127 · 6 months
What If....? season 2, episode 4. One post again due to more family gatherings. *SPOILERS*
So, in Captain Carter's universe, Wasp is part of the Avengers, and is fighting the Chitauri instead of Hulk? Bruce was mentioned later on so he's there, but why Wasp instead of Hulk in this scene? And where's Ant-Man?
Peggy and Natasha are besties which I don't mind. They do have a cool dynamic and friendship.
Since this is the alternate version of the Winter Soldier movie, I thought Sam would be in the mix as the trio. Unfortunately, he's not in it which is odd to me. Come to thing of it, the only other time Sam made one appearance in What If and that was as a zombie to be killed by Bucky. Since then, he never showed up in any other episode. What's up with that?
Speaking of Bucky, he's an old man now and this universe's Alexander Pierce (I think), except he's not an evil @$$hole and is good at his job. Also, he and Steve teamed up taking down Hydra bases. So, they still had their time together, even though it wasn't both of them who grew old. Honestly, I'm so happy that Bucky got to live a long life and is doing well. I just wish it wasn't at the cost of Steve's life being taken away and being used by the Red Room (I'll get to that later. Also, Brock Rumlow is in it, but I don't know if he's Hydra or not in this one.
There's a scene that also brought me feels and it was Old Man Bucky talking to Steve to get him to stop. He did manage to hesitate for a bit, but that was it. God, I wish we could've gotten more of these two, but this is Peggy's episode. She's gotta be the one to save Steve.
Yeah, it's not Hydra, it's the Red Room. Wasn't expecting this change in this universe, but I don't get why they need Steve along with the Hydra Stomper. Like, couldn't they have taken the suit? Is it because the suit is built for only Steve to pilot it? Maybe I missed something back in season one.
I thought Dreykov was the leader, but it's Melina instead. Yeah, she doesn't get a redemption and is evil. She gets killed by getting dragged back to the Red Room and the place gets blown up.
Red Room's base being an American suburban neighborhood is weird and creepy. The mannequins didn't help either.
So, Melina said that girls in Russia dreamed of being Captain Carter, which I thought was odd cause what about Red Guardian? Isn't he a super soldier too? Then again, this universe might not even have Red Guardian and I think a woman super soldier might be more appealing to Melina. It still feels odd though. Also, I'm guessing Yelena isn't in this one too.
Lots of Steggy in this episode. There was even a scene where they almost kissed. Also, is them talking about dancing is a different way of talking about sex?
The fight scenes were pretty cool. Natasha taking on a bunch of Widows, but almost lost to Melina. She still kicked butt. Peggy fighting the Hydra Stomper which she made a confession that got Steve to stop but only to fly to the Red Room to blow it up. It is different compared to Steve vs. Bucky in the Winter Soldier movie.
Yet, despite all that, she believes that he's alive. I don't know how, but okay. However, a cliffhanger ending where she's summoned into the 1602 universe by the Scarlet Witch....uh, okay? So, we're really getting another multiversal threat. But, we're not gonna get the 1602 episode untill after the Kahhori episode and the Hela episode.
Okay, this is gonna come off as critical, maybe even anti for Peggy, but has anyone else notice how much Captain Carter gets propped up in this episode? Probably more than any character in this series so far. Hell, the reason why she was summoned to another universe cause she's gonna be the one who'll save their queen and their world. Why though? I know that in the synopsis of the 1602 episode other characters are gonna show up, but the ending implies that Peggy's gonna be the one who'll save the day. Maybe I'm wrong and am making a big deal over nothing. We'll just have to wait see how the other episodes go.
Next episode is Kahhori, an original indigenous character in this series who'll get the powers of the tesseract, I think. I hope I'll like her and that she's a cool character.
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superfan44 · 6 months
The 100 Favorite Movies Challege
As a huge movie buff, I thought I'd try something fun on here. I have decided to launch a new internet challenge: "The 100 Favorite Movies Challenge". The rules are pretty simple and straight forward. You create a list of 100 of your personal favorite movies in alphabetical order, post the list on your home page, then nominate other people/users of your choosing to do the challenge.
There is no limit to what movies can be included on your list. Films within any medium (live action or animated), genre, and decade are more than welcome. Whether it's longtime favorites you were introduced to when you were younger, favorites that you've picked up over the years, or recent discoveries or releases that quickly became your favorites, anything and everything is on the table here.
I'll start off by sharing my list. To be clear, I have way more than 100 favorite movies, but to have the number be anything past that may be a bit much for some people. Please don't judge me if it seems like there might be a few noteworthy titles missing on here. I mainly put this list together just for fun. Alright, here we go!
9 (2009)
Airplane! (1980)
American Graffiti (1973)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
The Avengers (2012)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Baby Driver (2017)
Batman Begins (2005)
Beetlejuice (1988)
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
Black Dynamite (2009)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
Broadway Melody of 1940 (1940)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Castle in the Sky (1986)
Chicago (2002)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Knockin' on Heaven's Door) (2001)
Deadpool (2016)
Death Proof (2007)
Desperado (1994)
Die Hard (1988)
Django Unchained (2012)
Double Indemnity (1944)
Dragon Inn (1967)
Fantasia 2000 (2000)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Flash Gordon (1980)
Ghostbusters (1984)
The Godfather (1972)
Goodfellas (1990)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
History of the World, Part 1 (1980)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
The Incredibles (2004)
Independence Day (1996)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
The Italian Job (2003)
Jaws (1975)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Logan (2017)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro (1980)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Meatballs (1979)
Men in Black (1997)
Moana (2016)
Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
Network (1976)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
North by Northwest (1959)
Notorious (1946)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Porco Rosso (1992)
Princess Mononoke (1997)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Ready Player One (2018)
Rear Window (1954)
Rio Bravo (1959)
Robin Hood (1973)
The Rocketeer (1991)
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
Scream (1996)
Seven Samurai (1954)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Skyfall (2012)
Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
Spaceballs (1987)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spirited Away (2001)
Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
Surf's Up (2007)
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
Tombstone (1993)
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Treasure Planet (2002)
Tremors (1990)
Tron: Legacy (2010)
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
The Wind Rises (2013)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Yojimbo (1961)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Zombieland (2009)
Now, before I wrap things up, I would like to nominate @skygent, @is0gild , @firecraker-j, @mrcowboytoyou, and @piglets-not-so-big-adventure to do this challenge. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling so more and more people can join in. I look forward to seeing what kind of lists you guys will put together. Good luck!
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