#he just thinks it’s weird. i also gave him a little cat named oreo (named by the shelter) and a cat named creature (named by him)
capricioussun · 2 years
More for the blorbo!
Does he have a favorite genre of music or a favorite band? Is he right handed, left handed, ambidextrous, or cross-dominant? Does he play any musical instruments, either underground or topside? Do you HC him with claws or just like really sharp "nails" that can be filed down? How does he deal with those?
And of course, you can always save these for when you have time!
Taking a break from attack work so I will answer these!!
His music taste is…eclectic. The thing is, he’s kind of…weird? About music? It’s super hard to gauge what he will or won’t like because he will determine his opinion on a song with completely unknowable metrics. He might like a song sheerly because of the impressive number of brass instruments. He might hate a song because of the number of times they use a specific chord progression. This song is about lunar cycles? Ugh, tacky. This song accurately references a Greek parable others usually get wrong? 12/10 great song (please note the song could actually sound like virtually almost anything). Though he’s also not really a hater, so he’s pretty relaxed about most music, as long as it isn’t too…uh, extreme? (He’d probably hate stuff like msi) Though he does admittedly have a slight soft spot for classic rock, folk, and proper classic music because of the few cassettes and Walkman he had to fix he found at the dump a long time ago… He would like My Chem if for no other reason than the Aesthetic (he can respect commitment to the bit. He might also even genuinely like a few of their songs)
He is ambidextrous! This is a hc I share with all Papyri! It was simply a matter of needing to be able to use both hands with the same level of efficiency, which actually ties in well with the next question!
It’s also part of why he learned piano! To help with hand eye coordination and dexterity! So Edge can play the piano, but…he doesn’t anymore, or at least very very rarely…
He actually has claws!! And he hates them! /hj but to explain, Edge’s claws are very real and very annoying. Due to the genetic experimentation, they are incredibly sharp, and he actually has very mild regenerative abilities. What this essentially means is that his claws are virtually untrimmable. They grow back almost instantly, he’d have to pretty much declaw himself like a cat (surgically removing the entire last phalanx of each finger) to get rid of them, and that’s way more of an inconvenience than the claws themselves are. However when they first started getting that sharp (around the age of 11), they were a big problem, and it wasn’t long before Sans had to call in a favor with Alphys to help him make Special gloves for Edge that were pretty close to untearable, since they were catching on everything. Edge couldn’t even change his clothes or bathe himself properly without winding up covered in hairline scratches and ruining the fabric.
They’ve thankfully rugged-ed out a little with age, so they’re not still that crazy sharp, but they are still sharp enough he continues wearing the gloves all the time lest he risk nicking himself or destroying clothes. He could alternatively use claw caps to prevent unwanted cutting and tearing, but he also has sensory issues, and his hands especially can be super sensitive, so the gloves are very good for that, too (a headcanon I share for UT Papyrus as well!)
At least they come in handy with looking intimidating! (Pun intended)
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weirdthinkingdragon · 4 years
Welcome To The Family (5/???)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / here
Had no idea how to connect with Aizawa. Hopefully, this works. Sorry about my hyperfixation on this. 
Warnings- some swearing
I get ready for yet another day of babysitting Eri. Thinking back on the festival yesterday, the uncomfortable feeling between the two men is something I’d rather not experience again if possible. They’re together as well, so why did Hizashi put me between them? I could have sat on the other side of him if he wanted me beside him so bad. Don’t think Aizawa was too happy about it either with the narrow look he gave me, now that I think about it. It’s best to try to avoid those situations in the future.
While in my mind, I didn’t notice my friend in front of me and bumped into them. Ryo doesn’t look too good. They have bigger eyebags than I’ve ever seen and are frowning with their arms crossed. “Glad to catch you. I stayed up all night waiting for you.”
“Ryo, whatever it is, you could have just texted or called me.”
They frown deeper. “I’ve been trying to stay happy for you, I really have. I and a few of the others really miss you hanging out with us. We’ll even blast your favorite song the whole day and night. Just… Please join us for a whole day once again.”
I knew what they were getting at. Damn it, guilt is really starting to rise in me. I desperately want to hang out with them, but that stupid dinner I’m pretty much forced to go to this Sunday… Ugh, why couldn’t they wait until next Sunday!? “I’m sorry, Ryo, but they want me to babysit the kids again this Sunday. I told them I’m not available next Sunday though! We can hang out then!”
Their frown goes deeper than ever seen by me. “Come on, Y/N! We haven’t had a day to hang out properly in like, what? Months? Every time you return you’re too tired to join us. Those damn kids can go ONE. DAY. without you taking care of them. Don’t you think you’ve done enough for them yet!? The only day we had was Sunday, but for the last few you’ve been stuck with them AGAIN. For how much you take care of them, the adults shouldn’t even HAVE them!”
I nearly snapped at them for the last thing they said. They seem angry though, so I try to not let it get to me too much, or it could end badly for both of us.
It’s easy to tell they all care for each other, and taking one of them away from their little family would be greatly unethical. What also holds me back is remembering Ryo doesn’t know the story of the kids, or that the adults are heroes and teachers. Man, I wish I could tell them. Surprised they haven’t made the connection themselves yet of at least figuring out they’re teachers. “Their jobs are highly demanding. Trust me, they’d much rather be with their kids if they could. I’ve seen how they act towards them.”
“That doesn’t mean shit. For all you know, it could just be a front!”
I shake my head. “Don’t think so. Pretty sure one of them would be incredibly bad at acting.”
They glare at me. “Whatever you think.” They then storm off, leaving more guilt to eat away at me. Ugh, I feel like crying out of frustration.
The mold-quirked male comes up to me when Ryo leaves. “Sorry about them. They’re kinda in a bad spot with the police right now. They got a little too drunk and spat at an officer yesterday.”
“Again? I thought they learned their lesson last time from me scolding them.”
“Sadly, no. I think they’re losing control since their impulse control is gone.”
Now I’m more annoyed than guilt-ridden. Ryo is a few years older than me. They shouldn’t be such a child about it and need my help when they decide to drink too much. “Thanks for informing me, uh… sorry, I don’t think you ever told me your name.”
His eyes widened in realization. “Oh! Right! Just call me by my first name, Tadao.”
First name basis off the bat is a little weird, but he says it, so sure. “Right! Tadao, Can you keep an eye on them for me still? I’m still rather busy as you might have noticed.”
He nods. “I can do that. Just do me a favor, and try to take it easy for yourself one of these days. You seem a little worn out yourself recently.”
I shrug. “It’s more of what’s happened lately, and what’s on my mind I think.”
He seems unsure about my answer if anything about his dark brown eyes is to go by. He just nods again though and goes to follow Ryo.
I push what just happened to the back of my mind and head towards their home again. After the Ferris Wheel yesterday, Hizashi gave me a key and told me to use it to enter their house from now on since they might be too busy to answer the door. They haven’t had trouble answering the door before, but I’ve learned by now to not question Hizashi’s sporadic way of mind. It doesn’t ease the discomfort that I feel like I’m intruding by randomly entering their house though.
I unlock the door and enter to see a rather concerned Eri hugging the new stuffed animal with the dog and the bunny. “Hey, Eri. What’s wrong?”
It looks like she’s torn from being happy to see me, to having great worry. “Dad’s sick.”
Aizawa’s sick? He was just fine yesterday. I think she calls Aizawa “dad” and Hizashi “daddy” if I’ve noticed correctly. Sometimes it’s really confusing having same-sex parents and trying to know which they’re referring to. “Is Aizawa okay?” I ask, just to be sure it’s the right one.
She nods.
Hitoshi comes into the living room. “He’ll be fine. It was a quirked villain from the ambush yesterday. It’s not contagious, but he’s not allowed to go to the school for twenty-four hours. The principal said he’d have the other teachers kick him out if he enters the school. Even Recovery Girl and no one wants to deal with her wrath.”
“Recovery… Girl?”
He looks like he wants to slap himself. “Right. Uh… She’s the healer after our fights basically.”
“The name makes sense then.”
He nods. “In his shape, he can’t take care of Eri though, so we didn’t tell you to not come.”
“Sounds good,” I smirk, though internally I’m cringing at the thought of being alone with the quiet man. “So, you guys want me to check in on him a few times today as well I’m guessing?”
He rubs the back of his neck. “If you wouldn’t mind, that is. It’s obviously not something you’re hired for.”
I shrug. “It should be fine. I don’t think he’ll be very demanding of me doing things for him if I know him well enough by now.”
Hitoshi smirks in reply to me. “He’s too stubborn to even take cough medicine.”
“I didn’t expect anything different.” Seems rather childish though for a full-grown man. Not like I’d ever say that to his face though.
Hizashi comes out of what must be their bedroom and sees me. “Heya, little lovesong! Did these two fill ya in already?”
Love… song? What’s with the sudden nickname? He always seems to call people “listeners” or whatever, so maybe it’s just a more friendly type of thing?
He also makes his arms go outstretched and looks at me expectantly. He wants me to hug him? Again, this is really sudden.
Screw it, it won’t hurt anything, right? It’s just a hug. I hug him.
He squeezes a little too tightly and wouldn’t let me go for an almost awkward amount of time, even when I try to pull away.
I pat his back to try to get him to let go. “That’s long enough I think. You might want to go before you and Hitoshi are late for school.”
He lets go. “Right! C’mon, little Hypno-man!”
“Little? I’m almost as tall as you.”
“But you’re not yet!” He shouts as he bolts out the door. Hitoshi quickly goes after him. It just leaves a silence between Eri and me. I shake my head at their antics and look at Eri. “Do you think they even left him a glass of water or something before taking off?”
“Daddy gave him water before. A long time ago.”
A long time ago probably means a few hours at most. I sigh. Better check on him then. I go towards the door of their bedroom and knock on it. He doesn’t answer. Oh well, he must not need anything that badly. No, I’m not just trying to stay away from him as much as possible.
I go to walk away, but Eri gently grabs my hand and leads me back to the bedroom door.
“Why do you keep staying away from dad?” she asks.
“What do you mean?” I ask, trying to play dumb. She doesn’t need to know about adult things yet, such as not everyone will like someone. That should be their job to teach her. “Toshi and daddy notice you avoid him. He’s not mean though!”
Do I really have to tell her? Her questioning eyes are begging me to answer.
“It’s just… I don’t think your dad likes me very much. There will always be people who don’t like a person for one reason or another. I don’t know why your dad doesn’t like me, but I respect his decision and want to let him keep his space.”
“But dad doesn’t hate you!” She huffs.
That's a surprise to me. “Unless he tells me otherwise, I’m going to keep believing he does. And honestly, your dad kinda scares me.”
She looks away. “He can be kinda mean sometimes,” she looks back at me. “But he really cares for people!”
A part of me doubts it, but another part can kind of see it, especially with how he acts with Eri and Hitoshi.
I decided to try changing the topic. “I’ll check him in a bit. He probably doesn’t want to be bothered right now. Let’s go play with your stuffed animals for now.” I try to walk away again.
Yet again, she grabs my hand and drags me to the door. She opens it without knocking and makes me enter as well. I noticed the rather large bed before anything. It couldn’t have been a king. Definitely something bigger than that. It has a light red and black blanket covering the whole bed, including the paler-than-usual man under it. His eyes are open and looking at us, but surprisingly, he’s not glaring. I thought he would be from an interrupted entry…
I notice the empty glass on the nightstand next to him. “I’ll get you more water.” I then grab the glass and go to the kitchen. Eri stayed in the bedroom. While filling the glass, one of the cats rubs their head against my leg. The white eyebrows make me know who it is instantly. “Hey, Oreo! Why don’t you come to help your dad?” I ask him and shut off the sink after the glass is nearly full.
I pick him up with my free arm and carry them back into the bedroom. He immediately jumps out of my arms and goes onto the bed. Aizawa almost seems to grow a weak smile at the sight of the cat. I set the glass down back on the nightstand.
“Thanks.” He rasps, catching my surprise. I really wasn’t expecting him to thank me for it. He didn’t strike me as the type. He drinks some of it.
It’s quiet between us, and I want to do nothing but leave him be before the awkwardness gets worse. Plus, he needs all the rest he can get to heal faster. Or is the quirk he was struck with a time-based thing regardless?
Eri suddenly gets up from sitting on the floor and tugs me so she could whisper in my ear. “Talk to him!”
“I don’t think he…” I lock eyes with Aizawa who is surprisingly still not asleep and sigh. I have no idea what to talk to him about. What do you talk about to someone who has hardly ever said a word to you?
I then remember the explosive kid and nearly being hit. It’s worth a shot bringing him up I guess. “Had a close call with one of your students yesterday. Don’t know his name, but he nearly blew up my face if Midoriya wasn’t there.”
Despite his state, his eyes widen a sufficient amount.
“Toshi isn’t happy with him.” Eri pipes up with her arms crossed.
“No harm was done though, right? At least he didn’t hit me,” I shiver remembering his expression. “I’d rather not be in the line of his wrath again though. It’s terrifying to the point I almost feel bad for anything he goes against.”
“Bakugou.” He’s able to hiss it with annoyance. Okay, glad he doesn’t seem annoyed with me the same way he is with that kid.
Bakugou? Isn’t that one of the kids Midoriya told me causes the most problems in his class? “So he must be one of the kids you like to call “problem children”. Midoriya told me you call him that as well. Don’t know how he’s one, but I know if you call him that, you have a really good reason, so I’m not going to comment on it.”
“You seem rather… connected with Midoriya.” He says “connected” like it leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
“Oh yeah! He’s a good kid. He comes around frequently with Togata,” His eyes narrow and my fond mention of Togata. He better not be getting the wrong idea, I don’t see either of them that way for obvious reasons. “It’s so great they’re able to wear dresses so comfortably. Well, Midoriya is still a bit uncomfortable, but we’ve been working on his self-esteem with Togata. I also still have to thank him for saving me from the Bakugou kid. I don’t think that could be fixed with him though from the feral energy he gives off.”
“Still have to-” he coughs. “Work on that then. He won’t be able to get anywhere if he keeps nearly injuring innocents.”
I smile at him. “I wish you the most luck with him then. You’re definitely going to need it.”
He replies with a slight nod and closes his eyes. Oreo climbs onto Aizawa’s chest and starts purring. He brings one of his arms out of the covers and pets Oreo. The cat’s purring gets louder in appreciation.
Eri lights up. “I’ll go get Mochi and Sundae!” She bolts out of the room. No! Come ba- and she’s gone.
For one stupid reason or another, I feel like confiding with him right now.
“You know, I hate to admit it, but I’m rather envious of you,” He quirks an eye open to look at me. “You have such a lovely family and a significant other that greatly cares about you. I can only hope to have a relationship like you and Hizashi in the future. It’s going to be so strange when I leave your family.”
His other eye opens to fully look at me. His eyes flash some sort of emotion I can’t read. Maybe I overstepped a boundary or said too much about myself? Shit…
“Uh… Sorry about that, Aizawa. That’s probably something stupid to go off about or to bother you with...”
“Huh?” I question, just to be sure I was correct in hearing him.
“Shouta. It’s-” he coughs again. “illogical for me to be the only one not called by my first name,” He looks at Oreo, then back at me. “You’re a part of our family. Even Oreo likes you. Sometimes not even I can pick him up.”
“A part of?... No, you’re thinking too much into it. I’m just a sitter that likes taking care of Hitoshi and Eri.”
He slightly shakes his head. “Same thing with Hitoshi. He’s never let anyone but us call him his first name. You’re different.”
I’m having a hard time accepting I’m special in any way. They must just be slightly delusional or something from having multiple bad sitters before. “I’m sure if you got a sitter similar to me, he’d have done the same thing with them.”
“Doubtful. For one, you’re the first that’s not us to not fear Hitoshi for his-” he coughs yet again. “quirk.”
Maybe I should make him stop talking so he can rest before more damage can possibly be done to his throat.
“I found Mochi!” Eri yells from somewhere outside of the room. She enters the bedroom, waddling like she did before with Mochi in her arms. He’s nearly being dragged on the floor, but only seems uninterested in helping her move. She seems to be having a slightly easier time than before carrying him. Not sure if he’s lost some weight, or if she’s gotten stronger. Maybe even both.
I laugh and go over to her to help her carry him. He’s still rather heavy. Heavy enough to cause a rather large dip in the bed when we place him on it. We place him down by Shouta’s feet. He doesn’t even move. Just flops onto his belly where he’s placed. I go over back by Shouta’s side, since that’s closer to the exit of the bedroom. I still feel like I’m intruding in their bedroom.
She immediately takes off again out of the room.
“Eri! I don’t think-” I’m interrupted by Shouta gently grabbing my hand. His hand is rather rough- probably calloused- and rather clammy. Most likely from him being ill. Uh… This is weird.
“It’s fine. The cats are a good distraction,” He lets it go before I can try to pull away. “That’s another thing. Even Eri bonded with you rather quickly. I’ve never seen her so happy to see someone besides us or Midoriya and Togata.”
I shrug. “It’s the previous sitters’ faults for not caring for her. She’s beyond adorable, and I honestly had the thought if something were to happen to her, I’d kill everyone in the room, then myself on my first day.”
He exhales his breath, almost like a chuckle. “Zashi says the same about you.”
I have no idea what to say to that. Oh! He must mean Hizashi would do the same thing for Eri, his mind is just mixed up on his words from his illness. Sounds a lot more logical than someone admitting they really like an adult they just met back then.
Eri comes in with the last and final cat, Sundae. He seems a little more uninterested in being in here than the other two. At least until Eri places him on the bed, and he sees the other two. He jumps onto Shouta’s stomach and tries to push Oreo off to take his spot on Shouta’s chest.
I can’t help but laugh. “You need a little help there?”
He grows the tiniest smile again. “No.” He pulls out his other arm from under the blanket and uses it to pet the other cat as well. That seems to do the trick as he stops trying to push Oreo off.
He coughs yet again. I feel rather bad he has to deal with it. “Would you like some tea maybe? It’s not cough medicine, but it might help your cough a bit more than the water is.”
He turns his head back towards us. His eyes again showing that unreadable emotion. “That's another thing. You’re caring. You’ve respected us the most. You didn’t even try pushing me to tolerate your presence, just accepted it.” Okay, that’s enough talking from you, you need to rest more. I swear, if he’s the type that suddenly has the urge to clean the house when sick… I’d do absolutely nothing. I obviously can’t do much against a man with years of grueling training, even when he’s sick. Might have Eri help me scold him though.
“I’ll get the tea. And do us both a favor, stop talking for now. It’s honestly great hearing you talk more for once, but now is really not the best time.”
“No promises.”
The rest of the day was rather uneventful, other than checking up on him a few other times. With how frequently he talked, I started to wonder if he and Hizashi somehow swapped minds. He must be one of those odd people who seem to be more talkative when sick, as clearly found out.
Leaving their house, my body freezes at the familiar feeling of being watched. For a moment, I wonder about going back into their house and asking them to bring me to my home. No, I can’t do that to them. They've already had a long day.
… At least, that’s how I felt at first. But the farther I walked, the more I wished I did. Fuck, the feeling won’t. Leave. Taking out my phone, Hitoshi is the first one to come up in my contacts.
“Hey, Y/N! Fancy seeing you around here. Heading home, huh?” Asked a familiar voice behind me. That feeling was still around, but just knowing Tadao was with me helped. I turn to face him. His hair was… Glowing green? It made him look like a glowstick, and made me wonder how I’ve never seen his hair do this before. Never met him in the dark though.
He laughs at my expression. “Mold isn’t the only thing my body can absorb. It can also do the same with fungus. Found out years ago I can make my hair glow from the bioluminescent fungus. Cool, huh?”
I smile at him. “Definitely! But you know I now have to call you glowstick, right?”
He groans. “Man, was really hoping to escape that, but I guess it’s deserved, huh?”
“It really is your fault if you don’t naturally have it.”
Because of his glowing hair, it was easy to tell he rolls his eyes. “Anyway, wanna walk with me back to the apartments? Just got off of work myself today.”
“Well, it would make sense, wouldn’t it?”
We start walking.
“How’s Ryo holding up?”
He sighs. “Not well. Really starting to question their mental state. They told me this morning they don’t even want to talk to you for a few days.”
My face quickly becomes a frown. “Seriously? They’re going to act like this now?”
He shrugs. “Try not to let it get to you. We both know they can be overdramatic at times.”
I sigh. “I hate that you’re right.”
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here ya go. hopefully it works!
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the-mf-bread-babies · 4 years
“Odd Beginnings”
It was a rainy night. The clock inside the diner probably hadn't been fixed in decades, which only made time pass more slower for Jason. Jason Aronowitz Watanabe, 16 years old, was waiting for his first date to arrive at the restaurant. His mother and father were sitting in front of him, eagerly awaiting for her too. Among all the excuses the two had speculated, the son had grown tired and realized that maybe he didn't want to do this in the first place.
Jason stared at the unmoving clock, the sound of rain pattering filling his ears. God, it would be such a good time to sleep right now. “Honey, she's probably stuck in traffic,” said Judy, his mother. She spent hours to do her hair, makeup, and outfit. This might have been her son's date, but her and her husband's was going to take place as soon as the girl had arrived, and it was ten times more grand than Jason's. They had a reservation at Chili's.
Hisashi Watanabe, Jason's father, kept his eyes focused on the road outside. Maybe this was her. No, then that one. Also no. Well, hopefully Jason's not getting pranked or whatever. Oh, that's a cool truck. Bye, cool truck. Damn, that reservation's probably busted by now. So long, paradise pie. Two hours to get here and both dates are probably cancelled by now. Jason looks sad. Actually, he always does, it's understandable, but this time's sadder than usual.
“Jason, look outside!” The father whispered excitedly, pointing out the window. “Whatever. I wanna go home.” Jason grumbled angrily, his voice slightly cracking either from crying or just puberty. “Sorry, just… a limo,” Hisashi uttered quietly. “We can order something if you want,” Judy suggested, awkwardly smiling, her big sunglasses shielding the intense mix of emotions she was feeling– anger, disappointment, sadness. Also, hunger.
“Mm,” Jason replied cryptically. “Waiter! Can I get a menu, please?” Judy yelled out, startling the two men. She ordered something, her voice being reduced to mumbles by Jason zoning out, eyes fixated on the table. “Sweetie, do you want a milkshake? They have cookies and cream,” His mother asked, gaining back his attention. “Um, okay, sure.” Jason answered, giving his mother and the waiter a polite smile. “Thank you.” He went back to zoning out.
His parents were having a conversation about something unimportant, and the restaurant was awfully ambient. There was a jukebox, but that, too, was broken. This seemed like an appropriate situation for the boy to get distracted from everything and daydream. Damn, it would be so cool if he could play the drums. Ah, to be a transformer. Imagine going to have a heart transplant surgery, and Gerard says, “Babe, it's okay,” and then when it's done you ask the nurse who gave you the heart and she replies, “Frank Iero,” and you and the other three remaining members go get pizza or whatever. Poor Frank. Was that a bell ringing. Oh, to be a lamb in a field, eating grass. Ew, imagine eating grass…
A shadowy figure towered over Jason threateningly, katakana surrounding her. Who the hell is this?
“Do you need money?” Judy asked quietly, counting some dollar bills, thinking this was some random person. “Yeah!” She shouted excitedly. “Gimme five hundred thousand dollars, stat!” Jason's face turned to the girl. Her shirt read “TACO,” with an image of a cartoon taco below it. Cloaking the ugly t-shirt was a blue jacket that seemed quite old and vintage. Well, at least her outfit is matching. “Um… are you…” he asked the girl.
“Your date for tonight, partner!” Oh, she has braces. Yeah, seemed like a braces person. “Awesome! Now you two don't do any funny business, okay?” Jason's dad stated, pointing. “Dad, what.” “Well, off to visit your mother!” He added, his arm around Judy, the two scooting out of the seat to make room for the girl. “Cool! Your dad knows TF2?” The girl said, her face sparking up in joy. “I was an animator for the shorts,” Hisashi revealed, much to the girl's excitement. “HOLY SHIT!!! CAN I GET AN AUTOGRAPH?!” She yelled out, turning the heads of some people in the diner. “Sure thing,” he answered, signing a napkin. “Okay, bye, you two,”
Jason's eyes met the girl's, realising he forgot what her name was. Um… well, her brother's a senior, right? Tony… Tony Blenderson… Bender… Flanders… Uh… “Hi! You're Jason, right? From History?” She asked, raising his fear more. How did he even agree to this in the first place? Oh, right, their moms are friends. “Um, yeah, and you're…” Oh God. Grave mistake. “Man, I don't know! Most people just call me by my last name. First names are boring, you get me?” She confessed, calming him down slightly. “Oh, uh… yeah! Uh, so I can call you…” “Anytime!” She added confidently. “Huh?” Jason said, confused. “Henderson, man! Hendersonville is actually an actual place, by the way! Could you BELIEVE IT?!” Jason awkwardly agreed, not knowing what to do. “Yeah… like Disneyland or something…”
The conversation went on, with the occasional text from Jason's parents. “So then I was all like, I know karate, you dumbass,” she started, Jason trying his best to understand what the hell she was talking about. “And this stupid little goat starts headbutting me, and I'm bleeding and stuff, obviously, keep in mind I had a hamburger, that's important, okay,” The boy nodded his head along. “So, yeah, that was how gender equality is. Yeah, zoos are dumb, they're bad,” “Yeah, like, it's not good for them and stuff,” Jason said, finally having some material for the conversation.
He paused for a bit, unsure if the other was going to add anything. “So, uh, what do you do? Like, um, in general, yeah,” he asked, sipping his milkshake. “Kill people.” She blurted. “Okay. I like collecting stamps.” He replied jokingly. “HAH! God, what a riot you are! Oh boy, STAMPS!!!” Henderson laughed exaggeratedly, thinking it sounded natural, and possibly cute. “Yeah…?” “Yeah, not real people, but like, I play video games a lot. You ever play Slime Rancher? I've got six thousand days on that guy.” She confessed seriously, crossing her arms. “Also, used to play Overwatch, but that was so last rebuild. Now, in this one, I prefer Garden Warfare. You know, the FPS Plants vs. Zombies game?” She casually added, Jason sending his usual confused nodding and raised eyebrows with a slightly opened mouth as a reply.
Jason thought for a bit. “I play Apex,” He said disappointedly. “Oh, didn't it end because of that big rapper guy? Marshmello? Yeah. Sorry, dude.” Henderson comforted. “Um. I guess?” Jason ate the Oreo on top of the milkshake. “Yeah, and I also listen to emo stuff. I was born in the wrong generation.” He said, stirring the drink. “Oh, like PSY? Yeah, my old neighbor listened to him.” .. huh. “Um… yeah, and like, MGR and stuff…” “Cool! What's that stand for, again? My cousin listens to Chaos! in the Gathering, Nuclear Lad, thirty three tailors, so I know emo.” Henderson bragged. “Oh, it stands for My Geological Rocks! It's because they're pretty rock, and one of them saw this book where the title was ‘Geological Rocks’ or whatever, so they named the band that.” He explained truthfully. “ Oh ! That's Dumb ! ” She blatantly said, her hand loosely swinging a spoon.
“Oh, shit, you don't have food. Um, do you want some?” Jason realized, offering Henderson the scraps of his milkshake. “Nope! Lactose intolerance, baby!” She confessed, a hint of sadness present in her face. “Oh. Sorry,” He said as he slurped up the remains quite loudly. “Should I ask them for a menu?” Jason asked, clearly not wanting to do so. “I ate a toasted toast sandwich earlier, so I'm not really hungry.” “A toasted toast sandwich is a piece of toast slotted between two other pieces of toasted bread. With butter spread on some of them.” Henderson explained in detail. “Is it good?” Jason asked fearfully. “Duh,” she said. “Oh, okay,”
The two sat in silence. The room was quiet, even the chattering of the other customers were gone. Henderson waited patiently for a waiter to come by, her face staring at the table. “That's a weird stain.” She uttered, poking hesitantly at it. “Probably tea.” Jason added, looking at the stain. “Yeah,” Henderson agreed, resting her head on the table. They stared at the stain for some time. “So, uh, you like Jar-Jar’s Odd Journey?” Henderson asked, looking up at the other. “No, I don't watch anime,” he replied, prying at the stain with his fingernail. “Oh, okay. But like, do you like Jar-Jar’s?” Jason paused, looking at her and squinting his eyes, thinking what she was meaning to hint, then slowly realising it. “Well, do you like Power Princesses? With the cat lady and the other lady?” He asked slyly, smiling from ear to ear. “Yeah… literally and…” Henderson inspected Jason's jeans. “metaphorically… you know…” Jason inspected hers too. They both cuffed them, even though Henderson's were already a good length, now a bit too short, resulting in a very prominent hint. “So yes, I do watch Jar-Jar, then,” he replied. They nodded, smiling in Mystery.
“So, why'd you even agree to this?” Jason asked, facing her. “I dunno. Felt rebellious to steal my sister's date, I guess.” Jason leaned back in his seat, blinking interestedly. “So, if it weren't for you meddling fool, I would've gone on a date with a CRSCO girl, huh?” “Sksksksks and I oop,” Jason questioned dramatically. “Yes. That's actually why I'm late; I drove here by myself.” Henderson confessed, smirking. “And I knew I wouldn't like this date if it was at some fancy restaurant, so I picked somewhere I could eat, hence why the location is so unsuitable.” “The distance, especially. That was so my family couldn't track me down.” “As if they'd care.” Henderson folded her hands together on the table and put her head down and stared at them, her hair swinging dramatically in front of her.
“Well that's bad. And bad… ass,” Jake stated, tilting his head awkwardly. “Like, your family, that's bad, like, your brother's a… he's not nice, necessarily, but you stealing a date from your sister and driving to some random-ass diner in the middle of nowhere, that's some Gone Girl shit.” he explained, eyes burning with awe.
“I mean, I've had some friends from band that met your sister, and from what I've heard, and I'm sorry for being nosy, but, I mean, it really justifies this whole… thing. So, uh, yeah. Sorry,” Jason continued as Henderson moved her Orbs to meet his.
“So, how'd it feel to set her room on fire? Were the firefighters and shit? Again, sorry for being nosy.” Jason asked casually, doing his first attempt at the three-paragraph thing. Henderson giggled uncontrollably, wiping tears off of her Orbs. “Wha– FIRE?! Who told you that? I only just threw some of her stuff out the window, but SETTING IT ON FIRE WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN, JASON!!” Jason sat up, stammering in response. “B-But, um, like, uh, Tristan, from band, the school band, said that– you, uh, like, it was midnight, and he woke up because of all the sirens, and– yeah.” Jason explained, his voice nervously loud, and his hands gesturing wildly. “Oh!” she yelled out, remembering the experience.
“That was the time I tried modifying the hell outta french fries and I set the kitchen on fire! Like, I was pouring the fries in, then the fire just shot up, like, ten feet, and my hair almost caught on fire, the smoke alarm was ringing, it was hell, man, hell,” Henderson explained excitedly. “So, yeah, someone called the fire station, next thing I know, I'm getting yelled at severely, and I can't play video games or go on my phone for three weeks!” Jason nodded in awe. “How did you… mod… fries?” He asked in confusion, rubbing his chin. “Oh, I put olive oil, safflower oil, cooking oil, and corn oil, also I used a flat frying pan, put in two brands of fries, made sure it wasn't overcrowded, also put a thick layer of seasoning on the pan and I folded it like scrambled eggs.”
“So yeah, a literal recipe for disaster. Never doing that again.” Henderson stated, although she was most definitely going to make the same mistake in a few years with Rachel. “Ah. I see. Why the flat frying pan?” Jason asked. “Oh, the other pans were in the sink and I was lazy.” She replied, making a disappointed face. “also i'm pretty sure that it caused the oil to like. yknow. vooooshhhhh” Henderson added, sinking her face into her hands.
Jason thought of a more embarrassing moment. “Wanna know that time I went to the ER because I was too goth?” “Wait, two times! One, I ate black lipstick, the other, I got choked by a…” Jason sunk his head down. “homemade e-boy necklace…” Henderson cackled loudly, slapping the table. “How the hell do you get choked by that?!” Jason pursed his lips sadly. “I was wearing the necklace first and put it on backwards, big mistake, it had a really heavy padlock, then my binder, which was way too tight, so it was choking me, but I was wearing my turtleneck, and my arms were stuck, so I just smacked the dresser violently.” “And that's how I came out to my parents.” Jason said, smirking and crossing his arms together. “Thankfully, they let me buy a better one that didn't, like, kill me.” He added.
Henderson's jaw was hanging open in surprise. “You're trans too?!” Jason pogged in response, “TOO?!” The two shared a very intense and complicated series of high-fives and fistbumps, screaming in joy. “Man, so this is why you stole that dumbass’ date!” “Solidarity!” Jason stated, smiling. “Thanks for saving me, uh…” He paused, waiting for a confirmation. “Uh… I dunno. Girl?” Henderson replied, shrugging. “Girl! I am Dude!” Jason shouted, giving her a thumbs-up. “Cool! Hi Dude!” She yelled out, earning a very strong high-five from Jason. “Hell Yeah !!!!!!!!”
“Man, you want something to celebrate? This shit's nice as hell.” Jason asked, visibly in a better mood than before. “To hell with it! Cheesy Frickin’ Fries for the lady!” Henderson shouted in joy. “And for the man?” Jason thought for a bit. “Truck” he uttered, giving her an emotional gaze. Get it? Gaze? “Ah, okay. Truck it is, then,” Henderson confirmed before raising her head to get the waiter's attention.
“Waiter ain't here. Should I? Go to the counter?” She asked, pointing to the front of the diner. Jason nodded in response. Henderson approached the counter, her hands in her pockets, her eyes looking around. There was not a single person to be seen, the pies sitting on the rack softly, asking to be stolen and devoured. “Be… do…” she whispered softly, her hand reaching to the pies, only to be stopped by the other one. Disappointed, she went back to Jason, frowning.
“God hates us.” She uttered, her head pointing up. “No one at the counter, no one near the entrance, so no friggin’ cheese fries.” She grumbled, “Drove five friggin’ hours in the friggin’ rain just for this dumbass shit. Can't even have the friggin’ pies, that's illegal,” Jason looked at her sadly. “Hey, it's okay, I brought snacks,” He pulled out a packet of chips from his hoodie pocket. “Here's the fries…” Jason placed a slightly melted cheese slice onto the table. “And here's the cheese!” “Hipster, innit? All deconstructed an’ stuff,” He said happily, swinging his arm a la Grunkle Stan.
“What a gentleman. Thank you, Jarnathan Jarstar, my brother,” Henderson said gratefully, unwrapping the cheese slice packet. “Good job, uh, Catra,” Jason commented, opening the chips packet. As they dined happily, a tall, scary figure approached them slowly and murderously.
“Ya can't bring outside food in here.”
“It's against the rules, kiddos.”
“Might getcha banned fer life if yer not careful enough.”
“Aah!!” Jason screamed quietly. The figure revealed itself under the illumination of the ceiling lights— a man, presumably middle-aged, dressed in a cheap chicken costume, donning a knight helmet. “You wouldn't make the cut. Ya just wouldn't.” The man uttered cryptically, confusing the two. Was this weirdo the mascot or just some guy? “I have pepper spray, creep.” Henderson threatened, pointing the self-defence tool at the costumed man. “Like that'll do anythin’.” He pointed out, glaring at the girl.
In response, Jason pushed the man, Henderson following suit by vigorously kicking the life out of him. Blood oozed out of the now-stained costume as he begged for help, trying his best to explain the current situation. “Stop! Please stop!” He yelled out, only for the helmet to be removed by Henderson, who was ready to punch the hell outta him.
Some balding white guy sporting bad facial hair had been the culprit all along. Jason pulled the remains of his hair and threw him to the floor, yelling. Out of the blue, a group of people showed up, coming to the rescue and pulling them apart from each other. “Whose idea was to be threatening again?!” The man in the chicken costume yelled out, clearly angry at all of them. “Run!” Henderson shouted, grabbing the snacks and dragging Jason out of the diner, only to be chased down by the others.
“Who the hell was that guy?!” Jason yelled, running. “I may be weird, but I definitely don't know that guy, and definitely not enough for him to just show up like that!” Henderson shouted back, confused. “Guess it's some weird kidnapper, then? Or a really odd mascot.” Jason said, dashing around the street corner. “Probably!” Henderson ran past Jason. “Hey, wait up! I was kicked outta the track team for a reason, Henderson!” The boy yelled, running out of breath. The girl went back to him, feeling a bit guilty.
“I, uh, have asthma.” Jason said, pulling out his inhaler. “Oh, um, I'm, uh, really, really, sorry.” Henderson nervously apologized, her mind wondering what would happen if Jason died right then and there. Oh, she'd definitely have to go to court. Maybe it'll be like Legally Blonde. Jason stood back up, gesturing to Henderson to keep going. “Hey, I'm okay, go ahead.” “You can leave me here if you want. Death isn't a big concern for me; I'll meet all the MGR members, then when I go to hell I can punch Brendon Urie in the face…” Jason struggled out. “… because he's like, racist,” “Bob Bryar too, man,” Henderson nodded slowly, not knowing what the hell kinda emo thing he was referencing.
Jason looked behind Henderson, surprised. “Hhhh… they're not killing us…” he tried out, pointing to her back. “Oh, hey, yeah. Let's go hide somewhere.” Henderson suggested, looking around for a good shelter. “I'm gonna tell this to my parents first…” Jason said, moving down to sit on the ground. “Oh, man. There's no reception here.” He revealed, getting more and more scared with every second they stayed there, the possibility of them being caught and killed or whatever growing steadily.
“I mean, we are in Ohio, Jason. There's a bigger chance of us stumbling into a big-ass cornfield than us getting reception in some super rural town like this.” Henderson sighed. “This place is called Van Wert, Jay. How friggin’ hillbilly is that? Van Wurrrtt, yee-haw,” She commented angrily. Jason took a deep breath and stood back up, scanning the horizon.
“Well, hard to find a place where we won't get shot immediately when entering, especially at this hour. I mean, gun store, bar, creepy pharmacy, another gun store, mom and pop, mom and pop's gun store, shooting range, farmer's market, café (with a rifle under the counter), barbershop, ranch–” Henderson smiled from ear to ear as she heard what Jason just said. “RANCH?! WITH HORSES?!”
tob e fucketh continue
a uhhh Notes by Rocco Wulfram North
oh that names so epic omg
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bad-exo-imagines · 7 years
The Best of Both Worlds
The Daily Lives of a High School Koreaboo  - part 1
Background: I wrote a joke fic for my friend for her birthday and it got out of control. Then i thought, it’d be perfect for this blog. I had to change a few things to make it a more universal fic, so the main character is “you”. Just like any other classis self-insert fic Y/N means your name. 
Fandoms: ho boy... alright i don’t want all the kpop tags so here’s the main bands  exo, shinee, Vixx, btob, 24k and bts. It takes a while for all the bands to show up but i promise those six are all in there There’s so, so many more but those are the most common ones. This is basically idol high school okay. There’s so many idols. 
Disclaimer:  its meant to be bad/funny so you don’t need to point out and typos or plot holes, I already know. Also, people will be out of character at times. This is meant to be bad/funny, just like all the content on this blog. It’s not My Immortal bad, it’s written like a 14 year old who thinks they’re the best writer, but they’re really not. If you guys think it’s funny too, cool. if not, whatever i’m still posting it  -Admin RDB
The young student sat on a park bench, engrossed in the latest novel they purchased. They had been sitting there all day, absorbing every sentence, eyes never leaving their book. A brunette haired boy stood in the shade, leaning against a tree, watching the person from a safe distance away. A soft smile sat his face as the student’s eyes scanned the page. They were nearly done with their book now as the sun started to get low in the sky. The sun behind them created a halo effect that made the brunette smile even wider at how beautiful the stranger looked. A smaller guy came bouncing up to the brunette.
“V! I’ve been looking for you! Is your phone dead?” The orange haired boy asked, snapping the taller one back into reality. “Huh? O-oh, hi Jimin. Sorry I-” “Who’re they?” Jimin interrupted nodding his head in the direction of the person on the bench. “I don’t know” V admitted sheepishly, shoving his hands in his sweatpants pockets. “Oh, I assumed since you’ve been staring at them for a while you’d at least know ‘em!” The older one let out a laugh and playfully smacked the taller one’s back. “Wait here.” “What? Hyung no no no! What are you doing? Please stop!” V tried to grab Jimin’s arm desperately to hold him back but the smaller one was determined. V let go and watched the orange haired one walk over to the student. V hid behind the tree in embarrassment, why was Jimin always doing this? “Hello~! I’m Park Jimin!” The orange haired boy smiled widely and waved at the student. The student looked away from their book for the first time since they bought it. They looked up at the bubbly boy in front of them who started rocking slightly on his feet. They cleared their throat before speaking “Uh, hi? I’m Y/N.” They looked back to their book, trying to make it clear they didn’t want to talk. “Whatcha you reading about?” The boy asked sitting down next to them Y/N looked at the shorter slightly annoyed. “It starts off as this normal dumb high school romance novel, but then the main character then gets involved with this war between supernatural beings. Eventually it just becomes a big dramatic mess who even knows what’s happening anymore. I described it really badly but I swear it’s good and funny.”
Jimin leaned forward laughing. “Sounds interesting! Oh, wait, but it’s in English… I was gonna ask if you’d recommend it but...,” the orangette said pointing at the page. “Hey, if you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing in Korea anyway?” “Oh, I’m an exchange student.” Y/N said tucking their hair behind their ear. “Really? Where are you going?”
“Incheon Nonhyeon High School, it’s my senior year” “Oh we go to the same school!! You’re older than me, I’m a junior. My friend V is a sophomore. I have a few senior friends like Namjoon-hyung, Hoseok-hyung and Minhyuk-hyung! Maybe you’ll befriend them” Jimin announced excitedly, jumping up and bouncing in front of Y/N. “Minhyuk? Which Minhyuk?” Y/N asked curiously, slipping their bookmark into their book and placing it down. “Lee Minhyuk!” “About 1.7m, black hair, mouth shaped like this,” the student took their fingers and pushed the corners of their mouth upwards like a cat, “really athletic, super clumsy?” “Wooaah, do you know him?” Jimin asked surprised “No I’m just great at guessing,” Y/N said sarcastically rolling their eyes “Yes I know him. He’s a part of my host family, I’m living with him for a year.” “Really? Looks like we’re gonna be seeing each other a lot cause I go over his house a lot with V!” Y/N raised a eyebrow at that “Who’s this V guy?” “My best friend! He’s over there somewhere,” the smaller one pointed over to the tree they were standing at earlier. “Actually, I should probably go back to him. Bye~ see you later Y/N!”
V who was still slumped against the backside of the tree looked up from his phone to see Jimin standing above him smiling widely. “Oh god.” “THEY’RE NAME’S Y/N, THEY’RE A SENIOR, THEY’RE AN EXCHANGE STUDENT, THEY’RE LIVING WITH MINHYUK AND THEY’RE READING A WEIRD HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA BOOK.” Jimin shouted with excitement, proud of his findings. “Hyung keep your voice down!!” V whispered angrily, grabbing Jimin’s arm and pulling him down to sit next to him on the ground. “Wait, did you say… they’re living with Minhyuk-hyung?” “Yeah! For a whole year! The Lee family is her host family while they’re in Korea” the older one explained. V smiled without realizing it “And they’re name’s Y/N right?” “Yeah, aren’t you listening!?” The taller one looked over to the bench to see the student reading their book again, mentally repeating the name. V marveled at the way the setting sun made Y/N glow, making them look as if they was an angel, sent just for him to look at. They wore a black v-neck shirt, a white long sleeve jacket, and red jeans. They crossed their legs and started to bounce their foot in the air mindlessly, bringing attention to their black high top converse. He smile flattened when he saw another man walk up to them. “Oh, it’s Minhyuk! MINHYUK-HYUNG~!” Jimin cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted.
V reached over to cover Jimin’s mouth, but it was too late. The two were looking over at the younger boys now. Minhyuk smiled at his dongsaengs and started walking over to them, the foreigner following suit. The youngest groaned and let go of Jimin’s face. V felt his face heat up as he noticed Y/N walking over too, face changing a few shades. Jimin smiled widely and jumped up to hug Minhyuk.
“Hey Jimin!” Minhyuk said bear hugging the smallest of the four before turning to the one still on the ground “Hi V” V reluctantly stood  up and waved, but Minhyuk pulled him into a tight hug too. V hesitated for a moment before hugging him back. “Guys this is Y-” “Y/N! They’re living with you right? I was talking to them just now!” Jimin interrupted looping his arms around the older two, Y/N tensed at the sudden contact from the energetic stranger. “Ah, Jimin~, always so charismatic,”  Minhyuk commented, hiding the fact that he was a little creeped out that Jimin already knew them. “We we’re just gonna head back to my house since it’s getting kind of late.” “OH! I’M STAYING OVER V’S TONIGHT, WE CAN WALK WITH YOU!!” Jimin exclaimed grabbing Minhyuk’s hands and bring them to his chest. Minhyuk chuckled at Jimin’s constant excited nature. V put his hand on the orange haired boy’s shoulder and pulled him out of Minhyuk’s face. Minhyuk turned to the foreigner who had stayed pretty silent since they came over. “You wanna get anything before we go? Want about ice cream from the vender over there?” Y/N shook their head and put their book away into their bag, V noticing it complemented the color of their eyes well.  Minhyuk turned and asked the others the same question, Jimin basically running to the ice cream stand when Minhyuk said he was paying, grabbing Y/N’s hand in the process, dragging them along. “I thought I was the maknae here,” V said under his breath. Minhyuk put his arm around the raven haired boy’s shoulder and walked over to the other two, hand dipping into his pocket to pull out his black leather wallet. Minhyuk paid for everyone, making Y/N get some too. Jimin ordered a large bubblegum with rainbow sprinkles in a sugarcone. Y/N ordered mocha with oreo and cookie dough in a waffle cone. Minhyuk ordered a medium cookies and cream in a bowl with hot fudge and marshmallows. V got a small plain vanilla in a sugar cone. “V you’re so lame!” Jimin said licking the ice cream that started to drip down his cone. “Shut up, you’re always freeloading off Minhyuk-hyung. Look you got the biggest size out of all of us!” V said gently shoving the orange haired boy. Minhyuk smirked as he took another bite of his ice cream, enjoying watching the two playfully bicker. The sun had set as they started to leave the park, the kids walking home on back roads, taking up half the roads walking side by side. Y/N watched, unsure whether they were annoyed or amused by the boys antics. They went to push up their glasses but their hands were sticky from the melting ice cream. Minhyuk noticed the foreigner struggling and laughed. “Here, let me help you.” Minhyuk said pushing up their glasses for their, since he was using a spoon his hands remained clean. V nearly choked on his ice cream when he saw Minhyuk stubbly flirting with the foreigner.  Jimin smirked at how jealous the taller got over such a simple gesture. The orange haired one elbowed V and gave him a cheeky grin. The younger shoved Jimin a little harder than before making the latter stumbled a little. Minhyuk turned to see V shoving the smallest. “Guys don’t fight.” He said seriously, swatting his hand at V. “Sorry hyung.” The brunette boy grumbled. Jimin smiled at his dongsaeng knowingly, and walked around him and Minhyuk to Y/N. He wrapped his arm around them and walked up in front of the others. He leaned in close to Y/N and talked in a hushed voice so the brown haired duo couldn’t hear. He looked back at V over his shoulder smirking and gave him a thumbs up.  Minhyuk turned to the younger with a confused expression, but V was just as confused. “Since when did Jimin have an interest in foreigners?” V whispered to the tanner man, trying not to sound jealous. “Should we tell Jungkook?” Minhyuk joked back
V chuckled, taking a bite of his ice cream cone. Minhyuk grabbed the younger’s hand and brought the cone to his mouth, taking a bite too.
“Dude why didn’t you just get your own cone?” “I like using a spoon.” Minhyuk said letting go over V’s hand. “Aye! Jimin! Y/N’s going to my house not V’s!” Jimin stopped and looked back to see Minhyuk stopped walking. He looked around and realized they were in front of the Lee household. “Oh,” Jimin laughed, “I didn’t notice where we were.” Jimin let go of the foreigner and put his hands hands in his pocket. “Oh my god, did you already finish all that ice cream?” Minhyuk questioned in disbelief. “Please don’t throw up on my bed.” V groaned. They exchanged goodbyes and the elders went into Minhyuk’s house while V and Jimin went to V’s house next door. Y/N and Minhyuk bowed at the maid that came to greet them. They slipped into their slippers and headed to the entertainment room.
“I’m sorry that Jimin is so touchy and energetic. I would have warned you if I knew we’d run into them,” Minhyuk said rubbing the back of his neck.
Y/N waved their hand “No worries, I’ve had weirder friends. Jimin was fine, really friendly.”
The ebony haired boy hummed and sat down on the red couch, grabbing the remote to turn on the tv. Y/N pulled out their book and sat next to their friend. They sat like that for a while, comfortably enjoying each other’s company as they did their own thing. Y/N had been living with the Lee family for 2 weeks now, the two sticking together like glue. Y/N turned the last page of the book and frowned as they read the last sentence. They let out a small sigh and closed the book, placing it on the coffee table in front of them. Minhyuk smiled over at them, “Was it good?” “The ending honestly felt a little rushed and unplanned. I still enjoyed the book though.” They got up and stretched lightly, “I’m heading to bed, goodnight.” “Goodnight.”
Meanwhile V had to use all of his strength not to smother Jimin with a pillow and kill him right then and there. The smaller had be ranting about his and Jungkook’s relationship for what felt like years. V rubbed his temples as Jimin said for the thousandth time he wasn’t sure if Jungkook was even gay. “Why would he be dating you if he wasn’t gay Hyung.” V was regretting ever inviting Jimin over. Had he even invited him over?
“I don’t know! That’s what I’m trying to figure out!” The orange haired one laid back dramatically on the bed, head landing on V’s lap. V sighed and started to play with Jimin’s locks “You’re over thinking this.” “I guess.” Jimin mumbled. “But what about you!” “What about me?” He stopped playing with the small boy’s hair for a second to grab his glass of water. “You’re totally head over heels for Minhyuk.” Jimin said smirking up at the brunette. V nearly spit out his drink from laughing “IS THAT WHAT YOUR STUPID THUMBS UP WAS ABOUT? YOU THINK I LIKE MINHYUK?” “It’s obvious! You got jealous when he started flirting with Y/N!” Jimin sat up and turned to look at V.
“Yeah, but not because I like Minhyuk-hyung! Oh my god you’re so dumb, it was because I’m interested in Y/N!” V said between laughs. Jimin sat there for a second before laying back down, “Oh.”
The younger rolled his eye, smile still on his face. His hand found it’s way back Jimin’s hair, mindlessly playing with the soft strands. “Your hair makes you look like a clementine.” Jimin laughed at the younger’s comment. He pulled out his phone, praying that he wouldn’t drop it making it smack him in the face. V watched the older, soft smile still on his face. Sometimes V forgot that Jimin was the hyung, not himself. Jimin was much smaller than him, and was always bouncing off the walls. Plus Jimin’s new hairstyle didn’t help, the bright color making him look even younger than he already does. The older one looked up at V with a confused look on his face.
“What are you staring at?” V took in a deep breath, looking around his room “Hyung it’s getting kinda late, shouldn’t you wash off your make up?” Jimin sat up and stretched his hands above his head. “Yeah but my eyeliner looks so good.”
V whacked the orange haired boy with a nearby pillow, “Last time you spent the night you didn’t wash off your make up and you stained on of my pillow cases.”
The older groaned and reluctantly got off the bed, making his way towards V’s bathroom. V yawned, tired from the fact that Jimin dragged him out of bed at dawn just to go to a park. He looked down at what he was wearing debating on if using the energy to change into new clothes would really be worth it. He was wearing a black loose t-shirt and light grey sweatpants so he shrugged and laid back on the bed, hoping that Jimin would be tired too and not ready to talk V’s ear off again “The thing I don’t get about Jungkook though,” Jimin said coming out of the bathroom. V groaned and put his pillow over his face, realizing he’s probably not going to get much sleep that night. “Hey! Listen to me!”
Minhyuk looked up surprised when the maid announced she was going home for the night. He had been watching tv since him and Y/N got home, unaware of time flying by. The ebony haired boy checked his phone to see it was already 11 at night. He quickly turned of the tv and headed upstairs. A light coming from the slightly ajar door to Y/N’s room caught his attention. He peered into the room to see the foreigner sitting on their bed, absorbed into another book. Minhyuk laughed softly and walked to his room next door. He really didn’t expect Y/N to have been asleep at this hour.
Y/N blinked a couple of times, trying to focus on the book and not let their  mind wonder. They had read the same paragraph over and over because they were unable to pay attention. Sighing, they placed their bookmark in between the pages and closed the book, gently placing it on the nightstand. The student couldn’t stop thinking about the two weird guys they had met earlier.
The small, hyper, baby faced one named Jimin had acted so friendly with them it put them off a little. He acted like they knew each other for years, not minutes. They had a hard time believing he was going to be a junior this year and not a freshmen. Y/N wasn’t sure if they’d be able to deal with the orange haired boy for the next year. The other boy on the other hand barely even looked at her, making her feel as if they’d done something wrong. Running their hand through their blonde hair, they let out yet another frustrated sigh and turned off the bedside lamp.
Jimin woke up before V, as expected, and whacked the younger in the face with a pillow to wake him up. V rolled over so his back was to Jimin, and instead of taking the hint that the taller didn’t want to be woken up, Jimin tackled him.
“Jimin I will actually kill you.” V stated calmly, voice even deeper than usual since he just woke up.
“Minhyuk-hyung texted me!” Jimin said shoving his phone in V’s face.
“That’s nice?” V rubbed his eyes with his hand, trying his best to wake up.
“Well! Read it! From ‘Morning Jimmie’ down.”
The younger sat up and took Jimin’s phone, turning the brightness down so his eyes wouldn’t burn so much. He read the conversation his hyungs had, trying not to roll his eyes at the thousands of emoji’s the smaller boy used. Jimin sat by V’s feet, a proud smile on his face.
“Wait,” V said hanging back his phone “that’s in 30 minutes.”
“Yeah! So get up and get dressed!” Jimin said smacking V with a pillow again.
V looked and saw Jimin had already changed into day clothes. He wore dark black jeans, a white v-neck and a soft blue jacket. V pulled himself out of bed and headed to his dresser. He pulled out clothes and started to take off his shirt.
“Ya ya ya!” Jimin shouted. “What now?” V asked dryly.
“Don’t change in front of me that’ weird!” Jimin got up and started pushing V towards the bathroom “I don’t wanna see sophomore dick.”
Minhyuk waited patiently by the front door, one hand in the pocket of his tight, light wash khaki’s, the other sending a message to Jimin. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs, drawing his attention. He looked over to see Y/N coming down the stairs. His breath hitched in his throat.
“You ready?” Y/N asked grabbing her black purse from the counter.
Minhyuk watched Y/N, mouth opened in shock. Her golden hair flowed as they walked. They wore a tight fit black tank top and black leather pants. They had high platform boots making them as tall as Minhyuk. They also had eye makeup that made their color of their eyes pop out more than usual. Minhyuk blinked multiple times, trying to process Y/N’s looks.
“I, uh, hey where’s your glasses, don’t you need those to, like, see?” Minhyuk asked dumbly. “I’m wearing contacts.” they responded pointing at their eyes. “Oh, right…” The ebony haired boy looked down sheepishly.
Y/N looked at Minhyuk questioningly before opening the door. They froze immediately. “You didn’t tell me about them.” They whispered to Minhyuk, earning a smirk for the boy.
“HELLO Y/N-(NOONA/HYUNG)!” Jimin yelled from to end of the driveway
“You’re already letting him call you that?” Minhyuk asked coming up behind them, gently shutting the door as he stepped out. “No.” they responded curtly.
Jimin was latched around a jet black haired boy’s arm. Jihwan smiled brightly at the two as they walked down the driveway “Hello~! This is Jungkook!”
Y/N offered the new guy a smile as Minhyuk exchanged greetings. Y/N looked the new guy up and down, trying to get a read on him. He had an on almost teal cardigan that complimented Jimin’s jacket color well. Underneath it was a white graphic tee and a pair of thin black suspenders. Y/N noticed the three boys all had on the same style boots, Jimin and Jungkook’s black while V’s were white, and their pants’ cuffs rolled up slightly. Meanwhile V’s white tee shirt was covered by a pastel pink jacket.
“You’re gonna be cold you know.” Minhyuk said to Y/N, the only one without a jacket.
“It’s not that bad out.” The foreigner said shaking their head. “Where we going?”
“Ooh! The carnival is in town! I was hoping we could go before school started back up next week! Now’s the perfect time!!” Jimin said bouncing slightly. Jungkook smiled at the shorter boy, “That sounds fun.”
“You’re not afraid of rides right Y/N?” Minhyuk asked with a playful smirk. “Of course not, I’m not weak.”
“Alright, I’ll drive then.” Minhyuk pulled his keys out of his pocket and motioned for everyone to follow him to the garage.
About halfway through the day Jimin and Jungkook separated from the other three. Minhyuk had bought the five of them vip passes so they wouldn’t have to wait in line and could go on as many rides as they pleased.
“So, how does it feel knowing you spent $60 on Jungkook-ah and Jimin-hyung, just for them to ditch us to make out?” V asked stealing a piece of Minhyuk’s cotton candy. Minhyuk tried to hold back his laughter, swatting away V’s hand. He side eyed Y/N on his other side, noticing they shivered. “I told you you’d be cold.”
“It’s not tha-” before they could finish their sentence Minhyuk was handing them his aqua sweater he had been wearing. “But, what about you?”
The older boy shrugged, adjusting his white undershirt. He smiled widely at them as they put it on. He turned to look at V, smile wavering when he saw the younger looking a little mad. Suddenly he realized that Y/N and V hadn’t said a single word to each other.  He turned the bag of cotton candy to Y/N, “Do you want some?”
“Gomabseubnida.” Y/N said reaching in the bag
Minhyuk purposefully dropped it, pretending that they accidently knocked it out of his hand, the cotton candy feel out and onto the pavement. “Oh shit. Sorry, I’m so clumsy. Here, you two wait here, I’ll go buy more.”
The older smirked as he walked away from the two, hoping that they’d finally talk and break the awkward atmosphere. Y/N turned to V awkwardly. The brunette rubbed the back of his neck shyly, avoiding looking at the other.
“So uh,” He started sheepishly “how are you enjoying Korea?”
“It’s pretty.” They responded just as nervously “It’s very different from my home.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“I’m not really sure? I like both a lot, it’s just nice to be somewhere new.”
V hummed in response, not really sure what to say next. He looked down at his feet nervously. The boy wondered if his hyungs and Jungkook planned together to get him and Y/N alone. He looked around nervously to see if the boys were watching making fun of him secretly. Turning back to Y/N he offered a shy smile, the older returning one back. They shifted ter weight from leg to leg awkwardly, hoping Minhyuk would return soon.
“OH LOOK IT’S V AND Y/N-(NOONA/HYUNG)!” Y/N cringed at the voice, rather being alone with V then the bubbly boy and his boyfriend joining. “HI GUYS!”
V turned around to see Jimin and Jungkook approaching, the smaller still clinging to Jungkook’s arm. V smiled at the site of them, noting how Jimin looked so much younger than the freshmen despite being two years older. “Hey you two, we’ve you guys been?”
“Jimin-hyung insisted we go on the ferris wheel together and we got separated.” Jungkook said smiling down at Jimin.
“Hey, where’s Minhyuk-hyung?” The orange haired boy asked looking around
“I accidently dropped our cotton candy so he’s getting us more.” Y/N piped in
Jimin laughed “Are you just as clumsy as our hyung?”
“No one can be as clumsy as him.” V spoke.
“Rude” Minhyuk said coming up behind them, smile on his face “I’m not that bad.”
“Hyung!” Jimin exclaimed excitedly.
“Oh good,”Minhyuk ruffled the small ones hair “you two are done making out. What do you guys wanna do now?”
The five finally left long after the sun had set. It was just past midnight as they drove peacefully around the town, Minhyuk driving with V up front, and Y/N, Jimin, and Jungkook sitting in the back.
“(Noona/Hyung)~! Why don’t you tell us about you’re home!” Jimin said turning to the foreigner.
“Well, what do you mean?”
“What’s it like?! The people? Your friends? Your old school? The sites? Everything!”
The student thought for a moment, “I lived in the this small town. There wasn’t really much to do in town. If you wanted to hang out with friends it was either stay at someone’s house or go to the neighboring cities. We’d usually just hang around the malls or go to cafes and bookstores. I actually had a job at the mall in our town. As for my school, I was in the band, and I also was in chorus an-”   “WAAAAAAA~ YOU CAN SING? Oh... sorry, sorry go on” Jimin covered his mouth quickly after his outburst.
Y/N chuckled before continuing their story, softly smiling as they talked “I don’t know if there’s really much to tell about school really. My friends though were… interesting. How do I describe them… They all tell really bad jokes and think they’re the funniest people ever but I still laugh at them. They put up with all my weird antics because they do twenty times weirder things. They’re really nice, but also total dweebs. Like I said, there wasn’t much going on in our town so we’d go and just walk around the mall, not really interested in buying anything, just enjoying eachother’s company. One other place we went a lot was Barnes and Noble, a book store. We would just sit in the aisles reading different books, giving each other recommendations, laughing at terrible books we read, or getting nostalgic at the books we read when we were younger. I made sure to ask for all my friends recommendations before I came here and bought all the books. We’d drive around at night like what we’re doing now and just dance to whatever song came up, usually looking like complete idiots. I miss them.” Y/N looked up from their hands realizing everyone was looking at her, except Minhyuk who kept his eyes on the road. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to ramble on so much.”
“That sounds nice.” Jimin said softly.
Y/N hummed a response, turning to look out the window, smile still on their face. V turned around to face the front again after realizing he had been staring, cheeks flushing.
“Why’d you come here?” Minhyuk asked, looking at her in the rear view mirror.
“I’ve always wanted to study aboard, be somewhere new and exciting, I’ve always been interested in South Korea too. It’s always sounded so nice and pretty, and the language was fun and easy to learn.”
“Sure, you just wanted to meet all the hot korean boys in the bands you listen to, didn’t you?” Minhyuk asked laughing
“I will admit, that is totally how I learned Korean.”
“Oh my god.” Jungkook said in a jokingly disgusted voice.
“Your Korean is pretty good though!” Jimin said much louder than needed.
Jungkook grabbed Jimin’s head and put it on his own shoulder and stroked the orangey hair to try and get the older to calm down. Y/N laughed softly and thanked Jimin. “What about you guys? What’s your backstory?”
Minhyuk shrugged a shoulder. “You already know about me. Mayor’s son, mom’s a teacher, dumb younger brother.”
Y/N laughed slightly at the dig at Sungjae. Jimin lifted his head of Jungkook’s shoulder. “I’m an only child, though my friends are pretty much like my siblings.”
“Same here.” Jungkook piped in.
V sighed. “I have so many siblings, though I’m the youngest. All my hyungs moved out but my noona still lives with us.”
Y/N looked around and waited for someone to say something else, since they all seemed like they had more to say. Yet not one said anything. Y/N turned back to look out window, peacefully watching the trees pass by as Minhyuk drived down areas of Korea they’d yet to explore. They were actually glad that the other three came along, glad they would have more than just one friend. They noticed they had pulled into a neighborhood and before long were pulling into a driveway. Both Jimin and Jungkook climbed out of the car saying bye to the others.
“Doesn’t Jimin still have stuff at your house from last night?” Minhyuk asked as he backed out of the driveway.
“Jimin still has stuff at my house from 3 years ago.” V laughed.
The three drove back to their neighborhood in mostly silence, tiredness to overwhelming to talk. Minhyuk stopped in front of the large blue house next door, C getting out and saying goodbye to the two before tiredly walking to the front door. Minhyuk drove into his own driveway. He realized Y/N wasn’t getting out, turning around to see they had fallen asleep. He smiled and opened their door, reaching over to unbuckle them. The boy reached his arms under Y/N and gently pulled them out of the car, carrying them bridal style.
He carried them into the house, having a bit of difficulty with the doorknob. Minhyuk brought them up to their room, lightly placing the foreigner onto their bed. He looked down at them, smiling as he took in their beauty. He brushed the hair out of their face softly. Gently he took off their shoes and placed them on the floor at the end of the bed. Minhyuk quietly closed the door behind him and headed to his room. He leaned against his door after entering his room.
“Well. Shit.” He mumbled to himself.
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tlcrescuepa · 7 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-sunrise-sunset/
Week-End Update: Sunrise, Sunset
Well we’ve closed the chapter in another week and everyone’s spending the rest of the day celebrating Father’s day. Here at TLC, we not only have awesome dads, we have some pretty pawsome foster dads too and we hope they’re all enjoying their special day.
While we’re always happy when our pups find their furever families, some pups end up with an extra-special story as part of their happily ever after. To be honest, we were all surprised that Dozier wasn’t snatched up as soon as he was posted as available – he’s extremely well socialized so he’s good with dogs, cats and people of all ages, he’s also completely unfazed by wheel-chairs, walkers or any sort of medical equipment. He’s also stinkin’ cute! It was only natural for us to take him on a recent visit to Sunrise Senior Living in Paoli and we weren’t surprised that he knocked the socks off all the employees & residents he met. Everyone will be happy to know that one of their own is now Dozier’s proud new dad (seriously, dad looks even more excited than the kids do in the happy tail pic!). Dozier would like to let everyone know that he’s changed his name to Oreo and he can’t wait to start his job as the Community Dog at Sunrise!
Also adopted this week were: Bitly, Brewster (now Obie), Bridgette, Dora (now Bella), Ember (now Ari), Hamlet, Lou (Choo Choo Lou), Mommie (now Emmy), Rex & Tabi (now Sadie).
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Bitly (in the back, being overshadowed by new bro Jack)
Brewster now Obie
Dora now Bella
Ember now Ari
Lou now choo choo Lou
Mommie now Emmy
Tabi now Sadie
Dozier now Oreo
  We also have some updates to share:
“Prue is loving life….”
          Ozzy FKA Osman
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“I wanted to write a note on Ozzy’s (fka Osman) 1 year adoptiversary. To be honest, he’s the one that has taken up all of my time this past year (along with big brother Rocky (fka Earl) 😁). Ever since he came into our lives, he has been non-stop! This guy is around 45lbs now and is non-stop energy, endlessly curious, and always challenging the rules (unless you have a treat, then he’ll do whatever you want). He loves to cuddle and play with his brother, and we could not imagine life without him (even though he challenges our sanity on a daily basis).
Thanks again to all of the volunteers with the rescue, and here’s to a Happy First Adoptiversary to our first foster and foster fail :)”
  Daisy FKA Tina
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  “Tina, now Daisy is AMAZING!  Knock wood no accidents in the house and this morning she purposefully rang a bell to go out.  She is a delight exhibiting all the love and loyalty labs are known for.  She has only eaten two shoelaces which I view as a miracle based on our prior lab.  We have signed up for obedience classes and should see the vet next week.   Can’t say how great she is.”
“Gina is doing well. Our vet told her that she hit the jackpot with us since she will be very well taken care of the rest of her life and “will never have to work again”. He has a weird sense of humor and really is a true “dog whisperer” – they all love him.
Gina is a very sweet girl and has already settled into our home with her new fur sister. The only major issue we have with her is that she is terrified of any car or truck. She won’t even walk past them. She refuses to even get close and fights when lifted and put in one. We found this out in your parking lot on Sunday but thought it was just leaving her litter mate. Although after coming home from the vet’s office she came out by herself when she realized where she was. She went right to our other dog, Bella. So that was a really good sign. My vet gave us lots of ideas to ease her into getting in a vehicle which we will try but I am hoping to hire a trainer who will also work with her. Too bad the ones you gave me below are too far away from us, hopefully I can find one in our area.
As for her house behaviors, they are wonderful. She sleeps in a crate at night without a sound and during the day I have it open and she often goes in my herself but she usually is right by my side ( my office is at home) so it is a really “
  Griffin FKA Harry
Griffin FKA Harry
“My sweet Griffin is doing so, so well! He’s honestly the friendliest dog I’ve ever met, and very well behaved. He’s been doing lots of fun new stuff, like going on play dates, swimming, and going to doggie day care, which he LOVES. My husband and I are also moving to a place with a yard, so I know Griffin will be thrilled for that too.
Thank you again for bringing him into our lives! He’s completed our little family so perfectly.” 
  Zara FKA Dolly
Zara FKA Dolly
“We did rename Dolly to Zara, it means flower and princess in 2 different languages. And what a delight she is. She’s settling in so well and we couldn’t be happier with her behavior. She’s a total daddy’s girl and is best friends with her doggie cousin, Rokkit! She’s already learned sit and is out of her crate and free roaming the house. 
 We are calling tonight to make an appointment for the vet and also doing the insurance and lifetime license tonight.
It is very exciting to have her in our home. We can’t thank your rescue enough for bringing her into our lives. We will definitely keep sending pictures as we get them! She’s such a wiggly one haha. “
  Sarge FKA King
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“King is settling in nicely. We will change his name to Sarge. 
I will touch base with the trainer also to catch up on how/what he was trained for so far
THANK you all so much for approving our application and allowing us to adopt such a magnificent addition to our family. He is a perfect fit
I will send pics now that there is some sunshine :)”
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“I just wanted to check in and tell you how much we love Halley.  Its been almost a year since we adopted her and we can’t imagine our family without her.   If you remember, we spend the summers in PA and the rest of the year in Maryland.  We just returned to PA for the summer and Halley loves it here, with so many things to smell and see at the lake.  In Maryland we ended up putting in a fence and Halley loves her yard.  She has a dog friend in the neighborhood who comes to play in the yard a few days a week, and we have another dog friend that we walk a few miles with a few times a week.  We also joined a dog park in Columbia, Maryland.   As a tip for your new adopters, lots of opportunities to walk, run, or play with other dogs – at least one big activity a day-  make Halley a great pet the rest of the day.    She is a year and a few months old now and has settled into being a great dog, doesn’t get into quite so much puppy trouble these days.    We crate trained, limited access in the house, learned to keep our belongings off the floor, and waited patiently for her to outgrown her puppy chewing habits.  She has full run of the house now and is very well behaved.   Everyone who meets Halley – strangers, her groomer, the daycare we occasionally use, all think that she is the sweetest dog ever.”
  Dalton FKA Ringo (Tracie’s pup)
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“Dalton is doing great! 
We have already started training and socializing him.  He is with me all the time and has been so great at my three in-service days at school! Everyone says how good and calm he is!  As seen on Facebook, he’s been somewhere everyday we have had him and really is fearless and so curious! 
He is similar and yet so different than Cincy!  We miss Cincy terribly and I still cry each day for him, BUT Dalton is helping ease that pain so much!  Thank you for allowing us to have this incredible gift! He’s truly healing our broken heart! 
We have changed Cincy’s Facebook page to Cincy’s new little brother Dalton’s page.  Please feel free to pass my email address to Dalton’s sisters so they can share and follow if they choose!
Here’s a few shots of our boy!”
  Brees FKA Pryor
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“Brees (previously Pryor) is adjusting well and we are in love with her! She goes to work with me a couple times a week and gets to meet many people and dogs!”
Reese FKA Pia
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“She is doing well, having some troubles with potty training but I guess that is to be expected. We changed her name to Reese.”
  Oliver FKA Orville (Annalee & Tito FKA Thor’s pup)
“Orville (Now Oliver) is settling in well. I had him to the vet on Monday and all was good. He is a smart puppy and is doing well with his housebreaking. He is a perfect match for our family and is so sweet and lovable. I couldn’t ask for a better puppy! I will send pictures as soon as I can.”
  Luna FKA Angie
“Luna has boundless energy! Probably one of the reasons why I haven’t been able to touch base with you…
She loves runs through the woods and every moment spent meeting new fur-
friends!  She greets us at the door with her tail going nuts and lots of licks.  Although she usually has a hard time being still, she is a cuddler at night on the couch.
She makes us smile every day!  We’re looking forward to taking her on vacations with us this summer.”
  Sally Draper FKA Sally
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“We kept her name as Sally (my daughter named her Sally Draper) and she is doing really well, we adore her. I’ve attached some pictures. She has a vet appointment tonight, and is integrating well into our family. I will probably follow up with the trainers for some minor issues, and taking Sally for professional training later this month. She has already learned to sit and stay and is doing well with crate training. “
Kona FKA Sarah
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Meanwhile, Sally’s much smaller sister is still teeny and wanted to let us know she changed her name to Kona
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“Ahhhh, The dog’s life! Sometimes I am a little jealous. Shade has a number of friends. I am attaching a picture of her chilling with a couple of her friends at home. She is a very gracious host, sharing her food and providing extra water bowls for her friends as well as some of her toys. Her favorite, the ball, she loves to run and catch.
She helps keep the kitchen counters cleared off. If we accidentally leave any food on the counter, even if it is in a container, she thinks its hers since she can easily reach it.  I am attaching a recent picture of her after her last grooming just in time for Memorial weekend sporting her summer cut.
The only one to keep her in check is my cat, Bean. Bean loves to watch Shade run and catch the ball. They have become friends, though Bean still likes to bedevil Shade and will every once in awhile, lay down as a blockade preventing Shade from passing knowing she is afraid to pass him.
She is getting better walking on the leash, but can’t resist trying to chase after the rabbits.”
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“Yes we believe we are going to keep the name of our new dog Shiloh. I had thought about naming him after my dad’s dog Virgil, but he seems to respond more to the Shiloh name.
“Shiloh has adjusted very well to his new environment.  He and Mugsy are getting along very well.
We will be making the follow-up appointment with our vet today.  Thank you for the reminder. We will also be introducing Shiloh to our vet in Maine sometime this summer while we are there.  We leave in a couple of weeks and will be there until the middle of October.
Yes, we Will send you pictures of Shiloh as time goes by. We are very happy to have him as a member of our family.
Thank you very much for the work that you do and making sure the adopted pets find wonderful forever homes.
Have a great day!”
0 notes