#he looks so good chained up...fml
cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
Regular FML AU things
Phil just wants to go outiside
"Look, my love, I have to go-"
Phil cuts Forever off, no patience left in him. He needed to be out of here. Now. "Please! Just take me with you! I won't leave your side, we can take care of Richas together, don't you want that?" He tried. He'd been trying for days.
Forever's eyes flickered over Phil's face before he sighed heavily. "I just can't say no to you... You'll be the death of me, dearest, you really will."
He walked back to Phil, where he sat politely on the floor. He'd been so well behaved recently, Forever had no reason not to let him come with them. It had been days since he last acted out and he was surely losing it a little in this empty room.
"You cannot be causing trouble though, okay? Last time I let you out you left me this nasty scar." Forever said in a warning tone. The same tone he used to scold Richas on the rare occasion he would act out. He gestured to the still healing scar on his arm.
Phil nodded quickly, eager to comply.
Good. That was good.
Forever took a key from his pocket and took off the chains around Phil's ankles, then his wrists. His hands were still healing from the last broken bone and his leg still ached when he stood, but he wasn't about to complain. Being outside with a bad leg was better than even another single minute in that room.
As soon as he could, he took a hold of Forever's arm, both for physical support and reassurance. It had become increasingly difficult to feel safe without Forever around. It was very conflicting. Forever smiled at him, a softness to his gaze that Phil was still unused to. It felt so different than the usual harshness that came with what Forever thought was love.
"I'm so glad you're coming around, Phil, you know I hate to hurt you." Forever's smile feels out of place here. It made his words feel much less genuine.
"I'm sorry." Phil mutters without thinking.
Forever rolls his eyes lightheartedly, "It's okay! I knew it would take some work but here you are! We can go and take care of Richas together and be a family!" He pulls Phil a little closer to him somehow.
Phil nods. He lets Forever guide him out of the room. He limps as he walks alongside his partner, using Forever to keep himself upright and not on the ground.
The moment they get out of the door, Richas runs to his dad and into his arms, hopping up into a familiar and warm embrace. The boy scribbled on his sign and turned it to Phil with an excited chirp.
Phil smiles as best he can, using his hand to shield his eyes from the harsh sunlight that he had become so unfamiliar with. Suddenly, he regrets his need for the outside world. Too bright. too loud, too big. A part of him wants to run back inside and hide in his bed. He pushes it down, hiding it away in a box he hopes to never open.
Richas tugs on Forever's shirt and grabs at Phil. Forever yelps as his hair is pulled but obliges his son's wishes, passing the little boy to Phil with a soft smile. Nothing could take the love for his son away. It's sweet. It reminds Phil of Chayanne.
He struggles for only a moment to keep Richas in his arms, strength mostly gone from weeks of not enough movement and food. His arms tremble but he keeps the boy up, letting Richas sit on his hip as he grins at his dad.
Forever smiles back before coming closer to kiss the two of them on their heads. Phil tries not to think about it. He smiles at the soft show of affection but a horrible feeling curls in his gut. This feels all too domestic, too sweet, too familial. Richas is not his son. Forever is not his lover.
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heavens-angels · 2 years
Oops, she let it go
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A secret fan, but her boyfriend plays for a mentioned rival team. Can she keep her facade when the team she swoons for wins infront her boyfriend?
Type : Mini story (fluff)
A/n : First time writing here, please be gentle 🥲 Also lmk if yall want some more stuff like this. Cliche fluffy story btw, read at your own will. Enjoy! Its not perfect i know, but give me a break never wrote fluffy shit before fml. ALSO CONGRATS ARGENTINA I LOVE YOU BB.
She had been a fan of Argentina since she was a little girl. Well she got introduced to being a fan because her father was a die hard himself, but she truly enjoyed watching Argentina. Especially, magical Messi. Her magical Messi.
She was sobbing, looking at the tv and see Messi kiss the golden ball as he achieved an award of his own. What a beautiful sight, and what a tight match. Her heart was outside her chest the whole time.
Her boyfriend on the other hand stared at her, amused and impressed of her loyalty. They met in her working place, her being an English speaking assistant to someone who works under her boyfriend. A long chain of hierarchy if you will.
“Bebe.. you know your boyfriend play for Brazil right?” He asks her.
She looks at him, mascara all over her face and nose and cheeks tinted pink from crying so much. “Umm yes I’m not stupid.” She tried to put out an understandable sentence as she huffs for air.
His confused eyes went away as he smiles, bringing her closer to him. He put her head on his chest and she feels comforted as his warmth from his hand on her head soothes the ache from crying too much. “Ayay, you always shock me amor.”
“I know how this looks, but I swear I love you. But Argentin_” and she can’t complete the sentence because she starts crying even harder.
He brings her closer and kisses her head whilst trying to hold in his laughter but oh man what a sight this was.
“Okay next time remind me to bring you Messi jersey and not mine.”
She looks at him with big old guilty eyes, “No neymar! I support you, I love you! But Arge-” And the water works just got bigger.
He laughs out loud this time, he was having a great time teasing her, borderline bullying her.
“Ney I promise I prayed for you and Brazil. I even acted like I didn’t care for Argentina, but today all the memories from childhood came back t-to my head and I can’t stop thinking of this win. I wanted this for soooo long.”
Neymar listened to her intently, not understanding a few words, but understanding her love was enough. It was true though, she gave no reaction for Argentina for their matches. Never bothered to look at Messi whenever he and Neymar were together, tried gaslighting herself even. That it looks odd to anyone, her boyfriend PLAYS for Brazil, but she supports Argentina, a rival team. But why would she have to throw away her love for one thing for another, is it that impossible to love both?
Neymar was understanding, and someone very caring, so he tried his best to support her. He even took a secret picture of her that he definitely was going to send to Messi later, he’ll prank her for sure.
She covered her face, embarrassed, supporting the opposing team, a rival team, him finding out this way, him losing a few days prior, and her facade coming undone, ugh, it just didn’t feel right.
She looks up to tell him something when she sees him smiling down at her, eyes gloomy from his eye smile, lips parted and pink, and damn his beauty all over. She blushes instantly. God this was not the time. So she snaps herself out of his trance.
“Ney.. don’t think I take you or supporting you as a joke okay? This is just a childhood thing.” She speaks slowly so that he can understand every word. He smiles even deeper.
“(Y/n/n). It’s okay. Loving me is not equals to loving Brazil, yeah? Infact, it’s good that you are supporting Argentina. Means next time I will play to win your love to Brazil, means I play extra hard, and I will win.”
Her little sobs fade away as she hears him say something so sweet, and proud he could explain something so heart felt with such little words. Just hearing it can swoon anyone.
This time she puts her hand on his face, kissing his cheeks slowly, feeling his long lashes bat against her cheeks. “I will always support you, win or lose. No matter where you are, or where you go. I am here, for you.”
He pulls her in, pecking her with soft motions to calm her down. “Te amo, princess.”
She laughs hearing such cliche sweet words, “I love you too, king without a crown.”
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wilhelmjfink · 3 years
Felt downright bad that you were kind of disappointed for not getting a lot of feedback, because you definitely deserve to. Characters are solid (and great at swearing) and most of all you have an on point sense for rhythm of language, it's a really good read. That being said, I throw #32 and #44 in the ring and am sitting here giggling pleasantly in anticipation.
You’re amazing. You’re an angel and I love you. Thank you so much. Also I love to swear. I’d imagine if TWD wasn’t on television, Daryl would too. Also thank you for your patience!
This is long but I legit struggled with a scenario for this one lmaooooo so here’s a one shot
PS sorry I still haven’t figured out how to page break and “read more” on mobile fml
You were having horrible flashbacks to running the mile in high school gym class. Freshman year, you faked an injury and smugly allowed the school nurse to push you off the track in a wheelchair while you flipped your friends off and stick your tongue out, showing up on crutches the next day to write your essay on fitness instead. Sophomore year, you pretended to have a mental breakdown, screaming and crying when they herded you outside, babbling incoherently about your how mortified you were that you had to put on the stale, boxy uniform and make a fool of yourself in front of your peers. Junior year, they caught on, and the coach ran next to you the entire mile.
Only right now, it wasn’t Coach J running beside you with a snide expression looking down at you, it was Daryl who, admittedly, wasn’t much happier than Coach had been.
Your lungs burnt while you struggled to keep up with him, running on pure adrenaline now, straining to hear any sign of the strangers still keeping pace behind you over the incessant thumping of your heartbeat in your eardrums.
But you followed him, because that’s what you did, and what you would always do. Rounded every corner, jumped every log, crossed every creek without question because Daryl had never let you down before and you were sure he wouldn’t start today.
“C‘mon,” he ushered you beside him as you started to slow, not allowing you to stop for fear that you wouldn’t be able to start back up. “I dunno if they’re still followin’ us, but I don’t hear ‘em anymore.”
How long had you been running? Those men chased you guys for miles. They weren’t familiar — you were positive they didn’t have a vendetta, but who knew? Daryl would lay down and die before he ever let you get caught up with the wrong group; especially without him.
Risking a quick, nervous glance over your shoulder, you didn’t spot anymore company; an extremely welcome relief to your pounding heart and crippling anxiety that intertwined somewhere inside of you with the piercing adrenaline that created some combination of mental and physical exhaustion and a deep sense of dread.
Whether your knees finally gave out or you stepped awkwardly into a pothole, you suddenly fell forward onto the concrete with a grunt. The respite was heavenly; and you opted to bask in the stillness just for a second, hoping maybe Daryl wouldn’t push you to get back up just yet and let you try and catch your breath. And by the looks of him, you figured he could use the break as well; he was coated in sweat, head to toe, strands of his hair sticking to his forehead, his breathing heavy not unlike yours, and you briefly wondered if he was as miserable as you were.
You’d followed him to some sort of industrial plaza, with large warehouses looming over you in each direction, abandoned semi trucks strewn across the parking lots, billboards on the horizon and train tracks weaving behind it all. A tall chain link fence separated you from the main lot; a minor barrier that you prayed held up strong between you and the dozens of walkers meandering aimlessly on the other side.
But that realization was nothing compared to the fear that took back over when you heard it: whistling, hooting, hollering. Distant, but prevalent.
Desperately, you looked to Daryl for an answer: what do we do? Where do we go? You prayed your tired expression could still manage to convey all of these things to him, the years of silent companionship and wordless communication stronger than the debilitating exhaustion you were sure managed to disguise the other underlying emotions.
But he didn’t even have to double take at you — in fact, before you could think twice, he hoisted you back up back onto your feet from beneath your arms, and was dragging you behind him towards the gates.
“We gotta go through,” was all he said as you approached and got a good view of just how many walkers there really were on the opposite side. A straggler both noticed you and alerted you to a hole cut through the fence, which didn’t help the panic you were fighting off that tried to set in when Daryl’s words finally registered.
“What?” You still weren’t sure you heard him correctly. “Are you insane? We can’t go in there!”
But he hardly responded to you, lodging his Bowie knife until the side of the nearby walker’s skull with a sickening squelch. And yet, it still seemed so practiced, so technically mastered to you as he removed it and caught the body before it fell dead weight against the fence and rattled it, alerting all of its friends that luckily had yet to notice you.
Daryl immediately set to work, skilled and precise as he always was in anything he did, cutting down the center of the corpse as if performing an autopsy. You knew instantly what would follow, and you swallowed nervously, your stomach already churning at the thought and the sounds that followed certainly didn’t help.
And he stood up, a heaping pile of red rotten guts and intestines and coagulated blood in the palm of his hand. “Do ya trust me?”
You didn’t hesitate, the words tumbling from your mouth before your brain could consider any other answer: “Of course.”
Maybe it was the certainty in your voice, or how quickly and confidently you’d answered, but he seemed to pause for a fraction of a second, his normally bright, icy blue eyes fleetingly finding yours, now a dark and almost angry shade of slate. He nodded stiffly in response — you hated the thought that he might have been trying to convince himself at the same time.
“Alright.” He stepped forward, his free hand that wasn’t currently holding a softball-sized glob of decomposed flesh and old, rotted blood, grabbing one of your own hands that hung limply at your side, still stinging from the bits of gravel that pierced the skin of your palm. It was almost as if the second his touch met yours, none of that even mattered — why were you running? But then, in a swift motion that screamed at you that he was fighting the urge to hold back, the gross, wet sensation you’d been dreading was slathered against the front of your chest, instantly soaking through your t-shirt. “I ain’t gonna let anything happen to ya, alright? Nothin’. I promise ya that.”
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nabrizoya · 4 years
Congrats on your 100 followers!!! 💞💞💞 Thank you for being here, for fangirling over Jesse and Lucie with me! You brighten my day every time I see your messages!! 🤗💕 Those 100 have made the right choice by following you!! Sooo... 1 about Cordelia, 4, and 6 about Jesse!! Something about me... I love watching rhythmic gymnastics and it is one of the leading sports in my country!! 😊
excuse me ma’am have i ever talked of how brilliant you are and everything that you do? when you first followed me i lost my shit because oH my GOD look who- yeah, safe to say, I was really excited and surprised. Man, talking about Jesse and Lucie is like the best thing ever but more than that, I’m glad that I got to know a little more about you as a person than just a tumblr user I adore. (idk about the right choice but ehh, we’ll see). 
1. Oh my god. I loVED Cordelia all the while reading Chain of Gold. She’s so wonderful and we all see parts of ourselves in her? She’s not self sufficient but she always strives to be better? The one moment that I fell absolutely in love with her was when she goes to confess to Alastair that she had been eavesdropping on him and Charles and she says, and I quote:
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overhear such things. I only wanted to tell you I loved you just the same. It makes no difference to me.
Because honestly, these words mean the world to a struggling person. And I can only imagine the effect they have on Alastair because the next time we see him, he’s fiercely protective of Layla, a side of him which he haven’t seen until then. It just shows the sort of power that words and especially words that mean acceptance can come a long, long way. 
I think many people already knew at the beginning of the book that the boy Lucie met in the forest was Jesse but I hadn’t known that at all. Possibly because I only started reading the rest of tsc i.e. TID, TFTSA, TDA and GOTSM since March. So I was clueless for a bit there. 
Here’s a bonus to you though: Much, much before I even started reading Lady Midnight, the moment I met Kit, I knew he was Herondale. Why? Did I have a metal detector thing that spots Herondales? No. Because I... wait for it... spoiled myself. Hell yeah, spoiler nation to the victory. But I spoiled myself way back in 2018 itself so idk it must’ve stayed at the back of my mind until it decided to randomly torment just as I began reading. 
6. Jesse [aah, there’s SO many!] 
When Tatiana would go around on her voodoo, black magic errands, Jesse would play the piano for Grace and it would be the only time when he would get to see his sister truly be the little child she was. I also have this strange headcanon that Grace is an excellent singer and that when her brother plays the piano, she sings the shadowhunters’ lullaby that her biological mother sang to her as a child. As she sang, Jesse would play the tune to match the piano because he has heard it being sung to other shadowhunter kids in Idris. In retrospect, it’s kinda sad, but what can be said? The two of them really did live strange and nearly awful lives. 
Jesse is a profound animal lover! He loves ALL animals and as a ghost while he wandered around the Brocelind Forest, he befriended almost many of them. And this kinda ties up well with the fact that Ty (who is said to be the most resembling to Jesse, what with his slender build and features and black hair) also loves animals so much, but the key difference is that Ty while loves the eccentric and rarest of them, Jesse quite likes all of them though there is a line that he draws where he carefully handles a little more dangerous animals. 
He once tried to fix the garden that made a clearing behind the Chiswick House (near the river next to the trees) and decided to build a birdhouse but due to his sickness, he never was actually able to. but he’ll fix it with Lucie. it will become abandoned after a few years and then it will collapse due to lack of proper care.
Jesse loves the space and he enjoys stargazing. (: 
Jesse is a manageable, perhaps a nearly good cook and because I doubt Tatiana ever fed him well he sometimes made his sister’s favourite treats that he otherwise wouldn’t when his mother was around.
Listen up you lovely person, I am SO GLAD I MET YOU and yess it’s an understatement when I say you’re awesome. :’) and i’ll keep repeating that until the end of eternity and your love for star wars is unmatchable. <33
(also, shit, this is awkward, i totally forgot to do 4. here you go: it’s a collection from december 2019 when i was reading a few books from the chronicles of narnia; 
“Grown-ups are always thinking of uninteresting explanations!” said Digory. 
Aunt Letty was a very tough old lady; aunts often were in those days.
Laugh and fear not, creatures. Now that you are no longer dumb and witless, you need not always be grave. For jokes as well as justice come in with speech.
Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed. 
“...There is no pool now. The world is ended, as if it had never been. Let the race of Adam and Eve take warning.” // “Yes Aslan,” said both the children. But Polly added, “But we’re not quite as bad as that world, are we, Aslan?” // “Not yet, Daughter of Eve.”
The Magician’s Nephew, Lewis Carroll.
thanks for asking, matey. :”)
Also, Photographic evidence of me spoiling myself lol circa 2020 March 31st: (such a mood no? FML).
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korkisobsessions · 4 years
The Oath
V. Caring
Still without betareading...please don´t kill me :D
Who wants to hump Yeongshin?? :D 
Enjoy my friends
Also I made that wooden swallow by myself and guess what? I lost it when i first wear it!! I made just one photo...FML!!! Photo at the end of chapter ;)
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Yeong shin was sitting on bench and for a moment he felt peace. Sun was shining and air was warm. It was safe. Dead hated warm so they were safe for moment. He stretched his legs and found himself comfortable position. His rifle was already clean and he had nothing to do. It was unusual and he enjoyed it. But after few moments he found himself piece of wood. He was flipping it between his fingers, examined patterns of layers, until he got idea. He pulled out one of his knifes and started to cut of little pieces of wood.
He was still thinking about Nilah. Her trembling body pressed tight against his. Smell of her hair, that he can´t identified, maybe it was her scent. He never held woman like this. He was barely man, when he joined chakho forces, and there were only men. They travel through country side by side hunting tigers and sometimes other men. There were women, in distant villages, selling their bodies for money or food. But they were scared of chakho soldiers or too harsh to hump tiger hunters it was weird, loud and quick. He never find woman, to touch him gently, to hug him…to like him. He thought that they were scared of him, that they saw darkness and emptiness of his soul like he was lost and broken.
But Nilah…
She smiled at him; she looked for his gaze. She was so full of warmth and light, he felt it filed him, he almost choked. But it was the most beautiful thing he ever felt. And she touched him, like it was the most natural thing in this world. She wasn’t scared of him.
Suddenly he felt pang of guilt in his guts. He swore to Lee Chang, that he will meet him in Sangju, two and half months from now. But he was too scared to leave that it will break his heart to thousand pieces. How can he leave first good thing in his life? She will not wait for him. There was lot of men around her. After some time, she will forget him and find herself better man who wouldn’t leave her. Maybe that prick, who was still staring at her like hungry animal. That soldier, who wanted to take her from his arms, when he found her injured after the battle.
His name was Sang-Ho. He was probably captain, because he was always giving orders to men of Lord Ahn who remains. Yeongshin always felt his intensive glare in his back. That man didn’t trust him and despise him. No matter what he’s done, he will always have burned mark on his shoulder. He will always be chakho.
“Beautiful day.” Came merry voice and Beom Pal sat down on a bench next to him. “What are you doing?” he was too curious for his own good.
“It’s nothing.” He hid piece of wood in his palm, feeling almost ashamed that magistrates surprised him. He was too deep in his thoughts that he didn’t saw him coming.
Beom Pal smiled and turned his face to sun, catching it’s warm beams. “You know my friend. We are both same.”
“Are we?” Yeongshin raised his eyebrows. He almost laughed. They were everything, but not the same.
“Yes! We are!” Beom Pal hit him playfully with back of his hand to his shoulder. Yeongshin gritted his teeth when the man hit his injured one. “We both have soft spot for fearless women. Am I right?” He laid palm over his heart.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, my lord.” Yeongshin whispered, suddenly feeling nervous. He thought about Beom Pal like about man, who can trip over tiger, without even realising it. If even he sees, that something is going on between them, he must be clear as a day.
“Aaah, don’t fool me! I’m maybe dumb, but I’m not blind. You are guarding her, watching her...”
“I’m not...” he defended himself, but it was pathetic.
“You do!” For the first time in his life was Beom Pal doing his job properly. Judging him.
“She saved my life. I owe her.” He was absolutely trapped.
“That’s not it. You saved my life several times, and am I sitting by your side?”
“Honestly? You are doing it right now.” He tried to save himself but Beom Pal suddenly, catch his hand with a piece of wood. He wanted to avoid him, but his injured shoulder slowed him. He started to be irritated.
“Don’t tell me, this isn’t for her.” He was holding little wooden bird. It wasn’t perfect, surface was still a bit rough, but it was quite pretty. Yeongshin was glad; his hands did something, nice. That he created something, not just destroying and killing.
He bow his head like caught thief. But he didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to.
Beom Pal’s face light up. He won. “She is quite beautiful woman, I saw that too. And that tales she always telling are amazing.”
“Yes, she is beautiful...” Yeongshin felt like his heart started to hammer louder in his chest.
“You should tell her, you love her.” Beom Pal whispered in low voice like conspirator with blink of an eye.
“I don’t... It’s not like that...”he stuttered like fool.
His companion shook his head like he was disappointed. “I never thought that comes the day when I call you coward, my friend.” He patted his back and stood up ready to leave. “But tell me one thing.” He tilted his head closer, giving him wooden swallow back. “Can you make one more? You know...for me...for Seo-Bi.”
Yeongshin hid smile and nod. “Yes, my lord.”
 Sun was high in the sky and he became bored. He wanted to rest, but his body was too used to be still in move, that his muscles almost itch to stand up and move. He hid little wooden swallow to his small bag, he was wearing across torso and went to one place he can think of.
Seo-Bi was sitting in front of Nilah and nagging her, like a child, who did something wrong.
“You should rest! Your wound isn’t healing because you are still running around like a fool!” Seo-Bi was too angry that she forgot to close curtain around Nilah’s bed and Yeongshin saw too much when he came closer. He saw angry red stitched wound, but except it, lot of naked skin. Nilah’s shirt was rolled high and he saw light skin of her abdomen.
He stopped to breath and almost tripped over his own foot. But heavy bump to his shoulder woke him up. Sang-Ho was walking towards him and he bump into him with too much force he almost fell. Normally he would avoid the contact, but he was too hypnotized by the uncovered skin of woman he cared for, that he didn’t see that man coming.
“Watch your steps, chakho!” Sang-Ho growl with voice full of disgust. His dark eyes pierced him with hatred.
Yeongshin held tight grip on one of his hidden knives, but Nilah’s voice got him back.
“I’m not running. I can’t with that stupid leg.” She sounds very annoyed.
He almost heard like Seo-Bi rolled her eyes. “I need more herbs. I think it’s little infected. Stay here and I will change your bandages when I get back. You look like you were in fight.”
He came closer and Nilah noticed him. His heart jumped, when he saw how her face light up, when she noticed him.
“Bring herbs, I will change the bandages.” He volunteered and came closer. He took Seo-Bi’s place and took bowl with healing ointment from her.
Seo-Bi raised eyebrows with question in her eyes.
“I don’t mind.” Nilah shrugged shoulders, but she blush a little.
They were silent when Seo-Bi left them. What happened between them in the nigh was still in the air. It was too intense to let it be.
Yeongshin was silent, even if he had so many questions. He carefully took her forearm to his palms and start to untying dirty bandages. There were few spots where blood was soaking through. He tried to be as gentle as possible but sometimes he must rip the fabric from her skin. It hurt him to cause her pain, but she was brave. She did not make a sound, just flinched when it was bad.
“I’m sorry.” He murmured and raised eyes to her face. She was calm, little pale, but her gentle smile was like sun.
“You don’t have to be.”
Her arms looked bad. They were covered with dark dried blood. It was painful just to look. Every move must torture her. He was thinking about yesterday, when she hit him several times.
“You have probably some questions.” She started. “About what I said yesterday.”
He gathered ointment to his palm and started to cover her injured skin. For a moment she closed her eyes and moaned. His heart almost jumps from his chest with that pleasurable sound. He was getting crazy from this woman.
“Only if you want to talk about it.” He was holding her forearm, gently massaging her skin and patiently waiting.
“I think you found out, that Lord who saved me after I runaway from my father’s business partner was Lord Ahn.”
“Yes, I did.” He nods. She was sitting in front of him on her cot, wearing man’s shirt without sleeves, so he can see, touch a lot of her skin. And she looked like she doesn’t mind; even she looked like she was enjoying it. His head was spinning.
“My brother taught me how to fight, so I offered myself as a soldier to Lord Ahn Hyun. If I stayed out, I would die sooner or later. He accepted me, but he was so devastated from war, he shut himself from the world and never left Sangju. But he leaves me to Deok Sung to be my guard and master. I was strange woman between men. Every time we left gates of Sangju, I covered my face to no one noticed I’m not a man. Enemies would be focused on me like on weak spot of a chain. So I practise with Deok Sung harder and harder to not be a weak spot and became one of the strongest. He was my master and became my friend. We watched our backs, until...I...failed him.” She sobs and tears were running down her face.
“It was not your fault.” He held her hand in his and gently rubbed her knuckles.
“It was...I was focused on something else and didn’t see that infected man coming, until it was too late. I thought, maybe he will not change, but that damn door stuck and he sacrificed himself.”
“He didn’t die in vain. He saved us and people in Sangju.” He was trying to calm her, and she knew it, because she had sad smile on her face.
“I know, but it’s still hard.”
Yeongshin started to wrap her arms in clean stripes of cloth, and his stomach was twisting. It remained him something he wanted to forget.
“Then was that fire and Prince Chang was looking for best men, so I volunteered. I didn’t want to sit there, waiting for help, so I run with you to Mungyeong Saejae.
When Lord Ahn died I thought, we will all die for nothing. Cho Hak Joo would win, and that plague will destroy whole land. But you get us from that prison and lead us to avenge him.”
Nilah pulled collar of shirt and expose her collarbone. There was thin fresh scar. “It’s from man, who was trying to pull you down from that cart when you shoot on Cho Hak Joo. I got him, but he was pretty fast.” She laughs and looked him in the eyes.
For a moment, all that he wanted was to pull that shirt off again and kiss that scar. To feel her warm skin with his lips again. How could he knew that this afternoon turned to test of his self control.
“I was there when Moo Yeong died.” Her face was suddenly grave. “And then that murdered mothers, like it all wasn’t enough, Haewon Cho made it worse.”
“It’s over. We beat the disease and Haewon Cho.” Yeongshin finished his work on her hands and smiled.
Nilah carefully stretched her arms and watched his work. Stripes was perfectly covering each other in criss cross pattern.
“You have some skills in this.” She laughed, but when she saw his face, she grows silent. He was serious again, his smile disappeared.
“My brother was sick.” He whispered with tight voice. “I used to treat his wounds and change bandages.”
“I’m sorry Yeongshin, I didn’t know.” And it was her, who was holding his hand now to comfort him.
“On that roof, I froze, because I though I saw him.”
Nilah face was full of compassion. “I knew it must have been something very serious. You looked like you saw ghost. I ran to you as fast as I could and I was so scared that I will be late.”
“You saved me.” His smile was back but there was sadness in it.
“Your brother would be proud, if he saw what you did.” She gently touched his face. Her fingers were lightly trembling. He closed his eyes and lean to her palm.
“I didn’t do anything. I just helped your highness.” He mumbled. Her touch was so comforting, he could fall asleep. He just wanted to laid his head down to her lap, closed his eyes and had a long sleep.
“Faster than disease is spreading words. People talk, and they talk about man, who was running towards danger, to save others. They talk about man who saved tired kids...” her face was so close, he almost felt her breath on his lips. He could just lean forward to kiss her.
“They are dead now.” His voice was empty. He remembered people lying dead on the ground with arrows in their bodies. They saved them from infected just to be killed by palace guards.
“Not all of them!” Her eyes were full of hope. She gave him something he can hold on to. Hope, that he made something good.
He breathed in, but suddenly he heard loud footsteps.
“I got that herbs!” Seo-Bi was back with bowl of herbs. “It should help with that infection. “
“I should go. I will bring you, something to eat.” He stood up and lightly kissed her forehead. It surprised him, how simple and obvious it was, to touch her, to kiss her.
“Thank you.” She smiled at him and her eyes shine like thousand stars.
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
Anonymous said: hi, may I request something if it’s not too much trouble? it’s about saeyoung and the reset theory. but basically saeyoung and mc got in an argument and mc went to bed upset with him. saeyoung has a nightmare that once he’s happy with mc in the future, like with their own kids and a nice house and stuff, mc will reset and saeyoung will find that they’re back to day 1 and she falls for the others without remembering him. then he wakes up all sad and scared and he and mc make up. thank u so much!
Hi babe! I really liked to write the story although I’m not a huge fan of the reset theory but I had a pretty good idea so I hope you like it too! Please tell me your opinion! 
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,,I JUST CAN’T BELIEVE IT!’’ he yelled at you.  ,,Can’t we just talk?’’ you asked him, still calm, full with patience for your fiancé.  ,,NO I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!’’ he yelled and threw the first thing which came across on the floor.  Unfortunately the object was a vase your little brother gave you as a present to your engagement party.  It was a very special present for you and so the situation escalated.  ,,I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! I MAY JUST DISSOLVE OUR ENGAGEMENT!’’ you yelled with tears in your eyes.  Saeyoung stayed silent about this matter.  He hated the though of you regretting choosing to marry him.  But he just couldn’t make himself apologize to you.  ,,I’ve told you so many times that I don’t want any children and now you tell me that you’re pregnant!’’ he stated once again.  ,,AHHHHH I CAN’T BEAR IT ANYMORE!’’ you yelled at him.  ,,YOU’RE ILL! YOU’RE SICK AND YOU KEEP MAKING ME ILL TOO!’’ you yelled.  You grabbed your hair and pulled them with your hands.  This made him realize that you were actually really stressed.  But knowing about your pregancy was just too much. Saeyoung just couldn’t accept that even he deserved happiness, a loving family, a wife, a life without worries. 
,,You know what? Just forget it.’’ you sighted, taking the cake you did for him and throwing it into the bin.  The baby pink and blue colors mixed in the bin, making the sentence ,,Congratulations, DADDY’’ unreadable.  Saeyung could hear you sob, his heart was in pain. Just the imagination of you being sad made his heart crumble.  ,,Wait, I will help you.’’ he said and reached out for the plates on the table.  ,,Just go to sleep. I will come too but just go. I beg you. Don’t touch anything because I will hit you with it otherwise.’’ you warned him and glared at him.  Saeyoung quickly took back his hands.   Your red eyes and trembling voice made him realize how hurt you were.  Without a word he went in your shared bedroom and went to bed. 
This night Saeyoung had a dream. In reality he had, just like people say, four short dreams. People sometimes can’t remember the different dreams or even associate them but usually they have four dreams.  But Saeyoung this night had a long nightmare which seemed never ending in his eyes…..
,,Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Daddy! Happy birthday to you!’’ four voices woke up a red haired, sleepy man.  It was none other than Saeyoung who woke up due to his family’s song.  Saeyoung’s eyes flickered a few times until he was finally fully awake.  He smiled as he saw their two little sunshines, as well as his brother and you, his beautiful pregnant wife.  His twins were holding a cake, and you were carrying a few presents.  Even his brother had a drawing in his hands.  ,,But, how can that be…?’’ he asked himself. Yesterday he clearly argued with you about the fact that you were pregnant. How could this situation…? ,,Daddy doesn’t look happy, mommy!’’ the little girl suddendly exclaimed, disturbing his thoughts.  ,,We should have stayed in Uncle Saeran’s room….’’ the boy complained and looked at his uncle who’s birthday was also today.  Saeyoung’s eyes fell on your smiling face and then on Saeran’s blushed face.  Now he got it, the drawings Saeran was holding weren’t for him but for himself, a present from the twins.  ,,Idiot, you should be grateful…’’ Saeran hissed and stroked his niece.  ,,Wait! No! I’m really really happy!’’ Saeyoung exclaimed and wondered about his own words a few seconds later.  ,,Come to daddy!’’ he added.  His children happily did so and so the boy placed the cake on the night stand and hugged his daddy.  ,,Come on children, let’s prepare the table for uncle and daddy while they wash their faces.’’ you said made your children follow you. 
This gave Saeyoung the time to think about what was happening.  ,,Am I dreaming?’’ he whispered and looked at his phone.  ,,I just went to sleep and now four years already passed?’’ he asked himself.  He didn’t like the situation at all but he also had the feeling that his body was moving on his own.  While going to the living room Saeyoung actually wondered how the children were named but of course asking them would be pretty odd.  Saeyoung and Saeran entered the room together just to be surprised by a beautiful decorated table and a beautiful atmosphere. The background music was a lovely ,,Happy Birthday song’’ and the paper chain which was saying ,,Happy Birthday’’ in beautiful colors was a real eye catcher. Saeyoung really coudn’t remember the last time he saw that his living room was this bright.  A lot of pictures were decorating the walls.  Pictures of you and Saeyoung on your wedding, pictures of you being pregnant or you and him holding babies.  The most beautiful picture in his eyes however was the one behind the sofa.  You were holding the girl in your arms while Saeyoung was holding the boy. Both of you sat on the same sofa which stood there and in the background his dear friends were standing behind you.  Saeyoung cold remember having a similar picture of you and the RFA.  ,,Daddy I’m hungry!’’ he suddendly heard. The whole family except you was sitting around the table looking at him.  ,,I’m coming, dear, I’m coming…’’ he calmed her.  His heart felt pretty warm when he suddenly saw her smile.  She looked just like you, even through she had the same red hair as he and his twin brother.  Saeyoung approached the girl and kissed her head and ruffed the boys hair.  ,,Daddy are you okay?’’ he asked him sadly, making Saeyoung wonder if he never kissed his children.  ,,Yes, I am, why?’’  ,,You’re so cold to us today. Normally you always hug us and play with us…’’ the girl responded.  ,,Now now, your dad is just sleepy.’’ Saeran said.  ,,Was mommy giving you a restless night again?’’ the boy asked him and made him blush.  What were they talking about?!  ,,No, it’s not mommy but your sibling who makes mommy wake daddy up!’’ you tried to defend yourself.  ,,I can’t help myself if I have carvings….’’ you mumbled and placed down the Nutella.  Saeyoung smiled at you, so you were having carvings, huh?  The family happily ate together, the children were talking about god and the world while you were happily stroking your belly.  Saeyoung couldn’t really explain his emotions. Was this happiness….? Why couldn’t he simply stop smiling…?  The day went on, the RFA visited and celebrated the twins birthday.  Yoosung had brown hair and Jumin smiled a bit more. 
,,Did you like your birthday…?’’ you asked him after the two of you went to sleep in the evening.  Saeyoung responded with a yes and you told him that you were feeling as if he was odd.  ,,You must be imagening things, Mc…’’ he said and put his hands on her belly. He could feel the baby’s heart beat.  It was an amazing, reassuring feeling.  Saeyoung thought that he could get used to this kind of living and with the thought to wake up the next day as a happy father and husband he fell asleep…..
,,I’m sorry…..I’m sorry…..’’ Saeyoung heard in the middle of the night which made him open his eyes.  And there he saw you, surrounded by a red light in tears.  ,,M….c…..?’’ he asked you, still sleepy.  ,,I’m sorry…..’’ you repeated.  ,,What? What’s wrong…? Please tell me!’’ he begged, now screaming at you.   ,,I’m so thankful that I had the chance to enjoy so much time with you, thank you! But now it’s time for me to go, I have to….please don’t be sad….’’ you laughed while tears were still finding their way out.  ,,Wait Mc! I don’t get it!’’ Saeyoung managed to scream.  He quickly jumped out of the bed just to grab your hand, a disappearing hand.  Unfortunately he failed and suddendly everything was dark again.  ,,MC!!!’’ he yelled.  In the dark he tried to turn off the light when suddenly someone opened the door.  He prayed that this person was you and that he once again just had a bad nightmare but he was just so awfully wrong… ,,WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SCREAMING FOR?!’’ a long haired man yelled.  ,,Va-Vanderwood…?’’ Saeran mumbled looking at the man.  ,,Holy shit, just sleep you ass!’’ he hissed and slammed the door, leaving him in the dark again.  Saeyoung finally turned on the light and opened the door.  The living room was dark and cold, no pictures, no love.  His heart began to beat quickly as he reached for his children’s room just to see that the room looked just like a few years ago.  ,,SAERAN?!’’ he suddendly yelled and barged into his brother’s room just to find Vanderwood in there.  ,,WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!’’ he yelled.  Saeyoung was on the verge of a breakdown when suddenly his phone began to ring.  The RFA was writing….
,,Failed my midterms fml T_T *sending a crying smiley* 
,,Yoosung….? Aren’t you already a vet…?’’ he thought but suddenly send a message saying :   ,,Cuz u played LOLOL all night lol.’’ 
,,If you want to work for our company, you should take care of your GPA.’’  ,,I’m still on the list?! +_+’’  *sending a smiley*  ,,Yes’’
Saeyoung couldn’t believe his eyes, what was he reading? The chat seemed like the one he had years ago when you first entered the chat…. Suddenly Saeyoung stopped breathing, it didn’t just seem like that but it was indeed like that!  A few messages later he noticed that you and Jihyun entered the chat. The leader begged everyone to trust you asked him later on to make a background check on you. 
But Saeyoung already did know everything about you…  Tears left his eyes, for five days you acted as if you never knew anyone of your dear friends and they simply did the same.  Saeyoung just didn’t want to believe it but then, when you stated that you loved Yoosung, he slowly began to think that he was getting a grip of the situation.  Was this somehow a reset of your life?  Were they all playing a prank on him? Or was history repeating itself?  But even if history would repeat itself, shouldn’t you fall in love with him…?  Saeyoung saw the same situation three times, every time after eleven days the RFA seemed to forget you and you fell in love with someone else.  The first one was Yoosung, the second one Zen and afterwrds Jaehee.  Like always he got to see the same chats for five day.  You laughing over Yoosung, gossiping with Jaehee over Zen’s Musicials or admiring Elizabeth the third.  And after five days he got into a fully unknown situation, like Jumin kidnapping one of his cars.  Saeyoung couldn’t understand the world anymore.  At some point, at the sixth day after you entered the RFA for the third time he decided to ask you. 
The both of you chatted a long time.  He asked you if you actually knew what you were doing but you were just deigning the situation. Maybe this was something he shouldn’t have done because suddenly he could hear your sobbing voice.  Once again you seemed really hurt, just as hurt as the time when Saeyoung argued with you, before going to bed.  ,,I’m so sorry, I don’t want to delete this app but it’s too much….I’m not living the reality anymore!’’ you sobbed.  Saeyoung couldn’t understand anything anymore.  But then he could see you. Even through glass was between you, he could see your crying face.  Tears were falling on the glass which was separating the both of you.  And then he saw a message.
,,Do you really want to delete this app? If you delete this app all your dates within the game will be deleted as well.’’ the message said.  And before he could say anything your finger pressed the answer ,,Yes, delete’’ and you disappeared. 
,,MC!’’ Saeyoung yelled and jumped up.  ,,WHAT?!’’ you hissed back, turning the light on and looking at him with a sleepy face.   He shrieked when he suddenly saw your messy face, your eyes were red and your cheeks were wet.  It seemed as if you fell asleep crying.  A glance on the clock showed him that it was 5 AM.  ,,What happened?’’ he asked you.  ,,Holy shit, that’s what I’m asking you. What do you want?!’’ you groaned putting your hands in your face.  Saeyoung looked down at your body, you didn’t seem pregnant and you remembered him.  So, was this still a dream or was he in reality again?  ,,If you’re so traumatized about my pregnancy…..’’ you mumbled with a trembling voice.  ,,I will just go to Jaehee.’’ you ended your speech and got up.  So, he was back in reality, right?  Saeyoung observed you.  He remembered the good time he had with the twins and how beautiful it was to feel a beating heart.  And now? All he was seeing was a tired you going out because he was an idiot.  ,,I’m sorry…’’ you whsipered again with tears.  All Saeyoung could think of was the situation when you suddenly were surrounded by the red light.   His body moved on his own and he reached out for your hand, hugging you and pressing your body against his.  He breathed in your scent, his daughter smelled the same…  Out of the blue he missed his children really much…..  Maybe this nightdream was a sign for him?   ,,Don’t go, please rest, sleep next to me and never leave me or fall in love with someone else….I want to become the father of our children and live happily with you so pease don’t go….’’ he begged. 
,,Why did you change your mind…?’’ you smiled when you laid in bed next to Saeyoung. He was currently stroking your back with his hand while the other one rested on your still flat tummy.  ,,I will tell you another time….for now let’s just rest….’’
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The Punisher Season 2: Episodes 11-13
Initial reactions as I watched these episodes.
SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT. SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT. SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT. I literally tagged it four different ways for spoilers so if you read them after this it’s your own damn fault. 
11: The Abyss Frank covered in blood and nearly dead and handcuffed.... stop me if you’ve heard this before Two person rescue mission at the hospital Amy seems concerned. Curtis is about done with Frank’s shit John. I think your wife is dead...nevermind. She is dead. Yikes. So this is all for nothing. FUCKING KAREN KAREN Karen is fucking heeeeeeeere K A R E N SHE IS NOT LETTING ANYONE KEEP HER FROM FRANK IVE BEEN WAITING THIS IS ALL IN CAPS BUT HOLY HELL THIS IS EVERYTHING But what the fuck is she wearing a cape LOOK AT HER FRANK how do you feel about him Karen FUCKING SAY IT SAY IT YOU GODDAMN ASSHOLES JUST FUCKING ADMIT IT Madani is so obsessed with this. I don’t think frank killed those women. I think they were already dead and billy had a plan to make him think that he did. And it’s working IM SO SICK OF THESE DEAD WIFE FLASHBACKS THEYRE HOLDING HANDS I REPEAT HOLDING HANDS All frank wanted was a family and to be done... my heart is aching. Frank talking about his kids oh my god Straight into “i would have killed anything that got in my way” Lmfao everyone is in this room - WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCK RING RING ITS BILLY FUCK OFF KRISTA what I’m trying to figure out is why Krista is helping him - what is her motive? I was right. Frank didn’t kill them. I’m going to blame it all on this bitch because I don’t like her. She keeps saying “for us”... what is this us? Doesn’t she understand that Billy won’t leave? He wants the things that he’s worked for... not just her... or maybe not her at all. He says she makes him happy... but I don’t buy it. She’s saying all of the right things... but she doesn’t mean them. This.... im.... just... hmm. Time is running out for Billy to redeem himself. Ed is my favorite character. HERE COMES THE KRISTA BACK STORY spill all the details now because i hate you you dumb bitch BILLY DID NOT SAY US. He said we- but not us. NO NO NO NO you don’t love him. YEAH BITCH WHO WAS KM oh shit she has daddy issues. Everything makes sense now. Her father tried to kill her and threw her out a goddamn window... ok. So she fucking becomes a therapist and bangs her patient to get closure from the fact that her father tried to kill her. .................. Jesus Martha Kent, calm down. This dude is bad news. God at least take a selfie with frank AMY HOLY HELL LISTEN TO KAREN OH MY GOD HERE IT COMES DAMN STRAIGHT SHE WILL THROW EVERYTHING AWAY FOR YOU FRANK CASTLE “you cannot keep loving people in your dreams” FUCK OFF AMY JESUS CHRIST FUCK ALL THE FUCKING WAY OFF YOU DUMB LITTLE BRAT Frank castle in full police uniform FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF all he wanted were her shoes 🤣 oh, Ed Goddammit Brett
12: Collision Course Brett is a shit driver Another Manson song... hmmmmmmmm Oh yikes that’s an ambulance crash if I’ve ever seen one Brett doesn’t look so good Well that’s one way to fix a dislocated shoulder there frank Holy god supporting a grown ass man on a fucked shoulder “BR 143/24” graffiti on the bridge.... wonder if it’s just coincidence but it’s the only thing on the wall so i don’t think it is Good choice Brett Well fuck Pilgrim is going to Madani’s house BILLY RUSSO IS NOT GOING TO RUN OFF WITH YOU FUCKING KRISTA if this isn’t a long con on his part, I’m going to be fucking pissed. He didn’t say “i promise” and you lied to him. Don’t lie to billy Billy may be mentally unstable but Krista is ILL. Why is she calling Madani?!? She’s too fucking detactched MADANI SEE FUCKING PAST YOUR OWN NOSE FOR ONE SECOND AND FIGURE THIS OUT wait i think she just did Also.... Krista’s going to fucking make billy think frank is coming after her even though he isn’t... this is going to be messy as hell Nevermind... he went to the trailer. SHIT SHIT SHIT POOR CURTIS Well Curtis only has one kneecap? Soooooooo Oh look it’s Amy ruining every fucking thing again I GASPED OUT LOUD DURING THIS CURTIS FIGHT poor dude BITCH BILLY LIED TO YOU HES NOT GOING TO GET THE PAPERWORK dammit nevermind he did. Shit. Are you really planning on running off with this bitch, Billy Russo ?! The fuck?! Well Curtis is still alive Oh and frank kidnapped someone, ok cool Billy can’t just fucking let frank go, right? Like............. Back to the Russians again. It’s his dad, Frank. Let me save you some trouble. I believe him. I think he really didn’t know that anything was being done. An honest senator?!? I thought that buckshot was pomegranate seeds for a minute Are you actually going to shoot him, Amy? Madani is at Krista’s door - calling it BINGO Is Krista going to fucking hit madani with this teapot? Billy is buying her flowers?! Madani playing Krista... this I like. I hope billy walks in this goddamn door SHE FOUND THE JOURNAL. She KNOWS HOLY SHIT SHE STABBED HER WITH SCISSORS Battle of Billy’s Bitches OH MY GOD HOLY FUCK MADANI PUSHED HER OUT A FUCKING WINDOW Billy had something taken away from him yet again. This is.... not going to end well. He’s gonna think it was frank. FUCK. WOW HOLY FUCK.
13: The Whirlwind Billy, as assumed is not happy. “You had to make it about her” uh, yeah.... it’s always been about that fucking psychopath therapist That’s not the end of Billy Russo.  it cant be. FaceTime With Frank™️ Bitch that is CLEARLY a threat Amy’s room service? Except she’s hiding around the corner This kid’s name is LEMMUEL?!!? “He came after me” BITCH YOU THREW HIS GIRLFRIEND OUT A WINDOW OF COURSE HE CAME FOR YOU holy crap, madani’s done?!? WRONG ROOM FRANK Putting lots of holes in the wall and OH HELLO FRANK IS GOING RIGHT THROUGH IT Shit look at Amy again screwing everything up Frank has bad luck with elevators in hotels He fights best when he is cornered Omg billy getting operated on by a drunk... Jesus. .... If he dies on this operating table .... NO ANESTHESIA JESUS CHRIST BILLY so much goddamn pain .... GET THE FUCKING BULLETS OUT DOCTOR DRUNKARD. COME THE FUCK ON. HES NOT DEAD They sure did, David. Oh my god. This doctor threw him in a fucking dumpster Fuck fuck fuck fuck Amy trying to talk sense into John.... ok, sure Jan. PEOPLE NEVER CHANGE Who are you meeting Brett? Oh. Curtis and David. Doing the right thing could have fucked over Frank, Curtis. THINK ABOUT THAT. He played the family card. Fuck off John Pilgrim. If i had a dollar for every time frank told someone to point a weapon at him.... OUCH, Frank’s face. Aaaand there it goes through some glass and chains.... Jesus These two men can barely stand WHERE THE FUCK IS BILLY frank’s got a giant pipe . Didn’t Daredevil wrap chains around his arm too? THIS IS EMBARRASSING FRANK GET IT TOGETHER there you go, with the oxygen tank Asking for leniency for his kids with his last breath... damn “You’re the whirlwind” FUCKING CURTIS IS BILLY IN YOUR ROOM AGAIN no. Fucking Billy. Oh lord. GO BE WITH HIM CURTIS JESUS PLEASE “I don’t want to die alone” Dinah and Krista again.... FML You don’t love him, girl, i promise And he’s not coming from you FRANK . . . . . Fucking hell. Jesus. No redemption. He died alone and scared and sad and in pain. Fucking hell. .... keep the lies going Curtis and Madani. End of story. Bye Eliza. BYEEEEEE. WAIT WHAT HE LET PILGRIM LIVE?!? Well, i guess it’s nice that Frank has something to care about. Too bad I feel nothing for Amy. Still. What the fuck do you want Madani? She’s with the CIA now?!!? LAST FUCKING SCENE. Daaaaaaamn.
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curseofaphrodite · 2 years
my bf is so hot bye- (you're hotter tho😼) hot fact no 1 he has very nice hands hot fact no 2 he wears a lot of silver rings and a chain oh my fucking hell anywhore we were hanging out today in the garden near my house (so the garden is divided into two parts one which is really popular? and busy like ppl go for walks jogging gossiping children's play area so blah blah that part of the garden is always filled w ppl now the part i and my bf were is kinda lonely literally almost zero people go there so yeah i think only i and he were present there at that moment...) SO PRETTY SURE YOU FORGOT WHAT I WAS SAYING i told him that i saw a really hot guy and started gushing about him bc yk he had tattoos lol and out of nowhere my bf holds my jaw turns me towards him kisses me so i shut up and after that sexy ass kiss he asks "wanna say that again?" 😟😳😫🥵🙏 PLEASE
i manifested benedict bridgerton since s1 i is afraid ppl will obsess over my bridgerton husband very soon
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oh my jesus fucking christ my pussy does cartwheels good lord-
kathony be making the bi in confused bc idk who to simp for first
yk abhishek sharma kinda hot and cute both lol storytime: i was randomly roaming around when i saw him on tv and i asked my dad who is he and he said "bitch idk bio data nahi yaad rakha hai maine sare players ka" lol so i sat down and watched the entire srh vs gt bc i just had to know his name i'm pretty sure my dad must have thought "why tf is she willing watching cricket match and smiling" heheheh i stalked his insta later on and no i don't hate cricket i j don't understand sports by watching that's why i read sports romance that's the reason why i know basic info on so many spots lol lol lol silly goofy me
i know i didn't ask anonymously heheh what about it🥰‼️
HELLO LOVELY!! ofc im hotter than him; that better be in your wedding vows.
HAHA he sounds like a prince charming. a very adorably possessive prince charming. IM SUPER GLAD YOURE LIVING OUT THE WATTPAD DREAMM DKSJ (also your garden sounds like a dream)
too late im already obsessing over him too. dw we can both have diff variants of him.
KATHONY IS EVERYTHING. its THE butterflies ship so yes.
i googled him and honestly, you can do better. he is cute tho so i see the appeal. and watching an entire match to stalk him is a whole new level of dedicated; im so proud of you.
flashback to when i was in 8th or smth and i had the hugest crush on yogesh from that dance show and i basically had a whole obsession era. but i cringe looking at his profile now so fml.
I LOVE YOU TOO. also should i even tag you as anon?? can i tag you as shae?? 👀👀
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cywscross · 7 years
If you had to sort TW characters into a Leverage-esque team, which role (hitter, hacker, thief, grifter, mastermind) do you think best suits each character and why?
Hmm honestly I could see a few combinations here. Stiles as either the thief or hacker is possible - I can see him breaking into places or digging up information pretty successfully, although if I made him the thief, Danny would definitely get the position of hacker. Lydia would hands-down be the grifter, she has the elegance and skill with manipulating people to pull it off. And I’d want Allison as the hitter. I mean a few others could fit the role - Derek, Isaac, etc., but Allison is bamf enough for that too, and with Peter as the mastermind to round out the team, I could see myself writing it.
BUT at the same time, imagine - Stiles as the mastermind, but also a bit of a jack-of-all-trades at first. He works solo, good enough as a thief to get into secure buildings, good enough as a hacker to track down all necessary information for a job, good enough with a gun and a smile to charm his way past rich dudes and take out any pursuers from afar in the few instances where he can’t find an exit he can use to slip out without anyone the wiser. But then maybe his dad gets caught in the crossfire of something (maybe he was investigating the Hale case and got too close to the truth) and the car crash(?) is written off as another accident. The people who did it gets away, and Stiles isn’t going to stand for that, he’s going to ruin them one way or another no matter how many people it turns out is involved, he’ll take them all down. But it’s a big job, he’s started doing his own digging and the deeper he goes, the more suspicious accidental deaths pop up, connected with the names of wealthy arms dealers and businessmen and old French nobility, and even he knows he can’t do it alone. He’s good at planning, at calculating angles and approaches and solving the problems he comes across, that’s his specialty, but he needs the tools to do it, and his own aren’t good enough. He needs the best in each field.
So he sets out to gather a team. He grew up with Lydia, and they work in the same circles - she’s a top-notch grifter with more fake names than Stiles can count on even more wanted lists all across the globe, and yet no one can put her actual face to any of those names. They’ve known each other since they were kids, they know each other better than anyone, and even though they don’t work together, they still keep tabs on one another, just in case, and of course Lydia hears about the Sheriff and she shows up on the doorstep of one of his safehouses before Stiles can even pick up the phone, breezes past him with a flip of her hair, dumps Prada in Stiles’ stunned arms and drops off her luggage case in one corner before turning to Stiles, terribly unimpressed by Stiles’ shocked gawking, “Oh please, sweetie, did you really think I wouldn’t come?”
Because she’s done her own research, just enough to realize something fishy was going on with the Sheriff’s “accident”, and she knows Stiles won’t let that go. The least she can do is make sure he doesn’t get himself killed while chasing down the people responsible; she knows he’d be doing the same for her if their positions were reversed.
Stiles is reminded all over again why he’d move heaven and hell for this woman, and even if it means putting up with dog hair on his furniture, he’s more grateful than words can say to have Lydia’s steady presence at his side. They went their separate ways once they deemed themselves old enough to be unleashed on the world, mostly because they were both ambitious enough to want to stretch their wings and succeed on their own, but that doesn’t mean they’re at all opposed to working together either.
After that, they start looking into prospective teammates. They don’t mind working with people who just want a big payout, but they want loyalty too - neither of them cares for any potential backstabbing. Thing is, those who probably wouldn’t mind teaming up don’t meet their standards - either not good enough or with a bad reputation attached - and those that do meet their standards are good enough to prefer working alone.
Still, they manage to narrow down a hacker - Danny, one of Lydia’s contacts actually but Stiles has come across him in the past. He does solid work, personable and as honest as someone in their trade ever is, and he likes a decent challenge. Lydia calls him and gives him the bare bones of what they’re planning to do - she and Stiles both know Danny will get all other available information himself and then some - and all future jobs towards their goal are promising very decent figures for their respective bank accounts. Danny agrees and tells them he has a few side jobs to wrap up but that he’ll be there at the end of the month.
(They don’t actually tell him where “there” is. Neither of them are surprised when the hacker knocks on their door two week later.)
They still need a hitter and a thief. For the latter, one of the best in the world is a woman going by the name “Ally”. Even Danny can’t seem to dig up a past for her, but she’s very good at what she does, gets into vaults and museums and top-secret facilities as if their security might as well not be there, and for a human, her exit strategies give Stiles heart attacks. They once robbed the same place at the same time - thankfully not for the same thing - and he personally witnessed her doing a flying cartwheel off the side of the fifty-story building they were in, only to somehow stick the landing on a narrow ledge of a window on the next building over that was at least ten feet down from where she first jumped and couldn’t be more than two inches wide at most. After that, she was gone in the blink of an eye like she was never there.
She has a reputation for always completing whatever job she’s agreed to take on. So long as whoever she’s stealing for keeps their end of the deal, because she also has a reputation for not being particularly happy if her employer tries to double-cross her. Like, bullet in the head levels of unhappy.
Stiles doesn’t plan on double-crossing anyone, at least not on his team, their marks are fair game, so they extend an offer to Ally, who sends back the minimum amount she expects to be paid for every job she does with them. It’s a lot, but they’ll be up against some pretty rich assholes anyway, and Stiles is also loaded so even if a couple jobs fall short, he can always make up the difference himself. He agrees, and Ally flies out to their location the very next day.
(They don’t know, at that time, that she knows of them too, beyond their reputations, of Stiles in particular. They don’t know Stiles isn’t the only one with a personal stake in the long con they’ll be running. They don’t know she saw the name Argent on that first email and she almost ran the opposite direction the day they contacted her.)
Last is their hitter. There are a lot of muscle-headed idiots in this line of work, much to Lydia’s disgust. Most do grunt work - dressed up in fancier terms - for drug lords and mafia. There aren’t a lot of hitters out there who aren’t attached to some organization or another. The few who aren’t are not exactly what anyone would call team players.
They spend a week trying to find someone before Stiles packs a bag and takes the next flight out, promising to come back with a hitter. He goes over everything on the Hale case again on the flight, flips through the information he has on each of the survivors, and lingers on the scarred face of the only Hale who was caught in the fire and managed to survive.
Peter Hale woke up from his coma six years after the fire, spent two years trying to get the authorities to reopen the investigation into the fire that killed his family, only to be refused due to the evidence he brought being too circumstantial or suspected of being falsified or - once - getting lost in the mail when it was on its way to a judge, his own family wouldn’t back up his claim of arson, and he was finally even threatened with arrest if he didn’t stop pushing the issue. To most of the people he reached out to, he was just a grieving shifter prejudiced against humans and trying to find someone to blame.
Peter stopped pushing the issue. Moved out of the town his family used to live in, got a job, settled back into the monotony of everyday life. Except six months down the road, a chain of labs dealing in chemical research owned by a business funded by the Argents went up in flames. Another three months - three police officers were found stabbed to death in a back alley. On paper, it seemed completely unrelated but Stiles’ dad managed to find evidence of several bribes between them and the Argents. Another month and an actual Argent was found dead in his home, neck snapped. No one had been arrested for any of the crimes yet.
On his part, Stiles turns up at Peter’s apartment and doesn’t flinch when the door opens and the man he’s here to see stares at him with a smile as fake as his eyes are cold. The scars on his face look even worse up close, unhealed for whatever reason despite being a werewolf, and there’s something about this man that makes the hair on the back Stiles’ neck stand up even when he isn’t showing a hint of wolf.
Still, he introduces himself and drops enough hints for Peter to drop the Friendly Normal Neighbor SmileTM and narrow his eyes instead before inviting him in like he’s considering how many ways he can hide Stiles’ body without getting caught. Stiles ignores that and promptly spreads his metaphorical cards on the table in the form of all the information he’s managed to gather against the Argents so far. No point anyway. He’s pretty sure he and Peter are more or less after the same thing, and he doesn’t think lies is going to get him anywhere with Peter Hale, and Stiles can’t bring the guy’s family back but he can offer him a slice of the revenge. Justice, in the way only people like him know how to get.
Peter is silent through it all. He looks through everything Stiles gives him - some of it he already has, others make him want to pick the younger man’s brain. He can tell Stiles has access to resources Peter’s probably never going to get his hands on, not without time and some serious work. He used to be a lawyer so he has his connections even now, and he grew up learning how to fight, knows five different styles of martial arts on top of having werewolf strength and reflexes, but that doesn’t change the fact that he made a living putting away people like Stiles once upon a time, like himself these days, and now that he’s on the other side, he knows he’s late to the game, doesn’t have the same foundation as most people in this business do, not to mention he’s a well-known face around the world. He used to be one of the best lawyers, and a Hale to boot; even if he were to try to form new contacts, no criminal with any kind of self-preservation would trust him enough to work with him.
But here Stiles is, coming all this way just to offer him a place on a team he’s putting together. Even Peter’s heard of him - no record, nothing that would stick even if he was hauled in for questioning, and younger than Peter thought he’d be considering his reputation. Most importantly however is the look in his eyes, the same one Peter sees in the mirror, the desire to hunt down the people who dared to lay a finger on his family.
Peter agrees of course. The pay is good even, although that’s the last thing he cares about. Their goals align, and if that means he has to play nice for a while, he can do that. He’ll do whatever it takes to destroy the Argents.
(He doesn’t expect to like any of them. Stiles wants to use his skills, and Peter wants to use theirs, it’s a mutually beneficial relationship, and that’s how he likes it. But he meets them and works with them and he ends up getting to know them a lot more than he planned to. The wolf in him starts thinking pack somewhere between arguing with Lydia for bathroom space whenever they’re holed up somewhere for a job, to finding new ways to prank Danny because the hacker has a bad habit of changing Peter’s wallpaper to random pictures of kittens and bunny rabbits and memes, to sparring with Ally because she might not be as strong as he is but she’s quick on her feet and knows how to use just about any weapon she comes across and is the only one who can give him a decent workout, and then even mate when Stiles cooks breakfast for all of them in the morning, makes sure they’re all okay after a job, and time after time again pools their respective skills together and hatches brilliant cons that pushes them all to be their best and then some to get the job done, and it scares the shit out of Peter. It doesn’t help that he’s the hitter either. His whole job description is to protect these four from harm, and with every corrupt Argent-funded business they take down, it becomes less about needing their skillset and more about them because he simply can’t let anything happen to them.)
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lubdubsworld · 7 years
Tumblr Prompt ( Taehyung * reader)
Author’s note ; I have never written taehyung fics so i thought i could start...it’s so angsty fml.... :( :)
I don’t know if i should continue this... *sighs* 
Please be sure to let me know what you thought... would you like a continuation?
Part 1/? 
Taehyung squinted into the darkness, certain that he was currently on top in the list of Fools doing incomprehensibly Foolish things.
Honestly, he had no business whatsoever to be out and about on a night like this, away from the cozy comfort of his home, looking for a girl who was probably, at this moment , in another country for all he knew. 
As far as he was concerned, you could have planned your little deception weeks ahead, months even. You had probably kept a nice little nest egg to disappear off to once you'd finished ruining his life completely. The thought of what you had done to him, to his heart, to his life blood, it made him want to destroy you.
 And yet, and yet, foolishly, stupidly the first emotion that had plagued him when he had found that you were missing was a debilitating sense of worry and loss.
He hadn't wanted to lose you, not after having you in his arms all these years.
He felt a torrent of annoyance and self disgust at the thought. It was unfair, completely utterly unfair that he should be out in the rain looking for you when you had played him like fine tuned fiddle. Where was the justice in this?
He reached the establishment where you were supposed to be working , parked his car and got out into the rain, the unfamiliar wetness making him frown. It was freezing cold, the late January air making his breath painful. Sighing,he made his way into the door,only to be greeted by the sound of whimpers.
 Frowning, he stepped in further and froze in place.
The sight that greeted him made the blood freeze in his veins.
It was a strip club.
No. No.
It couldn't be.
You wouldn't.
Would you??
The thought of you working in this sleazy place made him see seventeen different shades of red and his eyes moved with practiced familiarity through the crowds, searching you out. 
Over the two years since you had left him,  he had looked for you in every crowd in every street and in every half remembered dream. Maybe that was why he picked you out at once, standing behind the bar, your eyes wide and frightened as two men loomed over you.
"Please. Just leave..I.." You said. 
One of the men put his arm around your waist drawing you close to his bulky body and Taehyung felt the blood practically boil inside his veins.
That big  disgusting brute wanted his girl.  
He wanted something that belonged to kim Taehyung
Taehyung moved quickly, years of practicing martial arts had kept his limbs nimble and flexible and in less than fifteen seconds one of the men was crawling on the ground, clutching a broken jaw while the other lay panting at his feet, Taehyung’s fingers wrapped threateningly around his throat.
"Give me one good, reason, just one , why I shouldn't choke the life out of you bastards right now?" He hissed, the frustration of the past few months translating into violence as he lifted him up by his throat and brought him crashing back down to the floor, vindicated by the sound of his skull crashing into the hard cement.
The rage simmering just beneath his skin heightened and magnified as his eyes finally caught sight of you less than three feet from him.
He had waited so long for this.
A growl began, somewhere at the pit of his stomach and he almost wrenched the man's arms right out of its socket as he pulled him up.
"You bastard , you dare touch what is mine??" He growled, his own voice unrecognizable as he rammed the man against the wall.  The other whimpered, clutching his bruised head and scrambling away in fear, followed by his cohorts.
 Watching them scatter like the rats that they were, Taehyung kicked the nearest barstool before turning to you.
And you felt the last bit of your strength leave you, replaced by icy cold fear. 
"Jagiya..." he whispered. 
You moved, intending to run,  but he caught you to him quickly.
" Just try. You're in no shape to run for it. And I wouldn't let you get to the end of the street,  so you might as well come quietly. "  He said calmly, giving you an ominous smile. 
You swallowed but tried to stay calm as he led you to the car.
Once you were buckled in, he turned around and stared at you. You weren’t meeting his eyes , staring straight ahead . You stayed quiet and it confused him . He expected you to scream and protest but you knew him. it would be a waste of breath. So you stayed quiet. You could find a way out of this mess somehow. You escaped him once, right? 
You could run away again. 
But clearly your behavior is confusing him. . He had been fully prepared for hysterics.
"Why are you working here? Don't tell me you already spent all the money you made from ruining my life." He said quietly. 
You wet your lips nervously, pink tongue darting out to trace her lips in an unconsciously erotic gesture.
"I didn't spend the money. It's in my apartment." You said calmly. 
He felt his breath catch. He hadn't realized, how much he had wanted you to deny it. to claim that you had been a victim of chance as well. That you hadn't been involved in bringing him down. But your calm admission was hurting him so much that he had to grip the steering wheel to stop himself from gasping.
 Taking a deep breath , he started the car.
"It's two streets down. My apartment." You said nervously.
"We're not going to your fucking apartment." He snapped, turning sharply and enjoying the way you unconsciously grasped his forearm. You pulled away at once though,feeling  like you had been scalded.
"What? My clothes and..."
"I'll buy you new ones. Now shut up and stay quiet." He said fiercely. You opened her mouth, wanting to argue but stopped at the look on his face. You stayed quiet for a few seconds and then sighed.
"Look, I know you must hate me. I understand. But you must understand , i couldn’t stay in that place. You treated me like filth you..."
"Don't. Don't you dare talk about how i treated you..... . And don't you dare say you can understand me. You and I are nothing alike . A lying, cheating coward like you could never  understand what you put me through." his voice trembled with indignation and he fought to reign in his temper.
"You hit me!! You never wanted me... i was just a stupid object for you and i... "
He reached over, grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you fiercely, teeth nipping your lip and tongue pushing in without restraint. You gasped, closed fists pushing against him but he was already pulling away and looking back at the road. He glanced at you, satisfied to see you frozen in fear.
"the next time you talk, when I ask you to stay quiet. this is how I'll shut you up. Keep that in mind when you talk to me. " He said sharply.
You don’t say another word for the rest of the drive to Seoul.
Taehyung took a deep calming breath. you were here.. He had you again. You were his. You weren’t  going anywhere.
That was all he wanted. 
"This is your room." Taehyung said softly, staring around at the elaborate bedroom, certain that you were going to faint any second. The past few hours had been so traumatizing, mentally that you felt like your nerves were tuned to snap any second. Trembling just a little you took in the huge four poster bed and the French Windows that opened to a view of the Seoul skyline. The view was breathtaking and you stared at it fiercely, refusing to look at him directly. He looked so damnably handsome and your body was betraying you again, going hot all over as you realized that he was staring at you. 
There was such a thing as dangerously beautiful , after all , you thought wildly. Like a tiger getting ready to pounce or an Iceberg about to bring down a ship. Taehyung looked dark and perfect in the dim lighting of the room and he stood , leaning his weight against the sidebar, his hips thrust out in a blatant show of masculine superiority. 
"You'll be staying with me. In here. In my bed." He said softly. 
you felt your entire body go taut with horror. 
"no.. no.. no please.." the thought of him touching you. The thought of anyone touching you...it made you break out into a cold sweat. Remnants of that fateful night still lingered in you head and every time any male had come near, your body had begun trembling and sweating without your control. 
"I can't risk anyone else seeing you. You'll have to remain with me. " Taehyung said with  dismissive shrug.
you glanced around the room, you eyes resting on a small white couch.
"I could..."
"You're sleeping with me. That's final. "
you threaded your fingers through your wildly tumbled hair and glanced up only to see him following the movement of your fingers. Like he wanted to run his fingers through your hair as well. Scalded by the mental picture your mind presented you with, you brought your hand down at once, twisting it in the fabric of your pale white skirt. 
"I'm sorry about what happened. i truly am...' you began but stopped when he moved towards you, his fingers reaching for the first button of your blouse. you went still as a statue, your heart stopping. He unbuttoned two buttons and gently pulled out the small star shaped locket that hung around you neck on a thin platinum chain.
"You're still wearing it." Taehyung whispered and you felt your face flame in humiliation. It had been a formal, unsentimental gift from him on your twentieth birthday , which had been just a few days after your engagement to him, five years ago. 
Although he didn't know it, it was the only pretty piece of jewelry you owned and over the years you had just stopped taking it off . 
"I..I..." you stammered feeling embarrassed and wretched.
Before you knew what was happening he yanked it sharply and you gasped as the links gave way, snapping at the face of brute force. you felt your neck burn from where the chainlink had scraped you skin and your eyes watered in despair.
you had loved that chain!!
"How could you wear that after what you did to me?" He hissed, stalking to the window as if to throw it out. Before you knew what you were doing you grabbed his arm.
"Wait! don't. That.. that necklace means something to me. don't throw it away please." 
Taehyung stopped.
Turning around he scoffed at you.
"What does it mean? "
"It's the only piece of jewelry I have." you said wildly. 
He gave you another searching glance and pocketed the chain. 
"I'll give this to you, if you do well." He smirked, unbuttoning the cuffs of his black shirt. you stared as the parted sleeve revealed smooth golden skin and felt your throat go dry. 
"I'm not sleeping with you." you said roughly, moving away with trembling knees.
a hard hand curled around your shoulders, turning you around and you briefly collided with his dark passionate gaze before his lips closed over yours. 
His kiss was a punishment and you went limp in his arms, knowing that resistance would only make him rougher. you curled your fingers around the silky smoothness of his shirt , uncomfortably aware of the muscles that flexed beneath your fingers.  You endured it, with choked gasps, while his fingers gripped the fabric of your blouse  at your back, one hand grabbing your chin and tilting your face up for better access. His tongue thrust in without inhibition and his teeth grazed your lips with a force that was just a hairsbreadth away from being painful. 
"Don't act like you don't want me." He said harshly, fingers still gripping your chin and forcing you to look into his eyes," I am going to do what I should have done years ago. Take you to my bed and let you know exactly who you belong to...." He finished by kissing your neck, the sensation zinging through you like a bolt of electricity. you felt some of your courage return and pushed him away.
To your surprise he moved back, looking dangerously windswept, with his hair mussed and shirt wrinkled from where you had gripped the fabric. 
"Don't do this. It's not right." you said stiltedly. 
He gave you another one of his measured stares. 
"I don't give a fuck what's right. And I won't waste my breath trying to ask you why you did what you did. What matters is that I've found you. And I have you. And you're going to learn what happens to naughty girls who play out of their league. Get on that bed." He said calmly. 
you went parchment pale at the softly whispered command. It felt like someone had signed your death warrant. He wasn't joking and you knew that he meant to ... he meant to...to ...make love ?? you almost laughed hysterically at the word that popped into you head , even as a roar of desperation sounded in you head.
Whatever was going to happen on that bed, love had nothing to do with it. 
you looked like you were walking to you execution and Taehyung had to stifle the insane smile that threatened to appear on his face. He had no intention of sleeping with you. Not tonight at least. But you didn't really need to know that. He was enjoying your discomfort. It comforted him, the knowledge that you were as affected by it all as him. 
He waited till you were sitting on the edge of the bed looking like a skittish cat , before moving to turn off the lights.  He watched your silhouette in the darkness lit only by the faint glow of the city's breathtaking skyline and moved closer, feeling oddly at peace. you were here. In his room.
In his bed. 
Six years of suppressed longing stirred inside him and he could feel his fingers tremble with the need to claim , conquer and possess you. How soft would that skin feel beneath his lips, how smooth your hair would feel sifting through his fingertips. How foolish he was to forget your betrayal and crave you like he craved his next breath. 
He wasn't going to wait another second to find out. He moved to stand right in front of you, sucking in a sharp breath as he felt you stiffen in you place, the nervous energy in you so palpable that he could feel it like a physical thing. He hesitated, before bending over you, lightly tipping your chin up till the soft glow from the window lit your cheekbones, throwing your soft skin into sharp relief. He used his thumb to trace circles just above your jawline, before moving to brush it across you lower lip. 
"You're so soft. " He whispered, reaching for the tangled confusion of bobby pins that held your hair up in some semblance of a half pony. He removed each one carefully, sifting his fingers through each strand as he released it. you stayed eerily still while he worked meticulously, till your hair was out and around you in a glorious fall of wavy curls, lit with the colors of the city light. 
He smiled and moved to the bed. 
Stripping down to his boxers , he climbed into the bed and slipped underneath the covers.
" Tempting as you look , with your owlish eyes and bird's nest of a head, I'm too tired to properly appreciate all the things  your luscious body has to offer . Tomorrow, I'll tell you how you can start earning your food and stay. Tonight you'll have to settle for just my arms around you" He whispered, before casually throwing an arm around you waist and burying his face in the pillows. 
He fell asleep within minutes. 
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Post-apocalypse military AU.
The beginning of the end XD. Of course nobody died for real. As a true fairytale it’ll end up fine. Actually it’s still raw... FML. I never stayed up at night even for exames or anything... Snow King can be proud. For his bday I do. X3
Sound of shooting stops accidentally. But now tinkling silence isn't an evidence of the end of the battle or at least of a break. It means only that one more line is over. Nothing to hope on. They are locked here. Not so many. Less the 200 people. Last examples of experienced fighters. Of the 1st breed. Ones who still remember and realize the world before the catastrophe. Enemies could never do it by themselves. But... No connection to other Bases or Safe Zones. Blocked channels. Blocked information supports for using air armor. Emergency ways to escape locked from outside... It's too obvious. Safe Zone thrown them away. To die and let the piece agreement happen. Снежный Король sits on the windowsill. Video security system allows to watch what's going on on other floors. He clicks the lighter and inhales the smoke. The stream of death... General widens the picture. Koshey team. All dead. Through blurred monitor it's still rather obvious. They all did as decided on a short urgent meeting in the beginning of this fight. Killed as many attackers as they could until ran out of cartridges. And left 4 bullets. One for every teammate. Nobody here is going to get captured anyway. Red cloud on the floor. She tried to grow up her hair because her lover always had long and was curious. Now it's almost beautiful. They lay on the floor hugging each other. Bloody carpet is a continuation of Mila's locks. The 4 of them are tangled in her red cloak. The Black Shark could be enough to win even in this unpleasant situation. But it was found broken badly. Traitors weren't able to make it work. This weird thing was unspeakably moody. And could literally kill anyone but Sara who ever tried to drive it. So they simply torn away and took with them some parts. All vans and other heavy technique were out of patrol.
[Good work, fucking piecemakers. Now wait until they invade and ruin that fragile illusion that U call stable daily life.]
Yuuri rushes in. Stupidly giggling and shrugging the blood away from his sword. The ceremonial weapon that isn't supposed to be used in battles... Shere Khan smirks licking the blade of the knife. What are they so agitated about?.. It wasn't even necessary to get into this (meaningless according to the situation) close combat. Werewolf (actually werebear if to be exact) reads his usual cards on the table. No, not tactical. Tarot cards. He frowns and raises eyes on commander. In normally calm beastly depth burns silent panic. It's not a fear of things that happen here. It's about something he reads on the desk. - Sir... They can't say anything. Or better to admit - they can but... I'm unable to read it. I see... But don't understand. - And I don't understand this... - the voice of Snow King is quiet. He wipes the wall with a white bandage. The air around is gloomy because of terminal fire and explosions. The bandage stays clean. General's statement could seem inopportune. But his subordinate knows too well they both are talking about the same phenomenon. - Ask them... - General closes eyes for a moment in strange hopeless hope. - Is it possible we all are dead or something... And the world around us is an illusion. Lieutenant Altyin looks at cards and bitterly waves his head. - Then only one explanation... The physical characteristics of our world had changed. I mean globally. In planetary measures. Or even more... Well... I guess it's better to die without seeing what other gameplays the ecosystem prepared for us... - Victor shrugs shoulders, smiling with a kind of lost expression. He has not enough reasons for this theory. But he feels it, knows by blood and cells. Like he knew where to step and when to shoot in a battle. The knowledge that became sharper day by day. Yuuri leans to his Snow King from behind. His blood-stained hands sneak under the t-shirt. He doesn't ask questions but the black, half-blind abyss of his eyes radiates excitement. As if he is in hurry to share as much happiness with his Yuki no Kami as it's possible for the rest short time. - Sir... - Werewolf's intonations are almost begging. - Sir, promise me... Promise us. U will be...careful... - Eh?! Something funny about our old man there? - Major Plisetsky sits near, wrapping an arm on Beka's shoulders. He snorts but they all know he is worried. Capitan looks in green eyes, intertwining their fingers. Then turns to commander: - Cards say U are surrounded by the love. U're loved, admired... U're the chosen one always. And in our situation this is the last thing that is logical to appear in a prediction. But damn it... I don't even see the death in your future... I see the throne of the world. And I understand nothing... Yuuri sneaks under commander's arm, clinging to him with a puppy-like sound. He doesn't say anything but Snow King knows his sudden fear too well. He caresses boy's lips with a thumb: - We will die together. Today. Here. He explains it reassuringly and a bit tiredly. As an adult talking a child not to be scared of the thunderstorm. Yuuri nods and nuzzles Snow King's shoulder giggling.
The explosion chain is very close.
Снежный leaves the monitor. It's not important anymore. The four of them are the last experienced martials able to go on line. But whatever will happen to the Safe Zone isn't their problem now. He smiles at his teammates. Shortly and bitterly: - Time to go... General takes out the glock. The only one that keeps 4 sacred bullets. No right for a mistake. He nods to Angry Kitty. It's like a selfi. One click and a moment will be kept for the eternity. No time to say a lot to each other. And no need to. Deep inside they all know. Shere Khan grins and winks to Snow King while Beka is suddenly distracted with something on his cards left on the table. (Is it even important what's said there?) Grabs his collar and pulls his friend and partner for a kiss. First real one for them both. Оборотень falls into thin but unexpectedly strong arms staring in green ponds and trying to say something through the tight lean of warm lips.
Snow King drops the hand with the gun. - Always in vanguard... Шустрый засранец. / Fast little shit. - He mutters it with a short snort. These two had no time to fall on the floor. Yuuri catches them both and puts on the sofa. (He is fast. He became faster during years here.) They lay the way they often did. The way nobody would believe if to say or show a domestic picture. Beka laying on Yurio's shoulder. Kitty always was more a protective and Beka - a supportive one in their tandem. Snow King often laughed at Yurio that they're kicked out from an another fairytale - Beauty and the Beast. And the Beast here is of course Shere Khan. Kitty fizzed and hissed but obviously liked the idea until Оборотень began to mutter that he isn't a decent Beauty even if he is ready to wear a golden dress for his precious Beast. "But it will cause blood from your eyes, believe me..." And Yurio bit and kicked him and yelled: "U are beautiful, fuck my life! I fucking know better." Beka himself mostly laughed that they are more like a forest Witch and Ivan-tsarevich who was tamed by her. Victor often corrected: "Not just tsarevich. More like Иван-дурак/Ivan the dumb..." And Kitty yelled and sniffed until one day he finally resoluted: - Yes, tsarevich, because the son of the King. Yes, дурак, потому что весь в мать/ because like mother, like son." Yuuri fell on the floor laughing first. After some time Beka began to giggle. And only in the evening the realization hit their King too. And he set on the balcony with a cigarette muttering: - Сообразил бля, пизденыш... / What an idea, little shit...
Bullets went through heads but the blood streams down from the wounds, soaking the coach. It's not obvious yet. And seems as if they can wake up any moment. Снежный gets up, walks close and touches the pulse. It's not necessary, but he can't leave it unchecked. Even if everything is obvious. Yurio seems aggressively glad even in his death. He is still short and thin like a girl. He always cursed and promised to grow taller then his commander. He won't. They won't get to know if he would grow tall for real or would stay being this tiny grace. Yuuri cups General's face and smiles. Gently and possessively. Like noone but him ever could: - We'll keep up with them. Snow King sloppily nods pulling his boy closer. The unclear thought is tossing somewhere deep into the brain. But all that hurry, explosions and endless shit don't leave it a chance to be formed. Is it something Beka wanted to say? Anyway there's no time to think about it anymore. He caresses Yuuri's cheek, looks into black abyss and forgets everything. They have less then a couple of minutes. - I'm sorry, малыш... What else to say?... The boy clings to his General with a happy laugh. Rises head looking from beneath and smiles. Mischievously. And playfully. He wants to say he was happy for all these years with him. He was overwhelmed with love to this man since early childhood. Since the first time he saw this the most beautiful face ever. He admired the winter seeing him in every snowflake. Снежный Король filled his entire existence with the meaning and multiple colors even if for others it seemed to the monotonous white. Kay knows better than anyone: only the white keeps all other spectrums and shades. Only in arms of his King and in the middle of the winter desert he felt on the right place. Of course the boy has no time or even suitable words to express it. But Snow King will understand. He always reads it through touches. Yuuri hungrily leans to these soft and tender lips: - I love U. I always wanted to die with U and from your hand. What's more can I wish for? - Stupid kid... - sighs General. It's not obvious from the side but this patronizing tone is flirty. Yuuri, his shy, anxious, naive berserk always was weirdly protective. But not of that annoying type of countless fans who dreamed to see him broken to have a chance to pity him. No. It always was a different protectiveness. Reliable and loyal like walls of your own home. He became the Ivory Tower locking his Sow King in a trap he would rather die then leave. The boy clings closer and deepens the kiss, sneaking under the t-shirt. Sly sparkles in a black abyss become only brighter: - What I really regret - that we don't have time to make love now. I'd be happy to die like this. Victor smiles, digging fingers into dark silk and bites his lip. Yuuri moans, scratching his back under black fabric. Splinters of the northern sky are sad. But tender: - I love U, Kay. Cold steel touches boy's temple. Yuuri smiles leaning to it with that very euphoric expression he always had melting in Snow King's caress.
Frosted finger slowly presses the trigger.
So familiar, so loved body turns into a heavy doll falling into arms of it's master. Victor slowly lays his boy on the floor near the windowsill. They often set there in winter hugging each other and sharing one cigarette in a stupid hope the smoke will be blown away into the open window. Legs are heavy... Too heavy to go with Yuuri to the better place. And... It's fine like this. The entire world drowns into a crimson mist. It begins from boy's temple and wraps his King and everything around into the tightest embrace without a way to set yourself free. But he never ever wanted to get out of it anyway. General Snow King checks up the heartbeat in Yuuri's chest. Silent. He leans to still warm but motionless lips, blindly turns on the final countdown on a self-destruction system. And presses the trigger, aiming into silver locks. Snow King falls on the chest of his Kay. Blood stained lips of the boy still keep a shadow of a smile.
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
"Phil." Quackity has a smug look on his face, looking down at Philza.
"Fuck off." Phil chokes on his words, throat painfully dry. "Die."
"Be nice, lovely." Forever cuts in, a sweet tone to his voice that made Phil sick. He always sounded so sweet, so nice, so full of love and adoration. Sick bastard.
Phil glared at him. He didn't seem to notice.
Quackity scoffed, "I know you're in love but look at me, not him." Phil could tell Quackity had an insult on the tip of his tongue, but held himself back.
"Leave me the fuck alone, Quackity." Phil wanted to yell. He couldn't. But he needed to. His throat was so hoarse, his voice scratchy and weak. He'd been doing far too much yelling.
"You are in no position to talk to me like that."
Phil kicked him hard in the leg with a scowl. Quackity yelled and stumbled backwards. He let out a slew of Spanish curses that Phil's translator couldn't quite catch.
"Piss off." Phil raised his voice as loud as it would go. It wasn't that loud, but it was all he could manage with his worn out vocal chords.
"Forever, do something your pet is being a little shit!" Quackity yelled, pointing at Phil.
He wasn't a pet. He hated that Quackity kept calling him that. Just because he was chained up like a wild animal didn't mean he was one.
Forever shushed him as he stood up from his usually place in the corner.
He took a few steps towards Phil. "Come on, my love, be civil." He smiled as he got closer. "Quackity is a good friend if mine and I want you to be nice to him."
"Go to hell." Phil said, keeping eye contact with Forever as he came down to Phil's level.
Forever sighed. "Come now dearest, I don't like hurting you, y'know? It hurts me to see you like that." He frowned, an air of pity in his voice. Phil knew it was bullshit. Forever loved seeing Phil drenched in his own blood.
When Forever was met with nothing but a glare, he groaned. "Okay, we can do it your way." He pushed himself up. "Quackity, give me a moment?" He asked, turning to smile at the other man.
Quackity looked confused for a moment before leaving the room without a word.
Forever turned back to Phil with a sickening smile. "So, you kicked him?" He asked, sounding all too happy.
Phil didn't respond.
Forever's smile fell. "I hate it when you're like this." He sighed as he knelt in front of Phil. "Do not kick me. If you do, this will be much worse."
Phil wanted nothing more than to kick him in the face, but experience had shown him that Forever meant it. He didn't know what Forever would do, but he didn't want it to be worse than it needed to be.
Forever pulled something out of his backpack. Something metal. He set it on the floor, the sound echoing slightly in the empty cell.
"Be still." He ordered, grabbing one of Phil's ankles. Phil didn't have much time to argue of protest before Forever pulled his leg and straightened it. He tried to pull it back up but was quickly pushed back down.
Forever took the metal bat from the floor and stood up. Phil had a feeling of dread wash over him as Forever moved to his side. He wanted to stop him, protest, beg, anything but by the time he realised what Forever was doing, it was far too late.
And with a swift, heavy swing, the bat hit Phil's shin, the bone shattering on impact.
Phil screamed as bile rose to his throat again.
He became lightheaded as he cried, unsure what else he could do. He covers his face with his hands and sobs as Forever strokes his hair.
"Don't kick." His voice his sweet, like poison hidden in sugar, it makes Phil sick and dizzy.
Forever takes out his phone and moments later, Quackity comes back.
Forever keeps that sweet tone of voice as Phil slips out of consciousness. "Would you like to do the other one?"
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filmery · 7 years
Stream of Consciousness
from Iron Man
fav marvel opener- flipping comic book pages -never read any whoops
no one is wearing black- back in black
sexist- driver woman
rdj is =iron man
peace sign kid holds- he dies so thats why tony does peace sign
"older guy cant work camera" clishe
uggggh shaky camera
why was he with the troops/ not in helicopter?
zoom into bomb fast- GREAT fast comedic moment just before sadness
he shud not have been conscious after explosion that close
al quaeda to soon
so hes steve jobs- made a frikin computer in his garage
ewww rbj with no beard- bad cgi :( cant u just shave and get over urself?
yes weapons are the key to peace hahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahaha
rip terrence howard as rhody
"too cool for award" cliche
"bald guy is bad" cliche
"hes always working" uhhh besides a few montages.... no he really just parties
only talks to cute girls....... uggggh
military funding? ha more like military debt ahahahahah 20 trillion is iron mans fault
jarvis is wing man after one night stand???? idve thought hed think tony was cheating lol
"girl wakes up with just guys shirt" cliche
"guy wakes up and leaves before girl wakes up" cliche
cat fight ha+2 points
literal and figurative island haha
so tony aint smart, he just uses jarvis
he obvi doesnt know how t4he faa works
i was gonna get REAL mad if tony didnt buy a painting cuz it was "too expensive" but we good
tonys a dick
yet pepper finds him attractive
yaaaas rhody calling him a baby cuz he FING IS
im pretty sure laser shows in airplanes are illegal
"im not drinking them gets drunk" cliche
in my opinion from what ive collected, you cant be feared AND respected. fear takes over and you do things based on fear, not fromrespect - also how will blowing up people help them respect you? unless youre talking about getting respect from those u protect and those u kill cuz thats completely differeent then
"i respectfully disagree" or do you "fearfully disagree"
starts out as all techno talk, then turns into baby talk wtf
that shock wave conviently stopped right after it hit them
montage of painful surgeyr cliche
ewww that pipe in his nose as groooooooss
"dont do that but dontexplain" cliche
the dude cant understand english how did he know that tony refused????
why tf wouldnt u test it ANYWHERE BUT THE MIDDLE EAST?????
why cant they just wait and order the missile
"theyll never find u" cliche
why is his friend here?
how does he know how to build it? tbh he probs just had jarvis do it back home
how does the gov not know hes selling weapons to terrorists? we cant be that corrupt can we?
so hes building his ring thing but they DONT FING NOTICE THATS THERES NO MISSILES AT AlL??????
and they didnt question them the entire time
lemme peek but not go in and investigate
"i have steady hands" and then he crashes his car and LOOK! Doctro strange!
when a speech starts with a history lesson, u know its been rehearsed u poser
honestly... hot coal in mouth- worst way to die fml
props to marvel for not telling how fast theyre moving so i cant bust them for not being able to get it done
why the circle around the chest thing
wouldt one of their rules to be able to see u at all times
ctrl i is italicize hahahaha
why did the lights shut off but no the clearly hookedup laptop?
i enjoy the rock music as background music- not ur stereotypical ( yet awesome) hans zimmer score
yaaaaaas bitches run
gun shootsthen rebounds onto him- pretty sure thats not how physics work
if anyone should die, its tony tbh that whiny bithc
-2 for killing an actual good guy
how does not one of those bullets penetrate his suit?
----not enough use of the word penetreate
k no theyd keep shooting
tony: everythings on fire and im dying
ouchie that giant fall
how does he know hose helis are good?
+2 for cheeseburger yas
-2 for burger king ew
doesnt sheild deal with aliens not terrorists?
newsreels? hes not THAT old
k hes obvi doing the best thing here and now everyone gets pissed for him TRYING TO SAVE PEOPLES LIVES EHY IS THAT BAD?????? HE ALREADY HAS a shit otn of money LET HIM BE
fuck u and ur segway obidiah
the other thing..... dont put ur name on it
jokes on u! it was alqueade
+100 for mad money reference!!!!!
...so pepper didnt know about it so whyd he blame her for .3 seconds?
pepper is useless omg PUT YOUR HANDS IN HIS CHEST
why did he say dont take out the magnet but all of a sudden u dont need it?
i wonder if they actually built robots for tonys btterfingers
rhodeys we need pilots speech was just proven again by the aircraft landing in the hudson
so non military= humanitarian now? and if so why that bad?
honestly surprised that jarvis isnt some hot lady voice
k raza with sunglasses= morpheus
why is the mask the most vital part for raza?
tony crashing into wall is why u should ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET KIDS
obadiah is NOT playing the piano
+2 for not trusting obidiah
daaaamn if thats 1% whats 100% capacity
and he still doesnt wear a helmet
k his eye holes are so small how can he actually see?
run before walking leads to lots of problems later in life tony
at leaast he checked atc
goddammkit u made smol child drop ice cream
beginners luck
rip that baby grand he probs didnt know how to play
+2 for that fire extinguisher
+50 for Pepper being a cutie with that gift
how does tony not have his liscence revoked? hes a shit driver and can hire a chaffeur
so just fire pepper and marry her
pepper is totally right and tony should seperate who actually matter to him
how is a lot of olives 3?
im not my company- THEN TAKE UR NAME OFF HOE
no, modern day hell s walking those 15 miles and watching a car and heli and camera lady who are fine and can get there in 20 minutes
i sincerely hope that these footages were planned and not real
is this the news or a documentary?
just realized he never gave pepper her drink lol
yeah, let the kids watch their dad get shot thats fine omg
after that hit, he looks like a lion
why did he say colonel rhodes form weapons development? that name isnt that common
there was 0 time for radio contact omg
the only thing i could think during this scene was SERPENTINE SERPENTINE SERPENTINE
k now im getting a lil tired of the electric guitar
finally obi has been outted geez
im feeling some west side story WITH snaps
why is raza telling obi what he ALREADY KNOWS CUZ THEYVE BEEN IN CONTACT
how has no one noticed that obi just GOES TO THE MIDDLE EAST LIKE ALL THE TIME
this scene between pepper and tony is THE MOTHER of cliched lines
he tried to push his hair back hahahaHAHAHAHAHhaha
not scraps obi.... he had his own stuff
im just imagining obi hidig under toys couch haha
that dick took his shirt!!!
yaas beethoven reference
props to makeup people for his paralysis on point!
sorry but paralysis seems to me like U CANT FING MOVE TONY
i thought the old reactor needed a magnet
goddman all these chains
-2 awful jump scare
yes middle age mom- honk at the GIANT FING ROBOT
nooo not the hydrogen powered bus!
gooood iron freezes before stainless tell
daaamn obi is a real bad shot
and radiation now floods the malibu land area and thosands are illed thanks to tonys reactor
sk glad hes corrected the mediait aint iron
coleson never briefed tham
that was longer than 90 seconds
great ending 10/10
affter credit scene: 10/10 avengers yay
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littlehollyleaf · 8 years
tagged by @sunlitroom​ to put my music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and favorite lyrics from them.  
(sunlit had Sarah McLachlan on their playlist, which gives me nostalgia! although I’m terrible because I only know the songs that were used in Due South :p)
1. Meatloaf - Lost Boys and Golden Girls
It doesn't matter where they're going or wherever they've been, 'cause they've got one thing in common it's true They'll never let a night like tonight go to waste, and let me tell you something, neither will you
2. Louden Swain - All I Need
Inevitably, I get home and I crawl into bed,  I whisper "I love you" and you won't quite hear what I said
3. Savage Garden - The Best Thing
This intoxication thrills me I only pray it doesn't kill me
4. Wicked the Musical - As Long as You’re Mine
Say there's no future For us as a pair
And though I may know I don't care
5. Jekyll & Hyde: the musical - In His Eyes
EMMA: By looking in his eyes, Will I see beyond tomorrow? LUCY: By looking in his eyes, Will I see beyond the sorrow That I feel? EMMA: Will his eyes reveal to me Promises or lies? LUCY: But he can't conceal from me The love in his eyes!
(listen pls I NEED more nygmobblepot shippers to listen to this musical because there is so much about it that is IMPOSSIBLY Eddie and nygmobblepot, ugh!)
6. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising
I hope you have got your things together I hope you are quite prepared to die
7. Wicked the musical - For Good
It well may be That we will never meet again In this lifetime So let me say before we part So much of me Is made of what I learned from you You'll be with me Like a handprint on my heart And now whatever way our stories end I know you have re-written mine By being my friend...
(I made a Clex music video to this once... now I wanna make a nygmobblepot one... FML, fuck DC, fuck it... but you see I just can’t resist the meta implications of the ‘re-written’ line!)
8. Pat Benatar - Love is a Battlefield
You're beggin' me to go then makin' me stay Why do you hurt me so bad It would help me to know Do I stand in your way, or am I the best thing you've had Believe me, believe me, I can't tell you why But I'm trapped by your love and I'm chained to your side
(LOL - legit forgot I’d put this in my playlist. NGL, it is 100% because I was considering it for a nygmob vid... my music is so very very badly fandom focused...)
9. Taylor Swift - Welcome to New York
Everybody here was someone else before And you can want who you want Boys and boys and girls and girls
10. Halsey - Gasoline
And all the people say You can't wake up, this is not a dream You're part of a machine, you are not a human being
I’m too lazy to tag this time (and there was no part of the meme that officially said I needed to so - ha!) - if you follow me and wanna play consider this your opportunity :)
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icharchivist · 8 years
kurapika for the ask meme????
send me a character and i’ll tell you:
*soft gasps* thank you so much omg ahjkdsj
I already did Kura a loong time ago at this so I’ll try again with new stuff, so just, here was my previous one
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod:
Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation
I’ll seek you out, flay you alive. One more word and you won’t surviveAnd I’m not scared of your stolen power, I see right through you any hour I’m taking it slow, Feeding my flame, Shuffling the cards of your gameAnd just in time in the right place, Suddenly I will play my aceI won’t soothe your pain, I won’t ease your strainYou’ll be waiting in vain, I got nothing for you to gainEyes on fire, Your spine is ablaze, felling any foe with my gazeAnd just in time, In the right place Steadily emerging with grace
(okay this one is already on my other list but it fits too well)
Howl - Florence + The Machine
A man who’s pure of heart and says his prayers by nightMay still become a wolf when the autumn moon is brightIf you could only see the beast you’ve made of meI held it in but now it seems you’ve set it running freeThe saints can’t help me now, the ropes have been unboundI hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallow'ed ground
Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine
Holy water cannot help you down. Hours and armies couldn’t keep me outI don’t want your money, I don’t want your crowdSee I have to burn your kingdom downHoly water cannot help you now, See I’ve had to burn your kingdom down And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire outI’m gonna raise the stakes, I’m gonna smoke you outSeven devils all around you, Seven devils in my houseSee they were there when I woke up this morningI’ll be dead before the day is done
Angry revenge songs to remind himself all the time that his rage is still here y’know?
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to: Asleep on books, mostly, but I’d see him also fall asleep against wall sometimes. Like, he’s trying to look over something and he just. Falls asleep. Because this guy pushes himself so much that at some point I think he might fall asleep each time he’s slightly resting. gdi Kura. 
the game they’d destroy everyone else at: man I wanna try something else than the previous answer but seriously?? Games where you have to read your opponants to win. Like Poker, once you understand the pattern of your opponants you can come up with strategies, or Tarots (the non-divination one) where you have to count the cards and establish how the others players might play their games. Also he’s really good at Scrabble likely, using the most impossible words on the plate. Everyone hates him when he does that.
the emoticon they’d use most often: keeping my old answer but:(ㆆ_ㆆ) on most occasion, but he does a simple :) a lot while texting Gon. (Even better if next to Leorio who probably gets a ton of (ㆆ_ㆆ) and sees Gon getting nice :) like “why”)
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: Moody and not Fine, even if he says he’s Fine. He’s not. He lies. Don’t trust him. He needs shittons of coffee in those cases, because else he actually looks like he’s just walking aimlessly and he doesn’t realize half of what he’s doing. Like a zombie.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.: .. I keep my previous answer again:Well tbh, pre Yorknew arc I’d say Tea. Something soothing that allows him to rest a little. But once he starts working as bodyguard, he drinks. Ways too much coffee. Someone save him.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump: He doesn’t take care of himself someone save this boy.I think the worst is that when he’s in a slump he’d probably think a lot about why he’s into this, and he probably would make it worse. Eventually I think seeing his friends is the only things that can really cheer him up in those occasions. They never ask too much of him so he can just watch them and think to himself that life isn’t so bad, since he had them.
what they wanted to be when they grew up: pls.Okay so we know that he wanted to explore the world as a kid, and that he also wanted to find a doctor for Pairo, but before that, let’s say before the outside world started calling him, I could see read every damn books he could and maybe he wanted to help keep the knowledge of his village, like a librerian or historian. But like, when he was really little, then he really wanted to discover the world. And now he’s a knight of revenge fml
their favorite kind of weather: keeping my old answer again:I think he prefers it  when the weather is calm, not brightly sunny but at least sunny. I could see him enjoy the days after rain, when it’s still a bit humid outside but, at least around green places, gives out kind of a pleasing feeling reminding him of the forest he grew up into.
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): Perfection??? okay look. He has the most beautiful voice ever. so much emotions, so much softness and raw force and m an I love him. 
how/what they like to draw or doodle: same reply again:He draws perfect chains that we know, but I admit i love the idea that maybe he doesn’t draw too well? Like, he can draw a fair amount of stuff in basics, but it’s not groundbreaking. But damn, his chains thought? The shading, the way he draws them, they look real.
Thanks for playing :D ajkhdss sorry finally I couldn’t come up with too much different answers than my first try but well o/ 
Thank you!!
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nantokanaruna-blog · 7 years
hi nihon - 5/29/2017
i actually came to japan 2 days ago but i was too tired and busy and whatever so i didn’t make this blog until now lol. here’s the first post yay
but i thought it would be a good idea to try and keep track of everything happening because 1) it’ll be good to look back at later and 2) everything is happening so fast i don’t even remember what i ate for dinner an hour ago
anyways, i left home on the 27th. to be honest i felt absolutely awful the nights before leaving due to personal stuff and just stress+anxiety about leaving home so quickly (i only came home for 10 days after finals ended) and i cried so much but after i landed in tokyo everything changed. after landing and walking through the long (long) walkways towards customs and the arrival lounge i started getting so emotional; i was totally having a “wtf i can’t believe this is happening but i also can 100% believe it” moment
i was so so happy to see Keiko ;-; she got to Haneda earlier than me and ended going to Shinagawa station before i landed to study it without me and i felt so bad omg but she seemed so happy to help out. we rode a bus from the airport to our hotel and it was so surreal seeing tokyo out the window while driving through the city. i was also so happy i could speak (kind of) well with Keiko and she even said my Japanese is really good ;-; even though it’s not lol
our hotel was SO NICE it was scary. it was the shibuya excel tokyu hotel and it was so close to shibuya scramble..the view was so nice. keiko ended up treating me so much and giving me so much stuff (she gave me a flashlight, shopping bag, handkerchiefs, and more right after getting to the hotel lol)...i felt so bad all the time jhhfd
on my arrival day we ended up going to the Sakura House offices in Shinjuku to get my paperwork signed and keys ready. she gave my my own suica card (ith my name on it and 10000 yen on it wtf) so we used that to ride to shibuya. we tried using google maps but we got....so lost and ended up walking around in circles for 30 minutes lol but we finally found the office after a while. the staff was nice, and we were able to figure out everything fine. they gave us matcha tea and country marm and keiko ate all of her portion lol. we made it back to the station in one piece and then went back to shibuya station, where we went to one of the department store food areas there and ate in a cute cafe place. i had a maguro+salmon+avocado don chirashizushi (it was like salad and poke on top of rice basically) and it was sooo good. there was tako in it but the rest was so good. then we wnt back to the hotel and rested and i totally passed out in 5 minutes
sunday we got up and had breakfast at the hotel and it was amazing. the breakfast places (either youshoku buffet or washoku) were on the 25th floor, so the view was amazing. we had the western style breakfast and there was so much food i was dying...the scrambled eggs were the best i’ve ever had lmao. tbh i can’t remember that well the order of things that happened that day (since we went everywhere and used the train so much) but first i think we went to my apartment in harajuku. we took the yamanote line one stop over and walked down takeshita doori (too many tourists) and away a little bit to Sakura House Harajuku B. it was nice, pretty much like a regular japanese house with 5 rooms shoved into it and only 2 bathrooms and a small kitchen. there are 2(?) men here and it’s kind of gross and dirty but what else can i expect from them 
anyways after that i think we went to see how i could walk to my company (TELL) near Omotesando. the walk was really nice; i was so intimidating by all the good looking people in harajuku and the high end shops in omotesando (lmao) but it was really nice even in the hot weather. on the way back we stopped at matsumoto kiyoshi and keiko bought me so much stuff (shampoo, conditioner, sun screen, wet tissues, etc) and i felt bad but she insisted it was okay ;-;
i think after that we tried to look for slippers after dropping that stuff off in my room. we went to the shibuya area again and looked around alot (at loft, tokyu hands, etc.) for slippers and a pass case for me. keiko said she promised herself she wouldnt buy anything for herself on this trip because she was treating me and this was her “welcome to japan” present ;-; we also went to look for a slip to wear under my one piece dress at like three different department stores when we finally found a cheap one near the station. for a late lunch/snack we had cream anmitsu (with soft cream) in a station department store cafe (a famous Japanese sweets chain i think) and it was sooo good.
after looking around more and wandering around we had lunch at another place near the station. it was a famous kansai soba/udon place i think; both keiko and i had a udon bowl (i forgot the name) but it had shiitake, mochi, anago, carrots, etc and it was really good actually. we headed back to the room after that and rested. itte Q came on TV and we laughed a lot. it was really nice.
the next morning (this morning) we ate again at the hotel restaurant, then checked out around 10:00 with our luggage and rode the yamanote to harajuku were we pushed our suitcases down a very busy takeshita doori in 80 degree weather (fml) but it was okay. keiko helped so much i felt so bad...we got the stuff to my room (somehow) and after resting we headed out to go to haneda. keiko wanted to teach me how to go/come back from haneda for after she leaves and when i go to pick up Olivia, so we went to Shinagawa eki then Haneda to drop off her suitcase in a locker. then we went to Tokyo eki (since Olivia will have to go there for her shinkansen) and we went to a newer mall next to the station. we had lunch at a really nice place that’s some fruit company that sells really nice omiyage/gift fruit. we shared fruit sandwiches and early grey tea and this salmon/avocado dish that was so good--it was like smoked salmon and avocado with olive oil and kiwi and tomatoes on a small salad. then we looked around at the stores there and headed back to the station to go back to haneda.
of course when keiko was leaving i started crying (and she did too lol) and i tried to tell her how thankful i was for everything but i don’t think i conveyed it very well....honestly she did so so so much for m this entire trip (coming here from hiroshima, paying for my stuff/food/hotel, researching everything and knowing where to go/how to get there, etc) i felt so so so blessed and happy to have her and it felt so nice knowing she did everything because she cares for me. she was really worried about me heading home so i felt bad... i left the airport (i was a nervous wreck lol) and got on the train to shinagawa (it was already so crowded) and then transferred from there back to yamanote so i could go to harajuku. i felt so nervous and self-aware the entire time but it was a good(?) experience. i got back to sakura house and immediately texted mom and messaged Keiko on LINE. 
i thought i was going to be okay by myself but i really wasn’t (and i’m still not). i felt so empty and alone and sad and scared after Keiko left, since i really realized at that point i was alone. i didn’t have anyone else with me or anything to distract me, so i felt so alone and bad thoughts kept coming...i felt like i was going to cry for hours. i thought it would be good to go to daiso and matsumoto kiyoshi again to buy some stuff so i did. i also went to family mart to get dinner and that was aa little depressing since i couldn’t tell what the cashier was saying when he was asking if i wanted my items bagged or not (lol) but whatever. i think it helped get my mind off of things.
so now i’m back home, i ate a family mart chicken sandwich with juice, and i messaged keiko again on line. i completely forgot i left the slippers in her suitcase (lmao) so now i feel bad. she was also so tired from everything she couldn't remember i feel so bad she’s so burnt out because of me...but she also seemed like she enjoyed it too. i hope i can talk to her on line again soon and i’m also really excited for her to come again in june and july ;-; i’m glad i got to be with her and let her take care of me though because sometimes i worry about her being alone too much esp since she never married/had kids...idk how she even feels like that but i feel like she likes being my second mom ;;
anyways i’m so tired and i want to shower but i think the guys are walking around and i can’t go out so. yeah
tbh i’m still very sad and scared and i just don’t feel good. the time difference sucks and it’s just distancing myself more from everyone. i have so many worried about my place and my internship. i wish keiko could be here 24/7 but she can’t. idk how i’m going to be like this for 2 months...i thought i could go out and just walk around and look around tokyo to have fun alone but idk if i can do that. idk how everything will go from this point and i’m so scared. but it might be okay. i just have to keep going i guess.
i’m so sad i want to see keiko again hhhh
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