#he loves afrodite
dick-chugger · 1 year
Greek mythology "fans", stop making Ares a misogynist challenge
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moneeb0930 · 11 months
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The first statues of deities were melanated
India :
The first statues of the Indi-Kush pantheon were represented with melanated skin (Krishna, Kali etc,,) and before Buddha looked like a Chinese, he looked like us and was worshiped as such throughout Asia.
The Olmec civilization begins around 3400 before the birth of Lumumba, that is to say thousands of years before the Mayas and the Aztecs and the first divinities were represented with melanated skin, such as for example Ixtlilton (Little Black) comparable to Bes.
Egypt :
All early Neteru were also depicted with melanated skin, so the further back you go in the history of the Nile Delta the more Negroid the statues become.
The first statues of the Vietnamese pantheon were also represented with melanated skin like for example Vishnu or Champa, and in this connection, the Chinese called the Empire Champa or the people of Cham, now known under the name of VietNam; the country of the Black Men.
The first statues of the Thai Pantheon were also represented with melanated skin and the old representation of Buddha had a very dark complexion and Africanid features.
The first statues of the Greek pantheon were represented with melanated skin such as Afrodite, Heracles and many others.
Many important deities were also represented with melanated skin such as Hermes or Isis.
Even the first Chinese statues were represented in the same Africoid mold.
The first representations of the Virgin and her Son were melanated , and they were revered as such throughout Europe until the idea of ​​white supremacy arose. Russia and Poland still love the original images even if little by little the same bleaching phenomenon is gaining ground.
Angkor Wat is a temple that was built in the 12th century by the Khmer king; Suryavarman and it is still considered the greatest religious monument in the world.
The Chinese have always portrayed the Khmer people as short.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 3 months
Azu: The thing no one to me about Zone of Truth is that peple really enjoy asking for it during party games and then being drunk enough to just tell me really weird facts about themselfs.
Hamid: I only did that once!
Azu: It was a lovely party Hamid, I now know a lot about our friends. Somethings I honestly would preffer not to. Some of you are really horny.
Hamid: You can just say it was Oscar.
Azu: Oh no, Oscar was lovely. I mean there was the cumcumber rant but after that he mostly just talked about Afrodite's divine fashion sense.
Hamid: Oh! Great. So it was just a general feeling of horniness? Did Cell say something? Did Howard? It sounds like a Carter thing. *pause* Was it me?? Oh my god, I'm so sorry!
Azu: No, it was not you. You were lovely as away. It was... well...it was no one, I should not have comented.
Hamid: *who is a gossip at heart* *trying to not sound disapointed* Oh, okay. Yeah, no worries, we don't want to make peoole unconfortable and talking about our friends behind their backs is not -
Azu: It was Barnes.
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aurilvs · 2 years
dream & their godly parents
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warnings: blades swords swearing gay shit mentions of kissing and food I think
note: love pjo and nct sooo yeah
defo big 3
i think Poseidon is the best match
in chilling in the dream
how he was ok with the cold ass water
ma boi yes.
when he finds out ab being able to control water
(also surprised he can talk w horses)
“whoa dude- what just happened”
“u have powers” “wtf”
also … his spider-sense
very agile in combat
outside the arena……
clumsy somehow??
different story for another day
don't let him near bows and arrows
my guy how did u manage to break 4 bows in the span of 3 minutes
he is clearly as confused as you are
“dude I'm as lost as u”
our Canadian boy<3
did I make this whole post just to vent ab child-of-athena!renjun
ummm… ofcourse
every sane person would do that right ????
n e gays
very smart
book and street
gives the best advice
very calm…. is……. yeah no one believed that
shouts a lot but outside of libraries
if u disrespect libraries u are done w him
gets lost in thought a lot
lots of spacing out
probably planning his next murder but u didn't hear it from me
very skilled w bow and arrow
with swords….. not so much
very charming in an unexpected way
loves owls bc they remind him of his mom
has read harry potter
avid hater
(has secretly watched the half blood prince 13 times and has a ppt of 40 slides ab why its the best movie)
ace <3
does not care ab sex
big 3
he is the one with the most Zeus vibes
or ares maybe
but I don't see him being conflictive
but he is sharp? if that makes sense
(it does not ik)
but yeah
very scary looking
has a reputation for being good at close combat
biggest softie ever
can sometimes control electricity
gets called sparkly fingers by jaem
bc when he's nervous he fidgets w the electricity
gets along w jaemin bc jaemin was very anti-social
and he was a social butterfly with no real friends
they are inseparable now
rumor says they make out sometimes but u didn't hear it from me
bi wife energy but he's the bi wife
an Afrodite kid if I ever saw one
when he arrived to camp
he was the moment
the initial thought was that he was gonna be mean
bc that's how movie logic works
pretty= mean
don't blame me blame Hollywood
but he is an actual ray of sunshine
gets confused a lot w apollo kids
bc ma boi has pipes
gets along w everyone
but is not afraid to stand up for his friends
very extroverted and witty
has a good sense of humor and is street smart
met mark just as they were both discovering their powers
when he is close to a person he can see who they have feelings for
safe to say he saw Jeno and jaem
stuck w mark bc he could relate to him
ended up being soulmates
hyuck is a ray of sunshine
he is powerful and he knows that
likes that he can inspire fear
On the inside he loves romcoms and cries every time he watches the notebook
big softy
was not close to a lot of people
no one except his brother and sister (irene and yoongi)
they adore each other so much
it's like they have their own language
but he had like o friends so when jeno approached him
he was surprised to say the least
likes being accompanied in silence
haTES small talk
would very much rather talk ab ones purpose on earth
or death too (pun kinda intended
talks ab deep shit w renjun
who he met through jeno
jeno says his coffee order comes from the depths of hell
(funny u say that )
jaem switches their drinks to see the disgusted expression on jeno’s face
(a simps behavior)
apollo kid??
doesn't really fit in w his siblings
bc he has a darker aura
people mistake him for an ares kid
but he loves his siblings and his siblings love him
as an apollo kid he can sing v well
beautiful voice
but kinda shy to sing live
not scared to approach others
but prefers staying in his circle
really likes daggers
and is vv good w them
he trained mark for a bit
and then gave up bc he realized the canadian is helpless w any dagger or bow or anything except swords for a reason
arrived at camp w jisung
been stuck by the hip ever since
I see chenle where is jisung 🤨🤨 oh there he is hi ji
constantly giving each other gifts
fun fact his dagger was a jisung gift when they were finding their preferred weapon
lowkey like each other
they spend time near the auditorium
(word on the street says they make out sometimes but u didn't hear it from me)
i love chenle
tell me u don't agree🤨
cute but agile
he is vv shy tho
when he battles completely transforms
extremely talented w swords
when he first picked up one
he felt complete??
idk that's what he told chenle
his sword is made of celestial bronze
takes care of it more than his life
his sword was a gift from his dad
but his dad sent it by chenle
chenle jokes that he is the best gift-giver ever
training and fighting is very therapeutic for him
98% of the time is in the arena when he is not with chenle
trains with the straw dummies when he has a lot on his mind
“training w straw dummies is very mundane so it helps me think”
he is on the younger side out of all the campers
but has more experience than most of them
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osarina · 2 months
RINA (can I call you Rina? Osa sound weird 😭😭😭 Osa in my language mean bear)
OMG, I just finish reading the new chapter of westerland BSKWVSKWBAJSBHSJS
THE BATHROOM SCENE 😍😍😍😍 BAJABSJSBAJQBWJS I was like:kiss kiss kiss
(I was really hoping they kiss 🥺😔)
"Ungly hat" lol I literally die at that part
BTW about the other university girl (Hinami) HER NAME IS LITERALLY THE SAME OF ONE OF MY OC'S
I can't help but think of my oc every time that she was mentioned 😔😭😭
Little funny because my oc (in my crossover universe) don't really like Dazai and she feel uncomfortable around he
And she is nothing like the Hinami of your history she is from outside a super self secure girl who can be taken as a "girl boss" and she is very VERY (like Afrodite fav girl) beutyful but from inside she is a mentally weak girl who is insecure about herself because she thinks that if she is not pretty she is nothing (my baby 😭😭)
Sorry if I talk to much about one of my oc's is just I was exited to tell someone about they (only me and two other friends we now about the entire lore of they 😭😔)
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(You and me if you want it baby *seductive pose* 🥴) (OMG I'M JOKING 😭😭) (Unless you don't want to *blink blink *)
i was GIGGLING writing the bathroom scene when she pushed him up against the door, you KNOWWWWWW dazai was all heart eyes. he had to remind himself that he was mad LOLLLL
LOLLLLL dazai had beef with chuuya on sight truly
AW OMG THAT'S SUCH A FUNNY COINCIDENCE kjahsdfiahdfsu ayato and hinami were actually named after two of my fav tokyo ghoul characters HAHAHA usually when i have to make ocs for plot they're in some manner inspired by a chara from another fandom i rlly like - BUT I LOVE HEARING ABOUT UR OCS, U DON'T HAVE TO APOLOGIZE <333
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somaisumsemideus · 4 months
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Come with me, and we'll make many storms Come with me, and we'll break many laws --- Some call love a curse Some call love a thieft --- But he's my home
Era uma noite comum, como qualquer outra, ou ao menos Héktor acreditava ser. Pouco havia passado da hora do banho, e, apesar do cabelo estar preso em um coque no alto da cabeça, o perfume do sabonete exalava da sua pele, preenchendo o quarto enquanto se preparava para deitar -- ainda que fosse cedo para dormir.
Os olhos castanhos corriam pelas linhas do diário que estava prestes a começar a escrever, enquanto ainda estava fresca em sua memória os momentos com @maximeloi na estufa. As dúvidas que se formaram, as respostas que as dissiparam e a confusão que se alojou nos cantos da sua mente, unto com os pensamentos e questionamentos. A surpresa o tomou quando @ladraderaioss entrou no seu quarto, repentinamente, como um raio que desenha o céu nublado. O clima, igualmente tempestuoso, predominava fora do chalé, trazendo consigo uma brisa fria pela janela com o cair da noite.
"Uma festinha entre os mais chegados", ela disse, puxando-o da cama com empolgação. Quando se deu conta, estava inteiramente vestido pela meia-irmã, que parecia animada com a sua obra. "Se ja está na chuva, por que não se molhar?", pensou Héktor. Alina parecia conhecer bem o seu gosto, pois o vestiu com uma camisa de linho aberta até pouco aberto do peito e um short bege, quase praiano. Do coque, pendia uma única mexha de cacho, seu penteado predileto.
"Vai ser na Caverna dos Deuses", ela o informou quando já estavam do lado de fora do chalé, enquanto ele tentava acompanhá-la. "Mas que animação é essa para uma festinha?", ele perguntou em algum momento, mas ela apenas riu em resposta.
Quando chegaram, alina pediu-lhe para entrar, pois iria esperar as amigas que não demorariam. Héktor assentiu, confuso e ainda perdido pela aleatoriedade com que foi abordado.
Enquanto atravessava os corredores estreitos e pedregosos da caverna, procurava ouvir alguma conversa ou um som, mas o silêncio seria ensurdecedor se não fosse pela água corrente que deslizava para o interior da caverna. Foi então que deu de frente com Eloi. O cenho franziu, e um sorriso de canto se formou, sem entender nada. O filho de Afrodite estava sozinho e não havia sinais de que mais pessoas chegariam, principalmente pelas velas espalhadas e um pequenoa rranjo para duas pessoas, no máximo, organizado atrás do rapaz.
Antes que pudesse formar palavras, ou que as mesmas viessem à garganta, Eloi tomou a frente, estendendo um presente. Foi então que Héktor percebeu do que se tratava. O filho de Hécate aceitou a caixa de bo grado, com um sorriso desconcertado nos lábios. ao abrir a caixa e ouvir Eloi dizer o que era, o sorriso discreto alargou-se em um seu rosto. Seus olhos castanhos fixaram-se em maxime, deixando que terminasse de falar tudo o que aparentemente estava preso, e talvez até um pocuo mais.
Finalmente, a brecha veio, junto com uma pergunta que, por mais que Héktor já soubesse o que estava acontecendo, o convite não fazia parte da sua percepção. - Nossa, eu... - Ele tentou dizer, mas ficou tímido. Um riso anasalado escapou e ele desviou o olhar de volta para a pulseira. - Eloi, isso... - Ele riu novamente. -...isso foi muito legal da sua parte. De verdade. - Disse, por fim, devolvendo a pulseira para dentro da caixa. Sua surpresa maior estava no gesto do rapaz, uma vez que todas as atitudes românticas em seus trinta anos de vida, sempre partiram dele para a outra pessoa e raramente o contrário. - Eu... Aceito, poxa. - Respondeu, finalmente, com um sorriso de orelha a orelha. - É claro que eu aceito.
Ele, então, se aproximou do semideus, tomando o rosto alheio com as mãos, findando a distância entre eles com um beijo suave carregado de fortes sentimentos e emoções, fazendo questão de se demorar, pressionando-o contra a parede. - Uma festinha para os mais chegados... - Ele sussurrou entre os beijos, rindo com diversão. -...a Alina me paga. - Comentou, selando-o com mais beijos em meio a sorrisos, deixando-se levar para o que ele tinha certeza ser um encontro. - Isso aqui está perfeito! - Disse, contemplando o esforço de maxime para terem uma noite só deles, mas, também, contemplando o próprio, que soube perfeitamente como o encantar.
Bônus para a leitura
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gureumz · 1 year
I usually don't read smut for Jungwon but I just read Project Afrodite and omg I'm obsessed I read it like three times already 😭 I love your mind, how did you come up with something like this?? It's just so creative and different from any fanwriting I've read before 🩷
Also would you consider a second part? I've so much questions and I was left needing to know more haha but if you're not considering a second part could you at least reply to this question, will they end together as a couple/marriage or will they keep it responsible but not commitments? at the end when he kissed her she says he only do it when he wants something, I think this makes it clear there's no feelings involved so I'm curious for what happens after if she ends pregnant 😅
ahhh thank you thank you!!! i read a ridiculous amount of books and fics so ideas and inspiration come from everywhere 😅
as for whether reproducing couples (lol) end up marrying, that is ultimately up to them. in jungwon and reader's case, i'd say it's like an extended fwb thing where the benefits is that they're getting the hottest sex and repopulating the earth all in one go HDJSJDJ but i'd like to think they'd fall into a kind of domestic thing once they do end up as parents and eventually marry 🫶🏻
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bruxodeafrodite · 1 year
✨ Nome • Name -> Julian
✨ Pronomes • Pronouns -> Ele/Elu/Ela (He/They/She)
✨ Nacionalidade • Nationality -> 🇧🇷
✨ Línguas • Languages -> pt/eng/esp
✨ Idade • Age -> 23
✨ Signos • Signs
Sol (Sun) -> Aquário ♒️
Lua (Moon) -> Peixes ♓️
Ascendente (Rising) -> Leão ♌️
🇧🇷 Eu sou um principiante em bruxaria. Estou aprendendo várias coisas no momento! Tenho interesse em divinação, astrologia, e magia focada em amor (nunca manipulando ninguém, claro. tudo sobre eu mesmo!). Estou interessado em aprender sobre Wicca, e sou devoto a Afrodite. Ando aprendendo sobre ela. Também me interesso por cristais, ervas, sigilos, poções… e outras entidades (Iemanjá, Freyja, Loki…) Aqui nesse blog postarei sobre o que eu sei e investigarei sobre o que preciso aprender. Postarei em português e inglês, talvez espanhol. Blessed be!!!
🇺🇸 I am a begginer in witchcraft. I have currently been learning a lot! I am interested in divination, astrology, and love witchcraft (Never manipulating anyone, of course. Only focusing on the self 💕). I am looking forward to learning about Wicca, and I am an Aphrodite follower. I’ve been learning about her. I am also interested in crystals, herbs, sygils, potions… and other entities (Iemanjá, Freyja, Loki…) Here in this blog I'll post about what I know and I'll research/store resources. I will post in both english and portuguese, maybe spanish. Blessed be!!!
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thewitchofthelove · 11 days
Eros: O Deus do amor
Eros é o filhos de Afrodite, mais conhecido como cupido, este Deus representa o amor, a luxúria, a procriação e o desejo.
Eros trás o amor verdadeiro para as nossas vidas, ele também pode trazer amor próprio junto com sua esposa Pysche.
(Você não precisa receber o chamado dele para adorá-lo)
Eros é repeitoso, porém gosta de longos relacionamentos com ele
Deus do amor e do desejo
Mora no Monte Olimpo
Filhos de Afrodite
Esposo de Psyche
Cores: vermelho, rosa, branco, dourado
Símbolo: Arco e flecha
Animal sagrado: Lebre
Oferendas tradicionais: Cevada, incenso, mel, leite, oliva, água
Não tradicionais: Velas, chocolate, mirra, morango, rosas
Epithets: Eupalamos ‘Skillfull’, Kalos ‘Beautiful’, Hagnos ‘Holy’, Pteroeis ‘Winged’
Como criar um altar para Eros:
Imagens dele
Tigela de oferenda
Velas vermelhas, rosas e brancas
Rosas vemelhas, rosas e brancas
Objetos em formato de coração
Exemplo de oração para Eros:
"Ouça-me, Eros! Portador do Fogo, Habilidoso, Abençoado. Ou qualquer nome que mais lhe agrade ser chamado. Criei um altar para você e gostaria de sentir sua presença amorosa em minha vida. Que esta oferenda de incenso lhe agrade."
"Eu chamo o grande Eros, a fonte do doce deleite, sagrado e puro, e encantador à vista; dardejante, e alado, desejo feroz impetuoso, com deuses e mortais brincando, fogo errante: ágil e duplo, guardião das chaves do céu e da terra, do ar e dos mares que se espalham; de tudo o que os reinos férteis da terra contêm, pelo qual a Deusa que tudo nutre sustenta a vida, ou o sombrio Tártaro está condenado a manter, amplamente estendido, ou o profundo que ressoa; a ti obedecem todos os vários reinos da natureza, que governas sozinho, com domínio universal. Vem, poder abençoado, considera estes fogos místicos, e afasta de longe os desejos loucos e ilícitos"
Como cultuar Eros:
Lave as mãos
Diga a oração
Faça a libação e ofereça o que está na tigela
Fique alguns minutos contemplando
Deixe as oferendas por 1h do lado de fora antes de descartá-las
A libação pode ser feita do lado de fora, pode ser jogada na pia ou ofertada junto.
Você pode ofertar diariamente, semanalmente ou mensalmente
Como se comunicar com o Deus:
Banhos mágicos
Ler poemas
Referências bibliográficas:
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aventvrina · 5 months
Fandom ask, for Saint Seiya!
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Send me a fandom -no longer accepting! -@rosavulpes
Saint Seiya ♡
The first character I first fell in love with: If I'm to be real Shun!! But I was very young and I barely remembered the plot, recently I've taken it to rewatch the original series (especially since we're plotting eheh) The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Shion and Manigold, especially Manigold I don't know what happened but one day I woke up and i saw the vision. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don't think I have anyone that I dislike (but then again I am missing some entries so that could change lmao) The character I love that everyone else hates: Athena... I feel that she's a bit disliked by the fandom but I do genuinely tend to like her despite her being mostly a beacon without much agency The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I don't think I have anyone here! The character I would totally smooch: Albafica... and then die from the poison BUT I WOULD DIE HAPPY DAMN IT The character I’d want to be like: With all due respect they're all such a mess, maybe Afrodite cause he is the moment The character I’d slap: Manigold...lovingly. A pairing that I love: From the og since i watched it mostly as a kid i didn't yet have shipping eyes?? so i really can't recall what were my ships. Lost canvas tho Tenma Sasha but also Tenma Alone, Tenma has two hands and both of them make him suffer so much poor dude cannot catch a break A pairing that I despise: I don't think i have one!
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mcronnie-arc · 6 months
"If he touches you again, I'll kill him." (@psylcve)
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›  with @psylcve.  ‹
❛ ⊹。                                  Suspirou se jogando na cama de Love, escondeu o rosto contra o travesseiro da amiga fugindo da resposta que ela sabia que tanto deveria dar, quanto a amiga esperava ouvir, mas que na verdade, era bem diferente do que diria. ❝ ⸺ Mas na real, o quão ruim isso seria? ❞ perguntou, virando-se para a outra apenas o suficiente para a olhar, a sombra de um sorriso ferino brincando nos lábios cheios e tingidos de batom carmim. ❝ ⸺ Nós duas sabemos que do mesmo tanto que Afrodite me odeia, eu tomo decisões ruins... Achlys é só mais um dos meus muitos erros... ❞ Moveu os ombros em indiferença, como se não fosse nada, embora o assunto ainda despertasse muitas questões em sua cabeça. Seus relacionamentos frustrados, suas escolhas erradas e a forma desastrosa que todos os seus relacionamentos se encerravam. ❝ ⸺ Pelo menos ele é gostoso né? Serve 'pra matar a carência quando eu não tô completamente furiosa com ele. ❞
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reginadeinisseni · 1 year
Mitologia Greca: Meleagro e Atalanta - La Caccia al Cinghiale di Calidon...ATALANTA NON SI VOLEVA SPOSARE PER NON PERDERE IL POTERE DEI MORTIIl mito racconta che il padre di Atalanta desiderasse un maschio, ed alla nascita di Atalanta, com'era costume in questi casi, la abbandonò sul monte Pelio. Artemide allora inviò un'orsa, che se ne prese cura allattandola e allevandola. Qualche tempo dopo, Atalanta fu trovata da un gruppo di cacciatori che la crebberoLe insistenze del padre affinché Atalanta si sposasse incontrarono la sua contrarietà: infatti, un oracolo le aveva predetto che, una volta sposata, avrebbe perduto le sue abilità.Atalanta, per accontentare il padre, sicura dei propri mezzi, promise di sposarsi solo con chi l'avesse battuta in una gara di corsa. La posta era altissima: ciascun pretendente che non ne fosse uscito vincitore, sarebbe stato ucciso.Nessuno riuscì a batterla finché non arrivò Melanione (o Ippomene) che, profondamente innamorato, volle cimentarsi nella rischiosissima impresa chiedendo aiuto ad Afrodite. La dea diede allora a Melanione tre mele d'oro tratte dal Giardino delle Esperidi ed egli, seguendone il consiglio, lasciò che cadessero a una a una durante la corsa. Atalanta ne risultò irresistibilmente attratta e si fermò ogni volta a raccoglierle, perdendo così terreno prezioso e, infine, la gara stessa.Atalanta viene descritta come provocante, ma fermamente virtuosa. Cacciatrice infaticabile, venne talvolta assimilata ad Artemide.ATALANTA DIDN'T WANT TO MARRY SO AS NOT TO LOSE THE POWER OF THE DEADThe myth tells that Atalanta's father wanted a boy, and when Atalanta was born, as was customary in these cases, he abandoned her on Mount Pelion. Artemis then sent a she-bear, who took care of it, nursing and raising it. Some time later, Atalanta was found by a group of hunters who raised herHer father's insistence that Atalanta marry her met with her opposition: in fact, an oracle had predicted that, once married, she would lose her abilities.To please her father, Atalanta, confident in her own means, promised to marry only whoever beat her in a running race. The stakes were very high: any suitor who did not emerge victorious would be killed.No one managed to beat her until Melanion (or Hippomenes) arrived who, deeply in love with her, wanted to try her hand at her very risky undertaking by asking Aphrodite for help. The goddess then gave Melanion three golden apples taken from the Garden of the Hesperides and he, following her advice, let them fall one by one during the race. Atalanta was irresistibly attracted to them and she stopped each time to pick them up, thus losing precious ground and, finally, the race itself.Atalanta is described as provocative, but firmly virtuous. A tireless hunter, she was sometimes assimilated to Artemis.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#gustavopetro #colombia #DONALDTRUMP #TRUMP #BOLSONARO #DORIGHEZZI #STRISCIALANOTIZIA #FRANCESCO #RUTELLI #PROPAGANDALIVE #ELUANA #ENGLARO #ELUANAENGLARO #CRISTIANODEANDRE #twitter #facebook #skyrock #linkedin #instagram #okru #tiktok
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just-an-enby-lemon · 5 months
Sir Bertrand Mcguffingan from District 2 is exactally what the Capitol expects when hearing the word Victor: a born killer in golden armor with silly anthics and the same levels of empathy a brick wall has for the unfortunate driver that hitted it (and vaguely the same brains). That is in itself odd. People shouldn't be so blasé about the constant slaughter of their neighboors even when treated as special for it. But that's the wonder of the career districts and Bertie isn't special even in his awfullness.
Hamid Saleh Haroun al-Tahan from 1 is more likely what one would expect from a career. Someone that always felt a bit unconfortable with the games but not enough to actually see something bad with it. Specially not when most of his family is made of victors and important people nor when his friends were all up to it. Gideon was a legend after all. Someone who was way too soft but always pretended not to be until he won his games and couldn't drive the nightmares alway. Couldn't pretend it had all been worth it.
Zolf Smith from four was barely a career. He did what he had to do to survive both in games and outside of it and while he respected Barnes he never bought the honor talk the other Victor tried to use to keep himself sane. He was cynical and realist and he lost more and more of himself at every kid he send to die.
Howard Carter from 5 was a surprise only because he voluntered by a random impulse and maybe just a hope that winning would make the judment stop. It didn't. He drank a lot nowdays.
Azu from District 8 should not have survived. She was physically strong but she had a big bleeding heart and not a single one of her peers had any hope she would get out of it. They liked her, loved her even. But when she got out of the arena, blood on her pink clothes and tears for the friends she lost people were shocked. She always lit a candle for the lost in the temple of Afrodite. The fact she was still soo good was probably the surprise.
Grizzop Drik Ach Armsterdam from Distric 11 knew his way with a bow and took no punches from anyone. He was a force of nature. He didn't regret winning nor the people he had to kill but he hated the system that made him do it with passion. The fact that the Capital had let him mostly by himself was probably the biggest surprise.
Celiquillithon "Cel" Sidebottom from 3 was the Victor everyone hoped to be. Not because they were coping better than any of the others but because they were still abble to build a comunity afterwards. Because they took care of the people of their district, used their money and inventions to help, visited their homes, offered smiles and advices and did the best they could. And people noticed it. They counted on Cel. It was a complicated situation because it was the perfect grounds for a revolution but also because the Capital had the whole District as form to keep them in line.
Sasha Rackett from District 12 came from nowhere. She was a poor kid from a forgotten place with no carisma and no mentor and she should've died. She was too sincere and too standofish and too good with a knife and small spaces and the way she cried when her district partner died and the way she killed and the way she smiled like she didn't want to be there. There was something about Sasha.
Oscar Wilde was not a Victor. In fact for most people he was as Capital as they come and he was fine with it. No one needed to know about his late mother nightmares or Esperanza or an arena she refused to talk about even when it cleared haunted her. His sister died in the districts, his accent died quickly after in the Capitol. He trusted the Capital goverment as much as he could throw them (so taking in consideration his lack of upper body strengh and the fact they were all dragons not at all) and the Harlequins trusted him even less. None of it mattered. What mattered was that the Victors loved him in front of the cameras and every single one hated him when the lights turned out and the interview was over and it was fine. No one suspects the press of revolution wich is absolutly stupid but he is fine with it. No one suspects a spy of anything as long as they are doing a good job.
None of them fit very well as the biggest hope the world has of changing. Not the way Curie and her Council (apart from Einsten) did. Not even the way Earhart did. But no one actually fits the roles the world gives them, they just have to keep trying.
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freddiefarted · 1 year
Peace ✌🏾 with love Afrodite
I learned a lot
The journey has ended but it’s time to move on . After I go to sleep I’m waking an entirely new person . I will take with me some beautiful gems . Thank you my friend . With love always
To keep
Always always think a lil harder before emotionally reacting . Pay attention . Close attention and I promise it will all make sense . Trust your spirit trust ifa it will always guide you .
The time is now to be healthy . When you move raise your vibrations to as high as possible . Meditate . Relax be in the posture of receiving . Everything happens in divine timing for sure so don’t force anything and literally move as spirit prompts you . Even if it don’t make sense .
Trust your own readings for yourself tap in to your 3rd eye and clear out all unwanted energy from your energy centers
Practice all meditations that you learned from Afrodite chord cutting as well . Divine feminine academy was great but it’s time to make your own .
Mirror work
Healthy eating
Be feminine
Never chase a man . Make him do the work
Stay single with no sec for at least 3 years your focus is your bag and being Aires out your career over everything but your children .
Let go of the family spells that stop you from going after your dreams . Change your mind and tell yourself new things that promote the life you want . Don’t be afraid to be direct and get what you want . People love you find your thirsty ass fans
Eat fruit and be fine af
Let go of frank he will block your man if he’s in your life in anyway
Marcus will be thirsty until he gets the picture
Your 3rd eye is open
You see bigger than what’s in front of you
You change your environment
You have the discipline
You are a master teacher
Lead the people.
Let god work before you start intervening fr fr
You got this Freddie
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bruxobrasileiro · 1 year
✨ Nome • Name -> Julian
✨ Pronomes • Pronouns -> Ele/Elu/Ela (He/They/She)
✨ Nacionalidade • Nationality -> 🇧🇷
✨ Línguas • Languages -> pt/eng/esp
✨ Idade • Age -> 23
✨ Signos • Signs
Sol (Sun) -> Aquário ♒️
Lua (Moon) -> Peixes ♓️
Ascendente (Rising) -> Leão ♌️
🇧🇷 Eu sou um principiante em bruxaria. Estou aprendendo várias coisas no momento! Tenho interesse em divinação, astrologia, e magia focada em amor (nunca manipulando ninguém, claro. tudo sobre eu mesmo!). Estou interessado em aprender sobre Wicca, e sou devoto a Afrodite. Ando aprendendo sobre ela. Também me interesso por cristais, ervas, sigilos, poções… e outras entidades (Iemanjá, Freyja, Loki…) Aqui nesse blog postarei sobre o que eu sei e investigarei sobre o que preciso aprender. Postarei em português e inglês, talvez espanhol. Blessed be!!!
🇺🇸 I am a begginer in witchcraft. I have currently been learning a lot! I am interested in divination, astrology, and love witchcraft (Never manipulating anyone, of course. Only focusing on the self 💕). I am looking forward to learning about Wicca, and I am an Aphrodite follower. I’ve been learning about her. I am also interested in crystals, herbs, sygils, potions… and other entities (Iemanjá, Fryja, Loki…) Here in this blog I'll post about what I know and I'll research/store resources. I will post in both english and portuguese, maybe spanish. Blessed be!!!
0 notes
mira-gaia · 2 years
Some of the panels that I loved while reading tge last part of ennead!!!
By the way does anyone know where I can read chp 116 without paying?? I'm broke lol 🥲
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Yep he looks like the Egyptian version of afrodite lol
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