#he maintains the length of it and refuses to cut it any shorter and generally opposes the idea of like. wearing it in a ponytail
waywardsalt · 7 months
also im so fucking enamored with the idea of linebeck having long hair. like not shoulder length not a bit past the shoulder like when his hair gets wet and it flattens out the bits that stick out its like. oh hes never cut his hair before. its a general thing but i also just rlly like it
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xthebirdofhermesx · 6 years
Hellsing: Rememberances - Chapter 3
I’m compiling on #Ao3, here, as I go for anyone interested in reading start to finish without having to scroll through Tumblr.
This... started as two little scenes in my head, and now is spiraling out of control in my head. I need to think. Figure out if there’s a small plot I can conjure for a bit since this is all still technically before Ultimate “began”. And where to go from there. Hmmmmmm. Chapter 4 will be part II, and its shaping up to be from Alucard’s perspective, so stay tuned! I have no idea when I’ll get the next part done (This one went really fast, but IRL is a jerk sometimes, and my muse can be a stubborn turd at others) but I will try and have it up as soon as I can figure out what “it” looks like ^_^
Saints and Sinners: Part I Looking in the full length, antique floor mirror that had been her grandmother’s at one time, Integra Hellsing had to admit even she thought she looked a little pale. It wasn’t the dress. The black satin bodice and a-line skirt, strapless frock was lovely and classy. Despite her general aversion to dresses as she’d become far more comfortable in pants over dresses nowadays, she very much liked the 50s style to it. The capelet that covered her shoulders was beaded lace, with a high collar and satin ribbon tie that allow her to affix her crucifix pin to it was well. Hair braided up around her head, she’d decided to go with an up style unlike her normal long, flowing plaits - she felt it made her look more distinguished.
Nor was her pallor a result of the Hellsing operation the evening prior. An operation that had required her to order the execution of approximately fifteen ghoul freaks, one proper vampire and more than two dozen civilians that were on their way to becoming mindless ghouls. No, that was her job. Her duty to Queen and country as was the legacy of her proud family. No, no she’d not even lost a wink of sleep over that.
No, she knew exactly from whence her pallor came. This night there was a party being held in her honor. Downstairs nobility of England, Knights of the Council of Twelve and others, supporters from the Church of England, and what few family friends outside of that left to the Hellsing family were already arriving. There were police officers and royal guard at the gate down the drive and the house proper preventing media and unwanteds from entering. Walter had been bustling about for a week now with preparations, phone calls and deliveries for the food, flowers, decor and his normal duties. Hellsing manor had not seen such a soiree in decades. All for one, momentous evening.
It was Integral Fairbrooks Wingates Hellsing’s eighteenth birthday.
Giving the difficult orders, even at her age, were no longer an issue. Fighting monsters, freaks both with her ultimate weapon, or on the rare occasion she herself had found need or situation to fight, no longer intimidated or threatened her. Nobility and political events, while not her favorite as she detested being unarmed, were also not the issue.
She was going to have to socialize .
Her training as both the head of the Hellsing organization and a knight of the realm was perfection. Overseen by the Queen herself at times, she had never received anything but perfect marks in combat, etiquette, procedure, language or any common core educations. But when it came down to it, she had been raised by a retired vampire slayer as her butler… and Dracula himself. She hadn’t the foggiest idea how she was supposed to maintain idle chit-chat, non work related conversation or casual discourse… with anyone.
Be it from practice, or the fact that he wasn’t trying to be stealthy, Integra saw when the shadows of her room darkened, and Alucard manifested from the wall behind her. She did not see him in the mirror, but the hair at the back of her neck stood up in the presence of his power, as it always did. The human mind, be it unexplained science, or instinct, recognized a predator and their power regardless of trust.
“You should knock,” she said flatly before turning around to face him. She could tell from the wide grin on his face, he was likely entirely informed of her state of mind. Regardless of how many times she’d asked or ordered, when it came to reading her thoughts Alucard could not seem to help himself.
He chuckled, the deep baritone of his voice bringing chill bumps to her exposed arms. “I could not help myself,” he answered as if she’s spoken aloud. “Not tonight. Your trepidation is palpable, and called to me. The fearless Integral Hellsing… chewing her lips over a party.” His head inclined slightly to one side in curiosity. “You had no fear ordering the murder of more than thirty souls not twenty-four hours ago. And yet the living terrify you.”
“The Salvation of those souls is my duty, servant . We released them from a tortured existence. Do not mistake or twist my purpose.”
The large smile returned to the tall man’s face. Integra noticed that he was missing his typical long red coat and dark suit in favor of a different one. So black it seemed to absorb light, the double breasted coat was long, to a few inches above the knees of his matching, pleated pants. Even the red satin cravat he wore was pressed, tied over a new black dress shirt. Though she also noted his unruly mass of back hair was as ever long in the front and shorter in back, curling wildly as if it had a mind all its own.
Red, glowing vampiric eyes narrowed as the ancient vampire observed her, observing him. “Penny for your thoughts,” he rumbled smugly at his own joke.
Integra merely raised one perfectly arched eyebrow over her crystal blue eyes. “You look… nice.”
This clearly amused him as the No Life King’s head fell back with laughter. At the same time he began walking towards her slowly. “Oh my sweet master,” he said, stopping only inches from her, “How you strive for your heart to be carved from the coldest, most unyeilding ice. And yet I know so much differently.”
Now it was her turn to incline her head curiously. “So you believe,” she said, but were she honest, she wasn’t sure what he knew - or thought he knew.
Alucard just smiled. “Tonight, you become the true, legal leader of this organization.”
“You’re changing the subject.”
“Am I?” he purred. “Or am I acknowledging that the beautiful, bloodthirsty and unflinching granddaughter of my once nemesis stands before me wrapped like a Christmas present in satin and disdain… on the day she becomes legally an adult?”
She frowned before she could school her reaction, replaying his words in her mind as she had no idea what on Earth they were supposed to mean together, until- oh. Oh. Ohhhhh .
He was granted the satisfaction of seeing her blush hotly before she turned away from him and reaching for her black, satin wrist gloves. “You’re disgusting, Alucard. How dare you imply such undertones in my presence. Had I any time for such thoughts, they would certainly not be of a five and a half century-old warlord King turned monster.”
That one word hung in the air between them along with her hesitation and his shit-eating grin.
“No man or woman is in control of their unconscious mind. How dare you-”
“The unconscious mind merely shows us the truths of what we refuse to acknowledge with our conscious minds.” His voice was closer. Right over her shoulder now. She’d been so lambasted at the subject, she’d not been paying attention peripherally and certain not seen him move in the mirror as he bore no reflection.
Straightening up to turn and give Alucard a rather loud piece of her mind, Integra’s voice caught in her throat when she found herself nose to nose with him. Steel. Her mind had to be steel. Her expression, steel. Heart? Steel. It took such a mantra to not give him the satisfaction of her surprise. “You’re invading my personal space, vampire.”
“Mmm, am I?” He did not move a muscle.
“Stand back, monster. That is an order.”
One dark eyebrow raised slowly towards his hair, amusement sparkling in his eyes. “As you wish, my master - if ,” he said, still right where he had been, “That is what you truly desire.”
God help her she hesitated. He was right, she’d been dreaming about him in very… blush worthy ways. She was well read, she knew all the biology lessons and the chemicals involved with growing up, maturing both mentally, emotionally and sexually. She understood attraction. She understood what romance was. In fact, she had a small stash, in the box under her bed, of lovely little fantasy fiction novels, each with a bit of romance in them that usually made her sigh internally. None of this was unexpected, or abnormal.
Other than the subject of her explicit dreams being the most powerful of all vampires and king of the undead.
“It is what I truly desire,” she snapped at him, but her voice cracked, and he just grinned more wildly.
“That’s twice you’ve called me a liar tonight and if you do it again, I will shoot you myself with every blessed bullet I can lay my damn hands on!” she prattled off at him as if it were rote. Which, if she were honest, it was becoming that way.
But Alucard didn’t back up. He stopped leaning, standing to his full height and allowing her to stop leaning away from him at an odd angle. However he still stood so very close to her. His ruby eyes never leaving her face, Alucard reached up and ran the back of his gloved fingers over the rise of her cheek. “What would you say, if I asked you to join me in unlife, my master? To rule the night, drink blood, cut down any who would oppose us and be my queen for eternity as an equal?”
Integra either hadn’t noticed or didn’t care that she had plenty of room to step away from him now that he wasn’t leaning. His caress of her face burned through her and she was having a hard time parsing in her mind what exactly was happening to her. “I would rather die than become a monster like you.”
“And what would you say after that?” he grinned. “After you gave me the answer your Council and the Queen and England expect of you- what you were raised to say- what you may superficially believe you mean- now that that answer is out of the way… What would your heart answer?”
She blinked at him slowly, wanting with everything she was to affirm that her words were in fact the answer to both. That she would never give in to such a dark, evil temptation and that he would leave her quarters right that instant to his dungeon to miss the party as punishment for his insubordination. That or just unload a clip into him to make herself feel better.
That is not, however, what happened.
If there was one thing that she could say with clarity and certainty, it was that she had never lied to Alucard. She may have omitted information not pertinent to him, or for the protection of herself mostly- especially after her final testing as part of her schooling where she’d had to go to London proper and a facility in which he followed and made a nuisance of himself all damn day. And she would try to conceal her privacy, lying about seeing him in her dreams or other such personal business because he was ever so damnably nosy. But she had never once lied… about anything truly big or important. Oddly… this felt big and important.
“I do not know, Alucard,” she sighed and crossed one arm over her chest, the other pressing a palm to her forehead. “If you asked me now- here and now... not in hypothetical, I would say no. I have too much to do, both in duty and as a person, too much to accomplish and experience as a human being to have any desire to step off this mortal coil and onto the dark, monstrous immortal one you walk.
“But if I were dying, if there was no hope to save my life and I knew the end was near… I cannot say for certain I would turn you down.”
He had been listening with a bemused expression at her internal turmoil and patently Hellsing answer, but with her final words his face alit with a nearly manic smile. “That, my master, is not a no.”
She sighed lifting her head from her palm to roll her eyes and look at him. “How observant of you. I am about to have to go field over one hundred people I barely know, and like even less in some cases, and I do not have the widgets to play your games right now.”
“Then, with your permission, may I give you your birthday gift, and escort you down stairs, my master?” he asked and Integra knew, expected there was a catch. At the very least something he was hiding.
“Fine,” she rumbled and stuffed her hands into her gloves. But then a thought occurred to her. “Wait when would you have left to get me anythin-”
She was cut off when he reached out and placed a hand in the small of her back and pulled her against his chest. He did not pin her, if Integra wanted to squirm away, she could have and they both knew it. She thought about it, and he saw it in her eyes that she thought about it.
And yet, she did not move.
“What are you doing?”
Alucard smiled broadly. “Giving you your birthday gift.”
He leaned down, and the moment his lips brushed hers, Integra had never known such fire to ignite within her. His skin was cool but soft and she found that not only had the old bastard bothered to put on cologne and brush his teeth, but she ached very suddenly, and very painfully for him to finish that physical thought.
Alucard only grinned where she could feel it, hovering but not actually making the final movement that would bring them together. “Oh for Heaven’s sake, you bastard,” she swore and lifting up on tiptoe, pressed her lips to his in a chaste, but heated kiss.
His other arm came around her and cradled the back of her neck, her arms coming to wrap around his neck and hold him there so she could kiss him longer. A soft, but deeply male moan escaped him and Integra knew that if this continued, there was a solid chance she might have a very impressive list of regrets in the morning.
Or merely an impressive list of firsts.
A knock on the door shattered the momentary spell, and Integra found herself suddenly staring at Alucard’s back where he stood between her and the door, and any possible threats. “Madame, the guests have arrived,” Walter’s voice called politely from the other side of the door. “I believe it is time for you to make your entrance. Shall I fetch the Count?”
Tucking a stray strand of hair loosed in their moment behind her ear, Integra cleared her throat and straightened her dress. “I believe he knows, Walter. That won’t be necessary. I will meet you atop the stairs in a few moments.”
“Of course, my lady.”
When Walter’s footsteps could no longer be heard, Integra looked up to Alucard to see his eyes glowing darkly under the shadow of his hair. He’d moved so quickly she’d not only not seen, but it had taken a second for her to register what had happened. Now, she stood staring into the burning eyes of a damned soul and true monster. She had to remember that. She had to remind herself that he was a monster, her servant. A weapon. A tool to we wielded against the darkness…
...And if he had then leaned down to kiss her again, she would not have stopped him.
Before her train of thought could go any further, she noticed that same monster was holding his arm out to her like a gentleman. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A handsome, dark angel of death and destruction. Some might say The Devil Himself.
“Best not to keep your public waiting,” he rumbled, but there was more to his tone than his usual torment in that statement. If Integra had a gun to her head for an answer, she’d have guessed there was a note of longing to his words.
Accepting his arm and letting him lead her to the door, she acknowledged in her mind for the first time that day that she was actually terrified of the living downstairs and completely… well at least mostly, comfortable with the monster on whose arm she walked. As he opened the door, she stopped him, tugging ever so slightly at his elbow. “Alucard,” she whispered, preventing echoes and eavesdropping, “Do not stray far from me this evening.”
His expression melted from poise, to sadistic delight as he smiled. “Is that an order, or a request, my master?”
She thought about it a moment, facing forward once more to resume their pace. Finally she sighed.
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Dealing with thick, wavy and unruly hair for men
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So many of us are obsessed with the thought of a thin reetch, it is easy to forget that baldness is not a man's only concern when it comes to his barnet: thick, wavy and usually unruly hair can do all the problems , also.
And with a Don King hair day, more than just your appearance can be affected. According to a Yale University study, men who aren't happy with their hair tend to be more confident, self-critical, and less sociable than their well-deserved colleagues. Even the thought of a bad hair day has been shown to dramatically affect self-esteem.
Before you literally pull your hair out, keep in mind that there is no such thing as "normal" when it comes to things on your head – just the hair that you have been treated by accident: hair that is unique to you. And what makes it unique depends on its structure.
Evaluate your hair type
Hair varies in thickness – from 50 microns (a unit of 1 millionth of a meter) for people with fine hair to over 100 microns. The thickness also depends on the number of individual hairs on your head.
How the hair behaves depends on the shape of the individual waves. Asian hair, for example, is often round, lying flat and straight; caucasian hair is slightly oval, which tends to make it fine with varying degrees of waviness; and Afro-Caribbean hair is flat and curved, which gives it its distinctly curly look.
In addition, hair density – how many individual shafts there are on the head – is influenced by its color, with blondes being the least haired and redheads the least.
"Half of the battle learns how to work with the hair you got," said Wendy Lewis, author of Hair Affair. "You may know best how your hair behaves, but making it look healthy, shiny, and manageable can take a little knowledge."
At this (shared) end, this guide is here to help. Whether your mop is wavy, curly, frizzy, thick or just refuses to lie flat, we have a battle plan to defeat any kind of bad hair day.
Dealing with: thick hair
In the same way that it is difficult to sympathize with a billionaire who complains about the price of maintaining his yacht, it is hard to feel pity for a man who complains that his hair is too thick. But if you're that man, a thick reetch can be a constant source of annoyance.
"For thick hair, the main issue is manageability and sheer volume of hair," said Jaymarie Winkler, general manager of the new Ruffians hair salon at Liberty department store in London.
How to style thick hair
In general, slightly shorter hairstyles work best here. "Think about Caesar fringes, buzz cuts, structured plants and short choppy quiffs," says Winkler.
If the hair is particularly thick, ask your hairdresser or stylist to take some of the weight off with special thinning scissors. "This can help if your hair is very thick, but avoid it if your hair is coarse as it becomes carbonated and more complex."
It is also worthwhile for the hair to dry naturally if possible, as blow drying can increase volume and make it look even thicker. If blow drying is important, stick to a cool setting.
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What products to use for thick hair
Non-volumizing mousse, on the one hand. Thick hair benefits from styling products that provide hold without adding volume or stickiness, so Winkler suggests stowing on clay or pastes.
According to Paul Morgan, a hairdresser at Jacks of London, a good moisturizing shampoo is also important, as is a decent conditioner. “They will not dry out the hair and keep it in good condition, which is important because when the hair is dry, the cuticle stays [die äußerste Schicht des Haares] open and it will appear even thicker and straw-like. ”
Conditioners also help keep thick hair manageable and result in a sleek and less voluminous look. “Moroccan oil is great for thick hair because it moisturizes and can change texture and soften hair over time,” says Morgan.
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Dealing with: wavy hair
Around 40 percent of Caucasian men have slightly wavy hair, and if you're one of them, you're in good company – David Gandy, Orlando Bloom, and Roger Federer are three well-known men who know how to drive the waves.
Like curly hair, the wavy stuff can appear voluminous and tends to react to the weather – whereby the wave is more pronounced in high air humidity or with drizzle in the air. Additional waves can also sprout in places you would rather not have done and become knotted and tangled if your hair is long.
How to style wavy hair
"Instead of a bad thing, wavy hair is in many ways the holy grail of hair types," says Winkler. “Pretty much all styles work, but everything that has been pushed back really shows off that wave. If your hair is thick and wavy, your hairdresser can take out part of the mass with a razor or thinning scissors without risking frizz. ”
Particularly good cuts for guys with wavy hair are the undercut (where the sides and back hold an ultra short with the hair worn long up), the public school side part (where the fringe falls forward) or loose and bridled (think Jon Snow or Harry Styles). Remember: the longer the hair, the more pronounced the wave. So if control is your goal, keep your hair under three inches or so in length.
To tame longer wavy hair that tends to be somewhat unruly, Morgan suggests tying it loose overnight. "In the morning it will have a natural, messy, wavy look – very easy to care for and effortlessly cool."
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Which products to use on wavy hair
"I recommend using sea salt or a volume spray to give some oomph before styling with a shiny pomade or styling paste," says Winkler.
You can maximize (and maintain) your waves with hair products designed to define and improve curls and waves, while reducing the crazy scientist look with an anti-frizz serum.
If you really want to wave goodbye, you can always temporarily remove them with the help of a pair of ceramic flat irons. If your cut is particularly short, choose a model with smaller plates, as they offer greater precision – that's the difference between smoldering optics and second-degree burns.
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Dealing with: curly hair
"Curly hair is curly because the follicle from which it grows under the scalp is not straight," says celebrity hairdresser and trichologist Guy Parsons. Typically, curly hair is coarser in texture, and the coarser the hair, the less water it holds and therefore it is the dryer.
"It also absorbs light instead of reflecting it, so it doesn't tend to look" shiny "like straighter hair would," says Parsons. "The other downside is that it can become frizzy in wet weather, so it's important to use products that create a protective shield around it."
How to style curly hair
Many people find curly hair care overwhelming and neglect it to the point of the 1980s comedy Scouser ("It's certainly not the easiest hair type to manage," Parsons admits).
You have three options: fight it by cropping it (that's how Justin Timberlake attacks his infamous curly mop above), remove the curls with a relaxing treatment, or – and this is by far the easiest and most authentic option – you can simply make the most of what nature has given you. After all, it's not like there aren't many poster boys for curly hair: think James Franco, Adrian Grenier and Carlos Valderrama. Okay, so maybe not Valderrama, but you have the idea.
"To groom and define curly hair, ask your hairdresser for a flat, layered cut to create a full, curly finish," advises Morgan. "You don't want too much thinning or texturing to take place." A curly undercut (short on the back and on the sides, long and curly at the top) always looks good, as does a curly quiff and hair that has grown to the length of the jaws a la Aiden Turner in Poldark.
Whichever style you choose, make sure you cut or shape it when you're dry. Curly hair is more relaxed when it is wet, jump back a little when it is dry so it is cut this way, guaranteeing the style and length you want.
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What products to use on curly hair
"Product selection is critical to curly hair," says Morgan, who recommends a moisturizing shampoo to prevent hair from becoming dry and frizzy, alongside a styling product like Moroccan Oil Molding Cream. "It can be applied to wet hair and, because it's incredibly moisturizing, is perfect for curly hair," he says. "It will help define the curls and give them good hold."
If you are in a knot, take the right tool too. The hair can be tangled with a brush specially designed for thick and curly hair. These have flexible teeth that gently detangle and smooth the cuticles of the hair while minimizing damage. Likewise, drying hair with a hair dryer with a diffuser will help protect the hair and define curls without making them frizzy.
"For a more relaxed, loose look, simply dry the hair with a towel and use a standard hair dryer nozzle or funnel to straighten the hair for a more relaxed curl," says Morgan. "Or if you want to get rid of them, flat irons could give you a new look for the day."
Keep in mind that using heat on curls – along with alcohol-based sprays and mousses – can make dry hair even drier. So don't forget to reverse the effects with a moisturized, non-volumizing shampoo and occasionally deep conditioner.
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Dealing with: unruly hair
Like young children, hair can be obedient and well-behaved, or unruly and defiant. Since your hair is unique, it is likely that it will have its own kinks and quirks. Most of them will hug you and have learned to live, but a couple – cowlicks and double crowns – can be particularly problematic.
Crowns are (mostly clockwise) hair swirls that form at a central point on the back of the head directly from the top of your head – but some people have two of them that create a "double crown". These can be difficult for hairdressers because they have to deal with two centers of growth to style.
Cowlicks, meanwhile, are small sections of hair that go against the general direction of hair on the head to create gravity-defying tufts that hold and defy most attempts to tame them with products like waxes and pomades.
Knew how:
"If you have a distinctive double crown, you have to commit to either a long, very choppy, or short style," says Winkler. "Longer the crown will complain, make it less noticeable, and short and choppy will hide it." Everything in between and you ask for trouble, with different hair pieces noticeably growing apart.
The easiest way to deal with a stubborn cowlick is to make a short, spiky, or structured style that works with it and not against it, disguising the hyperactive hair.
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What products should be used on unruly hair?
There is no magic potion that can help here. However, some styling techniques can help make things easier.
For example, blow drying can temporarily change the direction of hair growth if cowlicks are an issue, while hair growth can help longer by weighing it.
Interestingly, washing the hair is less often a good hack, since the natural oils weigh the individual strands at the root.
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Dealing with thick, wavy and unruly hair for men
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
Dealing with thick, wavy and unruly hair for men
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/dealing-with-thick-wavy-and-unruly-hair-for-men.html
Dealing with thick, wavy and unruly hair for men
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So many of us are obsessed with the thought of a thin reetch, it is easy to forget that baldness is not a man's only concern when it comes to his barnet: thick, wavy and usually unruly hair can do all the problems , also.
And with a Don King hair day, more than just your appearance can be affected. According to a Yale University study, men who aren't happy with their hair tend to be more confident, self-critical, and less sociable than their well-deserved colleagues. Even the thought of a bad hair day has been shown to dramatically affect self-esteem.
Before you literally pull your hair out, keep in mind that there is no such thing as "normal" when it comes to things on your head – just the hair that you have been treated by accident: hair that is unique to you. And what makes it unique depends on its structure.
Evaluate your hair type
Hair varies in thickness – from 50 microns (a unit of 1 millionth of a meter) for people with fine hair to over 100 microns. The thickness also depends on the number of individual hairs on your head.
How the hair behaves depends on the shape of the individual waves. Asian hair, for example, is often round, lying flat and straight; caucasian hair is slightly oval, which tends to make it fine with varying degrees of waviness; and Afro-Caribbean hair is flat and curved, which gives it its distinctly curly look.
In addition, hair density – how many individual shafts there are on the head – is influenced by its color, with blondes being the least haired and redheads the least.
"Half of the battle learns how to work with the hair you got," said Wendy Lewis, author of Hair Affair. "You may know best how your hair behaves, but making it look healthy, shiny, and manageable can take a little knowledge."
At this (shared) end, this guide is here to help. Whether your mop is wavy, curly, frizzy, thick or just refuses to lie flat, we have a battle plan to defeat any kind of bad hair day.
Dealing with: thick hair
In the same way that it is difficult to sympathize with a billionaire who complains about the price of maintaining his yacht, it is hard to feel pity for a man who complains that his hair is too thick. But if you're that man, a thick reetch can be a constant source of annoyance.
"For thick hair, the main issue is manageability and sheer volume of hair," said Jaymarie Winkler, general manager of the new Ruffians hair salon at Liberty department store in London.
How to style thick hair
In general, slightly shorter hairstyles work best here. "Think about Caesar fringes, buzz cuts, structured plants and short choppy quiffs," says Winkler.
If the hair is particularly thick, ask your hairdresser or stylist to take some of the weight off with special thinning scissors. "This can help if your hair is very thick, but avoid it if your hair is coarse as it becomes carbonated and more complex."
It is also worthwhile for the hair to dry naturally if possible, as blow drying can increase volume and make it look even thicker. If blow drying is important, stick to a cool setting.
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What products to use for thick hair
Non-volumizing mousse, on the one hand. Thick hair benefits from styling products that provide hold without adding volume or stickiness, so Winkler suggests stowing on clay or pastes.
According to Paul Morgan, a hairdresser at Jacks of London, a good moisturizing shampoo is also important, as is a decent conditioner. “They will not dry out the hair and keep it in good condition, which is important because when the hair is dry, the cuticle stays [die äußerste Schicht des Haares] open and it will appear even thicker and straw-like. ”
Conditioners also help keep thick hair manageable and result in a sleek and less voluminous look. “Moroccan oil is great for thick hair because it moisturizes and can change texture and soften hair over time,” says Morgan.
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Dealing with: wavy hair
Around 40 percent of Caucasian men have slightly wavy hair, and if you're one of them, you're in good company – David Gandy, Orlando Bloom, and Roger Federer are three well-known men who know how to drive the waves.
Like curly hair, the wavy stuff can appear voluminous and tends to react to the weather – whereby the wave is more pronounced in high air humidity or with drizzle in the air. Additional waves can also sprout in places you would rather not have done and become knotted and tangled if your hair is long.
How to style wavy hair
"Instead of a bad thing, wavy hair is in many ways the holy grail of hair types," says Winkler. “Pretty much all styles work, but everything that has been pushed back really shows off that wave. If your hair is thick and wavy, your hairdresser can take out part of the mass with a razor or thinning scissors without risking frizz. ”
Particularly good cuts for guys with wavy hair are the undercut (where the sides and back hold an ultra short with the hair worn long up), the public school side part (where the fringe falls forward) or loose and bridled (think Jon Snow or Harry Styles). Remember: the longer the hair, the more pronounced the wave. So if control is your goal, keep your hair under three inches or so in length.
To tame longer wavy hair that tends to be somewhat unruly, Morgan suggests tying it loose overnight. "In the morning it will have a natural, messy, wavy look – very easy to care for and effortlessly cool."
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Which products to use on wavy hair
"I recommend using sea salt or a volume spray to give some oomph before styling with a shiny pomade or styling paste," says Winkler.
You can maximize (and maintain) your waves with hair products designed to define and improve curls and waves, while reducing the crazy scientist look with an anti-frizz serum.
If you really want to wave goodbye, you can always temporarily remove them with the help of a pair of ceramic flat irons. If your cut is particularly short, choose a model with smaller plates, as they offer greater precision – that's the difference between smoldering optics and second-degree burns.
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Dealing with: curly hair
"Curly hair is curly because the follicle from which it grows under the scalp is not straight," says celebrity hairdresser and trichologist Guy Parsons. Typically, curly hair is coarser in texture, and the coarser the hair, the less water it holds and therefore it is the dryer.
"It also absorbs light instead of reflecting it, so it doesn't tend to look" shiny "like straighter hair would," says Parsons. "The other downside is that it can become frizzy in wet weather, so it's important to use products that create a protective shield around it."
How to style curly hair
Many people find curly hair care overwhelming and neglect it to the point of the 1980s comedy Scouser ("It's certainly not the easiest hair type to manage," Parsons admits).
You have three options: fight it by cropping it (that's how Justin Timberlake attacks his infamous curly mop above), remove the curls with a relaxing treatment, or – and this is by far the easiest and most authentic option – you can simply make the most of what nature has given you. After all, it's not like there aren't many poster boys for curly hair: think James Franco, Adrian Grenier and Carlos Valderrama. Okay, so maybe not Valderrama, but you have the idea.
"To groom and define curly hair, ask your hairdresser for a flat, layered cut to create a full, curly finish," advises Morgan. "You don't want too much thinning or texturing to take place." A curly undercut (short on the back and on the sides, long and curly at the top) always looks good, as does a curly quiff and hair that has grown to the length of the jaws a la Aiden Turner in Poldark.
Whichever style you choose, make sure you cut or shape it when you're dry. Curly hair is more relaxed when it is wet, jump back a little when it is dry so it is cut this way, guaranteeing the style and length you want.
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What products to use on curly hair
"Product selection is critical to curly hair," says Morgan, who recommends a moisturizing shampoo to prevent hair from becoming dry and frizzy, alongside a styling product like Moroccan Oil Molding Cream. "It can be applied to wet hair and, because it's incredibly moisturizing, is perfect for curly hair," he says. "It will help define the curls and give them good hold."
If you are in a knot, take the right tool too. The hair can be tangled with a brush specially designed for thick and curly hair. These have flexible teeth that gently detangle and smooth the cuticles of the hair while minimizing damage. Likewise, drying hair with a hair dryer with a diffuser will help protect the hair and define curls without making them frizzy.
"For a more relaxed, loose look, simply dry the hair with a towel and use a standard hair dryer nozzle or funnel to straighten the hair for a more relaxed curl," says Morgan. "Or if you want to get rid of them, flat irons could give you a new look for the day."
Keep in mind that using heat on curls – along with alcohol-based sprays and mousses – can make dry hair even drier. So don't forget to reverse the effects with a moisturized, non-volumizing shampoo and occasionally deep conditioner.
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Dealing with: unruly hair
Like young children, hair can be obedient and well-behaved, or unruly and defiant. Since your hair is unique, it is likely that it will have its own kinks and quirks. Most of them will hug you and have learned to live, but a couple – cowlicks and double crowns – can be particularly problematic.
Crowns are (mostly clockwise) hair swirls that form at a central point on the back of the head directly from the top of your head – but some people have two of them that create a "double crown". These can be difficult for hairdressers because they have to deal with two centers of growth to style.
Cowlicks, meanwhile, are small sections of hair that go against the general direction of hair on the head to create gravity-defying tufts that hold and defy most attempts to tame them with products like waxes and pomades.
Knew how:
"If you have a distinctive double crown, you have to commit to either a long, very choppy, or short style," says Winkler. "Longer the crown will complain, make it less noticeable, and short and choppy will hide it." Everything in between and you ask for trouble, with different hair pieces noticeably growing apart.
The easiest way to deal with a stubborn cowlick is to make a short, spiky, or structured style that works with it and not against it, disguising the hyperactive hair.
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What products should be used on unruly hair?
There is no magic potion that can help here. However, some styling techniques can help make things easier.
For example, blow drying can temporarily change the direction of hair growth if cowlicks are an issue, while hair growth can help longer by weighing it.
Interestingly, washing the hair is less often a good hack, since the natural oils weigh the individual strands at the root.
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miriannemiri · 7 years
I mentioned that I was working on a fic inspired by a conversation with @kaelinaloveslomaris about one of her stories, Imperial Problem Child ‘verse by @radioactivepeasant, and my enjoyment of writing Mon Mothma in Dreamwalker.
This is that story.  Mon gets a holocall that she has been dreading, which does not go as she expects.
Alternate Title: Wedge’s Very Bad Week
Thanks to @kaelinaloveslomaris for beta.
There was an inexplicable tension aboard Home One, inexplicable in that a team out of contact two days past the mission's predicted end date was something that happened, if still something that caused the friends and families of those out of contact to worry.
Perhaps it was that Luke Skywalker had led the team that was now out of contact.  Perhaps it was Princess Leia Organa's abrasive worry for her friend, even as she planned to rescue the third of their famous trio.
Or perhaps it was Mon's own knowledge of how much worse the war would get if Skywalker died on a mission for the Rebellion.
When the communications station sounded the signal of a contact from an unfamiliar code, heavily encrypted, Mon felt a chill.  Something made her go against protocol and step forward to stand behind the communications tech who was attempting to trace the signal.
Then the code shifted.  It was still encrypted, but one word materialized from all the code, clear and unquestionable:
"Clear the area," Mon ordered immediately.  "I will take this call myself.  Everyone else, stay out of range of the holo."
"Do you know who's calling?" the communications tech asked, looking up at her with wide eyes.  His voice shook badly.  His hands were worse.  "Do we have a spy on Executor?"
"Only one man would be calling us from that ship," Mon said gently.  "And he is not on our side of the war.  Clear the area."
The communications tech flinched at the very implications, and half the bridge crew seemed frozen.  The terminal signaled again, its sound more urgent.
Well, he wasn't known for his patience.  "Move!" Mon ordered.
Finally, finally, the holo area was clear.  Mon stepped into it and opened the connection.
Vader materialized on the bridge, no less terrifying for being present only by holo.
"Lord Vader," Mon said.  Yes, he already knew she was involved with the Rebellion, but that was not the only reason she had insisted she would be the one to speak to him.  She could interact with him with the dispassion and diplomacy she had learned as a politician, and given Skywalker's absence, she thought those traits might be necessary for the Rebellion as a whole to get through this confrontation intact, even should it cost her her life.
"Senator Mothma."  Vader's vocoder-supported voice echoed on the bridge, along with the chilling sound of his respirator, a sound that echoed in too many Rebels' nightmares already.  This would make that worse, Mon knew.  "I wish to speak to Lieutenant Antilles.  I suggest you arrange it."
Mon blinked.  Antilles?  Wedge Antilles?  That was not what she'd expected.  "Pardon?" She asked.
"I dislike repeating myself, Senator.  Lieutenant Antilles.  Now.  And in privacy."
Though he spoke no threats, Mon knew Vader wasn't giving them a choice in this.  He would have the conversation he wanted, one way or another.  Whatever it took.  "Lieutenant Antilles is in the hangar.  It will take some time to summon him.  As well, I will not have the loyalties of the second in command of my best squadron, wingmate to my best pilot, questioned needlessly.  I will be present for this conversation or it will not take place."  Luke's second and wingmate.  She wanted Vader to remember that.
"Then I will transfer this signal to a briefing room.  Lieutenant Antilles and I will be with you as soon as he arrives from the hangar."
"Do not keep me waiting long, Senator.  My patience is not infinite."
That startled a laugh from her.  "No, Lord Vader, you have never been known for your patience.  If you will excuse me, I will expedite things as much as can be done."
"Very well.”`
When the holo terminal shifted to holding, Mon checked it twice for any insidious bits of code that would allow Vader to see or hear what happened on the bridge, but she couldn’t afford more time than that.  She’d have to delegate and hope the h-security team wasn’t too rattled by Darth Vader having contacted them directly to do an effective job.
She turned away from the communications situation to the rest of the bridge.  “Summon Lieutenant Antilles to the Fire Conference Room.”  Of the conference rooms aboard this ship, it was the most secure.  It was also on a direct line between the bridge and the hangar, making it a shorter trip for both Wedge and Mon.
When someone had sent the summons to Wedge, she issued orders to the h-security team to secure the communications as much as possible now and again once this contact was finished.  She instructed the admiral to maintain their position for the duration of the contact but to have a course prepared to exit the area quickly when it was done, in case Vader had traced their signal or known where they would be.
Orders issued, she walked from the bridge, moving fast but refusing to look like she was hurrying.  Her people were disturbed enough by Vader’s contact; they would be calmer if they thought she was handling it with equanimity.
When she arrived at the door to the Fire Room, she saw Wedge Antilles hurrying up the adjacent corridor and waited for him to reach her before entering.  She checked the chrono and was grateful to see that she still had a bit more than a minute of the time she’d allotted before she had to take the call off standby.  It would have to be enough.
“What’s going on, Senator?”
She took a breath.  “Lord Vader contacted us 8.8 minutes ago.  As much as he is capable of, he acted with neutrality to us, but he demanded to speak with you.”
“What?  Me?”
Mon ignored the interruption.  “Given he contacted this ship directly and made it clear he initiated the contact from the Executor, I feel it is better to permit him to speak with you, provided I remain.  Given that he has been courteous and refrained from outright threats, I'd prefer you avoid provoking him.  Courtesy does no harm in this situation and may help.”
"But what does he want?"
Though she felt some empathy for the plaintive tone, her lips thinned as she considered how to answer.  "I'm fairly certain I know the general topic, but I am not aware of the specifics.  More, we lack the time for proper explanations of what I do know.  I can't justify leaving him on standby much longer."
Wedge went white, and Mon reached out and gave his shoulder a brief squeeze then withdrew.  "I think," she said carefully, "that you have less to fear from him in this conversation than you believe."  When he went to press her for further details, she shook her head.  "Take one more moment to prepare--then I'm activating the holo.  I won't be leaving, so don't worry that you'll be facing Lord Vader alone.  I will not let any implication that the wingmate of my best squadron commander is compromised come from this incident."
Though he was still pale, he took several deep breaths and nodded.  "I'm ready--or as ready as possible."
Though she wasn't sure she believed him, she reached out to the holo terminal and activated the connection back to the Executor.  "Lord Vader.  Lieutenant Antilles is here to speak with you."  She waved Wedge forward, however much she sympathized with him.
"Good."  Once again, Vader's holo presence dominated the area.  His mask turned, focused on the young man.  "Lieutenant Antilles, I require you to rendezvous with the Executor and provide escort back for my son."
Mon closed her eyes.  Vader had Luke after all.  At least it explained why his initial contact hadn't gone as she expected.  Then the rest of what the Sith had said registered.
"Why would I be your escort of choice?" Wedge demanded.  "Wait, your son?  You have a son?"
"Escort where, Lord Vader?" Mon asked carefully.
"To your fleet, before my master learns of his presence in mine.  Yes, Lieutenant Antilles, I have a son."
Wedge sat down hard on the edge of the conference table.  His eyes narrowed in thought.  Abruptly, they widened, and he stared between Vader and Mon.  "Luke.  It's Luke.  That's why you emphasized that I'm his wingmate, Senator.  Why Lord Vader wants me for an escort."
"Indeed," Vader said.
"Then what happened?  He's two days overdue, and we've had no word."
"A member of the team your Command sent with my son was a traitor," Vader said, his vocoder-supported voice very cold.  "She sold the team out to the system governor.  It was fortunate I arrived in the system before the fight ended.  I pulled my son out--he was the only survivor."  He paused, his mask turning to study them both.  "The coordinates of my ship should be coming through shortly.  I will expect you to rendezvous in no more than three days, Lieutenant."
"Wait, Lord Vader.  Please," Wedge said quickly.  "Your hunt for Luke is famous Galaxy-wide.  Why are you sending him back now?  Especially after the lengths you went to to catch him at Bespin."
Mon didn't think she was imagining Vader's fraying temper, but he answered.  "Between sending my son back to your ragtag band of dissidents and letting my master kill him, I will take sending him back.  My direct contact details are attached to our coordinates.  I suggest your refrain from abusing that information."  He cut the connection.
Watching Wedge sag forward and rest his face in his hands for a moment, Mon felt quite a bit of sympathy.  Vader wasn't the easiest to deal with when he was just in the area, less so when focused on an individual and making shocking revelations.
"I take it you knew?"  He lifted his face from his hands and met her eyes, expression almost empty.
"I was expecting him to demand answers about what we'd allowed to happen to his son."  She'd been expecting that call every time something happened to Luke since news of Vader's outrageous bounty reached them.
Wedge nodded but didn't press the subject.  
"Do I have any chance of stopping you from going?"
"If you order me not to go, I won't."
"You.  Not the rest of the Rogues."
For a long moment, he didn't say anything.  Then he stood.  "Are you going to order me to stay?"
"No.  I just want you to be aware of how dangerous this is.  Vader seemed to be honest, and his reasoning makes sense, but this still could be a trap."
"And you want to know if finding out that Luke is Vader's son changes my opinion of him.  It doesn't.  I know Luke."
"All right, then."  Mon smiled helplessly.  Wedge was a Rogue.
Having stopped outside the empty system he'd been given as a rendezvous point, Wedge checked his controls carefully.  If this went wrong, that might let him get out, though he wasn't counting on it.
Strange to be counting on Vader's word for his safety, but he was.
As prepared as he could be, he flew into the system, keeping his eyes out for any warnings that this was a trap.  His heart rate increased at the sight of the Executor, but it was the only Imperial ship in the area.  He took a deep breath and entered the code Vader had provided into his comm.
The moment the comm connected, the sound of distinctive breathing filled the cockpit.  "Yes?" Vader snapped.
"This is Lieutenant Antilles, Lord Vader," Wedge said carefully.
"Good.  You will be landing in my private hangar."
Wedge took a deep breath.  He hadn't wanted to set foot on Vader's ship, but this was for Luke.  He followed the instructions and touched down in the small hangar.  He had to steel himself again before climbing from the cockpit to meet the short, unremarkable admiral waiting for him.  The man wasn't imposing based on looks, but Wedge didn't trust that; Vader's admiral would be both competent and dangerous.
"Lieutenant Antilles.  Lord Vader is expecting you.  Come with me, please."
Tension increasing with every step, Wedge followed the admiral through too many empty corridors until they reached a hatch with Stormtroopers outside and an access panel beside it.
More than a minute passed after the admiral pressed his palm to the access panel, but the hatch slid open.  The admiral--wasn't Vader's latest admiral named Piett--stepped back from the hatch and motioned Wedge forward.  "They are waiting for you, Lieutenant," he added when Wedge hesitated.
They.  Luke.  Wedge strode forward without further hesitation.  He found a cabin designed as a sitting room with a great expanse of view looking out at space.  Vader stood with his back to that expanse, hands gripping his belt.  Luke sat in a large, comfortable chair positioned with a good view of the stars and the rest of the room, his boots on the floor but his feet tucked up on the cushion.  He was dressed all in black, a cape slung over the back of the chair.  He looked relaxed in a way Wedge found hard to imagine, given who else was present.
"Wedge!"  Luke smiled at him.  There was no concern in his expression, which did help.  A little.
"Luke.  You're all right?"
"My son is well, Lieutenant.  Sit down.  We will have a conversation before I permit you to escort my son back to your fleet."
"Father," Luke said.  He sounded just like he did when exasperated by Wes's antics.  "It's all right, Wedge.  Father isn't going to hurt you or prevent you from leaving.  I have his word, and you have mine."
Vader pointed at Luke.  "And you gave me yours you would not interfere in exchange for that promise, young one."
Raising his hands, Luke shrugged but still smiled at Wedge, who stared between them.  This exchange was nothing he'd ever expected to see.  Especially with what he remembered of Luke's emotional state after Bespin.
After a moment, he moved to sit down, not wanting to test Vader's patience further.  The chair across from Luke's was smaller, light grey rather than the crimson of Luke's, but still quite comfortable.  It put him as the third point in a triangle with the other two men, Luke not quite between him and Vader.
"You have been my son's wingmate since the battle of the Death Star, as well as his second in command for Rogue Squadron.  In that time, you have mostly done an adequate job at watching his back and keeping him out of trouble when Rogue Squadron is active."
Vader ignored him.  "In the last months, the situation has become exponentially more dangerous.  The Emperor is aware of Luke.  You will need to do a far better job in the coming weeks.  He claims he is content to permit me to pursue my son without interference, but I do not trust him to hold to that.  The danger also will not be restricted to when you are flying."
Glancing at Luke got him nowhere, so he looked back at Vader.  The Sith's mask wasn't helpful, either.  "Are you. . .are you trying to recruit me as Luke's bodyguard?"
"Are you unwilling?"  Vader's voice was cold.  "I understood the Rogues to be more loyal than that."
Despite knowing he'd been provoked, Wedge couldn't let that go.  "Of course not!  I'll always watch Luke's back!"
And perhaps it was Wedge's familiarity with Luke that made him sure he wasn't imagining the Sith's air of satisfaction.
"In addition, you will be escorting Luke to meetings that I expect you to keep quiet.  He will know when and where we will be meeting.  My son requires further training to survive the Emperor."
Luke rolled his eyes but nodded.
"All right.  How often?  We'll need to adjust the Rogues' schedule to accommodate.  Also, you know we'll have to tell Senator Mothma."
"The Senator is acceptable.  Provided your fleet does not attract Imperial notice, I intend to arrange meetings every two to five weeks for two to three days."
Wedge bit his lip.  He didn't like the thought of spending so much time with the Sith, but he wasn't going to leave Luke alone with Vader.  Blood tie or not, Vader had mutilated Luke once, had nearly broken him in the same confrontation.  However comfortable Luke seemed now, Wedge wouldn't forget that.  "I'll pack a datapad, then."
Vader nodded sharply and turned to face the stars.  
Wedge took that as dismissal and rose, but Luke didn't move as quickly.  "Wedge, could you give us a minute?"  When Wedge hesitated, back stiff, Luke smiled at him.  "It'll be fine.  Just wait by the hatch.  Please, Wedge."
Since that wouldn't leave Luke alone with Vader or Wedge alone with the Stormtroopers he was sure were still in the hall, possibly with the admiral as well, he obeyed.  He leaned against the wall beside the hatch and folded his arms, eyes focused on Vader.
Luke pulled on his boots before he stood but left the cape where it was.  He walked over to stand beside Vader, looking out.  he placed his left hand on Vader's arm and turned enough to smile up at the Sith.
"Thank you, Father."
"We made a bargain, young one.  There is no need to thank me."
Luke laughed a little.  "You didn't have to make it.  But not just for that.  You saved me.  Even when I was safe, I heard you order the troopers with you to check the rest for anyone still alive and give them proper medical care.  And don't try to tell me it was about prisoners.  You did it for me.  So thanks."
"You are my son."  Vader's voice was quieter than Wedge had thought his vocoder would allow.  "Of course I would save you."
Something passed between them that Wedge couldn't hear, but Luke finally pulled back with a laugh.  "All right, all right.  I expect to hear from you soon.  A week is not enough to make up for more than twenty years."
Vader rested one hand on Luke's shoulder for a second, then withdrew.  "Your droid is with your ship in my hangar.  Stay safe, my son."
"May the Force be with you, Father."
"And with you."
Luke paused by the chair, swung the cape over his shoulders, grabbed a bag Wedge hadn't seen, and joined him by the hatch.  Vader didn't watch them leave.
They didn't talk as the admiral escorted them back to Vader's hangar.  Once there, Artoo rolled out, chirping a greeting.  Luke returned it.  He removed his cape again, folded it neatly, and gave it to the little droid.
"Keep that safe for me, would you?"  He retrieved his flight suit and pulled it on before turning to the admiral.  "Thanks, Admiral Piett."
"Of course, sir."
Then Luke swung up into his cockpit, and Wedge followed suit.  Soon, they'd left the Executor and were flying out of the system.  Shortly after they entered hyperspace, Luke contacted him.  "You all right?"
"Yeah.  Are you?"
"I'm fine.  Father made sure I was treated to the highest standard of medical care the Imperials' best ship could provide."
"Are you really going to meet with him?  He mentioned a bargain."
"I do intend to, yes.  When Father mentioned surviving the Emperor, he meant helping to kill Palpatine.  That's a lot of what we talked about when we started to see if we could come to some agreement.  I was injured by the time he got to me, so I spent the first couple of days in medical.  He was very attentive and didn't push me at all, and he made sure I knew he'd let me return to the Rebellion after I had recovered.  So by the time I was mostly healed and he suggested we make a bargain, I was willing to listen.  
"I've gotten a lot better in the last few years, but he's right that I'm not quite ready to survive a fight at that level.  But that didn't make me willing to compromise on using the Dark side.  If he wants to train me, he has to do it in the Light side."
"He was a Jedi once.  He's capable of it.  And he agreed.  Which means I have an even greater incentive to train with him.
"Teaching me on the Light side means he'll have to use it as well."
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
Dealing With Men’s Thick, Wavy & Unruly Hair
So many of us are obsessed by the thought of a thinning thatch that’s it’s easy to forget that baldness isn’t a man’s only worry when it comes to his barnet: thick, wavy and generally unruly hair can all present problems, too.And having a Don King hair day can affect more than just your appearance. According to a study by Yale University, men who aren’t happy with their hair tend to be more self-conscious, more self-critical and less sociable than their well-coiffed counterparts. Even the thought of a bad hair day was shown to affect self-esteem dramatically.Before you literally pull your hair out, remember that there’s no such thing as ‘normal’ when it comes to the stuff on your head — just the hair you happen to have been dealt: hair that’s unique to you. And what makes it unique depends on its structure.Assessing Your Hair TypeHair varies in thickness — from 50 microns (a unit of measure equal to 1 millionth of a metre) in people with fine hair to over 100 microns. Thickness also depends on the number of individual hairs on your head.How the hair behaves depends on the shape of the individual shafts. Asian hair, for example, is often round, so lies flat and straight; Caucasian hair is slightly oval, which tends to make it fine with varying degrees of waviness; and Afro-Caribbean hair is flat and curved, giving it its distinctly curly appearance.What’s more, hair density — how many individual shafts there are on the head — is affected by its colour, with blondes having the most hair and redheads the least.“Half the battle is learning how to work with the hair you’ve been given,” says Wendy Lewis, author of Hair Affair. “You may know best how your hair behaves, but getting it to look healthy, shiny and manageable can take a little knowledge.”To that (split) end, this guide is here to help. Whether your mop is wavy, curly, frizzy, thick or just refuses to lie flat, we have a battle plan to defeat any kind of bad hair day.Dealing With: Thick HairIn the same way that it’s hard to sympathise with a billionaire who complains about the price of maintaining his yacht, it’s hard to feel pity for a man who complains his hair is too thick. But if you’re that man in question, a thick thatch can be a constant source of annoyance.“With thick hair, the main issue is manageability and the sheer volume of the hair,” says Jaymarie Winkler, a store manager at the new Ruffians barbershop in London department store Liberty.How To Style Thick HairGenerally, slightly shorter hairstyles work best here. “Think Caesar fringes, buzz cuts, textured crops and short choppy quiffs,” says Winkler.If the hair is especially thick, ask your barber or stylist to take some of the weight out using special thinning scissors. “This can help if your hair is very thick, but avoid doing it if your hair is also coarse, as it’ll make it fizzy and even more unmanageable.”It’s also worth allowing the hair to dry naturally whenever possible since blow-drying can increase volume, making it look even thicker. If blow-drying is essential, stick to a cool setting.What Products To Use For Thick HairNot volumising mousse, for one. Thick hair benefits from styling products that provide hold without adding volume or stickiness, so Winkler suggests stocking up on clays or pastes.According to Paul Morgan, a master barber at Jacks of London, a good moisturising shampoo is also essential, as is a decent conditioner. “They’ll stop hair drying out and keep it in good condition, which is important because if hair is dry the cuticles [the outermost layer of your hair] will remain open and it will seem even thicker and straw-like.”Conditioners also help keep thick hair manageable and result in a sleeker and less voluminous look. “Moroccan Oil is excellent for thick hair as it moisturises and, with prolonged use, can change the texture and soften the hair,” says Morgan.(Related: Men’s Short Haircuts Gallery)Dealing With: Wavy HairAround 40 per cent of Caucasian men have slightly wavy hair, and if you’re one of them, you’re in good company —David Gandy, Orlando Bloom and Roger Federer are three well-known men who know how to ride the waves.Like curly hair, the wavy stuff can appear bulky and tends to react to the weather — with the wave becoming more pronounced at times of high humidity or when there’s drizzle in the air. Additional waves can also sprout in places you’d rather they didn’t and get knotted and tangled if your hair is long.How To Style Wavy Hair“Rather than a bad thing, in many respects, wavy hair is the holy grail of hair types,” says Winkler. “Pretty much all styles work, but anything pushed back really shows off that wave. If your hair is thick as well as wavy, though, your barber can take some of the some of the bulk out with a razor or thinning scissors without risking frizz.”Particularly good cuts for guys with wavy hair include the undercut (where the sides and back a keep ultra short with the hair worn long on top), the public school side part (where the fringe falls forward) or loose and tousled (think Jon Snow or Harry Styles). Just remember: the longer the hair, the more pronounced the wave, so if control is your aim, keep your hair under three inches or so in length.To tame longer wavy hair that tends to be a bit unruly, Morgan suggests tying it up loosely overnight. “Taken down in the morning it will have a natural, messy, wavy look — very low maintenance and effortlessly cool.”What Products To Use On Wavy Hair“I recommend a sea salt or volumising spray to give a bit of oomph before styling with either a glossy pomade or a styling paste,” says Winkler.You can maximise (and look after) your waves with hair products designed to define and enhance curls and waves while reducing the mad scientist look with an anti-frizz serum.If you really want to wave goodbye, you can always temporarily remove them with the help of a pair of ceramic straighteners. If your cut is particularly short, opt for a model with smaller plates as these offer greater precision — which is the difference between smouldering looks and second-degree burns.Dealing With: Curly Hair“Curly hair is curly because the follicle that it grows from under the scalp is not straight,” says celebrity hairdresser and trichologist Guy Parsons. Typically, curly hair is more coarse in texture, and the coarser the hair, the less water it holds and therefore the dryer it is.“It also absorbs light rather than reflects it, so it doesn’t tend to look as ‘shiny’ as straighter hair would,” says Parsons. “The other downside is that it can become frizzy in humid weather, which is why it’s important to use products that create a protective shield around it.”How To Style Curly HairA lot of guys find caring for curly hair overwhelming, neglecting it to the point of comedy 1980s scouser (“it’s certainly not the easiest hair type to manage,” admits Parsons).You have three options: fight it by keeping it cropped (which is how Justin Timberlake tackles his notoriously curly mop top), remove the curls with a relaxing treatment, or — and this is by far the easiest and most authentic option — you can just make the most of what nature has given you. After all, it’s not as if there aren’t plenty of poster boys for curly hair: think James Franco, Adrian Grenier and Carlos Valderrama. Okay, so maybe not Valderrama, but you get the idea.“To maintain and define curly hair, ask your barber for a flat, layered cut to create a full, curly finish,” advises Morgan. “You don’t want too much thinning or texturising to take place.” A curly undercut (short at the back and sides, long and curly on top) always looks good, as does a curly quiff and hair grown to jaw-length a la Aiden Turner in Poldark.Whatever style you choose, make sure you get it cut or shaped when dry. Curly hair is more relaxed when wet, springing back a little when dry, so having it cut this way guarantees the style and length you want.(Related: Men’s Curly Haircuts Gallery)What Products To Use On Curly Hair“Product choice is crucial for curly hair,” says Morgan, who recommends a moisturising shampoo to prevent hair becoming dry and frizzy alongside a styling product like Moroccan Oil Moulding Cream. “It can be applied to wet hair and, as it’s incredibly moisturising, is perfect for curly hair,” he says. “It will help to define the curls and give good hold.”When you’re in a knot, pick up the right tool, too. Hair can be kept tangle-free by using a brush designed specifically for thick and curly hair; these have flexible teeth that gently detangle and smooth down the hair’s cuticles while minimising damage. Equally, drying hair with a hair dryer featuring a diffuser will help protect the hair and define curls without making them frizzy.“For a more relaxed curly look, just towel dry the hair and use a standard hair dryer nozzle or funnel to help straighten the hair for a more relaxed curl,” says Morgan. “Or if you want rid of them, straighteners could give you a new look for the day.”Just remember that using heat on curls — along with alcohol-based sprays and mousses — can make already desert-dry hair even drier, so don’t forget to reverse the effects with a moisture-rich, non-volumising shampoo and occasional deep conditioner.Dealing With: Unruly HairLike young children, hair can be obedient and well behaved or unruly and defiant. Since your head of hair is unique, chances are it’ll have its own kinks and quirks. Most of these you’ll have embraced and learned to live with, but a couple — cowlicks and double crowns, namely — can be particularly problematic.Crowns are (mostly clockwise) whorls of hair that form at a central point at the back of the skull just down from the top of your head — but some people have two of these, creating a ‘double crown’. These can be tricky for barbers to deal with because they have to deal with two centres of growth to style around.Cowlicks, meanwhile, are small sections of hair that go against the general direction of hair grown on the head to create gravity-defying tufts that stick up and defy most attempts to tame them with products like waxes and pomades.How To Style“If you have a pronounced double crown, you have to commit to either a long, very choppy or short style,” says Winkler. “Longer will weigh the crown down, making it less noticeable, and going short and choppy will hide it.” Anything in between and you’re asking for trouble, with different sections of your hair growing noticeably apart.The easiest way to deal with a stubborn cowlick is to go for a short, spiky or textured style that works with it rather than against it, disguising the hyperactive hair in the process.What Products To Use On Unruly HairThere is no magic potion that can help here. However, a few styling techniques can aid in making things easier.For example, blow-drying can temporarily change the direction of hair growth if cowlicks are a problem, while growing the hair longer can help by weighing it down.Interestingly, washing the hair less frequently is also a good hack as the natural oils will weigh the individual strands down at the root.Now Watch: 8 Grooming Hacks That All Men Should Know Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/dealing-with-mens-thick-wavy-unruly-hair/
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hairterminator · 8 years
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6 Men’s Celebrity Hairstyles You Should Consider For 2017
#ASICS", "#PumaSE", "#Frankenstein", "#ChuckTaylor #http://blog.hair-terminator.com Unless you have the willpower of a monk, chances are you’ll have already flaked out on January’s hungover, but well-meaning, pledge to get healthy and find your inner, chiselled Adonis in time for summer.
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#ASICS", "#PumaSE", "#Frankenstein", "#ChuckTaylor #http://blog.hair-terminator.com Unless you have the willpower of a monk, chances are you’ll have already flaked out on January’s hungover, but well-meaning, pledge to get healthy and find your inner, chiselled Adonis in time for summer. Congratulations, you’re a normal person. Rather than beating yourself up over it, simply put the takeaway menu down, switch off Netflix, put some trousers on (for the love of God) and get yourself a brand-new hairstyle instead. To help you do so, we’ve picked our current favourite celebrity ‘dos and tapped some of the UK’s top barbers for a step-by-step guide on how to recreate their signature look at home. Forget about ‘new year, new you,’ we prefer ‘new hair, new you,’ anyway.
Nick Jonas
Style: Classic Buzz Cut
Great-looking hair isn’t just for those willing to get out of bed four hours before work to sculpt the perfect barnet. Case in point: Nick Jonas’ now trademark buzz cut. The younger Jonas rocks a ‘Close’ grade all over, though plenty of variations of the style have made the rounds in recent months – from a Kanye-style induction buzz cut (the shortest of the lot) to longer crew-cut styles trialled by the likes of Zac Efron. If in doubt, or making a dramatic switch from a longer style, ask the barber to gradually take more off until the right length is reached. (Related: The Complete Guide To Men’s Buzz Cuts) “A buzz cut is perfect for any man looking for a no-nonsense, incredibly easy style to maintain,” says Murdock senior barber Carl Taylor. “Generally, it’s more naturally suited to those with slightly squarer head shapes and jawlines.” Prepare to save a fortune on products, too: “You’ll barely need to use a thing once your barber’s finished,” adds Taylor. “They should also be able to advise you on using your clippers to keep things sharp in-between appointments.”
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Ryan Gosling
Style: Soft Quiff
Unfortunately, having the face of Ryan Gosling isn’t a possibility for anyone apart from Ryan Gosling. You can, however, emulate his hair. The La La Land star isn’t just famous for his immaculate red carpet appearances or Vines refusing to eat cereal; his timelessly cool quiff has served him well for several years now, even spawning its own name: ‘The Driver’. To achieve this modern twist on Steve McQueen’s iconic locks, “Go for a natural side parting, length on the side for texture and medium length on top,” says Mikey Pearson, director of London men’s salon Manifesto. Blessed with a head rounder than Karl Pilkington’s? A style similar to Gosling’s will work wonders for you, adds Pearson: “Creating height on top [with a quiff] will make the face shape look less round. The style is also a safe cut that’s very versatile.” (Related: How To Choose The Right Haircut For Your Face Shape) The products for this cut are influenced by the hair type, says Pearson: “In the case of Gosling’s fine, blonde hair you wouldn’t want to use heavy or high shine products [which can clump hair together and weigh it down]. Instead, I would recommend a matt clay or paste.”
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The Weeknd
Style: Shaped Afro
If we had to describe The Weeknd to somebody last year, we’d probably have said something like: “You know, the guy with the crazy hair?” However, now that he’s gone short, we’d have to update that to: “You know, the guy with the great hair?” Out is the tree-person dreadlock sculpture and in is a much neater, sharper style that is best achieved by asking for a short back and sides or fade with length left on top for texture, according to Murdock’s Taylor: “Sharp edges are also a must for this type of cut [to balance the curls on top].” (Related: The Complete Guide To Men’s Fade Haircuts) The Toronto-native singer’s current look is best suited to those with afro hair that’s particularly thick, while the tight sides and sharp edges will perfectly complement rounder face types. To style, use a bristle brush to keep any fly-away hairs in check, and then scrunch in a pomade to achieve a healthy-looking finish. If you’ve opted for more length through the top, use a hairspray and afro comb to properly shape. Pat to keep in place. For maintenance, Taylor recommends a specialist water- or oil-based product: “[This] will effectively lock in moisture and prevent the hair from drying out.”
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Zayn Malik
Style: Mid-Length, Loose Centre-Parting
Since going solo, Zayn’s success has seemed to know no bounds, and we can’t help but think that it’s definitely (probably), because of his hair. In fact, if we had his most recent ‘do, we reckon we’d stand a pretty good chance with Gigi Hadid too. Worth a go at the very least, surely? “Zayn wears his hair loose and disconnected through the top with shorter, but naturally compact, back and sides,” Nomad London’s head barber Liam Campbell explains. The result is a mix of the 1990s boyband styles making a return and longer, more textured cuts; both of which were picked out as key hair trends for 2017. (Related: The Biggest Men’s Hair Trends For 2017) Fortunately, the style can be worn by most, as a barber is able to tailor its particulars to accentuate or (within reason) create a masculine square shape on the face. When it comes to styling, Campbell recommends a sea salt spray or gel for texture: “[This] can be blow-dried into the hair to give it shape and then finished with a matte paste or cream.”
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Milo Ventimiglia
Style: 1970s Masculinity
Milo’s Ventimiglia’s recent enviable moustache and shoulder-length locks have elevated him to the ranks of celebrity hairstyle royalty. So who better to take style cues from? Joe Mills, owner of London-based barbers Joe and Co., describes the actor’s hair as a mid-length, layered cut and suggests asking your barber for exactly that. “The reason this style sits so well is that it’s been cut into with scissors, helping it to not only look relaxed but to grow out well too,” adds Mills. “A barber experienced in cutting mid-length styles is definitely a prerequisite.” (Related: How To Talk To You Barber) Much like longer versions, the cut can be adapted to individual face shapes within reason. However, general lifestyle and job should also be taken into account when picking a new style as ‘seventies shag’ won’t necessarily be welcome in all offices. If in the clear, make the most of having a standout snip by using the right products. “Apply mousse to towel-dried hair and a sea salt spray to aid drying,” adds Mills. “Then use a matte paste to finish if you like a more lived-in look.”
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Austin Butler
Style: Long Beach Hair
Breakout actor Austin Butler may have hacked his flowing mane down to a more manageable length in recent months, but if the recent round of AW17 shows is anything to go by, he should start growing it back, pronto. Granted, for Butler, or anyone else, it’s not an easy process: “[Getting to this length can be] a long hair journey, which could take up to a year depending on your starting length,” warns Joe and Co.’s Mills, who describes this style as a classic one-length cut with a square layer through the crown. “You’ll need to have a good relationship with a hairdresser who understands what your end hair goal is and has good scissor skills,” he adds. (Related: Tips From Barbers On Getting The Most Out Of Your Hair Appointment) Who the cut suits is more a case of the hair available than face shape, as layers can be cut to work with the individual. As expected, the style is high-maintenance, so Mills advises investing in a high-quality shampoo and conditioner as a minimum. In addition to that, he recommends arming yourself with a sea salt spray, good hairdryer, set of hairbrushes and a Tangle Teaser.
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