#he may prefer zesti but he could pull it off
factual-flittermouse · 4 months
I’ve seen a lot of WC x DC crossovers featuring various bats undercover as Neal Caffrey and, while DG makes an excellent Neal, I think an opportunity is being missed… specially, that Tim Drake is canonically an internationally wanted art thief due to his time searching for Bruce. Additionally, he has the background both in suits and in taking on a variety of undercover roles (like Caroline Hill and Alvin Draper) AND has a bit of a rivalry with Ra’s (which fits with the common ‘LOA spies in the FBI’ motive for going undercover). He has the skills (except painting), the style, and the history to pull it off. I’m not saying DG doesn’t make a good Caffrey, I’m just saying that I think the choice from the options is a bit humorous
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theotakulifechoseme · 5 years
Marriage Alphabet for V?
Is... is there any way to change it so my mouse button doesn’t go back a page?!?! It’s an Xtreme gaming mouse that I got from Menards.
-Mama Nidiot
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A-About, what about you made them want to marry you?
The affection that they showed V made him want to marry them. Just showing they cared by reminding him to take care of himself, to eat, get enough rest, and even the moments where their skin brushed against his own made his heart flutter. And he makes sure to return the favor.
B-Baby, would they want kids with you as soon as possible?
V wouldn’t mind having kids from the get-go, however, he does ask his partner what they wish. If they wish to have children later, he’ll understand and not press the issue. He knows children are a very big responsibility, and communication is key.
C-Celebration, how would they celebrate your anniversaries?
A picnic on the beach late at night with an extra blanket in case they get cold. For one, it speaks to V’s aesthetics, while for another he loves how the moon and stars reflect off the water and his partner’s eyes. The sounds of waves crashing against the shore also set the mood, along with a few candles. Also, he’s fond of engaging in a childish splashing war against his partner, as it makes the prize, a kiss, all that much sweeter.
D-Divorce, how would they handle if you wanted a divorce? What caused it?
A divorce would just shatter this poor man. V is the type to throw his whole being into marriage and would do whatever he could to try and make it work. However, if the marriage makes his partner unhappy regardless, he is willing to let them go as their happiness matters more to him than his own. As for what caused it? Probably his Devil Hunter lifestyle.
E-Earnest, are they serious about your marriage? Or can they be a little immature about it?
V is 100% serious.
F- Favorite, what was your favorite things before and after you got married to each other?
His favorite thing is just having the time to surprise his partner by showing up on their doorstep with a small trinket or something that caught his eye and reminded him of them. As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. After they’re married, his favorite thing is to come home and relax with them on the love seat and read aloud his favorite poems, or theirs, or even a novel or two depending on his mood. And if they have kids, he greatly likes hanging out with them, too, and asking about their day.
G-Giving, do they spoil you?
Not in an over extravagant way, no. V is all about giving his partner praise when it’s due, and maybe teasing them with light kisses that have them begging for more, along with light cresses. V also tends the spoil them by always having their favorite flower(s) on hand. No one, not even Griffon, knows where he gets them from.
H-Honeymoon, what did you two do for your honeymoon?
One thing for sure they did was visit The Musée de Cluny - Musée national du Moyen Âge, Cluny Museum - National Museum of the Middle Ages. V is a sucker for the Gothic and loves strolling through the place. He even geeks out a bit, which is so cute to watch. Also, the Louvre Museum is a must as well as the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Paris Underground Catacombs. Be ready for V to actually scare his beloved while in the catacombs, or even sneaking them away to a private alcove for a quick kiss or two.
I-Invest, how much do they contribute to your marriage?
V contributes a lot to the marriage and expects his partner to do the same.
J-Jealous, do they still get jealous even though you’re completely theirs?
It doesn’t happen as often as it did when they were just dating, however, the little green monster sometimes rears its ugly head when someone blatantly hits on them even though it is obvious they are married. V has threatened others more than once that has come to his partner with unwanted advances, which Griffon gleefully helps with.
K-Kiss, how often would you two kiss? Do you still have that spark?
V’s not gonna outright pull his partner into a deep kiss in the middle of the street or anything, though he may place butterfly kisses on their fingertips or kiss their knuckles, which always sends his partner into a flustered mess. So yeah, there’s always a spark, regardless of the kiss.
L-Live, where would you two settle down at?
V would prefer a home out in the countryside. Maybe a cottage or ranch style home... Though he isn’t opposed to converting a place into a home, mainly if it has an interesting history or something. Like an old church or maybe a classic schoolhouse.
M-Make, do they still make your heart flutter after years of marriage?
Oh yes, V will always make his partner’s heart flutter even after years of being married. He lives for it.
N-Never, what is something they would never do?
Cheat. V is very much a faithful man. He always would never harm his partner either.
O-Opportunity, do you two still get the opportunity to be intimate with one another?
For sure. V just has Kyrie and Nero babysit the kids when they wanna do the naughty.
P-Pet names, what pet names do you two give each other?
“Dear” “Sweetheart” “Love” “Darling” “Beloved” etc are all types of nicknames V calls his partner. His partner mainly calls him “Pretty Boy” “Poe” or, just to be funny, “Sweeny Todd” or “Ichabod” just because it seems to fit (and not that V could totally pull of either of those Johnny Depp characters, what are you talking about?).
Q-Quiet, do you two keep quiet about your marriage? Or do you always brag about one another?
V keeps it relatively quiet. He’s not one to really brag about it, however, if someone asks or needs clarification, he won’t hesitate to say “Yes, [Name] and I are happily married to each other.”
R-Romance, how do you two keep your romance alive?
Candle lit dinners and evening strolls help.
S-Selfie, would they take multiple pictures of you? Would they save them on their phone?
V has a few photos of both of them together on his phone and about 10 or so of just his partner. One of which is his partner reading under a maple tree during late fall when all the leaves have changed color. It was so beautiful that he made it his lock and home screen. In contrast, his partner has hundreds of V, and they have yet to figure out their favorite of just him, but they adore the one Nico took of them carving pumpkins together, with Griffon passing judgment at V’s pumpkin.
T-Teenagers, do you still act like teens when you’re older?
A bit. There are just some things that V cannot help but get giddy about, mainly Halloween. Around that time it is like everything froze from back when they were younger and getting to relive those moments over and over.
U-Unrelenting, what hasn’t stopped since you two got married?
V picking up little trinkets from the times he’s gone on his Devil Hunting missions. Without fail, he always brings something back that reminds him of his partner.
V-Valentine’s Day, what plans do you two make?
V always plans for them to either see a concert, be it classical or rock music, or a play/opera before going out to eat. One year it might be all dressing up and glam, while the next its more down to earth and homey.
W-Wedding, what was your wedding like?
You’d think it’d be this small classy affair... Nope, V is just as prone to the dramatics as the other DMC guys are. V wanted a small outdoor wedding that seemed like something out of a renaissance romance. Everyone would’ve expected fairies and elves being apart of it if they didn’t know any better.
X-X-Ray, can you two see through each other? Can you see when you’re lying or not?
Given that he’s pretty perceptive, V has an easy time reading his partner, though, on the other hand, his partner has a hard time reading V because he is so good at bottling up his real feelings. They just trust that with time he will come to them in his own time.
Y-Yearly Tradition, what do you two do every year for your wedding anniversary?
Normally travel to places that are rich in history and art and explore, similar to their honeymoon.
Z-Zesty, Give me your own zesty letters!
What do I even put for this, like really????
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silverfoxsofy · 7 years
Viktuuri College AU. Chapter 1.
“Jesus Yuuri how much longer?” Whined Pichit, who was now growing restless.
“Just one more paragraph Pichit and I’ll be done and we can go okay?” Yuuri sighed. In truth, he could’ve finished his term paper several paragraphs ago, but he wanted to stall as much as he could. Spring break was here, and just outside the doors of yuuri’s and pichit’s safe dorm room, was a loud, obnoxiously loud yuuri might add, raging dorm party.
“Ya know, you CAN just go without me. I’ll be fine here staying here-”
“Nonsense! It’s the first spring break party are you kidding me?!” Pichit turned to his mirror, and for the tenth time that night adjusted his high waisted shorts. “And you know who’s going to be here.”
Ah right, Yuuri thought, he knew exactly who Pichit was referring to.
Viktor fucking Nikiforov. The university’s star athlete slash prize possession. The one Pichit, along with many of the dorms girls couldn't stop talking about. Yuuri couldn’t help but scoff at the mere thought of him.
“Forget it, you know that guys just another jock waiting to stick his dick in girls like Mila or Sara.”
“NUH UH!” Pichit complained. “I heard he was seen at Starz with CHRIS.”
“Just because he was at a gay bar with Chris doesn’t mean he’s gay. You know they’ve been friends since freshman year.” Yuuri rolled his eyes. He could care less about Viktor fucking Nikiforov. Sure the guy was beyond handsome, but Yuuri could think of a million reasons why he’d never even consider a total meat head like Viktor. Besides, he was a jock, their paths have never and would never cross.
“Oh look at that, youre done with your term paper! Lets go already!”
Yuuri heavily sighed, and decided he might as well listen to Pichit just this once. He looked in the mirror, fixed up what he could, and headed out the door.
The first thing that hit Yuuri was the all too familiar intense smell of beer, drugs, and cigarettes. A second wave of a roaring drunk crowd followed, letting Yuuri become aware of the immense amount of regret he felt for agreeing to go. He could see couples beyond couples making out in front of doors, sloppily on the floor, and even sitting on the water fountain.
“Dammit that was the good fountain.” Yuuri angrily whispered to himself.
As the hallway boomed with its loud music and raging drunk occupants, Yuuri decided now would be the time to escape. Pichit was already taking shots with a group of people, and he was beginning to grow weary of it all. As he turned to walk back to their room, he realized there was another couple, sucking each other’s faces off right in front of his safe haven. Fuck, Yuuri thought.
He turned the other direction, pacing toward the staircase. If he couldn’t go to his room, he knew the second best place he could escape to.
As he walked up the stairs, leaving the roaring crowd behind him, he took a deep breath, and opened the door to the dorm’s roof. He stepped out onto the windy open space, closing his eyes and taking in the fresh air, letting it flow between his clothes, his hair, and himself. No matter how many parties, Yuuri would always prefer the freeness he felt whenever he was up here.
“I told you! Don’t follow me-” a harsh voice interrupted yuuris peaceful moment, making him gasp as he realized he was not alone on the roof after all.
Instead, he was met by the confused and apologetic look of someone he recognized right away.
“Ah! Sorry! Sorry sorry! I thought you were someone else! My bad!” The person scratched the back of his head nervously, waiting for Yuuris response. “Ah… you didn’t like the rager? Yeah me neither… haha…” still, Yuuri couldn’t find himself to respond to the man standing in front of him.
Finally, the man stepped forward, and ran a hand through his silvery white hair, looking up at him. “ you’re Pichit’s friend aren’t you? I think we had a semester together last year maybe?”
Finally, Yuuri realized if he didn’t say at least SOMETHING, the man could take it the wrong way.
“Ah… right. Yeah we had chemistry 105 together…”
“Yu…yuuri. Right?” He lowered his head, his gaze never leaving yuuri’s, who responded with a nod.
The man flashed him a gentle smile, and stepped toward him, “I’m.. Viktor.”
Yuuri stood there for a second, trying to study Viktor. Although he’d never really noticed before, from this close distance viktor was now shortening, he could see what the big deal really was. Viktor fucking Nikiforov was fucking gorgeous.
“I know this might be sudden, but since I don’t wanna be down there, and I’m guessing you don’t want to be down there…” he looked up at Yuuri, who was praying the next words to come out of Viktor’s mouth wouldn’t be what he thought they would. “ wanna hang?” Viktor asked softly.
Fuck, Yuuri thought. He definitely did not want to spend his night hanging out with him. Not by a long shot. Hell no he repeated in his head.
However, yuuri was weak under pressure, and instead looked up at Viktor, shrugging his shoulders nervously, “sure”.
And that was that. An incredibly large heart shaped smile spread across Viktor’s face, as he grabbed onto yuuris hand, pulling him back into the stairwell.
“Viktor, I don’t think-”
“Cmon try it.”
Yuuri worriedly looked at Viktor, then at the fried Oreo topped pizza slice Viktor had ordered for him. They were seated at a small pizzeria, apparently known throughout the boardwalk as the only pizzeria to serve its slices with anything sweet. Yuuri was still trying to recover from the shock that above all places, Viktor had decided to take him to the beach at 1am. About half of the stores were already closing down, and it was pretty deserted besides the occasional passerby. It may have been spring break, but it was nowhere near spring break weather, therefore it wasn’t a surprise no one was actually here. Yuuri straightened his posture, nervously biting into the slice.
“WHAT.” Was all he could muster up after swallowing, a light blush coming up on his cheeks.
“I told you! Looks like shit but sure is tasty!” Viktor happily chimed in, taking a bite out of his own slice.
“How is this so good?!” Yuuri laughed, the two of them giggling as Yuuri eagerly began eating.
A gust of wind blew into the open space of the restaurant, making Yuuri noticeably shiver as he continued eating and talking to Viktor.
“Oh” Viktor said while putting his slice down, looking up at Yuuri, who’s mouth was filled with tomato sauce and chocolate. “Are you cold?”. Without waiting for a response, Viktor proceeded to take off his bomber jacket, getting up from his chair and walking toward Yuuri. As Yuuri looked at him in confusion, a crimson blush appeared on his nose as Viktor casually wrapped him in his own jacket, quickly taking a seat after doing so.
“Oh!” An obviously nervous Viktor began waving his hands around, “I didn’t mean anything by it! I just… it just came to mind! Sorry… if that was weird…” he looked away shyly, as if he’d just committed some grand mistake. Yuuri smiled at Viktor, attempting to put him at ease.
“Haha, it’s fine!” Yuuri giggled, taking another bite out of the sweet yet zesty pizza. “Your pizza’s gonna get cold by the way.” He said teasingly.
Viktor shot him a devilish grin, “I’m gonna school your ass as soon as we hit the arcade.”
“Ha you’re on fucker!” Yuuri scoffed sarcastically. Who knew Viktor Nikiforov liked the arcade too?
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Why Mary Poppins Returns is Disney’s Best Reimagining to Date
“Can’t put me finger / on what lies in store / But I feel what’s to happen / all happened before.”—Bert (Dick Van Dyke) in “Mary Poppins”
Fifty-four years after its release, “Mary Poppins” remains the greatest Disney film of all time. Had “Mary Poppins Returns” been a mere remake of Robert Stevenson’s 1964 Oscar-winning classic, it would rightly be labeled a work of heresy. But what director Rob Marshall has pulled off here is more akin to James Bobin’s “The Muppets” or J.J. Abrams’ “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Both of these gems achieved the seemingly impossible task of recapturing the appeal of the landmark crowd-pleasers from which they spawned, and that had evaded numerous imitators. Viewers who criticized Abrams for hewing too close to the formula of “A New Hope” failed to take into account just how monumental an achievement it was to make a film that felt like “Star Wars.” Even George Lucas couldn’t replicate his own signature blend of space opera and Saturday morning serials in his enervated prequel trilogy. With “Mary Poppins Returns,” Marshall has triumphed in making a film that—with the exception of its technological flourishes—feels like it could’ve been released in the 1960s, preferably as the first half of a double bill with this year’s similarly goofy “Christopher Robin.” No attempt is made to modernize the source material of P.L. Travers’ books or the Vaudevillian charm that characterized Stevenson’s film. On an aesthetic level, it is as transporting a throwback as Todd Haynes’ “Far from Heaven,” with every cobblestone of the Banks family’s street, Cherry Tree Lane, meticulously recreated in an indoor set, courtesy of ace production designer John Myhre.
“Finding Neverland” scribe David Magee loosely mirrors the beats of the original film in his screenplay, just as composer Marc Shaiman and his “Hairspray” co-lyricist Scott Wittman have created nine new songs that pay homage, in one way or another, to the unforgettable numbers by Robert and Richard Sherman—the melodies of which are interwoven throughout the score. So immortal were the songs in “Mary Poppins” that the Sherman Brothers themselves couldn’t equal them in either “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” or “Bedknobs and Broomsticks,” though both films went on to become widely beloved as well. How extraordinary it is to see, in 2018, a brand new old-fashioned musical, complete with an overture accompanied by paintings evocative of legendary matte artist Peter Ellenshaw. “Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda channels the exuberance of Dick Van Dyke’s jack-of-all-trades Bert as lamplighter Jack, who opens the film with “(Underneath the) Lovely London Sky,” a stirring spin on “Chim Chim Cher-ee.” Playing the adult version of Matthew Garber’s Michael Banks, Ben Whishaw sings “A Conversation,” a poignant remembrance of his late wife, in the speak-singing style of Michael’s father (David Tomlinson), who once expounded about “The Life I Lead.” 
No actor in the history of cinema has possessed the indelible screen persona, let alone the pipes, of Julie Andrews, and a “Mary Poppins” film featuring her in any role other than the titular one would feel profoundly wrong. Andrews was entirely correct in turning down a cameo role, providing Emily Blunt the space needed to create her own version of the character. She is a complete delight—sweet, sardonic and more zesty than deadpan. Her singing voice may not hit Andrews’ high notes, but it is more than capable of belting “Can You Imagine That?” (the equivalent to “A Spoonful of Sugar” that kicks off the enchantment), “The Royal Doulton Music Hall” (an abbreviated “Jolly Holiday”), “A Cover Is Not the Book” (Mary and Jack’s irreverent tongue-twisting duet that tips its hat to “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”) and “The Place Where Lost Things Go” (a lullaby reminiscent of both “Stay Awake” and “Feed the Birds”). 
Meryl Streep delivers her best musical performance in ages as Topsy, Mary’s dotty cousin who, like Uncle Albert, has a supernatural conundrum in need of fixing, as detailed in “Turning Turtle” (a much more urgent number than “I Love to Laugh”). Jack and his fellow lamplighters’ big dance routine, “Trip a Little Light Fantastic,” is being pushed as an Oscar contender, though it’s not nearly as acrobatic or catchy as “Step in Time,” which was itself inspired by the British music hall anthem, “Knees Up Mother Brown.” My favorite song of them all is saved for last: “Nowhere to Go But Up,” a joyous companion piece to “Let’s Go Fly a Kite,” performed by living legend Angela Lansbury (who might as well be playing the grandmother of Eglantine Price, the benevolent witch she brought to life in “Bedknobs and Broomsticks”). 
By the time Lansbury materialized for the grand finale, I was already levitating in my seat. Had my critical faculties been rendered useless by the glorious imagery drawn frame-by-frame, thanks to a team of veteran animators who were brought out of retirement solely for the occasion? (The fact animated flowers initially leap from a bowl, after Mary’s spinning of it causes the designs on its rim to coalesce as in a zoetrope, is a brilliant touch.) Or was it the peerless casting of Julie Walters as Ellen, the Banks clan’s longtime maid who nails the accent of Hermione Baddeley, and David Warner as Admiral Boom, a hilarious yet less surly version of Jane and Michael’s delusional neighbor? Or perhaps it was the cameo by Karen Dotrice (the original Jane Banks), who shows up just long enough to utter her trademark line, “Many thanks, sincerely.” I have no doubt my love of the picture was increased exponentially by the marvelous appearance of Dick Van Dyke as Mr. Dawes Jr., the son of the banker he played incognito in “Mary Poppins.” Inhabiting that role in the original film was Arthur Malet, who went on to play Tootles in Steven Spielberg’s “Hook,” where he received his own opportunity to defy gravity just like Mr. Dawes, Sr. The 92-year-old Van Dyke does not soar through the air on wires in “Mary Poppins Returns,” but he does leap atop a desk and dance, a euphoric sight that had the crowd at my preview screening applauding. 
I’m reminded of a priceless story Van Dyke shared on the 40th anniversary DVD of “Mary Poppins.” “When I was playing the old man,” he recalled, “we would break for lunch, and on my way to the commissary, I liked to wait for the buses with the tourists to come along. Then I would start to cross the street. The bus would stop, and I would take forever to cross the road, turning toward the driver to say, ‘Thank you!’ Once the bus began moving on, I’d let it get 20 yards away before I’d pass it in a dead sprint, as fast as I could run.” That’s the same sort of childlike spirit that appears to have informed Marshall’s approach to this movie. It has the same kinetic pacing as the director’s sensational stage-to-screen adaptation, “Chicago,” and it could likely be transferred onto the stage without much alteration. What I admire most about the picture is its refusal to simply recycle what came before. It puts forth the effort to come up with new songs, set-pieces and emotional payoffs, rather than go through the motions of what had already been perfected. In an era where shot-for-shot duplicates are the new norm at Disney, “Mary Poppins Returns” stands as a definitive example of how to honor a masterpiece. “Mary Poppins” will always be irreplaceable, but this endearing tribute succeeded in making me feel like a kid again.
Header Photo Credit: Jay Maidment - © 2017 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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