#he said he thought brad pitt was a beautiful man
manichewitz · 5 months
im happy to live in the 21st century bc i just got to see jacob elordi say on live tv that his first crush was on brad pitt as achilles in troy
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forfucksakesniall · 11 months
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Driver!Reader
Trigger Warning/Content Advisory: Jealous and Kinda Mean Lewis
It's common to have celebrities visit the garage in F1, and you find it an advantage to meet some of them. Brad Pitt, The Kardashians, Megan Thee Stallion, Paris Hilton and many more. The one encounter that lives up until now was Sebastian Stan. You are his biggest fan. When you saw "Bucky" in the garage, he was the most gorgeous being you've ever seen—wait, Lewis.
You looked around the garage to find him but to no avail. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to pounce on Sebastian Stan. He was being toured in Lewis's garage, and somehow, I got the news of our visitor next door.
As you stepped into the garage, you immediately looked for "Bucky," and there he was, sculpted by the gods themselves. You were in total awe of him—his beautiful blue eyes, perfect jaw, his fit was eye candy, and his hair in a bun. This man is just—UGH.
Your phone buzzed, and you checked to see that it was from Lewis.
Do you mind closing your mouth?
Embarrassed, you closed it. But how did he know you were here? You looked around the garage one last time when you caught a glimpse of the monitor. The cameraman had captured your whole reaction while you were here.
You glared at the cameraman, then ignored him afterward. You couldn't let this opportunity slip away from meeting Sebastian Stan. When the tour was almost over, it was your time to shine. 
He was about to head out when a journalist spotted you both and asked if she could do an interview with you and Sebastian. You enthusiastically agreed to the idea, and as you approached him, he also agreed to the interview. Finally, luck was on my side.
Since it was somewhat dark in the garage, you were asked to step outside the grid for better lighting. As the journalist set things up, you turned to Sebastian, and to your surprise, he was already looking at you.
"I'm a big fan, by the way," you said.
"Aw, that's so sweet. Thank you so much," he replied, and then he hugged you. The hug felt like it was taking longer than expected, and just as you were lost in the moment, you heard someone clear their throat. 
It was the journalist, reminding you both to continue with the interview.
Reluctantly, you let go of the hug and settled for a side hug with Sebastian, which he didn't seem to mind, and he placed his hand on the side of your arm.
Throughout the interview, you found yourself mostly agreeing with whatever the journalist was saying. Afterward, you took photos together, which seemed to take forever to finish. You waved goodbye to Sebastian and blew him a kiss as he left.
Do you mind closing your mouth?  Seriously, doing an interview with him? Did PR agree to this?  What's with all the hugging?  Did it really have to be that many photos? 
Oh no, you're getting grumpy Lewis today.
You were on your way to your side garage and slowing to the back of the Driver’s room. When you get in you see Lewis standing there looking at you.
“Hey…” you said awkwardly
“....” he stays quiet
“You had Sebastian Stan in your garage… I met him... But you know that already…” you mentioned.
“Yea, you were so busy… Seems like you already forgot about me..” Lewis replied, heading towards the door to leave.
Quickly, you blocked his way and locked the door behind you.
“Why are you acting like this?” you said in frustration
“Wouldn't you wanna know” he sassed.
“Lewis… Are you... Are you jealous?” you were trying not to smile but it was obvious.
“Why would I- I don’t..” he huffs in annoyance, struggling to find his words.
You grinned mischievously, Oh Lewis you thought to yourself
You stepped closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. Your faces were inches apart from each other. You were looking at his eyes and slowly down to his lips. 
He was avoiding your gaze, and you sighed at his persistence to ignore your questioning.
“So.. No Kiss?... Okay then..” you tell him and place your face on the crook of his neck and inhale deeply. Gosh, you missed him. But you wouldn’t admit that because that would backfire for sure.
At first, he was stubborn, not hugging you back, but then you could feel his arms snake around your waist. You heard him mumble something.
"What?" you asked him.
“I said you smell like a man” he retorts back.
Oh, it must be Sebastian's perfume. You have to get back at him for this.
“How was Shakira any different…” you sassed back to him.
“I told you that was for PR… and you were with me the whole time…” 
You get to see jealous Lewis, to be fair it wasn't too bad. He still went to see me in the driver’s room like he always does. He’ll give me a kiss, a hug, and whisper sweet nothings to me. But today took a violent turn.
“I’m sorry…” you finally admit that maybe you overdid it. You got excited and fawned all over Sebastian.
“No, I’m sorry for being immature about it… I just thought maybe... You like him better than me... Or whatever. But I wasn't jealous, okay?” he says to you like a secret.
“Sure… So, you aren't mad anymore?”
“For a kiss, I won’t” he teases you.
I pull away to see his face and finally his beautiful brown eyes. He leans his forehead to mine. 
What a tease.
You lean closer and your lips touch. A soft and affectionate kiss, filled with sweetness and warmth.
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karebear923 · 4 months
Vice Versa rewatch ep. 2
All right here we go!
*squints trying to focus on all the Forest Green* what does it mean??? 😩
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The way they said Tun just “keeps cool” these days! But what they don’t know is that he’s actually Puen who got body-swapped into another universe and of course he’s freaking out on the inside but as a celebrity he has to present well on the outside so he “keeps cool” while not knowing what the heck happened!! He must’ve been so scared that whole time 😖
And the club is pink cause that’s where Talay first fell for Puen! 🥰 He knew he wasn’t Tun from the first glance! And Talay is literally the first good thing and first light of hope in Puen’s scary new world!
I remember so many people had an issue with Puen not telling Talay his real name but honestly it makes sense to me! When I was first watching this show I’d tell my sister little summaries of each episode so I could talk them out with her after watching and I don’t remember why but I started calling Puen Brad Pitt 😅 I think I used it as an example to be like “he’s super famous in their world like Brad Pitt is in ours”. And it makes sense that he wouldn’t want to be seen with whatever opinion people have already made about him. He just wanted to be a regular person and even after Talay got to know him and fall for him that fear of knowing him as “that celebrity that I have X opinion about” was still valid! The fear of losing the love he worked hard to get was strong 😢
—Please just give me a moment to simp 😅
Shirtless Jimmy and Sea are both so gorgeous!! Look at those muscles!! 😍 and their gorgeous faces!! What I’d give to be in a 3-way hug with them!!! 🙈 Aaahhh!!! 😆
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Ok thank you 😮‍💨😌—
We got the iconic “to be my wife you must endure” and “ai’Dang” quotes in this ep!
Was that password a “My Gear and Your Gown” quote now? 😁 I get it!
I’m thinking of Dol and how he must’ve felt waking up as a woman. He had to learn how to navigate the new world and how to navigate a new body. Do we think the woman he inhabited looked like that when he first switched over? Or did he cut her hair and change her wardrobe to feel more like himself? I mean there’s no telling how long you’ll be in the other world right? I don’t think it’s wrong to give the other person a temporary physical change. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be a man and I’ve always thought that shape shifting into different people like Mystique from X-Men would be a cool power to have.
We got a MilkLove cameo! 😊 I hope their characters had their own beautiful love story and found their way home too!
It’s crazy how this is only episode 2 but we can already see all the ways Puen and Talay go together! Puen’s joy in finally finding someone who can explain what’s going on and Talay being so surprised that they have similar tastes and them finding each other at the end of the maze!! They’re already looking at each other with at least stars in their eyes if not yet hearts! And Puen being so flirty when he said he’d be the one “hurting” Talay! 🤭🫣 Like yeah maybe the quiz matched them with the most similar person(?) but they’re already vibing so hard it’s obvious they’re meant to be together!
I’m so bad with metaphors and stuff so I can see the colors in the episodes but I struggle to see the deeper meanings of things. I’m trying harder this time around and I can see how the shades of green match the energy of the scenes now. I’ll keep trying to notice them!
@stormyoceans 😁
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Question (and I think I may know the answer but I’m going to ask anyway because why not?!): can you rank the BTS members visually (face and body) according to your personal preference. Feel free to include past opinions that have now changed.
In my opinion I found Jungkook to be the most good looking…but then I started looking at Jimin and Jesus needs to now come save me. Wahala. I don’t think I will be the same. Okthanksbye.
LMAO at "Wahala". Are you West African by any chance? Come say hi if you are! 💜
Hi Anon,
This is the sort of ask I would normally read once, chuckle, read again, then delete. Because what the fuck? Have you seen what they look like?? What kind of question is "rank the BTS members visually"? And then you specified "face and body"? Ma je kin sepe fun ehn o ahn ahn now kilode? Si je te maudis maintenant, je jure sur tout ce qui est saint et sur le prochain album de Beyoncé, que tes arrières petits-enfants ressentiront cette malédiction. Ne me teste pas.
But you said "wahala" and I'm feeling sentimental so here's the list for you to tear apart:
7. Kim Taehyung - He's got a nice-looking face. Like the Indian Brad Pitt, but he's Korean, which is somehow even better if you're into k-pop, apparently. I can tell on a cerebral level that he is handsome, but my heart doesn't know it... you know what I mean? His slim build is okay, but even he knows it can be better. I'm very interested in seeing what Taehyung looks like in 2025. I suspect he could go several levels up in my ranking, but we'll see.
6. Jeon Jungkook - The fact I'm ranking Jung Kook sixth should tell people the caliber of visual that is in BTS. All seven of them are mind numbingly hot. No cap. JK is ranked here because despite how hot he is, despite how peculiarly pretty he is, he is still the most baby-faced out of the guys. In my opinion.
5. Kim Seokjin - The shoulders give him several points I'm sorry. I mean, yeah his build is a bit lanky and he could fill out a bit more but still, the shoulders are wide af. I count it towards his overall visual and Jin does have a very Korean handsomeness to him. He's the sort of guy my grandma would want for me... and I know I'm not the only person from my background who has thought so.
4. Kim Namjoon - Joon has the prettiest eyes in BTS. Maybe Jimin ties with him, but Joon's dragon eyes are definitely ranked first in any case. He's worked on his physique too in recent years which has bumped him up my list. I wish he was more coordinated in his motor skills, but he's still pretty decent.
3. Jung Hoseok - Hobi is such a dreamboat. He's lanky but it works for him. The way Tyler Joseph's does for him. But even better than that, J-Hope has stamina. This man is fit. And he is beautiful. Definitively masculine but so delicately pretty. Like y'all don't know what platinum blonde Hobi did to me in 2021. This man is hot and capable and that is a very dangerous combination take it from me.
2. Min Yoongi - Nobody is surprised. I don't even know what to say because I actually bias him. Like I just typed his name out and had to pause to take a breath. I'm keeping it real with y'all rn. I'm that gone. I like that he's a bulldog the whole fandom sees as a cat because that's what he is. I love the music he makes. The way he mixes bass and toplines in all his tracks is incredible. Like, all the lyrics to the chorus of Beyonce's EGO, apply to Yoongi in spades.
...just saying.
Park Jimin - I've said before, he could seem gamine + serpentine + feline + cute all at the same time. It's just fun looking at a face capable of showing so much at once. It's fun looking at Jimin. That's the sort of visual he has. His face is interesting. It is odd in the most benign ways. And by that I mean, most people typically have one definitive facial feature, one that stands out, like a strong browbone, high cheekbones, etc. Really pretty people have maybe two, three tops. For Jimin, his entire face is constructed from distinctive features. I don't want to completely objectify the man by spelling it out for you but Jimin is ridiculously beautiful.
It's just facts.
Jimin has looks. You know what I mean? Jimin has looks where he accentuates certain things. My favourite Jimin looks are some when he looks serpentine, a bit like a snake. Like this:
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(The first time I saw this photoshoot I remember I thought, "this is the look of a guy who will go there if there's need to." It's never made sense to underestimate him.)
I'm not sure it needs to be said but I also like his physique the best, whether it's leaner or bigger. Whatever weight he has he carries it well, he moves easily and that certainly adds to his visual. Jungkook too has recently mastered moving through space with ease, I hope what I mean can be communicated, but what I'm trying to say is: a very easy motion with no wasted movements. Anyway, Jimin is best at this, and maybe at a sub-conscious level it adds to his visual for me.
Lol, that's the ranking Anon.
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outroblogparareblog · 5 months
The Ugly, Unfair Truth About Looking Beautiful by W. Leith
Why, after decades of feminism, do we seem to demand that women in the public eye be extraordinarily beautiful but their male counterparts can get away with being ordinary?
The art critic John Bergerfamously said that, in our culture, “men act and women appear”. He didn’t mean that women didn’t actually do anything, or that men never looked pretty. His point was that this was how men and women were depicted.
Men were supposed to be effective, and women were supposed to be attractive. He was right. And it was a travesty. But that was in 1972; it was a long time ago.
Or was it? Four decades of feminism later I am reading the comedian Angela Barnes’ blog. “I am ugly, and I am proud,” she writes. She goes on to say: “The fact is I don’t see people in magazines who look like me. I don’t see people like me playing the romantic lead or having a romantic life.”
At the top of the blog is a picture of Barnes. And the thing is, she isn’t ugly. Neither is she beautiful. She’s normal looking. She’s somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, just like lots of women you see every day in real life.
It made me think of this year’s Wimbledon ladies’ final between Sabine Lisicki and Marion Bartoli. When Bartoli won, the BBC commentator John Inverdale infamously said, “Do you think Bartoli’s dad told her when she was little, 'You’re never going to be a looker, you’re never going to be a Sharapova, so you have to be scrappy and fight’?”
The first thing I thought was: this woman has just won a tennis tournament! And she’s being judged on her looks! And then I thought: but Bartoli is attractive. Sure, she’s not at the very highest point on the scale – she doesn’t look like a top model. But she’s pretty. And, in any case, why should it matter? She’s a top athlete. Surely that’s what counts.
A sports commentator refers to a pretty woman as “not a looker”. A normal-looking woman thinks she’s ugly. Why?
Because, even though the world is full of normal and pretty women, the world we see – the world of television, films, magazines and websites – is full of women who are top-of-the-scale beauties.
And right now, in the second decade of the 21st century, the situation is more extreme than ever. If you're a woman, a huge proportion of your role models are beautiful. So if you’re normal looking, you feel ugly. And if you’re merely pretty, men feel free to comment on how un-beautiful you are.
As a normal-looking man, I’m in good company. Sure, some male actors and celebrities are very good looking. Brad Pitt. George Clooney. Russell Brand.
But many of Hollywood’s leading men, like me, look like the sort of blokes you see every day, in real life. Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Bruce Willis, Jack Black, Seth Rogen, Martin Freeman, Tom Hanks, Steve Carell, Jim Carrey, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Brendan Fraser… In fact, you might almost say that most leading men are normal-looking blokes.
It’s true of television, too. Bryan Cranston, who plays the lead in Breaking Bad – he’s a normal. James Gandolfini – he was a normal. And chubby too. Kevin Whately – normal. Ben Miller – normal. TV cops all look normal. Ray Winstone looks normal. Tim Roth looks normal. They portray people who are interesting for what they do, not what they look like.
Oh, and think of sitcoms. The Big Bang Theoryfeatures four normal-looking blokes and a stunningly beautiful woman. New Girl is about two normal blokes, a guy who’s quite good looking, and two women who are… yes, strikingly beautiful.
When I watch the news, on whatever channel, it’s presented by the classic partnership of an ordinary-looking guy and a gorgeous woman. After the news, I watch the weather. Male weather presenters look like standard males. Female weather presenters look like models.
Footballers look normal. Footballers’ wives and girlfriends look stunning. Daytime television presenters: men look like Phillip Schofield; women look like Holly Willoughby.
A typical Saturday-night judges’ panel consists of two types of people – middle-aged blokes and young, stunning women. Sometimes a normal-looking or ageing woman slips through the net – but then, like Arlene Phillips, her days are soon numbered.
Countdown had an attractive woman and an ageing bloke; when the attractive woman began to show signs of ageing, she was axed – replaced by a woman who was, of course, strikingly beautiful.
Who presents historical documentaries? Guys like David Starkey. Normals. And what happened when a normal-looking woman, Mary Beard, presented a series about the ancient world? She was mocked for not being attractive enough.
In a recent interview Dustin Hoffman, another normal, made a revealing comment. Remember when he dressed up as a woman in Tootsie? “I went home and started crying,” he said. Why?
“Because I think I am an interesting woman when I look at myself on screen. And I know that if I met myself at a party, I would never talk to that character. Because she doesn’t fulfil physically the demands that we’re brought up to think women have to have in order to ask them out… I have been brainwashed.”
Actually, I had some insight into how women must feel the other day. I went to a beauty trade show. Women, many of whom wanted their faces to be more beautiful than they were, were looking at products and procedures that might help. You could have injections of Botox or fillers; you could have your face heated up or cut apart; you could have fat from your abdomen injected into your lips.
The “cosmetic interventions” industry is growing fast: in 2005 it was worth £720 million; five years later the figure was £2.3 billion. More than 90 per cent of the customers are women.
I watched a woman as her lips were injected with Restylane, a dermal filler designed to make faces look fuller, lips more pouty. Her face was being stretched and jabbed, stretched and jabbed. Skin was being hoicked and yanked, and then stuff was pumped into her. It looked like a cooking procedure. It looked like abuse.
Afterwards, she got up. She was shaky on her feet. She had the bearing of someone who had been in an accident. Before and after the procedure she was normal looking.
That’s one thing about cosmetic interventions, says Daniel Hamermesh, a professor at the University of Texas, who is an expert on the economics of beauty. They might help a bit. But don’t expect miracles. “Changes are likely to be small,” he says.
But women increasingly crave beauty – and for good reason. In a world that tells pretty women they are ordinary, and ordinary-looking women they are ugly, increasingly radical “solutions” come to seem normal.
In a 2013 review, the Department of Health reports that, until recently, people were discreet about cosmetic procedures; now they are “celebrated”.
These days beauty is not a bonus – it’s essential. So women, in their tens of thousands, feel a new acceptance of the pain, the fear, the microdermabrasion, the chemical peels, the intense pulsed light.
They try not to think of the procedures that go wrong, leading to more procedures. In the mirror they observe their faces with a new expertise, noting the downward slide of the malar fat pads, the atrophy of collagen. They save money. They book appointments. People yank and jab their skin. Afterwards they still look un-beautiful.
Feminists, most famously Naomi Wolf, tell us they know what’s going on. Just at the point when women were becoming more liberated – the moment when they began to act, as well as appear – the old patriarchy hit back.
In The Beauty Myth she makes a good case. The more power women have, she says, the more pressure there is on them to be beautiful. And passive.
In the past couple of decades scientists, who are mostly male, have stepped into the debate. And what do they tell us? The pressure on women to be beautiful is not a patriarchal backlash, because it’s been there for ever. It’s the same all over the world, whether you’re from a poor or rich country.
It’s the same in cities with glass skyscrapers as it is in tribal societies that have hardly changed since the Stone Age. That, they say, is because it’s an essential part of the human condition.
In The Evolution of Desire, David Buss, professor of psychology at the University of Texas, says that it all comes down to the basics of sex. Men are attracted to women who look fertile. Women are attracted to men who will make good providers. That’s why men want their female partners to be a bit younger than they are. It’s also why women are attracted to older men – men with a proven track record.
Throughout history, in other words, women are desirable when they look healthy and unblemished. Symmetrical features are a sign of health; a narrow waist and wide hips are a sign of fertility. Women like symmetrical features too. But they don’t mind wrinkles or grey hair; in ancestral times, if a guy had grey hair, he was a proven survivor.
I’ve never heard any woman say anything negative about George Clooney’s grey hair. And I can’t imagine John Inverdale ever making a comment about Andy Murray being a normal-looking bloke.
And if, like David Buss, I’d interviewed 10,000 people in 37 different cultures, and found that, all over the world, women want men to look like strong providers, grizzled or not, I’d tell you that this was not surprising.
The writer Eva Wiseman recently identified a new journalistic genre, which she calls “first person pretty”: articles by women who are, or at least feel, attractive – but whose attractiveness is a double-edged sword, attracting jealousy and spite.
“These pieces illuminate from the inside our anxiety about our bodies, our internalised misogyny,” she wrote. How did we get here and why is the situation so extreme?
I recently read a debate about online porn that asked: why are female porn stars much better looking than male? Why is porn all about normal-looking blokes having sex with beautiful women?
It’s because the consumers of porn are, by and large, normal-looking blokes. In other words, that’s where the money is – the normal-looking blokes have it. They want to identify with the male actors, which would be more difficult if the male actors were as beautiful as the women. The male gaze leads from money to female beauty. It’s brute economics.
Since then, in an increasingly mediated, monetised society, the old ideal has hardened and intensified. Sponsorship and advertising endorse conservative values. The internet has brought us porn on demand, which focuses the male gaze. And porn is a hub that radiates outwards – towards fashion, music, films and novels.
As the feminist writer Ariel Levy pointed out in her book Female Chauvinist Pigs, lots of women seem to want to become pornographic versions of themselves, mainly because it works. It places them in the dominant culture. They felt they couldn’t beat men, so they decided to join them. Some wore T-shirts with the slogan porn star.
As Levy says, “Only 30 years ago, our mothers were 'burning their bras’ and picketing Playboy, and suddenly we were getting implants and getting the bunny logo as supposed symbols of our liberation.”
And Catherine Hakim, senior research fellow of sociology at the LSE, might just agree.
In her book Honey Money, she points out that, just as men in patriarchal societies have always tried to control the way women dress, so have some feminists. “Why not champion femininity rather than abolish it? Why does no one encourage women to exploit men whenever they can?” she writes.
The other day, a man said to me, “Look, women have money these days, they have independence, they don’t want to be judged on how they look. So why don’t they turn their backs on all this va-va-voom dressing, all the make-up and high heels and beautification?”
And the answer is, I don’t know. I’m a man. I don’t live in a world of being judged on my looks. Or a world in which to look normal is to look ugly, or in which I can increase my power several notches just by how I dress.
What’s complicated for women is simple for men. Just think of John Malkovich, another normal-looking leading man. On being asked what he most disliked about his appearance, he said, “I don’t think about it. I’m a geezer. Who cares?”
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idridian · 6 months
oh yeah, @asylos showed me "zoolander" the other day, which went exactly the way you might expect
i asserted during our last watchthrough of space odyssey that every movie parodying the dawn of man sequence is doing it better than stanley and miri immediately replied with "we should watch zoolander" and i somehow didn't clock what that meant and was just like "lol okay"
this movie is full of cameos. i'm absolute shit at recognising people. hilarity ensued
loudly booing one (1) specific cameo for obvious reasons
i managed to recognise will ferrell and i've literally never been prouder of myself
also i got hit by apollo's dodgeball of prophecy during the gasoline fight because i was like "okay now somebody throw a match at that" like HALF a second before that guy lit his cigarette and miri laughed while i lost my entire fucking mind about it
"who's the scary dom lady i love her"
ah, she's milla from 5th element (and resident evil. which i havent seen)
i confused her for pulp fiction lady at some point
i didn't comment on the bone the balls guy has displayed on his desk but i was quietly wondering why that was there
for ANTS
miri: do you recognise that voice me: 'do you recognise-' no. the answer is always no. who is that? miri: haha. mulder x files me: i havent seen that show
zoolander: hi, paris me: hilton, i assume? miri: yes
i am. SO bad at cameos, y'all
is that rihanna?
is that brad pitt?
i dont know any of these models
miri told me "get ready for the best cameo in the movie" and i was about to say sth to the effect of "there are so many people onscreen i'm scared of missing it" and then fuckin DAVID BOWIE walked out and i lost my entire mind AGAIN
not me going "aww" at this movie when it's being sincere about sth
"honestly they should be a throuple" i said and apollo took that personally
pictured: my reaction to the reason miri showed me the film
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miri said "the computer comes back in a fun way" and for a beautiful ten minutes or so (until the actual payoff happened) i lived in a world where i was about to hear douglas rain voicing a hal parody. because i had read somewhere that he did that at some point but i didnt remember the details, so i thought he was in zoolander
he was not. the thing i was vaguely remembering was his role in sleeper (1973)
which is later learned he wasn’t even in and it was probably a soundalike rip
anyway zoolander was a surprisingly wholesome bop
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fanficg12023 · 7 months
Bradpig in Hollywood
How would the story be if it had been told from the perspective of Snowball after he was expelled from the farm? He would have a good life? So, that is our story. After Snowball was expelled from the farm, he searched for a refugee in a farm close to the other one, but he didn’t know that after 4 years living in that farm, a famous actor would appear to take him from that place. Yes, Brad Pitt, one of the most famous actors of Hollywood, saw Snowball and quickly adopted him. After that, Snowball’s life was the best he could have, he went to parties, shows and a lot of famous events. While Brad Pitt was revolutionizing the Movies, the pig was spreading the revolution through his fame. But suddenly, after a long time of the best life, something happened, that changed the way how things were for Snowball. Ghosts from his past appeared again to mess with his life. Who are they and how Snowball could solve this? Read and you will find out.
Camilla Barone and Gabriela Penna
Bradpig in Hollywood
It’s been 5 years since I was expelled from Animal Farm, honestly, I couldn’t be better. When I was expelled I ran for another farm, not so far. I stood there for 4 years, working and working. The conditions of the farm were good, I had food all day and the humans provided resting hours for us. But one day, the men of the farm cleaned all the animals and the farm, giving us the entire day off, that was when we discovered that someone famous was going there.
I didn’t care much, stood in my pigsty sleeping while the man, who went visit us, was seeing the other animals, but when he saw me, something happened, he said he wanted to adopt me and stuff like that, I didn’t knew what was that, but the man took me and I never saw that farm again.
Everything happened very fast, suddenly I was in another country, with other people and almost zero animals with me. It was Los Angeles. I confess that it was beautiful, with a lot of buildings and people on the streets. It was messy but beautiful. The man took me to his house. It was giant and pretty, different from everything that I had seen before. At that moment I realized that I wouldn’t work on a farm anymore and that my life would become very important to the world.
It’s been one year that I've been living with him, during this time I discovered some things that helped me understand what was happening. The name of the man is Brad Pitt, he is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood and he is very very rich. Every day I have to go with him to some interview, some party, some event or that kind of thing and that end up making me a famous person. 
We became a famous duo, Bradpig, and everyone started loving us and wanting our presence everywhere, that was when I started to spread my philosophy to the other animals. When I was in the street the animals yelled things telling me that their owners started to treat’em better after what I told them about how a good life should be for the animals.
Revolutions started spreading all over the world, more animal farms were created, all of them with my philosophy behind them. My life was the best, I had everything I wanted when I wanted, I didn’t need to work and all the time I had the most marvelous foods you can imagine.
But, 20 days ago something happened, I discovered that some animals from the original Animal Farm were coming. At first, I thought that this could be a good thing, but then I realized that they were coming to try to steal my place. The animal farm had gone wrong, Napoleon had been transformed almost into a human and after that, all the animals ran. They started to know where I was because of my fame and because of the other Animal Farms that were created.
Their goal was to steal my place and have a good life again, they planned to kidnap me and use this to gain fame, which would make them rich and could improve their lives, because of the attention of all Hollywood. 
Was at night when I heard a noise in the window of my bedroom. I looked out the window and saw them. I saw that Boxer wasn’t there and that concerned me because he could have stayed with Napoleon on the old farm. I pretended to be sleeping while they entered through the window and grabbed me. That was when I opened my eyes and made everyone there scared. I knew I could convince them to not do that, I knew that I could improve their lives only with my fame, so I started talking and surprisingly they started to listen. 
I told that I could help them to have good food and good homes, without having to work or make an effort for anything. In the conversation, they told me that Boxer had died and that the farm had gone wrong because of Napoleon and all they wanted was to have a good life. The next day, all of the animals appeared to Brad Pitt, and he decided to adopt them all, creating a real farm and giving fame to all the animals. I continued to be part of Hollywood and spread revolutions, but now, everything is fine and I couldn’t think of a better life.
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tulpmagazine · 1 year
무근본에 방문한 Brad Pitt [2023.04.08]
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💛TULP : So Brad, we heard you recently visited a karaoke spot in Seoul, Korea called Moogeunbon. Can you tell us about your experience there?
💛튤립 : 브래드 씨, 최근에 한국 서울에 있는 '무근본'이라는 노래방을 방문하셨다고 들었습니다. 그곳에서의 경험에 대해 말씀해 주시겠습니까?
❤️Brad Pitt : Yes, it was a really unique experience for me. I've never been to a karaoke spot quite like it before. The atmosphere was amazing, with the 90s-style DJ and the Korean-style karaoke. It was something I'll never forget. 
❤️브래드 피트 : 네, 그것은 저에게 정말 독특한 경험이었습니다. 저는 노래방 같은 곳에 가본 적이 없습니다. 90년대 스타일의 DJ와 한국 스타일의 가라오케로 분위기가 정말 멋졌습니다. 절대 잊지 못할 일이었습니다.
💛TULP : Did you have a favorite song that you sang?
💛튤립 : 당신이 가장 좋아하는 노래가 있었습니까? 
❤️Brad Pitt: (laughs) Oh, I didn't sing. I was too busy enjoying the music and trying to hook up with a girl who caught my eye. 
❤️브래드 피트 : (웃음) 아, 저는 노래하지 않았습니다. 저는 음악을 즐기느라 너무 바빴고 제 눈에 띄는 여자를 만나려고 노력했습니다.
💛TULP : (laughs) Oh, really? What happened there? 
💛튤립 : (웃음) 아, 정말요? 거기서 무슨 일이 있었습니까? 
❤️Brad Pitt: (chuckles) Yeah, I saw this beautiful girl across the room and I thought maybe I had a shot since DJ Hellchang was holding an event for me. But as it turned out, she didn't know who I was at all. I guess I'm not as famous in Korea as I thought I was. 
❤️브래드 피트 : (웃음) 네, 저는 방 건너편에 있는 이 아름다운 소녀를 보았습니다. 그리고 저는 DJ 헬창이 저를 위해 행사를 열었기 때문에 제가 기회가 있을지도 모른다고 생각했습니다. 하지만 알고 보니, 그녀는 제가 누구인지 전혀 몰랐습니다. 저는 제가 생각했던 것만큼 한국에서 유명하지 않은 것 같습니다.  
💛TULP : (laughs) That's too bad. But it sounds like you had a good time nonetheless. 
💛튤립 : (웃음) 안됐군요. 그래도 즐거운 시간을 보낸 것처럼 들리네요.
❤️Brad Pitt: Yeah, definitely. It was a great night, and the energy in that place was incredible. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone visiting Seoul.  
❤️브래드 피트 : 네, 물론이죠. 멋진 밤이었고, 그곳의 에너지는 정말 대단했습니다. 서울을 방문하는 사람이라면 누구에게나 꼭 추천합니다. 
💛TULP : Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Brad. It's always great to hear about celebrities enjoying themselves in different parts of the world. 
💛튤립 : 우리에게 당신의 경험을 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다, 브래드. 세계의 다른 지역에서 연예인들이 즐기는 것에 대해 듣는 것은 항상 좋습니다. 
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Q: How did you know 'Moogeunbon' and why do you like it?
Brad Pitt: I actually heard about 'Moogeunbon' from a friend who lives in Seoul. They said it was a really unique spot that I had to check out. And they were right - I loved the energy and vibe of the place. It's definitely not your typical karaoke bar. 
 Q: What was your favorite liquor? There were lots of stuffs like soju, beer, cocktail, and whiskey.
Brad Pitt: I'm not really a big drinker, but I did try some of the local Soju and really enjoyed it. It's got a unique flavor that I haven't really tasted before. And of course, I had to try a little bit of everything - beer, cocktail, and whiskey included. But Soju was definitely my favorite.
Q: After the hook-up event, where did you go? 
Brad Pitt: Well, after the event was over, some of the bartenders and I went to a PC room to play some games. We played 'League of Legends' and it was a lot of fun. 
Q: Tell me about your playing with "Duhong", one of the best Malzahar experts in Korea! How was it? 
Brad Pitt: Oh man, playing with Duhong was awesome. He really knows his stuff when it comes to Malzahar. I'm still a bit of a noob when it comes to 'League of Legends', but he was patient and gave me some tips on how to improve my gameplay. It was really cool to play with someone who's so good at the game. 
Q: So you're planning to invest in 'Moogeunbon' and make NY and LA branch? 
Brad Pitt: Well, I can't say for sure yet, but I am definitely interested in 'Moogeunbon' and what they're doing. It's such a unique concept and I think it could really take off in other cities. So, who knows, maybe one day we'll see a 'Moogeunbon' in New York or LA.  
"I had an amazing time in Seoul and I hope to come back soon. I want to give a special shoutout to the team at 'Moogeunbon' for showing me such a great time and introducing me to Korean culture. And to all the people out there, if you ever get the chance to visit Seoul, make sure to check out 'Moogeunbon' and experience the amazing karaoke and nightlife scene that Korea has to offer. Thank you!"
Q: '무근본'을 어떻게 알았으며, 왜 좋아하십니까? 
브래드 피트: 저는 사실 서울에 사는 친구로부터 '무근본'에 대해 들었습니다. 그들은 그곳이 제가 확인해야 하는 정말 독특한 장소라고 말했습니다. 그리고 그들이 옳았습니다. 저는 그곳의 에너지와 분위기가 너무 좋았습니다. 일반적인 노래방은 절대 아닙니다. 
Q: 어떤 술을 가장 좋아했습니까? 소주, 맥주, 칵테일, 위스키 등 많은 것들이 있었습니다. 
브래드 피트: 저는 술을 잘 마시지는 않지만, 지역 소주를 좀 마셔보고 정말 즐겼습니다. 제가 맛본 적이 없는 독특한 맛이 납니다. 그리고 물론 맥주, 칵테일, 위스키를 포함한 모든 것을 조금씩 시도해야 했습니다. 하지만 소주는 확실히 제가 가장 좋아했습니다. 
 Q: 후크업 행사가 끝난 후, 어디로 갔습니까? 
브래드 피트: 음, 행사가 끝난 후, 바텐더들과 저는 게임을 하기 위해 PC방에 갔습니다. 리그 오브 레전드를 했는데 정말 재미있었습니다. 
 Q: 한국 최고의 말자하 전문가 중 한 명인 "두홍"과 함께 게임한 것에 대해 알려주세요! 그거 어땠습니까? 
브래드 피트: 오 이런, 두홍이랑 노는 거 정말 멋졌어요. 그는 말자하에 관한 한 자신의 능력을 정말로 알고 있습니다. 저는 '리그 오브 레전드'에 관해서는 아직 약간 어리숙하지만, 그는 인내심을 가지고 제 게임 플레이를 개선하는 방법에 대한 몇 가지 팁을 주었습니다. 게임을 너무 잘하는 사람과 함께 하는 것은 정말 멋졌습니다. 
 Q: 그럼 '무근본'에 투자하고 NY와 LA 지점을 만들 계획입니까? 
브래드 피트: 글쎄요, 아직 확실히 말할 수는 없지만, 저는 확실히 '무근본'과 그들이 하는 일에 관심이 있습니다. 그것은 매우 독특한 개념이고 저는 그것이 다른 도시에서 정말로 도약할 수 있다고 생각합니다. 그래서, 언젠가 우리는 뉴욕이나 LA에서 '무근본'을 보게 될 지도 모릅니다.
"저는 서울에서 놀라운 시간을 보냈고 곧 다시 오기를 희망합니다. 이렇게 좋은 시간을 보내주시고 한국 문화를 소개해주신 '무근본' 팀에게 특별한 함성을 전하고 싶습니다. 그리고 그곳에 있는 모든 사람들에게, 만약 여러분이 서울을 방문할 기회가 생긴다면, '무은본'을 꼭 확인하고 한국이 제공해야 하는 놀라운 노래방과 밤 문화를 경험해 보세요. 감사합니다!"
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브래드피트's Favorite
MOVIE / 월드 워 Z
영화 <불릿 트레인> 홍보 차 한국에 방문한 인기 배우 브래드피트 씨입니다~
 ☞브래드 피트씨 인스타그램 바로가기
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briamichellewrites · 1 year
2006. Linkin Park hadn’t seen Brian since before his transition, except for Mike and Brad. Now that they were back in the studio together, Mike decided to bring him along to surprise everyone. He was extremely handsome! After going through hormones for twelve months, he had his surgery to make him the man he always wanted to be. He also started working out to build muscles. Brad often told him he would have no trouble getting a boyfriend!
“Hey, guys. I want you to meet someone. This is Brian Pitt.”
They were confused for a moment before they realized who he was. Oh my god! Mike laughed as they approached him. He looked great! They took turns hugging him. His beautiful long brown hair was pulled back into a bun and he had slight facial hair. How was he doing? He was doing great. The last time they heard anything about him, he was wanting to transition. Yeah, that was a few years ago.
He explained the process he went through to transition. It started with him changing his name, clothes, and hair. He then started hormones before having his surgery. It was not fun and he would not do it again. But he was also grateful that he did decide to do it. Why did he choose to transition? He told them about him being adamant he was a boy since he was younger. His father always corrected him because he thought he was just confused about the differences between boys and girls.
Then, he broke down in tears and told him again that he was a boy. That was when he realized he was being serious. He took him to a specialist, who highly recommended taking him seriously. That got the ball rolling in starting his transition. He was in therapy to learn how to love his body for about a year or two. The therapist gave him the diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
The hormones were the worst. Everything came in waves. The first three months were great. Then months six through nine were terrible. Then, the last three months were like the first. They could see parts of Bria in the way he spoke and in his face. They remembered how he mentioned how he wanted to be a boy. They didn’t know that he hated his body. They couldn’t imagine what it would be like to want to be a different gender.
What was his full name? It was Brian Thomas Pitt. He chose his middle name for his biological father, Thomas Mathews and he chose Brian because it was one letter different than Bria. Initially, he wasn’t going to transition because he didn’t want to regret it in the future. After a year or two of therapy, his therapist recommended that he did it to improve his mental health.
Did it improve his mental health? Yeah, he did. When he looked in the mirror, he liked what he saw. Before, he just saw things he wanted to change about himself. Mike confirmed everything he said. He and Brad had no idea what being transgender meant and they had to do a lot of research. They learned a lot from talking to his therapist and doctors. One of the biggest things they learned was to let him be who he wanted to be. He highly recommended reading into what the transgender community.
Was he going to get a girlfriend? No, he was gay. He was wanting a boyfriend, though. They laughed. For the first time in his life, he was genuinely happy about himself and his body. That was obvious in his face and body language. At eighteen, he was officially an adult. Was he going to move out? He wasn’t sure. They were wanting him to leave but were also wanting him to stay.
“‘Brian, you’re never here anymore.’ Or ‘Brian, when are you going to move out?’”
They laughed. They then learned that Mike and Brad were recently engaged. They had been talking about getting engaged for a couple of years but they wanted to wait until after Brian’s transition. Congratulations! He laughed and thanked them. Who asked? He did. They exchanged rings and were planning a small wedding with close friends and family that would include Brian.
Chester got up and congratulated him. He hugged him and thanked him. Was he jealous? No, he wasn’t. He was able to be genuinely happy for him because he was his best friend. What the band didn’t know was that the engagement came after Brad confessed to having a sexual affair with his co-star, Angelina Jolie in 2004. That caused fighting between them. Brian didn’t want to be involved, so he opted to not come home. After he went missing overnight, they had to come together to find him.
He had fallen asleep in the backseat of his car in the driveway. After waking him up, they went back inside. He went after both of them for putting him in the middle of their fights. If they couldn’t get along, he would be running away. They apologized and the three of them talked about what happened. Mike and Brad also had a very long conversation about communication and commitment. Brad wanted to show how sorry he was and how he wanted to commit to being with only him.
Will you commit to being with me and only me for the rest of our lives? Brad said yes. They kissed before hugging each other. The following day, they went shopping for engagement rings. Brian didn’t take them seriously until they proved to him they were done fighting. They apologized for putting him in the middle. That was inappropriate and it shouldn’t have happened.
With time and commitment, the three of them worked together to heal their family. Brad was working on different movies in different locations. Brian was flying to New York for a week to meet him on the set of The Departed, a movie he was co-producing. Matt and Leonardo DiCaprio were going to be there, so he was very excited! He was leaving in a couple of days, so Mike made sure he had everything packed. That included his pass to get on set and his medication.
While the band worked, Brian sat and watched while playing on his phone. He had recently upgraded his old phone to a Sidekick. It was a lot easier for texting. It also had a web browser. Dave got the idea that something happened with Mike and Brad. He wanted to ask, but not in front of Brian. He invited him over to hang out. Yeah, he could do that.
He told Brian he was by himself for dinner. That just meant he was going to Chipotle. The band laughed. Was that his favorite restaurant? Hell yeah! They had the best food! He usually got a burrito bowl because he didn’t know how to eat a burrito without making a huge mess.
At Dave’s hours later, he asked him what happened after giving him a beer. Brad cheated on me. He told him how he had confessed to having a sexual affair that lasted a few months. Because of that, they were fighting and unknowingly putting Brian in the middle. He was so angry that he threatened to run away. For him, he thought that the image he had of his father was destroyed.
“He held him up as someone who was perfect and his affair shattered that image for him.”
“So you’re marrying a guy who cheated on you?”
“Yeah. He promised to love me and only me for the rest of our lives. That sounds different when you say it out loud.”
“Mike, I know you built your life with him but don’t marry a cheater. At least consider what you’re going into. He’s not the only guy on this planet.”
He nodded before taking a drink of his beer. After they both got a little drunk, they kissed. They were about ready to take their clothes off but they stopped. Dave backed up and apologized. He was sorry too. Since he was too drunk to drive, he insisted he spend the night. He would. Thank you. Until then, they continued talking while they finished their beers.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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