#he should have studied industrial agriculture
master-gatherer · 2 years
I have
So many thoughts
On the Master's blood harvesting plant
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semisolidmind · 2 years
Since this was gonna be longer than a standard ask, I thought I'd submit it instead.
Here are my human x mascot OCs for Fuwa Fuwa Pandemic
Sakiko "Kiki" Djobo
Has a Togolese father and a Japanese mother. Raised primarily in the U.S. but spent a lot of time with family in their parents' home countries growing up.
Kiki was able to get a job as an English teacher at a Japanese school that happened to be close to where her maternal grandparents lived, so she spent some time visiting them before her job officially started. That is, unfortunately, when everything went down.
Kiki ends up escaping an encounter with a mascot, but her grandparents sacrificed themselves to save her. They hid her in an old bunker in the house, where she stayed until the threat of starvation forced her out.
Eventually, she meets up with a group of survivors, mostly around her age, who are trying to find the perfect place to settle, where there are few mascots or where they can more easily defend themselves from attacks.
The group travels far, but eventually they come across an old farm near a city that seems to be mostly left alone at this time and decide to make it their homebase. Kiki, who likes to garden, and a grad student who was studying industrial agriculture convince the group to try and farm it for a steady source of food. There's even a stream that bisects the farmland, a stable source of water they can exploit for themselves and the crops.
Suiko is an apex mascot, inspired by a mythical water creature that, according to folk tradition, inhabited that very creek, the Kappa.
Because the mascot he was based on was actually made of waterproof materials, Suiko is one of the only mascots who has the ability to swim, as his skin is naturally smooth and watertight.
His swimming prowess has allowed him to supplement his carnivorous diet with water creatures, such as fish and frogs. But he'll drown a human if he's hungry enough and the opportunity presents itself. Transient survivors are often drawn to the creek because it's a good water source.
If he's not that hungry or he's too tired to hunt, he may engage survivors in polite conversation, but they should still be wary of him.
How They Met
At first, Suiko enjoys his solitary life, but he begins to grow lonely. Until, one day, a group of survivors overtakes the recently abandoned farm that surrounds his part of the creek. He revels in the prospect of a steady source of meals for the next week or so.
But one of them comes to the creek to do laundry, and he has to admit, he finds them kind of attractive. And he's not that hungry at the moment, so he reveals himself and promises not to hurt them if they don't try to run from him.
The human hesitantly agrees, eventually introducing herself as Sakiko, or Kiki, for short. Even though this mascot is polite to her, she can't help but feel disappointed that her group might have to move again. Until she remembers a bit of folklore about Kappas; they love cucumbers. And the farm has a few cucumber plants that are putting out fruits like crazy. So Kiki promises to come back and give him one. He's a little skeptical, but he lets her go because he's genuinely curious about this exalted "cucumber."
Kiki leaves to put the clothes out to dry and comes back with a handful. Suiko's face lights up when he tries the strange fruit and he becomes somewhat obsessed with them.
So he and Kiki strike a deal that, if she brings him cucumbers whenever she can and talks with him for a while, he'll leave the other survivors alone and will hide from them while continuing to defend his territory from rival mascots.
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they sit by the river and “talk” (suiko talks, kiki listens and tries not to think about how easily he could tear her apart)
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vegan-commie · 2 months
this paper is phenomenal. some of my highlights under the cut
… killing in itself is not the problem but the act of rendering whole categories of beings legitimately “killable” (or at any rate exploitable; When Species Meet, 80). This is supported by Wolfe’s argument that the concept of species has the function of legitimising “indirect murder,” in contemporary biopolitical contexts, through framing certain forms of killing as ethically acceptable. Moreover, he suggests that the categorization of certain actors (both human and non-human) as legitimately exploitable on a large scale, which occurs within the agricultural-industrial complex, has acted as a testing ground for the techniques of biopower:
Such practices must be seen not just as political but as in fact constitutively political for biopolitics in its modern form. Indeed the practices of maximizing control over life and death, of ‘making live’, in Foucault’s words, through eugenics, artificial insemination and selective breeding, pharmaceutical enhancement, inoculation and the like, are on display in the modern factory farm as perhaps nowhere else in biopolitical history. (Before the Law, 46
“Species” thus functions to separate actors who are legitimately “killable” from those who are not and, perhaps still more seriously, de-politicizes these acts of killing; making it impossible to ask ethical questions about them. This is deeply problematic for two reasons: firstly, it secures an epistemological mechanism that allows animality to be projected onto certain social groups,whenever it is politically expedient to disregard their rights (as touched on previously); secondly, the failure to understand such acts of killing as political means that it is impossible to disrupt the mechanisms of biopower that enact this killing.
Wolfe’s argument is thus that meat consumption is bound up with the structures guaranteeing the ipseity of the humanist subject and is contingent on animals being positioned as legitimately “consumable.”
Articulated in a Foucauldian register, carno-phallogocentrism thus refers less to the ritualised sacrifice of animals at the behest of the autonomous subject, and more to the way that meat consumption feeds into the discoursesof the liberal consumer-subject: as a manifestation of the freedom to do (or eat!) whatever this subject wants (as long as it is economically productive).
What is key is that any new delineation of this [ethical] community should not be rigid, but create the necessary conditions for further openness and complexity, echoing Wolfe’s closing argument: “An affirmative biopolitics need not—indeed, as I have argued cannot—simply embrace ‘life’ in all its undifferentiated singularity” (104); instead “we must choose [what to include in the ethical community], and by definition we cannot choose everyone and everything at once. But this is precisely what ensures that, in the future, we will have been wrong” (103). In this light, a material practice (such as veganism) that takes a clearly defined ethical position but, in doing so, denaturalises the epistemological structures that support humanist political subjectivities, is perhaps more open than one that seemingly stays with the trouble” but does not create space for identifying, or critically engaging with, the ethical blind-spots that perpetuate humanist norms and values.
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scotianostra · 5 months
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Reverend Patrick Bell was born on May 12th 1799 at Auchterhouse near Dundee.
Born into a farming family Bell was brought up at the farrm at Mid Leoch and attended Auchterhouse Parish School, Patrick Bell was only 27 when he had the idea that led to his invention, which was one of the first pieces of mechanical agricultural machinery to be used. He failed to profit financially from his invention, preferring instead to become parish minister. He studied Divinity at St Andrews University and was ordained as minister of Carmyllie Church in 1843.
Two stained glass windows at Carmyllie Church commemorate his life. He was minister in the parish from 1843 till his death in 1869.
The following excellent article is reprinted here with the kind permission of the Dundee Courier and Advertiser in 2008.
The 2008 harvest has been a trial, but spare a thought for those who had to struggle in the far off pre-combine days, when crops were cut and bound into sheaves. All highly labour intensive stuff but at least the binder could cut and bind the sheaves in one operation - before that it was sickle or scythe for cutting and hand binding.
It was an Angus man who started the world's farms on the way to harvest mechanisation. Patrick Bell, a farmer's son from Mid Leoch, near Auchterhouse, developed the first successful reaper in 1828.
He had a very analytical mind and was especially interested in engineering. He installed a gas lighting system at Mid Leoch and even took an interest in the cultivation of sugar beet, growing some and extracting sugar from it a century before the industry came to Scotland.
Many people, historians included, have mistakenly credited Cyrus McCormick of America as the inventor of the reaper in 1831. However, it should be Patrick Bell who is recognised as the designer of a machine that was deemed far more efficient and reliable than any previous attempts. Four of his reapers went to America where it is likely they influenced the designs of both McCormick and his contemporary Obed Hussey.
Patrick Bell designed and built his reaper when he was a divinity student at St Andrews University, getting the idea for his cutting system from a pair of garden shears that were stuffed into a hedge. He took the shears through a gap in the hedge and tried them on some standing grain. His first design was built in model form and with the help of a Tealing carpenter a full size version was assembled. Fear of derision led him to spread earth on the floor of his shed where he planted stalks of harvested grain to trial his machine.
The reaper cut the grain adequately but it fell unevenly for gathering for hand binding. Undaunted, he developed a canvas conveyor that the cut grain fell back against. It was then transported to the side of the machine falling into a neat windrow. A revolving reel to pull the crop on to the knife was also included in his design.
Eventually satisfied with his machine's performance he and his brother took the reaper out to a field of wheat at 11pm when prying eyes were asleep. The "guid horse Jock" was yoked, but the trial started disappointingly. In their excitement the brothers had forgotten to attach the reel. They hurriedly brought it out to the field and fitted it. The machine then worked very satisfactorily. Confident of the reaper's ability a public trial was staged at Powrie Farm on the 10th of September 1828. It received a favourable report in the "Quarterly Journal of Agriculture" and received a premium of £50 from the Highland Agricultural Society, which barely covered costs.
Bell did not file for a patent believing that his invention should benefit all. This led to various copies being made that were inferior to the Bell-made machines and they did nothing to encourage wide-spread usage. However around 10 of Bell's machines were sold in east central Scotland and, as previously mentioned, four crossed the Atlantic, others went to Australia and Poland.
At this time in history labour was still cheap and many farmers did not see the benefit of such a machine, preferring to stay with traditional methods. This was another case of a good invention being too far ahead of its time. However, the Bell machine was to prove itself as far as reliability and longevity was concerned, as the original machine continued for many harvests at Mid Leoch before going to work for many more at his brother's Inchmichael Farm.
In 1852 it was put in a good state of repair and shown at the Highland Show at Perth where it was thought by many to be the latest machine on the market. However, the Americans eventually began to sell greater quantities of reaping machines no doubt due to their lightness, manoeuvrability and competitive mass-produced pricing.
Meanwhile, now ordained, the Reverend Bell became minister of Carmyllie parish where he continued an interest in engineering, working at his bench at the manse. He remained unaffected by all the clamour that his machine had caused.
The Inchmichael machine, fastidiously looked after by his brother, ended up in the Science Museum in London where it still resides today.
Two contemporary models of the machine were presented to the National Museum and one is on show at the National Museum of Rural Life at Kittochside, East Kilbride. A third was presented by his daughters to the agricultural department of Aberdeen University.
Today's combine harvester has thus developed from the work of two ingenious Scotsmen - it is a combination of Andrew Meikle's threshing mechanism and Patrick Bell's reaper.
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ukrfeminism · 6 months
Though British farming is arguably at the most precarious point in its long history – thanks to changes caused by Brexit and food industry subsidies, lack of clear food production policies and increased concern over environmental issues – more women than ever are choosing a career in agriculture and, more importantly, moving into leadership roles.
Back in the 1970s, Holly Collins was studying for her A-levels in Sussex. While her friends sent off their university applications, she wrote to the Royal Agricultural College asking for an entry form, hoping to follow her dream of becoming a farmer.
“They wrote back with the following answer: ‘Dear Miss Collins, we do not admit women.’”
Undeterred, she worked on a farm the following summer: “A lot of the tasks then were manual labour, so I’d just turn up at the farm gate and ask for a job. I was paid much less than the male students I worked with because I was female. The farmer’s father told him that, because I was the hardest worker, he should pay me the same as them – but he didn’t.”
Things, says the 64-year-old who now has her own upland farm, Hollin Bank, at the head of Coniston Water in the Lake District, have improved a lot for women in agriculture since then.
Though British farming is arguably at the most precarious point in its long history – thanks to changes caused by Brexit and food industry subsidies, lack of clear food production policies and increased concern over environmental issues – more women than ever are choosing a career in agriculture and, more importantly, moving into leadership roles.
Minette Batters, the first ever female president of the National Farmers’ Union of England and Wales (NFU), may have stepped down this spring after six years in office, but women are still well represented in the union, with Rachel Hallos, a South Pennines farmer, installed as NFU vice-president and Abi Reader as deputy president for NFU Cymru. The Great Yorkshire Show has just got its first female show director in its 186-year history – dairy farmer Rachel Coates takes over after this year’s show in July. In the field of specialist skills, the UK has also just appointed its first female wool grader. Amy-Jo Barton, 22, is based at British Wool (formerly the British Wool Marketing Board) in Bradford where she sorts wool by hand based on style and characteristics; a job she finds “very therapeutic”.
While women comprised 17% of farmers in 2019, data from the Office for National Statistics for 2023 shows that of the 104,700 registered farmers, 22% are female. In the broader category of managers in agricultural services, women make up 32% of the workforce. According to recent figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency, 64% of agricultural students are women. For an industry that historically relies on father-to-son succession to pass on land and which used to exclude women from many of its educational establishments, farming has come a long way.
Coates, incoming director of the Great Yorkshire Show, says: “Women have always been the backbone of a farm. Now they’re no longer in the kitchen tied to the Aga, they’re at the forefront of the industry. It’s good to see this take-up of leadership roles.”
Louisa Dines, principal lecturer in agronomy at Harper Adams University in Shropshire, thinks farming has lagged behind in terms of gender diversity but is finally catching up with other industries.
“Farmers’ wives and daughters were always important – farms are typically family businesses and intertwined with home life – but women used to operate below the radar,” she says. “Historically local meetings were in the pub or village hall. Wives often weren’t invited or had to look after the children. Even if they did go, it can be intimidating walking into a room full of men, but new communication platforms – such as social media and video conferencing – have made it easier for women to take part.”
There are more than 14,000 members of the Facebook group Ladies Who Lamb and farmers such as the Yorkshire Shepherdess and the Red Shepherdess have huge followings on TikTok and Instagram. Dines says she recently attended an agritech conference to promote links between women in farming in Poland, Ukraine and England. Previously these women had worked in isolation but not had a sense of community. “It was so interesting to see how far we’ve come.”
Traditions need to change more, though. The average age of a British farmer is 59 and the business is still typically passed down the male side of the family. A 2022 survey in Northern Ireland found that inheritance was the second biggest challenge faced by women in farming. The biggest was male dominance.
Molly Lewis, whose family have farmed sheep on 250 acres of pasture in Powys, Wales, for 350 years, says this attitude is starting to shift. The 20-year-old plans to take over when her father and his brother retire. She splits her time between working in the family business and the local agricultural market.
“In the past, sometimes men felt pressured to take on the farm even if their heart wasn’t in it, but now it goes to whoever is interested. I’ve noticed a lot more women happily getting involved. It feels natural, especially here. We have an open hill farm in the Elan Valley, and do a lot of community work with all our neighbours. You see women and girls on the hills doing the same jobs as the men and no one thinks anything of it.”
Lewis also talks of the community’s fury at the Welsh government’s sustainable farming scheme – the post-Brexit plan for funding the industry which includes ensuring 10% of farmland is under tree cover.
Collins’s farm has low densities of mixed livestock and a nice sideline in educational courses teaching traditional farming skills such as dry stone walling and coppicing. It’s currently host to two masters students researching finance and birdlife. She brought in two women – Megan Jones and Katherine Andrews – to manage Hollin Bank alongside her.
She says she has had difficulties with “a lack of respect” from male farmers. “But I am learning at a late age and from the wonderful young women who work with me that you don’t have to instil fear in others to succeed in this very male world. We try to be warm and encouraging of anyone who is interested. I’m not sure this is a ‘female’ attitude to farming but I suspect it might be.”
None of the three at Hollin Bank grew up in agricultural families, bucking the tradition of succession. While Collins had a “striking ambition” to farm her whole life, her colleagues originally worked in conservation and nature restoration.
“As 70% of the UK is farmland, I wanted to understand how conservation and agriculture intertwine,” says Andrews. “I also believe we need to localise the food economy to save food miles, create jobs and deepen our connection to the land.”
If farming is in crisis it may be this new generation who look to change the status quo who will be able to find a resolution. All of them seem keen to evolve. Coates’s big ambition for the Yorkshire Agricultural Society is to engage young people because “we need to make farming relevant – there are going to be changes in agriculture over the next few years and we need to adapt”.
Dines points to the increased importance of marketing and communication – from farm shops and crafts to environmentally friendly farming practice – “all the public-facing activities at which women excel”.
Jones, who worked in restoration before joining Hollin Bank two years ago, also points to the need for communication within the indusry as well as with the public.
“We need to strengthen food systems that value farmers’ extensive knowledge of the landscapes they work in,” she says. “I think we need to listen to farmers and figure out what works financially and ecologically. How can we build resilient ecosystems?”
The reason so many more women have moved into farming is perhaps best explained when Jones talks about what she enjoys most about her work.
“My favourite thing about working on a farm is the daily and seasonal rhythms. Each day you adapt and respond to the environment and the animals. Days when we move the sheep or cows are always good days, walking with them is like a moving meditation. For someone who spent very little time doing practical work growing up, I find working with my hands very rewarding and empowering – especially as a woman.”
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bee-saucee · 9 months
Meeting the Friends | Kaminari Denki Character Study
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pairing: ShinKami
cw: self doubt/mild anxiety and intimacy
words: 1,002
summary: Kaminari meets Shinsou's friends for the first time. Despite pressure to please his boyfriend's friend group, Denki does his best to show up as himself with the help of Shinsou.
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Meeting the friends almost seemed more daunting than meeting the parents. Denki knew how to wear parents down like it was nothing. But not-parents and specifically Shinsou’s friends were much harder to read.
“I have a lot going for me, but being all cool and having opinions about 90s punk rock isn’t really one of them. I just think maybe we should meet another day after I’ve done some more homework on Iron Maiden or whatever.”
Shinsou’s fingers pause in their perusal of Denki’s hair. “Punk rock is really more of a mid 70s to 80s thing and Iron Maiden is more heavy metal–” pillow smack because Denki really didn’t need to hear he was hopeless in posing as alt. “Okay, that was deserved, but I was going to finish that you don’t have to be punk. Just lay on your Denki charm and you’ll be just fine.”
“Goths hate Denki charm!”
“And how would you know that?”
“Because they hate happiness?”
“If anything they want too much of it.” Denki groans gutterally and pulls Shinsou to straddle over top of him. “I’m seriously loving this whole boyfriend thing, but this was easier when we were friends with bens so I didn’t have to meet your friends.”
“You’re overthinking,” Shinsou says and places a soft kiss on Denki’s lips.
He never thought Shinsou would be so…charming. As Denki peeled away the layers of stoic anxiety and insecurities, he was left with an incredibly empathetic and doting partner.
Shinsou had insisted that he was a loner, yet he had a handful of unique people he fell right into step with. He never wanted Shinsou to lose his friends but damn did Denki wish that Hitoshi's friends were easier for him to understand.
“I know, like, two Nirvana songs,” Denki grumbles.
“That’s amazing, baby,” Shinsou says before peeling himself off an opposed Denki.
Denki didn’t want to be clingy with uncomfortable public displays of affection but he couldn’t think of another way to get through this whole ordeal. Maybe he’d just try to stay close enough to Shinsou’s side so he could smell the particular mix of coffee and vanilla bean that lingered from his hours at the cafe and his affinity for sweet cologne.
Denki hops up off his bed and goes for few jumps to hype himself up. It was go time. By the time they made the very anxiously talkative drive to the small diner, Jirou and Tokoyami already had a table at the back where the seats looked particularly sticky and grimey in a people have definitely had sex here kind of way.
Big smiles, and…”It’s so nice to finally meet you both! I’ve heard so much about you both. Not to be that embarrassing guy, but Jirou, Hitoshi loves your new music and so do I. Tokoyami, gotta get a tarot reading from you sometime. I’ve never gotten one but you unlocked a new need in me,” Denki says.
Jirou tilts her head to the side with a slight smile while Tokoyami shuts his eyes and nods simply. He wasn’t expecting the two to be particularly expressive so he could work with this. These were Hitoshi’s closest friends, though. More charm, more charisma.
“So, any reason for this place in particular? Not that it’s bad! It just seems like a very particular spot to pick,“ Denki says as he slides into the booth after Shinsou.
Gosh, he just insulted the restaurant they picked. Maybe the food was fantastic and he was being overly judgemental.
“The decrepit atmosphere makes the dining experience feel less corporate. We can support a failing business that needs it rather than lubricate the cogs of industrial agriculture and dining.”
Okay…so Kaminari had almost no clue what that meant. He never knew what he was talking about though so this was like any other conversation. Deep breath, he could deal.
“I’ma be honest, I never think about…industrial agriculture while I’m eating but that is the definition wicked. Hopefully I’ll be more justice driven the longer I’m with Toshi.”
He looks over and dear God, Hitoshi looked like he’d been stabbed in the knee with how tightly he was clutching it under the table and the sallow look of his pale skin. He was so focused on his own nerves he completely forgot that adding Denki into the mix meant that this was a new social situation and that always led Hitoshi to overthink. Poor thing was probably running through 20 different potential reactions for the first thing he said.
Denki takes Hitoshi’s hand under the table and runs slow circles against his thumb. Boyfriend first, boyfriend’s friends second.
“My sweet pea pod, I think I saw they have burgers for me and grilled cheese for you. Plus,” he taps his foot against Hitoshi’s under the table, “We could share a milkshake if you want. I’ll be so fine to get vanilla if it means I can share thick, sweet, cow piss with you.”
Shinsou’s shoulders slowly lower and the glazed look over his eyes quickly settles with each of Denki’s words.
“Is this now the fifth time we’ve had the milk is not cow piss discussion?” Shinsou says with that exasperatedly fond smile he reserves just for Denki.
“Six. And I don’t wanna hear anything until you go to agriculture school. Or, actually! I trust your friends, they seem wicked smart. Is milk just sussed up cow piss?”
Jirou slides over a paper crane she was folding. “I like you, Denki.”
“I want to say no, but I also don’t know where cows pee from,” Tokoyami admits.
“And I love you Tokoyami. At least someone gets me here.”
Shinsou turns fully to Denki with a slight cock to his head from the side. He taps the tip of Denki’s fingernail lightly before pecking him on the cheek.
“I love you like crazy. Thanks for being here,” Shinsou whispers.
“Wouldn’t be anywhere else.”
“You’re doing great by the way.”
“I want you to rail me so hard when we get home,” Denki gushes.
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fromgreecetoanarchy · 2 years
[Video] Rare footage of anarchist Pyotr Kropotkin in 1917 at the age of 74
Peter Alekseyevich Kropotkin, (born December 9, 1842, Moscow, Russia—died February 8, 1921, Dmitrov, near Moscow), Russian revolutionary and geographer, the foremost theorist of the anarchist movement. Although he achieved renown in a number of different fields, ranging from geography and zoology to sociology and history, he was eternalized for the life of a revolutionist.
Early life and conversion to anarchism
The son of Prince Aleksey Petrovich Kropotkin, Peter Kropotkin was educated in the exclusive Corps of Pages in St. Petersburg. For a year he served as an aide to Tsar Alexander II and, from 1862 to 1867, as an army officer in Siberia, where, apart from his military duties, he studied animal life and engaged in geographic exploration.
Kropotkin’s findings won him immediate recognition and opened the way to a distinguished scientific career. But in 1871 he refused the secretaryship of the Russian Geographical Society and, renouncing his aristocratic heritage, dedicated his life to the cause of social justice. During his Siberian service he already had begun his conversion to anarchism—the doctrine that all forms of government should be abolished—and in 1872 a visit to the Swiss watchmakers of the Jura Mountains, whose voluntary associations of mutual support won his admiration, reinforced his beliefs. On his return to Russia he joined a revolutionary group, the Chaiykovsky Circle, that disseminated propaganda among the workers and peasants of St. Petersburg and Moscow. At this time he wrote “Must We Occupy Ourselves with an Examination of the Ideal of a Future System?,” an anarchist analysis of a postrevolutionary order in which decentralized cooperative organizations would take over the functions normally performed by governments.
He was imprisoned in 1874 for his ideas but was freed by his comrades in a sensational escape 2 years later, fleeing to western Europe, where his name soon became revered in radical circles. The next few years were spent mostly in Switzerland until he was expelled at the demand of the Russian government after the assassination of Tsar Alexander II by revolutionaries in 1881. He moved to France but was arrested and imprisoned for 3 years on trumped-up charges of sedition. Released in 1886, he settled in England, where he remained until the Russian Revolution of 1917 allowed him to return to his native country.
Philosopher of revolution
Kropotkin’s aim, as he often remarked, was to provide anarchism with a scientific basis. In Mutual Aid, which is widely regarded as his masterpiece, he argued that, despite the Darwinian concept of the survival of the fittest, cooperation rather than conflict is the chief factor in the evolution of species. Providing abundant examples, he showed that sociability is a dominant feature at every level of the animal world. Among humans, too, he found that mutual aid has been the rule rather than the exception. He traced the evolution of voluntary cooperation from the primitive tribe, peasant village, and medieval commune to a variety of modern associations—trade unions, learned societies, the Red Cross—that have continued to practice mutual support despite the rise of the coercive bureaucratic state. The trend of modern history, he believed, was pointing back toward decentralized, nonpolitical, cooperative societies in which people could develop their creative faculties without interference from rulers, clerics, or soldiers.
In his theory of “anarchist communism,” according to which private property and unequal incomes would be replaced by the free distribution of goods and services, Kropotkin took a major step in the development of anarchist economic thought. Kropotkin envisioned a society in which people would do both manual and mental work, both in industry and in agriculture. Members of each cooperative community would work from their 20s to their 40s, four or five hours a day sufficing for a comfortable life, and the division of labour would yield a variety of pleasant jobs, resulting in the sort of integrated, organic existence.
To prepare people for this happier life, Kropotkin pinned his hopes on the education of the young. To achieve an integrated society, he called for education that would cultivate both mental and manual skills. Due emphasis was to be placed on the humanities and on mathematics and science, but, instead of being taught from books alone, children were to receive an active outdoor education and to learn by doing and observing firsthand, a recommendation that has been widely endorsed by modern educational theorists. Drawing on his own experience of prison life, Kropotkin also advocated a thorough modification of the penal system. Prisons, he said, were “schools of crime” that, far from reforming the offender, subjected him to brutalizing punishments and hardened him in his criminal ways. In the future anarchist world, antisocial behaviour would be dealt with not by laws and prisons but by human understanding and the moral pressure of the community.
Kropotkin combined the qualities of a scientist and moralist with those of a revolutionary organizer and propagandist. For all his mild benevolence, he condoned the use of violence in the struggle for freedom and equality, and, during his early years as an anarchist militant, he was among the most vigorous supporters of “propaganda by the deed”—acts of insurrection that would supplement oral and written propaganda and help to awaken the rebellious instincts of the people. He was the principal founder of both the English and Russian anarchist movements and exerted a strong influence on the movements in France, Belgium, and Switzerland.
Return to Russia of Peter Alekseyevich Kropotkin
Events took an unexpected turn with the outbreak of the Russian Revolution in 1917. Kropotkin, by this time age 74, hastened to return to his homeland. When he arrived in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) in June 1917 after 40 years in exile, he was greeted warmly and offered the ministry of education in the provisional government, a post he brusquely declined. Yet his hopes for the future were never brighter, because in 1917 the organizations that he thought might form the basis of a stateless society—the communes and soviets, or soldiers’ and workers’ councils—suddenly began to appear in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
With the Bolshevik seizure of power in October 1917, however, his earlier enthusiasm turned to bitter disappointment. “This buries the revolution,” he remarked to a friend. The Bolsheviks, he said, have shown how the revolution was not to be made—that is, by authoritarian rather than libertarian methods. Kropotkin’s last years were devoted chiefly to writing a history of ethics, one volume of which was completed. He also fostered an anarchist cooperative in the village of Dmitrov, north of Moscow, where he died in 1921. His funeral, attended by tens of thousands of admirers, was the last occasion in the Soviet era when the black flag of anarchism was paraded through the Russian capital.
Kropotkin’s life exemplified the high ethical standard and the combination of thought and action that he preached throughout his writings. He displayed none of the egotism, duplicity, or lust for power that marred the image of so many other revolutionaries. Because of this he was admired not only by his own comrades but by many for whom the label of anarchist meant little more than the dagger and the bomb. The French writer Romain Rolland said that Kropotkin lived what Leo Tolstoy only advocated, and Oscar Wilde called him one of the two really happy men he had known.
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infantisimo · 2 years
Night schools have a long history in Maharashtra. The first night school for labourers and agricultural workers was opened in Pune city in 1855, in the face of opposition from people who believed so-called lower castes should receive only vocational training. Later in Mumbai, night schools thrived as learning centres for its mill workers.
Today, in Bombay and across India, especially in its industrial centres, night schools are a vital resource that allow the poor and working class a chance of literacy and a new future.
Pinky found out about the night school from her husband, who had studied there himself before they were married seven years ago. He is now a gardener on contract with Mumbai’s municipal corporation.
Her days are packed. Every weekday morning, she takes her daughter to kindergarten and cleans her tiny one-room house in a warren of makeshift homes that abut a freight railway track. In the afternoon, she looks after her daughter and then takes the bus – if she has the money for it – or walks to the night school. She does her homework after her husband and child are asleep.
Pinky tries not to miss any lessons, but computer classes are a priority. Every Friday, a bus converted into an ad hoc classroom parks outside the night school. With laptops, chargers, and benches to seat two students at each of the ten devices, computer nights always see the highest attendance rates.
On days Pinky does not attend class, she may get a nudging call from Santosh Yadav, the school’s headteacher. He has taught there for 32 years and knows the circumstances of every student – who has lost a parent and who had to drop out of day school for work or a sudden crisis.
The Covid pandemic was a major setback, he said: around 50 students did not return to class after schools reopened. The school now has 140 students, but only around 15 to 20 attend daily; the rest come in depending on when they can get free from their work. It is Yadav who coaxes them to attend and helps them to catch up on the parts of the syllabus they miss. “If even we give up on our students, who will believe in them?” he asks.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
An activist group and researchers tried to increase pressure on agribusiness giant Cargill on Wednesday to do more to fight deforestation and human rights abuse, releasing a report that accuses the company of not following through on commitments to help end such practices.
The report argues that the family-owned company has been misled by its managers and now should take the lead in ensuring it carries out its promises to fight forced child labor in the cocoa industry and protect forests and other natural resources. As one of the world's largest privately held companies and by far the largest grain distributor, Cargill is in a unique position to force positive changes, especially in ending deforestation, the groups said in the report.
"The destruction of the natural world is driven by agribusiness and agribusiness is driven by Cargill," said Todd Paglia, executive director of the environmental group Stand.Earth, at a news conference in Wayzata, Minnesota, a Minneapolis suburb where Cargill is based.
Besides the news conference, Stand.Earth highlighted the report by buying full page advertisements in The New York Times and Minneapolis Star Tribune newspapers. Later Wednesday, the group planned to deliver documents backing its report to the Wayzata headquarters of the families that own a majority of Cargill and ask that they be given to 20 leading members of the families.
Cargill did not immediately respond to a request to comment about the report.
According to its 2022 annual report, Cargill recorded $165 billion in revenue for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2022. The company says it has 155,000 employees and operates in 70 countries, with sales in 125 countries.
The report states that 193,000 square miles (499,868 square kilometers) of forest were destroyed through human activity from 2015 to 2020, primarily because of expansion of agriculture in South America, Central America and parts of Africa. Although Cargill has promised to end deforestation practices for products in its supply chain, the report argues the company has invested in ports and other infrastructure in South America that will lead to the removal of forests for land to grow soybeans.
The report, compiled with help from the Brazilian journalism organization Repórter Brasil and the nonprofit group AidEnvironment, also accuses Cargill of not following through on its commitments, first in 2001 and then in 2010, to end or at least reduce forced child labor in the cocoa industry. Cargill is one of the world's largest cocoa suppliers.
The report cited a U.S. Department of Labor-funded study that found the number of children harvesting cocoa in the Ivory Coast and Ghana and the prevalence of hazardous child labor in those countries had both increased.
“It's one thing not to meet an ambitious target,” said Mathew Jacobson, director of Stand.Earth. “It's another to have the problems you claim to be addressing get worse.”
Jacobson said he is hopeful the families that own most of Cargill will push for change if it realizes company executives are not making meaningful changes.
“We are not asking for anything the company has not already promised,” the report says in its conclusion. “We seek implementation, not new commitments.”
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swiftgreenfilterindia · 2 months
Polluted Waters: A Global Crisis
The process by which dangerous materials, also referred to as pollutants, are discharged into the environment is known as pollution. Pollutants include plastics, smoke, chemicals emitted by industry, volcanic ash, and rubbish. 
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Many natural and human-caused processes can lead to water pollution, which is a serious environmental problem.
Industrial Discharges
 Industrial discharge contains a large number of hazardous chemicals. It discharges these chemicals directly into the rivers, lakes, or nearby water bodies. These highly toxic chemicals may harm aquatic animals and human beings.
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Urban Runoff
Common runoff pollutants include oil, paint, household cleaning supplies, sediment, pesticides, fertilizers, trash, yard waste, and pet waste. The everyday activities we do around our businesses, homes, and yards can impact the quality of the runoff that drains into our waterways.
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Agricultural Practices
Bad management practices include poorly managed animal feeding operations, overgrazing, plowing, fertilizer, and improper, excessive, or badly timed use of pesticides. Pollutants from agriculture greatly affect water quality and can be found in lakes, rivers, wetlands, estuaries, and groundwater.
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Wastewater and Sewage Disposal
Domestic households, industrial and agricultural practices produce wastewater that can cause pollution of many lakes and rivers. Sewage is the term used for wastewater that often contains feces, urine and laundry waste. There are billions of people on Earth, so treating sewage is a big priority.
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Mining Activities
Water pollution may be caused by direct discharge of mine water to the water stream and due to erosion and wash off from the mined out area and waste dumps. The water may be acidic, alkaline, charged with dissolved chemicals and toxic substances or suspended solid particles.
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Marine Dumping
Trash winds up in the ocean due to littering, illegal dumping, poor waste disposal practices, storm water discharge and extreme natural events like tsunamis. It’s not always intentional, but the debris comes from people with a majority of it originating on land first.
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By Kate pickles should have been free to roam the seas for decades to come. Instead, this pilot whale endured a long, agonizing death, unable to hunt food because his stomach was filled with more than 80 plastic bags. The creature was found in a canal in southern Thailand, surrounded by plastic he had regurgitated after mistaking it for food.
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Imbalance Ecosystem
Polluted water can lead to a decrease in biodiversity, as it may contain harmful substances that can kill plant and animal species, disrupt their reproductive patterns or alter their habitats. This can disrupt food chains and overall ecosystem stability.
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Climate Change
Water quality is also affected by climate change, as higher water temperatures and more frequent floods and droughts are projected to exacerbate many forms of water pollution – from sediments to pathogens and pesticides (IPCC).
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Biodiversity Loss
Water pollution has significant negative effects on biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems. Pollution from various sources, including illicit drugs such as cocaine, leads to changes in the morphology and activity of aquatic organisms, impairing their reproduction and causing population decline.
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Unwanted Diseases
Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio.
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Reproduction Disorders
These environmental chemicals now became a major public health concern given that exposure to them, particularly during the sensitive windows of human reproduction, could cause adverse reproductive outcomes (both structural and functional), especially that some have endocrine-disrupting properties.
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Global effects:-
A recent study by the nonprofit watchdog organization Environmental Working Group (EWG) asserts that millions of Americans are drinking water containing carcinogens (including Tobacco smoke, Radiation, Sunlight and Alcohol) and that the contamination may be responsible for more than 100,000 cases of cancer.
Only 0.5% of water on Earth is usable and available freshwater – and climate change is dangerously affecting that supply. Over the past 20 years, terrestrial water storage – including soil moisture, snow and ice – has dropped at a rate of 1 cm per year, with major ramifications for water security. (WMO, 2021)
Tackling water pollution is crucial for preserving ecosystems, public health, and ensuring a sustainable future through collective action and awareness of our environmental impact. To maintain a healthier lifestyle and prevent diseases use Swift Green water filters in your home and workplaces.
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Which is better: BSc Biotechnology or B Pharmacy?
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In the present time, both the subjects B Pharmacy and BSc Biotechnology sector have intensified in their ferociousness in terms of career scope. According to experts, Both disciplines have their own importance in the medical industry. Biotechnology is among the most extensively used areas of Biology, involving the use of living systems and organisms to produce or develop products. Bachelor of Pharmacy is among the most widely used areas of medicinal chemistry, comprising the use of chemicals to produce drugs and medicines.
BSc Biotechnology VS B Pharmacy
BSc Biotechnology is a three-year degree, a complete blend of practical and theoretical classes. BSc in Biotechnology is a wider discipline that comprises learning new approaches for the development of the ecosystem, life, and processes. Biotech, being a wide discipline, takes in a miscellany of Biological concepts. These usually include Human Biology, Cell Biology and Biological Systems, Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Structural Biochemistry, Biological Chemistry, Plant Science, etc.
Whereas, B Pharma is a four-year undergraduate degree program. Bachelor of Pharmacy is the study of drugs and medicines preparation and dispensing methods. The program deals with different subjects that consist of formulation of dosages, synthesis of drugs, testing of new drugs on laboratory animals, marketing of drugs, instrumental and preclinical analysis, and much more.
Eligibility Criteria BSc Biotechnology
All candidates who have passed the 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology form a recognized Board/University.
Eligibility Criteria may vary from university to University.
Eligibility Criteria B Pharmacy
Candidates who intend to pursue B Pharma should have a science background in 10+2 with PCB/PCM as their subjects.
Candidates who score well in NEET/JEE/SAT get preference
Fee Structure
The programs fees may vary depending on the choice of college/institute/university or geographic location.
The average annual fees for BSc Biotechnology ranges Between INR 50,000-INR 2,00,000 a per semester in India.
The B Pharma program fee normally ranges between INR 40, 000 to 1, 00,000 per semester in India.
Career Prospects BSc Biotechnology
The scope of Biotechnology is not solely confined to one sector. Candidates can work in any of these industries: Health and wellness, Agriculture, Medicine, Forestry, Fisheries, Horticulture, Floriculture, Animal Husbandry, Renewable energy, Food processing, Forensic Department, Aquaculture, etc. Candidates need to learn excellent skills if they wish to work in the Biotech Industry. If you have the skills, you are all set to go.
Various Job Profiles
Across different sectors and industries, the job profiles for Biotech graduates are nearly the same. Candidates get entry-level or senior-level positions according to their skills and experience. However, among all the job profiles few happen to be more lucrative. These include:
Biomedical Engineer
Medical Scientist
Biological/Clinical Technician
Process Development Scientist
Biomanufacturing Specialists
Business Development Manager
Marketing Manager
Biotech Product Analyst
Research Scientist
Research Associate
Higher Educational Scope
After finishing BSc Biotechnology degree program, students might go for further advance studies. Here are well-liked higher education options:
If one wishes to pursue education in the same field, he/ she can opt for 2-year MSc in Biotechnology.
Those interested in pursuing a career as a professor in either public or private universities can consider enrolling for PhD programs.
Career Prospects of B Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical sciences degrees offer career opportunities for graduates at all levels. Functioning as a pharmacist is the most direct route, graduates can also leverage their medical knowledge to access jobs in the medical science industry. Knowledge about subjects like chemistry and biology equips them for positions in the life sciences.
Various Job Profiles are as follows:
Drug Inspector 
Pharmaceutical Marketer
Research Lab Scientist
Pharmaceutical company
R&D Executive
Health inspector 
Chemical/drug technician
Medical devices and quality control manufacturing
Medical Underwriter
Higher Educational Scope
Graduates whose expedition for knowledge always goes on or wish to impart their knowledge to the next generation of pharmacists can go for higher studies.
Choosing a Master's in Pharmacy is the best option for those who wish to have a career in research and development.
Another popular option can be opting for a professional doctorate degree program in Pharmacy, (Pharm D). If you are interested in pharmacy practice, clinical pharmacy, and pharmaceutical care then you should definitely go for this program.
Why Study BSc in Biotechnology at Shoolini?
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Shoolini University, consistently ranked as one of the top schools by BioSpectrum, inspires its students to make an impact in today’s world.
The School of Biotechnology is headed by Dr Anuradha Sourirajan, post-doctorate from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA . Expert Faculty from Oxford, National Cancer Institute (USA), NIH (USA), IISc & Oxford that prepare talented students to be future leaders.
The School of Biotechnology has international collaborations with leading foreign universities such as Lanzhou University, China; Gachon University, Korea; University of Naples, Italy; University of Arkansas, USA; and University of Maryland, USA.
Shoolini University boasts a phenomenal placement rate for its graduates. The active placement and career development cell is completely responsible for all the placement activities.
Why study Pharmaceutical sciences at Shoolini?
Top Ranking in B Pharma
The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, has ranked the school of B Pharmacy 36th among the 'Top Pharmacy Colleges in India’. This is the only NIRF-accredited school in Himachal Pradesh, as well as the only university in the state with an NBA-accredited B Pharmacy curriculum.
Placement in B Pharma
Shoolini University’s B Pharma have a high placement rate. Top pharmaceutical conglomerates visit the university to hire students at lavish packages during campus placements. Cipla, Ranbaxy, Novartis, Mankind, and others are among the top recruiters. To date, the highest package offered has been INR 12 lakh.
Leading-edge Curriculum
The research-based curriculum is designed and upgraded by top academics and industry experts. As a result, students are involved in the application and problem-solving projects. The Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry has undergone a lot of transitions and development over the years. If you desire to work in the healthcare industry where you can develop new treatments to replace the prevalent ones, then the answer is clear-cut choose a BSc in Biotechnology. B pharmacy, on the other hand, is a good choice if you want to support the medical sciences by developing drug solutions. Both fields are better, the choice should be made according to your interest and ambition in life. Whatever program you choose, making an informed decision about the university is imperative. Shoolini University is the right choice for all those who wish to be successful in life! Apply Now!
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legalupanishad · 2 years
How to obtain a Real estate license in India: Step-by-step
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This article on 'Steps to obtain a Real estate license in India' was written by Deekhsha Kushwaha, an intern at Legal Upanishad.
Real estate is one of the growing sectors in the world. In India, it is the second most growing industry. According to a survey by the ministry of housing and urban, there is a high chance of real estate in 2030 reaching a market of 1 trillion USD. Apart from this, it is the second growing sector, after agriculture in India. 7-8 percent growth of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in India due to real estate. In this article, we are going to study, what is real estate and how to get a license for real estate from an Indian perspective.
What is the real state?
Actual property is called real estate. Which is included - land and improvements consisting of buildings,  fixtures,  roads, structures, and use systems. Property rights confer land rights, modifications, and environmental assets such as minerals, plants, animals, water, and so on. There are many kinds of real estate. There are some important categories: - Land - Residential - Commercial - Industrial Each category has a unique purpose and utility. This sector is also expected to attract more non-resident Indian (NRI) investment, both short and long-term. The most popular property investment destination for NRIs is expected to be Bengaluru, followed by Ahmedabad, Pune, Chennai, Goa, Delhi, and Dehradun.
How to get a license for the Real estate?
The process of taking a license is not difficult as someone thinks. In fact, it is quite simple. Whoever wants to take a license, must follow the simple steps given below. These steps will help you provide knowledge on getting a license in India for real estate. Step 1. - The first step is to contact your local government to see if there are any special requirements for real estate licensing in your area. If they do, you must ensure that you have met all of the requirements before proceeding to the next step. Step 2. - After you've checked with your local government to see what their requirements are, contact a few different real estate schools in your area and inquire about their programmes. Some schools provide online courses, which can be useful if you have a hectic schedule. Step 2. - After you've narrowed down your school options, the next step is to enroll in the programme of your choice and begin classes. To obtain your license, most programmes will require you to complete both classroom and field training. Step 2. - The final step in obtaining your real estate license is to pass the state-level exam after successfully completing your coursework and field training. Congratulations! In India, you are now a licensed real estate agent!
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How to obtain a Real estate license in India: Step-by-step
The requirement to get a license
If someone wants a real estate license in India, There are many formalities that need to be fulfilled. Here are some important points- - The first thing needs to fulfill, the person must complete is his age of 21. - The second thing is he must complete his/her 12 grade. - The Third step is must complete his accredited real estate education program. Along with these, you have to pass a state license exam. Then finally you have got your license then you should keep your license active, you must complete continuing education courses every year.
Benefits of getting a license
A real estate license in India enables a person to work as a broker or agent in the purchase, sale, or rental of real estate. In India, having a real estate license has numerous advantages. - A larger pool of potential clients: With an Indian real estate license, you will have access to a larger pool of potential clients. This is due to the fact that people looking to buy, sell, or rent property will frequently seek the services of a licensed professional. - Greater earning potential: As an Indian licensed real estate professional, you will be able to earn commissions on property sales. Working as an unlicensed individual may result in a higher earning potential. - Credibility: Having a real estate license in India will boost your credibility among clients and colleagues. This is due to the fact that obtaining a license necessitates fulfilling educational and professional requirements that instill trust and confidence. - Working independently: You will be able to work independently as a licensed real estate agent in India. This means that you can work from home and set your own hours. If you want to work in real estate, getting your real estate license should be one of your top priorities. There are numerous advantages to having a real estate license in India, which can lead to greater success in this field.
Uses of real estate license
For using your real estate license in India you should keep these things in mind- - The license should be issued by the Indian government. - This can be accomplished by contacting the Registrar of Companies and obtaining an application form. You must also have your fingerprints taken and submit them along with your application. - You can begin working as a real estate agent in India once you have obtained your license. You must find a broker who is willing to collaborate with you. - Once you've found a broker, you can begin showing properties and assisting people in buying and selling homes in India.
Registration and getting a real estate license are very easy in India. The demand for real estate professionals has been becoming day by day. It has an amazing career option for the upcoming generation. Anyone who fulfilled the above requirement that has been mentioned may make their career in this field. Every field required hard work and consistency, so this field also required these qualities from your side.
The real estate sector is a fantastic career opportunity. If you want to get a real estate license in India, the process is fairly simple. All you have to do is complete a real estate course and pass the exam. Once you receive your license, you will be able to work as a real estate agent, assisting people in the purchase and sale of the property. If you're seeking a new career challenge or a way to supplement your income, becoming a real estate agent is an excellent choice.
- Learn How To Get A Real Estate License In India 2023, Available at, https://top5foru.info/learn-how-to-get-a-real-estate-license-in-india-2023/. (last visited on February 08, 2023). - How to Become a Real Estate Agent in India? RERA Registration and Guidelines, India, Available at, https://www.magicbricks.com/blog/how-to-become-a-real-estate-agent/125634.html. (last visited on February 08, 2023). Read the full article
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5gtechgroup · 2 years
Robotics: What Is It and Why Should You Care?
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Robots are becoming a more and more common part of our lives. From the robot vacuum to driverless cars, robots are undertaking tasks that were traditionally done by humans. In this article, we’ll cover what Robotics is and why you should care about it.
What is Robotics?
The History of Robotics
Applications of Robotics
The Social Side of Robotics
The Future of Robotics
Robotics-How does it work?
What are the different types of robotics?
Why should you care about Robotics?
How can you get started with Robotics?
What skills do you need to study Robotics?
How Is Robotics Useful in Your Everyday Life?
Types of Robots
Robot Applications
What is Robotics?
The design, construction, and operation of robots are the focus of the engineering field known as robotics. Robots are machines that can be programmed to carry out a series of actions automatically.
Robotics has been around since ancient times. The word “robot” comes from the Czech word “Robota,” which means “forced labor.” The first known robot was created by the Greek engineer Ctesibius around 225 BC. Ctesibius’ robot was a mechanical device that could move on its own and was used in entertainment and ceremonies.
Robotics is used in a variety of fields, including manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and even military combat In the modern world .Robots are often used to perform repetitive tasks such as welding or painting in manufacturing. Robots are used for surgery and rehabilitation In healthcare. In agriculture, robots are used for tasks such as planting and harvesting crops. Robots are used for reconnaissance and bomb disposal In military combat.
The future of robotics is very exciting. With advances in artificial intelligence (AI), it is possible that robots will soon be able to carry out tasks that are currently too difficult or dangerous for humans to do. For example, robots could be used to explore other planets or to clean up hazardous waste sites. As robotics technology continues to develop, it is likely that we will see even more amazing applications for this technology in the years to come.
Read also –Robots-10 Fancy Robots That Might Take Over The World
The History of Robotics
Robotics technology has come a long way since its inception in the early 20th century. Early robots were simple machines that could only perform basic tasks. Today’s robots are much more advanced and can perform complex tasks such as welding, painting, and assembling parts.
The principal robot was made by George Devol in 1954.. He patent his design for an “automatic sequence controlled article transfer device”, which was later called the Unimate. The Unimate was sell to General Motors in 1961 and was use on assembly lines to lift heavy objects and place them in the correct position.
In 1976, two Japanese researchers, Tadashi Sugihara and Ichiro Kato, developed a robot that could walk on two legs. This was a major breakthrough in robotics technology as it showed that robots could be mobile and not just stationary machines.
In 1997, NASA’s Sojourner rover became the first wheeled robot to land on Mars and explore the surface of the planet. Since then, several other rovers and landers have send to Mars, including the Curiosity rover which is still active today.
Robots are now use in a variety of industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and even law enforcement. They are able to work tirelessly for long hours without get tired and can be program to perform specific tasks. With continued advances in technology, it is likely that we will see even more amazing applications for robots in the future.
Applications of Robotics
Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and science that includes mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence, and more. The Czech word “robota,” which means “forced labor” or “drudgery,” is the origin of the word “robot.”
 Robots are increasingly be use in a variety of settings, including manufacturing, hospitals, and even homes. Here are just a few examples of how robotics is be use today:
Manufacturing: Robots have long been used in manufacturing settings to perform tasks such as welding, painting, and assembly. They can work tirelessly for hours or even days on end without get tired, making them ideal for repetitive tasks.
Hospitals: Robots are beginning to be used more and more in hospitals for tasks such as delivering medicines to patients and helping with surgery. They can help reduce the risk of human error and can also provide assistance to doctors and nurses when needed.
Homes: There are a growing number of home robots available on the market that can perform tasks such as vacuuming, mowing the lawn, and even keeping an eye on things while you’re away from home.
Robotics technology has revolutionized manufacturing, design and communication across factories. By automating tasks and processes, robotics can help reduce costs while boosting quality and efficiency.
Beyond the factory floor, there are a number of other potential applications for robotics technology. For instance, robots can use to assist surgeons in performing delicate operations or to provide aid and assistance to the elderly or disabled. In the future, it’s even possible that robots could play a role in exploring and colonizing other planets.
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The Social Side of Robotics
Robotics is not just about the machines, it’s also about the social side of things. Robotics can help people connect with each other and build relationships. For example, there are now robot pets that can provide companionship for people who are lonely or have trouble connecting with others. There are also robots that can use in therapy to help children with autism or other disabilities learn to interact with people.
In addition to helping people connect with each other, robotics can also help people connect with their environment. There are now robots that can use to explore dangerous or difficult-to-reach places, like the bottom of the ocean or the inside of a volcano. Robots can also use to help clean up hazardous waste or to assist in disaster relief efforts.
As you can see, robotics is about more than just the machines. It’s also about the social and environmental impacts of those machines. So why should you care about robotics? Because robotics is changing the world, and it’s only going to become more important in the years to come.
Robotics is not just about the machines themselves–it’s also about the people who design, build, and operate them. In fact, many experts believe that the social aspects of robotics are just as important as the technical ones.
For example, consider the impact of robotics on employment. As robots become more sophisticate and capable, they are increasingly be use to perform tasks that humans have traditionally done. As a result, there are concerns that robots will eventually completely replace human workers..
However, it’s worth noting that robotics can also create new jobs. For example, someone needs to design and build the robots, and someone needs to maintain and repair them.
The Future of Robotics
The future of robotics is an exciting and ever-evolving field. The capabilities of robots are evolving at the same rate as technology. In the coming years, we can expect to see more robots in homes and businesses, performing tasks that are currently create by humans.
One area where robots are likely to have a big impact is healthcare. Surgeons and nurses in hospitals already benefit from the use of robots. They can provide a helping hand during operations and help transport patients around the hospital. In the future, robots can be use even more extensively in healthcare, taking on more complex tasks such as diagnostics and surgery.
Another area where robots are likely to make their mark is education. Robots can use to teach children in a fun and interactive way. They can also use to provide support for teachers in the classroom. In the future, we can expect to see more robots be use in schools and universities.
The possibilities for the future of robotics are endless. As technology continues to develop, so too will the capabilities of robots. We can expect to see them becoming increasingly commonplace in our everyday lives, performing tasks that are currently done by humans.
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Robotics-How does it work?
In order to understand how robotics works, it is first necessary to understand what robotics is.The technology field of robotics is concerned with the creation, construction, operation, and application of robots.. Robots are machines that can program to carry out a specific set of tasks.
The first robots were create in the early 20th century and were use primarily in manufacturing. Today, however, robots are use in a wide variety of industries, including healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and even entertainment. In addition to their industrial applications, robots are also becoming increasingly popular as consumer products.
So how do these machines work? Robotics technologies make use of a variety of sensors and actuators to interact with their surroundings. Sensors allow robots to gather information about their environment, while actuators allow them to Manipulate objects or move around their space.
There are three main types of robotic systems: manipulators, mobile platforms, and stationary platforms. Manipulators are designe to interact directly with their surroundings using either pre-programmed or manual controls. Mobile platforms are self-contain units that can move around independently; they typically have wheels or tracks instea of legs. Stationary platforms are usually mounte on walls or ceilings and cannot move on their own; they typically have more sophisticate sensors and actuators than mobile platforms.
What are the different types of robotics?
The design, construction, operation, and application of robots are the focus of the engineering discipline known as robotics. A robot is a machine that can progra to do a lot of different things.
There are four main types of robotics: industrial robots, service robots, domestic robots, and humanoid robots. Industrial robots are use in factories for tasks such as welding, painting, and assembling products. Service robots include vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, and pool cleaners. Domestic robots are design for use in the home and include robot vacuums and robotic toys. Humanoid robots are design to resemble humans and are use for tasks such as entertaining children or providing assistance to the elderly or disabled.
Robotics technologies have revolutionized manufacturing, design and communication across factories. In fact, the global install base of industrial robots is expect to grow from 2.6 million units in 2017 to 3.1 million by 2020, according to the International Federation of Robotics’ World Robotics Report 2018.
There are four main types of robotics technologies:
Assembly robots: These robots are use in factories to assemble products. They are usually monitor by a human operator.
Dispensing robots: Dispensing robots are use in factories to dispense glue, sealant or other substances onto products during assembly. They often work alongside assembly robots.
Painting robots: Painting robots are use in factories to paint products during or after assembly. They usually work alongside assembly and dispensing robots.
Inspection robots: Inspection robotics systems are use in factories to inspect products for defects during or after assembly.
Why should you care about Robotics?
There are many reasons why you should care about robotics. Robotics can help you automate tasks, improve your efficiency, and even make your workplace safer.
Robots can use to automate tasks that are dull, dangerous, or difficult for humans to do. For example, robots can use to lift heavy objects or work in hazardous environments. Robots can also use to perform repetitive tasks quickly and accurately. This can help improve your productivity and efficiency.
Robotics can also help make your workplace safer. For example, robots can use to monitor potentially hazardous areas or handle dangerous materials. This may assist in lowering the likelihood of workplace injuries and accidents.
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How can you get started with Robotics?
If you’re interested in get start with robotics, there are a few things you should know. To begin, the field of technology known as robotics focuses on the creation, construction, operation, and application of robots. Robotics can use in a variety of settings, from manufacturing and industrial environments to healthcare and military applications.
There are a number of ways to get start with robotics. One option is to join a local robotics club. This can a great way to meet other people who are interest in robotics and learn about the different aspects of building and programming robots. There are also many online resources that can help you get start, such as online forums, blog posts, and tutorial videos.
Another option is to take a class or participate in a workshop on robotics. This can give you the opportunity to work with robots firsthand and learn about the different aspects of designing and building them. There are also many online courses available that can teach you the basics of robotics.
Whatever route you choose to get start with robotics, it’s important to remember that there is a lot to learn. But if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you can become an expert in this fascinating field.
What skills do you need to study Robotics?
The design, construction, operation, and application of robots are the focus of the engineering discipline known as robotics. Robots are machines that can program to carry out a series of tasks. Robotics is use in a variety of fields, including manufacturing, healthcare, military, and more.
There are many different skills that you need to study robotics. Probably the main abilities include:
-Designing robots: This involves understanding how to design robots that are efficient and effective at completing tasks.
-Building robots: This involves understanding how to construct robots using various materials and components.
-Programming robots: This involves creating code that tells robots what to do. It is possible to write this code in a number of programming languages..
-Testing and debugging robots: This involves making sure that robots are functioning properly before they are used in real-world applications.
How Is Robotics Useful in Your Everyday Life?
Robots are becoming increasingly prevalent in our everyday lives, and there are a number of ways in which they can be useful. For example, robots can use to vacuum your floors or clean your gutters, saving you time and effort. They can also use in manufacturing and other industrial settings to automate repetitive tasks or tasks that require precision. Additionally, robots are develop for use in healthcare, including as assistants for surgeons and as caretakers for the elderly or disabled. Finally, robots can simply provide companionship and entertainment, such as with the popular robot pets known as “FurBees.”
Types of Robots
There are four main types of robots: industrial, service, consumer and military.
Industrial robots are use in factories for tasks such as welding, paint spraying and material handling. Service robots are use in fields such as healthcare, cleaning and entertainment. Consumer robots are design for personal use, such as vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers. Tasks like bomb disposal and reconnaissance are carry out by military robots.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of robot. Industrial robots are typically expensive and require skilled operators. Service robots can be less expensive but may not be able to perform all the tasks of their human counterparts. Consumer robots may be affordable but may not have the same level of functionality as industrial or service robots. Military robots are often very expensive but offer a high degree of protection for soldiers in combat zones.
Industrial robots are use in manufacturing and assembly plants. They are usually large, expensive, and require specialized training to operate. Commercial robots are use in settings such as hospitals, retail stores, and airports. They are typically smaller and less expensive than industrial robots, but still require some level of training to operate. Consumer robots are design for personal use and include vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, and robotic toys.
Robot Applications
Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, and other disciplines are all included in the interdisciplinary field of robotics. Robotics deals with the design, construction, operation, and use of robots, as control, sensory feedback, and information processing computer systems
There are many different types of robots. Some are use in manufacturing settings to build products or assemble electronic components. Others are use in warehouses to move inventory around or pack products for shipping. Still others are use in hospitals to assist surgeons or provide physical therapy. Robots can also find in homes, schools, and offices, performing tasks like vacuuming floors or delivering packages.
The applications of robotics continue to expand as the technology improves. In the future, robots may use even more extensively in manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, and other industries. They may also play an increasing role in our everyday lives, providing assistance with tasks like cooking meals or driving cars.
There are a number of potential applications for robots in both industrial and domestic settings. In industry, robots are often use for tasks such as welding, fabricating and assembling components, as well as for carrying out repetitive or dangerous tasks such as handling hazardous materials. In the home, robots can use for tasks such as vacuuming, cleaning and providing companionship.
Robots offer a number of advantages over traditional methods of performing tasks. They can work faster and more accurately than humans, they don’t get tire and they can work in environments that will be hazardous to humans.
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Robotics is an exciting and growing field that is revolutionizing the way we live and work. If you are interested in a career in robotics, now is the time to get started. With the help of a robot, you can perform tasks that are difficult or impossible for humans to do, and you can do them faster, more efficiently, and more safely. Robotics offers a world of possibilities for those who are willing to learn and innovate.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Reverend Patrick Bell was born on May 12th 1799 at Auchterhouse near Dundee.
Born into a farming family Bell was brought up at the farrm at Mid Leoch and attended Auchterhouse Parish School before going on to study divinity at the University of St Andrews, leading to a career in the clergy.
It’s not as man of god that the good Reverend is remembered for, although he was a good man of the cloth, the reason for this post and how he went down in history is that he came up with an idea that saved a lot of time for farmers the world over in his invention of a reaping machine.
This reaping machine used a revolving 12 vane reel to pull the crop over the cutting knife, that was made from triangular reciprocating blades over fixed triangular blades. A canvas conveyor moved the grain and stalks to the side in a windrow. This machine was pushed by livestock and ran on 2 wheels.
Bell had a very analytical mind and was especially interested in engineering. He installed a gas lighting system at Mid Leoch and even took an interest in the cultivation of sugar beet, growing some and extracting sugar from it a century before the industry came to Scotland.
Many people, historians included, have mistakenly credited Cyrus McCormick of America as the inventor of the reaper in 1831. However it should be Patrick Bell who is recognised as the designer of a machine that was deemed far more efficient and reliable than any previous attempts. Four of his reapers went to America where it is likely they influenced the designs of both McCormick and his contemporary Obed Hussey.
On 10th of September 1828 he demonstrated his invention and later received a favourable report in the “Quarterly Journal of Agriculture” and received a premium of £50 from the Highland Agricultural Society, which barely covered costs.
Being a man of god, Bell did not file for a patent believing that his invention should benefit all. This led to various copies being made that were inferior to the Bell-made machines and they did nothing to encourage widespread usage. However around 10 of Bell’s machines that were sold in east central Scotland were sold in east central Scotland and, as previously mentioned, four crossed the Atlantic, others went to Australia and Poland.
At this time in history labour was still cheap and many farmers did not see the benefit of such a machine, preferring to stay with traditional methods. This was another case of a good invention being too far ahead of its time. However, the Bell machine was to prove itself as far as reliability and longevity was concerned, as the original machine continued for many harvests at Mid Leoch before going to work for many more at his brother’s Inchmichael Farm.
In 1852 it was put in a good state of repair and shown at the Highland Show at Perth where it was thought by many to be the latest machine on the market. However, the Americans eventually began to sell greater quantities of reaping machines no doubt due to their lightness, manoeuvrability and competitive mass-produced pricing.
Meanwhile, now ordained, the Reverend Bell became minister of Carmyllie parish where he continued an interest in engineering, working at his bench at the manse. He remained unaffected by all the clamour that his machine had caused.
The Inchmichael machine, fastidiously looked after by his brother, ended up in the Science Museum in London where it still resides today.
Two contemporary models of the machine were presented to the National Museum and one is on show at the National Museum of Rural Life at Kittochside, East Kilbride. A third was presented by his daughters to the agricultural department of Aberdeen University.
Today’s combine harvester has thus developed from the work of two ingenious Scotsmen - it is a combination of Andrew Meikle’s threshing mechanism and Patrick Bell’s reaper.
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hakesbros · 2 years
Land For Sale, Property For Sale In Las Cruces, New Mexico
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eiplinfra46 · 2 years
Add to Vocabulary Terms Used in Land and Revenue Records
Words play a full-size position in our lives. One wishes to recognize new phrases to construct a citadel of vocabulary. Indeed the phrases should be from numerous fields. One ought to meet new phrases to intend what the opposite man or woman says. He can in no way recognize if he doesn’t have a proper  Khewat. Here are some phrases from the Land and Revenue Records which we want to feature them to our vocabulary. These are the phrases which we can also additionally stumble upon at the same time as managing Revenue or actual property at any factor of our lifetime. 
1. What is a Land Record
In a broader sense, a land document refers to plenty of files which include Records of Rights (RoRs), land registers, crop inspection registers, tenancies, mutation registers, disputed case registers etc. There are Bhoomi Land statistics which consist of geological statistics approximately the land, like its shape, size, and the form of soil on it. These statistics also can upload monetary records like irrigation and crops.
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A land document generally contains of assets rights which include the Register of Lands (RoL), Record of Rights (RoR) and Mutation. Due to the range of dialects in India, special phrases are utilized in special states. It is important to feature those phrases to the vocabulary in case you plan to spend money on actual property or choice to reinforce your vocabulary.
2. Types of Land Records
Broadly divided there are 4 kinds of Land Records which might be maintained in India. 
2.1. Residential Property
As the call implies, the land used for the improvement of a residential sector, is stated to be a residential assets. It is a parcel of undeveloped or evolved land that is divided into wonderful sections and used for dwellings. Single-own circle of relatives housing, in addition to multifamily units, additionally qualify as residential assets. Any piece of land zoned with the aid of using the authorities government as residential assets ought to be used for residential cause only. This land has solid and coffee returns. The number one cause of this land is the housing of human beings.
2.2. Industrial Property
Larger chunks of land positioned at the outskirts of city and farfar from residential neighbourhoods are allocated for commercial functions and are used to set up businesses. A land this is used to assemble a manufacturing unit or an meeting line for production is which includes below the banner of commercial land. Cities and cities generally segregate specific regions of land for commercial functions so they continue to be at the outskirts and keep away from conflicts with the nearby residents. Factories, warehouses, cold-storage, light-production plant life and studies and improvement labs are generally constructed on commercial land.
2.3. Commercial Property 
The land this is reserved for business improvement holds offices, warehouses, showrooms, shops, and retail outlets. This form of land gives excessive yield however comes at a better risk. Usually they're towards the city. Depending on the space from the centre of the city, a business land is classed as number one, secondary and tertiary. A business land with upcoming infrastructure tasks withinside the area fetches greater returns.
2.4. Land for Agriculture
As the call implies, this land is restricted to farming activities. More than 1/2 of of the overall land mass of India is made of agriculture land. These are generally determined in lesser evolved belts and if anybody wishes to transform the identical to non-agricultural assets to apply it for residential or business functions, will should undergo a technique of permissions from the better government.
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