#he still dislikes most diamonds tho sorry
bxnnybimbeax · 3 months
thinking about.. best friend!satoru gojo who immediately answers when you come calling
bestie!gojo who not-so-secretly, secretly has feelings for you
bestie!gojo who knows everything there is to know about you. Your oh-so wonderful taste in partners… Your likes and dislikes, hobbies, career plans, plans for the future.. anything and everything. Even if you do or don’t exactly tell him
bestie!gojo who drops everything that he’s doing to come see you, when hearing your incoherent sentences of something along the lines of, “…. dumped boyfriend… cheated..”
bestie!gojo who comforts you in your time of need. Listening to all your rants about your ex-boyfriend, supplying you with whatever he thinks would cheer you up, offering you comforting words instead of solutions.
What a great best friend to have!! Right..?
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“I hate him so much! What a no good bitch ass womanizer!!” You exclaimed in a fit of rage, scrolling through the posts of the woman who, your ex cheated on you with, as satoru tiredly sighs.
“What does she have that I don’t-“ and before you could continue on, you get cut off by your best friend, Satoru. “Absolutely nothing, sweetheart. You should know your worth by now. It’s not something you have or ‘don’t have,’ it’s the simple minded mentality of… What’s his name again?— Doesn’t matter, He’s too simple minded to know the true worth of what he has in front of him.” He tangibly states, as if it was the most well-known fact in the world.
You attempted to up at him through your clouded vision, blinking away tears that spilled like waterfalls. Taking glances between Satoru, and the images on your phone, you stay silent as he studies you, pools of cool colored diamond eyes staring into yours, hoping to see any slight change of positivity.
He sighs again, taking a seat on your bed as he snatches your phone away from you, and before you could protest, he cuts you off once again… by pulling you close, into a hug. Instinctively, you wrap your arms around him, as you let out all your pent up feelings. Sobbing into his chest, as he soothes circles into your back, not caring that you mess up whatever designer shirt he’s wearing.
Satoru’s heart breaks hearing you hurt, he wants nothing more than to ruin whoever was the cause of your problems. But right now, he’s more focused on you.
Satoru hushes your cries, wiping away the salty crystalline off your face as he speaks up, “Oh baby, don’t waste your tears on him. He has no idea what he’s missing out on. Don’t waste your energy on a leech that only takes from you, and never gives. Your deserve someone who reciprocates your feelings, and so much more.” He admitted in a dulcet tone, giving feathery caresses to the side of your face, as he placed a sparse kiss to the side of your temple.
“Cheer up, theses plenty of people who would give the world and die for your affection.” He states in a much more cheerful and playful tone, making you laugh in response to his exaggerated claim.
best friend! Satoru who stays with you, through the night. Comforting and creating a much more positive atmosphere to the contrasted gloomy mood
best friend! Satoru who maybe, you don’t see as just a friend anymore..?
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A/N: Whats goody gangy. ☝🏾🤓 Sorry I was gone for 5 months I was going thru it with some bitch ass nigga I dumped, which is kinda what I based this fic off of, except no boy bsf I’m in love with to comfort me.💔 He made me delete tumblr so I couldn’t write 😞 I still kept on reading tho 😈
Not proof read btw, bc I’m high as a mf, writing with dyslexia. And it’s late a night, idk if it’s gonna be late when I post this tho😛
If y’all sent a request, resend it plssss. 🙏🏾 I need inspo mookies, and if you have a request feel free to send one in. Msg me abt wtv, and lmk if I can improve on anything
Thanks lovies take care and, hope y’all enjoyed!! 🩷
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mashedpotatosinacup · 2 years
What are your favorite batman forever scenes! And do not hesitate to ramble!!
(Gosh sorry this took so long to answer! This turned into kind of a recap near the beginning of the movie so skip if u want I won’t be heartbroken)
Well any scene with my man Eddie but I’ll go into detail.
The first scene has always been a favorite. I like the way they introduce the characters like how TwoFace is committing a huge crime the first time we see him. I think it just brings the character to life so much. We see the dark and edgy side of Batman so it can build up to him being a softie (even tho I still don’t like him he’s mean to Ed >:() we also see Chase for the first time and learn a little about her but not enough to ruin the story line.
The next scene is in my top 3. The one I made the gif set for. Edward is my FAVORITE character (if you couldn’t tell ;-;) and Jim Carrey was a 10/10 casting choice. He plays the character in a way that’s entertaining but insane and can have that cartoony feel while being live action that I love in movies. Every time I watch that scene I rant to myself about how the first movie with the grant. I just think it’s SO messed up because here is a clearly dedicated and hardworking employee that isn’t asking for money to just put his product on sale, NO! He wants money for testing so he knows how to make it safe! All the riddler stuff (even though I still love my riddle man) could have been avoided but NOPE! Although, I’ve rewritten most of this movie as a self insert, this scene was by far my favorite because you can capture so much emotion. Stickly can fuck right off tho. No redeeming qualities.
OKAAAYYY next scene. The one on the roof. I hate chase for this okay? Like she fell IN LOVE with the FRICKING BATMAN!! This scene- AND HE LIKES HER TOO!! Okay I see how it works on some scale, but from an outside perspective, she doesn’t know who Batman is and still asks all horny >:/ that’s all I’ll say abt this scene but bleehhhh
Next scene is THE BEST ONE and you can fight me on it. My boyyyy she’s so eevvviiilllll and thennnn kill sticckkllllyyyyyy :DDD but really thought this scene has SO MUCH EMOTION AND THE CGI IS BETTER THAN ALL 5 SEASONS OF GOTHAM! He’s Finally standing up for himself and he evil idk what to say this scene is just so mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I’m nOt a simp you are
NOoooOoOoOoo sad boy 😭😭 but secretly evil 😈 this was also a fun scene to rewrite. I also love how as the movie goes on you can see the riddle box things get fancier. Like the one in this scene was paper but the last one was gold.
Next scene, not much to say, it was good and we get to see a part of Edward’s apartment and then he drops another riddle so good for him :D
Skipping around a little bc I dislike the therapy scene the CIRCUS SCENE :] my man TwoFace committing more crime with Eddie being a grade A simp :DDD I’m sad for Robin but also it connects the gayest characters together to form an alliance so
Another skip to another favorite is when ✨The Riddler✨ goes to TwoFace’s lair and they act all gay and agree to go commit crimes and then they rob a store and rock a tiara and diamond earrings and- anyway ;-; in the screenplay they actually rob an opera house and the Riddler sings and I’m super disappointed that didnt make it into the final cut ;-;
The Gala scene is another favorite. I’m not there in writing but I can’t wait! There is so many perspectives in this scene and Eeedddddddddd so fancy I lob it sugar and spice are also beautiful in this.
Ima skip to one of the last scenes bc I’ve been ranting too much in this and it’s very long SO the last scene. The bedazzled spandex is just like- fabulous I love it. I cried when TwoFace died but all in all I love that scene. It has so much detail and I just mmmmmmmm gay gay homosexual gay
WOW that was alot. I’ll do more later bc this is too much ranting for one post ;-;
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kadeuxhyeonju · 3 years
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A LEAP THROUGH TIME ~ When do we begin to hope?
5 October 2021
I’ve arrived back in Kadeu safely. I have firmly planted the Vega Gem’s doors shut for the last six months and it is taking everything in me not to swing them wide open this very instant. I’m sure you’re chuckling now, insisting it would have been like this anyway given that that ridiculous winged oaf threatened me into keeping it closed for at least four of those months. Nonetheless, you silly creature…it’s good to be home.
Home. I’d never thought I’d say that about Kadeu without all the vitriol I’ve always—and still do—feel for this gods forsaken continent. Especially after the tensions of that civil war that was brewing in Club earlier this past summer and the other factions’ subsequent reactions to such chaos. But it is. Home. I’ve come to terms with this truth. In part thanks to you. I still laugh thinking of your shocked expression when we met face-to-face after decades apart. It seems that all it took to surprise my favorite, silly Fae was to sail across the sea in search of your whimsical heart. And look at all the trouble it’s caused me. I have dreams now, Idris, you bastard. I have hope.
How close was I to staying by your side, across the sea so far from these lands? Remembering the ever-so-slightly faded tattoos marring my skin—far closer than anyone can imagine. So much hope born in me partly in thanks to you and the realization that even these marks were not permanent.
Perhaps, it is also partly due to my mother no longer having a hold of me. After all, how can the dead grip us with rotted fingers? No longer, Idris. No longer. I want to forget that part of my life, and with her gone I hope that I can. But this ache…what is this ache? I have discovered so much in that time I was by your side, but it seems I have still more to learn.
’Til next time Old Friend,
25 September 2022
I can’t help but think of our time together during those six months. Those apprenticeships I took on simply because I could. Not for survival. Not in your name or honor, nor anyone else’s. Doing what I wanted for the first time in my 153 years simply because I could. It was…freeing. I’ve never used that word for myself. Gods, I sound so whimsical. I sound like you. 
That time has changed me. It makes me want to open another shop, maybe two. For clothing. Creating fashion suited for any rank. Clothes that compliment the jewelry I craft with such care and adoration they might as well be my blood-born children.
Idris, what have you done to me? I tell you this in every exchange and in every exchange you mock me in that knowing way of yours, but I’ll say it again. You have ruined me to the life I had grown accustomed to in Kadeu. I thought this feeling would die naturally on its own after a few weeks. But here I am still dreaming hopeless dreams.
Hopeless because that bastard of gold has set his sights on me. Or rather, he refuses look my way. He hasn’t said in so many words, nor does he need to. He no longer uses my shop. He walks around in gaudy jewels fashioned from jewelers of far lower caliber than you or myself—all for his pride. All because he knows I despise him. So be it. I rose to this rank without him. And while he may set the precedent for much of Heart, I take pride in knowing I set the precedent for its continued refined appearance.
Ah. I’ll end the letter here. Another letter from Luke has reached my doorstep. I should answer before he thinks I’ve all but cast him away again. And before you put quill to paper, Idris, no I have yet to forgive him for Lita.
…but I’m not adverse to having him in my life again.
’Til next time Old Friend,
7 July 2023
It is so quiet and calm this year. Boring, even. Yes, I dare say that despite only being halfway through. The Resistance is silent. Clubs are far more reasonable and less prone to violent tantrums in the street. Spade is as dull as it’s always been, stiff and musty like waterlogged wooden planks. I daresay the Diamonds have become almost bearable in attitude (the low and midrankers, at least) thanks to Ms. Moon’s much needed hand to guide their wayward, gaudy souls.
They still dress like they fashioned clothes from their grandmother’s lint balls and bags of misshapen enchanted confetti, though. In other words—there’s room for significant improvement. But it’s better than it was just a few years prior.
I wish I could say the same of Heart. Idris, my friend, that beast in gold has been starting up Fae-run businesses and education. That in itself is not a bad thing. In fact., I’d welcome it from any other person if it didn’t originate from the mind of someone as calculating and cruel as the one I shall not name. But because these wonderful ideas were founded by him I do not trust them. I do not trust his motives, nor do I trust the gradual influx of Fae migrating under his rule.
From what you’ve told me of Fae and their realm, I’m suspicious of why they’d come here despite preferring their own realm. I doubt they’re all like you--actually enjoying and preferring the company of this world. What his he up to? I don’t like these murmurs of his guards growing in size and strength. I worry for Heart—and the rest of Kadeu with it.
I’ll spare you more morbid talk. I know how much you dislike it. Let me tell you instead of the of all the plans I’ve made for those shops I’ve spoken of so many times. Wonder at the names I’ve created for each…!
**The rest of the letter’s writing is faded with time and illegible.**
9 August 2024
This heat is no good for my fur. Even my ears are frizzing in this humidity. The customers and Alexei have told me I look “cuddly”. Disgusting. A child with her mother waltzed right up to me and began to give my tails too-hard thumps with her little Strongarm fists. You will be proud to know I did not growl at the sudden and violent touch. I am better at reminding myself not every hand coming at me will bring me harm. Still hurt like hell, though.
I am finishing up a commission today. It’s beautiful and will fetch a high price. The money is being set aside, as always, for my new shops. I hope to open the first one by the end of this year if all goes well. I’d ask for you to wish me luck, but we both know it’s my blood, sweat, and tears that have gotten me this far and will continue to do so.
Idris, you silly creature. My old and dearest friend. I hope this letter finds you well. That you are taking in the world. That you find what you have been looking for all these years. Just as I know you wish the same for me. And as always I hope even if we should meet again many, many, many centuries from now we are still comfortable companions in whatever way it takes shape.
Now excuse me while I go and chastise this overly energetic Shapeshifter trying to tell tall tales about ghosts haunting my jewelry. For a Spade, I’m amazed I see her wandering this faction so often. Shamelessly even. I like her. As much as I can like any Spade, I suppose. But she needs to stop alarming my customers.
’Til next time Old Friend,
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dballzposting · 2 years
Over time my iteration or perception or whatever you want to call it of Gogeta has morphed from Squidward into more of Skips from regular show . Heres a core difference between Gogeta and Vegito: when Vegito speaks outside of battle the gravity to his words is fake and all for show, and you realize this over time by realizing that he actually does not care about mundane affairs and therefore his words on them do not matter. EXAMPLES IN CONTEXT:
Gotenks: Actually, did you know that Goten and Trunks have discovered ANOTHER way to fuse? Theres this certain fortnite dance that if done simultaneously-
Gogeta off screen: GOTENKS.
(Gotenks freezes and gives him his undivided attention immediately)
Gogeta: (puts his comic book down) Why are you lying.
Gotenks: I'm not lying!!
Gogeta: Stop lying.
Gotenks: S..Sorry sir...
Trunks: Sure sucks that our dads are permanently fused huh Goten. Well anyway. Guess it all evens out because while we can unfuse, we have to do a gay little pose to even fuse in the first place. There are pros and cons of everything huh. Still sucks that we have to do that gay little pose
Vegito: (Standing with his back to everybody, arms crossed, staring off into the horizon) TRUNKS.
Everybody present: (Stops, freezes, gives him their undivided attention immediately. Trunks especially takes start at having been addressed by name.)
Vegito: (doesnt say anything bc hes letting the suspense build. Then he turns around with a self-satisfied smile. He is towering over everyone btw hes very tall.) (In a sanctimonious tone) There is Nothing Wrong with Being Gay, Trunks.
Vegito: (flies off into the horizon and never comes back)
As you can see when Vegito speaks it FEELS like there is gravity bc he just has that effect on people. But after this happens a few times you stop caring. Hes never around so why does his opinion matter. He doesnt help you with any of your real problems so why does it matter. He just says something short and general and fake-profound to make himself look good and then he flies away to find a pond to stare into. He doesnt really care about your silly little problems that much. So who cares
Meanwhile Gogeta has real gravity when he speaks becasue he actually persists. Despite only being around for 30 minutes at a time, he will attack a relevant topic, and then stay with you as you work through it. He's present enough to point out when you're wrong, respects you enough to know that you have the autonomy to know when you're lying, and then cares enough about steering you in the right direction to tell you to Stop being wittingly wrong. This specific example was about child-raising, and in truth he would not speak like that to someone like his wives, but when he does speak you still listen, becasue when he speaks it's PROOF that hes been LISTENING. Vegito doesnt know it but he doesnt fucking listen
Also Gogeta has this atmosphere like Skips from regular show in which he knows everything and will not waste your time beating around the bush. Hes genuinely laconic and succinct, and every word he says is important in some way or another. While with Vegito sometimes it's just hot air that took little to no effort to produce, and you just dont realize it until later.
Gogeta is great as a mentor and a little stiff to be around otherwise since hes pretty gruff and grumpy and stoic, but he has a heart of gold still, so theres something to dislike but nothing to hate. Vegito sucks as a mentor just bc it feels like hes just saying words rather than communicating with you genuinely. Otherwise tho he is great to hang out with, but too shallow to be anything more than a buddy or a pal (unless ofc you're a strong fighter). He has a heart of the most beautiful glistening diamond and he polishes it everyday.
If Gogeta had said what Vegito had said it would have carried some different weight. When Vegito said it he said it like he was passing on some great life wisdom, and the first step in your next journey. He flies away and you're awestruck by how cool he is and deeply embarrassed that you had been wrong in front of everybody and deeply grateful for having been corrected. It sticks in your memory with a certain severity that maybe was unwarranted - becasue while Vegito meant every single syllable of it .. What does he really know about life, anyway?
If Gogeta were to say it then you dont feel awestruck and it deosnt stick with that showman's severity. You cant spin it into a direction-defining story. Hed furrow his brow and be like "Trunks. ....Theres nothing wrong with being gay." And he says it like hes disapprovingly confused that you ever thought otherwise. The pause and the incredibly general word usage implies that there is a lot more to this issue under the surface, and he does not know where to begin discussing it. He pauses, thinks, and just starts simple. Maybe that's all that's needed for now, maybe you can break into it more later, maybe it's succinct enough for you.
But that's what gives the words weight - Gogeta only says what needs to be said, so if you catch him having to pause and think (hes not too prideful to conceal that or to speak outside of his knowledge) (he has genuine self-respect), it is just a testimony to how difficult or nuanced this topic may be and he is sparing you a complex discussion that may not be warranted at this time. But he'll speak more if you speak back. You can turn into a discussion if you want.
What sticks with you is not some profound life-changing memory, but just feeling soooooo fucking embarrassed, and that makes the lesson learnt become so integrated into you so thoroughly. Next time you hear people talking about gay people you're not gonna think about how youd be cool like Vegito if you said that there was nothing wrong with being gay - You're just gonna think genuinely that theres nothing wrong with it, bc that's what Gogeta taught you. He didnt just say it - he taught you, out of virtue of the fact that he is present for the mundanities of life, and that's what gives you your respect for him.
I dont know why I felt compelled to make this post. Those are some differences between Gogeta and Vegito . It's not that Vegito is purely showy and sucks, just that that is a big part of him and you will see it over time. And hes got a great attitude so it's hard to hate him. For the record
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songficsbyrissi · 4 years
This X-Mas (Spooky X Reader)
“'Cause this Christmas, will be the Greatest time of your life from me I ain't asking for the diamond rings I ain't really got a list of expensive things I just want you to myself while the children sleeps Santa baby, would you make a little time for me?” - Chris Brown feat. Ella Mai
A/N: hey y’all! I know I kinda abandoned you but being in College during a panoramic (Twitter joke) but I finished! I graduated undergrad so it’s lit! Even tho I don’t really care for Christmas or the holidays and I dislike Christmas music, I love this song and since it’s been a while, I might as well give y’all a Christmas gift soooo Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁❤️
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You were not a fan of the holidays.
It’s not like you never were. You used to be but as you grew up, you grew a disdain for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years', all that.
The most wonderful time of the year, your ass.
From November 1st up until January 2nd, every year, you were annoyed and couldn’t wait for this time of the year to be over. You didn’t like it and if you had to hear “All I Want from Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey one more fucking time, someone was gonna get kicked where they’re more jolly.
You were relaxing on the couch when you heard a knock on your apartment door. You announced you were coming and opened the door to 3 boys by the names of Cesar, Jamal, and Ruby.
“Hey, boys! What brings-“
“BATHROOM!” Jamal ran past you and straight to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Ruby shook his head and Cesar gave a nervous laugh.
“Would you believe we were just in the neighborhood?”
You pursed your lips. “Nope.”
Ruby sighed out of frustration. “We need help getting Christmas gifts for our.....” He swallowed hard. You closed your eyes.
“You’re still struggling to call Jasmine your girlfriend?”
“Yeah yeah yeah.” You waved him off and right then, Jamal stepped out the bathroom, relieved.
“Whew, my bladder was full! Where you get that hand soap, Y/N?! Smells lovely!”
You rolled your eyes, irritated. “At Bath and Body Works where y’all should get gifts for your girlfriends.” You narrowed your eyes at Ruby, who shuddered at the G-word. “Now if you excuse me, I was enjoying my alone time.”
Cesar stopped the door from closing. “Wait. Didn’t you say you were leaving today to go spend Christmas with your family?”
Shit. “Uh yeah. Duh. I needed alone time before I left.”
“I don’t see any bags packed.” Ruby indicated, skeptical.
“Or an airline ticket on the desk. Yeah, I noticed!” Jamal added, folding his arms.
You looked at the 3 teenage boys who were waiting for you to confess. You sighed deeply, knowing the jig is up.
“Fine, 3 wise men!” You stated with a tone dripping in sarcasm. “I’m not going home. I never was going home. The reason why is because I don’t care for the holidays. I stopped a long time ago. It’s never been special to me. Also, I don’t have a close-knit family. Actually, we’re dysfunctional as hell. This isn’t the most wonderful time of the year for me. I lied so you guys wouldn’t know the truth, now are you happy?”
Jamal had a dismal expression on his face and pulled you to his chest. “Now I see what the Scrooge looks like as a black woman.”
You pushed him off and Cesar grabbed your wrist before you could hit him.
“Does Spooky know?”
You shook your head. “Nope and it’s gonna stay that way. I mean it, Cesar. Don’t say shit to your brother about this.”
Were you really depending on the little brother of your gang member friend that’s not really a friend but he’s kind of your boo to keep his mouth shut?
“Cesar told me you lied.” That was what Spooky said when you opened the door the next morning which was Christmas. You sucked your teeth loudly, disappointed that your dumbass trusted a 15-year-old who feared his brother.
“I should really kick your brother’s ass.”
He smirked at your comment. “Talk to me, Mami. Why you not fucking with Christmas?”
You left the door, letting him outside and he closed the door behind him. “Because it’s annoying as hell.”
“Nah, that ain’t it.”
You turned to Spooky with your arms folded. “Why do you even care, Oscar? It’s not like your thug ass cares for holidays and shit.”
Spooky remained unfazed by your attitude and you calling him by his government. When you first met him, he would be pissed at that. Even tried scaring you but it didn’t work. Eventually, he got used to it and only allowed you to call him Oscar.
“You’re wrong and I’ll show you. Get dressed.”
You were feeling dangerous. “And what if I don’t?” You responded with a roll of the neck.
Spooky let a dry laugh that scared you yet turned you on at the same time. Damn. You started to bite your lip then pulled it back. He got dangerously close and stared you down.
“Do you really wanna know, Princesa?”
Yes. No. Shit.
You got out of his face and got dressed as you were told. You’ll let him win this round. You got into his car and he drove back to his house where Cesar and his girlfriend Monse were making a mess in the kitchen.
“Hey Y/N!” Monse greeted you. Cesar looked at you nervously.
“Hey Y/N, how’s-“
You held your hand up. “Save it, snitch!”
“He forced it out of me!” The young boy pleaded and you rolled your eyes in response.
“Whatever. What are y’all even doing?” You asked, confused and disgusted by the sight of the kitchen and glancing at Spooky’s face, he was not too pleased either.
“Trying to do a Christmas brunch but somebody doesn’t wanna listen to the instructions.” Monse gestured towards her boyfriend with a roll of her neck, causing Cesar to groan.
You couldn’t help but giggle at the two. “Alright lemme help so I can fix this. You!” You gestured towards Spooky. “You’re helping too!”
“Nahhhh cooking ain’t my thing.”
“Well Christmas ain’t my thing but I’m here. Now throw on an apron, cholo. You’re on bacon duty!”
You couldn’t lie. Making Christmas brunch with the kids was fun as hell. You found yourself smiling and giggling during the cooking and eating. You even caught Spooky staring at you a couple of times. You pecked his lips just because he looked so adorable but if you told him that, he’ll turn into a jackass. When the boys left to get something from God knows where you were left alone with Monse. You didn’t know too much about the girl but figured you could get to know her more.
“So Monse...you’re spending Christmas with your boyfriend.”
“So are you.”
Your eyes narrowed at her response. “1. Spooky is not my boyfriend and 2. I was forced here. Christmas is bullshit.”
“I love Christmas. Even though I don’t remember the last time I actually spent it with my dad.” Monse shrugged bending over and fix her shoelaces. That caught your attention.
“Wait, you’ve had shitty Christmases and you still love Christmas?!”
She shrugged again. “Well yeah. My dad is always away for Christmas and I don’t have my mom so I’ve always dreamt of doing Christmas stuff with the people I love. When I met the boys, not to sound corny but my dreams came true. Another reason why I need to keep the group together.”
You were lost for words. “Wow, I’m sorry, Monse.”
“It’s ok. Hey, I think I hear the boys coming back.”
The boys revealed themselves and Cesar announced that you guys were being invited to have Christmas dinner with Jamal’s family which was great because you didn’t want to cook.
“I’m telling you marmalade is better than jelly. I don’t wanna hear it!” Jamal declared during dinner. A debate broke out between marmalade and jelly which really entertained you. Jamal’s family was funny and so welcoming to you, a stranger. It felt weird to you that they were showing so much love to you, a stranger. Oscar held your hand throughout the whole dinner which did something to your stomach. You don’t wanna say butterflies. Maybe it’s gas.
When the group stopped by Ruby’s house to pick him up for “friendsmas”, his grandma pulled you aside with a serious look on her face.
“Open your heart, mama.”
You gave her a confused look. “What?”
“You closed your heart. Open it. Even if it’s to Papi Chulo over there. “ she gestured towards Oscar who was lighting up a cigarette and looked back at you. “Open it to Christmas. To any holiday. Just....open it.”
You kept that in mind as you went with the others back to the house for the kids to engage in their “friendsmas”.
“I’ve never heard “Friendsmas.” You muttered as Spooky handed you a glass of wine and you watched the kids from the doorway.
Oscar shrugged taking a swig of his Corona. “Well you hate Christmas so I’m not surprised.”
You elbowed him in his side and he began to laugh in response. “I don’t hate Christmas. I just never found joy in the holidays but now I do.” You looked at him and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you. Thank you for making this Christmas special for me.”
Oscar began to grin and pulled something from behind his back. “It’s not over yet, hyna.”
You gazed at the blue velvet rectangular box and opened it slowly to reveal a silver chain that said “Oscar” You looked up at him, speechless.
“Spooky, I....I.....”
“You don’t have to say anything. Just put on my necklace and be mine.” The gangsta in front of you took a deep breath. “I love you, Y/N.”
Your eyes were as big as saucers. “You....you do?”
“Yes, girl he do! It was so obvious!” Jasmine’s voice broke through the moment and everyone glared at her. Her mouth formed an O. “Oooh sorry! I forgot we were supposed to be acting like we weren’t paying attention. My bad!”
You shook your head and felt a surge of love and confidence. You loved this man. You have for a long time but never admitted it because...your heart was closed. Damn. Ruby’s crazy grandma ain’t so crazy after all.
“I love you too, Oscar.” You pulled him in for a long passionate kiss and the crew clapped in excitement.
“Girl put your back in it! You’re under the mistletoe!” Jasmine yelled again.
Ruby started. “Jasmine-“
“Shut up and kiss me!” She grabbed him by his collar, planting a kiss on his lips.
When you finally pulled away from your kiss with Spooky, you smiled up at him and his expression was matching yours. You spoke up through your grin:
“I’ll be damned. It is the most wonderful time of the year.”
A/N: Cheesy as fuckkkkk I know but Christmas is all about the cheese if we’re gonna be honest. I hope you enjoyed it! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, y’all! ❤️🎄🎁
Tags: @karmawaelualani @chaneajoyyy @ctrlszn @witchything @sabrinafey @penguinpower17889 @robingreysantos @namjoonwatcheshentai @pananegra @bloatedandlonly @blackmissfrizzle @chonisberonica @flamingweasley @cynthetic @momobaby227 @this-glitter-pussay​ @beyondprincess​ @joyrivh​
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icemintfreeze · 6 years
What’s each of your Object OCs’ personalities, likes and dislikes? I really think they all are really cute and would really love to draw them in mini scenarios!
oh!!!! OH!!!! thank you?!! i have. a lot of them because each one is gonna play a big role in the show, so ill list em below if thats ok!!!BIG LIST BELOW O:
SO!! here we go:
Lava Lamp- Anxious, timid, closed-n? But he’s trying his best to be positive, to heal, to be better than he was!Slime Jar- JUBILANT! Sweet, very bright, loving! Lava Lamp’s right hand woman, they’re the closest of pals Water Wand- Welcoming, a great listener, very nice and always offers a cup of tea when they have visitors. They believe they’re magical; they want to live in the performing art city; not where they are now.Cuckoo Clock- Ditzy, loopy, high (off of life jahdhssh) never thinks twice, vulnerable to ALL danger. Has one brain cell sjdjjdjxSticky Notes- Very moody, each color sticky note is a different mood (green-happy, red-angry, Yellow-afraid, etc.), works 3 jobs, just. Tired FOODSJelly Bean- Sweet! Loving! A baby!!! A child at heart, she’s very bright and believes that the world is amazing.Cake Pop- Sassy, yet polite, a fashionista; mysterious aura. he aspires to live in the city of beauty, but he’s stuck with the foods; he feels like an oddball.Peanut Butter Cup- Rude, arrogant, close-minded. She knows how to cut someone down to nothing, let it be mentally or emotionally.Heart Lollipop- Ambivert! Loving and forgiving, yet self-depreciating (shes trying to drop the habit!)Lemon- Blind, somber, yet grateful to still be alive. Not afraid to speak up for their sibling, Lime.Lime- Protective over Lemon, doesn’t really care about himself. He’s either very cool n’ chill, or very very sour.Cough Drop- Drowsy, sad, constantly thinking about…..him. Feels extremely misplaced; focused on making cures for illnesses. Coughs sometimes. Nature PalsPoison Ivy- Brave, stubborn, kind of a jokester. Kind of mean. Can’t really come in contact with any one, otherwise they get a really nasty rash.Touch-Me-Not: Shy, scared, weak. Isn’t the strongest, can’t handle anything without crying or closing up. No one knows much about them.Ocean FriendsFire Coral- Tough, bilingual (knows english spanish n many more). He’s very smart but doesn’t like to show it; he’d rather be seen as a toughie than a nerd. Like Poison Ivy, no one can get close to him; they’ll get a very bad burn.Sea Anemone- Faithful, wise, trustworthy; the mom friend of the group. She will destroy anyone who hurts her pals. (she. has no arms tho…..)Fish Bowl/Container(?)- Skillful and mature. They take care of the beta fish inside of them, with the help Sea Anemone and Sea Glass (and sometimes Fire Coral)Sea Glass- Isolated, misty; they honestly can’t find much joy in anything. But, pair them with Slime jar, or Sea Anemone, or anyone? They’ll be  happy and alive; life will clear up for themMessage in a Bottle- Local postman of the ocean part, LOVES to spread gossip. Very conceited.Arts n’ Crafts!Canvas- very expression ate! if you were to draw anything on her face (or if she does so herself), her mood/personality would match the painting! (ex. draw something sad, she’ll be gloomy. draw a tree? she will stand still and up; like a tree).Clay- confused, silent, doesn’t know who they are. Tries looking for themselves in others; the way they do this? shapeshifts into other arts n crafts. (loves to shapeshift into Ticket’s form. Though, Ticket isn’t very fond of them).Glitter: Imaginative; spaces out constantly. They’re very silly, yet very sangfroid when it comes to situations.Bead Box- Glitter’s buddy, she’s very vitriolic. She has more book-smarts, she doesn’t want to be in this town anymore. She loves to learn; she loves to build, most of all.Water Bead- very sincere and honest; has a high tolerance for everyone, and is a great pal to vent to. But who knows whats going on in their head…BeautyEye Shadow- A former model, eye shadow is very non-verbal. She only speaks in a mysterious, yet soothing tone of voice. Her past is full of questions, and she has a mysterious aura wherever she goes. But don’t fuck with her; she will NOT have it.Earrings- Siblings, blue agate jewels; they absolutely LOVE to mess around with Eye Shadow. They like to misplace her things, mess around with her, play pranks; though they do it at a point. They never push her limits. They’re very respectful and when she is ticked, they keep their distance. The two love to bake.Card- Party animal!! He loves to throw extravagant parties, or wild ones, even small, calm ones! He doesn’t know why he was put here in the city of beauty; was it just because of his card cover?Tourmaline- they’re two in one! They both enjoy studying other types of minerals and diamonds. The most nerdy in the city, the others come to them for answers about regular jewel stuff; “where are diamonds found?” “how is gold made?” and, the most common: “do I look better with the rubies necklace or the pearled necklace?”Lights! Camera! Action!Music Box- can only sing or speak on a harmonic tone; very emotional during her performances. Very gentle and sweet, doesn’t mean no harm.Ticket- Very grumpy and hates this stupid town. Wants to be in arts n’ craftsville, because they love to draw. But they sell tickets for a living; and they hate it.SpooksGhost- Scares everyone they meet, but they don’t mean it; they’re very joyful and full of. life. they can float and they have strong supernatural powers; if they’re sad, it rains. if they’re angry, the earth shakes. spooky.Planchette- Pale, insane, paranoid yet proud of it; he sees things no one else can really see, sometimes summons demons when he’s truly angry. Otherwise, he’s just a trembling train-wreck during the day, like a vampire.SCIENCE!!Cursor- Very technology based. They’re a big nerd, they will randomly spew out facts that they’ve learned from the web; or, facts about gadgets they’ve built. Battery- Zany and Fidgety, she doesn’t understand why everyone thinks she’s so smart. She’s filled with so much energy!! When she’s running low, she’ll be very sluggish, and won’t know whats going on.Virus- Knows about all sicknesses and diseases. They’re the doctor of the group, but don’t get too close- they’ll get someone sick. They’re mostly bossy and they lead everyone else in the city.Glitch-In constant pain. They don’t remember what happened that made them this way. They believe that everything in this utopia isn’t well, but can never speak it out. No one knows about their past…Magma- Bold and fanatical, he thinks he’s the greatest in the city. He gets called Lava by a LOT of the objects; and this ticks him off.SO!!!! THIS WAS A LOT IM REALLY SORRY ANON BUT!!!! I HOPE THESE ARE GOOD!!!! they’re all still a bit of a WIP
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regrettablewritings · 6 years
Rq. Heimdall fanfic!!!!😍 There is not enough out there man. How about Cassian andor? Or Poe, your choice.😘 Sorry your reunion sucked so hard.
Yeah, Heimdall!!! I haven’t really seen any real fics about him despite the fact that he totally deserves them so I took it upon myself to try and contribute.And hey. Hey, bud. Why not both? (First up in Poe, tho)
How differently do they think of eachother now compared to when they first met?: Poe Dameron was notoriousthroughout the Resistance as being a hotshot both in terms of piloting and interms of his overall personhood. So of course, once you had the chance to meethim by way of being assigned his X-Wing to fix, you had been expecting somearrogant piece of fool who’s mansplain to you how the mechanicals worked and soon. Boy, were you not expecting a warm, humorous young man who didn’t try tospoon-feed you terms you already knew, but instead was perfectly willing toleave you to your own literal devices and even praise your handiwork! Because that was one of the first things Poe thought of when he met you: Thatyou were a skilled member and the Resistance was therefore honored to havesomebody like you.
It was inevitable that the two of you would cross paths more after that(especially considering that after impressing him with your workmanship, Poerequested that you be the one to work on his assigned aircrafts). Because ofthese frequent meetings, frequent conversation was held. Until eventually, youboth began to see one another without the need to work on an X-Wing or whathave you. And you started seeing one another out of your working uniforms, freeof sweat and grease. And conversations drifted away from exchanging ideas abouthow to make the ships run smoother, or what tools you needed; they started toorient more about your respective lives, which resulted in talking about yourexperiences, likes, dislikes, and so forth.Inevitably, your impressions of one another grew into something more vivid.You now knew Poe as quite possibly the kindest, most amazing man you’d evermet: He was skilled and quite humble even with his own acknowledgement of histalent for flying. He exuded warmth, and was loyal to a fault, if potentiallyfoolhardy in his determination. Plus, once you learned the origins of the ringhe wore around his neck, you were thrilled to learn that he was a romantic atheart!Poe now knew that the Resistance wasn’t lucky to have you – he was: You were like a grease-covereddiamond in the ruff who trusted her instincts and knowledge. You volunteeredyour own talents for a greater good and while Poe himself was one of many whodid the same, he still admired this fact because not just anyone would pick uptheir things, leave everything they’d ever known, and fight for a betterfuture. He loves it when people aredriven but most of all, he loves it when you’redriven.
What do their friends/family think oftheir relationship?: Poe would like to think that his parents would’veloved you. Specifically his mother, who would have more likely than not bothstarted and indulged in a geek-out fest over the types of things she’s flownand your hunger for the knowledge that surrounded their infrastructure. Theclosest person left that he has to a mother, however, is Leia. And while she’snot as prone to excitement over ship mechanics and the like, she still verymuch approves of the relationship (even going so far as to “threaten” Poe intobeing a gentleman – as if he could be anything but). If she catches the two ofyou embracing or kissing before he flies out on a mission, she’ll snark aboutthe two of you “being absolutely disgusting” in public with your affection.But most of all, the approval you’ll be wanting is from BB-8. And, to yourabsolute glee, they approve of you. They like how happy Poe seems to be aroundyou, and it helps that you earned their good graces by thinking they’re evencuter than Poe. Finn doesn’t see anything wrong with the two of you: You’re nice, you’re brave,and he thinks the two of you go great together. And as for Rey, you both bondover your shared and varying knowledges on knowing how to fix up transports bigand small. (Plus, she’s very flattered when you ask if she’ll teach you anyshortcuts you might not have learned due to your more formal yet restrictedtraining.)Your own friends are impressed and also a little jealous that you managed toland one of the most well-known figures in the Resistance – this man is thereason so many people joined, after all, in no small part due to his handsomeface being spread everywhere in advertisements. Some might even ask if youcould introduce them to him, stating that you can’t hog the Resistance’sgreatest pilot to yourself. You humor them, but by the end of the meeting,they’re always surprised to learn just how laidback he actually is. Good foryou!
How do their personalities/skillscomplement or contrast with each other?: Typically speaking, Poe just hasthis energy that brings out the best in people. His sweetness is just thatcontagious. And you were one of his many willing victims, becoming more open toaccompany his own honey-like character. Skills-wise, what else? His knowledge and experience with flying matchesperfectly with your own knowledge and experiences with working on aircrafts.
What is their favorite aspect of eachother?: Golly, how could you only choose one thing about him that you loved the most? You couldn’t choose betweenhis loyalty, his kindness, his generosity, his willingness to sacrifice, hisdrive – You just love his overall Poe-ness!Nearly the same goes for Poe: There’s just too much about you he adores. Butsomething that especially sticks out to him is how even if you consideryourself just another number in the grand scheme of the Resistance, your skillscontribute far beyond what you may initially see from the hangars. You are, ashe would put it, a spark that ignites a flame that keeps the Resistance going.(“You took that from somewhere, didn’t you?” “Even if I did, that doesn’tchange the truth!”)
Do either of them have pet peevesabout each other?: For the most part, Poe is pretty controlled andthoughtful. He can usually find the time to make a humored remark even in theface of a First Order commander or his own torturer. But even the brightestpeople can snap if under a certain amount of pressure: If Poe feels desperate,there’s a rare but still possible chance that he might be so ambitious that hemay act without thinking of the little details in the big picture. Sometimesit’s dangerous, but other times it’s just irritating to you.
How would each reconcile with eachother after a fight?: Couples’ tiffs are inevitable. But an actual argumentwith Poe is pretty uncommon. But that doesn’t make them unheard of. Poe isgenerally a very pleasant person but sometimes, that hotheaded stubbornnessthat you sometimes forget he has seeps through and drives him to storm off. Hemay blow steam by flying or aggressively cleaning his X-Wing or exercising,all while venting to BB-8. Eventually, whether it’s because Leia or BB-8 saidsomething, or because he ran out of fumes to run on, Poe will recognize thatreconciliation is necessary. No matter how passionately he may have felt aboutwhatever set the two of you off, his hatred of when the two of you fight iseven stronger. He admits that it’s a bit arrogant of him to feel this way, buthe’s just so used to generally getting along with everybody that even yoursmaller arguments have the potential to throw him off. After all, was he reallythat great of a person if he couldn’t even make his beloved happy?He tries not to fly off-planet after an argument because the last time he did,he nearly died and it really put into perspective just how silly and immatureit was for him to leave on such a note. As soon as he returned to base, he wassearching for you as a hungry man searches for food: vehemently anddesperately. The moment he found you, you didn’t have time to even react to hisreappearance before you found yourself pressed so firmly against his chest in abone-crushing hug that you could just barely breathe. And even once the hug slackened (only by a smidge), you couldn’t get a word inedge-wise because the pilot was blurting out apology after apology,self-deprecating himself and calling himself wrong for doing that to you andpromising how he could make it up to you even if it took the rest of his life.It took you patting his chest to cue him to shut up for you to verbally accepthis apology (“I messed up, too, you nerf-herder”) and return the hug.Even years down the line, he holds up to that principle. It can be weeks afteran argument and you’ve long-since moved passed it but when he comes back from amission, he’s brought something from another planet for you (you now have acollection going for you that you keep tucked away in a safety box so as toavoid damage). You wish you could do the same but since you never really havethe chance to fly elsewhere and acquire gifts for him. So you try and becreative and make little things for him out of what you have on D’Qar: You tryto find leftover pieces from ships that can no longer serve their initialpurpose and fashion them into little decorations
What would be their ideal vacationgetaway together?: It’s really hard to think about vacations when one is involvedin a resistance movement. Especially when one is also a pilot who constantlyflies to new locations nearly on the daily. Poe tries not to tarnish thebeautiful landscapes he comes upon with associations as to why he’s there (toretrieve info, a person, sabotage, etc). Instead, he tries to remember the morebeautiful or unique aspects of the places he visits. This is not only to givehim a peace of mind and to give him one more thing to fight for the future for,but also to bring back to you. As stated before, you never really get to travel off-planet due to yourground-bound job, so you’re always curious as to what other places may looklike. Poe is all too happy to tell you about the places he’s been, the thingshe saw and ate there, the many different cultures. He loves how you practicallyglow with intrigue as he recounts the rituals he’s witnessed and what theyapparently mean for the locals. He knows that wars take time to end, and thisone is no exception. But a very giddy (and admittedly childish) part of himreally hopes that the tide turns in favor of the Resistance and that all thisfighting would be done all ready with no more planetary destruction. He wantsto start living an easier life with you, to actually start living life withyou. He’s already taken mental notes of the planets you responded to the mostand can’t wait to take you there and watch you glow as you see their respectivebeauties in person.
Think of a new way (AU, differentsituation, etc.) they could have met for the first time: You were an idiot.You were an idiot who bought into the beauty of eating in the courtyard of thisSan Franciscan café and now, for deciding to eat outside, you were going to diein this absurd heat. You sighed even though you immediately regretted feelingthe subsequent warmth of your breath running over your skin. It was too late totake it all back, though: Judging by the constant glances you made at thewindows of the actual establishment, Café Madrinna’s insides were now filled tocapacity for the lunch rush. You tried not to whimper, gripping your ice-coldglass of water with the hopes of relief.Your friend, much to your envy and despair, appeared to be unaffected by theWest Coast heat as she continued to chatter about the divine nature of the miniaturequiches this place served.“ – and the spinach-cheese ones? To die for,(Y/N),” she went on, gesturing just as dramatically as her claim. You noddedhalf-heartedly, only partially paying attention. The other part was trying tofocus on not passing out in public.If you couldn’t be in the A/C-cooled building, then the only other thing youwanted more was for a waiter to come by so you could request another cold drink,order your food, and get out of here as soon as possible.Your voice’s voice carried on with the one-sided conversation, quickly blurringinto little more than white noise. In fact, everything was beginning to fadefrom your stance due to you swearing that you were melting. It was therefore abit of a wonder to you that one noise didmake it through your disappearing interest. Though, not by much. After all, it’shard to ignore the sound of a microphone screeching.You flinched, faintly hearing others “ooh” and hiss as they cringed.“Sorry! Sorry … Testing, testing. 1, 2, 1, 2,” a voice magnified by the micsaid. You wanted to start whimpering but lacked the energy; the last thing youwanted was for yet another source of stimuli to overwhelm you. Plus, if somebodystarted to play music, it would require even more energy for you to speak up tothe waiter. Where the hell they were. You were so filled with spite that youmustered just enough strength to turn your head. It lulled lazily on your neckand, had you thought about it, ultimately dampened whatever effect your annoyedglare could’ve provided.Not that it mattered: It didn’t last very long anyway. It couldn’t possibly holdits own once you saw exactly whom you were intended to direct your ire.He was cute, but not in a little boy sort of way. You couldn’t quite place it,but you supposed it had something to do with the lax demeanor he carried abouthimself. … But he also had a guitar with him as he sat on a stool before the mic.The frown threatened to make its way back onto your face. California Guy +Guitar = Memories of Asshole in the Quad at College Trying to Pick Up Chicks. Grabbing the mic, he greeted, “Afternoon, ladies and gents and other heavenlybodies,” he greeted.” He offered a smile, revealing his crooked butnevertheless adorable teeth (how could teeth be adorable, you had no idea).“Anyway,” he said, getting into position, “here’s ‘Wonderwall.’”Oh, God, no!“Nah, I’m just kidding.” A handful of people chuckled. You nearly sighed withrelief.“But seriously … Here goes something.”The sound of the strings being plucked proved to be anything but the nuisanceyou had expected them to be. In fact, the chords seemed to flow through the airlike silk, curling in waves before caressing your ears. But it couldn’t compareto the smooth, almost husky voice with which the musician sang.“That certain night, the night we met,There was magic abroad in the air.There were angels dining at the RitzAnd a nightingale sang in Berkeley Square.”Perhaps it was a heat-induced delirium, but part of you suspected the man’svoice of being supernatural: You no longer focused on the heat; in fact, youcould barely determine if you were actually hot anymore. “I may be right and I may be wrong,But I’m perfectly willing to swearThat when you turned and smiled at me,A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square.”The way with which he delivered the lyrics seemed to serve as almost a portal,offering you an oasis to recuperate from. A balmy evening scene painted itselfin your head, the man’s voice serving as both paintbrush and palette. You barely responded to your waiter as they finally came by your table (now ofall times) to retrieve your orders. You dared yourself to not look away as youmarveled how the man’s eyelashes fluttered with his perpetual bedroom eyes. Bedroom eyes that … were looking right at you. Sure enough, you could see the those dark eyes of his staring specifically atyou. A stare so unbroken that you could see the warmth in those optics and bereminded of a cozy little nook where one could be gathered into a quilt and sleepin its cloth embrace.It was perhaps this observation that revived the heat in you. Only, instead ofit being a painful, bodily heat beaten onto your skin by the sun, this heatseemed to stay specifically in your face and ears.Crud. It only worsened when the man,still staring at you, flashed you another crooked-toothed smile. Double crud!“The moon that lingered over London town –Poor puzzled moon, he wore a frown …” With far too much ease, he liftedhimself from his seat. He started walking slowly away from the designated performancespot, never once missing a beat. “How could he know we two were so inlove?The whole darn world seemed … upside down!” His voice continued, appearingto be unaffected by the lack of microphone as his singing still rang throughoutthe dining area. That would have impressed you, had it not been for yourheartbeat muting out almost everything. He was coming closer! To you! You could feel yourself panicking inside, eyes skittering about you in afruitless attempt to locate an escape route. You glanced back up. He was tenfeet away. Six feet. Four feet. Three. Two.“The streets of town were paved withstarsIt was such a romantic affair.And as we kissed and said goodnight,A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square.”Oh, God. He was here. In front of you. On one knee, still playing along, voicestill carried through that cute smile of his. His stare was still on you.Everybody’s stare was on you. Your friend gushed in her seat, fists balled intoher cheats as she quietly geeked out at what was happening to you. You, on theother hand, were two-parts mortified, two-parts twelve seconds away from goingyour own gushing.Certainly, it was not good for your hatred of being the center of attention ina public space for you to be serenaded. But on the flip-side, you were being serenaded! This was the sort of stuff you’d onlyever seen in movies or Youtube videos. This wasn’t the sort of stuff thathappened to people like you! Or at least, that was what you’d thought before. Butthis man was proving otherwise as his fingers practically waltzed along thestrings of his guitar, treating you to a wordless solo that brought a piece ofyour mind back to the night scene. It now included him in there, with thosewarm eyes and kissable smile. Holding hands, walking along the streets – that that gooey romantic stuff youtried your best not to get too caught up in. But, oh, he made it look and soundso wonderful!In fact, it was that same wonderful voice that gently pulled you back toreality on a high note – literally.“Aaaaand like an echo far away,A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square,” he crooned. Before he got up, heoffered you quite possibly the smoothest wink you’d ever bore witness to. Hisfingers were still strumming as he slowly returned to his original placement. By the time you’d remembered to clap, the audience had already been holdingapplause for ten seconds. He took a small bow, glowing grin in place. He leanedinto the microphone once more:“Thank you so much! Wow, uh … Okay, I’ll be taking a ten-minute break so .. . I guess hang tight!”His eyes didn’t return to you as he turned around and exited the outside. Asmuch as you felt a little disappointed by this fact, you couldn’t blame him.++++++“What’s the matter? You haven’t eaten much …” Your friend nodded at yourplate. You shook your head, “Nothing, it’s just – I’m pacing myself.” You directed abite-sized piece in a circle with your fork. Your companion pursed her lips indoubt.“I’m calling bull on that,” she muttered, taking a bite of the quiche she’dbeen going on about all day. “I think I know the reason.” The delivery of thatsentence threatened a chill to go down your spine; you knew what was coming. And sure enough, as you looked up, you weremet with a taunting smirk.“Tummy in a tizzy? ‘Cause that cutie sang to you? Be still, your beating heart!”You attempted to glare through your blushing, aching face. “Quiet, you!” you hissed. You really didn’t want to hear this: Both because ofembarrassment, but also because you just wanted to forget about that guyalready. You wanted to scarf down your food, pack up, and leave this barbaricheat and never come back! … If only you could actually will yourself to eat–“Uh … Hey, excuse me? Sorry if I’m interrupted but –”Your friend’s eyes widened as she looked upwards of the tableside. You, on theother hand, dared not look for once: You knew exactly who it was.“Yeah, so, uh …” A sugar cookie with frosting decorated to resemble a sun wasplaced on your napkin. Okay, now youhad to look. You mustered the courage to look at the musician, trying your best to appearcalm and collected yet confused when in reality, you were inwardly flustered,nervous, and confused. The simple bite of his lip almost broke you.“I just wanted to apologize for earlier,” he said. “I usually work best whenthere’s a, you know, specific person in mind to sing for. But I realized alittle too late it’s not everybody’s style so … Cookie.” You could swearyou saw his cheeks hinting red.You regarded the cookie.“It’s … I mean, that was okay, you were only –”“No, it isn’t,” your friend cut in. You and the musician immediately looked ather, both your faces painted with perplexity.“What?” you uttered. Your friend just shook her head.“A cookie isn’t gonna cut it. The poor dear can’t even eat, you made her sonervous with that performance! In fact, I dare say you owe her an actual meal!”Your mouth dropped, eyes widening. What in the ever-living Hell was this bichdoing?!Before you could recite exactly that, your friend practically shot up from herseat.“Lemme get out your way so that the two of you can talk this out. By the time Icome back, I’d better hear the location, price range, everything about thedate!” (At the utterance of “date”, you swore you could feel your heart drop throughyour abdomen.)  “For my approval, of course,” she added. Nothing and nobody could stop her fromthen leaving, practically frolicking into the café building. Leaving you andthe man alone …He actually seemed mostly unfazed. He shrugged, “She’s got a point … Thisplace has decent cookies, but that’s not exactly great compensation.” He plopped himself in the now free chair and scooched in.“I’m Poe, by the way,” he said, offering you his hand. You blinked. He … He was seriously okay with this?! Apparently so.“(Y/N),” you returned, accepting the handshake. It was warm, just likeeverything else about him. Only this time, you didn’t mind the heat as itsurged through you, from your hand to your head.
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blueswapuniverse · 7 years
Asks Day 12
Anon: I'm sorry if you're getting asked this a lot, but... how's that AU going? The one where BD survives giving birth? Plopp: There are two snags with that. One, the thingy is very very very bad. Two, I started school, so it's either devote time to CC or a bad execution of an idea. Anon: what would happen if Steven meet other Stevens yellow Steven $uck you no no no $uck me canon Steven hey stop being mean yellow Steven no yellow Steven hey blue Steven lets work together and destroy the crystal gems Cnv99:????? Anon: What would White Diamond's reaction to this be??? Cnv99: We don’t know enough about her to construct a personality. Maybe she’s be the silent and cold type. Or just a don’t give no fucks badass aunt who is proud of her sad blue fleshy Nephew. Sergeant Plopp: It'll be way in the future regardless of if she appears or not. Anon: I've been thinking about Yellow Diamond's reaction to realising Steven is Blue. Maybe it'd be like Rameses from prince of Egypt in reverse: she'd be angry and frustrated at the inherent blaspheme, sad that she lost what you could call a sister, some regret if she feels she was a bit too warmonger-y (she has complete control of Homeworld's military) to properly help Blue through her grief and ultimately decides that she should train Steven to be a diamond, kidnapping him if needbe Cnv99: Tough love. But didn’t Rameses tried to follow Moses and his followers and slay them all after letting them go? Scary thought. Anon: what year will Steven die im not trying to troll really. Cnv99: Soon. (I’m not trolling really) Anon:who made the diamonds? Cnv99: Sneople Anon: what is rose opinion of communism Cnv99: ?????? Anon: so how did Blue handle having a baby? since it's all so new and different for a gem cnv99: Blue wanted to know so much about the Earth and how it works. Greg eventually tells her about humans, families and babies. It took her awhile to understand but she understood in the end. She loved Greg so much to have a child despite the risks. Anon: different person remember the rose=Lenin thing thats the Steven soviet au takes place in 1956 soviet russia where the crystal gems are a communist party and the diamonds are other countries yellow is Nazi Germany a tightly run country scared of revolt blue is USA a free market country white i think is ether UK or Italy and pink was the Russian empire before being overthrown so Steven is the son of rose very rich and wants to join the crystal gems and stop invaders Steven is also home schooled Plopp: Last time we’ll answer something like this. Keep your au ideas to your AU’s. Anon: because you have been bombarded by plot related questions i will ask something diferent: how did blue pearl reacted to the common kid injuries that most kids suffer in their childhood? did she was alarmed when steven had his first fall from bycicle?, did she was concerned when he begean his first steps?, and did ever crossed in her mind the posibility of stevenown mortality? Cnv99: Bloop is composed and well-behaved Pearl. She had been like that all her life but when her Diamond died and Steven was born everything she knew was thrown back to space. She constantly worries for his safety. She knows Humans are fragile beings. She is with him 24/7. But with her being a Pearl, she serves him well. She got frustrated at first, Her new fleshy Diamond could not speak or command her and couldn’t even hold a spoon. But she loved him and cares for him deeply. More than anything in this entire galaxy. Anon: will you get a face book page Cnv99: We’re not sure really. I don’t like facebook much tho. Anon: another person i seen some good intros ill try one of mine we are home world well shatter the crystal gems today and if you think we cant well shatter you anyway and than find a way thats why the gems of home world believe in yellow white and Steven? Plopp: Neat idea, we won't use it. Anon: Will Lars still die in this AU considering Steven isn't wanted on Homeworld like Canon!Steven is? Plopp: He probably will not die. The events of wanted wouldn't happen without a rose Quartz hybrid Anon: have you seen the Steven and Connie i seen some good au its where Connie gets trapped in gem tech and goes missing so Steven goes to school and becomes a scientist/alcoholic because of the loss of his best friend. 20 years later he brings her back and she did not age a day for a while there friends again but having trouble talking to each other adult and teen so Steven accidentally makes an inter dimensional portal gun now they both go on adventures. OK I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP Plopp: that's rick and morty’s basic idea Anon: Would yellow diamond send someone from homeworld like the Rubies to go fine blue? Plopp: Like we've said, Yellow is waiting her out. Anon: will Steven get limb enhancers Plopp: Nope! But there's a pic of a concept on Cnv’s blog! Anon: Theory - In the "Blue Diamond survives" story, Rose and Blue aren't going to fight at first - Blue still dislikes the Gems for killing her sister. But now, thanks to Greg and Steven, she has more of an understanding of why they did it - even if she still misses Pink Diamond a lot(and will probably react poorly when learning about Rose maybe being framed). What is going to start their fight instead is Rose not fully understanding Greg and Blue's relationship, and trying to flirt with her husband. Plopp: Excellent theory. Anon: I assume Yellow would invade Earth to get Steven when she finds out about him? Plopp: Hm, would that happen? Anon: Er, I have a question for the AU where Blue's alive - since she's not exactly too understanding of human relationships, would Rose still try to flirt with Greg, or would she understand he was off-limits after he or Blue told her? Plopp: Would she? You'll have to see their dynamic. Anon: What would the blueswap equivalent of Smoky Quartz be, anyways? Also, I think they would have a flail-like weapon. Plopp: That's a good question. Exactly how could a diamond be improved fusion-wise? As for the weapon, you're wrong. Anon: will steven be a judge in rose quartz trial Plopp: That would be a conflict of interest, my friend, because they're friends. Anon: blue swap theory Stevens true power Steven has the power to be almost immortal like VERY Slow ageing and live at least a few eons aka a few billion years if he feels like a child Plopp: I don't know if anyone has caught it, but Steven is hiding his appearance via his mindset. Anon: will there be a story where greg finds the deed to his uncles mansion Plopp: Interesting question! Hm, they sure will need more space if more gems keep moving into the palanquin. Anon: Connie i dont renounce Steven and i never have i just trying to protect pearl i wanted you to have a normal life thats something you cant have when Stevens shows up everything real turns fake everything right is wrong all you know is that he knows everything and you know nothing well hes not a villain pearl but shouldn't be your hero hes more like a demon or a super jacked up god yellow diamond lets not polish his gem to much he was a traitor and now hes shattered Plopp: M’what?? Anon: will there be a Disney land or vacation spot type place for the diamonds and elite gems like a tropical island Plopp: No one rests on homeworld, not even the diamonds. Except Blue, because she was depressed.
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brownthrussy · 7 years
Hey I saw your tags, & I was just wondering what is racist in su & gf? I'm just genuinely curious!
Well first of all sorry about the late reply i've been pretty busy! Second of all this might be a pointless reply, considering these fandoms, but fuck it. Stevies university and its fandom loves to preach itself as being diverse and woke yet does the same stuff that other fandoms do. Remember when Garnet or Amethyst got an arc for themselves? Me neither. Literally they're both "fusion" and the "fat friend" at this point. Both get little to no development for themselves which becomes ridiculous when theres been an interesting amount of focus and detail concerning Pearl. The Sardonyx arc, you know the arc which should have shown that Garnet is allowed to show that she can be vulnerable and that hurting others has consequences, was established as a Pearl arc. Literally it focused on the one that caused said problem instead of the one that got hurt when it shouldve focused on both atleast. Its also interesting how Garnet was stoic and silent when she was Darker in season 1 yet after her immediate regeneration in the end of the season she becomes lighter and more open. It probably wasnt intentional, considering Garnet got some growth by the season to become more open since Stevie met her halves, but its a tiring trope or "Stoic black woman finally gets to have a personality out of being serious and strong" which lasted a season. By season 3 shes literally the fusion friend. Aka the only episodes where she gets some focus are concerning fusion, which isnt wrong considering she is one, but it gets ridiculous not giving her anything else to work for. Amethyst was used as a "self hate" trope, which was great initially however it got repetitive and nothing was truly done. Remember season 3 when Amethyst was like "i hate myself thx Jasper" and Stevie was like "i hate myself too ok" and had a episode dedicated to it. It didnt seem necessary to have a competition on who hates themselves more when they could've, oh i dont know, learn and show compassion to one another as well as understanding each others. While it isnt exactly racism, i just dislike how the emotions in this show is just cry cry and we never mention it ever again. "Bismuth" was a display of "angry black woman' considering Bismuth wanted to kill a dictator and Stevie was like "b-hut th' hat'll make us just as bad l1ke them!!!1" and then Bismuth got poofed for wanting to kill dictators cause she was black and mean :// i get the whole "she tried to kill stevie" she thought he was rose and before anyone says "still murder tho" well ya faves Pearl Lapis and Peridot did the same shit too while the big bad butches Bismuth and Jasper suffer forever :). "Earthings" was a favorite of mine but I thought it used Smoky Quartz at the wrong time. Like the episode literally says that Amethyst could never beat Jasper no matter how she tries which really wasnt a good lesson tbh "hard work doesnt pay off, genetics does!!". Smoky was formed from a emotional bond which was nice but i thought it wouldve been better if Amethyst had accepted stevies help and that they could be fucks up together and said fusion would happen naturally instead of using fusion as just "wow we cant do shit on our owns :/// thanks rock genetics". The rubies literally got left in space to die when they were so easy to dispatch and Steven pulled the "i wanted to help eyeball" while he left the other 4 rubies to die instead of giving them a chance since wow they're??? Their own gems and deserve a chance. Said fandom demonized Navy and called her a sociopath for gaining Stevie's and the barn lesbians trust and taking the ship. These were some detailed reasons why the fandom and show seem hypocritical when they pull their "we care about diveristy but we aint gonna bother showing it" aka if youre not white coded rip you. Connie and Lars' heritage? Not necessary since theyre not white lol. Lars got a confirmed race like 4 episodes before he became pink so if we hadn't seen him before he got pink then we wouldve never known since he wouldnt look like a poc and he doesnt talk about his heritage so he wouldnt sound like one either. The fandom was also like "omgggg look at this one pic of Connie's mom wearing Indian clothes" while refusing the claim that we dont need to hear about anyone's heritage since it isn't "realistic" for POC to talk about it. Interestingly, most white fans say this claim hmm. Blue Diamond had some concerns syrrounding whitewashing, which appears to be due to lighting/ not official design. The problem was that BD was shown to be crueler in Season 2 when she was going to kill Ruby for doing her job. Yet by her official appearance she's neon, looks white despite the Indian asthethic vibe displayed on "The Return" and her display on the Moon, and sad cause her co-worker/ gf died or some shit despite Becky Sugar saying that BD was supposed to be a representation of homophobia. A stupid trope where the homophobe was just a closeted gay. She also became so sad and gay that the fandom woobified her to being a innocent gem despite being a dictator, trying to murder a main character, owning a human zoo. The show also made her cry like 99% to make you feel sad for her cause oh no how dare our white saviour Rose Quartz murder a dictator. This also brought a stupid belief of Steven that "the diamonds woildnt be here if it wasnt for my mom !!! Fuck her" considering killing PD looks like it was the only good thing Rose has done and like out of all the things steven has a right to be mad about it was about his mom killing a dictator??? Also Amethyst's and a Gem named Concrete had their own racist beta designs. Amethyst had a chola design and Concrete, a literal black coded gem that couldnt read (an advanced alien species and the only one that cant read is the black gem?),were displayed on the art books because the crewniverse doesnt really consider the racism that theyve displayed for children to see. This show has a lot of problems and its still good, could be a whole lot better if some issues were addressed, but considering the writers and fandom refuse to address any criticism by using the "its a show for kids!!!1) says the 30 year old white gay on tunglr. Org who praises stevies university for being woke!!1 and having a gay couple. Jeez this got long but I just think its hypocritical that everyone praises this show for barely doing the bare minimum yet refuses to address any problems.While I havent watched the whole show, Gravity falls has displayed a lack of POC in their whole show. While it is a small city, it became interesting that a lot of POC were in prison.
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