#he used to be the preacher's son. who was On Fire For God.
warping-realities · 3 months
Building an Empire II - The Supplier
Javier stared with his usual cold eyes at the priest of the almost empty church in which Isabel's body was being laid to rest. He had never been religious despite his aunt's efforts. He sent too many men to their final destination to have any hope of being welcomed into the kingdom of heaven. Now, in possession of the Reality Warper that possibility interested him even less, why worry about being a servant in the kingdom of God when he himself had become a god on Earth? Still, out of respect for Isabel's faith he chose to watch over her body in the religion she had believed in throughout her long life. Using his finances he managed to have the funeral held in one of the most important churches in the city. He couldn't help but find it funny how the money bought a luxurious send-off for the aunt of one of the city's biggest criminals. Apparently someone in the church organization had also noticed the irony of the situation and sent a young clergyman to perform the funeral rites. A young priest apparently very idealistic, very debauched or very reckless who had spent the entire sermon talking about repentance, the fires of hell and how those who committed sins against the Lord would pay on the day of judgment. Isabel didn't deserve to have anything like that said at her wake, but Javier had the clear impression that the religious man's target was someone else. A shame for him because he had chosen the wrong man on the wrong day to provoke, a man who carefully watched him speak while plotting the best use he could get of him in his schemes.
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At the end of the ceremony, Javier remained seated in one of the church seats, critically watching the few people present say their last goodbye to the deceased and leave the place. Many with their eyes lowered to avoid eye contact with him, some having the decency to at least nod their head, although none had the courage to try to comfort him. He didn't judge them, he was always intimidating and with stories about his life being whispered throughout the city no one would want to be seen near him. It didn't matter in the slightest to him, the only constant in his life had been Isabel and now she had left, but not before leaving one last gift. A gift that would fulfill any need for contact he might have that these people were unable to provide. Because the contact he wanted was different, he had very specific needs and that arrogant young priest would help him satisfy them in different ways.
When the last of Isabel's friends finally left the church Javier approached the pulpit where his aunt's body rested and his next prey awaited. The priest was blond and quite young, not yet thirty years old, when Javier saw him he was irritated because he would like a latino priest to watch over his aunt and he had been clear about that. Only at the moment of the sermon did he understand the reason for that choice. As he bent down to place his hand one last time on Isabel's cold face, Javier could see from the corner of his eye the priest judging him with the falsely pious look of those who consider themselves morally superior.
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Feeling the weight of that gaze that was at once merciful and judgmental, Javier raised his own eyes and faced the preacher.
"Beautiful litany Father...?"
"Ryan, my son. I'm glad you liked it. It's important when the message touches the faithful."
Leaving aside the irony that a man at least 10 years younger was calling him his son, Javier preferred to give the young priest rope to hang himself.
"Even those strayed from the herd?"
"Especially these, my son. Do you know the parable of the prodigal son?"
"Yes Father, Aunt Isabel made me complete my catechesis, even though everyone at the time already knew about my... nature."
"She was a very wise woman. For there is nothing in nature that the Lord cannot change. Since he was the creator of everything and everyone, he knows our every sin and will judge us all, but he also provides the way to salvation. "
"So that's what we are, Father? The prodigal son and the father who takes him back and leads him on the right path? I'm sorry, but a boy like you is not the father figure I have in mind."
"A church priest is the father of all the faithful, my son, age is irrelevant in this case." Father Ryan replied, to which Javier preferred to respond with another provocation.
"Tell me, Father, what leads someone so young to choose the church these days? To give up what the world has to offer, so many... pleasures?"
"Earthly pleasures are nothing compared to the nectar and honey of eternal life, my son. But answering your question, my choice was easy, I found in the abode of God the peace for what afflicted me, the balm for my pains and the expiation of my sins."
Does this mean what I'm thinking? Javier thought to himself. If that were the case, any slightest regret he might have for what he was about to do would disappear, but to be sure of that he would first need to do it. But not before a last provocation.
"It's a shame, Father, that I don't think my sins need atonement. I took from the world what it denied me and I don't regret it, everything I achieved was due to my merit and those who stood in my way were the same or much worse than I ever was. And as for what you call sin, what you fear to the point of cloistering yourself, it is something that I do not give up, it is something that I indulge and revel in and that I I'm proud. Another sin to put on the list, pride, pride in not being a hypocrite who is so afraid of what he is that he prefers to hide in a pair of skirts like a woman."
"How you dare to say sinfull words in the Lord's house your sodomite?"
"I dare because I'm can." Answered Javier with a golden shine in his eyes watching Father Ryan be enveloped in an equally golden cocoon.
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Javier stared at the golden figure for a few moments before shifting his gaze to the figure above the altar.
"Sorry, but today the greatest power at work will be me." He muttered right before invading Father Ryan's mind and reality. What he saw there surprised and angered him, but not for the reason he thought he would find it. Father Ryan was as big a hypocrite as he had imagined, but the reason for that enraged him. Since he was a boy Seamus Ryan had been brought up considering pleasure as a sin and the sexual act between two men as inconceivable and thus he had always denied his desires. The few times he had let it slip it the punishment he had inflicted on himself had been exemplary. What further increased Javier's disgust was fact that the young priest really believed in what he said and did, in the expiation of sins through pain and in the denial of his own identity. Also the fact at the same time he was dedicated, he gave food to the poor, participated in social works and helped children in need without ever giving them a look of desire, but if these people show any sign of the sin that he tried so fervently to hide he leaves them in misery . The combination of all that with Javier's own needs would make the new and reformulated Father Ryan someone very complex, in a way that his own creator could not understand, just as he could not understand himself.
With one last glance at the figure on the altar Javier set to work exploring the different possibilities that the small golden artifact imbued with his will had to offer.
Seamus Ryan found himself in the memory he had tried so hard to repress. The first of many to come and the most significant of them. He saw himself again on that terrible afternoon at boarding school, when at the age of twelve, while watching the older boys play football, he felt a strange sensation between his legs, an itch followed by an uncontrollable urge to touch his dick. Unfortunately for him, Father Connor saw what was happening and punished him severely, instilling in little Seamus the shame and guilt that he would associate with that feeling for the rest of his life. Feelings that would only increase in the years to come, leading the boy to try to purge any type of pleasure, no matter how small. He never masturbated and constantly self-harmed when he had any thoughts he deemed impure. He acquired the habit of fasting for days to avoid gluttony and the only alcohol he tasted in his life was altar wine. He did not even allow himself to participate in group physical activities for fear of desire and to repress the pleasure, preferring to take long walks, often barefoot, feeling his injured feet bleed to mitigate his sin. Yet deep down he knew that if he looked into the abyss within him the abyss would look back and that's why he set out to purge that evil in himself and in others. He became a man thin to the point of being skeletal due to lack of nutrients and a lack of love for himself, preaching about a love he was unaware of because he never had the opportunity to know what it was to truly love, using the excuse that God's love was enough to him. However, if the Lord Himself stood before him and told him that there was no sin in being who he really was, he would have turned his back on Him in disbelief, so deep was the contempt within him.
Javier also watched that scene wondering if a single moment could actually define someone's life. With that thought in mind he made a decision.
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Sean Ryan found himself once again in the memory that would define the course of his life. He saw himself again on that terrible afternoon at boarding school, when at the age of twelve, while watching the older boys play football, he felt a strange sensation between his legs, an itch followed by an uncontrollable urge to touch his dick. Unfortunately for him, Father Connor saw what was happening and tried to punish him. Unfortunately for that bitter man the boy had a spark of rebellion burning inside him. A spark that flared up at that moment and made the boy run away from the boarding school that night, but not before committing another act of rebellion, doing exactly what the priest had tried to restrain him and feeling the greatest pleasure of his young life.
That night he wandered the streets of the city and saw things he never imagined, women exposing their half-naked bodies on street corners, men kissing women and other men, committing all kinds of carnal acts. There he saw sin for the first time and fell in love with it. And it was in the midst of the dazzled stupor of discovery that he was stopped by an imposing figure, a true giant who opened the way in the middle of that sea of sin and desire like Moses had opened the red sea and who awakened in him another type of desire, the greed, because that was exactly how he would like to be someday.
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"What do you think you're doing, boy?" Asked the giant caramel-skinned police officer with a mustache that still gave no indication of how big he would one day become.
"No...nothing sir." Sean replied in a stuttering voice.
"This isn't the place to someone like you, boy. What's your name?" The man said with a stern look at Shane.
"Seamus, sir, but my friends cal me Sean."
"Flores speaking, I found the kid. I'm going to take him back." The police officer spoke into the communicator he carried with him.
"Come on boy, half the city's police are looking for you."
"I won't to go back"
"I don't give a fuck about what you want, you'll come with me." Miguel Flores scolded, making Sean Ryan scared and amazed at the power exuded by the police officer in such a way that he was paralyzed and allowed himself to be taken by the police officer to his car.
"Come in Seamus." The officer said before muttering to himself. "A boy from Saint Colum runs away and the world despairs, while fifteen kids can die of cold and hunger on the street because they can no longer bear living in the damn Santa Maria de Los Dolores and it's just a fatality… Hey kid, what you think you doing?” Shouted the policeman, grabbing the boy by the scruff of his neck when he tried to escape from the car.
"Do another funny thing like that and I'll put you on the trunk like a criminal. I'm solo tonight, no partner, so no one will ever know what happened to you. So you better behave, sit there quietly."
Fearing retaliation from the giant police officer, Shane calmed down.
"Tell me boy, what makes someone run away from a guarantee of a hot meal, a roof over their head, a comfortable bed to sleep in and a quality education?"
"You wouldn't understand."
"Boy, I was raised in the Santa Maria de Los Dolores orphanage, believe me that anything you went through at your fancy school, I've certainly seen or experienced worse."
"Father Connor well... he..."
"Did the bastard put his hand on you?" The policeman asked, even more angered, although for the first showing some kind of real interest in the boy.
"No sir, I mean yes, but not in the way you think, he punished me..."
"Ah, and what did you do boy?"
"I don't know, he said that I sinned, that I was unclean and that I should be ashamed, but... if so, why was it so good?"
"Don't tell me that withered old man caught you playing with your little wand?" Officer Flores asked with an mischievous smile on his face.
"Well, yes... but it didn't seem like that was what irritated him so much."
"So what was it?"
"You wouldn't understand"
"Boy, I told you that I lived a good part of my life in an orphanage for boys run by the church. If there's anyone who can understand you, it's me. Tell me, you were caught snooping at your classmates in the shower or..."
"No, no, it wasn't that... well it was... but they were playing ball..."
"Boy, I don't know why I bother saying this. So remember what I'm going to tell you because it's something I had to learn on my own. The world is an unfair and cruel place, and even more cruel to people like you. So you'll have to find a way to live with that. There will be people who will hate you just for being the way you are, many will humiliate you or your opportunities to have pleasure. But you said it yourself, if its is a sin, why its so good? Do you really think that God would make you the way you are if its a sin? I don't know if I believe in a God, but if you do, come to an agreement with him. Let it be something just between you, he will respond or not and you will live the way you think is best. "
"But isn't it wrong?"
"Tell me boy, is it more wrong to taste good food and the heat of someone else's body or to purposely go hungry and cold to punish yourself for something that is not your fault? A real sin is not take advantage of it when other people would give everything to have the opportunity to be in your place."
"But people will treat me badly if I... if I …"
"Yes, they will, but no one outside you needs to know that. Well, you and God I imagine. Don't be stupid, don't inconvenience these priests, be a perfect example of a little holy boy. But don't let them take away from you who you are. And when the time comes, you will find a way to do what is best for you. It may be that you find a good woman who understands the needs you have, or it may be that you have to face the cruelties of the world with your head held high, which always seemed to me an idealistic idiotic thing to do. Be smart boy, do your own thing and remember to take advantage of the opportunities that life gives you, not everyone will have the same ones. We're here, I'm going to take you inside and have a word with this Father Connor. Be smart, show them what they want to see and most importantly don't fuck with my shift again, Sean." The police officer concluded, opening the car door with what appeared to be a genuine smile.
As Sean entered the school he couldn't resist looking back and taking one last look at Officer Flores, not yet knowing how much that encounter would influence his life. At that moment the only thing he felt was admiration for the man and a wave of desire different from the one he had felt the day before, as this was a desire to become exactly like that man, even more so after he saw the expression that the policeman he demonstrated as Father Connor's thin figure walked towards him.
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From that day on, Sean Ryan followed Officer Flores' instructions as if they were divine commandments. In front of the standards of the boarding school he acted with all the purity and innocence in the world, but behind their backs he began to enjoy and experiment. At sixteen years of age he didn't resemble the thin, emaciated boy he had been. With a healthy appetite, combined with constant physical exercise, he became a strong and fully developed young man. He was adored by everyone and the priests had great hopes for a future for him within the church, the only one who seemed to harbor any kind of grudge against him was Father Connor, but some deep fear prevented him from doing anything against him. Sean, for his part, wasn't so sure if his future would be in clerical life. That changed just before the boy's seventeenth birthday, when sweaty after rugby training he was getting ready for a shower and was approached by another of the boys on the team. Until that moment, no matter how much he had indulged in the pleasures of food, drink and the self-satisfaction of masturbation, he had never experienced the pleasure of orgasm with another person. After the sex, with his body covered in sweat and cum, he sat on the bench in the locker room and was sure that he would never look for a good woman to cover up what he was. But in those years he had learned to be as smart as Officer Flores had asked him to be, and suddenly the idea of ​​the clerical life became a much more interesting prospect.
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Just over ten years after the fateful meeting between Sean and police officer Flores, fate (actually Javier) brought them face to face again. Newly ordained, Sean, now Father Ryan, had managed to obtain a position of great importance, which had raised some eyebrows within the church hierarchy, but he had known very well how to obtain and return favors during his time as a seminarian, coming to the conclusion that his superiors were as hypocritical than he was, but at least he assumed that for himself. The position he obtained was an old desire, he would be part of the body of clergy at the church of Santa Maria de Los Dolores, but more importantly he had managed to be appointed director of the orphanage attached to the parish, which had required the collection of many favors and for him to kneel in different ways. However, the position was undoubtedly his and with enough money for a good renovation. Freshly returned from a short vacation after his appointment he found himself opening the suit already too small to his huge body while observing the state his future domain was in. He had been this way for some time when he was surprised by an unexpected visitor.
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"When I heard the name of the new director of this place I needed to make sure, and when I saw your photo Father my doubts increased. A big man of that size couldn't be the withered boy that I delivered to Saint Colum so many years ago."
"Ten years and 3 months exactly. And what I can say about the size is the result of adequate nutrition and physical exercise." Oliver replied with an unrequited smile.
"I'd say much more than simply adequate, you could take a bull by the horns boy."
"A police officer once told me not to hold back my needs."
"Detective, I'm a detective now, Sean"
"I am now Father Ryan, Detective Flores."
"That's exactly what I'd like to talk about." Miguel Flores responded with a pointed look and a cold voice.
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At that moment, before the older man's gaze, Father Ryan found himself in the same position as Father Connor so many years before and despite all the confidence acquired with years of practice in physical activities, he could not avoid a shiver of fear.
"What do you expect to do here boy? I hope you're not doing this to satisfy the need I feared the other priest had tried to satisfy with you."
Calming down, Father Ryan resumed his smile.
"On the contrary, I assured you that all my needs are well met and fed and this is not one of them. In fact, it is precisely to combat these needs that I am here. After our meeting I followed your advice and made my own agreement with the Lord, one that I can live with and that I assure you is much less problematic than what many of my teachers and superiors do with their lives. But I also took an interest in this place and investigated it, using every means at my disposal including some disgusting moments with disgusting old men. Believe me, telling yourself that a hole is a hole doesn't help much when the body attached to said hole is hateful. Finally, after a lot of trouble, I discovered what was really happening here and I took steps to ensure that it doesn't happen again. The kids will have a safe place to live, all of them, even those who don't fit in at least until adulthood.
"You're a better man than me Father." Detective Flores replied with a half smile.
"I'm not so sure about that Detective Flores. I may be the Father here, but in my dreams you're the one I call Papi."
"I'm flattered, kid, but it's not going to happen. You've become a beautiful piece of meat, but for me you'll always be that skinny kid from Saint Colum. I'm sure that if you're the kind of man I think you are, one day you'll be in my shoes and respond in the same way. But don't be sad, if you you want to taste the Latin spice so much, I know exactly who could be your Papi.
Javier withdrew from Father Ryan's mind with the thought that his treatment of him was more of a favor than a punishment. So much so that he spared his original's bitter conscience from the suffering given to Michael Fischer. He justified this attitude to himself by the fact that the Priest was not part of his personal revenge plan but just another piece in the greater scheme. Still, why had he given Flores a sympathetic streak? He would have to be very careful not to end up going soft. Speaking of soft, the thin, golden figure of the original Father Ryan lost its rigid metal appearance on this shelf and began to expand before Javier's eyes. Another change in relation to what happened in the previous experience. Before his eyes Father Ryan blossomed like a flower. A giant muscled flower of a man. 
It was not possible to say a specific location for the beginning of the transformation as everything occurred at the same time. The lean torso expanding into enormous pecs, the thin arms becoming the size of clubs, the slender legs growing to the size of tree trunks, the abdomen in a gut that would certainly be a mixture of muscle and fat when the new Father Ryan revealed himself and finally the cadaverous face giving way to a round jolly face.
Javier admired the work for a few moments before the gold faded into brilliant dust and revealed the figure of Father Ryan. A well-built young man, with developed muscles covered by a layer of fat that only increased his overall size, giving the impression of a beast cloistered inside that cassock with the new memories that entered Javier's mind at that moment confirmed to be the purest truth, or not so pure, since Father Ryan's inner beast manifested itself in the extremely libidinous sexual acts that he enjoyed intensely. Something that the round, smiling and apparently innocent face of the figure that stood up and spoke to Javier did not show.
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"Now that your aunt's soul is committed to the Lord, do you have any other business to attend to, my son?" He asked with a friendly and pious tone that hid very well the intentions behind the question, and only a careful look would be able to reveal the malice hidden in that cherubic face. A look that Javier possessed.
"We'll take care of what you want, Father, but before that, let's take care of business." Javier replied, although he burned with desire.
These catacombs were built next to the parish and run throughout all of the church land. No one has been here for years since priests stopped being buried here. Many don't even know about the existence of the place and I was very diligent in erasing the physical records of it and no one ever bothered to make digital records. In addition, Detective Flores' contact at city hall also sorted through their records and those at the municipal library. Unless someone looks through old newspapers and finds some mention of the existence of these crypts, they exist only for us and those we grant access to them." Father Ryan explained as he guided Javier through the spacious place.
"What about the equipment and personnel needed?"
"The boys arranged everything. They were all raised in Santa Maria de Los Dolores and are very grateful for the payment given to their colleges and specializations and most importantly they have my complete trust and believe in the project. I know you're not the type who trusts others, but this time you'll have to trust me."
"That will depend on the results you produce but something tells me I won't need to worry to much about that." Javier replied with a half smile.
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"So what do you say if I show you what we've produced so far so you can evaluate the results produced and mitigate any remaining concerns?" Father Ryan responded, guiding him through the dimly lit corridors of the place to a solid steel door that seemed completely out of place in that environment and making Javier wonder how he had managed to install it there. Meanwhile, the priest's eye was scanned, causing the huge door to open into a room where there were several computers, a laboratory and some young men working. A substance like molten gold could be seen in some of the beakers arranged on the laboratory bench, while one of the men observed with a critical eye a round, gelatinous pill of the same tone before depositing it in a black box with an alien shape where several other pills were placed. identical ones abounded. Javier observed the efficiency of the production with a look of approval that did not go unnoticed by Father Ryan.
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"What do you think of these results?"
"They certainly ease my worries, but do I still need to ask you what the production estimate is?"
"A fair question but again I better answer by showing you." Father Ryan replied with a mischievous smile as he opened the door to a large warehouse and several shelves full of those strange black boxes and each of them filled to the brim with those golden pills.
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One would have to wonder how the bed in the room attached to the facility had withstood the weight and adventures of the two mammoths that occupied it that afternoon. A mocker could say that it was divine providence. And divine had been the pleasure experienced by Father Ryan from the moment he had savagely torn Javier's shirt down to the last of their organs, and it was with regret that he watched the older man put on one of the clothes he had provided just that type of occasion.
"Are you sure you can't stay longer, Papi?" He tried.
"I have an unpostponable commitment and looking at you I think it's time for you to think about being someone's Papi." Javier replied, savoring the irony that only he could understand.
"And who said I'm not already?" Father Ryan joked with a smile while lying in the bed.
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"Feel free to do whatever you want boy, as long as you don't forget who is your Daddy.”
“I will never forget Papi. What is this important commitment you have?”
"With production and supply secured, we need to place the product on the market. But to do this we will need a dealer." Javier replied with one last smile for his lover before leaving to ensure that.
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areyoudreaminof · 1 year
Leave Out a Cup For Me: An Amren Playlist
The Inner Circle is complete and I have finally conquered the tiny ancient one.
This was without a doubt the hardest playlist to make. Amren is tough for me, she's sort of a strange enigma. She's our look into the greater Fae world and beyond, she's a shrewd second-in-command and brilliant. But, like the cosmic entity she is, she can be cruel and condescending. So, that leaves me with the question; what does Amren sound like? For me, she sounds like a lot of gothic synths and Americana. I expect this playlist to be as divisive as her character. Either way, I hope you enjoy it! Meet me behind the cut!
Listen Here!
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If the walls were too thin You would break in If the walls were too thin You would break right in
Out in the thunder Opens my eyes wide There is sound in my mind Keeps me up all night
Fresh Blood-Eels
Whatever trepidation you may feel In your heart, you know it's not real In a moment of clarity Summon an act of charity
You gotta pull me out of this mud Sweet baby, I need fresh blood
Same Old Energy-Kiki Rockwell
It's your own damn fault, boy, you handed us the broom Four hundred years ago, sayin' "You know what to do" Yes sir, we do, beep beep, comin' through Close your damn mouth, my man, I told you we flew
Rise up, oh, flame, come join the game They started a frenzy, but we’ll take the blame A bare chested dame who goes by no name Their arsenal's empty, all they got is shame
Your teeth are on fire, do you notice? No Your mouth is burning, do you notice? No Your hair burns, my hair burns Your skin burns, my skin burns Do you feel anything? No If I tell you what I’m thinking promise, you won’t tell yourself If you tell me what you’re thinking, I swear I won’t tell myself He’s on the ground, he’s on his knees, he’s a believer He’s on the ground, he didn’t listen to the preacher
Lose Your Soul-Dead Man's Bones
I get up in the morning To the beat of the drum I get up to this feeling Keeps me on the run I get up in the morning Put my dreams away I get up, I get up, I get up again
Devil's Resting Place-Laura Marling
When you ask to drink of me I think out on the case Look down to my aloe cup and take myself a taste Bitterness is thick like blood and cold as a wind sea breeze If you must drink of me, take of me what you please I am loathe to say it's the devil's taste I've been with the devil in the devil's resting place
Bad Ritual-Timber Timbre
There's a hat on the bed,the clock has stopped ticking And nothing remotely romantic has been said Let's not pass on the steps, let's take the season very easy Let's take pills, saltwater, let's keep looking ahead It's a bad, bad ritual But it calms me down
In the Dark-Cathedrals
I can see you fall apart You turn away and fade out of sight But I hear you call in the night Let it go, let me hold you this time Lying in the hollows of your heart I see you lying awake in your ride I’ll be a spark in the sky When you want it, I’ll be on the other side
Deep Green-Marika Hackman
Just because I love your skin Doesn't mean I'll jump in The water's clean and warm and green I'm not allowed to swim I'm scared of getting in
Pyre-Son Lux
We're wresting now from our own hands a future Regret the flower of watered seed Are we the ghosts that swarm about us? We can begin
Thanatos-Soap & Skin
Ages of delirium Curse of my oblivion I swell without a scar To the end of time A shell without a star At the end of time
I am not a woman, I'm a god-Halsey
I am not a woman, I'm a god I am not a martyr, I'm a problem I am not a legend, I'm a fraud So keep your heart 'cause I already got one
TAGLIST: @aldbooks @bookofmirth @brieq @bagelfyre @c-e-d-dreamer @cursebrkr @darling-archeron @damedechance @gwyns @gimme-mor @harrysringss @highqueenmorrigan @talons-and-teeth @kataravimes-of-the-shire @krem-does-stuff @krem-has-a-mess @kingofsummer93 @lidiacervos @lucienarcheron @octobers-veryown @ofduskanddreams @panicatthenightcourt @queercontrarian @reverie-tales @asnowfern @spell-cleavers @separatist-apologist @wilde-knight @thesistersarcheron @thelovelymadone @the-lonelybarricade @ultadverb @vulpes-fennec @velidewrites @vanserrass @yazthebookish @mossytrashcan @bennylavasbuns @tuzna-pesma-snova @andrigyn @thecrispypotatochip @elvhendis @fieldofdaisiies @xtaketwox @popjunkie42-blog
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On August 8, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of St. Dominic Guzman, who helped the cause of orthodoxy in the medieval Church by founding the Order of Preachers, also known as Dominicans.
“This great saint reminds us that in the heart of the Church, a missionary fire must always burn,” Pope Benedict XVI said in a February 2010 General Audience talk on the life of St. Dominic.
In his life, the Pope said, “the search for God's glory and the salvation of souls went hand in hand.”
Born on 8 August 1170 in Caleruega, Spain, Dominic was the son of Felix Guzman and Joanna of Aza, members of the nobility.
His mother would eventually be beatified by the Church, as would his brother Manes who became a Dominican.
The family's oldest son Antonio also became a priest.
Dominic received his early education from his uncle, who was a priest, before entering the University of Palencia where he studied for ten years.
In one notable incident from this period, he sold his entire collection of rare books to provide for the relief of the poor in the city.
After his ordination to the priesthood, Dominic was asked by Bishop Diego of Osma to participate in local church reforms.
He spent nine years in Osma, pursuing a life of intense prayer, before being called to accompany the bishop on a piece of business for King Alfonso IX of Castile in 1203.
While traveling in France with the bishop, Dominic observed the bad effects of the Albigensian heresy, which had taken hold in southern France during the preceding century.
The sect revived an earlier heresy, Manicheanism, which condemned the material world as an evil realm not created by God.
Dreading the spread of heresy, Dominic began to think about founding a religious order to promote the truth.
In 1204, he and Bishop Diego were sent by Pope Innocent III to assist in the effort against the Albigensians, which eventually involved both military force and theological persuasion.
In France, Dominic engaged in doctrinal debates and set up a convent whose rule would eventually become a template for the life of female Dominicans.
He continued his preaching mission from 1208 to 1215, during the intensification of the military effort against the Albigensians.
In 1214, Dominic's extreme physical asceticism caused him to fall into a coma, during which the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to him and instructed him to promote the prayer of the Rosary.
Its focus on the incarnation and life of Christ directly countered the Albigensian attitude towards matter as evil.
During that same year, Dominic returned to Tolouse and obtained the bishop's approval of his plan for an order dedicated to preaching.
He and a group of followers gained local recognition as a religious congregation, and Dominic accompanied Tolouse's bishop to Rome for an ecumenical council in 1215.
The council stressed the Church's need for better preaching but also set up a barrier to the institution of new religious orders.
Dominic, however, obtained papal approval for his plan in 1216 and was named as the Pope's chief theologian.
The Order of Preachers expanded in Europe with papal help in 1218.
The founder spent the last several years of his life building up the order and continuing his preaching missions, during which he is said to have converted some 100,000 people.
After several weeks of illness, Dominic died in Italy on 6 August 1221.
He was canonized by Pope Gregory IX on 13 July 1234.
He is the patron saint of astronomers and natural scientists.
He and his order are traditionally credited with spreading and popularizing the rosary.
The country Dominican Republic and its capital Santo Domingo are named after Saint Dominic.
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The entirety of the Scriptures work together to put Christ before the eyes of our hearts.
In Genesis, Jesus is the Seed of the woman who will crush the head of the serpent.
In Exodus, Jesus is the Passover Lamb, slain so the LORD’s people can be spared justice.
In Leviticus, Jesus is our true High Priest offering a better sacrifice than the rest.
In Numbers, Jesus is the Pillar of cloud by day and the Pillar of fire by night, leading His people to the Promised Land.
In Deuteronomy, Jesus is the Prophet like Moses whom we must listen to or perish.
In Joshua, Jesus is the Captain of the LORD’s army, making war on His enemies.
In Judges, Jesus is the Judge we long for to correct our rebellious hearts.
In Ruth, Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer.
In 1st and 2nd Samuel, Jesus is our trusted Prophet, revealing God perfectly to us.
In Kings and Chronicles, Jesus is the King we long for who will rule righteously forever.
In Ezra, Jesus is the Rebuilder of the broken down walls of the city of God.
In Esther, Jesus is the one who does not simply RISK his life, but GIVES his life to save his people.
In Job, Jesus is our ever-living Redeemer.
In Psalms, Jesus is the Son we must Kiss and our Good Shepherd.
In Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, Jesus is the very embodiment of wisdom.
In the Song of Solomon, Jesus is the Church’s Loving Bridegroom, fairer than ten-thousand.
In Isaiah, Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the Gospel Preacher, and the Suffering Servant.
In Jeremiah, Jesus is the Righteous Branch.
In Lamentations, Jesus is the better Weeping Prophet—who does not simply weep for sin but kills sin by letting himself be killed in the place of sinners.
In Ezekiel, Jesus is the wonderful Four-Faced man.
In Daniel, Jesus is the fourth Man in the fiery furnace with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego, he’s the One who closes the lion’s mouths for Daniel, and He is the Son of Man given an eternal Kingdom after His ascension.
In Hosea, Jesus is the Faithful Husband, forever married to the backslider.
In Joel, Jesus is the baptizer with the Holy Spirit.
In Amos, Jesus is our true Burden-Bearer.
In Obadiah, Jesus is the One Mighty to Save.
In Jonah, Jesus is the better one that was thrown into the sea of God’s wrath so those on board would be spared.
In Micah, Jesus is the Messenger with beautiful feet.
In Nahum, Jesus is the Avenger of God's elect.
In Habakkuk, Jesus is God's evangelist.
In Zephaniah, Jesus is our Saviour.
In Haggai, Jesus is the restorer of God's lost heritage.
In Zechariah, Jesus is the High Priest made dirty for our sin so we can be clothed in righteousness.
In Malachi, Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness, rising with healing in His wings.
In the Gospel Accounts, Jesus is the God-Man come to save sinners by the grace of his righteous life, sin-paying crucifixion, and death-defeating resurrection!
In Acts, we see what the ascended Christ continued to do, by His Spirit, the first 30 years after He sat down at the right hand of His Father, the Majesty on high.
All the Letters of the New Testament clarify who He is, what His gospel means, how we should live for Him, and to watch out for those who teach contrary to His Prophets and Apostles. In Revelation, Jesus is our coming King—He will slay men who refuse to come to Him and remain in their sin; He will perfect His people who trust Him by faith and who will renew the entire cosmos. Those who refuse to repent and believe in Christ and His gospel will be thrown in the fiery pit of hell to be punished for their sin for all eternity. Those who belong to Jesus in this life will belong to Him forever in the perfect life to come, where we will enjoy Him forever for His glory and our good.
– Brett Baggett
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Christians that Slander Other Christians
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Slanderous speech in the Christian faith has become increasingly popular due to social media platforms. Prior to social media we had select church pastors that participated in slandering other pastors or churches, but this was not the standard for most pastors or churches out there.
Many Christians prior to social media read their bibles, and were raised to show respect to those around them, especially in the faith. However, today we have a generation of preachers, as well as other believers, that choose the path of slandering others in order to either produce new content for those that follow them or attend their church week after week, or to simply look like they are righteous themselves by exposing what they deem heresy or false teachings.
None of this should be taking place among the disciples of Christ. None of it! Christianity is perhaps the most divided religion in our world today. It’s divided into various denominations, theologies, and practices. When the world takes one look at Christianity they do not see a religion of peace, love, mercy, grace, understanding, compassion, and kindness but rather a group of people that not only attack their way of life, but also attack one another as well. People calling Jesus their Lord and their God, but acting worse than those in the world in terms of treatment towards others in the faith.
Christian’s publicly attacking other Christians openly before the world is absolutely not biblical behavior nor a righteous standard.
Stop and consider this for a moment. If any owner of a business hired several people to work at it, and the owner left for a little while only to come back and see several of their employees standing around criticizing the ones that are working, what would happen to those that were standing around criticizing? They would be fired immediately and replaced with other workers. The Church / Body of Christ is The Lord’s business. For He uses it to bring about more increase for the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is not anyones place to criticize or insult His workers in His business.
Consider what Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23. He said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’
What is the will of the Heavenly Father? It is for us to look to Jesus and believe in Him. To learn from Him, and to listen and obey Him. For the Heavenly Father spoke to Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration this, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” What did Jesus say for us to do? He said, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” There is no slander in love. Slander is not a fruit of The Spirit, but rather the fruit of the flesh.
James, the younger brother of Jesus, wrote this himself, “Do not speak against one another, brethren. He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks against the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge of it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor?”
Paul the apostle also wrote this, “But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the Law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. Reject a factious (relating or inclined to dissension) man after a first and second warning, knowing that such a man is perverted and is sinning, being self-condemned.”
Slander leads to arguments, arguments lead to divisions. These divisions lead to more slander and arguments, and even more divisions. It is a vicious cycle that we as believers must stop participating in. It is not profitable for the Kingdom of Heaven, but rather causes a deficit in it because people leave the faith or never come to Christ because of it.
Lastly consider the warning that Jesus gave to us through His apostles, “If anyone causes one of these little ones (those who believe in me) to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!” Do not be the reason someone stumbles in their faith. Do not put yourself in the way of His judgement.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable (if anything is excellent or praiseworthy) think about such things.
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freebiblestudies · 1 year
Plagues in the Bible Lesson 02: Acts of God?
The world has experienced a modern-day plague these past few years in the form of a virus called COVID-19.  Some preachers have claimed COVID to be God’s judgment upon mankind for moral decay and wickedness.  Is that really the case?  Are all plagues that befall mankind acts of God?  Let us consider a story of plagues that calls that into question.
Let’s read together Job 1:1-22; Job 2:1-10; and Job 7:5.
Job suffered a series of calamities.  Raiders took his oxen, donkeys, camels, and killed his servants. Fire burned up his sheep.  A great wind knocked down his oldest son’s house, killing all Job’s children inside.  Job was also afflicted with painful boils all over his body.
Was God the cause of these plagues?  No, these disasters were all instigated by Satan.
Let’s read together Job 2:9-10; Job 5:17-18; Job 6:1-4; Job 8:3-6; Job 10:1-7; and Job 11:5-6.
Notice that Job and his three friends all assumed these calamities came from God.  Job asserted he did nothing to deserve what happened to him.  On the other hand, his friends believed Job must have sinned greatly.  None of them had any idea these plagues were not of God’s doing.
Let’s read together Luke 13:1-5 and Matthew 5:45.
In Jesus’ time, the same attitude prevailed among the Jews.  They believe God brought calamities upon those who sinned greatly.  However, Jesus disputed that notion.  Those who died in calamities were not worse sinners than others.  In Jesus’ view, whether one dies in a plague or not, the most important thing is to repent of your sins and turn your heart to God.
Let’s read together Matthew 13:24-30; Romans 8:35-38; 1 Corinthians 4:9; and Revelation 12:17.
The Bible reveals there is spiritual war between Christ and Satan.  We are all caught in the middle of this warfare, whether we realize it or not.  Satan will use any means necessary to turn people away from God, including plagues and disasters.
Let’s read together Hebrews 10:32-33; James 5:11; and Revelation 2:8-11.
Throughout the ages, people have blamed unpredictable and uncontrollable plagues and disasters upon God.  However, the Bible reveals that not all these so-called “acts of God” actually came from God.  Satan is smearing God’s name and trying to turn people away from Him.  
Friend, will you keep your eyes upon Jesus and endure what trials and tribulations that Satan throws at you?
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hieromonkcharbel · 2 years
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The Holy Martyrs and Confessors Gurias, Samon and Habib:
Commemorated on November 15
The Holy Martyrs and Confessors Gurias, Samon and Habib: During the time of persecution against Christians under the emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maximian (305-311), two friends were arrested in the city of Edessa, the Christians Gurias and Samon, preachers of the Word of God. At the demand to offer sacrifice to the gods the saints answered with a decisive refusal and confessed their faith in Christ. For this they were subjected to cruel tortures: they beat them, hung them up by their hands, tied heavy weights to their feet, and cast them into a stifling prison. The martyrs endured everything with firmness and a prayer to the Lord, which one of the witnesses to the martyrs wrote down: "O Lord my God, without Whose will not a single sparrow falleth into the snare. Thou it was, Who wast diffused in the heart of David in sorrow, Who proved the Prophet David stronger than lions, and granted for a child of Abraham to be victor over torture and flames. Now also Thou knowest, O Lord, the infirmity of our nature, Thou beholdest the struggle set afront us. For the enemy striveth to tear away from Thee the work of Thy right-hand and to deprive (us) from the essence of Thine Glory. But do Thou, with Thine compassionate eye watching over us, preserve in us the inextinguishable light of Thy Commandments. By Thine light guide our steps, and grant us to delight in Thine bliss, for blessed art Thou unto ages of ages". By night they took the martyrs out beyond the city and beheaded them (+ 299-306). Christians buried their holy bodies.
After some years the last pagan emperor Licinius (311-324) began a persecution against Christians. A deacon of the Edessa Church by the name of Habib, whom the emperor ordered to be arrested for his zealous spreading of the true faith, presented himself before the executioners, since he did not want other Christians to suffer because of the search for him. The saint confessed his faith in Christ and was sentenced to burning. The martyr went willingly into the fire and with prayer gave up his soul to the Lord (+ 322). When the fire went out, the mother and kinsmen of the saint found his body unharmed. They buried the martyr next to Saints Gurias and Samon.
After the death of the saints, numerous miracles were wrought by them for those who with faith and love entreated their help. Thus, one time a certain Gothic-soldier, sent for service at Edessa, took as his spouse the pious maiden Euphymia. Before this he vowed to her mother Sophia at the graves of the Martyrs Gurias, Samon and Habib, – that he would do his spouse no harm, and would never insult her, but would always love and cherish her. At the completion of his service in Edessa, he took Euphymia with him back to his native land. Afterwards it turned out, that he had deceived her: in his native-land he already had a wife, and Euphymia became her slave. Euphymia had to suffer much abuse and humiliation. When she gave birth to a son, the jealous Goth woman then poisoned him. Euphymia turned with prayer to the holy Martyrs Gurias, Samon and Habib – witnesses to the oath of the deceiver, and the Lord delivered Euphymia from her suffering and miraculously returned her to Edessa, where she was welcomed by her mother. After a certain while the Gothic oath-breaker was again sent for service to Edessa. All the city learned about his misdeeds after his denunciation by Sophia, and by order of the governor of the city the Goth was executed.
Glorifying the holy martyrs in an akathist, Holy Church addresses them: "Hail, Gurias, Samon and Habib, Heavenly Patrons of honourable marriage".
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vissbitch · 2 years
Current working idea is that Travis grew up the son of a preacher in a dying Midwestern town. Very much one of the those "everyone knows everyone / you live, grow up, and die here," types that smother you until you can't take it anymore.
Very disillusioned with faith (especially after the embrace) but knowledgeable enough to use his daddy's fire and brimstone charm to make it on his own.
Eventually catches his sire's attention who in turn spends a handful of years introducing ideas and concepts that will make embrace an appealing idea.
Unlife sucks actually and now you have to make the most of it while being cursed by a god you'd renounced and bound to a literal monster of a man.
The quote The Devil is real. And he's not a little red man with horns and a tail. He can be beautiful. Because he's a fallen angel, and he used to be God's favorite in relation to his sire is very much a major influence.
Maybe Tremere? Something something the parallel between the smothering ecosystem of a small town and the Pyramid before it's destruction.
Ravnos? He'd certainly be good at swindling folks out of their money playing the part of a poor preacher's boy just trying to spread the word of God
I'd say the ministry but I don't really like their vibes even if all the snake imagery is so good like goddamn
Definitely gotta have a folkloric bane or block that's always been my jam and I refuse to let it go.
Less overtly sexual and crass, instead more backhanded compliments (bless your heart) and manipulation tactics
Explores ideas of becoming a monster willingly (society already says you're one), getting more than you bargained for, making the best of a bad situation, accepting the reality of what you are, etc etc
Looks it's three am I'm just getting this out there to have it out there
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yhwhrulz · 5 days
Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for September 16
“Charity suffereth long and is kind.”
Luke 9:51-62
Luke 9:51
He looked beyond his death to his ascension, and for the joy that was set before him he was resolute to go through with the appointed suffering. Oh that we were equally steadfast to perform all the will of the Lord!
Luke 9:52 , Luke 9:53
They were prejudiced against the Jewish worship. The Samaritans often attacked Galileans who passed through their country to go up to the feasts at Jerusalem.
Luke 9:54
They thought it holy indignation, and so perhaps it was, but that is not to be paramount under the gospel. Love reigns in Christ’s kingdom.
Luke 9:55-58
He hoped to share the glories of the great prophet and the honours of the Messiah. Jesus honestly told him that he would have not only to fare hard but to lie hard, and this did not suit the new professor. He had chosen Christ in ignorance, but Christ had not chosen him, and therefore away he went.
Luke 9:59 , Luke 9:60
Christ himself called this man, and therefore, though he raised difficulties, grace overcame them. Natures love was strong in him, but grace gained the victory. We must make everything else secondary to serving the Lord. Ministers should leave worldly business to others, and give themselves to the preaching of the gospel.
Luke 9:61 , Luke 9:62
He who is called to the ministry should go through with it. As long as lungs and life hold out, no preacher may cease his testimony. If God has called him he must not, yea, he cannot, leave his sacred work.
1 John 4:10-14
We are surprised to learn that it was James and John who thought of destroying the unfriendly Samaritans. Had it been Peter we should not have wondered, but how could the loving John act thus? Is not this another instance of the fact that most good men, at some time or other, fail in the very grace for which they are most remarkable? How differently did the beloved disciple act and write in after days! To show the contrast let us read 1 John 4:10-14.
1 John 4:14
He was an eyewitness that Jesus did not come to destroy men’s lives; this he had seen, and could testify to it with authority.
Not to condemn the sons of men,
Did Christ, the Son of God, appear;
No weapons in his hands were seen,
No fire from heaven nor thunder there.
He came to save and not destroy,
He from opposers turned away;
Forbearing love became his joy.
And, “Be it ours henceforth,” we pray.
“Peace be to this house.”
Luke 10:1-20
Luke 10:1
The twelve had succeeded so well that our Lord enlarged the number of his evangelists, and sent them forth as itinerant preachers all over the land.
Luke 10:2
This prayer was to be offered by preachers themselves. In any other calling men are afraid of being crowded out if too many engage in it; but there is no fear of this in the Christian ministry; there cannot be too many soul-winners.
Luke 10:3
They must therefore expect trouble, and look to a higher power than their own for protection.
Luke 10:4
The king’s business required haste, and therefore the needless courtesies of life were to be omitted.
Luke 10:5 , Luke 10:6
No blessing can be lost, if not well bestowed it will come home to the giver.
Luke 10:7
They were neither to be beggars nor feasters; but, being refreshed at one hospitable table, they were to go on with their work.
Luke 10:8-15
Matthew Henry says, “To understand the wisdom of God in giving the means of grace to those who would not improve them, and denying them to those who would, we must wait for the great day of discovery.”
Luke 10:16
Christ judges himself to be treated as his ministers are, and therefore it will go hard with those who reject their message and cause them pain.
Luke 10:18
He saw him fall from his power like a meteor, suddenly and hopelessly.
Luke 10:19-20
To be elect is better than to be endowed with the greatest gifts. When we are likely to become too elated by what the Lord docs by us, it will be well to remember that what he has done for us is a far greater and safer reason for joy.
Bid, Lord, thy heralds publish loud
The peaceful blessings of thy reign;
And when they speak of sprinkled blood,
The mystery to the heart explain.
Chase the usurper from his throne,
Oh! chase him to his destined hell;
Stout-hearted sinners overcome,
And glorious in thy temple dwell.
Copyright Statement This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain".
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riverdamien · 13 days
Selected to Serve!
"I sat with my anger long enough until she told me her real name was Grief." - C.S. Lewis
Luke 6:12-19:
The Twelve Apostles
12 During those days he went out to the mountain to pray and spent all night in prayer to God. 13When daylight came, he summoned his disciples, and he chose twelve of them, whom he also named apostles: 14Simon, whom he also named Peter, and Andrew his brother; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew; 15Matthew and Thomas; James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called the Zealot; 16Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.
Teaching and Healing
17 After coming down with them, he stood on a level place with a large crowd of his disciples and a great number of people from all Judea and Jerusalem and from the seacoast of Tyre and Sidon. 18 They came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases, and those tormented by unclean spirits were made well. 19 The whole crowd was trying to touch him because power was coming out from him and healing them all.
"Selected to Serve?"
    Many years ago, walking through an alley in Kansas City, Missouri, the year I began seminary I encountered a bonfire, surrounded by people listening to this Black preacher. He glared down from a high pedestal pointing his finger at me saying: "I prophesy young man you will suffer much grief, pain, rejection, be baptized in fire, and through that fire you will be transformed into a figure like John the Baptist preaching a gospel of repentance, and most importantly of non-judgement, and be one serving  the nobodies of the world." I laughed out loud, I was going to have a large church and be a District Superintendent, and now many years later I know this was my calling.
    One might look at my ministry, work or someone elses and judge the way the world judges. Rather than judge, we should see Jesus simply parceling out the work to be done. Some are called to be healers, and some are healed.
    When I was ordained a bishop almost twenty years ago, Dr. John Mabry requested the honoring of three words: celibacy, chastity, and virginity, not in the traditional Roman Catholic view, but from a political view for living our lives.
This can mark us as truly unusual.
    Celibacy We are completely celibate of power over others; for I preach, teach, and be a friend to anyone in need; I do not use power in my relationships, I treat them as my friends, and as equals.
    Chaste: In living a celibate lifestyle I remind others to be chaste regarding their personal power; to see each person as their brother or sister, and to treat each one with respect and love.
    I remind them that their words can be as fatal as if they strike, stab, or shoot another person--Gossip kills. What we say to another affects their life, and in turn,  ours.
    Virginity is understood as owning one's own power. Every person is a virgin, and do not hand their power over to another. Every person feels empowered politically, in whatever way they choose, have authority to vote, exercising his or her own ministry with the support of each other, celebrating their freedom and choice to do so.
    To extend the metaphor further, any incident of forcing one's power upon another--or upon the community at large--compromises people's virginity, and can only be described as political rape. We wound people all the time by "raping" them, robbing them of their choice. It is an abuse of power.
    Each protest we have in regards to the force of our state, county, and city governments policies against the unhoused is a protest agaist their rape; every time we meet people on the street with a warm smile, with some food, and with care, we protest against the rape of society.
    C.S. Lewis is right when he says:
"I sat with my anger long enough until she told me her real name was Grief." -
    I have been sitting with my anger against society's treatment of the unhoused; against my treatment personally by individuals over my ministry, and who I am, and rather than anger I gieve, and grieve deeply, and will walk with the grief in my relationships, with an outreached hand, and smile, and give love without counting the costs! Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
Tomorrow, September 9, I will stand in front of City Halldisplaying a sign:
"Homeless People Are Made in God's Image!
Come and Serve in the Desert of Compassion!"
Come and join me in front of City Hall, taking a step into the Desert of Compassion, and saying loud and clear with your presence:
Life is Beautiful!" .
May we become "Story Catchers" and:
May the work of
“figuring people out”
Never replace the work of knowing people
And loving people
And giving them room
To confound
And inspire
And surprise me
30th Anniversary Celebration
Victor’s Pizza
6 p.m.
November 9, 2024
WE ARE BEGGARS! WE REALLY NEED MONEY--Really Badly At the moment!
P.O. Box 642656
pay pal
(Temenos and Dr. River seek to remain accessible to everyone. We do not endorse particular causes, political parties, or candidates, or take part in public controversies, whether religious, political or social--Our pastoral ministry is to everyone!
Temenos Catholic Worker
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
Dr. River Sims, D.Min, D.S.T.
Jesus of Nazareth
You were born in the home of people
Whose names history has forgotten.
Presumably, they lent clothes and clothes
To your internally displaced parents.
We bless and honor all
Who show hospitality
They make the message of belonging
Relevant for everyday
People in shelters, refuges,
People in the welcome centers at prisons,
In the waiting rooms of health centers.
People on the streets whose door is always open
For the neighbor who needs a tea and hospitality.
We bless and honor them.
We bless and honor them.
Because this is where  you are
And are every day.
And you
Bless and honor them
The ones who give and the ones who receive.
May the work of
“figuring people out”
Never replace the work of knowing people
And loving people
And giving them room
To confound
And inspire
And surprise me. Amen.
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cariiibaez · 3 months
The rosary recited with meditation on the mysteries brings results such as
-gives us a perfect knowledge of Jesuschrist
-Purifies our souls and washes away our sins
-Wards off any evil from life
-Give us victory over all our physical and spiritual enemies
-Make it easy for us to practice virtue
-It sets us on fire with love of our blessed Lord
-It enriches us with graces and merits
-It supplies with what it is needed to pay all our debts to God and our fellow men, and obtains all kinds of graces for us from almighty God.
The rosary is a beautiful prayer giving us the science and knowledge of our blessed Lord through meditations in His life, death, passion, and glory.
In the rosary, we pray the our father. The our father prayer is very consoling and it is a deal of approbation that almighty God puts at the end of our petitions to assure us that He will grant our requests very much as through He Himself answering “amen! May it be as you have asked, for verily you have obtained what you asked for.” This is what is meant by the word “amen.”
The prayer of the Hail Mary is an angelic salutation. It is a concise summary of all that Catholic theology teaches about the blessed Virgin. It is divided in two parts that is praise and petition. The first shows that all goes to make up Mary’s greatness and the second all that we need to ask her for all and that we may expect to receive through her goodness. The Hail Mary is a blessed dew that falls from heaven upon souls of the predestinate. It gives them a marvelous spiritual fertility so that they can grow in all virtues. The more the garden of the soul is watered by this prayer the more enlightened one’s intellect becomes the more zealous his heart, and the stronger his armor against his spiritual enemies. The Hail Mary is a sharp and flaming shaft which joined to the word of God, gives the preacher the strength to pierce, move and convert the most hardened hearts even if he has little or no natural gift for preaching. By each Hail Mary, we give our lady the same honor that God gave her when He sent archangel Gabriel to greet her for Him.
The holy rosary is inspired by God. It is prayer that is marvelous and it strengthens your faith. The holy rosary consists of many prayers that we put together to help us do our prayer. As we begin our prayers with the holy rosary, first we get rosary beads. We pray in the crucifix the creed prayer, then we pray our father prayer. There will be three beads: each bead is consider three virtues. First virtue is the virtue of faith, second bead is the virtue of hope, third bead is the virtue of charity. After the third virtues, we pray the glory to be. I like to pray the Fatima prayer after the glory to be. Now we are ready to pray our requests through the decades. First decade, we pray our father but before we start praying, we ask God our special request. After our request, we pray the our father and ten Hail Marys. Then, glory to be and the Fatima prayer. We do this for every decade beyond until we complete five decades of the rosary.
Here is an example of the Fatima prayer
"O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Amen".
The Hail Mary prayer is like this
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
The our father prayer goes like this
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
The glory to be goes like this
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
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ramrodd · 3 months
Surely this man was the Son of God
Tony, you need to pump the brakes a little bit in your over the top characterization of this centurion, as a proxy for the Roman legions on a day-to-day basis in the 400 year occupation of Judea by the 10th Legion, Everybody in Judea was living large because of Pax Romana and the only fly in the ointment was the zealots who were the permanent terrorist organization agitating for open warfare against Rome very much like the Irish Republican Army of the Irish Troubles. And the Likud of the Netanyahu pro-genocide coalition,  Jerusalem was the Rodeo Drive of the Mediterranian at that time and the Romans were part of the landscape. Cornelius, the centurion featured in Acts 10, probably volunteered for this duty station as part of his retirement planning, He had put down roots and knew his way around the Synagogue culture of Capernaum if not the entire region,  Things were a whole lot more congenial than is inferred by current biblical scholarship presents. The centurions were a fusion of the modern warrant officer and Non-Commissioned Officer at the rank of E-7 to E - 9 and the modern super ranks of Command Sergeant Major of the Army, The symbol of the warrant was a grape fine they carried, like the Field Marshall baton signifying authority, The warrant is identical to the warrant card referred to in British police procedural with the poser to arrest and to execute warrants, such as search warrants and death warrants. In addition, he was a fighter-leader and Republican servant-leader and a creature of the Roman secular rule of law. The Roman Republic is the most important military innovation in recorded history and represents the elevation of the profession of arms from the Real/Primitive warfare of the rest of the world and Rome, as a collective enterprise, as the True Warfare of Clausewitz. . LIke Latin, the Roman legions are put together like Lego Blocks. It represented an essential horizontal structure that provided the social stability of Rome from 508 BCE until Constantine dismantled the Praetorian Guard and transform the Roman Enterprise into the Real/Primitive verticle structures of the theocracy, which began to seriously fall apart when Rome withdrew form Britain, So, anyway the guy is clone of a military guild that held the Empire together before it was an Empire. He is detailed on this particular day with exercising 3 death warrants as a routine guard mount for the say, He has two squads of soldiers which operated in a fire fight in four 4 man teams, The US Army battle drill works on pretty much the same basis, If you were going through Fallujah with the Marines, this would be a familiar fire team, In the case of moving these three dead men walking, each prisoner would be escorted by a 4 man team and the extra 4 soldiers cleared the way, They all actually cleared the way with whatever brutality was necessary but the Jews knew the drill and preferred to pick their battles around blasphemy.  My impression is that the Jesus Followers who came to town with Jesus on His donkey didn't begin to assemble around the Cross until around noon, when the weather system began to move in ad occluded the sun, so the moving of Jesus was pretty uneventful. We know the Zealots weren't there: they had bet on a terrorist, just like the Likud celebrate the murder of Rabin, Nobody fought to free Jesus because they were under orders from Jesus to stand aside, So, anyway, this centurion at Mark 15:39 is a Pagan God Fearer like Cornelius, It comes with being a soldier, You know that old proverb, there are no atheists in foxholes is a divine Truth. I know it gets Pro-Life Evangelical preachers get their panties in a knot that that's not the same as having knowledge of God: it's just a feeling just like Paul observes in Romans 10:2 Knowing The One in the manner of the centurion in Matthew 8:5 - 13:: you need to be able to demonstrate that you have given you life to Jesus to get it right, Speaking for myself, Jesus became mortal so that He could validate my experience of The One is close enough for government work. Thus guy had a relationship with Yaweh Queen of Battle, but he just didn't know that Jesus had the exact same relationship with Yaweh< Queen of Battle, which is why He was on the Cross. He was a divine Kamikaze,  What ever He did just before He game up the ghost totally validated this soldier's experience of the Fear of the Lord of Yaweh, Queen of Battle and this particular Jew was a child of She Who Must Be Obeyed. Officially, his response waw "Verily, this man was the Son of Yaweh, Queen of Battle!" However much of the spoken word in the narrative of the Bible reflects the Romantic ideal of moments of great emotion recalled in tranquility, When they have had a chance to think about their experience, they have enlarge and extended their remarks, Such as when Sarai laughs when Abram is told she will bear him a son, Why did she laugh? Could she hear what God, the Father, was saying to her husband and she laughed at the absurdity? Or did her periods being again and she laughed with surprise and delight. God, the Father teased her about laughing, but He was quite pleased with the effect, So, anyway, that sort of totally out of left-field experience happened to this centurion, He knew all the particulars about this guy probably before He was arrested: all the Roman soldiers know who the Jesus Followers were and they called them "Christians" for being followers of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. So, this guy shows up for a routine public execution and this centurion  probably witnessed the torment of Jesus as entertainment the night before and here He was, INRI, and then He does His things. "Surely, this man must be the Son of God" is this guys official reaction at that instant, but the more probable authentic Pucker Factor response was "Oops!
0 notes
destinyimage · 4 months
4 Ways Fresh Fire Transforms Your Spirit: How to Walk in Last Days Power
The power of the Spirit is called for in times of crisis, compromise, and opportunity.
The power of God is revealed when the Person or the work of the Lord is threatened.
A baptism is required when normal efforts fall well short of the fueling-charge needed. A believer can be overcome by desires; a leader can neglect his gift; a movement can compromise its call; prayer can become a ritual. Above all, when God is preparing to open a vast door of opportunity, He seeks to empower us to seize it for Christ’s glory.
How can we turn the shallow converts in our movement who are full of birth defects into warriors, except by the power of the Holy Spirit? How can we stem the tide of spurious and carnal teachers, except by a general baptism of fire that purifies the appetites of Charismatics?
Does anyone really believe that this horrible competition and outright contention between “Spirit-filled” churches will go away if we all have coffee together?
Until these leaders are engulfed in new flames of the Holy Spirit, they will not progress. It is by the Holy Spirit that a preacher’s heart is freed of hurt and pride and is restored to the childlike joy of advancing the Kingdom with a pure love for believers.
The fire will burn off the carnal appendages that have attached themselves to the work of God and are choking our life. The fire will awaken appetites for holiness, greatness, and compassion.
Can you simply admit your need for a new overflow of Spirit power? So much frustration will end; so much pain will be prevented. Fresh fire was a recurring theme of Paul, the apostle. He, himself, received it time after time. One very clear example is when the apostle was challenged by Elymas. Paul was suddenly filled with the Spirit:
Then Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him [Elymas] and said, “O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? And now, indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeking the sun for a time.” And immediately a dark mist fell on him, and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. Then the proconsul believed, when he saw what had been done, being astonished at the teaching of the Lord (Acts 13:9-12 NKJV).
Now let’s look at two prayers of Paul that are unmistakable prayers for deeper baptism of God:
For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height—to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen (Ephesians 3:14-21 NKJV).
For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy (Colossians 1:9-11 NKJV).
These prayers reveal the benefits of added outpourings.
Paul speaks of power to do God’s work, being filled with the knowledge of God, mighty strength, and joy.
This bears out the four characteristics of fire:
It purifies
It fuels
It illuminates
It warms
Let’s examine these vital effects of fire:
1. The purifying work of fresh fire.
The most outlandish error of Charisma was to overreact to early Pentecostal legalism. We went from no makeup to critical mascara. Holiness is not legalism; legalism is fear and hatred garbed in rules. It judges by outward appearance and afflicts the flesh in order to gain power. This is a corruption of the Cross of Christ. Holiness is born in love! It is the behavior of royalty. True holiness transcends the flesh by gracing the heart with a delight in the commands of the Lord. Holiness is the new affection of a new heart.
Fads in Charisma have refused to elevate the believer to a higher plane; it chose, rather, to lower God.
The vehicle for this deception was a misapplication of the doctrine of justification.
Yes, we are justified by the blood of Christ at rebirth, but this dealt directly with what we had done. It now takes the daily work of the Cross to deal with what we are.
Teachers began to espouse the idea that we already had privileges and authority and were innately blessed because we were born again. We had only to release our inheritance and awaken to the already completed work.
Sanctification dropped out of our vocabulary.
Character development was, at best, peripheral.
This error took one further step by redefining success in terms of church, size, money, possessions, and visibility—instead of humility, compassion, and a Christlike spirit.
The first touch of fire purifies. False motives for serving God disintegrate; counterfeit faith goes up in smoke. Hay, wood, and stubble projects are consumed. No other work of darkness is more lethal than the insidious pride that lies to us about our true condition.
Samson “knew not that the Spirit had left him.” He rose up as at other times expecting victory, only to embrace Philistine ridicule and death.
The New Testament Samson was the church of Laodicea. First, the Spirit exposed their condition: “Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17 NKJV).
Then fresh fire was prescribed.
I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see (Revelation 3:18 NKJV).
But what was their greatest danger? They were in the midst of moral disaster and knew it not!
This new flame, this next dose of raw Holy Spirit power, is meant to launch our next level of conformity to the image of Christ.
The furnace is our friend. We emerge from its holy work a vessel unto honor. God will find important things for a holy person to do! He will delight in them; He will joy over them!
Satan’s knees just buckled at the thought that you might surrender to this purifying work of fresh fire.
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2. Fire illuminates.
Stephen had the face of an angel. With an angry mob poised to pound the life out of him, a miracle happened. He was filled with the Spirit and saw Jesus standing at the Father’s right hand. Death lost its fearful advantage; pain was rendered inconsequential. The vision of Christ lifted Stephen to a plane of glory that robbed the murderers of satisfaction. All that was left for them to do was to stone the wrapping that he was discarding.
This was a crisis baptism! It has been the divine gift of godly warriors and holy martyrs throughout the ages.
And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha (2 Kings 6:17 NKJV).
The servant saw innumerable fiery chariots poised to vaporize any threat to the anointed. Nothing influences our behavior like our perspective. What we see is the thrust of our life.
Fire carries light. Fresh fire carries divine light. Scales fall off our view of things; and to see rightly, is to empower to live rightly.
The fire, which is from God, awakens the nominal believer. They are elevated to being seated with Christ in heavenly places (see Ephesians 2:6). What an astonishing difference when you gaze at life from this vantage point!
You make excellent choices. The looming problems of your life become insignificant compared to the vista that floods your soul! The walls of doubt become speed bumps.
You can’t compromise because you see the glory that will be revealed in you. You walk holy because you see it is making you like Christ. You take hold of mighty projects because you can see the completion of them.
Your passion for the lost becomes gigantic because you see their dreaded state. You are given the gift of sight! Eyes of the Spirit! By this fire’s light you become a mighty warrior.
As mentioned previously, how significant that as David’s mighty men were being described for their special strength, the weapon of the men of Issachar was: “They knew the times and what Israel should do.” Their perception was their weapon!
So will the light of the Spirit give us sight in this present darkness. We will forgive our enemies, for we see their offenses from heavenly ramparts. We work with fellow soldiers because the vision of unity pervades us. We march with swords drawn and placed at the very throat of Satan, because we see his doom is sure.
3. Fire fuels.
“…according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20 NKJV).
Change requires power. You may want to change; you may possess the will to change and the opportunity. Yet the desired alteration escapes you. We are prisoners of a force greater than we know!
Even when all the elements for transformation seem present, nothing will happen unless a vital ingredient is present.
It is that irreplaceable element that converts good intentions into resurrection living. It is that fuel that fires up the engine of lasting change.
It is a wonder that the same fire than can destroy can be utilized as fuel.
But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you (Romans 8:11 NKJV).
For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13 NKJV).
Sometimes progress is so hard to come by that radical action must be taken. Our inner self must be jump-started; reemerging lusts must be overpowered; and extra force must be applied when the weight of daily life threatens our advancement. The fresh fire experience is a power surge that animates failing limbs, weak knees, and a faltering spirit. But this fuel is so much more! The fire that I speak of imparts the energy to do the will of God!
Saul cowered before the destiny Samuel described for him. “How can I do this thing?” Saul asked. Hear the prophet’s resolute reply, “The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will be turned into another man” (1 Samuel 10:6 NKJV).
Fresh fire is no mere “clean up your act” encounter. Here is the fuel to fire up the engine.
Was it this infusion of dunamis that Daniel prophesied? “…the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Daniel 11:32 NKJV).
Let the crowd become warriors and the faint a force. Let us embrace our launching from mere living, to multiple triumphs. Fresh fire is higher octane for a higher calling.
4. Fire warms.
“…The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10 NKJV). A lifetime of study will not reveal the full weight of this statement!
Joy from God is our great distinction from the world. The pagan must have right circumstances to have right feelings. Remove possessions from the world of pagans and their life stops. For the lack of God they are bound to outer life support systems for satisfaction.
Curiously, the church forgets her first love so easily! You can tell when the level of the “oil of gladness” is low; it shows in the preaching. When pulpiteers heap perks onto the gospel to make it palatable to secular ears, it is because their own vision of Jesus has been tarnished. He is no longer all they need, so He is no longer all that they prescribe.
The reward of salvation is Jesus. He alone is the treasure in the field; He is the pearl of great price; He is the Person of wonder that “bids our sorrows cease,” as the beloved hymn tells us.
Jesus spoke and our parking lot became a garden; how soon we forget!
When Paul said, “I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content,” it was the fire of joy that elevated him to a higher awareness than his standard of living (see Philippians 4:11 NKJV).
The well of living water within us is our greatest protection. It keeps God’s commands in the proper context—light and reasonable!
Tell me if there is anything worse than the coldness of modern life. Natural love is gone, children are deemed disposable, and the grind of the workplace chews up hope.
The person without God has no refuge, no reason to keep trying. Daily they toy with various progressive forms of suicide.
The joy of the Lord is a force field that insulates against the destructive, draining spirit of this age. A layer of love keeps the infection of despair off us. “Godliness with contentment is great gain,” said the apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 6:6 (NKJV). Perhaps the greatest blend in a saint would be the combined zeal and flat-out-in-love-with-Jesus spirit of a young convert joined to the solid wisdom, strength, and experience of a veteran warrior!
These then are the four major effects that fresh fire will have on us.
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princeofgod-2021 · 4 months
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John 1:4
DIVINE ORDER 77: God Seekers 6
Gen 4:26 And a son was also born to Seth, whom he named Enosh. AT THAT TIME PEOPLE BEGAN to worship the LORD. NET
Problems With Professional Relationship 2
If you worked in a Company but with bad behaviour and poor customer relations, you may still not be fired if the company has made much investments in training you and see that they can still use the resources they’ve imputed into you.
Some are like that with God.
2Ch 25:2 He did what the LORD approved, BUT NOT WITH WHOLEHEARTED DEVOTION. NET
There was this Engineer that steals massively from a Notable Company but they couldn’t “let him go” because he was too good and unequalled in his line of profession then.
He knew it and exploited that position to the last. But all such things have an end, don’t they?
Mat 7:22-23 On the day of judgment many will call me their Lord. They will say, "We preached in your name, and in your name we forced out demons and worked many miracles." But I will tell them, "I will have nothing to do with you! Get out of my sight, you evil people!" BBE
Many seek God just to get Power to keep the Church work going and He will grant them because God is committed to saving Souls of Men, irrespective of the Ministers’ character.
Mat 16:18 You are Peter, and I can guarantee that on this rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH. AND THE GATES OF HELL WILL NOT OVERPOWER IT. GW
Do you remember when Apostles came and reported to Jesus that some men were using His name to cast out devils and wanted to know if they should be stopping all such men?
Mar 9:38 John spoke up and said, “Teacher, we noticed someone was using your name to cast out demons, so we tried to stop him BECAUSE HE WASN’T ONE OF OUR GROUP.” TPT
If he wasn’t part of their group, it could mean that that he wasn’t subject to the dictates and lifestyle of a true disciple and hence may not bear the Character in service.
But Jesus pointed out that sometimes, it is more important to focus on the work than on who does it.
Mar 9:39-40 "Do not try to stop him," Jesus told them, "because no one who performs a miracle in my name will be able soon afterward to say evil things about me. For whoever is not against us is for us. GNB
Another one: Paul expressed disappointment over the Character of preachers but ended up acknowledging that [at least] the WORK was going on.
Can you imagine that?
Php 1:15,16,18 Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds…WHAT THEN? NOTWITHSTANDING, EVERY WAY, WHETHER IN PRETENCE, OR IN TRUTH, CHRIST IS PREACHED; AND I THEREIN DO REJOICE, YEA, AND WILL REJOICE. KJV
So, you could seek God and connect for resources to do the Work and He will oblige you, but the danger is that you could [progressively] assume that your life is approved unto Him just because you get what you ask for.
You are even bold to ask Him anyhow, knowing He would easily grant your requests.
That where Samson “stood” in his “service” to God.
Jdg 15:18 And he was very thirsty and called upon Jehovah and said, You have given this great deliverance into the hand of Your servant. AND NOW SHALL I DIE WITH THIRST, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised? MKJV
The Professional Relationship had to hold because Samson was appointed Judge over Israel and he had to finish his course then, so even a Miracle was no issue, coming from God to him.
This man was a womanizer and he was not even ready to cease from it.
Jdg 15:19-20 Then God made a crack in the hollow rock in Lehi and water came out of it; and after drinking, his spirit came back to him and he was strong again; so that place was named En-hakkore; it is in Lehi to this day. And he was judge of Israel in the days of the Philistines for twenty years. BBE
This “Attitude” is what is ruining many Ministers, giving them false confidence while they yet indulge in pernicious ways, as the scriptures has said.
2Pe 2:2-3 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. KJV
May God give us all Grace to make the best of our Relationships with Him, IN JESUS NAME.
See you on Wednesday, as we proceed with this Subtopic.
Brother Prince
Monday, May 20, 2024
08055125517; 08023904307
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A Prideful and Slanderous People
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There is a type of Christianity out there that is full of pride, arrogance, harsh rebukes, and poisonous slander that fills the ears of many Christians today. Influential preachers that make it their business to weaponize the Word of God in order to attack others within the family of Christ. Although the scriptures explicitly tell us to walk in love and peace with one another these individuals look to make war with one another.
Many of these individuals have been trained to be this way by other men who came before them, and their interpretations of the scriptures are based in man’s understandings not God’s. These types of individuals hinder the move of the Holy Spirit often by calling it “strange fire” or by labeling it heresy, misleading, non biblical, or claiming that others are adding to or taking away from the scriptures in order to invoke an eternal curse upon other believers who work The Lord’s ministry field.
Such individuals (no matter how long they have been in ministry) and their disciples, must be avoided at all cost. For they have no desire for understanding and peacemaking. Humility and meekness do not inhabit their character, but only pride and arrogance. They are quick to speak with a venomous tongue that is clothed in a loving correction of other believers, claiming, “Jesus did it so can I!”. All the while forgetting that their is only One Lawmaker and One Judge.
No one who confesses Jesus Christ as the Son of God should ever speak against the work of another servant of The Lord’s. For many times the Pharisees tried to attack the actions of Jesus’s own disciples, and when Jesus addressed their comments He only exposed the corruption, pride, and filthy ways of the Pharisees themselves. Delivering back to them the same judgement they themselves pronounced upon others.
We must not walk in the path of the Pharisees. If we do we will miss out on what the Holy Spirit is doing and revealing to us today. For the Holy Spirit tried to show the Pharisees who Jesus was after the death and resurrection of Christ through Steven, but instead they dragged him out of the Sanhedrin and stoned him to death for it. They also beat and imprisoned Jesus’s own disciples for preaching about salvation through Christ alone instead of repenting for crucifying the Son of God.
That spirit of arrogance that filled the Pharisees then, is still at work today among religious leaders in various churches throughout the land. We must be wise like serpents in order to see false teachings clothed in light. We must be harmless as doves, not birds prey. We must speak peace, not war. We must walk in love, not hate. We must rejoice in the truth, not spit upon it. We must follow the move of the Holy Spirit, not make Him follow us. We must never place preachers and teachers who are fallible in the office of God Himself Who speaks complete truth and is perfect in all His ways.
Read and listen to the Bible from cover to cover. Meditate upon His Word daily. Let no one mislead you, or cause you to pass judgement upon your brothers and sisters in Christ. And when you see trees (others) bearing good fruit do not take hold of the axe to cut it down, but instead a pitcher of water to pour out upon it.
22 notes · View notes
rough draft manifest-
off the drink,
off the drugs, no feelings
off the breath, no spirits,
all spirits,
more codeine,
more benzos,
Lonny knows a klon man,
xan man died two hours ago,
meth head now turned saint,
preaches Jesus and beats on his son,
son, the future
or school shooter,
or young white and turnt on the south side
daddy said he's not cooking the crack right
daddy two weeks clean,
still tweaked in his eyes,
still more strength that preacher man
who doesn't come to this side of town
toppled gospel through character
crazy enough to start an army
armed with all things
all spirits
more drank,
more cuts,
more blood,
more covenants,
now coded,
now coding the manifesto,
put it in the 808s
put it in the frequency,
the drums will tell them to fuck this shit up,
and I will rise in the hell fire and tell them I am but a pawn,
a vessel,
that I still love God,
that I get fucked by Satan too
that he fucks through me
that they both see through me,
so don't look long enough
but look long enough
but look,
to the skies,
the ethers are open,
the aliens are summoned and still
more drink
more drank,
armageddon off the drugs,
the war against apathy
no feelings,
nibble on flesh,
bitch I am Dahmer,
I've been plotting since the dorms,
park stradley,
South campus,
3am meetings with the witches,
3:33 curfew,
midnight mass,
midnight blues and worship
and she knows im godly because I cry when I eat her shit
and it is more than worship
and yes baby I will worship you too
if you die for me,
for us,
for the people...
but if I had to choose
I would choose hell,
and I would sing heavens song for a lover,
a father who fucks his creations like crazy,
sky daddy dick dipped in cocaine and again I say...
I'm off the drink
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