#he was so afraid that he would mess up that he delayed the genius power from coming through
wicked-source · 1 year
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 3 
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you're in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word count: 1,556 
Warnings: Panic Attack, themes of depression and self-hatred. Later chapters will include violence and nsfw content. 
I'm gonna try and have a pretty regular posting schedule. From now on I'm going to try posting once a day, even of its just a headcannon, I wanna post once a day now. I'M GOING TO TRY AND POST ONE CHAPTER A WEEK. Especially for this series, I'm having a lot of fun with it but Tumblr doesn't seem to like it and refuses to post it to the hashtags. Sorry, I know this chapter is kinda short, but I feel like this series deserves a slow, intense, burn. 
Don't forget, I have a Patreon, where you can join my discord, vote on new projects, and make requests! Thanks for reading!
Chapter 2 Chapter 4
Days passed. 
It all felt like a strange blur. You wondered around the abandoned house the villains called their hideout for the time being. You spent hours watching the news that Shigaraki constantly played. Despite being the daughter of the Japan’s #1 hero, there wasn’t a single report of your disappearance. You were confused. 
“They’re probably keeping the investigation quiet. Y’know, so we don’t see them coming.” Dabi told you one day as you sat on the old dusty couch and watched. You watched helplessly as the group came and went, always having someone stay behind to ‘babysit’ as Mr. Compress referred to it. 
You were allowed to wander around the old abandoned building the villains called their hideout. At first, you thought it was a house but now you realized it was an old office building. The villains mostly stayed in a specific part where they were made comfortable. It appeared that only a certain part of the building had power. Everywhere else was dark and cold and uncomfortable. 
“Yeesh, you stick!-Take a bath!” Twice shouted at you one day. You frowned and crossed your arms over your chest and stuck your hands under your arms. 
“Speak for yourself! Not my fault you guys didn’t exactly grab me a change of clothes, or let me piss alone much less shower!” You shouted in frustration. It all seemed to dawn on them at once, maybe they hadn’t exactly thought this through all the way. 
“Y’know what? You’re right! I’ll be right back!” Toga declared with a smile. 
“Where are you going?” Shigaraki asked as he watched her head for the door. 
“It’s a surprise!” She closed the door behind her and the room fell silent. Spinner soon approached only to recoil in disgust. 
“Twice is right, you do stink.” He grunted. 
“Thanks…” You grumbled. 
“Here take this and go wash off.” He held out a raggedy towel. You were directed to a bathroom with a makeshift shower in it and told to wash off before the bathroom door closed. The water was horribly cold. 
You stood under it and let the water wash over your naked body. Man, you really were dirty. The cold water soon became warmer and you lost yourself in the feeling of it. You closed your eyes and melted. Soon, the feeling of tears running down your cheeks mixed in with the sensation of your wet hair tickling the back of your neck. You crouched down and held your knees to your chest as you began to sob uncontrollably. You couldn’t stop it, the pain in your chest flowed out through your lips are you cried. You held yourself tight, your fingers digging into your legs. The pain was so intense, and your thoughts so muddied, you could see yourself sitting there, just crying. Objectively, you watched yourself and criticized. 
This was all your fault, your mother and father are worried sick about you. All because you pushed yourself too hard and couldn’t fight back. You’re a mess. You deserve this. You’ll die here, they’ll kill you before you can see your parents again. You’re worthless. You can’t even protect yourself. 
These thoughts only made the pain more intense, it made it worse. You sobs grew louder and louder and the pain grew and grew. It got to the point where you felt unable to control yourself. You began lashing out, hitting your own head, and scratching your legs. Then another thought emerged. 
This wasn’t your fault. If it weren’t for him. If it weren’t for your father and his stupid fucking hero work, you’d be home right now. You’d be safe and sound and unbothered by this hero/villain mess. He didn’t even want you to come to Japan, so why were you here? He doesn’t even want you. And your mother, she’s the one that sent you. This was her idea. This was her fault too. Anger fed the pain in your chest and it ached. The attack on your mind and body ragged on, until you heard a knock on the door. 
You felt unable to move, unable to stop. You cursed yourself again. They could hear you, couldn’t they? They could hear you crying. You expected someone to yell, but there wasn’t a voice. The door slowly opened and shut. The curtain was slowly drawn back and two eyes looked down at you. You shook violently as you looked up. Suddenly you became very aware that you were naked. 
“Why are you crying?” Toga asked as she knelt down to get closer to you. You couldn’t respond. “What’s wrong? We’re not going to hurt you, I promise. Hey, don’t cry, it’s alright. Look, I brought you some new clothes.” She reached out a hand and rubbed your naked back. 
“I-I-I’m sorry.” You croaked. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” she reassured, “you’re safe here, no one is going to hurt you. And if anyone does, you come to me, alright?” 
“Are you done washing off?” You shook your head no. “Okay well finish up and try these on. I think you’ll like it.” She set the new clothes on the bathroom counter before leaving you. You sniffled and struggled to stand, but you managed. You took deep breathes and tried to soothe yourself. You felt drained and empty now, if not a little bit better. You stepped out and looked at the clothes on the counter. They were soft and comfortable, how did she guess the right size of underwear but the wrong size shirt and pants? They were just a little big, they fit fine where it mattered, but just a little baggy everywhere else. Definitely not something you’d pick out for yourself, but it would do for now. 
You brushed through your wet hair with your fingers and stared at yourself in the mirror for a moment. Your eyes were red and puffy, your face flushed. It made your heart race to know that everyone was well aware you were crying. You opened the door and everyone turned to look at you again. Oh god. Toga pulled herself away from what looked like a chat with Shigaraki. 
“Damn! One size off! I knew it!” Toga shouted as she approached you to examine the clothes on you. 
“They’re fine, really.” You mumbled to her as she pulled on the pants at the band. 
“Are they comfortable at least?” She asked folding her arms over her chest. 
“Yes. Thank you.” 
“Oh don’t mention it! Next time I’ll have to take you shopping with me!” She smiled. Next time? Take you? You stared blankly at her. She pulled you with her to sit on the couch and watch more of the news. 
“You know. Now that I think about it. I don’t think he wants it out that I exist.” You thought out loud. 
“What do you mean?” Toga asked. You turned to her with a blank face. 
“Its always been a secret. I could never talk about my dad, even when I was little. Everyone assumed I just didn’t have a dad. Even when we came to visit when I was younger, no one knew I was his daughter. If the public asked, I was his niece. They always told me it was for my own safety. I get that now.” You chuckled to yourself. “But that’s probably why there’s no report on my disappearance. No one can know. I’m just a dirty little secret.” 
“Xavier! Over here!” 
Your mother called as she stood partially outside a taxi. Xavier, your “boyfriend” waved back to your mother as she dragged along his luggage. 
“Ms. Y/L/N! I’m sorry I’m late! The flight was delayed, I came as soon as you called.” Xavier was a clean-cut, academic genius. He wore slacks and a button-up on a daily basis. He was incredibly smart with several degrees by his early twenties and already on his way to becoming a very successful lawyer. He was handsome, conventionally so. He was handsome, smart, thoughtful, and generous. He was everything your mother wanted for you. 
But that was it, he was a gift from your mother you took reluctantly. She knew his father from work, it was all set up. You had been together for roughly a year now. You liked him enough to date to try and love even. He was nice and even fun at times. But you were lying every time you told him you loved him. You had been meaning to break it off for some time now, but you were unsure. You feared disappointing your mother, again. You were afraid to hurt him. You thought your trip to Japan would allow you to clear your mind and think about things before making a decision. 
Your mother brought him back to your father. Who was far too busy worrying about you to really care to give Xavier the time of day. Xavier had a very specific quirk, one that came in handy in the legal field. He could tell whether or not someone was lying just by making eye contact with someone. He was now going to be a key player in getting you back. He, like your mother and father, was not going to rest until he had you back. You can be sure of that.
@bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love @craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
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split-n-splice · 4 years
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Because going on a lark sounds more evil than going on a date. ;B
[Chapter Guide]
15. The Nature Of – 3
During the noon exchange, Drakken’s partner in crime stood composed at his side as a particularly stern and ominous presence he might have found more unsettling if she hadn’t been grinning excitedly five minutes earlier.
The woman’s uniform was rightfully aposematic, and the prudish client was rightfully wary of what purpose she served. Maybe the rising bigwig recognized her and knew of her talents, or maybe he decided it was safer not to test the suspicious bodyguard standing at attention. Drakken liked to think his own confidence, despite being outnumbered and outmuscled, was a contributing factor.
The escape route Shego had secured for them in case the deal went south wasn’t needed after all as the trade for the made-to-order torture chair went off without a hitch.
The unceremonious paper sack of cash Drakken walked away with was just barely worth the time and labor put into building the villainous contraption, but there’d been a generous tip for having it completed ahead of schedule, so he couldn’t complain. He wondered inwardly if he’d be walking away with the payment at all if he had any ordinary budget henchman for backup.
As they retreated to the van and the buyer and his thugs went on their way, Shego leaned over to Drakken and whispered her disappointment in not being double-crossed. Unlike him, she’d been hoping for action. She whined about wanting a fight, even tugging his sleeve and asking if she could go mug one of the wannabe’s bouncers for the hell of it. It was then that Drakken saw it best to distract her. She might not have any qualms with it, but he really didn’t need to make enemies with powerful people so early in the game. Not if he could help it, anyway.
Hitting up the first Smarty Mart they crossed earned a displeased raspberry from Shego, but he promised it would be worth it and pulled her inside. She saw where he was leading her soon enough, and she grinned and shook her head and shoved him when he gestured with a flourish to the aisle of canisters.
He should have expected her to go straight for the green. He also should have expected her to give the first can she grabbed a good shake and to pop the lid to aim it at him. Barely dodging the aerosol, he leapt back and threw a nervous glance about for witnesses before stalking up to her, popping the lid back on the can, and dropping it in the basket.
She swore not to do it again, but something about the way she rolled her eyes and the shift of her stance urged Drakken to sidestep around her, catching her crossing her fingers behind her back. She dropped two more cans of green in his hand basket before he could make a remark. He added his own shades of blue before declaring that five cans of paint was more than enough.
A quiet alleyway was the next stop.
Graffiti in broad daylight from the roof of the van was efficient in giving the thrill-seeker her kicks, for a little while anyway. The sleeve of her sweater served as an improvised mask against the fumes, hiding her smirk as she worked. Drakken could only shake his head at the thick overlapping letters larger than her forming SG.
He returned to the van to wait for her to finish up, claiming his spot behind the wheel in case they needed to leave in a hurry.
After a while, he noticed a lengthy pause, followed soon by the footsteps as she strode across the roof and the thump when she dropped down to hang her head over the edge to peer in at him upside-down through the driver’s side window. Her raven hair hung like a curtain outside, and he had to ball his fists in his lap not to reach out and touch it.
“Grab the blue and get up here,” she said.
“Thank you, no,” answered Drakken, his stomach twisting at the very idea of climbing onto the roof of the rust bucket. Joining her up top would delay escape if they had to make one. He did hand her the extra cans, but she glared at him as she set them aside.
“Oh, grow a pair, would you?” she retorted, reaching down to stretch her fingers for the handle, only to curse that her arm wasn’t long enough. “I need your help up here.” Since she couldn’t reach the handle, she reached in through the window instead to filch the glasses right off his face to serve as a bargaining chip.
He barked her name indignantly as he all but climbed out his window after her, grappling at the roof for purchase. He glared up at the figure in the green sweater above him. “Give them back!” he ordered, but it came out more like a whine. His face heated.
“Come and get ‘em,” she suggested, kneeling just out of reach. She extended a hand, but it wasn’t to return his eyeglasses.
Grunting, he batted away her assistance. Against his better judgment screaming at him to get back in his seat, he carefully climbed the rest of the way out of the window, hefting himself up and getting his feet beneath him on the ledge. Blind as bat, he managed to wriggle his way up and rolled onto a roof he feared would collapse under his weight if he dared to stand.
“See? Was that so bad?” jeered Shego as she returned the glasses to his face before he could risk sitting up.
“Yes,” he grumbled, propping up on his elbows to peer over the edge. He wasn’t afraid of heights, but he certainly had a disagreement with the unreliable sense of bowing of the roof beneath him. It didn’t help when she shifted to kneel even closer, making the roof buckle with a plunk he felt reverberate through his spine. He sat up a little too fast, feeling another pop of metal under his tailbone, and immediately looked over the edge again to wonder silently how he’d get down without falling and looking like an even bigger fool.
Shego’s hands pulled him to his feet, and for some reason he allowed it. Her luring smile was effective in chasing away the voice of reason screaming at him to stay down for safety’s sake, but as long as she didn’t let go of his arm, it might be alright. She gestured proudly to her insignia.
“Lovely,” he sighed, squeezing her shoulder just a little too tightly for support. “I could have seen this from the ground, you know.”
“Not so fast,” she snipped, grabbing at him when he made a move to step away. She tugged him back toward the wall, just about shoving him against it like an officer about to frisk him. “Stand here. Feet apart, yeah. And, uh, put your hands here,” she instructed with nudges and prods, and before Drakken could twist around to object to the manual manipulation, she was pressing down on his shoulders.
“What are you—?”
“Just hold still,” Shego ordered, her patience almost as thin as the paint. “Ready?”
“For what?”
The metal underfoot buckled again and his knees almost did as well as he felt her push down against his shoulders with twice the force as a moment ago. He almost jerked away, but he was effectively pinned against the wall, and instinct had him frozen in place. He grit his teeth as her full weight came down on him, and stared wide-eyed at the knees now on either side of his face. A trivial fear of losing his footing wasn’t the sole cause for the thrum of his heartbeat anymore.
Standing on the roof was bad enough. Standing on the roof with another person on his shoulders bearing down on him was enough to make him sweat and pray the metal would hold up. Nevermind that he had to forcibly banish the entire thought of his head presently between a pair of thighs. He stood rigid, hands splayed firm against the brick wall ahead of him and tried not to think of her as anything other than a very inconvenient and heavy backpack.
He didn’t want to open his eyes to acknowledge her when she rapped her knuckles on the top of his head, but Drakken reluctantly cracked them open and grunted in answer.
“DL or DD?” asked Shego.
“For what?” he all but spat, fixing his glare dead ahead at the mortar.
“Your initials, genius,” Shego sighed in exasperation, and tousled his hair. The movement, however slight, struck fear into his heart and he braced for the roof or his knees to give way.
He had zero control of his mouth. “No – I’m not – I don’t think—”
Shego flicked the top of his head. “You’re part of this.”
“DD!” he blurted as if crying uncle. He swallowed as he looked up to watch her set to work, but he quickly looked back down upon the inadvertent discovery she wore nothing beneath her sweater. His face heated and he ignored the strain on his back and the burn in his limbs. “Please make this quick,” he whined out under his breath.
She took her time anyway, and the fumes falling on him made the lightheadedness that much worse. Before he could collapse, she slid back down his back, and he breathed easier, but still found himself frozen to the spot.
Shego took a couple ambling steps away, spinning around and grinning up at her work while Drakken slowly relaxed and took a look for himself. Sure enough, D.D was scrawled above in the same sharp crystalline fashion as her SG. The roof popping under his feet had nothing to do with the lurch in his gut as he gawped up at their combined initials.
Rendered mute, he took a deep breath to clear his lungs of the fumes messing with his head. The fumes were absolutely to blame for the trifling idea of their names being known in conjunction across the globe one day. It would be a big step up from a mere pair of ambiguous initials graffitied out of sight in some dark lonely alley. The thought was dizzying.
Or maybe he was just dizzy. He could blame the fumes for that too.
Arms caught him as he stumbled backwards, the laughter behind him doing nothing to help him get his head back on right. “What do you think?” she wondered as she pushed him upright and held him steady with a hand squeezing his arm.
“Uhm,” was all he could make out as he glanced between her inquiring raised brow and the drying mural. He was cottonmouthed, but managed to swallow and make an attempt. “It’s. Lovely.” They weren’t exactly the right words, but they’d have to suffice.
“Aw, shucks, pardner,” said Shego with a sarcastic southern drawl, and let go to elbow him and hook her thumbs in her belt loops. She laughed feebly, her smile barely meeting her eyes, and he tore his stare away as she licked her lips and brushed hair behind her ear to look up at the initials again. She cleared her throat and added in a more serious manner, “Let it be known, if you amount to anything, chief, give credit where credit is due. Got it?”
Joint initials were a testimony of partnership, but the nature of which, Drakken couldn’t pin down. He wasn’t sure he wanted to anyway, and he didn’t quite have the nerve to question it. He settled for smiling to his accomplice and giving an agreeable nod. “Yes, ma’am.”
Shego tugged his sleeve then. “Come on. We should book it before we’re busted.”
He had to admit, blemishing some unsuspecting business with a few more poorly-conceived and crude murals elsewhere until the paint ran out was enjoyable. Although becoming the canvas with the last bit of green paint was less so. Drakken discarded his ruined jacket in the back of the van along with the empty spray cans he’d confiscated from a chortling sidekick. She apologized, but it wasn’t very heartfelt. He had half a mind to turn a spent can on her, but remembered she wore only one layer just as he uncapped to return the favor. He grudgingly put the can away.
Little more than two hours had been spent on the endeavor, most of the time spent driving around scoping out locations. But the evening was still young – sunset wasn’t until six – and if his company wasn’t ready to retire, then neither was Drakken.
She had a suggestion a little more challenging than vandalism in dark alleyways.
Against his warning, she was insistent on getting her way. And against his better judgment, he let her have it.
Hitting up a casino was a risk, but she assured him that if she’d pulled it off once, she could do it again. He sighed and gave in to her demands, splitting up to let her to find her own way around the security checkpoint. He waited in anticipation inside the colorful noisy joint, keeping a sharp eye out for her, and all the while he tried not to dwell on the fact that if she weren’t underage, she wouldn’t have to be sneaking around at all. Luckily she blended in well with the younger patrons, and he spotted her skirting around some chatty college-age jock on her way through the crowd.
When she reached him, she took his arm and towed him off for roulette. As adamant as she’d been to visit the casino, she opted not to partake in any of the games this time. When he questioned it, she laughed that she’d rather watch him blow his dough than waste her own. He grunted indignantly in reply, but it was hard to argue with her lingering so close, frequently with a hand on his shoulder, or leaned against him, offering words of encouragement to egg him on and make his bets.
She was a bad influence and he had cash burning a hole in his pocket. It was a wonder she didn’t sucker him into losing anything substantial.
It was an hour or two later that her light touches to remind him she was close at hand turned into squeezes and tugs at his shoulders, but he ignored her pressure even when she pinched him. He was ready for another game of poker when she draped her arms over his shoulders suddenly to slump forward, and he got a strong whiff of her odd cucumber shampoo as she leaned terrifyingly close to his ear to hiss a warning through her teeth that they were being watched by the client’s thugs from earlier.
Heeding Shego’s warning at last, Drakken agreed to leave while he was ahead. It was hard not to cast a glance round to check for himself, but he took her word for it as they casually made their way through the casino, Shego splitting off towards the restrooms.
He couldn’t be happier that he’d turned a small profit from the torture-chair tip, and passed Shego her fair share of the winnings when she met him around back. She didn’t seem particularly happy about having to leave so soon, the cash she stuffed in her pocket doing little to take the grimace off her face.
With evening, the crowd of foot-traffic had swelled. It was perhaps the reason she stayed exceptionally close as she walked beside him down the sidewalk to find the parked getaway van. It made it that much harder not to glance over to her somber face as she followed. Her jaded eyes glanced up at him, and he darted his attention up and away.
Looking elsewhere, he spotted a familiar landmark in the form of an unassuming palm tree by an equally unassuming bench on the corner across the street. He glanced back to his companion trudging along next to him then.
“Are you hungry?”
Shego shrugged meekly before giving a nod in reply. The sun was setting, the dusky sky indicating it was nearing dinnertime. It had been several hours since the muffin she’d had for breakfast, and she could go for a bite to eat about now anyway. It might help stave off the dull headache dragging her down.
Drakken grabbed her by the arm then, pulling her off course and assuring her that he knew a guy. She quirked her brow, but humored him.
Apparently the guy was a former henchman of Dr. Drakken’s. Shego didn’t recognize the brutish bouncer in black, but that was probably for the best. He seemed to be on good terms with Drakken. Good enough anyway to give her a once-over after Drakken offered a cash bribe and asked him to look the other way. The thug took the money and made a sly dog comment, pushing open the door to allow them to descend into the underground establishment without a fuss and without checking ID.
The Hellhole was a seedy little pub and poorly lit inside. A weathered animatronic of a small red devil hung by a noose in the entryway, welcoming sinners with its worn-out voice box and a jerky wave of a pitchfork that struck Shego’s escort on the back of the head as they passed.
Drakken kept a hand on her elbow to keep her close, whispering a brief explanation, “This is a popular chain among ne’er-do-well villains, so try not to start any fights or look at anyone the wrong way.”
Villain culture was certainly turning out to have a bigger underworld than she expected. If she was a double agent, the knowledge of hidden locations such as this would be valuable. She had to wonder what kind of rabbit hole she was following this man down, but a fascination kept her on his heels.
“Ne’er-do-well villains, huh, Doc?” Shego scoffed. “What’s that say about you?”
Even in the dim red glow of the entryway, she saw his face flush. “I – it – I’ve had to come here from time to time for information, I’ll have you know,” he sputtered. “The food here isn’t half-bad either.”
She couldn’t help smirking and shaking her head as he lead her onto the floor, weaving between tables as he made a beeline for a booth in the back. He threw a few glances over his shoulder at her, as if worried he’d lose her despite the fact he was still holding her by the arm.
Despite his warning, she was looking at patrons the wrong way. It was a little hard not to. Not unlike a villain convention she’d busted two years ago, the Hellhole was a freakshow. Her blue escort was just an average Joe suddenly. The multicolor lighting made it hard to tell who was of an unnatural hue, but several guests certainly had peculiar skin texture, and they came in all shapes and sizes. She had a feeling the folks here weren’t dressed up for early Halloween festivities. She was pretty sure there was a reptilian hybrid monstrosity dining with a misplaced dapper fellow with a capuchin monkey on his shoulder. At the bar sat a gnarly woman with a parasitic twin on her side, which was decorated in beads and sipping a Bloody Mary with its single spindly malformed arm. Another fellow in a skirt stroked his beard as he eyed Shego’s backside in passing, muttered something in an indiscernible Scottish accent, though she was certain she caught arse.
If Drakken wasn’t dragging her down into a booth, she might have gone back to make the Scotsman repeat himself to her fist.
Her companion threw himself down comfortably across from her on the cushy bench and sighed contentedly.  “Nice turnout tonight,” he quipped as Shego tore her eyes away from the bizarre array of patrons, though he himself continued to stare almost dolefully across the pub. She tried following his line of sight, and just as she spotted a platform across the room, he heaved a sigh and slumped forward over the table. “I used to come here for the karaoke,” he admitted, shamefaced. “Well, technically I still do. Sort of. I’ve been here probably five times.” He laughed uneasily under her stare, and swallowed, and sat back.
“So, if you try to pressure me on stage again, no one here will bat an eye if I plasma-blast you, right?” she asked dryly.
He seemed to shrink under her questioning glare. “We’re just here for the food,” he mumbled.
Shego quickly came to doubt that when he knocked back a shot while waiting on two orders of chicken strips. She was really beginning to question what they were here for when he pushed the second shot across the table toward her. She hadn’t forgotten about the unsavory beer she’d sipped back on karaoke night in Go City, a little too distrusting now to take his offering so readily. She politely declined, but bit her lip as he gave her time to reconsider.
“You wanted to go on a lark, didn’t you?” he goaded, nudging the glass back her way. “Now’s your chance.” He had a very good point there.
She shook her head and rolled her eyes, but for the sake of solidarity, she willingly accepted. A lark. That had a certain appeal.
Drakken chuckled impishly as she gulped it down, and she soon found herself sipping on a strawberry cocktail he swore she’d like or she could hit him. Shego kicked him under the table anyway, stubbornly denying a bloom of warmth as she ate her chicken strips and fries while he lost his reservations and forgot whose turn it was to drive. Although she was just as much to blame for not reminding him.
The grub was good, as promised, but eventually she saw it fit to urge Drakken to his feet before he could drink himself completely silly, though he was certainly on his way to tipsy town. She wanted to believe she wasn’t, that it was just his weight against her making her sway as terrible standup comedy drove them out of the aptly-named Hellhole.
Neither could recall precisely where they’d left the van, but it was found eventually. Within an hour or so of nightfall anyway, and not before Drakken disappeared for a good ten minutes and left Shego confused and alone on a bench until he reappeared, proudly brandishing a bottle of liquor swaddled in a paper sack. She confiscated the bottle first for safe keeping before giving him an unappreciative shove.
Once he was back on his feet, she passed it back, and he wasted no time in cracking it open to take a pull. He ambled along beside her until she was pushing him into the passenger seat of the van. If his indulgences at the pub hadn’t gotten him drunk, then nursing a bottle of rum was sure to do the trick.
She wanted to be annoyed with her intoxicated passenger, but instead she leaned through the door and over his lap to reach for the bottle he held away from her, until he yielded and let her take a curious sip. She stayed there leaned over his lap and contemplating taking another for a minute too long, because he cleared his throat and pushed her back by the shoulder, reminding her they ought to be going.
Shego climbed over him and into the driver’s seat and patted her cheeks as if it would clear her head of any wooziness, exhaustion- or alcohol-induced.
As she wearily took it upon herself to carefully navigate them out of the grand city of Las Vegas, she contemplated how difficult it would be to book a lavish hotel room – make that two – on such short notice. Catching a magic show would have been nice, but there was always next time. The temptation of shopping crossed her mind as well as she stared longingly out at illuminated storefronts, but she sighed heavily, a little louder than necessary, and decided to save tonight’s earnings for a later date when she needed a pick-me-up or bail money.
She realized Drakken was talking, and almost ran a stoplight when she glanced over at him. No, he wasn’t talking – he was singing. To himself no less, to some tune in his head.
Shego waited until they’d left the congested traffic and night-life behind and were on the highway home – or so she hoped – before even considering turning on the radio. The plum-faced man sipping booze next to her killed time by howling to the tunes on the radio and strumming an air guitar, or otherwise beating the dash in an ill-timed drum solo.
It took a few songs, and a tiny sip or two as she warmed up to the liquor, before Shego was coaxed into joining in. His grin stretched from ear to ear when she finally quit merely bobbing her head to the beat and raised her voice in duet, swerving carelessly as she playfully grooved along with him to Michael Jackson’s Bad. Her clumsy and slurred rendition would score her no record deals, but it earned a round of applause from Drakken anyway.
One nice part of having the good Dr. Drakken drunk in the passenger seat was that in the midst of singing his depressed little heart out to the top 40, she got to floor it down the vacant highway. With his attention on her and the music, he didn’t even notice she was pushing the poor van to its limits.
Eventually her blue songbird tired of singing, but his voice wasn’t so tired that he couldn’t dissolve into conversation. It was mostly one-sided as he divulged details of shady deals of late that all-too-frequently involved him being swindled, usually because his clients had bigger and badder henchmen than his own. “I haven’t had it go that smoothly in a while,” he noted contently. “You’re something different. Unexpected. Those buffoons didn’t know what to make of you.” After a moment, he added in a mumble, “Like a poison dart frog.”
Shego snorted and shook off the frog bit. She wasn’t altogether sure if he was paying her a compliment, but she decided to count it as an attempt made. “You know, Dr. D, I could back you up full-time if you didn’t have me doing some stupid goodie-two-shoes act for my brothers,” she hinted.
“I do enjoy having someone around the lair,” Drakken muttered thoughtfully, but shook his head before she could get her hopes up. He sniffed and pushed his glasses back up his nose. “No, it’s better this way. For now.”
“You just don’t wanna pay me for full time,” she scoffed, mostly lightheartedly. The pay had been generous so far. Especially tonight.
“Hey, now, I gave you three grand in cash earlier for this,” Drakken defended, wagging a finger at her. “Three thousand six hundred and twenty. Twenty Five. I know – I counted. The henchmen work for pennies.”
“That wasn’t even a ten-percent cut.”
“Much more than that, and you’d be cutting into my profit margin, so zip it. I have bills to pay.”
That, she could accept. Not so much the zip it comment – she still reached over and shoved his stupid head for that – but she didn’t complain anymore.
Soon enough, her companion shifted the subject, launching back into the saga of his history with inept henchmen over the past year and a half or so since leaving Gemini’s research team as a lowly lab hand to strike out on his own. Eventually his complaints about his troubles with them died down to grumbles and finally dwindled into silence.
Shego was just starting to feel the effects of fatigue catching up to her when suddenly Drakken piped up again.
“I have to take a leak. Pull over.”
Biting her tongue on a retort to use a bottle, as she’d advise her brothers, Shego rolled her eyes and complied. The desert highway was, well, deserted, and she didn’t have to pull off the road. Coasting to the shoulder and down a slight embankment was just an accident. Dust and debris drifted in the headlights as she ran over a couple of bushes until finally sliding to a stop.
Drakken forgot to unbuckle himself when he tried to climb out. She didn’t mean anything by it when she reached over to press the release, but she laughed hysterically when he fell out with a yelp. He shouted something indignant about almost pissing himself as he stood back up, and then disappeared around the side of the van, grumbling and kicking pebbles.
She tried to keep her eyes off that side to spare some privacy, but left alone with the idling engine and a foot tapping to the beat thrumming from the crackling radio, a mean impulse played through her head, and she acted on it before she could think twice.
It was a dirty prank.
The tires spun out in the sand and she heard him yelling behind her as she floored it. She didn’t have it in her to leave him stranded in the desert though, and she didn’t want to either, but she did make him run a good ways down the road and tapped on the gas pedal each time he neared the passenger door.
She cackled when she finally let him dive in after his fifth attempt to board. In the overhead light, she saw his face flushed purple, and it wasn’t so much the alcohol doing it this time.
“Shego! That wasn’t funny,” he complained, slamming the door a little too roughly.
“XYZ,” she replied.
“Examine your zipper,” she reiterated. Honestly, if he didn’t have a belt on, he would have lost his pants. Drakken grunted and she only glanced back at him again after she heard him zip up. She reached over to shove the pouting man’s shoulder. “Alright, I’m sorry,” she said, not especially genuine, but it was the thought that counted, right?
“Neh,” he grunted, crossing his arms, only to uncross them and yank the bottle from the consol. She snatched it from him before he could raise it to his lips, and downed a swig for herself. “You’re driving,” he complained, reaching out for the bottle.
“Yeah, like I’m gonna be pulled over out here,” she scoffed, gesturing with the rum to the vacant road disappearing into the dark ahead. Getting back on the straight highway suddenly wasn’t so appealing with a vast expanse of desert on either side of it. She hummed as she looked out into the darkness off-road, just beyond the glow of the headlights.
Drakken uttered something in confused questioning as she steered the van away from the pavement.
“I know what’ll cheer you up, grumpy pants,” she said as the van picked up speed and gained traction on the grit. “You like donuts?”
“Eugh – yes? But – Shego – Shego, this is bumpy.”
“Yeah, I know,” she answered. She flicked a grin towards him but didn’t take her eyes off swerving between bushels of parched desert flora in the headlights.
“Shego!” he all but screamed as she cut the wheel.
A stark contrast to Drakken, who let out a terrified scream, Shego shouted in exuberance as the van skid in a loop. She let it idle for a minute once she completed the circuit, letting the dust settle and watching him gripping the handle above his head in one hand and the bottle in the other. His chest heaved, and he stared bug-eyed at the cloud of debris for a long moment.
And then he was hastily rolling up his window before yet more dust could waft in. Shego took the cue to roll up her own. His rising chuckle made the mischief worth it. He burst out in laughter a moment later and chortled, “Again!” like a kid begging for another go on a roller coaster.
“You’re the boss,” she laughed amicably.
It was too dark to see, but she wanted to believe he was looking a little less blue beside her, even if she was sure his condition didn’t work that way. It would seem that the prankster offense from minutes ago had been forgiven anyway, because he was smiling and laughing now, goading her on to go faster.
She obliged to his demands, finding she had no objections.
At least until a combination of factors sabotaged their fun. A sudden change in the turf gave her better traction, she cut the wheel too hard, maybe it was a rut – but whatever happened, she felt her stomach drop as two wheels lifted off the ground. 
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First Date With BTS
New reaction for you guys ^^ I actually started writing this on New Year’s but it was super windy and my power went out right when I was almost done writing it. Nothing saved and I was so angry I couldn’t bring myself to write this again until tonight. But without further delay! Here is how each of the members would take you out for your first date. Requests are always open! 
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I feel like Namjoon would love a traditional first date. One where you two can just talk to each other and he can really pick your brain and get to know you on a deeper level. He would ask you what your favorite restaurant is and would take you there to start. He would spend as much time as possible asking you questions about yourself so he could come to know who you are as a person. He would ask you about your dreams, your ambitions, what you are passionate about, etc. After dinner he would go for a walk around the city with you and continue your conversation right where it left off. After taking you back to your home he would walk you to the front door. Ever the gentleman he would ask if it would be alright if he kissed you. Rather than respond you would lean in and kiss him on the cheek and tell him you can’t wait for your second date. He would be a blushing mess, his dimples would be prominent and his eyes would be shining as he smiled at you. 
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Jin would ask if you were comfortable coming to his apartment so he could cook dinner for the both of you. Of course you said yes. When you arrived you were surprised to see how much effort he put into it. He had made your favorite meal which you were certain you had only mentioned to him once while talking on the phone. He had wine on the table, and even had lit some candles. You two ate dinner together and spent time just talking and getting to know each other. After you two were finished he would suggest you two could make dessert together. The entire time you two were cooking together he would be cracking his classic Jin jokes in an effort to make you laugh/smile. After one particularly cheesy joke you smeared the batter on his nose which caused him to do the same. Both of your sides would hurt from laughing so much. Jin would immediately start planning your second date together and you couldn’t help but smile and kiss his forehead. 
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One of the first things Yoongi had asked you when you first started talking was what kind of music you liked and who your favorite artists were. He was waiting for the right moment when one of them were on tour to ask you out on your first date. When he surprised you with the tickets and asked if you wanted to go on a date with him he was so nervous. You two had been talking for a while as friends and he just wasn’t sure if you liked him in that way. When you agreed he was so happy and flashed you his signature gummy smile. He wasn’t sure what was more entertaining, the concert itself or watching you let loose and dance your butt off and have a great time. When a slower song came on and you sat down you noticed he was fidgeting with his hands, as if he was having an internal debate with himself about whether or not he should try to hold your hand. You intertwined your fingers with his made sure not to let go the rest of the night. After the concert you two would go out to eat and grab a few drinks, reminiscing on your favorite parts of the show. When you asked Yoongi when your next date would be he was ecstatic and couldn’t wait to take you out again.
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This man was a big ol’ bundle of nerves when it came to asking you out. When he finally worked up the courage to ask you out, he was so surprised when you said yes. It was when you asked what he had in mind for your date that he realized he spent so much time worrying about asking you out that he didn’t actually have a plan in mind for what the two of you would do. “It’s a surprise! Just be ready tomorrow!” Cue Hobi panicking trying to figure out what you two were going to do tomorrow. He would ask for help from his fellow members who suggested taking you out dancing. He knew you both loved dancing and being able to do that together sounded like a great idea. Rather than take you to a loud noisy club he opted to turn the dance studio into your own personal date spot with the help of his members. Jin cooked dinner for you two, and the rest of the members helped make a playlist of songs and set up lights around the studio. You two spent the night dancing, laughing, and having the best time together. At the end of the night you gave him a peck on the lips and told him that you couldn’t wait to see what he had in store for your next date.
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It took Jimin a while to finally work up the courage to ask you out on a date because he was terrified you would reject him. You agreed without hesitation and it made him so happy he was screaming inside. Jimin would plan a date where the two of you could just focus on each other without distractions. He wanted to show you how much he liked you so he put a lot of thought and care into your date. He would prepare all of your favorite food and desserts and take you on a picnic to the park. You two would sit by the river, talking and enjoying each other’s company as you ate. Jimin couldn’t stop staring at you and smiling, he couldn’t believe that the most beautiful person in the world was actually on a date with him. You noticed a pair of swings and suggested you two go swing together. Your childlike innocence was one of the many things he liked about you. He was so overwhelmed with how cute you were that he leaned in to kiss you. He quickly pulled away afraid he had made you uncomfortable. He was absolutely over the moon when you smiled at him, and grabbed his shirt to pull his lips back to yours. 
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Taehyung would have your entire first date planned before he even asked you. You two had been talking back and forth for a while and he wanted to take you out to show you his feelings for you rather than just tell you. For the first part of your date he would take you to an art museum. You two would walk around admiring the different paintings, sculptures, and photographs and talk about which ones were your favorites. For the second half of your date Taehyung would take you to a local cafe that was having an open mic night. You two would sit together talking, and admiring all of the singers that night. You suggested he should go up and sing something. He was a little reluctant at first but after you pushing him he finally decided to try. He sang a softer ballad, and was looking at you the entire time he was singing. It was like you two were the only ones in the room. After this it was time for part 3 of your date. Taehyung would take you to the park and you two would lay on the playground equipment stargazing, sharing everything about each other. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that by the end of the night you both were head over heels for each other. 
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Amusement park date! Jungkook thought this would be the perfect date. It would be a good chance for him to show you how he wasn’t afraid of anything and that you could rely on him to keep you safe. He smiled as he imagined you cuddled into him on the roller coasters. He was quite shocked to find that you were just as much of a thrill seeker as he was. He was so happy though to see you having a great time and running around to all of the different rides, excited like you were a little kid again. Not gonna lie, he was a little disappointed that he didn’t get to have you clinging to him like he was hoping. You had your suspicions that at least part of the reason he picked an amusement park was because of this. You decided to humor him and asked him to hold your hand on one of the bigger coasters. When he was driving you home he turned to find your eyes closed and your chest steadily rising and falling. A big smile spread across his face “I hope we can go on more dates together.” When you grabbed his hand he jumped in surprise thinking you were asleep. “Where are you going to take me next Kookie, bungee jumping?” He burst out laughing, “We can go wherever you want to”. 
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the-institute-rpg · 6 years
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Rebecca || 24 || Ice Elemental || Mistress || Danielle Panabaker FC
Character Name: Rebecca Turner Nickname: Becca Birthday: January 13 Age:  24 Pronouns: She/Her Status: Mistress Area of Study:  Biological Engineering Year of Study: Sophomore  Species: Ice Elemental Orientation/Preference: Straight I am a: Switch I want a: Any Turn Ons:  Light BDSM, Pegging, Dirty Talk, Edging, Roleplay, Marking, Sex Machines Turn Offs:  Bathroom Play, Blood Play, Bad Hygiene, Scat, Vore, Gore Three Positive Character Traits:  Organized, Compassionate, Driven Three Negative Character Traits: Tentative, Fearful of Herself, Mistrusting Face Claim: Danielle Panabaker Player: Stella
Growing up Rebecca Turner was absolutely average. She was brilliant yes, mind of a genius her stepfather said but she was on the boring side. She never broke any rules, never strayed out of line. She like order, and being organized. Having a set routine. She didn’t care for mess or chaos. Was never one to go out and party. She had friends sure and would go out with them but she wasn’t a party animal like some of her friends could be.
Becca was what you called reliable. Everyone could rely on her for her for help. Forgot to do your homework? Rebecca would help you do it before homeroom started. Needed tutoring? Ask Becca. It was a role she was happy to play and enjoyed being the class president when she was elected year after year. Becoming valedictorian wasn’t a hard task for her either. She may not have been the Prom Queen, that was her best friend but she didn’t care about that.
It was a bright sunny day when it happened. Rebecca had been sitting with her boyfriend of two years, talking about what they wanted to do for college. Where they wanted to go. She had expected them to both go to the same place so they could stay together, he had other plans. “What do you mean you’re breaking up with me?” “You’ve been cheating on me? With my best friend?” All she could remember was the sudden anger and chilling pressure in her when she first discovered her abilities. Ice coming from her hands to freeze his own, sending him into shock, that led to having to go to the hospital.
Fear struck her as she ran home to her mother to try and figure out what was wrong with her. “I was afraid this would happen sooner or later.” she had heard her mother say as they sat on the living room couch. “Your father, your real father, he isn’t human. He’s what he calls an Ice Elemental. You seemed so normal all your life I assumed you would be normal like me but it looks like it took a delay in your abilities to start. You should call your dad.” The words alone shocked her but meeting her father for the first time since she was six and learning the truth was worse.
Becca spent time trying to learn about herself, her species but the more she read, the more she ‘practiced’ the more scared of herself she became. She didn’t want to hurt someone with her powers. Her father suggested she attend The Institute. It was a private university where they could potentially help her master her abilities. Arriving there though she got a whole lot more then she bargained for. She took an unexpected leave to see if she could learn control on her own but it was all for nothing and she soon found herself returning hoping someone there could help teach her properly.
Pre-established Connections:
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hanzi83 · 6 years
Fuck 2017
It’s that time of the year again where I decide to bitch about my year and basically spew the same rhetoric without any proof of anything, and try to dress it up like it is something new and refreshing, but I think enough over the last year has taken place where maybe I can present a new narrative, but probably not, so if you continue to read this mess, it is on you because you decided to read this far into what is happening in my mind. Since a lot of people reading this are already reading my personal journal thoughts, this blog will not come as a surprise to you, and even the Stern Show hired trolls on Reddit will already talk about this blog before it is even posted like they did last time, to showcase they are monitoring everything I have ever typed into my journal entry.
 I don’t even know where to start with 2017 because it has been the year of transparency and secrecy, even more so than usual and it is like they knew just being on the Anti Psychotics they could get away with being even more transparent, at any gathering, or any time I spoke my mind and let off some steam in my platforms to spew my irrational opinions on things, but it seems more than obvious that people from my past are trying to resurface and while they have made their tactics seem secretive, they know by now that anyone wanting to connect with me, is someone who is compromised and it is like they want people they need to be interjected into my business so it makes it easier for them to take over, and by the end of the year it has come into fruition with their tactics of politicking with the past and having their connections while making it seem like we are in the same wave length, and because I don’t budge to their opinions, which is meant to persuade me, I can see the utter disdain they have for me.
 Even though I have been granted freedom to attend limited gatherings this past year, I can see the agendas and the narratives being spun in their favor. People who try to communicate with me, whether they are internet trolls or people I know, or even certain industry type of people, they all work with a point system and it is finally making its way to the surface, but it has always functioned like that, to me at least, where you have specific interactions, and get people who are in this game, which is someone like me who I suspect in a government program, and depending on the interactions you have these people who are also in the game, you can obtain certain amount of points and get your access to having connections with the system, whether it’s getting perks to attend events, vacation points,  concerts, sporting events, access to industry escorts etc, there are tasks at hand, and it feels whenever I am allowed going out, and because my life is controlled chaos, because once you become a part of the Stern Show world, your entire life is compromised, and everyone you thought you knew since you were a fucking kid is in on it as well, and whenever I show any type of suspicion, I can see the delayed responses, the nervousness, the eye contact with others, the writing in their private groups profusely, I can just tell that there is more that meets the eye. It feels like people have been convincing me to do a podcast and because they have their hands on advanced knowledge that someday I will be vindicated, it seems like they are already practicing being these people with no agenda and everything they present to me and in front of me is some genuine feeling and motive, but it isn’t, in my opinion. I have always been able to read people pretty good, and because this entire world is fake and the system looks at people like me who can’t function in this world on their own and have issues with depression, it is easy for people to just kick me when I am down and dismiss my opinions, and it triggers a response in me inside because it feels just like it did back in the day and because of that I realized that people I know, their flaws have not changed and it still continues to manifest
 See this is what I was worried about, I envisioned writing a nice recap of the year and already I am not feeling what I am writing, but since you people who need to gather intelligence on me and monitor my every word spoken or written online, you will still read it and proclaim you don’t read it because it is all drivel, but I am the only one who was a part of the Stern Show that is at least putting out something unique, even if you think I am utterly insane and that is fine, because people who would waste their time reading what I am saying, or every time I’m on a social platform, while you are able to do whatever you want and access any industry event that you please, you are still mentally ill enough to keep tabs on anything I do. You have my phones tapped, and you make it completely obvious about it, whether it is liking specific tweets I don’t remember liking, or whether it is playing different playlists on my Spotify, and also not to mention when I am writing in my personal journal on my computer you move the cursor multiple times to flex your muscle and show your presence and do it subtly because no one will believe me.
 I debated even writing this blog because I envision me speaking some type of truth and say some refreshing shit to fuck with the people to fuck with me, but the system doesn’t allow people to actually acknowledge it, even though it is pretty obvious they read it, with what they mention in front of me and how obvious they want to become about it, but it never goes anywhere. I am in the middle of it and I am already losing interest and sometimes I think it is by design because my thoughts can be manipulated because they have advanced technology to fuck with my head, and the genius part is that even if I am right, no one will believe me, because most of the people reading this shit are in on what is happening and they have been trying so fucking hard this past year to basically make it look like every suspicion I have had to seem like the opposite and when they see me they have this blank stare on their faces like “We have been reading this thoughts and seeing his rants on social media, so we acted the opposite and did it accordingly and he is going to be pissed to see that his suspicions haven’t been confirmed”
 Not only have people I have known stolen my contacts, and my own friends they never had connection with, but they aren’t satisfied with that, because this stuff is organized and people are a part of different secret societies and have moved it online under the guise of fantasy football, and secret Reddit groups, they also have their opinions bribed whether its traded for sex, or whether they can some type of spot in on it and if they don’t write or produce for something then whatever it is, is trash. I see this with music tastes and who certain people can hype up and who they don’t hype up, depending on if someone they know produced the song or is connected with the person themselves. The part that bothers me about this the most is that they hide it from me like they live regular fucking lives, and then when they know I will be vindicated in the future, they will want to be a part of whatever I do, and insert themselves in it like they invited me to places, even though the places they invited me, were limited and if they didn’t want me to see something, they would concoct ways for it to be done without me noticing. These are the people who are supposed to be my best friends, and I don’t have any of those.
 It is funny to hear certain people go off on all the people who committed sexual assault, because even that shit is by design, whether the acts happened because of some ritual, but again it became convenient for these people to meet those type of people before it was out in the open so you can say you met them before it was known, even though it was always known in some fucking way, and even though in reality behind the scenes, these people are supposed to be caught and they know how their careers are ending, they are still probably cool with the people who are chastising them, but you can’t admit that in public, so all these purists out there who go off on it and don’t explain the ritualistic shit you have to partake in, it is disingenuous and that no media outlet, mainstream or independent actually report with accuracy, they report whatever is allowed to be told, while the mainstream does a shittier job and a more propagandized way of being transparent with their shit. If these outlets were out for truth, why wouldn’t you expose what Howard Stern has done to people and how he has mentally tortured them with underhanded tactics, and even people in my own life are even afraid to say anything bad because they got their connections from him, it was because they were associated with me and because I wasn’t about making moves fast enough, they had to do it behind my fucking back, and now they are loyal to him, while some of them act like they hate him, but they are still loyal to them, because he allowed them to get access to the chicks they can fuck, or whatever events they can attend, and then they can all act like pretend feminists when everyone is partaking in orgies and bribing each other’s opinion.
In 30 years you will find out some of these chicks in power are doing the same shit as the guys were doing, and the cycle will continue because if they actually cared about sexual misconduct and assault etc, they would have access to report it right away. I am not talking about the victims, I mean the system monitors everything everyone does, they allow this to go on for so long, and they have these chicks signed to these nondisclosures and when they are allowed to speak out about it, in a limited fashion mind you, it makes them look bad because there are inconsistencies to the story and how they were hanging out with those same people they are accusing after the fact. There is something that isn’t being told and because you don’t blindly accept the official story of how it went down, you are labeled a rape apologist or something, The entire system is dirty and tainted, and it will keep going in cycles, no matter how many times we put a nice bow on it and tell you it is a changed system.
That is why I would want to die right away. I can’t stand looking at people in the past, and I don’t look forward to the future, even if I am vindicated, that is where the real trouble and problems begin. I just want to be dead, but they won’t allow any of that because people in my life aren’t done profiting off me in some fucking way. They have organized situations where I am asked out to be distracted, and if I get to go out, the situations are extremely limited, and because I am given orders to speak to certain people of certain establishments, it makes me think a deal was made and people in the establishment have to pretend not to know who I am when they are paying to see me, they can hire organized gang stalkers. There is a program going on where they enlist you without you even knowing, and then present a different reality. It might sound crazy but it will be revealed in some way.
 I will always blame myself for being close to certain people, or even partaking in the Stern Show, and now the people in my life, have been given the control to control my life and how much I can be downtown or how much praise I can get for speaking at functions, because they don’t want me to shine, and the fact that these people control it make me sick and I don’t have control of my own fate. The entire system is broken, these people are corrupted people and I don’t want anything to do with them. Now  I am stuck seeing a therapist that I don’t even know is sent by the system to keep record of what I am saying and because we speak in one specific spot in my house, which I believe is tapped by the government, I don’t think anything we say is private. Everything is accessible to these people. They can tell me that stuff is not my business, yet they have so much invested into whatever I am writing and doing on my own. They can hack my fucking phone. I have reached out to independent media, you know the “truth tellers’ none of them will look into what Stern has organized.
If Harvey Weinstein had Mossad Agents suppressing news stories about his sexual assaults, what do you think someone like Howard Stern has been doing? You really think someone like him is this blindly supportive of Israel and has been pro cleansing the Middle East, these same fucking “media outlets” won’t even look into him being one of the main people in Trump’s ear, because he had you all convinced he is some liberal now and even the people who hate him online are fake hating him because the narrative they have for hating him is that he doesn’t say “GARY THE RETARD” anymore, and that he is censoring that language, when it is an obvious ploy to make it seem like that he is this liberal who used to go against the system and he was never someone who went against the system, his entire career was manufactured in a fucking boardroom, and he made you think he was this edgy guy, but he was never edgy, the stuff he did, maybe it was funny, but it was never edgy, see this is why the “PC” side is limited, and the right wing have always had control, so much so they made you think the brink of edginess is saying racially charged words, and incorporating every negative taboo because the “PC” side made it seem like those were the things that were being censored, and it didn’t help that the representation they had putting out that view were flawed people, like the religious right etc. They fooled us into thinking that type of behavior was edgy, and those people are more PC than what the PC left is, whenever it comes to Israel, the police corruption, or the military, these “edgy” types are the ones who bow down for them but that is seen as being a “MAN”. And because the “PC LEFT” doesn’t explain why certain things are propaganda, especially when it has to do with foreign policy or race etc it makes them look like they don’t want to be mean, and the people on the right are the ones who are edgy and ballsy because they don’t want to shoot down anyone who claims racism. The designed it this way on purpose, and we all fell for it, and now because there is some representation of good in the system, they make you think that liberalism is the mental disorder, another clichéd talking point from right wing assholes, when in America there is no real left representation in a mainstream system, maybe with some social issues etc but most of those type of people are leaning to the right anyways because the system by default is a right wing narrative.
Anyways basic point is Stern is a Trump supporter and probably an advisor but everyone in the system knows this and have to keep that dick in their mouth about it while pretending they are speaking out against evil, when you really aren’t. It will be funny to see how many of these feminists who are Stern fans have to change their tune after years of parading around and vacationing with him but didn’t say shit at the exploitation of the whack packers and the women they had on their show with their underhanded tactics that exist. And people I know who know about this, they are too busy being bribed with the industry escorts and pretending to be this ultra feminists so they can get laid than actually speak out about actual evil. That is why I don’t want anyone from my past on my team and I will prefer to be dead than ever do business with anyone who has profited off me or helped make me this mental and organized false realities and organize different events so I am not privy to their orgy life style because all these marriages are phony and people swap wives, and I am supposed to believe we are in this world of respecting the rules and women. I am glad I am A sexual. I rather be dead than ever see anyone in my life. Maybe I am being irrational right now but these hidden rules fucking suck and because you guys can hide them because everyone is bought off, not one person in this world, no matter how edgy they seem, is edgy. I will never get over any of this and I will always hate what the system has done to me.
I knew this blog was a fucking big mistake, but I will post it anyways because people will still read it regardless, because they have to hang on to every fucking word I say. They need to study me and do their homework because when I am vindicated, they will plot their next move into getting revenge on me. I know how evil these people can be and I have seen that capability in the past and how they politick and pretend they are just living by themselves and doing nothing and convincing me that we are the same, but we are not. I want to end corruptness, you want to profit off it, and I don’t want to be here to see it. Don’t worry in the end I will lose everything and they will make sure because they will always be bitter about me being discovered first and how more people know who I am but to spare other people’s feelings, they have to dumb down people around us not to know about my “Stern Show fame” because they can’t stomach people approaching me and saying they know who I am. The used to do it before in the gym, or on the street, now suddenly they have no clue, and since most of the time it is an organized game that is taking place, it feels like something is not right.
Even if I am wrong about everything I have written irrationally and I probably am, because I am a delusional fatso, then it is even more reason why I should be off this planet and be done with it, but they can’t afford that, people I know can’t make more connections if I am not around and they have to hide their shadiness and who they are associated with, and because they know I don’t trust anyone, they had to latch on to my family members so they have some sort of connection to a bloodline, by the way bloodlines are important in this world, but no one wants to admit it because they are too  busy telling you that things just happen by chance and we are all random people on this earth. What a crock of fucking shit
 It was probably the wrong time of the month to watch the new Black Mirror season because the technology capabilities that are being foreshadowed fuck with my head because it will probably happen sooner and if not it is already happening behind the scenes since the elite have access to advanced technology. This is not what I needed, and I want to be dead before this shit comes to the surface. I don’t belong here and I won’t harm myself but I will always wait until the day I can fucking die and never see anyone in my life ever again. That is how my mind is always going to work. I will never forgive the people in my life for lying to me constantly and I will never forgive them for all the access they were allowed to have and all the industry fuckboys that helped do it because they bend over for Stern because they always wanted to be in his inner circle, whether its rappers, wrestlers, comedians, politicians etc you can all go fuck yourselves for partaking in mentally torturing me and laughing about it like the little subservient dogs that you are. That is what you are, and because you make a living off not what your “art” is, you making it off of harassing people online and doing dirt for the elite because you are all government agents behind the scenes. I don’t trust any of you, and I don’t want to be cool with any of you. I hope your industries continued to be taken over by the evil for doing this to me or getting joy out of it.
 Fuck 2017 and fuck this stupid blog. If you read it this far, you are one of the stupidest shit heads that have ever existed. Thanks for help fucking with my life on a continuous basis and making it more transparent than ever because it has become transparent. I hope all you industry fucks get what is coming to you, I understand it is hard to accept you had to take the white supremacist corporatist dick and they had to pat you on the head like a good little boy and you played along. Yeah I will say vile things because I am irrational and I don’t want to be here, so here is to 2018 and none of the vindication comes and I just eventually just get killed for popping off with these butter fingers. Go post this on reddit like the paid shills you are and then make a million of fake account to up vote your comments so you get your fucking internet points that you would prostitute yourself for.
I really hope all these industries get exposed and it will be funny to see how these people look at people like myself as the worst of humanity but you have been in an industry that has done more fucked up shit than I could ever fucking think of. Fuck everyone. I will just spend another sad new years on my own and just sleep because even if I could hang out with people, I wouldn’t want to because it would probably benefit you more than it would me.
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Captain Authority Figure Sexy Voice 6
Jamie was looking her best (according to Gaila) when Chris came to get her for their date, which ended up happening the next evening. She was a little nervous and still a bit shaken from the first brush with the bond. It had been a powerful feeling, the warm tingle that had spread through her at his touch of her cheek. She’d asked one of her professors if this was normal and she’d said it was. “We’ve come in contact before, but nothing happened,” she’d explained. “If you only met him a few months ago, that’s normal. It gets stronger the closer you get emotionally and the more contact you do have. Eventually, the warmth will be there almost constantly.”
“Wow!” Jamie had breathed. “I didn’t realized how powerful bonds really are!” “They can be,” Professor Grey had said with a smile at her wide-eyed wonder. “But you do have to work to keep them that way. There’s good reason Starfleet does not allow a matched officer to go on long term missions without their mate. It’s detrimental to both morale and the bond.” Jamie had thought about these things seriously while she was getting ready and doing her hair and makeup. She was pretty sure she wouldn’t have to worry about that. She was aiming to end up on Chris’s soon-to-be new ship, the Enterprise. No separation involved there. Gaila cooed over her while making sure her eyeshadow made her blue eyes pop and carefully styled her hair so that loose waves fell across her shoulders. “Whoa,” Jamie breathed. “I feel.......beautiful....it’s...incredible.” “YOU’RE incredible, honey,” Gaila corrected her. “And yes, I do believe the good captain will find you especially alluring tonight. Now, let’s see about that outfit.” Jamie was decked out in a winsome green flowered dress, cute heels, and earrings. Gaila nodded her approval as she revolved in front of her. “Beautiful! Now you’re all set! Give the Captain a kiss for me!” Blushing at the thought, Jamie shook her head and paced nervously in front of the door. “I don’t think there will be any kissing going on yet,” she demurred. “This is only our first date!” “You never know, sweetie! It might have a happy ending!” Gaila waggled her eyebrows and Jamie blushed even harder. She was grateful when the knock on the door came, indicating Chris had arrived. With a wink, Gaila blew her a kiss and vanished into Jamie’s room. Despite the one track mind, Jamie couldn’t deny her friend had tact. Jamie cleared her throat and opened the door. Chris was there, looking....well, very sharp in a suit and tie. She had never seen him out of uniform and the effect was fabulous. She tried to speak, but the only sound that would come out of her mouth was a squeak. Where was all her charisma and suaveness when she needed it? Seeing her so flustered, Chris broke the awkwardness. “Looking beautiful, Jamie,” he said appreciatively, taking in her dressed up look. Trying to Recover herself, Jamie managed a shaky grin. “So do you—that is, handsome, I mean. Ugh, I’m so bad at this.”  She wanted to disappear, She was so mortified, but Chris chuckled lightly. “It’s okay. I’m pretty bad myself. We’ll muddle through this together. You’re all set then?” “Yep,” She said, picking up the small purse she was carrying. By the time they made it out of the apartment building and into the car, Jamie was feeling more like herself. “I didn’t know you owned any clothing that wasn’t ‘Fleet issued,” she teased him as he held the door for her. “You’d be surprised,” he said dryly, shooting her an amused Look. “Hang out with me off duty more and you’ll see I actually have a respectable wardrobe.” “I’ll hold you to that,” she promised, eyeing him with delight as he drove. She felt extremely special and privileged to get to see this new side of Chris. It was going to be fun being around him when he wasn’t in Captain mode. They chatted about various everyday topics while waiting for their meal then Jamie told him what professor Grey had told her about bonds. “So that interesting sensation will only get stronger with time and more contact,” she explained. “I ignored my Words for so long because I was afraid and didn’t even try to study about the bonds, thinking if I pretended they weren’t there, they’d go away. I was a mess.” “And I’d given up,” Chris shared. “Most people meet their match within 5-10 years of the Words appearing and after year 16 I figured fate was against me, or the person didn’t want to be found. I’ve been told it’s an amazing experience, but nothing beats actually feeling it for the first time.” He smiled warmly at her and she blushed. “You do have a really nice smile,” she murmured, liking how it seemed to light up his whole face and be adorably boyish. “Not nearly as cute as yours, Jamie,” Chris said. “I’ve seen entire rooms take notice when you come in. We should definitely hold hands more often, by the way.” “I agree,” Jamie assented, reveling in the indescribable feeling of being connected to him. They did some small talk over dinner and discussed the training mission some more and then Jamie brought up family. “So, have you told your parents about this?” She asked delicately. “You mentioned you were thinking about it.” “I did,” he said with a sigh. “Mom was over the moon and wants to meet you as soon as possible. Dad.......he’s being......difficult about it. I don’t want to put you through that yet. He can be a stubborn mule and very paranoid as well as passive aggressive.” “Sounds like Komack,” Jamie commented, a wicked sparkle dancing in her eye. “That  Guy does NOT approve of me. Your dad will be good practice learning how to deal with cranky brass.” “Given that he’s a retired admiral himself, I’m sure it will be,” Chris said with a grimace. His relationship with his father was not an easy one, given how Joshua Pike had held impossibly high standards for his son and didn’t know how to be anything but critical when they were together. “Oh, dear. I didn’t mean to bring up family drama,” Jamie apologized, seeing the strained look on his face. “It’s alright. You have a right to know about it Given our relationship. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth because he’s never once approved of a single choice I’ve made besides joining Starfleet. My soulmate could be an admiral and he’d still be unhappy. Shows you what he thinks of me.” Jamie’s hand crept towards his on the table and they both felt the warmth of the bond as her fingers wrapped around his. “Makes me wonder how he made admiral, with that kind of inability to recognize  awesome when he sees it,” Jamie said rather indignantly. “You’re one of the most decorated Captains in Fleet history and legendary around the Federation!” “That’s debatable in some circles,” Chris said wryly. “More like a thorn in their side.” “The price of great genius,” She sighed. “They can’t see what you see and think you’re being a fool, then when you turn out to be right, they act all resentful that they didn’t think of it first.” She was so incredibly perceptive for her years and Chris once again marveled at the wisdom of this amazing woman. She got him in a way few people did, due to also being unusually smart, and he got the feeling she wouldn’t be intimidated by his grumpy old Dad. The man was in for quite a shock whenever Chris got brave enough to bring Jamie to meet his folks. He’d delay that until summer break, though. Didn’t need the added stress just yet. “So, are you gonna show me where your Words are?” Jamie wheedled as they strolled leisurely down the sidewalk, hand in hand. “Not on the first date, sweetheart. I AM a gentleman,” he reminded her with a grin. Jamie huffed and made a pouty face. “However, a goodnight kiss is not out of the realm of possibility,” he added meaningfully. “You giant tease!” She exclaimed. “Is this what I’m going to have to deal with the rest of my life?” “If you stick with me, I’m afraid so.” He winked at her again and Jamie fell for the man even harder.
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gabriellakirtonblog · 6 years
The Fitness Pro’s Guide to Better Sleep
Physical fitness depends heavily on three variables: diet, exercise, and sleep. As a sleep science coach, I teach my clients about the importance of one of those things—and that’s something fitness pros and I have in common.
After all, sleep is a crucial factor in training regimens. It affects not only workout performance but also diet. That’s because sleep plays a central role in maintaining the hunger hormones that regulate appetite and cravings.
In fact, sleep-deprived people tend to take in 385 more calories a day than well-rested folks, a 2016 review study found. At that rate, you could gain a pound every nine days, until your body adapted to the excess calories. In a separate study, adults who logged less than five hours of sleep a night drank 21 percent more soda than those who slept seven to eight.
READ ALSO: “Five Ways to Help Your Clients Lose Weight”
When you’re short on sleep, you’re more likely to injure yourself, get sick, and forget things. And it doesn’t exactly make you pleasant company either.
Now, you already know all this, and you probably share information like this with your clients. But I’m willing to bet that even while you’re lecturing clients about the importance of sleep, you’re doing so in a state of sleep deprivation.
Nearly every trainer and strength coach I know struggles to bank enough shut-eye. They’re so focused on helping others live healthy that they forget to take care of themselves too.
That’s why I came up with this guide specifically for fitness pros, aimed at helping them with their unique sleep challenges. Far as I can tell, here are the main reasons fitness pros suck at sleeping—and my suggestions for what to do about it.
1. You Pound Coffee (and Sometimes Booze)
Anyone who thinks fitness pros are teetotalers has probably never met one.
For many busy trainers, caffeine is a major food group to get through the day, and some of the heaviest drinkers I know are fitness pros.
You likely don’t need a study to tell you that caffeine can screw with your sleep, but here’s one anyway: In a small University of Colorado study a few years ago, researchers found that drinking caffeine at night may delay the human biological clock by 40 minutes—it literally messes with your body’s ability to recognize when it’s bedtime.
Caffeine binds to adenosine receptors in the brain, blocking the sleep-inducing actions of adenosine and causing you to feel more awake. (It may also trigger dopamine production, signaling the body to wake up, according to recent research on flies.)
Turning to caffeine when you need a boost can be tempting, but it’s also counterproductive: The wake-promoting effects disappear after just three days of sleep deprivation.
A better idea: Go outside. Exposure to sunlight can help suppress sleep-promoting hormones, waking you up. (If you can’t go outside, seek out bright light for a similar effect.)
Or try this fun trick: Keep some coffee beans on you and take a whiff whenever you need a pick-me-up—the aroma alone may help perk you up and won’t interfere with your sleep the way drinking coffee would.
Just be sure to restrict caffeine consumption to early in the day—drinking coffee as much as six hours before bed can still affect sleep quality, research has shown.
As for that nightcap, it may conk you out but there’s a tipping point where it can also wake you up. That’s because when your body is done processing the alcohol, it continues to expect the sedative that it’s no longer getting.
Plus, it’s a diuretic, says Dr. Pradeep Sahota, increasing the chances you’ll have to use the bathroom in the night.
Give your body time (one hour per drink) to metabolize the booze before bed.
2. You Work Crazy Hours
Many nine-to-fivers like to squeeze in an early workout. Good for them! But for you, that may mean waking up extra early so you can open your fitness facility by 4 or 5 a.m.
Fact is, many trainers work brutal hours to accommodate their clients.
Take Lisa Samuels, for example. A dietitian and founder of The Happie House yoga studio, Samuels often discusses sleep with her clients. Yet her 13-hour days don’t leave much time for her own shut-eye.
Then there’s Steven Mack, a trainer in Columbia, Missouri, who routinely discusses sleep with his clients, calling it the number-one thing that “puts money in the bank.” (The muscle bank, that is.)
But Mack’s schedule is rough too. He runs sessions from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. and often gets just six hours of sleep a night, leaving him tired most days.
It’s easy to buy into the “time is money” mantra, and many fitness pros do—it’s a competitive industry, and you want to cram as many client sessions into the day as possible.
Luckily, I have a solution that won’t interfere with any of your sessions or with your bottom line: Take naps.
Fine, so it’s not exactly revolutionary, but it’s perfect for trainers, who typically put up with long days because they have long gaps between clients.
Clients want to be trained before or after work. They compete for slots early in the morning or late in the afternoon and into the evening. And there’s often a client or two around lunch.
Thus, trainers usually have dead time in mid-morning and mid-afternoon. If you’re going to nap, those are great times to do it. In fact, 2 p.m. may be the ideal nap time.
Try to find a quiet place without a lot of ambient noise—even if that means your car. A sleep mask and earplugs can help.
Nap for 20 minutes. Any longer and you risk waking up in the middle of the deep-sleep phase of your sleep cycle, making you groggy. An app like Sleep Genius can help guide you through the perfect power nap.
And try napping at the same time each day—you’ll train your body to expect it. Make it a recurring event on your calendar.
READ ALSO: “Five Lessons from 10 years of Personal Training”
3. You’re Afraid to Unplug
Now, I don’t have to tell you that using your phone or laptop before bed can interfere with sleep duration and sleep quality, leading to daytime grogginess and impaired health.
But you do it anyway, don’t you? Why? Because fitness pros want to be connected all the time, either to clients, or to social media, or both. A lot of them feel like their careers depend on it.
Maybe you’re counting on your mobile’s nighttime setting to save you. But that may be a mistake.
While nighttime apps like Apple’s Night Shift allow you to switch to a warmer, less wake-promoting light, their mitigating effects on poor sleep may be overblown.
What’s more, even though dampening blue light can help melatonin production, viewing stimulating content can still alert the brain, disrupting sleep.
Try this compromise: Put the phone away an hour before bed but pick it up first thing in the morning. The blue light will help rouse you, jumpstarting your internal clock so you’ll sleep better the following night. If you have workouts to type up, do that in the morning too.
READ ALSO: “Three Ways to Write Better Training Programs”
4. You Think You’re Superhuman
Spoiler: You’re not.
But to be fair, you’re hardly alone in assuming otherwise. Many high-powered types—CEOs, entrepreneurs—claim to thrive on five or fewer hours a night. Even President Donald Trump reportedly sleeps as little as four.
Maybe you have a slightly better margin for error than the general population. But if you think you can get by on just a few hours a night, you’re only kidding yourself.
For the most part, the idea of a “sleepless elite” is bogus, according to Dr. Matthew Walker, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Berkeley and one of the world’s leading sleep experts.
In fact, very few people can get by on short sleep. Less than 1 percent of the population can survive on six hours or less, Walker reported on a recent podcast.
Walker believes that the widespread lack of sleep “is one of the biggest public health challenges we face in the 21st century,” and that physicians should prescribe sleep the same way they do drugs.
What does a prescription for sleep look like? It starts with getting eight hours or more each night, or as close to it as you can. In fact, recent research out of Penn State University’s behavioral health department suggests eight hours may not be enough.
Bottom line: If you feel tired throughout the day, it’s a good sign you may need more sleep, or better-quality sleep.
A big part of this is prioritizing sleep, and that can be hard. Establishing a bedtime routine helps—take a hot shower, have a snack, do some dynamic stretching, even have sex. Anything to signal to your brain that it’s time for sleep. If all else fails, take a low dose of melatonin.
After all, even superheroes need their shut-eye.
    The post The Fitness Pro’s Guide to Better Sleep appeared first on The PTDC.
The Fitness Pro’s Guide to Better Sleep published first on https://onezeroonesarms.tumblr.com/
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fitono · 6 years
The Fitness Pro’s Guide to Better Sleep
Physical fitness depends heavily on three variables: diet, exercise, and sleep. As a sleep science coach, I teach my clients about the importance of one of those things—and that’s something fitness pros and I have in common.
After all, sleep is a crucial factor in training regimens. It affects not only workout performance but also diet. That’s because sleep plays a central role in maintaining the hunger hormones that regulate appetite and cravings.
In fact, sleep-deprived people tend to take in 385 more calories a day than well-rested folks, a 2016 review study found. At that rate, you could gain a pound every nine days, until your body adapted to the excess calories. In a separate study, adults who logged less than five hours of sleep a night drank 21 percent more soda than those who slept seven to eight.
READ ALSO: “Five Ways to Help Your Clients Lose Weight”
When you’re short on sleep, you’re more likely to injure yourself, get sick, and forget things. And it doesn’t exactly make you pleasant company either.
Now, you already know all this, and you probably share information like this with your clients. But I’m willing to bet that even while you’re lecturing clients about the importance of sleep, you’re doing so in a state of sleep deprivation.
Nearly every trainer and strength coach I know struggles to bank enough shut-eye. They’re so focused on helping others live healthy that they forget to take care of themselves too.
That’s why I came up with this guide specifically for fitness pros, aimed at helping them with their unique sleep challenges. Far as I can tell, here are the main reasons fitness pros suck at sleeping—and my suggestions for what to do about it.
1. You Pound Coffee (and Sometimes Booze)
Anyone who thinks fitness pros are teetotalers has probably never met one.
For many busy trainers, caffeine is a major food group to get through the day, and some of the heaviest drinkers I know are fitness pros.
You likely don’t need a study to tell you that caffeine can screw with your sleep, but here’s one anyway: In a small University of Colorado study a few years ago, researchers found that drinking caffeine at night may delay the human biological clock by 40 minutes—it literally messes with your body’s ability to recognize when it’s bedtime.
Caffeine binds to adenosine receptors in the brain, blocking the sleep-inducing actions of adenosine and causing you to feel more awake. (It may also trigger dopamine production, signaling the body to wake up, according to recent research on flies.)
Turning to caffeine when you need a boost can be tempting, but it’s also counterproductive: The wake-promoting effects disappear after just three days of sleep deprivation.
A better idea: Go outside. Exposure to sunlight can help suppress sleep-promoting hormones, waking you up. (If you can’t go outside, seek out bright light for a similar effect.)
Or try this fun trick: Keep some coffee beans on you and take a whiff whenever you need a pick-me-up—the aroma alone may help perk you up and won’t interfere with your sleep the way drinking coffee would.
Just be sure to restrict caffeine consumption to early in the day—drinking coffee as much as six hours before bed can still affect sleep quality, research has shown.
As for that nightcap, it may conk you out but there’s a tipping point where it can also wake you up. That’s because when your body is done processing the alcohol, it continues to expect the sedative that it’s no longer getting.
Plus, it’s a diuretic, says Dr. Pradeep Sahota, increasing the chances you’ll have to use the bathroom in the night.
Give your body time (one hour per drink) to metabolize the booze before bed.
2. You Work Crazy Hours
Many nine-to-fivers like to squeeze in an early workout. Good for them! But for you, that may mean waking up extra early so you can open your fitness facility by 4 or 5 a.m.
Fact is, many trainers work brutal hours to accommodate their clients.
Take Lisa Samuels, for example. A dietitian and founder of The Happie House yoga studio, Samuels often discusses sleep with her clients. Yet her 13-hour days don’t leave much time for her own shut-eye.
Then there’s Steven Mack, a trainer in Columbia, Missouri, who routinely discusses sleep with his clients, calling it the number-one thing that “puts money in the bank.” (The muscle bank, that is.)
But Mack’s schedule is rough too. He runs sessions from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. and often gets just six hours of sleep a night, leaving him tired most days.
It’s easy to buy into the “time is money” mantra, and many fitness pros do—it’s a competitive industry, and you want to cram as many client sessions into the day as possible.
Luckily, I have a solution that won’t interfere with any of your sessions or with your bottom line: Take naps.
Fine, so it’s not exactly revolutionary, but it’s perfect for trainers, who typically put up with long days because they have long gaps between clients.
Clients want to be trained before or after work. They compete for slots early in the morning or late in the afternoon and into the evening. And there’s often a client or two around lunch.
Thus, trainers usually have dead time in mid-morning and mid-afternoon. If you’re going to nap, those are great times to do it. In fact, 2 p.m. may be the ideal nap time.
Try to find a quiet place without a lot of ambient noise—even if that means your car. A sleep mask and earplugs can help.
Nap for 20 minutes. Any longer and you risk waking up in the middle of the deep-sleep phase of your sleep cycle, making you groggy. An app like Sleep Genius can help guide you through the perfect power nap.
And try napping at the same time each day—you’ll train your body to expect it. Make it a recurring event on your calendar.
READ ALSO: “Five Lessons from 10 years of Personal Training”
3. You’re Afraid to Unplug
Now, I don’t have to tell you that using your phone or laptop before bed can interfere with sleep duration and sleep quality, leading to daytime grogginess and impaired health.
But you do it anyway, don’t you? Why? Because fitness pros want to be connected all the time, either to clients, or to social media, or both. A lot of them feel like their careers depend on it.
Maybe you’re counting on your mobile’s nighttime setting to save you. But that may be a mistake.
While nighttime apps like Apple’s Night Shift allow you to switch to a warmer, less wake-promoting light, their mitigating effects on poor sleep may be overblown.
What’s more, even though dampening blue light can help melatonin production, viewing stimulating content can still alert the brain, disrupting sleep.
Try this compromise: Put the phone away an hour before bed but pick it up first thing in the morning. The blue light will help rouse you, jumpstarting your internal clock so you’ll sleep better the following night. If you have workouts to type up, do that in the morning too.
READ ALSO: “Three Ways to Write Better Training Programs”
4. You Think You’re Superhuman
Spoiler: You’re not.
But to be fair, you’re hardly alone in assuming otherwise. Many high-powered types—CEOs, entrepreneurs—claim to thrive on five or fewer hours a night. Even President Donald Trump reportedly sleeps as little as four.
Maybe you have a slightly better margin for error than the general population. But if you think you can get by on just a few hours a night, you’re only kidding yourself.
For the most part, the idea of a “sleepless elite” is bogus, according to Dr. Matthew Walker, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Berkeley and one of the world’s leading sleep experts.
In fact, very few people can get by on short sleep. Less than 1 percent of the population can survive on six hours or less, Walker reported on a recent podcast.
Walker believes that the widespread lack of sleep “is one of the biggest public health challenges we face in the 21st century,” and that physicians should prescribe sleep the same way they do drugs.
What does a prescription for sleep look like? It starts with getting eight hours or more each night, or as close to it as you can. In fact, recent research out of Penn State University’s behavioral health department suggests eight hours may not be enough.
Bottom line: If you feel tired throughout the day, it’s a good sign you may need more sleep, or better-quality sleep.
A big part of this is prioritizing sleep, and that can be hard. Establishing a bedtime routine helps—take a hot shower, have a snack, do some dynamic stretching, even have sex. Anything to signal to your brain that it’s time for sleep. If all else fails, take a low dose of melatonin.
After all, even superheroes need their shut-eye.
    The post The Fitness Pro’s Guide to Better Sleep appeared first on The PTDC.
The Fitness Pro’s Guide to Better Sleep published first on https://medium.com/@MyDietArea
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