#pike x kirk
onwhatcaptain · 1 year
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I love this scene as much as the rest of you, but we truly need to discuss Captain Pike's very loud expression which I think is just... saying so much here.
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hadeswearsprada · 1 year
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STAR TREK SNW Among the Lotus Eaters | ST III The Search for Spock
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potionflavored · 1 year
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I started making these and I have like 50 of them ready to go in my photos app. it’s a nightmare
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I got my friend to watch the first 6 episodes of SNW and she's decided that Pike and Una are married and Spock and La'an are their children and when she realized Spock lost a sister and La'an a brother she said "See! Free sibling!" And her response to Spock Amok was "you mean to tell me they spent all of this episode making Spock and T'Pring the literal cutest while Chapel and Ortegas end the episode on what's basically a date and Chapel and Spock somehow end up together later? Why?" She also finds M'Benga's daughter's storyline disturbing and will fight someone to protect "the cadet girl". Finally and this nearly made me choke but she said Sam Kirk and Spock's actors look more like brothers than Sam and Jim (I showed her the musical episode out of context because she asked about the musical episode first) and I had to tell her the characters would hate that as Sam is kind of MIA in most of the episodes and his and Spock's beef isn't well established yet.
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loisfreakinglane · 1 year
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STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS // 2.09 “Subspace Rhapsody”
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your-name-is-jim · 2 years
Star Trek TOS but the soundtrack is from other popular movies
I had sooo much fun making this, especially the last part! :D I hope you'll enjoy watching it!! Unmute please. :)
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My friend just told me that some of y'all motherfuckers are bashing Christina on Twitter because of yesterday's episode and my question for you is - Are you fucking mental? Like do you require some sort of professional help? Your mom didn't love you, kiss you? What? What is it?
Apparently there's been a pig on Twitter who said that Christina should start searching for a new job because as soon as Kirk takes over the show, her career as La'an is over.
I am here to remind you all that Christina is an actress and that she was doing her job! A job that the writers and directors told her to do. It's not as if she woke up randomly and decided "hmmm, La'an is gonna shag Kirk". And if the idiots such as yourself can't take the fact that the writers are not bending themselves backwards to write the show the way you wanna see it, then don't watch the fucking show. What does Christina as an actress have to do with anything that writers scribble down in a script?
And need I remind you all that this show is most certanly NOT about Kirk because there is good 7 years before he even takes over the Enterpise.
And if your fragile egos can't take it, then kindly fuck off. Don't go harassing the actors that are simply trying to do their jobs and don't spoil the experience for the people who are trying to enjoy it, both the normal folks and the actors themselves.
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river13245 · 5 months
I was wondering if I could ask for Spock, Kirk, Pike and Uhura headcanons with a trans reader who gets annoyed with his body easily? Like, for me, whenever I don't wear a bra and feel the weight of my chest I get aggravated, if that makes sense?
Fighting for just a crumb of trans reader in the star trek fandom ngl 😔
Star Trek characters x Trans reader
Spock, Kirk, Pike, Uhura
(i didn't know if you meant this in a romantic or platonic way. So i did romantic. However if you want platonic i can totally do that too)
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Spock himself gets aggravated with his own body. Maybe not in the same way but in the way his ears are and little things like that. Always wondering if he looks too human or too vulcan that day.
He wouldn't be very vocally helpful. If anything if he tries to verbally comfort you. It would come out very monotone and not help much.
So when he sees you uncomfortable and agitated he would come up to you. "What is wrong. You seem to be aggravated at something"
you would tell him and he would just nod and if you two are very close. He would use his vulcan telepathy. In this he would understand how you are feeling. Then he would show you exactly how he sees you and lets be honest. he shows you and you look absolutely handsome/pretty.
Spock may not be good at verbal communication. But damn was he good at comforting you in other ways.
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This man is very charming. He could charm anyone to get exactly what he wants. However when it comes to you he is also very caring.
He would be hard at work and when his eyes land on you. Seeing how you were pulling at your shirt more than usual. Your breathing unsteady he would instantly know that somethings wrong.
He might not know exactly whats wrong but he had a good guess. So he would tell someone to take over for him. That person usually being Spock. Then he would go over to you.
he would try to cheer you up by going over to you and flirting with you. but when he saw that you barely smiled he took you somewhere and the two of you talked.
He would compliment you and its not in the way most would think. Many people would call him a womanizer and someone that just flirts to flirt. But when he compliments you. His voice is so sincere and he would just tell you exactly how he saw you.
Then when you would start to feel better he would kiss your lips and then go back to work after making sure you were okay.
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Pike is a relatively observant man. After running things for so long you kind of have to be. So it doesn't take him long to notice something is off with you.
Unlike most of the others he wouldn't be so obvious about it.
When he would see you pull at your shirt and that you were uncomfortable with how tight your shirt was. He would just pass by and hand you a hoodie of his.
He really only had like two hoodies that he wore so whenever he let you wear one. You always felt special.
If you needed to talk all you had to do was give him a certain look across the room and he would understand. Giving control to Spock for a bit before taking you to another room.
Pike would mostly be a listener. He would ask what's wrong and let you talk. Talk until you were completely finished and then he would hold you close. His arms would be around you. One of his hands on the back of your head and the other on your back
He would hold you and then bring your hand up to his lips and place a kiss against it. Then he would spend some extra time in making you some food. Making sure you ate something before the both of you went back to work.
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Uhura is both Smart and confident. She would instantly know whats wrong and as soon as she finishes up what she's doing she comes to your aid.
she would grab ahold of your hand to stop you from picking at your skin. Or pulling against your shirt. There would honestly not be much words said at first. Just her saying "come here" then you would be in her arms in seconds.
The both of you would stay like that. Her head against your shoulder with your face buried in your neck. Just holding each other for a moment.
but when the both of you would pull away she would take your face in both of her hands and kiss your cheeks before pulling away and saying sweet things. Complimenting you and even complimenting your brain. About how smart you are too. She really would be so amazing.
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ghostlyfanparadise · 1 year
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bardicious · 8 months
Not gonna happen, and frankly wouldn't make sense in the set up, but, boy, would I love an SNW starring Kirk revisiting Tarsus. 👀
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Hi! I saw that your requests were open, so I was wondering when if you can do where the team meets Fem! Y/n who is mute and is La’an’s twin sister?
Two Parts of a Whole
Pairing: (familial) La'an Noonien-Singh x fem!mute!reader; Crew x fem!mute!reader Fandom: Star Trek Strange New World Words: 4.5K Warnings: Mentions of La'an's Gorn trauma, Spoilers towards season 1 A/N: Thank you so much for requesting!! I hope it's satisfactory because this is the first time I wrote something like that. To be honest, I'm not entirely satisfied with it, but it won't get better. And I'm sorry that it took so long
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The promenade of the space station she was currently on was packed and she was grateful that she had been able to get an empty spot on one of the pillars near the airlock. Not only several freighters had arrived almost simultaneously, but also two Vulcan research ships and an Andorian battle cruiser of the Imperial Guard. She had only noticed them in passing, however, as her focus was on the huge Federation starship. The USS Enterprise, NCC - 1701, Constitution Class and the flagship of the fleet. She, however, only cared about, one person on this huge ship.
Searchingly, she bobbed up and down, heel to toe and back again, hands clasped behind her back. Apparently she seemed to be so conspicuous that people were worried, because she was approached by an Andorian woman, quite brusquely, asking if she needed help, but she had quickly waved her aside. She was doing fine, even better than that, after all, she would be able to see her sister for the first time in months.
Perhaps it was a little paranoid of her to worry after such a short time, but the meeting with the Gorn had also left its mark on her. Unlike the rest of her family, she had not been on the SS Puget Sound because she had contracted Bolian smallpox, which was highly contagious, on the space station where they had stopped. Accordingly, she and her aunt, who was also ill, had been left on the station, with the expectation of returning to collect them after two weeks. At that time, no one could have guessed that it wouldn't come like that.
Her world had collapsed that day and, believing she had lost her entire family, she had spent days crying and refusing to eat or drink. And she probably would have gone on with it, had it not been for her aunt, who had begged her that her family had not wanted it that way and that she should not leave her alone. So she had carried on with her life as best she could, but it had seemed hollow and empty to her. Her siblings, but especially her twin, had been her motivation, her joy of life. A life without them had become unimaginable for her.
But just when she had convinced herself that it might, just maybe, be possible to survive without her family, the news arrived. La'an had survived. Her sister was alive. At first she hadn't wanted to believe it, the fear of raising her hopes unnecessarily was too great. Even when they were standing at the airlock, she had vehemently refused to even consider the possibility that she might still be alive. It was only when La'an had thrown herself around her neck, crying, and she had realised that, yes, La'an was alive, that she had been unable to hold on any longer and had cried just as unrestrainedly as La'an.
For the next few months, the twins were inseparable. Neither could last more than a few minutes in a room without the other, and their aunt had caught them both lying close together in bed at night to feel each other's body heat. Over the years, the situation had improved, but she still felt an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach when they were apart for long periods of time. She had been all the happier when she had learned that their paths would cross on this space station.
She herself was only nearby because she had been assigned by Starfleet to look more closely into the culture of Jitrav IV, with which it had only recently made contact. Strictly speaking, she was not a member of Starfleet in the sense of travelling the galaxy, but more in the sense of gathering information and reporting it back. In the past, she might have enjoyed flying through the quadrant in starships and getting to know new civilisations, but after the disaster with the Gorn, she had developed a real phobia about starships.
So she had devoted herself to exploring alien cultures from the safe distance of her home on Earth, but her work had been so distinguished that Starfleet had taken notice and wanted to hire her on one of their ships. She had decided against it, but in the end had gotten a relatively good deal out of it: Although she had to travel by starship from time to time, she would spend longer periods on other planets to learn about their cultures and languages. She documented her research thoroughly and sent it to Starfleet, whereas they paid for all her expenses as long as they remained within reason.
But this fear had not stopped her from getting into the first shuttle to this space station when La'an had told her that the Enterprise would dock there. She had been standing at her spot since early morning so as not to miss her sister. A few minutes ago, the first stream of Starfleet officers had poured onto the Promenade and she had to do her best to calm down. She knew La'an. She would not disembark until she was truly one hundred percent sure that there were no further duties. Knowing that her sister would need some more time, she began to observe the crowd of officers.
Frowning, she realised that most of them were human. She had expected this, but she had also been convinced that there had to be more non-humans on board. She noticed two Tellarites, a handful of Bolians and she thought she caught a glimpse of a Vulcan in a blue uniform out of the corner of her eye.
After twenty minutes of waiting, she saw an Aenar in a red uniform who was accompanied by a young woman in an equally red uniform who was talking intensely to him. Although he seemed grumpy and annoyed and gave the impression that he was not listening, she could see from his antennae directed at the young woman and the fact that she had spent two years on Andoria among Andorians and Aenar that he was listening more than attentively to her. Smiling, she shook her head and turned her attention back to the airlock. What a strange combination.
All in all, it took almost three quarters of an hour until she finally spotted her sister's dark braids, which were tightly braided back, but by then she could no longer be stopped. The promenade had emptied out a little in the meantime, so it wasn't particularly difficult for her to make her way to La'an, who fortunately noticed her in time. The latter fortunately noticed her in time to put her bag down before she crashed into the security officers. " Oof-" La'an groaned, but chuckled softly in response and after a short time of stiffness also put her arms around her to press her twin sister against her.
For a while they held each other tightly, even if it earned them some strange looks from bystanders. When she broke away from La'an, she noticed that she had blushed a little, but she didn't care. You are late, she signed. La'an nodded and smiled a little stiffly. "I know. However, I wanted to make sure everything was ready myself before I went to disembark." The young woman raised an eyebrow. Besides, you had to keep your reputation. La'an rolled her eyes. "Maybe a little."
La'an picked up her bags and followed her. They had agreed in advance to share quarters, so she just followed her to her quarters. Since it was difficult to converse while walking if one had to sign, they walked side by side in comfortable silence without another word to the other. It didn't bother her, as she knew that she and La'an would have plenty of time to talk. At the moment, it was simply important to her that her sister was with her again. Halfway to the lift, however, a voice stopped them. "Lieutenant Singh!"
They turned and she saw two women running towards them, whom she didn't know, her sister by all appearances did. One was slightly taller, had chin-length white-blonde hair and had apparently been the one who had called out to La'an. The other was smaller, had short dark hair and a cheeky grin on her lips. La'an just raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" "We were going out for a drink. Care to join us?" The taller one added with a quick glance at her" That goes for your...girlfriend too of course?" La'an narrowed her eyes. "She is my sister. And no thanks. I'm busy."
However, the two of them seemed not to have caught the last sentence, as the anthropologist and linguist was now the focus. "I didn't know you had a sister, Lieutenant." The blonde propped a hand on her hip as La'an took a deep breath. "Now you know." The shorter one held out her hand, which she hesitantly accepted. "My name is Erica Ortegas, Erica will do. And this is Christine." The blonde waved, but before she could do anything, La'an had placed a hand on her shoulder and hastily introduced her. "She is pleased to make your acquaintance, however we would like some time alone." Christine frowned. "Why don't you let her speak for herself?"
La'an's eyes only narrowed more, whereas she merely smiled in amusement and opened her mouth. Erica and Christine looked at her expectantly, only to look even more surprised when she began to sign instead. I'm mute and La'an translates for me, so it's all okay. She nodded her thanks to Christine. But thank you for your concern. After giving La'an a prompting look, she translated what her sister had said through clenched teeth, clearly annoyed at having been stopped by her colleagues.
Christine smiled but at the same time turned red in the face. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean it." She just tilted her head and nudged La'an. "That's all right. However, I would like to spend some time with my sister now." Erica and Christine, who was obviously still embarrassed by the whole thing, nodded and said a quick goodbye and she gave her sister a reproving look. You could have been a little nicer. La'an didn't respond any further.
Once in their quarters, La'an just barely took off her shoes and threw the bags on the floor before she fell backwards onto her bed and groaned. Her sister smiled slightly and snapped her hand to get her attention, whereupon she opened her eyes languidly. That bad? La'an sighed and sat up. "Well, I wouldn't know how to describe two run-ins with the Gorn any other way." She flinched and if she hadn't needed her hands to sign, she would have reached for La'an's. How? That was all she could bring herself to say, so much were her hands shaking. She knew how much the incident with the Gorn weighed on La'an, even more than on her, and the thought that her sister had had to face those monsters again did not make her feel at all comfortable.
La'an's voice broke several times before she was able to reply. "There were four Gorn ships. On Memorial Day. We barely got away, but we lost several crew members." She swallowed, but when she was asked if she wanted to stop, she replied in the negative. "The second time, we were on a planet, Valeo Beta V, responding to a distress call from a ship that had landed there. There weren't many of us, just a handful, and Enterprise had to move on and..." La'an broke off and her sister, who was now sitting next to her, squeezed her hand. In a shaky voice, La'an continued. "We found two survivors, however one was infected and before we knew it we were dealing with three hatchlings. Cadet Chia and Lieutenant Duke died. We almost lost our chief engineer as well."
But only almost? La'an laughed shakily. "It was more luck than good sense, really. We found out that the Gorn reproduce via their poison and Hemmer, our engineer, was hit. It didn't look good and without Doctor M'Benga on site...." She broke off. Gently her sister patted her back. He's all right though, isn't he? He's alive. "He was willing to sacrifice himself." La'an's voice was no more than a whisper and she had trouble understanding her. "I was the only one in the room with him, I could have stopped him, but I didn't do anything. I was too scared. If it hadn't been for the captain..." She tried to make calming noises to reassure La'an, however this seemed to have the opposite effect as she jumped up.
"No! You don't understand! I was ready to let a colleague, a friend, die because I was too scared! Because if I had thought even for a moment that he was from bloody Andoria, it might have occurred to me that he had a lower body temperature and consequently the process of hatching would be slowed! My fear almost killed Hemmer! How can I be head of security if my fear doesn't allow me to think clearly to protect the people who are under my protection?!"
She was shocked to see tears in La'an's eyes, which she resolutely wiped away. It's not your fault. She stood up and went over to her sister. Do you hear me? It is not your fault. He's alive, that's all that matters. "But I-" She clapped her hands loudly and interrupted La'an. No. It's not your fault, she repeated. Her gaze softened and she stroked La'an's shoulder. You have experienced traumatic things. No one blames you for being afraid. Most would have hidden in your place. Not you. No feelings of guilt. Please. La'an smiled bitterly before hugging her sister. "Thank you."
It took a while for the sisters to let go, but when they did, La'an seemed a lot more relaxed than before. At least, as relaxed as she could be. You have an Andorian as chief engineer? La'an frowned. "What makes you think that?" You said Andoria. "He's Aenar. They run even colder than Andorians. Don't ask me why though, I'm not a doctor."
I know. She grinned cheekily at her and they both had to think back to the incident in their childhood where La'an had tried to treat her wound with baking paper that did not absorb liquids. La'an smiled slightly. "I was six." So was I. Knew better anyway. She frowned briefly. Think I saw your chief engineer. "Oh yeah?"
She nodded. About that tall? She raised her hand. Red uniform. Grumpy? La'an smiled. "Sounds like Hemmer. Was he in company?" She nodded. Woman, small, short hair, black, red uniform. Talked a lot. La'an chuckled softly. "And that would be Uhura. She's a cadet, but one of the best linguists around. And she's somehow managed to befriend the grump of the ship." I didn't know you guys were friends. "Haha."
But he looked okay. Not hurt. A little grumpy, but healthy. "If that's your attempt to tell me it's all okay, stop. It's not making it better." She gave a silent sigh. Fine. But you need distraction. And relaxation. Her mind wandered back to the conversation from before. Fancy a drink?
It was like pulling teeth to convince La'an to go to the bar, but in the end she won and, followed by a somewhat grim-looking La'an, went down to the promenade, which by now, due to the hour, had filled up again. Which one do you want? Take your pick. La'an sighed and finally pointed to a larger establishment that formed the centre of the promenade. "If we're going to drink, let's do it properly." Her sister grinned and together they entered the room.
It was already well filled, yet she was still able to grab a small booth for them while La'an went to the bar to return with two colourful drinks. "Well then," La'an sighed as she slid into her seat and raised her glass. "To a wonderful evening." Her facial expressions were far too exaggerated, yet she didn't care. Cheers, she signed back, before picking up her glass herself and clinking her glass against her sister's.
The glasses clinked softly, the sound drowning in the noise around them, and in sync the sisters downed the drink. But while La'an remained expressionless, she screwed up her face and hastily put the glass down. What is this!!! La'an smiled to herself, which caused her sister's expression to darken further. "A little bit of everything." She screwed up her face. I'm going to have the hangover of my life. "Probably." Thank you for your compassion.
La'an grinned, however that smile faded as she looked past her sister. "Oh God." She turned, following La'an's gaze until her own gaze lingered on a group of people in Starfleet uniform. There were four people, three men and one woman, if she was so free to take that in. One of the men seemed to be "leading" the group. He wore a yellow and gold top, had silver and grey hair and a cheeky grin on his lips as he talked incessantly to the woman, also dressed in yellow. The latter had tied her dark hair into a high plait and did not look very impressed, but had a narrow smile on her lips. The other two were dressed in different shades of blue. One was slightly shorter, had a beard and was giving her dad vibes, whereas the other was clearly a Vulcan, his arms behind his back and one eyebrow raised sceptically.
The first man seemed to notice them because his face lit up and he waved at La'an before turning to the others, whereupon the group of four came towards them. La'an narrowed her eyes. "Just what I needed." Her sister gently slapped her arm and gave her a reproving look before the group was already beside them. "Hi." The man smiled broadly at her and briefly she wondered if this man had ever considered becoming a model for dental advertising, so white did his teeth appear. "Would it be okay if we joined you, La'an." The woman interposed. "Unless of course you'd like some time alone, which would be perfectly understandable." At that she gave the man a stern look, under which he shrank but his smile did not.
La'an glanced briefly at her sister before, in the face of the hopeful smile, she sighed in surrender and slid up a little to make room for the four. As everyone looked at her more or less expectantly, she took over the introductions. "This is my sister. She is currently working on Jitrav IV as a xeno-anthropologist. This is Captain Christopher Pike, Commander Una Chin-Riley, Lieutenant Spock and Doctor Joseph M'Benga. We serve together." She grinned at La'an. Oh really, I would never have guessed. La'an just rolled her eyes, however, she seemed to have caught the interest of the others.
The Vulcan, Spock, raised his eyebrow. "You use sign language." Mockingly, she raised her eyebrow in turn. Oh do I? I hadn't noticed. La'an snorted into her drink and tried to suppress a laugh. "What did she say?" Pike looked at her as if she was the most intriguing thing he'd ever seen, which flustered and confused her in equal measure. It wasn't that special now. La'an cleared her throat. "That she is pleased to make your acquaintance." Indignantly, she slapped La'an's arm. I didn't say that! "Subtext," La'an added, which earned her a snort.
She then turned her gaze to Spock. I am mute. Sign language is therefore my only way of communicating with others. It has been done that way for centuries. La'an translated for her without twisting the words in her mouth this time. Well, hands. M'Benga cleared his throat. "I thought there were treatments by now." She shook her head. No long-term ones. Besides, the risks are too great. After that, the four of them left it at that and they returned to a more relaxed conversation. At least they tried to, since most of the conversation was really just Pike and her, La'an's translations excluded, and the occasional comment from M'Benga. Una spoke up from time to time, as did La'an, but Spock was silent almost the entire time.
After half an hour, their drinks were empty and Pike offered to get more, which everyone agreed to, but he came back with two more people in tow, though she had already seen them. "Look who I ran into. Thought it would be nice to add to the fellowship," Pike grinned as he placed the drinks on the table, pointing to the Aenar and the young woman standing behind him. While the Aenar, Hemmer if she remembered correctly, looked just as grumpy as before, the young woman, Uhura, smiled all over her face and instantly locked eyes with her.
"Hi, you're Lieutenant Singh's sister, aren't you? The Captain had mentioned it." She held out her hand. "I'm Cadet Uhura, but please call me Nyota. This is Hemmer and don't worry," she leaned down a little towards her, "He's only half as grumpy as he looks." Hemmer scoffed. "I'm blind, not deaf, Uhura. I heard you." Nyota blushed but didn't apologise and on closer inspection, she could see that Hemmer didn't really look mad. She smiled at them both and quickly introduced herself. To her surprise, La'an didn't even bother to translate, as Nyota seemed able to do so herself.
"Oh, that's a beautiful name." You know sign language? Apparently one could see the surprise on her face, because Pike laughed softly. "Uhura is quite talented with languages, you might say." For the first time in half an hour, Spock spoke up. "Cadet Uhura speaks over thirty-seven languages, so by human parameters, she is more than 'quite talented'." Her jaw dropped? Thirty-seven? You're too good for this ship. That elicited a laugh from Uhura and after they had all scooted up, the other two had also squeezed onto the bench, Hemmer a little more reluctantly than Uhura, which was why she was now squeezed between La'an and Pike. There were worse things.
In time, they were joined by Erica and Christine, who had a young man named Sam Kirk in tow, which was the moment they decided to move the whole thing to a larger table. Now seated between M'Benga and Hemmer, facing La'an and Uhura, she noted with relief that her sister seemed to be starting to warm up. She knew that La'an would have preferred to be alone with her, but they would have plenty of time for that and at the moment she simply enjoyed being among so many people, which was not really common in her job, with the constant changing of places.
However, after almost another half hour of the crew telling their stories in Starfleet, including the amusing part of the Gorn disaster where Hemmer and Uhura were shot off the ship (Uhura confessed, admittedly a little drunk, that Hemmer had looked like a meerkat. The latter had protested, but his antennae and dark cheeks had betrayed him), they turned their attention to her and her profession. Patiently she answered, with La'an's help, until Uhura asked a question that made her think of something. "How do you manage to do your job with people who don't speak SSL (standard sign language)?"
For a moment she paused and frowned. What do you mean? La'an quietly translated for the rest and Uhura shifted back and forth in her seat. "Well, you meant that you were getting to know the native inhabitants of the planets to study their culture and the intricacies of their languages more closely, but how-" -can I do that without speaking myself? Uhura nodded and she smiled at her. One moment.
She rummaged in her trouser pocket and pulled out ten rings, each of which was connected to another, smaller ring with thin steel bands. She slipped them over her fingers so that the larger ring sat on her knuckle and the smaller one just below her fingernail. She then rolled up her sleeves to reveal two bracelets, one on each wrist, which she tapped on for some time until they beeped briefly and began to glow blue.
I don't need to speak. I have these. She signed, but a tinny female voice spoke for her. The people around her stared at her with wide eyes and of course Spock was the first to catch himself to ask a question. "Why didn't you use that before." It isn't complete. She regarded him with narrowed eyebrows as the voice continued to translate for her. It's missing the sensors for the face, arms and torso that I usually wear. Sign language is not just language of the hands. Is complex.
She looked down at her hands. It's not exact and I have to sign very slowly and clearly for the right thing to come out. Besides, it's slow. Takes longer than living translator. Not a problem with speeches, awkward with conversations. With that, however, she seemed to have caught Hemmer's attention. "Sure the whole thing couldn't be calibrated more sensitively?" She shrugged. Don't have a clue about such things. Starfleet takes care of that sort of thing. However, this is just a prototype, better is to come soon. Apparently she had signed too quickly and uncleanly this time, because the voice didn't spit out "Starfleet" but "Stargazer". Annoyed, she frowned and deactivated the bracelet.
"I think it's cool," Nyota declared, smiling broadly, which earned her a slight smile as well. Quite a bit.
After that, the conversation turned back to more mundane things and no one talked about the bracelets, even though she sensed that Hemmer was tempted to get his hands on them. He did not say so, but his antennae twitched conspicuously in her direction. After two hours, however, La'an and she decided to leave. This was accompanied by a series of disappointed noises, but they did not let themselves be brought down. After promising Uhura to polish up her SSL and Hemmer that he could look at her speaking aid tomorrow, she and La'an wished everyone a good night before they left the bar.
In the lift, they leaned against the wall and La'an heaved a sigh. "This is not how I had imagined my evening to be, if I'm honest." But it was still nice, wasn't it? La'an pursed her mouth. "Tolerable." She grinned at La'an. I can live with that. She pinched her sister's cheek to keep her attention. I like them, all of them. They're nice. La'an shook her head with a smile. "Especially Uhura though, right?" It's always nicer to talk to people who understand you without you. The lift doors opened and La'an pulled her behind her. "Come on. You owe me another game of cards and this time you won't be able to wriggle out of it."
@bigblissandlove1 @akamitrani
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gildedsunshine · 10 months
thinking about pike's kitchen a lot lately. i know others have discussed why tos kirk's room would be smaller, but i imagine aos kirk's room to also be small despite technically being pike's enterprise given to him early. the reason being, due to the narada, the kelvinverse is more militarized and dark. basically like how the prime timeline got during the dominion war only sooner. so if aos kirk ever went to the snw universe and saw pikes room, he'd be surprised by how... not luxurious per say, maybe relaxed is a better word, it is compared to his enterprise which was built with more defensive/combat abilities in mind
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pinkamour1588 · 2 months
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Red, White, and Royal Blue
Star Trek (+Original Characters)
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your-name-is-jim · 1 year
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Oh no, I found another moment Uhura interrupts!
(watch this for more examples)
[s1 e12 - The Menagerie: Part 2]
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universalimagines · 1 year
Strangers on a Starship (Part 1)
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WARNING: Possible Triggering Content in this Story
So I’ve had this idea for a multi part La’an/Spock story for a minute and I’ve now decided to write it out. FYI this story will be dark and might contain content that’s triggering for some people so just be warned.
Jenna Mitchell usually liked the calmer missions. They gave her time to catch up on her reading and they weren’t getting shot at, boarded or drawn into complex drama. But the quiet ones always came with a catch. Usually that catch was boredom or a surprise shooting battle at the worst time. Today it was worse though. Power was fluctuating across the ship, internal sensors were down across entire decks and engineering was having a hard time keeping up with all the malfunctions.
That had translated into two problems for Jenna. First, it meant doing anything on her off hours that required power impossible. The lights would keep going off at the worst moments meaning she couldn’t ever enjoy her book. Second, the cascading level of the issue had meant that Chief Hemmer had drafted anyone who’d scored higher than an 80% on their engineering exams to aide in keeping up with the busted relays. And of course, Jenna had scored an 83% in Engineering which meant she’d been one of the unlucky draftees.
That was what lead to her to her current predicament. Stuck in the access tubes at 2300 fixing a relay that had knocked out power to the crew lounge. She’d been sent there after a mountain of complaints from the crew there had annoyed Hemmer enough to send someone down to fix it.
She’d arrived with a tool kit to hear the constant gripes of the crew about spoiled food or drinks without any buzz to them. She silently cursed them as she walked behind the kitchen and climbed the tube into the service tunnel that fed power into that section.
The light was out in that section of the tunnels as she walked around looking for the bad relays. She hoped that she could find the damaged one quickly. Repairing a busted relay or replacing it was a simple job but finding it was often more luck. The damage to the relays she’d seen hadn’t all be done the same way. Sometimes the damaged relays were obvious with sparking and fried wires. Other times the wires looked no different that the good ones and she’s had to check each relay to find the bad ones, which would take hours.
Today she was lucky though. She saw the broken relay quickly, since the relay was sparking and adding some small illumination to the hallway. Jenna quickly shut off power to the relay. Behind her in the lounge, she could hear the groans and gripes of the crew no doubt annoyed that their lounge was dark on top of not able to serve them food anymore.
With the power offline, she extracted the busted relay from the wall and put it down as she picked up a fresh one from the tool kit. She inserted the new relay into the wall and ran a final check with her scanner to make sure she’d installed it right before she turned power back on.
The scanner reported that all was good, so she put the scanner on her hip as she prepared to reengage the power. Just then, her scanner beeped loudly causing her heart to skip a beat. She looked at the scanner results.
Jenna had to reread the report to make sure she’d seen what she thought.
“What the hell-“ Jenna began before she felt something grab her from behind and slam her into the wall. The hit disoriented her and messed with her vision. She then felt herself get thrown again. The second throw caused her shoulder to impact on the hallway before falling to the floor. Jenna thought she’d felt something break as she tried to recover and crawl away. Her attacker straddled her, pinning her body and head to the ground so she couldn’t move nor could she see her attacker.
But one of her arms was still free and close by, was one of the tools in the kit. Using all of her remaining strength she swung the tool and felt the item make contact with what she assumed was her attackers head.
But her attacker barely flinched and within seconds was back on the offensive. Her attacker backhanded her hard cutting her lip in the process. Disoriented, Jenna could barely put up any resistance as her attacker grabbed her neck and lifted her to her knees. With both hands, her attacker slammed her head into the bulkhead, hard.
Jenna was slumped against the bulkhead wall, blood trickling from her head. She could feel the pain in her body numbing as she slowly started to lose consciousness. She started to feel her body move without her input. It took a great deal of energy for her to realize her attacker was dragging her. Eventually the attacker stopped dragging her, leaving her sprawled out on the floor. By now, Jenna ability to remain conscious was waning. The last thing Jenna remembered as her vision went black was a hand raising up her shirt, and the feeling of utter revulsion.
Captain Pike had just finished his shift on the bridge and had left Ortegas in the Chair while he got some sleep. As he made his way down the hallways to his quarters, he noticed that there was a rather large and angry crowd handing around the crew lounge, which was now in pitch black.
As he marched inside, he saw that some of the crew were using their own flashlights to create some kind of light for the room. He spotted LT Sam Kirk sitting down with Cadet Uhura and Nurse Chapel having a chat.
“Hey guys.” Pike smiled as he approached them. All three got up from their seats in a sign of respect. Pike gave them both a hand indicating they could sit back down again. “What’s going on?”
“Power’s been intermittent for a bit now.” Sam answered. “The complainers finally irritated Hemmer enough that he sent someone down to repair it.” He then gestured to the room. “But as you can see, they haven’t finished yet.”
“Yeah.” Pike admitted having figured out where the annoyance was coming from. “Who did Hemmer send.”
“LT Jenna Mitchell sir.” Uhura added.
Pike frowned. Mitchell was competent at repairing relays since she’d been drafted to help. Plus, she wasn’t an egoist. If the job was above her skill level, she’d have asked for help by now.
“She has been down there a minute, hasn’t she?” Chapel added. “What could be taking so long?”
“How long has she been down there?” Pike asked.
Sam looked at his watch and frowned too. “Over an hour.”
The four officers all shared a look of concern. “Maybe we should check on her?” Uhura offered. “Make sure she’s good?”
“Officer thinking Cadet.” Pike smiled. The group got up from their seats and went to the back room where the access tube was.
Pike pressed the button to the hatch only to find it wouldn’t respond. He gestured to Sam as both men pulled on opposite ends to the door leading into the service hall, finally opening it up.
By now, the crowd had gotten angry. “Will someone light a fire under that dumbass engineering sent to fix this place?” Someone had whined out.
Christine and Uhura both nodded heads at each other and went into straight crisis management mode. “Hey, take a breath guy.” Chapel began. “We’re all have the same goals here. Fix the problem so life goes back to normal. Yelling at a fellow officer won’t get it done faster.”
“Plus, I know the officer they sent.” Uhura added. “if it’s taken this long it must be a serious issue. I’m sure she’s doing her best.”
Pike nodded back at Chapel, smiling at her skill as defusing situations. He and Sam headed into the hallway confident that Chapel and Uhura could hold the masses at bay till they found out what had happened.
The pair walked into the hallway until they found Jenna’s toolbox on the ground. “Well, this must be the relay she was working on.” Pike state.
“Looks finished too.” Sam remarked as he pulled up the damaged relay she’d removed. “So why didn’t she turn the power back on?” Sam pointed to the nearby relay that had been turned off.
Pike rubbed his chin in confusion. “Not sure…” Pike started observing the relay closer, trying to see if there was something in it that might explain where Jenna was. “I’d say she went to repair another relay but the why did she leave her tool bag?”
“Sir…” Sam said softly pointing to a section of the wall. When Pike looked there, he saw something that made his tension rise. Right on the wall at eye level was a red stain. He put his fingers up to it feeling the soft liquid. He could tell instantly the liquid was blood… human blood.
The pair silently turned down the corridor raising their lights to shine a path down the dark passage. Nearing a corner that led into two separate paths, the pair each decided to take a different direction and remaining at full alert.
Sam had gone left and was shining his light down the hallway when he noticed something out of place. Hidden hastily in the wall panels was a tool Sam recognized as one belonging to an engineer’s kit, but this tool had blood on its head. Sam was eyeing the tool when out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something. It took him a second to comprehend that what he saw was indeed the truth and not a nightmare. It was Jenna.
She was lying flat on the floor, unconscious. Sam’s cursory examination informed him that she had been attacked. Her uniform was in tatters and barely hanging off her body, having been torn in several places exposing large portions of her chest, back, hips and legs. In each location where her skin was exposed, her skin was marred with scrapes and bruises. Finally, her head had a terrible gash on the back and side covered in dried blood and there were thick bruises on her neck.
“Chris!” Sam yelled down the hallway. “I found her!”
Chris sped down the hallway less than a minute later. He too stopped in his tracks when he saw what Sam had. “She barely has a pulse.” Sam breathed out.
“MEDIC!” Pike screamed down the hall at the top of his lungs.
The two men rolled Jenna onto her back searching for signs of life-threatening injuries. They had just finished examining her when Chapel showed up, clearly having sprinted the whole way there. Chapel took quick stock of the situation and got to work assessing the wounded officer.
She dropped her head down by Jenna’s head to try and hear her breathing then moved her hands along the wounded officer’s body. “Airways not obstructed. No signs of major bleeding. But this head wound worries me. We need to get her to sick bay.”
“The malfunctions have been messing with the transporter.” Sam admitted. “We’ll need to take her straight there.”
“Sam, run ahead and see if you can find something we can cover her with.” Chapel ordered, hoping to ensure they could protect her modesty as well.
Sam nodded and sprinted off while Pike pulled out his communicator. “Pike to Bridge. Send security personnel to lock down the crew lounge and all routes into the service hatch on that level.”
“Yes sir.” Ortegas replied, her voice not hiding the shock of the request.
Sam was back within a minute with a blanket that had been draped over one of the couches in the lounge. Chapel quickly covered Mitchell’s unconscious body with the blanket and secured it to her so whoever carried her wouldn’t trip.
Pike then gave his comms to Chapel as he gently lifted Jenna’s unconscious body up, careful to avoid moving her head too much.
“Chapel to sick bay.” Chapel called into the comms. “We’re got a seriously injured crewman on deck 3. Head trauma, significant lacerations and blunt force trauma. We’re coming to you.”
The group exited the service corridor and began a breakneck sprint to sick bay, ignoring the looks of shock in the crew as they ran by.
Spock and La’an were together aboard the shuttle Galileo as it made its final approach to the Enterprise. The pair had been off ship aiding a Federation outpost in getting their defense grid established by helping them work through several bugs that had caused the grid to short out.
“Last time I agree to help anyone set up defense grids.” La’an groaned, her impatience with their completed mission evident.
“Perhaps next time we take part in such an operation we will remember to ask the staff how many experiments they are running and how much power they are draining from the grid.” Spock replied back.
“Next time?” La’an gasped. “Oh no. I am never taking part in any mission where I have to teach officers who’ve never even held a phaser how to set up remote phase cannon turrets and shield generators.”
“You are the ship’s chief of security.” Spock pointed out. “Is there anyone else on the ship with you knowledge of weapons and defensive systems?”
“You know you could’ve set the whole grid up by yourself.” La’an offered.
“Perhaps.” Spock stated “But Captain Pike does not like sending officers out alone on away missions. If you refused to accompany me. The Captain would’ve insisted I travel with LT Ortegas or perhaps even Nurse Chapel.”
The thought of Spock flying off alone with Christine Chapel sent a feeling La’an couldn’t describe into her head. Since their mind meld when facing the Gorn, Spock had been on the forefront of her mind more often than she liked to admit.
She was pulled from her thoughts when Spock spoke. “Curious. We have been within range of Enterprise for several minutes now and they have yet to respond to my hails.”
La’an immediately adopted a serious expression. The crew was usually on top of their game and not responding once in range was red flag in La’an mind. She’d hoped they’d just caught Uhura or Christina asleep at the comms but she knew that was wishful thinking.
Spock reached out on comms again and this time he got a response. Before he could even speak, a hard voice came through. “Shuttlecraft Galileo, proceed to docking immediately. LTs Spock and Noonien-Singh, proceed to sickbay upon arrival.”
The pair looked at each with similar expressions of confusion before they piloted the shuttle into the docking bay.
Once on board, the pair had rushed to sickbay to find Captain Pike, Nurse Chapel and Doctor M’Benga huddled around engaged in a deep and tense conversation. In the back, Spock could see that one of the private patient suites was active and likely occupied.
“Captain.” Spock announced himself as he and La’an came to a stop by the group.
“Spock, La’an.” Pike sighed, his voice tight with tension and grief. Spock recognized this as the same tension that dominated his mind whenever they’d learned about the loss of crewman. “We’ve got a serious situation here, one that is going to shake the crew when the scuttlebutt gets loose. LT Mitchell… Jenna… She was raped.”
Both La’an and Spock, though normally stoic and hard individuals were shaken by this announcement. While outwardly, they appeared only slightly more tense than usual, those who knew the two officers could see the tension, anger and sadness displayed in their subtle actions. Spock, who normally stood at perfect parade rest started shuffling on his feet and the clasp hands behind his back had tightened. La’an meanwhile had balled her hands into fists and her facial muscles tightened as her anger rose to the surface.
“Do we know who was responsible?” La’an asked, her voice tight in anger, waiting for a target to unleash it on.
“No.” Doctor M’Benga whispered. “She was brought in unconscious a few hours ago and she has yet to awaken.”
“Plus her attacker didn’t leave any DNA behind.” Chapel added.
“Where did the attack take place?” Spock asked, his focus trying to shift to solving this brutal act.
“The conduit tunnels that connect to the crew lounge.” Pike answered. “Security is currently holding all the entrances to the conduits sealed along with all personnel present at the lounge.”
La’an looked at Pike seeing where he was going. “Sir, are you looking to make us the primary investigators for this case?”
Pike nodded. “With internal sensors crashing ship wide, I need someone to investigate who is bot someone I trust and had an airtight alibi, which both of you have.”
Pike pulled out his PADD and handed it to La’an. “This investigation takes priority over everything LTs.” He explained them. “Pass off your other tasks to your teams. The crew wont sleep easy till this case is resolved.”
La’an had returned briefly to her quarters in order to change into a fresh uniform and grab a quick cup of coffee before she went right back to work.
As La’an removed her uniform, her shirt got briefly stuck in her hair as she removed it. In frustration, she slammed the shirt into her couch.
La’an could already tell this investigation was going to be a hard one. Not because of the difficulty of the case but because how close to home it would strike. La’an didn’t have many friends on the Enterprise but she’d recently counted Jenna in that list. At first, the two hadn’t gotten along. Jenna was always too optimistic for La’an’s taste but overtime the pair had developed a friendship. As La’an had started to open herself up to the crew, Jenna had been one of the first to include in group get togethers including those involving Chapel, Ortegas and Nyota. To hear that such a kind soul had been violated in such a horrid way was crushing to her.
But her anger stream was broken was the sound of an incoming message on her console. Not bothering to put on a new shirt over her sports bra, La’an walked over to the console and pulled up the message.
The message was a repeating spoken sentence, in a voice that sounded like a busted computer. But the words sent a chill down La’an spine.
“That’s one. More to come. When I’m done, I think you’ll be fun.”
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river13245 · 8 months
Star Trek (strange New Worlds Masterlist)
Navigation / Main Masterlist
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James Kirk
Christopher Pike
Nyota Uhura
La'an Singh (none yet)
Number 1 (none yet)
Hemmer (none yet)
Erica Ortegas (none yet)
Dr M'Benga (none yet)
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