#2x04 - Fever
wicked-source · 2 years
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goodwhump-temp · 10 months
Takashi Natsume Whump | Natsumes Book of Friends
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1x01 Slammed against tree, trips, lonely childhood, pinned 1x02 Head grabbed x2, nightmare, passes out (18:30) 1x03 Lonely childhood, jumped, [flashback; heartbroken, crying] 1x04 Falls down the stairs 1x05 Restrained x2 1x06 Passes out, possessed, head thwacked, elbowed, nearly trampled, crying 1x08 Falls off cliff, trips 1x09 Trips, caught mid-air (kinda hot ngl), nightmare, restrained x2, choked, caught in spell 1x10 Pinned, possessed, carried, sneeze, nightmare, jumps off cliff, unconscious 1x12 Cursed, worsening pain, head thwacked, trips 1x13 Trips
2x01 Ball to the face, choked, nose thwacked, pinned, grabbed 2x02 Nightmare, choked, hands burned 2x03 Restrained, dragged, nightmare, subconsciously crying 2x04 Trips 2x05 Fever, passes out (10:10) 2x06 Nightmare, cursed, captured 2x07 Missing/captured, restrained by the neck x2, falls down cliff, rope burns, poisoned/youkai blindness, head thwacked, knocked down, passes out 2x08 Thrown out the window, choked, drowning 2x09 Uppercutted, freaked out x2, coughing, knocked unconscious, fever, passes out 2x10 Chewed, weak 2x11 Arm bit 2x12 Uppercutted, bullied, hand bleeding, bandaged, tackled 2x13 Depressed, restrained, knocked unconscious
3x01 Passes out (06:30), collapse/unconscious (09:35), shoulder painfully bit 3x02 Choked 3x03 Lonely/bullied childhood, nightmare, snatched 3x04 [Childhood; bullied, ambushed x10, crying] 3x05 Choked, freaked out x3, mini-smacked x18, SNATCHED, knocked unconscious 3x06 Choked, dropped from the sky, knocked down x3, pinned, dragged, knocked unconscious 3x07 Captured, restrained, large fall down cave, grazed by arrow, bleeding, knocked down, held 3x09 Falls down bridge, freaked out (09:00), pinned, crying (happy tears :)), fingers pricked x4, knocked unconscious, nurses bed 3x10 Mirror absorbs into eye, great eye pain x5, head grabbed 3x11 Mirror absorbs into eye, hit with hammer 3x12 Collapse, fever, nightmare/jolted awake, subconsciously crying [Flashback; knocked unconscious, flown off a cliff, hospitalized, crying] 3x13 Lonely childhood, falls into pit
4x01 Manhandled, choked, knocked down, captured, briefly unconscious, restrained, catslapped 4x02 Imprisoned, knocked down, falls down slope 4x03 Hands scratched up, poisoned, pain, choked, cheek grazed, restrained 4x04 Pinned, protected 4x05 [Flashbacks; lonely, neglected] 4x06 Trapped in a bottle 4x07 Trapped cont., scared, collapse, exhausted 4x09 Knocked off the balcony, knocked unconscious (log trap) 4x10 Panicked running/trips, passes out, sick from exhaustion 4x11 Passes out, nightmare, parent lore, denial, crying, emotional pain 4x12 Childhood bullies/trauma, manipulated, restrained, catslapped, possessed 4x13 Possessed cont., unconscious, [Childhood; emotional pain x3, scared, bullied, hit x20], choked, crying
5x01 Nightmare, jolted awake, passes out, scared, squeezed 5x03 Blackmailed 5x04 Choked x3, manhandled 5x05 Unconscious (20:20) 5x06 Pinned, voice taken, soft coughing x5 5x07 Passes out 5x09 Tired as fork 5x10 (Different POV of 3x16; Lonely, bandaged/after hospital) 5x11 Fever, collapse, hallucinating, very sick for multiple days, headache, nightmare, worsening sickness 5x12 Passes out, carried 5x13 Repetitive nightmare, tired
6x01 Transformed as child, amnesia, manipulated, terrified 6x03 Freaked out x3, pinned 6x04 Knocked off roof, pinned, SNATCHED 6x05 Head bonked, awakes/cared for 6x06 [Flashbacks; lonely, nightmare, found unconscious] 6x10 Squeezed
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whumpty-dumpty · 1 year
The Last Kingdom
(2015 - 2023)
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Uhtred (Alexander Dreymon)
Whump list
1x01 crying, grief
1x02 manhandled, put in a hanging cage
1x03 still imprisoned
1x04 traded as a hostage
1x05 in a fight, exhausted, publicly humiliated,
1x06 manhandled,
1x07 forced to fight against a friend (trigger warning/ spoiler*)
1x08 loss of a loved one (trigger warning/ spoiler**), grief, crying,
2x02 attacked, manhandled, beaten, sold into slavery, caged, hands tied behind back
2x03 slave on a trade ship, shackled, caught in a storm, exhausted, getting whipped while protecting his friend, freezing, shivering, loss of a friend, grief, crying, in shock, whipped again, catatonic, rescued, worried friends, hugged, crying, malnourished, weak, doesn't want to be touched, whipping scars revealed, wounds tended to, ashamed, coerced into the service of the king again,
2x04 still a bit on edge, backing away from others, in a fight, beaten, bruises, hurt shoulder, hugging and comforting Ragnar, finding their long-lost sister, both crying
2x08 run over by a horse, knocked out, dizzy, bleeding from the mouth,
3x01 death of a loved one, crying, grief
3x02 hit in the shoulder with a spear, on the run, weak, vomiting, falling from horse, fever, hallucinations, cared for, worried friends,
3x03 still hallucinating,
3x04 in a fight, bleeding, cast out by his brother,
3x05 death of a loved one, grief, tears
3x06 in a big battle, knocked down briefly
Osferth: knocked out, wounded, grief, crying
3x09 very moving scene between Uhtred and King Alfred, on the verge of tears, imprisoned
3x10 crying, comfort, grief
Aldhelm: stabbed in the stomach, bleeding, wound treated
4x02 Young Uhtred: beaten, manhandled, crying
4x03 all: shipwrecked,
Finan: vomiting,
Osferth: broken arm, arm in a sling
Uthred: witnesses the death of a loved one, shipwrecked, shivering, freezing, grief, depressed, on the verge of giving up, worried friends, crying, hugged, comfort
4x04 in a fight, choked
Aethelred: falling, hitting his head on a stone, bloody wound
4x05 Aethelred: carried, bloody wound, bandaged head, sweating, dying, killed
4x06 Brida: captured, collared, on a chain, thrown into a pitlike cell
4x07 Brida: still in a cell, deprived of food and water, humiliated,
Uhtred: captured, manhandled, in chains, shirtless, tortured, beaten up, put in a cell, in pain, bloody, bruised, tired, worried friend,
4x09 Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric, Osferth and Pyrlig: captured, hanged upside down on a tree, slowly getting weaker, nearly passed out, rescued
4x10 giving himself up as a hostage, stabbed in the side, field medicine
5x03 fight, blood, cut to the forehead, grief
Brida: grief, crying
5x06 forced to kill a friend, grief
5x07 loss of a loved one, grief, crying
5x09 Finan: nearly falling down a cliff, manhandled,
Uthred: in a fight, crying
5x10 crying
Seven Kings must die:
Uhtred: knocked down, bleeding, stabbed in the side, passed out, worried friends, briefly cared for, weak, fate undecided
Finan: loss of a loved one,crying
*trigger warning: on-screen rape scene after the danes attack Winchester
** Uhtred finds out that his baby had died. He digs out the body and you can briefly see a small part of the face. The rest ist covered by a blanket. The scene is hard to watch.
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amuseoffyre · 11 months
Collating a list of Stede's flashbacks/trauma-hallucinations across the seasons (so far). Hallucinations will be italicised. I hadn't realised just how many there were.
"this is what a man's work looks like" - Father Bonnet killing the goose, then verbally abusing Stede
"left your comfortable life" - family portrait, the family discussion of horses with Stede isolated at one end of the table.
"this is my home now" - the same scene, only this time Stede is sitting with them instead of isolated from them.
Ghost Nigel beside the Revenge
Flashback to dead Nigel on the deck
"They'll never see papa again" - during the trial in the village.
"This is all coming from you" - Stede thinking about his departure and whispering goodbye to his children.
Life flashing before his eyes when he's hanged - Mary and the children at a distance
Department of Backstory - unhappy betrothal, marriage, children and "we were just playing pirates"
Anniversary presents going wrong - he and Mary at odds
"I was a coward" - Mary's appeal for him to try and his departure
Fever Gravy Basket incident when he manifests his family to tear him a new one and then he's killed by the fantasy version of piracy
1x05 and 1x06 have Ed's flashbacks. 1x07 has Jim's flashbacks. 1x08 has none.
"Mr Bonnet. Welcome" - sees Nigel instead of Chauncey
"weak-hearted lily-livered little rich boy" returns
"I stole his sword and jabbed it through his head" - dead Nigel on the deck
"wife, Mary Bonnet" - flash of Mary's disapproving face
Repeat of the happy families flashback from episode 1, with all of them sitting together and laughing" mismatched with the "which is your favourite pig" passive aggression
Beach flashback including "playing pirates", "I don't hate our lives" and Stede's arrival on the Revenge
Post-kiss flashback to Mary's "we have to try, don't we?"
"You defile beautiful things" flashbacks to dead Nigel, unhappy family portrait and Ed
"God's perfect little rich boy" - goose-killing and flower-picking flashbacks
"Death is an unavoidable part of the pirate lifestyle" - dead Nigel on deck, dead Chauncey in the forest and Stede screaming
"His name is Ed" - Stede's romance flashbacks
None in 2x01 but a full fantasy dream sequence that references a lot of the stuff he's worrying about.
"You wear fine things well" - Stede's POV
2x03 is only Ed flashback/trauma/coma hallucinations. 2x04 & 2x05 have none.
back-to-back flashbacks of flower-picking and goose-killing, immediately after Ned's death
Technically no flashbacks in 2x07, but since Stede spends his entire day being cheered on and praised by a man in a blood-stained leather apron (like this father in the goose-killing incident) after doing 'man's work', don't think he really needs to be flashing back 😬
And 2x08 really didn't have time for any, despite the fact that Stede ended up in the same uniform of the first two people who's deaths he was involved with.
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impossiblepluto · 4 months
I was tagged by the lovely @rosieblogstuff to make a post with all the file names in my WIP folder (pfft... folder... you think I'm that organized?)
"So, I don't get a gas mask?"
and now for something even worse
Pinkie Promise/ blood oath
como scar revealed
holding baby mac
bozer as a "jack signal"
drugged gal
2x04 like a bad penny
a near death experience
parrot fever
the fix
tbi and drugs
it's all greek to me
skeeters and sons, freckles and fathers
if you have no been tagged for this game yet I am tagging you. I want you to say that I tagged you and @ me so I can pick out one of your wip names bug you to work on it ask you about it
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rosieblogstuff · 1 year
Whump ask game fun time!!
🍏 - How do you get inspiration for whump?
🎀 - Do you know any good songs for whump?
😂😂😂 so it's the tough questions tonight.
🍏 - How do you get inspiration for whump?
UhhhHhhHhhmmmmm it depends I guess?
Like Bad Penny was inspired by a comment someone else made about 2x04.
Airplane + Mountain honestly I just really really loved the Cairo Day prompt photo of the snowy landscape with the iced over stream zigzagging through it so I spent a lot of time trying to come up with interesting ways to whump somebody in the snowy wilderness. The plane crash section was just supposed to be the means to the end. I'm like 3k away from the actual whumpy part I had in mind.
Lake + Stick + Fever was for a "fever" prompt. My original idea was around rate bite fever. Somebody was going to get an animal bite on some op and then come down with a fever while in the middle of another op without medical access. Like in the Amazon jungle maybe. There was going to be a river, maybe some rafts being constructed at some point, maybe snakes or crocodiles or piranhas something. Clearly that is... not how it went. 😂 I did NOT write that story in order, and I kept deciding the parts I had were too boring and changing details. At some point I decided that the worst fever-related thing I could come up with was Mac hallucinating he'd been abandoned. Then I decided I could make it even worse...
🎀 - Do you know any good songs for whump?
Literally no? I honestly rarely listem to music when I write or for writing mood or anything. When I do listen to music when I'm writing or working, I'm mostly using it as background noise, like if I'm at a cafe or my children are just being rowdy or listening to some TV show I don't want to be hearing. I'm a sad sad soul with zero writing-related playlists.
Link to the original ask game
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bobsfic · 2 years
no turning back
a jiara oneshot
Summary: What if Kiara and Pope came back early during 2x04 instead of staying out all night, and ran into some unwelcome guests?
A/N: Takes place during 2x04. This sprouted from the "Missing Moment" Jiara week prompt, but it diverges from canon rather than being a traditional missing moment. It's kind of dramatic and unbeta-ed but I've been sitting on it since November, so I thought I'd share.
I'm a bit nervous about this one for whatever reason so any kudos and comments are extremely appreciated!
Word Count: 6,958
JJ’s heart feels like it fucking stops when he sees Kiara and Pope walk into the backyard together.
No. They can’t be here.
If he was annoyed when they’d left together, obviously heading off to mack or whatever, he’d pushed those feelings deep deep down in his chest. Because he obviously didn’t have a chance with Kie, but Pope - Pope was someone he could see being with her. And then when Rafe had shown up and they’d scrambled up into the trees in the backyard, he’d been fucking grateful that they were wherever the hell they were and not here with them, in yet another dangerous situation.
But here they are and the panic already building in his chest reaches an immediate fever pitch.
No. This cannot be fucking happening. Why are they here? How are they here?
No no no.
Read now on ao3!
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Star Trek Masterlist
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"Brittle" Hoshi Sato Drabble 
Hoshi reflects on the various traumas she’s endured on this mission. 
"Solemn" Travis Mayweather Drabble
Travis’ thoughts after the events of “Dead Stop” (ENT 2x04)
"Recognition" Malcolm Reed Drabble 
For: Sicktember 2021 - Day 30 - Food Poisoning/Allergy
Warning: anaphylactic shock
"Impressions" Silik Drabble 
Silik considers the nature of time. 
"Inconsistencies" Malcolm Reed Drabble 
Malcolm reflects on his relationship with his father.
Warning: toxic parent-child relationship
"Unnatural" Malcolm Reed Drabble 
Malcolm finds himself in an unnerving situation.
Warning: mentioned mental breakdown
"Storm" Agent Daniels Drabble 
Agent Daniels has an unwelcome visitor
Character x Character
"Observation" Trip x T'Pol Drabble
Trip ponders what it would be like to be romatically involved with T’Pol.
"Haze" Jonathan Archer x T'Pol Drabble 
For Sicktember 2021 - Day 1 - Fever
Warning: illness, discussion of death
"Stranded" T'Pol x Jonathan Archer Drabble 
For Febuwhump 2022 - Day 1 - Head Wound
Warning: blood, injury
Reader Insert
"Denial" Jonathan Archer x Reader Drabble 
Jonathan reflects on his feelings for the Reader.
Relationship: romantic
Star Trek: Enterprise Preference: First Date
What it would be like going on a first date with Archer, T’Pol, Trip, Malcolm, Travis, Hoshi, or Phlox.
Relationship: romantic
"Remember" Malcolm Reed x Reader
Malcolm finds the Reader drunk.
Relationship: romantic (but could be interpreted as close platonic)
Warning: alcohol consumption, unnamed character death
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"Chance" Paul Stamets Drabble 
Paul understands there are risks. 
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Alternate Original Series
Character x Character
"Assumptions" Nyota Uhura x Spock Drabble 
Uhura is used to dealing with others’ opinions on her relationship. 
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The Original Series
Reader Insert
38 "Your hands are cold" Spock x Reader Drabble 
Shore leave takes an unexpected turn. 
Relationship: Pre-romance
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The Next Generation
Character x Character
"Again" Will Riker x Deanna Troi Drabble
Will and Deanna dine at Ten Forward.
Reader Insert
29 "I don't know what I feel, but that's irrelevant" Q x Reader Drabble 
Q strands the Reader on a distant planet. 
Relationship: Romantic
"Hidden" Captain Picard x Reader Drabble 
You’re the philosopher. You of all people should be able to understand why I betrayed the uniform I wear.
Relationship: Platonic
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"Staples" Tom Paris Drabble
Tom reflects on a childhood memory. 
Character x Character
"Memory" Q x Catherine Janeway Drabble  
Catherine finds herself conflicted by her emotions. 
Reader Insert
"Mutiny" Catherine Janeway x Reader
Janeway fails to see just how far their friendship has withered.
Relationship: Platonic 
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"Suffer" Elnor Drabble 
For: Febuwhump Day 11: Chronic Pain
Warning: claustrophobia, pain, reference to emotional abuse, reference to captivity
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juicenet · 3 years
which "h2o: just add water" episodes centered each character? a quantitative analysis
hello, 2021 h2o enjoyers! lately, i've been thinking about how many h2o episodes focus on a specific mermaid. naturally, i wondered—which main mermaid (cleo, rikki, emma, and bella) has the most episodes dedicated to their character arc? and what percent of the show focuses on that character? so i wrote up this quantitative analysis and... yeah.
-there are many h2o episodes that don’t center any specific character, which is why these episodes are not included on the list.
-there are some episodes that focus a lot on on lewis, charlotte, will, et cetera. however, i decided to only compile episode lists for the four main mermaids.
-there’s no perfect methodology for this type of analysis. some episodes that i included in one character’s category also included a substantial plot point for another character. i just tried to use my best judgement; typically, if an episode mainly revolved around [insert character], significantly contributed to a character’s arc, and/or if that character had the most screen time in that episode, i labeled it as [insert character]-centric.
under the cut, you’ll find each character’s episodes!
list of cleo-centric episodes:
season 1
1x02 pool party
1x03 catch of the day
1x08 the denman affair
1x12 the siren effect
1x14 surprise!
1x16 lovesick
1x19 hurricane angela
season 2
2x05 hocus pocus
2x06 pressure cooker
2x07 hot water
2x10 missed the boat
2x16 double trouble
2x19 the gracie code, part one
2x25 sea change
season 3
3x03 keep your enemies close
3x07 happy families
3x09 the sorcerer’s apprentice
3x13 to have and to hold back
3x17 a magnetic attraction
3x24 too close for comfort
total: 19 episodes
divided by the number of episodes in the series*: 19/78 or ≈24%
list of rikki-centric episodes:
season 1
1x06 young love
1x09 dangerous waters
1x10 the camera never lies
1x18 bad moon rising
1x22 fish out of water
1x23 in too deep
season 2
2x03 the one that got away
2x08 wrong side of the tracks
2x11 in over our heads
2x24 three’s company
season 3
3x05 big ideas
3x12 crime & punishment
3x16 the dark side
3x18 into the light
3x21 the jewel thief
total: 15 episodes
divided by the number of episodes in the show: 15/78 or ≈19%
list of emma-centric episodes:
season 1
1x04 party girls
1x07 moon spell
1x11 sink or swim
1x15 the big chill
1x21 red herring
season 2
2x04 fire and ice
2x12 fish fever
2x14 get off my tail
2x17 moonstruck
total: 9 episodes
divided by the number of episodes in which emma appeared: 9/51 or ≈18%
divided by the number of episodes in the series: 9/78 or ≈12%
list of bella-centric episodes:
season 3
3x02 jungle hunt
3x06 secrets & lies
3x08 kidnapped
3x10 revealed
3x11 just a girl at heart
3x20 queen for a day
3x23 beach party
total: 7 episodes**
divided by the number of episodes in which bella appeared: 7/26 episodes or ≈27%
divided by the number of episodes in the series: 7/78 or ≈9%
overall, 50 episodes (or ≈64% of all h2o episodes) focus more on a specific character’s arc, leaving 28 episodes (or ≈36%) that focus more on the group as a whole.
what does this analysis tell us? well, unsurprisingly, far fewer episodes center emma or bella. but 18 episodes center cleo—does this mean that she's the main main character of the series? i'd argue that the writers framed her character this way. still, rikki, emma, and even bella are hardly minor characters. after all, h2o is about the Power of Friendship in this trio of girls who have been brought together by the mermaid secret—and each girl is supposed to play a roughly equal role in all of this.
*cleo and rikki were the only mermaids to appear in all 78 episodes of h2o. therefore, i didn’t break their screen time down any further like i did with emma and bella, who appeared in 51 and 26 episodes, respectively. (no, emma wasn’t in all 52 episodes of her two seasons—she didn’t appear in “the gracie code, part one”.)
**i feel like i should add that most of bella’s episodes are also will-centric. while she has more episodes dedicated to her in season 3 than cleo or rikki, this doesn’t necessarily translate to more character development or meaningful plot lines. i’ll let you form your own opinions on that, though.
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aceofwhump · 3 years
Unoriginal I know but when it comes to whump I really love whumpees with high fevers receiving lots of attention and care from a caretaker. But I can't seem to find any media outside of fanfics that really focuses in on that sort of whump, at least not for very long. Got any episode suggestions?
I LOVE THIS TROPE SO MUCH!!!!! It's the best and I really wish we had it more because it's so good and never fails to give me whumperflies.
Okay some scenes with this I love. Now tv shows don't often focus on this trope for a long time but you can check these out
Natsume Yuujinchou. I don't know how you feel about anime but animes always tend to have some really great fever/cartaking episodes and Natsume gets fevers ALL THE TIME and they're always amazing. Take a look at these episodes in particular: 2x05, 2x09, 3x12, 5x11, 6x05
Fruits Basket 1x09 (the newer anime) and Special A 1x12 are two of my favorite anime whump fever/sick episodes.
BBC Merlin. Got two episodes for you. Merlin in 1x04 and Arthur in 1x13
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Graceland 3x08. I think I find a way to rec this all the time lol. But it's got a lot of great caretaking for the character currently having a bad time and has a really high fever so they need to cool him down with an ice bath!
Outlander does this well too. 5x09 has Jamie getting bitten by a poisonous snake and he spikes a high fever and everyone worries and takes care of him. It's beautiful.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x22 is a good one. Angel is shot with a poison tipped arrow and gets a high fever. The scooby gang take care of him while looking for a cure.
Emergency! 2x04 Johnny Gage catching a bad, unknown virus and falling very sick? High fever? EMS partner Roy looking after him? So good!
Hawaii Five-0 8x09 there's a good scene where the whole team is sick from a virus and Danny isn't doing well, has a high fever, and Steve is taking care of him.
Doctor Who "The Christmas Invasion" has David Tennant recovering from his recent regeneration and he gets a fever.
Smallville 2x16 When Martha and later Clark are exposed to Kryptonite-irradiated spores and become gravely ill, it falls to Jonathan to find a way to save his family.
Sleepy Hollow 1x05 Ichabod gets a high fever after becoming infected with a virus that killed the inhabitants of Roanoke.
There's an episode of M*A*S*H where everyone catches the flu and Hawkeye is the only one really left standing and then he catches it too and has to work through the fever while taking care of everyone else. Hawk is both the whumpee and the caretaker at one point. It's good. It's 2x11 "Carry On, Hawkeye"
I also highly suggest taking a look at of-wounds-and-woes blog because they post some amazing fever whump scenes from various Turkish, Brazillian, Russian, Portuguese, etc tv shows and they're always amazing. I mean the appendicitis episode of Ouro Verde is the best.
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wicked-source · 7 months
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Wicked Science - The Fever [2x04]
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Thomas Shelby Whump | Peaky Blinders
he mastered the emotional bottle
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1x01 (Lightly) hit x5, PTSD/'acting strange', nightmare 1x02 Angry x2, PTSD, nightmare, heartbroken 1x03 PTSD, nightmare x2, crying 1x05 Manhandled/beat, choked, PTSD, wanted 1x06 Shot, extreme pain, bandaged/bloody, heartbroken
2x01 Beaten bloody, mouth carved/tooth removed, unconscious 2x02 Unconscious, hospitalized, pinned, choked, much pain, fever, bloody nose, manhandled, heartbroken 2x03 Choked, hunted/protected 2x04 Slapped, bleeding 2x06 Manhandled, punched x3, EYE, abducted, trips, angry
3x01 Angry/scared 3x02 Worried 3x03 Mourning (depressed, angry) 3x04 Slapped, beaten, skull fractured, worsening bleeding, weak, kicked unconscious, drugged, MUCHO pain, throws up, fever, collapses, blind, passes out 3x05 Hospitalzied, weak, upset, emotional, choked 3x06 Panic, comforted, paranoid, crying
4x02 Emotional pain 4x05 Hunted, police brutality 4x06 Angry, comforted, shot, PTSD, nightmare, drunken mess, bleeding, emotional, denial
5x01 Emotional, suicidal instinct, hallucinating 5x02 Suicidal (landmine), paranoid (Michael) 5x03 Hallucinating 5x04 Grace nightmare, suicidal thoughts x2, hallucinating, scared/emotional 5x05 Comforted, hallucinating 5x06 Panic, angry, betrayed x2, hallucinating, suicidal
6x01 Suicidal, collapse, emotional, worried panic 6x02 Seizure, PTSD, bleeding (glass cuts), worried panic, PTSD attack/offscreen seizure 6x03 Upset, guilt, shock 6x04 Grieving, emotional, angry, crying, diagnosed, given 1 year to live 6x05 PTSD/depressed 6x06 Arthur learns the truth, flashbacks, emotional goodbyes, hallucinating, emotional, betrayed
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multimetaverse · 3 years
HSMTMTS June ep Descriptions
2x04 - “THE STORM”
When a blizzard barrels down on Salt Lake City, the Wildcats are stranded at East High after hours, just as E.J. receives some bad news. As cabin fever sets in, Miss Jenn inspires Nini to make a bold choice about her future; Kourtney’s coworker Howie makes a surprising move; and Gina and Carlos come to blows.
Gina and Seb rally the group to throw Carlos the music and dance-filled Quinceañero he never had. Meanwhile, Ricky accidentally oversteps in more ways than one, and Miss Jenn gets a wild idea about how to get Nini back onstage at East High.
2x06-  YES, AND…”
After rival school North High releases a viral video to undermine the Wildcats, Miss Jenn hosts a weekend improv intensive to build up her kids’ confidence. Meanwhile, Nini works on a new song at Salt Lake Slices, where she finds inspiration in Kourtney’s approach to life.
When the Wildcats suspect that North High has stolen a key costume piece, they infiltrate their rival school and end up in a competitive dance-off. Miss Jenn goes face to face and toe to toe with Zack Roy. And an emboldened Nini takes a big risk.
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carylizzington · 5 years
A list of Caryl quotes and moments 🏹🧨❤️
Because it’s been 10 years, canon is coming and I want to take a minute to remember everything our OTP has been through.
"It’s a cherokee rose" -2x04
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"I believe this one bloomed for your little girl" -2x04
"You did more for my little girl today than her dad ever did in his whole life." -2x05
"You’re every bit as good as them. Every bit" -2x05
"I can’t lose you too" -2x07
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"Pretty romantic. Screw around?" -3x01
"Stay safe. // Nine lives, remember?" -3x07
"What do you want us to tell Carol? // She’ll understand" -3x09
"Daryl has his code. This world needs men like that" -3x09
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"Until you found me" -3x11
"Just so you know, I liked you first" -4x01
"Sorry, pookie" -4x01
"That ain’t her" -4x08
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*runs to Carol and hugs her for 30 seconds straight* -5x01
"Let’s start over" -5x02
"Want me to carry one of those?" -5x02
"You don’t know me. // Yep, you keep tellin’ yourself that" -5x06
"We ain’t ashes" -5x06
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"I know you. You have to let yourself feel it." -5x10
"I’m gonna hose you down in your sleep! // You look ridiculous!" -5x12
"You okay? Hey, you good? Come here!" -6x13
"She gets hurt, she dies, she catches a fever, she’s taken out by a walker, she gets hit by a lightning... Anything, anything happens to her, I’ll kill you." -7x10
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"Why did you go?" -7x10
"I couldn’t lose you" -7x10
"If anybody deserves to be happy, it’s you. I don’t like not seeing you, though" -9x01
"Need a ride, stranger?" -9x06
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"You know, my mom, she says you’re her best friend. The one who’s always had her back, no matter what. She misses you. She worries about you. You can see that, right?" -9x07
"Just look at me, just look at me" -9x15
"What do you see when you look at me? // I see you" -9x16
"Did you miss me?" -10x01
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"Best friend? What are you, ten? Should we have matching bracelets now?" -10x01
*proceeds to make her a bracelet that she’ll wear for the rest of her life, apparently*
"Just run away together?" -10x01
"I need you to stay" -10x01
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*literally dreams about Daryl being her husband* -10x03
"Pink suits you" -10x03
"It’s a double capped. They’re good luck" -10x06
"I’m the one you tell. Me!" -10x08
"We have a future" -10x08
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"We fight for our future" -10x09
"If I went through all the shit that you went through, I’d probably feel the same way. Unless you tried to stop me" -10x09
"Follow my light" -10x09
"Now, please don’t hate me... // I‘m never gonna hate you" -10x10
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catdadeddie · 3 years
4, 5, 35, 65, 69 (for the ask game)
4. Favorite episode?
Ummmm choices choices. Probably 2x04
5. Least favorite episode?
35. Underrated moment?
I can't think of one off the top of my head 😂😅
65. Hopes for the next crossover with Lone Star?
In the nicest way possible, that it doesn't happen. But if it does happen, I would like at least bare minimum amount of Owen.
69. What kind of episode would you kill to have happen?
A bottle episode where they're stuck in the station all day because there's like no calls. Just Cabin Fever bunch slowly losing their minds with Buck being the worst of them all and driving everyone made. Plus bored chaos ensues.
WeeWoo Show Asks
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Also why is Liz including herself on Kyle’s date with Steph? Didn’t Kyle ask her for space in 2x04? That isn’t a fever dream right? Kyle said he needed space, so why is Liz just cool being a third wheel when Kyle is trying to move on?
New RNM drinking game rule: whenever someone needs space/tries to move on, someone gets hurt and we’ll get to see another comforting scene of “love not sex” between three characters.
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