#he would totally be a remlit
fallingtopeaces7 · 6 months
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it's been awhile
got back into LU so here's Sky as a remlit
if twilight doesn't have normal markings then neither will Sky
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moonyhasmanyanimals · 6 months
I like to think the links would give you cute gifts. So here are the little things they would give you as said gifts.
Sage- I think he would give you either apple seeds or make you a stuffed animal. Like take up sewing just to make you one
Wild- Silly little earrings, Because I like to think he loves to match clothes. I think matching earrings from Gerudo Town. Or maybe like sage a stuffed animal but make it a little wolf.
Time- He would totally make you something, He's a total romantic guy. He would get you flowers or get you chocolates. Bonus if the Kokiri helps him make the chocolates (Yes I headcanon that those kids can make some good ass chocolate)
Twilight- Why do you want to know? Ok but for real. He would go into his wolf form whenever you ask. Because I bet Wolfie is stupidly fluffy. But if that doesn't satisfy I think he would get you A necklace from Zora's Domain.
Four- He makes you gifts, My man is a blacksmith. He would make you branclets or earrings of whatever you want. But if you want he'll take you on a date under the starry sky.
Sky- Speaking of skies. I think his gift would be to show you how to ride a loftwing in his Hyrule. Or get you a Remlit. Because have you SEEN those little cute monsters. He is also very romantic like time so he would get you Flowers or Chocolate or any candy you want.
Wind- Like I stated he's romantic for you while you see him as a little brother or your kid. Would get you flowers from the field and bring them to you. Maybe ask Time or Wild for some money to go get you some fruits in Kakariko.
Hyrule- While I would like to say he's in his late teens or early twenties, he doesn't have experience like twilight or time. I think he tries really hard with his gifts. He kinda goes off everyone else so maybe just a little date with some roses.
Legend- lovely hoarder of a man, he's such a loser and I love him so much for it. I think he's a little classy, Roses and chocolates yes. But also gets you a ring. He would take you to Lorule with enough begging.
Wars- Imma make it easy because i don't know much about him yet, So imma say that he gives you his clothes or let's you wear his scarf. Likes your time more then having gifts
Fierce deity- He seems to follow you around a bit. He likes your time and your hugs but if he were to give you something it might be a little spirit he has in his pocket (another random headcanon I have)
Dark Link (Dink? idk what his LU name is)- One of those cool skull horses. You know? He would teach you to ride it. He also would give you black roses or get matching outfits.
Ravio- anything you want. It doesn't matter. But he would also get you a stuffed animal.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Can you give us some hcs on what you think the chain's dark world forms could be?
Anon you have opened a can of worms you may regret opening here we go—
Sky I’m a little torn on, because on the one hand, as the first hero I feel like he should have something very impressive, like a big cat of some sort, or a huge bird (loftwing or otherwise), but also... a remlit just fits him so well. Small and sweet and sleepy, but also fierce and vicious and capable of being a real threat. So I don’t know XD
Four is tricky, I’ve never been sure of what I like for him. Hummingbirds are small and colorful, so I like that, but also the humor in making him be something like a bear or an elephant would be amazing.
That being said, I think I like hummingbird best, but I also think a cat would fit him very nicely, or a mouse or even a butterfly.
I like Wind as a seagull, and various other seabirds a lot, but I very much like him as a cat. It fits the ship theme, and he meows in game, come on.
Closely related to that, I also think he’d be great as a lion cub, because then there’d be the connection to the King of Red Lions, and it fits with how he’s small but mighty, plus if he does end up being king of new Hyrule someday, the regalness of a lion fits there rather well.
Warriors I like as a number of things... I feel like a unicorn fits his sort of regal image, plus he could stab stuff with his horn and that would be cool. I’m thinking like the one on the cover of the last Narnia book. The one with the blood on its horn. That one.
But also, I think a peacock would be really funny, and also a wolf would fit him nicely because of the teamwork aspect they have going, so I’m not totally sure. But unicorn would be pretty cool.
Hyrule I particularly like as one of three things: a jackalope, a fox, or a deer. A jackalope because it ties in to his magical side and also fits with Legend’s dark world form, a fox, because they’re clever and tricky and invoke images of being hunted, and a deer because they also are hunted, but because they’re also sort of mythical feeling.
So one of those. But I could see him as any number of forest creature honestly, Hyrule is just like that XD
Ah Wild. I feel like he (just like everybody else XD) could be any number of things. I’ve written (and read) fics where he’s a fox, which I like a lot because it fits in with Time and Twilight’s canine theme, plus they’re playful, but also clever. His fur would be a silvery-bluish color I think.
I also like the idea of him being a squirrel because of the practical reasons; good at climbing, good at hoarding food, known for crazy stunts, plus if you made him a flying squirrel you’d have the glider thing too.
I’ve also seen him as a dragon (which is just cool) and a phoenix too, which is neat because of rebirth and all that stuff. But I think my favorite for him would be either fox or squirrel.
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crazylittlejester · 28 days
So I was thinking today about how loftwings are probabyl considered fairly safe to have around children and sick or injured people, especially since the only other animal that's really available on Skyloft to be a pet would be remlits. Unless Skyloftians are just in the habit of giving their kids bugs or something as pets, which... honestly would make a lot of sense to me.
Anyway, Sky obviously isn't very familiar with Surface creatures if we're assuming he hasn't had a lot of time to really be around them and learn what they're like. So I think it would be entirely reasonable in his eyes to suggest that Wolfie stays with someone to keep them safe.
And like... that puts Twilight in the very awkward position of trying to explain why that's a bad idea because you shouldn't trust wild animals with invalids, but also he's Wolfie and Wolfie is supposed to be entirely harmless so he has to try to convince them of that at the same time. He really doesn't want to throw himself under the bus, but at the same time the principle of the thing just doesn't sit right with him because that's basically child endangerment!
I think this could make for some very interesting dialogue because between the two of them they have absolutely zero braincells which is objectively hilarious.
sorry i didn’t answer this one yesterday, i’ve really been struggling with my mental health but i always appreciate getting the daily brainrot, it truly makes my day
actually i can totally see people giving their kids bugs as pets 😭 it’d make a lot of sense
OH FOR SURE and I’ve been thinking about that a lot myself, how the Links who’ve never seen wolves before might react to wolfie. but you raise such an interesting point in that Sky may not really be used to threatening animals. monsters, sure, but nothing fluffy like Wolfie has ever really attacked him before except the remlits at night
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luminecho · 3 years
ok the thing with making a pokemon au of something with fantasy creatures is like,,, do you say the fantasy creatures are pokemon now and keep them the same? or do you replace them with the pokemon that are most similar to them?
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spirit-tracks · 3 years
Wild’s Twilight form is a horse and you can’t convince me otherwise (his Devine beast, Wild horses, ect.) but I want to know your thoughts on what the chain would be! Mind giving me some head canons?
AAA YES!! ABSOLUTELY OF COURSE!!!! Now I'm no expert on animals, but I did a little bit of googling to back my choices; and i added PICTURES!!!
Okay! So Twilight and Time are both wolves, of course-- they seem to look closest to timber wolves, with a stockier build and thicker fur. Time is gold and white, and Twilight is white and greenish gray. Jojo's interpretation of wolf Link also seems to take from this type of wolf.
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Legend is a pink rabbit, and going off of his design from Linked Universe, I'd say he's a breed of giant rabbit-- considering his size compared to the other boys. The flemish giant rabbit, maybe?
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Alright now to the headcanons!! Warriors! Captain of the guard. Fierce. Pretty. A little bit haughty. I may not get a lot of people who agree on me with this, but personally-- I see Warriors as a big, beautiful bird. Not a bird of prey, though... but one that certainly acts like it.
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A peacock! This bird is a symbol of pride and honor. Despite its pretty appearance, though, it's actually quite fierce. His colors would be silvers and blues, most notably in his tail plumage. I wanted the tail plumage to represent his long flowing scarf!
Onto Sky, the first Link in the long line of them. A kind man with a smile that could melt the frigid caps of Snowpeak. I've seen a lot of suggestions for Sky's beast form, from birds to dogs to remlits, but personally, my choice was made the moment I saw him get mad.
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Needless to say, I have to go with a lion for Sky. As for his colors, I think he'd be reddish, to match his crimson loftwing. Considering Legend is pink, Sky could also have purples in there, due to it being a color associated with Hylia, and him being Hylia's chosen hero. He's got the crest of Hylia on him somewhere.
I thought a lot on Hyrule. I figured at first he could be a flying animal, considering he can turn into a fairy. Then I realized-- this is a guy who probably grew up in a cave, hunts and scavenges, and protects his territory. This kid is a bear.
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A black bear! Small, mainly rummages through garbage, easy to spook-- and yet still dangerous enough to turn the king of thieves into bacon bits when it came to it. He's a black bear in breed, but his colors are pinks and browns-- fairy colors.
Wild, the champion. I love your horse headcanon anon, because it totally makes sense, but personally I could never give up my headcanon of Wild's divine form being a stag! Somewhere between an axis and a sika, with white spots and a bit of a mane-- and a rack of glorious antlers.
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(Me 🤝 Wild has hooves 🤝 you)
In his divine form, I could see his colors being gold and white with a touch of blue, and on his forehead, the master sword symbol from his champion's tunic.
Onto Four! This includes all four of him, of course. I considered at first he'd be a mouse, but that's really too on the nose-- not to mention it doesn't quite fit his personality. I considered a cat! In the end I chose 'cat but a little to the left.'
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This is a fennec fox, and it's the smallest one out there! Foxes are typically clever and playful, and said to represent patience-- something Four has no shortage of. His coat would be reds, blues, greens, and purples, of course!
Finally, Wind! The best pirate we've ever seen, right up there with Jack Sparrow. And speaking of sparrows!
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Actually not a sparrow. A dove! And I have kind of a deeper reason for it. A white dove represents the mourning of something lost, but the hope of something new. Wind could not save Hyrule-- but he will eventually find the land that will allow hylians to start over again. He is that hope, and so, he is a dove, white and sky blue.
Also in Spirit Tracks, playing the song of birds around doves will cause one of them to land on Link's head and just let me pretend that's Wind sticking around to watch over the new hero *sobs*
Anyway, there are probably better fits for each boy, but these are my personal headcanons. Maybe they'll change, who knows! But I hope you liked these!
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science-lings · 2 years
LU Modern AU Headcanons: Jobs
Might share my modern AU this way bc I doubt that I’m ever going to actually write for it. Also just fyi it’s a modern with magic au, so the boys still have their special abilities just because I think its fun. 
Time: Runs an animal rescue sanctuary with Malon. All the animals there are either injured or otherwise unable to be released into the wild. They balance both being on the business side and everything else. Time has trouble doing math so Malon does everything that has to do with numbers while he talks to people and they both work directly with the animals. Malon also has a doctorate degree in veterinary sciences, specifically for exotic animals. (Time takes advantage if this and calls her Dr. Lon Lon at every opportunity) Everyone thinks that Time got his scar from one of the animals but that’s not true and he won’t tell anyone what really happened. 
Four: One of the only employees at a little used bookshop, His grandfather is the owner and just lets Four do whatever he wants there. the job includes lot of quiet and organization and he ends up spending a lot of his days reading. They don’t normally need to split unless groups of kids come in. Red deals with the kids and loves reading to them, Blue keeps the Karen’s in line, Vio talks to teachers, and Green stays at the cash register where he can control the music that plays throughout the store. On some extra slow days he splits and plays card games with himself. Vio usually wins. It’s annoying. That’s when they start playing MarioKart or something. Vio doesn’t always win at MarioKart. 
Sky: Coffee shop employee. He takes advantage of his employees discounts constantly. Generally not trusted to help make anything that isn’t coffee based though. He is highly skilled at dealing with people and has a very high threshold for bullshit. Somehow he manages to look like he actually enjoys his job and isn’t just going through the motions. Either that or he works at a remlit cat café. He wants to be a pilot or a flight attendant. He really likes being in the air and traveling. 
Warriors: Manager at a pizza place. He’s a good leader and instigated a daily trade with Sky’s coffee shop where each one of his employees get their chosen drinks for a few fresh pizza’s. The two restaurants share a wall and are closer than most businesses. Wars and Sky were friends before working so close together, and now they take their breaks at the same time so they can hang out like real besties. He almost got pulled into being in the army when he was in high school but Linkle threatened to kick his ass and that ended any consideration pretty fast. He wants to work at the martial arts studio as a swordfighting teacher but even though he’s very qualified, it doesn’t pay enough and he wants to get into a better financial place before he tries for that kind of job. 
Wind: Doesn’t really have a job but he interns under Linebeck to learn the ropes about sailing. He also gets a seasonal Halloween job that consists of telling scary stories on a boat while live actors jump out and scare passengers. He’s really good at storytelling and is pretty good at improvising. He has also secretly pickpocketed anyone that’s too annoying or obviously rich. He also is in band at Outset Junior High, and when there are concerts, all of the Link’s go. They’re all excited for when he gets to high school and the music starts to get actually good. This adds to the idea that all of them are musically inclined so they encourage Wind’s love of music but also silently suffer through the army of middle schoolers who are just trying their best. 
Twilight: Volunteers at Time and Malon’s animal sanctuary as the wolves there like him a lot and he’s going to school for animal related stuff. idk what he’s just a total animal guy and he would totally be the guy who works at a zoo and just strolls into the dangerous animal’s cages and retrieves peoples sunglasses or something. But for his actual job, I’d like to think he works with kids in some way, like he’s a weirdly young school bus driver or he does lectures about fucking with dark magic, or he works at the martial arts studio where he met and was mentored by Time. (or he’s a wrestling coach that’s a PE/ health teacher by day.)
Hyrule: Interns at a hospital while he’s working on his nursing degree. He wanted to become a wizard that hides in caves and teaches wanderers spells and gives out swords to random children but that’s not a lucrative occupation anymore and it would get boring after a while. He still wanted to help people and it’s pretty common for those who are part fairy to go into healing professions. It’s also a plus that nothing makes him squeamish. He’s occasionally paid by Ravio to help identify magical objects for his shop. 
Wild: Also volunteers at the animal sanctuary, after saving a young wolf pup and accidentally raising it, he knew that he couldn’t keep it or just release it into the wild so he went to the sanctuary and now visits the wolf multiple times a week. He also happens to be really good with all types of animals and is the go-to person when there’s a particularly stubborn/ anxious animal after he accidentally tamed a bear. He like’s food too much to go into food service so I like to think that he works for the same laboratory as Flora does, while she’s a researcher, he’s a field guy who disappears into weird places for weeks and comes back with jars of bugs and a notebook full of observations. He’s also weirdly tech savvy so I can see him taking apart peoples phones at best buy or something. I could also see him working at an archery/ gun range and he has to supervise Tetra who is there concerningly often. 
Legend: Works at Ravio’s antique store and makes sure that the ancient magic items they sell are not dangerous. Hates talking to people and has the worst customer service face. But he’s an expert in magical things and is suddenly not grumpy when people talk to him about things that he knows and can lecture them about. He doesn’t always work in the front, he also works on restoring and polishing store items so they look pretty and sellable. He has once used Ravio’s bracelet to avoid talking to a customer only for them to want to buy his painting likeness. He doesn’t use that method anymore. Wind once convinced him to use one of his monster rings to work at the halloween attraction and he took great joy out of scaring the shit out of people. 
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sky-squido · 3 years
Mini fic prompt the chain debates what facetious means. Bonus round 2 is the word literally.
wait this is hilarious
"Wind, why the hell is there a chuchu in my bedroll."
Wind looked up from where he was helping clean up from dinner. Everyone was tired from long days of travel without a sign of enemies to keep it interesting in the slightest. Doubt had been beginning to creep in that they were going in the right direction at all, or that there even was a right direction.
"I know it was you!"
"No, yeah it was totally me," he stood up and brushed himself off, "but why do you sound so surprised?"
"Because there's a CHUCHU in my BEDROLL!"
"You literally told me to put it there!"
"I did what?"
"Yeah! You were literally like 'hey I wonder what it would feel like to sleep on a bed of chuchu jelly' and I was like 'yo that would be so cool! let's do it' and you were like 'oh frick yes i can't wait' and I was like 'poggers.'"
Twilight leaned over to Sky, making no attempt to lower his voice. "Yeah, that's definitely how that conversation went."
Wind gestured frantically at Twilight. "See? Exactly! Twilight agrees with me!"
Twilight opened his mouth, taken aback. "No I don't! I was being facetious!"
Legend threw up his hands. "Exactly! So was I!"
Wind quickly looked between the two.
"Well so was I!"
Everyone stared at him.
"Wind, you definitely don't know what that word means," Four pointed out.
"I do, too!"
"Okay, fine," Twilight crossed his arms. "What does it mean?"
Wind froze, then pointed at him in accusation.
"HA! You're only asking me to tell you because you're trying to hide the fact that YOU don't know what it means!"
Twilight's expression was pure bafflement. "I'm the one who said it first!"
Wind's face lit up. "Exactly!" He pointed at Twilight again. "You made it up!"
Everyone burst out laughing, Sky barely able to point out that "Wind, I thought you said you knew what it meant."
Wind flushed, looking away in frustration.
Four stepped forward, putting a comforting hand on Wind's shoulder.
"You couldn't have been facetious before because you said 'literally.' Those two words are opposites."
Hyrule raised an eyebrow. "What? Doesn't literally mean like, books and stuff? Like literature?"
Twilight crossed his arms. "I mean, Wind says it so much it's probably lost all of whatever meaning it had."
Wind opened his mouth, aghast. "I literally don't!"
Everyone laughed at him.
"Okay, let's set the record straight," Warriors stepped forward, hands out, placating. "Facetious is kind of like sarcastic—"
Legend shook his head with mock seriousness, cutting Warriors off.
"No, facetious and sarcastic are definitely different."
Warriors crossed his arms, misreading Legend's tone. "Yes. They are. That's why I said 'kind of like' instead of 'is.'"
"Yeah," Four added, voice perfectly composed, "but there's definitely some serious nuance between the two that you're missing out on."
Warriors furrowed his brow.
"Okay," Twilight held out a hand to gesture to Four and Legend, "that's the definition of facetious, right there."
"What, pouting petulantly at being wrong?" Wind gestured to Warriors, who was standing near the other two.
"No, no—" Twilight froze, thinking. "Wait Wind are you being facetious?"
Wind's face was the picture of innocence.
"What? I thought I didn't know what that word means."
"Yeah but you don't need a good vocabulary to cause problems on purpose. You're living proof of that. And so are remlits. And those tiny birds from Wild's world... the slightly bigger ones on the water?"
Wild turned around from where he'd been cleaning the pot, acknowledging the conversation for the first time.
"You mean the ducks?"
Sky snapped his fingers. "Those are the ones!"
Twilight facepalmed. "Can we please get back on track?"
Legend raised an eyebrow. "There was a track?"
Twilight threw his hands into the air. "Yes! We were literally just—"
Four gasped, covering his mouth with his hand dramatically, everyone looking to him in confusion, Twilight cutting himself off.
He looked between Wind and Twilight and whispered, "it's spreading."
Once it dawned on everyone what Four was talking about, laughter broke out again and Wind smiled.
He loved making his family laugh.
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spiritmaiden23 · 3 years
something something question meme i picked up from old blog
tagged by: me tagging: whomst ever...
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1. What is your name?
“Zelda! Just Zelda! … it’s a bit odd how I don’t have a last name, huh? It’s common where I’m from though certain islands do have people who use last names.”
2. What is your real name?
“… ah? Real name? Heh~? What do you mean by that? I’m still me after all, I’m still Zelda.”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“My father told that mother loved this name after reading it in a book and wanted to name me that once I was born. He respected her wishes and gave me that name. I can see why she loved it though, I feel pretty attached to this name myself. I don’t see that changing any time soon. Zelda… has a nice, friendly ring to it! Wouldn’t you say so?”
4. Are you single or taken?
“That answer should be clear, no? I’m single! I never really had the chance to even consider dating. I was always looking after Link and focusing on my studies when I lived in the skies. Then… I arrived to the surface and… hm, that doesn’t matter. Right now, I’m adjusting to life here and protecting the Triforce. I don’t mind being single because I feel satisfied enough with this.”
5. Have any abilities or powers?
”Yes! I’m somewhat handing with using a sword! I may not be as good as Link or the other knights but I’d like to think I’m ok enough with sword play! My stamina is nearly endless and I can lift people like Link very easily! Aside from that? That’s pretty much it! None whatsoever. Huh? How am I protecting the power of the gods? … er… best to not think about that one too hard!”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“Huh? A what? Isn’t that a name? Didn’t I just say what my name was? Oh, never mind.”
7. What’s your eye color?
“Not a special color, it’s just blue! It’s a bit on the common side but it varies from island to island.”
8. How about your hair color?
“A total blondie hee hee! I don’t mind being called that it sounds pretty cute to me! Plus, it’s a warm enough color, how can I not like it? Father says that my mother had the same color… it kinda makes me wonder what his hair color was before it became all grey…”
9. Have you any family members?
“Father! My mother passed a long time ago and while there are other family members, I feel like my only family is father. And that’s ok!”
10. Oh? What about pets?
“Hmmm, I think? I’d consider Mia one but she’s more like my father’s remlit. She’s super sweet and very loving!♥ I can’t imagine her being anything otherwise!”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“Just one? That’s a bit hard because we have so many things we don’t like. I’ll give it shot and name at least one thing. Erm, gods, there’s a lot, this is harder than I thought it would be. I guess the number one thing that comes to mind are people who don’t believe in themselves and give up rather than trying their best. Everyone has the potential to do something. Just have faith in yourself. And things will turn out fine!”
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
“Tons!! Knitting is very relaxing! Not to brag but I can knit some nice sweaters! And I can’t wait once winter comes around because then it means I can finally bundle up with the heavier sweaters I don’t really have too much confidence in this one but I think I’m ok with cooking! I picked up a thing or two whenever I offered to make lunch for Link! It’s relaxing enough and I enjoy it whenever I can cook. Reading will always be my favorite activity! My nose is always in a book and it wouldn’t be farfetched to call me a bookworm. My friends already do, ahaha!! Let’s see… what else… oh! Flying, of course! There’s no better feeling then having your head high up in the clouds and looking down at the world below. I love the skies, I love it more than anything! Though I’ll always prefer to be on the earth looking up to the skies. I do have more but gosh, we’ll be here the whole day if I list all of them!”
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“A few times, by accident that is! I would never want to hurt anyone intentionally. It’s something I can’t stomach very well just thinking about it. During my adventure down here, I had no choice but to run away from the monsters. I couldn’t hurt any one of them, not because I didn’t want to, but because I couldn’t. I was without a weapon, they’d capture me in an instant if I so much as glance at them. That’s where running comes in handy, hee hee!”
14. Ever….killed anyone before?
“… next question! By the gods that’s such a dreary question! Let’s change the subject, hm?”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“Ah? That was a pretty quick change, though I did ask to change the subject. A bird! I feel like a bird would be the sort of animal that represents me best!”
16. Name your worst habits.
“Hee hee.. well, it’s a little embarrassing to admit to any bad habits but some consider me to bit on the… stubborn side. Once my mind’s made up, it’s almost impossible for me to stop it. I like to see things through the very end, or at least try. Whenever I want to do something that’s a bit more on the risky side there have been people who would stop me. N-not that I’m reckless! I just… wanna protect people I care for. I’d do anything to keep them safe!”
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Mmhmm!! Of course! Impa!! She was an amazing teacher throughout my journey, so wise and imparting a lot of helpful advice. When I first started out, I was a little naive. Now, thanks to her, I feel a bit more mature. Hmm… but considering my last answer, sometimes I do find myself wondering about that.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
“That’s something I never really thought about before. I was too focused on so many things, I rarely gave any attention to romance. I don’t really know but maybe someday I might! And then, I can answer this question as honestly as I can!” (Demisexual for those wondering at home)
19. Do you go to school?
“I was in my last year! I don’t see myself going back anytime soon, however.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“Would you believe me if I said yes? Not right now, there’s too much for me to do to even consider dating let alone marriage! Who knows what the future will bring me. Having a family of my own though… it sounds nice! Comforting! And it makes me want to work extra hard to make these lands safer for the future generation!”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“Hee hee!! That’s more Karane’s department than mine! She even gets a ton of love letters, it’s always so funny to tease her about this! On the other hand, I don’t think I had any fans, I can’t really imagine I did. See, I was as ordinary as you can get back then. Karane, is an amazing knight and super beautiful. How could she not have a fan club of her own?!”
22. What are you most afraid of?
“Losing my friends. Hurting any more people I care about. Whether or not certain decisions are for the good of others, it still doesn’t make it right or lessen the pain someone might go through when using them for your plans. I can’t do that. Not again. Not ever.”
23. What do you usually wear?
“I don’t mind pants but I prefer skirts and dresses! There’s no reason why aside from me liking how cute they make me feel! I love wearing bright, soft colors like pink or light blue! Colors that feel warm and refreshing to me, you know? Sometimes I do change things up a bit and wear darker colors. Ah! I also love wearing bracelets or necklaces, I don’t like going overboard with jewelry.”  
24. Do you love someone?
“What a funny question, of course I do! Some might even say I’m too loving to everyone around me. And I guess myself too! There’s nothing wrong with self-love, be kind to yourself!!”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“Eh? What…? What’s with this question?! That’s not very nice to ask you know.”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
“Huh… it isn’t? Whew, this is getting long, don’t you think?”
27. What class are you?(High class, middle class, low class)
“Middle class. Sheesh… high class? That’s something I don’t think will ever happen to me. Hopefully to my family ages from now. Oh, but I’m getting ahead of myself there hee hee!”
28. How many friends do you have?
“A ton? I can’t really give you a good enough answer for this one, or a certain number. Aside from that: a ton!”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“I love it! All the better if it’s pumpkin pie!”
30. Favorite drink?
“I like sweet things, mostly! Tea with cubes of sugar! Fruit juices! Of course, nothing beats water!”
31. What’s your favorite place?
“That’s a no brainer! Every inch of the surface, I adore! Wherever my feet takes me will always be my favorite place! With how big this place is, there’s no way I can just pick one spot and leave it at that. I love this land, all of it.”
32. Are you interested in someone~
“Hmmmm? Why~? Are you asking for some reason I don’t know about? Oh, don’t tell me! You’re interested in me?! …Ha, I’m kidding of course! There’s no one that comes to mind.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“Hey, hey, hey!! This question is not very appropriate to ask! Do you know how rude it is to ask someone this?! It’s too personal for many and they don’t owe you an answer to this one! Much like how I don’t owe you an answer! Hmph!!”
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“I’d like to say lake, I’ve seen a lot around here and on Skyloft. I haven’t seen the ocean yet, I want to! Maybe I’ll like the ocean better than the lake!”
35. What’s your type?
“My type? That’s tricky. Hm… persistent kind of people? I think…? What I’m trying to say here is that I like people who have a lot of courage! Believing that everything will be alright in the end! I think…”
36. Any fetishes?
“… moving on…”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“Didn’t you listen to a word I said? Do I have to give you another lecture?! Do you actually enjoy getting scolded by people?! Geez, you remind me a little too much of another certain someone who doesn’t listen to my scoldings.”
38. Camping or indoors?
“I don’t want to answer after your last questions but to make things end quick: both.”
39. Are you wanting the quiz to end?
“Yes!! Hmph!!”
40. Now it’s over! Tag five people: take it... pls..
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