#he/she/they transfem tails rules my heart
rosrets · 2 years
oh if youre up for it! how about a doodle of tails and amy hanging out?? i need more of these two in my life
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everyone love tails
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ask-the-eye-thing · 7 days
“Oh my… come, tell me what troubles you, my dear.”
I love it here chat I love my characters
Main blog is @crazed4rsonist, call me Jerry, Mod, or Micheal. He/him or xe/xyr pronouns for me!!
Are asks open?
Magic anon?
👩‍⚕️Her name is Eyeleen Smith (placeholder last name)
👁️She’s in her late late 20’s or early 30’s. She currently has no confirmed age
🩻She has an eye for a head
👩‍⚕️She is a nurse
👁️She/her or eye/eyes pronouns for her (yippee neopronouns!!!)
🩻She wears an old, pink and teal nurse’s dress and cap!
👩‍⚕️Her nurse’s cap is basically hammerspace
👁️She works at an interdimensional hospital in her version of Lawton, Oklahoma.
🩻She works for her universe’s god. (My. Sona)
👁️She is pan and transfem!!.. though mod is transmasc n pan but anyways—
🩻She has an optical cord tail. Gross? Yeah. Cool? Yeah.
👩‍⚕️She has a small mouth on her neck
👁️She has spindly spider legs that come from her back at will, along with her head becoming a large mouth.
🩻More lore to come! Just ask her and maybe she’ll tell!
Basic dni, (zoos, maps, etc)
Mod is just a lad!! I am a minor so no nsfw asks!!!
OCs and character interactions are welcome!! Encouraged, even!
No heavy violence asks. Sure, bully and punch her, but don’t kill her. It WILL stress me out.
Please do not spam the same ask in my ask box!
I reserve the right to delete asks at a whim if I feel uncomfortable with them.
Suggestive & romantic asks ARE okay!.. she’s single so idc. Flirt with her to your heart’s content!
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metanoiamorii · 4 years
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❛Peace through Power; Faith through Fire.❜
♧ Title: War of Wrath [WoW]
♧ Status: Brainstorming and Drafting
♧ Point of View: Third Person
♧ Genre: Fantasy, Action, Drama, Epic
♧ Warnings: Violence, War, Death, Nudity, Racism, Past Abuse, Generational Healing, Generational Trauma, Vengeance, Genocide, Colonialism, ethics vs morals, history erasure, history repeats itself, humans are the bad guys really.
♧ Featuring: Dragons, Dragons in themselves deserve recognition; found family, diverse LGBTQ+ characters, complex and complicated characters, fantasy religions, plenty of symbolism, complex world building, ethics vs morals, a whole lot of moral grey can be fit into this bad boy, there is some enemies to friends to lovers going on, and some enemies to friends to family too.
♧ Setting: there will be encompass of territories and areas explored. Few inspirations are Mongolia, The Incan Empire, Viking Scandinavia, Ancient Greece.
♧ Synopsis:
In Gri'lian, the gods have vanished and the mortals overstep their boundaries.
Long have been the years of war between human and dragekind. Humans kill the dragons for territory and control; the drage kill the humans in self defense. As time goes on, history proves the humans will not stop. They revel in the war they have instigated, they thrive on the power and authority they have taken by force.
It has been proven the gods have abandoned their creation, they are nowhere to be found. If they will not stop the humans... who will? Who will place the world back into natural balance?
What happens when a single dragon decides enough is enough? He makes the call, if the gods will not intervene, new gods need to be bore. He alone begins a collection of misfits, the most qualified to end the terror of humans and reinstate the drages; those he can trust to bring a new era.
They make their peace and take on their new role. They carve into their skin their sacred oath and adorn themself in the paint of their ancestors. Together, they go to war against the human. They go to war and fight like no one has before. They turn the tides of war and make a name for themself.
They have won every battle, but the war isn't won.
The only way to win the war, they come to realize in time, is not through violence, but through peace. By living in harmony with the human, not in war. They have to learn to live with the humans, to share the world and their lives with one another.
♧ Tease:
Faith through fire, peace through power; our souls bear written this vernacular. Our intentions we laid bare, yet all still cower in fear. To absent gods you make your prayers.... when we answer, you acclaim we give scare? If the help you wish to shun, why should we give chance upon chance to you anymore?
We fight for family, for it is our duty and sacred honor; with blood and fire, we will show you the price of war.
A battle you wished for, know a war you shall now pay for. The natural order we shall restore. Know, although bound to be ignore, our actions are only sincere. This war, by your hand, was it made so severe... For pride, a glut of greed, you were made a whore. Nay, your life we will not spare.
Why of your lives will we not spare?
Perhaps reminder is require.
The waters have turned red, from the blood we have bled. Of you, we pled, yet our mothers and fathers and our brothers and our sisters you behead. Of daughters and sons you have killed.
Your acts you dare to justify, lacking a shred of dignity?!
You have denied us as your friend, with caution you should have tread... for now? You are dead.
A warning:
They say, the red sun marks death, signal bloodshed beneath the light of its brothers and sisters in the passing darkness... know, for you it is coming.
♧ Excerpt:
"... Father." With only respect, Svihar greeted.
Violkoa shifted his hold onto his fan, blowing a light gust with it. "Svihar." He greets back, in a tone less than kind. "You are a rare one to come, what is it?"
It was no lie. He paid more respect to Kallai, sharing in her beliefs. But still... Here he was, kneeling before his father. "I seek your blessings, Father."
That scowl so neatly woven upon Violkoa's features nearly lightened. Bemused. He cocked an eyebrow and closed his fan. "What do you seek blessings for?"
"An honour battle." Svihar drew his head forward, daring his eyes from the floor to meet Violkoa's.
Now that scowl faltered, the rare smirk pulled onto that stoic and weathered face. "An honour battle?" Violkoa's repeated. "With whom?"
"Whomever I desire." It is a bite, with fangs drawn. Realizing his mistake, Svihar lowers his head and draws in a breath through his nose. "All that have broken their oaths to you, those that cannot adhere to order, the ones who know no law..."
Violkoa unfurled his fan. He shifts the arm he holds around himself and stands, fanning himself.
Svihar keeps his head low, awaiting a response. He knows better than to raise his head and tempt a response. He waits. He waits.
He waits until the fan snaps shut in harshness, a gust of wind sent through the chambers. The fan disappears into Violkoa's sleeve as his arm raises, he plucks the center spine from the bun he wears and strides forward. He does not drop to his knees, but he lowers himself so he may spin his son's hair into a similar bun and tuck the spine into it.
To his feet, Violkoa rises. He turns upon his heels, his quilled tail dragging behind him as he disappears back into the temple. He gives a simple command, as Svihar rises to his feet, only when Violkoa no longer is in sight: "Go to war, My Son."
♧ Characters:
— The Lovers
Kaithrine Eve Flora; The First Dragonlord
Female • She/Her • Human • Pansexual • Demiromantic
The young woman that rules Virta'Niliq. Ruler from a young age, Kaithrine has matured faster than she should have. She understands the way of the world more than the adults around her do. As she ages, she meets her future husband, and she becomes the heroine of a story as old as time when she joins forces with the league of dragons that plague the humans. She leads by example and creates history as its known.
Eoin'fynil Sirenheart; The Blood Taint
Amab • Agender • He/They • Water Dragon • Pansexual • Demiromantic
A man with a legacy to uphold: his grandmother is the refined ruler of a sea with a ruthless reputation, his father is an enigma with a merciless reputation.... Eoin'fynil is a nomad, trying to put a distance with his family to raise his son. He puts distance with his family, but he can't outrun a young girl with high ambitions, and his role in history.
— The Order
Svihar Hopebringer; The Father of the Order
Intersex • Genderqueer • He/They • Rainbow Dragon • Asexual • Aromantic
The drage who has brought on a revolution. Although he carries a ruthless reputation to his name, demonized by the humans, he's a very compassionate man. He cares immensely and expresses deeply. He's faithful till the end to his kindred and protective of the family he has created.
Ryltar Flametongue; The Cinder King
Transmasc • Agender • He/They • Fire Dragon • Grey-Asexual • Demi-Homoromantic
The one Svihar trusts the must, and the drage all know stand as his favorite child. He's a drage without compassion that will raze everything before his eyes to ashes, if it means winning the war. He is one the humans fear, as they know he has no mercy to give to them for their crimes.
Dyiare Seawraith; The Wraith of the Sea
Transfem • She/Her • Water Drage • Grey-Asexual • Demi-Homoromantic
The grandmother of Eoin'fynil, known as one of the Sages of the Sea. She's a woman that doesn't smile, her mind fixed only on her responsibilities. She's serious and stern, she has no room to relax and laugh.
Syvtnr Venomtongue; The Enchantress of Reckoning
Afab • Nonbinary • She/They • Nature Dragon • Polyamorous Pansexual • Aromatic
A drage known to masquerade as a human. Famed for her beauty, she is a seductress who uses that weapon to bring humans to their knees. Apathetic, she does not regret using her tacts of manipulation to secure victory for her kindred. And yet, it's her price to bear few see beyond her beauty, she's not seen as a individual, but often only as a tool.
Ayros Golden-Father; The Heart of the Order
Amab • Agender • He/They • Light Dragon • Polyamorous Pansexual • Polyamorous Demiromantic
The trusted advisor, the one Svihar will most frequently turn to when he needs the truth, or advice. A quiet man, Ayros will keep to himself and not offer his unsolicited advice. He will most frequently stand back and observe; he will make himself known, his authority acknowledged, when necessary.
My'fel Frigidbane; The White Shadow
Amab • Demiboy • He/They • Snow Dragon • Bisexual • Aromantic
Simple-minded compared to the rest, My'fel is a drage with a one-track mind. He cares for his basic needs: food, sleep, reproduction, and the art of hunting. He's ill-tempered and reclusive, he doesn't care for companionship, and nothing seems to be able to make him change his ways.
Nyhmar Bronze-Heart; The Righteousheart
Afab • Nonbinary • They/Them • Earth Dragon • Demisexual • Demiromantic
Viewed as Benevolent, Nyhmar is anything as. Perhaps the most bloodthirsty of their family, they have earned a reputation for being amicable and approachable. History forgets how they reigned as a warlord before they joined Svihar, and they demand the blood of all humans, deeming no one innocent of their ancestors' crimes.
Rauor Savage-Heart; The Heartless Beast
Amab • Agender • They/He • Fang Dragon • Pansexual • Aromantic
The youngest of the family and it shows. He follows closely in the footsteps of his more heartless siblings, particularly My'fel. Known for his sadistic streak and apathetic nature, Rauor is an individual that never quite learned that you don't play with your food.
Za-Ylviar Nightstalker; The Eternal Nightmare
Afab • Agender • They/Them • Energy Dragon • Asexual • Aromantic
The most revered of their family by the humans. They favor the terror Rauor instills, the flavor of death Ryltar enjoys, and the dread Zivaryz embodies. They are brutal, erratic, dangerous. No one believes they are capable of compassion and thread with caution when their name is evoked.
Clyte Starforger; He Who Lights The Way
Male • He/Him • Star Dragon • Asexual • Aromantic
Compared to his siblings, Clyte is harmless. He's not violent, nor does he care for blood. He enjoys mischief, causing problems and reveling in watching others trip over their own feet. He's a trickster, to put it plain.
Zivaryz Endbringer; He Who Will Destroy The World
Intersex • Agender • They/He • Bone Dragon • Asexual • Aromantic
Viewed as an object, a weapon, Zivaryz is not viewed as a living and breathing individual. Although a dragon, both human and dragekind will vy to possess the weapon that is Zivaryz. Known to destory everything they touch, they will wither and drain the life of all things they can. A valuable weapon to have in a war.
L'ymra Spiritwalker; They Who Know All
Afab • Genderfluid • They/She/He • Spirit Dragon • Asexual • Aromantic
Perhaps the most soft of their family, L'myra is not a fighter, they do not care for blood and war. They desire peace, harmony. They wish to see the land heal, and the mistakes and crimes of the past be acknowledged. There is a long way to recovery, but they are adamant it will happen one day.
Blym Serenescales; The Guardian Beneath the Skies
Intersex • Genderqueer • They/Them • Air Dragon • Demisexual • Demiromantic
The most akin to their father, Blym puts family and responsibilities before all else. They hold the goals Svihar has set out for them. They aspire to be honorable and never be swayed, no matter the trouble they face for keeping a positive outlook on life.
♧ Taglists:
WOW: @lend-your-lungs-to-me, @wannabeauthorzofija, @northernrosewritings, @shadeshadow234, @necros-writings, @rhikasa
GENERAL: @endlesshourglass, @writerray, @poore-choice-of-words, @primusesgiantmetalballbearings
BOTH: @notugalan, @cecilsstorycorner, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @hazard-writes, @aligned-stars-writing
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