#he’s canonically a dilf guys who cheered
kibutsulove · 6 months
tell us more about hideaki!!!
sorry I didn’t answer this sooner I spazzed out from excitement. cuz like. I get to INFO DUMP!!! YIPPEE!!!! finally……..
I’ve stated before that I’ve got like multiple versions of him but I guess I’ll just be focusing on on his Avatar self because that’s really my main audience here UH
A rlly funny thing abt this guy is that he’s a lightning bender that can’t firebend. At all. His bending isn’t tied to it at all. I wouldn’t even call it lightning bending at this point, what ever the fuck he does is like its unhinged cousin from Tallahassee. I’ll just call it electrobending.
What is his goal as a villain? <- you may ask
nihilism. fuck all yall, EVERYONE DYING. he literally just wants to destroy every single cell of life that’s exists on the planet, including himself, but that comes last. He undervalues the concept of life so much it’s genuinely crazy.
Originally, when he was younger, he had a wife and a daughter but then he accidentally KILLED them. Because he’s an IDIOT. And as he was staring at their corpses like a lost child in the supermarket, he went “is life this important if it can just flat out die this easily? No” and then he left.
And mind you, Hideaki as a person is not able to understand the concept of grief or regret, or literally any other emotion besides the drive to achieve his goal. So essentially, he is not “ruthless” or “barbaric”. He simply cannot comprehend that shit. So the Earth Avatar has to deal with an opponent who cannot emotionally nor mentally experience what to be human is.
Sulove what the FUCK is electrobending <- GOOD QUESTION
like I said before, lightningbending’s deranged cousin from Tallahassee. Electrobending is only just the generation of lightning, it’s also the manipulation of lightning and allows the convergence between the user and the lightning itself: meaning that he can just. Fucking teleport essentially. It also has something to do with magnetism, so if you’re wearing anything magnetic, you’re COOKED.
And with how cyberpunk-ish the new earth avatar’s era is, a villain being able to manipulate electricity and magnetism on a wide ass scale is not rlly good
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gildeddlily · 11 months
side characters ONly can be gay!!11!1! yep
I could write an essay about the way Marvel is just the reflection of how mass media deals with the queer representation "problem" nowadays
(I should study for my exam but fuck it I have time)
first of all, how many queer characters actually are part of mcu's big ass cast?
Searching on the internet they'll tell you about twenty- but it's enough to read who is queer to understand that they only care about seeming all woke and you know, kind and allies and all that good shit, but the truth is that if you're queer you'll get no more than five minutes of screen time
Loki is a bisexual genderfluid god, it's canon in the comics and in the shows/film, but does he actually acts on it? like, does he ever talk about the men he had a thing with? does he talk about his gender identity? no. and you know what, I don't want a long speech about feeling accepted and finding your place in the world and understanding yourself, I'd be ok with him being like "yk what, i feel like cunt today" and poof tom hiddleston is no more man.
we have a two second shot were he's labeled as genderfluid. that's it. he has a love story arc with his female alternative version.
like saying the bar can't get lower- all the time there's a man at his side, and they're so queer coded guys. they are so fucking queer coded. they'd have all the potential to be a good couple, and they prob could since Loki is canonically attracted to males too! but no.
let's choose the female you over the dilf grabbing your waist and telling you that you're more, that you matter and have a chance to be good.
can Loki count as representation? maybe.
it's shitty representation, tho.
then there's America.
America's a lesbian, daughter of two lesbian women, and they were proud of it probably- if it weren't for the fact that America's there, she live the adventure, and she has a lgbtqia pin. a pin. all her identity is expressed in a pin.
one could say, but the film is not ab America and her non-male partner, is about the story yk?
then why does every fucking marvel film features a man and a woman being in a relationship?
i guess that when it's about man Tony Stark and woman Pepper Potts everything's ok, you can give all the minutes you want to their sweet relationship- but if they're queer I'm sorry, the best thing you'll have is a pin.
then a few gays out there.
random man in endgame missing his bf. random girl in hawkeye mentioning her wife (slay). that one sexy dora milaje who has a sexier gf. slay you too ig. that Eternals guy who kissed his bf on screen (first time ever, and they feel revolutionary. fucking 2021).
the only thing that can be saved is Thor 3/4 because of Taika Waititi. the queerness is something Taika did because he wanted to.
Ragnarok's about this dude, his bi brother, this guy who flirts with both of them and has orgies with all kind of beings, a lesbian valkyrie and a gay rock. Love and Thunder is about this guy, his bamf ill girlfriend, a lesbian valkyrie who's trying to find some girl to eat out, a gay rock that ends up having strange sex with his bf, and greek people fainting after seeing said guy's naked body. (and that weird moment between Thor and Peter? that was made to be gay guys)
while it's not perfect, it's one step above everything else.
Taika Waititi's film's queerness is not there for looking more inclusive, it's there because gay people are there, we actually exist dude, and they deserve their space, and they should have it.
and like Taika Waititi's said, the world will be healed when people will stop saying "oh you know that new marvel series? yes, there's a gay gal in there", when people will treat queer people like the people they actually are.
it's like walking around in a forest and being like "oh look, a tree!". we aren't a different species ffs
representation is good, and of course gay characters sometimes are gonna be just there on the side cheering on the main character- because that's how life goes. I'm the cheering-from-the-side girl queer friend to my straight friend, and mcu stories are told by straight people, so it's kinda natural that we're kinda useless.
the thing that really, really makes me want to cry our is how they're able to destroy any queer "lead" they put here for us, for me, and I'm starting to believe behind those scripts there are some seriously repressed gay dude who can only express themselves by writing those things.
like Steve and Bucky? the classic we're best friends and we totally didn't have sex?
or Bucky and Sam?
why was the chair scene necessary? If i see something like that happening to a woman and a man my first thought is "they're a thing", and it was the first thing I thought with Sam and Bucky too- but ofc people will tell us "y are you making everyone gay?" it's not my fault princess it's the writers'
or, again, Loki and Mobius?
"you can be good, just in case no one ever told you" WHAT THE HELL DUDE
and you know, those things can be said between two friends too, but people gets disperate. I get disperate, after watching hours upon hours of two guys eye-fucking each other and ending up being all "yeah bro i love you this is my girlfriend amy". so I wrote, I draw, I think about them being "hey dude, d'you want to be the amy to my myself?" because the alternity is writing a fic about a random man who says he misses his husband on a three second scene.
(in a fandom like good omens I don't have to worry about it. I have my queer besties, my fav lesbian couple, and a lot of representation.)
mcu's representation is bad representation.
every time they write a queer characters they're all "you see that? we did that!" like they did something special- but they didn't.
they write gays for the straight, in order to feel better about themselves and make straight racist sexist homophobic ppl (the "I'm inclusive guys!!!" kind of person) watching it feel better ab themselves.
(I'm not gonna start talking about the fact that this entire post talks more than anything else about the way the mcu treats women, bc it's a rabbit hole I'm not ready to talk ab cause I've been jumping in it for too many years.)
(sorry anon ily)
10/20 edit: valkyrie is bi my bad🧎‍♀️
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qveerthe0ry · 8 months
Hi there!
Joel brought you into the fandom, but is he still your favorite? Have any other characters stolen your heart?
Ahhhh omg I love this question!!
It’s so hard to choose a favorite… They’re all so different and lovely in their own unique way… so I will say that it’s a three-way tie and give in-depth answers as to why 😂
Joel is definitely still a favorite. I am madly in love with the way he becomes so vulnerable, something he clearly promised himself he’d never be again. It’s so endearing and also heartbreaking, the way he tries so hard not to love Ellie because of the hurt that was caused by loving his own daughter, only to end up mass-murdering for her and comparing Ellie to Sarah at the end of the season. It’s so easy to fall in love with him, little by little, as you watch him open up in increments. From the reluctant worry over Ellie, to the way he stays up all night guarding her sleeping bag because she’s scared, to the FINALLY laughing at her jokes, to the ‘do you trust me?,’ the stables scene and ‘you deserve a choice,’ the way he tells her to leave him for dead, the babygirl scene that directly mirrors Sarah’s death scene, all the way to trying to cheer her up with Chef-Boyardee and Boggle and promises of guitar lessons and ‘it wasn’t time that did it.’ All of these little moments just made my heart grow so so big for this character. There is also something so sexy about a guy who is a tough nut to crack, only to find that his center is sweet and gooey and decadent. And then he’s also such a dilf and the GRAYS are just 😍
Second, and this one surprises me, is Frankie Morales. I will preface this by saying I am way more enamored by fanfic Frankie than the actual movie character. TF isn’t my favorite type of movie, and we get so little of Frankie in it, so I’m very self-aware of the fact that fics and fandom head-canons have overtaken my judgement. BUT. Because we get so little of him, it’s very easy to mold him into what we want, which is so fun when it comes to writing. We know canon Frankie is the most reserved of the bunch, and that he is a family man, and he’s very level-headed. But what flavor of reserved is he? Aloof, brooding, and dark? Love it. Shy, hesitant, and sad? Also love it. I love that the fandom has all agreed that he is the pussy eating king, a golden retriever boyfriend, and also fairly commonly bisexual/pansexual. Also, he is so CUTE. His little curls under his little hat, and his tiny little butt, and his patchy beard, and his puppy dog eyes. Textbook definition of boyishly handsome, which is so different from most Pedro characters’ looks.
Third is the disaster bisexual himself, Dieter Bravo. Listen. It took me like four times to finally watch The Bubble all the way through. What a nightmare. But I really do think Dieter is the shining star of that movie. He has a little bit of those Joel vibes. At the beginning he’s this cocky, Tony Stark-esque character, mysterious and full of himself. But he very quickly dissolved into this sad little guy on drugs, which is just a great brand honestly. I do have the same fanfic-tinted lenses for him as Frankie, but honestly this man is so unhinged that I’m pretty sure every Dieter fic I’ve ever read is in-character and could totally be canon. I love that he is so reckless but also such a sweetheart at the core, ie: crying over a baby goat and falling in love with a receptionists because she’s like the first person to actually treat him with kindness. Also as someone who’s non-binary/gender-fluid, I really dig the ‘I’ll sleep with anyone’ vibes. He seems like the most attainable Pedro character in that regard 😂
Honorable mentions because I’m insufferable: Din Djarin for kind of the same reason as Joel, but also being so fucking funny without even trying just because of The Way That He Is
Marcus Pike because I just love a good sweet angel boyfriend 😌
Thank you thank you thank you for this ask 🫶🏻💕💖🥰 I had fun coming up with my extremely convoluted answer lol
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the dilf poll: voter voices
the votes are in, and hakoda has emerged victorious! but i've been paying attention to a far more important measure of public opinion: the tags!
Hakoda has 19 mentions in tags, winning in this category as well. lots of #hakodasweep, which is funny bc i specifically engineered this poll to prevent sweeps. inigo montoya you keep using that word etc. but i love the energy.
#I’m sorry but Hakoda is THE dilf of the avatar world#in the whole franchise#fuck it you could include every adult man on this list and they will not beat Hakoda (@louisloulouie) #hakoda is the biggest dilf of all time#he is the sexiest man alive in the atla universe#PERIOD#I literally made a PowerPoint about this#I have CITATIONS (@themoons-ex) (i would like to see that powerpoint) #hakoda dilf supremacy (@truthsinwhispers) #mister watertribe chief himself (@sunset-diamond)
In a shocking/delightful upset, Piandao comes in a close second at 18 mentions. I'm going to give credit here to @bisexuallsokka - most of the piandao tags came from people who reblogged from her, and he went from 13% to 14% on the last day, coincidentally right after she reblogged the poll for a second time. he was my pick, so i very much appreciate your efforts and enthusiasm.
#where are all the people who botted the twitter poll we need you now 😩😩😩#piandao stay with me stay with me (@bisexuallsokka) #come on guys piandao could get it (@fearthevest) #you fucks need to go all in on Piandao right the fuck now#sorry… got a little heated there#but Piandao… my beloved (@stalksships) #piandao is so fucking hot (@kieran-rules-zara-drools)
Iroh has 6 mentions, and since he was in second - and very close at points - there were some #irohsweep tags. again i refer to inigo montoya.
#iroh could get it (@capitola) #okie i know its been yearrrs since i watched atla but who this other guy and why is he beating Iroh#oh.... i still vote Iroh but akxhsj;; apologies sir (@cozy-fish-crow) (these made me laugh thank you for sharing)
Bato has 4 mentions, 2 of which are about how hard it is to choose between him, Hakoda, and Piandao. fitting, considering that they're all Sokka's dads. also, he and Hakoda combined got exactly 50% of the vote. bakoda rights!
#BATO IS BEING SLEPT ON!!!!!!! (@matthew-mcjohncenahey) #bato my beloved (@unliikelylovers)
Ozai has 3 mentions, 2 of which are about how he shouldn't get votes. he is the only contestant to receive negative feedback, as he deserves.
#not ozai getting votes while arnook and tyro flounder in obscurity (@minimum-anenome) #who the fuck is voting ozai#i'm concerned about you (@forestberryteaplease)
(two more mentions have come in since the poll closed, but they don't count. you had your chance!)
Arnook and Tyro each have 2 mentions, all relating to them not getting votes.
#arnook having zero votes is crazy im sorry baby (@bisexuallsokka) #lmao RIP tyro tho (@lizardlicks)
The Mechanist managed to get 1% on the poll itself, but has no mentions in the tags. I suspect it's because he wasn't losing hard enough to merit comment (like Arnook and Tyro), but wasn't popular enough to have dedicated fans cheering for victory.
#d..does jee not appear more than once#I thought.. he did#nauuurrrrr jeeeeeee 😭 u were in my heart first but alas ill pick..#piandao why not (@gloomybirdie)
Jee is on the borderline, in the sense that I think people often write him as a father figure for Zuko in fics. It's a pretty logical extrapolation from him learning Zuko's backstory in canon, but it's not actually canon so I don't think he'd qualify. I'm also not sure he meets the two-episode criteria - he was probably in the background but I only really remember him in "The Storm".
I also definitely remember someone mentioning Chit Sang but they seem to have deleted their tag. Was it because I posted about how not all older men count? I meant it to be kind of jokingly serious, Committing To The Bit, but that's hard to convey online. I'm not actually offended, and lord knows I have no room to judge when it comes to liking minor characters. Plus Chit Sang probably DID co-parent teo & haru & the duke when he and hakoda escaped so it's also a borderline case.
thank you all for voting and sharing your opinions! this has been fun :)
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ficsforeren · 3 years
Kanayama, destroyer of hearts far and wide and obliterator of Eren’s in all known universes… *clears throat* if I could just offer one suggestion, for your secrets between us series, why kill Eren when you could give us more pain by killing the reader and having Eren lament over how it should have been him. He has to live each day knowing that he was just a second late, that he wasn’t strong enough, wasn’t fast enough, wasn’t clever enough. That he just wasn’t enough to save the love of his life.
Eren’s usually calm in these situations. He’s a knight. A kingsguard. Be aware of your surroundings. Always have an escape route in mind. Never let your guard down. Stay calm.
Remain calm and level headed.
Levi always made sure to repeat that one. Because moment you lose your calm, you’re already dead.
As a knight, he’s sworn to protect the kingdom until his last breath. But he’s also dedicated his heart, his life, and his entire being to you.
No amount of training would have ever prepared him for this moment.
He can stay calm when Armin reminds him of his place as just your kingsguard. He is still levelheaded, not even breaking a sweat when the carriage is ambushed, and he’s outnumbered 25 to one.
But the moment an enemy soldier tears you from his grasp, driving a dagger into your heart.
He loses it.
Because why kill Eren when you’re the only reason why he’s alive.
You see, a princess has a duty to fulfill towards her kingdom. The moment Y/N was born, her life was dedicated to serving that of her people. But for Eren, his heart was always dedicated to you.
You know, I’m just a huge sucker for happy endings. So let’s just focus on how amazing Eren is as a dad.
Not only is rockstar Eren an amazing husband, but he just spoils his kids rotten. Irene and Jace always know how much their dad loves them.
He has a photo of them in his wallet, another taped onto his bunk so it’s one of the last things he sees before he falls asleep, and of course it’s his Lock Screen. He was never religious to begin with. But every day when he’s reminded that he has a family to come home to, he thanks God for a blessing that transcends all lifetimes. Poor Reiner still can’t convince eren to go to church with him though
Hope you’re doing well Kana. I hope your baby is doing well too. Have you had to deal with the terrible twos yet?
Recently there was a huge heatwave where I live and now it’s fucking cold today. My poor baby cousin who’s only 5 months old broke out in hives all over her body. Ok. I think I’ll just end my ramble here.
Sending you all my love and a bunch of virtual hugs!!
"Kanayama, destroyer of hearts far and wide and obliterator of Eren’s in all known universes" LMAOOOOOO PLEASE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THIS IS GOING TO BE MY TITLES FROM NOW ON HAHAHA I FEEL LIKE I'M IN GAME OF THRONES
Well, honey, your idea is brilliant (hell, I want you to write the sequel for TSBU lmaooo), thank you so much for sharing it with us but unfortunately, I have something else planned for reader 😏😏😏
and your HCs for dilf rockstar eren? CANON! I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU SAID! yes eren definitely has a wall inside his tour bus covered in photos of his little family. he's such a doting parent, like he will literally brag about his kids and wife to every single person he met. eren literally can't shut up about his kids. whenever he's on the stage and they have to take a minute long break between songs, he'd be like "guys, you know what my daughter did the other day? she told me she loved me and she said she wants to marry me when she's older. can you believe that?" and the crowd would cheer and jean is going to groan into the microphone "bro you've told us the same story for like twelve times today! shut the fuck up! btw, irene wants to marry me, she told me herself."
my baby and i are doing well, thank you for asking! i hope you're doing well too wherever you are, darling. take care of yourself and make sure to stay warm and hydrated. i love you so much baby MWAH MWAH MWAH
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gideongrace · 5 years
The Pandemic Survival Guide
The world feels like it's going to hell, so here is a list of cute, dumb, happy, fun things to cheer people up so we can try and survive this disaster.
-Jenna Marbles - Cute craft projects, weirdness and dogs.
-Julian Solomita - Jenna's boyfriend Julien has a cooking show and it's adorable.
-Wood Hawker/beat em ups - Wood is the cutest goober of all time, he has two channels, one is beat em ups, where he talks about nintendo switch and one is Wood Hawker where he just does goofy, fun stuff.
-Monster Factory - So these guys, the mcelroy brothers, make monsters in games like Fallout and WWE Wrestling and name them stuff like Snack Braff. It's hilarious.
-MEF (Movies Explained For) - This guy named Jeb does comedy reviews of movies with titles like "Back to the Future part 2 explained for realists!" and "Overboard explained for rich folks!"
-the try guys - Four guys try out all different sorts of stuff, from lie detectors to wearing corsets to baking cakes without recipes.
- unraveled - One of the greatest dorks ever BDG (Brian David Gilbert) does videos like "every sonic game is blasphemous" and "which dark souls boss is the best manager?"
-Satisfying slime video
-Hot knife cuts through stuff
-The lockpicking lawyer - This guy teaches you how to break any lock. It's oddly calming.
-kinda funny's internet explorerz - Basically the best of the dumb stuff on the internet packed into an hour long show every week.
-Markiplier doing a clickhole quiz about fucking rl stine.
-That time on murder she wrote - A comedy review show of the show murder she wrote.
my favorite asmr channels:
-raphytaffy - Lots of noises and whispering.
-shadowywhispers - Soooo many rps from overwatch to batman to captain america sam falcon to stuff like werewolf boyfriend, demon knight boyfriend and the android chronicles: syndicate.
-gibiasmr - Lots of sounds and whispering and clicking noises.
-jojoasmr - Really visual asmr.
-heatherfeather asmr - She does lots of roleplays and has a very soft voice.
-asmrdarling - Lots of different sounds and roleplays.
-dr. t asmr - This one is weird in the best way. He does like sci-fi asmr and calls viewers "the tingledroid army".
TV Shows:
-Lois and Clark - A cheesy 90s version of Superman that focuses more on the relationship between Lois Lane and Clark Kent as reporters while also having goofy villains every week.
-Golden Girls - Do people exist who don't know what Golden Girls is? Sophia Petrillo is the best, fiestiest little old lady ever.
-Brooklyn Nine-Nine - This show is the funniest, nicest, best, most diverse show on tv.
-Schitt's Creek - This show is just so gay.
-Yuri on Ice! - Gay ice skating boys fall in love! That's it. That's the show! Really, though.
-Jane the Virgin - A virgin gets accidentally inceminated, the girl (who is engaged to somebody else) falls in love with the guy whose kid it is, the kid gets kidnapped... this is an english language telenovella.(With voiceovers!)
-Evolution - David Duchovny, Sean William Scott and Orlando Jones fight aliens with head & shoulders shampoo. No, really.
-Clueless - 90s LA retelling of Jane Austen's Emma.
-Blockers - Three girls try to get laid on prom night. (And one of them is queer!)
-Street Fighter - Um, this movie has this scene in it.
-Knives Out - The best modern whodunit about rich people getting what they deserve ever.
-In & Out - 90s gay film that's about an adorable gay english teacher coming out.
-Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil - Two backwoods dorks rent a cabin in the woods and a bunch of teens mistake them for serial killers.
To All The Boys I've Loved Before - This movie is one of the cutest rom-coms I've ever seen. A teenage girl's sister sends out all her sister's unsent love letters.
-French Kiss - So a french thief (Kevin Kline with an accent) hides a necklace he's stolen in the bag of this American girl (Meg Ryan) and has to follow after her as she tries to get her boyfriend back and of course the thief and the girl fall in love.
-You Should Meet My Son! - A super cute movie about a mom realizing her son is gay and trying to find him a boyfriend.
Short, Sweet (Harringrove) Fic:
-rockisdead by flippyspoon
Billy is an instathot and Steve is into it.
-boldly go by tracy7307
Star trek but harringrove and Billy is a betazoid.
-homemade by lazybaker
So basically this one is like a Miyazaki movie, but Harringrove.
-starry night, portrait hung by lucdarling
Billy is a painter and he wants to paint Steve.
-I'm Falling Again (But This Time It's In Love With You) by greyspilot
The boys are just really sweet in this canon fic.
Stand-up comedians:
-John Mulaney
-Jim Gaffigan
-Trevor Noah
-Gabriel Iglesias
-chilledcow lo-fi - youtube
-chilledcow lo-fi spotify
-notice my lo-fi, senpai playlist by be_honest on spotify
-night runner - magnum bullets music video
-dance music - playlist by bree_cheese
-exciteable music - playlist by bree_cheese
-pretty - pretty songs playlist by bree_cheese
-audiobooks for the damned - A whole bunch of people did audiobook recordings of movie novelizations.
-the art of running by pprfaith, read by reena jenkins - The fast and the furious if Brian was a girl and gets together with Dom.
-dilf by twentysomething - teenwolf podfic read by rhea314 - Scott and Jackson are Derek's sons and Stiles is Scott's kindergarten teacher.
-drop dead gorgeous written by maya, read by heatherifics - The harry potter fanfic where Harry and Draco are Aurors and Harry is part Veela.
other stuff:
-The original script to the movie The Room.
-i write like - A website that allows you to put in bits of your writing to see what famous author you write like.
-squishables - Giant, spherical plushes.
-Not without you: a big, massive, hardcover stucky anthology.
I'll also be making other lists and tagging them #thepandemicsurvivalguide.
If you have anything to add to this list (fics, art, comics, shows, books, whatever) please reblog this and add it!
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redcandle17 · 5 years
Wu Assassins
Wu Assassins is Netflix’s new original show. You should watch it (unless you’re triggered by violence because it has lots of lengthy fight scenes). It may not be good per se, but it’s entertaining and very relevant to fandom interests. 
The protagonist is Kai Jin, a nice guy chef who just wants his own food truck. Unfortunately for him, he was raised from the age of twelve by Uncle Six, who is the top mob boss in San Francisco’s Chinatown. 
Uncle Six is a DILF, and his and Kai’s angsty, complicated father-son relationship has tons of fodder for people into father/son and daddy kink. 
Kai Jin has three best friends he’s known since age 12: Jenny Wah, Tommy Wah, and Lu Xin Lee. Jenny and Tommy are siblings who run a restaurant they inherited from their parents. Jenny’s stylish and hot and she’s the responsible, capable Wah sibling. Tommy is a former drug addict. They have a very poignant sibling relationship arc.
Lu Xin Lee is a gorgeous, sexy businessman and criminal who owns a car dealership and also runs a car theft ring. He has burn scars on one side of his neck, shoulder, and back from a fire that happened when he was 15. He thinks he’s a monster. Sandor Clegane would laugh at him and remind him that he’s portrayed by a model.
Christine Gavin (portrayed by Katheryn Winnick, formerly of Vikings) is a cop who goes undercover as a car thief working for Lu Xin. She’s awesome, and I love her. 
Zan Hui is Uncle Six’s bodyguard and top enforcer. She’s badass and ambitious, and not happy at being told she can’t become a triad boss herself because she’s a woman. She’s too butch for my tastes, but I think plenty of people will find her very hot and sexy.
One day an oddly cheerful girl (really a long dead spirit) informs Kai Jin that he’s the latest Wu Assassin and he must kill the people in possession of five ancient magical artifacts that gives them each powers over a different element (fire, earth, wood, metal, water). In order to save the world, of course.
And guess who is the Fire Wu? Uncle Six.
Other things relevant to fandom’s interests:
- Jenny and Xan are perfect for anyone looking for a femslash enemy ship and/or a femme/butch ship or anyone who just wants to write femslash hate!sex... (Non-canonical. Canonically Jenny is Kai’s ex and presumably straight. I think Xan might be canonically lesbian though.)
- Summer Glau (best known as Firefly’s River Tam) has a small role, but I’m 99.9% sure she’ll be returning for a larger role as a villain next season. 
- Tommy Flanagan (best known as Sons of Anarchy’s Chibs) has a major role as a villain. He’s aging very well and still very attractive. He’s a total GILF. 
- Almost no romance or sex. Kai and Jenny were a couple and still have feelings for each other, but it’s not a significant part of the show, and Lu Xin and Christine have UST, but that’s it. The focus is on platonic friendships and familial relationships. 
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di-daydreamer · 3 years
WIP Meme
@verecunda tagged me, and I will now say a few words about some things I’m working on.
List the titles/filenames/descriptions of your WIPs and tell us a little bit about them/wail about them/beg for inspiration/whatever you want! Then tag some people for a no-obligation mutual wailing/cheering/complaining session!
Regler for onani, og tanker om voyeurisme (a Vazelina Bilopphøggers rpf fic mostly based on the Christmas calender)
The english translation of this title is “Rules about masturbation, and thoughts about voyeurism”, so as you can probably guess it’s a smutty story. I only intendet it to be a one shot, but now I’m in the planning stage of chapeter three. When I began the fic I only wanted to write something exploring what could possibly happen when three grown men (with certain needs) share a bedroom. But then I got urges to turn it into a more shippy story, and I think I might be a bit too into embarrassing Viggo and generally putting him through an emotional struggle, and making Johnsen into a very obliviuous but kind guy who can’t tell when someone is more or less drooling over him. Chapter three will involve more drinking of questionable homebrew, Viggo trying to keep his cool but not really doing a good job, Johnsen not really getting it at first, but can feel that something is going on (mostly he just thinks Viggo is still ashamed of “accententaly” walking in on him having a wank), and being his adorkable self. I also want a bit of a heart to heart between Viggo and Eldar, because Eldar can tell something is going on, and he wants to help, cause he’s a bro like that. And a happy ending of course 
I am also planning another Vazelina Bilopphøggers fic, this time written from Eldar’s point of veiw, and not at all connected to the first story. And the plot here (if you can call it that) is that Eldar thinks they all know that Viggo is kinda their “Dom” in a way. This is all because of a silly conversation with @shakeninsane where we joked about how in the Christmas calender Eldar totally deflates a bit and obeys Viggo when Viggo tells him he can’t go up to the hotel (and see Inga), and Viggo generally having a lot of daddy Dom/dilf energy in that show xD (obviously Høggern is imune to Viggo, he does what he wants) So Eldar will joke and tease Johnsen about it all, thinking that he also feels those urges when Viggo tells them to do things. Only for Johnsen to have no idea what Eldar is on about. Cue Eldar going from a cheeky guy to a really awkward guy. No idea how it will all work out really. This is just a very silly idea, and I have no idea how I ended up here.
A Twin Peaks fic with the working title “I have no idea what to call this rambling nonsense”
I’m struggling here. It’s written from Hawk’s point of view. It’s pretty much about how Andy very often cries at crime scenes, and Hawk trying to work out when/why it will happen. I just had this random thought of “what if Andy has some weird ability to pick up the vibes of a crime scene, but he has no idea how to controll it in any way, and gets too overwhelmed to even try to controll it, and he does not really know that he has this ability”. 
I just find this a difficult canon to write for. 
I actually want this to be a shippy fic, cause I have never seen any Hawk/Andy before, and it would be fun to make some. 
Feel free to be tagged if you want to do this
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