#he’s half human half yokai sooo
eremeldanin · 2 years
Please meet my son
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This is my character from Nioh 2. I adore him and you cannot stop me
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tblsomedoodles · 6 months
Sooo in FW Jennika looks up turtles facts after finding out the turtles are her brothers. What cool turtle facts actually apply to the boys like....
Can donnie breath underwater like nonmutant spiny softshells? Or is it something else that can be applied? How do their spider and turtle traits clash? (How stressed is poor leo when it cones to their medical notes becayse they are a. Hodge pog of human pider yokai and turtle and that has to have conflicing health things)
Ok, before I answer your questions proper, i'm going to explain a bit about the boys weird genetics, and why they're not as weird as they could be lol.
Basically, summed up to, they just don't have a lot of spider genetics compared to the human and turtle they got. And here's why!
Yokais, for my things at least, are mostly very old or descendants of Mutants from when the Krang came to earth originally.
Big Mama, specifically, comes from several generations of human-spider mutants. So! When Mama has kids with a plain old human, they end up with kids that are about 75% human, and 25% spider (assuming that mama's human-to-spider ratio was 50/50 for simplisity's sake.)
so then these little 75/25 hybrids get mutated, turtle taking over half of what is already there. This doesn't exactly leave a lot of Spider genetics, and what they do have, get suppressed (until being around Mama for that time mystically unsuppressed it that is.)
(not to mention, i imagine the mutagen has a stabalizing affect on the genetics to insure they aren't a medical wreck from two genetics being smashed together)
ANYWAYS! That being said!
(Sorry for answering these backwards but here we are lol)
Yeah, Leo and Donnie both were pretty stressed when putting together everyone's medical files. Like there is no information about what is normal for them so they kinda just have to guess, and both of them hate that. (Donnie help b/c research is fun and Leo wouldn't actually keep the files neat and readable if he didn't lol.)
Because of the whole 'stabilizing' thing and how little spider dna they have left, their turtle and spider genetics don't clash as much as one would think. I think the biggest change (other than the obvious ones) are that their diets shift a bit. Mikey has to eat more protein than he was b/c of the webs. Leo and Donnie have to eat more in general b/c of the massive 4 arms growth spurt they're in the process of. Raph needs to eat more too, but only when he's been in human form a lot. being in human form takes extra energy and thus needs more food to fuel it.
As for cool Turtle facts Jenny found, hell yeah one of them is that Donnie can breath underwater. And he definitely can. He doesn't particularly care to b/c switching back and forth ends with a lot of choking on water/air during said shift, but it's still a thing he can do.
She also found out that tomatoes are toxic to turtles, which kind of causes her to panic the first time she sees them eat a pizza lol. (her brothers didn't inherit that particular trait lol. though they are allergic to Avocados/avocado pits as a result of the mutation.)
That's all i can think of right now.
Thank you!
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 1 year
predictions for next nu carnival character maybe?
so when the devs released the new PV, one of their tweets also mentioned a new member. a lot of people are hoping its another bottom. a lot of people are also hoping for a hairy bara bottom, but i think olivine and morvay are the bare(ha) minimum closest we'll get to it.
We have 3 human love interests and 7 nonhuman love interests, of which 3 are yokai. it would be nice to have another human love interest, although if he was nonhuman, it would be nice to have him not a yokai or not ambiguous like rei & quincy. Of the love interests, we also have 1 obvious extrovert (blade), a half extrovert (garu/karu), 2 possible ambiverts (olivine & dante), and everyone else is a very likely an introvert. can we get a bottom thats actually extroverted? We also only have 1 guy from the Fire territory, and no one from Dark territory. (Technically we don't know where Rei is from, and Blade & Garu don't originate in the Dead Zone, we just found them there).
Other missing characteristics: anyways, then i remembered that a lot of people call Rei as kuya if he was a bottom, and Dante as edmond if he was a top, and i personally see blade and garu as bottom/top comparisons of each other. which means yakumo and olivine are the only ones who don't have a "opposite role" version. obviously, olivine's already a bottom, so that means i'm guessing we'd get a bottom version of yakumo. so like an anxious, borderline yandere service bottom? Also, except for Olivine (and Morvay) all the bottoms are fairly vanilla (yes Rei's a power bottom, but i don't think he's kinky). A yandere bottom might be an even bigger masochist than Morvay/Olivine. Although if we take out the anxious part, and Rin became a bottom clan member, then we'd get the yandere bottom xD
Battle or plot-wise, I think the only thing we're missing is a good tank other than morvay. (Seriously, none of the SSR guardians beat SR morvay at the moment. There are reviews that say Rainy Rei is better, buuut he's an limited event SSR whereas everyone gets morvay from the beginning). Alternatively, Rei's low rarity units were all sabateurs when previously it was only Kuya. Currently, Olivine and Yakumo are the only support and healer low rarity units, so I suspect any new members might be a healer or support. (Honestly we don't need any more low rarity strikers).
As for "jobs"/plot archetype of the love interests, we have the chef/healer, the priest/teacher/healer, the knight/security, 2 kinda ancient magic users, 2 hand combat fighters, a royalty, and a scientist. 4 of them personally knew Huey (+Aster&Morvay, although Garu might have been kidnapped by Huey?). If I think in terms of D&D/other fantasy "roles", we have a lot of the combat/royalty/healer roles fulfilled, and Aster/Morvay fulfills the trade roles. So maybe an entertainer (i.e. Bard, Jester, etc)? And because NU: Carnival is NU:Carnival and they had the guts to put Morvay in a gloryhole room, i'm thinking an actual sex worker. And since sex/essence regulation is a key part of this universe, he can still be plot relevant. Also, that way we can finally have another experienced kinky character that could be an extroverted service bottom. It's only in a porn gacha game that revolves around sex, would we be able to find a sex worker as a useful role. Please utilize this opportunity! Especially since your protagonist worked at a sex toy company.
Sooo piecing all this info together, i'm hoping we get a bottom, who is mostly human, extroverted but possibly anxious, possibly kind of yandere, a sex worker, from either the Dark or Fire territory, and is another tank, healer, or support.
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
ANONIE :D what the fuck? what was that chapter anonie/j
Dont you have enogh? /j (also why lord hijiki remeind me of 12Shredder) also my hate to this boomer, L+ratio, estupido cara de burro, piece of shit called Lord
Anyways I have a question abt the
Of Awosan Future timeline, sooo where does Leo and Usagi lives? (/w their kids obv) like i think in one ask it was stablished(? that they didnt live in the sewer, but where exactly? like in the hidden city or in another part?
Also have this
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I’ve had that planned since December :)
Now you asked for the
So how dare I not deliver
So Leo and Usagi’s home. It is not in the Swede and it is not in the hidden city. Usagi wants to raise his kids in the sunlight. Finding out how long it was before Leo and his brother walked above ground horrifies him. He wants the world for his family. That includes being able to be normal kids and play outside.
Their home is outside of New York City. Think like the farm house from 2003. It’s in the woods and near a lake. It has a modern Japanese style to it, a blend of their two worlds. It’s private as at this point mutants and yokai are more common, Leo, Usagi and the others are famous because of their actions to keep the city/world safe.
In other
News. Do you want to hear about Raph and Mona Lisa’s kids?
No? Well You’re going to anyway.
They have been thinking about kids for a while but Leo and Usagi’s announcement that they were having a kid really sparked them forward. Why not have a kid now? It will be close in age to Leo’s kid meaning both kids will have someone to play with.
Lisa’s Italian family is traditional and normally pass down Italian names. Raph and Lisa have a deal that if they have a boy then Lisa gets to pick their name (an Italian name) and if it is a girl then Raph gets to pick their name (a Japanese name)
They have some trouble getting pregnant but finally they do.
They have their first kid about 8 months after Jotaro is born.
It’s a little baby boy named Benigno ( it means Friendly) He is named after Mona’s grandfather.
He is a green snapping turtle with a long tail but he had Lisa’s yellow spots.
And like his mother he’s bold. Where Jotaro is quite and mature Benigno will absolutely tell you what he thinks. They balance each other well and he is Jotaro’s best friend.
I think I will assign him the color red
They were thinking about having another kid. They had gotten pregnant again, when the twins were surprised adopted.
Mona was around 3 months pregnant at the time.
Making her 5 months pregnant when Leo and Usagi rushed home with two sick children.
Lisa was so scared that her kids could get this sick. She was terrified for Sakura and Ume. Luckily the girls pulled through
A little bit later Lisa had their first daughter, Mikazuki (meaning Crescent moon)
She is a black snapping turtle with yellow spots.
She is the same age as the twins but is more into sport then they are. She likes wearing dresses here and there but she’s not as girly as Sakura is. She does get a little more girly as she grows up. Helping Sakura with her fashion projects.
She is definitely a daddy’s girl as she loves playing sports ball with her father. Though if she was ever allowed on a sports team she would probably play water polo.
She picks the color white for herself
About a year later they have their youngest.
A little boy named Fulvio (it means Yellow)
He is a green salamander with yellow spots. He is a year older then Kaida and is much bigger
(all of Raph kids are bigger then Kaida was, still small but bigger then her. They are all still shocked by Kaida’s small size. This has to do with both Lisa be Raph being huge and their kids having half human DNA instead of the 1/4 that Leo and Usagi’s kids get)
He is a shy sweet little boy who enjoys reading and art. The is much quieter then his two more chaotic siblings.
Once Kaida comes along and is up and moving the two become a duo. Make no mistake Fulvio might be older but he is not in charge. He is following Kaida in all of her bad decisions
I shall make his color a greenish yellow or a bright yellow. This make him and Kaida yellow buddies.
That’s all I have so far. This can all change as well.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
How did Big Mama react to Donnie's arms being gone? Epically since Donnie wanted them his whole life.
She's exceptionally heartbroken for him. She knew exactly how much he liked having those extra limbs, how much he relied on them, and now b/c some stupid raiders wanted to steal some stuff, they're gone. (For Donnie, it probably ends up being similar to Dee in a way (shocker). he basically compartmentalized the loss of those limbs so much that he was just like "i'm fine. They were extra's anyways" to the point were even he believed it. Until his mom is there, holding him as she apologizes for not being there to help. at which point he realizes he's very much not alright about it, and breaks down.)
Thank you!
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Oh for sure. they know when they're needed and when they're not, though i'm sure they're not too far in case they do need help.
Thank you!
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Aww! That's so sweet! and kinda funny too b/c those resistance people would be sooo confused. Like this is what they'd know about their leaders family lives by this point
their mom's a spider yokai mob boss
apparently their dad was normal human, lou jitsu
somehow the four of them are turtles?
and they have (as far as they know) another dad who's a rat. (which does not explain the fact they're turtles
a sister thats just entirely human, but somehow not related to Lou
and an uncle that half of them still don't seem to trust
those poor confused Resistance guys lol : )
Thank you!
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Leo definitely brings Mama to the Vault immediately. Whether he lets them know who's coming before they get there, is another story. I could definitely see Leo being a brat and wanting to surprise his siblings with their mom.
Thank you!
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