#he’s the one flirting with the ladies and wearing the fancy gold armor
floyd-le · 2 years
i hope everyone realizes Honeydew is definitely Player 1 and Xephos is Player 2
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cats-obsessions · 7 months
If Durge Could Recruit Gortash Headcanons:
Once agreeing to ally with Gortash, Durge can convince him to join the party, but only if they agree to kill Raphael. If Karlach is in the party, this may be done in exchange for Gortash to fix her heart if Durge can pass the persuasion roll on Karlach.
• Upon joining the party, Gortash shows up in a more practical armor set, still gold and black but not as decorated as his robe. There’s scrapes and dents on parts of it, clearly having been worn before. Durge can ask him about it in conversation and discover he has chosen to wear the same armor as he did when they robbed Mephistopheles Vault. He never repaired it and can tell a story for each scratch.
• He does a lot to try to jog Durge’s memories, and it works a some degree. We hear little stories around the city, some more suggestive than others.
• Old habits never die. He’s constantly touching Durge, always walks next to them, has a lot of strong opinions but will only concede to Durge.
• Durge persuasion rolls on Gortash are DC10 and under. Anyone else it’s DC30.
• He absolutely compliments Durge a little too much. And he’s always the first at Durge’s side after the fighting ends. Grumbles if he has to rez anyone else but dotes on Durge.
• Gets along well enough with Astarion, Shadowheart, and Laezel. Respects Minthara and Gale, sees them both as potential allies if they know their places. Absolute bitch to Wyll. Actively the number one Ravengard hater.
• If Durge can convince Karlach to stick around, she will only be in the same party as Gortash once or twice. She’ll confront Durge about it after and either has to be kept separate or leaves the party.
• If taken to Astarion and Shadowhearts’ personal quests, he’ll be surprisingly respectful, and will tell them they’d make good Banites, particularly if Shadowheart resists Shar. (Kinda think he would tell Astarion not to Ascend but for his own advantage of not having to deal with an Ascended Vampire and not wanting the hells to gain power from 7,000 souls)
• Random gifts pop up in Durge’s inventory. He says nothing about them. One is definitely the hand of an enemy.
• When in the House of Hope, Gortash will only allow Durge to enter the prison with him until the warden is dead. He’ll tell them everything, but won’t let the others see it.
• Killing Raphael is very emotional. He’s proud, happy, relieved, but being there shakes him up. Durge can hug him in private when they talk about it.
• If Durge chooses to save Hope, she tries to hug ‘little Enver, all grown up’ before they leave. He does not like it, but part of him is happy to see her free.
• Durgetash romance can initiate after Raphael is dead. Sceleritas is so fuckin' pissed. Like, he kinda ships it, but he CANNOT handle Durge getting labotomized again for this Banite fool.
• He has random little personal quests and pop-up events like his formal coronation celebration ball, taking Durge to a fancy dinner, dealing with fans, and assassinating a rude journalist who called him not-so-young-and-handsome.
• If taken to Lady Jannath's estate, she flirts with him. Durge has an option to stab her for this- just once. Just a little. She'll be fine! Gortash approves. He apologizes to her, but he's absolutely into it.
• His two allied pathways at the end are to remain fully evil and control the brain/Faerun with Durge or absolutely still be, ya know, Gortash but destroy the brain and become archduke without the tadpoles' help as he’s now viewed as the city’s hero. This is his least evil option and requires a Durge romance or at least a Durge that will remain by his side regardless and saving Hope as pivotal moments.
• Durge's alliance or resistance of Bhaal would significantly influence this. Resisting Bhaal lowers the DC on any persuasion. Failing the duel with Orin would block any option except controlling the brain with Gortash as he sees it as the only way to protect Durge. Because controlling the absolute would offer them a large enough following to grant them literal ascension to godhood, freeing Durge from Bhaal's control. Plus, you know killing a god would only inflate Gortash's ego more, and that would be his new goal.
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olkarianprincess · 4 years
Can you write a shiro x pidge and one-sided Pidge x loter were there on opposite sides of the war Pidge is Gaara and betrothed to Prince lotor shiro is a pilot of Voltron
Huff. Huff.
Shiro doubled over the moment he rounded the corner. Inhaling as deeply and quietly as he could, he attempted to catch his breath. He couldn’t relax, though. They were still on his trail. The dark alleyway was a temporary sanctuary from the alien police force, but stopping also meant losing his momentum.
All too aware of the sweat pooling beneath his armor—of the painful tension in every muscle of his body—he waited in silence. The footsteps grew louder. Closer. In one hand, he clenched his bayard, ready to strike. In the other-
The sphere was gone.
Suddenly, everything melted away. The pain, the sounds, the worry of being caught—all gone. After all, none of it mattered if he had lost the one thing it was all for. Frantically, he searched the small satchel looped around his torso, and then the ground. The sphere was nowhere to be found.
And then there were footsteps.
On instinct alone, he spun around, but he was unprepared for what he saw.
At the end of his bayard was a single, cloaked figure. No police. No guns aimed for his head. Just an entity shrouded in darkness.
“I think you dropped this,” the mysterious stranger said.
Shiro paused before he looked down to their extended hand. A reflection caught his eye. Barely visible, beneath the shadow of a hood, he saw a yellow visor. Behind the visor, two piercing eyes.
And in the outstretched hand was the sphere.
Realization, followed by relief, swept into his body as the air did in his lungs. Without hesitation, he snatched the sphere and tucked it safely into his satchel. His eyes were only off the figure for a moment, but when he looked up, his strange ally was gone.
When Shiro peered out of the alleyway in hopes of spotting them, he saw nothing but the bodies of unconscious, bruised police littering the ground.
Music filled the grand room and, although he was certain it sounded like a fanciful masterpiece to the planet’s resident aliens, it was utter torture for Shiro’s human ears and acoustical tastes. Still, he forced a smile on his lips and waited, eyes glancing around the ball.
The wine, or whatever deep purple liquid it was that swirled about in his glass, wasn’t half bad, and he did recognize a few of the attendees. But Shiro was still bitter. This wasn’t supposed to be his mission.
Lance was the one that suggested they make a covert exchange with their informant. Lance was the one that insisted it had to be at a diplomatic ball. LANCE was the one that emphasized how much he wanted to go.
And yet...
Shiro tried to push away the bitter thoughts that attempted to take over his mind. He knew Coran had his best interests in mind. He also knew that he and Coran had very different ideas of what a “much needed relaxing break of a mission” looked like.
With a sigh, Shiro abandoned that train of thought and focused on finding his contact. Unfortunately, being a super secret matter of intergalactic importance, team Voltron got very little information on what their ally looked like. There was but one clue: the contact would wear a flower pin. They’d at least been given a photo. If they hadn’t, Shiro was certain that Matt would’ve gone on a full out rant about how disappointed Colleen would be that a group of intelligent aliens didn’t recognize not only how common flowers could be in decorative attire but what variety of flowers there are across inhabitable planets. Fortunately, the green lion’s paladin had only done a mini-rant.
Two hours into the ball, Shiro had seen no flower pin. Awkward conversations were plentiful, as were suspiciously jiggly finger foods. But no pin. With a sigh, Shiro pressed his back into the column behind him. He was about to contact Allura to see if the plan was a bust when something caught his eye.
Across the ballroom floor, in a perfectly tailored Galra-equivalent to a suit, stood a handsome gentleman with a gold flower pin on his chest. Wolfs-bane, Shiro recalled Matt saying. That’s what the flower resembled. He stared for but a moment, and startled when brilliant yellow eyes stared back.
A genuine smile on his lips, he moved swiftly across the dance floor. On the other side, his companion awaited with an extended hand. Warmth bloomed in his chest, as did a different feeling. Familiarity. He felt as though this was not the first time they’d met.
“May I have this dance,” Shiro asked as he delicately took the other man’s hand into his own, pressing a soft kiss to the back.
“That’s what we’re here for,” the Galra replied.
“Oh is it?” Shiro asked.
He would never tell his friends, but he was enjoying the opportunity to flirt with a pretty stranger. The Galra had a short, slim body, but was clearly in good shape. His mess of deep purple, puffy hair reminded Shiro of Matt, although Matt didn’t have two soft cat-like ears hidden beneath his cut.
“I thought a gentleman like you would be here for something else,” Shiro continued.
“Perhaps I’m here to meet a friend,” his dance partner replied.
“That makes more sense. For some reason, you don’t strike me as the kind of person to voluntarily attend these events.”
A delightful laugh spilled from the Galra’s mouth, forcing Shiro to turn his head away. It was hard to hide a growing blush when in close proximity with another person. So he switched tactics. The conversation changed, ebbing and flowing with the melody that surrounded them. Until, at last, the song ended.
“I think you dropped this,” his partner remarked with a grin.
Eyebrows furrowed, Shiro tried to decipher the words, but was answered by warm hands wrapping around his own. His heart skipped a beat and then his mind took over. The Galra drew away, but left something behind. Grasping the small device firmly, Shiro moved toward the edge of the crowd. He had to let Allura know that the data had been delivered.
Please be safe.
Shiro’s heart pounded heavily in his chest. If he hadn’t known better, he would’ve thought the beat alone was shaking the cockpit of the black lion. They hadn’t been able to respond. The distress signal came just after Haggar’s forces launched a surprise attack. There was no way for them to respond.
Shiro prayed to whatever gods would help him that the city was safe. The Rodlians had been one of the first members of the Voltron Coalition. They didn’t deserve to be punished for that.
The black lion entered Rodlia’s atmosphere. As they descended, smoke obscured the lion’s screen, and Shiro’s heart raced faster. Prepared to launch straight into battle, he was overcome with dread when the city became visible and no enemy was spotted. The worst, it seemed, had already come to pass.
Landing roughly, Shiro sprung from his lion-ship, ready to do everything in his power to find survivors. But the streets were not littered with victims of war. Here and there, buildings suffered damage, but the citizens seemed to be in good health, if not tired. Spotting him, the city leader came forward.
“What happened? We were attacked and couldn’t get here in time. Did you defeat them yourselves?” Shiro launched into inquiry.
“It’s alright, son,” the older alien patted his leg.
Her head only went as high as his thigh, and yet her voice commanded respect. Instantly, he felt a little better.
“We’re alright. Lady Pidge came to our aid.”
A bony finger pointed in the direction of a cloaked figure, several yards away. Shiro thanked the leader and apologized once more (to which he got a gentle head shake in response) before heading over to greet the one called “Pidge.”
“Excuse me,” he called out.
The figure turned at the sound of his voice, revealing a familiar face.
“Lady Pidge?” Shiro sputtered, “Oh shit I’m so sorry, I called you a man before, I-“
Pidge, the handsome contact he had danced with at the ball, waved off his words with a smile.
“It’s fine,” she said. “I don’t care.”
“Ah, alright. Well, what are you doing here?”
“The Coalition sent me. I’ll tell you more, but it’s going to cost you.”
Once again, the Galra had thrown Shiro for a loop.
Pidge pointed and Shiro followed the direction of her finger...all the way to his metal arm.
“Let me take a look at it?” she asked, an intense sparkle in her eyes.
“Oh, okay,” he responded with a laugh.
Warmth filled his chest as he trailed after her towards a laptop (of sorts) situated at the base of a statue.
“No fair! How come Shiro gets a secret admirer?!” Lance whined.
“Yeah! How come Coran lets Shiro have two girlfriends and I get none?” Hunk joined in, a huge smile on his face.
“Hunk,” Keith shot him a glare, “That’s biphobic.”
“Oh, you’re right Keith, my bad. How come Coran lets Shiro have a girlfriend and a boyfriend and I get none?”
Keith collapsed onto the couch with laughter at Hunk’s response and even Shiro couldn’t keep himself from grinning. He scooped up the package Coran had deposited on the table and turned to make his escape, sparing Allura a brief glance before he went. She looked...done, to put a word to it.
In his quarters, alone and away from prying eyes, Shiro gingerly opened the heavy metal box. Of course he knew it wasn’t a present from a secret admirer. That whole bit of drama was entirely a product of Matt’s desire to stir up trouble. But he still didn’t know what it was or who it was from. All Coran said was that someone from the Coalition had sent it.
With bated breath, and a quick prayer that there was not, in fact, a bomb inside, Shiro pressed the buttons on either side of the box and watched as it clicked open. Inside, delicately wrapped, was a thin holopad. He activated and it glowed with life, displaying the message:
Thought you could use an upgrade.
(PS: I’ve included installation instructions.)
And below the message was a little icon of some cute gremlin face with swirly glasses.
Shiro set the device to the side and opened the compartment below the first one. He almost cried when he saw the gift.
Inside was a brand new, clearly custom-made, prosthetic arm.
“I’m still not comfortable going into the heart of the Galra empire, invited or not,” Shiro stated as they approached the massive space station.
“I’ve gotta agree,” Matt said, although his voice lacked its usual carefree tone.
“Relax,” Allura assured, “now that Lotor’s emperor, we don’t need to worry about the Galra attacking us. At least, not the ones under his command.”
“Oh yeah and what about the other 40% of Galra that aren’t?” he heard Lance mutter.
Apparently Allura heard him too, as was indicated by the thump and yelp that followed.
“Lotor is gaining more and more of the Galra’s allegiance each day,” Allura reassured them. “I’ve heard a large part of it is due to the support for his fiancé. Many of the Galra feel more comfortable about his rule knowing they’ll be married.”
“Must be some lady. Or dude. Or, ya know,” Hunk added.
“Quite right,” Coran chipped in. “Maybe you’ll get to meet them.”
Further conversation was cut off by their arrival. Boarding the station was tense, but otherwise uneventful. As they walked through halls radiating with purple light, Shiro couldn’t help but make a pattern of clenching and unclenching his fist. It was an uncomfortable situation for all of them, but Shiro would be lying if he said it wasn’t worse for him and Matt. In truth, there were several thoughts on repeat in his mind keeping him sane.
First was the knowledge that they’d receive valuable access to Galra tactical data and technological schematics. He’d be able to study it and come up with better plans to free the universe. Second was the thought of getting to punch Lotor in the face, should the emperor step out of line. It was an unlikely situation, but the fantasy brought him joy. And like that fantasy, his third thought, of potentially running into Pidge again, kept him going.
Lotor greeted them outside of the throne room and Shiro focused on taking deep breaths while his friends questioned the new Galra ruler. He could barely process what everyone was saying. It was just another mission, he told himself. It would be over soon. Hunk asked about culture and Lance exclaimed something that sounded like “a nanny,” but the full conversation didn’t register in Shiro’s mind. They were being swept into the throne room, Lotor monologuing some nonsense, and light flooded through the opening of the heavy doors as they stepped in.
Shiro blinked once, twice, and then his gaze locked onto a pair of familiar yellow eyes. Warmth flooded his chest. A smile danced on his lips. The tension melted away and suddenly he found himself able to focus. It was just in time for him to hear Lotor say:
“And I’d like to introduce you to my fiancé, Lady Pidge.”
The yellow eyes that had met his quickly looked away.
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feyria · 7 years
Yet another bnha oc~
Name:­ Yozaki Torabiru
Nickname: Neko and Zaki
Villain Name:­ Bakeneko
Age: 26
Gender:­ male
Sexuality:­ Asexual
Personality:­ Sly and calculating, Yozaki likes to speak to others as if he knows something they don't. Most of the time he has absolutely no idea but he enjoys getting on others' nerves all the same. He can be considered as laid back or aloof, rarely getting mad and almost always seen with a grin or smirk on his face. As cliche as it is, Yozaki does drop the occasional cat pun, but only occasionally when he is feeling any intense emotion. Yozaki really just enjoys causing general havoc in the middle of the night, normally when its cloudy or under a new moon. He tends to appear from nowhere, his crimes ranging from petty theft to arson and even attempted murder. After having his fun or when heroes begin to show up, Yozaki disappears down alleys or inside parks. His quirk and clothing give him the advantage when it comes to running away.
Likes:­ Surprisingly, Yozaki likes dogs and even has one as a pet. Creating trouble in every and any way possible. He likes to collect nice rocks that he finds for the simple reason in that they just catch his attention.
Dislikes:­ How heroes that only work for money or fame are deemed heroes while he was considered a borderline criminal for trying to help others without a license.
Strengths:­ Cunning and extremely sneaky, Yozaki can make a quick get away and outwit most police officers as well as a good number of heroes. Clever enough to not fall for most baits or traps. Yozaki can handle his anger very well and even when infuriated, he can keep himself from lashing out in a way that will play him into his enemies hands.
Weaknesses:­ Though he can keep his anger under a tight lid, he does hold grudges and it is nearly impossible for him to forgive someone. He could be dying and still refuse help just because he dislikes the person. Very bitter towards heroes, Yozaki is a loose cannon that just barely works with others. There is always the small question of when he will turn on other villains as well just to have more fun.
Appearance: Yozaki is fairly tall, standing at 6'5' with a decently muscular build similar to Bakugo and Todoroki. His hair is short, black and typically slicked back; Yozaki has olive colored skin. His pale yellow eyes have a thin shape as if he always has them narrowed. He wears rounded rectangular glasses, the lense frames only cover the bottom halves and are red in color. He doesn't wear shoes, his mutation quirk gives his feet extra padding to protect them from the rough floor. The padding is very similar to the pads on a cat's paws; he also has black cat ears on the sides of his head instead of human ears along with a sleek black tail about four feet in length.
Standard Clothes: Yozaki likes to wear casual clothing like form fitting black jeans with a black long sleeved shirt and a black sweater vest on top. Most of his wardrobe consists of dark colors like blue, purple and black. Flannel shirts are something he wears on the rare days that he doesn't feel like leaving his home.
Costume:­ Yozaki wears a tight fitting black long-sleeved shirt with a red-gold armor vest on top and black and red cargo pants with extra padding on the sides and knees to protect against damage. He has red and gold armor wrapped around his tail that stops two inches from the tip and two inches from the base. He has similar armor placed on the back of his ears. He keeps smoke bombs, lock picks, handcuffs, razor blades, a taser and various other weapons in the pockets of his pants.
Weapons/Gadgets:­ Silver, red and gold gauntlets with steel claws, they fit his whole hands like gloves and have a steel plate extension that covers his forearm about an inch below his elbows. The gauntlets have metal plates on the tips of his fingers as well as a portion of his palm similar to the pads on a cat's paw. The plates can become heated or magnetic with the flip of a switch on the back of the gauntlets.
Swim:­ Absolutely hates water so he doesn't have a swim suit.
Sleep:­ Because it's much more comfortable for him Yozaki prefers to sleep either nude or with just grey boxers on.
Winter:­ Surprisingly weak to the cold, Yozaki wears oversized fur sweaters, a scarf around his neck, fluffy ski caps, and jeans. He even wears shoes if it's snowing.
Formal:­ he doesn't attend formal events so he doesn't own anything particularly fancy. If he does attend one, he'll just go in his favorite outfit of form fitting black jeans and a long sleeved black shirt.
*Who would they?­ Fall for:­ As wild and erratic as Yozaki can be, he prefers someone that is more down to earth and grounded. A level headed rock to help him relax and unwind after causing trouble. He likes knowledgeable types, those that prefer to fight their battles with common sense and quick with over pure brute force. If they can keep up with his quips and playful taunting, all the better for him in his book.
Befriend:­ Extremely picky about those he chooses to spend more than ten minutes around, Yozaki only befriends a person after determining that they will not hold him back from having fun. He enjoys being around a person that really doesn't care what he does no matter how twisted it is. It's even better for him if that person likes to cause trouble as much as he does.
Hate:­ Heroes like Endeavor and MT. lady, people that only care for their reputation. Those that try to ruin his twisted games and the police force. Yozaki really can't stand a person that follows the way society works; a person that believes anything is illegal if the culprit doesn't possess the proper licenses even if they are doing the right thing.
Respect:­ Yozaki can respect those that don't turn a blind eye to the cruelty of the world. Those that don't try to sugar coat their words or actions. Someone like Stain would be the type of person Yozaki respects, he might have even admired the hero killer for a bit.
Rival:­ Yozaki doesn't believe in rivals as he has no competitive spirit at all. He sees life as a playground and he's just there to have fun. The only thing he is ever serious about is showing heroes how efficient and cunning he can be, what they ended up missing out on when they labeled him a criminal in his early days.
Hobbies/Skills:­ Yozaki likes to brand his victims with the heated plates on his gauntlets, leaving paw shaped burns on their body. Collecting nice rocks and precious jewels that he steals.
*How they Act­ Towards Romantic Int­erests: A huge cuddler, Yozaki loves to initiate physical contact with those that he is in a relationship with. He doesn't go much farther than hugs, cuddles or laying on them. He also likes to bring gifts whenever he can; mainly jewels he steals or something specific that the other person enjoys. He can't cook to save his life but he still tries for them any way. Yozaki is a shameless flirt, showering his love interest with cringey pick up lines and embarrassing dirty talk.
Acquaintances:­ Yozaki likes to be off on his own most of the time so any acquaintances he has he rarely speaks to unless he's bored or stuck near them for some time. Anything he does say to them is normally carefully worded to get a reaction out of them and if he likes how they respond, he may hang around them more often.
Towards Friends/Clos­e Friends: For those that manage to hold his attention long enough, Yozaki tries to get them to join him on his night time "games" of causing trouble in the cities. He drops the habit of trying to annoy them unless he's in a bad mood. Otherwise he just hangs around them, lounging about or snacking on something to pass the time.
Rivals:­ Since he doesn't see anyone as a rival, Yozaki treats them the same way he treats acquaintances, he only speaks to them when necessary and most of it is baited speech as he tries to annoy them for fun.
Towards Enemies:­ Yozaki is vicious with his enemies, nearly going out of his way to find any and every weakness on them and relentlessly exploiting them. He doesn't hesitate to end their life if he's given the chance but he tends to fail because he tries to drag it out, giving others a chance to come to the rescue.
Towards Iconic Figur­es: With no one other than Stain to admire, Yozaki doesn't see anyone else as iconic so there's no change in how he acts. Unless that iconic figure is a hero that others admire, then Yozaki makes it his mission to physically break them and show the public just how weak they can be under pressure.
Meeting Strangers:­ Most of the time when Yozaki meets a stranger it's someone he is getting ready to attack or rob but he still may say a random sentence with little to no meaning, normally a way to distract them or catch them off guard. If it's another villain or someone that happens to like trouble, then Yozaki is just friendly enough to introduce himself before taking off.
When Facing Fears:­ Yozaki doesn't have many fears but when facing any of them, he tends to get angry with himself for being afraid in the first place. He becomes reckless and nearly twice as more likely to make a horribly simple mistake. He more or less goes on autopilot with only two things in mind: fight off the fear or escape from it.
In a life changing s­ituation: Yozaki considers every major event in his life as one that could change up his whole way of living. He takes everything in stride, regardless of how dangerous it can be to himself, he really just enjoys living in the moment. That's not to say that he doesn't fear death or things similar to it, it's more that he will try to go out with a bang- taking anyone else with him in the process.
History:­ Yozaki originally started out as a vigilante after being rejected from U.A, taking down criminals under the cover of darkness but that changed when he was caught. He was forced to spend a week in jail after ignoring multiple warnings from other heroes. He believed they were just bluffing, after all, he was helping them stop crime. He never understood how it could be considered illegal when he wasn't even severely hurting the perps. Nevertheless, after the week in prison, Yozaki began to hold a grudge against heroes and the whole society. He would still punish criminals, but as they continuously reprimanded him instead of thanking him for his help, he began to branch out damaging the surrounding area and any hero who tried to stop him. The final straw that pushed him completely over the edge was when he helped saved three other heroes from a villain tag team that had used hostages as bait. The heroes never thanked him for the help even though they nearly died and to make the whole matter worse, they treated him like he was part of the duo villain group. They believed his rescuing them had gone off entirely too smoothly, almost as if it were planned and they very nearly arrested him as well. He was able to escape from them but ever since then, Yozaki has despised heroes and all they stand for. He stopped playing vigilante and went full criminal, commiting any illegal act that could pop into his head and playing cat and mouse with the heroes or police force that may come after him. His favorite phrase is, "you don't need a license to have my brand of fun!"
Ethnicity/Nationality: Yozaki was born and raised in Japan, around Shinjuku to be exact.
Fighting Style: His fighting style really depends on who exactly he's fighting. Most of the time he goes for an ambush, sneaking up on his victims under the cover of darkness. Depending on his mood he'll either try to end them quickly or torment them until he's satisfied, using his strength to pin them down.
Habits: he likes to run his fingers through his hair when bored or thinking of ways to cause trouble. The first thing he does when he gets home every day is to dig through his rock and precious gem collection. It's not that he thinks anything has been stolen, it's more that he just really enjoys looking through them.
Family: Tanzaki Torabiru(father)- he's the one that Yozaki inherited the cat quirk from. He knows his son is a villain but has long since given up on trying to get him to stop. He also has no idea where to find him as Yozaki broke off from all contact years ago.
Mizumi Torabiru (mother)- Yozaki inherited his stretching quirk from her. She also tried to get Yozaki to quit his devious ways up until Stain came about. The whole situation with the hero killer helped her understand why Yozaki did what he did, even if it was way past the extreme level.
Residence: Thanks to all the trouble he likes to cause, Yozaki now has to live either on the run or on the low. He currently lives in a pretty run down neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. It's a small studio home with an even smaller bathroom and kitchen. He has a sofa bed, a small flat screen TV equipped with the most basic of cable and a laptop he stole a while back. It's not much but Yozaki is more than satisfied with it.
Musical Themes: Demi Lovato- sorry not sorry (no matter how many times I listen to this song, I always think of Yozaki)
Quotes:­ "I wanted to be a hero once...turns out being bad is a hella lot more fun!", "Why be a simple cat burglar when I can be a CAT-tastrophe??", "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" "In this crappy society it doesn't matter what you do, if you don't have the 'right documents' for it, you may as well be a villain- that's how this shitty world sees it!"
Quirk Name:­ Stretch cat
Type: mutation as well as transformation
Description:­ stretch cat is a two part quirk, the first being that he has cat-like features: a cat's tail, cat ears, whiskers, pupils that dilate and retract depending on sunlight, retractable claws on his hands and feet, and soft pads on his hands and feet as well (inherited from his father). The second part of his quirk is that he can stretch any of his limbs (arms, legs and tail)up to three feet from his body. The downside is that they don't give him extra strength, he has to work and build muscle on his body as well as increase his endurance (inherited from his mother) Overusing his quirk is similar to overusing any muscle: it causes pain, soreness, burning and he could even pull or tear something if he gets carried away. He displays some cat-like behaviors as well: purring, hissing, letting the odd meow or two slip past his lips and, of course, having better reflexes.
Strengths:­ Enhanced reflexes give Yozaki the upper hand in close combat fights, his reaction time is impeccable and he can easily dodge some dangerous blows. With the stretch ability, he can turn a close quarters fight into a long ranged one on his end. His ears and eyes also give him the upper hand at night with slightly better vision but not as perfect as a cat's while he ears raise his hearing level.
Weaknesses: His ears and whiskers are very sensitive to pain so he tends to fight in a way to protect them. A good hit to one of those areas will cause him to either flinch away or become stunned for a few crucial seconds. He's gone through mental and endurance training to fight this but there's still a good 50% chance that he will be caught off guard.
Main Skills:
Caudal whiplash: Yozaki lashes his target with his tail three times in succession. He attacks with his tail stretched taut to maximize the damage, the third strike having a 65% chance of drawing blood at the cost of causing pain to himself.
Branding paw: flips the switch to heat the metal plates on his gauntlets before going on a near reckless attack against his target. The metal plates can heat to a scorching 450° degrees but to keep from burning himself, Yozaki only keeps the heat on for twenty seconds, not including the heating and cooling down times. Takes a good ten seconds to fully heat and another ten to cool down.
Spider-cat escape tool: flips the switch to activate the magnetic force in his metal paw plates so he can scale most steel surfaces. The magnet itself is strong enough to support his weight so he doesn't lift his hands to climb, instead he slides his hands up in a shuffle motion. It saves him energy until he's ready to deactivate the force.
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