#he���s a pegasus because he’s fast
minidirk · 11 months
I skipped some but!! I answered the questions from the first “ask game” because umm I wanted to talk about myself.
🩹 What do you experience when you regress? (i.e fuzzy feelings, motor skill or speech struggle, etc.)
Repetitive speech n um stunted too, I kind of type how my thoughts go which means it looks kind of silly when I’m big. I also forget a lot of things I usually know how to do, but luckily I can still drive! Things like cooking and math are hard though :(
🧡 How often do you regress or try to regress?
I don’t try because I don’t like to but um recently it’s been happening a lot.
🍬 Do you read agere fanfiction and if so, about who?
🧸 Are you an older sibling who regresses/caregives or a younger sibling who regresses/caregives?
I have no siblings, it’s just Dirk over here!
💚 Were you considered an "old soul" growing up or were you more "childish"?
“Old soul” was used to describe me lots because I learned a lot all the time.
💜 What are you obsessed with right now in your headspace? (sanrio, sharks, bluey, etc)
Stampy and Squid :)!! Rewatching Race to the Moon and the MAC podcasts sonce I’ve been small again a lot.
🧚‍♀️ What is age regression/caregiving to you?
When I get smaller it means that I I can’t do big kid things but I do get to do things I like because I know it is my brains way of telling me to be nicer to myself. Caregiving means um talking to me and listening to me talk about things I like when I am small and also maybe playing games n coloring with me!!
🧃Which animal best represents your headspace?
Oo that is hard!! But I think maybe a frog because I hop away from my problems and I like to play in the mud :)
🐇 Has it been or was it hard for you to find a little/caregiver?
Nope n I am very lucky for that!!!! I’ve only ever had two but Jakey is the best n he was super nice to me when I asked him.
🎮 Do you struggle to play pretend or are you super imaginative?
I do not struggle at all!! I like to play with my stuffies and my ponies and my pokemon especially.
🌈 What mythical creature would you rather be? (Hybrid, Fairy, Dragon, etc)
A jackalope!! I wouldn’t want to BE a pegasus because I want to ride on their wings into the sky. If I were a jackalope, though, I could use my horns for protection, I could still hear very well (I have sensory processing issues), and I would be small and fast enough that I could get away from bad people.
👾 What's the quickest way to get you in your headspace?
Having a bad day usually triggers it, and then after that it s usually MLP, Keroppi, Stampy, or coloring.
💭 What's one thing you often daydream about doing with your little/caregiver?
Watching cartoons together on a couch and and telling them all the cool things I know about them :)! Like watching Word Girl and leading into Minecraft Story Mode (because Patton Oswald) and talking about my favorite guy Lucas and how ch5 is the best one because ummm Stampy is in it. Or or how The Butcher, Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy, and Dr. Two Brains are all in love and holding hands and Chuck auspitized the other two at first :)
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shadowthedragoncat · 1 year
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A few of my mlp ocs if they were in @shirecorn 's skyscraper gods AU
I chose these 5 because i thought they'd be the most different from their original designs, though if this were really true to the AU then cristal probably wouldn't exist considering hes a pony/changeling hybrid
Also since shirecorns pegasus designs are based on birds i based skittles design on a roadrunner since he runs fast :3
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kaibacorpintern · 2 years
#4, #12 and #13 for the Random Writing Questions, please
4. Which character(s) do you love to hate?
None, honestly! It's hard to say I genuinely "hate" any character in Yugioh, because for me hating a character means I find them annoying or unpleasant to watch, and I don't even think Gozaburo or Pegasus qualify, by those metrics. In other fandoms, yes, there are characters I'd rather have less of, but not in Yugioh. There ARE Yugioh characters I find way less interesting or compelling than others, but I definitely don't hate them for it. I just ignore them lol!
12. What is one character you love but rarely/never write? 
I would LOVE to write more Malik! He's so interesting to me. Vain and cruel but with a powerful capacity for grace and change, and his relationships with Isis and Rishid are rife with potential - loving but fraught (my favorite.) The world is his oyster and he seems determined to explore it and make the most of it, which is a fantastic way to grow up really, really fast - or not! Now that he can do whatever he wants, what DOES he do? What mistakes does he make? What does he learn about himself?
13. Is there one character that always fights you when you try writing them?
Not really. Although I think Gozaburo is a very hard character to get right - you want to make him terrifying and menacing WITHOUT him becoming shlocky or exaggerated or a caricature.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Doctor Y/n - Intern Year - 7 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
Hospitals work fast, but the hospital rumour mills work faster.
It had been a week since Jo's first date with Jason Myers.
That meant a weeks worth of rumours were swirling around you and Jo but you were oblivious to them.
A week since Pegasus Horizons had decided to pull their offer.
That meant that more staff were walking out so you were sprinting around the hospital trying to rearrange schedules whilst Leah dealt with the overbooked OR rooms.
"Are you pissed at me? Are both of you pissed at me? I blew you both off so you're pissed at me-"
"I'm pissed because I have 85 million things to do since Robbins walked out-"
"I'm trying to rearrange schedules because everything is overbooked. I have to go, Joey." You replied, hurrying off to try find Doctor Hunt.
"I should have gone to Hopkins when I had the chance." Karev muttered, going back to ignoring Jo.
"I'll get those labs." Jo said to herself as she walked away.
You were checking on Doctor Torres' post-op patients when your phone began to ring.
"S/n, how are my patients?"
"Two have been discharged, does Doctor Robbins want an update on hers because Doctor Karev and... Joey have been working in peds-"
"What's wrong with you and Wilson?"
Arizona glanced up at Callie, frowning at the mention of you and Jo.
"She's either ditching me for Karev or for this Myers guy- I'm sorry I'm not interested in car insurance because I don't have a car, thanks for your time, bye."
"S/n, mini-me, wait-"
"What's wrong with S/n? Are our patients okay?" Arizona enquired, looking at Callie in confusion.
"I think Wilson is cheating on S/n and S/n hasn't realised yet." Callie stated, leaving Arizona to pause.
"Stop right there, I know this is really bad but don't be that girl." Jo interrupted Steph.
"What girl?"
"That girl who follows her boyfriend across the country like a puppy dog-"
"I followed you to Seattle." You interrupted Jo, raising an eyebrow as you bit into an apple slice.
"We both know that's different, Braces." Jo argued, her face falling when you wouldn't meet her eyes, instead, you looked at your phone.
"I have to answer this." You stated, walking away.
"S/n, can you meet us in the ambulance bay?"
You didn't expect a creepy black van to flash its lights at you in the ambulance bay.
"You know, this looks suspicious as hell, right? Also everyone's panicking because the hospital is being sold for liquidated parts-"
"What's going on with you and Wilson?" Doctor Torres asked, leaving you to pause.
"Did you have lunch?" Doctor Robbins interjected, leaving you to pause.
"Uh, I had an apple." You replied, fidgeting in your seat as Doctor Robbins passed you a bottle of water.
"You said Wilson is ditching you for Karev and some other dude-"
"Karev likes Jo but Jo is hanging out with some OB/GYN resident, so she ditched us both- I have to go, Brooks is paging me." You quickly ducked out, confusing both Doctor Torres and Robbins all together.
"We missed a lot by qutting." Callie admitted, watching you sprinting inside whilst Arizona chewed her lip, humming in agreement.
"Hey, there will be other programs." Karev tried to comfort a crying Jo.
"Not like this one. Not with a teacher like you, and maybe not with Braces either. I've barely seen you or Braces this week. I'll find another job and Braces will too, but if it means I can't see either of you? I don't think I could handle that." Jo admitted, leaving Karev's face to fall as he spotted you sprinting down the hallway, completely in the dark about what was going on.
You were waiting by the elevator when Doctor Karev appeared.
"Have you seen Wilson?" He asked but you just shook your head, about to step into the elevator when your face fell.
Jo was stepping back from Jason Myers, excitement on her face whilst you and Karev shared looks.
"Alex! Braces! Do you two know Jason?" Jo began, leaving you to raise an eyebrow.
"Chest peckwad-"
"Jason Myers." He tried to introduce himself but you just glanced at the hand offered to you and Karev.
"Are you two getting on or what?" Jo asked, frowning as you stepped back.
"I'll take the stairs." Karev stated, heading away before he heard what you said.
"I'll join you." You announced, giving Jo a small almost painful smile before hurrying away.
"That guy gives me the creeps." You grumbled as you followed Karev down the stairs, leaving Karev to pause and look at you.
"Me too." He admitted, the two of you nodding in agreement before heading to your respective floors.
You'd been seeing Jo less and less as she split her time between working in peds with Karev and hanging out with Myers outside of shift.
This time, you were sat with Brooks and Murphy, waiting for a case to come in that would require the new fully-body scanner.
"Alright. Brooks, hop in!" Hunt ordered, gesturing to the machine as Brooks looked up with a giddy grin.
"Let's find that marble, and the rest of you, line up and watch."
Of course a trauma patient came in that stopped that attempt.
However, it was only when Jo didn't answer your text because she was going to hang out with Myers that you went to hang out with Brooks and Murphy in the ER as Brooks went into the fully-body scanner.
"One, two, three, four, five six-" You, Brooks and Murphy all said together as the scan began to appear.
"Oh! I see the marble!" Leah exclaimed, leaving Brooks to look up with a gasp whilst you laughed and kept counting.
"Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen!"
"Doctor Yang, I'm on cardio today with you."
"Skully, scrub in, we've got a trauma patient."
"Just looking for a status report for the patient's kid." Doctor Hunt asked, looking directly at Doctor Yang and ignoring you in the process.
"The injury extends into tha aortic arch. So in order to keep head perfusion I have to bypass in two circuits. I'm just waiting on Russell for a second option. Skully, vitals?"
"Stable." You replied, ignoring Hunt by keeping your eyes on the monitors.
You were sat with Brooks in Joe's, sipping your drink when Ross walked over.
"Hey!" Brooks grinned whilst you just nodding at him, sipping your drink to avoid the conversation.
"I know what you're doing and apparently you think I'm too nice to do anything about it, but you're wrong. So you can try and snake neuro out from under me, but just so we're clear, I'm not going down without a fight." Ross warned, glaring at Brooks.
"I'm not-"
"Save it." Ross stated, walking off as Brooks frowned turning to you.
"I have no idea what the hell that was." You admitted, leaving Brooks to sigh.
"Heard you were on cardio today." She began, leaving you to nod.
"Yeah, it's not ortho, but it's really interesting. I'd say cardio and ortho are my top two, whereas I heard yours is neuro, judging by Shane's reaction." You teased, waving to the bartender so that you and Brooks could get refills.
"Promise me you'll be nice."
"Those guys are trying to take down Bailey, they don't deserve nice." Karev interjected to Jo's request.
"No, not to them, to Jason. Ten minutes ago you said to me 'hey I have a surgery with your d-bag boyfriend- hang on, hey Braces, I need you to promise to be nice to Jason-"
"He gives me the creeps, Joey-"
"I'm moving in with him." Jo stated, interrupting you as you and Karev immediately stopped in your tracks.
"You're what?"
"So, what do you think?" Jo asked, glancing between you and Karev.
"I think it's great." Karev replied sarcastically, biting back his sarcastic comments.
"You're what?" You repeated, gawping slightly.
"No, I think the guy's a douchebag who you've known for about two minutes and that makes you an idiot for moving in with him." Karev stated before walking off, leaving Jo to turn to you.
"Braces? Say something please. You'll have more space in the apartment and the bed to yourself... or not, you could take your one-night stands back there-"
"Joey, you're making it worse than it sounds. What is worse than it sounds though is you moving in with a guy who gives me the creeps... if it goes south, my door is open."
"What do you mean if it goes south-" Jo interjected but you just turned on your heel.
"It's your life Joey, just don't leave me like everyone else has." You replied, letting out a sigh before you went to go check Doctor Yang's pre- and post-op patients.
You didn't expect to return to the apartment and find Jo had already taken her half of the stuff.
You felt sick as you opened the wardrobe, finding Jo had taken all her clothes, including the hoodies the two of you would share.
A tear dripped down your face as you padded over to the couch, picking up the remote but you couldn't press the buttons because a sob was busy escaping your lips instead.
Jo had removed all of her existence from the apartment without even realising. You were alone.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Yandere Fairy Tail Hc’s
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, delusions, clinginess, overprotective behavior, manipulation, stalking, blackmailing, threatening, sabotage, kidnapping, killing
Hibiki Lates
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✨Hibiki is a semi-delusional Yandere. I admit it, he obviously is quite perceptive and intelligent so he isn't a fully delusional Yandere. Still though he can't help, but think of his darling as something more. He's a womanizer and rumors say that he's had many different girlfriends at the same time. But with the sudden entrance of his darling something seemed to change. He suddenly turned extremely obsessive, wanted to know everything about them and he could never stop thinking about them ever since. So even if he knows that some things he does aren't technically right, he views this whole situation as some sort of destiny and that his darling is his only one. He's quite infatuated with his darling for that reason.
✨Manipulative and overprotective. Hibiki obviously has his charm upon his sleeve and there is a reason he's been voted for several years in a row as a boyfriend every girl would like to have. Problem is that if his darling is looking for a serious relationship, they might ditch him since he is a womanizer and they wouldn't want to be with someone who hangs out with numerous women at the same time. Hibiki has to prove something in here and he is aware of that. But he's a determined and persistent man and he will make sure that he'll court his darling successfully and he isn't above making himself look better than other possible competitors. And a man has to protect his lover after all so of course he is more protective, though he overdoes it in order to look more like a gentleman.
✨Hibiki might just experience for the very first time in his life how real jealousy feels like when you have someone you want to love and cherish for the rest of your life. As someone who is constantly being talked over and the knowledge that he is everyone's dream man give him a certain confidence and since he is a polite man, he never really lashes out on someone. But he learns quickly that he dislikes it when someone else tries to charm his darling the way he does and that e likes it even less when they react flattered by it. Such experiences never really fail to make him a bit more possessive since it's a brilliant reminder that he wants no one else to steal you away from him.
✨He ensures protection as good as he can, but if his darling is a mage themselves he naturally admires their strength and respects it when they can kick someone's asses all by their own. We did see in the Grand Magic Games that he isn't exactly strong when it comes to brute strength so in that aspect his darling might actually surpass him, but he is smart and great in other things. He has without a doubt his own little fanbase and has influence due to his popularity so it may very well be that he uses this against people he views as serious threats and destroys their reputation just like this. He does this more with people who harrassed the s/o or make their life hard rather than people who try to snatch his darling away and make them theirs. In such cases he rather trusts his own looks and charms.
✨Assuming that he does manage to become his darling's boyfriend, it might be not very likely that they would break up very fast since Hibiki almost appears to be the prefect boyfriend, he's probably just a bit too much. But since Hibiki views the whole reason you two met in the first place as fate he of course doesn't plan on letting his darling leave now that he's found true love. He uses manipulation over violence since he sees himself above such brute methods and in general he prefers blackmailing and bribing over physical force the moment he fails to solve an issue the normal way.
✨It's really not seen as anything serious when he first is seen in public with you, but when it is suddenly made clear soon after that he stopped looking at other women and stopped flirting with every women he's encountering, it's made clear that this is due to his relationship with you. His teammates and Ichiya congratulate him soon after for having found the real passionate love. Hibiki is actually a bit careful around his teammates when you're with him since they are womanizers as well and for that might behave the same with you which does make him jealous a bit. I think he has no real problem being extremely cheesy and romantic with you even in front of others. That guy does give his darling space even if he can be rather clingy from time to time, but if he misses them he tends to try to communicate per telepathy.
Eve Tearm
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💛Eve is pretty much alike to Hibiki in this matter. He as well is a semi-delusional Yandere. However, he isn't like Hibiki a more intellectual character yet and different from Hibiki lacks the more serious side. He is younger after all and views that as part of his charm so he has a far more stronger side to himself than Hibiki has. Because Eve falls much more faster in love than Hibiki does and for that has a much more stronger view on destiny and that him and his darling are meant to be. He is protective as well. He might be younger and maybe less experienced than his other friends, but he as well wants to prove his dedication and love to the s/o.
💛Obsessive which should be obvious. What kind of lover would he be if he wouldn't know how to make you happy and how to always surprise you pleasantly. Something that still marks a big difference between him and Hibiki is the fact that Eve actually turns out to be more on the shy side once he's really fallen hard for his darling which is why he at first tends to be a bit more on the stalkerish side before Ichiya, Ren and Hibiki encourage the young man to go for this beaty before someone else takes them away from Eve. That includes them as well, they are womanizers. Eve uses manipulation less than Hibiki does since he is surprisingly bashful, but he will sweet talk things more harmless and appealing if he has too.
💛Eve is less possessive than Hibiki is and overall is less jealous. His darling gets their freedom and can talk to others all they like, he can endure them having friends and spending time with others. He is somewhat more cautios around other members of The Trimens for clear reasons. It isn't like Hibiki and Ren don't respect the fact that yo are Eve's lover, but being charming and flirting with women runs simply through their blood and so they might subconsciously accidentally and up doing just that. Eve of course is respectful with his friends and they understand him and stop quickly as well. In front of strangers flirting he still retains that more mature approach similar to Hibiki, but just like him he shares the dislike of seeing other people being all gentleman and nice to you the same way he is. He's not shy when it comes to making it to others clear that you already have him.
💛Similar to Hibiki he will share the same respect and admiration in case you are a wizard yourself and for that have spells up your own sleeves to fight for yourself, though in case of a sudden battle Eve would like to fight right besides you. Even with his whole soulmate belief Eve still mostly turns away from the idea of killing someone as long as it isn’t an emergency situation. He likes discussing it out as well and in the case that someone does try to cause troubles, you have a guild ready to help you out since Eve naturally won’t let anyone harm you. He can sabotage certain situations as well where odds are put against the person he views as a threat.
💛Assuming that you are part of Blue Pegasus, you two would already spend a lot of time together so there would be no need for him to kidnap you since he constantly hangs around you in the guild, regarding clinginess he can be more extreme than Hibiki is. He is younger and more delusional after all. And since he is seen from everyone in the guild as sie sort of younger brother he would definitely be able to count on their help in case something should have happened that caused you to be mad at him.
💛The wizard, despite higher clinginess, still respects the fact to hold back in public more than Hibiki would. Ren and Hibiki most likely triggered him to go out of his way and talk to his darling way back when he was still a secret admirer and didn’t know how to set up a good scenario and how to talk to them. Has a more submissive nature to him so he would like his darling to be the one to lead this relationship whilst he follows along and does in the meantime things to please them and make them happy. But similar to Hibiki he stops flirting with other women as we for the sake of you.
Ren Akatsuki
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🎆Funnily from all three of them, he probably is the most lucid one. But he still only is a semi-aware Yandere to have, he's stained ith the same delusions as his team members. He can view many of his habits as rather unusual and he knows that as well, but in the end his belief in the greater love manages to overcome most of his doubts and insecurities whether he's wrong about his feelings or not. He mostly tries to show his feelings in a more tsunderish form, but in the end he as well is far too much lovestruck to come over as very cold and his darling can tease him greatly for it. From The Trimens he's notably the most possessive Yandere to have.
🎆Protective and manipulative. No matter how cold he may try to act, he'll always defend you from others and save you when you do trip into some issues and even if he complains afterwards that you should have been more careful, he was very worried and that's evident. Ren is subtle about his manipulations as well, mainly because he wants his darling to love him without him having to use bribing and other sorts of lies and tricks, but similar to Eve he will do it when there would be the need for it.
🎆He doesn't get along very well with other men except Ichiya, Hibiki and Eve for the real funny reasons because he views other guys as his rivals in love (don't expect girls to be safe from this either, he'll merely be more polite). And Ren is the most rude about his jealousy because even if he is more embarrassed to show how much he really do loves you, he sure as hell won't have others flirt with you and take you away from him. He's the passive-aggressive type with such people and his feelings for his darling are always made obvious during such times. In front of people like Hibiki and Eve he is less harsh, but it doesn't stop him from shooing them away when they are suddenly all over you as well.
🎆He might just be the one who would be the easiest triggered from all of them to act when someone starts looking more and more like potential troubles for the s/o and the relationship. I would say that with love rivals he wouldn't be violent, more focused on just scaring them away and use threats and warnings to stay away the moment someone becomes very persistent on having his darling. If it comes to people such as bullies or perverts he has a faster way to react because simple flirting isn't anywhere near as worse as being catcalled or otheriwse humiliated. But just like with Hibiki and Eve I really only see him killing someone when the circumstances are very bad and the person turns out to be a possible death sentence for his darling if he doesn't do something. Anything can happen in the heat f a battle.
🎆Despite his tries to come over as a Tsundere, he still spends a lot of time with his darling which kind of blows his cover up, but that really isn't something new. Ren isn't necessarily clingy unless someone triggered his jealousy extremely or recently something bad happened to his darling and for that reason he decides to accompany them for safety reasons. Kidnapping is still something he wouldn't really consider since, as already mentioned, he is the most self-conscious Yandere to have from those three.
🎆How you can tease him about his constant tries to come over as a Tsundere despite easily getting flustered around you is really funny. Ren wants to look cool in front of his darling which means he obviously doesn't want to embarrass himself whilst you're watching so he always tries his best. He cools his interactions with other girls extremely down after he's courted you since he obviously cares about you more than anyone else. He might still fall back into the habit of simple flirting, but he learned his lessons quickly when you had enough of it, avoided him and did the exact same thing with Hibiki and Eve who naturally flirted back. He got quite mad at them afterwards for this, though they only helped you giving Ren a taste of his own medicine.
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ragingpancake · 3 years
I Will Try (To Fix You) - Part One
Here’s the thing: Rodney is an actual pain in the ass. They’d be hard pressed to find anyone in two galaxies who didn’t agree with that assessment but most of the time, John doesn’t mind. He puts up with all of Rodney’s neuroses with a kind of fond indulgence but there’s really only so much that one man can take, even if that man is John Sheppard, McKay whisperer. The trek to the Carnean settlement is long and it’s hot and John isn’t feeling charitable the fifty seventh time that Rodney complains about the heat. He snaps at the scientist in a way that he almost never does, even Teyla and Ronon visibly reacting to the sting of his words. Later, once they’re back home and John doesn’t feel like he’s going to sweat to death, he’ll ply Rodney with some chocolate and coffee as an apology, but now, he’s grateful for the silence. -- The Carneans aren’t quite what John expected. Most of the planets they trade with are primitive in technology, and the ones more advanced are usually comprised of a bunch of dicks. Teyla had warned that they were a peaceful people, but deeply, deeply religious in regards to their technology, believing them to be gifts from their Gods. She said it as a warning mostly to Rodney, who had horrible manners on even the best of occasions, but was known to abandon all pretense of any sort of civility when it came to shiny, new ancients toys that he could get his hands on. He promised to behave though, looking a little bitterly in John’s direction, clearly still smarting from the reprimand earlier, but John still won’t let himself feel bad about that when the armpits of his black t-shirt are completely drenched, leaving him to feel sticky and gross and still annoyed. To his credit, John can tell that Rodney really does try to behave. He questions the Carneans about their energy source almost delicately, even as his handheld is going crazy in his hand, alerting them all to almost ZPM level energy signals coming from just beneath them. His resolve to be, well, Rodney is slowly starting to break though and even though John warns him twice, voice growing more agitated as the Carneans grow increasingly uncomfortable with Rodney’s line of questioning. “Rodney,” Teyla interjects, forcing a smile to her face though her eyes never leave their leader, Arrens. “Perhaps it would be best if we—” “No, no! You don’t understand! This energy source is—” He yelps as Ronon scruffs him, grabbing him by the back of his tac vest to stop him from venturing to the giant pillars before them, the ones that lead down to their most sacred chamber. “Perhaps we should return to the village,” Arrens says and his voice is even, though clearly laced with barely concealed disdain for the scientist. John’s about to joke that he’ll have to get in line with all of the other people in Pegasus that Rodney has annoyed when Rodney wiggles free of Ronon and starts for the temple entrance. “McKay!” John snaps again and this time, it’s him who reaches out for Rodney, grabbing him none to gently by the shoulder, squeezing not so hard enough to actually hurt Rodney, but to get his attention. It has its desired effect and John leaves Teyla to offer their profuse apologies as he and Ronon set off for the Jumper, dragging Rodney between them.
--- “What part of sacred temple do you not understand?” John barks, whirling around on the scientist as soon as they’re far enough away from the Carneans. “For someone as smart as you, you have absolutely zero common sense!” “But the energy source--!” “I don’t give a crap about the energy source, Rodney! We need their grains, you know that, and instead, you’ve jeopardized this entire mission!” John’s sure why he’s so angry, but he’s hot, he’s tired, and once again, they’ll have to go back through the Gate empty handed all because Rodney couldn’t control himself for a total of two seconds. “Sheppard,” Ronon grumbles as Rodney seemingly wilts in front of them, not used to being on the receiving end of John’s Colonel Sheppard wrath and for a second, he feels a little bit like a dick. He takes a deep breath, in through his nose, out through his mouth and gestures to the Jumper. “Get in.” “Sheppard, I—.” “I said get in, McKay. We’ll have this discussion later.” --- They’ve only been back at the Jumper for about fifteen minutes when Teyla comes through the thick foliage and she doesn’t look nearly as put out as John expected. He knows that she’s been counting on those grains for the Athosian settlement too, but she seems in good spirits as they meet her at the ramp of the Jumper. “I have spoken to Arrens and explained Rodney’s… over excitement away as a bit of religious zeal. They were concerned at first that he might wish to desecrate their sacred temple, but they have been advised that he simply wished to learn more about their practices.” “That actually worked?” Ronon asks, eyebrow raised. “It is not uncommon for planets to simply trade knowledge, Ronon,” Teyla admonishes and she turns back to John. “They wish for us to join them for a meal so that we might continue talks of negotiation.” John glances at Ronon and then back to Teyla, gauging the situation before he finally turns his gaze to Rodney, leveling him with a glare. Rodney holds his hands up, handheld tucked away safely in his vest. “Best behavior, yes, I know. You’ll not hear a peep from me.” “I doubt that,” John snorts but he nods. “Alright then. And Rodney, if you so much as look like you’re going to mention that damn energy source, I’ll string you up myself. Clear?” “Crystal.” “Good. Let’s go.” --- The meal goes better than John expects, honestly. While Arrens still maintains a cool demeanor despite Teyla’s best diplomatic attempts to draw him into conversation, his son Atton speaks animatedly with both John and Ronon as Rodney finishes off his third bowl of stew. John has to cut him off from going back for a fourth as Arrens eyes seem transfixed on the scientist and Rodney’s already offended these people once today. John won’t allow him to do it a second time. “Lay off, McKay,” he mutters under his breath and Rodney whines like he always does when food’s involved. “But it’s good. When’s the last time we actually had a decent meal off-world? You think they do doggie-bags here? Maybe we can take it back home and the cooks can figure out how to—” Ronon elbows him in the side and Rodney doesn’t quite yelp but it’s a near thing and John figures the Carneans have probably had enough of Rodney for one day. Once again, John leaves Teyla to the niceties while Atton escorts the three men outside and it’s not long at all before Teyla joins them and they set off for the gate again. --- The walk back to the Jumper is much less miserable than it had been on the way to the settlement, for which John is eternally grateful. The sun is beginning to set, cooling the air and he finds himself much less agitated than he’s been for most of the day. Even the sound of Rodney gulping his water behind him isn’t enough to annoy him now, whereas earlier it very well might have sent John into a homicidal rage. “Did that stew leave a weird after taste with anyone?” He asks, and John rolls his eyes at that. “Nope, but we didn’t eat enough to feed an entire army.” Rodney huffs at that and tips his canteen up again,
frowning when he finds it empty. Teyla wordlessly passes her own to him, squeezing his shoulder gently, affectionately maybe, and John knows that while Rodney annoys the shit out of everyone they’ve ever met, he’s there’s and John isn’t the only one who is indulgently fond of Rodney. Even when he’s at his most annoying. --- Their return through the Gate is uneventful. Elizabeth is there to meet them when they arrive and John is feeling charitable enough now that he doesn’t even mention Rodney’s faux pas. He promises to have Teyla fill her in more on the trade agreement she’d been able to broker before he leads his team down to the locker room, Rodney strangely quiet the whole way. John’s about halfway through removing his gear when he glances over at Rodney, one eyebrow raised to find him sitting on the bench, still in his tac vest and thigh holster. “What’s wrong with you?” He asks, kicking Rodney’s boot gently with his foot to get his attention and Rodney startles, lifting his gaze to meet John’s. “What? Uh, nothing. Nothing, it’s just… my stomach feels a little…” He gestures vaguely and Ronon laughs behind them, clapping Rodney on the shoulder. “Must have been that third bowl. One of our commanders back on Sateda had a large appetite, but I think even you could out eat him, McKay.” “Gee, thanks,” Rodney frowns as John goes back to hanging up his vest, surreptitiously glancing over at the other to find that he does actually look a little green around the gills. “You wanna go see Beckett?” John offers after a moment. “No, no. Chewbacca’s probably right,” Rodney says as he unstraps his holster and stands, shrugging off his tac vest. “We all had the same thing, and you’re all fine.” John just shrugs. It’s not the first time Rodney’s eaten himself to a stomachache and he’s pretty sure it won’t be the last. “Alright,” he says, clapping Rodney on the shoulder, a little more gently than he’d been earlier in the day. “If anything changes though…” “Yeah, yeah. I know the drill.” “Alright. Debriefing in an hour. I’ll see you there.” “Yeah,” Rodney agrees. “See you.” John does not actually see Rodney later. At least not while he’s conscious. --- It happens really fast. Rodney doesn’t actually show up for the debriefing but that in and of itself is not really weird; he’s skipped more than one debriefing over the last few years, but there’s something gnawing uncomfortably in his gut anyway. They finish up and by the time they’re done, John thinks he’s probably just being a paranoid asshole, but he taps his comm, needing Rodney to confirm he’s good. “Sheppard to McKay, come in.” Silence. “Sheppard to McKay, Rodney, respond.” John glances over at Ronon and Teyla who have both been standing by, Teyla looking as worried as John feels and Ronon… well, Ronon looks pissed off, but John knows that that’s Ronon’s default when it comes to concern. “Sheppard to Zelenka, come in.” This time, his radio crackles immediately in his ear. “Zelenka here, go ahead Colonel.” “Hey Dr. Z, is Rodney down there?” John waits impatiently, but even before Radek answers, John already knows. “No Colonel, he is not here.” “I will check the infirmary,” Teyla says, squeezing John’s wrist. “Ronon, the mess. John, perhaps you should check his quarters. If Rodney was not feeling well, it’s likely he is in one of these three places.” “Yeah,” John nods. “Yeah, you’re right, okay. As soon as you find him, radio in.” They disperse quickly and John doesn’t mean to, but the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach twists and he realizes that at some point, he’d started to jog to the transporter to take him as close Rodney’s room as possible. “Sheppard to McKay,” he says again, a little breathless as he steps out of the transporter, “Rodney, I swear to God, you better be alright or I’ll kick your ass.” Even the threat of bodily violence doesn’t raise him and by the time John skids to a halt in front of Rodney’s door, he’s expecting the worst. He pounds on the door once, giving Rodney the
chance to open it, but when he hears nothing inside, he palms the door open to find Rodney face down on the floor, lying in a puddle of his own vomit. “No. No, no, no.” John closes the distance between them, calling for a medical team with barely concealed fear in his voice as he drops down to his knees, rolling Rodney over onto his side as he presses two fingers to the side of his neck. He can feel a pulse there but it’s rapid and thready. “Rodney, c’mon buddy. You gotta wake up, hey, hey, c’mon. Wake up, Rodney.” He’s babbling, he knows that, but he doesn’t know what else to do until he hears the sound of the medical team in the hallway, sprinting toward them, Teyla and Ronon both hot on their heels. “What happened?” Beckett barks as they spill into the room and John drops back on his ass, away from Rodney so that they can work. “I don’t… I don’t know, we just got back and he said he had a stomachache but he was fine and he--.” Ronon hefts John back to his feet, as Beckett assess the situation, calling down to the infirmary to warn them of their imminent arrival as Rodney’s lifted onto the gurney, his body sickeningly limp. “Did he ingest anything off world?” He calls over his shoulder, expecting them to follow, and they do, Ronon forcing John to keep moving. “Colonel!” Carson snaps when John doesn’t immediately answer as one of the nurses places the ambu bag over Rodney’s face. “We took part in a meal with the Carneans, but we were all served the same food,” Teyla answers for John when it becomes clear that he won’t, or rather, can’t. John can’t tear his eyes away from Rodney as his chest rises and falls only because of the bag forcing air into his lungs. “Blood pressure’s dropping!” Simpson announces as the doors to the infirmary open and the last thing they hear is Beckett cursing as the doors close in their faces. --- He should’ve forced him down to the infirmary. The moment Rodney gave any indication that something was off, John should’ve marched him down here himself, but Rodney had been a pain in the ass all day and-- John had figured he’d deserved a bit of a stomachache for as much trouble as he’d almost caused and if Rodney wasn’t okay, John would--. John had no fucking idea what he’d do. They’re sitting outside of the infirmary, John’s leg bouncing nervously, head cradled in his hands with Teyla and Ronon flanking him. Others had come when word began to spread, Elizabeth and Radek, even Lorne, posted near the door. It’s unsettlingly quiet, only the muffled sounds spilling through the doors to be heard. Their vigil seems to stretch on forever. Seconds into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into--. Honestly, John has no idea how long they’ve been here. Time has no meaning in this moment and while it feels like it’s been days, after what in reality was only thirty minutes, Beckett steps out, looking more grim than John thinks he’s ever seen him, including the time that John turned into a bug. “We don’t have much time,” he says, glancing to Elizabeth. “I need permission to move him down to the Stasis pods. His condition is rapidly deteriorating and without an antidote on hand--.” “Antidote?” Ronon interrupts, hand clenched into a fist at his side. “Are you saying McKay was poisoned?” “Aye,” Beckett answers shortly. “Elizabeth, his organs have already begun to shut down at an alarmingly rapid pace. If we delay this--.” “Go,” Elizabeth says at once and Carson is gone before there’s a chance to ask anything further. John doesn’t need to know anything else though. He stands, nodding at Ronon and Teyla to go gear up and without a single word, the two turn, reading his body language clearly enough. John will be right behind them, but first he needs to make sure Rodney gets to where he’s going. The doors open again, the medical team moving at a quick pace, but John keeps up with them easily, coming to a stop only once they reach the stasis chamber. Rodney is sickeningly gray now and if John didn’t know better, he’d think he was already gone. He reaches for the other’s
hand as Beckett and one of the nurses ready the pod and he squeezes Rodney’s fingers as he leans in close to his ear, willing Rodney to hear him. “I will fix this,” he vows, lips brushing the outer shell of Rodney’s ear. “I will burn that entire fucking planet down if I have to, but I promise you, I will fix it. Hang on, Rodney. Please.” “Colonel,” Beckett says, shouldering John bodily out of the way. “Get a move on, son. The stasis pod will keep his organs from shutting down any further, but I need that antidote if there’s any hope of bringin’ him back from this.” John does not need to be told again. --- Arrens is prepared for their return. There is a group of armed men waiting at the gate, Arrens standing unapologetically behind them. John wants to blow them all to pieces as soon as the Jumper clears the event horizon but Teyla reminds him as calmly as possible that doing so will make it impossible for them to find the antidote. Instead, he touches the Jumper down and they’re out, weapons raised. “You come to our village,” Arrens booms, “attempt to desecrate our templeand return to turn your weapons upon us?” “Give us the antidote and we will leave, never to return again!” Teyla responds, neither John nor Ronon moving to lower their weapons. “We did not intend to offend your Gods; Doctor McKay had no malicious intentions.” Arren is not moved, however, but there’s another, Atton, who steps forward, maybe to act as a liaison for his people, but it’s all John needs to move. It happens so quickly, that none of the Careans have an opportunity to fire as John grabs the boy, arm around his neck as Atton struggles, hands up in surrender. “Please, Colonel Sheppard--.” “Nothin’ personal, kid,” but John’s not leaving here without that antidote. “You have five seconds to give us what we’ve come for. Do not make me ask again.” “My… my bag,” Atton struggles, but John does not hear him as his grip tightens around his throat. “Release him at once!” Arrens bellows, and he steps forward, as if to charge them but Ronon aims his weapon, finger on the trigger and the man stops. “Arrens, please,” Teyla tries, “there need not be bloodshed between our two peoples! Gives us the antidote!” Atton hits John’s wrist, struggling against him, blunt nails digging into skin and he tries again. “B… a…” And then John spots it, the tiny vial that’s tumbled from the bag dropped by the boy when John grabbed him. “Ronon!” The Satedan surges forward, grabbing it at the same time John releases Atton, who falls to his knees, gasping for air. “If he dies,” John snarls, aiming his side arm at the leader of the Careans, almost begging the man to give him a reason,“there is no place in this galaxy that you will be able to hide.” “John,” Teyla pleads urgently, trying to usher him back towards the Jumper. “We must go. Rodney is in great need.” And it’s that reminder that snaps John out of it as he backs into the Jumper, Ronon already dialing. --- Even with the antidote, they have no way of knowing if Rodney’s going to make it. The damage to his insides was extensive; his kidneys had shut down completely and Carson warns that if he wakes up, there very well could be weeks, if not months of dialysis treatments. They still have no way of knowing if there was any damage to his nervous system, and they won’t know until he wakes up. Carson speaks in hypotheticals, using if instead of when and John finds that every time he does, he wants to scream. If he’d been less pissed at Rodney, if he’d paid a little bit more attention, he could’ve caught this. The increased thirst, back on the planet, that could’ve been their first sign that something was wrong and they could’ve-- He should’ve--. Whether Rodney wakes up or not, John knows that he’ll never forgive himself for this one.
In the end, Rodney does wake up. He does so quietly, without fanfare, alerting at first only John when Rodney squeezes his fingers gently where they’re linked through his own. He sits up from where his head had been pillowed on the bed at Rodney’s hip and for a moment, when he sees those blue eyes staring back at him, he can’t quite breathe. “John,” Rodney rasps, voice hoarse, a bit pained. “Where… what…?” “Hey buddy,” John greets, leaning back in his chair for a split second to signal to Marie before his gaze flickers back to Rodney’s ashen face. “You’re okay. You’re in the infirmary. You’ve been here for a couple of days.” A couple of days which felt uncomfortably like an eternity. Rodney’s eyes close again and for a second, John thinks maybe he’s slipped back into unconsciousness, which Beckett had previously warned could happen, but then Rodney’s blinking up at him. “The… the energy source,” he manages. “There was… ‘m sorry.” “Hey, hey,” John says and he scoots forward in his chair and John can hear Beckett approaching, knowing it won’t be long before John’s forced to give up his seat at Rodney’s side while he’s examined. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, Rodney.” And least nothing that Rodney should be sorry for. John, on the other hand… “You’re gonna be okay though. You hear me? You’re gonna be fine, I promise.” Rodney nods and closes his eyes again, clearly exhausted from the short exchange. Beckett steps in and John starts to pull back, to let the other work, but Rodney grips his fingers again. “Stay,” he rasps and John glances at Beckett who gives a barely there nod. “Alright,” he says, settling back down into his chair. “I’m here, buddy. I’m not goin’ anywhere. I promise.”
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Crossover: Bowser Jr.’s Friends-Anarchy (Plus Romantic-Ships)
Credit for Steven Universe Series goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for Deltarune & Undertale goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Super Mario Series goes to Nintendo
Credit for Sonic The Hedgehog Series goes to Sega
Credit for My Little Pony Franchise goes to the Creator: Bonnie Zacherle
Credit for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic goes to Lauren Faust
Credit for My Little Pony: Equestria Girls goes to Meghan McCarthy & Jayson Thiessen
Credit for Camp Camp Series goes to Rooster Teeth
Nikki is a Agent of Chaos, so it makes sense she is part of it.
if Cozy Glow did meet Bowser Jr. aka “Junior”, I think it be interesting  if both of them grew closer the more they spend time together in a alliance.
in her human form, Cozy Glow still wears her ribbon in her hair...
but as for the clothes she wears, instead of a frilly dress, she wears a black hoodie, black t-shirt (that is under the hoodie) and matching grayish-black tights and black boots.
if Junior were to fall from the clown copter at a very fast rate, everyone would be surprised to see Cozy Glow jumping after him without thinking,
and while this happens, Cozy Glow ends up Ponying Up and gets both her Pegasus-Wings, Pony-Ears on top of her head, and her hair ending up growing a long ponytail with a extra ribbon tied around it.
I’m sure some of you might understand why I drew Larry thinking about Sunset, while looking love-struck...
if you seen  MarioKartGamerDude’s Crossover with Mario & Equestria Girls...
you will know that Larry Koopa has a Big Crush On Sunset Shimmer.
the idea of Ludwig forming a crush on Fluttershy, was my idea for this drawing.
Prince Peasley being “in love” with himself, seems very accurate...
I tried to pick another character for him to be in love with in this drawing,
but I couldn’t seem to pick one, I mean there is Luigi but I wanted to go with something different......so I settled on Peasley loving himself, but instead of hearts, it gets one of those stars.
Lady Bow/Teresa having a Crush on Luigi, just seem like a interesting ship to draw.
the info about Vivian, is that in the Japanese Version of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, is that they are a cross-dressing male with an ambiguous gender identity.
in the English and German versions of the game, all the masculine descriptions of Vivian were removed, and they were given female pronouns.
another info says that Vivian is depicted as Transgender, and they identify as female.
but I think Vivian could have both She/Her and They/Them Pronouns, and be Transgender/Feminine-Nonbinary.
if Vivian’s Sisters call them “He/Him” even if Vivian is Transgender or Nonbinary that goes by only They/Them Pronouns, that would be misgendering Vivian.
there are different Nonbinary, some will go by They/Them Only,
but some will still go by their bio-birth gender pronouns, but also go with They/Them as well.
 some will be Masculine Aligned, Feminine Aligned, Neutral Aligned.
I’m not sure if Butch-Feminine and Flora-Masculine would be used by many
like all humans have both Masculine and Feminine energies in them,
but one of those energies despite your bio-gender or gender identity,
will be the most dominant. I’m not sure if many will understand what I’m trying to say, I know that at times anything I say will get misinterpreted.
some energies that is your dominant self, might be more on the neutral
and might fall under the Androgynous Energy.
anyway the crossover ship between Eggman and Pearl just makes sense
because of what most Pearls are.
some Pearls (but maybe not all of them) end up being eggs,
I think mostly from Clams, but we don’t know if the Pearls from Steven Universe are created by using Clams.
I’m not sure if the Eggman x Pearl ship would catch on, but this is my first  ship drawing of those two being ship together.
and yeah it is the Boom Version of Eggman.
you know, if they do make a remake of Paper Mario Thousand-Year-Door,
maybe they wont end up censoring Vivian, well there is a possibility they might in some parts, but it be nice if they didn’t over here where I live at.
Vivian could be in Fan Headcanon, Transgender/Nonbinary,
like the gender they were originally born in was male, but they didn’t feel like they were male on the inside, but even after getting a bio-sex change,
they might not felt fully female either, but might feel both Feminine and Nonbinary, and felt like they want to go by both They/Them & She/Her Pronouns.
like instead of being called “girl” or “lady” in the binary sense,
it can also be used for Feminine-Nonbinary.
plus who’s to say that Vivian wont just go by“They/Them”
and just identify as Nonbinary, without the Feminine added in.
instead of Sister, they could end up going by “Sibling”...
well some Nonbinary will still go by brother or sister, but it depends on their alignment I think....I know my alignment is Feminine.
I hope that someday they will make a Paper Mario Thousand-Year-Door
for Nintendo Switch, and Not Censor Vivian like they did in the English version for the GameCube.
the ship between Vivian x Geno, would fall under the Nonbinary-Ship.
Geno might be Masculine Aligned.
also we can see the growing and evolving forms of different gender and sexuality identities of what makes up of parts of Humanity  Omnimanity,
as part of our growing evolution....not sure if that will be fully understood.
hopefully no one misinterprets it.
out of all the characters that are in that clown copter thing,
Spinel is the only one who is doing a peace sign, while still screaming Anarchy with everyone....and yes Bowser Jr. has his arm around Cozy Glow.                             
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Ven’s Idea Outline #1 (Maribat)
Remember that MariDamiJon fic that I mentioned I was going to do for the gift exchange? It’s still bouncing around in my head and Luka decided to join in so I’ve decided to at least make an outline in (assuredly vain) hopes that it will leave me alone for a bit.
Part 1
Typical Daminette but Hanahaki style bc I can’t find any Maribat hanahaki fics and I need one and I can’t find any.
Dick and Damian sent to scope out Paris for Hawkmoth related reasons
Jon goes with bc he’s Damian’s emotional support kryptonian but he might arrive later This idea has been removed but I like it so I will share it.
Damian is getting familiar with the new battlegrounds  taking a walk in the park when a girl falls from a tree and lands on top of him
The girl apologizes profusely before explaining that she’s really clumsy and she was just trying to help a kitten stuck in the tree
It’s not love at first sight but Damian appreciates an animal lover and is slightly less of an ass than he would usually be
Might mix this with my Blossom Soulmate AU that I never got around to finishing and posting, now that I think about it
Anyway, Damian helps her get the cat down from the tree
He latches onto this potential information source who is not as annoying as most other people and sticks with her
They become friends friendly acquaintances and he drops by her school to pick up her up after she agreed to show him around Paris.
Debating Lila salt...
Debating Class salt...
If yes: Damian walks into a scene where Marinette  and sweeps Marinette away without a word to the rest of her class
If no: Damian arrives and proceeds to wait for her outside by his motorcycle
Either way, his appearance makes waves in Dupont’s rumor mills
They do not know he’s Damian Wayne, just that there’s a dude who attractive enough to be model with a motorcycle waiting for the schools (tragic, if salt) sunshine fashion princess.
Robin and Nightwing meet up with Ladybug and Chat Noir to offer their help in figuring out who Hawkmoth is, as well as fighting and training.
Full Miraculous court meeting with Ryuko, Viperion, Queen Bee, Carapace, Rena Rouge, Pegasus, Bunnyx, and Monkey king. (Rena Rouge is removed if Class salt. Replaced with Fox!Nath or Fox!Julieka)
Ladybug and Robin get along
About two weeks in Adrien starts officially dating Kagami.
Another week passes and Damian finds out Marinette has been coughing flower petals and her unrequited love is her classmate Adrien Agreste.
She refuses to remove the hanahaki - this version is the standard they can’t fall in love ever again if they remove it.
This revelation makes him oddly uneasy, it isn’t until his own Hanahaki shows up later that night that realizes he understands why.
Damian does a pretty good job of hiding it.
Dick knows something is up but he’s trying to give Damian more space so he doesn’t look into it and trusts Damian would ask him if it’s life threatening
Ladybug notices his discomfort on patrol and they talk
He is surprised to learn Ladybug also has it and Robin comes up with the brilliant idea that they should fall in love with each other.
There is precedent that if you fall out of love with the person, the Hanahaki will go away. But falling out of love is difficult and not easily done. There must be no lingering romantic feelings at all.
Ladybug encourages Robin to chase his crush first, because he at least has a chance if the girl he likes also has it.
Cue the debates
If Ladybug wins: Enter Damian going all out in flirty assassin seduction techniques from his mother - Good Talia that kills rapists, none of that she raped Bruce bs, she actually had a good relationship with Bruce and a mutual breakup because of differing views on killing people - that he’s barely used since his lessons on it in the league and romantic advice from Dick.
He goes full on Bitch-sensei from assassination classroom.
He’s commissioned a shirt from Marinette. She gets to design it however she wants.
It is a long sleeved button up, specifically made to accentuate his muscles without being too revealing.
That’s the shirt he wears when he asks her out with flowers and a stuffed kitten holding a stuffed wood board that says “please date me” He has his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, top button undone. Collar and hair ruffled up for maximum sensuality. He’s got a lot of references between all the people he knows (Bruce, Talia, Selina, Dick, and really his whole family is full of objectively attractive, seductive people he can reference. Just as long as he avoids mimicking their failing romantic habits, he should be fine.)
He tries to be suave about it but is a little too nervous to completely pull it off. It doesn’t matter because Marinette finds it endearing.
On the date, he’s more confident and is able to pull off suave bastard much better but only at the end. He’s a gentleman until the very end, when he leaves her in the bakery
He goes in, and twirls her admittedly short hair around his finger, maintaining eye contact as he presses his lips against her hair - it’s admittedly harder than he expected given how short it is but being so close made it more intimate and the blush on her face was definitely worth it
He leaves in the bakery slightly dazed and counts the date as a success.
Marinette’s mind shut down bc damn that boy is fine and smooth af is flustered and confused as heck but she’s willing to give him a shot
Alternatively: Marinette’s not sure about dating Damian because she feels like she’s just using him to get rid of her hanahaki bc of the idea that Robin had proposed.
Dick is ecstatic that Damian was acting weird because he had a crush and loved helping his brother out with this date planning in the city of love
He doesn’t report it back to the batfam yet because they had a small argument about it and Damian pulled away with the small victory of Dick has to wait until after the first date to tell them.
Damian is glad he Marinette’s willing to give him a chance but he’s worried about Ladybug
he wonders if he should set her up with Tim or Duke, it’d be a shame to lose a friend and hero like her.
Robin brings up his success to Ladybug and asks if there’s anything he can do to help her.
She notes that a friend had actually confessed to her and she’s giving them a chance.
They accidentally compare notes on their dates and that’s their reveal.
If Robin wins: An awkward start that smooths into moonlit dates on the Eiffel tower, dancing on rooftops, an increase in flirting but only after battles, never before it bc they have a professional reputation to keep, increasingly physical training routines, stolen kisses but not on lips until they’re more comfortable with each other.
Fast tracked mutual slow burn which kinda defeats the purpose of a slow burn but whatever
I have realized these ideas are not mutually exclusive.
Maybe Ladybug wins first but Damian fails to seduce Marinette because she has the doubts so they go with plan B and date each other. Ladybug is more comfortable with the idea of dating Robin because they both have Hanahaki and are knowingly using each other to get rid of it?
There is no identity reveal in this version
Complaint Break time: I was writing this to get it out but it keeps growing, wtf.  This is so long and I haven’t even gotten to the main part.
It was supposed to be an established Daminette but I wanted to show how they got together, this was supposed to be like 5 bullet points, 10 tops.
At some point, I’m going to have to mention the rumor that people with Hanahaki are being kidnapped because the flowers that bloom after their death make great medicine but that cures most illnesses and are good potions ingredient whatever, something along those lines. It’s not the ones they cough up but the flowers that grow on the vines constricting their lungs after until they die and only blossom after death. Those flowers that spread the pollen into the air that makes the Hanahaki disease possible.
That’s why people keep it a secret unless they’re going to get the surgery as there’s not other way to treat it.
But that’s a plot point for part 2.
I feel like this is already longer than anything I’ve put out at this point in time.
Back to the story:
Even though they’re dating, the Hanahaki doesn’t go away immediately. It slows and becomes less frequent but there are times when they think of how their love doesn’t return their feelings and the flowers come back with a vengeance and they’re down for the day, possibly the entire week, hacking up flower petals and buds.
(Ladybug Wins version until otherwise stated) It’s during one of these fits that Dick finds out and is angry at this girl playing with his brother’s feelings.
Damian is too busy hacking up bloody flower petals to correct him
The entire batfam and subsequently Superfam now know the batfam’s youngest has hanahaki
Jon is called in and flies in to help keep an eye on his best friend
Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Duke are shocked but they pack up and are ready to go in guns blazing to have a talk with this girl bc the boys might not be on the best terms but that’s their baby brother. The girls stay behind to hold down the fort (because I need more time to get familiar with them before I can confidently write their characters. I’m not too confident about Duke either but I already mentioned him and it’s too late to back out now.)
So, Damian’s brothers and his father track her down to a different park in Paris where Marinette’s hanging out with her friends
They’re incised to find their brother’s girlfriend with another guy’s arm around her, leading her away from the main group of friends
It’s Luka, he’s helping her hide her hanahaki because she assures him that she has it under control and will go with him to the hospital if it becomes too much
They confront the couple
There’s a lot of intimidating posturing and accusations
Batfam is absolutely not prepared for the bloody flowers that spill from her lips - her hanahaki is even worse than Damian’s
Detective bats (correctly or incorrectly, depending on which version happens) put the pieces together and figure they’re dating to get rid of the hanahaki, that is something Damian would absolutely propose
and oh shit, this time it’s not just Bruce that’s adopting someone. They have a little sister now.
Luka explains what he knows about the situation and basically confirms what they’d deduced.
Welp, since they’re here, Hawkmoth has become top priority.
Hawkmoth takes one look at the Miraculous circle and the new set of bats and just- nopes out plus super boy and just nopes out.
Like, he tries but he has no expectation of winning and tries to run instead. It doesn’t work, they have all grounds covered.
I should probably make use of Mayura if I ever do write everything out but she didn’t really leave much of an impression on me tbh and I don’t have a lot of ideas. Maybe if I ever go back and watch it.
Celebratory, on-the-spot kiss between Robin and Ladybug where they do “oh“ and realize the pressure in their chest is finally gone and the Hanahaki is no more.
(Robin Wins) Dick is obliviously happy about little Robin leaving the nest and finding a mate until he finds out both the little heroes coughing up flower petals on their date
then he goes in and mother hens them both, before demanding answers
He’s also less happy about this whole dating thing
Dick can’t do much about Ladybug without revealing her identity but Damian isn’t getting out of it so easily
Dick figures out who Damian’s crushing on and goes to do a little investigating. He is very surprised to see it’s a bubbly, energetic designer girl and not someone... calmer. But then he thinks of Jon and it makes a little more sense
He talks to her, asks about what she thinks of Damian and is pleasantly surprised by her positive view of his brother. He asks if she would go out with him and she coughs up some petals
Now, Dick’s freaking out and why are there so many children with Hanahaki? This is the third one in two days!
fast forward because I’m finally out of ideas for this part
Ladybug knows she’s fallen for Robin, which was the entire point of them dating but she not sure he actually reciprocates or is still trying to forget that other girl.
Or if you went the other way, Robin’s still chasing Marinette but Ladybug now likes Robin and is aware that he’s trying to woo her. So, out of the frying pan and into another for her.
Robin is absolutely having regrets bc he is an emotional wreck and crushing on two girls and this was not supposed to happen, damnit.
A meta gets akumatized and takes out half the miraculous court but turns out the meta’s psychic ability can help track Hawkmoth so its all cool, now that they know what Hawkmoth feels like
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Ryuko, and Robin vs Hawkmoth and Mayura
Nightwing stayed behind to watch the other heroes are no longer brain dead from the battle but boy are they out of it and he has to make sure they get home safe
that does not mean he’s not extremely put out and worried about it since he knows half the team has hanahaki and it may interfere with the fight
Even if the Ladybug suit lessens the hanahaki attacks, they still happen from time to time
For two people who don’t  show up to fight often Hawkmoth and Mayura put up a good fight
Ladybug has an hanahaki attack and Hawkmoth tried to take advantage of it, only to get knocked out by Chat Noir who’s still pissed at his dad for causing this whole thing
Chat Noir and Ryuko are pretty shocked Ladybug has hanahaki, even more her timer runs out and she choses to present it to Robin
Robin is shook
He gets it together and pulls her into a kiss that cures their hanahaki and makes their brains melt
Now Marinette’s kinda confused bc what the other girl
Damian, slightly shifting his mask so she can see who he is: That other girl was YOU
Now Marinette’s the one who’s shook
Note: Chat Noir and Ryuko have both de-transformed at this point and are watching with wide eyes but they do not see who is under that mask. Also, no cameras in this section of the manor bc that would be proof.
They have a lot to talk about but it works out in the end.
the outline above was written out of order bc I had to go back everytime a new idea hit and I cannot be bothered to go back and dodeca-check this thing again just to make sure everything makes sense.
Part 2 (that was supposed to be the main story- finally made it, the starting point. I cry.)
Ok, so, now that Daminette is established and the evil is defeated
Damian returns to Gotham with his girlfriend in tow to introduce her to the rest of his family, despite his better judgement
Jon is happy that Damian is in happy, loving relationship but he’s a bit sad that it’s not him and oop, sunshine kryptonian boy got hanahaki’d.
Same for Luka. (Yes, Jagged will be his dad and a Gothamite.)
Jagged and his kids join them in Gotham bc he has to be there to show his favorite designer niece around to all the best places of his hometown.
Luka finds out Jon has Hanahaki and they bond over the experience
They make a pact to cover each other and get the other to the hospital when it gets to that point
Pining/Simping meetings over their best friends that for some unknown reason seem to lessen the flower coughing over time even though these meetings probably make things worse but they also need vent before it increases again.
Luka and Jon beginning to fall for each other but they think the other is still in love with Marinette/Damian and it’s true that they still hold feelings for their best friends that aren’t diminishing in the sleightest and it’s all very confusing.
It’s even more confusing when we add the new hero in Gotham, Viperion who’s there to continue training with the bats since he’s visiting the area, rescues and lightly flirts with Jon who ended up developing a small crush and Jon realizes he has a type.
So, poor Jon’s now crushing on Damian, Luka, and Viperion
Viperion meets Superboy and the kryptonian doesn’t seem to like him?
Luka’s crushing on Marinette, Jon - still doesn’t know that Damian is Robin. And is kinda curious and a little hurt that the Robin’s oddly familiar kryptonian is actively and obviously avoiding him and that heart song is kind of familiar but different.
Viperion also gains a crush on Robin after watching him take down a thug in a very graceful way - the bird was showing off for his bug and decided to make it a little showier, he accidentally also caught a snake
Ladybug and Robin still flirt but the court - aside from Ryuko and Chat, depending on which version - think that’s just their dynamic, though they do pull Robin aside for a bit to tell him she has a boyfriend now. He assured them it’s fine and he knows, oddly amused at their attempt.
man, I am not original with this identity porn thing
It isn’t until Luka sees Jon again that he puts it together.
Marinette suspiciously notes Luka and Jon been hanging out an awful lot she’s making connections to the time she had hanahaki and Luka covered for her
The pains of befriending deductive genii.
Cue the panic and they accidentally claim they’re dating but it throws Marinette off for now, so it kinda worked?
Hanahaki fic with a fake dating AU. Oops.
Mari decides since she and Damian don’t know this, they must have been neglecting their best friends and double dates are the way to go.
Cue more panic
Unlike Marinette who is willing to trust their word, Damian’s a suspicious bastard who’s kind of dubious and a little salty that Jon didn’t tell him earlier if they’re telling the truth but Mari’s all gung ho about it so he lets it go for now
They go on the date and it is an emotional mess for everyone involved
It starts out fine
Jon and Luka act a bit weird because they have to cover for each other randomly coughing up petals, not to mention they’re on a date with their original crushes without actually dating their original crushes not even mentioning their new crushes and the secret identity reveal that Luka still hasn’t confronted Jon on and Jon’s guiltily thinking about Viperion half the time he thinks about Luka and shouldn’t it be the other way around?
Yeah, so they’re a mess
Damian’s watching them like he’s trying to figure them out and it is not helping but thank god Mari’s distracting him totally on accident
Marinette? She found a random lost kid in Gotham looking for their parents
So now the double date’s been temporarily derailed to help the lost kid
While Damian’s watching Marinette try pass the crying kid off to Jon for a  moment so she can make a phone call to report a lost child but the kid’s clinging onto Marinette, and they exchange looks so Jon calls in the lost kid instead and he’s just struck with the idea of a family with the three of them and some kids
Cue panic time (again)
Ignoring the thought of children, why was Jon in his fantasy?
Luka’s just watching a smitten boy go into panic mode over the trio and while doesn’t quite know what’s going on in Damian’s head, but that was really cute and oh not again
They find the kid’s parents, and the date moves on
Jon’s more comfortable, Marinette wasn’t really bothered in the first place. Luka and Damian are now having crises
Luka makes a joke under his breath in an attempt to calm down before his Hanahaki acts up
It did not help bc Damian overhears and gives a small amused snort that made his heart stutter but hey positive interaction!
Both Marinette and Jon but end up having feelings very similar to the one Damian had earlier when they look over at Damian and Luka’s little interaction - Damian’s giving Luka a small smirk and Luka is entirely embarassed at being heard when he wasn’t hadn’t meant to be.
But then Luka gives Jon a small sign before he excuses himself to the restroom so Luka can run off and cough up his flower petals
You remember that whole thing about the kidnapping people with hanahaki so they die and medicine and things can be collected from the flowers springing up from their corpse thing? Yeah, the kids are in Gotham and there is definitely a group there that has dealings with the trade and someone saw Luka hacking up flowers
but they mark him and pull back to plan instead of kidnapping him then and there bc drama and Jon followed him to the restroom to check on him
Date ends ok and everyone’s kind of an emotional wreck
Damian has surprisingly learned his lesson on miscommunication and guiltily confides his fantasy to her like a parishioner to his priest
Marinette basically goes same and confesses about the moment she and Jon saw his interaction with Luka.
“So, We’re together, and they’re together...and I might be in love with Jon, you think you might be in love with Luka... What now?“ Damian asked, trying to make sense of it all
“We could...” Marinette swallows, “um, all four of us? together?“ she offered meekly. Seeing that Damian seemed to like the idea, she continued. “Y’know, feel out how receptive they are to the idea and then just seduce them?”
Ok, so the temporary communication skills were nice.
Because instead of talking it out with their best friends, they decide to seduce them but to be fair, there’s at least one version of this where Damian got where he did because of seduction.
Between both Damian and Marinette’s phsyical attractiveness, their combined determination and stubbornness, Damian’s assassin seduction knowledge, and Marinette’s fashion ability and tactical knowledge of where to accentuate what, Jon and Luka have no chance of leaving pining hell for the foreseeable future.
Marinette doubles down on the “double dates” aka, seduction plans in action and group hang outs, aka much more softer, subtle seduction plans
Marinette and Damian do not do much seeing how receptive they are and really just jump right into the seduction, except they adjust the plans so Luka and Jon don’t catch on so Daminette couple thinks it’s ok to go all out.
Cue seduction and pining hijinks, and a whole lot of bloodly flowers and plenty of internal screaming
Damian learns that Luka might not be too bad in the group and Jon is panicking because oh shit he’s got another crush and it’s his best friend’s girlfriend.
the quartet’s love issues are really full circle... or whatever this shape is supposed to be. Because there’s still the whole Viperion/superboy thing and - i just... I’m not going to keep analyzing this.
Somewhere during this, Jon confesses his feelings this particular friend group to Con, leaving out the whole Hanahaki thing. Con tells Tim for advice on being a big brother and things happen but I’m not sure what. I just want TimCon and the Superboys bonding
So a couple weeks pass by the Hanahaki’s getting pretty bad and Luka suddenly goes missing
Ladybug and the bats are on it as soon as they realize he’s gone
Except they are missing one, very important piece of information
Luka’s hanahaki
So, for the next few days, they don’t get anywhere until Jon slips up and ends up coughing up a shitton of bloody flowers which leads to panic, confusion and explanation, bc wtf Jon, you’re supposed to be dating Luka and that’s definitely not unrequited
So everyone gets the full explanation, the final piece of the puzzle snaps into place and the bats are on it.
Marinette and Damian have to put aside that whole revelation in order to track and save Luka before he dies of Hanahaki
They both make sure to kiss Jon first so he doesn’t get handicapped by his hanahaki like Ladybug did but he and Luka will be on thin ice once they get Luka back
So it’s pretty much a race against time bc they don’t know how bad Luka’s hanahaki is
Tracking, beat up bad guys, possible magic related villain(s) searching for potion ingredients that may take harm Superboy more than than if they weren’t there
They rescue Luka or Luka and Ssass break out as Viperion and meet them halfway.
Hey, the identity reveals!
 Either way, at the end of it, Luka ends up with Ladybug and the unconscious and they have to wait until he wakes up to administer the kiss/cure bc it doesn’t work if one party is unconscious
which sparks an interesting idea of a sleeping beauty-cinderella style hanahaki fic where it would work if they’re unconscious, and the patient has to find go out to find who cured them and I’ll have to adjust some other rules of the hanahaki disease such as who can cure it but goddamn it
So while Luka’s out, Marinette and Damian confront the possibly injured but very much awake Jon
Once Luka wakes up and is brought up to speed, they take care of his hanahaki and work out the new boundaries of their new relationship
Part one is longer and I’m a bit put out by that. This made much more sense in my head but if you got this far, my rambling must have made some sort of sense.
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truecobblepot · 3 years
Tell me about your mlp OCs 😉
Before you read note: I'm not using ready bases. I always make sketches/bases myself.❤🌹
Okay so:
This stunning beauty is Perfuma
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Her ponygram: @//perfuma.unicorn on instagram (check out for more Perfuma content)
Perfuma is a make up artist in Equestria. She grew up in Ponyville and Crystal Empire, since she have family there! Right now she lives in Canterlot, but still visit very often Ponyville (since her mom and girlfriend still live there)
Her mom have flower shop in Ponyville, and her dad lives in Seaward Shoals with his new partner (a stallion he meet there), where they send Perfumas mom a lot of flowers to her shop! Perfuma in kind of stubborn and total blush mess when it comes to her love interest, and she's always embarrassed by that. She's the grumpy one in private with her s/o too. But she's lovely, trust me!❤
Another one is
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Her ponygram: @//athena.unicorn on Instagram
Athena is a half pony (from fathers side) and half changeling (from mothers side):
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Since she's not a true changeling she couldn't change in "new form" like her mom and other changelings in colony. That's why she stays in her pony form for almost full time. She can sew very well! Her father is a tailor and teach her about everything. On her ponygram she won contest for Rarity's apprentice and I think I'll make that canon in her story (im sure for like like 90% rn). She's very shy. And open up only to ponies(or other creatures in Equestria) she knows for a long time. She's a fast leaner and can fight very well. Right now she lives with her dog Bella, boyfriend and girlfriend.
The last one is
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Her ponygram: @//eerin.equestria
Okay hear me out: almost all of my characters have names that mean something important. I was looking for her name like for 3 hours! Eerin: small gray owl.
That's it. Eerin is just an owl mentally. She stays up all night and work. But let's start from the beginning:
Eerin is a writer for famous Equestria News paper! She also writes books, makes music and loves architecture. Only thing about art she doesn't like to do (and can't do really well) is drawing. She was frustrated at first that she can't draw very well but after some time she realized that she doesn't even like it. You can see this white spot on her head? She had some problems with this when she was small but grew to love her marks. She’s an identical copy of her grandfather from father’s side.
She lives in big ass house in the middle of Everfree Forest, so no one ever disturb her while working. Eerin have only two moods:
1. I hate going outside, all I need is my books and piano.
And 2. I love those flowers, can I buy them all? Oh, i love Equestria!
That's all, but mostly she doesn't like to leave her house. She's friends with Perfuma, this two meet by her mother since Eerin almost every day can buy roses, tulips and sunflowers (she thinks they look great on her fireplace and warm up her room a little in vase from her friend Sunny).
Eerin interests and how she act in public is a reference to Hannibal Lecter, because I love him with my whole heart 🤲❤
Eerin is hopeless romantic, but can't show her feelings properly, which is why she's not in relationship (edit: eerin found a girlfriend, a mare with familial interests like hers). She would write you a poem, but shes too shy with her feelings to just write "I love you" in it. She would hide behind many metaphors and not everypony would understand it.
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Eerin have only a few friends at this moment. Perfuma, of course, and
Sunny Breeze
Sunny is this orange pegasus! Shes energetic and is excited about everything around her, which is not so different form Eerin but the difference is with showing this excitement. Eerin would smile a little and complement things, when Sunny would just jump around telling about how awesome this is (shes just a bit more calm pinkie pie). Oh, and she wants to be wonderbolt so she's very athletic!
It's time for
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This three bitches together could destroy all Equestria in one day.
Perfuma in this au:
For Perfuma her beauty was always something important, but in this au IT'S EVEN MORE IMPORTANT.
Here's the story about what happened to her here: Princesses made a mistake and because of incompetence of royal guard Perfuma was hurt. They attacked wrong pony. She lost half of her beauty and couldn't live with it. Not caring about apologies she got, she decided to make revenge plan on Princesses with:
After changelings attack, Princesses decided to destroy them once and for all, not caring to think about innocent changelings who was forced to ride on Equestria by their Queen. That's how Athena's mom accidentally died. Right after mother, her father fell sick (but we say that he was heartbroken to make it more poetic). Athena was sad but also angry at princesses for "killing" her parents. Using her ability to change forms, she was collecting informations from other ponies for their plan.
I told you before that Eerin was hopeless romantic? She can fall for this one pony and write for them all days and all nights. But here: she would be obsessed, and afraid of rejection which is why she would make
a) love potion, for this one and only
b) broken heart potion, to make lovebirds life sad and miserable if the first one won't work oops
She wouldn't have any serious problems with princesses, she would rarely leave her dungeon where she makes all sorts of potions and spells. I can see her as this one pony that Perfuma and Athena would ask for help with one potion and she would just stay with them "because revenge on royals sounds fun".
If you're here, thank you for reading❤🌹
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thegoodgayshit · 4 years
Luz’s mother really doesn’t want to send Luz to camp. She knows once she leaves, there is no going back. But Luz has a knack for getting into trouble, and one day she stumbles into the same type of people her mother would have preferred she avoided. After helping Luz dissolve her high school bully into dust, Eda and Lilith know right away that this kid is just like them - a child of the gods. So Luz hops on a Pegasus and heads to Camp Half-blood, where she embarks on a dangerous quest that makes her both friends and enemies... and she might even save Olympus along the way.
Chapter Thirty-One: The Underworld and It’s Airport Security
She woke up in the lobby of a doctor’s office.
At least, that’s what it looked like. It was eerily quiet, with those plastic chairs with the huge armrests and people milling about. Some were sitting in chairs, a few standing near the bulletin board on the back wall. She saw a woman in a red coat, a man in a tie checking his watch, and a little boy holding a five dollar bill tightly in his hand. They just looked like perfectly normal mortals. Nothing out of the usual, but something about them put Luz on edge. She couldn’t place why.
There was no line for the receptionist, which Luz found odd.
She took a deep breath, and inhaled stale air, trying to remember what had just happened.
The portal. Saving Amity. Dad…
She still had Aletheia, which was resting on her finger. Luz checked her pockets. In her right was Hestia’s flame/lighter, and she ran her thumb over protectively. It was hers to carry from now on. In her other pocket, the one Hermes had been fiddling with, was a huge gold coin, with a circumference almost the size of her thumb, embezzled with the symbol of the Caduceus. She had no idea what she was going to do with that. Maybe it was an advance on a birthday gift?
In her back pocket, she pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, and when she opened it, her eyes widened. It was a circle with a line in the middle, and three flames above each section. Alador had given this to her. He’d said that Hestia was the balance between worlds.
Maybe if she ever saw him again, she’d have to tell him he’d been right. But based on her last interaction with Amity’s parents went, she doubted she’d be welcome back to the Blight manor.
Luz jumped. Somebody behind the receptionist counter was waving for her impatiently, and before she even realized what she was doing, she was stepping forward.
The man behind the counter was… even more off-putting than the people in the lobby. He was wearing a very expensive-looking Italian suit, and he had dark hair that was slicked back. When she walked up, he was tapping his foot, like Luz should have known to walk up quicker.
Luz paused. Should she reveal that? She had no idea where she was. But the tapping of his foot increased the longer she hesitated, so she just threw caution to the wind.
“Luz Noceda.”
He looked down at a paper in his hand, frowning. “I don’t see you on our list. What was your cause of death?”
“Cause of death?”
He looked up and his lips thinned. She got the feeling people asked that one a lot.
“Cause of death. I hate to break it to you, but if you’re here, it’s because you're dead. If you can’t remember how you died, and I know some mortals like to block that out, could you at least tell me where you were at your time of death?”
So that’s where she was. Some kind of in-between world between living and dying. Now that she looked back at the other patrons in the lobby, Luz was kicking herself for not picking up on it sooner. All the patients in the room were sickly pale and seemed to have a shimmer to them that she now recognized as the reason Luz had been so thrown off. They were all dead, and waiting for their turn to move on.
But was she dead too?
Luz had been fairly certain Hermes hadn’t killed her, but if she was being honest with herself, she couldn’t really remember how she’d gotten here.
She didn’t feel dead, but she took stock just to be safe. Her heart was still beating. She was still gross and exhausted from the battle on Mount Pelion. She was sweating. All good signs of being alive.
“I’m not dead. I mean, I don’t think I am.”
The man rolled his eyes, eyeing her up and down. “Look I deal with a lot of mortals like you-“ He suddenly stopped, his eyes widening the longer he looked at her. Luz figured he finally picked up on the fact that she wasn’t, in fact, dead. The surprise left his face, and it shifted back to one of disinterest.
“I can’t help you.”
“What do you mean, you can't help me?” Luz asked, peering over at the name tag on the counter. “Charon?”
His eyebrows lifted, and despite his blank face, Luz had a feeling he was pleased. “You got my name right. Most people think I have the same name as that gods forsaken horse… look, kid. You’re at the entrance to the Underworld. I don’t know exactly how or why you’re here, seeing as you’re dead, but I can’t let any of the living past this point. Policy rules and all.”
Luz frowned. What was she going to do now? Hermes hadn’t given her any kind of instruction on what to do when she got here, or where she’d even go. But she couldn’t just leave.
She wracked her brain, trying to think of everything she knew about the Greek Underworld. There was the king, the god Hades, and his wife Persephone… Charon was a familiar name, but she just couldn’t place where she’d heard it…
Then, she turned and saw that the little boy had gotten in line, the five dollar bill still clenched tightly in his hand. It clicked.
“You’re the ferryman to the Underworld.”
He nodded. “Yes indeed. And I’m on strict orders to only take the dead across the River Styx. So, I'm sorry, but you'll have to come back when you’re dead.”
“I can pay you.”
Charon hesitated, his eyes narrowing. “With what?”
“I’m not here for myself,” Luz said, finally understanding what Hermes had done. “I’m a daughter of Hermes, here on behalf of the Olympians on official business. I need to be on your next boat.”
She took out the coin, placing it confidently on the table. Charon’s eyes widened.
For a second, Luz thought he might refuse her, and she froze. She'd never even considered that Charon might not like her father or any of the other Olympians. But then, looking quickly around the room, he swiped the coin, standing up with a tight smile.
“Of course, daughter of Hermes. We’ll leave right away.”
Luz paused, turning to look at the little boy who was still waiting patiently for his turn. “Make sure you check him in too.”
Charon grimaced, but shrugged, waving him forward. The boy walked up and stood next to Luz, dropping the five in Charon’s hands. It was bright blue and plastic-looking. Canadian money.
“I'm Cooper!”
He huffed. “Well, we only have one of those on the list today. All right, come on then, follow closely behind this Hermes kid.” Then, under his breath, so low that Luz almost missed it, “Hades knows I don’t want that god on my bad side again.”
Charon led Luz and Cooper out of the lobby and into an elevator. Horrible 80’s music was playing when the doors finally opened, and Luz got smacked with an entirely new sight.
The Underworld.
Luz had seen it in her dreams a few times through the portal, and it was just as bleak and as terrifying as she remembered it being. The air was stale, and probably didn’t smell that great, but Luz had gotten used to Death Mist, so this was nothing. They were on a dock, coated in rotting wood and Charon led them onto a gondola with a few other souls, batting extras away as he started to push it off into a dark black river. The Styx.
When Amity had sworn she’d free Hestia, she swore on this river. Luz wondered if she’d still have fallen off the mountain if she’d been the one to cut the chains instead of her.
She looked back toward Charon and recoiled, almost falling into the water from her shock. Instead of a suit, he now wore a thick black robe. His face was sunken and skeletal like he'd been dead for several days.
Charon started to push the boat down the black river. The boat rocked, and Luz quickly sat down, her heart hammering in her chest. She was really here, and it was terrifying. She wished she wasn't alone. Willow might have put an arm around her shoulder reassuringly, and Gus would be spewing facts too fast for her to process any of this fear. Amity might have held her hand as the boat moved, and squeezed it to remind her that everything was going to be okay. Now that she'd gotten used to having her friends around, she really forgot how lonely it was to be alone.
Cooper took a seat next to her, seemingly oblivious to the terror around them, instead just watching the sights with awe.
“It's so amazing!” He whispered to her. Luz frowned. Maybe he’d hit his head before he died. Luz could think of a scroll of places better than this, including the dumpster shoot behind her Mami's apartment. But he couldn’t have been older than seven or eight, so Luz wasn’t going to be the one to break it to him.
“Yeah, it sure is,” she said, forcing a smile and hoping it wasn't a grimace.
“My mommy would love to live in a place like this,” he whispered to her, “it smells like Nana’s house by the beach. And the man pushing the boat looks just like my daddy. They have the same color hair and everything!”
Luz frowned, looking to Charon and back to Cooper. They looked nothing alike. While Charon looked like he haunted funeral homes, Cooper was blond and bright-eyed. And she hadn’t been to many beaches before, but she was certain they didn’t smell like this.
“Where’s your mommy, Cooper?”
“I dunno! She told me I was allowed to walk to the convince store and buy candy and pop.” Cooper said with a shrug, too busy leaning over the gondola towards the river to pay much attention to her.
He reached forward to stick his hand in the water, and Luz leaned forward to stop him, her gut screaming at her that it would not be good. Behind her, Charon shook his head.
“Don’t touch! You’ll burn your whole hand off.”
But as he said that, Luz touched his hand. Instead of feeling solid flesh, her hand passed right through the murky layer around him, and her whole world shifted. For just a moment, she saw things the same way he did.
Now, Charon was a tall, handsome, blond man in colorful bathing suit shorts and a white tank top. He was gently scolding Cooper, “Don’t touch! You might fall in!” Cooper pulled back, laughing in delight.
The Underworld was beautiful. Clear blue skies, the air clean and fresh. They were riding in a pontoon boat over a clear blue lake, and there were ducks chattering in the water near them. In the distance, she could see the shore. People waited, laughing and talking, standing near a freshly painted dock and a cozy-looking cottage.
She quickly pulled back her hand out of his mist, her shoulder blade hitting the side of the gondola. Then, she was back.
“Holy Hermes…” she muttered, blinking to stay focused. She was thrown off from not being able to grab his arm, but then she felt stupid. Of course she wouldn't be able to touch him. He was dead. Then she'd seen his vision... what in Zeus' name was that all about?
“Some mortals just can't handle seeing the world as it actually is,” Charon whispered to her and chills shot up her spine at the sound of his voice right near her ear. “For poor folks like this one… ones who’ve barely lived, they don’t deserve to be scarred like that. Not that it matters, anyway. He doesn’t need a judge to tell him where he’s going to end up.”
The gondola finally knocked against the shore, and Charon pointed to something in the distance. There, she got her first glance at the real entrance to the Underworld. Lines upon lines of spirits, separated into two lines to pass through what looked almost like airport security.
One line was moving so quickly, Luz could barely keep up. It was like there was no security at all for this line besides the metal detectors. It was marked as the “EZ” line. But the other was in a totally dead stop, marked as a line towards the Judgement Pavillion. Luz shivered when she heard barking, and saw a massive, three-headed Rottweiler eyeing each of the spirits walking through the metal detectors like he was just waiting to swallow one of them up.
Beyond that, Luz saw the Fields of Asphodel. It went on for what seemed like miles, and in the distance, she spotted a giant obsidian castle. The palace of Hades. To the left of the Fields, Luz flinched and looked away. It was the Fields of Punishment. She was fairly far away, but she could still hear the shouts of agony in the distance. Maybe it was best she didn’t dwell on it.
But just to the right of the Fields of Asphodel, Luz’s eyes widened. It was an actual gated community in the Underworld, with beautiful, thick, trees, and the sounds of people laughing and enjoying a barbeque. It was such a shock from what was on the other side of the pathway, that Luz almost didn’t want to tear her gaze away.
Elysium. Cooper would be in good hands.
Luz, however, would have to take the more daunting trek. First, she had to find Amity. And in a realm with billions of souls, she had no idea how she was going to do that.
Thanking Charon with a low whisper, Luz climbed out of the boat as it docked. She had no time to waste. Amity hadn’t been down here much longer than Luz had, and if she didn’t want to completely lose her trail, she needed to find her and quick.
As she waded through spirits, she was desperately looking anywhere for a splash of mint hair. She checked the entire EZ line, careful not to get too close to Cerberus before she finally accepted that Amity wasn’t anywhere in the wafts of moving souls. Then, it hit her.
Of course Amity wasn’t there.
She had always been an overachiever and prided herself on being the best of the best. It was stupid of Luz to ever think she’d willingly take the boring Fields of Asphodel for eternity when there was another option.
So, she started checking the line to the Judgement Pavilion. As she walked through, she heard some disgruntled murmurs from the souls and was quick to hold up her hands.
“I’m not cutting! I’m just looking for someone.”
That seemed to be pretty unusual because souls didn’t bother her much after that.
Luz was thanking every god she could think of that the souls in this section looked much more lively than the ones she’d seen in line for the Fields of Asphodel. These souls remembered who they were, and we're proud to get in line and be judged. She hoped that when she found Amity, she would be feeling the same way.
Gods, if only she could find Amity. She checked every soul, walking up and down the line for what felt like hours.
Then, she saw her. Her back was to Luz, a few souls ahead of her, and she looked exactly as she did right before she fell down the mountain. Her mint green hair was tied up in its usual style, her clothes were ragged and battle-worn, and her arms were crossed impatiently as she waited. Despite the familiarity, she, like the other souls Luz had seen, were coated in a thin mist and had that same off look about them, but it was still so obviously Amity and Luz’s heart just about shot out of her chest.
“Amity! Amity!!!"
She sprinted as fast as she could, and Amity turned her head, her eyes widening at the sound of her voice.
Luz slammed into her, fully planning to wrap her arms around her, but instead only managed to lose her footing, and fall right through Amity. There was no vision this time as she slammed into the coarse sand of the Underworld, groaning. Right, Amity was dead. She wouldn't be able to touch her.
As she crawled to her feet, she felt disappointment wash through her. It wasn't fair. All she wanted to do was hug Amity. She was standing stiff behind Luz like she couldn't believe her eyes.
"Luz, is that really you?"
The disappointment faded to something else entirely when she heard her voice. It was just as it had been before she'd come to the Underworld. Her knee was stinging, and there was probably another hole in her leggings, but she couldn’t recall another time she’d been so relieved in her life. She stepped towards her, reaching out only to slowly remove her hand before it touched her face. It wouldn't work anyway.
“It's me. It's really me." She said, though she could barely believe her own eyes. "I... I thought I’d never see you again," she whispered, her heart hammering tightly in her chest.
“Luz, what are you doing here?” Amity breathed out, clearly just as shocked.
“Oh you know, just some of the usual quest stuff,” Luz said with a chuckle, and Amity recoiled in surprise. She eyes Luz up and down like she was looking for any signs Luz had changed.
“Another quest? I… I didn’t think I’d been down here that long…”
“What?” Luz asked, blinking. “No! It's the same quest I’ve been on this whole time. Amity, I’m here to take you back.”
Amity’s mouth dropped open, before closing and reopening multiple times. “Luz… I… I’m dead. I can’t just… I can’t just go.”
“But you can!” Luz insisted, reaching forward to take her hand. Her fingers passed right through, and she looked down, frustrated. Amity flinched, pulling her hand to her chest. “You’re not at the judging pavilion yet. You haven’t been entered into the Underworld officially. Amity, I’m here to fix this.”
“You can’t fix a prophecy, Luz,” Amity said with a stern shake of her head, even though her eyes were dark with sadness. “Look, all this is over. I… I died, yeah, but that’s how it was meant to be. I knew that, and I know you do too.”
“We were wrong. Amity, we’ve been wrong this whole time! Look, I met my Dad just after you…” Luz swallowed hard, and Amity looked away, biting her lip. Luz took a quick breath and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. He told me that this wasn’t over. What closes on one side has to close on the other too. I’m here to make sure the portal stays closed for good, and I need you to help me. Please, Amity. Just trust me.”
Amity looked back at Luz, and something in her face shifted. She sighed, giving Luz a tiny smile.
“I can’t even die in peace, can I? Are you always going to be like this?”
Luz's heartbeat once in her chest, hard.
“Am I always going to be like what? Charming and intriguing?” Luz asked with a grin.
“No," Amity scoffed with a shake of her head. "I meant annoying and persistent.”
“Well, that depends. Are you going to step out of this line?”
Amity paused for another moment, looking down towards the judging pavilion with a thoughtful look on her face. After another moment, she stepped forward, gesturing for the soul behind her to move up.
“Alright, you've convinced me. I'm in. What’s the plan?”          
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mariamermaid · 4 years
The Heir of Silberstein; luftige Turbulenzen (ch. 3)
“breezy turbulences”
Fred Weasley x fem Reader
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Summary: As a new school year approaches in Hogwarts, the students are surprised when Dumbledore introduces a group of German siblings joining the school. The royal family of fortress Silberstein is now sent to Hogwarts to learn the matters of a normal teenager life. …
Words: 3.k
Having siblings, especially brothers wasn´t always easy.
But the true meaning of how different Hendrik´s and August´s thinking, wasn´t fully apprehended by you until the Quidditch game two days later. The impact of the letter hadn´t left your body.
In the two days, you hadn´t talked to either of them. You hadn´t even seen them, they avoided each other as well as you and Ruth. The youngest of the four of you, grasped the situation barely. It didn´t help that she felt even more left out. Hendrik and August were stubborn in their own ways and knowing you couldn´t convince them to talk, you at least decided to show up to the Quidditch game. Ruth sat with you in the Gryffindor tower, together you shared a bowl of salted caramel popcorn, which your little sister happily munched on.
The tower wasn´t as filled as the week before, the game between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but the true Quidditch fans still showed up. However, it still surprised you when Fred and George joined you.
“Oh Ruth, this is Fred and George Weasley, friends of mine.” You turned to the Twins and gestured towards your sister. “Guys, you know my sister Ruth, right?”
Gentlemen-like in a humorous way, just like their personalities, they shook her small hand. “Pleasure meeting the second princess”, Fred smiled. “Always at your service!”
Ruth blushed and giggled; you could already tell, that she liked them.
“How´s the game going anyways, Y/n?” Fred now asked while George tried to steal popcorn from your sister. You peered over the pitch, furrowing your eyebrows. Last week at the game, it had been warm and sunny, but today? Thick, gray clouds hung over the school and individual, cold droplets of rain started falling. The wind was hollering around the towers and felt like a whip against your skin.
“They play back and forth, but it´s not really coming together.” Fred followed your eyes and shrugged. “They had worse weather conditions before, I´m sure they handle it.”
“No, there is something else going on between them”, you shook your head and Fred, who noticed your wary eyes on your brothers, raised his eyebrow. He could only guess that some kind of argument had involved between August and Hendrik, but he realized, that you didn´t want to talk about it. At least not with Ruth there. A look of worry spread in his face and you pressed your lips to a thin line, not knowing how to answer it.
Soon the rain became thicker and gusting wind pushed the players around. Hendrik, who had apparently caught sight of something, which you only guessed as the golden snitch, August left his position to follow him. Draco, Slytherin´s actual keeper seemed to shout something at him, but you couldn´t hear the words. August continued to ignore him and follow his brother. Shoulder to shoulder they bumped into each other and Ruth hissed in fear they´d crash.
“Solche Idioten!”, you muttered in between breaths. (What idiots!)
The entire audience watched captivated. Whatever was happening, it didn´t have much to do with the actual game.
“Vielleicht solltest du einmal auf mich hören, jedenfalls bevor du deinen Arsch auf den Thron platzierst!“ August huffed and Hendrik´s eye shot angrily at him. (Maybe you should listen at least once to me, before sitting down your ass on the throne!)
“Albrecht wird uns ausstoßen noch bevor Vater es merken wird, siehst du das etwa nicht?“ (Albrecht is going to expel us before father will even realize, don’t you see it?)
He continued while they circled the towers. Hendrik tried to get rid of him, but August was determined.
“Das ist Schwachsinn, Albrecht hat kein Recht auf die Krone und das weiß jeder! Nur weil du ihn nicht leiden kannst, ist er nicht gleich der Bösewicht!“ (That´s nonsense! Albrecht has no right for the crown and everybody knows it! Just because you don´t like him, doesn´t mean he is a villain!)
„Und Vaters Krankheit, die aus dem nichts auftauchte?“ (And father´s illness, which showed up out of nowhere?)
August took a run-up, before crashing into Hendrik again. The oldest lost his balance, not completely, but enough to knock him off his course. The game was put in the rear for them.
“Unterstellst du seinem treuesten Diener ihn zu vergiften?! Das ist verrückt!“ (Do you ascribe his most loyal servant, to poison him? It´s madness!)
„Denk doch nach, es ist die einzige Erklärung! Vaters plötzliche Krankheit, uns wegzuschicken, damit er die Krone an sich krallen kann!“ (Think about it, it´s most logical explanation! Father´s sudden sickness, shipping us away, so he can clutch the crown for himself?)
„Du hast nicht ein Beweis dafür!“ (You have not a single proof for it!)
„Er hat Mutters Ring!“ (He has mother´s ring!)
Quiet, sudden and unexpected. None of you ever talked about it, not that there was much to talk. The two brothers floated in the air, still and starring, as if somebody had pushed a pause bottom.
It had been a night like this, stormy and dark. Rain was falling cold as ice daggers; Ruth was barely a year old. Queen Johanna was on a trip with her Pegasus, but time passed and she didn´t come back in the evening.
Two days passed and the whole kingdom searched for her, all they found were last rags of her dress and a deadbeat Pegasus, that was barely breathing. It laid at the side of the river, where the deadly streams came to an end and the waterfalls left nothing, but a breeze in the air. Severe injuries and a trauma, which caused all happiness to seize within the once relentless creature.
Queen Johanna died in an accident.
She left behind a broken king beneath a heavy crown and four siblings as half-orphans. It felt like an even deeper bond was formed in the family, but in reality, you drove apart.
The bond was nothing, but a façade and the crown was nothing but pure pressure.
“Du Lügner!” (You liar!) Hendrik screamed and he pushed himself forward on his broomstick. He smashed right into August, who was taken by surprise by his sudden rage. August couldn´t grab the broomstick in time, falling off and trying to hold onto Hendrik. But the oldest was blind in rage.
They spun and twisted around, quickly sailing towards the ground.
Ruth, the Weasley twins and you, as well as many other spectators, jumped off their seats. You barely heard the yell that escaped Ruth´s lips, you watched in horror as the two tumbled into the depths. Shock captivated you, leaving your body numb and unable to fulfill any commando from your brain. All you did was stand there and watch.
You were sure, that you heard the collision with the ground, even though you were hundredths of feet away and flinched at the hard sound. A gasp for air left your mouth and your lunges inflated.
The prior shock rolled of your body and finally, your feet reacted. As fast as possible, you´re legs almost felt like leaving the ground, you sprinted towards the two boys. None of them moved a muscle. Madame Hooch was already at their side, inspecting the incident and several players from both teams joined her. Ruth, who wasn´t half as fast as you, approached with the twins dogging her. She immediately started crying, but Madame Hooch was quick to make her statement; a few broken bones and a heavy concussion, that knocked them out.
They would heal.
But that was none of your concern. Whatever had happened between them, it was important enough to make Hendrik snap. It was important enough, to make them go against the Quidditch game, not to mention in front of the entire school. It was important enough, to fall into a potential death just to prove a point.
It constituted a supreme importance.
And the only two people, who knew what it was, laid unconsciously in the dirty grass.  
Ruth, who was kneeling besides her two brothers, tears still in their eyes, didn´t noticed how you stepped away from the scene. George had taken your place at her side, putting an arm carefully around her. But Fred realized you leaving and started following you. To say you were angry, was an understatement.
“Y/N, what happened there?” He asked, while trying to catch up with you. You were incredible fast to his surprise and even angrier. Something was seething inside you.
“I don´t know exactly!”
He grabbed your wrist to stop you from further escaping. People often were afraid of touching you, fearing it would end in a punishment, but Fred didn´t care. Or at least he didn´t have the time to give it much thought.
“But you do know something?”
He paused, eyeing you; the wind had messed up your neat hair and your face was convulsed with anger. You didn´t look like the princess he had first seen, you looked like the storm brewing in the skies, waiting to collapse down to earth.
“You all do, you´re hiding it.”
You waited seconds and even minutes, avoiding his glance and pondering, how much you should tell.
“Our father, the king, he´s ill. Very ill.”
Fred raised his eyebrow, not comprehending how bad the situation actually was.
“We don´t how long he will survive anymore.”
 And as simple as that, you blurted everything out. From your father´s sudden sickness and the idea to form a new school. How you felt this apprehension towards Albrecht and how Hendrik prepared for his new title.
Fred Weasley stayed quiet and for the first time, he suddenly looked smaller next to you. He just began realizing, or at least grasping, of how much weight was on your shoulders.
When you came to an end, he was left speechless and not knowing what else to do, he pulled you into a tight hug. Pressing your head against his chest and he felt your constant shivering.
“I don´t know what to do, Freddy.”
You admitted quietly, barely a whisper. His hand came up to the back of your head, softly stroking down to your back. “I don´t like saying it, but you might be right.”
You sniffled and lurked up to him, he replied with an apologetic smile. “Well after your bad feeling towards this Albrecht guy-.“ The German name sounded only poorly pronounced. “And the fight between Hendrik and August, something is most definitely wrong.”
A soft chuckled escaped your lips, even in this seemingly hopeless situation, he made you laugh.
“So, what do you recon I shall do?”
Carefully, just now realizing, how close he had come, hell Fred Weasley was touching a real-life princess! His hands gently stroke your cheek to finally cup your face.
“You won´t be doing anything, at least not alone!”
 “So, tell me again, what exactly are we doing?” George asked nervously, while walking up and down in front of the infirmary. Obviously, Fred and you told him.
“We need to know what August said”, you repeated calmy. The second twin, who had just recently found out about the heap of secrets and potential threats, was clearly caught off guard.
“Why do you think it was August, who drew the final straw?”
“I know Hendrik and what he thinks, if he knew anything of great importance, he would´ve told me.” George nodded understanding; he was coming to understand the plan.
“But if there is an actual threat, we just do what?” He then asked tensed, his brother shrugged nonchalantly. “We go to Germany!”
You threw a warning glance at Fred, making him go quiet at the end of the sentence. This had to be handled with care.
“Breaking the school rules?!” George exclaimed even louder and you rolled your eyes.
“What, are you afraid Weasley? After playing pranks and breaking rules since your birth?” Your daring and ironic comment shut up him up. You knew it was a lot to comprehend within only minutes. It had been a few hours since the game, Fred and you had made up the plan in the mean-time.
“What are you doing here?” Hermione and Harry suddenly approached and even though her questions wasn´t directed on the tense atmosphere, she very well took notice of it.
“We´re waiting for my brothers to wake up”, you answered frantic. Harry furrowed his eyebrows; he knew the anticipating thrill of an upcoming adventure.
“Don´t worry, Y/N, I´m sure they´ll be fine. Boys are naturally stupid.”
Harry threw his head into his friends’ directions, making him lose focus on your intentions.
Hermione rolled her eyes and pushed the book in her hands into Harry´s arms. “Go on and at least make yourself useful.”
She gave you an excusing smile, before turning to leave towards the library. Just before they turned the next corner, you suddenly sprinted towards her again. “Hermione!”
“Fred and George wanted to show me a few places this weekend, so don´t worry, if I´ll be late or anything”, you tried to explain as casual sounding as possible. Her brown eyes wandered back and forth between you and the twins, until she gave up sighing.
“Don´t do anything stupid or get caught.”
As you stepped back to the twins, Madame Pomfrey quitted from the infirmary.
“Oh Miss Silberstein, your brother, August is just awakening!”
Fred eyed you warry from the side. “Do you want us to come with you?”, he asked whispering, but you shook your head. “No, this is family business. Anyways I´m sure they would get angry, if they found out I told you. We don´t have to aggravate something that´s bad enough on it´s own.”
You entered the large room with beds placed into rows. August was laid in the back, while you caught a glance of Hendrik sleeping behind a curtain in the front. The distance between the two beds was awfully noticeable.
August was pale and seemed confused, but as he sat up, he noticed you approaching. His eyes winced, forming even smaller slits and his lips became a thin line.
“Good you´re up, how are you feeling?” The politeness in your voice never felt so fake. But as his sister it was your job to ask about his condition. August saw right through you, not that you gave much of a try to hide it, but he decided to play along. Years of formal etiquette and behavior had shaped you into a concept for society. Perfect and pleasing to the observer.
“Head still hurts as well as my arm, but I´ve had worse.”
Silence settled, while you nodded. Before you could make another polite comment, he spoke up again. “Ask. Ask me. It´s why you´re here.”
It hurt you, that he assumed, that you only came for the sake of information. It made it worse that he was right.
“What did you tell him? What do you know?”
August sighed; the whole scene was as uncomfortable to him as it was to you. But he was aware, that you would believe him. He didn´t show it, but in this very moment, he couldn´t be more grateful. Yes, he showed his cold not-caring exterior, but he relied deeply on you.
“Albrecht, the night before we left, I saw him talking to one of the ostlers. He had mother´s ring.”
Unwanted, a gasp left your lips and you gripped onto the side of the bed. Whatever you had expected, you clearly hadn´t braced yourself well enough.
“August, are you sure, it couldn´t…” He nodded steady, ignoring your stutter.
“I didn´t believe my own eyes at the time.”
“She was wearing the ring when it happened, the ring disappeared with her…”
Your breathing was irregular and the thoughts inside your head were racing at the speed of lightning. If Albrecht had the ring, your mother wore when she had the accident, then he must´ve been with her. He lied, saying he was filling papers the entire day and no one even scrutinized it.
If he was with her, he knew what happened. Maybe he was the reason it happened…
 Neither August nor you noticed how Hendrik´s eyes opened and inaudible, he turned his side into your direction. Behind the curtain, you didn´t see him, how he starred at the blank fabric. How his jaw tensed, when he remembered your father with Albrecht at his side, entering the family´s private wing. Tears formed in his eyes just like then, he knew something was wrong by their faces. That day, the world collapsed right beneath his feet and ever since then, he tried his best to put it back together. He wanted it to be over, but everything came rushing back. It felt like the day where your mother died, haunted him and your family. He didn´t wanted to believe what his brother said, but he knew what it meant.
“I didn´t tell you this before, let´s not be stupid”, August finally spoke up. He could only imagine what chaos was still pelting inside your head. The sentence was surprisingly mature for August and his usual temper. “It could be a weird coincidence.”
August was right, it could be. But there was something inside you that told you, it wasn´t.
August was right, you shouldn´t be stupid. But you had a promise to keep your family safe.
So, you nodded slowly.
“We´ll wait, till Hendrik awakes and I send an owl home, making sure he won´t get it. Then we can discuss it. We have to be careful.” You had to play perfectly to make him believe. Each movement you made, each breath you took, it had to look innocently. It had to look real.
“You should rest and try not to kill Hendrik, or get killed, when he awakes.”
August chuckled and you offered a small grin. “I´ll take care of it.”
You stepped away from his bed, giving him a nod, then leaving the room. A small glance towards Hendrik; eyes closed and steady breathing. When he was to wake up, you´d be gone.
Miles away, hopefully as close to Silberstein as you possibly could, before someone would get wind of it.
“So, how does it look?”
“I hope you´re as good in sneaking away, as you are at playing pranks.”
Fred and George exchanged looks.
“We´re going to Silberstein.”
tags: @ britishspidey @ perfectlysane24  @ acoolnight
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Chapter 29: Starlight’s Mother, Part 5 - Closure At Last
Now that things settle down after the heartwarming moment between Starlight and her mother after telling her everything about when she traveled in time in a dangerous maneuver to a mother who spent most of her life protecting Equestria. Twilight continues on recapping the villains she’s faced.
Twilight: Ok… so now we’re back to Starlight saving Equestria from Chrysalis. This resulted in pretty much the rest of Chrysalis’ army to our side. So Starlight didn’t just help save us, she’s the very reason we have more allies then ever. She technically helped jumpstart our expansion to ally with as many nations outside of Equestria as possible before the school of friendship even started!
Sunset: Yes, having the Changelings on Equestria’s side certainly provide some unique allies. Helps that they get fed by simply walking around and feeling the different kinds of love that we ponies have.
Starlight: One of the Friendship School’s brightest students is a changeling!
Twilight: Indeed! Ocellus is a real book bug!
Sunset: So what else came after Queen Chrysalis’ return?
Twilight: After Queen Chrysalis was defeated again… I guess was when the Pillars of Equestria returned from Limbo along with the Pony of Shadows who just happened to be a friend they neglected named Stygian. We helped them mend their friendship, and now we have all of them walking around Equestria. It’s been kind of nice to have some ponies who know about the past to talk to
Sunset: The Pillars being back on Equestria is definitely very interesting. I imagine they all must of had some culture shock at first, but it is a great point to have ponies who lived so long ago to talk to.
Twilight: Though now we have spirit summoning, we’ll have even more to pull from! As long as they have a living relative, or if they were friends with the pillars, Celestia, or Luna.
Sunset nods
Twilight: After that though… other then the aforementioned return of Sombra. as well as Chrysalis and Tirek also returning one more time there was only one more... Though you’ll probably kind of laugh at first, given she was just a little filly… a crazy evil one… but a little filly nonetheless.
Sunset: Heh heh heh, ok… What was her name?
Twilight: Cozy Glow
The moment Twilight said Cozy Glow, time essentially froze for Sunset and the loudest thunder boom from outside is heard. Startling the group as once again Sunset Shimmer gets a huge jog to her memory. The group watches in horror as Sunset writhes around as if having a seizure. She lets out a huge scream, and lays on the floor.
Firelight: Shimmy?!
Starlight: Mother?! What’s wrong?!
Sunset heaves as if to breathe hard once again, and slowly gets back up. Once she has recovered, she faces the group with a determined face.
Sunset: …I remember everything now.
Starlight: Remember everything…? You mean… your death…? and who was responsible?
Sunset nods
Sunset: Cozy… Cozy Glow was there... The three anarchists were her and her parents!
The whole room gasps
Starlight: But wait… you died more then two decades ago… Cozy was just a filly when we met her… how does that possibly work?!
Sunset: Allow me… to explain…
I’ll begin with saying who Cozy’s parents were. Her father was a unicorn named Cheque Mace, who was a burly stallion, his Cutie Mark was the king piece of a Chessboard. Like said piece of the chessboard, he’s slow, but he was calculating and strong. Cozy’s mother was Glitterani an average sized pegasus mare. her cutie mark being the queen piece of a Chessboard. Like the Queen piece, she could be quite fast and dangerous.
What they had in common they were both narcissistic psychopaths. They could not feel love, and their only definition of friends were if they did something for them and/or gave them power, their only reason for marrying and giving birth to Cozy was to have more ponies in their ranks. As even back then, even the more antagonistic ponies wanted nothing to do with their sociopathic tendencies or thought their goal was insane.
Their goal was to take all of the magic in Equestria, either to take it for themselves so they can rule the world. Or if failing that… make sure everypony is magicless in the twisted statement of “if they couldn’t have it, no one else will”. They seeked 6 powerful artifacts capable of being conduits to gather all the magic of Equestria in one spot...
The entire rest of the group gasp recalling that’s exactly what Cozy Glow did under the School of Friendship
Sunset: To be perfectly clear of what would of even happened if they managed to succeed for long. Was that it wasn’t going to really be possible for either of them to gain power from collecting all the magic of Equestria. It most likely was going to result in Equestria becoming magicless, but even if these 3 knew that’d be the most likely result. They didn’t care, they wanted to inflict pain and suffering on the entire world.
I have no idea why they got so evil, but it may be safer to just say they were just born pretty messed up. Because there was not going to be anything redeemable about them, the elements that make up Friendship never occur to them.
They’d rather lie and mislead then be honest.
They have a twisted sense of loyalty that they say only applies to them
They are not generous at the least, and would refuse to give even the most basic needs.
They have no kindness in their hearts.
The only thing that makes them laugh is the suffering of others.
And the magic of friendship is only power to them...
I had to try to take them out somehow someway before I fully retired, as I was afraid they’d fulfill their plan within the next few years before Celestia found Twilight. I could nip them in the bud before things really got bad, and while Cheque Mace had some skill as a unicorn. I would wipe the floor with him on a 1-on-1 duel, Glitterani was fast but nothing my magic couldn’t handle, and Cozy Glow was the most unknown but she was a just a little filly who was also a Pegasus. Perhaps if there’s one thing I underestimated the most about them, was Cozy’s manipulation tactics…
Sunset had just arrived in the location that would later become New Haven. The train tracks leading here hadn’t even been made yet, and there was only one building at this time that had a front and back entrance, the back leading to Nightmare Cliffs. Sunset had received a tip that’s where Cheque Mace, Glitterani, and their young daughter Cozy Glow fled once they caught wind Sunset was after them. As Sunset approaches the building, she can hear the faint sounds… of a crying child. Sunset gets a closer look, and finds a little pink pegasus filly straight in the middle of the building with curly light blue hair and bows, she had no Cutie Mark yet.  
Sunset identifies her as Cozy Glow. She approaches cautiously. Cozy Glow looks toward the front entrance and sees Sunset. Continuing to cry to try and get the sympathy of Sunset.
Cozy Glow: A…ar…are y-you… S-Sunset Shimmer? You’re the Princesses’ protege, aren’t you?
Sunset: Not anymore, really. But even so, I am here to put you and your parents into justice. You will never take the magic of Equestria away.
Cozy: Whaaaaaat? Me facing justice? But I’m only a filly! I’m not responsible for my parents’ actions!
Sunset: Even so, I don’t know what they taught you. We may try to at least see if you can be changed... if you can prove that you’re different enough from your parents.
Cozy: Oh, Golly! But I am! I-i-i-i have no choice to go with them because they’re my p-p-parents… they take p-p-pleasure in a-a-abusing me physically and emotionally. And when it comes to crimes, if I refused, they would k-k-kill m-me… and they tell me that if I was captured, I’d just end up r-r-rotting in the Canterlot dungeons… But you said they’d try to help?
Sunset isn’t completely sure she can take Cozy’s words at face value. But she wouldn’t put it past the other two to end up having a daughter that wants to be good but they abuse her to the point where they force her to go along with their plan.
Sunset: Yes, if we deem that you can be a good pony in the way your parents can’t… Equestria would welcome you...
Cozy: Wow! That sounds so swell, Sunset Shimmer! Wanna be friends?
Cozy looks at Sunset with a big grin and puppy-dog eyes.
Sunset: I… guess?
Suddenly a voice from just outside is heard
Cheque Mace: COZY!
Glitterani: How dare you betray us! We ought to destroy you along with Scumset…
Cozy: Ahhhh! Help me, Sunset! My parents are here!
Sunset puts up a determined face, and steps in front of Cozy to protect her
Sunset: Cheque Mace and Glitterani! Your life as criminals are coming to an end today! And with any luck, Cozy will be a better pony then you two ever will be.
Cheque Mace: I think you are mistaken, for it is your life that is ending today.
Sunset: Not when I have a reason to get back, once I’m finished with you.
Cheque Mace: Oh... are you talking about your “darling” Fi-Fi
Sunset goes wide-eyed
Sunset: How do you know about me and Firelight? I never even told the Princess about him…
Cheque Mace: I have more eyes then you think, Sunset. Maybe when I’m done with you, I’ll give him a visit. And show them your decapitated head!
As Cheque laughs evilly, Sunset rages and blasts both Cheque Mace and and Glitterani out of the building and gives chase leaving Cozy behind in the building. Sunset confronts Cheque and Glitterani near the edges of Nightmare Cliffs. They stand at first at a standstill, a decent length from each other in a triangle formation. Sunset on one point, Cheque Mace to the right of Sunset’s view, and Glitterani on the left.
Glitterani takes the first move, speeding towards Sunset and spins around fast enough to create a tornado. Forcing Sunset to use magic to bend some earth around her hooves so she remains stationary, so she isn’t blown away by the tornado. This however also leaves Sunset vulnerable to Cheque’s lasers without protection. Sure enough as Sunset entrenches herself, Cheque fires lasers but Sunset knows defensive shield spells that easily protect her. Glitterani just trying to fly around to distract Sunset and force her into putting down her shield just enough for Cheque Mace to get a direct hit on Sunset. But suddenly…
A lightning strike startles Glitterani as she wasn’t too far from the bolt as it struck. She stops in the air, covering her ears after the large boom, and shock of almost being seriously hurt or worse. This leaves a clean shot for Sunset to make a small hole in her shield, so she can target Glitterani. Sunset fires her shot, and she gets a direct hit on her right wing. Rendering it useless for certainly well past this fight. Glitterani falls dangerously close to just off the cliffs but just manages to land at close to the edge.
This also gets rid of the tornado that Sunset had to keep herself stationary for, now free to move however she feels. Leaving Sunset only having to deal with Cheque Mace on a 1-on-1. An advantageous position for her. Off in the distance a faint laugh of a child is heard, but Sunset ignores it as she locks eyes with Cheque Mace. The stare down as either waits for the first move.
Finally, Cheque is the first one to flinch as he fires a large blast at Sunset’s direction. She smugly smiles and says
Sunset: Check. Mate.
Just as she gracefully dodges via a backflip that transitions into a teleport closer to Cheque and fires a counter laser that curves straight at him
Cheque Mace: Noooooooooo!
The laser hits him off to the side, and off the cliff. Sunset assumes he’ll teleport before he hits the ground. Though a thud is heard, followed by the faint sounds of a splash a moment later.
All that was left now was the injured Glitterani. Sunset had basically already won swiftly, though as Sunset approached Glitterani. The sounds of a laughing child get progressively louder every so often.
Sunset: It’s over Glitterani, once I get you and your husband’s injured selves to Canterlot you are facing justice to the full extent of the law.
Glitterani just grumbles as Sunset gets closer, but as she looks up. She sees a small silhouette that is either moving forward or sideways in straight line like the Rook piece of the chessboard, and she grins smugly.
Glitterani: Not yet!
Sunset raises an eyebrow as Glitterani starts laughing, thinking she’s trying to comfort herself with sociopathic fits of laughter. Sunset thinks nothing of it as the silhouette up in the sky gets to just above where Sunset stands… and something is dropped from it. The unwary Sunset still facing Glitterani.
Sunset: Just what are you laughing a-
A large rock hits Sunset right at the base of her horn. It’s weight puts pressure, cracking the horn before ultimately it bends too far, and falls off, The rock also hits hard on Sunset’s forehead. She screams out in pain, and falls off on her side. Her vision keeps fading in and out of blurriness as she lays there. A full-on concussion. She also has a black eye as part of the falling rock scraped her still open right eye as it fell off. It takes a few minutes before finally Sunset can look around, she looks up wondering where the rock could of possibly come from and she now has a clear view of who dropped it.
It was Cozy Glow, who just looks at the scene with glee and sadistically jokes
Cozy: Ooooooops, golly… did I do that? Ehehehehehe
Sunset rages, she sits back up and yells at Cozy
Sunset: What… I thought you said weren’t on your parents side! You… you… you liar!
Cozy: Hey, I didn’t totally lie. They do abuse me… But I never said I didn’t like it! Ahahahahaha! Oh and by the way… Mom! I have my cutie mark!
Cozy glow shows her flank and both Sunset and Glitterani see a rook shaped cutie mark. Glitterani laughing.triumphantly
Glitterani: Hahahaha! Cozy, you are indeed one of us!
The rook cutie mark now etched into Cozy’s flank confirms this was a manipulative plan she came up with her parents the entire time.
Cozy Glow: Too bad, poor dad isn’t going to get the chance to see it. I think he had a pretty big tumble and water’s probably filling his lungs right now! But meh, we don’t need him. Right, mom?
Not even an ounce of empathy, Sunset realized then and there that the apple didn’t far from the tree. A rotten apple from a poisonous tree at that, as Cozy was just like her parents. Falling for Cozy’s lie has already cost Sunset her horn. But her magic is the only thing that’s going to reach Cozy from up there if she’s going to get any payback, so despite intense pain still throbbing from the loss of her horn. She decides to fire something, without a full horn to truly focus her magic... whatever is fired at Cozy could be almost anything. Firing something makes the pain in her head worse but something does get fired straight up at Cozy Glow.
Cozy sees the approaching blast, and freaks out before dodging just before it hits. She then proceeds to mock Sunset.
Cozy: Haha! Missed me, Shamset!
But then a slight boom is heard from up above her. Cozy at first thinks nothing of it, thinking it was just thunder. But as she looks up, the blast that Sunset blasted starts expanding into a transparent white dome with star symbols on it, Cozy is too close to it as it starts to suck her up like a vacuum cleaner. She tries to fly out of the dome’s suction but she loses strength quick, and she screams as she’s flung straight up into the dome. The dome then disappears with no sign of Cozy.
Glitterani: C-c-cozy? Cozy?! Cozy, where are you?!
Sunset takes this chance to laugh herself, albeit still through some pain. She approaches Glitterani at the edge of the cliff.
Glitterani: Stop laughing! What did you do to Cozy?!
Sunset: I didn’t think you’d have concern for anypony, even your daughter. But I’m pretty sure what got Cozy was a time travel spell. That dome is pretty classic Starswirl. But... because she broke my horn. I have no control of how far she went. She could of been sent some years to the past, maybe years into the future, or maybe she’s been sent back to the age of the dinosaurs! She may be nothing but dino-chow right now!
Sunset just looking down with a smug face. But then Glitterani gets angry, suddenly leaps up and grabs Sunset pinning her down on the ground.
Glitterani: If we’re going down… I’m taking you with me!
Glittering starts rolling them both close to the edge. This was a fall neither was likely to survive without Sunset being able to teleport to safety.
Sunset: What are you doing?! We’re both going to die if you roll us off!
Glitterani: That’s kind of the idea, you fool…
Sunset: No, wait! Please! I have a family!
Glitterani: And I had one too… before you ripped that away just now. This was exactly why we had you follow us here to these cliffs. We put on a brave face but we knew deep down you were too good... but then Cozy plotted with us a way in which even if we fail... at least we weren’t going down alone... plus whatever happens... no one will know what happened here... You’ve doomed your family to despair! And the best part is… they’ll never know what happened to you!
Sunset: Noooooooooooooooo!
Holding on tight to Sunset to make sure she fatally plunges with her. Glitterani rolls them off the edge and they start plunging down to certain death. Sunset has to act quick, and try something with her horn as it’s the only move she’s got. Sunset charges up what remains of her horn. Though Glitterani sees this and puts a hoof over the hole that was Sunset’s horn. Inside Sunset’s head a burning sensation gets hotter, hotter, and hotter as the pressure of her magic being blocked by Glitterani's hoof makes it build higher and higher until…
Just a few feet before hitting the water. A big explosion from Sunset’s head envelops the two falling ponies. And if there was anything left of either of them… They were cleaned up by hungry sharks and other meat-eating water predators to eat their fill with. Sunset Shimmer and Glitterani had met their end. Cheque Mace as implied by Cozy had also fallen, he hit his head amidst falling, going unconscious as he fell into the raging waters, body sinking, and thus ultimately drowned. While Cozy was sent into a then unknown time.
*Flashback ends*
((Story continues after the break))
The entire room gasps again having been told the whole story of how Sunset died. Glitterani was ultimately the one who forced Sunset to essentially blow herself up, but without an assist from Cozy Glow breaking Sunset’s horn… Sunset would of most likely survived. So indeed, Cozy Glow had a role in the death of Sunset Shimmer. The room stays silent just processing the story.
Twilight: So… if I heard what happened correctly… Cozy Glow was sent through time… and it just happened to be somewhere over two decades into the future… where at some point she caught wind of the School of Friendship… and she manipulated us in order to infiltrate as a student in order to eventually do what she and her parents wanted to do… with assistance from Tirek.
Sunset: Wait, Cozy actually ended up collecting all of Equestria’s magic?!
Twilight: Yes… and she nearly trapped me and my friends in Tartaurus in the meantime, plus she also had your daughter trapped in the sphere of magic collected. It was thanks to a particular team of 6 students plus the Tree of Harmony intervening under the school that she was defeated. And magic was returned.
Sunset: I see… good that she was defeated quickly enough… otherwise I’m sure by now nearly all life would be dying right now…
Twilight: Huh? What do you mean?
Sunset: Remember what you learned from Jinn? Our souls are magic too, although Cozy and her Parents plan can’t collect soul magic… and neither can Tirek for that matter…  Since soul magic is a lot less tangible, as what it becomes is determined how they lived their life
But without the magic that can be taken such as the casting magic Unicorns have, Pegasi’s flight plus weather-changing abilities, as well as Earth ponies ability to tend the land… Equestria would become a depressing place that can’t do anything about the dark magic that would slowly envelop the world. And with so many unhappy or worse inhabitants, the death of life everywhere would only increase the dark magic, hastening the extinction of life. The world would return to the state of when the Sun and Moon did not move. But there’s too many clouds made of dark magic to see either sunlight or moonlight on top of it.
Twilight can only be reminded of a certain timeline she, Spike, and Starlight saw during their time travel confrontation.
Twilight: That wasteland me and Starlight saw in that timeline… That might have been if Cozy Glow and/or her parents succeeded…
Starlight’s has had her head lowered down for the whole time since hearing the full story of how her mother died, though she briefly raises her head up and goes wide-eyed having heard that the final timeline they saw could have likely been the result of Cozy succeeding. She lowers her head back down, but she seems to have a rage building up inside.
Sunset: Twilight… where is Cozy Glow right now, by chance?
Twilight: She’s trapped in stone alongside Tirek and Queen Chrysalis.
Sunset: *phew* That is such a relief. Of those three, Cozy deserves to stay in stone forever… she may just be a filly. But trust me in saying there’s no redeeming her.
I understand Chrysalis has been stubborn, but perhaps the right circumstance could do it if we can reconnect her with her army... since most of them were her own children.
I doubt Tirek could be changed easily, but he has family issues in regards to his father and his brother Scorpan that could be perhaps worked out to perhaps make him less antagonistic…
But Cozy is a lost cause that must be kept in stone, forever. It’d take outright brainwashing to erase the evil in her heart and there’s no guarantee that even works. I don’t want to know what kind of Dark magic would be released if she died.
Twilight: I admit from appearances alone… it’d seem like Cozy was the most capable of changing… but given what you’ve told me she’s done… and recalling that timeline… not even Tirek and Chrysalis wanted to wreck Equestria that badly… them ruling Equestria would still be bad… but they mostly intended on ruling over us… with an iron hoof or fist probably…  but still not exactly ending all life on the planet…
Rainbow: So wait… if Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow’s team up succeeded in defeating us… that could of resulted in a civil war where of all situations… Tirek and Chrysalis would be the good guys?!
Sunset: By comparison… yes.
Applejack: Gosh, that’s bleak…
Apple Bloom: Ah can’t believe we helped such a monster!
Sweetie Belle: We were such suckers…
Scootaloo: If we had known Cozy was like that, we would of left her crying!
Sunset: It’s ok you three, one of Cozy’s skills was manipulation. She fooled me too when I fell for her act of not actually being in cahoots with her parents.
Rainbow Dash: And from what I heard from Sandbar and his friends at school… she had almost all of our students against them!
Twilight: She also manipulated me when joining the school in the first place, when she came into my office to enroll. She started with a sob story about how she was an orphan… and while it wasn’t exactly a lie that she was orphaned… I couldn’t tell her parents were two of the worst ponies to ever exist… let alone that Cozy Glow was from more then 2 decades ago in the past…
Though actually speaking of Cozy’s parents… if they died… what did the dark magic that came out of them become?
Sunset: The dark magic from the deaths of Cheque Mace and Glitterani unleashed a twin pair of strong Hurricanes in the ocean they died in, likely devastating any coastal cities in their path. Large enough for me to see on the planet from the soul shield. These hurricanes return every few years, but each time thanks to the cities putting up more defenses, as well as the strength of friendship magic increasing, thus weakening dark magic everywhere. Just like how the Windigoes are hardly a threat any more, those hurricanes eventually will amount to nothing.
Starlight finally speaks up
Starlight: So… if I’m hearing from you right, mother… dark magic being unleashed from the death of someone evil can be beaten back with time…?
Sunset: Well yes… but it’d still be safer to make sure they don’t di-
Starlight’s voice and anger rises with each sentence
Starlight: And not get any ounce of satisfying retribution for her role in your murder?
For manipulating me and my friends, trapping me in a sphere of Equestria’s magic… and nearly dragging me wherever it was going to go?!
For being part of the reason I never got to know you are until now?!
For being the reason my early life was so terrible?!
For trying to remove all magic from Equestria?!
The group doesn’t know what Starlight’s about to do, but there’s plenty of concerned faces. Meanwhile, Starlight pulls out a piece of portal gum, and starts chewing.
Twilight: Starlight, what are you doing?!
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Starlight blows the bubble, Starlight manages to spawn a portal to the exact spot where Cozy is trapped in stone. And she starts charging a powerful laser.
Sunset sees what she’s doing and beckons Twilight to stop her
Sunset: Twilight! You have to stop Starlight before she kills Cozy!
Twilight: On it!
Starlight blasts her laser that will both fit into the portal, and if it hits Cozy’s statue will most certainly shatter it, and thus kill Cozy. But before it even crosses the portal, Twilight gets in front and forms a shield, blocking Starlight’s blast. Starlight stops firing to speak.
Starlight: Twilight! Why are you protecting Cozy?! You heard my mother… she’s an irredeemable psychopath, and if the tables were turned… she wouldn’t hesitate to do the same thing! And even if her death does release devastating dark magic… we’ll have the power to shrink it in time!
Twilight: I agree that Cozy is never going to change, but unleashing some unknown, devastating form of dark magic on what will most certainly be all of Ponyville isn’t worth the immediate satisfaction of a sudden execution! Cozy is already facing justice as a statue! You’ll just put everypony in Ponyville in danger just for the brief moment of satisfaction of killing in revenge, even if it sounds justified!
Starlight thinks for a moment before trying to blast through anyway, despite Twilight’s insistence. So Sunset puts up a determined face to talk to her daughter.
Sunset: If you won’t listen to Twilight, maybe you’ll listen to me as your mother… Yes, Cozy was partly responsible for my death. I hate her about as much as you do for it, but this isn’t the answer!
Starlight stops firing, and her rage shifts into sadness and overflowing tears
Starlight: Why isn’t it?! She didn’t directly kill you… but she may as well have! The circumstances of your death was the true reason I turned to darkness. I couldn't control what happened then, but I know what I can do to rectify that!
You would have been fine if Cozy didn’t break your horn! 
I would of had a loving mother such as you around so I wouldn’t have had such disdain for something that should have been one of the happiest moments in my life… receiving my cutie mark and knowing the pony I was destined to be… 
AND on top of that she planned on ending life as we know it!
So what if Ponyville has to deal with something like a storm of dark magic every so often… 
Won’t it feel like justice to you?!
Sunset: No! Because whatever damage the dark magic from Cozy’s death does could endanger more lives then it’s worth in exchange for the brief satisfaction of ending Cozy’s life. Letting anger fuel you as you end a life will also only end up bubbling up potential dark magic from your own soul’s magic.
Starlight: Didn’t you technically kill Cheque Mace when you blasted him off the cliff?
Sunset: In a way, I suppose I did.... But I didn’t do it intentionally, I was thinking he was going to teleport before he fell… I didn’t know he had become unconscious until Cozy implied he was dead. This is a world where emotion and morality influence our magic power and determine what our soul does after we pass, whether we add additional strength to the soul shield or become vengeful dark magic that wrecks the planet.
Putting our harshest and/or most stubborn villains in stone is our way of punishing them harshly without them unleashing dark magic that can hurt others. Killing them, even beyond the ensuing dark magic devastation… may end up only making Cozy a martyr for potential villains of the future...
Starlight: Wouldn’t leaving a statue just make something potential villains idolize or even try to free them if they’re magically adept?
Sunset: That is a possibility, but not if we outright properly educate who Cozy was and why she needs to stay as a statue… Just look at her face… even I know that Cozy’s scared look as she’s petrified is another of her manipulation moves. Before turning to stone, she acted quickly to look like she was scared and innocent, so she could perhaps one day fool an onlooker to think we petrified an innocent pony…
Or… if we destroyed her as a statue… make it seems like we executed an innocent little filly… and whatever comes down on top of Ponyville would seem like retribution from nature to some who would want to follow down Cozy’s path of psychopathic evil. In that sense, you could end up only creating more Cozy Glow’s...
Starlight’s finally stands down and takes a moment to calm down, though still at least gives a suggestion. Meanwhile, Twilight take the opportunity to closes the portal as Starlight speaks.
Starlight: Alright… I think I understand… but I think at the very least if we’re going to consider the future like this, we should then think about putting Cozy in a place where a potential future villain like her could not use the statue to idolize it or even get freed by someone adept in magic enough to reverse petrification. Do we have a super secure facility? Or you want to try putting Cozy in Tartaurus again only this time she’s a statue ON TOP of being trapped there?
Twilight ponders something
Twilight: I think I may have an idea… what if I put Cozy’s Statue in it’s own pocket dimension. And much like our gum portals. Only those with the magical authorization can access it. What good is Cozy’s manipulating petrified pose, if almost no one’s going to be able to see her?
Starlight gives a smug look that harkens back a little to her old ways before Twilight and the others befriended her.
Starlight: Hahahaha! Almost makes me want to be able to at least free Cozy’s head temporarily just so I can see her face as she hears where we’re leaving her!
Rainbow: Geez Starlight, seems you still have a little bit of that evil dictator side of you
Starlight: Maybe, but can you blame me? Cozy’s part of why I was led on the path to become one in the first place. I’m not actually serious about freeing Cozy’s head, I’m just saying... it’d be satisfying.
Sunset decides to play along with a bit of an exaggerated disappointed mother.
Sunset: Starlight Glimmer... enough of that talk and I may have to ground you for the first time! *giggles*
Starlight: Maybe, I should let you ground me just to have a taste of the mother you would have been *giggles* I even know a spell where I can play out if you had been around for my childhood
Sunburst: You mean that spell you used to try to get me to play Dragon Pit with you again?
Sunset: Oh I loved the Dragon Pit board game! I played it alot with my brother when we were kids. I would of played with you and/or Sunburst almost all the time. Too bad I won’t be able to roll dice and move the pieces. Iiiii can’t exactly touch objects aside from the floors, I have to sort of float since I can kind of fly in order to sort of go on stuff like beds, and I can’t float stuff with my horn anymore.
Starlight: Always the option to have somepony roll and move your player for you!
Sunset: That is true!
Starlight: But in all seriousness... knowing Cozy will cause no more harm nor be able to potentially manipulate somepony who doesn’t know better about her will be great to know.
Sunset turns toward Twilight
Sunset: Putting Cozy’s statue in a pocket dimension is a great idea. And in fact if you know somepony else who might have devastating effects somewhere should they die, you should probably do the same thing.
Twilight: The only other villain I can think of on that level is Zathir, I’ll definitely have to petrify him as well, and put him in the same pocket dimension as Cozy.
But until then, I think now that we’ve solved everything. We’re going to start to head back, we ought to go see how Applejack’s parents are doing with Big Mac, Sugar Belle, and Granny Smith.
Starlight: If it’s ok, Twilight… I’m going to stay the night here, to spend some more time with my mother. Since pony Spirits can be down here indefinitely, right?
Twilight: This is the first time we’re having spirits down but I suppose I can let you stay the night here with your mother. Though I’m not sure what will happen if Sunset tries to sleep, though given I’m part spirit… I might at least have a hypothesis... if a spirit goes to sleep… They may go back to the soul shield, similar to how when I go to sleep, I go back into my bottle.
Sunset: That feels like it makes sense. After all, our comet-like forms are kind of also us sleeping
Firelight is a little distraught.
Firelight: Shimmy… you’ll go back up there in the soul shield if you sleep?! I… was almost kind of looking forward to being able to have you sleep with me again… I’ve felt so lonely hoping one day you’d come back… cause I didn’t know you were dead this whole time…
Sunset smiles, touched that her husband thought about that.
Sunset: Well, I still could. I just have to not go to sleep myself. How about this… We’ll sleep in our bed tonight, and I’ll only go back to the soul shield sometime after you’ve fallen asleep. And if you want to see me again tomorrow or any other point. Just get Starlight or yourself to go see Spike to summon me down again.
Starlight: We also have a wedding between 2 of Twilight’s friends in Saddle Arabia to attend in two days. We could… perhaps summon you down so you can attend if you’d like.
Sunset: That sounds lovely, I won’t exactly know much about the 2 being wedded. But if perhaps you and Fi-Fi are going, I could definitely go.
Starlight: I think I was going to go regardless, but It’d definitely be great to see you there.
Firelight: I wasn’t going to go initially… but if you’re going to be summoned down for the wedding. Then I absolutely have to be there.
Sunset: Then of course, summon me back down on the day after tomorrow’s wedding and I’ll be there the whole way.
The room cheers and claps to have a spirit attendee.
Applejack: Heh, ya’ll could even become spirit friends with mah parents if we invite them too!
Twilight: That does sound like a pretty good idea.
Rainbow: Hey everypony! Don’t look now, but I think the storm’s over!
The whole group walks back outside, and perhaps appropriately with the skies clear… the sun itself is setting in a fitting fashion with the return of Sunset Shimmer. Starlight walks on over to the Cutie Mark Crusaders as Sunset continues talking with either the Elements of Harmony and/or Firelight
Starlight: I want to thank you three for starting me on the road to find out who I am. You deduced that I inherited my magic power from my mother. And now I know that I’m the daughter of a former Celestia protege. Whatever I do with the magic I inherited from my mother is up to me and me alone to decide. For now, I intend to use it to lead and protect the School of Friendship. But who knows what the future holds.
Apple Bloom: No problem, Starlight! Ah’m happy ya’ll got t’ see ya mother fo’ the first time just like ah did today!
Sweetie: Yeah! Your mother is amazing
Scootaloo: Definitely, one of the coolest ponies I’ve ever seen!
Starlight now turns to Sunburst and Trixie.
Starlight: So Trixie, what do you think of my mother?
Trixie: Your mother’s great, Starlight. Now I know why you’ve always been so talented. And… I’ll admit the full story of what happened made me cry a few times… ok that’s an understatement… I cried most pretty much the whole time hearing how much your mother’s death impacted your life…
Sunburst: I might just stay the night in Sire’s Hollow with you as well Starlight. Not just for my own mother and my father being back for good, but getting to know my long-lost Aunt.
Starlight: Plus, we’re cousins now… that means your plan-filled mother is my own Aunt heh heh
Stellar: That’s riiiiight, my newfound niece!
Stellar smiles and boops Starlight on her nose
Sunspot: We welcome you to the family, Starlight. We already thought of you fondly when we didn’t know you were related, but thanks to all the reveals we got today from summoning my sister… you are always welcome in me and Stellar’s household.
Firelight and Sunset walk on over. Firelight in particular turning to Stellar Flare.
Firelight: Hey Stellar, I have a suggestion…
Stellar: Yes, Firelight?
Firelight: You know the museum that we agreed to build over there?
Firelight points to the construction currently being built
Stellar: Yes, what about it?
Firelight: I want to give it an official name
Stellar: Huh? Isn’t it just going to be called the Sire’s Hollow Museum?
Firelight: That was the plan originally… but I think I have a better name and purpose for it. I’d like to call it… the Sunset Shimmer Museum. It’ll still have a section dedicated to our town, but mainly because Sunset was going to make this place her home. I think it’d have a greater purpose to sharing the world who she was. As not everypony’s going to be around for when we summon her spirit down again.
Sunset gasps, but is ultimately touched that Firelight would dedicate an entire museum to her.
Sunset: Oh Fi-Fi, you’re so sweet… You don’t need to dedicate the whole museum to me…
Firelight: Maybe I don’t need to, but I really, really want to. You deserve some recognition for keeping Equestria safe before Princess Twilight would just about finish the job by providing the peace we have now.
Suddenly, Celestia walks up from behind.
Celestia: A museum dedicated to Sunset sounds like a great idea, I still have plenty of cherished items back in the Canterlot castle related to Sunset’s time as my student that I can donate.
Sunspot: I guess that’s where I can put your horn, sis… if that isn’t too much of a reminder of what happened…
Sunset: It is a little grim… but hey, plenty of museums have real skeletons. It’d make sense that the only trace left of my body would be at my own museum.
Starlight: An interesting thing about this is because we can summon you down here, you’ll technically be able to be a tour guide for your own posthumous museum!
Sunset: Ha, that might be fun. It’d certainly make it more interactive. Maybe I can even play a bit of a prank on some guests thinking I’m just a highly advanced magic hologram. And then at some point do something that surprises guests when I suddenly say or answer something that would be impossible if I was a pre-recorded hologram!
Starlight: Now that would be funny!
Sunset: Can’t be there every day of course, but for special days I’d love to do it.
Stellar: The museum’s far from finished anyway, but we’ll love to have you back down for opening day when it is.
Sunset: Absolutely!
Sunset turns to Princess Celestia
Sunset: On another subject… Princess Celestia… I think I heard in passing somewhere that you’ll be retiring with Twilight taking your position. I don’t know what you plan to do in your retirement, but know I’ve always been proud of serving you. I know you kick yourself hard for things you see as mistakes fair or not, like Princess Luna becoming Nightmare Moon or not coming with me for my last fateful mission...
But know for every failure, you’ve maintained Equestria in balance for long enough for ponies like me, Twilight, and my daughter to make Equestria an even better place. Everypony in Equestria owes a gratitude for you whether they realize it or not. And if you get Spike to summon more of your many generations of loyal staffers and guards, they’ll say many of the same things I’m saying now. Without you… Equestria would of fallen apart long ago.
Celestia’s eyes well up with tears of joy
Celestia: Thank you, Sunset. I… really appreciate hearing that…
And um, Sunset. I can wait a little while before you do. But on an occasion you’re summoned back down, I’d really like you to meet my sister Luna.
Sunset: Oh yes, I’d love to get to meet her as well.
Celestia: In your younger days, you actually reminded me quite a bit of Luna when she herself was younger. I think you’d two would make great friends.
Sunset: I knew how much you missed her even back then, so I know she must be amazing. So I will definitely cherish seeing her for the first time. Maybe I’ll see her if you’re both at the wedding
Celestia: Yes, me and Luna will be attending the wedding. That’ll be the perfect opportunity for you to meet my sister for the first time.
Sunset approaches Celestia for another good long hug.
The group now splits between the family of both Starlight and Sunspot. The Elements of Harmony, Spike, The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Trixie, and Princess Celestia are next to a portal to Ponyville. As they all wave to each other.as they start heading out the portal. Twilight the last one to go back, and gives her goodbye before walking in.
Twilight: We’ll see you all at the wedding in two days! Goodbye Starlight, Sunset, and family!
And thus a family fully reunited after years of mystery and hardships. The family all hugging each other one more time before talking the night away. Sunset will return to the soul shield during the nighttime once everypony was asleep. But there was now a sense of closure for the entire family
UP NEXT: Chapter 30: A Pear-fect Reunion
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
Finders Keepers
Finders Keepers by Mikauzoran
When Adrien agreed to be sacrificed to the sea monster to save his kingdom, he never guessed he'd be rescued by the woman of his dreams. Meanwhile, Marinette never could have anticipated falling so fast for a sweet and selfless prince. Now, she's concerned that things are too good to be true because guys don't usually go for her, and yet Adrien seems besotted with her as well. Both of them are insecure, but they're equally as certain about how they feel for the other.
In which two goofs fall in love at first sight and are then obnoxiously cute as they swoon over one another while simultaneously completely missing out on the fact that their love is requited.
Words: 7515, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Tikki, Plagg, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Emilie Agreste
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Adrinette | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Fluff, Love at First Sight, Cuddling & Snuggling, Dancing, First Kiss, Pining, Mutual Pining, Princess Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Prince Adrien Agreste, Inspired by Andromeda and Perseus (Ancient Greek Religion and Lore), Andromeda!Adrien, Perseus!Marinette, Pegasus!Tikki, Unicorn!Plagg, Hero Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Canonically Bad Parents, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Aged-Up Character(s), Aged-Up (17), Blushing, Idiots in Love, Lots of Blushing and Being Stupid in Love with One Another, Sharing a Bed
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30885461
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danurso · 4 years
FGO: Story Time.
*in a common room in chaldea*
Astolfo: so, there I was, just me and my good friend hippogryph flying so fast we were practically cutting the skies in half!
Boudica: you hippogryph is that fast?
Astolfo: the fastest mount in all of france.
Medusa: hmm. . .I wonder if pegasus could compete with him in terms of speed.
Astolfo: no way, no one is faster than my hippogryph.
Edmond: kuahaha! I'm afraid i will have to disagree on that one.
Achilles: same here. There isn't any mount in the world who can match my speed.
Astolfo: Bullshit!
Achilles: *grins* wanna find it out later then?
Astolfo: heh, you're on!
Raikou: my my, these children love to bicker, don't they?
Moriarty: it seems so, but can't we just return to the story in question?
Astolfo: sure! So. . .where was i. . .
Ritsuka: *walks in the room where Astolfo, Boudica, Cú Chullain, Medusa, Edmond Dantes, Emiya archer, Minamoto-No-Raikou, Atalante, Scathach, Moriarty, Jack the ripper, Karna, Achilles and Nightingale are reunited* ah, there are you guys.
Astolfo: hey master!
Cú: 'sup master.
Jack: hi mommy!
Emiya: Need something master?
Raikou: If you are in need of assistance, don't hesitate to ask your mother.
Ritsuka: hey guys, and no, i'm done with everything for today, it's just that da vinci told me there were a lot of servants gathering today to do something and i got curious.
Astolfo: well then, come in! *skips to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the room*
Ritsuka: What are you guys doing?
Boudica: just passing time with some stories.
Karna: *sipping some tea* all servants here are heroes who had their fair share of adventures, so we decided to gather today to share some of them with our fellow servants.
Cú: share, or boast about them like on a certain someone's case *nods at achilles*
Achilles: Are you jealous because I had more fun in life than you?
Cú: at least I didn't die to a single arrow in my heel.
Achilles: *vein pops* at least i died only once, different from a certain blue lancer who already became a meme at this point!
Emiya: ouch, low blow.
Cú: *pulls out spear* YOU-
Scathach: my dear student!
Cú: *shivers and freezes*
Scathach: i thought we had agreed to avoid fights on this day, haven't we?
Cú: b-but he-
Scathach: *giving him a cold glare* If you wish to fight so much, we can go to a training room and I'll be glad to make your wish come true.
Cú: *pale* n-no need for that shishou, i'm sorry.
Achilles: *snort* i thought you- *gets smacked on top of the head* ouch!
Atalante: *glaring at him* stop being a prick already.
Achilles: s-sorry. . .
Ritsuka: so, you're all sharing stories?
Astolfo: Yeah, wanna share one too master?
Ritsuka: who? Me? Pff, you're all legendary heroes, i doubt anything i tell can hold up a candle to your stories.
Karna: You shouldn't sell yourself so short, master, you're the savior of humanity, I'm sure you have good stories to tell.
Ritsuka: i'm serious, you guys always did the heavy lifting, i don't think i did much compared to any of you.
Edmond: we all went through hardships o' accomplice of mine, you cannot say that you didn't, right?
Ritsuka: I mean. . .yeah, I got through some stuff but nothing compared to you guys.
Boudica: Still, we would love to hear your talles master, no matter how big or small they are.
Jack: I wanna hear mommy's story!
Ritsuka: *sheepishly* I'd rather just listen to your stories. I don't have anything really interesting to say, I mean, what could I tell you guys? I was just a normal guy who ended up in Chaldea by chance. . .
Astolfo: well, if you don't wanna share you don't need to-
Ritsuka: and on my first day here i witnessed several masters getting into a near death state and was thrown into a city in flames while having to deal with the fact that i was now a master even though i had no idea what a master was supposed to be or do. . .
Astolfo: eh. . .?
Ritsuka: Then I had to spend my time trying to survive the hordes of monsters and servants trying to kill me, and I also had to witness someone being murdered right in front of my eyes for the first time. . .
Emiya: . . .
Cú: . . .
Karna: . . .
Atalante: . . .
Ritsuka: *sweating* Then when I came back I heard that mankind was extinct and I was the only master left so only I had a chance to save the world so if I messed up one single time all of mankind was doomed. . .
Raikou: . . .
Moriarty: . . .
Jack: . . .
Achilles: . . .
Ritsuka: *tearing up* so i kept going into singularities having to face monsters and other terrifying creatures while avoiding my constant death and witnessing the death of several people who counted on me to protect them, but i couldn't afford to freak out because a lot of people counted on me so if i freaked out they would probably do it too. . .
Boudica: . . .
Edmond: . . .
Nightingale: . . .
Scathach: . . .
Ritsuka: *crying* then when i think we're finally ended i have to watch my kouhai dying to protect me before i watch one of the best friends i've ever had in my life sacrificing his life to save mankind and give us peace but turns out there's still people messing up the world so i need to keep fighting and never lose my cool so his sacrifice wasn't in vain even though i'm always so terrified of going into a singularity and putting my life on the line for a world i'm not even sure i remember how it is anymore!
Everyone: .
Everyone: . .
Everyone: . . .
*a few moments later*
Mash: *walks in* senpai? Are you he-
Ritsuka: *crying and laying on raikou's lap, with jack hugging him and covered by karna's fluffy coat, and with a lot of servants either patting his head, his back or just sitting next to him on a supportive manner*
Mash: err. . .w-what is going on?
Ritsuka: *incoherent sad sobs*
Nightingale: we're giving him a proper support for his disturbed mental state, since apparently chaldea failed to deliver that to a young man going through so much stress like he is.
Moriarty: *sitting on a psychologist couch* so? When do you think these problems started?
Ritsuka: *more incoherent sad sobs*
Moriarty: *taking notes* I see. . .i see. . .
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bunnylouisegrimes · 4 years
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Happy New Years Eve! I’m hoping this next year will be brighter and healthier than the last has been! Ily all sm! 💖💞
It’s been a while since I’ve done or posted a traditional drawing. Here are the pony versions of Maggie, Charlie, and Vic: Scrabble Tiles, Candy Cane Fangs, and Lost n’ Found.
In this MLP/NOS4A2 crossover, ponies, like humans, can be born as Strong Creatives. They exhibit all of the same abilities and the like. The only notable difference is that Creative ponies earn their cutie marks at a later rate than most ponies. Once they unlock their abilities, they earn their cutie marks.
Scrabble Tiles is a book loving unicorn who once lived with her mom, who was crazy about religion. She earned her name because when she was first brought home from the hospital, she loved to play with the Scrabble tiles on the board game. This love stuck with her even as she matured. She liked to carry them with her in a pretty purple bag. Scrabble also loved to try to find the truth when it came to the world, as she was restricted to religion as answers thanks to her mother. Throughout her life, she’s avoided her mother to the best of her ability, especially since she isn’t accepting of Scrabble being a lesbian. When she realized she was a Strong Creative, Scrabble was playing with her tiles when she decided to try something new: ask them if they could help her find her purpose in the world. She randomly moved them around to form words, but that’s when something sparked in her magic, something she never felt before... her Creative abilities unlocked and words spelling out, “Creative” were just beneath her hooves. She noticed a sensation on her flank, and that’s when she earned her cutie mark. Her drawback to using her abilities is her stutter. Scrabble Tiles lives in her library, where one can often find her reading or being with her cop girlfriend, a Pegasus named Justice Wings, or Lost n’ Found, her best friend.
Lost n’ Found is a tough Pegasus with a rough family. Her dad, a Pegasus named Gritty Nails, and her mom, an Earth pony named Stone Hooves, didn’t get along the best and had many issues. She earned her name because she liked to wander away a lot, especially when her parents fought, so she was always “Lost n’ Found.” This name would take on a whole other meaning when she discovered her Creative abilities. Like her dad, she loved flying fast on her wings, and she used it as an escape. One day, when she was flying fast, she found a bridge that wasn’t there in the real world, but it projected from her mind. Through this bridge, she could find lost things. The first object she ever found was a lost watch. When she came back from the bridge, she earned her cutie mark. This is known as The Shorter Way bridge. Her drawback is her one eye bleeding and feeling sick. Her wings also feel painful for a bit. Later on in her life, she falls for an Earth pony named Warm Heart, and has an Earth pony son named Bats. You can usually find her flying fast, finding lost objects, reading comics, and spending time with Warm Heart, Bats, or Scrabble Tiles, her best friend. She tries her best to work out the rough relationship she has with her parents.
Candy Cane Fangs was born an Earth pony in a small town in Coltorado... 135 years ago. He earned his name when his abusive whore mother described his growing teeth as “sweet little candy canes to some, but fangs to me, the little vamp pony.” His father left when he was a few days born and was found in bed with another mare. Her stallion came home and shot him dead, where he died in his new girlfriend’s arms. Candy Cane Fangs was left on his own a lot and slept in a coffin bed in the back of the inn and mortuary he lived in with his mother. Candy Cane’s greatest Christmas gift was the Fantom Sled he bought with his own money he saved up from drawing the hearses in funeral processions. As he grew older, the pony often noticed an odd static in the sky, and as he played on his sled, odder and odder things would happen. One day, when Candy Cane was playing, a stallion, unsatisfied with Candy Cane’s mother’s “services,” decided he would do unspeakable things to the poor colt. When Candy Cane managed to escape, he hit a tree, and his powers unlocked for the first time (but not to their fullest extent, hence why he didn’t earn his cutie mark yet). He snapped and killed the stallion who hurt him, the owners of the inn and mortuary, and his mother, with the blades of his sled. He left Coltorado and ended up in Dodge Junction, where he worked as a chauffeur pony.
During the 1920’s, he met Golden Princess, a richer Earth pony. To celebrate her birthday, her family took her to see the Wonderbolts show and to go see a movie. Since her father was too scared to go on an airplane to “fly” with the Wonderbolts, Candy Cane volunteered to go with Golden Princess. He realized that he was in love with her, and she realized she was in love with him. Their first date was that same day, when the two of them and her family went to see a movie about a vampire pony named Nosferatu. Within the next year, they got married and had two Earth pony fillies, Nutcracker and Silver Bell. They lived a comfortable life thanks to Golden Princess’s father’s money, but once the stock market crashed, he lost everything. Their family especially lost everything thanks to her father falling down the stairs in a daze when he found out the news about losing everything.
Forced to live on a farm, Candy Cane did his best to work hard for his family, but Golden Princess grew to despise him, becoming abusive. She even hated the fillies and would sometimes mistreat them. One day, Candy Cane Fangs was conned into believing a place called Christmasland existed through a tricky pony named Nick LeMark. He spent a bunch of money to own two-and-a-half percent of it, and even bought a fancy black carriage known as The Wraith. He convinced Golden Princess everything would be okay, but while he was traveling back to Coltorado where Christmasland supposedly was, Golden Princess began to grow mean again. Slowly, Candy Cane’s attachment to the Wraith sparked something inside of him, and his Creative powers were starting to spark up again, and this time, they were stronger. He was beginning to transform into a vampire pony, alongside Nutcracker and Silver Bell, who turned on Golden Princess and ate her. When Candy Cane found out Christmasland was fake, his mind snapped beyond his control. Completely by instinct, he ran with all his might, anticipating to end himself and his fillies by running into a mountain, but instead they were teleported to... Christmasland. It became real through Candy Cane’s mind! He realized he and the fillies became vampire ponies, and he had earned his cutie mark! When he discovered the Graveyard of What Might Be, he discovered a way to find foals who are abused by their parents that he can save, make vampire ponies, and take to Christmasland. This is what Candy Cane has been doing for many years.
Candy Cane Fangs, also the strongest Strong Creative there is, enjoys reading books, celebrating Christmas, spending time with his vamp foals, and searching for the perfect mare to be his Mother Christmas to his Father Christmas. His relationship with a Creative Earth pony named Jazzie July, who’s abilities were harbored through her roller skates, failed miserably. His best friend is a unicorn named Brewski Trots, the second most powerful Creative. Sandy Hooves, another Strong Creative unicorn nicknamed “The Hourglass,” looks up to him and wishes to be just like him.
Welcome to My Little Strong Creative: Imagination is Magic.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed and have a (better and healthier) New Year!
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kintatsujo · 4 years
Twas gonna do more art first but I feel like talking about this remixboot nonsense now
Okay so for those of you who weren’t here the last time I talked about the remixboot, which was last AU August, firstly here’s the tag
#Yugioh Remixboot
And now I’m gonna talk about this self-indulgent school play storyline, with the understanding that EVERYTHING about the Remixboot is self-indulgent and also that it’s got a lot more focus on High School Shenanigans because these are a bunch of dumb teenagers and engaging them in dumbass School Rumble comedy makes me laugh
The setup here is that basically, post Duelist Kingdom we’re settling into a couple of breather arcs; Rebecca and Arthur show up but it’s mostly because Arthur was visiting because he’d understood Grandpa Motou’s coma during Duelist Kingdom as a health emergency at first, Duke is introduced and however that goes down gets sorted (I haven’t fully decided, see).  Joey is shown getting into contact with his mother about Serenity’s surgery, which I think deserves its own moment to breathe.
and most important big difference, the Big 5 haven’t challenged Seto to any kind of game because instead they skedaddled the moment Pegasus lost to Yugi rather than find out if Seto was going to call on Gozaburo’s yakuza or mafia contacts
(Incidentally and perhaps also important to this time period: Yugi became a majority shareholder of I2′s stocks when he became King of Games, which he’s very flustered about at first until Grandpa points out he can hire someone to worry about that for him and also that now he can pay to renovate Kame Games.  Yugi starts treating Joey to lunch a lot more often.)
Anyway, the school play thing has to do with something about Tea that I feel could have come up if only canon had cared about this kind of stuff: She strikes me as the kind of person who is in WAY too many school clubs, and she especially strikes me as someone who’d be interested in drama club.  
So Tea’s drama club is getting ready to put on the play for the season, and it’s got basically the same plot as the in-universe game from the first VR arc; two kingdoms have to send sacrifices to appease an evil dragon and some plucky local heroes have decided to put an end to it.
And Tea goes “Hey I have an idea” (and her club members go “Oh no”)
cut to Tea sliding into the seat in front of Seto Kaiba, doing a Kilroy face over his mahou shojou manga very serious book, and asking if he’d consider helping with the special effects in this play the drama club’s putting on. 
Now remixboot!Seto is ALSO in way too many clubs so when he says no she basically enlists the chess club and half the soccer team into convincing him, but what gets Seto to finally agree to it is when she points out that the hoity-toity school always one-ups Domino’s plays because their drama club naturally has better funding and she’s tired of it; Seto used to GO to the hoity-toity school and he hates all of them and runs on spite so he can’t resist the idea after that.
I forgot originally it was going to specifically that Kaoruko was going to be ranting about the other school showing them up so I guess she’s in drama club too lol
And then obviously like half the core cast gets roped into either acting or stage crew and it’s all very silly, and at some point they find out Seto can not only act but sing and somehow he gets a major role even though Tea had promised he just had to manage the Solid Vision because he got swept up in the challenge of it all, and a fistfight breaks out over Adina’s role at one point
But after the first performance Seto goes missing somewhere between the last bow and cleanup.
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The thing is, whoever it was the Big 5 hired to drug him and spirit him off in the dark and noise of the post play haze had assumed nobody would notice he was missing until it was too late; they had intel on how he interacted with peers like Sigfried or his old classmates at Kagemaru High school and so had an inkling that he’s inclined to fade into the background when he’s not outright contentious with people his own age.
They hadn’t counted on Yugi and Ryou and the others giving a damn about him anyway.  They definitely hadn’t counted on how seriously the drama club would take their special effects hero and one of their lead actors going missing.  And maybe for the same reasons Gozaburo underestimated him, they hadn’t expected Mokuba to be on their trail as damn fast as he is.
And that’s how the VR World storyline starts in the remixboot.
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