#he'd just return it mutely but you'd be able to see the sadness when you let go because why do these things have to be so short?
mail-posting · 5 months
still thinking abt the wreck that is train!andrew's office once he falls asleep at the desk tbh because godd i love imagining messy workaholic offices
conductors also kind of do everything on the train, like they oversee the other train employees, take payments for boarding, check the tickets, make sure passengers are safe and comfortable, etc etc so he is. SO exhausted probably
i think bc to me this andrew is kind of. stoic and polite (he would still melt if you were nice to him i think) he doesn't have many signs other than getting slightly more unkempt and i think his hands shake REALLY bad w sleep deprivation, or he seems like he's focusing on not literally just crinkling to the ground and fifudhf anywaybi really like traindrew
i watched about 22 mins of the first murder on the nord express gameplay vid btw and i'm gonna cry both victor and andrew are so djfjfj
#he's like. pacing and stuff near the end#because if he stood still who knows what'd happen#(he'd fall asleep)#also I'm thinking maybe Andrew is suddenly without other staff on the train without rhyme or reason#to add more similarities to the actual oletus#so he's probably even MORE overworked because he's taking it on himself to do everything#and he says he's fine but you can start to see him sway a little when he stands#or disguise yawning by breathing heavily#or take a few seconds to register anything that's said to him#meanwhile Andrew just wants to go to the safety of bed but he doesn't have a bed on the train#and he doesn't think to use an employee one#until someone tells him to#he absolutely would melt if you were nice to him#and I think if he's pretty awake it's subtle (just smiling and being a bit affectionate and maybe a tear or two)#but if he's tired it's probably really obvious that it means so much to him (maybe... too much for such a simple gesture)#i think affection is probably the biggest difference because if you hugged him while he was fully alert#he'd just return it mutely but you'd be able to see the sadness when you let go because why do these things have to be so short?#and if he's tired he wouldn't accept affection unless he sat down first#which seems a bit weird but it's VERY clear why when you actually do because he just flops onto you like a limp noodle#he's not good at hiding how much he wants this at ALL#he's probably crying too out of joy#congrats bucko you're cuddling this man until he falls asleep otherwise he'll be extremely sad (it only takes like 2-5 minutes you're fine)#idv#godddddd Andrew Kreiss my beloved
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space-helen · 5 months
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Words: 1114
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
A/N: I know this has taken forever but I hope this is ok! (not proof read before releasing)
Request: Could you do something angsty for stephen strange, where he's working on researching some magic thing and his relationship with reader fell to the wayside as he's totally obsessed with whatever he's working on and anyway he gets more and more irritated and tells her to leave him alone and be quiet but for some accidental magic reasons he unintentionally made her mute. Then when everything's settled and his work/research is finished he assumed things would go back to normal but reader still isn't talking to him, he thinks he's getting the silent treatment for ignoring her while he was working but it's been weeks and she still hasn't said a word to him so he tries to talk to her about it and then he realises what he accidentally did and just angst and sadness pls, but like they work things out and stay together - Anon
"Y/N, please just leave me for a second" the man spoke totally exasperated. He'd been absorbed into new research for a couple of days now. He'd really planned to get it done quickly but with you interrupting consistently every hour he wasn't making as much progress as he'd have liked.
"I'm sorry I just wanted to make sure you were ok and didn't need anything"
"Y/N I love you, I really do but you're making this ten times harder with your constant interruptions. Just leave, It'll get done quicker and then we can spend more time together."
You were slightly hurt by the comment and felt a twang in your chest. You bowed your head "I'll come back with some dinner for you in a couple of hours" with that you quickly left. The man sighed and buried his head back into the book.
As promised you returned, nervous but hopeful the man was in a better mood. You'd seen him grumpy and mad before but He'd never been like this towards you so you knew it was serious. 
You balanced the plate of food in one hand to knock the door before opening it. Allowing it to swing open you politely greeted you boyfriend but before you could say another word he quietly muttered something under his breath and absentmindedly gestured his hand towards you. You thought you saw some orange sparks but couldn't be sure. 
Approaching his desk you placed down the plate but he continued to read the pages in front of him. You opened your mouth to say "here's the food I promised" You realised not a single sound came out. Tears instantly brimmed in your eyes and you turned on your heels to leave. 
You'd seen him jokingly mute people before but quickly unmute them. But this? It felt like a punch to the gut. Had you really annoyed him so much that he'd done it to you? He'd promised from day one to never use magic on you unless it was to save your life yet here you were. Mute and unable to speak because of him. 
Heading to your bedroom you sat on the edge of the bed. Somewhat still in denial that he'd done it you tried speaking to yourself but heard nothing. Letting the tears roll down your cheeks you lay down. He didn't mean it. He couldn't have. Yet he had been annoyed at your talking. 
You’d busied yourself for the rest of the day. Hoping he’d be done soon and would come and find you to undo his magic. Walking through the corridors you could see the man in the distance talking to Wong. You gazed at him hopeful before he quickly spoke “Y/N it’s an overnight trip. We’ll be back in the morning.” and before you could even react he’d disappeared with Wong.
Defeated you sighed a noiseless sigh and continued on your way through the sanctum towards the bedroom. Sluggishly you moved around and found yourself resting your head on your pillow for sleep.
The next day was spent moving around the sanctum trying to busy yourself, thanking yourself that you’d pre-booked time off work because you didn’t know how you’d function without being able to speak. You knew Stephen had arrived back in the early hours of the morning but you’d continued with his wish and stayed out of his way.
What you hadn’t realised was the longing looks from the man every time he saw you move around that day. He was still busy wrapping things up but wanted nothing more than for you to interrupt him, and save him, from Wong.
Eventually the day was coming to a close and he made his way to bed. He could feel his muscles relaxing as he made his way to you. He’d wanted nothing more all day than to see you and hold you in his arms.
Coming into the bedroom he could see that you were reading, what was unusual though is that you didn’t look up from your book, like you usually would, when he came into the room. Plodding around the room he quickly got changed before pulling the covers up and getting into bed. 
He sat for a moment before adjusting to get comfy. Not a single word from you? “Thank you for being patient with me. I’m sorry.” he moved to give you a kiss on your cheek but you moved away quickly and turned away from the man. Closing your book you went to put it on the nightstand.
His heart dropped, the silent treatment. He was seriously getting the silent treatment and it’d been that way all day and he hadn’t realised. He kicked himself internally.
“I’m sorry Y/N I really am but I promise not to be that way with you in the future. I just had Wong breathing down my neck about the work and how important it was and the emergency at hand. I understand if you’re giving me the silent treatment. I love you, I know I messed up.”
You turned back to the man and tried to reply in the heat of the moment, forgetting about the fact that no volume would come out. 
The man looked at you confused for a second. “Say something again.”
You did as he wished and you could see his features tense up “Someone muted you?” he quickly moved his hands and undid the spell. “You weren’t giving me the silent treatment? Who did this? What happened? Who do I need to go and speak to?”
You could see the anger bubbling up within him but you just stared at the man puzzled. “Wait.” the man stopped and looked at you “do you seriously not know?”
The man gave a very small and slight shake of his head.
“You did. When I came in yesterday to give you food.”
His eyes widened and he froze “I’m so sorry.” his words were slow and he brought his eyes to yours and found your hands with his “I’m so incredibly sorry. I didn’t even realise. I promise to never do it again. If something like that happens you have to come and let me know.”
You nodded, you could see that the man didn’t truly mean it and you couldn’t hold a grudge against him. “It’s ok. Just promise to actually communicate with me next time as well instead of just telling me to go away.”
He nodded and brought your hands to his mouth to place a gentle kiss to them. “Anything Y/N. Anything.”
With that you happily accepted his embrace when he opened his arms to you.
Tag List: (open)
All: @perasperaadastrawriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @trippol-threat @captainsophiestark
MCU: @coffeeandcrimeshows @spunky-89 @heyitsaloy @captainsophiestark @discocactusblogs @butchers-girl
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albertasunrise · 2 years
Hi🤭🤭🤭 could I ask for javier peña with pregnant reader? only if you want! Thank you❤️
Two Pink Lines
Masterlist - Request Masterlist
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Notes: I absolutely love this request and it's had my mind reeling for ages. Thought it fitted in quite nicely to the ‘It’s Yours’ universe ♥️ Sorry it took so long to respond but life has been hectic! Hope you enjoy 😘
Warnings: Like AO3, I choose not to list any warnings. (It's pretty fluffy tho)
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When Javier had suggested trying for another baby you'd inadvertently spat your drink all over him. Layla and Luca had been a handful from the moment you'd brought them home from the hospital. Feeding every two hours, refusing to sleep and demanding attention almost every waking moment of the day.
You'd gone onto the pill not long after that with little argument from Javier. His desire to have a large family seemingly being forgotten as the two of you took it in turns to tend to your little angels. So to hear him make this suggestion on date night had definitely taken you by surprise.
Was two not enough?
After mopping himself up, he returned to his seat beside you and noted that you had barely moved from the position it had been in a few moments ago.
"Another?" You managed to choke out after a long pause, eyes widening when Javier nodded eagerly "Why?"
"Well the twins are a little older now and by the time the baby's born they'll be going to pre-school." He started, shrugging slightly "I just thought that maybe, we could start thinking about it at least."
"Javier… Do you remember how hard we had it with them?" You questioned and he nodded "So why do you want another? Aren't the twins enough?"
Javier's face dropped a little at your question. He supposed they were but he'd always desired a large family.
He was also conscious that he wasn't getting any younger. He was on the wrong side of forty now and he wanted to be able to enjoy his family whilst he could but at the same time, maybe he didn't need another baby to feel like their family was complete.
"Javi?" You asked, pulling him from his thoughts.
"No, yeah of course they are." He said, shaking his head and morphing his face into something that look less disappointed "forget I said anything." He finished before collecting the dishes to wash them.
You felt a wave of guilt wash over you as you watched him from your seat at the table. You'd known from the beginning that he wanted a large family. You'd just assumed after the twins that perhaps that had changed but seeing him now, looking so defeated as he soaked the dishes in the sink, that it clearly hadn't.
You opened your mouth to speak when crying sounded from the baby monitor on the table and what you were about to say was rendered mute as you got to your feet.
"I'll go check on them." You stated before making your way to the twins' room, your mind haunted by Javier's sad expression.
Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to think about it.
"So how's Olivia coping with Felix?" You asked as you sipped on your coffee.
Connie come to visit for the weekend and you'd been so glad of it. It had been months since you'd last seen her, the twins taking up all of your time but her own children had been consuming hers also.
"She's warmed up to him now." She chuckled "You know he started crawling?" You nodded "Well, she found that rather distressing as he was crawling after her all the time so she clung to Steve for a few weeks." You chuckled at that, imagining Steve constantly carrying the three-year-old around with him.
"Glad she's relaxed a little more now." You replied as you forked some more of your muffin into your mouth.
"So what's new with you?" She asked and you shrugged.
"Not a lot." You started, pausing to take another sip of your coffee "The twins are talking more… Well by talking I mean blabbering and occasionally saying yeah or nah." You chuckled "They're definitely closer to saying a few more words. Chucho has been taking them around the ranch and trying to teach them the names of all the animals. Layla keeps calling them 'Moos' so that's pretty close."
"Can't wait to see them later." She grinned and you smiled at that "Kinda crazy to think that I delivered them on Javi's dad's couch."
"Yeah." You laughed breathlessly "We definitely got closer then."
"Anything else?" She asked and you shrugged "There's something else I can tell." She pushed and you sighed, sitting back in your chair.
"Javier wants to have another baby." Connie choked on her coffee.
"What?" She asked and you chortled.
"He asked the other night over dinner if I wanted another." You replied.
"What did you say?"
"Well, I started with spewing my drink over him." You started and she smirked "And then I sorta said that the twins were enough and asked him if he really thought we needed another."
"Oh." She replied, "I don't think it's a case of needed… no one needs kids." She teased and you giggled at that "But the question is, do you want more?"
"Well, Javier's always wanted a big family." You replied and she nodded "But I dunno… The twins were such hard work…" You trailed off, your eyes locking with a newborn sleeping soundly on its mum's shoulder behind Connie.
The blonde's eyes followed your gaze and smirked upon realising what you were looking at. She took a sip of her coffee, allowing you to stare at the little person a few moments longer before she coughed to grab her attention. You jumped to attention, giving her a sheepish look before you sighed and slumped in your chair.
"Yeah, I do want another." You confessed as you unceremoniously shoved the last bit of your muffin into your mouth.
"Yeah, you do." Connie teased as she gave you a wink.
The two of you chuckled as you finished your coffee.
After that, you stopped taking your pill.
You were excited and nervous to tell Javi that you wanted to try for another baby, not that you'd tried for the last two, but the idea of fucking him with the intention of getting pregnant exhilarated you. You'd decided to break it to him when Chucho had the kids for the night. Once a month they stayed with him in the guest house so that you and Javier could have a break. Initially, the two of you had used those evenings to fuck each other silly but lately, they were used to get a decent night's sleep.
Javier had been pretty downcast since that conversation and your guilt had been eating away at you. So you hoped that tonight, things would take a turn for the better.
"How's the ranch?" You asked, trying to break the awkward silence that had settled over you both.
"It's okay." He replied with a shrug "Busy."
"I bet." You replied, trying to push him to talk more but he didn't.
You let out an audible sigh as you sat back in your chair, nudging your food around on the plate with your fork. You glanced at Javier who was focused on the food on his plate and you decided to just say it.
"I want to start trying." You said, grabbing his attention and his head moved slowly so he was looking at you.
"Trying?" He asked, his expression a little confused and you realised you'd perhaps not been particularly clear "Trying what?"
"Forababy." You rushed out as your hands shook a little with nerves as you kept your eyes locked on your husband.
His demeanour changed immediately. His expression morphed into one of surprise before the corner of his mouth twitched a little.
"Really?" He asked and you nodded, that twitch turning into a smile.
"Yeah…I um… Well I was talking to Connie about it and I kinda saw this little baby cuddling its mum and it just stirred something inside of me. A want I didn't know I had." You confessed, your eyes starting to fill with tears "So I stopped taking my pill and well, it might take a bit of time but I'm ready to start trying."
That was all you needed to say before Javier was on you faster than you could blink.
Month one, nothing happened.
You had been a little disappointed but you'd known that it was unlikely to happen straight off the bat.
Month Two… Bingo.
You looked at the three different tests you'd taken. All of them telling you the same thing. You were pregnant.
Snatching the tests up and placing them in your pocket, you peeked in on the twins who were still sleeping soundly and you breathed a sigh of relief. You and Javier lived for the hour they got each morning to just enjoy a coffee before the gremlins woke up.
So you made a start on those whilst you watched the doorway out the corner of your eye, waiting for him to appear. He was up, quietly pattering about. He appeared as you started to pour coffee into the two mugs you'd fetched from the cupboard, grinning when he kissed your cheek sweetly.
"Morning wife." He said as he grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and sat at the table.
"Morning husband." You replied as you placed his coffee in front of him and carefully placed the test beside it.
He looked up at you and smiled, pulling you into a soft kiss before grabbing his mug and taking a sip. You turned your back to grab your own, waiting for Javier to notice. A small sob was the sound that alerted you to the fact he'd seen it and you turned at him saying your name.
"You're?…" He trailed off and you nodded, smiling sweetly at him "And you're sure?"
You placed the other two tests on the table and he looked at those, eyes widening before he looked up at you with tear-filled eyes and smiled.
"Pretty sure." You chuckled and he let out a breathy sigh before he was on his feet and kissing you passionately "Happy?" You asked as he pulled back to look you in the eye.
Chucho had been over the moon when you and Javi had announced your pregnancy. You had decided, however, to keep the news a secret from Steve and Connie. They were coming for thanksgiving and so thought that it would be a nice surprise. You were also going to learn the sex a few days before so there was a surprise in store for Chuco too.
Chaos ensued when the Murphys arrived.
Felix was the only one that stayed settled upon arriving at the Peña residence. Olivia and the twins made it their mission to get out every toy they owned and you watched in amusement as Steve and Javier were dressed like princesses by the two girls.
When dinner was in the oven, everyone excused themselves to change.
You changed into a dress that highlighted your growing bump and you couldn't help but notice the way Javier admired it. He was insatiable when it came to your ever-growing tummy and you loved it. You then hit your swell with a cardigan, not wanting to give the surprise away too early.
The kids were put to bed shortly after dessert, tuckered out from the energetic playtime and food.
"Mmmm." You said suddenly as you started to stand "Getting a little warm." You stated as you pulled off your cardigan, smirking when Steve and Connie's eyes zoned in on your swollen belly.
"Are you?" Steve started, looking at his wife a moment before looking at Javier "Dude?"
"You're pregnant?" Connie practically screeched and you chuckled.
"I am." You replied, smiling down at Javier before you sat down again.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, sounding a little offended and you grinned.
"We wanted to surprise you." Javier replied, shrugging his shoulders as he took another sip of his whiskey.
"Well, we're surprised." Steve chortled, letting out a breathy laugh as he sat back in his seat.
"Well… We've got one more for ya." You stated, giving them a wink before standing 'Coffees?" You asked, motioning to everyone who gave you a nod and then you left to grab them from the kitchen.
"What's that?" Steve asked as he watched you leave before looking at his ex-partner who just sat there grinning before he too stood to help you in the kitchen.
You both returned a few minutes later with the beverages, you placing them in front of each person along with the biscuits you'd spent the day baking and icing.
You and Javier took a seat again, smiling sweetly at each other as everyone at the table watched them carefully.
"What's the surprise?" Connie asked, her tone a little impatient and you giggled.
"There's a clue right in front of you." You stated and everyone looked down.
"The coffee?" Steve asked confused, his brow drawing together before a gasp from his wife grabbed his attention "What?"
"You're having a girl?" She asked and you both nodded.
"How'd you figure that out?" Steve asked in an exasperated tone.
"The biscuits are pink." She pointed out, smirking as she watched her husband look down at the treat beside his mug and sure enough. Pink icing.
"I'm going to have another granddaughter ?" Chucho piped up, his voice wobbling a little as he spoke.
"Yeah pops." Javier replied as he smiled sweetly at his father "Yeah you are."
"That's wonderful."
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Taglist form
Tags: @hayley-the-comet @ajeff855 @mavericksicybabe @supernaturalgirl20 @dihra-vesa @nicolethered @practicalghost @theanothersherlockian @gallowsjoker @little-mrs-morales @sunnshineeexoxo @aliwritesfic @maryfanson @sherala007 @ayrusss @greeneyedblondie44 @elegantduckturtle @jediknight122 @goodgriefitsawildworld @voteforpedro09 @vanered15 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @mishasminion360 @snacswell @giggly-otter @athalien @mssbridgerton @huitzilinthebudgie3 @samanthacookieone @salome-c @radcollectivesoul @pedrohoe04 @thekohakuriver1 @paintlavillered @ktmadden86 @hotchlover @kirsteng42 @djjarins @balekanemohafe @misscampacyn @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @pedromandoverse @destiny-tsukino @mysun-n-stars @tombraider42017 @littlemisspascal @thatpinkshirt @bison-writes @evyiione @girlofchaos @vanemando15
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bluerosewritings · 4 years
Bitter(&)Sweet | Vil x Reader x Malleus
[Originally from “The Heart Mirror” on Wattpad]
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Vil Shoenheit was at a loss. While he would usually see his Magicam page as something to be proud of, his latest posts had seemed... off, to him, like something was missing. Not that there was anything wrong with him, obviously - he would never share anything of himself that was less than perfection. However, he still couldn't look at the posts and be fully satisfied with what he saw.
Perhaps it was the lighting? No, that seemed fine. The background? That would make more sense. He mainly posted photos of himself in his dorm room, so perhaps a change of scenery would make this feeling of discontent go away.
That was how he found himself wandering around the school grounds. Nothing around the Pomefiore dorm seemed to stand out to him; nor did the botanical gardens or anything on the school field. Vil considered going to Heartslabyul to see if he could take photos in the Rose Maze before deciding against it - quite a lot of Cater's photos were taken there and he didn't want to be accused of stealing ideas. Still, he was determined to find... whatever it was he was looking for.
Vil's answer came not long after. Turning a corner, a voice reached his ears. If he was correct, the Light Music clubroom wasn't too far from where he was. Perhaps they were practicing late? It wouldn't surprise him if they were, but the voice was so different from the usual screamo Lilia sang... the voice was so soothing...
Walking down the corridor, Vil followed the sound of the voice in almost a dream-like state. The voice had made something click in his head - his sense of unease was lifting. So his answer was in the Light Music club?
His hand reached out to the door only to have it swing inward. Vil looked up and saw the form of Diasomnia's dorm head, Malleus Draconia, looking down on him.
Vil furrowed his brow in confusion (or at least he would have, if it didn't risk giving him premature wrinkles). Malleus was the one who was singing? But, even if Vil did rarely hear Malleus talk, he was sure that the voice was different to the one that had beaconed him...
He didn't have to wait long for an answer. "Tsunotaro? What's wrong?"
The large frame of the dark fae shifted sideways, almost like a doorway. Vil couldn't quite describe what he felt when he saw you - your looks were not what Pomefiore boasted, yet there was something enticing about you that made Vil unable to look away. As you moved off the clubroom's stage, he couldn't help but move forward, for once unaffected by the dark fae's presence.
"Ah - you're... Pomefiore's dorm leader, Vil, right? Sorry, did we- woah!"
Your feet caught around some misplaced wires left on the steps, causing you to fly forward. Before Vil could make a move to catch you, Malleus was already by your side, straightening you up.
"Are you alright, (y/n)?" Malleus asked, moving his hands off your sides.
You nodded, slight frazzled. "Yeah, I'm fine. Oh, wait, my shoe..."
"This one?"
You turned around to see Vil holding your shoe. "Ah, thank you!"
Vil pulled the shoe back when you reached out for it. As confusion flickered on your face, he knelt down. "Allow me."
Delicately, he pulled your foot towards him and slotted in back into its shoe. A light blush grew on your cheeks from the interaction. Vil rose up and met your eyes.
"You should be more careful," he chastised, shaking his head, "it would be a waste to see you hurt, Cendrillion."
"C-Cendrillion?" You stammered, caught off guard. "M-My name's (y/n)..."
"Hmm... I suppose that name does suit you." Vil said. "However, Cendrillion does as well. Or perhaps you'd prefer to be called a songbird?"
"Yes," the growing blush on your cheeks pleased Vil, "that voice of yours is quite beautiful. Perhaps you could allow me to listen to it once again?"
In one quick moment, Vil caught your hand and placed a light kiss on top of it. Raising his eyes, he watched your eyes dart to Malleus, whose face was expressionless. The lack of reaction from the other dorm leader seemed to cause a look of sadness to grow in your eyes; though Vil didn't let his thoughts dwell on it as you returned you gaze to him.
"I'd be happy to." You told him with a smile.
Vil smiled in return, straightening up. "Excellent. I'll escort you back to your dorm?"
You nodded, moving closer to his side. The two of you went for the door, though just before you left the room you turned and smiled at Malleus, who had continued to watch you two without any noise or shift in expression.
"Good night, Tsunotaro."
His reply was a mute nod.
Vil closed the door.
Your life seemed to change almost instantly after meeting Vil. It seemed he wasn't content to just keep your singing to himself - no, he said, it would be wrong of him to deprive the world of your talent. After helping you put on a small performance to the other residents of Pomefiore, they were all eager to help the dorm leader promote you online.
First, the residents who were most adapt in page design helped to create a Magicam account, typing out the most algorithm-friendly description to do with your new "brand" and giving you a list of the best tags. Next, the residents who were best at design and filming helped to record you and your voice with the most pleasing visuals possible. Once that was done, Vil began promotion work on your page.
There were other people who helped promote your work such as other popular members of Pomefiore and Vil's influence friends, but none were more prominent than Vil himself. Not only did he enlist the help of Prof. Crewel to make you an outfit that you swore made you shine every time you looked in the mirror, he insisted of doing your make-up and hair himself (in a style that was not too different to his own, the other residents noticed). Even after he promoted your page with a picture of the two of you together in your "recording studio" - a spare Pomefiore room Vil had had cleaned out that had basically become a second home to you - the occasional photo of the two of you hanging out appeared on his page, keeping you fresh in his fan's minds.
You were showing up so much, in fact, that it didn't take his fans long to start spamming questions about if the two of you were dating. At first you were surprised, but it didn't take long for your mind to change. Nowadays it seemed the two of you were inseparable, Vil standing so close to you that your hands brushed together. The feeling of his hands against you, whether it was to doll you up or just in a friendly gesture, had become so natural to you that going a day without it left you with a sense of forgetting something.
Life really had changed for you. Not necessarily in a bad way! You appreciated Vil and everything he was doing for you, and he treated you well (even if you weren't officially a "thing"). It was just...
You flipped through your phone gallery, past all the selfies of you and Vil. Stopping, your stared at the one picture you'd grown accustomed to staring at. A candid photo of Malleus, his head turned slightly towards you, mouth opened as he talked about something a certain overprotective dorm mate of his did. A nearby tree had cast and shadow on his face, making his eyes seem to have an ethereal glow to them.
A feeling of sadness always came when you thought of the fae. When you'd first met Vil and heard his request to hear you sing, you'd turned to Malleus in the hopes he would say something. Something that would make you know your feelings weren't one-sided.
But he'd just stood there, silent. Looking down at Vil with a twinge of shock and annoyance in his eyes, but still silent. So you said yes.
Before Vil, Malleus had been the only one you'd sung for. A couple of your friends knew of your hobby, of course, but Malleus had been the only one who you'd let hear your voice frequently. The small smile and words of praise as he clapped you made you feel like you were on cloud nine. Made you forget about all the other times he'd failed to pick up on your feelings for him.
You barely saw him anymore. More and more of your nights had been spent in your room at Pomefiore, cutting away almost all of your nightly walk-and-talks with Malleus which themselves were becoming awkward. There were times you wanted to ignore Vil's messages and go leaping into Malleus' arms and apologise for leaving him alone so often; but then Vil's open care and affection for you would ring in your head and you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
What would Malleus do, if you cut off Vil? Would things go back to how they were, him with his odd talks of gargoyles and parties, you listening and singing for him, waiting for the day he told you he reciprocated your feelings? Would things progress that way if you did?
What would Vil do, if you told him the words you knew he wanted to hear? Say you loved him back and took the next step with him, even if it felt like a lie? Would you be able to forget Malleus and let Vil into your heart instead?
Thoughts swirling in your head, you turned off your phone and lay in darkness.
"What seems to be the problem, Malleus?" Lilia asked, coming down from the ceiling. "You seem upset."
"I'm fine." Malleus replied with a small frown.
The older fae raised an eyebrow. "So you're not upset at the new relationship between (y/n) and Vil Shoenheit?"
"Relationship...?" Malleus turned his head, eyes wide.
Lilia smiled reassuringly(?). "Just the new friendship between the two. I must say, they hit it off rather well, as the youngsters say."
Malleus turned his face away. Yes, the two of you had gotten along great. That was precisely the problem.
When Vil had first pushed himself into one of his nightly serenades from you, he had been to shocked and unsure of himself to say anything. Malleus could hardly watch as the other dorm head had wooed you, whisking you away from him. He'd watched in despair as the two of you left him alone in the clubroom because... because...
Because he had feelings for you. There. He admitted it, even though he was pretty sure you didn't feel the same way. Most people shuddered at the very mention of his names - yet you didn't, even if it was initially out of naiveté. The fact you considered him a good friend was a miracle in itself. He's contented himself with letting it stay that way, not wanting to risk losing your smile.
So why wasn't he happy for you? There you were, living in a blissful paradise with a Prince Charming who'd all but literally swept you off your feet. He should be happy that you found someone who could make you smile. Yet he couldn't. All because he wanted that smile for himself.
Lilia watched as the conflict grew on the younger fae's face and sighed.
"Malleus, you know it would just be easier if you told (y/n)." Lilia chuckled.
"Would you rather wait for (y/n) to tell you they were officially with Vil?" He continued. "Even if the answer is a no, at least you'll know what your relationship really is. (y/n) means something to you, Malleus, and I can promise you you don't want to waste your life on what ifs."
Malleus gritted his teeth and crossed his arms. But "what if" he just made things worse between you two? "What if" you felt pressured into saying yes to him and no to Vil? "What if"... what if your smiles did mean something more?
"(y/n) should be at Pomefiore!" Lilia shouted to Malleus as he practically ran out of the room.
You and Vil sat opposite each other, tea cups and printed photos on the table between you.
"We could do a variety for autographs," Vil explained, tapping the two you both liked the most. "Then your fans would be more likely to-"
"M-Malleus Draconia!?"
You turned your head up and saw Malleus striding into the room. His face was determined; it was one of the rare times that you'd seen anything so evident on his face, maybe the most ever.
Worried, you practically jumped off the sofa and went to his side. "Tsunotaro? What's wrong?"
He grabbed both your hands and held them in his. "(y/n). I like you."
"...eh?" The bluntness of the statement caught you off guard. "Wait... like? As in...?"
"No, wait. Not like. I love you. That's how I feel."
A bright red blush begun to spread across your cheeks. You tried to open your mouth to say something, but your mind couldn't think of anything. You closed your mouth and he took it as a sign to continue.
"(y/n), I've loved you for a while now. I know you may not feel the same way and I don't blame you. I just wanted to tell you because I... I needed to." Malleus gripped your hands tighter.
The suddenness of the situation had made you forget you were in Pomefiore, with all the astounded residents watching on. Finally able to think of a reply, you opened your mouth again to tell Malleus, but a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
"I'd hoped to wait a little longer before saying this," Vil said, "but I'd rather not risk losing because of that."
Vil softly grabbed your chin and turned your face to look at him.
"(y/n), ever since your voice led me to you, you have captured all my thoughts. Just spending time with you as friends is no longer enough; I wish to be more. (y/n), I love you. Do you feel the same?"
You looked between the two boys, face red from the abruptness. It was only a few days ago you were thinking of the two of them - now this? Not just one, but two confessions in under a minute. Your heart couldn't keep up.
Taking one last look between Malleus and Vil (and a deep breath), the answer came clear in your mind.
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