#or disguise yawning by breathing heavily
mail-posting · 5 months
still thinking abt the wreck that is train!andrew's office once he falls asleep at the desk tbh because godd i love imagining messy workaholic offices
conductors also kind of do everything on the train, like they oversee the other train employees, take payments for boarding, check the tickets, make sure passengers are safe and comfortable, etc etc so he is. SO exhausted probably
i think bc to me this andrew is kind of. stoic and polite (he would still melt if you were nice to him i think) he doesn't have many signs other than getting slightly more unkempt and i think his hands shake REALLY bad w sleep deprivation, or he seems like he's focusing on not literally just crinkling to the ground and fifudhf anywaybi really like traindrew
i watched about 22 mins of the first murder on the nord express gameplay vid btw and i'm gonna cry both victor and andrew are so djfjfj
#he's like. pacing and stuff near the end#because if he stood still who knows what'd happen#(he'd fall asleep)#also I'm thinking maybe Andrew is suddenly without other staff on the train without rhyme or reason#to add more similarities to the actual oletus#so he's probably even MORE overworked because he's taking it on himself to do everything#and he says he's fine but you can start to see him sway a little when he stands#or disguise yawning by breathing heavily#or take a few seconds to register anything that's said to him#meanwhile Andrew just wants to go to the safety of bed but he doesn't have a bed on the train#and he doesn't think to use an employee one#until someone tells him to#he absolutely would melt if you were nice to him#and I think if he's pretty awake it's subtle (just smiling and being a bit affectionate and maybe a tear or two)#but if he's tired it's probably really obvious that it means so much to him (maybe... too much for such a simple gesture)#i think affection is probably the biggest difference because if you hugged him while he was fully alert#he'd just return it mutely but you'd be able to see the sadness when you let go because why do these things have to be so short?#and if he's tired he wouldn't accept affection unless he sat down first#which seems a bit weird but it's VERY clear why when you actually do because he just flops onto you like a limp noodle#he's not good at hiding how much he wants this at ALL#he's probably crying too out of joy#congrats bucko you're cuddling this man until he falls asleep otherwise he'll be extremely sad (it only takes like 2-5 minutes you're fine)#idv#godddddd Andrew Kreiss my beloved
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emswritingsstuff · 4 months
omg carol whispering “close your eyes” and then kissing you. Please
i'm jumping around with all these Carol requests but i was very excited to write this one rahhh
Dreams (Carol Peletier x Fem! Reader)
WC: 670
The area surrounding you was quiet, not a sound to be heard. It had to have been super late, you didn’t really know as you didn’t care to look at the alarm clock next to your bed before slipping out. You needed some fresh air, just trying to come down from a nightmare. 
Without a doubt your mind was against you, the usual bad dream would come and go but these nightmares we’re a consistent thing now.  Ever since Terminus, you’ve been a nervous wreck. Even if this Alexandria place seemed as legit as they get, you were still scared you all had walked into a very well disguised trap like Terminus. 
Wood creaked under your foot as you bounced your leg up and down, letting your mind get the best of you. Everyone had been seeming to adjust okay, some slower than others, but you had completely shut out Alexandria. You kept trying to tell yourself it was going to be okay, that none of you were going to get hurt here. But every time you slept trying to forget about all the worries, the nightmares would remind you. 
Clutching your jacket around you tightly, you had taken a moment to take in the sights in front of you. All seemingly perfect homes, it really did seem too good to be true. Sighing heavily you let your head rest on your hand. The rattling sound of the door knob to your home made you instantly turn around. Breathing a sigh of relief when the figure that emerged was Carol, who just looked at you with a soft smile. 
“Woke up and you weren’t in bed,” she said softly, taking her place beside you on the stairs. Her hand getting placed on your thigh, holding it comfortingly. Sitting in comforting silence for a minute, you finally letting yourself relax for the first time that night. You wiped your tired eyes and yawning in the process, it was evident in your face you were struggling to sleep. And Carol knew that too, all too well in fact. 
Carol knew every time you had left the bed after a nightmare, and she also knew sometimes you would just lay in bed pretending to sleep. She had always tried to keep you in bed, doing the best she could to comfort you. It was to no avail though. But most of the time you need to be alone, and she respected that. 
Not tonight though, she couldn’t stand seeing you like this. It was eating her up inside, and she was sure your thoughts were eating you up as well. 
“You should come back to bed honey,” Carol had moved her hand to your shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly.  You had simply shrugged in response, not making eye contact in shame. Suddenly, Carol had stood up and reached her hand out, inviting you to take it. She stood there for a second before quietly speaking up again. 
“Sweetie, come to bed before I drag you up there myself,” that caused you to giggle slightly and take her hand. The walk to bed felt surreal, maybe it was the sleep deprivation talking but you for once felt genuinely tired. 
Once to your shared bedroom you both had gotten comfortable in each other's arms. You started to get lost in Carol's eyes, staring at the woman you loved so much and cared for you more than anyone. Her soft touches to your back making you more and more sleepy as she continued. 
Trying to fight off the sleep to keep living in the moment didn’t go unnoticed, Carol softly laughed at your actions and softly spoke. “Close your eyes, and sleep,” she placed a soft but loving kiss to your lips as you finally let yourself fall asleep into her arms. Carol placed one last kiss onto your forehead before falling back to sleep yourself. 
And for the first time in days, you had finally had a sweet dream. And you had fully slept through the night. 
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sprnklersplashes · 7 months
(ao3) based on this post
Waking up is a slow process.
The last fragments of sleep slip from her, falling away like dust falls from an old book. Inej rolls and stretches, the sheets coarse against her limbs, before sinking back into the mattress, a heavy sigh escaping her parted lips. For a time, she just floats, half-awake and half-asleep, gently warmed by the blanket encasing her body. 
When she does open her eyes, she doesn’t think about how long it’s been since she’s slept so soundly, nor does she remember what happened last time she slept in. Because she opens her eyes to weak and watery sunlight streaming through the window, and a sight so lovely she thinks for a moment she is still dreaming.
Kaz is curled up on his side, his little bed a twin to hers. His hand is curled loosely in front of him, his mouth half open. In the quiet of the morning, Inej can hear the quiet snores filling the room, and she almost laughs. The Bastard of the Barrel, the deadliest boy in all of Ketterdam, snores. And it’s the sweetest sound Inej has ever heard.
The twin beds were Kaz’s idea. They’d had to let out her room, he’d explained when she docked. They couldn’t justify keeping a room empty. So he moved an extra bed into his room.
“You don’t have to take it,” he’d told her, head bowed to disguise the red in his cheeks. “Jesper and Wylan have a room at the mansion. It’s probably nicer.”
Inej nodded and then dropped her bag ceremoniously on her bed. She turned around just in time to see Kaz smile.
In the present, Inej watches as Kaz in his sleep, the slow rise and fall of his chest, the subtle movement behind his eyelids. There’s a sort of relief in these moments, one that she wouldn’t be able to explain to anyone else. She hears his breathing, sees his small movements, and she’s reminded that he’s still here. They both are, and they’re fine. 
Ka moves then, a twitch in his hand, a tremor in his face. His inhale is slow, deep, the sheets rustle as he turns. When he blinks, it's slow, his eyelids heavy, and accompanied by a smile spreading over his face. Dark hair falls haphazardly into his face, the locks criss-crossing over each other.
“Hello Inej,” he whispers, eyes clouded with sleep. He moves as if to get up, only to then fall back into the mattress, cheek pressed into the pillow. Murmuring something she can’t hear, he wraps the blanket stubbornly around his body, declaring his intention to remain in bed as long as possible. Inej laughs, and the sound verberates in her chest like a summer wind through the fields. 
“Coffee?” she asks. Kaz nods, and mumbles something that sounds like a thanks. When Inej smiles, she feels it in every part of her body. After a quick brush against his knuckles, Inej pulls herself from her bed and feels the cold air on her skin; she grabs a shirt and slips it on over her vest before heading out. 
(She doesn’t need to wonder. The black fabric is rough and warm, the Kaz-scent of coffee and ink lingers on the collar)
This early in the morning, the Slat is mostly quiet, everyone likely sleeping off the previous night’s hangover. The silence is welcome though, calming, soothing, so much so that Inej finds herself yawning as she pads down the hall. Really, the presence of Kaz’s shirt around her shoulders isn’t helping. It’s almost as good as Kaz himself, nuzzling her neck or curling his fingers carefully around her wrist. 
Inej blinks heavily, and rubs the sleep from her eyes as she crosses the threshold to the kitchen. There, she grabs two mugs from the cupboard and lifts the still-warm coffee pot from the fire. She rubs her eyes, stretches her shoulders, grabs a spoon from the open drawer. 
Behind her, something falls, the uneven tinkling of metal on metal. Inej is jerked into awareness and turns around, her cheeks already crimson.
Six or seven of the Dregs cluster around the rickety table. Half-finished meals of eggs and bacon sit on the faded plates, cutlery lays forgotten on the china. Anika, Dirix, and a few others whom she has known for years all gaze at her now with open mouths and bulging eyes. Silent words pass between them as they look at each other and then back to Inej. There’s nothing malicious in their gaze, there could never be, but a shiver runs up Inej’s spine all the same.
With twitching fingers, Inej pulls Kaz’s shirt tighter around her and-
Kaz’s shirt.
Oh. Oh.
Now she gets it. She’s walking around the Slat, in full view of the Dregs, wearing Kaz Brekker’s shirt. No wonder they’re all looking at her like that. Saints, the Ice Court heist was probably a more believable story than this. 
Inej isn’t sure what she’s to do next; explain or joke or run, when another element is added. A cane thumps outside and in comes Kaz Brekker, messy bedhead and sleep-heavy eyes and all. With tender tiredness, Kaz taps her wrist and rubs his nose in her hair, a “good morning” rasped in her ear. If she were alone, this would make her toes curl and she would thank her Saints for this moment with him. 
As it is, her face is positively scarlet, and she responds to Kaz’s caress with a sharp dig in his ribs that shocks him into wakefulness. For a moment, Kaz can only gape at the sight before him; the gaping Dregs, his shirt around her body, her hair still tickling his cheek.
It’s in that moment, pressed into his side, that she hears the hitch in his breath, sees his face change as he registers, then thinks, then reacts all in the span of a second.
“Don’t you all have places to be?” he barks. “Anika, Dirix, Fifth Harbour, there’s a shipment coming and I want eyes on it. The rest of you, find something to occupy your time.” 
And he doesn’t need to say any more; they are already scrambling from the table and making a hasty exit down the hall, breakfasts discarded on the table. Kaz rolls his eyes and gathers the plates. Quiet, gossiping voices can still be heard outside, and Inej can only assume trouble is coming. 
Kaz turns to her, a small grin on his face.
“Everything all right?” he asks. Inej shrugs and runs her hand over the fabric of his shirt.
“They know now,” she says. “Everyone’s going to know.” 
Kaz nods and scrapes leftover eggs onto a clean plate. If she’s honest, Inej is a little surprised at how calm she is about this. Even more surprising is the giggle that emerges in her throat, fluttering like a butterfly against her windowsill.
“Not a bad thing though,” she says. “Right?”
Kaz’s eyes lift to meet hers, peeking out from his dark hair. They’re still a little tired, but what Inej really notices is the way they crinkle at the sides; the sparkle in them reminds her of the rising sun dancing on the waves. 
“Not really,” he whispers. Then, he hands her a plate and adds, “Especially if it gets us free breakfast.”
Incredible. Inej looks at the plate, laden with eggs and bacon and half a smoked salmon, all pinched from the abandoned plates, and does her best to look disapproving. 
“Bastard,” she tells him pointedly. Kaz only shrugs, and then there’s a sight so astonishing even she struggles to believe it.
He winks.
“Your bastard though,” he says, and well, Inej can’t deny it.
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hadeslegacyhephgirl · 4 months
So this ain't da soulmate au. Its coming, promise. in the meantime, witness the evil of my brain and have some major angst.
TW: Character death, HEAVILY implied - idk how far that goes, so maybe it's not even implied - self-harm, grief.
~*~ 6:58 when the patient is admitted 7:20 when the heart-rate monitor flatlines 7:22 when Nico receives the call that destroys him. 8:13 when the shroud is burnt 8:17 when the wooden marker is shoved into the ground
8:20 and Nico's world is in pieces.
Rest in Peace William Andrew Solace 1993-2017 Beloved Brother, Medic, Friend, Lover.
~*~ 9:43 and Nico is laying on his bed 9:44. His Will is gone. And he's never coming back
~*~ 10:36 has someone knocking on his door 10:37 and Jason's sitting next to him on his bed.
Nico can't look at him Because he's got blonde hair and blue eyes, but not the curly blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes that he loves. Loved. Still Loves.
10:42 when Jason finally starts talking
Nico doesn't hear a word of it.
10:45 and Nico is alone again. He's empty Because without his Will, there's nothing left for him. Not anymore.
~*~ 2:41 and he hasn't moved. 3:20 and people are talking to him, talking at him. He doesn't hear a word.
3:36 when Reyna, Hazel, Kayla, Cecil and Lou Ellen show up. They don't say a word.
3:38 and he finally breaks down, sobbing into Hazels shoulder. Because they all knew Will. These are the people who considered Will family above everything. They know his pain He knows their pain.
3:52 they're sitting in a circle. They still haven't said a word, but somehow have said everything they'll ever need to.
~*~ It's 2:38(am) when Nico has his first panic attack without Will. 2:39 and he's drowning in those haunted waters. It's a new kind of torture. Because now Wills voice is part of his chains.
2:43 A flash of red A cry of pain Blood accident. sharp. ow.
9:18 he makes his first deliberate cut 9:19 he watches in facination as the drops run down his arm 9:22 when he finally bandages them 9:32 and for seven minutes he could breath, could forget, could drown out everything but himself
Will has been dead for 10 hours.
And Nico is broken.
~*~ 10:37. A month later. Nico is scarliy thin from eating virtually nothing exept what was forced into his mouth
10:38 and he finally pulls out the ring The one he was going to propose to Will with on the day Will died.
10:40 and he's moving, feet taking him outside and down to the docks 10:43 and his arm draws back, throwing the ring as far as possible into the water 10:44 there's a splash. Nico is not around to hear it.
~*~ 11:55 Percy finds the ring 11:56 he realises what it is. Nico had talked to them about proposing to Will. This was that ring.
12:10 Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, Lou Ellen and Cecil are gathered at the dining pavilion 12:20 they agree.
They need to get Will back And they're gonna make it happen
~*~ 1:34 they have a plan 1:52 they're meeting up with Grover and Apollo (disguised as Lester) in Central Part 1:57 the passageway to the Underworld is open, a yawning pit of darkness and cold. 11:58 Percy goes first 12:00 Apollo and Grover decide to follow
~*~ 12:23 They arrive at Hades Palace 12:34 when Hades greets them, hears their request 12:35 when Hades and Apollo exchange looks 12:37 when Hades sighs, rubs his forehead
'You'll have a ten minute window. Do what you must'
~*~ 12:38 finds them at the Elysium gates 12:41 Will is following them out
~*~ 12:42 and they're running out of time 12:43 and Will stops, exhuasted 12:44 Annabeth is yelling "Nico is in trouble! He's dying Will!" (and it's true, it really is)
12:46 Will is the first out of the Underworld, alive and solid and desperate because where is Nico, if I know him he's really in trouble and I know what he'd do and I need to stop him before he goes to far.
12:49 Apollo dissapears 12:52 the demigods are in Apollos chariot, racing toward Camp Halfblood and Will wants to go faster, faster, please.
1:02 Nico hears the knock on his door 1:03 and it's open 1:03 and he can't move because 1:03 Will is back. 1:03 Will is standng, there, Nico's proposal ring in hand and another one, a silver band with the moon phases etched into it. 1:03 they stand there, unable to comprehend it
~*~ 1:05 and they're on the floor, Nico pressing butterly kisses all over Will - face, hands, arms.. 1:07 they simply lay there, basking in the fact that Will is there and alive
~*~ 1:10 Will pulls Nico into the cabin 1:11 Nico's sleeve is rolled up and Will is heartbroken over the bandages on Nico's arm 1:12 His arms are re-bandaged and they lay on the bed 1:13 Nico asks the question he desperaltly wants to ask, the one he never got to before Will died 1:13 Will is the one pressing butterfly kisses on Nico's faces, whispering yes, yes, one thousand times yes. I'm never leaving again
~*~ 6:32(am) there's a dawn ceremony, with Apollo leading them through a simple exchange of rings and vows 8:43 when the celebrations start 9:31 when the newlyweds make it back to Cabin 13, now decorated, cortesey of Hades, Persephone, Apollo and Aphrodite. 9:46 when they finally get to lay down, simply be next to each other, Nico spooning Will as the exhaustion of the last few days catches up.
Above the bed, the promise is carved into the wall.
I'm never leaving you again. Promise.
~*~ Authors notes: they're like 23-24 yrs old here. So. Just cause.
If you don't get it, the question Nico asks in the second-to-last section is will u marry me. that's what the ring was for.
the rings- Nico has the gold band carved with the sun all around: ☀️. ☀️.☀️.☀️.☀️.☀️.☀️- like this but a LOT more elegant. think the sun pattern from Tangled/Rapunzel Will has the silver one with the moon cycles: 🌑.🌒.🌓.🌔.🌕.🌖.🌗.🌘.🌑. - again, a lot more elegant. and in solid silver.
headcannon - Will plays the flute- he got one for the wedding presents. U know. Doctors hands-piano hands-flute hands. Also its just sweet, so we go with it.
Promise, I'm workin' on dat soulmate au. ITS COMING I SWEAR 😥😥😥😥
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Strange love part 6
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After the time you kissed Leo, you thought it was either on purpose or accident. But it almost felt like…..
“Uh y/n? You home?”
You opened the door and let him in
“So, how have you been doing lately?”
“Fine i guess. Why?”
“Um….. I was just sorta thinking about the way you kissed me.”
You ended up blushing with embarrassment
“Oh jeez you know about that?! Look, I don’t know what i was thinking or what to do or say about what happened that night.”
“I just wanted to say thank you for helping me, but that was just way too much of a dumb idea.”
“Oh! Why did I do that?! Why did I do that?! Why’d I do that?! Why’d I do that?! WHY DID I DO THAT?!”
“Huh? (breathing heavily)”
“Your spiraling and your hyperventilating. Just try to breathe. Like this.”
And you both started breathing until you were finally able to calm yourself down.
“Sorry Leo. It’s just… I wanted to let you know that I started having a thing for you ever since the night you saved my life. But mostly, the first time we met. And I wanted to tell you in the best way. And when I kissed you on the face, I thought “he’s too cool for something like this”. I just can’t get over what I had done.”
“You actually thought all that?” And you were too scared to confess you had a crush on me?”
“How could I not? After all you’ve done for me?”
Then you both fall asleep with each other on your own bed
And then his phone rings again
“Hey Leo, you should probably come home. It’s gonna be morning soon and peoples blinds are gonna open any minute.”
“Okay. (yawn) I’ll be there soon.”
After you wake up you see Leo’s gone. Then you go to the kitchen to make yourself breakfast and find a note on the fridge door.
Note from Leo:
“Hey y/n. I know I won’t be here when you wake up in the morning. But I sure hope to see you again sometime. Don’t tell anyone, but I actually had a thing for you too. But I just didn’t want to say it out loud in front of my brothers and my friends. And my dad for that matter. If you’re still reading this note, I want to come clean about some other things. Since the first time you met me, I thought you were gonna be scared of us. But you weren’t. Though other people would be, you still wanna hang out with people like us. I’d love to hang around with you again. We could do some amazing mutant kind of stuff. Like maybe teach you how to fight, skateboard, find plenty of disguise’s for us to wear when we’re in public or something. Also we have other mutant friends around the world. Maybe you could meet them. I just can’t believe that you really like hanging with me and my family. But believe it or not, your the one who makes us feel whole. Including me. Which is why I want you to come to the lair for a big surprise. See you then, Leo.”
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
My Very Soul (Chapter 15)
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Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader
Link to Chapter 14
Warnings: canon inconsistencies (idk guys I haven't read those books about Dooku), a sweet bit o Ani fluff and LOTS of angst unfortunately but it will pay off!
Summary: You and Anakin search Serenno for information about the attacks on the Senate; a planned confession goes amiss
Word Count: 4.3k
Serenno was one of those planets with a confusing and complicated political history. Your ship had landed on the outskirts of Carannia, the capital city, and though you tried to keep your tired eyes on the history overview on the holopad during the relatively short journey from Coruscant, you struggled to take it all in. Houses? Counts? The political structure of this place was as confusing as the political structure of Mandalore. You had been immediately distracted from your reading when the ship came out of hyperspace and began to enter Serenno's atmosphere. For all its confusing history, Serenno was...beautiful. There was no other word for it. You saw the lush forests and mountain ranges, the green of the tree canopies, and, beyond the capital, a vast ocean, shining in the sun like the light of the stars. You were enraptured.
       Master Yuma and Master Obi-Wan had decided to land near the outskirts so as to not announce your presence to the capital at large.
       "But if the ruler of Serenno was once a Jedi," you asked, "why the secrecy? Why not consult him on this matter?"
       "We plan to pay Count Dooku a visit," Master Yuma responded, "but only after we have gathered information from the lower, less reputable parts of Carannian society."
       "You'll find," Master Obi-Wan said with a chuckle, "that the best place to sniff out a rat is the sewer."
       Thus, Master Yuma and Master Obi-Wan had taken off through the jungle to visit the slums of Carannia, heavily disguised in dark cloaks that did not give away their true identity. You and Anakin had donned similar clothing, and with instructions to head the other direction, looping across the forest and toward the marketplace in the center of town, you had set off. The cloak you wore was warm and comfortable, and you pushed away your tiredness as you walked through the forest, pushing aside vines and ferns as you passed them. It was common for Jedi to go from assignment to assignment, and sleep was a luxury stolen when possible, not a right. However, quite a lot had happened since you'd last been able to rest—you breathed slowly, in and out of your mouth, using your momentum to keep you going.
       "You look awful, flea," Anakin said cheerfully, walking next to you and jumping ahead to pull a branch out of your path.
       "Ha, ha," you responded dryly, too tired to come up with a good comeback.
       "You know, you're no use to the Order dead on your feet," Anakin responded, just as merrily. It seemed his good mood from your earlier conversation about Henry still permeated his thoughts. You glanced at his face, and stifled a laugh. His Force presence might as well be whistling.
       "Well, when duty calls..." you responded, yawning. You waved your hand dismissively to finish your sentence.
       "Yawn in the face of danger," Anakin finished for you, grinning with his tongue poking through his teeth. You rolled your eyes.
       The two of you broke through the edge of the tree line, facing the outskirts of the large city. You quickly crossed the grassy gap and drew your hoods, darting across streets and between the smaller dwellings on the edge of the capital. The buildings here were cylindrical, which created an odd contrast to the natural forests and mountains surrounding the city. The architecture was harsh, geometric, and contained—the nature was expansive, complex.
       "The market should be just ahead," Anakin said quietly, pointing ahead of him to a gap in the side streets. You felt, rather than heard, the hum of people moving around, speaking in different tongues, bartering over goods. You and Anakin were meant to observe quietly, to overhear, to glean information without being present, to hide in plain sight. The market would be a perfect place to do so, but, you realized, wearing hoods and oversized dark robes would clash highly with the atmosphere of the market, in which many people wore plain clothing, in lighter fabrics, the sun shining down on them.
       "Wait—" you said quickly, putting your hand across Anakin's chest to stop him from stepping out of the alleyway and entering the brightly lit market.
       "What?" Anakin asked quietly, looking around.
       "Think about it. Take in your surroundings," you said patiently. You knew that blending in was not Anakin's strong suit, knew that he would prefer to enter the market with his lightsaber held high, demanding answers from the passerby. "If we go out there like this, we'll stick out like sore thumbs."
       Anakin watched the people walking by for a moment, looking down at your disguises and putting two and two together.
       "Fine," Anakin said amicably, grabbing onto the shoulders of your robe and pulling it off you before shrugging out of his own. You tugged your tunic out of your Jedi belt, which would surely give you away, stashing your saber in your boot. Anakin did the same. Using the Force, you pulled, carefully, a large brick out of the wall of the alleyway. You stashed your robes and your belts in the hole left, pushing them far back into the wall so that they would not be seen.
       "We look casual enough," Anakin said, looking you up and down with a smile. "But you've forgotten something."
       "What?" you asked, looking up into Anakin's tanned face, his blue eyes sparkling against his skin. Anakin reached forward and smiled, tugging lightly on your Padawan braid. Oh. You couldn't walk into the market with your braids swinging obviously, a conspicuous mark of the Jedi Order. Anakin peered out from the alleyway in which you stood, pointing to a cart near you, a cart selling colorful headscarves. You watched the shoppers in the market, saw that many of them had colorful head coverings.
       "Good thinking," you told Anakin, using the Force to quickly summon two of the scarves away from the cart. You wrapped Anakin's around his head, trying to ignore the immense smugness coming from his presence, then worked your own scarf around your hair. Now fully disguised, you and Anakin stepped out into the market, you dropping a few credits swiftly onto the cart as you passed. Anakin grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.
       "Anakin..." you said, trying to pull your hand away.
       "It'll look much more natural this way," Anakin responded, grinning, his grip on your hand firm. "We're a couple out on a stroll through the market. No one will look twice at us."
       "Fine," you said, turning away to hide your blush. Anakin's hand was big and warm as it enclosed yours, but the feel of it made your insides squirm. You looked straight ahead as you walked out into the market with him, your joined hands swinging slightly. The more you half-heartedly pushed Anakin away, the less he seemed to believe your rebuffs. You worried, almost, that Anakin might be able to read your true feelings, the way you were able to read his. You blushed further at the thought. You were beginning to feel lightheaded.
       Anakin glanced at you, then pulled you in the direction of a fruit stand. He waved a few credits at the man, dropping them on the counter, and then picked up a couple meiloorun fruits. He held one out to you, his face downturned, his eyes looking into yours with an intensity that made you hold your breath.
       "We're not here to eat fruit," you whispered quietly.
       "You look like you need a pick-me-up," Anakin whispered back, stepping closer to you and putting the fruit in your hand. "Plus, it's a very natural thing to do at a market." You took the fruit, nodding, feeling your legs quiver as you made eye contact with him. Anakin's eyes really were so blue.
       You leaned against the wall and peeled the fruit, slowly, juice sliding down your hands. You took a bite and groaned. The fruit was so sweet.
       "Good?" Anakin laughed, watching you devour the fruit, juice sliding down your face.
       "Excellent," you responded, wiping your mouth with the sleeve of your tunic. The sugar from the fruit gave you a bit of energy, allowed you to open your eyes a bit wider, tired as you were.
       "I told you, I'm not interested," a boy in the alleyway near you said, seeming like his voice was coming out louder than he intended in his anger.
       "We need the credits, Jarin," another boy responded, his voice pleading.
       "If you two are done arguing," a girl said, sounding impatient, "he's waiting for us."
       You continued leaning against the wall, throwing the carcass of your fruit to the ground. You didn't turn, but you reached out for Anakin's hand as he stood near you, squeezing it. He squeezed back, affirming that he too was listening to the conversation happening in the alleyway.
       "I'm not doing it," Jarin said again, and you felt out for his Force presence, sensing in him a great amount of fear. You crinkled your eyebrows.
       "You talk as if you have a choice," the girl said, her voice sounding threatening, as she let out a shrill laugh. "You act as if you have anywhere else to go."
       "If we do this job," the second boy responded, "we could leave Serenno. Make a life somewhere else." You felt a hopeful despair behind this boy's words, in his Force presence.
       Leave Serenno? As far as you knew, this was a fairly wealthy system, with a surplus of resources. Why would these young people be so desperate to leave? And what job was Jarin so afraid of taking?
       "Hey, love birds," you heard the girl yell in your direction, and you saw Anakin step in front of you, looking over your shoulder into the alley. "I know you're listening."
       You turned and faced the group, seeing that the boys were about Anakin's age. The girl, or young woman, it seemed, looked to be a few years older than you.
       "Don't be afraid," the girl said, her voice menacing. "Are you looking for work? Come closer."
       You felt a swell of protectiveness in Anakin, and you gripped his arm, squeezing in warning. He mustn't let his temper get in the way in this interaction. These might be the 'rats' Obi-Wan had been talking about—and you knew the purpose of this mission was to gather information.
       You and Anakin walked slowly toward the group. In the shade of the alley, you saw the two boys cowering before this young woman, who stood straight, looking you and Anakin over.
       "Oh, but you aren't afraid," the girl said, appraising the two of you. "It seems I misjudged you. You," the girl turned to Anakin, "you look strong. I've got a job you might be interested in. Lots of credits on the line." The girl turned away from Anakin and looked you in the eye. You saw that her irises were purple, her face set in a permanent glare. "Oh," the young woman said, leaning in to meet your gaze, "but you have more to offer, don't you, pipsqueak? I can see everything." The girl began to walk around you, and you turned, so as not to allow her your back. "You're the one they have to watch out for, aren't you?" The girl's voice was mocking, but there was something almost like Force command in it. This confused you. Was this young woman—or whatever she was—Force sensitive? If she was, why was she not identified as a youngling?
       "Step away from her," Anakin said quietly, darkly, pulling you closer to his side. "We come as a pair. What is this job you mentioned?"
       "A simple...extraction," the girl responded, turning back to Anakin, her voice casual. You felt in her Force presence that she was lying. You felt behind her words an intent to kill.
       "I see," Anakin said, his voice just as casual. "And why all the secrecy? Who are we working for, here?" The girl laughed.
       "That's need to know," the girl said, smiling wickedly at Anakin.
       "Right, and I need to know who I'm working for, if I'm going to be...extracting, or, whatever it is you'll have me doing," Anakin said. You felt in his voice a strong Force command, but it didn't seem to be working on this young woman, who certainly was not weak-minded.
       "Watch yourself, pretty boy," the girl said, stepping forward to look Anakin straight in the face. You saw that she was as tall as he was. "If you want the credits, you do as I say. You don't want to cross me." You felt the Force building between the two of them, felt Anakin's intention before he enacted it, and knew that the girl with the violet eyes was ready to strike. The boys behind her looked afraid.
       "Don't I?" Anakin asked, smiling serenely, and in a quick flash, you saw the girl draw a blaster adeptly. But you were quicker. Your hand was in your boot, drawing your lightsaber faster than the girl could pull the trigger. You blocked the blasts she aimed at Anakin's heart swiftly, and Anakin stood tall, not even reaching for his saber. He'd known that you would block her blasts.
       "Jedi scum!" the young woman said, looking enraged, backing away, firing blasts at the both you, blasts that you blocked easily. "Run!" she yelled to the boys as she turned and sprinted down the alleyway.
       "Wait just a moment," you said, hopping into the air in a flip, landing on the other side of the two boys. You and Anakin, who had pulled his own lightsaber out of his boot, had them cornered.
       "Don't hurt us!" Jarin said, putting his hands out on his sides to try to block the other boy from the two of you. Jarin and the boy backed against the wall. You turned off your lightsaber.
       "We won't hurt you," you responded, calmly. "But we need you to tell us everything you know about the job you just turned down."
       "We can't!" Jarin said miserably. "He'll have us killed!"
       "We can arrange safe passage for you off Serenno," you said kindly, but firmly, keeping your gaze on the two boys, "if you wish. But you need to tell us what you know."
       Anakin stepped forward, his lightsaber still raised. You put out a hand, making sure he kept back from the two teenage boys, the one cowering behind the other. You felt their fear. You felt their intentions to be pure. There was no need to threaten them.
       "Is that your brother?" you asked softly, reading Jarin through the Force. Jarin looked back at his companion, and then to you again, looking frightened. "I can tell you two have been on your own for quite some time," you said, using your calm to try to put Jarin more at ease. "We can help you. But you have to help us."
       "There's a man called Tyrannus," the younger boy behind Jarin spoke up, his voice shaking. Jarin looked back at him, startled. "The job wasn't an extraction. It was an assassination."
       "Tyrannus?" Anakin asked, finally turning off his lightsaber.
       "An assassination? Of whom?" you asked the younger boy urgently.
       "A senator," Jarin answered, looking between you and Anakin.
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Anakin opened the ramp of the ship, stepping on while you followed. You both had instructed Jarin and his brother to meet you at the space port the following day, and to stay hidden until then. After retrieving your hidden cloaks and belts, Anakin and you had made your way back through the forest to the ship.
       "We'll need to signal to Master Yuma and Obi-Wan," Anakin said, walking forward to the cockpit. He pressed the button to call your masters.
       "Mhmm," you said, following him, wobbling a little on your feet. Anakin turned quickly, reaching a hand out to steady you.
       "Y/N," Anakin said, feeling your pulse in your arm as he held you. "You need to sleep. It's becoming a hazard." Anakin's voice conveyed nothing but playful sarcasm, but inside he felt many things, starting and ending with a deep affection. He smiled as he watched you, your eyes half open.
       "I suppose you're right," you said feebly, wandering over to the flight couch. Anakin pressed the comm button in the cockpit again, but got no response.
       "You must be tired," Anakin said, laughing, "that's the first time I've ever heard you say those words." Anakin followed you out of the cockpit.
       "And it'll be the last," you mumbled, sitting down and putting your head back.
       "That I believe," Anakin said, sitting next to you, pulling out his comm and signaling to your Masters with beeps. "I told them we're back at the ship, that we have information, and to reconvene when they can," Anakin informed you. When you didn't respond, Anakin looked around, and stifled a laugh. You were asleep, that much was clear, leaning back in a seated position, your mouth hanging open, with small snoring sounds exiting your nose as you breathed in.
       "Little flea," Anakin sighed, watching you. He wondered, briefly, if this was an intrusion—watching you while you had no ability to object—but, he reasoned, you had also watched him in his sleep, had even entered his nightmares with him, through the Force. At times, Anakin wished he had your abilities. Now, for instance, he wished he could read your emotions, could read what you were dreaming about, thinking about. He desperately wanted to know about your feelings, even if he didn't like the answers to his questions. Anakin was struggling to keep his thoughts inside of him, and knowing, either way, felt like it would release something in him that desperately needed to be released.
       He couldn't help himself. He loved you so much. He had since he was a boy, and though his feelings had changed, of course, there was still a part of him that was nine years old, watching you walk up to him in the Jedi temple. The admiration he had felt that day had never left him; it had simply grown, and other feelings had entered his presence, feelings he himself was still struggling to understand. All he knew was that he needed to be near you, always, needed to make sure you were safe, needed to hear your laugh, needed to listen to your teasing. He needed to feel your presence, needed to watch as your hair blew wildly in every direction, needed to see your smile, needed to watch as your cheeks reddened when you were angry or embarrassed. As much as he needed to be near you, Anakin felt, he was also suffering in your presence. That he was not able to have all of you was agonizing to him; that he was not able to reach out now, for instance, and touch your cheek in your sleep. That he was not able to hold you close to him, to feel your heart beat against his. That he was not able to kiss your entire face, your entire self. As much as he desperately wanted to do these things, what he wanted most was for you to want him the way he wanted you. He wanted to make you happy with his love. He wanted you to love him, so that he could give to you all of what was inside him.
       You snored a bit more loudly, grunting in your sleep, and your head fell to the side, resting on Anakin's shoulder. Anakin's insides jumped with joy. He kept very still, your sleeping head leaning against him. He felt the heat of your cheek against his shoulder, through his tunic. There were times when it seemed certain to Anakin that you returned his feelings. That you had turned down Henry's advances surely meant something, did it not? And the way you interacted with him—it was like if he smiled, you smiled. If he was sad and upset, you were sad and upset. The two of you were in sync in a way that could only be explained by love. Right?
       But what if that love you felt for him was nothing more than friendly admiration? It was clear to Anakin that you cared for him, but what if you regarded him as nothing more than a good friend, or even a brotherly figure, the way you had said you regarded Henry? What if the admiration you felt for him was more akin to the admiration you felt for Master Yuma, or Obi-Wan, other members of the Jedi Order you'd grown close to as your family?
       If you didn't return Anakin's feelings—if you didn't want the kind of relationship Anakin desperately wanted—would Anakin be able to suffer, silently, in your presence, for the rest of both of your lives? What would be the alternative? Leaving your side—not being with you at all?
       Anakin's insides churned uncomfortably. These unanswered questions haunted him, but he sensed in himself that you and him were coming to a crossroads. He sensed your relationship couldn't remain in this state of waiting forever. Something had to change soon. Something would break. But what would come next?
       Anakin struggled to breathe as he thought over this uncertain future. He looked down at your head, as it rested on his shoulder. He couldn't lose you. He wouldn't. But how to earn your love? How to prove to you that he was worthy? What more could he do? Anakin didn't know. But he did know that he wanted to declare himself, as Henry had done, but better, with better words, with more love. You needed to know. It was time. He had to tell you how he felt. He couldn't keep it in any longer.
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Waking up, you still felt tired. There was a stiffness in your back and neck, and you yawned, opening your eyes, realizing that you had been sleeping on someone's shoulder. Anakin's shoulder.
       You blushed, sitting up straight, trying to stretch out your upper back.
       "Mornin'," Anakin said, his charming smile right next to your face as you turned to look at him, bleary-eyed.
       "How long was I out?" you asked, rubbing your eyes, sighing.
       "A good few hours," Anakin replied, his Force presence betraying a hint of nervousness. This confused you.
       "Did Master Obi-Wan and Master Yuma—"
       "Not yet," Anakin responded, pointing to the comm he'd put on the flight table. You nodded, slowly coming to your senses. Anakin stood up, heading to the small flight kitchen on the other side of the hull. After a moment, you smelled caf brewing. It was a comforting sound, listening to the caf maker bubble.
       "Thanks," you said gratefully when Anakin came back over to you, handing you a cup of the hot beverage. You drank it quickly, wanting it to give you alertness, even though it gave you the slightest burn in your throat. You and Anakin sat quietly for a moment, both of you lost in your own thoughts.
       "Listen, Y/N," Anakin said quietly, taking the hand on your lap in his and leaning forward. "There's—there's something I need to tell you." You looked up into Anakin's eyes, felt his intention in his Force presence, his nerves, his resolve, amidst other things, things you didn't feel ready to acknowledge. You breathed in quickly, taking your hand from his, already shaking your head.
       "No, Y/N, please," Anakin pleaded, watching your face, "please just listen."
       "No," you choked out, your eyes wide in fear, unable to breathe properly. "Anakin, don't do this."
       "Do what?" Anakin asked, his eyes becoming wet, watching you. "I can't keep pretending like this, Y/N. Please, just let me—"
       "No," you said firmly, standing up, your limbs shaking. You placed the cup of caf on the flight table, spilling a little, unable to keep yourself still. "No, you're just—" you wrung your hands, feeling the fight or flight impulse, wishing there was somewhere for you to run away to, somewhere far enough, while simultaneously not wanting to ever leave Anakin's side. "You're just—you're trying to distract me. You're trying make me lose focus. You want to take the trials first, I know you do." What you did know was that this was completely ridiculous, and completely untrue. Anakin hadn't been competitive with you like that since you were both much younger. But you would have said anything at that moment to sidetrack Anakin, to stop him from saying the words you felt on the tip of his presence. Once he said those words aloud, everything would change. Everything would break. You couldn't let that happen. You couldn't leave the Jedi Order, but you most certainly couldn't lose Anakin.
       "What?" Anakin asked in disbelief, his tears spilling from his eyes, causing you to turn away in pain. You felt in his Force presence that it had worked. You felt the hurt moving through him, and turned back, seeing that an agonized expression had made its home in his features. "You...you think I'm trying to...beat you? You think this is about winning?"
       "I know it is," you said coolly, the words coming out of you as if they sliced through you like a knife. You felt all of Anakin's pain combining with your own, but you knew you couldn't let him say what he was trying to say. You needed to keep your life held together, even if it was held together by the last few strands of a broken rope. You could not let everything fall apart.
       Anakin watched you with incredulity, his pain your pain, your hands shaking. Anakin's Force presence turned sour. An anger entered his heart, and while you felt it to be anger at you, you knew it was also anger directed inward, toward himself. You nearly crumpled.
       "I yield, then," Anakin said, his voice shaking. "You win." He got up off the flight couch and jammed his hand against the button to open the ship's ramp. Anakin stalked off into the Forest, and as he did, you felt his presence collapse into a deep agony, a scream you almost felt you heard, though it was inaudible. You fell to your knees, sobbing.
eeeeek sorry about that but i love me some angst :)THE NEW CHAPTER IS OUT NOW CLICK HERE
in the meantime, here's a laughing comfort Obi:
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divider credit to @racingairplanes
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letcaleslack · 2 years
Cale and co in Korea Part 6
[Part 1]  
“Haa.” Cale sighed heavily and massaged his forehead with a hand. “Don’t say something so scary.”
He dropped the hand and met Rok Soo’s gaze. “You’ll bring me into the team and I’ll work on locating the hunter while you and your team do your usual work.”
Rok Soo: “Of course. We can’t take interns to the battlefield, so you might even get to be alone in the office. I’ll also try to help you if I get the chance.”
He gathered the papers on his desk and picked up a pen, using it to point at Cale. “The black hair is a good disguise.” He smiled brightly. “My face is really handsome. It looks good with any hair color.”
Raon: “The human looks best with white hair! I mean, second best after his natural hair color. He looks very holy with white hair!”
Rok Soo: “Holy?”
Raon: “Yes, it drove the Crazy Clopeh crazy.”
Rok Soo: “Clopeh, like Clopeh Sekka, the Guardian Knight of the North?”
Cale interfered before they got further off-topic. “I’ll pretend to be half-Korean, half … English? That will be easiest since I can speak English.”
Rok Soo: “Sure, I’ll get your documentation ready.” He gathered the papers on his desk. “After I get this work done. Do you need something else? Money? You’ll need new clothes.”
Cale felt Rok Soo was kinda similar to Deruth. “Please give me a lot of money. I need to feed and clothe my whole team.”
Rok Soo: “Sure. It was yours to begin with, anyway.”
They exchanged phone contacts and Raon and Cale left. As they flew through the night sky over the city, Raon spoke. “Human, I didn’t forget that you didn’t answer me what an intern is.”
When they entered the thug’s apartment the TV was still on, although the volume was lowered. The overhead light was off and the adults were bathed in the cool light of the TV.
Ron: “Welcome back, young master.”
Cale: “Where are the children?”
Ron: “In the bedroom, sleeping.”
Cale nodded. Children needed to sleep a lot. He looked at Raon flying above his shoulder. The dragon must be tired, too. “Raon and I will join them. Are you all right here?”
Rosalyn: “Yes, young master Cale. Choi Han has been teaching us about this world and language. It’s very interesting.”
They probably felt like they needed to learn a lot quickly so they could be useful, Cale thought. But even if they were adults they also needed a good night’s sleep.
Cale: “I’ve secured a house for us. We’ll move there tomorrow. So please bear with this for tonight.”
Eruhaben sighed. “Unfortunate bastard. Just go sleep.”
Cale bid them goodnight and gently opened the door to the bedroom. Lock, On and Hong were sleeping on the bed. Raon lowered himself onto the duvet and burrowed himself between the cats.
Cale walked soundlessly to the other side of the bed from Lock. He took his shoes off and laid down on the bed, covering himself with the duvet.
Raon, mumbling: “Goodnight, human.”
Cale, whispering: “Sleep well.”
He waiting until he heard Raon’s soft breathing joining the other childrens’. Then he took the phone out of his pocket and started researching what he’d missed in the last two years. Guild conflicts, new monsters, political changes, new famous abilities … he googled and recorded it all.  
Due to the Vitality of the Heart Cale felt refreshed the next morning even though he’d barely slept two hours. He was awoken by the sound of his phone ringing. Specifically, a terrible song resonated through the small bedroom. Cale rubbed at his eyes and grimaced at the awful Korean rap song. I need to change the ringtone, he thought.
Lock sat up and flushed, looking awkward at having slept in a bed with Cale.
On: “Nya! What is that?” She sat up and looked around, trying to find the source of the noise.
Hong yawned. “It sounds like someone is getting their arm torn off.”  
Vicious children. That’s the first thing that comes to their mind?
Cale petted the three children and looked at the phone screen. It was Rok Soo. He said the house was ready and Cale could come pick the keys up. They finished the talk quickly.
Just as Cale hang up, the door to the living room opened and Ron stepped in. “Young Master, I heard a noise?”
Cale put his shoes on and stood up. “I need to go.” He walked past Ron into the living room.
Ron: “Again? Without even breakfast?”
Cale: “I’ll get something on the way.” He went into the bathroom and shut the door in Ron’s face. He wanted to take a shower but he should hurry. Rok Soo was probably exhausted and wouldn’t want to wait up long for him.
When Cale left the bathroom everyone had gathered together. They all looked at him.
Eruhaben had his arms crossed over his chest. “Where are you going now?”
Cale: “I need to collect the keys for the house we’ll be living in.”
Eruhaben: “I’ll join you.”
Rosalyn. “I would like to as well.”
On: “I’ll come, too.”
Hong: “Same.”
Ron: “This servant wants to accompany you.”
Beacrox nodded, agreeing.
Lock fidgeted. “If the young master agrees, I’d like to come, too.”
Raon: “I will definitely go with the human.”
Choi Han put a hand on his scabbard. “Cale-nim, you can depend on me.”
Cale blinked, stupefied. “It’ll be boring, though? It’s just a quick trip.” He looked at the clock. “I need to go. Raon, let’s go.” At the apartment entrance he turned back and flinched when he saw the frowning faces. “Make sure to eat breakfast.” He quickly shut the door behind him. He put a hand over his wildly beating heart. He felt like he just barely managed to escape.
He went down the stairs, Raon following him invisibly.
But he couldn't take them with him. For now it was best to keep them away from Rok Soo.
And Choi Han. He definitely couldn’t let that guy out. Not when there was hunter targeting single-livers on the loose. Choi Han was safest hidden away with a lot of allies surrounding him.
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nev3rfound · 3 years
option two : b.b
after nightmares continue to haunt his nights, bucky knows there’s one person left who could potentially provide some form of comfort, but is she still willing to see him after all this time? (1.5k)
masterlist / permanent taglist / etsy shop - requests open!
5k giveaway celebration 
warnings: angsty, sad bucky, minor spoilers for ep1 of tfatws  requested: nope, just something i’ve been thinking about since ep1 of tfatws
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
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It felt real, as if he were back there holding the gun with no remorse.
Cold sweat covers Bucky’s body as he pants heavily, feeling the cool tags against his exposed chest rising and falling with his deep breaths that refuse to calm down.
He knew it wasn’t real, it was all in his head. But he knew it happened, even if it was many years ago, he still held the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger.
“It’s not real.” Bucky mutters to himself, glancing up to see the TV silently blaring a football game that he has no interest in, but it proves as a worthy distraction for the time being. “It’s not real.”
Remaining seated on the wooden floorboards with a blanket draped over his lap, Bucky glances over to his phone knowing there are two possible options ahead of him.
A sigh ghosts his lips as he stares at the contact list consisting of five names, only one having been used in the last week, well, month.
“James, you’ve got less than ten contacts in this phone and I’m the only person you’ve called all week.” Doctor Raynor sighs once more as she reaches for her notebook, not caring about the look of disdain crossing Bucky’s expression.
“It’s not like I’ve got anyone else to call.” Bucky shrugs it off, hearing her pen pause on the paper.
“Well, you’ve been avoiding messages from Sam for a start,”
“He doesn’t count.” Bucky remarks, hearing another quieter sigh leave her lips.
“Okay, then when was the last time you spoke to her, huh?” She counters, noticing his tense form relax at the mention of you. “Come on, James. If you want to help yourself, you have to keep in touch with those who still care about you.”
“I don’t even know if she does anymore, Doc.” Bucky admits, trying to hold back the sadness in his tone as Raynor closes her notebook.
“You have to try, James.” She reminds him. “Otherwise you’ll never know.”
Swallowing his pride, Bucky presses on the contact and listens as the number rings out. He’s counted the rings endlessly, knowing the hesitation there would be at the other end of the call.
“Hello?” He holds back the desperation clinging to his throat upon hearing someone answer, a loud yawn echoing through the line.
“Yeah,” Bucky lowers his head into his metal hand, even if it’s a different arm, it’s still part of the same tormented history. “I, could you come over?” A whisper leaves his lips as silence protrudes. “P,please?”
His ears perk up at the sound of sheets ruffling. “I’ll be there in twenty.”
Before Bucky can say his thanks, the line goes dead and the realisation sinks in; he’s going to see you again.
Bucky listens closely, hearing you outside of his apartment. He can hear you knock once softly, and a second time with more confidence.
He knows he should hold back a moment and pretend he hasn’t been hovering beside the front door since you hung up a mere twenty minutes ago, but he can’t help himself.
Unlocking the several locks covering the door, Bucky opens it a sliver, allowing you to slip in.
Keeping your head down, your focus remains on your feet as Bucky closes his front door before turning to you.
“I, I didn’t think you’d come.” Bucky admits quietly, afraid to hear what you have to say in response.
“Well,” You start, now lifting your head up to see him and your sentence falters in your mouth. You can’t deny that he looks worse than you envisioned, even during those late nights and early mornings when he woke up screaming in your arms, he’d never looked so grief-stricken like this.
“Yeah,” Bucky breathes out, following your gaze to his tired eyes, scratches covering his arm from attempting to claw it off in his sleep as sweat still clings to his chest. “it’s not great.”
You scoff under your breath as you follow Bucky through to his small kitchen where he pours you both glasses of water. “That is clearly an understatement.” Accepting the glass, you take the moment to reflect whilst he’s occupied. “How long has this been happening?”
Pausing at the sink, Bucky stares down into his glass of water, remembering the countless nights they attempted to drown him or try shock therapy. And how every time it didn’t work, he remembered it all.
“A while.” He mutters, his grip tightening on the kitchen ledge as his metal hand clenches around the glass, shattering it into the sink.
“James,” You call out, slowly rising from your seat and moving toward him. “I’m right here, you’re here too, alright?”
Standing beside him, you reach out for his hand, easing his grip on the counter until he lets go.
“You’re right here.” You repeat to him as his eyes remain tightly closed, his jaw locked and left hand still clenching the broken glass. “You can let go, Bucky.” The words leave your lips in a whisper as the remainder of the glass drops into the sink, and Bucky turns his body to face yours.
“It wasn’t real,” Bucky tells you weakly. “please tell me it wasn’t real.”
Without thinking twice, you lift your hand to rest it against his cheek and Bucky instantly cradles it with his flesh hand, keeping it in place.
“It wasn’t real, James.” You confidently state as he moves your hand and presses a gentle kiss against it. “Why didn’t you call me sooner?” You sigh as you both remain in the dimly lit kitchen, the only movement from Bucky as he turns the tap off.
“Nothings been the same since Steve,” He can’t help but trail off, knowing he doesn’t have to explain himself around you. “and I just couldn’t face it, not with all that history.”
Stepping backwards, you let your hand slip from his as you lean against the counter, crossing your arms. “But what about the rest of us, Bucky? You just stopped answering, after everything we’ve been through.” You try to keep your voice low, remain calm, but after all this time, it’s difficult to not let your feelings get in the way. “I’ve lost all of you. Sam, Wanda, Peter, Clint, Bruce, Thor and now you too.”
“I’m sorry, doll,” Bucky breathes out. “I never meant to hurt you, I, I’ve been making amends.”
Walking past you, Bucky rummages through his bedside table, revealing the well-worn notebook.
“Was that?” You don’t have to finish your question before Bucky nods, flipping through the pages to a series of names scribbled down.
“These are all the people I wronged or hurt or who were affected by the Winter Soldier.” Bucky explains, holding the book out to you.
He watches closely as your eyes scan over the names, flipping through the pages seeing those crossed out or circled or left untouched. Until you see the last name on the list, yours.
“Y/n, I’m truly sorry for leaving you, for causing you any pain.” Bucky begins to explain as you close the notebook, placing it back on the counter out of sight. “I know I can’t take back what I’ve done, for disappearing for months without warning, but I,” Unable to fight his emotions, Bucky cracks.
You reach out as he curls up to the ground, quiet sobs wracking through his body as you hold him close.
“It’s okay,” You shush him as you fall to a sitting position, Bucky curling his head into your lap once more. “we can talk about this in the morning, okay?”
“You’re not leaving, are you?” Bucky tenses beneath you before sparing you a glance, allowing you to see those blue eyes, the ones you’ve missed falling asleep beside and waking up to, those same blue eyes that hold so much pain you can’t comprehend.
“No,” You whisper, running your fingers through his short hair, missing how the long ends used to feel against your face in the mornings. “I promise, I won’t go.” You lean back against the cabinets as Bucky begins to relax beneath you, his metal arm outstretched whilst his flesh arm remains around your waist, hugging you close.
“This is real, isn’t it?” Bucky sadly asks, looking out toward the dark hallway of his apartment, seeing nothing besides the faint glare of the tv. “I, I’m not dreaming this again am I?”
The thought breaks your heart as you rest your hand on his shoulder, running your fingers along the faint scar that remains etched into his skin.
“It’s real, Bucky.” You tell him, trying to disguise the cry that is lodged in your throat. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
Despite your words of comfort, Bucky closes his eyes uneasily, wondering when he’ll wake up from this dream to the painful reality he truly lives in.
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ekaterinatepes · 3 years
Nothing but the Best
Author’s note: hello my dears! Sorry for not updating the past few days. I travel a lot for work and the circumstances lately made it difficult for me to update as much as I wanted. Although I did get enough inspiration to write this chapter. I come back to you with some juicy lemony goodness ;)
Minors DNI
Warning: NSFW content, mildly non con at the beginning, emotional sex, hurt, comfort and angst.
Blinding jealousy was the only thing that could describe how Satoru felt. Boiling in his blood, licking flames of rage through his body.
Betrayal… his best friend, holding his wife’s hand as he walked her back home. Not only that! Suguru went in with YOU! In your apartment! As if this was the most normal thing in the world!
Did you invite him to stay the night? Did you both plan this ahead of time?
Warping to the top of the building next to yours he continued to watch from his position as you turned on the lights in your apartment. Setting your bag on the counter, taking off your shoes and jacket. Suguru followed you in taking off his shoes and walking into the kitchen after you.
Gojo saw you both laughing and talking like you always did. You were at ease, immersed in your own world… completely forgetting about Satoru.
Did the kiss from last night mean nothing to you?
“What the fuck is going on?!” He groaned removing his blindfold; now fully observing and analyzing every single detail of what you two were doing using his six eyes.
Gojo didn’t want to miss a thing.
He focused on you, your reactions, the way you smiled, the way you acted, your heartbeat, the tone of your voice and… that bright and warm halo of happiness surrounding you while in Suguru’s presence; the same halo that last night was cold for Satoru. All of your smiles, all of your warmth and kindness were dedicated to Suguru.
Satoru’s frayed nerves and chaotic mind debated wether he should warp there and steal you away (… of course then proceed to fuck your into oblivion, fill you with his cum to the brim until you knew there was no other man for you other than your husband) OR keep watching and see how far you would go.
As angry as he was right then, he had to remind himself that Suguru and you had always been very close. It wasn’t uncommon for Geto fo visit you and have dinner with you to keep you company whenever Satoru wasn’t around due to his work or even have dinner together all three of you. This wasn’t ‘abnormal’ per say. The difference was that NOW you ‘thought’ you were not Satoru’s anymore (the operational word being ‘thought’)Geto’s presence never bothered him before… until now.
Taking a deep breath Satoru saw you walking towards your bedroom. His hands trembled in anticipation.
Were you going to sleep with Suguru?
He walked along the edge of his rooftop following your movements inside until you stopped in front of your room. Suguru moved closer to you and Satoru almost snapped. Lifting his hand to use his cursed technic against his best friend he saw how you both hugged and after you placed a kiss on his cheek you bid him goodnight. You pulled back and Satoru sighed in relieve but then Suguru was the one that leaned in and kissed your lips. Satoru was as shocked as you were but you managed to recover faster than he did since you returned Suguru’s embrace for what felt like an eternity. Finally when you separated, Geto and you exchanged a couple words and after another hug he walked out of your room closing the door behind him.
Satoru’s eyes had been open like saucers while the exchange took place, he released a breath he didn’t know have been holding. He saw you turn around and touch your lips with a blush on your cheeks.
He lost his fucking mind right then.
After coming back home Suguru and you talked about the latest shows you were watching and the movies you wanted to watch so you could catch up. A couple jokes about your gory tastes in movies and series after and you were both ready to turn in for the day.
“So! You wanna do a ‘The Walking Dead’ marathon?” You asked with a smirk “sure doll, we can do that tomorrow. You have the morning free right?” Asked Suguru. Sunday mornings were your ‘me’ time since your instructor didn’t work on Sundays “yes I do!” You answered with a big grin. You felt like a kid and the sensation filled you with happiness.
Now that Suguru was here you felt so different, as if you had been numb but now you could feel again.
A yawn cut your next sentence making Suguru chuckle “come on sleepy head, you and I are both whipped” you complied with a sleepy smile and walked down the hall.
Geto stopped in front of your room and gave you one of his characteristic big bear hugs. He was so tall and muscular, you felt surrounded by warmth and muscles everywhere. The fresh and crisp scent of his citrus cologne and detergent made your stomach do a little flip. The intimacy and trust you felt with him reminded you that you were not alone.
It had been easy to bury yourself physically and emotionally in your work but now that Suguru was with you, it reminded you that despite of how tough things got, you would always count on him.
Reluctantly you both pulled back, his Adam’s apple at eye level with you made you swallow. When you looked back into his eyes you found his trailing on your lips before they moved up to meet your e/c eyes.
There was a growing tension between the two of you, too strong and obvious to ignore.
Before, when you were with Satoru; Geto and you had ignored it but now there was nothing stopping either of you from acknowledging it. Sooner than anticipated your lips connected in a tender kiss. He was soft and kind, not demanding. He just wanted to comfort you but also let you know he wanted you, all in his sweet particular way.
You returned the kiss. It was inviting like a balm, it didn’t mean to mark and conquer but to soothe. His plump lips still tasted of wine. It made your mouth avid to taste more.
When you pulled away a blush covered your cheeks “good night Kitten” Suguru tells you with his deep baritone making a very pleasant tingling sensation run down your spine “good night Sugu” only then Geto leaves to go to his room across from yours.
The door closes behind you, all you can hear is your heart hammering away from within, you actually….enjoyed that kiss. It was so sweet, so tender… so soothing. Everything that Suguru was to you was poured in that single action. Touching your lips you start debating whether this was something good or something you should wait before pursuing.
Satoru didn’t sign your divorce, technically you were still married. Suguru didn’t deserve a half assed relationship with someone who doesn’t have her shit together.
You were still healing it was true, but… when Suguru kissed you, it made you feel safe…. Like you could let go and trust him.
Feeling guilty about it, you compared it to Satoru’s kiss from last night. It was impossible to deny there was still passion between you your husband and yourself. But then again physical intimacy was never the problem in your former relationship.
The thrill of the danger, of knowing nothing good would come out of it and despite it all your stubborn desire to immerse yourself in the ocean that was Gojo Satoru. Was what terrified you.
No… you couldn’t think about him that way. Not anymore.
With a sigh you decided it was time for bed. You turned around to head to the bathroom but your body connected with something hard and warm. Looking up you saw Satoru’s crystal blue eyes but before you could scream he covered your mouth with one hand while wrapping the other one around your waist. “Oh no no no no my love… none of that, we are not going to alert sweet Suguru about me, princess” the smirk that pulled at his lips made you shiver, it was predatory… maniac even.
Before your senses could register the change in the atmosphere you were warped away with Satoru. You screamed, but it was too late, you were not in your home anymore.
The lavish interiors of an elegant dim lit suite received you “what the fuck are you doing!?” You asked when he let you go, taking a step back breathing heavily “are you insane!?” You asked the white haired sorcerer who in answer only moved closer to you. The more you tried to get away the closer he got, until you were trapped between the wall and his towering 6’4 frame.
“Now princess…. Just what were you and Suguru doing?hmm?” He asked with a terrifying grin that poorly attempted to disguise his anger. Moving his hand to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Nothing of your concern!” You answered glaring at him, had he been spying on you? You tried to drop your body against the wall to escape from him but before you moved further than an inch down Satoru completely crushed your body with his “I am not done talking to you yet… my wife” he remarked making you ball your hands in fists. It annoyed and revolted you how he tried to use your ‘unfortunate’ marital status for leverage “I am your wife only on the paper… I don’t care what you think or say!” Satoru didn’t like your answer but his grin only broadened; grabbing your wrists and placing them on top of your head he held them with one of his large hands of dexterous fingers “you are right….” He started, giving you false hope “maybe it is time I remind you of your marital duties” your eyes opened wide but before you could attempt anything he kissed you. Fierce lips and teeth demanded your submission… this wasn’t a tender request… it was a display of dominance and possession.
You bit his lip trying to make him stop but Satoru took that as an invitation to grow bolder. His hand moved to your ‘V’ cut long sleeve top and ripped it right in the middle making you gasp; giving him the perfect opportunity to plunge his tongue in your mouth and intensify the kiss tenfold.
His free hand moved to your left breast squeezing the globe of warm flesh underneath. Groaning against your lips on approval, Satoru moved both his hands to your hips and using his inhuman strength he carried you across the room faster than you could tell and then threw you on the bed.
“Satoru… don’t do this! Are you mad?!” You asked in a trembling tone while scooting backwards on the bed in a miserable attempt at escaping him.
“Yes! I am! As a matter of fact… you are a good part of the reason why I am insane!” Grabbing one of your ankles he pulled you closer to him. Spreading your legs he laid on top of your body, giving you no chance to escape “SATORU STOP PLEASE!” You screamed but Satoru only focused on destroying the fabric of your jeans. He wanted all the obstacles between you to be gone! He wanted your clothes, your pain and Geto to be gone! So he could have you all to himself.
You tried to kick him but when you are struggling with the strongest jujutsu sorcerer of his generation there was absolutely nothing your body could accomplish without his approval.
A part of yourself hated the fact that you were just as revolted as aroused at the moment. Was that combination even possible? On one hand you felt dirty because your husband was trying to force himself on you out of jealousy…. But on the other part… the dark and twisted one… you were aroused by his display of pure male dominance, by his suffocating desire to have you and only you.
It was hard to fight so many years of habit, of fantastic chemistry… of love.
You would have to be blind or stupid not to see that your husband had been obsessing over you since you left but….
What good could come out of it?
If you both gave into your primal desires and fucked each other’s brains out. Would that change anything about your broken and unhealthy marriage?
His hot mouth moved to your neck to nibble and suck on that spot right bellow your earlobe that he loved to abuse. A big bruising mark was left in place, but he wasn’t content with just that. He wanted to leave the brand of his desire painted on your skin, like a beacon for him and a warning for others.
As the minutes went by his attentions became less frantic, instead they turned more purposeful and tender.
You stopped moving altogether, not fighting him nor corresponding his affections and careful treatment of your body.
Satoru pulled back for a moment to see you…. Only then it hit him like a train.
What the fuck was he doing? He looked at you and saw the tear trails that dried on your cheeks. Your top ripped in half displaying the soft skin of your breasts only covered by a bra.
“Y/N…” he whispered looking into your eyes. He caressed your cheek “I’m sorry… love” he mumbled trembling. “I’m so sorry…” a sob broke through his lips.
Did he…..? Did he…. almost forced you to have sex with him? How far had he gone in his endeavor to get you back by any means necessary? The notion that he almost…. Raped his wife made him sick.
He cried like a child. Wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face against your naked stomach; kneeling on the floor before the bed he crumbled to pieces. Repeating ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again. He was horrified with himself; he had done many questionable things in his life but this… took the cake. It made him a piece of shit! He didn’t deserve you! You were too good for someone as tainted as him. The dread that revelation brought made him cry harder.
He realized his obsession had been a result of the fear he was unwilling to admit having. The terror that made his insides coil. The absolute horror of losing yet another person he loved.
The fear of loosing you.
He had always been alone since he was a child. Satoru didn’t share much of his past with you but the few things you knew was that he had become an orphan at a very young age. He had to mature rapidly to overcome the obstacles of being a kid with so much power in the middle of a corrupt and outdated world of magic and intrigue.
Gojo always felt lonely, despite of how much he liked to mess around with people and play pranks on everyone. But you… had been one of the very few who got to see through his perfectly built facade and tell him the truth.
The night he told you he loved you was after you decided to stay with him in his apartment. He didn’t say or do anything particularly obvious but you somehow knew he didn’t want to be alone. He kept trying to fill the space with playful banter but you shut him up by hugging him and holding him tightly saying he didn’t have to explain anything all. That you would always be there for him, no matter what. It had been on the anniversary of the death of his parents.
Somehow, your empathetic and loving nature blindly guided you to stay with him and allow THE Gojo Satoru to be just…. human in your arms.
As much as you wanted to hate him and resent him, seeing him in such a vulnerable state made your heart ache for him. Unable to stop yourself you caressed his platinum locks while he held onto you and cried begging for your forgiveness over and over again.
When Satoru calmed down he removed his head from your lap slowly, you have been crying along with him. Your fates leaded you both exactly where you were at. Every decision and mistake carved this painful path you walked now.
Looking into your eyes he moved closer as if he was afraid to scare you away, his face stopped just an inch away from yours, giving you the chance to reject his advances but instead of doing that you closed the distance that separated you both. You lips met and melted together in a desperate kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, making him moan recognizing the intimate and passionate gesture he had missed for so long. He laid you back down again, climbing on top of you. His hands moving down to your waist in an attempt to feel you as close as possible, as if you were going to disappear in any moment.
Your legs wrapped around his waist when your tongues laced together and caressed each other; moans and sighs left your lips, filling Satoru’s ears and making his hands wander over the expanse of exposed skin.
Making him stand before you and between your legs his long sleeved black shirt was removed quickly, your admired his perfectly sculpted pale torso, this man has always been so… perfect; as if the gods themselves had decided to carve every inch of his person. Although, he did look skinnier, you knew he had not been really taking care of himself. The sight send a pang of pain to your heart. “Toru….” A little painful whisper abandoned your lips when you pulled him closer. Your mouth left a small path of kisses from his neck to the center of his chest, he gasped at the sweet and soothing action. Once more, your tenderness reminded him that he did not deserve you and yet he couldn’t come to make himself stop you. He needed you more than air to live.
Avid hands moved south of his stomach to undo his jeans and pull them down; a very vague part of your brain registered that you were now willingly doing this. Should you stop? Next to go were his boxers. He was standing naked in front of you.
His hardened cock stood between his legs with a small dribble of precum rolling down the reddened head.
He was an Adonis.
Looking into his eyes you saw the loving gaze laced with guilt in his cerulean orbs. You couldn’t stop, you didn’t want to.
He then helped you lay down to return the favor. His mouth kissed its way to the center of your breasts while his right hand undid your bra behind. Taking off the remains of your destroyed top along with your bra, next were the flimsy black lace panties that he rolled down your legs until you were fully naked before his eyes.
He was left speechless “you are so beautiful…” a goddess laid naked on his bed, with her inviting lips, glorious s/c skin, a halo of darker h/c hair around your head, perfect breasts and a pair of delectably shaped legs that he wanted wrapped around him.
How did he ever dare cheat on you? Not only your body was beautiful to him but your heart, you knew no boundaries when it came down to loving someone. You had given him everything and then some.
Kneeling before you he grabbed one of your legs and left kisses from the calf to the inner thigh. Placing it carefully over his shoulder he stopped for a moment to look in your eyes before his mouth delved between your thighs. He found your sweet pussy already wet and waiting for him to lavish his attentions. Like a starved man he licked your pussy, consuming everything you had to offer him. Your flavor coating his tongue made his stomach tight in delight, he recognized the addictive sweetness of your scent. Parting your lips with his tongue he penetrated your entrance with his tongue, going straight to the source. You screamed and he had to hold your hips so you wouldn’t pull away. He couldn’t let you go! Not now! Not ever!
Once he was satisfied he replaced his tongue with his fingers, pumping two digits in and out of your soaking entrance. His tongue looked for your clit and swirled around it, sucking at times and flicking at others. His reward were your screams, moans and sighs of pleasure. They were only for him and no one else.
“T… Toru… I’m gonna come”
“Come for me princess, give me all of you my love” Satoru asked quickly before his mouth returned to your slit and his thumb took care of the bundle of nerves at the top.
You screamed, arching your back when your orgasm washed over your body and completely overwhelmed your senses. Taking his time to taste and swallow your juices Satoru finally emerged from between your legs. Your eyes darkened with a desired that matched his.
Your arms inviting him to come closer encouraged him to lay on top of you after wiping his chin with his hands. Long legs surrounded his waist while you looked in each other’s eyes. “I love you…” he said at the same time he slid his cock inside you, slowly until he was fully sheathed and his balls slapped your ass, making you scream his name.
Satoru was not a small man by any means, taking all of his impressive length at once would have been impossible had he not prepared you beforehand. He knew it, so he moved slowly at the beginning, allowing you some time to adjust while he whispered sweet nothings on your ear.
The moment your legs pulled him closer and deeper he knew you were ready. Without a word he rocked his hips, retracting all the way until only the tip was left inside before he went all the way back in making you body jolt.
The rhythm was slow and purposeful at the beginning but as the minutes went by, the both of you became hungrier, more demanding, more… needy. Your hips met his thrust by thrust. The slapping of your skins intensified as did the moans.
Your tight and hot walls squeezed his cock so deliciously the man was having a tough time not behaving like an animal and rutting you through the mattress like a beast in heat. He wanted to show you he loved you.
He held both your hands in his, pushing them against the bed at both sides of your head. Looking into your eyes he moved deeper “I love you…” he said again and you couldn’t help but feel how the tears escaped your eyes “I love you too…” you admitted in a tiny voice that could barely be considered a whisper.
Satoru eliminated the distance between you both and kissed you, pouring his heart in that action. Your climax was close, he knew this so he angled his hips to continue pummeling your sweet spot while he drove you over the edge.
You came around his thick cock, your walls tightening around his member as if they never wanted go let go “I’m gonna come princess” he moaned and then with a few hard thrusts he spilled himself inside you, painting your walls with his cum.
Your worn out, sweaty bodies stayed still. Trying to recover. Satoru refused to remove himself from inside you.. Not yet, he wanted to savor this moment, the intimacy and the love he felt.
You didn’t protest, instead you did what you used to do back when you both were still together. Cradling his head between your breasts you stroked his hair, lulling you both to sleep.
Your last coherent though before sleep claimed you being… That once again… you fell for it.
Guilt settled in.
————-> Chapter 11
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moonbeamwritings · 4 years
train station kisses
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a sequel to one missed call
Summary: After receiving a phone call from Jotaro after ten years of no contact, you attempt to navigate both your feelings and his. Will a reunion around the holidays be just what you both needed?
Author’s Note: I just wanted to say thank you for all of the positive reactions to one missed call! It really means a lot 🥺💕I hope you guys enjoy the sequel just as much!!
With a shaking hand, you reached out to dial his number, taking each digit slowly as a way to delay the inevitable. The line began to ring and you could almost feel your mouth running dry, the thudding of your heart threatening to burst your chest open. You bit your lip in a futile attempt to keep the water in your eyes from spilling over.
After four rings, you could hear Jotaro answer, “Hello?”
The ringing in your ears, the pounding in your heart, they didn’t stop with the sound of his voice.
“Uh hi, Jotaro? It’s me.”
A relieved exhale could be heard through the phone, followed by a brief moment of silence, “Hi.” If his breath had sounded relieved, then his voice sounded even more so. “I thought you wouldn’t call.”
You brought the phone with you as you traveled across the living room, resting back against the couch. “If I’m being honest, I almost didn’t.”
As much as he had convinced himself that he didn’t deserve a call back, Jotaro’s heart sunk into his stomach with the thought that you very nearly didn’t return his message, keeping him nothing but a distant, painful memory.
“Well,” he finally spoke, fidgeting with the pen resting on his desk, “I’m glad you did.”
You let out a nervous huff, quiet and short, “Yeah, me too.”
Silence overtook the conversation once again, entirely too awkward for your liking. Where were you even supposed to start? The man on the other end had confessed his love to you, through a long, emotional message on your answering machine no less, and now you were confronting him after not hearing from him in literal years. What were you supposed to do?
“Jotaro I-”
You chuckled as you both attempted to speak at the same time.
“You go-”
“You first-”
You could hear his deep, quiet laugh through the phone.
“We’re off to a great start.” You told him, running a hand through your hair.
“We certainly are.”
“Look, Jotaro,” you struggle to find the right words, “I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that I wasn’t hurt that I didn’t hear from you, from anyone.”
A low “mhm” sounded through the phone as you collected yourself.
“But, Christ, is it nice to hear your voice.”
“It’s nice to hear yours too.”
“What were you going to say before?” You asked, pressing the phone between your shoulder and cheek so you could pick at your nails.
“I just wanted to tell you that I meant everything I said. All of it.”
The familiar, erratic beat of your heart returned in an instant as his confession replayed in your head.
The words spilled from your mouth before you can even think to stop them, “You love me?” 
You nearly smacked a hand against your forehead with how stupid, how desperate you sounded. Were you really hearing this right now?
“I do. I figured it was better late than never to tell you, even if it was over the phone. The old man was very convincing.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm as he spoke of his grandfather, clearly not thrilled with his relative’s persistence.
“I-” A shaky breath left your mouth, “I love you too. I always have.”
Jotaro didn’t respond right away. How could he? You’d just told him you love him, even after all of this time, even after he’d left you alone, in the dark. After all of it.
“I miss you.” He knew he sounded pathetic, heart on display for you to hear, but he didn’t care. Jotaro also knew he wasn’t anywhere near as openly emotional as he thought you deserved, but he wanted to be selfish, if only this once, wanted to sink his hands into your heart and never let go. He wouldn’t let you be alone again, not if he could help it.
At his confession, tears pricked at the back of your eyes, stinging as they threatened to fall.
“I miss you too, Jotaro.”
The words hung heavily in the air, years of pent up emotions all laid out for you both to see. You had no idea where to go from here. The previous phone call played through your mind as you searched for the right words. One statement came to the forefront: “You reminded me of everything I felt like I couldn’t have, what I can’t have.”
“Jotaro? Can I ask you something?”
“If you want.”
“Before, you said something about me being something you couldn’t have. What exactly did you mean?”
You heard him sigh into the receiver, sounding dejected as he spoke, “Everyone in my life either leaves or gets hurt, or both. I push people away to keep them out of my bullshit, so they don’t get hurt. I’m not easy to love. You don’t deserve to get wrapped up in the mess I always leave behind.”
Your heart broke.
“Jotaro, you…” A laugh, involuntary and riddled with disbelief, left your throat. “You really are something else, you know that? I’ve already been to Egypt with you, for God’s sake, risked my life for your mom, to defeat DIO. I think you’re kinda stuck with me now. Messes or not.”
His voice was uncharacteristically small as he responded, “You mean that?”
You scoffed. “Of course I do. God, you are such an idiot sometimes. You’re lucky I love you.”
He allowed a tiny smile to work its way onto his face, “Yeah, I am.”
“Ohhh, Jotaro,” you teased, getting a real kick out of Jotaro revealing what was going on in that steel-trap he calls a brain, “I didn’t take you for the cheesy type.”
A groan.
“Good freakin’ grief. I take it back, I don’t miss you anymore.”
“Oh come on. You do. You can admit it.”
The moment of humor was a welcomed break from the downpour of emotions that threatened to flood your mind, a calming reminder of what once was.
“Okay,” Jotaro acquiesced, for once not having the strength to win this fight, “you’re right.”
You ached to see the look on his face on the other side of the phone. You had no doubt his eyebrows were creased in annoyance, a smile reluctantly beginning to form on his lips. What you wouldn’t give to be able to reach over, to poke and prod at his cheeks, to tease and annoy him.
“Ugh, you’re so cute,” you tell him, “What am I ever gonna do with you?”
Cute, Jotaro thought, I’ve never heard that one before.
“Look, enough already I-” Why did you have to make his words catch in his throat so much? It was infuriating. “I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet up. I know it’s the holidays and everything but-”
You cut his rambling off with an immediate answer, “I would love to.”
“Wha- You would?” He hadn’t expected you to agree so quickly, or even at all.
The surprised lilt to his voice is not lost on you. You don’t push it. “Of course, I would.”
“In that case,” he spoke, absently tapping the pen against his desk, “I’ll have the Speedwagon Foundation pay for your travel expenses and you can come visit with my family and I for a few days.”
“Jotaro,” You admonished, “I don’t want to intrude! If you’re spending time with family, we can always wait.”
“I’ve kept you waiting long enough and besides,” you can hear the smile in his voice, “mom would love to cook for someone new.”
“Well, when you put it that way, how could I say no?”
The conversation continued from there, Jotaro telling you he would pass along the information from the Speedwagon Foundation. You spent some time getting caught up, passing information back and forth until Jotaro let out a long, drawn out yawn.
“It’s getting late. I should go.” Jotaro stated, sounding reluctant.
“That’s okay. Goodnight, Jotaro. I’ll see you soon.”
“Night, see you.”
With one final click, the line went dead, sending you reeling back into the quiet hum of your living room. You nearly laughed out loud at the events unfolding before you. The last thing you had expected this holiday season was to go visit Jotaro, all expenses paid.
Before you knew it, you were switching over from the plane to the train that would take you to the station near Jotaro’s childhood home. Even given the time you took to attempt to process all of these new developments, your mind still raced, endlessly whirling and wondering. Jotaro loved you and you were visiting him. He loved you and you were going to get to see him again. It was all relentlessly surreal.
As you boarded the train for the remainder of your journey, you couldn’t help but reflect on that fateful trip to Egypt. Memories flashed behind your eyes, coming and going with the scenery passing you by. Kakyoin’s goofy laugh, Polnareff’s friendly disposition, Avdol’s kind words. Your heart clenched at the thought.
Perhaps your reunion, love confessions aside, could help you process what you’d been dealing with for so long. Maybe it could help you move on, move away from reliving the trauma of those weeks abroad. Just maybe.
Pushing the thoughts from your mind, the voice over the loudspeaker alerted you that you had arrived at the station where you would meet Jotaro. Your heart thudded nervously in your chest, seemingly stealing the air from your lungs.
You grabbed your belongings and stepped out onto the platform, eyes scanning the crowd for Jotaro. He was always so tall, you thought, this should be easy.
At the same time, Jotaro entered the station, hands tucked into his pockets to disguise their slight tremor. He had never felt so nervous in his life, this situation being such uncharted territory that he almost wished he could have Star Platinum fight the feelings off for him. He pulled his hat down to cover the rosiness traveling up his neck.
His eyes scanned the crowd, landing on you across the station. You caught his gaze almost immediately, a small smile overtaking the concerned downturn of your lips. You were here, finally.
You weaved through the crowd as you locked eyes with Jotaro, carefully dragging your suitcase behind you as you moved among the throngs of people. As you reached the other side of the station, you stopped dead in your tracks, staring up at Jotaro.
It was as if a massive weight was lifted from your shoulders, like you had finally let out a sigh of relief after a long day. You wanted to live with this feeling forever.
“Hi.” You finally let out, moving to close the gap between the two of you at long last.
Without even responding, Jotaro bent down to wrap his arms around your waist, lifting your feet off the ground and clutching you against his chest. You smiled as you felt him bury his nose against your neck.
You wrapped your own arms around his neck, one hand resting against the back of his head.
“You’re here.” His voice was muffled by your shirt, but you could hear him clear as day.
“I’m here.”
You remained like that for who knows how long, embracing one another like touch-starved fools, so lost in each other that you didn’t even register the stares from passersby.
After some time, Jotaro took his face away from your neck, returning your feet to the ground. Both hands were quick to cradle your cheeks, looking you over carefully with a cute upturn of his lips.
It was all so uncharacteristically soft that you almost felt as though he was a different person.
He hunched down, bringing his lips to yours in an emotional kiss. His lips moved against yours like a man starved, hand moving to feel your hair between his fingers. As he broke away to catch his breath, he pressed his forehead against your own.
“I love you, he spoke like it was a secret, something so important it was for your ears only, “so much.”
“I love you too, Jotaro.”
He kissed you again, a brief peck to your lips as if to seal your quiet promise, to legitimize it.
Before you could even stop them, tears began flowing down your cheeks only to be swiped away by Jotaro’s thumb.
“Oh, good grief,” he said, but it was nowhere near as biting as it could’ve been, “don’t cry.”
You chuckled at his assertion. This was the Jotaro you knew and loved. “Sorry.”
He pressed a sweet kiss to the crown of your head, hand reaching up to ruffle the hair there.
“Come on, mom’s making dinner.”
He grabbed your suitcase and turned to head towards the door, leaving you in the dust. Typical.
When you fell into step beside him, you laced your fingers with his, running your thumb along the back of his hand.
God, you could get used to this.
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
come deliver me back home
@911lonestarangstweek day 5 - n is for...nightmares
title from home by barns courtney
ao3 | 1.2k | hurt/comfort, nightmares, hurt mateo, soft & supportive tarlos
Mateo is dreaming that he’s trapped.
His friends are staring at him from outside, ignoring his pleas as he bangs on the window and begs them to help. The smell of gas invades his nostrils and a candle is burning just feet away, but he can’t move to blow it out. All he can do is call out to his friends and wait for the inevitable.
Fear builds in him as time ticks on, Mateo aware of his every breath.
And then—
And then—
A rushing sound. Heat, searing his skin. And a flash of bright, painful light, before—
He wakes up with a gasp. His heart feels like it’s about to beat out of his chest and his mouth is dry, sweat beading on his skin. Mateo can almost feel the heat of the explosion and the sight of it lingers whenever he closes his eyes, so he knows he’s not going back to sleep again.
It’s the third night in a row that his sleep has been interrupted by nightmares of the explosion, of all the ways things could have gone wrong that night. Mateo’s been able to hide it pretty well so far, and he’s got no intention of letting anyone else in on it if he can help it. With everything Cap’s been dealing with trying to get the station back up and running, plus Mateo knows that TK and Carlos have been struggling ever since the fire at their place, so none of them need him falling apart on them, too.
And he knows he could talk to someone else—Paul, Marjan, maybe even Judd—but he barely sees them anymore. He’s still stuck at the 129, and with the way all their shifts have been lately, it’s becoming harder and harder to find free time to hang out in.
Besides, they all have their own problems. Judd and Grace are preparing for the baby, and Marjan and Paul are… Well, Mateo is sure they’re busy.
And his thing isn’t that important. It’s barely even a thing. He’s fine.
He’s fine.
Mateo reaches out for the glass of water on his nightstand, ignoring the way his hand trembles, only to groan when he finds it empty. For a brief moment, he debates staying in bed, but the mere thought seems to make his thirst worse, so he sighs heavily and throws back the covers, shoving himself to his feet.
His steps are uncoordinated as he stumbles through the darkened house. He rubs his eyes, a huge yawn creeping up on him, which must be why he misses it.
Two voices.
Mateo freezes in the entry to the kitchen, stopping short as he finally spots TK sitting on the counter with Carlos standing between his legs. Their foreheads are pressed together and Mateo can hear them talking quietly, and he suddenly feels like an intruder on something he’s definitely not supposed to be witnessing.
Neither of them have seen him yet, so Mateo tries to creep backwards out of the kitchen. He can handle bathroom water for one night if it saves him from this kind of embarrassment.
He’s been living in Cap’s house for a while so Mateo thinks he pretty much has the floor plan down pat. But it’s dark. And he’s tired. And he’s walking backwards.
So he misjudges the number of steps needed to clear the corner, and his heel hits the skirting board. Mateo can’t suppress his cry of pain and shock as he stumbles and falls, sprawling in an undignified heap on the floor.
The whispers still, and Mateo only has a second to commiserate over his situation before the kitchen light clicks on and he suddenly has both TK and Carlos staring down at him.
“Uh. Hey guys,” he mumbles, trying and failing to contain his shame. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Are you okay?” Carlos asks, a worried frown creasing his brow. TK doesn’t say anything; instead, he just drops to his knees and runs a critical eye down Mateo’s body, clearly searching for any injuries.
Mateo flushes, TK’s gaze sending his embarrassment hurtling to a peak, and he pushes himself upright, almost falling straight back down as he trips over his feet in his hurry. “I’m fine,” he says hurriedly. “I’m great. Don’t worry. I’ll just, uh. I’ll just go, and you guys can get back to, um. Whatever you were doing. Sorry to interrupt.”
He turns to leave but Carlos stops him with a hand on his arm.
“Mateo,” he says softly, and suddenly Mateo understands exactly what TK means by the ‘Carlos cow eyes’.
Because, holy shit. It’s honestly a good job Mateo isn’t a criminal; there’s no way he’d be able to keep his mouth shut with those eyes. As it is, he stutters and stumbles through another deflection before his entire body sags, Carlos’s ridiculously empathetic gaze rendering his tongue useless.
Carlos smiles encouragingly and puts an arm around his shoulders, steering him to the kitchen counter. A steaming mug is almost immediately placed in front of him, and it takes Mateo a second to work out that it’s not, in fact, coffee as he was expecting, but hot chocolate.
He lifts his brows at TK, who just shrugs.
“Hot chocolate, dude? I’ve never seen you drink this before.”
“It’s comforting,” TK defends, though his expression doesn’t show any signs of offence. “Don’t tell Marj.”
Mateo grins, the moment of levity taking some of the weight off his shoulders. He takes a sip of the hot chocolate, barely suppressing a groan at how good it tastes—this is very clearly not the powdered stuff he’s always used himself.
“Maybe don’t tell my dad either,” TK says wryly. “Carlos makes a mean hot chocolate, but my dad would freak if he knew how much sugar was in it.”
He snorts. “Got it.”
A comfortable silence falls over the three of them, but Mateo can feel the way TK and Carlos’s eyes keep falling on him, both of them utterly failing at disguising their worry and concern.
“What are you guys doing down here?” he asks, hoping to delay the inevitable. “When I first saw you, I thought… But…” Mateo trails off, wincing, but TK’s easy laugh settles his embarrassment slightly.
“We have a perfectly good bed for that, ‘Teo,” he points out. “We just…” He exchanges a glance with Carlos, then turns back to Mateo, a knowing look in his eyes. “Good sleep is kind of a luxury these days, you know?”
Mateo nods; he does know. “Yeah,” he says quietly. “Same here.”
And it’s incredible, he thinks. Because, as the three of them stand in a kitchen that’s not their own, drinking from someone else’s mugs and delaying going back to the guest bedrooms containing all that’s left of theirs, Mateo feels closer to both TK and Carlos than he ever has.
Their situations aren’t the same, he knows this. Mateo can’t compare to the trauma that comes with almost dying; he can’t imagine the nightmares that must come with that. But he’s learning that, maybe, that doesn’t matter as much as he thought—that, maybe, it’s enough just to understand.
They’re all here, and Mateo knows.
For now, that’s more than enough for him.
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narrans · 4 years
A Tall and Small Collection | Soren | Square One Again
Rey yawned and rubbed his eyes. For the first time in several weeks, he had a restful sleep and he felt at ease once again being with his oldest brother; however, it was short lived. Upon opening his eyes, he suddenly realized that Soren wasn’t beside him – Dorian was.
Before his mind could race and send him spiraling into panic, he looked around to see Soren sitting at the edge of their makeshift bed.
“Hey,” Soren said softly. “Good morning.” Soren smiled warmly. He had missed how Soren’s smile spread all the way through to his eyes. The moment would have gone unspoiled if Rey didn’t spot Ashlynn sitting up in bed.
His eyes widened and he naturally shrunk back into the covers, bringing them under his chin and over his mouth. Soren noticed this shift and glanced back to Ashlynn. Without a word, she folded the covers off of her body, got up, and headed for the kitchen. Soren and Rey both let out an involuntary exhale, each for different reasons. Soren shook his thoughts away and looked to his youngest brother.
“Did you sleep okay?” he asked. Rey pulled the blankets from his face and played with the edges of the fabric. It was very soft between his fingers. He couldn’t help but look at the door where the human left through.
“Yeah,” he murmured. His eyes eventually found his brother’s eyes, for the first time noticing the circles beneath them.
“You… stayed up all night?” he asked. Soren nodded.
“I told you I would,” Soren replied. Their speaking, though still low, was enough to stir Dorian. His brown furrowed as he inhaled slowly and deeply. He winced as he stretched, undoubtedly tugging at the wounds beneath his bandages. Dorian’s eyes flittered open before he became instantly alert and sat up.
“Soren? Where’s the… is she…” Dorian looked around. Soren felt a hint of pride in his brother’s vigilance and concern.
“It’s okay,” Soren soothed, pulling himself further onto the makeshift bed. “She’s making breakfast. It’ll take a while.” Both of the younger brothers exchanged a nervous glance – and Soren could guess that there were a few reasons behind it. “I know she makes you nervous, but it’s really okay.” This didn’t seem to reassure them. To his surprise, Rey spoke up first.
“We… well… dad said that you might be different; that humans had this effect on us over time.” Rey’s statement was reminiscent of what Dorian said the night before. It stung. Soren sighed and shook his head, jaw clenching and unclenching involuntarily. Soren shook his thoughts away. He couldn’t think about that right now.
“I’m going to tell you what I told Dorian yesterday,” he started. “I haven’t changed – no matter what Brady said. I had to improvise to survive and made some difficult choices including staying with Ashlynn because I could not take care of myself with my leg injured like this.”
Soren breathed in shakily. “Which brings me to something I know we need to talk about, and you’re not going to like it. We have to stay here a little longer.” Dorian and Rey glanced at one another and then back to him, their slightly dulled blue eyes conveying nervousness and uncertainty.
“S-stay? For how long?” asked Dorian. His thumb absentmindedly traced over the bandages Soren placed on his forearm. “Why can’t we leave?”
Rey nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we’re together now. We have you,” agreed Rey. Soren nodded and smiled. He didn’t want to shatter their perception of him. He was the older brother – the undefeatable hero always able to pull through at the last possible moment. Perhaps it was selfish, but Soren coveted those moments.
“Yes, we’re together – and that’s not going to change; however,” Soren sighed heavily, and his brothers took notice. “I am still hurt. My leg is on the mend and it should be better soon. Until then, I can’t borrow. I can’t run. I can’t carry my bag or anything I find. I can barely climb.” The brothers’ faces began to fill with worry. It was heart crushing.
“B…but… what are we going to do?” whimpered Dorian. Soren leaned forward and clasped his brothers’ hands. Their eyes fixed onto his.
“We’re going to stay for just a little bit longer,” said Soren calmly. “I’ll talk to Ashlynn – she’s the human – and have some arrangements made. We can put our beds on the ground under the bed or just inside the wall; but, until I get better, we have to stay nearby.” They looked reluctant and still unsure, but nodded. To Soren, it looked like they were possibly accepting their perceived fate of captivity.
Soren knew there was nothing he could say in that moment to calm them further. Even he was unsure until very recently about Ashlynn and her intentions. Guard always at the ready. Fate accepted in the worst-case scenario. Soren could hardly say he was as okay as he let on. He shook his thoughts away. There was no time to think about such things now.
His eyelids grew heavy and threatened to close on him. Was he really that tired? The yawn that crept up on him was barely stifled as he returned his attention to his brothers. He needed to find out what happened to that pathetic excuse of a dad, Brady, and fill in the pieces that only Dorian and Rey knew.
“Trust me,” he said finally with another reassuring smile. He saw them nod in acknowledgment, which was enough for now. “Now… I know it only happened yesterday, but I need you to tell me what has happened while I was gone. Where did you go? Where have you been living? Where is Br… I mean, your dad?”
Dorian and Rey both shuffled under the covers closer together, as if their simple proximity with one another would make the situation better and make them more comfortable. Rey was the first to speak up.
“After we got back in the walls, we did like you said and ran a good distance away back toward camp just in case; and we waited and waited,” began Rey. “Dad came back and… and…” Rey sniffed and wiped his eyes with the base of his palm.
“And I wasn’t with him,” finished Soren. They nodded.
“We begged dad to go back and even offered to help, but he said the human got you and that you were captured,” finished Dorian.
Both boys spoke slowly, voices crestfallen as if they were admitting guilt to some kind of crime. Soren clasped their hands harder and pulled himself closer just as they pulled themselves closer to him.
“He said he would keep an eye out and that we would rescue you when the human wasn’t looking; but, before that, we had to move camp. Dad thought the human would make you tell where we were. So, we moved,” said Dorian.
“Yeah,” added Rey. “He had us climb an entire floor up so we could stay in the ceiling.”
“He had you what?” Soren didn’t mean to interrupt. It was completely involuntary, but he couldn’t believe what he had just heard. [An entire floor? They only just learned how to climb a line properly. It’s a miracle they didn’t slip and fall.] He watched his brothers nod again.
“Dad said it was safer there. There was a place with sturdy wood, and it was warm. We moved everything and made camp,” finished Rey. Soren exhaled slowly as Dorian continued the account.
“We did see you from the ceiling. Dad found where you were after the first week or so and took us to see. That’s… when he told us that you might be different…. We saw her doing something to you, but dad made us leave,” said Dorian. Soren felt himself roll his eyes, disguised as a long blink. [At least Brady has that much going for him. He didn’t make them witness everything that happened to me.]
“After that…” Dorian’s voice snapped Soren back to the present. “He went out and tried borrowing what he could, but there wasn’t a lot since we couldn’t go where you were for safety. We tried rationing the food, but… dad… he was having a hard time bringing back rations.”
“After a couple weeks, he said there was a new family he was watching and he was going to try and get food from them. He left, told us to be safe, and to not go to the apartment where you were,” said Dorian.
“How long ago was that?” asked Soren. The brothers exchanged unsure glances. They could tell time, but the family watch was at their last home and was too heavy to bring with them. Soren was impressed that his brothers remembered the account and were able to convey it without losing their nerve – at least for now. He knew there was more to the story.
“Maybe… four days? Five? I don’t remember,” said Rey.
“I don’t remember either,” muttered Dorian.
“Okay. Then what happened?” prompted Soren. They shifted uncomfortably. [That’s what I was waiting for. This next bit is going to be rough] thought Soren as he braced himself for what was to come.
“Well… dad… he said he would; but – he didn’t come back…” muttered Rey. Tears were gathering in his and Dorian’s eyes. [That’s what I thought. Sounds like something happened with the new humans who moved in.]
“We didn’t know where to go and we were so hungry. The lines were still up – the ones you put up. So, we climbed down to see what happened. We thought we could get to the place you took us with all of the chips. I had my hook and we both had line; but, we got turned around and ended up in the old lady’s apartment,” said Dorian.
Soren watched as both of their breathing became shallower. Their eyes darted around as if they could see the events happening again and again in front of them.
“That’s when Rey got stuck?” asked Soren.
“It was so scary Soren,” whimpered Rey. “I… I was trying to be careful and quiet and I just tripped under the cabinet.”
“I tried to get him out,” added Dorian, lower lip quivering. “But the more we struggled the harder it got. I-I-I tried to find something to help pry him off, but that’s when…” His hand involuntarily grabbed at the bandages and wounds on his arms.
“I didn’t see the cat and it got me. I… t-th-thou-ght that it was gonna e-ea-t me, but it l-let me go when the human came in the room. I ran as fast as I could back to R-r-ey to hide, but the cat followed me and so d-did the human,” sniffed Dorian. “That’s when she grabbed the sticky trap with Rey and took him away.”
“It was so scary Soren!” Rey choked partially on a sob as he whipped his eyes with the back of his free hand.
“Shhh… it’s okay,” soothed Soren as he leaned forward and rubbed his brother’s shoulder. He finally had a better idea of what had actually happened and, whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, it was just like he suspected.
“So, after that,” said Soren. “You came to find me?” Dorian nodded silently. “I’m glad you did.” Dorian glanced up at him almost disbelievingly, like he was disappointed in himself.
“Even though I was seen and now we’re here with a human?” he asked quietly. Soren nodded.
“Especially now. If you didn’t come and be as brave as you were facing Ashlynn not knowing what would happen, Rey wouldn’t be here. Dorian, you helped save your brother. That’s nothing to be upset or beat yourself up about,” said Soren before scooting closer and pulling his brothers into a tight hug. They leaned into him, wrapping their arms as tight as they could around his shoulders.
There were two conflicting sensations happening simultaneously. The first was the warmth of the embrace with his brothers. He was finally able to help them after being taken out of commission. The second was a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. Brady’s whereabouts were still unknown and the pain his brothers went through could only heal with time.
What made the matter worse was the moment was interrupted when both brothers inhaled sharply and shrank in Soren’s grasp. Soren turned to see Ashlynn poking her head through the door, a tray in her hand. He exhaled to relax himself.
“It’s okay! Just give us a minute,” called Soren. Ashlynn, barely hearing his voice, nodded and ducked back out of the room. “Ashlynn made breakfast. So, she’s going to come into the room and bring in a tray of things. Knowing her, she’ll probably have bandages too.”
Dorian and Rey both whimpered and pulled themselves slightly under the blankets. Their lack of trust was making Soren uneasy. He remembered the fear they were going through, but hardly felt it anymore. Was Brady right? Had he really changed so much? The thought of a human seeing him used to terrify him, but now it felt simpler; like he could be at ease with someone he could trust.
He couldn’t think about that now. Instead, he shook those thoughts away and prepared his brothers.
“Okay, here’s how this is going to go. I’m going to call her back in. She’ll drop off breakfast and whatever is on that tray, I’ll thank her, and then she’ll leave for a while. Okay?” Dorian and Rey nodded, but also looked like they’d rather duck under the covers to hide. “It’ll just be a minute.”
Soren stood and hobbled to the edge of the nightstand. “Ashlynn! We’re good. You can come in now!” His voice carried across the vast room to the door. Once again, Ashlynn came in with the tray.
“You okay?” she asked softly upon seeing the way Soren kept glancing back at his brothers. He nodded and watched her set the tray onto her bed. Much to her relief, Ashlynn let Soren point and guide where she placed the different elements which included several bottle caps, a roll of foil, and a two bowls.
The first bowl was filled with finely chopped scrambled eggs with bits of different elements in them which Soren guessed were different meats and vegetables. The second bowl was steaming slightly with warm water. Ashlynn also placed some bandages and cream nearby.
“Ashlynn,” called Soren as she turned to retrieve the tray. “Thank you.” There was a reassurance in her smile, but also a slight hurt that she was back at square one in gaining trust. “Are… I mean… what are your plans for the day?” Ashlynn gave a partial shrug and sighed.
“Not sure just yet. It’s my cleaning day, so I’ll do that for sure. You?” she returned the question. Soren felt a small smile tug onto his lips.
“I’m going to make sure they’re okay and,” he paused as a yawn snuck up on him. “I think I may lay down. We could all use more rest.”
“Not a bad idea,” replied Ashlynn. “I’ll go ahead and leave you to it. I’ll be back later.” With that, she slipped out of the room.
The warm food was much appreciated, especially since missing their meal the previous night. They ate in silence, enjoying the first meal they had together in what felt like forever. After they finished, Soren took the time to change Dorian and Rey’s bandages before washing their dishes in the rest of the warm water.
At this point, Soren was exhausted. His eyes were drooping. Each thought he tried to form faded into the abyss of his mind. There was only one cure – sleep. He needed sleep, but he couldn’t bear the thought of his brothers worrying while he slept. He couldn’t go without sleep though.
He stayed conscious as long as he could as he staggered back to their makeshift bed and flopped onto the soft, cushiony fabric. Dorian and Rey rushed to his side and shook him.
“Soren? Soren! Are you okay?” they asked in unison. Soren nodded.
“Don’t worry bobbins. Just tired,” yawned Soren.
“B…but… what if she…” started Dorian. Soren reached up with both hands and ruffled the hair on their heads.
“Don’t worry bobbins,” he smiled as he dragged himself back into the same place he was the night before. The moment he was situated, Dorian and Rey tucked themselves into his sides, heads resting on his shoulders. Soren’s arms draped over their arms as he pulled them in tight. “We’ll be alright. If she come back in, you can ask her to leave nicely or just wake me up. Okay?” He felt them both nod and mutter an “okay.”
It took moments for Soren to be pulled into a deep sleep. Dorian and Rey both glanced at one another from across his chest. Was this their life now? Were they really going to be set free? Or had Soren pulled them into a trap set by a human?
For now, all that mattered was that they were together; and, soon, they too drifted off to sleep.
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taylorlynn-art · 3 years
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⭐️ Underneath It All ⭐️
by Strawberry Moon Rose
This is a one-shot I conjured poking fun at how based on appearance, Sailor Moon characters can really confuse a person. Taking place in the anime world, but with the Starlights cross-dressing like in the manga instead of using a physical disguise.
Also, it got me thinking, what if the Sailor Starlights came to Earth at the end of SuperS? It had to have taken a while to establish their idol group before debuting.
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters. They belong to Naoko Takeuchi.
Soft jazz music drifts lazily around the bar. The flashy neon light of orange and green illuminates the Amazon Trio as they sip from their drinks in hand. Ice cubes slosh and clink as Tigers-Eye slams his glass down on the table in frustration.
"Man, we got scolded again," he complains. "And we're doing our best too..."
"She doesn't have to yell at us like that," Hawks-Eye agrees. "If catching Pegasus were that easy, we would have found him by now!"
Fish-Eye tips his head back daintily, sipping from his cocktail glass. "There are just so many targets, how are we supposed to know which one he's hiding in? It's like finding a needle in a haystack."
Hawks-Eye brushes through the photographs scattered across the bar top. "Hmm... None of these women are really catching my eye." He plucks a snapshot of a girl with braids and waves it in Tigers-Eye's face, knowing he has a thing for younger chicks. "What about this one? You interested?" he inquires.
Tigers-Eye yawns. "Too plain."
"How 'bout this?" Hawks-Eye tries again. If Tigers-Eye doesn't do something, he'll have to do something, and he isn't in the mood for another failure and reprimanding from the old hag, Zirconia.
"Too old."
"And this one?"
Tigers-Eye makes a face and waves his hand dismissively. "Ugh, not another guy. See if Fish-Eye wants him," he says.
"What? Where? Lemme see!" Fish-Eye slides off his stool and squeezes between his cronies. Hearts form in his blue eyes when he catches a glimpse of the target. "Oh my gosh! You're kidding!" He snatches the photograph out of Hawks-Eye's hand so fast it's nothing but a blur.
"What're you getting so excited about? He's not nearly as handsome as I am," Tigers-Eye says, unable to conceal the tinge of jealousy in his voice.
"He's right," Hawks-Eye boasts. "We're much more good-looking."
"You two don't know who this is?" Fish-Eye asks incredulously.
Tigers-Eye and Hawks-Eye stare at their friend.
"It's Seiya Kou from the Three Lights!" Fisheye kisses the picture and twirls around. "I'm so lucky!"
"Never heard of him," Hawks-Eye comments in a voice as flat as cardboard.
"Me neither." Tigers-Eye tosses his orange hair. "He must not be that popular."
But Fish-Eye isn't listening to them. "Oh my, I wonder what kind of girls he likes? How should I approach him?
Tigers-Eye and Hawks-Eye swivel around in their seats and reach for their drinks. By now they know it's useless trying to talk to him when he goes gaga over a target.
"Cross-dressing again?" Hawks-Eye sounds bored.
"Why, of course!" Fisheye gazes dreamily at the glossy portrait. The celeb is clad in a red suit and yellow tie. A bright rose is stuffed in the breast pocket. Ebony bangs fall messily above spunky blue eyes, accompanied by a microphone and crooked smile.
Fish-Eye giggles. Seiya Kou... Even your name is beautiful! I'll seduce you for sure!
"Thank you! Goodnight everybody!" The lead singer gives a final wave into the sea of faces. The crowd erupts into applause as the Three Lights exit the stage. It's a warm Saturday night and they just wrapped up their second concert at the venue.
"Great job tonight, guys. They absolutely loved you." Their manager gives each member a pat on the back.
"Thank you, sir," Taiki replies politely. "We did our best."
Seiya accepts a towel from a stage worker and dabs the sweat off her forehead. She cranes her head up to the night sky, breathing heavily. Princess... Where are you now? Can you hear our message? They have only been on Earth for two months, but she and the others are already used to cross-dressing as a boy band.
"Seiya, we are heading back to change," Taiki calls over her shoulder.
"You coming or what?" Yaten taps her foot impatiently.
"Huh? Oh, yeah." Seiya shakes her head and follows them down the corridor to their dressing rooms. The high from performing hasn't worn off yet, and she hums the whole way, a bounce in her step.
Once she reaches her assigned room, Seiya shuts the door and starts collecting her things. The open window allows a humid breeze to drift in, carrying the sweet fragrance of a beautiful spring night - cherry blossoms and rain. She can still hear the murmurs of the crowd in the distance.
Knock. Knock.
"Come in!" the Starlight calls absentmindedly, figuring it's Taiki or Yaten.
Creak... The door creeps open. When Seiya glances up, she catches her breath.
Standing against the door frame appears to be one of the most gorgeous women Seiya's ever seen before. The beauty's pale-blue hair is tied in a high ponytail that cascades in lustrous waves to her hips. She wears a flowing white dress and strappy sandals.
It's like she forgot how to speak. "Can I help you?" Seiya clears her throat and quickly fluffs her hair.
Fish-Eye smiles and brushes a stray curl out of his face. "Actually, you can," he says in a high, silky voice.
"Oh? How so?" Whenever a cute girl is in sight, she can't help it - she's always been a flirt.
Fish-Eye giggles and casually eases the door shut behind him. "I really enjoyed the concert, Seiya. You shine like a true star out there. I was wondering if I could get a souvenir of some sort to make the experience all the more memorable..."
"I'm flattered," Seiya replies smoothly. She closes the distance between them in a few swift steps, drinking in Fish-Eye's sparkly perfume. "What do you have in mind?"
"An autograph would be wonderful." Fish-Eye bats his mascara-coated lashes. "But anything from a superstar like you would make me the happiest fan in the world."
A grin spreads across Seiya's face. They gaze at each other for a few seconds, holding a teasing conversation with their eyes. Seiya reaches for a blank notebook resting on the nearby table and pulls a marker out of her pocket. Gliding close to the pretty stranger, she says, "And to whom shall I make this autograph out to?"
"To 'Sakana'," Fish-Eye says breezily.
"Sakana, huh?" Seiya smiles quizzically at him. "That's a cute name you have."
"You think so?"
Squeak, squeak, goes the marker as Seiya scribbles out the autograph. She signs her name with a flourish, tears the paper out of the notebook, and hands it to Fish-Eye. "There you are," she declares.
"Oh, thank you so much! An autograph from my favorite male idol! I'll treasure it forever!"
Still smiling, Seiya puts her hands in her pockets. "Anything else I can help you with...?"
Fish-Eye carefully folds the autograph into his purse. "Oh, perhaps there is..." he purrs.
"But it's a bit of a secret..." Fish-Eye fingers Seiya's collar, pulling playfully on her tie.
"I'm intrigued," she whispers.
Fish-Eye stands on his tiptoes and whispers enticingly into Seiya's ear, "I'd like to get to know you better..."
"Is that so?"
He outlines the buttons on Seiya's jacket. "These ties can be tricky, can't they? Let me assist you in taking it off..."
Seiya chuckles. "That sounds quite tempting, but you see, I have to go soon... The others are waiting for me," she answers honestly, regretfully.
"Oh, they can wait, can't they?" If Fish-Eye gets any closer, they'll be a grilled cheese sandwich.
"I'm sorry." Unwillingly, Seiya gently pushes him off her. "You're extremely attractive, Sakana, but... I can't. I wish I could, but I can't."
Fish-Eye draws back as if he'd been slapped across the face. He widens his eyes innocently. "Why not?"
'Because you'd find out I'm a woman and then our image would be ruined', Seiya wants to say, but responds, "I'm not who you think I am."
"What do you mean? I know who you are. You're just making an excuse, aren't you?"
"No, I-"
"Fine." Fish-Eye steps back. The corners of his mouth crumple into a scowl. "I see how it is. I guess it's goodbye to you then, isn't it?"
Before Seiya can respond, a blue curtain appears out of the air and drops over Fish-Eye with a whoosh. It raises to reveal his true self - bubbly blue outfit, scaly hands, and black Amazon marking on his forehead.
"Who are-?!" Seiya stumbles back.
"ONE!" A red board rises from under the floorboards, slamming into the Starlight's back.
"TWO!" Cold, metal clamps bind Seiya's wrists and ankles.
Seiya screams as her dream mirror emerges, taking shape bit by bit. Harsh light blinds her, and wind whips her hair all over. It feels like someone is reaching into her chest and ripping out her insides. What's going on? What is this?!
Once it stops, she slumps forward in exhaustion, supported only by the painful cuffs pinning her to the plank.
"Now to take a look inside your beautiful dream mirror!" Fish-Eye saunters towards the trapped idol. He grabs hold of the glowing mirror on both sides. It's shining brighter than any one he's seen before! His eyes glimmer in hope. Could this be the home of Pegasus after all?
"Y-You lied to me! Who are you really?" Seiya shouts, raising her head. It's obvious by the flat chest and deep voice that this monster is male, and on top of that, the enemy! How could she fall into his trap? Anger and humiliation course through her veins. She thrashes harder, but cannot break free.
Fish-Eye chuckles, but doesn't reply. He stretches the mirror on both sides like putty and dives his head inside her dream mirror. Seiya shrieks in agony.
"Where is Pegasus?" he says aloud, looking all over. But instead of finding a winged horse with a golden horn, he sees flowing images of a beautiful, red-haired princess catered by three female guardians in black uniforms.
Fish-Eye throws his head out of the mirror in horror. "H-H-How dare you deceive me! That's my job!" he cries, his voice wavering. I fell for a woman in disguise? Impossible! This can't be right...
Skin crawling and cheeks burning, Fish-Eye stands back. How humiliating! "What a waste of a trip. Well, either way, I suppose you'll have to die now, Seiya. Come out, my Remless! Superstar Daistuaa!"
A creature climbs out of his shadow - a skinny girl with a guitar as a torso and a microphone as a tail. She snaps the cord like a whip and says in a mouse-like voice, "It's showtime!"
"I'm leaving this up to you, Daisutaa," Fish-Eye barks.
"Of course!”
A black hole rimmed with water appears in the air. Fish-Eye does a backwards somersault into it and vanishes.
The dream mirror returns to Seiya's body and the board and restraints disappear. She falls to her knees, feeling dizzy and weak.
"Hello, everybody!" Daisutaa sings. "I'm so happy to be here! I've got a super great show for you!"
Seiya glares up at the Remless. A phage? No, it's different... She reaches into her pocket for her transformation brooch.
"Uh-uh! Please turn off all cell phones and electronic devices during the show!" Daisutaa lunges at Seiya. They crash into the wooden table which breaks into jagged pieces beneath them. Seiya groans, her back throbbing, and tries to throw the Remless off her. Daisutaa's three-inch nails are like knives, poised at her throat.
"Get...off...me!" she grunts, turning her head to the side in a feeble attempt to avoid the monster slicing her jugular.
"You want an encore, you say?" Daisutaa crows. "Alrighty then!"
Bam! The dressing room door slams open, nearly flying off its hinges.
"Star Sensitive Inferno!"
"Star Gentle Uterus!"
The Remless snaps her head up, frozen like a deer in the headlights as the two combined attacks hit her head on. "What? Aghhh! STAGE OUT!" she wails, crumbling to glass. The shadow on the floor fades, and a billow of smoke dissipates in an upright spiral circle. The Dead Moon magic is gone.
"Seiya!" Maker cries, hurrying over to her.
"What happened? We heard you screaming." Healer kneels beside Seiya. "What was that thing? A phage?"
"So they have invaded here too?" Maker murmurs gravely.
Seiya coughs and shakes her head. Grunting, she pulls herself into a sitting position. "No, it was something else..."
Healer helps Seiya to her feet. "Well, either way, it's gone now. Let's hope we never see anything like it again."
"Yeah. Just forget it happened," Seiya mutters, flushing as she recalls Sakana.
She knew she wanted to.
"Back so soon, Fish-Eye?" Tigers-Eye swings around in his chair at the bar.
Ignoring him, Fish-Eye plops down in his usual spot and pours himself a drink. In one sip, he downs the entire thing and reaches to refill the glass.
"Whoa, easy!" Hawks-Eye jokes. "Did it go that bad?"
Tigers-Eye's green eyes dance. "That Seiya dude rejected you, didn't he?" he says gaily.
"Can it, you two," Fish-Eye grumbles, studying his red nail polish. "You don't know the half of it."
"So what happened?" Hawks-Eye asks.
A bloom of red appears in Fish-Eye's cheeks. "Let's just say that underneath it all, Seiya Kou wasn't who I thought he was."
Tigers-Eye smirks. "I could have told you all those boy bands are bogus."
"Shut up, Tigers-Eye. Just shut up."
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keigoloveminty · 4 years
Plot: The party was super fancy and new to you, until it wasnt. A very questionable and scary experience for you.
Pairing/s: Hawks x Reader, Izuku x reader, Todoroki x reader, Shinsou x reader, Dabi x reader, Shigaraki x reader, Genten x reader, Aizawa x reader
All characters are aged up to 25+
Warning: Mafia Au, LOV crew is soft to reader,(No Yandere’s just jealous and angry exes :>), Partyy in the houseee, (Please dont at me-- I'm just making this up as I go--)
ALSO ALSSOOO please enjoyyyy :’3
Chapter 2
You squealed as you held the seatbelt tightly as Dabi steps on the pedal,”D-DABI! SLOW DOWN YOUR GOING MAKE ME SPILL MY GUTS OUT-”, you screamed trying to hold onto something tight. Dabi grunts as he speeds up and suddenly turns right, the car screeches while you you shut your eyes tightly now holding and the door. A few minutes of you being pushed from left to right and then your breath almost getting knocked out from Dabi speeding up again,’W-wont we get chased down by a police-- DABI IS GOING TO KILL ME--’, your mind was screaming for you to get out of the car but you weren't stupid enough to do that. Dabi slowed down just a bit as you both entered the Highway,”By the looks of things I guess we’ll be there just on time for the opening ceremony ends..”, Dabi looks to your side to see your eyes wide while breathing heavily. He moves on hand to grab your hand tightening it slightly,”You okay? you seemed stunned..”
You looked back at him with a ‘Are you serious?’ expression, how could he not feel like jelly when he just literally just blasted through the streets and still feel fine, you were here beyond stunned,’H-how can he just say that unfazed?! Is he secretly a top Race driver?! He literally turn me into jelly--’, you sighed trying to calm your beating heart. You squeezed his hand as you leaned back into the seat, you closed your eyes trying to regain and steady your breath. A few moments later you looked back at Dabi with your eyebrows furrowed,”You could've warned me, Dabi!”, He just rolled his eyes focusing using one hand on the stirring wheel while holding your hand in the other,”I’m as fast as my car can take me doll, I'm trying to get us there on time. Sorry about that Doll”, you sighed and turned your head to look at him. Dabi grumbles,”Sorry about that Doll”, You sighed and muttered out ‘Its fine’ as you starred at him with starry eyes, you didn't had time to look at how he fully looked nice you were rushing with time since you only focussed on how his suit looked great.
The lights from the outside framed his face as he drives, the way his hair was styled just a tad bit, still in a messy but in a stylish way. You had a feeling he wouldn't cover his scars but since this was a fancy party you had a feeling he would,’So breath taking... .. I’m almost jealous, hpmh’, you puffed your cheeks as you looked at him,’How did you get so handsome.. I feel like I'm missing out on something-- wait’, you squint your eyes and leaned closer to him. His jaw looks defined, sharper nose-- wait are those three silver piercings on his nose,”You got piercings again? How could I not see that..”, Dabi gives you a side glance for a moment only to look back at the road,”Yeah I did and maybe its because you’re short?”, you huffed and looked away from him. 
“Meanie.. . we haven’t seen each other for awhile and you’re already being mean”
“You’re just too easy doll.. .. that's why I have to look out for you a lot”
You turned your head back to look at him,”Did your say something or was I hearing things?”, Dabi just shrugs turning the steering wheel,”You’re probably still shaken up by my driving, why dont you just rest for a bit we’re almost there..”, he says. You let out a soft ‘hmm’ your eyelids slowy fluttering to close letting you get a short nap,’I swear he said something... . but he was too quiet--’, you immediately dozed off as soon as you closed your eyes.
.. ..
Dabi looks at you for a second,’Knocked out cold maybe inviting her to this party was a mistake’, he looks back to the road, he gently squeezed your hands as he looks at the road. Shigaraki was supposed to invite you but decided against it which Dabi didnt like but he knows why you weren’t supposed to be invited to this party. This party could literally kill you which is why Dabi will stick to your side like a glue, literally. He sighs again feeling a bit nervous but excited, you get to at least take a breather from that nasty break up, maybe he could make his move on
He scoffs when his mind drifted to how Shigaraki might turn him to dust,’Thats not happening, not when that decay bastard has his eyes on you too’, he rolls his eyes still keeping his eye on the road. You both were almost there, just a bit more and you’ll both arrive at the venue. Dabi mind was filled with thoughts about what could happen tonight, this party isn't open to all and only few are invited to even get a glimpse of the growing Paranormal Liberation’s new leader, Shigaraki. Dabi never intended to let get your there on time since he didn’t want you to hear that speech that could literally spill everything of what job Shigaraki has, the people that were going to attend that party was strictly for business proposes. They don’t just throw some stupid party with no meaning to it other than to flaunt their power, as much as possible they needed more loyal people-- as if it wasn’t enough-- to join their side.
It was all to show to those people who decided to make an enemy of them will be completely wiped out and also to scout more people to add to their power and ranks. But all of the higher ranks are taken by the original LOV crew, they didn’t have much to worry about other than those who dare to go against them in a false partnership and tried to act like they were smart but they didn’t think their plan through enough which ultimately led to their demise. 
Or in short, sweet death 
 Dabi eyed the mask that sat right in front of his steering wheel, it was a half face mask that was ironically shape like a demons mouth, it was a “disguise” that his group picked out, told him it suits him since demon breath out fire which in return earned them a punch to the head. He didn’t want to wear the mask cause it wasn’t his taste also it was tacky and didn’t like that he wasted at least half of his money to buy a suit to match the mask. But he didn’t complain one bit since he convinced Shigaraki invite you which he and the group had to try and bribe him, they all missed you.
“This party is just for show, we're here to scout potential clients and loyal follower. We might get uninvited guests so make sure to stay sharp on your designated posts, got it?”, Shigaraki says as he went over to memorised his opening lines for the party, Dabi had his arms on top of the couch looking straight at the ceiling starring directly the chandelier. Toga was talking with Magne on what to wear to the party, Mr. Compress was talking to the chefs through the phone on what to serve in the party. Twice was being twice as always and Genten was polishing his gun.
Dabi was waiting for the right time to ask Shigaraki,’Why the hell isn't he bringing up about y/n.. .’, he squints his eyes from starring too much at the light and looks back at Shigaraki’s back. Just as Dabi was about to open his mouth, Toga beat him to it,”So are we inviting n/n-chan?”, the whole room turns to Toga as she puts down a bright red dress. Shigaraki stops mumbling his lines and looks at Toga, she turns around and grins,”I’m not going to cooperate unless n/n-chan comes annddd I'm not going to enjoy this party, Tomuraaaa”, she whines and pouts.
Shigaraki grumbles out turning his attention to Toga,”As much as we want too we can’t risk---”, Dabi cuts him off,”We can just get more security inside and outside the area, I'm pretty sure we have enough power to do that”, Dabi stands up from the couch and walked towards to the kitchen where Mr. Compress is. Genten turns the gun to look at the other side and wipes the dirt off,”We have the support if Destros himself.. ... only half though since some half of his men are doing other jobs like searching for those who raided our clients products just last week, sending invitations to small and big businesses and lastly tracking down Hawks group that also stole half of our goods”, Genten says as he places the now polished gun in its case.
He stretches his arms and yawns,”Besides, I miss Y/n and thanks to you putting me on duty-- outside the venue”, harshly pointing out that he isn't slightly pleased at all being assigned when there's going to be party,”Make me mad that I want to ice you but since you’re my boss I can’t do that and you might not agree to let Y/n come...”, he slumps down in the couch, furrowing both of his eyebrows, displeased that he has to be on duty. Shigaraki throws his index card down a near by table and scratches his neck, Shigaraki does want to invite you but due to his rivals around Japan— much less the people going to this party, he couldn't risk them knowing he had a friend outside his work, its too dangerous for them to know.
Knowing it’s you they might be after, Shigaraki doesn't want to trap you-- or hide you from the world, you didn't deserve that after what happened to you when you lost your parents.
                 Shigaraki will not allow it 
Shigaraki sighs heavily rubbing his eyes with his gloved finger,’This idiots can’t be serious.. although the people who are attending this party are selected there’s always going to be that one person who’s going to ruin it all and all of them are highclass criminals and Mafia’s’, he ruffles his hair, his mind in conflict on whether or not he will invite you. Dabi sees this and takes this opportunity to negotiate,”What if I'll be the one to escort her to the venue, I'll stick to her like glue--”
“That's not going to work, they know exactly who you are, Dabi. You could put Y/n on their lists of target and none of us want that”
He holds his tongue not wanting to fight as it could lower his chances of getting Shigaraki to say ‘yes’ into inviting you,”Not if I have some sort of disguise to cover up this fucking scars, come on shit face”, at this point Dabi might as well throw all those ‘Y/n’ cards to bribe him. He looks at Genten, he tilts his head to Shigaraki,’Help me out you ice freak--’ he mouths to Genten, Genten looks at him with a lazy expression.
‘Trust me, we all want to see Y/n’
Genten quickly tries to think of something in order to help Dabi,”Imagine how happy would Y/n look if she saw us all--”
“Your on outside duty have you already forgotten? You might as well greet her outside the gate and thats it.”, Shigraki with a monotone voice. This time it was Toga’s turn to try and bribe Shigaraki,”Oh! Oh! Think about how she’ll look super cute all dressed up!! You wouldn't miss that for the world now do you Tomuraa”, she grins trying to imagine how you would look like all dolled up.
“Yeah! I wanna see the precious Diamond too!! She'll look sexy walking down the floors!!”, Twice adds while squealing with Toga. Mr. Compress puts his phone on mute and looks at Shigaraki,”Shigaraki-san, the Violet squad has returned from their assignment and will be helping out in terms of security and look out as well. They have claim to have also wiped out some of Todoroki’s men and came out with minor injuries”, he returns to the phone calls while jotting down on a piece of paper. Shigaraki still not fully convinced crosses his arms and gestures them to keep trying,”Like I said before, I can find a disguise to cover my scars, I promise to stick by her side”, Dabi looks at Shigraki with a serious expression.
“I’ll take my outside duty serious”
“I’ll make sure to cooperate nicely too!!”
“I’ll make a lot of doubles to scout the area out!! They won't ruin this party, no sir!”
“Silence, all of you”, they all shut their mouths. The room intense as Shigaraki turns his back and walk towards the huge window that shows the whole city from below. Shigaraki thinks carefully on how many things may happen, if they do break he needs to know where you’ll escape. But he can't let that happen, every corner must be covered in security-- the roof as well. None of them had a warp gate like they do to transport things carefully but he knows how skilled some of them are working in the shadows, he stares at the lights from below with a straight face,’Y/n-san.... .. we haven't seen each other in awhile, back up has come but.. .’
His mind is filled with a lot of thoughts of what could and would happen, Hawks group is a sneaky bunch along with his partner, Tsukoyomi, who they know has a quirk that works well in the dark. That paired along with Hawks quirk which they recently been told by a spy they sent to get inside information, is able to pick up sounds, control each individual feather as well as sharpen them. Unfortunately, their group has yet to acquire a healer but that was temporarily solved by the professors healing capsules, they get three each on a mission and it takes a few minutes for the healing to take effect. It’s only good for minor injuries, it can heal injuries like big cuts but as for gun shots, not so much as its takes even longer to heal if you don't get the bullet out.
Whats more annoying is that not only that they also have other skilled members that even more annoying to deal with,’Professor has yet to create a nomu that for us or the scouting group that sensei set to find a skilled healer.. we have enough power on our side with our connections but still--’, Shigaraki clenches his fists. He really wants to invite you and get your mind off your breakup, he never really asked what your lovers looked like or even asked to meet them since you never tried to introduce your partners to them and because you know that they would be too busy and they usually their free-time just time to catch up with what you were doing with your life.
He knew he wasn't supposed to have a weakness when sensei told him he was going to be the next heir to the business but for you he made an exception, it was your kindness that made him melt down all his walls. Whenever he was going through something tough, just a little encouragement from you or just a small talk with you made him feel better. What hurts him the most is when he cant be there on time to comfort you when you need it, he didn't want to keep his night job a secret from you but he knows you’re bound to find out one way or another.
You aren't some dumb person, you just choose not to and just keep quiet about it to not get in trouble
And that's what scares him the most to the point where he couldn't sleep properly for somedays, he doesn’t know if you’ve figured it out yet
He shakes his head and tries to remove those thoughts from his head,’No.. thats not going to happen, not on my fucking watch’, if he was going to let you go to this party--that he knows is going to attract there attention-- he needs to make sure that once there's a security breach, he's already telling Dabi or whoever is going to escort you out of the venue-- together you out fast and quiet. He’ll make sure Kurogiri is on his com to make sure as soon as he sends a signal he’ll have his portal up in second straight to your home, send more people to secure the place. As much he doesn't want to tarnish his reputation but when it involves you, he wouldn't give a shit but its not like a little security breach is going to affect his reputation-- maybe his partnerships with other leaders but who's to say they would turn away from him, knowing the power he holds.
This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn’t for his childish choices to just jump in to try and take out his rivals but ultimately failed and losing half of his men but as the months went on he learned to be more smarter and move smarter. Taking out people that are associated with his rival-- U.A corporations-- no matter how big or small they are of a threat, if they are associated with them in anyway, they take them out or if they have potential they kidnap them for information, steal their quirk or get turned into nomu’s. 
Shigaraki reaches to rub his eyes but stops when he hears you scolding in his head
“Don’t rub them Tomura-chan! You’ll irritate it more!” 
        It’s itchy, what do you want me to do about it?
“Stop stop!! Don’t rub it anymore!!!”
       Then scratch it for me then if you don’t want me scratching it
“Your bleeding again Tomura, didn’t I told you not to scratch them... . I just finished rubbing some ointment on too...”
      Right, sorry about that... .
“Don’t pick on your lips either also put some lip balm on it occasionally-- its not girly!! I want to make sure you look good when you kiss a girl!!”
     Who am I going to fucking kiss anyways? I'm not going to kiss anyone if its not you...
Shigaraki smiles unconsciously when he hears you scolding him so he didn’t rub his too hard,’Even when you aren’t physically here, you're still scolding me. Telling me to stop rubbing and picking at my skin.. the things you do to me Y/n...’,he sighs heavily and looks back at the groups who was still waiting for him to give his finally thought in inviting you. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at their boss,”Fine.. she can come--”, Toga grins and raises her arms up. Twice and his other self talked in what to wear to the party, Mr. Compress tips his hat, Geten nods, Dabi mumbles out a quite “Yes!”
“On one condition..”
.. ..
Dabi slows down the car as he enters the road that had thick trees that covered his view,’Had to pick a venue thats waayyy out there, talk about protective..’, he scoffs. He remembers vividly how Shigaraki sent his men to give out last minute changes about the new location for the party to the guests and recall how he asked Professor to personally borrow three of his high ends to which he agreed to. His teacher didn’t mind as long as they get to hold to the party and find new people to add to their assets. 
The new venue that he had picked out what way out of the city-- in cases of.. well, possible collateral damage considering the quirks they have and to not worry about causing too much damage that may have a dent on their name, not that anyone would come after them for destroying property unless they want to die. Its on a mountain and it takes a while to get there since there's a lot of curves and it also possible intruders to make their escape a bit hard if they decided to get lost in the thick forest.
‘This curves are making me sick-- I think we’re almost there, I can see those lights’
A few minutes later, you both finally reached the venue after half an hour on the road he notices a lot of fancy cars that were parked up on the outdoor parking lot, all places almost filled up. He grabs his ear piece that allowed him to talk with his group,”Genten, tell them to open the gates... .. I’ve arrived with Y/n safety”, he talks through the earpiece. His earpiece sends a static with made him scrunch his face and almost pulled it off his ear,”Told the guards to open the gate for you, just drive up to the front ”,the static cuts stops. 
Dabi drives up to the gate, he gave the guard a side look and just gave a short nod and looked at his buddy to open up the gate. He drives inside and goes straight to the back part of the venue, where the important people get to park their cars, he turns the wheel slowly and quickly finds a spot. He backs up his car, sets his breaks to park and turns off the car, he looks back at your sleeping figure and admires you just for a little while.
‘Sleeps like a true doll... how cute’
He rubs his thumb on your hand that was still laced in yours from the whole ride to the venue,”Doll wake up, we’re here now”, he says and squeezes your hand, he reaches out to cup your cheek with his hand that was on the steering wheel. He caresses it softly watching you finally stirring awake,”5 more minutes...pleaseee”, you whined trying to get a little more sleep. Dabi shakes his head and looks at his watch,”Don’t you want to see Shigaraki and the others?”, you slowly got up and Dabi lets his hand that was on your cheek to rest on his legs.
You rubbed your eyes softly as to not ruin your makeup that your spent little time to put on,”Wait let me do a quick retouch on my make up, I don’t want to look like I just took a long nap”, you leg go of his hand and quickly reach for your small clutch bag that carried your makeup, phone and credit card. Dabi lets out a short ‘hm’, trying hard not to lace his fingers back to your hand, he reaches for the face mask and puts it on the lower part of his face and clicks the belt in.
You opened your clutch bag  and reach for the small pocket mirror and red lipstick, you swipe just softly to not make it a harsh since you went for a soft gradient look. You puckered your lips to spread the lipstick just a bit then grabbed your blusher to just touch up the faint blush, flicked your up eyelash softly. You turned your head to see if you looked alright, you smiled and out everything back to in your clutch bag. You turned back to Dabi and gave him a short nod while smiling excitedly,”Lets go?”
Dabi ties the black scarf over his eyes to cover up the patchwork under his eyes, which you didn't like the idea of it but you guess it was necessary as to not catch attention--much to your distaste,’Dabi looks cool with is scars, people are just judgemental, hpmh!’, he tightens the scarf just a bit and tugging some parts down. He looks back at you through the scarf and nods, you held in a laugh and covered you mouth,”Whats up with that disguise? Did Shigaraki told you to wear that?”, you asked while tilting your head slightly.
He sighs and rubs his neck looking the other way,”Yeah, apparently he doesn't want the guests to stare at me or make them feel uncomfortable”, he says with a quiet voice. You nod with empathy,”Well I think your scars are cool, especially with your quirk, when you’re not going overboard to hurt yourself”, you say with a nervous laugh. Dabi scoffs playfully at this and shakes his head,”We should probably go, the opening ceremony is probably finished”, you nod and open the door and step out of the car.
Dabi reaches for his back pocket and grabs the black leather gloves, he slips his hands into the gloves, he fixes his hair a bit and once he was done he got out of the car. The night was cold enough to make you shiver as soon as you stepped out of the car first, you fiddles with your small bag and turned your attention to Dabi once he stepped out of the car. Dabi closed the door and locks it with his car keys, he turns to look at your and holds out a hand,”Shall we, doll?”, you smiled and reached for his hand.
You hooked your arms around his arm, humming at the warmth coming off from him, you both walked up to the venue. You looked at the people who were dressed for the occasion, some ladies in red dresses, some in cocktail, beige, black, dark blue. Men in suit and tie all in dark colours but you know none of them stand a slight chance with Dabi, you realised that there also some in masks which made you a bit happy that Dabi wasn't the only on but you know that mask is going to cause some to stare a bit longer.
You both walked up the stairs, Dabi by your side all the way helping you get up the stairs cause heels aren't really your thing. You both reached the entrance of the huge venue and as soon as you looked up you were in awe at how big it is,”Woah... .just how well known is Shigaraki's Family Business is?”, you asked as you both walked up towards the large door. Dabi looks at you for a moment,”More famous than some people would know..he’s kind of a big deal around so parts”, he says.
You gave a short hum and turned your face away from him, you both entered and the person in the front greeted you both,”Welcome, please enjoy your night here at this exquisite party by thee Shigaraki”, you bowed repectfully at the man while Dabi just gave him a small nod. You walked inside the main hall where all the people were all at mingling with other people, you don’t recognise any faces here since you never really cared for famous people anyways.
So you sticked to Dabi’s side for now and try not to get lost in the sea of people,”Soo wheres the others? They should be around here right?”, you asked him. Dabi turns his head to look at you,”Yeah they should be around here.. somewhere but lets just find—“
“Ah, if it isnt Dabi. Fancy meeting you here, care for a short talk?”
A man that looks way too old is accompanied with two other girls that had their makeup way to caked on and dress thats way too skimpy, Dabi lets out a low groan and looks back at you,”Walk the right and you’ll find a table full of food, I’ll talk to this man for a bit..”, you nod and removed your arms from him and walked towards to where Dabi pointed at.
Dabi watches you leave and turns back to the old man,”So who’s the pretty lady?”, he asks making Dabi roll his eyes,”None of your goddamn concern, she isnt interested in old shits like you”, the man laughs heavily ans blows on his cigar. Dabi absolutely hates people who has a stick far up their ass,”Now now dont get too possessive now, she’s quite the gem that dress looks eye-catching—“, the girls that were sticked to him like glue whined.
“I thought we were more cuter Sir!”
“Yeah, what she said!”
The man laughs and tries to calm down both jealous girls down,’This fucking whores.. i swear to fucking god’, he did not like the idea of talking to his possible business partner, maybe an enemy or his victim but he couldnt kill him right now. That could cause an uproar and lots of eyes turning to stare at them plus he just go here and most importantly.
You are at this party
Thats what stopping him from charring this man to ashes but he could always save that for later,”Fuck off old fart you better state your business with me or I’ll burn you to bits”, he raises his hands just on his waist level making the man step back just a bit. He clears his throat while the girls fix his tie and dust off the none existent dirty,”A-ahem right business— erm right where was I”, the man spits out whatever offer he has to say.
Dabi puts both of his hands in his pocket clearly half listening to what he has to say,”—my men has a few things to offer you for your leaders ever growing business! I heard you were looking for a skilled healer and have more than enough to offer you some in exchange for something”, His thoughts were cut off when he recalls Shigaraki saying they needed a healer.
“A skilled healer huh.. I’m listening but if this is a joke,—“, Dabi removes his right glove and reaches for the mans tie,”I’m taking you out and might as well rob your fucking business out with it, old shit”, and burns the mans tie just a bit.
While that was happening you were far from where Dabi was and finally reaching the long table that had bite sized food,”Dabi wasn’t joking when he said a table full of food, it really is!”, you looked at all the food that was diplayed on separate trays. Eclairs, sushi, creampuffs, shucked oysters—probably really fresh but a lot of people are grabbing it, bites sizes cakes, a tower of macarons and many more that you couldnt name
‘What to eat first— eh whatever i reach first I’ll eat it!’,you grabbed a toothpick and reach for a small bite sized sushi and took a whole bite out of it. You hum savoring the rish flavor,”This taste so good!”, you turned to scan what to pick next. Since you started with something raw maybe you should eat a few more raw dishes, you ate a few salmon sashimi then tuna sashimi then— whatever raw fish you ate.
You didnt at too much of it since you needed space for dessert,”Wine, maam?”, a waiter asks you. You shook you head and he nods and walks away, you reached for the glass of water and took a sip to clear your palette. You moved on to desserts now,”Okay.. what to choose first!”, you eyes the various desserts laid in front of you like pieces of jewelry.
“I guess I’ll start with you first!”, you reached for the chocolate ganache cube, you smiled at the velvety texture and lovely taste. You reached for one more and moved on with the next, you eyed the tower of macarons, your eyes sparkled as you looked at each tier. Each their had its own flavour and colour you decided to start with the first tier, you grabbed the pink macaron and took a a small bite, as you chew on it and shiver at the sweet taste,’It’s a raspberry flavour, the raspberry red cream in the middle surrounded in a sweet white cream. I love it!’, you smiled at the taste. 
You eat the whole macaron, thankful its a mini macaron, you moved the next tier which was a slightly off colour white and had a caramelised glazed on top,’I bet this is crem brûlée!’, you took a small bite of it. You swoon at the taste taking your time to savour the taste, you held your cheek and sigh happily,”This tastes so good... if I've known Shigaraki held this kind of parties I wouldn't hesitate to dress up in fancy clothes and eat fancy food!”, you joked to yourself.
You ate the remaining macaron in a heartbeat,”I should slow down.. that also reminds me”, you turned to look behind you trying to find a certain someone. That certain someone was Dabi, you felt like he was still talking to that man that had those two girls clinging on to him,’He’s probably still chatting with that man.. of maybe he is being bombarded with people who want to talk to him?’, you sighed feeling a little bit left out.
The party was filled with unknown faces that made you want to shrink, since you didn't really care for famous faces to begin with you felt like you did not belong here. I mean you had to no like, social status what so ever and your weren't really good in talking to strangers since you always kept to yourself.
Considering the society you live and all the danger thats probably lurking around...
You sighed you realising you lost an appetite to keep eating so you just stare at the food instead deciding to look at it like art displayed on the long table but of course picking up a food that caught your eyes and just moved along. You walked to the right side of the table thats seems to be never ending, your eyes scanned the food as you walked at a slow pace,’I wonder wheres Dabi, he seems to be taking his sweet time--’ 
“Hey now ladies! I’m sure there's more of me to go around”
You stopped walking eyes going wide, you knew that voice-- you knew that voice so well, you used to hear that voice everyday and love it but now you wanted nothing more to forget everything when he dumped you. You turned your head to look behind you, made up excuses in your head that maybe it wasn't him, you were proven wrong when your eyes meet a blonde tuffs of hair, he didn’t have his huge red wings behind him, you guessed he hid them seeing as it was too eye-catching. Your face, now in a frown, scrunched into a disgusted expression when you saw him, surrounded by thirsty women.
The old you would've probably blushed and covered her face trying to look away but sneaked a small peek at him, you scoffed and decided to just walk away from him and all the woman that flaunt their body all over him. A small part of you was pissed, angry and betrayed, if you would've known he was just a heartbreaker you wouldn't have gave everything to him so willingly, and for two years.
‘Ugh.. what a jerk..’
You spat in your mind seemingly to lose interest in staying near the table,”Hmph! Whatever.. he’s just a jerk..”, You turned your face away from him and walked away.
@anxiousgoddest @thegalxe
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Out Tonight (Part 3)
<- Part 2 | Part 4 ->
Summary: The morning after your drunken karaoke hookup with Rafael Barba
Rafael Barba x female reader
Warnings: Mature content (no smut), very dubious consent due to alcohol, SVU-typical topics discussed
1,850 words
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The light was what woke him up. Even behind his eyelids, the light was a gnawing pain that irritated him out of what had been an extremely heavy sleep. When he at last gave in to the inevitability of consciousness and opened his sluggish lids, the light seared into his retinas and stabbed him like a dagger through the optic nerve, making him hiss and pull the covers over his head.
In short, Rafael Barba awoke with a splitting hangover.
Groaning and shielding his eyes from the blaze with a palm cupped to his forehead, he peeked out of the covers and swiveled his head around. He was lying in a bed that was not his bed, in a room that was not his room. Based on the narrow size of it, the big screen TV at the center, and generic art on the walls, it was clearly a hotel room. The sun shone angrily in through the window, reflecting harshly off the windows of adjacent skyscrapers.
Something heavy and warm moved in the bed next to him, and made a low noise. At that moment, he realized there was an arm draped around his waist. His head throbbed painfully as his heart sped up.
You opened your eyes with a yawn, stretching your arms above your head, then propped yourself up on your elbow with a drowsy smile. “Morning, Rafael.”
He blinked at you, eyes wide and unbelievably pale green in the daylight, with his pupils contracted to dots. “Hello,” he greeted with bewilderment and impending panic that he haphazardly stuffed down inside a well-trained disguise of professional courtesy, though several of its seams were ripping already, only two syllables in.
“Last night was… something,” you murmured, eyes squinted into narrow slits. You were calm and pleasant, but there was a trace of hesitation in your voice, like you were nervous, or hiding something. It was enough to arouse his suspicions. You knew what was happening. You knew his name and weren’t surprised to find him in your bed, or yourself in this room.
“Where am I?” he said sternly, words short and clipped. “Who the hell are you?”
Your eyes opened wide at that, then scrunched closed again with a pained grunt that brought your hand to your face. You opened them again slowly, gradually adjusting to the light, and squinting at him in confusion you rasped, “What?!”
He was convinced of it now. He’d seen enough cases like this, taken enough witness testimony, to understand exactly what had happened to him. “You drugged me,” he growled. “You think you can get away with drugging an A.D.A.? Was this for some kind of… of blackmail?”
“Drugged you? What the fuck?” Your eyes filled up with confusion, hurt, and fear. You scrambled away toward the headboard, wincing. “Are you saying you don’t remember anything? No,” you shook your head, laughing nervously, “This… this is one of those weird pickup artist games so you don’t have to call me, right?” But there was no recognition in his eyes, only a cold, impersonal glare. Your hands flew to your mouth.
His resolution that you were some sort of predator faltered as he watched you panic, and you seemed so small and frail, and scared. It made no sense that he would wake up with no memory of last night, though. Rafael Barba was always in complete control of himself. He did not drink to excess—he rarely even got drunk—and he would never have gone home with a stranger.
As he collected the fragments of his thoughts, however, he began to shape a different story. The splitting headache and fuzziness in his mind was familiar—he recognized it from sophomore year at Harvard, and a party with the legacies who shared last names with wings of the library where he had been peer-pressured into drinking so much he blacked out. He ended up being blamed for the whole thing, while his wealthy “friends” didn’t get so much as a stern lecture. That day, he learned a valuable lesson about never letting his guard down. But a dim memory came back from the night before—he remembered being devastated by the result of a trial. He remembered nothing had been going right. And he remembered drinking.
If he was that drunk… if he couldn’t remember what he did…
He was stuck to the inside of his pants with dry semen. You had pulled away so that you were no longer under the blankets, and his chest constricted when he saw your shirt and bra torn open, and angry bruises and bite marks covering your neck all the way down to your breasts. Your face was drained of color, and you stared at him with terror when you spotted the direction of his gaze, swiftly closing your blouse. “Oh god,” he croaked. He had seen images just like this hundreds of time, submitted into evidence. He had heard this story a hundred times, too: a normally harmless man gets drunk and assaults someone, then later feigns innocence because he couldn’t remember the crime. Barba had put away men like that, with never an ounce of pity for their excuses. It wasn’t you. He felt nauseous. Blood pounded in his ears.
“What did I do?” His throat was so dry. He swallowed hard, and swallowed again, but the horrible dryness remained. “Oh god, what did I… Did I do anything inappropriate? Are you hurt? Oh god.” He blinked, glancing around the room to anchor himself to his surroundings. Big hotel flat-screen. Bathroom door. Tiny office desk with his Brioni suit jacket folded over it sloppily. He didn’t remember taking it off. “OK,” he breathed. “I need to establish a timeline. We need to determine if any… if any crimes were… Oh god.” He scrubbed his face with his palm and left his hand clamped over his mouth. He sexually assaulted someone and his life was over. He was one of the monsters he put away.
“What the fuck is happening?” you half-whispered, the corners of your lips pulling taut into a grimace as your hungover mind spun to catch up with the emotional whiplash of the last sixty seconds.
His eyes were glassy with unspilled tears, but he tried to smile comfortingly, like he might to a hesitant witness in a trial. “Look, I’m a lawyer. I… I know the detectives in the Special Victims Unit,” he said. You shot back a skeptical glance, and he realized that probably sounded like a veiled threat. “I can give you Sargent Benson’s number. They won’t go easy on me if you press charges, trust me. I’m sure some of them would be happy to handcuff me for how difficult I make their lives. Obviously, I’ll plead guilty to any charges, but first we need to convince the grand jury to indict...”
Your face had worked through several stages of confusion, cringing, and brow-raising, and finally your brow pinched together and your grimace broke into the dark, guilty grin of someone laughing at something that was probably too serious to laugh at.
“Rafael, you really...” you covered your eyes and shook your head, “You are really obsessed with proving you’re a rapist; I think your job is doing something to your brain. Maybe you need a vacation.”
His mind had been working a mile a minute to uncover the crime that would explain the mystery of his distressing circumstances, first accusing you, and then himself of being the perpetrator. But, he had been told more than once that he could be high-strung at times. Maybe there was no crime, legally speaking. At least, he was relieved he hadn’t done something awful. It was still unclear who you were, and why you felt comfortable taking advantage of someone who was severely impaired by alcohol. There was something else… something just out of reach in the smoky nebula of his memory.
“What do you know about my job?” he asked, eyes narrowed.
“You told me about it last night!” You sighed heavily, and scooted closer to him. “Tranquilo, Rafael. Cálmate.” You gently pressed his shoulders as you searched his eyes. He flinched away from your touch, and you frowned. “You really don’t remember me? Jesus, you were drunker than I thought. It’s a good thing we didn’t fuck.”
“We didn’t?”
“No. You wanted to, but I told you you were too drunk!” You poked his chest in a playful I-told-you-so way, but when he returned only a strained glare, your hand dropped sheepishly to your side.
He was puzzled and disturbed. Most strangers mistook him for a gringuito, but you just told him to calm down in Spanish. You had obviously spoken at length. But he couldn’t remember. And there was something about you he couldn’t put his finger on, something that felt important. It probably wasn’t. Whenever he forgot something he meant to say, it grated at his brain for the longest time, and when he finally remembered, it was always something like, “I prefer Cheez Doodles over Cheetos.”
There was something in the way you were looking at him, almost mournfully that stirred up a lost feeling. He wondered what he had said to you last night—what kind of reckless flirt drunk-Barba had been to leave you so heartbroken this morning. He would have felt guiltier, but his head was being squeezed in a lead vice, and he was in no mood to tolerate fools. Maybe you hadn’t intended it, but you had taken advantage of a moment of weakness, and he was done with the whole sordid incident.
“I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that…” He winced as he stood up from the bed, his underwear yanking on the pubic hair glued to it with dried cum.
“Please, stay and use the shower,” you offered, but it was more like a plea.
“Well, I certainly can’t go out like this,” he snipped. His shirt was wrinkled, and his slacks ruined, with the embarrassing pièce de résistance of the crispy, stiff area at his crotch which could not escape anyone’s notice. He could only imagine what his hair was doing.
Your eyes followed him as he bustled around the small room wearing a sour expression, checking the closet for, and gratefully finding, an ironing board. They kept following him until he closed the bathroom door behind him, and he was left alone with your helpless eyes still hanging in front of him in his imagination, and the strange way they made him feel. He had a million questions for you, but he was certain he did not want the answers.
It’s not as if this story could have had a happy ending, anyway. He was an A.D.A. with a career in the public eye, and this was already bordering on a scandal. Drunken hookups with party girls at bars never ended well. It was better to just forget.
• ● • ━━━━━─ ••●•• ─━━━━━ • ● •
Tags:  @beccabarba​ @caked-crusader @itsjustmyfantasyroom @thatesqcrush @dianilaws​ @permanentlydizzy @eclecticreader2020 
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wordsablaze · 4 years
8. she’s always bad news
your beauty hides the pain Lost on the mountain, Jaskier accidentally angers a mage who decides to curse Yennefer with his company and for once, it might actually be a blessing in disguise…
A/N: i promise the chapter isn’t as dismal as its title !! @random-nerd-3 @surreal-static @10moonymhrivertam @bicount-de-lettenhove 
previous chapter
“-ake up, bard!”
Jaskier is hit with the distinct feeling of deja vu as he yawns, all but peeling his eyes open to see Yennefer watching him impatiently.
“What time is it?” he asks, stretching his arms above his head because his whole body feels stiff for some inconvenient reason. Oh wait, that’s probably because he seems to have ended up using his lute as a bed.
Yennefer shrugs. “Time to go. The sooner we find the source of the curse, the better.”
“Right,” Jaskier agrees, “but I don’t suppose we could grab some food for the road?”
With a heavy sigh, Yennefer nods. Considering that as permission, Jaskier takes the lead when they head back down, very slightly guilt-tripping and convincing the innkeeper to spare them some food in exchange for a performance on their return.
“Not bad,” Yennefer comments as they leave.
Jaskier bows as best as he can with both his lute and the bag of food slung over his shoulders. “I am widely known for my charm, you know.”
“What a polite way to phrase your so-called talents,” Yennefer drawls, starting to walk even as Jaskier splutters in outrage.
He follows her down several alleyways he never thought she’d even be willing to look at until they reach a more secluded pathway that’s clearly not used very much if the overgrown shrubbery is anything to go by. Before he can ask why she’s stopped, she starts muttering something, the air vibrating around them before a portal appears.
“Not bad,” Jaskier grins.
The grin falls as they step through and his stomach promptly decides to backflip but he manages not to fall over this time, a little surprised to see Yennefer waiting for him to recover instead of just pressing on.
“Don’t look at me like that, it’s not as if I can just walk away even if I want to,” Yennefer says, folding her arms.
Oh yeah.
Doing his best not to reveal his disappointment, Jaskier clears his throat. “It’s alright, darling, you wouldn't be the first to find my presence irresistible.”
“Ugh, just show me where you found those flowers,” Yennefer snaps.
“As my lady wishes…” Jaskier grins, finally looking around and swallowing the urge to just flee, almost regretting his plan to so quickly come back to one of the worst moments of his life.
The only problem is, as easy as it had been to accidentally get lost the first time round, it’s a lot harder to purposely do so, especially with an unimpressed audience. They walk for far longer than either of them had been expecting, mostly in silence, neither of them wanting to admit their only lead may be a dead end.
“This is pointless,” Jaskier whines when his feet eventually start aching.
Yennefer hums. “You’re sure you didn’t leave the mountain?”
Jaskier rolls his eyes. “How exactly would I have done that, pray tell? The path we came up was destroyed, remember?”
He’s not entirely sure what emotion flirts across Yennefer’s face at that but he knows better than to assume it’s concern or anything like that so he just turns back to the landscape, squinting at the trees as if they’re going to tell him which direction to turn.
“I could jog your memory,” Yennefer offers quietly.
Jaskier has heard that phrase before but it’s usually followed by an injury of some kind so he shakes his head instinctively, stepping back. “I’m sure I’ll remember unaided, just- just give me a little time.”
“I’m not trying to threaten you, idiot.” Yennefer sighs, blinking slowly and pausing for a second. “I just meant that I could find which path you took through your memories.”
Straightening up, Jaskier shrugs. “Well, alright then. At least you’re asking nicely this time.”
With no other warning, his head starts to sharply ache. Groaning, he squeezes his eyes shut and focuses on breathing as Yennefer mumbles an apology and the ache fizzles just a little until it’s no worse than a mild hangover.
It’s not exactly pleasant, probably because he really doesn’t want to think about Borch or Geralt or the mage with a grudge, but it’s not even nearly the worst thing he’s experienced so he just waits it out, barely noticing the way both he and Yennefer end up on their knees right next to each other. At least, not until Yennefer pulls away with a gasp.
“She’s not from Aretuza,” is the first thing Yennefer says, breathing heavily.
Jaskier blinks at her once he doesn’t feel like he’s about to pass out. “The what-uza?”
Yennefer makes yet another unimpressed face at him. “Magical academy, in simple terms.”
“So she’s from a different academy?” Jaskier asks, really not following where she’s going with this.
When he doesn’t get a reply, he just sighs, pushing the lute and bag of food aside before flopping onto the grass and turning his attention to the clouds. “Nothing about this mountain will ever be easy, apparently.”
He doesn’t get a reply to that either but he doesn’t really care, he’s too busy trying to figure out which cloud looks the most like a lute. Which is none of them, actually, because even the sky is being a spoilsport and holding back at the moment. He really didn’t think returning to the mountain could be so much worse the second time but apparently the world wants to prove him wrong.
“Please stop thinking so loud,” Yennefer says eventually.
He jumps. “Stop reading my mind then. It’s hardly my fault you’re not satiated by your own thoughts.”
“My thoughts are fine.”
Jaskier scoffs, sitting up again. He’s not sure what he was intending to say but the words melt from his mouth when he sees Yennefer’s dismal expression anyway. He’d almost forgotten that their situation is just as - if not more - frustrating for her.
“How about some food then?” he asks, already pulling some out of the bag.
There’s a brief tinkling sound and when he looks up, Yennefer is smirking, holding two goblets of wine; Jaskier is not even remotely ashamed to say his mouth fully drops open in surprise.
"I don't like having a dry mouth," Yennefer says casually, holding out one of the goblets for him to take, which he does.
The food is fine, bread and cheese and various little fruits, but the wine is nothing short of divine and Jaskier barely resists the urge to moan when he tries it.
Yennefer must be able to tell how impressed he is from his facial expression because she laughs, genuinely laughs, and it's such a lovely sound that Jaskier almost wants to write a ballad about it. Only almost though, because he definitely doesn't like her enough to write her a loving ballad no matter what the quality of her wine.
"It's a shame this place is tainted with memories," Yennefer says after a while.
Jaskier glances over at her in mild surprise before nodding. "You're right, of course. What a tragedy for such beautiful views to be ruined by a hollow hunt."
Yennefer elbows him, at which point he realises they'd moved so they're near one another again. "Did you just agree with me after only one serving of wine? I'm curious to know what you'll do after a few more."
"In better circumstances, I'd be happy- well, I'd probably be terrified but if it meant drinking more of this divine concoction, I'd be happy to show you."
"Terrified?" Yennefer echoes.
Recognising that her mirth has become mixed with something akin to hesitation, Jaskier sighs. "Although you are beyond worthy of poetry, my dearest witch, it's rather difficult to focus on that with the whole…"
"Geralt?" she suggests.
"Geralt," Jaskier agrees.
There's a moment of silence before their goblets refill and Yennefer smirks at him. "To forgetting our witcher."
Jaskier takes a gulp too large to be called sophisticated and sighs. "While we still can."
It's not the best toast in the world but if nothing else, it's at least something they can agree on so for the moment, they both ignore everything that's going wrong and just enjoy the view together.
not these two (and me) turning a magical crisis into a suspiciously pleasant picnic--
thanks for reading! | masterlist | witcher blog: @itsjaskier | next chapter
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