#he'd really fit in with all the kids with his level of excitement and its such a big deal
pear1ridge-a · 1 year
thinking so hard again ab tate going to disneyland
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breitzbachbea · 13 days
Endless romantic stories - You never could control me!
Well, I never really thought that you'd come tonight
While the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die
Far too young to die
Hi, the desire and ability to write burst through the walls like the kool-aid man and on my way home, I also listened to one too many Francetto song, so guess what happened. (Yes that is a panic at the disco song, too many of those simply fit Francetto.)
I also took it as an exercise to see if I could get used to different names for them in the res publica AU. Francesco = Lucius, Dolcetto = Paulus. And also huge shoutout to @catominor, because talking with them has truly taken this AU to the next level. You should follow them and give both the real romans and ESPECIALLY the fictional ones they post about sooo much love.
Here's my little Francetto drabble, it's not my best work, but it definitely scratched the itch - Enjoy!
Foot in his face, he grinned up at the man, eyebrows furrowed in helplessness. "Please?"
Paulus looked down at him, as if he was considering it. Arms crossed in front of him, his tunic still tightly belted.
When Lucius tried to reach out to him again, he was kicked away with a snort.
Where was that strength coming from? He'd always loved those lean legs, those fast legs, that wiry mass of muscles in his arms. The man was 45, Lucius' knees ached.
"Don't be like that, come on," he said and wondered where his sweet Ganymede had gone, knowing full well he'd never been one. He was getting irritated.
"I think I'm going to be like that." The smile on Paulus, the stern eyes now decorated with crows eyes. Smug little bastard. He felt 26 again, when he first laid eyes onto Paulinus, no longer a child underneath his sister's watchful eye. And yet, still a boyish appearance, coupled with a mind that would have put quite some of his military tribunes colleagues to shame.
Maybe cruelty was what such a mind had to resort to after being chained for all its life, but a tool had been more useful than a man. A tool did not put their skills to work for themselves.
"No," Paulus told him again as he ran one hand along that leg, that beautiful, beautiful leg, and got hit in the face that it made him grunt. Paulus chuckled at that.
Right. No more playing games. "Paulus," Lucius got out, smile on his face, voice husky with strain, as he got to his knees. "Don't make me do this."
Still smirking, now up at him. Lucius could hear himself pant through gritted teeth, but that seemed to not bother the other at all. Of course it didn't. "I don't think you're spending the night here." Another attempt at a kick, this time to his stomach, but Lucius was faster. Slapped it away, with such force Paulus fell backwards, but caught him by the neckline.
Heaved him up, he didn't know where he's been taken the strength from, each day he felt his age more, with every lock of hair he lost at the back of his head, every gray curl he spotted on himself in the baths.
Not now though, hand twisted in Paulus' tunic. Again, eyebrows slightly helpless if he wouldn't be tweaking with aggression. "Don't push me like that. I don't want to be like that." The excitement in those hazelbrown eyes made him weak in the knees.
He pulled him in for a kiss, only managed a peck on the lips and let go of him, immediately descending onto the bed as well.
Paulus still pushed at him, but laughed, as Lucius buried his face in his neck, eager to cover the other in lovebites. "Your eyes creep me out."
"Shut up, you love them," he got out, breathlessly and with a smile in between kisses.
"I'm thinking of going to Brindisium," Lucius said and Paulus was abruptly jerked out of his bliss.
"You're kidding me," he told him, who was still catching his breath next to him and didn't even have the courtesy to look at him. Only smiled at the ceiling with an open mouth and heaving, sweaty, naked chest, hands on it. Paulus missed the curls of black hair that fell into his face. Ever since he had begun to lose hair in the back, he kept it shorter in the front as well.
He had grown his hair out again, past his ears. Because it suited himself better, he had lied to himself. There was a certain comfort in waking up with Lucius' breath tickling the nape of his neck.
"Well, what do you want me to do, stay here?" Finally, Lucius looked at him, tone and expression both serious. If one wanted to call the look of bewilderment serious. What had ever been serious about the man, though? "Caesar's coming, it's simply a fact now and I never was a particularly good follower to him, was I now? I don't have much of a chance staying here. You don't have to come with me, though. You're free to stay."
"What, so that I then can see you again on the other side of the battlefield?"
The smile was back when Lucius shrugged. The most painful part was to know that he meant it.
Paulus let out an aggravated sigh. He slapped Lucius' chest. "You're a tit."
"I know." Another sigh. Paulus felt the bed move and a kiss pressed to his cheeks. Afterwards, Lucius' began to play with his curls. When their eyes met, no smile on either face, Paulus' eyebrows now furrowed in worry, he said: "I'm sorry."
Those creepy blue eyes would haunt him for the rest of his life, since he'd never adored anyone's mind behind them more.
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eattheglowingmoss · 2 years
For the ask meme, 2, 11, 19, 20
For Ame :)
(From @sarsparilla-stars )
Oh, I am so excited to answer all of these. This is actually the first ask I've ever gotten about Ame, so I'm more than happy to answer it all! You're about to get so much info dumping. Thanks so much!!
2.) What are their S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats?
These will be a little wonky, since I'm going off of his current in-game scores (Right now he's about level 13). But these are about accurate for how I imagine him.
STR - 5 PER - 7 END - 5 CHA - 8 INT - 3 AGL - 5 LCK - 10
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He's might not have the brains for it, but he sure has the spirit.
11.) What weapon type do they prefer? (Ballistic, Energy, Radiation, Melee, ect.)
Ame’s all about luck – but his eyes aren’t too bad, either! Most of my characters are melee builds (Bog and Alec are melee, Artie is unarmed, and Jester is melee/explosives), but he’s all about ballistics. Specifically, he goes between a sniper rifle and hunting rifle.
There was actually a short stint where he worked with the NCR as a sharpshooter to help with protecting his family’s farm, which was on Sharecropper land. That’s where he got his rifle and his beret! Though that was pretty early on, and he found caravanning and courier work was more suited to him.
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At the time joining up on the force was one of the few ways he could convince the NCR to let him keep a gun in his hands while on their land. Downside being that there was no chance they'd let him get away with the long hair he'd sported up to that point. He and the Brahmins-eye "Battalion" were really just a bunch of farm kids just trying to pick up where the regular NCR folks weren't doing their jobs. (And, most importantly, keeping the gecko population under control.)
Nowadays he doesn't put much thought into what Meg and Duke are getting up to. They've probably moved up in the NCR ranks and gotten on with First Recon or something like that.
Though? He swears... just swears one of those NCR soldiers he saw in Nipton looked familiar. But he doesn't really want to know the answer to that question considering what happened.
19.) How do they feel about robots? (May include synths if they know about them)
Some of Ame’s best friends have off switches! (or something like that.) After Victor found him outside Nipton and dragged his sorry hide out of that hellhole, he can’t see much of a difference between them and regular folk anymore. Even if there is a difference, he doesn’t have the slightest clue over how they work. So he treats them all nice just in case they end up being more man than machine. I mean, it’s only polite.
On another note, he doesn’t know a thing about synths, and if you tried to explain it him, he’d probably think you’re lying (but still sort of half-believe you all the same). In the event its proven to him? Same as above.
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(This isn't new art, but it's fitting for the answer. So I'll attach it anyway!)
20.) If they magically found themselves in another universe (ex. Skyrim, Pokemon) what would happen? (This one’s a wild card question - dealer’s choice)
Hi you’re about to get a stupidly specific answer because my other game obsession right now has been, of all things, Castlevania. (Also, I just wanted an excuse to draw in the show’s art style again. It’s FUNKY)
I’m taking this as “He’s just a character in the universe” (Since I think if he were going Fallout -> Castlevania he’d probably just die. Emotionally, and probably literally. Sniper rifle ≠ crossbow).
I think Ame would’ve ended up in the local guard of some little town who accidentally got all wrapped up in the monster hunting shenanigans of the Belmont/Morris clans. All the dialogue about him would have the vague tone of – “He’s not the sharpest dagger, but a dull blade in our enemies’ back is better than a dull one in ours.”
Also he and the Morris’ would get along great. A whole bunch of himbo Americans telling Dracula to eat it? They’d love each other.
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(This is about as far as I got before my hand started cramping. But you can BET I'm finishing this eventually. I need to get the burn scars on his cheek at least)
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B2:S - Chapter 3
Much of this series will be about the differences and additions in the novel version, and how they contribute to my understanding of story canon. But there will be character appreciation, the odd theory and headcanon, and suchlike as well.
Here be Lujanne, Callum, Rayla, Ezran, Bait, and Soren goodness!
Spoilers for Book Two: Sky below.
Lujanne having excellent fitness for all her walking around the Moon Nexus, and she's so energetic that Callum has trouble keeping up with her! She seems like those active grandmas who almost never stop moving, who have a lifelong supply of endless stamina. It makes me wonder if Lujanne will need that level of fitness for some upcoming conflict.
Callum feeling really hungry over not eating grubs and then still deciding he'd rather be hungry. It makes me wonder all over again how Lujanne got to the point where she eats grubs, considering that other Moonshadow elves we know of back in the Silvergrove don't. I still love my hc that the giant leech ate all of Lujanne's moonberry bushes and she's taking her revenge. Whatever's going on there, Callum is definitely not at that point yet.
When Lujanne asks Callum how he knows she's real, he thinks to himself that he'd put up with just about anything from someone who was going to teach him magic. That's a great parallel and foreshadowing for Viren's student/master relationship with Aaravos! And it's telling that neither student gets exactly what they hoped to get. Lujanne doesn't actively teach Callum any spells, because she believes he can't learn Moon magic at all. Aaravos does offer Viren power, but it takes him to some very dark places - literally and figuratively - and the cost is terribly high.
Callum sees a moon shape among the ruins, and Lujanne explains that the Moonhenge layout is an intricate rune that uses the structures themselves as part of its symbols and power. That's apparently a thing even with ordinary Moonshadow villages like Hollow Wood in the east, which is the coolest idea I've seen in a while: city planning as magic runes!
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Yes, that's the same shape as the pendants Ethari made for himself and Runaan. Protection? Home? Feelsiness? A sense of safety and belongnig for all cycles and seasons?
Wonder what this Moonhenge rune stands for, then, and how much of this landscape is included in that rune. I bet it's more than we think!
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But it makes sense now, how toppling the stone pillars would disable the spell the druids would cast to connect with the Moon Nexus lake. Breaking the infrastructure of the Moonhenge breaks the rune.
There's a physical sensation involved with the visuals that Historia Viventem brings up! When that one ghostly druid walked through Callum, he felt icy cold. Like in ghost stories. I really wonder about what exactly Historia Viventem is doing when it activates. It shows truth, "what really happened here?", so it must have some kind of time-related element, maybe tied to how the moon always repeats the same cycles or something. But it also seems to draw on the spirits of any living people involved in the flashback, because Callum could physically feel that wispy shape passing through him. So very interesting!
Orrr... is that all wrong, and there's something else at work with this spell than time? Maybe the world beyond life and death can act as an imprint of the things that have happened in the living world, and the spell that Lujanne (and later Callum) casts taps into that place, with perfect recall. I'm looking really hard at the sentence that says "dozens of translucent elf ghosts" and "phantom Moonhenge" and "lost in their own world" here.
Lujanne says more here than in the show about the world beyond life and death, being her mysterious Moonshadow-mage self. She says that "beyond" and "between" might both apply to where this other plane of existence is, and she doesn't much care which. With all the relativity swirling around this place, and not much in the way of empiricism, it's sounding like perhaps multiple conflicting ideas might actually coexist in such a place, allowing more ideas to fit there than we might normally believe is possible. Which is a fascinating bit of worldbuilding. Basically, every headcanon anyone has ever had about the Moon Nexus could all be true at the same time, for all we know.
Oh oh oh, Callum coming in soft with a secret wish! He takes one look at the Moonhenge and immediately thinks of finding a way to see his mom again! Poor boy, my heart! I'd say that could be another interesting parallel with Viren, but then, who wouldn't hold that sentiment?
Oh my, is this another breath of life into Ye Olde Ley Lines headcanon? Lujanne mentioning the Nexuses again, so soon after talking about the runic design of the entire Moonhenge, makes me wonder if the six nexuses are in fact giant runes. On Earth, the places where ley lines cross are called nexuses, and there are those who believe those points got marked with ancient structures, like Stonehenge and many many others. If Xadia were crossed with magical lines which naturally formed nexus points where they met, and if powerful magical runes were built across those entire areas, well. That would be cool beans, fams. Can I smack a map of Xadia and release a spell like Luz Noceda does? Because ngl that is my first instinct here.
Lujanne has got to be missing some grandkids to spoil, right? The way she's always whipping out cake and ice cream for Callum, and she's so grandma-ish about it. Headcanon about her being Runaan's mom aside, she is canonically lonely and she's very sweet to Allen and Ellis and I think she's missing whatever family she once had in the past. She may never get to have that family back, so she's finding a new one among the humans who live nearby, and I think that's sweet. Found family isn't just for the young.
But Ellis is straight up gonna be her fave, I bet, because she didn't turn up her nose at Lujanne's illusion food!
Ezran and Bait have a lot more to their relationship than was visible in the show, and I'm so excited by it! Ez can tell by looking at Bait's colors that he's not truly jealous of Zym, even if he's really grumpy about the dragonling taking up his favorite human's time.
And Ez thinking a lot about his dad and the things he's taught him. They're soft leadership material, and I love that so much! "Pick your battles" and the importance of encouragement. Ahh, my heart. Ezran, you're going to be such a good king.
But wait a second: both times that Bait gets extra grumpy in Zym's first training session, Ezran has just mentioned something about flying. Guys, I think Bait wishes he could fly, really badly. And that's his biggest problem with Zym, and with Ezran teaching Zym to fly, instead of Bait who doesn't have wings so. Bait is so old that his secrets have secrets, and I'm really curious how flying fits into them now!
Rayla, Dramatic Assassin: "I need to patrol for dark forces." That's what Lujanne called the source of the purple wisps that found them. I wonder if that's an official term all Moonshadows know, or if Rayla is just taking her cue from a veteran Moon mage. And I wonder how far Rayla is falling into the apparent pattern of "one mage, one assassin", since she does spend a lot of her time patrolling without being asked.
When Callum tells Lujanne that he was bad at prince stuff, and she asks if he didn't give up and got good at those things anyway, it's an opportunity for Callum to embrace subverting his parents' expectations in favor of seeking his own path, which is a primary theme of the show. But Lujanne is a couple generations older than Callum, at the very least, and I have to wonder what her upbringing was like. Is her version of success the one she took? Was she bad at magic once too, but she persisted? She is very soft and doesn't want to kill anyone.
Maybe Lujanne had dreams of doing something else with her life, but she felt she had to pursue the destiny that others handed to her, so she studied magic as hard as she could, and she did get good at it, but using it to defend Xadia from humans is not what she wanted to do with her life. Whether there's a parallel between her and Ethari on that point, there's one between Callum and Ethari, I think. How much of your life are you willing to let others direct for you?
This is my new favorite Soren and Claudia moment ever. Soren loves him his bread, okay. Even as earplugs for Claudia's sleep ocarina tune. The fact that it's "super effective" makes me think of a Pokemon defense. The fact that he learned it at camp, where he also learned about Moonshadow Madness, is hilarious. Later on, Corvus doesn't know Soren by name, but I still love the idea of Corvus being a kind of Strider-esque camp instructor, filling the ears of his young charges with all kinds of useful tactics like ear bread for magic spell songs (which actually seemed to work as intended), and warnings about the enemy elves' blood-themed tactics (which may or may not come back around in BH)
I thought they were gonna go in a kind of deep direction when Soren still wanted his ear bread back, but then he just. Eats them. Just noms them. I love this kid. Give Soren all the bread!
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Hey Rio: Hiya babe Rio: what's good? Nancy: I need to like Nancy: ugh idk it's such a bad idea, like I already know Rio: You wanna Thelma and Louise? Nancy: Who wouldn't want that much gay subtext Rio: Susan Saradon is a babe Rio: what's the actual drama then, shitty husbands and creeps at bars assumedly ain't it Nancy: Okay so you know how I have the misfortune of having to share a birthday, well, now he also wants me to do a joint party Nancy: except not Nancy: he wants my share of the guestlist cos he's gone over his own Rio: Seriously Rio: 🙄 Rio: Well that sounds like a nightmare Nancy: Right? Like I don't have to see enough of all his fuckboy friends already Rio: So you've actually got to be there Rio: that's so rude on so many levels Nancy: I might just leave once mum and dad do, it's not like they're gonna stay and chaperone all night Nancy: That's where you come in Nancy: Save my birthday from total ruin, yeah? Rio: They should, last party I went to the house was basically a write-off after Rio: What can I do, obviously I'll do it but catch me up Nancy: Oh Nancy: maybe they will and I will have to stay Nancy: But my original idea was more Thelma & Louise, naturally Nancy: You're the most fun person I know Nancy: and it is Halloween, there's gotta be something else on offer Rio: Yeah, you do live in one of the most exciting places in the world, nbd Rio: of course there's something more fun to do! Rio: I'll start looking now Nancy: You're actually the best ever Rio: N'awh, you're so cute 💖 Rio: see how quick you are with the compliments after I've saved you 😘 Nancy: 😉 Nancy: Who's immune to such blatant heroics? Nancy: If you save me from having to spend a minute at this party you can have anything you want Rio: 😳 Rio: Steady on Rio: I'm good, might not be THAT good Nancy: I was more thinking from my wardrobe Nancy: You're not really my type, cos of the whole related and straight thing Rio: Sure Rio: that whole thing Rio: not gonna turn down a tour of your latest purchases obvs Nancy: That sounds really flirty still but I'll go with the less awkward version of events Nancy: Things are weird enough with this party, like Rio: I can't help being this irresistible, babe Rio: but I won't say it's a date, just a plan Nancy: You're flirting with me but sure, we can both be irresistible, I guess Rio: I am not Rio: Straight and sharing DNA, remember Rio: you only got 1/2 so you're more suss Nancy: A lesbian remember? One convo and you're moving in Rio: 😂 Rio: Won't just do carry on then Rio: tah for the warning Nancy: You're so welcome Rio: Already gonna look so underdressed without being caught without 😱 Nancy: Um with full access to my wardrobe, not for long Nancy: Anything less than utter perfection is not an option if I have to show my face at the party for even half a second Nancy: I'm beyond prepared, and in case you can't tell, beyond STRESSED Rio: I caught that Rio: gurl you're gonna get stress spots if you don't tone it down Rio: you'll look 🔥 Rio: assume it's a costume party? Nancy: God, don't, the girls he invited would love that to happen to me Nancy: especially cos no, it's not Nancy: 🙄 Rio: Honestly, you had one job Rio: such an easy cop-out Nancy: He says no costume could make him look as hot as his labels, that's a paraphrase, I wasn't listening well enough to deliver a direct quote, sadly Rio: 🤢 Rio: Please don't try any harder to remember that was upsetting enough Rio: definitely find something better to do Nancy: Right? I literally get gayer every time he opens his mouth Rio: 😂 Rio: Not a choice but if it was, I get it Nancy: God was like, with him as a brother you've suffered enough Rio: Though it would be funny if you can find a man more unbearable Rio: he'd be fuming Nancy: My dad too Rio: Oh, the male posturing Rio: let me down, if no one else Rio: such a laugh Nancy: Maybe I should have turned this plan on its head and come to you to celebrate Nancy: Get away from it all Nancy: his friends are like clones and nobody thinks that's bizarre Nancy: like the girls are just 😍💘💋 Rio: Match their boys to their bags Rio: weird Rio: we should still do something special for you though Rio: it's your birthday as well, after-all Nancy: Yeah but I'm the weird one, okay then Nancy: It is but I don't feel as if I need to be all 🎉🎂👑 Nancy: He's got that covered Rio: Don't worry, I know your style Rio: and that it ain't his Nancy: He doesn't have any Rio: 🔥 Rio: ice that on the cake, babe Nancy: If ANYTHING was allowed to be homemade I would Rio: Can't imagine your Ma in a pinny, like Nancy: If my dad asked, then maybe Nancy: They are so gross but that's a convo to have in therapy one day Rio: Yeah, that is NOT my present to you Rio: lemme get qualified Nancy: What ARE you getting me though? Rio: No spoilers! Nancy: 😞😞😞 Rio: Surprises are fun Rio: don't be sad Nancy: Never in this house Nancy: But I trust in your gifting abilities Nancy: 🧡 Rio: And I'll bring over all the kids...interesting homemade attempts Rio: what more could you ask for? Nancy: Tell Junior he's so rude for refusing to get on a plane Nancy: It's not a phobia if you just don't want to Rio: Real talk Rio: ride or die until he's scared he'll end up at this party too Rio: bless Nancy: Like, I get it, I don't want to be in Chelsea either but I'd do it for him Rio: I ain't getting in the middle of gay drama Rio: I know better Rio: I could beg on your behalf but we both know, unlikely Nancy: Oh my god, you're not allowed to out him, even to me Nancy: It's a secret that we all know, okay Rio: 🤐 Rio: I do forget he's younger than us, like actually no pressure but also you know NONE of us are gonna be mad so Nancy: So problematic, you'd fit right in at the party actually Nancy: He's an adorable little old man Rio: 😱 Rio: 'Scuse me Rio: don't be starting beef with me, I'm coming Nancy: 😂 Rio: Literally so rude Rio: don't make me flip my hair at you Nancy: Babe please, I can do it better Nancy: Mine's so long now Rio: Alright showoff 😉 Rio: mine would be too if I straightened it Nancy: [sends a show offy hair flip clip but cute like look] Rio: Awh, you look so cute 🧡 Nancy: I look so 🥕 but I make it work Rio: straight 🔥 I swear Nancy: Okay but never use straight to refer to me, thanks Rio: Such a hater Nancy: Of men, exactly Nancy: You would be too if you went to our school though Rio: I can imagine Rio: tory central Nancy: Lord, it's like a timewarp of values but the levels of privilege have kept sky rocketing Nancy: The party's gonna be like Gatsby's except if the green light was shots and nudes Rio: Ahh the irony Rio: How do you stay even slightly sane/normal Nancy: I don't Nancy: They are the 'normal' ones and I'm obviously insane with grief about it Nancy: Oh please let me in your oh so exclusive club so I don't have to hang my head in shame Rio: nah, fuck that Rio: just the lunatics running the asylum Nancy: I hate it here so much Rio: Is there anyone vaguely decent you hang with? Nancy: No Rio: That's so crap Nancy: I'd rather have no friends than fake ones cos there's nobody real around Rio: I feel that too Rio: but its hard having to spend, what, 7 hours a day alone and surrounded by dickheads Rio: hope you're making your weekends worth it, yeah Nancy: I'd love it if they left me alone Nancy: That's what weekends are for, definitely Rio: Enough about those boring bitches anyway Rio: my mum wants to talk to yours, the usual, but they're cool with it so Rio: 👍 Nancy: I'll let her know when she comes in Rio: 🤞 she doesn't talk her ear off so hard she won't let me come like hell no, this fucking family Nancy: I can't even let that be a possibility Nancy: Do you want me to have a birthday breakdown, mum? Nancy: I don't think you have time in the schedule for that Rio: Hit her up with those birthday demands Rio: it's my party and I WILL cry if you don't do what I want, like Nancy: I don't wanna go there but if I have to, I will Rio: 👑 Rio: if there's ever a time to be a tiny bit of a diva Rio: I have to make a fuss or bitches will be tryna skip to Christmas like nah Nancy: That's so rude Nancy: To you and your dad Nancy: Also who in the hell wants to skip to Christmas? It's so stressful oh my god Nancy: Give me all the shopping days, thanks Rio: Seriously Rio: not a grinch or anything, gimme presents then too but come on Rio: attention is the best 🎁 for the eldest of 10, duh Nancy: Do you wanna be the joint guest of honor at this party instead of me? Nancy: As far as attention goes, you wouldn't get more unless you lock Buster in his room or something beforehand Rio: 😂 I know you're not identical but I don't think your ma would appreciate the insinuation that me and him are in any way twinning Nancy: You could wear a costume Nancy: He'd hate that as much as he'd hate sharing the spotlight even a little Rio: No shade but 0 lack of desire to white face Rio: but that's tempting, have I even got time to think of a decent costume though Rio: hmm Nancy: I can't lie, I'd be tempted if I was staying Rio: We so should Rio: maybe we'll need one for wherever we're going once you've made your joint wish or whatever the fuck Nancy: I'm with you on everything except I'm never blowing out candles with him for as long as I live Rio: Jokes, you definitely have enough 💸 for separate wishes Nancy: 🙏 Rio: This will be fun Rio: I'll send you details of anything that sounds good then Nancy: I'll send you any costume ideas I have, obvously Nancy: Thanks Ri Nancy: You seriously are the best Rio: Definitely Rio: and don't mention it, I had nothing good on anyway, this'll be way more fun than whatever lame party I was gonna be at Nancy: I feel like I definitely just complained about my life this entire convo Nancy: Which needs to be mentioned since I didn't even ask how you are or anything Nancy: Like, yeah that's gay culture but you know Rio: Nah, it's your bday, soon Rio: fully in support of that diva ish remember 👑 Rio: and same old same old here Rio: all good Nancy: Yeah? Nancy: Feels like forever since we've had a real life interaction Nancy: I'm glad you're coming Rio: It has been a while Rio: always feels like that since Schools in full swing and sucking the life outta us all like summer never happened Nancy: Unless you're Buster and school's your playground Nancy: I'm honestly surprised he isn't breaking in to have the party there since he loves it so much Rio: When you're gonna peak, gotta make the most, I guess 🤷 Nancy: I wish, you know he's just gonna keep doing better and better Nancy: Failure's not an option, like Rio: Not an option but a reality Rio: all well and good living that mantra and letting it take you as far as it can but I swear, real life is gonna hit him so hard, it won't be good Nancy: Maybe I took his share and mine, that'd be about right Nancy: I'll throw him a party for his mid life crisis though, of course Nancy: What are sister's for Rio: 😂 Can't wait to meet his hilariously age-inappropriate bae and pretend to give a shit about his sports car, like Nancy: I'll show up in mine like hey bro, older, hotter girlfriend in toe Rio: 🙌 Rio: Power moves Nancy: She can drive so I just get to pose even more extra when we turn up Rio: and you just want a driver, lbr 😜 Nancy: You'll thank me for not driving Nancy: The girlfriend who doesn't exist won't when I'm that distracting, though Rio: 😏 Rio: go off boo Nancy: If only that saying was true Nancy: about quiet ones Rio: can be Nancy: I can't even remember how it goes Rio: it's always yous, basically Rio: bit ominous Nancy: Oh Rio: Init Rio: Junie can't be convinced Rio: spent a solid 30 there trying Nancy: He's no longer my best friend, you are Nancy: Next time he wants to know how to let a girl down gently I'm not helping Rio: 💔 Rio: cold, I'll break that news to him gentle tho Rio: old times sake Nancy: My mum's just text me so I'll gently persuade her that you need to like, stay forever Nancy: Easy, obviously Rio: Obviously Rio: with your persuasion skills and her laidback attitude Rio: 😉 Nancy: She's in such a great mood too after another meeting with my form teacher who is himself convinced that Dyslexia only affects working class children Nancy: I tried to tell him that's the stock I'm bred from but he also believes that girls should be seen and not heard, like Rio: Ugh Rio: What a prick Rio: though not that surprised Rio: any issues and the royals hide their kids in asylums so Nancy: They only let girls in during the last century or whatever so he's far to old to have ever interacted with one Rio: Yeah, probs far too invested in the boys if the stereotypes keep ringing true Nancy: Gross but probably true Rio: Someone has to rub 'em down after rugger, babe Rio: 🤷 Nancy: Stop trying to trigger PTSD in me Rio: 😂 soz Rio: jus' sayin' silver lining you don't have to deal with the predatory masters, even if they at best tolerate your existens Nancy: Thank god, since I came out more lads have told me they fancy me than ever before, I'm already inundated and wanna die Rio: Nothing sexier than unavailability Nancy: Nothing sexy about how they show their 'interest' though Nancy: If that's how they approach straight girls I don't know how we've survived as a species Rio: Go on, wow me with their chat Rio: need a laugh Nancy: Most of them don't even bother to speak, their love language is clearly touch Rio: 😬 Rio: Rapey Nancy: It's scary, like Nancy: I thought posh boys were meant to be repressed Rio: Nah, they're THE worst Rio: untouchable in return for all the grabbing they're into Rio: and SO many mommy/daddy issues Nancy: Gross Rio: Fun if you're feeling it for the weekend but yeah Rio: not a mood you wanna marry into really Nancy: If I wasn't gay before I definitely am now you tried to force your tongue down my throat in the middle of the school hallway, thanks so much  🙄 Rio: That's so grim Rio: hope you smacked him Nancy: My brother has essentially one use to me Rio: It's something Rio: don't discount it Nancy: I can't unless I also wanna take up boxing myself Nancy: Not really my thing so Rio: Least you know he gives some shits, yeah Nancy: He likes to hit stuff Nancy: I've always known that Rio: Yeah Nancy: Anyway, I have to go Nancy: If I ignore this deadline it won't Nancy: and the essay won't write itself either Rio: Oh no Rio: lame Rio: but good 🍀 Nancy: Thanks, I need it Nancy: At least until my mum gets back and I can ask her about romantic classicism Rio: I'm too dumb and poor for this shit, sorry xoxo Nancy: I do have the money to buy myself an essay where my brain has failed me Nancy: but I'd have to make it look Dyslexic enough so I might as well just write it Rio: 💔 Rio: Sad times, princess, sad times Nancy: ikr 👑💧 that's my crown of tears not like Nancy: any other liquids Nancy: I'm definitely not putting any sweat into it Rio: 💪 you got this Nancy: I've got 🍀 because of you Nancy: I'll make it work Rio: 🧡🧡🧡 Nancy: xxx
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Our First Christmas
Clare: raised an eyebrow at the mention of a loophole, that could either be bad or good for Erika. She listened closely and slowly nodded. Erika needed parents who could focus on her and she didn't know if they had enough attention to give a child right now. There was so much going on in their lives and things wouldn't be slowing down for at least the next year. She expected their moms to drive them, especially her, up the wall with wedding planning before Clare and Drew got their special day and a honeymoon as a reward. Drew had a new restaurant to run too."I'm only enrolled in a few online classes but I'm taking them so I can advance at work. The position I want is going to be opening up soon, one of my co-workers is taking a better job in Vancouver. If I get it then I'll have the security I need." Clare reminded Drew. "Legally they'd have to offer maternity leave to me if we fostered or adopted a child...if I took it now though I don't know what I'd do if I got pregnant. I don't know how often we're allowed." She smiled at her fiancé . "Well, you're considerate and thoughtful unlike Audra but she didn't ruin anything. I can still think about it. Either way, we're going to be spending time with Erika. More time than I'd get to at the hospital." Clare wouldn't rush into anything they couldn't handle. Not even as a temporary situation. She was very aware of the fact that they'd gotten a puppy because they weren't ready for a bigger responsibility yet. This was really unexpected. They'd talked about having a big family after they were married. Clare knew which room she wanted to be the nursery and they'd discussed turning another one into a playroom. There would still be several available after that like the room she'd put Erika in. Space wasn't an issue. "Okay." Clare went on into the kitchen. She knew what she wanted, the snack stuff, so she got it out of the icebox. "Aww. They'll be best buds in no time, and this will keep Dutchess away from the tree. I know and not just Erika. Us too. Which is why I wanted something else to eat. So we're not as tempted to eat the decorations." She laughed softly. "Fix your sandwich please, we've got work to do." Clare instructed Drew. "This might be the only alone time we get too. I had things I was going to share with you Babe." She bit her lip. Did the situation with Erika cancel out any excitement over her test results?
Drew: listened when Clare reminded him about having the security with her job that she needs. "That's great to have the security just in case something happens." he smiled at her. When she mentioned not having maternity leave now if she got pregnant, he shook his head. "There is no defined amount of maternity or paternal leaves you get by law. Giving birth is different, that effects your body so they have to give you maternity leave for that even if you already took one to foster a kid. If work denies it after you give birth we can and will sue and we'd win simply because you need the time to to heal." He explained. "I had to have a lawyer make up the contracts for my employees and read them. That was in the contract and should be in yours. Even if it's not in yours the law states that when a woman gives birth she is required at least seventeen weeks maternity leave failure to oblige to that law can result in not only a law suit, but the company will be fined by the state amongst other things. When fostering or adopting a kid, you get thirty-five weeks simply because of the process and its up to the company to pay you or not. Law states that both leaves are unpaid, but it's the employers choice to pay or not, however you do get to keep your benefits, your seniority still goes up, and you keep your job. A lawyer had to drill most of the laws into my head." he explained, though he was unsure of what was happening with Erika, but also knowing that wouldn't put their plans on hold. Sure they had to fit Erika in their lives for the time being, but he knew regardless that his mom would be willing to take her to get Omar used to her. "I can also take Erika to work with me, I don't have to stop by as much. Jazz gave me her general manager so she balances the money at the end of the night and enters the amount in an app my friend created for me. Once she enters the numbers, the app keeps track of it, takes out everyone's pay at the end of each week and messages me the final numbers for said week. The app also lets me know if numbers don't match up. I've been using it before she was hired and it knows our daily income rates so when it's low I will look at it and have to fix it. It also takes out the pay for those who get direct deposits. It had a few bugs in the beginning such as not sending me the correct amount of money in my bank account, but we fixed it and it's been running smoothly. It also let Jazz know she had something wrong with her income and she found out one of her new hires was stealing from her, now she has cameras all over her restaurant and a way to watch from home." he assured. "I just stop by to pick up the paper work. I can do everything else from here. That way Erika has more time with both of us." he added knowing he'd have more time at home with her to help with Erika. Drew laughed when Clare mentioned Erika and Dutchess keeping each other from the tree and kissed her head before fixing his own sandwich. Hearing Clare mention having things to share with him piqued his interest. "What things?" he asked and put his hands on her waist. "Did you get some new lingerie?" he questioned with a raised brow. "Because if you did, we could always test it out. Erika should sleep for a few hours, eat, take her meds, then go back to sleep. Her body needs to regain it's energy levels which could take weeks based upon the information the doctors gave. I had walked in on a parent with her son asking the doctor why he didn't have any energy and wanted to sleep, apparently chemo takes more out of the kids than it does adults." he shrugged. "So her taking four hour naps, then playing for two hours, then taking a three to four hour nap, then playing more and sleeping all night is normal. Week by week she should be sleeping less and less." he assured and took a bite out of his sandwich.
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